Akhnatons Adept Lesson 707
Akhnatons Adept Lesson 707
Akhnatons Adept Lesson 707
All praises to the Great God Allah and Highest Honors to All Moorish Gods and Goddesses
Warning: This Preamble is not intended to harm. Still, in light of over 500 years of “Mental
Slavery” I must first purify some hearts and minds in preparations of the following Seventh Adept Degree
passed by Noble Drew Ali. On July 20, 1929, Noble Drew Ali left the body stating: “I can work with
you (Moorish Americans) better on the soul plane.” Since then there have been multitudes of
misinformation, publicized misconceptions, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), Secret Societies,
boorish Moorish and outright fabrications headed by Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Dragon and a few Beasts
about the true personage of Prophet Noble Drew Ali. It has been a widespread disbelief among his very
own nationals: ‘No real Prophet could be born in the west.’ They have denounced Drew Ali, through
various Medias, to being anything from a Negro, Black or Colored (NBC) myth to a Western Free Mason.
Naturally the same worthlessness quickly applied to the reality, legitimacy and the uncut truth about the
Moorish Americans, as a People. Humbly be advised the true answers to the two subject questions have
been revealed, given and lived during the appearance of every Prophet from Adam to Ali. As a rule of the
public unstableness, the last people to ever recognize the divine ordination of a Holy Prophet, have been
the very people that especial Angel has been sent to save. In essence, the nationals who have suffered
centuries of slavery, conquered and endured famine or other wraths of the Great God are also the last
people to acknowledge, identify and appreciate their Redeemer. This preamble will explain why the
Moorish Americans are currently the last people on earth to recognize they are now being salvaged, by
the same Great God which has placed their disobedient yes-yes under His wrath in the first place.
Moorish people appear more ludicrous after admitting Allah’s Angel was born in the UNITED STATES
amongst them on January 8, 1886, in the State of North Carolina.
Yet “Doubt must see its god” and after 520 years of slavery, it is Ole’God-of-Doubt that
has become the master of the Sleepyhead Moors. However, in this presentation of the 7th and last
Adept Degree, each Student will have opportunities to replace their doubts with wisdom. There is
nothing that can defeat the illusions of fear and doubt like the wisdom of love and truth.
Previous Adept Lessons e.g. The Five Foes, The Prophet and His Harbinger and The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
5 , 6 and now the 7th Adept Degrees were first established in Ancient Kemet and are presented in honor
th th
of El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali. The last Prophet in these days brought us wisdom from the highest plane of
Spirit Life. All transliterations have been handed down from Allah, through His Prophet, directly into my
God Self, His Number-One Defender, Akhnaton Pert M Hru Tutankhamun Bey, Swift Angel #1 and the
Officials of the newly formed Moorish American Government. The reason many of these revelations are
currently being brought to light is because they are in accord with fulfilling the Prophecies of Noble Drew
Ali. Whereas He warned “It will be the third and fourth generations; about the year 2000 will see
the good of m y works and come into their own.” When the student is ripe, the teacher will appear.
These Adept messages are in due time and can only be received by the purity of love now in place.
Whereas a few of these lessons came from those who were taught directly by Noble Drew Ali, I
hereby extend honors directly to His wife, Sheikess Pearl Ali, the brothers Isaac Cook-Bey, G. Cook-Bey
and Dr. Rufus German-Bey. Still, about 98% of these messages came from the Heart of Drew Ali,
through His Angel, to give to those with ears to hear and eyes to see these Pure-Consultations from Him,
before the fire. Another summation of my instructions from our Prophet has been: “Because the
Moorish dishonored their Divine Creed, High Principles and Holy Covenant of Allah and their
forefathers, they were enslaved and entombed above ground, by the European Nations, for every
family to witness. I was told two thousand years ago our dead would walk the earth. Soon I will be
received by my People. I will open the hearts of a few for you to teach. Tell my Moors the truth.”
Noble Drew Ali is the last Prophet to bring in the finale of the Cycle Ages and “The new era of
time now.” If you still have doubt, after reading these lessons sent through me, His first Swift Angel, it is
because you were probably against Him 2,000 years ago when He appeared as Yehoshua. In this era, Ali
has returned with the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice for all Moorish Americans.
The Moorish in America will again own their sovereign land and will return our lands to the true
name of “Amexem.” Moorish Americans have paid their debt through five Centuries in Allah’s Wrath of
Slavery and now must rise through freedom, as a pure and clean Nation. Moorish Americans are not a
Temple, Club, Religious Group, Secret Fraternal/Sorority nor any Non-Governmental Organization
(NGO). “Moorish American” is a free national name of an ordained State of Inhabitants with a Divine
Constitution de jure and Holy Koran of Divine Instructions. Moorish Americans are in fact the ‘Lost-
Found Tribe of Ali’ destined to re-civilize the Human Family of nations to a status of peace on earth.
Organizations because Organizations are never Nations. And these new Amendments were now the
Lawful and prophesied Mausoleum where The Divine Prophet of Ali must now exhume the body of His
pure and clean Nation of Moorish People. Moorish are either free as a people or slaves in that coffin.
Among the several Islamic National Titles, “Sheik” has become the most pronounced. Now,
pending the language, Sheik, Sheiks, Sheikhs and Shaikhs is a free Senior official of a Theocratic
Government, Nation, Tribe or Descendant Family. To a few of His Members, The Holy Prophet revealed
His High Name, “Sheik, El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali.” He acquired this internationally recognized name in
the East because He was born to be the Founding Patriot of the Moorish American Nation. The Title
Sheik or Sheikess is also recognized as a Political Islamic Official by other leaders of the world order.
