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Course B.Tech (ECE)

Batch 2016-2020

Semester 5th Sem

Course Subject Digital Communication

Course Code BTE-504

Course Credits 03

Syllabus Attached

Question bank Attached

Name of the Faculty
Narendra Kumar Garg, Assistant Professor
Member, Designation
Name of Assisting/
Re-checking Faculty Mrs. Rinkoo Bhatia
Name of the HoD Prof.(Dr.) Raghavendra Sharma


Course Code: BTE 504 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:

The purpose of this course is to provide a thorough introduction to digital communications with an in depth study of
various modulation techniques, receiver design & performance analysis are discussed.

Course Contents:

Module I: Digital Communication System Basics

Basic building blocks of Digital communications, analog versus digital communication, Advantages disadvantages
of digital communications.

Module II: Digital Baseband Transmission

Pulse code modulation, Signal to quantization ratio, non-uniform quantization, companding, BW calculations.

Module III: Transmission of Analog Samples & Signal Detection in Noise

Delta Modulation, Adaptive delta-modulation, DPCM, ADCM, ADPCM, Matched Filter Receiver, Derivation of Its
Impulse Response and Peak Pulse Signal to Noise Ratio. Correlator receiver, Decision Threshold and Error
Probability For, Unipolar (ON-OFF) Signaling, ISI, Nyquist Criterion For Zero ISI & Raised Cosine Spectrum

Module IV: Digital Modulation Technique.

Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure, Types of Digital Modulation, Wave forms for Amplitude, Frequency
and Phase Shift Keying, Method of Generation and Detection of Coherent & Non-Coherent Binary ASK, FSK &
PSK Differential Phase Shift Keying, Quadrature Modulation Techniques QPSK, Probability of Error and
Comparison of Various Digital Modulation Techniques.

Module V: Digital Multiplexing

Fundamentals of Time Division Multiplexing, Electronic Commutator, Bit, Byte Interleaving T1 Carrier System,
Synchronization and Signaling of T1, TDM, PCM Hierarchy, T1 to T4 PCM TDM System (DS1 to DS4 Signals)

Examination Scheme:

Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE

Weightage (%) 5 10 8 7 70

CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att:

Text & References:

 Simon Haykin: “Digital Communication”, John Wiley / 4th Ed.

 Bernard SKLAR: “Digital communication”, Pearson education.
 Lathi, B.P / “Modern Digital & Analog Communication Systems” / Oxford University Press /.
 Prokis J.J / “Digital Communications” / McGraw Hill /
 Wayne Tomasi: ”Electronic Communication systems”, Pearson Education,5th edition

Question Bank

Subject Code: BTE –504

B.TECH. (ECE) – V Sem
Digital Communication
SECTION A: (6 Mark Question)
Q1: Draw the basic block diagram of digital communication system. Explain in brief.
Q2: Differentiate between Analog Versus Digital Communications.
Q3: Explain the advantages of digital communication.
Q4: Explain the disadvantages of digital communication.
Q5: What is the need for having Digital Communication?
Q6: What is the role of a transducer in digital communication system? Explain in brief.
Q7: What is the use of channel coding in digital communication?
Q8: State sampling theorem.
Q9: Define Nyquist rate.
Q10: What is meant by PCM? Draw its block diagram.
Q11: What is meant by quantization?
Q12: What you mean by non-uniform quantization?
Q13: What do you mean by companding?
Q14: Write an expression for bandwidth of binary PCM with N messages each with a maximum
frequency of fm Hz. Explain each symbol used in brief.
Q15: What is aliasing? Why this occurs?
Q16: What is the necessity of non-uniform quantization for speech signals?
Q17: A channel with bit rate Rb=34 kbps is available for PCM voice transmission. Find
appropriate value of binary digits N, the number of quantization levels M and the sampling rate
fs, assuming fm=3.4kHz.
Q18: A continuous time signal is given blow X (t) =8 cos200πt.Determine: Nyquist rate required to avoid

