Speech Craft
Speech Craft
Speech Craft
Things needed:
Certificate of Participation
Food for the invited guests
Food for the students (Snacks)
1. Participants shall receive a long list of topics/questions three (3) days before the
performance or on October 16, 2018.
2. Participants shall deliver a 3-minute speech after a 2-minute preparation.
3. Time frames and limits shall be strictly observed during the competition.
a) Deductions of points (2 points per 10 seconds) shall be given to student
speakers who exceed the delivery time
b) First buzzer means start of your speech
c) Second buzzer means time is up
1. Presentation 40%
The student speaker has a good volume of speech,
proper pronunciation, enunciation, and nonverbal cues,
and appears comfortable
2. Content 40%
The speech is logical, has a clear message, and presented in a
cohesive manner
3. Audience Response 20%
The speech is delivered with effectiveness and persuasiveness
evident in the response of the audience
TOTAL 100%
2. Craft 1.4.6
1. One discourser per class, performing 4 crafts within 6 minutes.
2. Free use of sound technology
3. Only one coach is allowed for the contestant to be aware of the time consumed
during the performance
4. The stream
1 minute hosting (scripted)
20 seconds changing of attire
30 seconds news casting (Data sheets for composition of news casting by the
entry are drawn offstage 6 minutes before presentation time)
20 seconds changing of attire
30 seconds sports call (scripted)
20 seconds changing of attire
1 minute oration-short piece (scripted, can be read but make sure that you
focus more on the audience than in your script, standing at the right side stage
of the microphone)
2 minutes reflection (scripted, can be read but make sure that you focus more
on the audience than in your script, standing at the left side stage of the
1. The Discourser’s Arrive 40%
Appeal and stage presence
2. The Discourser’s Wares 30 %
Communication arrangement
3. Versatility’s Impact 30 %
Vocal transition and expression
TOTAL 100%
1. Minimum of 9 and a maximum of 15 participants per entry
2. Literary piece must be given the day before the competition
3. Time Limit: 5-7 minutes
a) Deductions of points (2 points per 10 seconds) shall be given to student
speakers who exceed the delivery time
b) First buzzer means start of your speech
c) Second buzzer means time is up
1. Quality of Selection 15%
Literary value, appropriateness, and difficulty
2. Staging 15%
Effective use of the stage, blocking and movement
3. Physical Delivery 15%
Posture, purpose, stage presence, gestures, eye contact,
and distracting mannerisms
4. Vocal Delivery 25%
Volume, pitch, vocal variety, pronunciation, articulation,
Diction, timing, pauses, and cue pickup
5. Overall Effectiveness 25%
Delivery, poise, organization of thought, group appearance,
group energy, and interaction
6. Timing 5%
Staying within the required time constraints
TOTAL 100%
1. Literary piece must be given the day before the competition
2. The number of contestants shall not be less than ten (10) members. Maximum is
twenty (20) participants.
3. Costumes and props are allowed.
4. Time Limit: 5-7 minutes
a) Deductions of points (2 points per 10 seconds) shall be given to student speakers
who exceed the delivery time
b) First buzzer means start of your speech
c) Second buzzer means time is up
1. Interpretation 30%
Manner in which the piece is internalized, and presented
2. Delivery 30%
Quality of voice, fluency, pronunciation, blending, and harmony
3. Mastery of Piece 20%
4. Stage Presence 10%
Stage poise, eye contact, and audience impact
5. Costume and Sound Effects 10%
Attire is related to concept and sound production
TOTAL 100%