For Moorish Americans to duly earn the national Titles of Adept, Sheik/Sheikess, Mufti, Swift Angels or
Divine Minister of Their Moorish American Government, they must first gain victories over these same
Seven Adept Degrees as were placed before the Judgment Seat of Ali. Our Prophet conquered all Seven
Adept Degrees, 101 Years ago, and then proclaimed “I brought you everything you need to free
yourselves as one Nation of People; now you (Moorish Americans) take these truths and save
Act-One of The Divine Constitution and By-Laws is the entire National Constitution of The
Moorish American Theocratic Government. It is a Divine Covenant from our Holy Prophet, Noble Drew
Ali, thru the Guidance of His Father God, Allah. When the Prophet wrote these Divine Laws, his people
were sleep in a coma and had no idea of the magnanimous protection and guidance of this divine and
national document. Notice on the Divine Constitution, although mentioned twice, there is only one Grand
Sheik. Still, neither He or She, as The National Grand Sheik, cannot make law and enforce laws without
The Chairman, The Prophet, The Grand Body, The Assistant Grand Sheik, The Five Principles; plus their
Acts must be known before the Citizens of this Theocratic Government. Theocracy is the first form of
Government ever known to man because it held the keys to civilization.
There is only ONE Grand Sheik of the Moorish American Nation. But somehow by the year 2015,
exactly 102 years after The Last Prophet founded the first Canaanite Temple in Newark NJ, there are an
estimated 530 Grand Sheiks in various Subordinates, Branches and chartered Moorish Science Temple
groups. The majority of the 530, (470) Grand Sheiks have been ‘Kidnapped’ and held on lockdown in the
various Federal, State, Local and Private Prison Systems of the United States. Of course these Grand
Sheiks were the aforementioned “Except those who have been duly convicted of a 13th Amendment
crime.” Here, the word ‘Those’ is directed to the former 3/5 Clause-Properties given the Slave Names of
Negroes, Blacks and Colored Peoples. Since the European Colonies and USA occupation of North
America their government has never been without its Slaves. Naturally, some Slave Laws had to be
introduced to justify the NBC, as the only property on earth that could be taken into a court of law,
formed by and for Citizens, yet can be “duly convicted of a crime.” Still, behind closed doors these
hoodwinked and ‘Nationless NBC Sheiks’ have been trained or Lower-Self-Taught (not by The Prophet)
that they are also Sovereign, indigenous, A-depts and the USA has no jurisdiction over them because they
are Grand Sheiks, Sheiks, Western Free Masons and Moorish American members of a lawfully Chartered
Organization?!?%#!??&? Maybe, just maybe perhaps 530 Grand Shikes might be a little too many
Officials to Head “The said Government?!?!?” To say the least, this causes confusion and stinks to the
United Kingdom of Western Free Masonry; with Slave-scent trying to overthrow the Said Government
established by the Prophet’s Act-One. Having your own government expresses the lawful sovereignty of
any free nation of people. Entitling one’s self as a Sheik or Sheikess, while simultaneously not being
recognized by the One Free National Name of your Forefathers is very inconsiderate. Actually, there is
no lawful place for a feign Sheik in any society, especially when it is so obvious the pretender does not
have the authority nor security of a Nation and Government.
The foremost reason the Moorish have not been able to free themselves, as a
people, is because their hearts and minds are still too full of the envy, insufficiency
of knowledge and hatred. The Holy Prophet summarizes this mindset as “Mental
Slavery.” Their hearts and minds have been subjugated and handcuffed at the behest
of The Willie Lynch; whose Theories have been sustained by European Slaveholders (WFM). This is
why Drew Ali made it a Divine Constitutional Law, commanding what His People must do, in order to be
true Moorish Americans; Act-7: “All Moorish Americans MUST keep their hearts and minds pure with
Love.” Not have these sole passageways to God enslaved nor handcuffed by ways of carnal men.
Western Free Masonry Is Not Free, Especially For The NBC
One should always be aware of the original intent and purpose of a thing, word
or group. For example, the only purpose for a pair of Handcuffs is to restrain a
Human body. Likewise, the sole intention and purpose of European Orders of
Western Free Masonry (WFM) have always been to subjugate, colonize the
56 Countries of Africa and confine, restrain, inhibit, control and enslave the
indigenous Nationals of Africa. All adults should know the intents of handcuffs
and WFM. Noble Drew Ali is the foremost Mastermind of our times and the Host
of this Cycle Age. No! Noble Drew Ali was never a Western Freemason. And any thinking God would
confirm this measure; simply because the Duty of all Prophets is to Save Nations not to enslave Nations.
On March 6, 1775 the Colonial European Order finally and secretly granted permission for the
NBC of Boston to open the first Prince Hall Negro Masonic Lodge. Bear in mind, it was the European
Masons who named their Slaves ‘Negro, Black and Colored.’ By the year 1929,
via the Christian Churches, for an African male, age 21, to become a Mason was
the biggest thing in the NBC Community since slaves could preach Christianity.
The envy levels of NBC Masons rose so high until all Slave Masons thought they
were superior to all other NBCs. It was those males, as members in the MSTA,
whom had already given their sworn oaths to the European-approved Negro
Masonic Lodge (but did not know they were Massa’s Masons), whose constant
threats “Telling the police on Ali” forced The Prophet to leave the body in order to
“complete the work for His People better on the Soul Plane.” NBC Masons
had earlier run the Prophet out of New Jersey and Ohio; had him locked up in Michigan and again in
Chicago. These same faux Masons took complete possession of Noble Drew Ali’s MSTA within hours
after He had transitioned to the soul plane. Within days, before putting His body in the ground, there were
NBC Masons claiming to be His reincarnation. These same boorish Moorish replaced The Prophet’s
Rock of The Moorish American Government (Divine Constitution and By-Laws), with Charles Kirkman
Bey’s 1934 Rules and Regulations. By 1936 they had changed His Holy Koran by removing 22 of the 70
Chapters into a Secret “Adept Chamber” where a member could be sworn into “Organizational
Sheikdom.” The entire purpose of the MSTA was obscured
under NBC Masonry and not one Moorish American has
been freed to be a Citizen of their own free National
Government since this internal pseudo Masonic takeover.
