Li,: Ti ., #: I Notincrease N

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\ lzo- \veil kilting operation is going on rvith this

Bop stack in place

.-\6 ) BIind Shear Rams

HCR valve

-Y Choke Line
i +
-)r Kili Line


With the drill string in the hole and the rvell shut in on 5" pipe ram, can rve repair
the HCR valves ?
'-1 ,/ I Points
b YeS/ 'or,. . No

b. .With no drill string in the hole and the rtell shut in on blind/shear ram, can tve
u repair the HCR .va!ve.
v.l I points
Yes or l{b"
:5 With the drill string in the hole and the rvell shut in on pipe ram, can rve changc
-D blind ram rvit[-another set ol pipe rams.
./' ,"
I Poittts

-s d. Is it possible to shut-in the rv.ell rvith the sking in the hol6'and cir'culaie out"the kick
:g purnping through the drill string ?
I poinr.s
Yd{ or No

_r0 e' Well is shut in on lort'er pipe ram, is it possible to change upper pipe ram rvith 3
tt : :: '^ ' ': %
-J Pipe ram
I Points
v"!/ or No
? l3l. lt tYirs decided to test the BoP rvith cup tester at 7000 psi. Horv much hook Ioad rvill
be increased if 63.9 squtre inch arcl of the cup teiter is subjected to pressure ?
a. 6i9, 00 lbs. A- f ', /,
- ;li,:;ti;. ,
tb:- C
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