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2019 Executive Tentative Budget For Dutchess County

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2019 Executive Budget
County Executive
Marcus J. Molinaro
William FX O’Neil, Deputy County Executive
Christopher Baiano, Assistant County Executive
Colleen Pillus, Communications Director

Jessica White, Budget Director
Rachel Kashimer, Senior Research Analyst
Tiffanie Massey, Research Analyst
Gina Pantano, Budget Assistant

Erik Haight Heidi Seelbach Tom Angell

Marco Caviglia Commissioner Public Defender
Election Commissioners Finance
Board of Elections Robert Balkind, P.E.
Anil Vaidian, MD, MPH Commissioner
Jessica White Commissioner Department of Public Works
Budget Director Department of Behavioral &
Community Health Todd Tancredi
Carolyn Morris Director
Clerk of the Legislature Glenn Marchi, Ph.D. Office for the Aging
Robin L. Lois OCIS Adrian H. Anderson
Comptroller Sheriff
Steven J. Rector
James Fedorchak Commissioner Sabrina Marzouka, JD, MPH
County Attorney Human Resources Commissioner
Department of Community & Family
Bradford H. Kendall Eoin Wrafter Services and Youth
County Clerk Commissioner
Planning & Development William C. Johnson
William V. Grady Administrator
District Attorney Mary Ellen Still STOP DWI/Traffic Safety
Dana Smith Probation & Community Corrections
Emergency Response

District 1: Giancarlo Llaverias District 10: Barbara Jeter-Jackson District 19: A. Gregg Pulver
Town of Poughkeepsie City of Poughkeepsie Towns of Milan/North East/
Pine Plains/Stanford
District 2: Don Sagliano District 11: Joel Tyner
Towns of Pleasant Valley/Poughkeepsie Towns of Rhinebeck/Clinton District 20: Kristofer Munn
Town of Red Hook
District 3: Dale Borchert District 12: John D. Metzger
Town of LaGrange Town of East Fishkill District 21: Margaret J. Horton
Town of East Fishkill
District 4: Hannah Black District 13: Donna Bolner
Town of Hyde Park Towns of East Fishkill/LaGrange/Wappinger District 22: Marc Coviello
Towns of Beekman/Union Vale
District 5: Thomas L. Keith Jr. District 14: Francena I. Amparo
Town of Poughkeepsie Town of Wappinger District 23: John M. Thomes
Towns of Beekman/East Fishkill/Pawling
District 6: Rebecca Edwards District 15: Joseph Incoronato
Town of Poughkeepsie Town of Wappinger District 24: Alan V. Surman
Towns of Dover/Union Vale
District 7: William G. Truitt District 16: Frits Zernike
Towns of Hyde Park/Poughkeepsie Town of Fishkill/City of Beacon District 25: Deirdre Houston
Towns of Amenia/Pleasant Valley/
District 8: Craig P. Brendli District 17: James J. Miccio Washington
City/Town of Poughkeepsie Town/Village of Fishkill

District 9: Randy Johnson District 18: Nick Page

City of Poughkeepsie City of Beacon/Town of Fishkill
Presented to

County of Dutchess
New York
For the Fiscal Year Beginning
January 1, 2018

Executive Director

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented a Distinguished Budget
Presentation Award to Dutchess County, New York for the first time for its 2014 Annual Budget and the County has received
the award every year since.

In order to receive this award, Dutchess County was required to publish a budget document that meets program criteria as
a policy document, operations guide, financial plan, and communications device.

Although the award is valid for the fiscal year in which it is awarded, we believe the 2019 Executive Budget document
continues to successfully meet program requirements.
2019 Tentative Budget

Table of Contents Page

Budget in Brief
Budget in Brief .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Dutchess at a Glance......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Budget Overview............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Financial Policies ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20

Fiscal Summaries
2019 Tentative Budget Summary ................................................................................................................................................................... 27
2019 Tentative Budget Appropriations .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
2019 Tentative Budget Revenue ..................................................................................................................................................................... 47
2019 Tentative Budget Summary by Fund...................................................................................................................................................... 54
2019 Tentative Budget Property Tax Levy & Rate .......................................................................................................................................... 55
Constitutional Tax Margin & Debt Limit ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Capital Projects and Debt Service ................................................................................................................................................................... 57
General Government Support
Courts .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Board of Elections ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Comptroller ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Office of Central and Information Systems .................................................................................................................................................... 92
County Clerk .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 124
County Executive & Budget Office ................................................................................................................................................................ 145
Legislature ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 157
Finance & Real Property Tax ......................................................................................................................................................................... 169
S495 Exemption Impact Report................................................................................................................................................................. 177
County Attorney............................................................................................................................................................................................ 200
Human Resources ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 210
Public Works Admin & Buildings ................................................................................................................................................................... 236
Contingency & Vacancy Factor ..................................................................................................................................................................... 250
Contribution to Enterprise Fund ................................................................................................................................................................... 254
Interfund Transfers ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 258
Property Taxes .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 264
Appropriated Fund Balance .......................................................................................................................................................................... 271
Shared Revenue ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 277

Handicapped Parking .................................................................................................................................................................................... 286
Dutchess Community College ....................................................................................................................................................................... 289
DBCH - Early Intervention & Special Education Pre-K................................................................................................................................... 294
District Attorney............................................................................................................................................................................................ 312
Emergency Response .................................................................................................................................................................................... 337
Criminal Justice Council ................................................................................................................................................................................ 359
Probation ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 365
Public Defender............................................................................................................................................................................................. 379
Sheriff & Jail .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 401
Traffic Safety & STOP DWI ............................................................................................................................................................................ 429
DCFS Juvenile Detention ............................................................................................................................................................................... 445

Behavioral & Community Health

Department of Behavioral & Community Health ......................................................................................................................................... 452

Public Works Highway & Engineering ........................................................................................................................................................... 549
Public Works Airport ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 599
Public Works Public Transit........................................................................................................................................................................... 611
Metropolitan Transit Authority .................................................................................................................................................................... 627

Economic Assistance & Opportunity

Office for the Aging ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 632
Department of Community & Family Services.............................................................................................................................................. 652
Culture & Recreation
History ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 706
Public Works Parks ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 715

Community Services
Planning & Development .............................................................................................................................................................................. 729
Division of Water Resources ......................................................................................................................................................................... 747
Natural Resources ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 754

Unallocated Fringe Benefits

Unallocated Fringe Benefits .......................................................................................................................................................................... 758

Debt Service
Debt Service .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 782

Positions Information
Authorized Positions by Department............................................................................................................................................................ 788
New Positions in the 2019 Tentative Budget................................................................................................................................................ 789
Position Restructuring in the 2019 Tentative Budget................................................................................................................................... 790
Positions Deleted in 2019 Tentative Budget................................................................................................................................................. 794
Police Benevolent Association (PBA) Salary Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 795
Sheriff’s Employees Association (DCSEA) Salary Schedules.......................................................................................................................... 796
Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) Salary Schedule........................................................................................................................ 798
Dutchess Staff Association (DSA) Salary Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 799
Management/Confidential Salary Schedules................................................................................................................................................ 800
Elected Officials Annual Salary Schedule ...................................................................................................................................................... 801
Capital Improvement Program
Letter to Legislators & Resolution ................................................................................................................................................................ 802
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 803
Capital Projects & Debt Service .................................................................................................................................................................... 805
Summary ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 810
Projects ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 811
Finances ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 826

2019 Tentative Budget Index ........................................................................................................................................................................ 833

Glossary of Budget Terms ............................................................................................................................................................................. 855
Budget in Brief

Table of Contents
Budget in Brief.......................................................................... 1
Dutchess County
Executive Budget

" The 2019 County Budget lowers taxes for

the 5th consecutive year, helping to ease
the burden for residents and businesses. Property Taxes Cut
We are addressing critical community
needs by expanding services for our Again in 2019
seniors and veterans, combating opioid
addiction, and improving programs for $3.68
youth. Targeted investments in economic
development, infrastructure, and our $3.60
parks ensure our economy continues to $3.58
grow and enhance quality of life for all $3.54

We invite you to join us and learn more at $3.45

one of our upcoming Town Hall Forums.
The proposed budget plan is available
online at dutchessny.gov.
" 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
County Property Tax Rate per $1,000 Assessed Valuation

Marcus J. Molinaro
Dutchess County Executive

845-486-2000 DUTCHESSNY.GOV

Upcoming Town Hall Forums:

Town of Poughkeepsie Senior Center Pawling Village Hall

November 14th, 6PM November 19th, 1PM
14 Abes Way, Poughkeepsie 9 Memorial Ave., Pawling

Rhinebeck Starr Library Stanford Town Hall

November 20th, 6PM November 26th, 6PM
68 West Market St., Rhinebeck 26 Route 82, Standfordville

Page 1
Our Innovation
Transportation For Veterans
The Wheels to Work program expands to
assist veterans who are facing transportation
barriers, providing them with cars, insurance,
and registration to secure to work and maintain
their independence.

Following 11 consecutive months of private

sector job growth, the County continues to invest
Supporting Youth & Families in economic development. We are fostering new
The budget launches the "Fostering businesses, expanding industry clusters, and
Connections" initiative, utilizing volunteers to creating an innovation ecosystem through an
mentor youth in foster care, and establishes unprecedented agreement between the County,
a Coach Family Visitation program to support IBM, Marist, Vassar, and Dutchess Community
families in the child welfare system. College. In Rhinebeck, the first standalone co-
working site in the county opened, offering
shared workspace for individuals, startups, and
companies of all sizes. Nearby, a new advanced
Services for Seniors three-dimensional printing lab is being developed
A new 5 day-a-week senior center in the City for innovation and product development.
of Poughkeepsie will open its doors in the first
quarter of 2019, offering unique and engaging
programs like chair yoga, tai chi, and computer

Infrastructure Investment By thinking differently, we are changing the way we,

as individuals, businesses and organizations, relate
The 2019 budget invests in core County to people of every ability. The budget includes
infrastructure, including 20 miles of paving, continuing support to make our community more
9,000 miles of snow removal, repair or inclusive.
replacement of 13 County bridges, and 4,000
feet of guide rail.
Think Ahead, a college experience
program, offered in partnership with
Dutchess Community College and focused
Government Efficiency on job readiness and skills development,
enters its second year serving 19 students.
Dutchess County will continue sharing services
with local municipalities by offering centralized Community events like the Think
procurement support services for greater DIFFERENTLY Dash, Disability, Dream
efficiency and cost reductions. & Do Baseball Camp, Collaboration
of Services Conference, and the Think
DIFFERENTLY Picnic unite providers and
residents, fostering inclusion.
Dutchess Reads
County officials are partnering with local ThinkDIFFERENTLY.net offers simple
libraries and literacy advocates to promote navigation through the comprehensive
reading throughout the county and overcome array of local services available to
barriers to literacy. residents of all abilities, their families, and
service providers.
Page 2
1 Million 25,000
served IN 2019

For the seventh year, the Municipal Innovation The Agency Partnership Grant funds critical
Grant Program will support local government needs in our community, such as youth
efficiency, shared services, and consolidation, programing, transportation for senior citizens,
with an emphasis on ADA accessibility projects homelessness prevention, and more through
and shared law enforcement services. an outcome-based competitive program.

The 2019 County Budget supports and expands efforts to combat the opioid
epidemic — breaking through the stigma of addiction while furthering our proactive,
collaborative approach to helping those in need.

In the 18 months since opening, the Dutchess County Stabilization

Center, at 230 North Road in Poughkeepsie, has become an
invaluable community resource. The Center is a walk-in facility

providing a safe, comfortable, and welcoming alternative to
hospital emergency departments for those struggling with
various mental and behavioral health challenges. More than
2,500 individuals and their families have made over 4,200 visits
to the center. The budget includes additional staffing resources
to better support the center.

The Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) program has

expanded with a new medication dispensary center to meet the

growing need for this highly effective program. Of those in the
MAT program, 85 percent have discontinued illegal opioid use,
and more than 60 percent have maintained or improved their
employment, successfully managing their addiction and living
quality lives. We continue to connect those exiting the jail with
these treatment programs as a tool to maintain ongoing recovery.

The County offers ongoing training for emergency responders,

law enforcement, and service providers with more than 3,500
individuals receiving training in Mental Health First Aid and
Narcan, which reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. To help

3,500 even more members of the community be prepared to save lives,

Narcan training is now available on a walk-in basis, 24/7, with no
appointment necessary, at the Stabilization Center.

Call OR TEXT 24/7 HELPLINE 845-485-9700

Page 3


th Consecutive
County Tax Cut
The total County
12% 65% property tax levy for
County School 2019 is $106,350,769. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


County property
502 M
taxes only account for

Total proposed 2019
12% of the average
Dutchess County
homeowner's tax bill.

Strong fiscal management
and economic stability have State mandates consume
helped secure the County's 70% of every county tax
AA+ bond rating, the second- dollar; we continue working
Second-Highest Bond highest bond rating in diligently to control these costs
Rating Statewide New York State. and minimize the impact to

Dutchess Community
College & Pre-K Special Ed 9.3% Economic Assistance &
31.9% Opportunity

Community Services 1.4%

Behavioral & 2.4% Other Insurance
Community Health 9.1%

EXPENSES 3.5% Asset Management

Public Safety 19.6%

16.0% General Gov't. Support

Culture & Recreation 0.5% 6.3% Transportation

Page 4

Table of Contents
Dutchess at a Glance ................................................................ 5
Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning ................................. 11
Budget Overview .................................................................... 14
Financial Policies .................................................................... 20
Dutchess County at a Glance
Established in 1683 as one of New York’s original twelve counties, Dutchess has played a pivotal role in American history. The
County was home to the Continental Army’s Fishkill Supply Depot and the second state capital at Poughkeepsie during and after
the Revolutionary War, which hosted New York’s debates on the Federal Constitution in June and July 1788. Throughout the 19th
century, industry boomed in Dutchess with labor provided by continued immigration from Europe. Brickyards and textile mills
thrived in Beacon and Poughkeepsie, while the Livingstons and Roosevelts managed lucrative shipping trades and farmed their
huge estates along the Hudson River waterfront. Bolstering trade, Dutchess County became a major railroad transportation hub
connecting New York City to Albany, Canada, and New England. These rail links fueled new manufacturing industries and
expanded agricultural enterprises, including a thriving dairy industry that provided the Union Army’s primary supply of
condensed milk during the Civil War. In the twentieth century, the County rose to prominence as the birthplace of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and
as a test site for many of his New Deal projects. Following the Second World War, Dutchess joined the frontline of the computer age as the home of IBM.
The County remains the lynchpin of the Hudson Valley corridor today and is home to a thriving variety of commercial, agricultural, and cultural endeavors
that honor Dutchess County’s deep historical roots.

Dutchess County is 825 square miles in the heart of the Hudson Valley, midway between New York City and Albany, New York State's capital. The western
border includes 30 miles of Hudson River shoreline with Connecticut forming the eastern border. The character of the area is predominantly suburban and
rural with two cities on the Hudson River.

The voters approved Dutchess County’s charter government in 1967. The charter separates the government into two branches: executive and legislative.
The County Executive, who is elected on a countywide basis to serve a four-year term, heads the executive branch. The County Executive is the chief
executive officer and chief budgetary officer of the County and is responsible for preparing and submitting the annual operating budget to the County
Legislature for approval. The Executive has veto power over nearly all legislative enactments, though his veto can be overridden by a two-thirds majority
vote of the Legislature. The executive branch consists of all administrative departments. Department heads are appointed by the Executive; most are subject
to confirmation by the Legislature.

Page 5
The legislative branch consists of 25 legislators elected from single member districts for two-year terms. The 25 members represent 25 districts, meeting on
the second Monday of each month. The legislature has the power to levy taxes, adopt the County budget, make appropriations, and adopt local laws subject
to approval by the County Executive. It has standing committees and boards with citizen participation.

Other countywide elected officials include the County Clerk, County Comptroller, District Attorney, and Sheriff.

Municipalities within Dutchess County

There are 2 cities, 20 towns and 8 villages within Dutchess County.

• City of Beacon • Town of Poughkeepsie

• City of Poughkeepsie • Town of Red Hook
• Town of Amenia • Town of Rhinebeck
• Town of Beekman • Town of Stanford
• Town of Clinton • Town of Union Vale
• Town of Dover • Town of Wappinger
• Town of East Fishkill • Town of Washington
• Town of Fishkill • Village of Fishkill
• Town of Hyde Park • Village of Millbrook
• Town of LaGrange • Village of Millerton
• Town of Milan • Village of Pawling
• Town of North East • Village of Red Hook
• Town of Pawling • Village of Rhinebeck
• Town of Pine Plains • Village of Tivoli
• Town of Pleasant Valley • Village of Wappingers Falls

Page 6

Dutchess County has a population of 297,488 according to the

2010 United States Census. Following a boom in the 90s that
resulted in an 8-percent population increase, Dutchess has
experienced moderate growth and remains just below
300,000 residents. According to the 2010 Census, the
population and land area by municipality is reflected in the
following charts.

Towns & Municipalities

Land Area Land Area
Municipality Population (Square Miles) Municipality Population (Square Miles)
Amenia 4,436 43.67 Pine Plains 2,473 31.13
Beekman 14,621 30.71 Pleasant Valley 9,672 33.13
Clinton 4,312 38.82 Poughkeepsie 44,090 30.89
Dover 8,699 56.29 Red Hook 8,240 37.04
East Fishkill 29,029 57.57 Village of Red Hook 1,961 1.07
Fishkill 20,878 31.24 Village of Tivoli 1,118 1.55
Village of Fishkill 2,171 0.83 Rhinebeck 4,891 38.06
Hyde Park 21,571 39.79 Village of Rhinebeck 2,657 1.53
LaGrange 15,730 40.30 Stanford 3,823 50.09
Milan 2,370 36.55 Union Vale 4,877 37.33
North East 2,073 43.04 Wappinger 22,468 27.75
Village of Millerton 958 0.60 Village of Wappingers Falls 5,522 1.19
Pawling 6,116 43.28 Washington 3,289 56.88
Village of Pawling 2,347 1.97 Village of Millbrook 1,452 1.93
Total Municipalities 251,804 814.2

Page 7
Land Area
Municipality Population Miles)
City of Beacon 14,599 4.86
City of Poughkeepsie 31,045 5.70
Total Cities 45,644 10.6

Dutchess County Total Population: 297,488

Employment by Industry
Dutchess County Total Land Area: 824.8 square miles Source: American Community Survey 2012-2016

Wholesale Trade
Retail Trade 2%
Local Economy Transportation & Construction
Utilities 7%
5% Agriculture
The Dutchess County economy is dynamic and vibrant, 1%
consisting of a variety of industries. The chart to the right
2% Other Services
indicates the prominence of various industries in Dutchess 5%
Finance, Insurance &
County. Real Estate
6% Public Administration
Dutchess County’s economy is fueled by businesses of all
sizes. The below list of major employers in Dutchess
County provided by the Think Dutchess, demonstrates the Professional, Arts, Recreation &
area’s highly skilled workforce and the regional emphasis Scientific & Hospitality
on technology, higher education, and physical as well as Management 9%
mental health.

Education, Health
Care & Social Asst.

Page 8
Major Employers in Dutchess County

• Anderson Center for Autism • Downstate Correctional • Green Haven Correctional • NYS Dept of Transportation
• Arlington Central School District • Dutchess BOCES • Health Quest • Taconic Developmental Services
• Astor Services for Children and Families • Dutchess Community College • Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union • Vassar Brothers Medical Center
• Bard College • Fishkill Correctional • IBM Corporation • Vassar College
• Central Hudson Gas & Electric • GAP, Inc. • Marist College • Wappingers School District
• Culinary Institute of America • Global Foundries • Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital of Westchester Medical Center

Unemployment - Dutchess vs. Statewide These economic engines have helped to maintain Dutchess
9% County’s high employment levels, with an average of 138,000
residents employed in 2017 according to the New York State
8% Department of Labor. The historically low unemployment rate
Countywide consistently trends below the average Statewide.
The 2017 American Community Survey estimated that
6% Dutchess County
Dutchess County is home to more than 106,043 households.
5% The estimated median household income is $77,915 and the
New York State median individual earnings are estimated at $54,621.
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

*Source: New York State Department of Labor

Page 9
Bond Rating
Dutchess County Government once again demonstrates a strong economy with a stable outlook, as S&P
confirmed by a rating from Standard and Poor’s (S&P) Rating Services of an AA+ bond rating in July Rating Number of Counties*
2017. This AA+ rating indicates that the County demonstrates a very strong capacity to meet financial AAA 1
commitments. Standard & Poor’s noted several strengths that led to the AA+ rating including the AA+ 3
County’s strong budgetary performance and fiscal management, strong economy, low debt burden,
AA 8
strong fund balance and cash levels. At the end of 2018, the county will have total indebtedness of
AA- 6
$133.4 million and net indebtedness (total debt less 2019 appropriations for principal payments) of
A+ 8
$119.3 million, therefore, for 2019 Dutchess County will only be at 5.7% of our $2.1 billion
A 2
constitutional debt limit.
A- 2
According to S&P, only 1 of the rated New York State (NYS) counties has a higher bond rating. S&P’s BBB+ 1
review and rating provides an important measure of the County’s fiscal condition and how we compare BBB 0
to other county governments nationwide. The following table indicates S&P Financial Service Rating of BBB- 0
New York State Counties. *Note: S&P rates 31 of 57 New York State
Counties excluding New York City.
Culture, Recreation, and Higher Learning
Cultural resources flourish throughout Dutchess County, enriching and enhancing the community. From the iconic Bardavon 1869 Opera House, to Dia:
Beacon, the Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center, and the Rhinebeck Performing Arts Center; arts and entertainment venues abound.

Countless visitors enjoy historic sites such as the home of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Locust Grove Estate, the Mount Beacon Incline Railway, the Old
Rhinebeck Aerodrome Museum, and the Vanderbilt Estate. A variety of County parks including Bowdoin Park, Quiet Cove Riverfront Park, Dutchess
Stadium (home to the Hudson Valley Renegades minor league baseball team), Wilcox Memorial Park, the Harlem Valley Rail Trail, and the William R.
Steinhaus Dutchess Rail Trail, provide ideal recreational outlets for visitors and residents. The natural resources and beauty of the area is available for all
residents and guests to enjoy through a network of over 70 trail systems totaling 300 miles. Many municipal and state parks dot the riverfront, perhaps
the most noteworthy is the Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park in Poughkeepsie, which is now connected to the WRS Dutchess Rail Trail. The
Walkway attracts over 500,000 people from all over the world annually to Dutchess County and provides a significant positive contribution to our local
economy. Dutchess County is also home to several esteemed institutions of higher learning including Dutchess Community College, Marist College,
Vassar College, Bard College, and the Culinary Institute of America. The campuses of these schools create cultural hubs spurring economic development
and vibrancy throughout the County.

Page 10
Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning
Mission Statement
The mission of Dutchess County Government is to provide quality, responsive services to residents, businesses, and visitors in a fiscally responsible manner
while striving to preserve our heritage, promote economic development and enhance the quality of life for current and future generations.

We envision a county that capitalizes on its history, its geography, and its diverse economy to create a broad range of opportunities for its residents in how
they live, work, and play.

We envision a robust economy with a skilled workforce that attracts employers who seize opportunities presented by the County’s unique advantages and
provide jobs that create prosperity.

We envision a sustainable system of community health, public safety, assistance for our youth, families, seniors and veterans, parks and recreation, and
infrastructure, in which development and growth complement our natural resources and environment.

We envision a model community governed in an open and ethical manner, where great ideas are replicated and brought to scale, public input is sought, and
municipalities and community partners work collaboratively with the County to attain shared goals.

Core Principles
The below four key principles serve as the basis for all administrative budgetary allocation decisions and policies to affect the County’s mission and vision:

• Focus- County government cannot be all things to all people, so we must prioritize, set aside personal or political agendas, confront
challenges because we lead with less- delivering a smaller, smarter, and more successful government.

• Inclusion- The administration will engage stakeholders in decision making by empowering residents and other business, community and
elected leaders to participate in a robust and civil discourse in order to mold consensus. Importantly, the administration will listen. Good
ideas and great volunteers will always be embraced. We will seek to redefine democracy and earn the trust and maintain the confidence of
those who call our county home.

Page 11
• Logic- Do what makes sense. A practical approach to problem solving that saves time, energy, and resources. The administration will
conduct the necessary analysis, outline the viable options, establish expected outcomes, and make decisions supported by facts.

• Fairness- Compassion and civility in discourse is no weakness. The administration must be concerned with the individual while acting for the
good of the whole community.

Overall, the administration will consider the economic benefit or impact of every decision and how those decisions when applied, affect our shared quality of
life and the attainment of our vision.

Strategic Planning & Building the Budget

County Executive Marcus J. Molinaro took office January 1, 2012, bringing to county government a host of ideas to transform the way government functions.
During his first Oath of Office Address, County Executive Molinaro posed two important questions:

Who are we as a people? And how do we hope to live?

The answers to these questions begin to define how this administration seeks to confront the many challenges facing Dutchess County Government.

The single most critical responsibility of the County Executive is the preparation and oversight of the county’s annual operating budget. Responsible fiscal
stewardship in a democracy requires clearly defined measurable expectations, thorough communication, continued education, and ongoing stakeholder

Dutchess County’s most important assets are our people: the families, young people, seniors, veterans, business owners, farmers, and volunteers who call
Dutchess home. It is vitally important we listen to each other and provide opportunities to identify needs, establish goals, and set priorities. We want a
community engaged in a civil, robust dialogue answering the questions that confront us, and offering ideas and input so we have shared investment in the
results of our decision-making.

The annual decision-making process begins in January; the executive team meets to develop a strategic plan to move forward the priorities for the new year.
Meetings are held with Department Heads to review the prior year goals and outcomes as well as finalize the new year’s goals and action plans outlined in
the adopted budget.

The adopted budget identifies the annual appropriations necessary to achieve the department’s expectations for service delivery and planned performance
outcomes in the next fiscal year; in short, it defines the resources for accomplishing the County’s established goals. This document is approved by the
County Legislature and serves as the annual fiscal plan for the County. Throughout the year, the executive team and department heads are monitoring the

Page 12
budget and accomplishment of established goals while planning for the following year. In essence, the budget is the annual strategic plan for Dutchess
County and is carefully crafted and closely monitored to ensure adherence.

In July and August, the planning process begins in earnest for the following year. A strategy is determined, and goals are established then presented to the
County Legislature in the form of the Executive Budget. The Legislature will review, make changes, and approve the budget as the Adopted County Budget.
Once the budget takes effect in January, the executive team starts the process again. Throughout the year, the Budget Office and Executive’s Office
continue to monitor and make adjustments to the plan.

Strategic Goals
The budget document, as discussed above, reflects the annual implementation of the strategic plan of Dutchess County, and is developed within the context
of the mission statement, vision, and following countywide strategic goals:

Goal 1: Exemplary Stewardship of the Public Trust and Resources

Utilize core decision-making principles to ensure the resources of county government are well protected and used efficiently to accomplish the mission and
vision for Dutchess County.

Goal 2: Provide the Highest Possible Quality of Service

Balance the fiscal challenges with the need to provide an excellent level of vital services to residents.

Goal 3: Enhance and Maintain Exceptional Quality of Life in Dutchess County

Provide essential services, resources, and infrastructure needed to make Dutchess County a wonderful place to live, work and play.

Goal 4: Promote Public Safety and Well-being

Ensure that the committed efforts of the public safety partners continue to maintain and improve the safety and security of the people of Dutchess County.

Goal 5: Foster a Vibrant Economic Environment

Promote economic opportunity for all, by creating a business-friendly economic climate that produces stable and diverse economic resources.

Page 13
Budget Overview
Approach to Budgeting

The procedures outlining the required preparation, submission and adoption of the County budget are stipulated in Article 29 of the County’s Administrative
Code. In addition to specific Administrative Code requirements, the County provides information to help the public and community stakeholders better
understand the mission, goals and policies of the County within the context of an operational and financial plan. The Budget, “Budget in Brief,” authorized
positions, and capital program, is designed with the following goals in mind:

Define Policy- Provide a defined executive direction and general goals for the community including any significant policy initiatives or changes;

Financial Plan- Provide information regarding the history of expenditures and revenues as well as current year funds, where the money is
coming from, and what it will pay for. The budget also includes a five-year plan for capital expenditures and provides related
debt information and data;

Operations Guide- Provide direction for management to develop priorities and plans through the use of goals and objectives to establish
performance expectations; and

Communications- Provide a platform for communication to the public on the activities, policies and financial plan for county government in the
coming year.

These goals are met through the production of all budget materials released collectively as the Executive’s Tentative Budget.

Budget Documents
The adopted budget document includes the following sections: the “Budget in Brief,” County Overview, Fiscal summaries which provide summary fiscal
information as well as the assumptions, details, policies and highlights for both appropriations and revenues, the major cost areas of General Government
Support, Education, Safety, Health, Transportation, Economic Assistance, Culture & Recreation, Community Services, Unallocated Fringe Benefits, and Debt
Service. There are also sections detailing position information, the 5 Year Capital Plan, the budget index and a glossary of terms. Each major cost area
includes a mission for the area and percentage of budget appropriations, table of contents, a description of the functions of the department, key budgetary

Page 14
issues affecting the department, initiatives included in the budget, goals and workload measures, fiscal summary, programmatic organizational chart,
summary position information and the line item detail of each department broken down to the lowest level of sub-department.

The budget also provides two previous years of actual information as well as the current year adopted budget, modified budget, percentage of
appropriations spent / revenue realized year-to-date, and the year-to-date expenses or revenue received. The budget year cycle includes three levels: “Dept
Request” which is the departmental request for the budget year; “Executive Recommend” which is the Executive’s recommendation; and “Adopted Budget”
which reflects the budget as adopted by the Legislature. The Tentative Budget only includes the Dept. Request and Executive Recommend levels. The
Adopted budget includes the Adopted level. Comments are provided in the budget where greater explanation is necessary.

The 5 Year Capital Plan is also included in the budget document and is a 5-year plan of capital projects necessary to maintain and improve the County’s
assets and infrastructure. This plan provides schedules that detail the County’s current balances on previously authorized projects, a history of indebtedness
levels as well as a history of debt service paid. It provides a table of debt authorized and not yet issued as well as projected debt service associated with the
proposed projects. Any funding sources are detailed as an offset to the project costs.

Budget Document Format

The first section in the Executive Budget is the Budget in Brief. The Budget in Brief identifies fiscal highlights and the County Executive’s priorities, initiatives
and policies. It serves as a budget overview for residents that is easy to read and understand.

The second section is the Overview, which includes an introduction to Dutchess County, including information about population, land area, local economic
data, history, our approach to budgeting, a detailed description of the Budget documents and format, timeline of the budget process, and ways to access the
budget. It provides an outline explaining the basis of budgeting, maintenance and monitoring of the Budget, and organizational and financial structure of
the County.

The third section is the Fiscal Summaries section. This section helps the user better understand the concepts of revenue and appropriations and details
major areas of each, highlighting current trends and how projections are formulated. It also provides fiscal data and summaries to better understand the
county’s annual budget as well as initiatives and direction for the new year.

The next 10 sections provide detail on the major budget areas including: General Government Support, Education, Safety, Behavioral and Community
Health, Transportation, Economic Assistance & Opportunity, Culture & Recreation, Community Services, Unallocated Fringe Benefits, and Debt Service. Each
of these sections include multiple departments that fall under that budget category. The below information and budget detail is provided for each

Page 15
• Mission and Percentage of Appropriations
o Describes each department’s mission and how much of total appropriations are spent in that area
• Functions
o The functions provide an overview of each department.
• Key Budgetary Issues
o Highlights any budgetary issues, projections or assumptions used to budget for the department.
• Budget Year Initiatives
o Highlights new programs or significant changes to programs planned for implementation in the coming budget year.
• Goals, Objectives and Indicators
o This table provides the key goals as well as the related performance indicators.
• Fiscal Summary & Graphs
o Provides a Net to County analysis as well as a visual graphic representation of the department’s finances.
• Organizational Structure
o Organization charts reflect the programmatic organizational structure.
• Line-Item Budget
o Appropriations by line and then revenues by account are presented for each department.

The next section provides Position Information including a history of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions by budget area. Also included are new positions
recommended, position restructuring (reclassified or reallocated), positions deleted in the budget year, and the salary schedules used to develop the budget.

Following the Position Information section is the 5 Year Capital Plan, which includes five sections. The first two sections are an overview providing
information on the County’s debt policies, debt service, ongoing projects, non-recurring capital projects planned in the following year and the impact on the
operating budget including the impact by department. The third and fourth sections provide a summary of projects as well as a detailed description of each
project requested for the next five years. The first year of the capital plan details both the total cost of the project and the projected county share for the
project, but the four following years only highlight the total cost of the project. Formulas for matching funds and any related funding streams are identified
for each project. The final section of the 5 Year Capital Plan is the finances section and provides listing of all open capital projects and balances, capital
expenditure trends and outlays, graphs representing total indebtedness and debt service, a list of debt authorized but unissued.

The final sections are the Index, which provides the page number for different departments within each area of the budget and finally a Glossary of budget

Page 16
Budget Timeline

January – July
• January 1st County fiscal year begins
• Tax bills sent to taxpayers
• Budget Office reviews State Budget impacts
• Budget Office monitors revenue and expense trends as well as economic indicators
• Unaudited financial statements submitted to State Comptroller and the County Legislature
• 1st Quarter & 2nd Quarter department reports are analyzed
• Current year fiscal update presented to the Legislature
• Budget Office trains departments in budget development

July – November
• Departments submit operating budget requests
• County Executive Office and Budget Office meet with departments to review operating requests

Page 17
• Audited financial statements submitted to the State Comptroller and the County Legislature
• County Executive Office and Budget Office develop policy and prepare recommendations for the Tentative Executive Budget
• Ongoing communications with Legislature regarding budget development
• Town hall forums and other community outreach events

November – December
• By November 1st County Executive submits the Tentative Budget to the County Legislature
• Public Hearing Notice given five days before hearing- with hearing held no later than December 5th
• The County Legislature may strike or reduce items from the budget and add or increase items
• Property Tax Levy Cap Calculation submitted to the Office of the State Comptroller prior to budget adoption by the Legislature
• The County Legislature returns the Adopted Budget to the Executive with all Legislative changes by December 10th
• The County Executive may line item veto any change and return it to the Legislature by December 15th
• The County Legislature has until December 20th to override any vetoes with a 2/3 vote of the Legislature

Budget Access

All budget documents are available on the County’s website at www.dutchessny.gov. All of the budget documents are also available for reference at the
Adriance Memorial Library, 93 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603.

To control costs, the Budget Office prints a limited number of budgets. Special requests for additional copies of the budget must be submitted in writing to:

Dutchess County Budget Office

22 Market Street- 6th Floor
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Page 18
Maintenance of the Budget and Monitoring
Throughout the year, the Budget Office and Executive Office monitor the budget, track changes and key indicators, variations in revenue and key
appropriation areas, State and Federal Aid impacts, approve budget transfers and prepare budget adjustments for approval by the Legislature.
• Monitoring the Budget- Departments submit to the Budget Office a quarterly analysis of year end projected appropriations and revenues for
their department, vacancy savings projections, and report any other issues impacting their operating and capital budgets, programs, or
policies. The Budget Office reviews this analysis in the context of the County’s full fiscal picture and makes adjustments as necessary. The
Executive’s Office closely monitors travel and training costs as well as purchasing throughout the year. Department Heads meet regularly
with the Assistant County Executive and the Chief of Staff to provide status updates of specific strategic goals for both the administration of
the department and the programs and policies as established at the beginning of the year. These updates include an action plan to
accomplish the goal in the stated timeframe.
• Tracking Changes- The Budget Office tracks sales tax, mortgage tax, housing trends, utility costs and usage, unemployment, consumer price
index, hotel and motel tax, off track betting revenue, and other key revenues and economic indicators. The State and Federal budgets, both
on different fiscal years, are analyzed for specific county impact.
• Budget Transfers- Throughout the year, line item budget adjustments or modifications may be required within each functional area or unit
of the adopted budget. When changes are made, the new changed budget is referred to as either the amended budget or the modified
budget. Appropriation transfers can be made between classification of expenditures (i.e.: equipment, supplies, operation, personnel costs,
etc.) and within each unit of the county. If a transfer is necessary between county functional areas or units, any unencumbered
appropriation may be transferred with the approval of the County Legislature.
• Budget Adjustments- If, during any fiscal year, there is revenue available for appropriation that has been received from sources not
anticipated in the budget for that year, or revenues received from anticipated sources but in excess of the budget estimates, the County
Legislature may make supplemental appropriations for the year not to exceed, such additional revenues. To meet a public emergency
affecting life, health or property, the County Legislature may make emergency appropriations. To the extent that there are no available
unappropriated revenues to meet such appropriations, the County Legislature may adopt a resolution by 2/3 vote to appropriate all or any
part of the appropriations in the general contingency fund for general county purposes.
If at any time during the fiscal year, it appears that the revenues available will be insufficient to meet the amounts appropriated, the County
Executive shall report to the County Legislature without delay the estimated amount of the deficit, remedial action taken by him, and his
recommendations as to further action. The County Legislature shall take such action as it deems necessary to prevent any deficit. For that
purpose, it may, by resolution, reduce one or more appropriations; but no appropriation for debt service may be reduced, and no
appropriation may be reduced by more than the unencumbered balance or below any amount required by law. The Legislature may also
authorize borrowing temporarily pursuant to applicable law in an amount not greater than the projected deficit.

Page 19
Financial Policies
Countywide Financial Policy
The County recognizes the importance of formalized financial policies to direct fiscally sound decision-making. The following policies and practices provide a
financial framework to support the long-term goals and mission of Dutchess County.