Like in 1913 Drew Ali had returned The Pure Red Fez to the
Moorish Men: the world’s foremost and oldest diadem of
wisdom but had not been properly worn by its owner in over
six centuries. Drew Ali had instructed the brothers “Your
headdress is Figure Number One, as there is but one God and
Allah has no boundaries.” He taught the Moorish to “Never
limit (contaminate) your Fez with markings or signs.” By
1931 many of the Moorish were wearing their fezzes with
their lodge logos (See: C. Kirkman Bey 1934).
Even if they could, there is not a Mason on earth that would save the Sixty Million Moorish
Americans from the Shallow Graves of the 14th and 15th Amendments. Their dedication of their European
Masonic Oaths places them in opposition to the truth and freedom of their people. Nevertheless, under
the old rugged cross, these Fraternities with their Sororities ‘Daughters of Ali’ are pleased, in feigned
innocence, hoisting Drew Ali replicas while causing confusion and trying to overthrow the Moorish
American Government. Since when has a Prince Hall Negro (NBC) Mason ever been free or had one
ounce of power to rule?? Today, there are as many African WFM under the Crescent Moon at the
podium of their Temples as there are Preachers under the cross, while at the pulpit. It is sad, still every
last one of these “32-degree, Oath-Taking Lodge Brothers” are suffering from Mental Slavery.
So why did the Real European WFM approve the Prince Hall Negro Lodge??
In 1775 The European Masonic Orders (Scottish vs. York Rite Orders), United Kingdom vs.
Her 13 Colonies, was in a large disagreement over the control and rule of the Americas and
were about to go to war against each other. The conquest of Africa and profits from the enslavement of
Africans were the center of the rising disagreements between The Colonists and Redcoats. Speaking of
Western Freemasonry (WFM), Drew Ali describes the Order of WFM, in Act-6 By-Laws of His Divine
Constitution as “Slaveholders” with the sovereign and political power of Ownership to give Slave Names to
their legally owned Property e.g. Names of Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People and Ethiopians” (NBC).
All NBC, whether considered free or 12-years a slave, were scared-to-death to lie to his “Lord and
Savior/The White-Man.” As a point of Then-and-Now fact, there is no difference between a “Free Negro
and a Negro Slave.” Since birth or captivity they both have been legally declared Slaves by virtue of the
“Slave Names, NBC.” So the ‘Negro Lodge’ received a permit to form as a sacred place to protect His
Negro Snitchers and Informers housed in the NBC Community; the Europeans, in return for “telling what
was going-on with Massa’s competitors or who they should suppress, hang or otherwise squash from their
neighborhood. The European Slaveholders would grant the NBC Masons certain bounties and favors e.g.
wink-an-eye for criminal violations, housing, jobs and public hype etc. This is why some of my beloved
Masonic Brothers today e.g. Shaq O’Neil, Jessie Jacksons, JZ, Al Sharpton, Jamie Foxx etc. appears often in
the media lights but are totally ignorant of the fact of being used. Secretly, these NBC Lodge Boys are used
as Pallbearers, Gatekeepers, Slave Catchers, Slave-Overseers and sustainers of the WFM Rules of
enslavement of their own people. Unbeknownst to all Black Masons, they have agreed to be about 33
degrees lower than Whale’s droppings. He does not question not having dominion nor rights over their
females, even when they have their ‘Kids’ (baby goats). If she takes him Down Town before his real earthly
WFM, all his barrowed scratching, digging and flashing will not exhume him from the Shallow Grave of pay
me “Alley-Money and Kid-Child Support” as the verdict from his Most Worshipful Master. Truth be told
and quiet as it is kept, these WFM Imitators, without Country, Courts, National Flag nor land to stand upon,
also do not know: the many sworn oaths they have taken, while in a 500-year NBC Nationless Coma, do not
muster a count on the true scale of Justice. They merely need to purify their hearts and minds from the iron-
hand oppression and can walk away at will. They can readily come home and taste true Love, Truth, Peace
and true Freedom for the first time. Learn to love instead of hate and Justice will then have taken its course.
During the early years of West African Slave Trade, which was formed and controlled largely by and
from Arab Muslims to European/Christian Scottish-Rites and York-Rites Orders (WFM), their NBC Slaves
were trained to meekly address their Slaveholders as “Master.” This forced respect spurned from the WFM
lodges where the pale skinned men became Master Masons; but to be truly venerated by other Europeans, a
Mason must become the owner of at least one African Slave. A grand example of this unsung culture is
George Washington and his wife Martha. They actually owned over 400 Moors stolen from shores of West
Africa. For this, Master George became the last (9th) President of the 13 Colonies and the First President of
the new United States. A century or so later, the name Washington gave life to a new native tribe of Indian-
Moors called ‘Washitaws.’ Most Americans do not know Washington DC was originally a Slave Plantation
in Maryland. Down through the years of Constitutional Slavery the Title Master acquired a little French
twist and ‘Monsieur’ became “Massa.” Later, from the mouths of Slaves, Monsieur sound like Massa, which
was later abbreviated to today’s “Mr. G. Washington.” Now the NBC still call the WFM, ‘Mr’ which means
Massa or Master! Again, the message here for my Moorish Brothers whom still believe they are WFM… no
man can be a Slaveholder and a Slave at the same time! How can any Colored, Black Afro-American Mason
possibly be free with no nationality, no descendent Line, no flag or land to plant it on??? Yet, they are the
happiest Slaves anywhere on the planet!! They enjoy being Slaves; this is why Drew Ali had such a hard
time saving his People while the masons amongst them were so dedicated to their Slaveholders. He also
warned the Moorish “The Preachers and the Masons will be the last ones to accept the truth and the last
to come into their own.” Now, from this Preamble let us study well these 3 Subject-Chapters,
with commentaries, to learn the truth how Timothy Drew not only became The Last Prophet
but performed miracles that made him 5-Times Greater that Prophets before Him:
The Adept Chamber Of The Dead. The Mysteries Of Egypt.
