Medical Statement

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Medical Statement Form

This form must be completed and signed by a licensed physician. Your application will not be processed without this form. All
information will be kept confidential by Worldwide Farmers Exchange. You can find instructions on the last page of this document.

Name of patient

Height meters Weight kilograms Age years

How long have you known the patient?

Please answer the following. If the answer is “Yes,” please explain in the comments section below.

Are you familiar with the patient’s family history? n Yes n No

Is the patient currently receiving medical treatment or taking prescription or other drugs? n Yes n No
Does the patient have an existing medical condition (such as asthma or hernia)? n Yes n No
Has the patient ever suffered from a nervous, mental, or emotional disorder? n Yes n No
Does the patient drink alcohol? n Yes n No
Does the patient smoke cigarettes? n Yes n No
Is there any medical reason the patient should not participate in an agricultural n Yes n No
work experience training program in the U.S. which may require strenuous tasks?


Note: WFE recommends a current tetanus immunization before travel.

Physician’s signature Date

Name and title of physician (please print)

Address License number

©2014 Worldwide Farmers Exchange • 1650 Solano Avenue, Suites B & D, Berkeley, California, USA 94707 • Page 1

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