KEL DataCenter Brochure 2017-12 en DS

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Data Center

Kelvion – 70 branches and More than 4,000
a ­tribute to sales partners ­employees
Lord Kelvin worldwide ­worldwide
Lord Kelvin (1824 – 1907) formulated
the laws of thermodynamics

SINCE 1920
Welcome to Kelvion. As successor to the GEA Heat Exchangers We are highly committed to earning your trust:
Group, we continue to break new ground, making discerning We want to win your trust with everything we do and convince
customers more successful than ever with our integrated heat you with the solutions we offer. With this high aim in mind, we
exchanger solutions. invest our extensive know-how, our great precision, and our
passion in everything we do: including product development,
Our solutions for your applications: manufacturing, installation, and after-sales support.
We offer our customers one of the world’s largest product
portfolios in the field of heat exchangers. It includes individual Seeing things from the customer perspective:
­solutions for practically all conceivable applications and com- Your specific requirements count – and nothing else. Whatever
plex environmental conditions: plate heat exchangers, shell and we offer you, it must meet these requirements. Our entire way
tube heat exchangers, finned tube heat exchangers, modular of thinking and working is geared towards this aim. Our cus-
cooling tower systems, and refrigeration heat exchangers. tomers truly appreciate this: after all, this is how we make their
companies more efficient.
Your markets are our markets, too:
The markets in which you and we together operate are among We are at your service.
the most important in the world: the chemical industry, food and Kelvion – Experts in Heat Exchange.
beverages, the heavy industry, climate and environment, ­marine
applications, the oil and gas industry, energy, refrigeration
technology, sugar and transportation. We provide every single
market segment with solutions of outstanding efficiency, safety,
and sustainability.
Global Data Center Equipment Market is projected to grow
by 43.9% from 2017 to 2021


24/7 Nonstop Operation Power search
While data center temperatures vary, depending on the Every second, Google processes an average of more than

servers and type of cooling system, it is essential to maintain 40,000 searches. That’s over 3.5 billion searches per day
a consistent environment. Any temperature fluctuations and 1.2 trillion a year. The energy required for 100 searches
could have serious implications. Downtime at data centers is enough to power a 60-watt light bulb for 28 minutes.
is potentially catastrophic.

For example, if a bank data center went offline, customers

would not be able to carry out any transactions on their
The data center cooling market – facts and figures accounts, withdraw money or use their cards to pay
for purchases.

100 Searches ...


THE WORLD World’s largest data center
The Range International Group has the largest data center

in the world. Covering 585,289 square meters (6.3 million
Expansion of the square feet) in Langfang, China, it is almost the same size
as the Pentagon in Washington DC and equal to 110 football
internet of things pitches.

It is estimated that the number of connected devices will

reach 33.33 billion units by 2021. That is roughly four
devices each for every person on the planet.
Data centers are the brains of a company or organization, 585,289 m2

storing vital information and running critical processes.

Online surge boosts storage demand Growth hot spots

More and more businesses are working on online platforms, North America, with its mature IT sector, technological develop-
leading to a surge in demand for data storage and processing. ments and rising number of tech start-ups, will have the largest
The number of data centers is increasing rapidly not just to share of the data center cooling market. However, the Asia Pacific
meet the needs of large companies and government agencies,
but also to provide a fast-growing cloud storage service for
region will see the fastest increase, fuelled by China, Japan and
India. In Europe stringent environmental regulations and new
The main drivers of data center
private and business applications, as well as the further devel-
opment of telecommunications infrastructure
efficiency standards will propel the cooling market towards
further growth.
cooling demand
Data center cooling market heats up Efficient cooling solutions
Cooling technology is essential for maintaining the optimum Data centers and the computers and servers they contain

environment to enable data centers to run effectively. have a low tolerance to changes in temperature and humidity.
By 2021, the global data center cooling market is expected to Our advanced range of energy-efficient heat transfer tech-
reach US$14.28 billion, from US$7.12 billion in 2016 – a CAGR nology helps customers to safeguard their data centers and
(compound annual growth rate) of 14.95%. Efforts towards maintain their peace of mind.
sustainability have encouraged a trend towards developing Global Energy Growth in
more efficient, low power-consuming alternative cooling solutions. The predicted facts and figures are from market research company, MarketsandMarkets data growth efficiency cloud computing
1 Air Cooled Condenser
This is where the circulating refrigerant rejects heat from the refrigeration
system and the heat is carried away by the air.