• To annually develop and maintain a balanced operating budget in which total appropriations are equal to total revenues. This goal shall be achieved
through prudent financial planning, forecasting, and budgetary oversight and control.
• Avoid practices that balance current expenditures at the expense of future revenues.
• Seek out and maintain diversified revenue sources. When possible, rely on revenue that is sustainable and predictable, thus not impacted by
changes in economic conditions.
• Effectively manage cash flow to adequately meet daily spending needs, while maximizing interest revenue on the investment of county cash
balances, and deferring borrowings when appropriate to reduce overall interest cost.

Debt Issuance and Management Policy

• Debt or long-term borrowing will be issued for the purpose of financing capital projects and will not be used to finance current operations or normal
• Debt service costs paid through the General Fund are not to exceed 10% of total General Fund revenue.
• Total general obligation debt at the end of the year shall not exceed the statutory limit of $2.1 billion of the five-year average full valuation of
taxable property in the County as required by the Local Finance Law.
• Debt issued will be repaid in a period not to exceed the expected useful life of the improvement or equipment financed by the borrowing.
• When appropriate, debt will be issued on an annual basis if cash flow requires it. If there is significant cash flow to finance upcoming capital projects
and debt issuance and interest on debt is greater than interest received on the County’s cash balances, cash should be used to temporarily fund
capital projects.
• The County shall seek to maintain the highest possible credit rating to minimize the cost of borrowing.
• Types of debt issued include, but are not limited to: General Obligation Bonds, Bond Anticipation Notes, Installment Purchase Agreements, Special
Obligation Bonds, Certificates of Participation, and Revenue Bonds.

Page 20
Fund Balance Management Policy
Fund Balance reflects the County’s reserve, which can be used to address the needs of Dutchess County Government in the event of unanticipated and
unavoidable occurrences, which would adversely affect the financial condition of the County, jeopardizing the continuation of necessary or mandated public
services. The New York Office of the State Comptroller details the following Fund Balance Classifications:

Non-spendable – consists of assets that are inherently non-spendable in the current period either because of their form or because they must be maintained
intact, including prepaid items, inventories, long-term portions of loans receivable, financial assets held for resale, and principal of endowments.

Restricted – consists of amounts that are subject to externally enforceable legal purpose restrictions imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws
and regulations or other governments; or through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation.

Committed – consists of amounts that are subject to a purpose constraint imposed by a formal action of the government’s highest level of decision-making
authority before the end of the fiscal year, and that require the same level of formal action to remove the constraint.

Assigned – consists of amounts that are subject to a purpose constraint imposed by a formal action of the governments, such as through constitutional
provisions or enabling legislation.

Unassigned – represents the residual classification for the government’s general fund and could report a surplus or deficit. In funds other than the general
fund, the unassigned classification should be used only to report a deficit balance resulting in overspending for specific purposes for which amounts had
been restricted, committed, or assigned.

The County will strive to maintain an undesignated/general fund balance of 1-2 months of general fund operating expenditures in the general fund balance
as a means of maintaining financial stability. To the extent general fund balance exceeds 2 months of operating expenditures, the County will use general
fund balance to pay down or avoid indebtedness and or provide property tax relief through offsetting current year operating expenses.

Page 21
Capital Planning Strategies
• The County will review and adopt a five-year Capital Improvement Program on an annual basis to reflect the changing needs of the County.
• The Capital Improvement Program shall strive to respond to mandates or opportunities to promote greater efficiency, while controlling debt service
costs and the impact on the County’s operating budget.
• When possible, capital expenditures will be funded through pay-as-you-go programs and alternative financing mechanisms, such as State and
Federal funds.
For more information about Capital Planning, see the tab- 5 Year Capital Plan

Investment Policy
• County funds will be managed with fiscal responsibility and diligence. The primary objectives of investment activities, in priority order, shall be:
safety of principal, liquidity, and yield.
• Pursuant to the County Charter and Administrative Code, the responsibility for administration of the investment program is delegated to the
Commissioner of Finance through the County Executive.
• It is the policy of Dutchess County Government to diversify its deposits and investments by financial institution, by investment type, and by maturity

Multi-Year Financial Planning

The Dutchess County economy is vibrant and ever changing. Long term financial planning must account for the complexity of the economic factors that
influence forecasts for County revenues and expenditures in the coming years. The following multi-year financial goals drive decision-making and fiscal

• Maintain fund balance at 1-2 months of general fund operating expenditures. Strong fund balance reserves help to protect against future
unexpected exposures and promote a favorable credit rating, which allows the County to benefit from low interest rates.
• Control the cost of government in Dutchess County. When possible, partner with local municipalities to identify areas where shared services can be
employed to improve efficiency and thereby reduce the total cost to the taxpayer. The Municipal Innovation Grant Program provides financial
incentives to improve collaboration between county and local governments through consolidation of services, regional service delivery, and
elimination of duplicative layers of government ultimately producing smaller, smarter government that yields savings for taxpayers.
• Reduce dependence on economically sensitive revenue sources. Protect and stabilize County revenues by driving down reliance on sources of
revenue that are most severally impacted by economic downturns.
• Maximize utilization of State and Federal funding opportunities.

Page 22
• Continue to advocate for comprehensive State mandate relief. Actively support mandate reform to produce greater local autonomy from the State
to more efficiently manage the county’s finances and save taxpayer money.
• Negotiate labor agreements that are both fair to union employees and fair to taxpayers. Recognize that employees are County government’s most
vital resource through fair and equitable compensation.
• Constantly seek out and eliminate duplicative services to improve efficiency and service delivery within county government.
• Minimize the reliance on one-year or non-recurring revenue to balance the budget.


Page 23
Fund Structure

Page 24
The County Budget and accounting system are organized in and function on a “fund basis”, the fiscal and accounting breakdown required in governmental
accounting are shown above. The operations of each fund are separately budgeted and maintained throughout the year. The New York State Office of State
Comptroller defines the funds as follows:

Governmental Funds:

A- General Fund is the principal operating fund and includes all operations not required to be reported in a separate fund.

D- Road Fund is required by Highway Law §114 and accounts for salaries and expenditures of the County Highway and Engineering Division including
their administrative offices, maintenance of county roads and bridges, snow removal, plus construction and reconstruction of county roads not
funded through the capital fund.

E- Road Machinery Fund is required by Highway Law § 133 and accounts for purchases, repairs, and maintenance of highway machinery, tools and
equipment; for construction, purchase and maintenance of buildings for the storage and repair of highway machinery and equipment; and for the
purchase of materials and supplies to provide an adequate central stockpile for highway, snow removal, and bridge purposes.

S- Self Insurance Fund accounts for insurance coverage when the governing body has decided to have a self-insurance program on an actuarial basis.

CD- Special Grant Fund accounts for Federal and State grants for Community Development Block Grants, the Workforce Investment Act, and other fully
funded programs.

H & HC- Capital Project Funds account for the financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of capital facilities, other than those
financed by enterprise funds, and equipment purchases financed in whole or in part from the proceeds of obligations. An individual capital project
fund is established for each authorized project and for fiscal periods that correspond to the lives of the projects.

V- Debt Service Fund accounts for the accumulation of resources for the payment of principal and interest on long-term debt. Debt Service Funds are
not required unless segregation of resources is legally mandated. This includes:

• Proceeds from the sale of property on which debt is outstanding;

• State and Federal Aid received for a project on which debt is outstanding;
• Interest earned on the proceeds of long-term debt which were not budgeted as a source of financing for the project;
• Unexpended proceeds of long-term debt; and
• Resources for a “Reserve for Payment on Bond Indebtedness” established pursuant to General Municipal Law § 6-h.

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Proprietary Funds:

EA & ET- Enterprise Funds are used to account for activities for which a fee is charged to external users for goods or services. Activities are required to
be reported as an enterprise fund if any one of the following criteria are met:

• Where laws and regulations require that the activity’s costs of providing services, including capital costs (such as depreciation or
debt service), be recovered with fees and charges rather than with taxes of similar revenues; and/or
• The pricing policies of the activity establish fees and charges designed to recover its costs, including capital costs (such as
depreciation or debt service).
Fiduciary Funds:

T- Trust and Agency Funds account for assets held by a government as an agent for individuals, private organizations or other governments and/or other
funds. They also account for funds that are required to be held for members and beneficiaries of defined pension or other employee benefit plans.
Additionally, they account for all other trust arrangements under which principal and income benefit individuals, private organizations or other

The County operating budget includes the A, D, E, EA, ET, and S funds only.

Supplemental Schedule K- Accounts for capital assets of a government not accounted for through enterprise or trust in agency funds.

Supplemental Schedule W- Accounts for the unmatured general long-term debt and liabilities of a government, which is not recorded as a liability in another

Basis of Budgeting
The Dutchess County Budget is in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) using the modified accrual basis of accounting, as are
our annual financial statements. Under the modified accrual basis, revenues are recognized when measurable and available to pay current obligations, and
expenditures are recognized when the related obligation is incurred. For enhanced budgetary control, the Dutchess County Budget is administered using
encumbrance accounting. An encumbrance account does not represent a GAAP expenditure and is only a commitment to expend resources.

Page 26
Fiscal Summaries

Table of Contents
2019 Tentative Budget Summary........................................... 27
2019 Tentative Budget Appropriations .................................. 28
2019 Tentative Budget Revenue ............................................ 47
2019 Tentative Summary by Fund ......................................... 54
2019 Tentative Property Tax Levy & Rate .............................. 55
Constitutional Tax Margin & Debt Limit................................. 56
Capital Projects & Debt Service.............................................. 57
2019 Tentative Budget Summary
2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 Amount % of
Actual Actual Adopted Modified1 Tentative Change
Salaries & Wages $116,945,490 $121,255,736 $121,971,242 $125,522,437 $127,579,351 2,056,914 1.64%
Pension 17,976,324 17,855,418 18,043,657 18,048,957 18,608,771 559,814 3.10%
Worker's Compensation 3,409,897 3,489,654 3,774,478 3,774,479 3,749,214 (25,265) -0.67%
Health Insurance 28,637,429 31,892,872 35,813,320 35,815,440 39,749,644 3,934,204 10.98%
Other Employee Benefits 11,170,217 11,716,410 12,009,538 12,382,417 12,756,674 374,257 3.02%
Total Personal Services: $178,139,357 $186,210,090 $191,612,235 $195,543,730 $202,443,654 $6,899,924 3.53%

Equipment 947,370 1,213,244 1,314,908 1,814,298 521,680 (1,292,618) -71.25%

Supplies 4,919,619 4,788,015 5,119,257 5,554,286 5,337,570 (216,716) -3.90%
Gas / Utilities 2,633,459 3,074,207 3,505,195 3,602,350 3,975,313 372,963 10.35%
Insurance 1,642,788 1,664,493 1,944,975 1,945,175 2,012,975 67,800 3.49%
Contracted Services 57,113,135 61,841,365 69,531,899 71,823,062 70,954,443 (868,619) -1.21%
Sales Tax Revenue Sharing 27,511,182 28,315,858 29,433,108 29,433,108 31,003,856 1,570,748 5.34%
Mandated Programs 128,762,615 131,999,564 130,777,261 130,727,839 134,289,709 3,561,870 2.72%
Contingency 0 0 1,500,000 574,597 1,000,000 425,403 74.04%
Debt Service3 32,974,793 18,558,041 16,871,240 16,871,240 19,260,283 2,389,043 14.16%
Operations 14,014,592 14,678,928 17,829,735 17,979,415 19,155,470 1,176,055 6.54%
Other 13,703,368 13,477,041 10,765,044 11,868,634 12,199,334 330,700 2.79%
Total OTPS: $284,222,921 $279,610,756 $288,592,622 $292,194,004 $299,710,633 $7,516,629 2.57%
Total Appropriations: $462,362,278 $465,820,846 $480,204,857 $487,737,734 $502,154,287 $14,416,553 2.96%

Property Tax Levy 106,895,318 106,833,182 106,378,663 106,378,663 106,350,769 (27,894) -0.03%
Sales Tax 179,795,180 184,155,859 190,210,428 190,210,428 198,722,583 8,512,155 4.48%
State 76,157,995 76,594,695 77,323,265 78,858,603 81,671,378 2,812,775 3.57%
Federal 39,293,877 44,158,619 40,333,954 41,158,625 42,141,586 982,961 2.39%
Other 68,964,475 51,103,025 50,958,547 51,872,502 53,867,971 1,995,469 3.85%
Appropriation of Fund Balance⁴ 0 0 11,000,000 15,258,913 10,900,000 (4,358,913) -28.57%
Appropriation of Debt Reserve 0 0 0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 100.00%
Taxpayer Protection Fund 0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 500,000 12.50%
Total Revenue: $471,106,845 $462,845,380 $480,204,857 $487,737,734 $502,154,287 $14,416,553 2.96%
As of October 9, 2018.
2019 Tentative vs. 2018 Modified.
Includes Enterprise Funds.
An appropriation of fund balance is used to balance the budget and although actual revenues are never realized, fund balance is reconciled in the annual financial statements.
An appropriation of Debt Reserve is used to fund debt service due in 2019.
Page 27
2019 Tentative Appropriations
Economic Assistance &
9.3% Community Services
31.9% 1.4%


Unallocated Fringe

Behavioral &
Community Health
General Gov't Support 9.1%
16.0% Culture & Recreation
Debt Service Transportation 0.5%
3.5% 6.3%

Appropriations: 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified1 2019 Tentative
General Gov’t Support 74,357,097 76,207,190 76,222,934 77,292,404 80,177,392
Education 38,879,392 41,415,950 43,401,183 43,391,236 46,901,041
Safety 89,111,439 91,964,829 96,056,604 96,377,401 98,392,632
Behavioral & Community Health 37,788,397 41,097,598 43,906,367 45,445,951 45,758,841
Transportation 25,366,489 26,856,701 29,545,776 30,683,009 31,511,254
Economic Assistance & Opportunity 147,419,154 151,924,536 153,955,138 154,918,011 160,187,696
Culture & Recreation 1,948,003 2,076,438 2,378,979 2,403,163 2,555,065
Community Services 7,546,462 7,612,787 7,793,581 8,517,231 6,776,780
Unallocated Fringe Benefits 9,313,177 10,221,481 11,594,741 13,359,774 12,163,140
Debt Service2 30,632,668 16,443,336 15,349,554 15,349,554 17,730,446
Total Appropriations $462,362,278 $465,820,846 $480,204,857 $487,737,734 $502,154,287

As of October 9, 2018.
Does not Include Enterprise Funds.

Page 28
2019 Tentative Budget
1 1
General Gov't Support 2017 Actual 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative % Change Behavioral & Community Health 2017 Actual 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative % Change
Courts $ 1,632,152 $ 1,596,550 $ 1,546,550 (3.1) Department of Behavioral &
41,097,598 45,445,951 45,758,841 0.7
Board of Elections 2,334,122 2,863,672 2,828,130 (1.2) Community Health
Central & Information Srvcs 7,221,037 8,136,883 8,890,373 9.3 Total $ 41,097,598 $ 45,445,951 $ 45,758,841 0.7
Comptroller 1,399,331 1,461,873 1,512,050 3.4
County Clerk 4,812,375 5,163,043 5,501,975 6.6 Transportation
County Executive 1,725,175 1,895,471 1,988,625 4.9 Public Transportation 8,788,283 11,430,593 11,560,818 1.1
County Legislature 1,429,122 1,537,759 1,618,153 5.2 DPW- Highway, Eng & Auto 13,958,370 14,874,176 15,622,843 5.0
Finance 4,213,338 4,811,919 4,575,169 (4.9) DPW- Airport 1,303,202 1,525,929 1,390,752 (8.9)
County Attorney 1,658,679 1,783,959 1,764,410 (1.1) MTA 2,806,846 2,852,311 2,936,841 3.0
Human Resources 9,221,790 10,161,592 10,551,303 3.8 Total $ 26,856,701 $ 30,683,009 $ 31,511,254 2.7
DPW- Buildings & Admin 5,393,564 5,788,704 5,964,817 3.0
Contingency / Vacancy 0 (1,525,403) (1,300,000) (14.8) Economic Assistance & Opportunity
Contrib. to Enterprise Funds 1,309,547 2,857,868 3,376,071 18.1 Office For the Aging $ 6,027,589 $ 6,908,993 $ 7,188,808 4.1
Interfund Transfer 941,100 592,240 355,910 (39.9) Department of Community &
145,896,947 148,009,018 152,998,888 3.4
Transfer to Capital Proj. Fund 4,600,000 733,166 0 (100.0) Family Services
Sales Tax to Municipalities3 28,315,858 29,433,108 31,003,856 5.3 Total $ 151,924,536 $ 154,918,011 $ 160,187,696 3.4
Total $ 76,207,190 $ 77,292,404 $ 80,177,392 3.7
Culture & Recreation
Education History $ 92,680 $ 103,339 $ 108,235 4.7
Handicapped Parking Program 0 $ 2,500 $ 1,500 (40.0) DPW- Parks 1,983,758 2,299,824 2,446,830 6.4
Dutchess Community College 17,709,105 18,761,488 20,325,204 8.3 Total $ 2,076,438 $ 2,403,163 $ 2,555,065 6.3
Pre-School Special Ed Ages 3-5 20,658,958 21,208,014 23,319,760 10.0
Early Intervention Ages 0-3 3,047,887 3,419,234 3,254,577 (4.8) Community Services
Total $ 41,415,950 $ 43,391,236 $ 46,901,041 8.1 Planning & Development 7,199,612 8,104,056 6,347,231 (21.7)
Water & Wastewater 117,375 117,375 124,875 6.4
Safety Natural Resources 295,800 295,800 304,674 3.0
District Attorney $ 6,571,962 $ 6,769,920 $ 7,112,312 5.1 Total $ 7,612,787 $ 8,517,231 $ 6,776,780 (20.4)
Emergency Response 5,832,301 7,110,607 7,096,059 (0.2)
Probation 15,120,333 16,092,371 16,934,681 5.2 Employee Benefits
Public Defender 5,454,804 5,936,469 6,028,794 1.6 Unallocated Fringe Benefits4 10,221,481 13,359,774 12,163,140 (9.0)
Sheriff/Jail 57,270,203 58,559,044 59,313,149 1.3 Total $ 10,221,481 $ 13,359,774 $ 12,163,140 (9.0)
Traffic Safety/ STOP DWI 550,270 589,965 582,451 (1.3)
Juvenile Detention 1,104,923 1,257,000 1,261,325 0.3 Debt Service
Criminal Justice Council 60,033 62,025 63,861 3.0 Debt Service5 $ 16,443,336 $ 15,349,554 $ 17,730,446 15.5
Total $ 91,964,829 $ 96,377,401 $ 98,392,632 2.1 Total $ 16,443,336 $ 15,349,554 $ 17,730,446 15.5

2017 Actual 2018 Modified1 2019 Tentative Budget % Change

Grand Total $465,820,846 $487,737,734 $502,154,287 2.96
As of October 9, 2018.
2019 Contingency / Vacancy includes $1,000,000 for General Contingency and ($2,300,000) for County-wide Vacancy Factor.
General Gov't Support includes the distribution of sales tax to municipalities.
Does not Include Enterprise Funds, and fringe budgeted in individual departments.
Does not Include Enterprise Funds.

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Key Budget Drivers
The 2019 Dutchess County Budget reduces the County property tax rate by 2.6%, lowers the tax levy for the 5th consecutive year, and controls spending,
keeping it under 3% even while workforce costs, mandates, Dutchess Community College, and the cost of capital projects continue to rise. County property
taxes only make up 12% of the average homeowner’s tax bill with local municipal, fire districts, school districts and special districts accounting for the
other 88%. The 2019 spending plan totals $502 million and the below cost areas represent the key budget drivers.

Workforce Costs
Our hardworking County employees provide the programs and services our residents rely on and at 40% of the budget, costs associated with their salaries
and benefits have a significant impact on the budget. When looking at salaries and benefits, often lost is the program or service those salaries and benefits
deliver. Our highway crews are out during storms, clearing fallen trees off county roads so cars can get through, they plow the roads and make sure our
roads and bridges are safe to travel on during good weather and bad. Our 911 operators are answering calls and dispatching emergency services to
residents in need, and our Deputy Sheriffs are making sure our families and children are safe. Social workers and clinical staff are available 24/7 at the
County’s Stabilization Center, Mobile Crisis Team, and HELPLINE ensuring our most vulnerable residents struggling with mental health disorders and
substance abuse have a place to turn when they are in crisis. Workers at the Department of Community and Family Services are out in the community
making sure both our children and vulnerable adults aren’t neglected or abused. Employees delivering meals and providing programming at our senior
centers make it possible for our seniors to live independently at home longer. While we talk about the increasing costs of salaries and benefits, it’s
important to remember, without these employee costs, we would not be able to provide critical programs and services to residents.

In 2019, the County will have 1,761.12 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees, an increase of 3.25 FTE from the 2018 modified budget, well below the 1,796
FTE employed 30 years ago in 1984, and significantly lower than the 2,177.5 employed at County Government’s workforce peak in 1990. By using
technology and focusing on consolidating services to eliminate duplication where possible, the County workforce is efficient and effective.

Additions to the workforce in 2019 are dedicated to death investigations, combatting the opioid crisis, and treating clients in the County’s Mental Health
Transitioning Program- Partial Hospital. As deaths increase in Dutchess, the Medical Examiner’s Office requires additional support to investigate deaths
after hours and help with autopsies and paperwork. The addition of a Medical Examiner Technician position will help alleviate overtime and add support
to the office. With the addition of a permanent authorized Public Health Education Coordinator position (Opioid Educator), we are focused on prevention,
education, outreach and training in the community to combat the opioid crisis. A Recovery Coach already working temporarily for the County will be
added permanently and is engaging those using alcohol or other drugs to connect them with long-term services and stay with them through their recovery
journey. A Psychiatrist I position will provide the necessary support and ability to prescribe medications to clients in our partial hospital program. One

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vacant position is being deleted and a reclassification in the Office for the Aging of an hourly position to a full-time position results in the addition of .25
FTE for a total 3.25 FTE increase.

The County is currently negotiating a new contract for the DCSEA (Correction Officer) bargaining unit, as that contract expired at the end of 2016; therefore,
only step increments and longevities have been budgeted for that union. The CSEA, PBA and DSA unions all have contracts in place and the Cost of Living
Adjustments (COLA), longevities and other salary and benefit adjustments agreed to in those contracts have been included in the budget. The CSEA
(majority of the workforce) agreement runs through December 31, 2020 and the 2019 Budget includes a required 2.25% COLA and 2.5% Step schedule.
The PBA (Police Officers) agreement runs through December 31, 2019 and the budget includes a 2% COLA, graduated step schedule, stipends, and
longevities as negotiated. The DSA (some Public Defenders and some County Attorneys) contract also runs through December 31, 2019 and included in
the budget is a 2% COLA, Merit award that follows the management and confidential employees formula, and longevities. Comparable to the CSEA
contract, the budget includes a 2.25% COLA for management, confidential, and Board of Elections (BOE) employees. Merit awards for management,
confidential and DSA employees are budgeted as follows: 1 - Unsatisfactory 0%, 2 - Needs Improvement 1.25%, 3 - Effective Employee 2.5%, 4 - Highly
Effective Employee 2.6% and 5 - Outstanding Employee 2.7%. A step equity percent of 2.5% was included for BOE employees, as they are not using the
performance management system.

Fringe benefits for 2019 are projected to increase by $4.8 million – almost 7% overall, primarily due to significant rate increases in health insurance costs
for employees and retirees. The County continues to evaluate and analyze data to determine if cost savings could be realized by shifting to a self-insured
model; however, more data is still required, and union agreement will likely be necessary.

In Dutchess County, 70% of net county costs pay for state mandated programs and services. The remaining 30% is “optional spending,” including crucial
government functions such as mental health and substance abuse services, sheriff road patrols, road repair, snow removal, public transportation, 911
dispatch and senior services among others.

Mandates continue to dominate our budget, including a net to county cost of $41.3 million for Medicaid, $13.3 million for children’s services including
foster care and institutional costs, $4.3 million for Safety Net, $11.4 million for the Preschool Special Education and Early Intervention Programs, and $38.5
million for jail operating expenses.

Although the County budget is consumed by mandated expenses, we work diligently to control these costs where we can. The jail is an example of such
diligence: although we are mandated to provide the service, we are committed to find solutions to limit costs. The county jail is too old, too small, and too

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We continue to focus on increasing and improving alternatives to incarceration (ATI) – as well as RESTART- the in-jail programming for high-risk inmates,
not only to help inmates overcome behavioral and criminogenic influences, but to reduce recidivism and ultimately total jail days. By diverting those
eligible to appropriate ATI programs, we are decreasing the total number of jail days, which lowers costs. Although the state mandates the county provide
a jail, the existing facility is very costly. A new design will allow for efficiencies, and the improvement of the inmate-to-correction officer ratio will reduce
personnel costs while providing for effective space to implement cognitive behavioral therapies which will help reduce the average daily population in the
jail. The Law Enforcement Center will be finalized in the first quarter of 2019, and after demolition of the old Sheriff’s office, space necessary to begin
construction of the new Justice and Transition Center will be available.

Another aspect of the state criminal justice mandate is the requirement to house state parolees who violate their parole or commit a new offense while
under the oversight of the state parole system. Unlike our local inmates, we cannot move these individuals to an alternative setting, but instead must
house them until their case is finalized, often for a longer period than the average inmate. We have petitioned the State and provided possible solutions
to this costly increase in our average daily population, but so far, no significant improvements have been implemented. Although the County is focused
on driving down the cost of mandates where possible, as seen with the jail project, other mandates continue to grow, and often there is nothing the
County can do but pay the bill.

The State mandates the County pay an operating and capital chargeback rate to community colleges outside of the county attended by Dutchess County
residents. Although this rate is supposed to apply only to two-year community colleges, the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) is included in the
chargeback rates even though it offers advanced degree programs. For 2019, the State has approved an increase of 6% in the chargeback rate the County
will have to pay to FIT, and it is projected we will have to pay almost $1.2 million to this one college alone. That amounts to nearly 35% of the $3.4 million
we will pay to all community colleges.

The most recent mandate included in the 2017-2018 New York State Budget is the new “Raise the Age” legislation. This new legislation raises the age of
criminal responsibility from 16 to 18 over a two-year period beginning in October 2018. There are system-wide implications, and a plan to address the
increase in necessary programs and services has been submitted to the State. The County will continue to prepare for the changes, and a resolution with
the necessary appropriations and corresponding revenue will be submitted when the plan is approved by the State.

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Dutchess Community College
In June, the Dutchess County Legislature approved the Dutchess Community College Budget
including a $1.75 million increase in County support for the College. This will ensure Dutchess
Community College remains affordable for our youth, families, and non-traditional students.
This is the fourth consecutive year the County has increased operating support for the college,
and in 2019, with the passage of a fall resolution and the completion of necessary funding, the
County will move forward with the College on a significant capital project benefiting the College,
as well as the County’s economy. If passed, construction of a new aviation education and
maintenance center at the Hudson Valley Regional Airport will begin. The new hangar will house
classrooms for an aviation maintenance program, a teaching lab with the appropriate aviation
equipment and an experiential hangar for a maintenance operation that will provide internship
opportunities and real-life experiences for the students through a public-private partnership.
This addition to the airport is projected to be constructed in 2019 and ready for the fall 2020
semester. The maintenance facility is projected to begin operations in late 2020.

Other Increasing Costs

The County is projecting 5% growth in sales tax receipts for 2018 with an additional 3.5% growth rate for 2019. The County shares sales tax with
municipalities, so an increase in projected sales tax in 2019 results in a corresponding increase in the sales tax appropriations to pay municipalities their

Additionally, First Transit, the County’s public transit management company, settled a contract with the Teamsters Union resulting in a 2019 budget
increase. Other costs of the service, primarily repairs, maintenance, and gasoline are also increasing for a total increase in county cost for the service of
almost $900,000. Over the next two months, the County will weigh whether a turn-key management approach to this operation is more cost efficient as
well as outcome driven compared to the current management structure.

The cost of Workers’ Compensation is also projected to increase overall based on the total costs of the plan. Municipalities will see changes in their rates
this year as the County moves toward a formula-based approach for all plan participants which better mirrors their payroll risk and claims experience and
is more in line with industry standards.

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Debt Service
Capital projects and the capital improvement program impact the budget in several ways. When debt is issued for a project, the total debt service cost
associated with that project is included in the ensuing year’s operating budget. Dutchess County strives to minimize the frequency of borrowing and
utilizes a pay-as-you-go project financing method when possible. When the County has sufficient liquidity, borrowing for capital projects is deferred until
funds are expended on a project. This allows the County to borrow based on actual funding needed as opposed to projected funding needed. This minimizes
the impact of debt service on the operating budget, saving taxpayer dollars. The 2019 budget reflects the amount necessary to pay all current debt service.
During the Law Enforcement Center construction, the Finance Department has been analyzing cash flow and will continue to make decisions on the timing
of bond issuance to ensure that the County has sufficient funding in place to pay for the construction. The 2019 budgeted amount for debt service is
higher than 2018 by $2.4 million as it includes the first issuance of debt related to the Law Enforcement Center.

Budget Highlights and Initiatives

Dutchess County will continue its efforts to scan historical documents for public access. To
date, 102,000 pages have been scanned with an estimated 200,000 pages of material
remaining. In 2019, Phase 6 of the Ancient Documents Project will be completed, which
includes indexing and imaging 15,000 pages of unprocessed documents. The County will
also offer additional public programming and promotion to ensure that as many residents
and researchers as possible are aware of this resource, including: a lecture series, in-person
and web-based training workshops for utilizing the search portal, social media posts
spotlighting significant documents and stories, and a document-based exercise for school

In 2019, Dutchess County will also host its 4th Dutchess County Historic Tavern Trail series,
which will focus on stories of the Post-World War One era, including returning veterans and
the struggle over the 19th Amendment, granting universal women’s suffrage in the United
States. These events combine local history and cuisine to foster interest in the County’s
history by visiting restaurants in a historic building or at a historic site that was once a tavern.

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Dutchess County continues its mission to improve the welfare of our veterans and their families by connecting veterans with transitional housing, peer-
to-peer counseling, other support services, and the benefits they have earned. In 2019, Dutchess County will expand its successful Wheels to Work program
for veterans. The Department of Community and Family Services, in partnership with the Hudson Valley Veteran Alliance and BOCES, will provide eligible
veterans with registered and insured vehicles to secure and maintain their employment and independence.

In 2019, the Parks Division will continue to offer many popular educational and
community programs, such as archery, summer programs, disc golf, swimming,
ice skating, sleigh riding and more. In the coming year, the Comprehensive
Parks Master Plan will be completed, and prioritized recommendations will
begin being implemented. The Parks will also offer exciting new features for
residents to enjoy throughout the County, including:

• The riverfront construction project at Quiet Cove Park will be

completed with the addition of another waterfront deck, an ADA kayak
launch, a kayak concessionaire and upgrades to the rental room and

• Accessibility improvements are also underway at our parks with new swim features and ADA accessibility improvements at several facilities at
Wilcox Park, including an accessibility mat for the beach area, floating and sand wheelchairs for residents to use, and ADA accessible bathrooms
at the swimming area.

• Bowdoin Park will also see improvements with the addition of two new handicap parking spaces and new decking at Maple Knoll Lodge.

• With the passage of a fall resolution, improvements will be made to Dutchess County Stadium, including a new parking lot and complete seating

• Repairs and upgrades to park roads and parking lots throughout the system will be completed.

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• With the passage of a fall resolution, construction will begin on the Harlem Valley Rail Trail Phase IV project, which will allow the County to expand
its rail trail network.

• Next year, our award-winning Bowdoin Park, will once again host summer concerts in collaboration with Dutchess Tourism at the bandshell
overlooking the Hudson River.

Economic Development
Following 11 consecutive months of private sector job growth that surpassed both the state and national rates, the County continues investing in economic
development, fostering new businesses, expanding industry clusters, and creating an innovation ecosystem through an unprecedented agreement
between the County, Dutchess Community College, Marist College, Vassar College, and IBM. In Rhinebeck, the first standalone co-working site in the
County opened offering shared workspace for individuals, startups, and companies of all sizes. Nearby, a new advanced three-dimensional printing lab is
being developed for innovation and product development.

In 2019, the Local Development Corporation (Th!nk Dutchess Alliance for Business) and Dutchess Tourism will be funded in a slightly different manner:
The Local Development Corporation will be fully funded and Dutchess Tourism partially funded directly by the Industrial Development Agency (IDA) via
revenue from the recently negotiated sales tax agreement with IBM. This represents an administrative change in the way funding was previously allocated,
whereby the County took in the revenue under the previous agreement and then distributed it to both the Local Development Corporation and Dutchess
Tourism. This new mechanism does not materially change the overall funding of either organization, simply the process by which funding is allocated.

Through this new arrangement, Th!nk Dutchess will receive $451,000 in funding and Dutchess Tourism will receive $1,636,000. This funding will support
Th!nk Dutchess’ business retention, expansion, and attraction campaign, as well as its award-winning marketing efforts, which have raised Dutchess
County’s profile through print, social media, and advanced new marketing technologies, such as geofencing.

Investing in Tourism
In 2017, tourism spending in Dutchess County increased 6% from 2016 to more than $601 million, the eighth consecutive annual spending increase --
contributing to a 25% increase since 2013. Tourism continues to be a major economic driver for Dutchess County. More than 4.75 million people visit the
county annually, and in addition to spending over half a billion dollars on lodging, dining, shopping, area attractions, and transportation, visitors to Dutchess
County generate over $43 million in local taxes, offsetting local property taxes. In 2017, the tourism industry employed 11,239 people in Dutchess County,
up 7.2% from 2016.

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In a concerted effort to attract visitors and grow the County’s tourism industry, Dutchess Tourism employs a multi-
pronged marketing approach to help spread the word about Dutchess’ assets. This includes digital, print, and
television advertising, primarily in the New York City-metro area, as well as ads in national magazines and
international publications. Dutchess Tourism is also active on social media, attracting thousands of followers across
all major platforms, and produces award-winning videos to highlight events and experiences.

Recognizing this growing and critical industry, funding for Dutchess Tourism will increase by $120,000, or 8% over
2018. This funding will allow Dutchess Tourism to continue its successful marketing efforts with innovative
technology to attract New York City metro area visitors, as well as international travelers, with upgraded contact
management, bike app development, printing of specialty brochures, and new product development. Dutchess
Tourism will also support several destination events in 2019.

The 2019 budget includes an 8% increase in funding, allocated through Dutchess Tourism, for Arts Mid-Hudson, supporting 19 arts organizations across
Dutchess County. Our local economy benefits from this investment, with $19 million in annual direct spending related to the arts, attraction of over
644,000 visitors and nearly 700 direct jobs. $115,000 is also committed to the arts though the Industrial Development Agency, supporting Arts Mid-
Hudson, the Bardavon 1869 Opera House, and the Hudson Valley Film Commission. According to the Hudson Valley Film Commission, direct regional film
spending in 2016 was more than $8.5 million, and more than 50% of that was spent in Dutchess.

Municipal Innovation Grant Program

Since 2013, almost $10 million has been dedicated to reducing the overall size and cost of government by awarding grants to municipalities for innovative
projects that are specifically designed to incentivize shared services, evaluate consolidation opportunities, establish a regional delivery of services, and
implement other efficiencies. Projects that have received an award include shared fuel farms, the consolidation of firehouses and water districts, shared
highway equipment, shared crisis intervention training, joint municipal solar farms, shared court facilities, and more. One of the largest recipients of
Municipal Innovation Grant (MIG) funding in 2018 was the County’s Drug Task Force, which is a multi-jurisdictional law enforcement group comprised of
members from local police forces, the District Attorney’s office, and the Sheriff’s office which aggressively pursues drug dealers and supply lines. This task
force works across jurisdictional lines and mitigates the need for overlapping efforts to address major drug crimes. This year, a portion of the MIG will be
allocated for ADA accessibility grants. The 2019 budget includes $1 million for this grant program.

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Shared Services
The 2019 budget includes $3.7 million in formulated shared services state matching funds based on eligible shared service projects. These projects include
the County’s workers compensation plan, City bus service consolidation, road salt joint purchasing, Crisis Intervention Training (CIT), and the Dutchess
County Drug Task Force. The County, in conjunction with local mayors and supervisors, will meet in 2019 to formulate a new shared services plan for 2020
and 2021.

Agency Partnership Grant

The Agency Partner Grant Program (APG) is entering its seventh year, as county government continues to partner with community non-profit organizations
to address service gaps and other identified needs. Over 40 applications for the 2018 funding cycle were received, addressing many community needs in
the following areas:

• Anti-Bullying Awareness & Education

• At-Risk Children & Youth Programs

• Drug Addiction & Mental Health Prevention & Education

• Elder Abuse Awareness & Education

• Financial Education

• Home-Based Intervention Programs

• Literacy Assistance Support

• Nutrition Assistance & Physical Health Education

• Parent Support

• Poverty & Homeless Assistance

• Senior Transportation

• Workforce Development for Adults

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• Workforce Development for Youth & Young Adults

Over the past six years, nearly $5 million has been allocated to critical programs and services in our community through this program. Approximately 70%
of funding goes to youth programs – anti-bullying, workforce development, literacy, and more. The 2019 budget continues this program and provides $1
million in support.

Supporting Families and Foster Children

Children and young adults in foster care and/or the child welfare system face complex issues in challenging environments. Children in foster care are
especially at-risk for poor academic performance, unhealthy behavior, and juvenile delinquency. Dutchess County believes it is necessary to support these
families and children to improve outcomes and help create stable futures. The 2019 Budget supports actions to improve the lives of foster children and
their families.

In 2019, the Department of Community and Family Services (DCFS) will implement a Parent Coaching model of supervised visitation for families in the
child welfare system. Trained volunteers will provide strength-based coaching to parents/caregivers and help guide families through visiting their child by
helping them cope with their own feelings, respond to the unique needs of their
children, and build on the strengths in each family. This program will increase the
opportunities for children in foster care to visit with and maintain connection to
their biological parents, to achieve reunification, and/or for parents to participate
in planning for a permanent home for their child.

