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Engineered O-Rings: Catalog ORD 5710/USA

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Engineered O-Rings

Catalog ORD 5710/USA

Simple solutions
for complex sealing problems
Parker O-Rings: Building With The Best

Engineers in every industry - from to meet customers’ needs. These thousands of part numbers, and
automotive to fluid power to semicon- materials are subjected to a broad recommends materials based on
ductor processing - choose range of mechanical, physical and the requirements of SAE, MIL and
o-rings made by Parker Hannifin to environmental tests, and their per- other standards. Total inPHorm
keep their equipment running safely formance is evaluated through a also contains a complete array of
and reliably. That’s because Parker’s comprehensive Failure Mode online reference material, including
O-Ring Division, a developer, manu- Analysis (FMA) process. test reports, technical bulletins and
facturer and supplier of precision- seal maintenance instructions. It is
engineered o-rings for over 50 years, Finite Element Analysis available on CD-ROM in English,
offers a unique combination of Through the use German and French versions.
experience, innovation and support. of powerful com-
puters and Finite Literature
Element Analysis Since their initial release decades
(FEA) software ago, the Parker O-Ring Handbook
specifically designed for elastomeric (CAT. ORD 5700/USA) and the
evaluation, Parker engineers can Precision O-Ring Handbook (pub-
predict a seal’s performance in a lished in Europe in various lan-
variety of media, temperatures and guages) have become fixtures on the
pressures before a single part is reference shelves of engineers and
made. This eliminates the need for seal specifiers worldwide.
costly tooling, speeds the produc-
Quality Assurance tion process and ensures the These books contain extensive
In the O-Ring Division’s selection of the right material information
world-class facilities, and geometry for a customer’s about the
skilled Parker techni- application. As an added properties of
cians manufacture benefit, FEA can also be basic sealing
o-rings to exacting used to predict service life. elastomers, as
standards, closely
well as examples
monitoring each step of the process Desktop Seal Design of typical o-ring
through an innovative Controlled Parker’s Total inPHormTM software applications,
Batch Identification (CBI) program. brings seal design and material fundamentals of
From in-house mixing and tooling specification right to the engineer’s static and dynamic seal design
operations to the final non-contact desktop. The software, which con- and o-ring failure modes.
inspection process, state-of-the art sists of stand-alone packages for
technology is employed to provide o-ring, hydraulic and pneumatic, They also provide an overview of
unparalleled material consistency and static face and standard composite international sizes and standards,
dimensional control. Quality registra- seal products (as well as EMI shield- and contain compatibility data for
tions (AS 9000, ISO 9001, QS 9000 ing and thermal fluids, gases and solids. Abridged
and VDA 6.1) are maintained to manage- versions of these books, available as
ensure superior product performance ment), uses CAT. ORD 5712/USA (US)
and process repeatability. a simple and 5705 (Europe), provide
interface to engineers with fast access
Research and Development guide users to information on stan-
In its on-site research labs, Parker through the design of appli- dard sizes, commonly-used
is constantly developing new o-ring cation-specific glands and seals. It engineering tools and materials.
material formulations and compounds automatically cross-references
Product Lines

Compounds Parbak® Back-up Rings

Parker O-Rings can be molded in a Prevent extrusion in high-pressure
wide range of compounds in hard- applications and help retain lubricant,
nesses from 30 to 95 Shore A. These extending o-ring life.
materials include:

• Acrylonitrile-Butadiene (NBR)
• Butyl (IIR) O-Ring Kits
• Chloroprene (CR) With conveniently arranged
o-rings for repair, assembly and
• Ethylene Acrylic (AEM)
• Ethylene Propylene (EPDM)
• Fluorocarbon (FKM)
O-Rings • Fluorosilicone (FVMQ)
• To national and international
• Hydrogenated Nitrile (HNBR)
standards: AS 568B, ISO 3601,
DIN 3771, JIS and metric. Custom • Perfluoroelastomer (FFKM)
sizes of almost any dimension • Polyacrylate (ACM)
• Miniature o-rings and large special • Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
o-rings continuously molded from
spliced cord • Silicone (VMQ)
• Perfluorinated (FFKM) o-rings.
Broadest chemical resistance, Parker O-Ring compounds are
highest purity and temperature formulated to meet the most stringent
resistance of any elastomeric industry standards including: NSF, Accessories
family - up to 320°C/608°F Products to assist o-ring users
Underwriters Laboratories (UL),
Military (MIL-SPEC), Aerospace include assembly greases and

(AMS), NASA, FDA, USDA, USP and lubricants, sizing cones and

many customer-specific requirements. extraction tools.