Q19: In a binary PCM system, output signal to quantization noise ratio to be held at minimum 40 dB.
Determine the no. of required levels, and find corresponding output signal to quantization noise ratio.
Q20: A binary channel with bit rate Rb = 36000 (b/s) is available for PCM voice transmission. Find
appropriate values of the sampling rate fs, the quantizing level L, and the binary digits n, assuming fm =
3.2 KHz.
Q21: Why Quantization is required?
Q22: What should be the minimum bandwidth required to transmit in case of PCM?
Q23: The signal to quantization noise ratio in a PCM system depends on what criteria? Explain in brief.
Q24: What is the main difference in DPCM and DM?
Q25: Mention the merits of DPCM.
Q26: What is the advantage of delta modulation over PCM?
Q27: Define the term ISI.
Q28: What are the advantages of the Delta modulation?
Q29: What do you mean by inter symbol interference. Explain in brief.
Q30: What is matched filter?
Q31: Compare DM with ADM.
Q32: Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of “Delta Modulation”?
Q33: Obtain the expression for Nyquist criteria for distortion-less baseband transmission for
zero ISI.
Q34: Explain coherent detection?
Q35: What is the difference between PSK and FSK?
Q36: Write the expression for bit error rate for coherent binary FSK.
Q37: Define QPSK.
Q38: Distinguish between coherent and non-coherent detection.
Q39: Draw the PSK waveform for 011011.
Q40: What do you mean by FSK?
Q41: What are the advantages of QPSK over PSK?
Q42: What are the different types of Digital Modulation Techniques available? Explain any one
in brief.
Q43: What is meant by coherent ASK?
Q44: Bring out the difference between coherent & non coherent binary modulation scheme.
Q45: Why Digital Amplitude Modulation scheme is commonly called on –off Keying?
Q46: Explain How QPSK Differs From PSK In Term Of Transmission Bandwidth And Bit
Information It Carries?
Q47: Twenty four voice signals are sampled uniformly and then have to be time division
multiplexed. The highest frequency component of each voice signal is equal to 3.4kHz.now

(i) If the signals are pulse amplitude modulated using Nyquist rate sampling, what would
be the minimum channel bandwidth required.
(ii) If the signals are pulse code modulated with an 8 bit encoder, what would be the
sampling rate? The bit rate of the system is given as 1.5X 106 bits/sec.
Q48: Design a PCM multiplexing system using a 256 level quantizer for the transmission of 3
signals m1(t), m2(t) and m3(t) band limited to 5KHz,10KHz and 5KHz respectively. Assume that
each signal is sampled at its Nyquist rate. Compute
(i) Maximum bit duration
(ii) Channel bandwidth required to pass the PCM signal
(iii) The commutator speed in RPM
Q49: Explain the Fundamentals of Time Division Multiplexing.
Q50: Two analog singles m1 (T) and m2 (T) are to be transmitted over a common channel by
means of time division multiplexing. The highest frequency of m1 (t) is 3 kHz, and that of m2 (t)
is 3.5 kHz. What is the minimum value of sampling rate?
Q51: What is raised cosine spectrum? Explain in brief.

SECTION B: (10 Mark Question)
Q1: Explain the functional description of digital communication system in detail.
Q2: Explain the advantages & disadvantages of digital communication in detail.
Q3: How will you convert an analog signal into a digital signal? Explain with the help of an
Q4: Define digital communication. How digital communication is better than analog communication.

Q5: Draw the block diagram of compander? Explain each block in detail. Mention the types of
Q6: Explain Quantization Process in detail with the help of suitable diagrams.
Q7: Explain the PCM system in detail with the help of necessary block diagram.
Q8: Write the advantages and drawbacks of PCM system. Derive the relations for signaling rate
and transmission bandwidth in PCM system.
Q9: Write short note on
i) Transmission bandwidth and benefits of PCM system.
ii) Derive that Signal to quantization noise ratio for a PCM system is (1.8+6v) dB.
Q10: Classify the quantization and prove that the quantization error = Δ^2/12.
Q11: Write short note on
i) A law and μ law companding. ii) PCM transmitter & receiver.