The senior course of study now was opened up. And Yehoshua entered and became a pupil of the
1. He learned the secrets of the mystic lore of Egypt land, the mysteries of the life and death and of the
world beyond the circle of the sun.
2. When he had finished all the studies of the senior course, he went into the chamber of the dead that
he might learn the ancient methods of preserving from decay the bodies of the dead, and here he
3. And carriers brought the body of a widow’s son to be embalmed. The weeping mother followed
close. Her grief was great.
4. And Yehoshua said, “Good woman, dry your tears. You follow but an empty house. Your son is in
it not.
5. You weep because your son is dead. Death is not a cruel word. Your son can never die.
6. He had a task assigned to do in garb of flesh. He came; he did his work; and then he laid the flesh
aside; he did not need it more.
7. Beyond the human sight, he has another work to do, and he will do it well and then pass to other
tasks. And by and by he will attain the crown of perfect life.
8. And what your son has done, and what he yet must do, we all must do.
9. Now, if you harbor grief and give your sorrows vent, they will grow greater every day. They will
absorb your very life until at last you will be naught but grief wet down with bitter tears.
10. Instead of helping him, you grieve your son by your deep grief. He seeks your solace now as he
has ever done; is glad when you are glad, is saddened when you grieve.
11. Go bury deep your woes, and smile at grief; and lose yourself in helping others dry their tears.
12. With duty done comes happiness and joy. And gladness cheers the hearts of those who have passed
13. The weeping woman turned and went her way to find happiness in helpfulness; to bury deep her
sorrows in a ministry of joy.
14. Then other carriers came and brought the body of a mother to the chamber of the dead. And just
one mourner followed, she, a girl of tender years.
15. And as the cortege neared the door the child observed a wounded bird in sore distress. A cruel
hunter’s dart had pierced its breast.
16. And she left following the dead, and went to help the living bird.
17. With tenderness and love she folded to her breast the wounded bird then hurried to her place.
18. And Yehoshua said to her, “Why did you leave your dead to save a wounded bird?”
19. The maiden said, “This lifeless body needs no help from me. My mother taught me this.
20. My mother taught that grief and selfish love and hopes and fears are but reflexes from the lower
21. That what we sense is but small waves upon the rolling billows of a life.
22. These all will pass away. They are unreal.
23. Tears flow from hearts of flesh. The spirit never weeps; and I am longing for the day when I can
walk in the light where tears are wiped away.
24. My mother taught that all emotions are sprays that rise from human love and hope and fears; that
perfect bliss cannot be ours till we have conquered these.”
25. And in the presence of that child did Yehoshua bow his head in reverence. He said,
26. “For days and months and years I have sought to learn this highest truth that man can learn on
earth; and here a child, fresh brought to earth, has told it all in one short breath.
27. No wonder David said, “Oh Allah, our Lord; how excellent is thy name in all the earth!”
28. “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength.”
29. And then he laid his hand upon the maiden’s head and said, “I am sure the blessings of my Father
Allah will rest upon you, Child, forever.”
Yehoshua, The Prophet, Has Finished His Tasks, And Must Now Go
To The Sons Of Men With Love Divine And Peace On Earth
The work of Yehoshua was done; and now he must go to teach the sons of men.
1. And in the Temple he stood and said, “The son of man has come to bring the light – the light of life.”
2. And all the brothers stood and said, “This is a royal day for all the hosts of the earth; for salvation has
come to all the children of men. Six times before the bar, six times a conqueror.”
3. And then one said to Yehoshua, “Brother-man, most excellent of men, in all the Temple tests you
have won out.
4. Upon your brow I place this diadem; and in the great assembly of all the world and heaven, you are
the mastermind of all.
5. Now man can do no more; but Allah himself will speak and confirm your title. Go your way and
teach peace on earth, good will to man.”
6. And while the hierophant yet spoke the Temple bells rang out in love; and the Logos journeyed on
his way a conqueror.
Yehoshua Addresses The Seven Sages – Goes To Galilee
1. The seven days of silence passed. And Yehoshua sitting with the sages said,
2. “The history of life is well condensed in these immortal postulates. These are the seven hills on
which the Holy City shall be built. These are the seven sure foundation stones on which the Temple
shall stand.
3. In taking up the work assigned for me to do, I am fully conscious of the perils of the way. The
cup will be a bitter one to drink; and human nature well might shrink.
4. But I have lost my will in that of Holy Breath. And so I go my way to speak and act as I am
moved to speak and act by the Holy Breath.
5. The words I speak are not my own; they are the words of Him whose will I do.
6. Man is not far enough advanced in sacred thought to comprehend within the Temple of Allah; so
the work that Allah gave me to do is to teach men to build the Temple of Love within.
