1. The offline tool for generating the JSON file will not take the data available in the sheets exemp and docs
2. The values in these sheets are in the same order as in the portal.
3. You can manually enter the data from these sheets directly into the GSTN portal.
Please Note
1. This Excel workbook works best with Microsoft Excel 2003 or later.
2. We recommend that you do not modify the data in Excel after exporting from Tally.ERP 9.
3. Use separate Excel workbooks for each month, with the month name as a part of the file name. In case there are multiple
4. you import
If any invoiceindata
data exists multiple
the offline times
tool in ayou
when taxare
period, followdata
importing a similar patternallforthe
from Excel, theexisting
JSON file
will be overwritten.
mp and docs.
e. In case there are multiple uploads for a month, use Part A, Part B, and so on, in the file name to avoid confusion. Similarly,
ile name.
data will be overwritten.
confusion. Similarly,
Summary For B2B(4)
Applicable % of
Invoice Number Invoice date Invoice Value Place Of Supply Tax Rate Rate
Taxable Value Cess Amount E-Commerce GSTIN
Summary For B2CS(7)
Export Type Invoice Number Invoice date Invoice Value Port Code
Applicable % of
Shipping Bill Number Shipping Bill Date Tax Rate Rate Taxable Value
Cess Amount
Summary For
Advance Received