Additionally, DCFS will launch the “Fostering Connections” initiative to recruit and
train community volunteers who will mentor youth in foster care by connecting
these young people to a healthy support system and caring, consistent adult
guidance. The mentors will commit to a minimum of four hours each month for at
least one academic year and meet with youth with the supervision and support of
a trained site coordinator. DCFS will partner with youth service providers to become
mentoring sites.

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Dutchess Reads
In 2018, Dutchess County launched a partnership with local libraries and literacy advocates to promote
reading by overcoming barriers to literacy. This initiative focuses on three main areas: early reading,
literacy for those seeking jobs, and English as a second language. The 2019 Budget includes support for
this program including:

• ongoing public awareness efforts;

• “Born to Read,” which provides new mothers with bilingual board books to read with their
newborns, encouraging early literacy;
• expansion of Literacy Connections of the Hudson Valley’s “Book Buddies” program, which
matches adult volunteers to read one-to-one each week with a child, in eastern Dutchess; and
• our partnership with the Dutchess County SPCA, allowing children to develop reading skills
while socializing with animals.

Established in 2015 by County Executive Molinaro, Dutchess County’s “ThinkDIFFERENTLY” initiative encourages individuals, civic organizations, and
businesses to foster a welcoming and supportive environment for individuals living with developmental disabilities and other challenges. Rather than
dwelling on what makes us all different, “ThinkDIFFERENTLY” urges residents to look at the inborn ability in us all. To date, more than 100 towns, cities
and villages across New York State have embraced Dutchess County’s efforts, passing “ThinkDIFFERENTLY” resolutions that call for inclusive communities,
and thousands of County residents have benefited from our services, programs, and events.

In 2019, Dutchess County will continue to provide support for our friends and neighbors of all abilities, continuing the statewide momentum the initiative
has gained and reach new levels of success – all to the benefit of County residents of every ability. Among other highlights, the 2019 budget includes:

• Continued support for the “Think Ahead” program, a collaboration with Dutchess Community College, which provides qualified students with
special needs a true college experience, while offering job skills and job opportunities on campus;

• Continued collaboration and partnership to support the Think Jobs initiative here in Dutchess County, which brings the area business community,
the Dutchess County Workforce Investment Board and educators together to plan for and create employment opportunities for people of all

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• Sustained support for inclusive community events, including Dutchess County’s “ThinkDIFFERENTLY” Disability, Dream & Do Baseball Camp at
Dutchess Stadium, our annual “ThinkDIFFERENTLY” picnic, sensory-sensitive movie days, and the “Collaboration of Services and Care Across the
Life Span for People with Special Needs” conference, which unites providers and residents, fostering inclusion;

• Funding for autism training for first responders for the third consecutive year, bringing nationally renowned instructors to Dutchess County to
teach fire, emergency medical services responders, and police and security personnel how to identify the characteristics and behavior of a person
living on the autism spectrum; how to effectively communicate with
someone with autism; how to respond to an emergency involving
someone on the spectrum; how to build relationships with the autism
community; and how to utilize special tactics, rescue techniques and
patient care options in such instances;

• The continuation of our partnership with the Anderson Center for Autism
to provide “Autism Supportive Environment” training, which teaches local
businesses and organizations how to best interact with customers and
visitors living with autism;

• Funding to continue providing every law enforcement officer in Dutchess

County with Crisis Intervention Training (CIT), which teaches officers how
to de-escalate a crisis involving a resident with special needs.

Senior Services
The Office for the Aging (OFA) provides comprehensive programs with a full range of health, education, and social services for older residents. In January
2019, OFA will move into its new building located in the City of Poughkeepsie near Route 9. This new building will house OFA offices, the senior nutrition
program kitchen, and meeting spaces, including a new Senior Friendship Center, which will provide a full five-days a week program for seniors. This new
facility will provide efficiencies and enhance accessibility with the co-location of OFA offices and space to directly engage seniors as well as a newly
equipped kitchen capable of meeting rising demand. The 2019 Budget provides funding for a full-time Senior Site Manager to develop, plan, and schedule
activities and events at the new City of Poughkeepsie Senior Friendship Center, as well as provide programming and volunteer training at OFA’s seven
other Senior Friendship Centers.

The new kitchen will allow for more efficient operation of Our Home Delivered Meals (HDM) program - an integral service that contributes to the health
and welfare of seniors in our community. 2019 will be the second full year that meals will be delivered to our senior citizens five days a week. These meals

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provide health promotion through good nutrition, help individuals remain independent, and promote successful aging at home. Our Nutrition Services
Program, which includes HDMs, meals for our senior centers, and nutrition counseling and education, will reach over 1,940 seniors.

As our population ages, investment in home care services is necessary to meet the needs of our most vulnerable residents. The 2019 budget continues to
provide funding that supports an array of services including assessment, case management, adult day care, personal care, transportation, and
housekeeping. OFA staff and community agencies work together through ongoing case management assisting our senior citizens to promote
independence, dignity and enhance their quality of life. The goal of any home care plan is to provide clients and their families the support and care
necessary to enable individuals to safely remain in their home and community. Providing caregivers with the tools to manage the complex demands they
face through training, counseling, support groups, and respite remains a critical piece of OFA’s efforts to ensure seniors can safely remain in their homes.
Between Case Management and Caregiver Services, it is projected OFA will support 750 clients and their families in 2019.

In addition to OFA’s Nutrition and Home Care Program, another service used to support senior health and independence is the Personal Emergency
Response System (PERS). PERS allows seniors to live active, independent lives by linking them to medical and emergency assistance 24/7, 365 days a year
through a simple click of a button which they can carry with them. Interest in PERS is growing - PERS units are projected to increase from 3,343 months of
service in 2017 to 3,582 months of service by year end 2018.

In 2019, OFA will continue to implement the NY Connects program, a locally based "No Wrong Door" system that provides a standardized comprehensive
screening process to the older population, individuals of all ages with disabilities, and caregivers. OFAs’ NY Connects Information and Assistance Specialists
provide personalized counseling to help consumers make informed decisions and can assist in accessing available long-term services and support options
to meet existing or future long-term services and support needs. Information and assistance is available in various ways including telephone access; face
to face meetings at the office, in the community, and in homes; or by email.

Breaking Through
In 2017, the opioid epidemic was at its most deadly with the highest fatal overdose rate ever recorded in Dutchess County. Of the 87 accidental overdose
deaths experienced in Dutchess County during 2017, 78 were related to heroin, fentanyl, a combination of both, or other opioids. These substances are
also major drivers of fatal overdose rates throughout the state and nation. Preliminary data from the Medical Examiner’s Office indicates through the first
two quarters of 2018, we are exceeding the previous year’s rate.

The opioid epidemic continues to pose a significant public health risk to Dutchess County residents. In response, the County has crafted a strategy that
recognizes both the pervasive presence of opioids and the disease of addiction these drugs spread in our communities by:

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• offering access to Medication Assisted Treatment;
• providing Narcan kits and training;
• working closely with the criminal justice population to provide access to Vivitrol and other treatment;
• creating and supporting the Stabilization Center;
• providing Crisis Intervention Training for law enforcement officers;
• performing real-time overdose surveillance; and
• working with school districts to offer learning programs focused on prevention and awareness, as well as numerous other programs.

Despite the County’s aggressive, collaborative, comprehensive, and innovative approach, more must be done to save lives and end the tragic toll this
epidemic is taking on our friends, families, and neighbors. The 2019 budget seeks to build on the forward-thinking and unique programs offered by
Dutchess County.

In 2017, Dutchess County’s Stabilization Center opened, offering a walk-in facility for people feeling overwhelmed by mental health, substance abuse, or
other life issues. The Center is open 24/7 and provides a single point of service where individuals can receive crisis counseling, mental health assessments,
supervised outpatient withdrawal services, addiction, and substance abuse counseling, peer advocacy and support. Staff at the center connect individuals
to drug rehabilitation providers, mental health and substance use treatment providers, housing services and faith-based community support. In the 18
months since opening, more than 2,200 individuals and their families have made over 3,500 visits to the center. To build on its success and increase its
utility, the Stabilization Center is now offering Narcan kits and training 24/7 on a walk-in
basis. This new service was made possible in part by the addition of a temporary position
in 2018 – the Opioid Educator (Public Health Education Coordinator). The Opioid
Educator assists with the coordination of the County’s Opioid Overdose Prevention
Program (distributes Narcan kits and provides training), and provides relevant trainings,
education, and outreach to all interested parties. The 2019 Budget will make this
position permanent and provide additional staffing resources to better support the

In addition to making the Opioid Educator position permanent, the 2019 Budget also
provides permanency for the Recovery Coach position created in 2018 and increases
resources for Helpline. The Recovery Coach aids individuals in maintaining their recovery
by providing motivational coaching, mentoring, lifestyle consulting, recovery planning
and resource guidance from someone who has lived through recovery themselves. To

Page 43
date, the Recovery Coach has served 167 individuals (helping nearly 80 percent of them reach the next stage of recovery) with referrals coming from all
the Department of Behavioral and Community Health’s (DBCH) outpatient programs, including the Stabilization Center, Intensive Treatment Alternative
Program (ITAP), Partial Hospital Program, and Jail-Based Services.

Dutchess County is also working hard to expand the long-term treatment options for people suffering from substance use disorders. Thanks to renovations
at 230 North Road, the County’s Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) capacity has expanded to allow the Lexington Center for Recovery, Inc. to increase
the capacity of its Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMTP) to a maximum of 500 patients and expand its offering of clinical services to
enhance rehabilitative and psychosocial interventions available for individuals receiving Methadone. Ten groups sessions per week are offered to the
patients receiving treatment. The MMTP has produced exceptional results with 85 percent of patients discontinuing substance use and over 60 percent
maintaining or improving their employment status. Increasing the acceptance of MAT as a viable long-term treatment is and will remain a critical ongoing
effort of County Government. The 2019 Budget maintains funding for these critical services including support for the Lexington Center for Recovery.

Providing support and treatment for criminal justice involved individuals is a recognized and effective way to reduce opioid related overdoses. Dutchess
County will continue to maintain its 38-bed transitional facility to divert inmates from the Jail while awaiting inpatient substance abuse treatment or
participating in intensive outpatient therapy. Further, the County will maintain a dedicated probation officer to supervise participants involved in the
Dutchess County Drug Diversion Court and a senior probation officer to work with probationers within the Intensive Treatment Alternatives Program (ITAP)
operated by the Department of Behavioral and Community Health.

2019 is shaping up to be an important year in Dutchess County’s struggle against the opioid epidemic. The County has been awarded a major grant from
the U.S. Department of Justice of nearly $1 million to “lead an effort to prevent overdose fatalities through timely, comprehensive information sharing
within a communitywide collaborative that includes public safety, public and behavioral health, and other vested partners.” This award will allow DBCH

• create a Data-Driven Opioid Response Collaborative (DDORC) that expands membership beyond the current Opioid Task Force to include courts,
pharmacy partners and others in substance use treatment roles;
• enhance opioid epidemic monitoring, reporting and real-time surveillance capacity to ensure access to timely, actionable data for response
planning and evaluation; and
• undertake comprehensive capacity building initiatives aimed at integrating harm reduction principles into existing service delivery models and
identify and address disparities in access to behavioral health services.

Page 44
These efforts to are all part of “Breaking Through,” a county-wide initiative to address addiction and mental health by ending the stigma and providing
long-term solutions to those in need. The 2019 budget provides support for the ongoing mission to address the opioid epidemic and to aid the residents

Raise the Age

One the most pressing issues of 2019 will be the continued implementation of the Raise the Age (RTA) legislation, which raises the age of criminal
responsibility from 16 to 18 years of age. This worthy endeavor does present a host of challenges, such as new requirements and mandated services
requiring the Department of Community and Family Services, Office of Probation and Community Corrections, Dutchess County Family Court, and the
County Attorney’s Office to take on new responsibilities and to actively coordinate to meet the needs of the newly classified youth offenders. The
legislation will greatly increase the number of youth served by both the child welfare system and the Office of Probation and Community Corrections.
While addressing these challenges, an emphasis will be placed on developing interventions to quickly and efficiently divert low-risk clients out of the
system, as well as provide more intensive services to those in need, such as:

• LEAD – a vocational/employment initiative that brings together Probation, the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce, and Cornell
Cooperative Extension to provide an evidence-based program to youth in need of mentoring and skill development.
• Expansion of Community Services – Project M.O.R.E. will expand their community service program to include newly classified youth.
• Interactive Journaling – An evidenced-based curriculum which assists youth in making positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

New York State has indicated there will be reimbursement to counties for “reasonable expenses” related to this initiative. However, the amount of funding
is unknown currently. The County has submitted a comprehensive plan; once approved, a resolution will be introduced to appropriate the necessary
resources and related funding.

Domestic Violence
The 2019 budget dedicates over $3 million to prosecute offenders and help domestic violence victims through the process of recovery, as well as attain
independence in a safe environment. This commitment includes increased funding for Family Services, Grace Smith House, and House of Hope.
Additionally, the Office of Probation and Community Corrections, to address the increasing number of domestic violence cases being admitted to the
Dutchess County Jail and placed on probation, will implement a new domestic violence initiative. The initiative will utilize a newly approved screening tool
provided by the Department of Criminal Justice Services and introduce a domestic violence cognitive curriculum.

Page 45
Considering recent tragedies, Dutchess County has continued to support the Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officer Program which places an officer at
participating school districts. These officers work at:

• Creating a safe school environment conducive to learning

• Promoting awareness of the law and other safety issues to foster responsible

• Serving as a confidential advisor, a source of counseling, and a link to support services

• Bridging the gap between youth and law enforcement, thereby establishing a trusting
channel of communication

• Assisting administrators in implementing Safe Schools Against Violence in Education

(SAVE) legislation requirements

The 2019 Budget provides funding for an Emergency Response Deputy Commissioner, recently appointed in 2018, to be a liaison with law enforcement
and support critical emergency response planning in conjunction with local school districts.

Page 46
2019 Tentative Revenue
Appropriated Fund Balance
Sales Tax
2.2% Appropriated Debt Reserve

State & Federal


Hotel Surcharge
Taxpayer Protection Fund
Property Tax Fees & Other Revenue
21.2% 10.0%

Revenues: 2016 Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified1 2019 Tentative
Property Tax 106,895,318 106,833,182 106,378,663 106,378,663 106,350,769
Sales Tax 179,795,180 184,155,859 190,210,428 190,210,428 198,722,583
Hotel Surcharge 2,515,876 2,784,074 2,900,000 2,900,000 3,280,000
Appropriated Fund Balance A, D, & E Funds2 0 0 11,000,000 15,258,913 10,900,000
Appropriated Debt Reserve3 0 0 0 0 4,000,000
Taxpayer Protection Fund 0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,500,000
State Revenue 76,157,995 76,594,695 77,323,265 78,858,603 81,671,378
Federal Revenue 39,293,877 44,158,619 40,333,954 41,158,625 42,141,586
All Other 66,448,599 48,318,951 48,058,547 48,972,502 50,587,971
Total Revenues 471,106,845 462,845,380 480,204,857 487,737,734 502,154,287
1Asof October 9, 2018.
2 An appropriation of fund balance is used to balance the budget and although actual revenues are never realized, fund balance is reconciled in the annual financial statements.
3 An appropriation of Debt Reserve is used to fund debt service due in 2019.

Page 47
Property Tax

True Value Assessments

The 2019 budget provides the fifth consecutive property tax levy decrease and a cut in
the tax rate for the fourth year. Additionally, the County’s tax base has continued to
increase over the past four years to $30.8 billion. In 2019, the property tax levy cut,
coupled with the growth in the tax base, results in a reduction in the property tax rate
on average 2.6%. The tax rate will decrease from $3.54 per $1,000 of full value
assessment, down to $3.45 per $1,000 of full value assessment.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The State’s property tax cap is set at 2% or the rate of inflation, whichever is
lower. For 2019, the State has set the cap at 1.84%, based on inflation.
2019 Property Tax Cap Calculation

The Office of the State Comptroller prescribes the calculation of the tax levy 2019 Property Tax Levy Limit 114,443,543
limit, including the allowable levy growth factor and the permissible exclusions WWA Benefit Assessments (3,347,606)
and adjustments. The Dutchess County total property tax levy cap is
Chargebacks for Assessment Roll Printing (137,796)
calculated annually, and totals $110,880,267 for 2019. The County cannot
Chargebacks for Erroneous Assessments (9,389)
exceed this cap without two-thirds majority approval of the County
Chargebacks for Erroneous Assessments (Special
Legislature. The formula includes multiple components, as seen in the table to (68,485)
the right.

Dutchess County could increase the levy $4.5 million and remain under the 2019 County Property Tax Levy Cap: 110,880,267
mandated property tax cap; however, we strive to provide services and 2018 Adopted Levy (Gross): 106,378,663
programs at minimum cost to our property taxpayers. The 2019 proposed Allowable Increase within Tax Cap $4,501,604
budget remains under the property tax cap, and reduces the tax levy, as we
have for the past five years. Percentage Allowable: 4.23%

Page 48
Economically Sensitive Revenue
The sales tax and hotel surcharge are significantly tied to the economy and fluctuate based on economic growth or recession. Forecasting future revenues
in these areas requires close monitoring and analysis of key economic indicators, such as unemployment, consumer price index, home sales, foreclosure
rates, and Department of Community and Family Services’ caseloads and client count.

Sales Tax
The sales tax rate in Dutchess is 8.125%, of which 3.75% goes to the County, 4% goes to the State, and .375% goes to the MTA. Twenty-seven payments
are received annually from New York State and are tracked closely to project year-end revenue.

The County, as required by law, has a contract with the City of Poughkeepsie and City of Beacon to distribute sales tax, as the cities have relinquished their
right to charge separate city sales tax. If there were no contract in place, state law requires the sharing of sales tax with municipalities based on population.
However, in 2013, the sales tax contract was renegotiated by the County Executive, agreed to by the Cities, adopted by the County Legislature, and
approved by the State Comptroller’s Office to change the sharing formula. The
Sales Tax Revenue agreement guarantees the distribution of $25 million to municipalities each
2009 - 2019 year and additionally provides for the distribution of 18.5% of any growth in
220 sales tax from the 2012 base year to the cities and towns based on population.
Villages receive a portion of the town’s allocation determined by the
percentage of full valuation of real property in the village within the town, as
compared to the full valuation of real property in the entire town. The
Millions $

accompanying chart displays historic sales tax trends.

120 Careful reviews of historic trends, along with analysis of economic indicators
100 and conditions that impact sales tax receipts, are used to forecast anticipated
80 sales tax revenue. Factors, such as the ratio of household debt as a percent of
disposable income, building permits, gas prices, and other regional labor
'09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18* '19* market trends, impact the economic state of the Dutchess County and are
helpful indicators in predicting economically sensitive revenue. These
County Portion Gross Sales Tax *Projected
projections are closely monitored throughout the year and are used to finalize
projections during the budget process.

Page 49
The projection for 2019 sales tax is based on actual receipts through the middle of October 2018 with a continued 5% projected economic growth for the
remainder of the year and additional growth of 3.5% for 2019. Any growth in the gross sales tax receipts between the 2012 base year and 2019 actual
receipts will be shared with municipalities at a rate of 18.5%, according to the sales tax contract. The 2019 budget includes $31,003,856 projected for
distribution to municipalities, which includes the $25 million guaranteed payment plus expected growth based on the projection.

2019 Gross Sales Tax Projection

2017 Sales Tax $184,155,859

2018 Projected with Growth of 5% 9,593,455
2019 Projected with Growth of 3.5% 4,973,269

Total 2019 Gross Sales Tax Projection $198,722,583

Note: Growth is applied after the exclusion of realized PILOT revenue which will not recur in 2019.

The 2018 Sales Tax projections are based on the following assumptions:

• Regional economic growth will continue to be driven by growth in several sectors, including: education and health services, construction,
professional and business services and leisure, hospitality and other services.
• National and regional consumer spending will continue with strong growth above 3% in the second half of 2018, comparable with growth
experienced during the first part of this year.
• Inflation will remain moderate during the remainder of 2018, remaining close to the 2.6% annualized rate the County has experienced to date.
• Local unemployment is expected to remain at or below 4%, a reduction from the 2017 annual average of 4.3%.

The 2019 Sales Tax projections are based on the following assumptions:

• The national economy will expand at a healthy pace in the coming year, with an estimated 4% increase in consumer spending in 2019.
• National inflation should remain at or below the 2018 rate, with local inflation remaining below 3% in the coming year.
• Dutchess area employment is expected to increase between 1% and 2% in 2019, with the average rate of unemployment for 2019 projected to
remain under 4.3%.
• Economic drivers in the local economy are expected to grow modestly in the coming year, including business and professional services, health
care, construction, education, and leisure and hospitality.

Page 50
Hotel Surcharge

Hotel Tax revenue has experienced modest fluctuations year-to-year, remaining

Hotel Tax
fairly stable over time. Over the past 4 years, the County has realized on average, 2008 - 2019
6% actual growth not including a new contract in 2017 with Airbnb to collect $4.00
Hotel Tax on short-term rentals. The 2019 budget assumes the tourism, leisure

Millions $
and hospitality sector will continue to experience growth of almost 6% in the
coming year, consistent with the last four years of actual growth realized. $2.00

Appropriated Fund Balance

Fund balance refers to the difference between a fund’s assets and liabilities as of a General Unreserved General Fund
point in time. The County’s fund balance, determined when the financial Fund 1-2 Months General Fund Balance
Revenues of Revenues Balance As a % of
statements are finalized, provides the County the flexibility to absorb changes in
(in millions) (in millions) (in millions) Revenues
revenue or unexpected new costs without dramatically impacting County finances. 2008 $395.0 $32.9 - 65.8 $28.2 7.1%
Fund balance can be appropriated to balance the budget instead of increasing 2009 $383.5 $32.0 - 63.9 $24.5 6.4%
taxes and to avoid reductions in programs and services. Fund balance is reported 2010* $403.5 $33.6 - 67.3 $22.2 5.5%
2011* $416.9 $34.7 - 69.5 $11.4 2.7%
in accordance with GASB 54, which established the following five classifications of
2012 $411.4 $34.2 - 68.7 $12.1 2.9%
fund balance: Non-Spendable, Restricted, Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned. 2013 $411.9 $34.3 - 68.7 $26.4 6.4%
2014 $430.3 $35.9 - 71.7 $39.5 9.2%
The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommends “…general- 2015 $437.9 $36.5 - 73.0 $56.8 13.0%
purpose governments, regardless of size, maintain unrestricted budgetary fund 2016 $433.4 $36.1 - 72.2 $59.9 13.8%
balance in their general fund of no less than two months of regular general fund 2017 $437.5 $36.4 - 72.9 $55.4 12.7%
operating revenues or regular general fund operating expenditures.” For Dutchess *Reflects adjustments to the amounts reported in the 2010 and 2011
audited financial statements. These adjustments are detailed in
County, this amounts to approximately $73 million, based on the 2017 audited footnote 2 of the 2012 audited financial statements.
financial statements. The County will strive to maintain 1-2 months of general fund
operating expenditures in unassigned general fund balance as a means of maintaining financial stability.

Page 51
Projected fund balances for all County funds are summarized in the table below, which details reserves and appropriations of all fund balances.

Summary of Unassigned Fund Balances for All Funds 2017 – 2019 Fund Balance
Unreserved Appropriations Estimated Appropriated
Fund Name 12/31/20171 Projected2 12/31/20183 2019 Budget
General $55,387,539 $4,418,913 $ 50,968,626 $ 14,400,000
Community Development 459,969 459,969
Road 1,261,761 1,261,761 800,000
Machinery 414,727 414,727 200,000
Enterprise Airport 207,016 207,016
Enterprise Transportation (1,304,675) (1,304,675)
Capital Projects 4,432,914 4,432,914
Self Insurance - Workers Comp 5,696,788 5,696,788
Total $66,556,039 $4,418,913 $ 62,137,126 $ 15,400,000
1Includes Taxpayer Protection Fund, and is from the County’s annual update document (AUD) or audited financial statements
all appropriation of fund balance through 10/17/2018
3Assumes 2018 actual revenues less actual expenditures are at or below budget

During 2018, the County appropriated an additional $4,418,913. This

Unassigned Fund Balance Applied in 2019
consisted of $803,000 in additional funding for the Municipal Innovation
Fund Amount
Grant Program, $160,000 for parts and gasoline shortages in the auto center,
General Fund- A:
$3,044,000 to fund the CSEA contract, which was settled in the spring of
General Fund $9,900,000
2018, and $411,913 to fund the settled Teamsters contract with First Transit
Taxpayer Protection Fund 4,500,000
for our public transit system. The 2019 budget includes an appropriation of
Road Fund- D: 800,000
unassigned fund balance from the following funds: $9.9 million from the
Machinery Fund- E: 200,000
General Fund (A), $800,000 from the Road Fund (D), $200,000 from the
Total $15,400,000
Machinery fund (E), and $4.5 million from the Taxpayer Protection Fund.
In 2019, in addition to appropriating unassigned fund balance, the budget also includes the appropriation of $4 million of restricted fund balance reserved
for debt. When the county receives premiums on debt issued or interest on debt, the funds are classified as restricted fund balance and must be used to
pay debt service. The 2019 budget appropriates $4 million from restricted fund balance for this purpose. This appropriation does not affect the unassigned
fund balance and is not included in the tables above.

Page 52
State & Federal Revenue
State and federal revenue and grants partially offset the cost of mandated
services and programs. When this source of revenue is cut, other taxes or fees State & Federal Aid
must be increased, or optional programs and services must be cut in order to 2008 - 2019
balance the budget. State aid is largely expense-driven and includes regular $130
state aid reimbursement, as well as grant funds.

State and federal mandates consume 70% of the Dutchess County budget, $110

Millions $
necessitating the continued lobbying of the County’s state and federal
representatives to provide mandate relief.
As part of the County-wide Shared Services Tax Savings Plan mandate for all
counties, the Governor has promised matching funds for projected savings that
result from shared services projects planned. The State budget includes $225 $70
million for this purpose, and the 2019 County budget includes $3.7 million in
shared services matching funds as the funding application is now available, and
the County will be submitting savings realized.

Additionally, the State lost a lawsuit, which involved the right to government provided legal representation. Based on The Hurrell-Harring decision, the
State is allocating money to counties to add resources to lower caseloads to an acceptable level and to provide ongoing training to public defenders. The
County is still negotiating the details of the allocation and what it will pay for and those details have not yet been finalized. When they are, we will present
a resolution to the County Legislature to appropriate both the revenue and related state approved appropriations. Additionally, New York State Legislation
raised the age of criminal responsibility to remove 16 and 17-year-old youth from the adult criminal justice system. The State is offering reimbursement
for reasonable expenses that are part of an approved County plan to handle the changes. The County has submitted our Raise the Age Plan, and we are
awaiting state approval. When the plan is approved, the administration will submit a resolution appropriating both the expense and related revenue.

Fee Revenue
Fee revenue streams support the cost of providing the associated service or program. Increasing fees, fines, permits, and licensing is not a significant
source of revenue. Fees and fines are evaluated annually and adjusted when deemed appropriate. Some fee schedules are set or limited by law, while
others must remain competitive and reasonable for taxpayers.

Page 53
2019 Tentative Budget
Summary by Fund

Balance of
Total LESS Non-Property LESS Appropriated Appropriations to
Fund Appropriations Tax Revenues1 Fund Balance2 be Levied
A - General $ 468,097,363 $ 356,414,008 $ 18,400,000 $ 93,283,355
D - Road 12,318,098 2,015,140 800,000 $ 9,502,958
E - Machinery 2,787,256 22,800 200,000 $ 2,564,456
EA - Airport 1,390,752 1,390,752 - $ -
ET - Public Transportation 11,560,818 11,560,818 - $ -
S - Self-Insurance 6,000,000 6,000,000 - $ -
Total $ 502,154,287 $ 377,403,518 $ 19,400,000 $ 105,350,769

Provision for Uncollected Taxes 800,000

Provision for Tax Refunds 200,000
Total Property Tax Levy $ 106,350,769

Includes General Fund Contributions to Airport and Public Transportation Funds.
Includes $4,500,000 appropriation from the Taxpayer Protection Fund, $4,000,000 from restricted fund balance reserved for debt, and
$9,900,000 from A fund balance.

Page 54
2019 Tentative Budget
Property Tax Levy & Rate

Item Descriptions 2016 2017 2018 2019

Appropriations $458,725,982 $466,742,525 $480,204,857 $502,154,287
Non-Property Tax Revenue (341,336,074) (347,621,590) (359,826,194) (377,403,518)
Approp. Fund Balance & Reserves (11,745,000) (13,650,000) (15,000,000) (19,400,000)
Provision for Uncollected Taxes 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000
Provision for Tax Refunds 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Property Tax Levy $106,644,908 $106,470,935 $106,378,663 $106,350,769

True Value Assessments $ 29,432,468,944 $ 29,752,447,165 $ 30,040,912,405 $ 30,830,309,425

Property Tax Rate/$1,000 3.62* $3.58 $3.54 $3.45

The direct comparison of this year’s rate to last year’s rate is invalid as a means to estimate the change in an individual property’s tax bill.

*Note: With the sale of property by IBM to Global Foundries on July 1st of 2015, the IBM PILOT payment ended and Global Foundries was required to pay a
pro-rated amount of property taxes for the remaining half a year which is considered “omitted taxes”. Omitted taxes lower the adopted tax levy to be
apportioned for the following year only, which for 2016 results in a rate of $3.60 versus the $3.62. This is a one-time adjustment and we do not expect to
see this large amount of omitted taxes again.

Page 55
Projected Constitutional Tax Margin
The Constitutional Tax Limit of the County is determined in accordance with
Section 10 of Article VIII of the State Constitution. This limits the amount
counties may raise in real estate taxes in any given fiscal year, exclusive of debt
service, to 1.5% of the five-year average full value of taxable real estate to the

Total Taxing Power $ 447,842,002 Tax Levy Tax Available
Tax Levy* $ 87,359,023 19.5%
Tax Margin Available $ 360,482,979 80.5%
*Tax Levy includes adjustments for omitted taxes, Real Estate Taxes and Charge backs. It also
excludes debt service for capital projects.

Projected Constitutional Debt Limit

The Debt Limit of the County is computed in accordance with the provisions of
Article VII of the State Constitution and Title 9 of Article 2 of the Local Finance
Law. These provisions limit the amount of debt, which can be incurred to 7% of
the five-year average full value of taxable real property.

Debt Limit $ 2,089,929,341
Total Indebtedness* $ 119,300,000 5.7% Total Indebtedness Debt Limit Available
Debt Limit Available $ 1,970,629,341 94.3%
*Total indebtedness, for purposes of this computation, is reduced by the 2019 appropriations of

Page 56
Capital Projects & Debt Service
Like most governments, Dutchess County utilizes borrowing to finance capital expenditures such as road and bridge projects, equipment
acquisition, building construction and renovations, and other authorized activities. Capital projects are typically multi-year projects financed by
the issuance of debt which is repaid with interest over the useful life of the project or capital asset. The County’s operating budget includes annual
re-payment of principal and payment of interest through “debt service.”

There are many advantages to this method of financing capital expenditures. Borrowing, typically through issuance of bonds, helps to create a
more stable expenditure pattern that does not fluctuate severely as projects are undertaken. Borrowing also enables the County to complete
capital projects that would be unattainable through a strictly pay-as-you-go financing basis. Furthermore, this policy enables the cost of these
capital assets to be borne by the present and future taxpayers receiving the benefit of the capital assets.

The uses and terms of debt are largely regulated by New York State and Local Finance Law. According to the County charter, the authorization to
issue bonds requires adoption of a bond resolution approved by at least two-thirds of the County Legislative body. These resolutions delegate the
power to the Chief Fiscal Officer, the Commissioner of Finance, to authorize and sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and
sale of bonds authorized, including renewals of such notes. The decision to issue bonds is evaluated annually based on cash needs of each project
and projected county cash flow. The County is assisted by bond counsel and financial advisors, who play a key role in the issuance, regarding the
structure, timing, official statement and legal requirements, as well as with the application to the rating agency. For more information regarding
debt service policy, refer to the Budget Overview – Financial Policies section of the budget document.

Debt Service
As of December 31, 2018, Dutchess County is projected to have total outstanding debt of $133,374,536 and approved appropriations to pay down
$14,074,536 in 2019. Thus, the net indebtedness for the County as of December 31, 2018 is projected to be $119,300,000. The net indebtedness
is subject to the constitutional tax limit of $2.090 billion, and the amount as of December 31, 2018 represents 5.71% of this limit. As of August 31,
2018, the County had authorized but unissued debt totaling $177,400,617. The following table represents a summary of the County’s debt service
obligation as of December 31, 2018.

Page 57

2019 14,074,536 5,192,265 $19,266,801

2020 12,825,000 3,812,544 $16,637,544
2021 10,625,000 3,354,763 $13,979,763
2022 9,200,000 2,961,581 $12,161,581
2023 8,125,000 2,634,481 $10,759,841
2024-2028 32,010,000 9,928,028 $41,938,028
2029-2033 17,335,000 6,225,947 $23,560,947
2034-2038 11,095,000 4,026,484 $15,121,484
2039-2043 8,305,000 2,526,028 $10,831,028
2044-2048 9,780,000 948,847 $10,728,847
$133,374,536 $41,610,968 $174,985,504

Dutchess County utilizes comprehensive debt management strategies to minimize annual debt service and maximize benefit to the County’s fiscal
condition while protecting taxpayer resources. Debt management planning includes continual administrative review, adherence to local finance
law, emphasis on pay-as-you-go financing when possible and responsible, and use of bond counsel and financial advisors.

The County has been vigilant in refunding bonds to issue new ones at lower interest rates. This process is undertaken periodically depending on
interest rates and potential savings. Recent refundings include the following:

• In February 2009, Dutchess County issued $15,095,000 in Public Improvement Refunding (Serial) Bonds, 2009 Series dated February 18, 2009.
The bond principal decreased $390,000; interest decreased $679,585. The total overall savings was $1,069,585 to the County.

• In December 2011, the County issued $5,395,000 in Serial Bonds which were used to advance refund $5,750,000 of the 2003 public
improvement serial bonds. The County recorded a gain on bond refunding in the amount of $544,473 related to this transaction.

• In June 2015, the County issued $14,800,000 in Serial Bonds which were used to advance refund $15,150,000 of public improvement bonds
issued in 2004 and 2006. The total overall saving to the County was $956,326.

• In October 2016, the County issued $10,960,000 in Serial Bonds which were used to advance refund $11,800,000 of public improvement bonds
issued in 2007 and 2008. The overall savings to the County was $1,413,527.

Page 58
County fiscal staff continue to seek out other responsible debt management practices to effectively reduce costs. This includes the deferral of
borrowings based upon the County’s liquidity position.

Ongoing Projects
Dutchess County utilizes the annual Capital Improvement Program as a means to maintain and improve county infrastructure. The following
represent ongoing projects that are necessary on a routine basis to maintain county infrastructure, many of which have been proposed as part of
the Capital Improvement Program for 2019.

• Building Planning, Design and Renovations at Various County Facilities

• Roof Replacement Program

• HVAC Piping & Infrastructure Replacement Program

• Highway & Bridge Improvement & Reconstruction

• Highway Construction Vehicles and Equipment Replacement

• Dutchess Community College Infrastructure Improvements

• Partnership for Manageable Growth

• County Vehicle Replacement Program

These programs and projects are undertaken to respond to mandates or opportunities to promote greater efficiency and protect county assets.

Planned Capital Projects in 2019

Along with the routine ongoing capital projects listed above which occur on an annual basis, there are a number of necessary non-recurring capital
projects included in the plan. The following projects have been proposed as part of the Capital Improvement Program for 2019.

Page 59
Non-Recurring Capital Projects for 2019
Estimated County
Department Project
Dutchess Community College Purchase Creek Road Property $87,500
DPW – Airport Airport Master Plan Update $21,800
DPW – Airport New and Replacement Airport Equipment $90,300
DPW – Airport Airport Guidance Sign Replacement (Design) $3,300
DPW – Buildings Youth Services Center (Planning & Design) $350,000
DPW – Parks Dutchess Stadium Capital Improvements $3,600,000
DPW – Parks Parks Master Plan Design and Implementation $2,000,000
Water & Wastewater Authority Feasibility Study – Water Storage Facility $150,000
Total $6,302,900

For detailed information regarding these projects, including project descriptions and total project costs, please refer to the 2019 – 2023 Capital
Program Requests for Dutchess County section.

Impacts on Operating Costs

Capital projects and the capital improvement program impact the budget in a number of ways. When debt is issued for a particular project, those
costs increase the total debt service cost included in the ensuing year’s operating budget.

Dutchess County strives to minimize frequency of borrowing and to utilize a pay-as-you-go project financing method when possible. The fiscal
impact of each project is carefully reviewed to determine if and when borrowing becomes necessary to finance the project.

Many of the on-going capital projects, such as roof replacements and energy efficiency improvements at County facilities, minimize departmental
operating expenses by reducing utility and maintenance costs. These adjustments are included in the calculation of the annual operating budget
during the budget process and are included in the analysis and decision-making process for individual capital projects.

Page 60
The 2019 Debt Service Obligation by Fund is detailed in the table below.

2019 Debt Service Summary by Fund

Fund Serial Bond Principal Serial Bond Interest Debt Service Totals
General Fund 13,015,699 4,924,874 17,940,573
Community College 520,786 140,520 661,306
Airport 235,365 77,690 313,055
Public Transportation 302,688 42,661 345,349
Total $14,074,538 $5,185,745 $19,260,283

The below table indicates the projected 2019 debt service by department.