7. I am sent to be a pattern of the Temple that man must build within.
8. My task as builder lies within my native land. And there upon was the Temple of mighty Allah
made known – the Allah in man.
9. And from the lower estate of men, I will select seven men who will represent the Temple of Love
– Allah in man.
10. The house of Judah, my own kindred in flesh, will comprehend but little of my mission to the
11. And they will spurn me, scorn my work, accuse me falsely, bind me, take me to the judgment
seat of carnal men who will convict and slay me.
12. But man can never slay the truth. Though banished it will come again, in greater power; for truth
will subjugate the world.
13. The Temple will live, though carnal men will prostitute its sacred laws, symbolic rites and forms
for selfish ends; and make it but outward show. The few will find through it the kingdom of the soul.
14. And when the better age shall come, the Temple will stand upon the seven postulates, and will be
built according to the pattern given.
15. The time has come. I go my way unto the world; and, by the power of living faith, and by the
strength that you give me.
16. And in the name of our God-Allah, the kingdom of soul shall be established and seven hills.”
And all the sages said, “Amen”, and Yehoshua went his way.
Ali Passes The 7th Adept Degree
and Becomes
1. The senior course of study (The earlier courses e.g. Sincerity, Justice, Faith, Philanthropy,
Heroism, and Divine Love, now successfully passed by Ali, were Angelic prepared classes of
purification and necessitated in an order for Him to obtain the following 7th and highest Adept
Degree. The matriculation of the first 6-Adept Degrees guided Ali, solely by the Hands of Allah,
thus building a firm Rock of Understanding He needed to save His people from the wrath of Allah.
Now He must complete the course to become the Master Answer to 400 years of countless prayers
sent by His people). This Senior Course of study now was opened up and Ali became a personal
pupil of the Hierophant. The Hierophant [Hi*er*o*phant] epitomizes the highest Order of love
(God) that will appear in human form. A Hierophant is the Adept
Interpreter, with the wisdom of science, to teach the mysterious
manifestations and sacred doctrines of the truth that God in Man
is truly a fact known as life. The hierophantic transliterations of
the divine evolution Spirit Man to Allah, is the sacred course of
Man perfecting himself as Love Divine. This is why the
purifications of Ali, a young Adept Master, must go through the
soils of his Soul by mastering the toils of what life is truly spent to
build. Here in the mystic lodge and Chamber of the Adepts, Ali
the Student, has gone before the Bar six times and had become a
The Senior Course of Study
All Moorish Americans, who passes these Seven Adept Degrees, will have earned
the Official Graduate Titles of Sheik, Sheikess, Divine Minister, Adept and Angel.
The 7th Kemetian Adept Degree is the Moorish Senior Course of Study. This 7th Degree is
the highest test and subsequent acknowledgement of, Sharif Ali; a promised Student is now
an ordained Prophet of Allah. It is The Great God alone that breaths forth the birth of a
Prophet who is to be born amongst an especial people. Ali’s Senior Course of Study is an
Angelic testimonial that carnal man can do no more but to defend a Prophet while on
earth. The duty of His Moorish Kindred now is to follow in His Footsteps, left clearly cut in
these Adept Degrees. The matriculation of the first 6-Adept Degrees, which guided Ali must now
be accepted and taught to all Moorish Americans seeking freedom. The Last Prophet has worked
hard, from the Plane of Soul, for His Faithfull’s to now be guided solely by the Hands of Allah.
Following in the Footsteps of El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali will teach each Moorish Americans exactly
how to build the firm Rock of Understanding, needed to save them from the wrath of Allah. The
ordained Free National existence of His sovereign People will be Love made manifest because they
too will have completed the same Senior Course as Himself. The Moorish are themselves the living
Answers of Freedom to over 400 years of prayers during the time of slavery. They can now
proclaim their Hierophant’s Senior Course of Study in the Theocracy of Act-One, Government.
5th - Heroism
4th - Philanthropy
3rd - Faith
2nd - Justice
1st – Sincerity
The Seven Adept Degrees is the crown Apex of the Moorish Green Pentagram.
Receives The Title
And Anointed
“The Prophet”
1. The work of Ali was done; and now he must go to teach the sons of men.
2. And all the brothers (The Council of Kemetian Brotherhood consists of Adept representatives of
the Human Family of Nations) stood and said, “This is a royal day for all the hosts of the earth
(World Leaders and Heads of Nations and Tribes of the Human family of Nations); for salvation
(Salvation is a ladder reaching from the heart of men to the heart of Allah. It has three steps:
Belief, Faith and Fruition. When Ali received the Mystic Name (Ali) and Number (Circled Seven)
he indeed fulfilled the prophecies chiseled in Revelations-10th Chapter and appeared in Egypt
Land sounding: “the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God
should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” True Salvation, has been
brought by Ali, The Seventh Angel and the mystery of God and Man being One has been resolved
in the Last Quarter of the Cycle Ages.
The Brotherhood happily embraced, Ali, the Seventh Angel. And they anointed Ali with
the Honorific Title of “Sharif” which in Arabic means “Noble” or “High-Born” or “God-Sent.”