Q12: What is quantization noise? Derive the expression for signal to quantization noise ratio.
Q13: Consider a signal m(t) = coswo t, where wo = 2fo, Illustrate the effect of under sampling
of m (t) for sampling rate of fs = (3/2)fo.
Q14: Explain the process of companding? Explain ‘A ‘law’ and ‘’ μ law companding in detail.
Q15: Drive the expression for the sampling theorem in time domain as well as in frequency domain.
Q16: Show that if the sampling rate is equal to or greater than twice the highest message frequency, the
message m (t) can be recovered from the natural sampled signal by low pass filtering.
Q17: What are the two limitations of delta modulation? Explain each in detail with the help of
necessary figures.
Q18: How does Granular noise occurs in DM? Explain with the help of suitable diagrams.
Q19: Explain Delta modulation in detail with the help of necessary diagrams.

Q20: Explain Adaptive Delta Modulation in detail with the help of necessary diagrams.
Q21: Compare all the digital modulation techniques like PCM, DM, ADM and DPCM on different
Q22: Derive the SNR of the matched filter.
Q23: What are the draw backs of delta modulation and how they can be overcome?
Q24: Derive the impulse response for the matched filter.
Q25: What is the slope overload error in DM? How it can be minimized? Explain with the help
of suitable diagrams.
Q26: Explain the Quadrature Phase Shift Keying and obtain an expression for Probability of
Q27: Explain the Binary Phase Shift Keying and obtain an expression for its probability of error.
Q28: Derive an expression for probability of error in synchronous detection of binary frequency
shift keying signal.
Q29: Derive an expression for probability of error in synchronous detection of amplitude shift
keying signal.
Q30: Explain the generation and detection of binary FSK.
Q31: Compare ASK, PSK, FSK with reference to different parameters.
Q32: Explain in detail about generation and detection of PSK signal with block diagram and
Q33: Construct the ASK and FSK waveforms for 011011.Sketch the block diagram of ASK
generation and explain in detail.
Q34: Draw the block diagram of T1 carrier system and explain its working in detail.
Q35: Draw the block diagram of TDM. What is the need for the synchronization in TDM? Write
the advantages and disadvantages of TDM.
Q36: What is the significance of Synchronization in TDM.Also Discuss the salient features and
drawbacks of TDM system in detail.