2019 Debt Service Summary by Department

Department Serial Bond Principal Serial Bond Interest Debt Service Totals
Dutchess Community College 520,786 140,520 661,306
Public Works - Airport 235,365 77,690 313,055
Public Works - Buildings 4,077,809 2,866,114 6,943,923
Public Works - Highway & Engineering 4,757,075 1,372,367 6,129,442
Public Works - Parks 970,462 196,665 1,167,127
Emergency Response 565,371 139,411 704,782
Finance 1,515,000 113,625 1,628,625
Public Works - Public Transit 302,688 42,661 345,349
Office of Central and Information Systems 461,000 24,545 485,545
Planning & Development 368,428 189,987 558,415
Probation & Community Corrections 44,554 11,228 55,782
Sheriff 256,000 10,932 266,932
Total $14,074,538 $5,185,745 $19,260,283

Page 61
General Government Support

Table of Contents
Courts ..................................................................................... 62
Board of Elections .................................................................. 71

Comptroller ............................................................................ 81
Office of Central and Information Systems ............................ 92
County Clerk ......................................................................... 124
County Executive & Budget Office ....................................... 145
Legislature ............................................................................ 157
Finance & Real Property Tax ................................................ 169
S495 Exemption Impact Report ........................................ 177
County Attorney ................................................................... 200
Human Resources................................................................. 210
Public Works Admin & Buildings .......................................... 236
Contingency & Vacancy Factor............................................. 250
Contribution to Enterprise Fund .......................................... 254
Interfund Transfers .............................................................. 258
Property Taxes...................................................................... 264 Percentage of the County Budget
Appropriated Fund Balance ................................................. 271
Shared Revenue ................................................................... 277

To promote the rule of law and serve the public by achieving

just and timely resolution of all matters before the courts.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 62
The Judicial branch includes all courts and the Commissioner of Jurors. Dutchess County falls within the Ninth Judicial District. The Supreme and
County Courts fall within a judicial district statewide. The Commissioner of Jurors is appointed for a four-year term, and maintains the central
jury system for the County, providing trial and grand jurors for courts serving the County.

Justices & Constables (A.1110)

The Surrogate’s Court was created in 1778 by New York State. The Surrogate is elected for a ten-year term, handles all estate matters, wills and
has general supervision of property left by deceased persons.

County Court (A.1162.02)

The County Court of Dutchess County handles all felony criminal cases for Dutchess County. There are two judges in the County Court who preside
over criminal matters. The County Court Judges are elected for a ten-year term.

Supreme Court (A.1162.03)

The Supreme Court of Dutchess County is a court of unlimited original jurisdiction. There are nine judges assigned to the Supreme Court, either
full or part-time, and two Referees, who hear civil cases. The Supreme Court Justices are elected for a fourteen-year term.

Family Court (A.1162.04)

There are four judges, two support magistrates and one Court Attorney Referee in the Family Court. Family court presides over cases involving
domestic issues, such as divorce and child custody. The Family Court Judges are elected for a ten-year term.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The 2019 Budget includes continued funding for the Public Defender’s Family Court Unit to reduce Family Court assigned counsel costs.
• The assigned counsel plan previously in Family Court could not meet several standards set by the New York State Bar Association with regard
to providing state mandated representation. By bringing representation in-house, Dutchess now meets those standards.
• A shared services initiative between Dutchess and Ulster County to provide a conflict defender in Family Court has been implemented and
will save money and enable the drawdown of a promised savings match from the State.

Page 63
2019 Initiatives:
• Family Court is implementing a pilot program called The State • Continued focus on implementation of Indigent Legal Services
Wide System Reform Program-Better for Families (SSRP-BFF) standards for parental representation in state intervention
designed to improve outcomes for children and families by cases.
increasing the frequency of court appearances and monitoring,
as well as, accelerating permanency outcomes.

Page 64
Fiscal Summary

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Appropriations
Contracted Services 67,351 102,200 104,915 102,200 (2,715) -2.6%
Mandated Programs 1,564,800 1,494,350 1,491,635 1,444,350 (47,285) -3.2% 93%
Total Appropriations $1,632,152 $1,596,550 $1,596,550 $1,546,550 (50,000) -3.1% Mandated

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 7%
Misc Local Sources - - - - - 0.0%
Total Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0%

Net to County Cost $1,632,152 $1,596,550 $1,596,550 $1,546,550 ($50,000) -3.1%

Page 65
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1110 Justices & Constables

4435 Court Fees 12,035 8,250 11,500 11,500 65.0 7,470 11,500 11,500
Total Mandated Programs 12,035 8,250 11,500 11,500 65.0 7,470 11,500 11,500
Total A.1110 - Justices & Constables 12,035 8,250 11,500 11,500 65.0 7,470 11,500 11,500

Page 66
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1162.02 Unified Court.County Court

4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 0 0 2,715 100.0 2,715 20,000 0

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 1,451 1,041 10,000 11,908 100.0 11,907 10,000 10,000
4437 Expert Witness 1,038 0 5,000 3,092 0.0 0 15,000 5,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4438 Investigations 995 4,297 10,000 10,000 9.5 951 15,000 10,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4442.1300 Municipalities C/O Pok 39,600 36,300 44,600 44,600 74.0 33,000 44,600 44,600
Total Contracted Services 43,083 41,637 69,600 72,315 67.2 48,573 104,600 69,600
4444 Attys/Assgnd Counsel 446,133 349,851 450,000 447,285 35.6 159,038 450,000 400,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

Total Mandated Programs 446,133 349,851 450,000 447,285 35.6 159,038 450,000 400,000
Total A.1162.02 - Unified Court.County Court 489,216 391,488 519,600 519,600 40.0 207,611 554,600 469,600

Page 67
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1162.02 Unified Court.County Court

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 11,756 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 11,756 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1162.02 - Unified Court.County Court 11,756 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 68
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1162.03 Unified Court.Supreme Court

4444 Attys/Assgnd Counsel 2,500 0 10,000 10,000 16.5 1,653 20,000 10,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

Total Mandated Programs 2,500 0 10,000 10,000 16.5 1,653 20,000 10,000
Total A.1162.03 - Unified Court.Supreme Court 2,500 0 10,000 10,000 16.5 1,653 20,000 10,000

Page 69
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1162.04 Unified Court.Family Court

4401.102 Professional Services Legal 0 241 3,600 3,600 0.0 0 3,600 3,600
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 3,338 14,000 14,000 38.2 5,342 14,000 14,000
4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 16,144 22,135 15,000 15,000 77.0 11,546 15,000 15,000
Total Contracted Services 16,144 25,714 32,600 32,600 51.8 16,888 32,600 32,600
4444 Attys/Assgnd Counsel 1,377,855 1,206,699 1,022,850 1,022,850 98.1 1,003,260 1,022,850 1,022,850
Total Mandated Programs 1,377,855 1,206,699 1,022,850 1,022,850 98.1 1,003,260 1,022,850 1,022,850
Total A.1162.04 - Unified Court.Family Court 1,393,998 1,232,413 1,055,450 1,055,450 96.7 1,020,148 1,055,450 1,055,450

Total Courts Approp 1,897,749 1,632,152 1,596,550 1,596,550 77.5 1,236,883 1,641,550 1,546,550

Total Courts Revenue 11,756 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 70
Board of Elections

To promote citizen confidence in the democratic process and

enhance voter participation in elections by ensuring that all
eligible residents of Dutchess County have an opportunity to
register and vote in all elections.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 71
Board of Elections
Under New York State Election Law, responsibilities are delegated to the Board of Elections of each county to oversee the compliance of all laws
and regulations as it pertains to the administration of elections.

Board of Elections (A.1450)

The department’s duties include: registration and maintenance of voter registration submissions; being sole custodian of enrollment lists and
maps of election districts; certification of election results and polling places; appointment, training, supervision and payment of election
inspectors; taking delivery of and processing petitions filed for candidates to public office and referendums comprised within Dutchess County;
preparation of ballots specific to each election district; maintenance, preparation, storage and transportation of voting machines; processing of
absentee ballot materials including military and federal voters; ensuring information is readily available including information provided on the
organization’s website as well as information regarding campaign finance and data included in the state-wide voter database; responding to FOIL
requests and general inquiries from public officials and the general public regarding all of the above-listed functions.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The Board of Elections is responsible for maintaining and repairing 257 voting machines, which are a combination of electronics, firmware,
and mechanically moving parts. These machines are no longer under warranty, and the State is looking at mandating new machines over the
next few years.

2019 Initiatives:
• In 2019, the Dutchess County Board of Elections will be administering two major elections, with the potential of absorbing more special
district elections. Our goal is to ensure the integrity of the election process while conforming to new voter requirements mandated by the
New York State’s Attorney General’s Office and the New York State Board of Elections.

Page 72
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
To promote citizen confidence in the democratic process and enhance voter participation in elections.
Number of Elections 2 3 2 (1) -33.3%
Voter Registration - Including Mailed Registrations 15,774 19,750 17,500 (2,250) -11.4%
Cancellations 12,609 6,000 11,500 5,500 91.7%
Movers - Within County 10,446 9,500 8,000 (1,500) -15.8%
Election Inspectors 1,600 1,600 1,600 - 0.0%
Inspector & Coordinator Classes 49 47 48 1 2.1%
Polling Sites (100% Handicap Accessible) 104 103 103 - 0.0%
Voting Machine Tests 300 300 300 - 0.0%
Provide absentee materials including applications and ballots to those who request absentee status.
Absentee Primary: Applications 325 300 150 (150) -50.0%
Absentee Primary: Ballots Mailed and Retro 488 1,000 400 (600) -60.0%
Absentee General: Applications 3,783 2,500 1,500 (1,000) -40.0%
Absentee General: Ballots Mailed and Retro 2,744 4,000 3,000 (1,000) -25.0%
Affidavit Ballots 437 950 200 (750) -78.9%
Military & Special Federal 139 475 115 (360) -75.8%
Provide requested information to interested candidates, groups and organizations.
Petitions Filed & Caucus 1,030 35 1,050 1,015 2900.0%
Campaign Filers Forms 41 10 40 30 300.0%
To conduct voter education and outreach to area high schools.
Youth Voters Registered 309 250 800 550 220.0%
Schools Served - 4 8 4 100.0%
Provide new voter registration forms to all community groups in a timely manner.
Post Offices 25 3,500 3,500 - 0.0%
Schools 35 1,300 1,300 - 0.0%
Town Halls & Community Groups 2,630 5,100 5,100 - 0.0%

Page 73
Board of Elections
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 1,338,971 1,651,790 1,653,790 1,641,062 (12,728) -0.8%
Employee Benefits 538,778 571,443 576,134 629,850 53,716 9.3% 80%
Personal Services 1,877,749 2,223,233 2,229,924 2,270,912 40,988 1.8% Personal
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 7,396 22,575 20,575 34,544 13,969 67.9% Services
Equipment 9,847 47,569 47,569 4,700 (42,869) -90.1%
Communication 959 1,560 1,560 1,740 180 11.5% 5%
Supplies 35,426 40,603 40,603 40,440 (163) -0.4% Other
Utilities 8,412 8,309 8,309 9,866 1,557 18.7%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 54,217 66,694 66,694 61,560 (5,134) -7.7%
Contracted Services 133,657 190,680 188,990 160,610 (28,380) -15.0% 9%
Operations 206,457 257,758 259,448 243,758 (15,690) -6.0% Operations
Total Appropriations $2,334,122 $2,858,981 $2,863,672 $2,828,130 ($35,542) -1.2% 6%
Contracted Programs

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Revenues
Departmental Income - - - - - 0.0%
Intergovernmental Charges 6,162 5,168 5,168 5,980 812 15.7%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 3,007 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources - - - - - 0.0%
Federal Aid - - - - - 0.0%
Total Revenues $9,170 $6,668 $6,668 $7,480 $812 12.2%

Net to County Cost $2,324,952 $2,852,313 $2,857,004 $2,820,650 ($36,354) -1.3%


Page 74
Board of Elections

Election Commissioners
1 Democrat
1 Republican

Voter Registration Poll Site Development Voting Systems

& Recruiting & Training of Administration Programming Maintenance
Absentee Processing Election Inspectors & Training

Page 75
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Board of Elections
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1450 - General Fund.Board of Elections
DPTY ELECT COMSR F 2.00 170,016 2.00 F 2.00 178,190 2.00 178,190
ELECTS ADMR F 2.00 121,236 2.00 F 2.00 127,062 2.00 127,062
ELECTS COMSR MG 2.00 189,686 2.00 MG 2.00 198,804 2.00 198,804
ELECTS SPCLST F 2.00 93,116 2.00 F 2.00 97,594 2.00 97,594
MACH COORD F 2.00 132,536 2.00 F 2.00 138,906 2.00 138,906
SR ELECTS SPCLST F 6.00 340,950 6.00 F 6.00 357,344 6.00 357,344
A.1450 - General Fund.Board of Elections 16.00 1,047,540 16.00 16.00 1,097,900 16.00 1,097,900

Page 76
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Board of Elections
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1450 Board of Elections

1010 Positions 1,017,292 1,012,047 1,047,540 1,047,540 72.0 753,980 1,097,900 1,097,900
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 35,000 35,000 0.0 0 35,000 35,000

• Temporary Warehouse Staff $12,000; Temporary Office Staff $23,000

1035 Temp Help Elections 495,085 316,010 557,300 557,300 7.8 43,195 494,380 494,380

• 2 Full Day Elections; 180 Election Districts PE & 220 Election Districts GE. Coordinators $36,500; Election Inspectors $442,000; Nursing Home $4,800; VMTs $4,470; Result Couriers $6,610.

1040 ST Overtime 241 73 0 2,000 49.5 990 1,603 1,603

1050 Overtime 9,664 10,656 11,587 11,587 38.5 4,459 12,179 12,179
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 353 186 363 363 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 1,522,635 1,338,971 1,651,790 1,653,790 48.5 802,625 1,641,062 1,641,062
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 76,763 76,021 80,152 80,152 70.0 56,125 84,004 84,004
8355 Long-Term Disability 4,298 5,660 5,740 5,818 75.3 4,378 6,296 6,296
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 237,110 291,673 317,643 324,063 75.6 245,147 370,203 370,203
8450 Optical Insurance 3,205 3,459 3,536 3,386 75.5 2,558 3,680 3,680
8500 Dental Insurance 19,680 23,226 23,728 22,051 75.5 16,658 23,968 23,968
8800 Life Ins 3,526 2,085 2,120 2,139 75.2 1,609 2,320 2,320
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 321 418 428 429 75.1 322 470 470

Total Employee Benefits 344,903 402,542 433,347 438,038 74.6 326,797 490,941 490,941
8100 Pymts to Retire System 145,244 136,236 138,096 138,096 24.4 33,676 135,658 138,909

Total Benefits 145,244 136,236 138,096 138,096 24.4 33,676 135,658 138,909

Total Personal Services 2,012,782 1,877,749 2,223,233 2,229,924 52.2 1,163,097 2,267,661 2,270,912
4456 Training Programs - Educ 0 0 6,800 4,800 0.0 0 21,800 21,800

• GIS Training $6,800; NTS and suite upgrade training $15,000.

4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 8,590 3,662 7,809 7,809 18.8 1,465 5,628 5,628
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 4,707 3,120 6,356 6,356 37.6 2,390 6,400 6,400

• Winter conference $3,200; Summer conference $3,200.

4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 5 14 40 40 0.0 0 40 40

4631 Training Seminars/Conf 270 270 300 300 30.0 90 300 300

Page 77
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Board of Elections
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 69 190 970 970 69.7 676 76 76
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 70 140 300 300 46.7 140 300 300
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 13,711 7,396 22,575 20,575 23.1 4,761 34,544 34,544
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 5,064 2,479 2,200 2,200 0.0 0 4,700 4,700

• Plotter for Machine Coordinator.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 5,064 2,479 2,200 2,200 0.0 0 4,700 4,700
2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 0 0 27,000 27,000 90.7 24,494 0 0
2600.05 Computer Software 5 YEAR 0 7,369 18,369 18,369 81.3 14,932 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 7,369 45,369 45,369 86.9 39,426 0 0

Total Equipment 5,064 9,847 47,569 47,569 82.9 39,426 4,700 4,700
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 959 959 1,560 1,560 75.3 1,175 1,740 1,740
Total Communication 959 959 1,560 1,560 75.3 1,175 1,740 1,740
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 0 0 125 165 83.7 138 160 160
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 0 280 280 0.0 0 280 280

• Conference supplies.

4160 Office Supplies 41,589 35,426 40,000 39,960 26.6 10,617 71,005 40,000

• Election and Voting Machine Supplies $45,220; Office Supplies $25,785. Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 218 0 198 198 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 41,807 35,426 40,603 40,603 26.5 10,756 71,445 40,440
4210 Gas-Public Utilities 3,247 3,925 4,894 4,894 39.0 1,907 4,964 5,200
4220 Electric-Light & Power 4,582 4,486 3,415 3,415 93.4 3,191 3,004 4,666
Total Utilities 7,830 8,412 8,309 8,309 61.4 5,098 7,968 9,866
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 4,812 4,812 4,320 4,320 66.7 2,880 6,144 4,320

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 435 436 876 876 33.6 294 442 442
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 34,250 24,787 30,000 30,000 70.9 21,285 30,000 30,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 12,098 12,285 12,348 12,348 66.7 8,231 12,348 12,348
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 2,200 2,627 4,000 4,000 48.5 1,940 4,000 4,000
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 1,699 929 1,500 1,500 7.5 112 1,350 1,350

Page 78
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Board of Elections
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 12,398 8,341 13,650 13,650 85.6 11,683 9,100 9,100

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 67,892 54,217 66,694 66,694 69.6 46,426 63,384 61,560

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 67,892 54,217 66,694 66,694 69.6 46,426 63,384 61,560
4401.102 Professional Services Legal 0 5,010 0 19,700 100.0 19,692 0 0
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 327 299 360 360 62.4 225 360 360
4401.106 Professional Services Program 136 136 320 320 0.0 0 320 320
4460 Comm Printing 245,649 128,212 190,000 168,610 5.1 8,628 159,930 159,930

• Based on 180,000 registered voters: ballots $103,530; mail check cards $41,400; poll books $15,000.

Total Contracted Services 246,111 133,657 190,680 188,990 15.1 28,545 160,610 160,610
4571.62 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Short T 440 245 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 75,881 80,740 87,542 87,542 75.0 65,656 87,542 87,542

• Warehouse at 253 N. Grand Ave., Poughkeepsie.

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 52,950 51,900 68,100 68,100 78.2 53,287 69,420 69,420

• NTS Data Processing Services and Software $51,900; NTS Scan Flow $15,000; 2 GIS License Maint. $2,520.

4610.71 Advertising Legal 5,255 2,719 5,843 5,843 19.3 1,126 5,893 5,893
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 8,115 8,858 9,700 9,700 0.0 0 8,925 8,925
4614 Security Services 150 0 450 450 0.0 0 450 450
4623 Other Services 59,576 26,965 50,554 52,244 10.8 5,632 35,478 35,478

• Transportation of Voting Machines and Equipment for 2 elections $35,478

4650 External Postage 38,213 34,935 35,469 35,469 89.5 31,740 35,950 35,950
4660 Safe Deposit Boxes 95 95 100 100 95.0 95 100 100
Total Operations 240,675 206,457 257,758 259,448 60.7 157,536 243,758 243,758
Total A.1450 - Board of Elections 2,636,831 2,334,122 2,858,981 2,863,672 50.9 1,456,819 2,855,810 2,828,130

Page 79
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Board of Elections
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1450 Board of Elections

22150 Election Service Charge 4,249 6,162 5,168 5,168 86.5 4,469 5,980 5,980

• Village Elections $528; School Elections $5,452.

Total Intergovernmental Charges 4,249 6,162 5,168 5,168 86.5 4,469 5,980 5,980
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 836 1,408 1,500 1,500 58.8 882 1,500 1,500

• Sales including voter lists, CDs and certified voter records.

26800 Insurance Recoveries 7,757 1,600 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 8,593 3,007 1,500 1,500 58.8 882 1,500 1,500
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 0 0 0 0.0 25 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 7,891 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 7,891 0 0 0 0.0 25 0 0
40890.00 Other Federal Aid BOE HHS Disability Access Improv 4,614 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Federal Aid 4,614 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1450 - Board of Elections 25,347 9,170 6,668 6,668 80.6 5,376 7,480 7,480

Total Board of Elections Approp 2,636,831 2,334,122 2,858,981 2,863,672 50.9 1,456,819 2,855,810 2,828,130

Total Board of Elections Revenue 25,347 9,170 6,668 6,668 80.6 5,376 7,480 7,480

Page 80

The Comptroller’s Office audits and approves all payments

made by Dutchess County. The office also audits county
departments and agencies receiving county funds, providing
recommendations to strengthen internal controls, enhance
revenues, and ensure the effective use of taxpayer dollars.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 81
The Comptroller functions as chief accounting and auditing officer of the County. As a countywide elected official, the Comptroller is directly
accountable to the taxpayers and voters of Dutchess County. Consequently, the Comptroller’s Office is not an agency of the Executive or the

Comptroller (A.1315)
The Comptroller chairs the Audit Committee, which provides oversight of annual audit and all regulations, policy, and procedures affecting the
accounting and financial procedures of Dutchess County. The Comptroller’s Office also audits and approves all payments for capital contracts, all
payments to vendors, and contracts with outside agencies and contractors, as well as County payrolls. The Comptroller, with the assistance of
staff, audits, provides consultation, and offers assistance to County departments and outside agencies funded by the County. The Comptroller
periodically prepares formal and informal audit reports and submits them to the County Executive and Legislature with recommended actions to
strengthen internal controls, curb expenses, enhance revenues, and protect the taxpayers’ interests.

The Comptroller performs all processing and record keeping responsibilities including pre-audit of claims, certification of availability of funds,
encumbrance of funds, and processing and record keeping required by federal, state, and local law for encumbrance, payment, and recording of
financial transactions. The office ensures all applicable federal, state, and local laws are adhered to in the handling of County funds and their
application in providing services to the general public.

2019 Initiatives:
• The Comptroller’s office will focus on producing more • The Comptroller’s office will perform a government-wide risk
departmental, component unit, and contract agency audits assessment, to determine where the biggest inherent risks lie
performed annually and reporting to the taxpayers. Audits are and where audit resources should be dedicated to.
the tool that accountants use to root out waste, abuse, and
fraud. • The Comptroller’s Office will perform a review of ongoing
capital projects, including the step-by-step process from a
• The Comptroller’s office is committed to reviewing Request for Bid (RFB), to contracting vendor, to vendor
departmental internal controls, ensuring proper policies and performance, to capitalization timing.
procedures are in place and to make recommendations where

Page 82
• The Comptroller’s office will continue to monitor and report on • The Comptroller’s office will assess government-wide
the Dutchess County Justice and Transition Center construction procedures regarding the tracking of fixed assets and inventory
project. to ensure compliance and strengthen controls.

• The Comptroller’s office would like to increase the

transparency of governmental spending by creating a reporting
mechanism on the Comptroller’s website, allowing taxpayers
access to research who our vendors are and how much we pay

Page 83
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Audit and approve payments for purchases, contracts, capital projects, employee reimbursements and daily Department of Community and Family Services warrant
payments. Approve and process purchases from the County Storeroom through inventory journals.

Invoice Transactions 22,299 24,000 24,000 - 0.0%

Dollar Value of All Invoice Transactions Processed $352,896,655 $360,000,000 $360,000,000 - 0.0%
Dollar Value of Capital/Contract Invoices Processed $66,500,856 $90,000,000 $90,000,000 - 0.0%
P-Card Transactions Audited 4,318 4,700 4,700 - 0.0%
Value of P-Card Transactions Audited $1,552,143 $1,575,000 $1,575,000 - 0.0%
Employee Reimbursement Transactions 4,568 5,000 5,000 - 0.0%
Dollar Value of Employee Reimbursement Transactions $203,537 $210,000 $210,000 - 0.0%
DCFS Warrant Payments - Audit 987 995 995 - 0.0%
Dollar Value of Warrant Payments Audited $55,715,170 $57,000,000 $57,000,000 - 0.0%
Inventory Journals 148 160 160 - 0.0%
Dollar Value of Inventory Journals Processed $276,173 $280,000 $280,000 - 0.0%
Audit and certify all payrolls for all County Departments, the Legislature, Dutchess County Public Transit and temporary election workers.

County Payrolls Audited - 35 Departments, plus adjustment memos** 910 911 910 (1) -0.1%

Dollar Value of Payrolls Audited $120,471,518 $121,750,000 $121,000,000 (750,000) -0.6%

County Legislators Payrolls Audited 12 12 12 - 0.0%
Dollar Value of County Legislator Payrolls Audited $427,922 $430,000 $430,000 - 0.0%
Public Transit Payrolls Audited** 52 53 52 (1) -1.9%
Dollar Value of Public Transit Payrolls Audited $4,194,963 $5,400,000 $5,000,000 (400,000) -7.4%
Election Worker Payment Review* 1,093 1,500 1,200 (300) -20.0%
Dollar Value of Election Worker Payment Review $318,346 $450,000 $400,000 ($50,000) -11.1%
* In 2018, there are two primary elections and one general election.** In 2018,CSEA employees and Public Transit employees received a retro payment.

Page 84
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Audit County departments and agencies and component units. Provide recommendations to strengthen internal controls and best practices. Report on expenditures
and revenues.
Formal Audits Released† 5 7 13 6 85.7%
Contract Agencies (Included in Audits Complete)† 2 1 4 3 300.0%
Dollar Value of Contract Agency Expenses Audited $11,355,305 $3,500,000 $4,000,000 $500,000 14.3%
County Departments / Entities (Including Component Units):† 3 6 9 3 50.0%
Dollar Value of Department Expenses Audited $18,835,169 $22,100,000 $23,450,000 $1,350,000 6.1%
Dollar Value of Department Revenues Audited $581,298 $9,615,000 $9,700,000 $85,000 0.9%
Contract Reviewed (Included in County Department/Entities) 19 30 35 5 16.7%
Grants Reviewed (Included in County Department/Entities) - 3 4 1 33.3%
Capital Projects Reviewed (Included in County Department/Entities) 4 10 12 2 20.0%
Special Reports† 2 4 5 1 25.0%
Dollar Value of Special Report Expenses Audited† $7,045,996 $29,750,000 $30,000,000 $250,000 0.8%
Dollar Value of Special Report Revenues Audited† $728,406 $1,508,000 $1,750,000 $242,000 16.0%
† These 2019 plan projections are based on the addition of a new position. If position is not approved the projections would need to be adjusted.
Review County contracts, including capital projects, for terms and payments provisions. Review and approve Purchase Orders and Vouchers in accordance with
General Municipal Law and Federal, State and County Statutes.
Contract Received & Processed 1,231 1,250 1,250 - 0.0%
Purchase Orders / Vouchers 930 955 955 - 0.0%
Dollar Value of Purchase Orders Processed $6,986,336 $9,500,000 $9,500,000 - 0.0%
Vouchers Processed 493 378 378 - 0.0%
Dollar Value of Vouchers Processed $83,697,708 $50,000,000 $50,000,000 - 0.0%
Indirect Cost Allocation Report supports a revenue claim for Department of Community and Family Services to Federal Government.
A87 - Indirect Costs Recaptured $3,211,739 $3,956,285 $3,313,159 ($643,126) -16.3%

Page 85
Fiscal Summary
2019 Appropriations
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 850,594 904,262 934,321 943,766 9,445 1.0% 90%
Employee Benefits 416,431 469,459 389,406 423,813 34,407 8.8%
Personal Services 1,267,025 1,373,721 1,323,727 1,367,579 43,852 3.3%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 739 4,560 4,560 5,760 1,200 26.3%
Supplies 1,947 2,835 2,835 3,185 350 12.3%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 3,620 4,101 4,101 4,401 300 7.3%
Contracted Services
Total Appropriations $1,399,331 $1,511,867 $1,461,873 $1,512,050 $50,177 3.4%
1% Programs


2019 Revenues
Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Departmental Income 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 0.0%

Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 408 - - - - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources - - - - - 0.0%
Total Revenues $10,408 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 0.0%

Net to County Cost $1,388,923 $1,501,867 $1,451,873 $1,502,050 $50,177 3.5% Agency Audits

Page 86

County Comptroller

Auditing Financial Processing

Internal Controls Recording & Reporting

Page 87
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1315 - General Fund.Comptroller
ACCTG CLK 09 2.00 90,539 2.00 09 2.00 97,951 2.00 97,951
AUDITOR 16 4.00 297,257 4.00 16 4.00 321,406 4.00 321,406
COMPT E 1.00 99,937 1.00 E 1.00 99,937 1.00 99,937
DPTY COMPT MG 1.00 101,104 1.00 MG 1.00 89,641 1.00 89,641
JR AUDITOR 13 1.00 47,881 1.00 13 1.00 58,577 1.00 58,577
OFFICE AST 06 0.00 0 1.00 06 1.00 34,461 1.00 34,461
OFFICE AST 55 06 1.00 42,359 0.00 06 0.00 0 0.00 0
SECOND DPTY COMPTROLLER MF 0.00 0 0.00 MF 1.00 82,693 0.00 0
SR AUDITOR 17 2.00 177,204 2.00 17 2.00 189,633 2.00 189,633
SR PROG AST 10 1.00 47,881 1.00 10 1.00 52,060 1.00 52,060
A.1315 - General Fund.Comptroller 13.00 904,162 13.00 14.00 1,026,359 13.00 943,666

Page 88
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1315 Comptroller

1010 Positions 827,088 850,594 904,162 934,221 64.9 606,003 1,026,359 943,666
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100

Total Salaries and Wages 827,088 850,594 904,262 934,321 64.9 606,003 1,026,459 943,766
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 60,945 62,355 69,181 71,481 62.6 44,757 78,530 72,203
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,459 1,663 1,668 1,703 71.5 1,218 2,045 2,045
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 176,731 206,681 249,078 169,987 74.7 127,022 222,141 202,529
8450 Optical Insurance 2,596 2,650 2,876 2,453 76.0 1,864 2,990 2,760
8500 Dental Insurance 15,848 17,790 19,151 15,973 76.0 12,137 19,474 17,976
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 369 46.1 170 770 770
8800 Life Ins 760 414 414 360 72.6 261 393 393
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 69 83 83 72 72.7 52 79 79

Total Employee Benefits 258,409 291,635 342,451 262,398 71.4 187,482 326,422 298,755
8100 Pymts to Retire System 128,314 124,796 127,008 127,008 24.6 31,256 124,328 125,058

Total Benefits 128,314 124,796 127,008 127,008 24.6 31,256 124,328 125,058

Total Personal Services 1,213,810 1,267,025 1,373,721 1,323,727 62.3 824,741 1,477,209 1,367,579
4456 Training Programs - Educ 0 0 700 700 0.0 0 700 700
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 74 161 800 390 2.0 8 800 800
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 750 750
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 235 300 300 200.9 603 750 750
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 1,000 1,410 100.0 1,410 1,500 1,500
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 312 344 660 660 42.4 280 660 660
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 0 0 600 600 0.0 0 600 600
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 386 739 4,560 4,560 50.4 2,300 5,760 5,760
4160 Office Supplies 1,482 1,947 2,835 2,835 69.4 1,967 2,835 2,835
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 0 0 0 0.0 319 350 350
Total Supplies 1,482 1,947 2,835 2,835 80.6 2,285 3,185 3,185
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,944 1,944 1,848 1,848 66.7 1,232 1,848 1,848
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 578 281 800 800 35.9 287 600 600
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,224 1,395 1,453 1,453 66.6 968 1,453 1,453
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 60 0 0 0 0.0 48 500 500

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 3,806 3,620 4,101 4,101 61.8 2,535 4,401 4,401

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 3,806 3,620 4,101 4,101 61.8 2,535 4,401 4,401

Page 89
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 100.0 6,500 7,500 7,500
4448 Accountants & Auditors 126,855 119,500 120,000 120,000 84.6 101,575 123,500 123,500
Total Contracted Services 133,355 126,000 126,500 126,500 85.4 108,075 131,000 131,000
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4650 External Postage 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 25 25
Total Operations 0 0 150 150 0.0 0 125 125
Total A.1315 - Comptroller 1,352,839 1,399,331 1,511,867 1,461,873 64.3 939,937 1,621,680 1,512,050

Page 90
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1315 Comptroller

12400 Comptroller's Fees 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0 0 10,000 10,000
Total Departmental Income 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0 0 10,000 10,000
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 1,700 408 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 1,700 408 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1315 - Comptroller 11,700 10,408 10,000 10,000 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

Total Comptroller Approp 1,352,839 1,399,331 1,511,867 1,461,873 64.3 939,937 1,621,680 1,512,050

Total Comptroller Revenue 11,700 10,408 10,000 10,000 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

Page 91
Office of Central and Information Services

Provides dedicated services to County departments to increase

their efficiency, effectiveness and support their administration
with assistance and reducing costs. The Department is
developing on-line services focused on the County’s e-
government platform which provides internet based systems
for use by the public, businesses and other government

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 92
Office of Central and Information Services
The primary goals of the Office of Central and Information Services (OCIS) are as follows:

Central Services (A.1610.01)

The Division of Central Services provides central purchasing, contract administration, duplicating and printing, mail service, inventory control,
central billing, U.S. and interoffice mail deliveries, supply delivery, and office supplies. The division also coordinates the procurement of goods
and services for the County by implementation and maintenance of a system in full accordance with requirements set forth in General Municipal
Law, Sections 103 and 104B, and local County Law. Each request to purchase is evaluated to determine the appropriate means for acquisition at
the best price available.

The Central Services division coordinates support services such as the countywide copier program, supplies contracting, and bid 2nd request for
proposal (RFP development) to provide efficiencies and cost savings for the County. New centralized programs to reduce costs are continually
under review for implementation.

In addition to serving all County departments, the Division of Central Services also serves qualified outside agencies and local municipalities and
Fire Districts, etc. The division will assist in the continued development and enhancement of countywide purchasing cooperatives among
participating municipalities and other shared services to further reduce costs for all agencies involved.

Telecommunications (A.1650)
The Telecommunications division provides efficient telephone services and fast fiber optic telecommunications across County government

Stores (A.1660)
The County maintains and operates a Storeroom that initiates term contracts for office supplies, copy paper, trash can liners, paper products and
Green/Environmentally Preferred cleaning supplies. The Storeroom uses these contracts to order in bulk, realizing savings for the County and
uses couriers to distribute ordered items.

The Storeroom also maintains a surplus area and website for surplus furniture and equipment that may be reused throughout the County.
Remaining surplus furniture and equipment is made available to municipalities throughout the County or sold at public auction.

Page 93
Printing (A.1670.18)
Dutchess County maintains and operates a Print Shop for all County departments in order to provide the most cost effective printing service.
Additionally, Municipalities, Fire Districts, School Districts, and other approved agencies can procure printing and copier services through the
Print Shop. Services include typesetting, design and layout, offset printing and photocopying in full color and black and white, as well as bindery
and delivery service.

Mail (A.1670.19)
Central Services maintains a centralized mail and courier service for the County. The couriers collect all mail from the various departments for
delivery to the mailroom where it is sorted and processed based on U.S. postal guidelines. Additionally, the couriers collect all interoffice mail
for sorting and delivery to the various County departments.

Computer Information Systems (A.1680)

The Division of Computer Information Systems uses automation to help the County meet its strategic objectives, improve workflow and increase
operational efficiencies providing cost savings. The goal is to improve data access and availability to enable County departments, businesses and
the public to accomplish their jobs in a more efficient and effective manner. The Department is focused on improving communications and
collaboration between County departments and external agencies through the County-wide E-mail system, Internet services, and work flow

In addition to serving all County departments, the Division of Computer Information Systems provides Shared IT Services to local municipalities
and provides internet application and e-government services to the public.

The division is continuing to expand and improve the Wide Area Network (WAN) including both data and voice services while implementing state
of the art technologies such as GIS, imaging, mobile computer, and Enterprise Content Management (ECM).

The Computer Information Systems division also provides technical expertise concerning application software utilization, software selection,
computer equipment and telecommunications implementation, and the evaluation of new technologies. The division also works to streamline
and improve computer system installations and maintenance through the implementation of cost saving technologies such as: Thin Client
workstations, virtualized servers and consolidated disk storage.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• Focus is on cybersecurity awareness, threat protection, and compliance with inclusion of cybersecurity end-user training and reclassification
of a position to focus on cybersecurity to protect the integrity of the County critical infrastructure and data.

Page 94
2019 Initiatives:
Computer Information Systems (A.1680) Central Services (A.1610.01)

• Expand the digitization and storage of employee records • Work with municipalities to reduce costs via shared services
through the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system. solutions.
Work in 2019 will involve digitizing records for Finance, Human
Resources, and Risk Management. • Relocating and reorganization of the Central Services Division
including the Print Shop, Store Room and Mail Room.
• Expand OCIS shared services to municipalities such as website
development, hosting, and DutchessDelivery for electronic • Xante Impressia Digital Multi Media Press to print return
public outreach. addresses/addresses on envelopes.

• Develop several new software applications/web tools to gain • Warehouse storage required via warehouse shelving/racks at
more visibility and transparency on planning metrics to include new location.
Traffic Count/Volume, Bicycle Pedestrian Data Collection, and
Agricultural Resources. • Contract with a Vendor to provide a rebate program for the
Procurement Card Program.
• Enhance and streamline the County Clerk’s operation by
expanding E-Filings and E-Recordings. • Train County departments in asset tracking and department
• Increase cybersecurity awareness, monitoring, threat
assessment, response, and end-user training to improve • Expand active commodity contracts to include all bids and
business resilience, reduce business risk, and meet online commonly used NYS contracts.
compliance requirements.
• Create an internet database system to track surplus furniture
• Select a cost effective cloud-based disaster recovery solution to and equipment.
protect the County infrastructure and quickly recover data in the
event of a major disaster. • Explore the inclusion of additional towns and municipalities in
the e-waste program.

• Provide bid and request for proposal (RFP) development training

as a follow-up to department procurement meetings.