This is why to this day our Prophet is most known by the name “Noble Drew Ali.” The Royal
Brotherhood of Adepts was joyful to give tribute to Sharif Ali with the highest Station recognized
by man, for He is now “The Prophet.” Prophets are Angels of Allah manifested in human flesh
and can transmute into flesh divine at Will. With His Will, a Prophet is able to cross the border
lines and manifest in many places at once. These angels can also prophesy all which will occur in
the future because they have been there. At the beginning of every Cycle Age a major Prophet is
ordained to earth to bring in the New Era of time. Sharif Ali was prepared five times greater than
his predecessors because, (1) the Aquarian Age is the last of the Cycle Ages when man will need
the flesh never more. And (2) His Moorish peoples had been buried five time deeper, in the wrath
of Mental Slavery, than any nation since the fall of man. Sharif Ali has come to bring Salvation to
all the children of men (All tribes, families, nations and tongues). Six times before the bar
(Sincerity, Justice, Faith, Philanthropy, Heroism and Love Divine) and six times a conqueror.”
3. Upon your brow I place this diadem (Crown, Royal Headdress, headband, fez); and in the great
assembly of all the world and heaven, you are the mastermind (Defeater of The
Self, Subjugator of what seems to be, Captor of The God State and) of all.
4. Now man can do no more; but Allah himself will speak and confirm your title
(Through the Kemetian Ministry of Divinity, Sharif Ali is Anointed the Highest
Title of Kemetian Adepts, “Prophet”). Go your way and teach peace on earth,
good will to man.”
5. And while the Hierophant yet spoke the Temple bells rang
out in love; and Ali, the Logos (Circled Seven: The perfect
Symbol, Perfect Number and Perfect word: “Allah”) journeyed on his way a
Thru Love Divine, Peace On Earth and Good Will To Man. Amen
El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali
Addresses The Seven Sages
1. The seven days of silence passed. And Sharif Ali sitting with the sages said,
2. “The history of life is well condensed in these immortal postulates. These are the seven hills (The
Seven Hills are the Seven Adept Degrees. All Moorish Americans must now master each degree in
order to be fortified for the work each Citizen has been appointed to do) on which the Holy City
(When The Holy Prophet of Ali explored the soils of Illinois and found ancient treasures there, He
later instructed His Moorish Nationals to “Make Chicago your Mecca.” Now, Mecca or Makkah
(Arabic: ةمركمال ةكمMakkah al-Mukarramah of Saudi Arabia is not only
the birth place of the Holy Prophet Mohammed, who is most noted to be
‘The Seal of the Prophets’ but Mecca is also defined as “The Spiritual
Center of Peace/Islam.” Beginning with Adam, every major and minor
Prophet brought a higher degree of Islam from Kemet and it has become
the world’s foremost Religious Creed. Mohammed brought the final
understanding of Islam and thus He became known as “The Seal of the
Prophets” {Every Prophet, from Adam to Ali, brought a higher degree of
Islam, the true pathway of peace leading from the heart of Man to the
heart of Allah. Mohammed brought the final portion of Islam thus sealing
it, as the true Salvation for man}. This is how Mecca became noted as the
Holiest City in Islam. There, it is strictly forbidden for Non-Muslims to enter the city. But Mecca is
not confined to Arabia because after the transition of Mohammed, the people of Arabia have
warped, twisted and distorted Islam apart from its ordained “straightway; the way of those whose
portions are not wrath and who go not astray.” Even though the Great God Allah sent the Arabs a
Prophet, born from amongst them, it did not stop the souls of Arabia from enslaving African
Nationals. In fact, Mohammed’s most faithful convert, a slave named Bilial, was an Arabian Slave
from Ethiopia. Arabians are world famous Slaveholding Muslims, who used Islam as a shield to
hide and justify nearly 2,000 years of profits gained from The East and then later (1492) The West
African Slave Trade. With the Holy Quran held behind their backs, the Arabs began Holy Day
Executions to all non-believers, weak Muslims and infidels immediately following Juma (Salaat-
Prayer Services). This is why The Last Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, did not bring a new religion but
‘The old time Religion of Islamism’ (the study of Peace) to His lost-found Tribe of Ali in the west.
He also told His Moorish “We must take these truths and straighten out our brothers in the east.”
When Ali told his sheep to “MAKE Chicago your Mecca” he meant just that. For decades
members of various MSTAs about the city of Chicago had boasted it is their many Mecca,
Southside, The Loop etc. but could never figure the solution to the problem. Firstly, organizations,
as MSTA, are limited and do not have the power to make Capitals nor rule a Government. And,
when you ‘Make’ something, you use the essence of the most superlative materials warranted for
the especial project. In this case, The Prophet is directing Act-One, the Moorish American
Government, to “Make Chicago the Capital of Moorish America.” Mecca means ‘The Center,
where The Great God and Spirit Man meet as one.’ With this pure Adept Degree, Mecca must now
be reestablished by the Moslems of today as the purified place where hearts and minds become one
with love. This is why the Gods and Goddesses will take these Seven Adept degrees where “Our
Mecca” is truly the Holy City, centered within man’s Temple 6th and 7th Chakras, shall be built.
In saving his Nation, The Seventh Angel, Prophet Sharif Abdul Ali would develop a
Constitution with principles based upon Seven that would be essential to sovereignty or a free
National Government). The Seven hills will be The Divine Constitution of
Moorish America, which includes each of the 7-Acts of the Holy Covenant
e.g. 1-Grand Sheik, 2-Chairman, 3-Prophet, 4-The Grand Body, 5-Assistant
Grand Sheik, 6-Principles and 7-Knowledgable Citizens, all bearing one
free National Name). These are the seven sure foundation stones on which
the Moorish American Government shall stand. These Seven Postulates,
upon which The Divine Covenant, will forever be My Father’s House. For
in my Father’s House of Twelve Departments there are many mansions,
where all Self-Purifying Moorish Americans must live. These Seven Acts
are the Hills and Foundation Stones, absolute and assured as The Rock
upon which man builds himself. These Seven Adept Degrees are the gnosis
of the aught and naught, falsehood and of truth. The collective of these
Seven Master Degrees taught Ali the knowledge of the lower self and the
sensing of the powers of man himself as God. This is why Seven is the
number of Perfected Man whom has opened his Sahasrara upon which the
Temple (Since olden times, the prophesied and ordained Nation of Moorish
Americans must and shall stand.