The o-ring is the most commonly used part for

static and dynamic seals, with
world production
amounting to
In 1937, billions per year.
Niels A. Christensen, a
Danish emigrant to the USA,
was awarded a patent for this
ring with the perfect
In 1949, Parker
O-Ring materials led to the
aeronautical specification MIL-P-
5515 B and to the dimensional standards
MS 29512 and 513, which were based on
Parker O-Rings. Since then, the o-ring
O-rings made with Parker’s Parofluor For applications that demand an extra has become a vital sealing
ULTRATM perfluorinated elastomers help level of cleanliness, Parker’s O-Ring element in all kinds of fluid
keep semiconductor processing equip- Division offers ultra-high purity (UHP) power equipment.
ment productive. processing.
Parker O-Rings are used in many applications and industries, including:

Transportation Energy/Oil Field

• Brakes/ABS • Drilling
• Cooling/air conditioning • Exploration
• Fuel and diesel injection, • Production
spark plugs • Transportation
• Quick connects, couplings, Processing
gear units
• Shock absorbers • For wet, dry and thermal
• Steering systems processes
• Transmissions and radiators • Parker UHP Processing:
Parker uses totally enclosed
and dedicated manufacturing
areas for compounding,
preparation, molding, cleaning
and final packaging of o-rings
for applications where cleanli-
ness is critical

Chemical Processing Fluid Power

Industry (CPI)
• Accumulators
• Equipment and components • Cylinders, valves
requiring extremely high • Filters
chemical inertness at
• Fittings
temperatures up to
+320°C/+608°F • Pumps
• Rotary actuators
• Aircraft engines, wheels and
• Control and actuation
• Fuel systems
Consumer Products
• Space shuttle launch vehicles
Medical • Appliances
• Compounds meeting the
• Dyalizers requirements/recommen-
• Syringes, and other drug dations: FDA, NSF, WRAS,
delivery devices DVGW, BGA, KTW
• USP Class VI and FDA “White • Heating/plumbing
Listed” formulations are • Sanitary equipment
Serving Industry Worldwide

Around the corner or around the is the hub of an established world- This network - and the global sales
globe, Parker’s O-Ring Division is wide network of 13 o-ring manufac- and engineering support it provides -
there to provide engineered solutions turing locations and over 200 distrib- means that customers can always get
to tough sealing problems. utor and service center locations in quality products when and where they
nine countries. need them. It also means that sound
The division’s North American advice from Parker sealing experts is
headquarters, located in never far away.
Lexington, KY,

Parker O-Ring Division’s

manufacturing facilities
span 4 continents and 9
countries. Some of these
facilities include:

Sao Paulo (Brazil) Orillia, ONT (Canada) Shanghai (China) Pleidelsheim (Germany)

Adro (Italy) Matamoros (Mexico) Lexington, KY (USA) Lebanon, TN (USA)