2 Custom Air Coil

Kelvion can engineer and manufacture custom evaporators and coils based
on your projects specifications to provide cool air to the server room.

3 B
 razed Plate Heat Exchanger
A brazed heat exchanger is used as an interchanger between the refrigerant
and the server room. It is also often used as an evaporator in a chiller.

Server cooling


ONLINE 24/7 2

Today’s constantly-changing IT landscape requires cooling

methods that continue to push the boundary.

At Kelvion we understand the importance of uninterrupted 3

and energy-efficient data center operation, which is why we
offer a wide range of cooling solutions specifically designed
to solve the most demanding heat transfer challenges.
Our technologies take into account PUE (power usage
effectiveness) and WUE (water usage effectiveness)
while maintaining peak performance, cost-effectiveness
and reliability.

From small server rooms operating at less than 200KW to

multi MW sites, Kelvion has the right solution to keep data
centers online round the clock.

Kelvion manufactures heat exchangers for computer room

air conditioners (CRAC), which typically use a refrigerant in
a traditional dry expansion (DX) system in conjuction with
a condenser. Furthermore we offer solutions for computer
room air handlers (CRAH) which use chilled water from
a chiller or similar.
1 Dry Cooler (with or without adiabatic option)
A dry cooler’s function is to reject heat from the data center using air.
Adiabatic option provides extended cooling. It is able to provide cooling
without the use of a chiller (or mechanical cooling).

2 Custom Air Coil

Custom air coils are used as air coolers for the server room.

3 G
 asketed Plate Heat Exchanger
Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers provide chilled water to the data center
without the use of a chiller (or mechanical cooling).

4 Cooling Tower
Cooling towers use the evaporation of water to remove process heat.

5 Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger

A brazed heat exchanger is used as an interchanger between the refrigerant
and the server room. It is also often used as an evaporator in a chiller.

Free cooling



For data centers seeking to use less energy, free cooling
solutions that use naturally cool air or water, instead of
mechanical refrigeration, are increasingly attractive options.
Factors such as the maximum temperature required for the
servers and the availability of water will influence which
free cooling system to choose.

Our range of plate and frame heat exchangers, cooling

towers and dry coolers help to provide a stable temperature,
while achieving the lowest possible power consumption.
1 Dry Cooler (with or without adiabatic option)
A dry cooler’s function is to reject heat from the data center using air.
Adiabatic option provides extended cooling. It is able to provide cooling
without the use of a chiller (or mechanical cooling).

2 Cooling Tower
A cooling tower rejects heat from the media. It cools the water using
efficient process of evaporation. Hence a wet and a dry cooling method
depends on site conditions and resources.

Heat rejection


The way that excess heat is removed from data center cooling
systems depends on the location, the availability of water and
power requirements.

Where water is in short supply, a dry cooling solution is the

best option. Alternatively, adiabatic heat rejection is becoming
increasingly popular. Adiabatic coolers use fans to reject heat
for most of the year and have a water spray system that only
activates during periods of high ambient temperatures.
As a result, they require much less water and have lower 2
operational costs than a traditional cooling tower.

Whichever heat rejection method is the most appropriate for

your data center, Kelvion has the right solution. Our tried and
tested cooling technology ensures optimum heat rejection
effectively and reliably.
1 Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger
A Gasketed Plate and frame cools the generator using a
viable water source as the heat sink.

2 Radiator (Dry Cooler)

A radiator is a fin-fan unit that uses air as the method to
reject heat from the generator.



Keeping data centers running round the clock relies on an

uninterrupted power supply. The cost of downtime could be
disastrous, both operationally and financially. Reliable and
efficient back-up generators are therefore essential for
maintaining optimum performance. The level of emergency
power a data center requires depends on its Uptime Institute
security tier rating.

Historically back-up generators run on natural gas or diesel

but rising energy costs are fueling a trend towards new ways
of generating power and using sustainable alternatives,
such as biogas or biodiesel. 2
Kelvion supports customers’ aims of lower energy consumption
with free cooling solutions using water or air. Whatever the
cooling requirement, our trusted heat exchange technology
provides a robust, effective and long-lasting performance.
Overview of our products for data centers

Kelvion offers an extensive portfolio of heating and cooling solutions manufactured to the highest
standards of precision engineering.
From Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers and Custom Air Coils to Adiabatic Spray Dry Coolers
and Cooling Towers, we offer customers a wide range of options to help keep their data centers
running round the clock.
With our network of manufacturing sites, we have a global supply chain that underpins our ability to
provide reliable, high quality, products consistently to wherever in the world our clients need them.

Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers

Our plate heat exchangers with the patented Optiwave Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers
design have been used successfully for cooling and Custom designed brazed plate heat exchangers are used as
heating all types of fluids. Made from the highest quality evaporators and condensers in a chiller or heat pump system.
materials including 316SS and titanium, among other alloys, Generally, refrigerant evaporates after absorbing heat from
they ensure maximum heat transfer, high performance the chilled water (or other media) to create a cooling source.
and a long service life. Kelvion’s advanced brazing technology – available solder Shell & Tubes
Plate heat exchangers play an important role in data materials are copper or patented VacInox – offers high Custom designed shell and tubes are used as evaporators
centers, as isolation between a chiller and open cooling heat transfer rates, compared with conventional shell & tube or condensers in a data center chiller or heat pump.
tower and between sea, lake or river water. The efficient technology. The compactness of our brazed plate heat Water or refrigerant evaporates, absorbing heat from the
plate and frame keeps the potentially polluted water from exchangers means a lower carbon footprint for the chiller chilled water, creating a cooling source. We can customize
coming into contact with data center equipment. or system. We manufacture true dual units (for part load) according to the size and connection requirements and use
AHRI Standard 400 certification for liquid-to-liquid and up to a 100mm (4 inch) connection. Brazed plate and various materials, depending on media restrictions, in order
heat exchangers is available with up to 20,000 GPM frames are designed with different materials and thicknesses to reduce corrosion.
(4500 m³/h) per heat exchanger. to meet various water quality and refrigerant requirements.
⊲ R efrigerant, Coolant options NH3, CO2, R448A,
⊲ Various global pressure vessel approvals available ⊲ R
 efrigerant, Coolant options NH3, CO2, R448A, R449A, R410A R449A, R410A and other standard refrigerants
upon request. and other standard refrigerants available upon request. available upon request.
⊲ Accessories include but are not limited to insulation ⊲ Various global pressure vessel approvals available upon request. ⊲ Various global pressure vessel approvals available
packages, backflush valves and port strainers (filters). ⊲ Accessories include but are not limited to insulation. upon request.
Overview of our products for data centers


Adapted and Modular Compact Radiators

Air Cooled Condensers Our special-purpose compact radiators can be adapted
Dry Coolers Adiabatic Spray Dry Coolers Kelvion air cooled condensers are perfect for a more to suit all requirements, technical specifications, and key
Our dry coolers are used in data centers to cool within For most of the year, our adiabatic coolers will reject heat traditional DX cooling application. Our condensers can oper- manufacturing regulations. Kelvion’s modular, compact
3K/5F of the dry bulb temperature. These units can be used from data centers while in dry cooling mode. The adiabatic ate with temperature differences down to circa 5K/9F. AC radiators are primarily used in large-scale data centers
in a free cooling mode when the ambient temperature is spray enables the heat exchanger to reject more heat, and EC fans technology available upon request. This tech- with major power requirements. They feature the impressive
suitable, saving mechanical cooling energy costs. without the aid of mechanical cooling. Kelvion’s range of nology is also equipped with lower sound level motor options benefits of a flat design, either used for generating sets
AC and EC fan technology available upon request. tube diameters and fin patterns help to provide a compact, for quiet operation. We manufacture condensers in a flat with relatively small engines, or in large scale engines for
This technology is also equipped with lower sound level lower cost, solution. AC and EC fan technology available bed or space saving V-bank configuration. Kelvion have a data centers. A space-saving V-shape is also possible, with
motor options for quiet operation. Kelvion manufactures upon request. This technology is also equipped with lower large portfolio of tube and fin configurations which enables and without adiabatic cooling. Various global pressure
dry coolers in a flat bed or space-saving V-bank configuration. sound level motor options for quiet operation. the tailoring of units to meet the technical and commercial vessel approvals, AC and EC fan technology and custom
All applicable products are Eurovent certified and powder All applicable products have a Eurovent certificate and are targets. loose coils for heat recovery or preheating are all available
coated for maximum durability in all weather conditions. powder coated for maximum durability in all outdoor conditions. ⊲ Refrigerant options include ammonia, CO2, 448A, upon request.
449A and 410A.
⊲ Applicable products are Eurovent compliant and available ⊲ A pplicable products are Eurovent compliant and available ⊲ A pplicable products are Eurovent compliant and available ⊲ A pplicable products are Eurovent compliant and available
with UL and CE approval. with UL and CE approval. with UL and CE approval. with UL and CE approval.
⊲ Accessories include but are not limited to fan controls, ⊲ Accessories include but are not limited to fan controls, ⊲ A ccessories include but are not limited to fan controls, ⊲ Accessories include but are not limited to fan controls,
extended legs, isolators, junction boxes and more extended legs, isolators, junction boxes and more. extended legs, isolators, junction boxes and more. extended legs, isolators, junction boxes and more.
Overview of our products for data centers