Page 95
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Central Services - To provide a system with a cost effective and efficient procurement program.
Purchase Orders Issued 927 1,000 1,000 - 0.0%
P-Card Transactions 4,318 4,300 4,400 100 2.3%
Dollar Value of PO's ($M) $7.0 $12.0 $12.0 - 0.0%
Number of RFP's, Bids and Formal Quotes 132 130 130 - 0.0%
Telecommunications - To provide a cost effective, efficient and reliable telephone program.
Installations 194 120 200 80 66.7%
Maintenance 309 308 350 42 13.6%
Telephone Programming 634 644 700 56 8.7%
Stores - To provide cost effective purchasing and efficient delivery of office supplies.
Number of Storeroom Requisitions 1,964 2,000 2,000 - 0.0%
Dollar Value at Cost $241,216 $240,000 $240,000 - 0.0%
Printing - To provide a cost effective and efficient method of printing.
Number of Impressions 2,143,422 2,200,000 2,200,000 - 0.0%
Number of Printing Requisitions $1,284 $1,400 $1,400 - 0.0%
Mail - To provide a cost effective and efficient method of mail delivery.
Number of Pre-Sort Pieces 193,428 200,000 200,000 - 0.0%
Number of Full Rates Pieces 228,334 220,000 220,000 - 0.0%
Total Mail Pieces 421,762 420,000 420,000 - 0.0%
Total Postage Dollars $281,559 $290,000 $290,000 - 0.0%

Page 96
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Computer Information Services - Expand and improve web services to the public, municipalities and businesses. One of the best indicators of success are
the number of web pages served during a given period.
County Web-Site Average Monthly Pages 1,262,872 1,270,000 1,273,000 3,000 0.2%
ParcelAccess and GeoAccess Average Monthly Pages 2,000,000 2,200,000 2,400,000 200,000 9.1%
Computer Information Services - Improve and expand services for County departments.
Help Desk Calls for Service 6,733 8,300 9,960 1,660 20.0%
Computer Applications Maintained for County Departments 200 215 225 10 4.7%
County Active Directory Network Clients 2,290 2,290 2,300 10 0.4%
County Wide E-mail Maintained (Number Clients) 1,683 1,650 1,600 (50) -3.0%
Internet Service (Number Clients) 1,462 1,500 1,650 150 10.0%
Computer Information Services - Maintain and improve County Wide Area Network (WAN) and Server Environment
Fiber Optic Connections (Number Sites) 12 12 13 1 8.3%
Cable/DSL Connections (Number Sites) 24 31 33 2 6.5%
County Servers Maintained 231 251 278 27 10.8%
Computer Information Services - Expand GIS services and usage.
GIS Data Layers Developed / Maintained 182 186 190 4 2.2%
Computer Information Services - Ensure that microcomputer equipment is up-to-date to help County staff efficiencies.
Install New and Replacement Workstations 195 250 200 (50) -20.0%

Page 97
Office of Central and Information Services
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 4,773,905 4,928,613 5,087,874 5,338,227 250,353 4.9% 2019 Appropriations 8%
Employee Benefits 2,009,323 2,137,554 2,151,578 2,367,136 215,558 10.0% Communication
Personal Services 6,783,228 7,066,167 7,239,452 7,705,363 465,911 6.4%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ
Communication 643,948 705,499 705,499 752,156 46,657 6.6% Services
Supplies 341,716 367,958 367,575 402,554 34,979 9.5% 28%
Utilities - - - - - 0.0% Operations
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs (2,531,869) (2,675,537) (2,675,537) (2,826,951) (151,414) 5.7%
Contracted Services 31,598 51,700 51,700 44,700 (7,000) -13.5%
Operations 1,676,395 2,103,812 2,103,872 2,451,291 347,419 16.5% 9%
Total Appropriations $7,221,037 $7,963,598 $8,136,883 $8,890,373 $753,490 9.3% Other

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
71% 2019 Revenues
Departmental Income 39,295 44,000 44,000 44,000 - 0.0% Inter-
Intergovernmental Charges 470,731 495,278 495,278 563,096 67,818 13.7% Governmental
Use of Money and Property 31,567 30,000 30,000 30,000 - 0.0%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 2,564 1,500 1,500 2,000 500 33.3%
Misc Local Sources 15,894 100 100 156,079 155,979 155979.0%
Total Revenues $560,052 $570,878 $570,878 $795,175 $224,297 39.3%

Net to County Cost $6,660,985 $7,392,720 $7,566,005 $8,095,198 $529,193 7.0%


Page 98
Department of Central & Information Services
Office of Central &
Information Services

Computer Central
Services Services


Cyber Security Procurement Printing Services

Geographical Servers &

Mail & Courier
Information Microcomputer Bids & Contracts
Services (GIS) Support

Billing Central Supply

Page 99
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1610.01 - OCIS- CS Admin
AST PURCH AGENT 14 1.00 60,639 1.00 14 1.00 67,660 1.00 67,660
BUYER 12 1.00 50,252 1.00 12 1.00 55,196 1.00 55,196
DIR CENTRL SVCS MG 1.00 110,550 1.00 MG 1.00 115,864 1.00 115,864
PRIN ACCTG CLK 12 1.00 53,012 1.00 12 1.00 58,157 1.00 58,157
PURCH AGENT 16 1.00 78,437 1.00 16 1.00 86,021 1.00 86,021
SR PROG AST 10 2.00 93,874 2.00 10 2.00 104,013 2.00 104,013
A.1610.01 - OCIS- CS Admin 7.00 446,764 7.00 7.00 486,911 7.00 486,911

Page 100
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1610.01 OCIS- CS Admin

1010 Positions 420,191 442,264 446,764 462,413 72.1 333,243 486,911 486,911
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 46,666 46,666

• Temp Buyer position for Shared Services Initiative.

1040 ST Overtime 311 2,466 1,000 1,000 56.4 564 1,000 1,000
1050 Overtime 0 552 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
1070 Shift Differential 0 15 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

Total Salaries and Wages 420,502 445,297 447,814 463,463 72.0 333,807 534,627 534,627
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 31,120 32,896 34,184 35,382 69.5 24,604 37,257 37,257
8355 Long-Term Disability 806 926 875 1,108 72.3 801 1,284 1,284
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 76,896 90,085 90,647 98,170 75.8 74,439 111,464 111,464
8450 Optical Insurance 1,532 1,546 1,550 1,546 76.2 1,178 1,610 1,610
8500 Dental Insurance 9,351 10,377 10,253 10,067 76.2 7,670 10,486 10,486
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 215 48.1 104 456 456
8800 Life Ins 396 223 223 234 74.7 175 234 234
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 36 45 45 47 74.5 35 47 47

Total Employee Benefits 120,137 136,097 137,777 146,769 74.3 109,005 162,838 162,838
8100 Pymts to Retire System 64,465 67,656 68,310 68,310 25.4 17,335 67,556 72,789

Total Benefits 64,465 67,656 68,310 68,310 25.4 17,335 67,556 72,789

Total Personal Services 605,104 649,050 653,901 678,542 67.8 460,147 765,021 770,254
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 887 259 2,500 2,440 19.8 483 2,440 2,440
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 995 708 2,600 2,600 0.0 0 2,600 2,600
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 272 272 900 900 29.9 269 900 900
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 1,305 1,500 1,800 1,800 36.4 655 1,800 1,800
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 3,459 2,739 7,900 7,840 17.9 1,407 7,840 7,840
4750 Other Equipment-ND 0 0 0 2,125 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 0 0 2,125 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 0 0 2,125 0.0 0 0 0

4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1,800 1,800
Total Communication 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1,800 1,800

Page 101
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 2,592 2,496 3,000 3,000 0.0 0 3,000 3,000

• Shared Services Summit.

4160 Office Supplies 2,709 2,481 2,200 10,075 10.9 1,101 2,500 2,500

• Furniture $800; Office Supplies $1,700

Total Supplies 5,301 4,977 5,200 13,075 8.4 1,101 5,500 5,500
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,200 1,200 1,830 1,830 66.7 1,220 1,692 1,692
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 1,362 906 2,000 2,000 59.1 1,181 2,000 2,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,619 1,773 1,824 1,824 66.7 1,216 1,825 1,825
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 20 20 100 100 20.0 20 200 200

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 4,201 3,899 5,754 5,754 63.2 3,637 5,717 5,717

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 4,201 3,899 5,754 5,754 63.2 3,637 5,717 5,717
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 227,912 227,912

• Rental Lease Agreement; 10 year lease (includes utilities and janitorial costs). There is a rent credit of $155,979 per year for the first 5 years which is reflected in 27010.02.

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 0 0 60 66.7 40 60 60

4610.71 Advertising Legal 2,081 2,287 3,000 3,000 67.1 2,012 3,000 3,000
4611 Refuse Removal 2,819 2,699 3,239 3,239 55.5 1,799 0 0
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4650 External Postage 9 0 70 70 0.0 0 70 70
Total Operations 4,908 4,985 6,809 6,869 56.1 3,851 231,542 231,542
Total A.1610.01 - OCIS- CS Admin 622,974 665,651 679,564 714,205 65.8 470,145 1,017,420 1,022,653

Page 102
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1610.01 OCIS- CS Admin

22100.00 Gen Serv, Other Govt General 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 50,000 50,000

• Revenue from Shared Services Initiative.

Total Intergovernmental Charges 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 50,000 50,000

24500 Commissions 32,810 31,567 30,000 30,000 55.0 16,510 30,000 30,000

• Revenue from vending machines and ATM located on County property.

Total Use of Money and Property 32,810 31,567 30,000 30,000 55.0 16,510 30,000 30,000
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 1,599 1,578 1,000 1,000 132.4 1,324 1,500 1,500

• Toner, cell phone, and electronic equipment recycling.

26650 Sales of Equipment 2,622 0 500 500 562.0 2,810 500 500

• Revenue from surplus auctions.

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 4,221 1,578 1,500 1,500 275.6 4,134 2,000 2,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 506 852 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.02 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp Deferred Income 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 155,979 155,979

• Rent credit.

Total Misc. Local Sources 506 852 0 0 0.0 0 155,979 155,979

Total A.1610.01 - OCIS- CS Admin 37,537 33,997 31,500 31,500 65.5 20,644 237,979 237,979

Page 103
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1650 - OCIS- Telecomm
NET ADMR 19 1.00 75,108 1.00 19 0.50 42,432 0.50 42,432
A.1650 - OCIS- Telecomm 1.00 75,108 1.00 0.50 42,432 0.50 42,432

Page 104
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1650 OCIS- Telecomm

1010 Positions 66,920 62,244 75,108 78,551 72.6 57,045 42,432 42,432
1040 ST Overtime 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
1050 Overtime 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 500 500

Total Salaries and Wages 66,920 62,244 75,108 78,551 72.6 57,045 43,932 43,932
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 5,119 4,763 5,748 6,012 72.6 4,363 3,247 3,247
8355 Long-Term Disability 54 38 58 79 66.8 53 54 54
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 8,150 1,889 4,954 4,770 74.5 3,552 5,532 5,532
8450 Optical Insurance 221 46 111 109 73.8 80 115 115
8500 Dental Insurance 1,348 309 742 704 74.5 524 749 749
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 43 45.8 20 45 45

Total Employee Benefits 14,892 7,044 11,613 11,717 73.3 8,592 9,742 9,742
8100 Pymts to Retire System 16,577 3,672 4,579 4,579 0.0 0 8,971 7,432

Total Benefits 16,577 3,672 4,579 4,579 0.0 0 8,971 7,432

Total Personal Services 98,389 72,960 91,300 94,847 69.2 65,637 62,645 61,106
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 1,594 2,000 2,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 115 1,000 1,000 1.9 19 1,000 1,000
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 2,565 5,000 5,000 71.9 3,595 5,000 5,000
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 1,246 1,249 2,000 2,000 62.7 1,254 2,000 2,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,246 5,524 10,000 10,000 48.7 4,868 10,000 10,000
4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 389,563 371,931 380,000 380,000 62.6 238,046 380,000 380,000
4230.52 Telephone Cell Phones/Wireless Services 111,936 130,941 168,752 168,752 49.3 83,197 180,000 180,000
Total Communication 501,499 502,872 548,752 548,752 58.5 321,243 560,000 560,000
4124 Communication Supplies 20 0 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
4160 Office Supplies 0 2,216 18,000 18,000 89.5 16,102 18,000 18,000

• Phased replacement of phones.

Total Supplies 20 2,216 18,200 18,200 88.5 16,102 18,200 18,200

4629 Interdept Exp Reimb (478,989) (524,014) (548,484) (548,484) 60.7 (332,928) (540,071) (540,071)

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) (478,989) (524,014) (548,484) (548,484) 60.7 (332,928) (540,071) (540,071)

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services (478,989) (524,014) (548,484) (548,484) 60.7 (332,928) (540,071) (540,071)
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 2,000 0 10,000 10,000 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

Page 105
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Contracted Services 2,000 0 10,000 10,000 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 73,040 74,700 75,000 75,000 0.0 0 78,500 78,500
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 3,530 0 1,500 1,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500
4650 External Postage 312 33 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
Total Operations 76,882 74,733 77,000 77,000 0.0 0 80,500 80,500
Total A.1650 - OCIS- Telecomm 201,047 134,291 206,768 210,315 35.6 74,923 201,274 199,735

Page 106
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1650 OCIS- Telecomm

23890.01 Misc, Other Govts Telephone 1,944 1,944 2,094 2,094 92.5 1,936 1,980 1,980

• Revenue for phone services for Water and Wastewater.

Total Intergovernmental Charges 1,944 1,944 2,094 2,094 92.5 1,936 1,980 1,980
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 1,294 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 1,294 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 1,633 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 1,633 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1650 - OCIS- Telecomm 4,871 1,944 2,094 2,094 92.5 1,936 1,980 1,980

Page 107
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1660 - OCIS- Stores
PRIN PROG AST 12 1.00 55,904 1.00 12 1.00 60,759 1.00 60,759
A.1660 - OCIS- Stores 1.00 55,904 1.00 1.00 60,759 1.00 60,759

Page 108
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1660 OCIS- Stores

1010 Positions 55,475 56,784 55,904 58,495 70.7 41,363 60,759 60,759

Total Salaries and Wages 55,475 56,784 55,904 58,495 70.7 41,363 60,759 60,759
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 4,126 4,214 4,278 4,477 68.4 3,062 4,649 4,649
8355 Long-Term Disability 54 54 54 79 66.7 53 108 108
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 8,660 9,633 10,597 10,353 75.0 7,765 11,755 11,755
8450 Optical Insurance 221 221 221 221 74.9 166 230 230
8500 Dental Insurance 1,348 1,482 1,483 1,439 75.0 1,079 1,498 1,498
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 37 46.2 17 75 75

Total Employee Benefits 14,408 15,603 16,633 16,606 73.1 12,141 18,315 18,315
8100 Pymts to Retire System 8,749 8,693 8,822 8,822 24.9 2,193 9,075 9,323

Total Benefits 8,749 8,693 8,822 8,822 24.9 2,193 9,075 9,323

Total Personal Services 78,633 81,080 81,359 83,923 66.4 55,697 88,149 88,397
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 0 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 0 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
4750 Other Equipment-ND 0 0 4,999 5,332 64.4 3,432 10,000 10,000

• Warehouse shelving/racks needed.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 0 4,999 5,332 64.4 3,432 10,000 10,000

Total Equipment 0 0 4,999 5,332 64.4 3,432 10,000 10,000

4160 Office Supplies 1,249 949 1,000 1,000 32.9 329 1,000 1,000
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 150 150 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
Total Supplies 1,399 1,099 1,150 1,150 28.6 329 1,150 1,150
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 240 240 264 264 66.7 176 264 264
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 698 845 900 900 66.2 596 894 894

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 938 1,085 1,164 1,164 66.3 772 1,158 1,158

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 938 1,085 1,164 1,164 66.3 772 1,158 1,158
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 8 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 109
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 0 400 400 400 0.0 0 400 400

• Safety inspection of pallet jacks.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 194 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4650 External Postage 66 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
Total Operations 268 400 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
Total A.1660 - OCIS- Stores 81,238 83,664 89,422 92,319 65.2 60,230 101,207 101,455

Page 110
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1660 OCIS- Stores

22100.00 Gen Serv, Other Govt General 3,238 3,160 3,300 3,300 82.4 2,718 3,300 3,300

• Revenue from supplies for towns and agencies.

Total Intergovernmental Charges 3,238 3,160 3,300 3,300 82.4 2,718 3,300 3,300
Total A.1660 - OCIS- Stores 3,238 3,160 3,300 3,300 82.4 2,718 3,300 3,300

Page 111
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1670.18 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Printing
OFFSET PRINTER 10 3.00 128,654 3.00 10 3.00 140,639 3.00 140,639
PRINT SHOP SUPV 13 1.00 54,236 1.00 13 1.00 60,513 1.00 60,513
A.1670.18 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Printing 4.00 182,890 4.00 4.00 201,152 4.00 201,152

Page 112
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1670.18 OCIS- Print / Mail- Printing

1010 Positions 202,032 181,431 182,890 191,617 71.5 136,925 201,152 201,152
1040 ST Overtime 999 2,034 1,000 1,000 51.3 513 1,000 1,000
1050 Overtime 1,149 1,421 2,000 1,900 18.8 358 1,900 1,900
1070 Shift Differential 23 43 0 100 7.9 8 100 100
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 93 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 204,204 185,023 185,890 194,617 70.8 137,804 204,152 204,152
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 14,922 13,395 13,996 14,665 66.4 9,743 15,391 15,391
8355 Long-Term Disability 214 194 162 315 66.9 211 432 432
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 45,494 49,611 60,470 67,527 75.0 50,645 76,672 76,672
8450 Optical Insurance 881 781 887 884 74.9 662 920 920
8500 Dental Insurance 5,378 5,243 5,804 5,753 75.0 4,314 5,992 5,992
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 123 45.9 56 252 252

Total Employee Benefits 66,888 69,223 81,319 89,267 73.5 65,632 99,659 99,659
8100 Pymts to Retire System 30,756 24,538 23,103 23,103 24.1 5,575 33,277 27,980

Total Benefits 30,756 24,538 23,103 23,103 24.1 5,575 33,277 27,980

Total Personal Services 301,848 278,784 290,312 306,987 68.1 209,011 337,088 331,791
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 10,000 0 0.0 0 10,000 10,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 0 10,500 500 0.0 0 10,500 10,500
2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 0 78,920 25,000 22,811 75.6 17,235 17,000 17,000

• Xante Impressia Digital Multi Media Press

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 78,920 25,000 22,811 75.6 17,235 17,000 17,000

Total Equipment 0 78,920 25,000 22,811 75.6 17,235 17,000 17,000

4160 Office Supplies 31,901 25,825 32,500 32,167 37.6 12,083 42,500 42,500
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 962 800 800 800 0.0 0 800 800
Total Supplies 32,863 26,625 33,300 32,967 36.7 12,083 43,300 43,300
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 480 480 396 396 66.7 264 264 264
4629 Interdept Exp Reimb (306,412) (410,843) (422,915) (422,915) 70.0 (295,971) (453,478) (453,478)

• County copier program and printing.

Page 113
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) (305,932) (410,363) (422,519) (422,519) 70.0 (295,707) (453,214) (453,214)

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services (305,932) (410,363) (422,519) (422,519) 70.0 (295,707) (453,214) (453,214)
4460 Comm Printing 0 9,319 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Contracted Services 0 9,319 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 247,418 320,938 345,000 345,000 73.6 253,875 365,000 365,000

• Central Services manages the County copier program.

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 101,046 142,556 140,000 140,000 70.1 98,079 145,000 145,000

• Copier maintenance and software contracts for the Print Shop's Digital StoreFront.

4611 Refuse Removal 123 123 745 745 16.6 123 500 500
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 2,632 5,404 5,000 5,000 37.1 1,855 5,000 5,000

• Repair equipment throughout the year.

Total Operations 351,219 469,021 490,745 490,745 72.1 353,932 515,500 515,500
Total A.1670.18 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Printing 379,997 452,306 427,338 431,491 68.7 296,555 470,174 464,877

Page 114
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1670.18 OCIS- Print / Mail- Printing

12890.06 Other General Printing - External 25,710 22,506 25,000 25,000 92.1 23,024 25,000 25,000

• Revenue from printing jobs for municipalities, non-profits, fire districts, etc. as part of Shared Services. Also includes copier services for Water and Wastewater.

Total Departmental Income 25,710 22,506 25,000 25,000 92.1 23,024 25,000 25,000
26650 Sales of Equipment 0 0 0 0 0.0 193 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 0 544 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 544 0 0 0.0 193 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 25,423 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 25,423 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1670.18 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Printing 51,133 23,050 25,000 25,000 92.9 23,217 25,000 25,000

Page 115
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1670.19 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Mail
COURIER 06 3.00 117,219 3.00 06 3.00 126,634 3.00 126,634
PRIN PROG AST 12 0.00 0 0.00 12 1.00 46,667 1.00 46,667
SR PROG AST 10 1.00 39,403 1.00 10 0.00 0 0.00 0
A.1670.19 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Mail 4.00 156,622 4.00 4.00 173,301 4.00 173,301

Page 116
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1670.19 OCIS- Print / Mail- Mail

1010 Positions 155,076 163,377 156,622 163,344 69.7 113,802 173,301 173,301

Total Salaries and Wages 155,076 163,377 156,622 163,344 69.7 113,802 173,301 173,301
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 11,158 11,366 11,985 12,500 62.3 7,785 13,261 13,261
8355 Long-Term Disability 214 205 216 263 70.1 184 325 325
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 56,633 68,195 83,413 70,774 80.0 56,601 82,824 82,824
8450 Optical Insurance 883 846 884 772 78.5 606 920 920
8500 Dental Insurance 5,391 5,683 5,932 5,024 78.5 3,945 5,992 5,992
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 99 45.6 45 107 107

Total Employee Benefits 74,280 86,296 102,430 89,432 77.3 69,167 103,429 103,429
8100 Pymts to Retire System 20,830 23,176 24,105 24,105 25.0 6,032 21,864 19,640

Total Benefits 20,830 23,176 24,105 24,105 25.0 6,032 21,864 19,640

Total Personal Services 250,186 272,850 283,157 276,881 68.3 189,001 298,594 296,370
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 0 0 2,189 88.3 1,933 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 0 0 2,189 88.3 1,933 0 0

Total Equipment 0 0 0 2,189 88.3 1,933 0 0

4160 Office Supplies 2,399 2,300 2,300 2,300 45.1 1,037 3,500 2,500
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 725 286 725 725 0.0 0 725 725
Total Supplies 3,124 2,586 3,025 3,025 34.3 1,037 4,225 3,225
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 504 504 132 132 66.7 88 132 132
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 94 94 180 180 32.3 58 0 0
4629 Interdept Exp Reimb (278,848) (263,990) (310,280) (310,280) 63.4 (196,831) (300,955) (300,955)

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) (278,250) (263,392) (309,968) (309,968) 63.5 (196,685) (300,823) (300,823)

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services (278,250) (263,392) (309,968) (309,968) 63.5 (196,685) (300,823) (300,823)
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 15,588 15,588 16,000 16,000 97.4 15,588 18,000 18,000
4650 External Postage 344,908 328,229 340,000 340,000 60.7 206,359 370,000 370,000
Total Operations 360,496 343,817 356,000 356,000 62.3 221,947 388,000 388,000
Total A.1670.19 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Mail 335,556 355,860 332,214 328,127 66.2 217,233 389,996 386,772

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1670.19 OCIS- Print / Mail- Mail

12890.13 Other General Mail - External 13,381 8,335 14,000 14,000 70.3 9,842 14,000 14,000

• Mail processing for Water and Wastewater, special mailings.

Total Departmental Income 13,381 8,335 14,000 14,000 70.3 9,842 14,000 14,000
Total A.1670.19 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Mail 13,381 8,335 14,000 14,000 70.3 9,842 14,000 14,000

Page 118
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1680 - General Fund.Computer Information Systems
APPLICATIONS MANAGER MG 1.00 120,755 1.00 MG 1.00 128,579 1.00 128,579
COMSR CENTRL INFO SVCS MJ 1.00 133,317 1.00 MJ 1.00 139,724 1.00 139,724
CONF ADMV AST CI 1.00 74,375 1.00 CI 1.00 78,026 1.00 78,026
CYBER SECUR ADMR 19 0.00 0 0.00 19 1.00 83,846 1.00 83,846
DIR RESRCH EVAL MF 1.00 114,480 1.00 MF 1.00 117,056 1.00 117,056
DPTY COMSR CENTRL INFO SYS MH 1.00 131,507 1.00 MH 1.00 139,017 1.00 139,017
GIS ANLST 15 1.00 63,821 1.00 15 1.00 70,047 1.00 70,047
INFRASTRUCTURE ADMR 19 1.00 95,652 1.00 19 1.00 102,723 1.00 102,723
INFRASTRUCTURE MGR MG 1.00 134,400 1.00 MG 1.00 137,422 1.00 137,422
MC NET SPRT SPCLST 17 4.00 317,470 4.00 17 4.00 344,874 4.00 344,874
MC SVCS SUPV 19 1.00 99,697 1.00 19 1.00 107,919 1.00 107,919
MCWP SPRT AST 14 2.00 112,930 2.00 14 2.00 124,883 2.00 124,883
NET ADMR 19 1.00 75,108 1.00 19 0.50 42,432 0.50 42,432
PROG AST 08 1.00 34,523 1.00 08 1.00 37,755 1.00 37,755
PROGMG OPS SUPV MH 19 1.00 85,799 1.00 19 1.00 94,244 1.00 94,244
PROGRAMMER ANLST 17 4.00 287,378 4.00 17 4.00 314,381 4.00 314,381
PROGRAMMER ANLST GIS 17 1.00 69,667 1.00 17 1.00 76,527 1.00 76,527
PROGRAMMER ANLST MH 17 1.00 84,110 1.00 17 1.00 90,077 1.00 90,077
PROGRAMMER ANLST TR 15 2.00 116,153 2.00 15 2.00 134,965 2.00 134,965
PROJECT LEADER MF 3.00 348,484 3.00 MF 3.00 359,048 3.00 359,048
PROJECT LEADER GIS MF 1.00 111,241 1.00 MF 1.00 113,744 1.00 113,744
PROJECT LEADER/WEBMASTER MF 1.00 101,282 1.00 MF 1.00 106,149 1.00 106,149
SOFT APPLICATIONS SPCLST 18 0.00 0 0.00 18 1.00 75,638 1.00 75,638
SR NET ADMR 20 1.00 99,230 1.00 20 1.00 106,282 1.00 106,282
SUPV CMPTR OPS 16 1.00 82,928 1.00 16 1.00 65,926 1.00 65,926
SYSS ANLST 1.00 75,108 1.00 0.00 0 0.00 0
SYSS ANLST 19 7.00 682,352 7.00 19 7.00 736,747 7.00 736,747
SYSS ANLST GIS 19 1.00 92,844 1.00 19 1.00 100,235 1.00 100,235
USER SVCS ADMR 14 1.00 70,617 1.00 14 1.00 75,693 1.00 75,693
USER SVCS LIAISON 12 1.00 43,546 1.00 12 1.00 48,270 1.00 48,270
WEB DSGNR/ ANLST 17 2.00 139,401 2.00 17 2.00 153,127 2.00 153,127
A.1680 - General Fund.Computer Information Systems 46.00 3,998,175 46.00 46.50 4,305,356 46.50 4,305,356

Page 119
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1680 Computer Information Systems

1010 Positions 3,915,737 3,859,568 3,998,175 4,120,304 70.4 2,898,649 4,305,356 4,305,356
1040 ST Overtime 1,088 599 5,000 5,000 11.4 571 8,000 8,000

• Critical to pay for off-shift work needed to handle 24-hour service to Public Safety departments, time sensitive Tax Bill processing, and to resolve system and network issues. Increase due
to planned department moves.
1050 Overtime 70 0 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000

• Critical to pay for off-shift work needed to handle 24-hour service to Public Safety departments, time-sensitive Tax Bill processing and to resolve system and network issues. Increase due
to planned department moves.
1070 Shift Differential 2,721 1,013 3,000 3,000 0.4 13 3,000 3,000
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100

Total Salaries and Wages 3,919,616 3,861,180 4,007,275 4,129,404 70.2 2,899,234 4,321,456 4,321,456
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 292,110 287,781 304,811 314,155 68.5 215,110 327,470 327,470
8355 Long-Term Disability 7,356 8,714 8,191 9,961 72.6 7,235 10,434 10,434
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 618,360 631,044 723,549 720,527 75.4 543,370 841,518 841,518
8450 Optical Insurance 9,049 8,749 9,184 9,203 75.1 6,912 10,235 10,235
8500 Dental Insurance 55,352 59,854 61,033 61,314 75.1 46,034 68,159 68,159
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 1,363 46.5 633 2,806 2,806
8800 Life Ins 4,418 2,455 2,325 2,537 75.0 1,902 2,422 2,422
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 402 491 470 508 74.9 381 488 488

Total Employee Benefits 987,046 999,087 1,109,563 1,119,568 73.4 821,576 1,263,532 1,263,532
8100 Pymts to Retire System 566,272 568,237 549,300 549,300 25.9 142,161 594,001 572,457

Total Benefits 566,272 568,237 549,300 549,300 25.9 142,161 594,001 572,457

Total Personal Services 5,472,934 5,428,504 5,666,138 5,798,272 66.6 3,862,971 6,178,989 6,157,445
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 1,128 1,158 1,200 1,200 25.6 307 1,200 1,200
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 497 2,016 5,000 5,000 85.7 4,286 5,000 5,000

• Critical for staff to keep up with technology changes, maintain a strong infrastructure and move forward with cost saving improvements in services for the public and county agencies.

4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 1,118 1,641 15,965 15,965 41.5 6,618 16,400 16,400
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 2,992 8,313 48,465 48,465 41.9 20,312 46,520 46,520
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 6,354 14,342 7,160 7,160 66.3 4,747 7,710 7,710

• Various on-line subscriptions and Internet Domain Name fees, professional/trade magazines and publications. Also includes subscriptions for SurveyMonkey and web services.

Page 120
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 175 175 500 500 40.0 200 500 500
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 12,264 27,645 78,290 78,290 46.6 36,470 77,330 77,330
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 7,371 46,945 67,700 67,700 1.8 1,228 60,240 60,240

• Computer hardware for non-reimbursable county departments and OCIS.

4750 Other Equipment-ND 0 0 0 7,425 0.0 0 0 0

4760 Computer Software-ND 28,927 41,308 5,660 5,660 22.8 1,288 6,100 6,100

• Computer software for non-reimbursable county departments and OCIS.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 36,298 88,253 73,360 80,785 3.1 2,516 66,340 66,340
2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 10,539 65,844 10,000 10,500 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

• Computer hardware items primarily for non-reimbursable county departments.

2600.05 Computer Software 5 YEAR 23,525 7,097 123,700 123,700 49.3 60,963 152,000 152,000

• Computer software items primarily for non-reimbursable county departments; New World Employee Benefit Module $15,000.

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 34,064 72,941 133,700 134,200 45.4 60,963 162,000 162,000

Total Equipment 70,362 161,194 207,060 214,985 29.5 63,479 228,340 228,340
4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 105,364 105,364 110,097 110,097 71.8 79,023 137,698 137,698

• Data lines between county sites. Increase due to department moves and additions for Office for the Aging and Beacon.

4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 34,247 35,712 46,650 46,650 56.8 26,482 52,658 52,658

• Broadband network connections for remote department sites and backup sites for OCIS. Increase in order to increase speed at Beacon.

Total Communication 139,611 141,076 156,747 156,747 67.3 105,504 190,356 190,356
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 0 299 300 300 5.2 16 300 300
4123 Safety Supplies 0 995 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 181,653 197,670 271,114 263,189 72.6 191,167 294,410 294,410

• Equipment $249,410; Miscellaneous Supplies $45,000 (Computer equipment and cabling)

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 132,678 105,249 35,669 35,669 90.2 32,160 36,469 36,469

Page 121
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Supplies 314,331 304,212 307,083 299,158 74.7 223,342 331,179 331,179
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 9,636 9,636 8,244 8,244 66.7 5,496 8,112 8,112
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 597 635 480 480 61.4 294 442 442
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 145 145 600 600 24.7 148 600 600
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 3,171 4,142 4,466 4,466 66.7 2,977 4,466 4,466
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 155 75 300 300 51.7 155 600 600
4629 Interdept Exp Reimb (1,288,860) (1,353,718) (1,415,574) (1,415,574) 67.3 (952,919) (1,553,938) (1,553,938)

• Reimbursements from some County departments for OCIS services to maximize reimbursement from NYS. The “negative” appropriation in this account is offset by balancing
appropriations in Aging, Airport, BOE, DBCH, DCFS, Public Transit, NY Connects, and Probation.

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) (1,275,156) (1,339,084) (1,401,484) (1,401,484) 67.3 (943,848) (1,539,718) (1,539,718)

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services (1,275,156) (1,339,084) (1,401,484) (1,401,484) 67.3 (943,848) (1,539,718) (1,539,718)
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 19,694 13,948 29,700 29,700 96.1 28,544 24,700 24,700

• Specialized technical work.

4460 Comm Printing 9,162 8,331 12,000 12,000 32.7 3,920 12,000 10,000
Total Contracted Services 28,856 22,279 41,700 41,700 77.9 32,464 36,700 34,700
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 175,929 188,519 267,370 267,295 58.2 155,550 281,486 281,486

• Hardware items, including network equipment, servers and disk storage, as well as, NYS RPT software fee.

4604 Data Storage Services 0 54,820 271,212 271,212 76.9 208,476 305,030 305,030
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 0 0 75 100.0 75 250 250
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 567,626 522,909 623,769 623,769 72.1 449,724 639,326 639,326

• Annual maintenance/support fees for various hardware and software products, including Enterprise Content Management, Public Safety and Financial Management.

4610.70 Advertising Admin 0 349 500 500 0.0 0 500 500

4611 Refuse Removal 1,464 1,381 1,657 1,657 55.5 920 1,657 1,657
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 1,375 9,994 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 0 4,097 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4650 External Postage 1,602 1,371 3,250 3,250 10.3 335 2,000 2,000
Total Operations 747,996 783,439 1,172,758 1,172,758 69.5 815,079 1,235,249 1,235,249
Total A.1680 - Computer Information Systems 5,511,197 5,529,264 6,228,292 6,360,426 66.0 4,195,462 6,738,425 6,714,881

Page 122
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office of Central & Information Services
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1680 Computer Information Systems

12890.00 Other General Misc Other 8,455 8,454 5,000 5,000 172.0 8,600 5,000 5,000

• This is received for special jobs created for the public.

Total Departmental Income 8,455 8,454 5,000 5,000 172.0 8,600 5,000 5,000
22280.01 Data Processing PC 106,674 163,250 172,900 172,900 72.0 124,433 188,907 188,907

• Shared Services contracts.

22280.02 Data Processing Dataline Services 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 66.7 4,800 7,200 7,200

• This revenue is received from the Poughkeepsie City Police Department for Dark Fiber network connection charges.

22280.03 Data Processing Sch Rolls & Bills 56,541 58,522 58,970 58,970 99.4 58,606 60,759 60,759
22280.04 Data Processing City & Town Rolls 232,146 232,756 246,850 246,850 99.3 245,175 246,850 246,850
22280.06 Data Processing Village Rolls & Billing 4,194 3,899 3,964 3,964 101.9 4,037 4,100 4,100
Total Intergovernmental Charges 406,754 465,627 489,884 489,884 89.2 437,052 507,816 507,816
26650 Sales of Equipment 1,170 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 442 442 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 1,612 442 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 116 5,868 0 0 0.0 7,125 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 859 9,174 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27720.00 Intergovernmental Reimbursement TASC charge back 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100

• Tobacco Asset Scrutinization Corporation (TASC) Web Site changes.

Total Misc. Local Sources 975 15,042 100 100 7,125.3 7,125 100 100
Total A.1680 - Computer Information Systems 417,796 489,565 494,984 494,984 91.5 452,778 512,916 512,916

Total Office of Central & Information Services Approp 7,132,007 7,221,037 7,963,598 8,136,883 65.3 5,314,548 8,918,496 8,890,373

Total Office of Central & Information Services Revenue 527,956 560,052 570,878 570,878 89.5 511,134 795,175 795,175

Page 123
County Clerk

In all divisions, the County Clerk’s Office is committed to the
delivery of accurate information in order to facilitate

successful transactions and satisfied customers.

Legal Division – To accurately record and index land records,

court records and other public records in accordance with the
duties of the County Clerk’s Office as set forth in the NYS
Constitution. To deliver personal service, process passport
applications and arrange for Naturalization ceremonies for our
newest citizens on behalf of the Federal Government.

Department of Motor Vehicles – To help customers

successfully navigate the sometimes complex state regulations
pertaining to non-driver identification cards, drivers’ licenses
and registrations.

Records Management Division – To accurately inventory, store

Percentage of the County Budget
and record all non-current and archival records for all County
Departments and agencies.

Page 124
County Clerk
The Office of the County Clerk is one of the oldest governmental offices in Dutchess County, established in 1715 as Clerk of the Court and keeper
of the County Records. Over time, additional responsibilities have been added to the County Clerk’s office. Currently, the duties are allocated as
follows: Administration, Department of Motor Vehicles, Legal Division, Records Management, and functional oversight and administrative
support for the Department of History.

Administration (A.1410.01)
Provides overall guidance and department management, oversees expenditures and establishes the goals and objectives of the County Clerk’s

Department of Motor Vehicles (A.1410.13)

Dutchess County is one of 51 counties across New York State where the County Clerk, acting as the agent for the New York State Commissioner
of Motor Vehicles, provides a wide range of motor vehicle services to the public. Services are provided at the County Office Building, as well as in
Wappingers Falls and Beacon on all weekdays. Service is provided in Millbrook on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and in Pawling on Tuesday
and Thursday.

Legal Division (A.1410.14)

The Legal Division is constitutionally charged with indexing and filing the records of the Supreme and County Courts, as well as, recording all
records relating to the title of lands within the County. Originally maintained as paper records since 1989 all land records are stored electronically.
In partnership with the Office of Central and Information Services, today more than 1,571,808 land and legal documents are available to the
public through dutchessny.gov/countyclerk for viewing and purchase. Additional court filings are available through New York State Courts
Electronic Filing (NYSCEF) system.