3. In taking up the work assigned (Sharif Ali is now anointed with the Kemetian Graduate Title of
“Arch Angel” [An Angel is a thought of Allah manifested in human flesh] who is fully conscious of
the work He has been called) for me to do, I am fully conscious of the perils of the way (Perils are
dangers, risks and threats. Here the word “Cup” is symbolic of one’s charge, life’s assignment,
infinite responsibility to fallen humanity, duty, messenger or God’s commission) will be a bitter one
to drink; and human nature (Man’s carnal
customs, attitudes, routines, rituals, reactions,
desires and life) well might shrink.
4. But I have lost my will in that of Holy Breath
(The will of an Angel is never strong; for He or She
is now the Truth and must live and be the message
they bring. Angels can cross the borderline at will
yet can only follow instructions because they have
no power of choice to the contrary of the
command. All Angels, be they Rain, Seasons or
Death, are the Will of Allah). And so I go my way
to speak and act as I am moved to speak and act by
and now as Grand National Chairman of the M.A.G. have also witnessed these same truths of self-
sustained enslavements among the boorish Moorish. My Kindred have been doing the same
against me for almost 50 years, for performing acts to save them from the wrath of Allah. They
were against Yehoshua 2,000 years ago and again El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali until July 20, 1929.
12. But man can never slay the truth. Though banished, it will come again, in greater power; for
truth (These Adept Chapters with Commentaries are written from a greater power, allowing the
Student to walk clearly in the footsteps of our Prophet, the same as He tried to teach us 100 years
ago in Newark, New Jersey. His Moorish American Government, MAG) will subjugate the world.
13. The Temple (The Divine Constitution and Holy Koran Of Moorish America and The Moorish
American Government) will live, though carnal men will prostitute its sacred laws, symbolic rites
and forms for selfish ends (Facebook, Internet, Tell-A-boorish Moor, Western Free Masonry and
other European Media Powers) and make it but outward show. The few (The Faithful and other
True Moorish Americans) will find through it the kingdom of the soul.
14. And when (Now) the better age The Cycle Age of Ali and Kingdom of Moorish America has
come) shall come, the Temple (The Moorish American Government) will stand upon the seven
postulates (See the above Iyat-2 and Divine Constitution of Moorish America - De jure (also See
The Divine Constitution of Moorish America – Defined), and will be built
according to the pattern given By Noble Drew Ali.
15. The time has come. I go my way unto the world (Prophet Sharif Ali as The
Last Prophet was prepared in Kemet at the guidance of the Seven Sages of His
Era and now must go his way to allow carnal man to attest to his Prophethood
and then returned to be among His Nationals from which He was born); and,
by the power of living faith, and by the strength that you give me.
16. And in the name of our God-Allah, the kingdom of soul shall be established
upon these Seven Hills.” And all the sages said “Amen” and after pressing the
palms of each Sage, Sharif Ali went his way.
honor and respect Allah’s Prophet and yearn for his presence into their country. And after about a year of
learning the Quran, Islamic Transliterations and receiving global assistance with political supportive, El
Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali, would begin his world passage eastward into India.
Completes His Seven In India: Allah guides the way of His Prophets and in Ali’s birth month
of January 1911, at the age of 23, the Arch
Angel arrived in India. Islamism.
Now, El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali was sent on this
journey because he is the Seventh Angel and
had already been acknowledged with the
Mystic Name and Number. The Circle is the
perfect symbol. He had completed the Seven
Circles around Al-ka‘bah (his Hajj) in the Holy
City of Mecca of Arabia. There are four sacred
90 degree Quadrants within the unbroken
Circle. They are the Kemetian Islamic Portions
given to Mohammed of Arabia, Yehoshua of
Africa, Buddha of India and Confucius of
China. When the Seven Chakras are mastered,
the Successor of this wise and divine circle
becomes God.
To assure the glow of these divine
accomplishments is the foremost reason The
Prophet is now in India. Here, Ali confirms the
“Circle of time.” Mastering the Seven Chakras
and the Seven Ether Planes has been the light of India since ancient times. Although the land was under
British European Rule and her capital is currently being moved from Calcutta to Delhi, mastering the
Chakras is still in the heart of India’s Nationals. The Shaikhs Host of India greeted The Angel with
Islamic Prayer Hands of ‘Namaste, Namaste, Namaste.’ Mahatma Gandhi is in South Africa but
everywhere Sharif Ali went, the hearts of India rejoiced and was enlightened from the words the Swift
Angel spoke. The British Representatives, like Alexander The Greek in Kemet, had no comprehension of
the principles of Divinity. The young Prophet also comforted the natives with the confirmation of India’s
Theocratic Government controls will be returned to them in a conflict that cannot be told in words. The
Nationals of India had been honoring The 4-Selves. The Higher self with one self shown and the other
hidden. The Lower self had a display self and a hidden self. It was a most glorious affair when the young
Prophet summarized the responsibility of your God Self which cannot die and the illusionist self which
will pass away.