Custom Air Coils

Open Cooling Towers Kelvion custom air coils are used in computer room air handlers
Kelvion’s open loop cooling towers offer cost-efficient (CRAH) and computer room air conditioners (CRAC), located
free cooling and are available in cross-flow and counter-flow. in the server room. They are designed to meet the OEM’s
Whether modular or field-erected, our towers have a long- desired size and specifications and manufactured in various
lasting stainless steel frame. Durable, heavy duty, FRP wall Closed Loop (Fluid) Cooling Towers patterns, using the latest in fin technology. Heat recovery
casings and direct drive fans, with proven reliability, are Kelvion’s robust closed loop cooling towers are perfect when coils are also an option for customers looking to reclaim
included as standard. Our cooling towers can be installed water quality and availability are an issue. Closed loop cooling heat from their data center building, without the danger
fully assembled, minimizing downtime on replacement towers can provide free cooling in the milder months when of cross-contamination.
projects and reducing congestion at new construction sites. mechanical (compressor) cooling may be turned off.
⊲ R efrigerant option include glycols, R410A and
⊲ C
 E and UL approved motors available upon request. Different tube materials and configurations are available to other standard refrigerants available upon request.
⊲ C
 ooling Tower Institute (CTI) certification available. meet site requirements. ⊲ Epoxy precoated fins available upon request.
FOREFRONT Unit under test in large calorimeter room

Component analysis using the x-ray micro-tomography ensures

the quality of fin press and joint integrity, and is also available
to validate contractor joints or other component analysis on

Resident CFD and FEA can be used for a range of investiga-

tions, which can also be validated against physical simulations
of most scenarios in the laboratory.

We take great pride in offering a high quality, robust, efficient

and reliable solution specific to application environments and
the laboratory is there to help facilitate innovation and remove
the risk from application critical environments.

Wind Tunnel – Discharge Chamber 3m2 Summary of laboratory facilities:

⊲⊲ Temperature controlled chamber with full control
from -40°C to +60°C
⊲⊲ Dimension of chamber: 16 m long, 7 m wide, 8 m high
Kelvion’s comprehensive research and development ⊲⊲ R507A refrigeration plant with nominal cooling
facilities enable us not only to validate the performance capacity range 0.1 kW - 600 kW
of our products, but also to optimize customized solutions ⊲⊲ Natural refrigerant plant (CO2) with nominal loading
directly for your application. of 2.5 kW - 150 kW
⊲⊲ Boiler system capable of 2kW - 1,400 kW
Our extensive, decades-long, experience of working as A calibrated calorimeter chamber capable of holding units ⊲⊲ Wind tunnel with flow range of 720 to 50,000 m3/hr and
a nominated technical partner with end users, technology with dimensions of up to 12 m long, 4 m high and 3 m wide, up to 1000 Pa back pressure
start-ups, universities and established engineering allows for the largest of heat exchangers to be tested. ⊲⊲ Heat transfer coefficient test rig, with air flow rate
organizations has given us a diverse knowledge base. from 0.5 m/s to 9 m/s
This enables us to find a solution to meet the most challenging The in-house wind tunnels can test air volumes up to ⊲⊲ Free field sound pressure and reverberant
cooling and heat transfer requirements. Continuously 50,000 m3/hour and higher air volumes can be calculated sound power measurements
researching heat exchanger optimization is critical to achieving from lower fan speed testing. Synthetic refrigerants can be ⊲⊲ X-Ray micro-tomography for finite analysis of components
our innovation goals and understanding our application tested up to a nominal capacity of 600kW and CO2 systems ⊲⊲ Burst pressure testing up to 620 Bar
is pivotal to this success. Our laboratory facilities across Europe can be tested up to 150 kW; a range of other working fluid ⊲⊲ Small environmental chamber with full humidity control,
can test air coolers with a thermal balance up to a nominal (synthetic and natural) can also be tested at various -60°C to +150°C
maximum capacity of 600kW (from 100W), and dry air coolers/ conditions and capacities. With a range of facilities available, ⊲⊲ Smoke generation and air distribution testing
ambient rejecters up to a 1.4MW. we will try and find rapid testing solutions to meet requirements. ⊲⊲ Prototype fabrication, motor test facilities
Developing and supplying products and solutions is one side
of our business – comprehensive after-sales support and com-
prehensive services is the other. The most important aspect is
always to satisfy your requirements. This principle has made us
a highly ­reliable service specialist. Our tightly woven network