Parker O-Ring Division
North America
Worldwide Locations
USA Finland Russia Japan
Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin Oy Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin Japan Ltd.
O-Ring Division Ylastontie 16 Komsomolsky Prospect 42 Osaka Sales Office
2360 Palumbo Drive FIN-01510 Vantaa Office 407 No. 2 Tani Bldg.
Lexington, KY 40509 Phone: +(358) 9-47 67 31 119827 GSP Moscow G-48 1-4-25, Nishi-Miyahara,
Phone: (859) 269-2351 Fax: +(358) 9-47 67 32 00 Phone: +(7) 095-234 0054 Yodogawa-Ku
Fax: (859) 335-5128 Fax: +(7) 095-242 0907 Phone: +(81) 6-48 07-32 88
France Fax: +(81) 6-48 07-32 99
Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin Rak Slovakia
O-Ring Division Z.l. du Mont-Blanc see Czech Republic Korea
104 Hartmann Drive B.P. 482, Ville-la-Grand Parker Hannifin Korea Ltd.
Lebanon, TN 37087 74108 Annemasse-Cédex Sweden 902 Dae Heung Bldg.
Phone: (615) 444-0191 Phone: +(33) 4-50 87 80 80 Parker Hannifin Sweden AB 648-23 Yeaksam-dong
Fax: (615) 449-7312 Fax: +(33) 4-50 87 80 76 Box 8314 Kangnam-Ku, Seoul 135-080
16308 Spanga Phone: +(82) 2-5 61 04 14
Parker Hannifin Corporation Germany Phone: +(46) 8-7 60 29 60 Fax: +(82) 2-5 56 81 87
O-Ring Division Parker Hannifin GmbH Fax: +(46) 8-7 61 81 70
109 Industrial Park Drive O-Ring Division Singapore
Livingston, TN 38570 Stuifenstr. 55 Switzerland Parker Hannifin Singapore Pte., Ltd.
D-74385 Pleidelsheim See Germany No. 11 Fourth Chin Bee Road
Canada Phone: +(49) 71 44-206-0 Jurong Town 61 9702
Parker Hannifin Corporation Fax: +(49) 71 44-2 37 49 Spain Phone: +(65) 261 5233
O-Ring Division Parker Hannifin Espana S.A. Fax: +(65) 265 5125
255 Hughes Road Hungary Paseo Cordellas, 57
Orillia, Ontario L3V 2M3 Parker Hannifin Corporation 08290 Cerdanyola-del-Valles Taiwan
Phone: (705) 325-2391 Budapest Representation Office (Barcelona) Parker Hannifin Taiwan, Ltd.
Fax: (705) 325-5721 Vezer u. 156-158 Phone: +(34) 93-6 91 50 62 8F-1, No 102 Sung Lung Road
1148 Budapest Fax: +(34) 93-6 91 46 19 Taipei
Mexico Phone: +(36) 1-2 52 81 37 Phone: +(886) 2 8787 3780
Parker Hannifin Corporation Fax: +(36) 1-2 52 81 29 United Kingdom Fax: +(886) 2 8787 3782
O-Ring Division Parker Hannifin plc
PSDM Business Unit Ireland Seal Group
Diagonal Lorenzo de la Garza See United Kingdom Parkway, Globe Park Africa
#13 Ciudad Industrial Marlow, Bucks SL7 1YB
H. Matamoros, Tam. 87490 Italy Phone: +(44) 16 28-40 40 88 Parker Hannifin Africa Pty. Ltd.
Parker Seals S.p.A. Fax: +(44) 16 28-40 40 89 Parker Place
Parker Hannifin Corporation Via Marzaghette 2 10 Berne Avenue
O-Ring Division I-25030, Adro (BS) Aeroport
BRCO Business Unit Phone: +(39) 030 754 811 Asia Pacific Kempton Park, South Africa
Calle Sexta Y Vizcaya #95 Fax: +(39) 030 745 8210 Phone: +(27) 11-3 92 72 80
Col. Euzkadi Australia Fax: +(27) 11-3 92 72 13
H. Matamoros, Tam. 87370 Parker Hannifin S.p.A. Parker Hannifin Australia Pty. Ltd.
Via Priv. Archimede, 1 9 Carrington Road
20094 Corsico (Mi) 2154 (NSW) Castle Hill Latin America
Europe Phone: +(39) 02-4 51 92-1 Phone: +(61) 2-96 34 77 77
Fax: +(39) 02-4 47 93 40 Fax: +(61) 2-98 42 51 11 Argentina
Austria Parker Hannifin Argentina SAIC
See Germany Netherlands China Stephenson 2711
Parker Hannifin B.V. Parker Hannifin 1667 Tortuguitas - Malvinas Arg.
Belgium Edisonstraat 1 Fluid Power Systems Buenos Aires
Parker Hannifin SA NV P.O. Box 340 (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Phone: +(54) 1-1 47 52-41 29
Parc Industriel Sud, Zone II 7570 AH Oldenzaal 280 Yun Qiao Road Fax: +(54) 1-1 47 52-37 04
15, Rue du Bosquet Phone: +(31) 541-58 50 00 Jian Qiao Export Processing Zone
1400 Nivelles Fax: +(31) 541-58 54 59 Shanghai 201206 Brazil
Phone: +(32) 67-28 09 00 Phone: +(86) 21-5031 2525 Parker Hannifin de Brasil
Fax: +(32) 67-28 09 99 Norway Fax: +(86) 21-5834 3714 Industria e Comercia Ltda.
Parker Hannifin A/S Via Anhanguera, Km 25,3
Czech Republic Berghagen Parker Asun Sealing Company 05275 Sao Paulo / SP
Parker Hannifin s.r.o. P.O. Box 3008 No. 26 Tian Bao Road Phone: +(55) 11-39 17-10 99
Podebradská 1005 N-1402 Ski Tian Bao Industrial Zone Fax: +(55) 11-39 17-08 17
28912 Sadská Phone: +(47) 64 91 10 00 Dong Guan City
Phone: +(420) 325-55 51 11 Fax: +(47) 64 91 10 90 Guang Dong, P.R.O.C.
Fax: +(420) 325-55 51 12 Continental Headquarters
Poland Hong Kong
Parker Hannifin Hong Kong Ltd. Manufacturing plants
Denmark Parker Hannifin Sp. z.o.o.
Polar Seals A/S ul. Parowcowa 8B 8/F Kin Yip Plaza
Bjergvangen 2 02-445 Warsaw 9 Cheung Yee Street
3060 Espergærde Phone: +(48) 22-8 63 49 42/43 Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
Phone: +(45) 49 12 17 00 Fax: +(48) 22-8 63 49 44 Phone: +(852) 24 28 80 08
Fax: +(45) 49 12 17 01 Fax: +(852) 24 80 42 56

Copyright © 2002, Parker Hannifin Corporation, Cleveland, OH. All rights reserved.
ParofluorTM, Parofluor ULTRATM, are trademarks of Parker Hannifin Corporation, Cleveland, OH.

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