SECTION C: (20 Mark Question)
Q1: a) What are the basic elements to form a digital communication system? Name each
element and explain each in detail.
b) Compare Analog and Digital Modulation at least on 8 points.
Q2: a) What are the different types of sampling techniques and explain about any two with
their mathematical expressions.
b) Find the Nyquist rate and Nyquist sampling interval for each of the following signals.
I) 5 cos (1000πt) cos (4000 πt) II) sinc (100 πt) III) sinc (50 πt) sinc (100 πt)
Q3: a) State and prove Sampling theorem.
b) A television signal having bandwidth of 4.4MHz is transmitted using binary PCM system.
Given that the number of quantization level is 512. Determine.
I) Code word length II) Transmission BW III) Find bit rate IV) Output signal to noise ratio.
Q4: a) Given the signal m (t) = 10 cos (2000 π t) .cos (8000 πt)
I) What is the minimum sampling rate based on the low pass uniform sampling theorem?
II) Repeat (I) based on the band pass sampling theorem.
b) What is flat top sampling and Why Flat top sampling technique is preferred over other
sampling techniques?
Q5: a) A low pass signal of 3 KHz BW and amplitude over -5 V to +5 V range is sampled at
Nyquist rate and converted to 8-bit PCM using uniform quantization. The mean squared value
of message signal is 2 Volt-squared. Calculate
I) The normalized power for quantization noise. III) The bit transmission rate.
II) The signal to quantization noise ratio in dB.
b) A signal X (t) = cos (200 π t) +2 cos (320 π t) is ideally sampled at fs= 300 Hz. If the sampled
signal is passed through an ideal LPF with a cutoff frequency of 250 Hz, what frequency
component will appear in the output?
Q6: a) The signals s (t) = 10 cos (100 π t) and m (t) = 10 cos (50 π t) are both sampled at times
t n=n/ f s where n=,……-2,-1,0,+1,+2,…… and the sampling frequency is 75 samples/sec. Show
that the two sequences of samples thus obtained are identical. What is this phenomenon
b) Draw the compressor and expander characteristics and then draw & explain the compander
Q7: a) Consider audio signal of sinusoid term s (t) = 3 cos (500 π t).
I) Find signal to quantization noise ratio when this is quantized using 10 bit PCM.
II) How many bits of quantization are needed to achieve signal to quantization noise ratio of a-
at-least 40 dB.
b) How the Uniform quantization is different from the Non-uniform quantization. Also explain
the types of Uniform quantization.
Q8: a) The output SNR of a 10 bit PCM was found to be 30 dB. The desired SNR is 42 dB. It was
decided to increase SNR to the desired value by increasing the number of quantization levels.
Find fractional increase in the transmission BW required for this SNR.
b) Find the Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval for the signal
x (t) =(1/2 π) * cos (4000 π t ).cos (1000 πt)
Q9:a) A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer followed by a 7-bit binary encoder. The bit rate of
the system is equal to the 50*106 bits/sec.
I) what is the maximum message signal bandwidth for which the system operates satisfactorily?
II) Calculate the output signal to quantization noise ratio when a full load sinusoidal modulating
wave of frequency 1 MHz is applied to the input.
b) An analog signal is expressed by the equation x (t) =3 cos (50 π t) + 10 sin (300 π t) -cos (100
π t). Calculate the Nquist rate and Nquist interval for this signal.
Q10: a) Prove that the matched filter and correlator yield the same results.
b) I) determine the output signal to noise ratio of a linear Delta Modulation system for a 2 KHz
sinusoidal input signal sampled at 64 KHz .Slope overload error is not present and the post
reconstruction filter has a bandwidth of 4 KHz.
II) For the same sinusoidal input of part I) calculate the signal to quantization noise ratio of a
PCM system which has the same data rate of 64 Kbits/s .The sampling frequency is 8 KHz and
the number of bits per sample is N=8.Comment on the result.
Q11:a) For a sinusoid modulating signal m (t) = A cos (wm t), wm=2πfm. Show that maximum
output signal to quantizing noise ratio in a DM system under the assumption of no slope
overload is given by
3 f s3

(SNR) o 8 2 f m2 f M
b) if the input to a matched filter is a rectangular pulse of amplitude A and duration T
representing a logic “1” and no pulse representing a logic “0” ,draw the impulse response of the
matched filter.
Q12: a) A DM is designed to operate at 3 times the Nyquist rate for a signal with 3 kHz
bandwidth. The quantizing step size is 250 mV. Determine maximum amplitude of a 1 kHz input
sinusoid for which delta modulator does not show slope overload. Also derive the expression

