Omeprazole (Losec, Prilosec)
Omeprazole (Losec, Prilosec)
Omeprazole (Losec, Prilosec)
Dose Side
Drug Classificati Mechanism Specific Contraindication
Frequency Effects/Adverse Nursing Implications
Generic on of Action Indication s
Route Effects
Omeprazole Gastrointesti Gastroesop Gastric acid- Short-term CNS: Headache, Concomitant Assess if there is
nal agent, hageal pump treatment of dizziness, asthenia, admin of sign of
(Losec, proton pump reflux, inhibitor: active vertigo, insomnia, diazepam and abdominal pain its
Prilosec) inhibitor erosive Suppresses duodenal apathy, anxiety, omeprazole may frequency
Antisecretor esophagitis, gastric ulcer, active paresthesias, dream increase diazepam and pain rate.
y duodenal acid secretion benign gastric abnormalities, concentration.
agent ulcer: 20 by ulcer, GERD, fatigue, Administer before
mg once/d specific severe erosive Concomitant meals.
for 4-8 inhibition esophagitis, Dermatologic: admin of Caution patient to swallow
weeks of the poorly Rash, phenytoin and capsules whole—not to
hydrogenpotas responsive inflammation, omeprazole may open, chew, or crush them.
Gastric sium symptomatic urticaria, pruritus, increase If using oral suspension,
ulcer: 20 ATPase GERD alopecia, dry skin phenytoin levels. empty packet into a small
mg bid for enzyme cup containing 2 tbsp of
4-8 weeks system at First-line GI: Diarrhea, Concomitant water. Stir and have patient
the secretory therapy in abdominal pain, admin of warfarin drink
Hypersecret surface of the treatment of nausea, vomiting, and omeprazole immediately; fill cup with
ory disease: gastric parietal heartburn constipation, dry may increase water and have patient
60mg cells; blocks symptoms or mouth, tongue warfarin levels. drink this water. Do not use
once/day, the of GERD Atrophy, hematuria, any other diluent.
up to 120 final step of proteinuria
mg tid acid Long-term Provide safety and
therapy: Security if dizziness will
Duodenal production. Treatment of Respiratory: URI occur.
ulcer pathologic symptoms, cough,
associated hypersecretory epistaxis Instruct patient to
with H. conditions Increase oral fluid intake to
pylori: 40 (Zollinger- Other: back pain, prevent from dehydration,
mg once/d Ellison fever refer to
for 14 d, in syndrome, physician if diarrhea will
combination multiple occur.
with adenomas,
clarithromyc systemic Instruct patient to
in 500 mg mastocytosis) eat
tid for 14 d. Meals at the right time.
Eradication of
H. pylori with
Report any changes
amoxicillin or
urinary elimination, such as
pain or discomfort when
urinating, or blood in urine.
Prilosec OTC:
Treatment of
heartburn (2 or
more days per