of locations worldwide means we can offer our customers
­maximum availability everywhere and anytime. We are under-
way for our customers every day, around the world. The service
work we perform provides us with a continual stream of new
knowledge and experiences that culminates in valuable im-

provements and enables us to permanently optimize our range
of services. These services include precise installation work,
in-house or on-site trouble shooting, visual inspection and
performance audit as part of proactive maintenance, repair and
cleaning, tube replacement, provision of spare parts, and the
chemical cleaning of product components in our own service

Whatever it is we do for you, our services are oriented to specific


Quality and safety

We provide the ultimate in service quality with individual cus-
tomer advice and precision work.

Innovative service solutions enable us to fulfill the needs of our

Our parts and services support ensures greater profitability:
we optimize in-house workflows and maximize the availability
of our systems at our customers’ premises.

Professional knowledge
Our customers benefit from the knowledge and experience we
have gained through decades of service work.

The work performed by our service staff is reliable, responsible,
and transparent: which is how we have earned the trust of our

The multi-stage model – service as you need it

Our after-sales and service portfolio is based on service levels
in which the range of services agreed upon is an integral part
of an individually tailored service agreement. The clearly de-
scribed contents of the various service levels ensure reliable
cost transparency. The various service components can be
combined as required to form a tailor-made service agreement.
You can put together your own personal service package,
tailored to suit your individual needs: to include the provision
of spare parts, staff training, a help desk, or permanent on-site

Companies such as Kelvion that are internationally active are We support fair competition.
obliged to conform to internationally accepted conventions: of In a spirit of fair competition, we work hard, orient this work to
social, political, and legal nature. Our corporate code of conduct our customers’ needs and ensure the quality of our products
describes the principles and procedures behind our corporate and services. We observe all applicable domestic, supranation-
actions. This code applies to all our employees worldwide. We al, and foreign anti-trust laws as well as any laws pertaining to
ensure compliance with the regulations in a working environ- unfair competition. We also expect this level of fairness from our
ment that is characterized by integrity, respect, fairness, and competitors.
We ensure socially acceptable working conditions.
We respect and observe the law. We are committed to the principles of social responsibility
The basis for all action at Kelvion is the observation of all appli- towards our employees and society. Kelvion offers its employ-
cable laws and other regulations. We supplement these rules ees fair working conditions worldwide. We reject any form
with especially designed, particularly strict internal guidelines of discrimination, with respect to gender, sexual orientation,
and training with regard to certain aspects of the law. origin, skin color, or any other personal characteristics. We
see ourselves as a socially responsible employer that treats its
We act internationally. employees with respect.
Kelvion strictly observes as binding the statutory regulations
that apply to our products and services involved in international We protect the environment.
commerce. We observe all applicable bans on exports and From development, to manufacturing, and to the sale of our
imports and observe all official authorization procedures. products, we protect the environment throughout each of these
phases. This principle applies not only to the energy we employ,
We wholly reject corruption. but also to the protection of our natural environment at every
Kelvion rejects any type of commercial corruption, both do­ workplace worldwide.
mestically and on foreign markets. In order to underline this
fact, we have drawn up our own anti-corruption guidelines We ensure product safety.
that enforce rules of proper conduct to which we adhere at For our customers, we develop innovative, high-quality prod-
all times. These rules apply both in our dealings with officials ucts and processes – and product safety enjoys top priority.
and with the bodies and employees of other companies.
AND STILL Global production

Global sales
and service

No matter where your market is, regardless of country, we are

never far away. We are always happy to answer any questions you Just scan this QR code with your smartphone or
may have and meet your requirements. Even the largest, most visit our website at: – there
successful project begins with an initial, profitable conversation. you will find a highly competent contact in your
We look forward to hearing from you. immediate vicinity.

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