India Dresses The Holy Prophet
The Royal Shaikhs of India, in their ceremonial honoring of
El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali, presented The Last Prophet with their
highest order of the Turban Headdress called the ‘Pagdi.’ The
history of a man, who wears the Pagdi has been honored and
respected to the highest of descendant and National linage of India’s
family of Nobles. Originally the Pagdi was often adorned with
feather(s) of the Peacock. Today, most designers of the Pagdi will
substitute the Peacock Feathers for the “Feather-Spread” centered at
the top front. The Peacock, which is indigenous to India, Pakistan
and Western China, is a royal
bird well known for its lifestyle of attractions, endurance and
fortitude. Male Peacock Feathers are often used to symbolize
love, all-seeing knowledge, renewal, kindness, protectiveness,
has done and must do, His true Moorish Nationals must do also.
Ali’s Perfect Word, From Africa To The Americas: The 5,000 mile journey from India
to Morocco was largely traveled in the spirit of ‘one foot on land and one foot across God’s Sea, “The
White Sea,” commonly called The Mediterranean Sea. The reason it was first called The White Sea is
after “The Great Earth Quake” (often mistaken for “The Flood”), God’s Sea became a part of the Great
Atlantic Ocean, although it was largely surrounded by lands. These lands were special because the cradle
of ancient civilizations, called “The Garden of Eden”, began in the North-East Amexem (Africa) South
and then spread Eastward into Asia, China and Japan. The Amexemite (Robots) Slaves were also cloned
in Kemet much later, from Amexemite Human DNA (not rats, dogs etc). Later, because the Spirit of the
Great God, which is the heart of Man, could not be cloned, the Robots began rotting and losing their
pigmented hues. Their generations became paler skin and criminally minded until they all had to be
exported north of the White Sea to the “Forbidden Lands.” It was the Will of Allah for His Arch Angel,
El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali, to travel by sea where he was honored by the Heads and Representatives in the
lands of Pakistan, Iraq, Jordan, Cairo, Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, and Malaga, Spain in his route to Morocco.
True history will reflect: Morocco was first entrusted and did receive the Flag of the Ancient
Moabites (and Founders of The Kingdom of Morocco) from Kemet in 1405, it was as white as the
driven snow, because ‘White means purity and purity means God’ who sustains the open-five-pointed
Green Pentagram (Spirit-Man) in His Heart (Center). But in less than one
century later, by 1492, Morocco became the world’s leading country to ever
turn traitor against her entire Continent of (African) Nationals. For the next
four centuries Morocco became the head of Arabian/European’s West
African Slave trade. By the time El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali arrived, Morocco
was actually undergoing the Divine Wrath of Allah for spearheading
European Colonization of the 56 Countries of Africa. But by the spring
of 1912, Morocco was experiencing her 7th Year of being under French
Protectorate (since 1905). Al-Morocco has been dominating the West
African Slave Trade, of her own founders and ancient forefathers, using the
Arabian elucidation of Islam for a cover, for over four hundred years.
Many of the newly awakened Moorish of the Americas were in disbelief Morocco had stolen,
sold and shipped so many multiple millions of Africans to the Pale Skinned Western Free Masons until
the Europeans used their abundance of West African Slaves to build and colonize the new United States,
Canada and Caribbean Islands. The Slave Trade was so
profitable to the west it was used to repopulate many
countries in Central and South Americas. Europe’s Vatican
Pope, doing the Will of their Virgin Mary and her Fatherless
baby Jesus, was earning twenty-five cents off every dollar for
each African sold into slavery. Subsequently, the fallowed
Flag of Morocco was disallowed to be flown on its land, airs
or waterways, between the decades of 1905 and 1956.
During this 50-year period, Moroccans had no jurisdiction,
heritage or power to fly its flag, while under the commands
of France.
These were the conditions Noble Drew Ali found when he arrived in 1912 Morocco.
These dark hours also explains why Allah’s Prophet presented an image of the Moroccan Flag to
the members of His MSTA, while teaching and explaining the true purpose
exactly why the Five-Pointed Star has been inverted..The five points of the
Star R E P R E S E N T S Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. An upside-
down or slanted five pointed star is never Godly, right or good. The high
principles have now been inverted at the behest of Lucifer, Satan, Devil,
Dragon and Beast. The Open Green Pentagram, being reversed, means the flag
Western Masonic Slaveholders. For the first time in 400 years, Islam
could be practiced in Americas and the Free National Name was returned
to the Moorish. This phenomenon is indeed a miracle which only a Holy Prophet could perform.
Before El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali transitioned to the soul plane on July 20, 1929, He would visit his
Forerunner, Jamaican born Marcus Mosiah Garvey. On November 19, 1927, as the Holy Prophet
traveled the South, he visited Marcus Garvey for a few hours at the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary in
Georgia. Ali t o l d His Harbinger “You will be released by the winds of the same storm (WFM).”
Two days later, before t h e Holy Prophet would complete his return trip to Chicago, Marcus Garvey’s
Sentence was commuted by President Calvin Coolidge and the Forerunner deported via New Orleans.
The Moorish Messiah and his Harbinger did meet again next year, where Noble Drew Ali appeared in His
Patriotic High name of El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali, at the 1928 Pan-American Conference in Havana
Cuba. Ali continued to teach the Moorish:“You are a pure and clean Nation of people, come and link
yourselves with the nations of the earth and you too will be loved as I, your Prophet, is loved. Ali
also warned: “These United States has one more war to win and not another.” And since Allah, The
Great God cannot die, on July 20, 1929 The Prophet Ali decided He would “Work with
you, Moorish People, better on the Soul Plane.” From this thoughtful plane, The Last
Prophet formed the new United Nations and ordained The UN Declaration Of Human
Rights to prepare the world to receive the Lost Found Tribe of Ali. Islam, Islamism.
Love Divine Thru, His First Defender, Swift AngEl #1, Dr. Akhnaton Pert M Hru Tutankhamun Bey, GNC