Additional responsibilities include:

• For Veterans- File military discharge papers, issue Veteran’s Peddler’s Permits, and administer the “Return the Favor” program.
• For Citizens- Act as agent for the Department of Homeland Security for passport services and administer the Oath of Allegiance to new
citizens at bi-monthly naturalization ceremonies.
• For Businesses- As Chief Notary of the County, maintain the registry of notaries. Also issue assumed name business certificates, as well as,
corporate filings received from the NYS Department of State.
• For Government- Record Oaths of Offices for County and municipal office holders. Collect and distribute taxes and fees for multiple entities.

Page 125
Records Management (A.1410.20)
The County Clerk serves as the Records Management Officer of Dutchess County. Long-term record storage is located at 170 Washington Street
where more than 48,000 boxes house document collections of every department of County government, as well as, historical documents. The
Records Center also provides documents to departments upon request and re-files those documents upon return.

Key Budgetary Issues:

Department of Motor Vehicles
• Revenues projected by NYS DMV are anticipated to increase; however, there will still be a projected deficit in the provision of DMV services.
This is largely due to the expansion of internet transactions provided by NYS DMV. Additionally, counties only retain 12.7% of the fees
collected for the work performed at County DMV’s and remits 87.3% to the New York State general fund. The current rate has not been
adjusted since 1999. The Vehicle Use Tax collected by the Dutchess County DMV, contributes an estimated $1.86 million in revenue to the
highway Fund.
• Beginning October 1, 2020, the federal government will require all driver license, permit or ID cardholder to be REAL ID or Enhanced
compliant. Late last year, the NYS DMV implemented its REAL ID and Enhanced compliant cards. To date, we have experienced an uptick in
these new license card requests. These transactions are more complicated, often take longer to process leading to prolonged wait times for
all DMV services.

2019 Initiatives:
• Anticipated continued growth in the electronic submission of • As part of a multi-year operational restructuring of the Records
records. 69% of civil cases have been commenced electronically Management Division, we have requested the reclassification of
as part of the e-Filing initiative begun in December, 2015. E- the Principal Program Assistant position to a Principal Registry
Filing has provided pro se litigants, attorneys and users to the Clerk. The County Clerk’s Office currently utilizes 22% of the
system up-to-date information, accessibility, and efficiency. E- holdings at the records center. That being said, the position
Recording of land records will continue to expand to include already familiar with County Clerk records will assist as we
additional vendors. For the County, these initiatives have redirect our efforts in transitioning from the reliance of paper
provided cost savings in processing and postage. documents through purging and imaging to relieve the burden
of storing records. The Records Management Division will also
continue its ThinkDIFFERNTLY back scanning project.

Page 126
• Goals for the Office of the Dutchess County Clerk continue to
include service through technology, increasing productivity
through professional management, providing a customer
friendly environment for those who need to visit our office, and
facilitating commerce throughout the County through
cooperation and effectiveness. Additionally, the administration
will continue to examine existing policies and procedures to
enhance workforce development and efficiencies.

Page 127
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Department of Motor Vehicle - To deliver personal service at a reasonable cost while generating revenue for the county. The County Clerk's Office will
continue to encourage our residents to "Renew Local First" in order to keep tax dollars in the County.

DMV Transactions 285,900 318,000 325,000 7,000 2.2%

Legal Division - To serve as receiver and custodian of all land records, the collector of mortgage and deed transfer taxes and receiver of court documents.
The Legal Division will also continue to process passport applications, assist in setting up new businesses and conduct naturalization ceremonies for new
American citizens.
Recordings and Transactions 103,900 104,000 104,000 - 0.0%
Records Management - To provide cost effective and efficient method of records retention.
Request for Records 3,731 3,800 4,000 200 5.3%
Records Added 1,928 2,164 2,126 (38) -1.8%
Records Destroyed 2,030 1,800 2,000 200 11.1%

Page 128
County Clerk
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 2,965,059 3,041,256 3,216,546 3,290,629 74,083 2.3% 2019 Appropriations
Employee Benefits 1,606,923 1,718,111 1,698,744 2,006,128 307,384 18.1%
Personal Services 4,571,982 4,759,367 4,915,290 5,296,757 381,467 7.8% 95%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 5,629 8,250 10,000 8,550 (1,450) -14.5% Personal
Equipment 1,170 2,200 2,200 - (2,200) -100.0% Services
Communication 1,902 1,980 1,980 1,980 - 0.0%
Supplies 28,211 43,350 41,092 34,200 (6,892) -16.8%
Utilities 3,780 5,174 5,174 5,648 474 9.2%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs (24,078) (38,772) (38,772) (43,188) (4,416) 11.4% 1%
Contracted Services 73,608 67,535 68,693 38,443 (30,250) -44.0% Contracted
Operations 150,170 157,386 157,386 159,585 2,199 1.4%
Total Appropriations $4,812,375 $5,006,470 $5,163,043 $5,501,975 $338,932 6.6% 1% 3%
Other Operations

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Revenues
Departmental Income 5,027,653 5,079,392 5,079,392 5,279,092 199,700 3.9% 100%
Use of Money and Property 68 50 50 50 - 0.0% Fee Revenue
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 4,874 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources - - - - - 0.0%
Sate Aid 49,997 14,185 14,185 9,935 (4,250) -30.0%
Total Revenues $5,082,592 $5,097,627 $5,097,627 $5,293,077 $195,450 3.8%

Net to County Cost ($270,217) ($91,157) $65,416 $208,898 $143,482 219.3% <1%
State Aid

Page 129
County Clerk

County Clerk

Motor Vehicle Administration Legal History

Page 130
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1410.01 - General Fund.County Clerk.Administration
CNTY CLK E 1.00 106,023 1.00 E 1.00 106,023 1.00 106,023
COURIER 06 1.00 41,262 1.00 06 1.00 44,329 1.00 44,329
SECY CNTY CLK MC 1.00 72,130 1.00 MC 1.00 75,599 1.00 75,599
A.1410.01 - General Fund.County Clerk.Administration 3.00 219,415 3.00 3.00 225,951 3.00 225,951

Page 131
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1410.01 County Clerk.Administration

1010 Positions 221,458 216,101 219,415 221,448 70.9 157,057 225,951 225,951
1040 ST Overtime 111 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 221,569 216,101 219,415 221,448 70.9 157,057 225,951 225,951
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 16,469 15,963 16,789 16,945 68.2 11,562 17,289 17,289
8355 Long-Term Disability 863 1,058 1,048 1,103 74.4 821 1,121 1,121
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 63,157 68,986 77,956 75,361 75.0 56,520 85,566 85,566
8450 Optical Insurance 670 662 663 663 74.9 497 690 690
8500 Dental Insurance 4,088 4,447 4,449 4,315 75.0 3,236 4,494 4,494
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 28 45.0 13 55 55
8800 Life Ins 657 370 366 379 74.8 284 375 375
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 60 74 74 76 74.7 57 75 75

Total Employee Benefits 85,964 91,561 101,345 98,870 73.8 72,989 109,665 109,665
8100 Pymts to Retire System 58,547 39,387 34,103 34,103 24.6 8,398 48,023 34,990

Total Benefits 58,547 39,387 34,103 34,103 24.6 8,398 48,023 34,990

Total Personal Services 366,080 347,049 354,863 354,421 67.3 238,444 383,639 370,606
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 50 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 705 250 1,200 2,100 52.3 1,098 1,200 1,200
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 0 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 150 150 150 450 44.4 200 250 250
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 450 450 450 450 100.0 450 450 450
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,305 899 2,250 3,450 50.7 1,748 2,350 2,350
4160 Office Supplies 140 87 400 400 80.6 322 200 200
Total Supplies 140 87 400 400 80.6 322 200 200
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 960 960 1,056 1,056 66.7 704 1,056 1,056
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 155 162 165 165 66.3 109 165 165
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 40 140 100 336 98.3 330 200 200

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 1,155 1,262 1,321 1,557 73.5 1,144 1,421 1,421

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 1,155 1,262 1,321 1,557 73.5 1,144 1,421 1,421
Total A.1410.01 - County Clerk.Administration 368,680 349,297 358,834 359,828 67.2 241,658 387,610 374,577

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1410.13 - General Fund.County Clerk.DMV
DPTY CNTY CLK ME 1.00 91,434 1.00 ME 1.00 95,829 1.00 95,829
MOTOR VEH CLK 09 15.00 621,499 18.00 09 18.00 793,054 18.00 793,054
PRIN MOTOR VEH CLK 11 8.00 401,439 8.00 11 8.00 417,138 8.00 417,138
SUPVG MOTOR VEH CLK 13 6.00 370,764 6.00 13 6.00 376,692 6.00 376,692
A.1410.13 - General Fund.County Clerk.DMV 30.00 1,485,136 33.00 33.00 1,682,713 33.00 1,682,713

Page 133
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1410.13 County Clerk.DMV

1010 Positions 1,372,979 1,439,789 1,485,136 1,576,861 69.1 1,089,023 1,682,713 1,682,713
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 320 320 0.0 0 320 320
1040 ST Overtime 715 6,779 5,000 29,000 92.3 26,766 9,000 9,000
1050 Overtime 0 0 0 1,245 81.7 1,018 245 245
1070 Shift Differential 8 117 60 395 74.6 295 195 195
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 334 200 830 76.4 634 330 330

Total Salaries and Wages 1,373,703 1,447,018 1,490,716 1,608,651 69.5 1,117,735 1,692,803 1,692,803
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 100,022 104,721 113,639 122,751 65.5 80,457 128,760 128,760
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,816 1,975 1,917 2,774 68.2 1,891 3,399 3,399
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 362,385 419,801 444,943 482,965 75.9 366,579 657,294 657,294
8450 Optical Insurance 5,811 6,100 5,967 6,128 74.8 4,582 7,360 7,360
8500 Dental Insurance 35,470 40,954 40,041 39,907 74.8 29,840 47,936 47,936
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 902 46.5 419 1,768 1,768
8800 Life Ins 321 179 168 194 74.7 145 177 177
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 29 36 34 39 74.3 29 36 36

Total Employee Benefits 505,854 573,764 606,709 655,660 73.8 483,942 846,730 846,730
8100 Pymts to Retire System 184,973 190,760 204,155 209,455 23.6 49,463 190,519 225,350

Total Benefits 184,973 190,760 204,155 209,455 23.6 49,463 190,519 225,350

Total Personal Services 2,064,530 2,211,542 2,301,580 2,473,766 66.7 1,651,140 2,730,052 2,764,883
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 3,626 2,730 3,500 3,500 65.3 2,285 3,500 3,500
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 0 0 0 0.0 38 0 0
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 0 50 700 43.0 301 200 200
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 1,463 1,448 1,500 1,500 96.5 1,448 1,500 1,500

• World Data Corp Registration Manuals $1,100; U.S. Identification Manuals $400: Title, Registration and related DMV procedures for 5 offices

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 5,089 4,177 5,050 5,700 71.4 4,071 5,200 5,200
4750 Other Equipment-ND 0 0 2,200 2,200 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 0 2,200 2,200 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 0 2,200 2,200 0.0 0 0 0

4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 1,803 1,902 1,980 1,980 61.2 1,211 1,980 1,980
Total Communication 1,803 1,902 1,980 1,980 61.2 1,211 1,980 1,980

Page 134
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4160 Office Supplies 5,584 2,939 3,500 6,842 48.3 3,303 3,500 3,500

• Equipment $500; Furniture $500; Office Supplies $2,500

Total Supplies 5,584 2,939 3,500 6,842 48.3 3,303 3,500 3,500
4220 Electric-Light & Power 3,322 3,780 5,174 5,174 60.8 3,145 5,000 5,648
Total Utilities 3,322 3,780 5,174 5,174 60.8 3,145 5,000 5,648
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 7,908 7,908 7,176 7,176 66.7 4,784 7,500 7,500
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 2,382 2,312 3,100 3,100 49.4 1,532 2,500 2,500
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 3,801 5,955 6,673 6,673 66.7 4,448 6,673 6,673
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 280 160 200 200 87.5 175 200 200

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 14,371 16,334 17,149 17,149 63.8 10,939 16,873 16,873

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 14,371 16,334 17,149 17,149 63.8 10,939 16,873 16,873
4401.102 Professional Services Legal 712 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 300 300 59.3 178 300 300

• Sign language interpreter services required by ADA.

4460 Comm Printing 0 60 0 158 98.7 156 158 158

Total Contracted Services 712 60 300 458 72.9 334 458 458
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 108,703 110,342 112,693 112,693 82.3 92,756 113,635 113,635

• Wappinger DMV $65,583, Millbrook DMV $35,596, and Pawling DMV $12,456.

4606 Janitorial Services 6,591 7,952 10,002 10,002 66.9 6,695 10,002 10,002
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 4,492 5,395 4,551 4,551 100.0 4,551 5,558 5,558

• Q-matic maintenance: Poughkeepsie DMV $3,448, Wappinger DMV $2,110

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 125 0 400 400 0.0 0 400 400

4650 External Postage 1,094 1,160 1,500 1,500 56.1 841 1,500 1,500
Total Operations 121,004 124,849 129,146 129,146 81.2 104,843 131,095 131,095
Total A.1410.13 - County Clerk.DMV 2,216,416 2,365,583 2,466,079 2,642,415 67.3 1,778,986 2,894,158 2,929,637

Page 135
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1410.13 County Clerk.DMV

12550.05 Clerk Fees Motor Vehicle Fees 1,851,037 2,081,978 2,100,000 2,100,000 72.4 1,520,173 2,390,000 2,390,000
12550.06 Clerk Fees Sales Tax Allowance 21,944 21,802 20,000 20,000 70.1 14,029 20,500 20,500
12550.17 Clerk Fees DMV::Good Neighbor Citizen Grant 3,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Departmental Income 1,875,980 2,103,780 2,120,000 2,120,000 72.4 1,534,202 2,410,500 2,410,500
24010.00 Interest General 61 68 50 50 136.6 68 50 50
Total Use of Money and Property 61 68 50 50 136.6 68 50 50
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 4,750 3,786 4,000 4,000 82.6 3,306 4,000 4,000
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 1,481 0 0 0 0.0 3,153 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 1,360 748 0 0 0.0 408 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 7,591 4,534 4,000 4,000 171.7 6,866 4,000 4,000
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 0 0 0 0 0.0 10 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 0 0 0 0 0.0 10 0 0
Total A.1410.13 - County Clerk.DMV 1,883,633 2,108,383 2,124,050 2,124,050 72.6 1,541,146 2,414,550 2,414,550

Page 136
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1410.14 - General Fund.County Clerk.Legal Division
DPTY CNTY CLK ME 1.00 86,402 1.00 ME 1.00 90,554 1.00 90,554
PRIN REGISTRY CLK 11 5.00 261,624 5.00 11 5.00 270,837 5.00 270,837
RCVG REGISTRY CLK 09 15.00 632,585 15.00 09 15.00 659,494 15.00 659,494
SUPVG REGISTRY CLK 13 3.00 172,203 3.00 13 3.00 180,218 3.00 180,218
A.1410.14 - General Fund.County Clerk.Legal Division 24.00 1,152,814 24.00 24.00 1,201,103 24.00 1,201,103

Page 137
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1410.14 County Clerk.Legal Division

1010 Positions 1,122,277 1,167,008 1,152,814 1,201,290 68.3 820,301 1,201,103 1,201,103
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 29,868 29,868 0.0 0 29,868 29,868
1040 ST Overtime 5,325 7,983 8,000 8,000 47.3 3,782 8,000 8,000
1050 Overtime 219 21 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 250 250
1070 Shift Differential 1 0 125 125 0.0 0 125 125
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

Total Salaries and Wages 1,127,822 1,175,012 1,191,857 1,240,333 66.4 824,083 1,239,396 1,239,396
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 82,366 85,780 88,210 91,919 64.9 59,627 91,911 91,911
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,586 1,678 1,701 2,235 68.4 1,529 2,643 2,643
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 356,209 374,924 423,376 358,647 74.3 266,596 430,000 430,000
8450 Optical Insurance 5,207 5,196 5,304 5,078 74.5 3,785 5,520 5,520
8500 Dental Insurance 31,783 34,889 35,592 33,010 74.5 24,590 35,952 35,952
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 677 45.3 307 1,268 1,268
8800 Life Ins 308 174 168 183 74.9 137 177 177
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 28 35 34 37 74.2 27 36 36

Total Employee Benefits 477,486 502,677 554,385 491,786 72.5 356,598 567,507 567,507
8100 Pymts to Retire System 149,746 161,096 163,986 163,986 24.9 40,773 165,929 163,425

Total Benefits 149,746 161,096 163,986 163,986 24.9 40,773 165,929 163,425

Total Personal Services 1,755,054 1,838,784 1,910,228 1,896,105 64.4 1,221,454 1,972,832 1,970,328
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 199 356 800 700 0.0 0 800 800
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 299 196 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 498 552 950 850 0.0 0 950 950
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 1,170 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 1,170 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 1,170 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4160 Office Supplies 19,382 23,246 38,950 33,350 23.4 7,798 38,950 30,000

• Equipment $1,395; Furniture $4,780; Office Supplies $32,775. Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 475 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Supplies 19,382 23,721 38,950 33,350 23.4 7,798 38,950 30,000
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 2,664 2,664 2,772 2,772 66.7 1,848 2,640 2,640

Page 138
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 21,758 23,028 22,300 22,300 72.1 16,086 22,300 22,300
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 13,634 14,107 14,265 14,265 66.7 9,510 14,265 14,265
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 400 532 600 364 68.7 250 600 600

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 38,457 40,330 39,937 39,701 69.8 27,694 39,805 39,805

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 38,457 40,330 39,937 39,701 69.8 27,694 39,805 39,805
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 4,300 3,000 4,000 98.1 3,925 3,000 3,000

• Restoration of historical documents; Repair of libers.

4401.106 Professional Services Program 58,075 54,964 14,185 14,185 99.5 14,114 9,935 9,935
4463 Judgements and Claims 0 15 50 50 8.0 4 50 50
Total Contracted Services 58,075 59,279 17,235 18,235 98.9 18,043 12,985 12,985
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 5,588 5,588 5,590 5,590 83.3 4,657 5,590 5,590
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 9,805 10,188 10,650 10,650 89.8 9,563 11,400 11,400

• Kodak Archive Writer $7,600; Receiving portion of Q-Matic $1,950; DRS Group $1,020; Kofax Express $830.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 1,425 497 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4650 External Postage 1,693 867 1,500 1,500 36.9 553 1,000 1,000
4712 Bank Charges 8,462 8,181 10,000 10,000 45.2 4,522 10,000 10,000
Total Operations 26,973 25,321 28,240 28,240 68.3 19,295 28,490 28,490
Total A.1410.14 - County Clerk.Legal Division 1,898,439 1,989,158 2,035,540 2,016,481 64.2 1,294,284 2,094,012 2,082,558

Page 139
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1410.14 County Clerk.Legal Division

12550.01 Clerk Fees Record Mortgages 919,858 880,936 925,000 925,000 59.1 546,475 850,000 850,000
12550.02 Clerk Fees Record Deeds 410,090 420,766 410,000 410,000 67.1 275,070 400,000 400,000
12550.04 Clerk Fees Record Other 1,116,531 1,116,702 1,125,000 1,125,000 62.9 707,729 1,100,000 1,100,000
12550.08 Clerk Fees Mortgage Tax Allow. 300,132 300,132 300,132 300,132 66.7 200,088 300,132 300,132
12550.09 Clerk Fees Transfer Tax Allow. 7,112 7,383 7,000 7,000 62.1 4,345 6,500 6,500
12550.10 Clerk Fees Court Fees 118,685 127,905 123,000 123,000 79.8 98,208 141,000 141,000
12550.11 Clerk Fees Local Records Mgmt. 33,933 35,310 35,000 35,000 64.9 22,725 33,500 33,500
12550.13 Clerk Fees Passport Photo 30,760 30,800 30,000 30,000 73.1 21,940 32,500 32,500
12550.16 Clerk Fees Credit card fees 2,725 2,860 3,000 3,000 80.0 2,400 3,700 3,700
Total Departmental Income 2,939,827 2,922,792 2,958,132 2,958,132 63.5 1,878,981 2,867,332 2,867,332
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 2,312 0 0 0 0.0 1,020 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 2,312 0 0 0 0.0 1,020 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 0 0 0 0.0 77 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 0 0 0 0 0.0 176 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 0 0 0 0 0.0 252 0 0
30890.08 Other St Aid Archive Grant 37,800 49,997 14,185 14,185 85.0 12,059 9,935 9,935
Total State Aid 37,800 49,997 14,185 14,185 85.0 12,059 9,935 9,935
Total A.1410.14 - County Clerk.Legal Division 2,979,939 2,972,789 2,972,317 2,972,317 63.7 1,892,312 2,877,267 2,877,267

Page 140
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1410.20 - General Fund.County Clerk.Records Mgmt
ARCHIVIST 12 1.00 44,277 1.00 12 1.00 48,637 1.00 48,637
CLK 55 04 1.00 37,132 1.00 04 1.00 40,395 1.00 40,395
PRIN PROG AST 12 1.00 57,859 1.00 12 0.00 0 0.00 0
PRIN REGISTRY CLK 11 0.00 0 0.00 11 1.00 43,447 1.00 43,447
A.1410.20 - General Fund.County Clerk.Records Mgmt 3.00 139,268 3.00 3.00 132,479 3.00 132,479

Page 141
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1410.20 County Clerk.Records Mgmt

1010 Positions 94,660 126,928 139,268 146,114 54.8 80,074 132,479 132,479

Total Salaries and Wages 94,660 126,928 139,268 146,114 54.8 80,074 132,479 132,479
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 7,125 9,581 10,658 11,183 54.6 6,105 10,137 10,137
8355 Long-Term Disability 107 134 108 167 68.4 114 216 216
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 17,208 19,011 21,484 12,115 78.6 9,519 30,249 30,249
8450 Optical Insurance 442 534 442 479 76.8 368 690 690
8500 Dental Insurance 2,696 3,583 2,966 3,116 76.9 2,397 4,494 4,494
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 54 46.3 25 115 115

Total Employee Benefits 27,576 32,843 35,658 27,114 68.3 18,528 45,901 45,901
8100 Pymts to Retire System 14,896 14,836 17,770 17,770 21.1 3,743 15,489 12,560

Total Benefits 14,896 14,836 17,770 17,770 21.1 3,743 15,489 12,560

Total Personal Services 137,132 174,607 192,696 190,998 53.6 102,345 193,869 190,940
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 50 50
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 50 50
4160 Office Supplies 130 1,224 500 500 89.0 445 500 500
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 240 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 130 1,464 500 500 89.0 445 500 500
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,536 1,536 1,038 1,038 66.7 692 660 660
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,032 1,215 1,277 1,277 66.6 851 1,277 1,277
4629 Interdept Exp Reimb (84,462) (84,755) (99,494) (99,494) 48.1 (47,863) (103,224) (103,224)

• Records storage fee

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) (81,894) (82,004) (97,179) (97,179) 47.7 (46,320) (101,287) (101,287)

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services (81,894) (82,004) (97,179) (97,179) 47.7 (46,320) (101,287) (101,287)
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 14,269 50,000 50,000 5.6 2,807 25,000 25,000

• Perform back scanning and indexing of documents as part of the ThinkDIFFERENTLY initiative.

Total Contracted Services 0 14,269 50,000 50,000 5.6 2,807 25,000 25,000
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 142
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Operations 3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total A.1410.20 - County Clerk.Records Mgmt 55,370 108,336 146,017 144,319 41.1 59,277 118,132 115,203

Page 143
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1410.20 County Clerk.Records Mgmt

17210.01 Parking & Garages Parking Fees 900 1,080 1,260 1,260 75.0 945 1,260 1,260
Total Departmental Income 900 1,080 1,260 1,260 75.0 945 1,260 1,260
26650 Sales of Equipment 0 0 0 0 0.0 4 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 510 340 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 510 340 0 0 0.0 4 0 0
Total A.1410.20 - County Clerk.Records Mgmt 1,410 1,420 1,260 1,260 75.3 949 1,260 1,260

Total County Clerk Approp 4,538,905 4,812,375 5,006,470 5,163,043 65.4 3,374,204 5,493,912 5,501,975

Total County Clerk Revenue 4,864,981 5,082,592 5,097,627 5,097,627 67.4 3,434,407 5,293,077 5,293,077

Page 144
County Executive & Budget Office

To provide quality, responsive services to residents,

businesses, and visitors in a fiscally responsible manner while
striving to preserve our heritage, promote economic
development and enhance the quality of life for current and
future generations.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 145
County Executive & Budget Office
The County Executive is the chief executive officer of the County, serves a term of four years, and exercises all of the executive powers and duties
conferred or imposed by law or Charter. The Budget Office serves the County Executive and his administration on all budgetary issues and is
responsible for the preparation and oversight of the annual operating budget and capital plan. The County Executive’s Office and the Budget
Office work together to advance the County Executive’s priorities and implement policy. They provide the necessary research and cost benefit
analysis necessary to make informed program and policy decisions. The County Executive’s Office and Budget Office provide oversight and
involvement in the policies and implementation of initiatives. These initiatives are described and included in the departmental areas of the

County Executive (A.1230)

The County Executive is the chief budgetary officer of the County. He approves or disapproves proposed local laws, ordinances, legalizing acts,
or resolutions. As well as makes, signs and implements all contracts on behalf of the County.

The County Executive’s responsibilities consist of appointing department heads and appointive executive officers of the County Government,
subject to confirmation by the County Legislature; to supervise, direct and control the administration of every department of the executive branch
of County Government, their internal structure and organization, including the appointment and dismissal of employees. Furthermore, the
County Executive appoints, supervises and terminates all executive committees, commissions and boards to assist him in the exercise of his
executive functions and in the planning, formulation and administration of executive policies and programs.

Budget (A.1340)
The Budget Office is also responsible for monitoring expenditures and revenues throughout the year to ensure compliance with the budget,
analyzing the impact of New York State and Federal legislation on the county’s fiscal plan and assisting the County Executive’s Office and
departments with special projects.

Dutchess County is required by Administrative Code to submit the County Executive’s Tentative Budget, including both the operating budget and
the capital budget for the ensuing fiscal year, to the Legislature by November 1st. A final budget must be adopted by the Legislature for the next
fiscal year by December 21st.

Page 146
County Executive & Budget Office
Fiscal Summary

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 1,188,713 1,277,317 1,276,842 1,316,834 39,992 3.1%
Employee Benefits 518,991 588,779 586,938 639,716 52,778 9.0%
Personal Services 1,707,704 1,866,096 1,863,780 1,956,550 92,770 5.0% 98%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 1,843 6,850 7,000 6,850 (150) -2.1%
Equipment - - - - - 0.0%
Supplies 4,842 6,141 5,991 6,500 509 8.5%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 10,530 17,025 16,945 17,025 80 0.5%
Contracted Services - - 475 500 25 5.3%
Operations 256 1,200 1,280 1,200 (80) -6.3%
Total Appropriations $1,725,175 $1,897,312 $1,895,471 $1,988,625 $93,154 4.9%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Misc Local Sources 4 - - - - 0.0%

Total Revenues $4 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0%

Net to County Cost $1,725,171 $1,897,312 $1,895,471 $1,988,625 $93,154 4.9%

Page 147
County Executive

Elected Offices
Sheriff / Jail
County Clerk
County Executive
District Attorney

Deputy County

Communications Executive Economic

Budget Office
Departments Development

Page 148
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Executive
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1230 - General Fund.County Executive
AST CNTY EXEC MI 1.00 113,768 1.00 MI 1.00 118,119 1.00 118,119
AST CNTY EXEC ECON DEV MI 1.00 135,629 1.00 MI 1.00 142,287 1.00 142,287
CMMS SPCLST MC 2.00 136,844 2.00 MC 2.00 128,280 2.00 128,280
COMMS DIR MF 1.00 94,480 1.00 MF 1.00 99,115 1.00 99,115
COUNTY EXECUTIVE E 1.00 139,869 1.00 E 1.00 139,869 1.00 139,869
DPTY CNTY EXEC MJ 1.00 139,834 1.00 MJ 1.00 146,698 1.00 146,698
EXEC AIDE CD 1.00 43,306 1.00 CD 1.00 45,433 1.00 45,433
EXEC SECY MC 1.00 66,780 1.00 MC 1.00 70,879 1.00 70,879
RESRCH ANLST ME 1.00 76,688 1.00 ME 1.00 80,373 1.00 80,373
A.1230 - General Fund.County Executive 10.00 947,198 10.00 10.00 971,053 10.00 971,053

Page 149
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Executive
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1230 County Executive

1010 Positions 762,041 833,612 947,198 947,198 70.5 668,219 971,053 971,053

Total Salaries and Wages 762,041 833,612 947,198 947,198 70.5 668,219 971,053 971,053
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 55,695 61,852 70,377 70,377 71.6 50,407 71,589 71,589
8355 Long-Term Disability 3,268 4,796 4,826 5,305 74.7 3,965 5,320 5,320
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 119,961 157,015 189,804 190,915 74.6 142,350 220,564 220,564
8450 Optical Insurance 1,770 1,983 2,213 2,176 74.6 1,624 2,300 2,300
8500 Dental Insurance 10,804 13,312 14,609 14,172 74.6 10,576 14,980 14,980
8800 Life Ins 2,645 1,760 1,752 1,947 74.7 1,455 1,955 1,955
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 240 352 353 390 74.7 291 397 397

Total Employee Benefits 194,383 241,069 283,934 285,282 73.8 210,670 317,105 317,105
8100 Pymts to Retire System 79,266 111,341 127,248 127,248 24.2 30,757 120,764 136,896

Total Benefits 79,266 111,341 127,248 127,248 24.2 30,757 120,764 136,896

Total Personal Services 1,035,691 1,186,023 1,358,380 1,359,728 66.9 909,646 1,408,922 1,425,054
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 0 0 150 84.6 127 0 0
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 3,000 246 2,500 2,500 40.3 1,007 2,500 2,500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 102 0 1,500 1,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 1,125 720 1,250 1,250 0.0 0 1,250 1,250
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 125 63 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 4,352 1,029 5,500 5,650 20.1 1,134 5,500 5,500
4160 Office Supplies 2,877 3,779 4,891 4,741 44.9 2,130 5,200 5,200
Total Supplies 2,877 3,779 4,891 4,741 44.9 2,130 5,200 5,200
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,992 1,992 2,400 2,400 65.5 1,572 2,400 2,400
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 0 173 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 904 1,282 1,700 1,620 44.9 727 1,700 1,700
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 2,263 3,340 3,700 3,700 66.6 2,466 3,700 3,700
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 308 308 700 700 11.1 78 700 700

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 5,466 7,095 9,000 8,920 54.3 4,842 9,000 9,000

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 5,466 7,095 9,000 8,920 54.3 4,842 9,000 9,000
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 0 475 100.0 475 500 500

• Sign language interpreter for State of the County.

Page 150
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Executive
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Contracted Services 0 0 0 475 100.0 475 500 500

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 0 0 80 100.0 80 0 0
4610.71 Advertising Legal 456 221 600 600 23.8 143 600 600
4650 External Postage 135 35 600 600 0.0 0 600 600
Total Operations 591 256 1,200 1,280 17.4 223 1,200 1,200
Total A.1230 - County Executive 1,048,978 1,198,181 1,378,971 1,380,794 66.5 918,451 1,430,322 1,446,454

Page 151
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Executive
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1230 County Executive

26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 0 4 0 0 0.0 5 0 0

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 4 0 0 0.0 5 0 0
Total A.1230 - County Executive 0 4 0 0 0.0 5 0 0

Page 152
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Executive
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1340 - General Fund.Budget
BUDGET AST CH 1.00 50,092 1.00 CH 1.00 52,498 1.00 52,498
BUDGET DIR MI 1.00 117,662 1.00 MI 1.00 123,438 1.00 123,438
RESRCH ANLST ME 1.00 70,570 1.00 ME 1.00 74,036 1.00 74,036
SR RESRCH ANLST MF 1.00 81,795 1.00 MF 1.00 85,809 1.00 85,809
A.1340 - General Fund.Budget 4.00 320,119 4.00 4.00 335,781 4.00 335,781

Page 153
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Executive
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1340 Budget

1010 Positions 362,106 355,100 320,119 320,119 71.5 228,813 335,781 335,781
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 10,000 9,525 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

Total Salaries and Wages 362,106 355,100 330,119 329,644 69.4 228,813 345,781 345,781
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 26,154 25,592 24,495 24,495 67.0 16,422 25,692 25,692
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,628 2,002 1,716 1,841 75.0 1,381 1,804 1,804
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 91,965 97,138 103,199 99,977 75.1 75,036 113,273 113,273
8450 Optical Insurance 1,119 1,016 884 888 75.1 667 920 920
8500 Dental Insurance 6,717 6,825 5,932 5,782 75.1 4,344 5,992 5,992
8800 Life Ins 1,316 735 631 677 74.9 507 667 667
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 120 147 128 136 74.6 102 135 135

Total Employee Benefits 129,019 133,455 136,985 133,796 73.6 98,458 148,483 148,483
8100 Pymts to Retire System 44,976 33,126 40,612 40,612 18.3 7,442 34,298 37,232

Total Benefits 44,976 33,126 40,612 40,612 18.3 7,442 34,298 37,232

Total Personal Services 536,101 521,682 507,716 504,052 66.4 334,714 528,562 531,496
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 102 34 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 145 0 700 65 0.0 0 700 700
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 144 144 150 150 64.0 96 150 150
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 635 635 0 635 100.0 635 0 0
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,026 814 1,350 1,350 54.1 731 1,350 1,350
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 3,951 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 3,951 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 3,951 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4160 Office Supplies 1,724 1,062 1,250 1,250 6.3 79 1,300 1,300
Total Supplies 1,724 1,062 1,250 1,250 6.3 79 1,300 1,300
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,044 1,044 1,000 1,000 44.0 440 1,000 1,000
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 0 47 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 2,263 2,345 2,375 2,375 66.6 1,582 2,375 2,375
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 3,850 0 4,500 4,500 66.7 3,000 4,500 4,500

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 7,157 3,436 8,025 8,025 62.6 5,022 8,025 8,025

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 7,157 3,436 8,025 8,025 62.6 5,022 8,025 8,025

Page 154
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Executive
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 450 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Operations 450 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1340 - Budget 550,409 526,993 518,341 514,677 66.2 340,545 539,237 542,171

Page 155
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Executive
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1340 Budget

27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 200 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 200 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1340 - Budget 200 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total County Executive Approp 1,599,386 1,725,175 1,897,312 1,895,471 66.4 1,258,995 1,969,559 1,988,625

Total County Executive Revenue 200 4 0 0 0.0 5 0 0

Page 156
County Legislature & Clerk

The Legislature’s mission through open and transparent

government is to provide efficient, effective, and reliable
resources to enhance the health, safety, and quality of life of
the citizens of Dutchess County.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 157
County Legislature & Clerk
The County Legislature is the policy-making and appropriating body of County Government. It is comprised of 25 part-time Legislators elected
from separate districts throughout the County. It has standing committees composed of its members, as well as advisory committees and boards
with citizen participation.

County Legislature (A.1010)

The Office of the Chairman includes the Assistant to the Chairman who serves at the pleasure of the Chairman and performs duties and
assignments as directed.

The Legislative Attorney advises the Legislature in its deliberations, renders opinions, prepares legal documents, and attends committee meetings
and legislative sessions to give legal advice to all Legislators.

Clerk of the Legislature (A.1040)

The Clerk of the Legislature and the staff serve as the administrative arm of the County Legislature and are the Legislature’s official link to all
other departments in the County and the constituency at large.

2019 Initiatives:
• After adoption of the Codification Local Law the Administrative • To preserve the historical records of Dutchess County, a 1717
Code, Charter, and Local Laws will be made available to the “Record of Supervisors” proceeding, on loan from the County
public via the internet at eCode360.com/DU1148. Clerk’s office, was professionally preserved and is on display in
the Legislative office where it can be viewed during Regular
• In our ongoing effort to be ADA compliant, Committee and Business hours.
Board archived meetings, in addition to having assisted listening
devices, are now Closed Captioned. • Worked with OCIS to create a single, easily accessible webpage
listing the Legislature’s volunteer boards and committees. This
• To engage public participation, efforts have been taken to central webpage provides instructions for how interested
attend events to promote the Legislature through senior picnics volunteers can submit a resume for consideration to serve on a
and Social Media. particular board or committee.

