Grant Proposal
Grant Proposal
Grant Proposal
in Instructional Technology
ABC Academy has around 40 teachers that provide direct instruction within the school,
30 female teachers and 10 males. One hundred percent of ABC Academy’s teachers have 3+
years of experience. There are currently 987 students enrolled with 1,200 Chromebooks divided
into carts throughout the school. This information was obtained from the district’s student
information system and the district Google administrator account. Our grant proposal is a year
long initiative that would provide educators with numerous professional development
opportunities and activities to ensure a thorough understanding of Google Classroom and the
Google Environment and best practices as they implement the LMS. Our grant proposal consists
of three main goals. Goal #1 is to train and assist educators in using Google Classroom and
other aspects of the Google environment. Goal #2 is to help teachers utilize Google Classroom
Forms within Google Classroom. Educators will have the opportunity to earn monetary
incentives by attendance, and completion of optional Google Educator Exams. By the end of the
year, we expect 90% of educators in our school to achieve some level of proficiency within
Google Classroom.
Proposal Text
Demonstrated Need:
This year is the first year that teachers are getting to experiment with the value that the
Chromebooks can add to their classroom. Many teachers are still overwhelmed with the idea of
a learning management system and lack the knowledge to create one, not to mention fully
integrate it into their physical classrooms. Interviews were conducted with teachers across all
three grade levels to determine what types of professional development would be most beneficial
to them. The most requested by far was Google Classroom. A common theme was that teachers
seem to recognize the benefit of an online learning environment for posting links to allow their
students ease of access to resources. Many teachers didn’t seem to know where to begin or how
use Google Classroom for more advanced features such as timely feedback, communication, or
formative and summative evaluation. A poll was conducted to determine the level of knowledge
that teachers currently have in using Google Classroom. It was determined that only 10.9% of
teachers currently use Google Classroom daily, 32.7% expressed a need for additional training,
21.8% had no idea about how to use Google Classroom, and 34.5% had not used it at all.
SMART Goal 1: 90% of teachers will utilize Google Classroom and incorporate two Google
Instructional applications (Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides, etc.) into their classroom routines by the
● Teachers will attend a minimum of three PLC sessions over this topic during their
planning time.
SMART Goal 2: 90% of teachers will utilize Google Classroom to effectively communicate
with students and stakeholders via discussion posts, built-in calendar feature, reminders,
● Teachers will attend a minimum of two PLC session over this topic during the school
SMART Goal 3: 90 % of teachers will utilize Google Forms within Google Classroom by
uploading two formative assessments for two assignments by the end of the school year.
● Teachers will attend a minimum of five PLC sessions over this topic during the school
● Teacher will create two formative assessments for one class within Google Classroom.
● Teachers will collaborate with their content level teachers to form the two formative
Plan of Operation:
The beginning of the year meetings will consist of PLC sessions conducted during their
planning time that will introduce Google Classroom and the rationale for the school decision in
implementing this resource. Continued professional development will occur throughout the
school year based upon the goals established from the teacher’s poll. The activities will be based
upon the teacher’s choice in what areas they need to gain information about how to use Google
Classroom effectively. Once a teacher chooses which PD to attend, then they will work towards
their objectives within each session’s course. All activities will be kinestic in that teachers
themselves will actively participate digitally within Google Classroom. All teachers will bring
their devices with them to the PD in order to develop these skills throughout the school year.
These activities are effective in that they provide resources needed for the teachers to succeed,
they allow collaboration with other content level teachers, and these activities will be active in
how the teacher can learn through coaching. When teachers come back in January from
Christmas break, they will have the opportunity to attend a full day of professional development
which will consist of multiple sessions that will allow teachers to review information they have
forgotten or accelerate their knowledge by choosing topics they have not yet learned. The
second half of the year will focus on formative and summative assessment using Google
Classroom and we will end the year with the program evaluation. Educators will have the
Educator Exams.
January/ ● New Year’s Google Classroom Kick-Off PLC Day Smart Goal 1, 2,
February ● Google Forms Formative Assessment PLC #3 and 3
○ The teachers will be grouped within their
content level teams. The teachers will bring a
formative assessment to use within Google
Forms and will be given time to create it while
they are in the PLC.
○ Teachers will add collaborators and complete
one of the two formative assessments prior to
leaving their PLC. Teachers will be given a
deadline to administer the formative assessment
within their classrooms so that the data can be
used for the next PLC in February.
○ Google Forms Formative Assessment PLC #4
○ The teachers will again be grouped within their
content level teams. A quick walk-through
presentation will be given about how to view
and score the responses within Google Forms.
The teachers will be shown how to view the
data on their formative assessments and will be
shown how to export it to a Google
○ Prior to leaving, teachers will complete a Data
Reflection Sheet on the Google Form that they
created to change, or make revisions for next
PLC in March.
Evaluation Plan:
Goal: Evidence:
90% of teachers will utilize Google Teachers will share their instructional applications
Classroom and incorporate two Google digitally through Google and allow the Coordinators to
Instructional applications (Docs, Sheets, view their progress throughout the year in order to
Forms, Slides, etc.) into their classroom achieve their goal. The coordinators will also provide
routines by the end of the year. constructive feedback if needed within their applications.
90% of teachers will utilize Google The timeline and goals specifically addressed the
with students and stakeholders via classrooms, teachers can provide instant feedback with
discussion posts, built-in calendar feature, their students on assessments, classwork and
the end of the school year. each session to use it more than the required amount, and
90 % of teachers will utilize Google Based on evidence from the survey results of the Google
Forms within Google Classroom by Forms session, these assignments will be reviewed at the
uploading two formative assessments for end for data purposes. Also the data provided by Google
two assignments by the end of the school Forms can directly aid teachers in their instruction and
teachers. While the program is free, the properly implemented grant will have a few expenses.
Our proposal includes $1,500 for supplies to provide each teacher with a notebook containing a
paper manual to be kept along with additional resources provided throughout the grant. The
supplies cost also covers a printed poster for each teacher containing the Google Classroom
Student Norms that the school has collaboratively determined to implement in order to guide
students in best practices for participating in a productive and safe online learning environment.
An important piece of any new incentive is to get buy-in from the teachers so that
everyone is working as a team to make the grant a success. For this reason, we propose a series
of incentives. Teachers that attend ALL sessions and display top-notch participation will be
eligible to receive a $50 stipend at the end of the grant. Teachers that also achieve Educator
Level 1 Google Certification will also receive a $100 stipend. Finally teachers who receive level
1 and Educator Level 2 Google Certifications will receive a $150 stipend. This is a total of $300
that participating teachers will be eligible to receive at the end of the grant. We feel like
investing in the teachers as they spend additional time improving their classrooms is a solid way
to increase technology integration within our school. Exam fees, up to $1,400, will be covered
by the grant. The final expense will be for the additional personnel. This grant will require a
part time grant coordinator position and one full time instructional coach position for an
estimated $150,000 depending on the experiences and education level of the chosen applicants.
Items/Services Cost:
Total: $164,900
Google For Education Teacher Center. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2018, from
Appendix A