b) if the input to a matched filter is a rectangular pulse of amplitude A and duration T
representing a logic “1” and no pulse representing a logic “0” ,draw the output response of the
matched filter and calculate the maximum signal to noise ratio.
Q13: a) A sinusoidal voice signal x(t) = cos(6000 πt) is to be transmitted using either PCM or
DM. The sampling rate for PCM system is 8 KHz and for the transmission with DM, the step size
is decided to be of 31.25 mV. The slope overload error is to be avoided. Assume that the
number of quantization levels for PCM system is 64.Calculate the signaling rates of both these
systems and comment on the result.
b) Draw the block diagram of delta modulation and explain functions of each block. Also state
various limitations of delta modulation.
Q14: a) Prove that output signal of a matched filer is proportional to shifted version of
autocorrelation function of input signal to which filter is matched.
b) In a DM system, the voice signal is sampled at a rate of 64000 sample/sec. The maximum
signal amplitude Amax = 1
I) determine the minimum value of step size to avoid slope overload. II) Determine the
quantization noise power if the voice signal bandwidth is 3.5 KHz. III) Assuming that the voice
signal is sinusoidal, determine S0 and SNR.
Q15:a) What do you mean by DPCM.Draw the block diagram of DPCM transmitter and receiver
and explain its working.
b) In a signal integrated DM system, the voice signal is sampled at a rate of 64 KHz. The
maximum signal amplitude Amax = 1
I. Determine the minimum value of step size to avoid slope overload.
II.Determine the granular noise power No if the voice signal bandwidth is 3.5 KHz.
III.Assuming that the voice signal is sinusoidal, determine SNR.
IV.Assuming that the voice signal amplitude is uniformly distributed in the range (-1, 1).
Determine So and SNR.
Q16: a) Consider a signal m (t) = A cos (wm t) applied to a delta modulator with step size ∆.
Show that slope overload distortion will occur if
   fs 
A   
wmTs 2  f m 
Where Ts is the sampling period.
b) Explain the correlator receiver in detail with the help of suitable diagrams.
Q17: a) The pulse rate in a DM system is 56,000 per sec. The input signal is 5 cos (1000*2π t) + 2
cos (2000*2π t) V,with t in seconds. Find the minimum value of step size which will avoid slope
overload distortion. What would be the disadvantage of choosing a value of larger than the
b) Compare PCM with DPCM.Also write down the advantages of DPCM.
Q18: a) If the data bit sequence consists of the following strings of bits, what will be the nature
of waveform transmitted by the BPSK receiver? The data bit sequence is 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0.
b) Compare the Performance of BPSK & DPSK on different parameters.
Q19: a) Sketch the QPSK waveform for the sequence 1101010010.
b) Suggest a suitable circuit arrangement for extracting the baseband signal from BPSK signal at
the receiver end for coherent detection of binary PSK.
Q20: a) How the DPSK signal can be generated and detected. Explain with the help of block
b) For the following data stream draw the QPSK signal. 11010001
Q21: a) Sketch PSK and QPSK signals for the input bit sequence 10011010.What are the
similarities between them? How they differ to each other.
b) How the BASK signal can be generated and detected. Explain with the help of block diagram.
Q22: a) In a digital continuous time communication system, the bit rate is 1 Mbps and carrier
frequency of transmission is 100 MHz. Find the symbol rate of transmission and BW
requirement of the channel in following cases of different techniques used:
b) Draw the block diagram of QPSK system and explain its working. Also express QPSK
Q23: a) The T1 carrier system used in digital telephony multiplexes 24 voice channels based on
8 bit PCM. Each voice signal is usually put through a low pass filter with the cut –off frequency
about 3.4 kHz. The filtered voice signal is sampled at 8 kHz. In addition, a signal bit is added at
the end of frame for the purpose of synchronization. Calculate I) Duration of each bit
(II) resultant transmission rate (III) minimum required transmission bandwidth.
b) Six message signals each of BW 5 KHz are time division multiplexed and transmitted.
Calculate the signaling rate and the minimum channel BW of the TDM channel.
Q24: a) A signal X1 (t) is band limited to 3 KHz. There are three more signals X2 (t), X3 (t) and X4
(t) which are band-limited to 1 KHz each. These signals are to be transmitted by a TDM system.
I) Design a TDM scheme where each signal is sampled at its Nquist rate.
II) What must be the speed of the commutator.
III) Calculate the minimum transmission BW of the channel.
b) Find the transmission rates of T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 carrier systems.
Q25: a) A single m1 (t) is band-limited to 3.6 kHz, and three other signals m2 (t), m3 (t), and m4
(t) are band-limited to 1.2 kHz each. These signals are to be transmitted by means of time
division multiplexing

I) Set up a scheme for accomplishing this multiplexing requirement, with each signal
sampled at its Nyquist rate.
II) What must be speed of commutation is samples / sec.
III) If the commutator output is quantized with = 1024 and result is binary coded, what is
output bit rate?
IV) Determine minimum transmission bandwidth of the channel.
b) What are the different types of Multiplexing hierarchy for digital communication? Explain
with the help of block diagram.


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