Page 158
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Represent the concerns and interests of the people of Dutchess County, and to protect the health and safety of all its constituents.
Meetings of Legislature (Requiring Minutes) 83 100 100 - 0.0%
Resolutions, Bonds & Local Laws Processed 262 350 350 - 0.0%
Expense Reimbursement & Vouchers Processed 179 150 150 - 0.0%
Correspondence Prepared 52,144 52,000 52,000 - 0.0%
Agendas Prepared 52 58 58 - 0.0%
Open Meetings Law - Meeting Notice 115 120 120 - 0.0%
Photocopies Prepared 330,816 330,000 330,000 - 0.0%
Rules (Prepared In-House) 50 50 50 - 0.0%
Web Pages Updated 240 300 300 - 0.0%
Index - Resolutions and Local Laws - Entries 1,310 1,750 1,750 - 0.0%
OnBase - Proper Proceeding Years Digitilized 4 3 3 - 0.0%

Page 159
County Legislature & Clerk
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 784,259 810,704 811,381 824,555 13,174 1.6% 2019 Appropriations
Employee Benefits 549,762 587,388 593,024 644,298 51,274 8.6%
Personal Services 1,334,021 1,398,092 1,404,405 1,468,853 64,448 4.6%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 25,177 30,500 33,710 32,032 (1,678) -5.0% 91%
Equipment 14,011 1,700 3,259 - (3,259) -100.0% Personal
Supplies 19,489 8,500 7,960 8,800 840 10.6% Services
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 10,472 15,104 15,104 12,598 (2,506) -16.6%
Contracted Services 925 50,000 27,331 50,000 22,669 82.9%
Operations 25,028 27,550 45,990 45,870 (120) -0.3%
Total Appropriations $1,429,122 $1,531,446 $1,537,759 $1,618,153 $80,394 5.2%
3% Programs
3% Operations

Net to County Cost $1,429,122 $1,531,446 $1,537,759 $1,618,153 $80,394 5.2%

Page 160
County Legislature


Clerk of the Legislative
Legislature Subcommittees

Page 161
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1010 - General Fund.County Legislature
AST CHAIR CNTY LEGIS ME 1.00 73,234 1.00 ME 1.00 72,506 1.00 72,506
CHAIR 1.00 32,960 1.00 1.00 32,960 1.00 32,960
LEGISLATOR 20.00 309,000 20.00 20.00 309,000 20.00 309,000
LEGISV ATTY PT 1.00 56,948 1.00 1.00 59,809 1.00 59,809
MAJORITY LEADER 1.00 23,690 1.00 1.00 23,690 1.00 23,690
MAJORITY WHIP 1.00 19,570 1.00 1.00 19,570 1.00 19,570
MINORITY LEADER 1.00 23,690 1.00 1.00 23,690 1.00 23,690
MINORITY WHIP 1.00 19,570 1.00 1.00 19,570 1.00 19,570
A.1010 - General Fund.County Legislature 27.00 558,662 27.00 27.00 560,795 27.00 560,795

Page 162
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1010 County Legislature

1010 Positions 558,107 564,050 558,662 559,339 74.3 415,322 560,795 560,795
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 19,600 19,600 0.0 0 19,600 19,600
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 242 0 250 250 0.0 0 250 250

Total Salaries and Wages 558,348 564,050 578,512 579,189 71.7 415,322 580,645 580,645
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 39,732 39,269 42,764 42,817 66.5 28,484 42,929 42,929
8355 Long-Term Disability 509 682 717 694 73.8 512 728 728
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 220,874 279,779 304,085 313,243 74.4 233,173 349,695 349,695
8450 Optical Insurance 5,413 5,943 5,746 5,686 74.8 4,250 5,764 5,764
8500 Dental Insurance 33,153 39,903 38,558 37,028 74.8 27,681 37,508 37,508
8800 Life Ins 2,006 1,106 1,112 1,108 74.5 826 1,118 1,118
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 182 221 231 222 74.4 165 232 232

Total Employee Benefits 301,869 366,905 393,213 400,798 73.6 295,091 437,974 437,974
8100 Pymts to Retire System 66,182 59,318 59,184 59,184 24.3 14,386 68,681 60,316

Total Benefits 66,182 59,318 59,184 59,184 24.3 14,386 68,681 60,316

Total Personal Services 926,400 990,272 1,030,909 1,039,171 69.7 724,800 1,087,300 1,078,935
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 0 0 1,518 96.8 1,470 2,000 2,000
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 3,224 1,349 5,000 5,000 24.4 1,219 3,000 3,000
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 606 1,977 2,500 4,160 97.3 4,048 4,500 4,500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 149 737 250 250 144.2 361 250 250
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 530 870 2,500 2,500 36.2 905 2,000 2,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 4,509 4,933 10,250 13,428 59.6 8,002 11,750 11,750
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 1,776 1,700 3,259 47.5 1,547 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 1,776 1,700 3,259 47.5 1,547 0 0

2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 9,968 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
2800 Building Improvements 0 12,235 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 9,968 12,235 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 9,968 14,011 1,700 3,259 47.5 1,547 0 0

4109 Merit Awards 0 1,728 0 150 0.0 0 1,800 1,800

• Plaques

4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 0 0 69 99.9 69 0 0

Page 163
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4160 Office Supplies 7,205 17,761 8,500 7,741 62.8 4,860 7,000 7,000
Total Supplies 7,205 19,489 8,500 7,960 61.9 4,929 8,800 8,800
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 6,707 125 50,000 27,331 0.0 0 50,000 50,000
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 800 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Contracted Services 6,707 925 50,000 27,331 0.0 0 50,000 50,000
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 0 0 40 100.0 40 120 120
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 160 0 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 75 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4650 External Postage 248 1,647 300 700 89.5 626 500 500
Total Operations 483 1,647 550 990 67.3 666 870 870
Total A.1010 - County Legislature 955,270 1,031,276 1,101,909 1,092,139 67.8 739,945 1,158,720 1,150,355

Page 164
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1040 - General Fund.Clerk of the Legislature
CLK CNTY LEGIS MG 1.00 108,334 1.00 MG 1.00 113,763 1.00 113,763
DPTY CLK LEGIS MD 1.00 76,674 1.00 MD 1.00 81,999 1.00 81,999
SR LEGISV SECY CG 1.00 44,284 1.00 CG 1.00 45,848 1.00 45,848
A.1040 - General Fund.Clerk of the Legislature 3.00 229,292 3.00 3.00 241,610 3.00 241,610

Page 165
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1040 Clerk of the Legislature

1010 Positions 204,350 218,694 229,292 229,292 70.9 162,524 241,610 241,610
1040 ST Overtime 938 1,114 2,000 2,000 20.0 400 1,500 1,500
1050 Overtime 86 0 200 200 0.0 0 100 100
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 621 403 700 700 0.0 0 700 700

Total Salaries and Wages 205,995 220,210 232,192 232,192 70.2 162,924 243,910 243,910
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 15,432 16,270 17,543 17,543 68.5 12,010 18,485 18,485
8355 Long-Term Disability 998 1,258 1,202 1,319 75.0 989 1,259 1,259
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 48,918 70,657 79,046 77,063 75.0 57,797 87,499 87,499
8450 Optical Insurance 589 662 663 663 74.9 497 690 690
8500 Dental Insurance 3,594 4,447 4,449 4,315 75.0 3,236 4,494 4,494
8800 Life Ins 798 462 442 486 74.9 364 466 466
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 73 93 91 98 74.4 73 94 94

Total Employee Benefits 70,402 93,849 103,436 101,487 73.9 74,965 112,987 112,987
8100 Pymts to Retire System 30,023 29,690 31,555 31,555 23.6 7,457 28,959 33,021

Total Benefits 30,023 29,690 31,555 31,555 23.6 7,457 28,959 33,021

Total Personal Services 306,420 343,749 367,183 365,234 67.2 245,346 385,856 389,918
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 154 144 150 182 73.6 134 182 182
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 20,100 20,100 20,100 20,100 100.0 20,100 20,100 20,100
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 20,254 20,244 20,250 20,282 99.8 20,234 20,282 20,282
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,944 1,944 2,226 2,226 66.7 1,484 2,220 2,220
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 2,867 673 4,500 4,500 12.4 556 2,000 2,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 7,914 7,512 7,378 7,378 66.7 4,918 7,378 7,378
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 460 343 1,000 1,000 177.8 1,778 1,000 1,000

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 13,186 10,472 15,104 15,104 57.8 8,737 12,598 12,598

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 13,186 10,472 15,104 15,104 57.8 8,737 12,598 12,598
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 15 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4606 Janitorial Services 0 167 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 16,298 18,493 22,000 40,000 32.5 12,986 40,000 40,000

• General Code Codification Maintenance $22,000; Webcasting, Closed Captioning $18,000.

4610.71 Advertising Legal 3,953 4,720 5,000 5,000 67.9 3,396 5,000 5,000

Page 166
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Operations 20,266 23,381 27,000 45,000 36.4 16,381 45,000 45,000
Total A.1040 - Clerk of the Legislature 360,125 397,846 429,537 445,620 65.2 290,699 463,736 467,798

Page 167
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1040 Clerk of the Legislature

26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1040 - Clerk of the Legislature 1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Legislature Approp 1,315,396 1,429,122 1,531,446 1,537,759 67.0 1,030,643 1,622,456 1,618,153

Total Legislature Revenue 1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 168

To successfully meet all mandates and County Charter

directives relative to the administration of all financial affairs
of the County, as well as the Real Property Tax administration,
providing local assessors with resources needed to carry out
the assessment function and provide public access and

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 169
The Commissioner of Finance is the Chief Fiscal Officer of the County, encompassing the role of Treasurer, and is charged with the responsibility
of receipt and disbursement of County Funds. The Commissioner of Finance is also responsible for enforcement of real property taxes levied for
county, town, school district and village purposes. All state and federal aid monies, fees collected by departments and other cash payments
receivable by the County are deposited with the Commissioner of Finance, who, in turn, is responsible for investing funds which are not
immediately needed for payment of goods and services provided to County government.

Finance (A.1310)
The accounting and cash management functions include those treasury functions associated with the Chief Fiscal Officer of the County. Such
responsibilities include receipt, disbursement, investment of funds, debt management, maintenance of accounting records and preparation of
financial statements. Finance also performs the payroll function for the County, collects hotel and Airbnb taxes and provides the tax enforcement
function including collection of delinquent real property, and In-Rem foreclosure action.

Finance - Real Property Tax (A.1355)

The agency produces and maintains tax maps for the County, which are the basis for much of the County’s Geographic Information System. Other
functions include education and training for assessors, their staffs, Boards of Assessment Review, transfer (sales) and escrow account
maintenance, administrative corrections to tax rolls, calculations of tax rates and processing of omitted and relevied taxes.

The agency works closely with local assessors and offers a wide variety of information and services related to assessment administration, research
and guidance. The division also provides information and assistance to other County departments and the general public. The division produces
assessment and tax rolls, bills and associated documents. It forwards data as required or requested to the NYS Dept. of Tax and Finance. The
division also acts as a liaison between NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services and the local assessors.

Tax Advertising & Expense (A.1362) & Exp Property Acquired for Taxes (A.1364)
The tax enforcement function encompasses those responsibilities set forth in Real Property Tax Law governing the collection of delinquent real
property taxes. The Commissioner of Finance is charged with the duty of enforcing collection of all delinquent county, town, school and village
taxes within the County except those parcels located within the cities of Beacon and Poughkeepsie. The enforcement process includes acquisition
of property through an In-Rem foreclosure action and subsequent sale at public auction. These accounts reflect the costs associated with this

Page 170
Municipal Association Dues (A.1920)
Dues paid to municipal associations, including the New York State Association of Counties.

Taxes & Assessment County Property (A.1950)

Taxes due on property owned by the County.

MTA Payroll Tax (A.1980)

Expense associated with the .34% MTA payroll tax on gross County payroll, paid on a bi-weekly basis.

General Gov’t Support (A.1989)

Includes miscellaneous expenses including tuition reimbursement and assigned counsel for Parole Hearing representation.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• Based on Hotel and Occupancy Tax realized through the second quarter, the year-end projection is estimated at $2.9 million and the
budgeted amount for 2019 is $3.3 million.
• Based on actual results for the winter and spring semesters, community college chargeback appropriations for 2018 are projected to be $3.2
million. The 2019 budget is $3.4 million reflecting flat enrollment but increased rates.
• The NYS state retirement budget is based on two components, the payment for the plan year ending 3/31/19 (25% of the 2019 budget) and
for the plan year ending 3/31/20 (75% of the 2019 budget). Each plan year payment to the NYS Retirement System is based on actual salaries
for the plan year multiplied by a pension rate for each employee. The 2019 budget is expected to increase slightly from 2018 due to higher
payroll costs.
• Improvements in cash management coupled with higher interest rates are projected to positively impact interest income in 2018 and 2019.
2018 interest income is estimated to be $.9 million and remain flat during 2019 as the expected increase in interest rates will be offset by
lower cash balances.
• Sales Tax - Growth in revenue for 2018 is up for the first three quarters of the year compared to the first three quarters of 2017. The
projection for 2019 sales tax is based on the receipts through mid-October with a continued 5% projected economic growth for the remainder
of 2018 and 3.5% growth for 2019.
• In the first quarter of 2018 the County received its first quarterly payment of state aid relating to casino operations in the Catskills. The
County anticipates receiving $.9 million in 2018 and $.9 million is budgeted for 2019.

Page 171
2019 Initiatives:
• Finance will continue to implement new GASB pronouncements • Finance will work towards more complete documentation of
as required and continue working with outside auditors to policies and procedures for various accounting practices.
improve accounting practices and implement recommended
and required changes to financial reports. • The Division of Real Property Tax Services plans to maintain the
satisfactory completion of all mandated duties, local programs
• Finance will encourage use of the web base portal for hours and and duties assigned by the County Charter, and continue to seek,
payroll and work toward paperless direct deposit for all develop and implement more efficient ways to do so. The
employees. division will offer educational opportunities for local assessors
and encourage the adoption and implementation of assessment
• Finance will work towards the implementation of the GASB 34 standards as approved by the State Board of Real Property Tax
module of financial software package to further automate the Services.
preparation of our financial statements.
• The Division will continue to implement ongoing changes in the
• Finance will review existing document retention requirements STAR program, and assist local assessors and seniors, where
and reduce the amount of paper documents currently being possible, with mandated changes to the Income Verification
created and retained. Program.

• Finance will work with major departments to improve the

processing and monitoring of claims for state and federal

Page 172
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Finance - Proper management of all receipts, disbursement, and investments of all state and federal aid, and other cash payments; debt management,
maintenance preparation of account/financial statements; and timely payroll preparation.
Number of Banks 7 6 6 - 0.0%
Number of Financial Transactions 101,570 106,412 107,000 588 0.6%
Number of Bank Accounts 42 40 40 - 0.0%
Number of Segregated Deposit Accounts 227 223 225 2 0.9%
Number of Checks Issued 39,953 40,565 37,565 (3,000) -7.4%
Number of ACH's Processed 42,202 42,787 45,787 3,000 7.0%
Payrolls Processed (millions) $156.2 $162.8 $166.8 4 2.5%
Finance - Collection of delinquent real property taxes and enforcement of County, town, school and village taxes with the exception of the cities of Beacon
and Poughkeepsie, which could result in sale at public auction. We are also charged with collection and enforcement of Hotel Occupancy Tax.
Number of Delinquent Accounts 11,128 11,684 11,977 293 2.5%
Mailings 26,362 27,680 28,000 320 1.2%
Legal Ads Prior to Filing Delinquent List 2,040 2,300 2,400 100 4.3%
Hotel Tax Collected (Million) $2.8 $2.9 $3.3 0.4 13.8%
In-House title Searches for Delinquent Tax Properties 858 800 900 100 12.5%
Real Property Tax - Mapping and Geographic Information Systems: Produce and maintain tax maps, digital parcel lines, review of deeds and entry into
assessment database, 911 addressing maintenance.
Tax Map Revisions 487 352 445 93 26.4%
GIS Maintenance 556 575 600 25 4.3%
911 Addressing Edits 1,640 1,300 1,500 200 15.4%
Deeds Reviewed and Entered 8,381 8,200 8,300 100 1.2%

Page 173
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Real Property Tax - Provide assistance , guidance and data to assessors, schools and municipalities. Delivery of mandatory and continuing education for
assessors, staff, and Board of Assessment Review. Administrative corrections of tax rolls and bills.
Research, Guidance and Information 5,927 6,000 6,000 - 0.0%
Formal Education 94 30 35 5 16.7%
Corrections of Tax Rolls 71 75 80 5 6.7%
Real Property Tax - Escrow account data entry. Tax rate computations. Omitted and prorated tax computations, re-levied water and sewer charges,
agricultural conversion penalties.
Tax Rate Calculations 381 380 380 - 0.0%
Omitted, Re-levied Water & Sewer, Agriculture Conversions 9,956 10,000 10,000 - 0.0%
Escrow Maintenance 38,155 38,000 38,000 - 0.0%

Page 174
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 2,298,351 2,327,817 2,726,570 2,488,627 (237,943) -8.7%

2019 Appropriations
Employee Benefits 1,026,822 1,056,369 1,108,786 1,187,624 78,838 7.1%
Personal Services 3,325,173 3,384,186 3,835,356 3,676,251 (159,105) -4.1%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 94,856 105,500 113,134 65,200 (47,934) -42.4% Personal
Equipment - - 46,603 - (46,603) -100.0% Services
Supplies 20,905 18,000 18,000 17,825 (175) -1.0% 5%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 23,069 26,687 26,887 26,523 (364) -1.4% Other
Contracted Services 76,269 101,500 98,900 109,500 10,600 10.7%
Mandated Programs 524,252 486,000 498,000 483,000 (15,000) -3.0%
Operations 148,815 207,885 175,039 196,870 21,831 12.5%
Total Appropriations $4,213,338 $4,329,758 $4,811,919 $4,575,169 ($236,750) -4.9%
Mandated Programs

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Real Property Tax Items 6,615,119 6,950,000 6,950,000 6,500,000 (450,000) -6.5% 2019 Revenues 75%
Departmental Income 312,229 323,850 323,850 313,800 (10,050) -3.1% Real Property
Intergovernmental Charges 29,427 30,000 30,000 30,000 - 0.0% Tax Items
Use of Money and Property 807,217 303,000 303,000 908,300 605,300 199.8%
Fines and Forfeitures 31,972 22,000 22,000 23,000 1,000 4.5%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 260 - - - - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources (2,047,831) 22,500 22,500 37,500 15,000 66.7%
Sate Aid 6,130 - - 880,000 880,000 100.0%
Interfund Transfer - - - - - 0.0%
Proceeds of Obligations - - - - - 0.0%
Total Revenues $5,754,522 $7,651,350 $7,651,350 $8,692,600 $1,041,250 13.6%
10% Delinquent Tax
Net to County Cost ($1,541,183) ($3,321,592) ($2,839,431) ($4,117,431) ($1,278,000) 45.0% Casino Revenue

Page 175

Commissioner of

Accounting & Reporting Real Property Tax Service Payroll & Tax Services

Accounting Payroll Tax Collection

Tax Services Real Property
Tax Mapping Error Correction Inventory
Tax Rates System Services

Page 176
NYS - Real Property System Assessor's Report - 2018 - Current Year File RPS221/V04/L001
County of Dutchess S495 Exemption Impact Report Date/Time - 10/22/2018 14:51:03
County Summary
Total Assessed Value 36,488,359,819

Equalized Total Assessed Value 38,553,339,644

Exemption Exemption Statutory Number of Total Equalized Value Percent of Value

Code Name Authority Exemptions of Exemptions Exempted

12100 NYS - GENERALLY RPTL 404(1) 239 325,937,137 0.85

12350 PUBLIC AUTHORITY - STATE RPTL 412 1 143,300 0.00
12360 NYS ENVIRON'L FACILITIES CORP RPTL 412 12 3,844,732 0.01
13100 CO - GENERALLY RPTL 406(1) 96 206,319,049 0.54
13350 CITY - GENERALLY RPTL 406(1) 141 64,025,565 0.17
13430 CITY O/S LIMITS - SPECIFIED USES RPTL 406(2) 7 4,504,500 0.01
13440 CITY O/S LIMITS - SEWER OR WATER RPTL 406(3) 2 37,516,500 0.10
13441 CITY O/S LIMITS - SEWER OR WATER RPTL 406(3) 6 6,306,109 0.02
13500 TOWN - GENERALLY RPTL 406(1) 633 364,780,846 0.95
13570 TOWN O/S LIMITS - SPECIFIED USES RPTL 406(2) 12 2,141,300 0.01
13650 VG - GENERALLY RPTL 406(1) 126 45,862,943 0.12
13730 VG O/S LIMITS - SPECIFIED USES RPTL 406(2) 4 412,800 0.00
13740 VG O/S LIMITS - SEWER OR WATER RPTL 406(3) 23 11,454,184 0.03
13800 SCHOOL DISTRICT RPTL 408 131 1,080,043,305 2.80
13850 BOCES RPTL 408 7 20,016,833 0.05
13870 SPEC DIST USED FOR PURPOSE ESTAB RPTL 410 44 24,025,358 0.06
13890 PUBLIC AUTHORITY - LOCAL RPTL 412 2 33,368,000 0.09
13970 REGIONAL OTB CORPORATION RACING L 513 2 382,857 0.00
14000 LOCAL AUTHORITIES SPECIFIED RPTL 412 36 77,572,016 0.20
14100 USA - GENERALLY RPTL 400(1) 185 113,309,343 0.29
18020 MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEV AGENCY RPTL 412-a 36 374,566,241 0.97
18040 URBAN REN: OWNER-MUNICIPALITY GEN MUNY 506 9 40,636,800 0.11
18060 URBAN REN: OWNER-MUN U R AGENCY GEN MUNY 555 & 560 6 1,310,000 0.00
18080 MUN HSNG AUTH-FEDERAL/MUN AIDED PUB HSNG L 52(3)&(5) 2 22,698,000 0.06
19950 MUNICIPAL RAILROAD RPTL 456 51 119,750,730 0.31
21600 RES OF CLERGY - RELIG CORP OWNER RPTL 462 35 11,000,812 0.03
25110 NONPROF CORP - RELIG(CONST PROT) RPTL 420-a 463 564,624,118 1.46
25120 NONPROF CORP - EDUCL(CONST PROT) RPTL 420-a 212 995,070,195 2.58
25130 NONPROF CORP - CHAR (CONST PROT) RPTL 420-a 181 41,311,683 0.11
25210 NONPROF CORP - HOSPITAL RPTL 420-a 35 315,481,862 0.82
25230 NONPROF CORP - MORAL/MENTAL IMP RPTL 420-a 97 64,299,122 0.17
25300 NONPROF CORP - SPECIFIED USES RPTL 420-b 274 461,111,360 1.20
25400 FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION RPTL 428 2 1,143,158 0.00

Page 177
NYS - Real Property System Assessor's Report - 2018 - Current Year File RPS221/V04/L001
County of Dutchess S495 Exemption Impact Report Date/Time - 10/22/2018 14:51:03
County Summary
Total Assessed Value 36,488,359,819

Equalized Total Assessed Value 38,553,339,644

Exemption Exemption Statutory Number of Total Equalized Value Percent of Value

Code Name Authority Exemptions of Exemptions Exempted

25500 NONPROF MED, DENTAL, HOSP SVCE RPTL 486 1 311,321 0.00
25600 NONPROFIT HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORG RPTL 486-a 2 3,245,000 0.01
26050 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY RPTL 450 14 17,669,563 0.05
26100 VETERANS ORGANIZATION RPTL 452 21 6,573,276 0.02
26250 HISTORICAL SOCIETY RPTL 444 9 2,172,261 0.01
26400 INC VOLUNTEER FIRE CO OR DEPT RPTL 464(2) 91 43,125,167 0.11
27250 RAILROAD PROP OWNED BY AMTRAK 45 U S C 546b 2 4,567,771 0.01
27350 PRIVATELY OWNED CEMETERY LAND RPTL 446 160 33,826,811 0.09
28110 NOT-FOR-PROFIT HOUSING COMPANY RPTL 422 2 7,005,000 0.02
28120 NOT-FOR-PROFIT HOUSING CO RPTL 422 10 30,116,051 0.08
28540 NOT-FOR-PROFIT HOUS CO - HOSTELS RPTL 422 9 20,521,756 0.05
28550 NOT-FOR-PROFIT HOUS CO-SR CITS CTR RPTL 422 3 17,948,163 0.05
29150 OPERA HOUSE RPTL 426 1 911,400 0.00
29500 PERFORMING ARTS BUILDING RPTL 427 2 711,457 0.00
32252 NYS OWNED REFORESTATION LAND RPTL 534 3 3,186,508 0.01
32300 NYS LAND TAXABLE FOR SCHOOL ONLY RPTL 536 6 333,000 0.00
32301 NYS LAND TAXABLE FOR SCHOOL ONLY RPTL 536 162 124,159,384 0.32
33201 TAX SALE - COUNTY OWNED RPTL 406(5) 67 2,619,734 0.01
33400 TAX SALE - CITY OWNED RPTL 406(5) 41 1,554,200 0.00
33401 TAX SALE - CITY OWNED RPTL 406(5) 2 368,600 0.00
41101 VETS EX BASED ON ELIGIBLE FUNDS RPTL 458(1) 36 88,904 0.00
41102 VETS EX BASED ON ELIGIBLE FUNDS RPTL 458(1) 33 79,110 0.00
41120 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-NON-COMBAT RPTL 458-a 4,840 125,623,264 0.33
41122 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-NON-COMBAT RPTL 458-a 224 4,955,705 0.01
41130 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-COMBAT RPTL 458-a 3,430 148,456,662 0.39
41132 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-COMBAT RPTL 458-a 188 6,740,242 0.02
41140 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-DISABILITY RPTL 458-a 1,167 62,057,524 0.16
41142 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-DISABILITY RPTL 458-a 53 2,137,331 0.01
41160 COLD WAR VETERANS (15%) RPTL 458-b 17 203,145 0.00
41161 COLD WAR VETERANS (15%) RPTL 458-b 452 5,405,510 0.01
41162 COLD WAR VETERANS (15%) RPTL 458-b 383 4,576,557 0.01
41171 COLD WAR VETERANS (DISABLED) RPTL 458-b 48 1,307,310 0.00
41172 COLD WAR VETERANS (DISABLED) RPTL 458-b 21 578,047 0.00

Page 178
NYS - Real Property System Assessor's Report - 2018 - Current Year File RPS221/V04/L001
County of Dutchess S495 Exemption Impact Report Date/Time - 10/22/2018 14:51:03
County Summary
Total Assessed Value 36,488,359,819

Equalized Total Assessed Value 38,553,339,644

Exemption Exemption Statutory Number of Total Equalized Value Percent of Value

Code Name Authority Exemptions of Exemptions Exempted

41300 PARAPLEGIC VETS RPTL 458(3) 4 1,064,672 0.00

41400 CLERGY RPTL 460 31 52,946 0.00
41700 AGRICULTURAL BUILDING RPTL 483 129 24,078,683 0.06
41720 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AG-MKTS L 305 1,811 664,377,292 1.72
41730 AGRIC LAND-INDIV NOT IN AG DIST AG MKTS L 306 218 43,161,357 0.11
41800 PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER RPTL 467 1,426 135,905,028 0.35
41801 PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER RPTL 467 343 23,913,737 0.06
41802 PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER RPTL 467 171 10,840,437 0.03
41805 PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER RPTL 467 27 2,008,215 0.01
41930 DISABILITIES AND LIMITED INCOMES RPTL 459-c 61 6,709,433 0.02
41931 DISABILITIES AND LIMITED INCOMES RPTL 459-c 23 2,549,536 0.01
41932 DISABILITIES AND LIMITED INCOMES RPTL 459-c 51 2,796,670 0.01
41935 DISABILITIES AND LIMITED INCOMES RPTL 459-c 60 4,831,050 0.01
42100 SILOS, MANURE STORAGE TANKS, RPTL 483-a 10 426,055 0.00
42120 TEMPORARY GREENHOUSES RPTL 483-c 6 157,665 0.00
483-d 2 346,500 0.00
47200 RAILROAD - PARTIALLY EXEMPT RPTL 489-d&dd 11 54,016,844 0.14
47450 FOREST/REF LAND - FISHER ACT RPTL 480 60 9,350,002 0.02
47460 FOREST LAND CERTD AFTER 8/74 RPTL 480-a 616 149,659,104 0.39
47590 Mix-use Properties outside NYC RPTL S485-a 5 6,781,160 0.02
47610 BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROPERTY POST 8/5/97 RPTL 485-b 16 12,138,931 0.03
47611 BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROPERTY POST 8/5/97 RPTL 485-b 1 1,035,000 0.00
47612 BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROPERTY POST 8/5/97 RPTL 485-b 4 1,122,104 0.00
47670 PROPERTY IMPRVMNT IN EMPIRE ZONE RPTL 485-e 42 4,593,475 0.01
48660 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CO P H FI L 577,654-a 3 19,744,375 0.05
48670 REDEVELOPMENT HOUSING CO P H FI L 125 & 127 2 6,500,000 0.02
49500 SOLAR OR WIND ENERGY SYSTEM RPTL 487 541 9,450,872 0.02
49501 SOLAR OR WIND ENERGY SYSTEM RPTL 487 23 217,400 0.00
51002 SYSTEM CODE STATUTORY AUTH NOT DEFINED 2,557 352,194,833 0.91

Page 179
NYS - Real Property System Assessor's Report - 2018 - Current Year File RPS221/V04/L001
County of Dutchess S495 Exemption Impact Report Date/Time - 10/22/2018 14:51:03
County Summary
Total Assessed Value 36,488,359,819

Equalized Total Assessed Value 38,553,339,644

Exemption Exemption Statutory Number of Total Equalized Value Percent of Value

Code Name Authority Exemptions of Exemptions Exempted


Total Exemptions Exclusive of

System Exemptions: 20,309 7,315,935,035 18.98
Total System Exemptions: 2,947 401,717,172 1.04
Totals: 23,256 7,717,652,207 20.02
Values have been equalized using the Uniform Percentage of Value. The Exempt amounts do not take into consideration, payments in lieu of taxes or other payments
for municipal services.

Amount, if any, attributable to payments in lieu of taxes: __________________

Page 180
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1310 - General Fund.Finance
ACCOUNTANT 16 5.00 364,233 5.00 16 5.00 397,030 5.00 397,030
COMSR FIN MI 1.00 129,224 1.00 MI 1.00 135,569 1.00 135,569
CONF ADMV AST CI 1.00 68,020 1.00 CI 1.00 71,287 1.00 71,287
FIRST DPTY COMSR FIN MG 1.00 112,369 1.00 MG 1.00 117,886 1.00 117,886
PAYROLL CLK 11 4.00 171,712 4.00 11 4.00 184,040 4.00 184,040
PAYROLL SUPV CI 1.00 66,621 1.00 CI 1.00 69,891 1.00 69,891
PRIN ACCTG CLK 12 2.00 108,239 2.00 12 2.00 118,531 2.00 118,531
PROG AST 08 3.00 114,037 3.00 08 3.00 124,300 3.00 124,300
SECOND DPTY COMSR FIN MG 1.00 127,392 1.00 MG 1.00 135,580 1.00 135,580
SR ACCOUNTANT 17 2.00 173,129 2.00 17 2.00 185,669 2.00 185,669
TAX COLLECT SUPV 14 1.00 54,879 1.00 14 1.00 60,283 1.00 60,283
TITLE SEARCHER 12 2.00 113,592 2.00 12 2.00 122,780 2.00 122,780
A.1310 - General Fund.Finance 24.00 1,603,447 24.00 24.00 1,722,846 24.00 1,722,846

Page 181
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1310 Finance

1010 Positions 1,507,960 1,644,796 1,603,447 1,656,399 73.3 1,213,619 1,722,846 1,722,846
1010.1025 Positions Contractual Payroll Adjustments 0 0 0 323,384 0.0 0 0 0
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 64,638 64,638 0.0 0 70,991 70,991

• Funds included for succession planning and training.

1040 ST Overtime 6,387 4,403 6,500 6,500 60.8 3,951 6,500 6,500
1050 Overtime 1,194 295 2,000 2,000 6.6 131 2,000 2,000
1070 Shift Differential 0 2 50 50 2.4 1 50 50
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100

Total Salaries and Wages 1,515,542 1,649,495 1,676,735 2,053,071 59.3 1,217,702 1,802,487 1,802,487
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 110,886 120,362 122,548 126,600 69.4 87,859 130,929 130,929
8355 Long-Term Disability 3,042 3,794 3,678 4,454 72.1 3,212 4,839 4,839
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 316,318 352,061 363,624 425,156 75.2 319,899 459,946 459,946
8450 Optical Insurance 4,758 5,126 5,083 5,226 74.6 3,900 5,290 5,290
8500 Dental Insurance 29,047 34,414 34,109 34,032 74.6 25,403 34,454 34,454
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 713 46.1 329 1,404 1,404
8800 Life Ins 1,688 1,009 972 1,065 75.0 799 1,008 1,008
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 153 202 196 214 74.7 160 203 203

Total Employee Benefits 465,893 516,966 530,210 597,460 73.9 441,561 638,073 638,073
8100 Pymts to Retire System 192,070 208,613 210,678 210,678 27.8 58,559 199,271 224,305

Total Benefits 192,070 208,613 210,678 210,678 27.8 58,559 199,271 224,305

Total Personal Services 2,173,505 2,375,074 2,417,623 2,861,209 60.0 1,717,822 2,639,831 2,664,865
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 0 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 2,058 2,030 2,000 3,000 88.1 2,643 3,500 3,500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 0 300 300 26.0 78 300 300
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 2,104 1,905 2,350 2,650 95.2 2,524 3,500 3,500
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 4,973 1,743 5,500 5,500 15.8 870 3,000 3,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 9,134 5,678 10,400 11,700 52.3 6,115 10,550 10,550
2600.05 Computer Software 5 YEAR 0 0 0 46,603 28.2 13,153 0 0

• Software was purchased in 2018 to monitor short term rentals.

Page 182
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 0 0 46,603 28.2 13,153 0 0

Total Equipment 0 0 0 46,603 28.2 13,153 0 0

4160 Office Supplies 13,182 10,349 11,000 11,000 73.1 8,046 11,500 11,500
Total Supplies 13,182 10,349 11,000 11,000 73.1 8,046 11,500 11,500
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 4,296 4,296 3,828 3,828 66.7 2,552 3,828 3,828
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 7,085 5,547 7,500 7,500 51.3 3,851 7,500 7,500
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 2,636 7,205 8,729 8,729 66.7 5,819 8,729 8,729
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 240 260 500 700 89.6 627 600 600

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 14,256 17,308 20,557 20,757 61.9 12,848 20,657 20,657

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 14,256 17,308 20,557 20,757 61.9 12,848 20,657 20,657
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 0 40,500 40,500 0.0 0 0 0
4448 Accountants & Auditors 13,000 13,000 20,000 20,000 0.0 0 20,000 20,000
4460 Comm Printing 5,649 3,540 6,000 5,900 0.0 0 6,000 6,000
Total Contracted Services 18,649 16,540 66,500 66,400 0.0 0 26,000 26,000
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 2,776 2,772 3,000 3,000 69.3 2,079 3,000 3,000
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 40 120 120 0.0 0 120 120
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 912 0 950 950 100.0 950 950 950
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 287 881 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4650 External Postage 39,554 39,796 47,000 45,600 55.3 25,232 47,000 47,000
4712 Bank Charges 5,872 4,659 6,300 6,300 45.1 2,839 6,300 6,300
Total Operations 49,401 48,148 57,870 56,470 55.1 31,100 57,870 57,870
Total A.1310 - Finance 2,278,128 2,473,097 2,583,950 3,074,139 58.2 1,789,083 2,766,408 2,791,442

Page 183
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1310 Finance

10510 Gain - Sale of Tax Acq Property 1,126,124 1,114,076 950,000 950,000 0.0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000
10890 Other Tax Items 0 0 0 0 0.0 4,414 0 0
10900 Int & Penalty on Real Prop 6,216,393 5,501,043 6,000,000 6,000,000 64.9 3,893,155 5,500,000 5,500,000
Total Real Property Tax Items 7,342,517 6,615,119 6,950,000 6,950,000 56.1 3,897,569 6,500,000 6,500,000
12300 Treasurer Fees 18,675 28,595 25,000 25,000 112.5 28,116 25,000 25,000
12300.01 Treasurer Fees Credit card fees 8,464 7,011 8,000 8,000 65.9 5,273 8,000 8,000
12350.00 Tax Adv & Redemption Reimb Adv 68,070 60,449 75,000 75,000 0.5 (390) 65,000 65,000
12350.01 Tax Adv & Redemption In Rem Costs 184,950 173,970 173,000 173,000 70.5 121,920 173,000 173,000
Total Departmental Income 280,159 270,025 281,000 281,000 55.1 154,918 271,000 271,000
24010.00 Interest General 139,528 456,815 150,000 150,000 420.7 631,104 700,000 700,000
24010.01 Interest Cert. Of Deposit 196,499 347,398 150,000 150,000 125.4 188,076 200,000 200,000
24010.02 Interest Capital Reserve 915 474 1,000 1,000 130.1 1,301 1,500 1,500
Total Use of Money and Property 336,941 804,687 301,000 301,000 272.6 820,481 901,500 901,500
26100.00 Fines and Forfeitures Fines 1,213 6,694 2,000 2,000 74.3 1,486 3,000 3,000
26200 Forfeiture of Deposits 8,558 25,278 20,000 20,000 0.0 0 20,000 20,000
Total Fines and Forfeitures 9,771 31,972 22,000 22,000 6.8 1,486 23,000 23,000
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 1,142 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 29 22 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 0 238 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 1,171 260 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General (1,764,750) (2,101,862) 0 0 0.0 (237) 0 0
27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 20 20 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27150 Seized & Unclmed Prop 23,647 46,285 15,000 15,000 136.4 20,457 30,000 30,000
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 63 12 0 0 0.0 83 0 0
27720.00 Intergovernmental Reimbursement TASC charge back 8,500 7,714 7,500 7,500 0.0 0 7,500 7,500
Total Misc. Local Sources (1,732,520) (2,047,831) 22,500 22,500 90.2 20,302 37,500 37,500
30890.22 Other St Aid Casino Revenues 1,497,584 0 0 0 0.0 440,795 880,000 880,000
Total State Aid 1,497,584 0 0 0 0.0 440,795 880,000 880,000
Total A.1310 - Finance 7,735,623 5,674,231 7,576,500 7,576,500 70.4 5,335,552 8,613,000 8,613,000

Page 184
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1355 - General Fund.Finance - Real Property Tax
DPTY COMSR FIN / DIR REAL PROP TAX SVCS MG 1.00 94,389 1.00 MG 1.00 101,043 1.00 101,043
GIS PROJECT COORD 16 1.00 78,340 1.00 16 1.00 65,926 1.00 65,926
PRIN PROG AST 12 1.00 58,996 1.00 12 1.00 64,165 1.00 64,165
PROG AST 08 3.00 118,001 3.00 08 3.00 130,603 3.00 130,603
REAL PROP INFO SYS SPCLST I 16 1.00 67,147 1.00 16 1.00 74,733 1.00 74,733
SR TAX MAP TECH 13 1.00 60,975 1.00 13 1.00 65,589 1.00 65,589
SUPV TAX SVCS MC 1.00 68,659 1.00 MC 1.00 72,029 1.00 72,029
TAX MAP TECH 12 2.00 104,575 1.00 12 1.00 58,157 1.00 58,157
TAX MAP TECH TR 11 0.00 0 1.00 11 1.00 53,895 1.00 53,895
A.1355 - General Fund.Finance - Real Property Tax 11.00 651,082 11.00 11.00 686,140 11.00 686,140

Page 185
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1355 Real Property Tax Division

1010 Positions 655,954 648,856 651,082 673,499 69.7 469,094 686,140 686,140

Total Salaries and Wages 655,954 648,856 651,082 673,499 69.7 469,094 686,140 686,140
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 48,678 47,970 49,817 51,533 67.1 34,584 52,501 52,501
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,220 1,375 1,343 1,594 72.2 1,151 1,764 1,764
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 126,891 132,458 147,710 131,933 77.3 102,000 154,408 154,408
8450 Optical Insurance 2,500 2,433 2,431 2,319 76.2 1,766 2,530 2,530
8500 Dental Insurance 15,260 16,338 16,313 15,100 76.2 11,505 16,478 16,478
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 268 46.1 124 558 558
8800 Life Ins 586 328 316 345 74.9 258 331 331
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 53 66 64 69 75.0 52 67 67

Total Employee Benefits 195,188 200,968 217,994 203,161 74.5 151,440 228,637 228,637
8100 Pymts to Retire System 120,344 100,274 97,487 97,487 24.4 23,799 114,990 96,609

Total Benefits 120,344 100,274 97,487 97,487 24.4 23,799 114,990 96,609

Total Personal Services 971,486 950,099 966,563 974,147 66.1 644,333 1,029,767 1,011,386
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 492 308 600 600 66.1 397 600 600
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 32 50 1,200 1,200 20.9 251 800 800
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 465 1,417 350 350 5.0 18 200 200
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 260 1,050 1,300 1,300 11.5 150 400 400
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 459 1,148 600 600 85.0 510 600 600

• McKinney's law books, appraisal manual updates and online Poughkeepsie Journal subscription.

4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 410 440 550 550 85.5 470 550 550

• Membership to NYS Assessors Assoc., NYS RPT Directors' Assoc. DC Assessors' Assoc.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 2,118 4,413 4,600 4,600 39.0 1,795 3,150 3,150
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 50 0 125 47.2 59 125 125

• Refreshments for training/classes.

4160 Office Supplies 2,607 1,580 3,000 2,875 14.5 417 3,000 3,000
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 248 24 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
Total Supplies 2,855 1,654 4,000 4,000 11.9 476 4,125 4,125

Page 186
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 2,130 1,920 2,112 2,112 66.7 1,408 1,848 1,848
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 1,107 1,013 1,000 1,000 82.3 823 1,000 1,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,976 2,532 2,718 2,718 66.6 1,811 2,718 2,718
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 104 297 300 300 36.9 111 300 300

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 5,317 5,761 6,130 6,130 67.7 4,153 5,866 5,866

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 5,317 5,761 6,130 6,130 67.7 4,153 5,866 5,866
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 3 0 15 15 0.0 0 0 0
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 40 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 100.0 4,800 4,800 4,800

• Maintenance contract for GIS/Tax Mapping software.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100

4650 External Postage 29 27 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
Total Operations 4,832 4,867 5,015 5,015 95.7 4,800 5,000 5,000
Total A.1355 - Real Property Tax Division 986,608 966,794 986,308 993,892 66.0 655,557 1,047,908 1,029,527

Page 187
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1355 Real Property Tax Division

12500.00 Assessor Fees Maps & Aero Photos 10,356 10,095 10,000 10,000 59.0 5,895 10,000 10,000

• Sale of maps, aerials and assessment data.

12500.01 Assessor Fees RPT Fees 2,765 3,040 2,500 2,500 91.8 2,295 2,500 2,500

• Certification fees for filing surveys and sub-division maps.

12500.03 Assessor Fees Dir Conference 340 532 350 350 55.7 (195) 300 300

• State reimbursement for mandated Director's conferences and classes.

Total Departmental Income 13,461 13,667 12,850 12,850 62.2 7,995 12,800 12,800
22280.00 Data Processing General 29,425 29,427 30,000 30,000 94.0 28,209 30,000 30,000

• Charges to towns for data and Mortgage Investment Institutions (MII) record processing.

Total Intergovernmental Charges 29,425 29,427 30,000 30,000 94.0 28,209 30,000 30,000
Total A.1355 - Real Property Tax Division 42,886 43,094 42,850 42,850 84.5 36,204 42,800 42,800

Page 188
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1362 Tax Advertising & Expense

4679 Tax Advertising & Expense 23,248 22,928 30,000 24,000 19.3 4,643 30,000 30,000
Total Operations 23,248 22,928 30,000 24,000 19.3 4,643 30,000 30,000
Total A.1362 - Tax Advertising & Expense 23,248 22,928 30,000 24,000 19.3 4,643 30,000 30,000

Page 189
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1362 Tax Advertising & Expense

12350.02 Tax Adv & Redemption Auction Adv 0 28,537 30,000 30,000 0.0 0 30,000 30,000
Total Departmental Income 0 28,537 30,000 30,000 0.0 0 30,000 30,000
Total A.1362 - Tax Advertising & Expense 0 28,537 30,000 30,000 0.0 0 30,000 30,000

Page 190
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1364 Exp Property Acquired for Taxes

4401.102 Professional Services Legal 13,965 27,839 15,000 20,000 86.2 17,239 25,000 25,000
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 0 2,500 0 0.0 0 2,500 2,500
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 10,000 5,000 0.0 0 50,000 50,000
Total Contracted Services 13,965 27,839 27,500 25,000 69.0 17,239 77,500 77,500
4680.97 Taxes on Property Deeded 179,597 69,773 100,000 86,847 0.0 0 100,000 100,000
Total Operations 179,597 69,773 100,000 86,847 0.0 0 100,000 100,000
Total A.1364 - Exp Property Acquired for Taxes 193,562 97,612 127,500 111,847 15.4 17,239 177,500 177,500

Page 191
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1364 Exp Property Acquired for Taxes

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 4,834 0 0 0 0.0 3,602 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 4,834 0 0 0 0.0 3,602 0 0
Total A.1364 - Exp Property Acquired for Taxes 4,834 0 0 0 0.0 3,602 0 0

Page 192
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1920 Municipal Association Dues

4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 47,953 49,128 50,500 50,500 98.4 49,698 51,500 51,500
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 47,953 49,128 50,500 50,500 98.4 49,698 51,500 51,500
Total A.1920 - Municipal Association Dues 47,953 49,128 50,500 50,500 98.4 49,698 51,500 51,500

Page 193
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1950 Taxes & Assessmt County Property

4680.98 Taxes on Property County Owned 3,487 3,099 15,000 2,707 100.0 2,706 4,000 4,000
Total Operations 3,487 3,099 15,000 2,707 100.0 2,706 4,000 4,000
Total A.1950 - Taxes & Assessmt County Property 3,487 3,099 15,000 2,707 100.0 2,706 4,000 4,000

Page 194
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1980 MTA Payroll Tax

4668 MTA Payroll Tax 381,843 394,252 416,000 428,000 70.1 299,874 433,000 433,000
Total Mandated Programs 381,843 394,252 416,000 428,000 70.1 299,874 433,000 433,000
Total A.1980 - MTA Payroll Tax 381,843 394,252 416,000 428,000 70.1 299,874 433,000 433,000

Page 195
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1989 General Gov't Support

4684.111 Tuition-County Employee Union 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 39.9 11,967 0 0
4684.112 Tuition-County Employee Management & Confidential 5,868 5,637 10,000 16,334 27.5 4,490 0 0

• Tuition reimbursement has been moved to Other Employee Benefits A.9089.4684.111 and A.9089.4684.112.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 35,868 35,637 40,000 46,334 35.5 16,457 0 0
4199 Inventory Write Off 803 8,902 3,000 3,000 48.3 1,450 2,200 2,200
Total Supplies 803 8,902 3,000 3,000 48.3 1,450 2,200 2,200
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 8,622 5,404 7,500 7,500 38.4 2,878 6,000 6,000
4463 Judgements and Claims 0 26,486 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Contracted Services 8,622 31,890 7,500 7,500 38.4 2,878 6,000 6,000
4443 Attys-St Parole Hearings 105,616 130,000 70,000 70,000 30.5 21,359 130,000 50,000

• Recommended: reduction as the Public Defender's Office is now handling Parole cases instead of assigned counsel. Assigned counsel will only be utilized when there is a conflict.

Total Mandated Programs 105,616 130,000 70,000 70,000 30.5 21,359 130,000 50,000
Total A.1989 - General Gov't Support 150,910 206,428 120,500 126,834 33.2 42,144 138,200 58,200

Page 196
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1989 General Gov't Support

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 0 0 0 0.0 18,788 0 0

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 115,515 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 1,000,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 1,115,515 0 0 0 0.0 18,788 0 0
30890.05 Other St Aid Parolee Legal Fees 43,084 6,130 0 0 0.0 22,062 0 0
Total State Aid 43,084 6,130 0 0 0.0 22,062 0 0
Total A.1989 - General Gov't Support 1,158,599 6,130 0 0 0.0 40,850 0 0

Page 197
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.1310 Finance

24010.00 Interest General 918 1,353 1,200 1,200 329.0 3,948 6,000 6,000
Total Use of Money and Property 918 1,353 1,200 1,200 329.0 3,948 6,000 6,000
Total D.1310 - Finance 918 1,353 1,200 1,200 329.0 3,948 6,000 6,000

Page 198
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.1310 Finance

24010.00 Interest General 440 1,177 800 800 72.4 579 800 800
Total Use of Money and Property 440 1,177 800 800 72.4 579 800 800
Total E.1310 - Finance 440 1,177 800 800 72.4 579 800 800

Total Finance Approp 4,065,739 4,213,338 4,329,758 4,811,919 59.5 2,860,945 4,648,516 4,575,169

Total Finance Revenue 8,943,300 5,754,522 7,651,350 7,651,350 70.8 5,420,734 8,692,600 8,692,600

Page 199
Department of Law

The County Attorney is the sole legal advisor for the Executive

branch of County Government. The Department of Law is
responsible for protecting the interests of the County in all
judicial matters involving the County in state and federal
courts as well as administrative proceedings. It further
provides legal advice to the County Executive and all executive
departments of the County. The goal of the Department of Law
is to provide excellent legal services to the County of Dutchess
in a comprehensive, efficient and collegial manner.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 200
Department of Law
The County Attorney is the sole legal advisor for the Executive Branch of County Government. The Department of Law represents and oversees
the interests of the County in all judicial proceedings involving the County in state and federal courts. It further provides legal counsel to the
County in Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests, contract and lease negotiations, administrative hearings, the drafting resolutions and
local laws, conducting public hearings, federal and state grants reviews, personnel and employee relations, disciplinary actions, labor contract
negotiations, legal research and rendering legal opinions.

Department of Law (A.1420)

The County Attorney’s office is involved in eminent domain proceedings, highway/right-of-way takings, tax refunds, Behavioral & Community
Health legal proceedings, and the Federal Urban County Program, as well as civil litigation in actions involving the County, challenging bid awards
on County projects, in rem tax enforcement proceedings, Medicaid fair hearings and pursuit of tax claims in Bankruptcy Court, ongoing activity
in the acquisition of open space and trail rights throughout the County and the persecution of juvenile delinquency and persons in need of
supervision cases in family court.

A division of the County Attorney’s office is assigned to the Department of Community and Family Services (DCFS). This unit provides legal advice
to the various social service divisions and represents DCFS in Family Court cases and in related matters in other court and legal forums; handles
cases involving adult protection, child abuse and/or neglect, foster care and severance of parental rights; and prosecutes support collection cases.

2019 Initiatives:

• Coordinating a Countywide training on Harassment and • Revising and updating the County’s Code of Ethics for
Discrimination (including Sexual Harassment) in conformance consideration by the Legislature.
with New York State Law.
• As of October 2018 New York State “raise the age” legislation
• Planning a Countywide training for Freedom of Information Law will become effective. While the Department of Law is not
and Open Meetings Law. requesting additional expenses to fulfill the County’s obligations
under the law in 2019, administrative expense is anticipated in
connection with the implementation of the law.

Page 201
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
County Attorney processes all County contracts, amendments and extensions; reviews related scopes of service and insurance; handles leases; claims and
litigation for and against The County; prepares local laws and resolutions for submission to County Legislature; provides legal support to all County
New Contract Files Opened (in OnBase only) 830 825 825 - 0.0%
New Contracts Processed 674 680 680 - 0.0%
Total Contracts with Extensions/Amendments & Leases Processed 670 680 680 - 0.0%
Resolutions Processed 170 200 200 - 0.0%
Litigation - Torts (NYMIR and NYMIR outside counsel) 75 82 85 3 3.7%
Other Litigation 290 293 295 2 0.7%
Administrative Proceedings (includes open files that may or may not go
90 95 100 5 5.3%
to a hearing)
Enforcement Proceedings (ex: when orders are ignored) 39 32 35 3 9.4%
Real Property Matters (in rem, bankruptcy, foreclosures) 252 260 265 5 1.9%
County Attorney prosecutes Juvenile Delinquent and Persons In Need of Supervision cases in Family Court; appears for extensions and violations.
Juvenile Delinquent (JD) Files Opened* 43 40 60 20 50.0%
JD Active Files 147 140 180 40 28.6%
JD Petitions Filed 55 40 70 30 75.0%
Persons In Need of Supervision (PINS) Files Opened 50 40 80 40 100.0%
PINS Active Files 127 120 125 5 4.2%
PINS Petitions Filed 50 40 80 40 100.0%
Extensions / Violations Filed 89 40 40 - 0.0%
* 20 additional files to reflect possible "Raise the Age".

Page 202
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
County Attorney, Department of Community and Family Services (DCFS) Legal Unit, provides legal advice to the various divisions and represents DCFS in
Family Court cases, as well as in related matters in other courts and legal forums; handles cases involving adult protection, child abuse and/or neglect,
foster care and severance of parental rights and prosecutes support collection cases.
Child Support and Paternity (Title IV-D of the Social Security Act) 4,536 4,600 4,800 200 4.3%
Total Child Support Collection Cases 9,904 10,000 10,200 200 2.0%
Assigned Counsel Cases (1116) 85 85 87 2 2.4%
Adult Protective Services Cases 26 35 37 2 5.7%
Special Investigative Unit Cases - County Resource Recovery 57 60 61 1 1.7%
Abuse, Neglect, Terminations - Child Welfare 936 940 950 10 1.1%
Permanency Hearings / Child Welfare 378 380 385 5 1.3%
Interstate Child Support Cases (UIFSA) 108 110 115 5 4.5%
Child Protective Services Reports / Fair Hearings 83 85 87 2 2.4%
Medicaid Hearings 60 65 60 (5) -7.7%

Page 203
Department of Law
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 1,847,586 1,903,663 1,898,664 1,912,843 14,179 0.7%
Employee Benefits 802,489 877,910 861,894 919,289 57,395 6.7% 91%
Personal Services 2,650,075 2,781,573 2,760,558 2,832,132 71,574 2.6% Personal
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 27,495 21,553 21,553 29,253 7,700 35.7%
Supplies 3,271 4,400 4,400 6,150 1,750 39.8%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs (1,101,686) (1,109,847) (1,109,847) (1,221,500) (111,653) 10.1%
Contracted Services
Mandated Programs
Operations 4,926 10,980 11,980 11,060 (920) -7.7%
Total Appropriations $1,658,679 $1,799,974 $1,783,959 $1,764,410 ($19,549) -1.1%
1% Programs

4% Operations

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Revenues
Departmental Income - - - - - 0.0%
Intergovernmental Charges 2,310 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 0.0%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss - - - - - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources 1,233 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 0.0%
Total Revenues $3,543 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $0 0.0%

Net to County Cost $1,655,136 $1,795,974 $1,779,959 $1,760,410 ($19,549) -1.1% Other

Page 204
County Attorney

County Attorney

Legal Services Community and Juvenile

and Oversight Family Services Prosecution

Page 205
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Attorney
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1420 - General Fund.County Attorney
AST CNTY ATTY CFS AE 1.00 66,939 1.00 AE 1.00 69,985 1.00 69,985
BUREA CHIEF CFS MH 1.00 150,001 1.00 MH 1.00 117,873 1.00 117,873
CHIEF AST CNTY ATTY MH 1.00 94,373 1.00 MH 1.00 99,006 1.00 99,006
CNTY ATTY MJ 1.00 164,423 1.00 MJ 1.00 168,121 1.00 168,121
CONF SECY CNTY ATTY MC 1.00 64,342 1.00 MC 1.00 67,432 1.00 67,432
LEGAL SECY CE 3.00 160,694 4.00 CE 4.00 213,602 4.00 213,602
LEGAL SECY EA CH 1.00 73,686 0.00 CH 0.00 0 0.00 0
SR AST CNTY ATTY AG 4.00 403,945 4.00 AG 4.00 422,201 4.00 422,201
SR AST CNTY ATTY MG 2.00 204,163 2.00 MG 2.00 214,183 2.00 214,183
SR AST CNTY ATTY CFS AG 5.00 516,097 5.00 AG 5.00 540,440 5.00 540,440
A.1420 - General Fund.County Attorney 20.00 1,898,663 20.00 20.00 1,912,843 20.00 1,912,843

Page 206
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Attorney
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1420 County Attorney

1010 Positions 1,602,362 1,847,586 1,898,663 1,898,664 69.4 1,316,793 1,912,843 1,912,843
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 5,000 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 1,602,362 1,847,586 1,903,663 1,898,664 69.4 1,316,793 1,912,843 1,912,843
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 117,717 135,802 141,547 141,548 69.4 98,291 143,889 143,889
8355 Long-Term Disability 6,683 5,048 4,752 4,351 76.5 3,330 4,165 4,165
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 300,389 369,973 416,306 402,490 75.9 305,400 456,626 456,626
8450 Optical Insurance 3,970 4,313 4,423 4,293 76.0 3,262 4,600 4,600
8500 Dental Insurance 24,345 28,961 29,439 27,955 76.0 21,244 29,960 29,960
8800 Life Ins 5,310 1,763 1,593 1,441 76.7 1,105 1,374 1,374
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 483 353 323 289 76.6 221 277 277

Total Employee Benefits 458,898 546,214 598,383 582,367 74.3 432,853 640,891 640,891
8100 Pymts to Retire System 242,475 256,275 279,527 279,527 23.5 65,789 251,621 278,398

Total Benefits 242,475 256,275 279,527 279,527 23.5 65,789 251,621 278,398

Total Personal Services 2,303,735 2,650,075 2,781,573 2,760,558 65.8 1,815,435 2,805,355 2,832,132
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 245 0 300 300 0.0 0 300 300
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 170 696 100 100 0.0 0 300 300
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 60 183 200 200 94.7 189 200 200
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 950 600 1,200 1,200 50.0 600 1,200 1,200
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 20,252 24,763 18,500 18,500 93.3 17,268 26,000 26,000

• 5% increase for both the monthly fee for WestLaw and the monthly fee for various law books.

4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 1,253 1,253 1,253 1,253 100.0 1,253 1,253 1,253
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 22,930 27,495 21,553 21,553 89.6 19,310 29,253 29,253
4160 Office Supplies 2,836 3,271 4,400 4,400 46.0 2,026 6,150 6,150

• Furniture $1,750; Office Supplies $4,400.

Total Supplies 2,836 3,271 4,400 4,400 46.0 2,026 6,150 6,150
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 2,544 2,544 2,508 2,508 66.7 1,672 2,640 2,640
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 1,201 1,133 2,000 2,000 52.1 1,041 2,000 2,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 2,569 3,327 3,580 3,580 66.7 2,386 3,580 3,580
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 118 271 160 160 560.3 896 200 200

Page 207
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Attorney
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4629 Interdept Exp Reimb (907,215) (1,108,961) (1,118,095) (1,118,095) 35.1 (392,582) (1,229,920) (1,229,920)

• Legal services provided to DCFS ($1,209,920) and to DBCH ($20,000).

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) (900,783) (1,101,686) (1,109,847) (1,109,847) 34.8 (386,586) (1,221,500) (1,221,500)

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services (900,783) (1,101,686) (1,109,847) (1,109,847) 34.8 (386,586) (1,221,500) (1,221,500)
4401.102 Professional Services Legal 50,400 51,779 54,000 54,000 49.5 26,740 64,000 64,000

• Increase for additional outside Legal Counsel $10,000.

4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 2,137 2,649 8,000 5,000 42.5 2,125 4,000 4,000
4437 Expert Witness 0 0 2,000 1,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000
4439 Summons & Witness Fees 1,343 1,323 3,000 3,000 23.9 717 3,000 3,000
4445 Arbitrators 5,763 2,930 13,500 4,500 50.6 2,275 3,500 3,500
4460 Comm Printing 33 1,298 500 500 12.9 64 500 500
Total Contracted Services 59,675 59,979 81,000 68,000 46.9 31,921 77,000 77,000
4435 Court Fees 26 53 315 315 5.1 16 315 315
4444 Attys/Assgnd Counsel 7,184 14,566 10,000 27,000 81.3 21,964 30,000 30,000

• Extraordinary expenses due to ongoing efforts regarding a foreclosure action.

Total Mandated Programs 7,210 14,618 10,315 27,315 80.5 21,980 30,315 30,315
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 140 80 160 100.0 160 160 160
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 17,640 3,600 10,000 9,920 0.0 0 10,000 10,000
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4650 External Postage 842 1,186 800 1,800 51.2 922 800 800
Total Operations 18,482 4,926 10,980 11,980 9.0 1,082 11,060 11,060
Total A.1420 - County Attorney 1,514,085 1,658,679 1,799,974 1,783,959 84.4 1,505,168 1,737,633 1,764,410

Page 208
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Attorney
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1420 County Attorney

22100.00 Gen Serv, Other Govt General 4,742 2,310 2,000 2,000 10.3 207 2,000 2,000

• Reimbursement for services provided to the department of Planning & Development for federal grant work (HUD).

Total Intergovernmental Charges 4,742 2,310 2,000 2,000 10.3 207 2,000 2,000
26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 179 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 179 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 364 0 0 0 0.0 317 0 0
27720.00 Intergovernmental Reimbursement TASC charge back 7,445 1,233 2,000 2,000 1.6 32 2,000 2,000

• Services provided to the DC TASC. The 2016 actual is attributable to substantial work completed by the County Attorney in the refinancing of DC TASC Bonds.

Total Misc. Local Sources 7,809 1,233 2,000 2,000 17.4 349 2,000 2,000
Total A.1420 - County Attorney 12,729 3,543 4,000 4,000 13.9 556 4,000 4,000

Total County Attorney Approp 1,514,085 1,658,679 1,799,974 1,783,959 84.4 1,505,168 1,737,633 1,764,410

Total County Attorney Revenue 12,729 3,543 4,000 4,000 13.9 556 4,000 4,000

Page 209
Human Resources

To provide a full range of high quality human resource

management services for Dutchess County departments and
employees and to administer the New York State Civil Service
Law for the county and all municipalities within the County
including towns, villages, cities, special districts, school
districts and Dutchess Community College.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 210
Human Resources
The Commissioner of Human Resources acts as the Civil Service Officer (local civil service commission) for the County of Dutchess as defined by
Section 15 of Civil Service Law. This includes the responsibility for administering Civil Service Law for the County, and all of the towns, villages,
cities, school districts and special districts located within the geographic boundaries of Dutchess County. The Commissioner is assigned by the
County Executive with the responsibility for administering labor relations for County bargaining units, including participation in collective
bargaining negotiations. The Equal Employment Opportunity Program for the County is currently overseen by the Human Rights/EEO Officer
under the direction of the Human Resources Department.

Human Resources (A.1430)

Human Resources is responsible for both civil service and personnel administration. Civil Service Administration is done for County agencies and
municipalities and includes maintaining all civil service records, the civil service examination process, civil service roster records, application
review and annual payroll certifications. Personnel administration is provided for all County departments and includes all personnel records;
contract negotiation, interpretation and implementation, grievances, discipline; labor relations issues and interpretation and enforcement of
County policies and procedures.

The Dutchess County Commission on Human Rights (DCCHR) and the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is responsible for promoting
a respectful community & workplace for all. The DCCHR works to improve community relations by identifying and responding to emerging issues,
holding community dialogues, hosting educational programs, conducting educational outreach and responding to contacts that include but are
not limited to discrimination and harassment complaints. The EEO oversees all Diversity and Inclusion initiatives including but not limited to
compliance with federal and state civil rights laws and the County’s policy, training, complaint investigations, ADA training and compliance, 55-a
program oversight and implementation, and background check compliance with Corrections Law 23-A.

Risk Management (A.1910.64)

This division is responsible for the oversight of employee benefits, workplace safety, workers’ compensation and 207c law enforcement workers’
compensation benefits and property, casualty and liability insurances for Dutchess County. To maintain compliance with NYS Law, workplace
violence investigations will now be conducted by Risk. Through shared services the division also handles the self-insured workers’ compensation
trust, and 207c benefits for two component agencies and thirteen local municipalities. The division establishes and reviews insurance
requirements for approximately 2,000 County contracts, leases, permits and special events. Risk Management also works with departments and
municipal partners to prevent injury by performing workplace safety inspections and holding fleet safety meetings.

Page 211
Workers’ Compensation (S.1710/1720)
Risk Management oversees Dutchess County’s Self Insured Workers’ Compensation Trust which includes 15 participants, manages the Third Party
Administrator (TPA) outcomes, reviews claim reports and follows-up, conducts claim reviews with department heads, trains staff on workers’
compensation reporting, recommends and implements safety/policy initiatives and updates participants on recent NYS Workers’ Compensation
Board regulations and initiatives. Risk Management also works with 207c Attorneys and Workers’ Compensation Attorneys to review cases for
potential fraud and litigate arbitrations and liens against third parties.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The budget includes the impact of all settled union contracts as well as COLAS and merit awards for management and confidential employees.
The DCSEA bargaining unit contract expired at the end of 2016 and is currently under negotiation.

2019 Initiatives:

• Work with vendors on analysis of claims data for maximizing • Continue to review the County’s insurance limits and coverage
efficiency and cost effectiveness of health insurance workers’ details to ensure best practices are used to meet the needs of
compensation, and property and casualty insurance programs. the County.

• Continue updating the Rules for the Classified Service of • Create on-line BOSH Courses based on job category and rollout
Dutchess County and the Policy and Procedure Manual. countywide.

• Coordination with OCIS is ongoing, with the digitization of • Re-activate the Countywide Safety Committee with all
records through the Enterprise Content departments participating in order to address workplace safety
Management/Document Management System for benefits, issues/concerns and reduce Workers’ Compensation costs.
personnel, workers’ compensation records and employee files.
• Assist Emergency Response on policy for Fire Investigator Teams
• Continue negotiations with DCSEA related to expired labor and Fit for Duty exams.
contract/collective bargaining agreement.
• Digitize Material Safety Data sheets and Hazard
• Finalize update to the Workplace Violence Prevention and Communications.
Response Policy and provide training to all County employees.
• Provide members at the workers’ compensation pool written
policies and procedures in addition to their participation
agreement to better manage the fund.

Page 212
• Finalize new policy and procedure for work station evaluations. • Promote a respectful workplace for all employees and reduce
County liability by providing annual discrimination/harassment
• Include representation from NYS Employee Retirement System policy training for all new hires and annual sexual harassment
during Open Enrollment sessions. training for current employees in compliance with NYS
• Assist OCIS on updating the Civil Service Exam System and requirements (October 1, 2018). Investigate and resolve
website. discrimination/harassment complaints within 60-90 days.

• Improve community relations by identifying emerging issues and • Create databases to track training compliance, workplace
engaging in educational outreach and facilitated meetings with violence incidents, harassment and discrimination
community stakeholders. investigations, Americans with Disabilities Act compliance for
employee accommodation requests including secure portal for
• Expand the 100 Cups of Coffee Transformative Dialogue Project confidential medical information submission and public
to Beacon, Human Rights Speaker Series and other communities complaints/resolutions, EEO complaints/resolutions, and
that express interest in hosting including training more dialogue Commission on Human Rights contacts and activities.
• Transition County ID creation/management from DPW to
• Co-host the annual International Human Rights Day with local Human Resources.
partners including collaborative events that lead up to this
event. • Finalize the ADA review process, including countywide
implementation of Workplace Pilot program to provide best
• Recruit and retain a diverse County workforce through diversity practices and training for the County’s workforce.
and inclusion educational outreach to internal and external
stakeholders including but not limited to the 55-a program and • Develop the goals and initiatives of the Wellness Committee.
collaborative events.

• Continue working with the Northeast ADA Center at Cornell

University to create a policy and provide countywide training on
the Americans with Disabilities Act Title 1 (Employment) and
Title II (State and Local Government) to ensure compliance with
accommodation requests and the interactive process,
complaints from the public, etc.

Page 213
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Provide personnel and civil service administration direction and information and support others in meeting legal requirements, ensure employees are
treated fairly, and ensure related records are maintained accurately.
Tuition Reimbursements Processed 20 15 18 3 20.0%
Payrolls Certified/Reviewed 63 74 74 - 0.0%
County Personnel/Payroll/Roster Changes 3,872 5,500 4,000 (1,500) -27.3%
Non-County Personnel/Payroll/Roster Changes 11,121 11,000 11,000 - 0.0%
Grievances/Stipulations/Arbitrations 20 16 16 - 0.0%
New Employee Orientations 247 272 250 (22) -8.1%
County Position Classifications 117 111 91 (20) -18.0%
Municipality Positions Classifications 211 190 200 10 5.3%
Conduct effective and efficient civil service examination and recruitment program; ensure civil service requirements are met and ensure employment right
and protections are provided.
Applications Processed * 5,180 3,400 4,365 965 28.4%
Exam Participants * 3,205 2,094 2,794 700 33.4%
Exams Given 136 160 140 (20) -12.5%
Lists Established 111 110 110 - 0.0%
Certifications 524 525 525 - 0.0%
Agility Performance Exam 182 340 350 10 2.9%
Seasonal Student Worker Positions 44 52 50 (2) -3.8%
Seasonal Student Worker Applications 92 137 114 (23) -16.8%
* Tentative exam scheduled for Firefighter

Page 214
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Ensure all citizens have equal access to County Government jobs; ensure all employees are treated in a fair and non-discriminatory manner; ensure
employees may work in a safe work environment and are afforded an impartial mechanism to have concerns address; and ensure qualifying employees
have fair and equal access to promotional opportunities.
Exit Interviews 24 30 30 - 0.0%
Workplace Violence Investigations 27 50 60 10 20.0%
Americans w/Disabilities (ADA) Accommodation Review Meetings 38 50 60 10 20.0%
55-a Applications Received 6 15 5 (10) -66.7%
ADA/Harassment/Discrimination Training 1 28 36 8 28.6%
EEO Inquiries and Investigations 10 30 40 10 33.3%
Diversity, Inclusion Recruitment and Education 7 20 16 (4) -20.0%
Risk Management - Train County and Workers' Compensation Trust Participant employees on safe work practices to eliminate and/or minimize injuries.
Safety & Health Training 291 300 300 - 0.0%
Defensive Driving Course 459 400 400 - 0.0%
Third Party Administrator Workplace Safety Training 28 200 200 - 0.0%
Risk Management - Provide cost effective Workers' Compensation coverage to the County and participants in the Workers' Compensation Plan.
Workers' Compensation Claims 282 270 260 (10) -3.7%
Municipalities in Workers' Compensation Trust 15 15 15 - 0.0%
Claim Reviews & Stewardship Meeting 4 8 8 - 0.0%
Workers' Compensation Claims Reported within 3 Days 38.0% 65.0% 70.0% 5% 7.7%
Workers' Compensation Claims Reported Electronically 100% 100% 100% - 0.0%
Risk Management - Prevent accidents through inspections of work sites, safety meetings and claims reviews.
Worksite Inspections 33 50 50 - 0.0%
Facility Inspections 130 138 145 7 5.1%
Accident & Safety Complaint Investigations 79 100 110 10 10.0%

Page 215
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Risk Management - Provide cost effective health, dental and optical insurance to county, DCC, employees, as well as health insurance to retirees.
Health Insurance Enrollment 2,595 2,599 2,600 1 0.0%
Dental Insurance Enrollment 1,814 1,814 1,820 6 0.3%
Optical Insurance Enrollment 1,691 1,701 1,710 9 0.5%
Commission on Human Rights - Create a respectful and inclusive community for all.
100 Cups of Coffee Transformative Dialogue Project 12 29 28 (1) -3.4%
Facilitated Meetings with Community Stakeholders including listening
8 10 10 - 0.0%
sessions, schools and community groups
Contacts including discrimination complaints, bias incidents, etc. 166 175 180 5 2.9%

International Human Rights Day attendees 159 169 169 - 0.0%

Page 216
Department of Human Resources
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 1,684,310 1,813,887 1,825,872 1,899,130 73,258 4.0%
46% 28%
Employee Benefits 810,970 885,101 917,355 1,105,331 187,976 20.5% Personal
Other Services
Personal Services 2,495,280 2,698,988 2,743,227 3,004,461 261,234 9.5%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 10,212 24,850 31,338 72,850 41,512 132.5%
Supplies 10,833 14,400 21,300 20,500 (800) -3.8%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 22,557 24,054 23,904 24,990 1,086 4.5%
Insurance 1,116,974 1,332,600 1,332,300 1,363,900 31,600 2.4%
Contracted Services 1,208,321 1,453,395 1,449,707 1,360,770 (88,937) -6.1%
Mandated Programs 133,821 200,500 198,450 150,500 (47,950) -24.2%
Operations 4,223,793 4,374,900 4,361,366 4,553,332 191,966 4.4% 13%
Total Appropriations $9,221,790 $10,123,687 $10,161,592 $10,551,303 $389,711 3.8%
13% Contracted
Insurance Programs

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 88% 2019 Revenues
Departmental Income 60,424 60,000 60,000 66,965 6,965 11.6% Governmental
Intergovernmental Charges 4,931,894 5,332,097 5,332,097 5,850,000 517,903 9.7% Charges
Use of Money and Property 12,542 4,000 4,000 50,000 46,000 1150.0%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 20,470 - - - - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources 475,012 500,000 500,000 100,000 (400,000) -80.0%
Interfund Transfer 977,500 592,240 592,240 605,910 13,670 2.3%
Total Revenues $6,477,842 $6,488,337 $6,488,337 $6,672,875 $184,538 2.8%

Net to County Cost $2,743,949 $3,635,350 $3,673,255 $3,878,428 $205,173 5.6%

Page 217
Human Resources


Human Rights Labor

/Equal Employee Risk Relations Municipal Civil Service
Opportunity Relations Management Personnel Transactions Admin
Officer Management


Page 218
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1430 - General Fund.Human Resources
ACCOUNTANT CN 1.00 71,512 1.00 CN 0.50 37,511 0.50 37,511
COMSR HUMAN RSRCS MI 1.00 126,110 1.00 MI 1.00 132,174 1.00 132,174
CONF ADMV AST CI 1.00 66,389 1.00 CI 1.00 69,687 1.00 69,687
DPTY COMSR HUMAN RSRCS MG 1.00 101,308 1.00 MG 1.00 106,178 1.00 106,178
HUMAN RGTS / EQUAL EMPLOY OPP OFFICER MF 1.00 92,794 1.00 MF 1.00 97,351 1.00 97,351
HUMAN RSRCS ASSOC MD 2.00 152,337 2.00 MD 3.00 201,968 2.00 141,760
HUMAN RSRCS AST CE 5.00 284,599 5.00 CE 5.00 297,085 5.00 297,085
RECEP 06 1.00 40,388 1.00 06 1.00 43,355 1.00 43,355
SECY CD 0.00 0 0.00 CD 1.00 37,305 0.00 0
SR HUMAN RSRCS ASSOC ME 3.00 242,646 3.00 ME 3.00 269,158 3.00 269,158
SR HUMAN RSRCS AST CH 3.00 191,228 3.00 CH 3.00 200,557 3.00 200,557
A.1430 - General Fund.Human Resources 19.00 1,369,311 19.00 20.50 1,492,329 18.50 1,394,816

Page 219
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1430 Human Resources

1010 Positions 1,335,341 1,369,156 1,369,311 1,371,267 69.1 947,381 1,492,329 1,394,816
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 40,500 40,500 0.0 0 35,915 35,915

• Exam Proctors, Seasonal Student Worker and part-time help for Human Rights/EEO.

1040 ST Overtime 2,245 2,274 3,000 3,000 40.8 1,225 3,000 3,000

• Head monitors at civil service exams.

1050 Overtime 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

1070 Shift Differential 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

Total Salaries and Wages 1,337,586 1,371,429 1,412,911 1,414,867 67.0 948,606 1,531,344 1,433,831
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 99,554 101,936 104,771 104,922 66.5 69,782 113,947 106,486
8355 Long-Term Disability 5,993 7,352 6,923 7,518 74.6 5,610 7,017 7,017
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 283,508 295,191 334,728 319,115 75.1 239,585 413,642 374,418
8450 Optical Insurance 4,146 4,111 4,202 4,123 74.6 3,074 4,715 4,255
8500 Dental Insurance 25,343 27,627 27,956 26,864 74.6 20,032 30,709 27,713
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 28 46.3 13 55 55
8800 Life Ins 4,845 2,683 2,528 2,733 74.7 2,043 2,548 2,548
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 440 537 512 547 74.7 409 516 516

Total Employee Benefits 423,830 439,437 481,620 465,850 73.1 340,548 573,149 523,008
8100 Pymts to Retire System 184,985 193,566 197,848 197,848 24.8 49,010 204,590 198,648

Total Benefits 184,985 193,566 197,848 197,848 24.8 49,010 204,590 198,648

Total Personal Services 1,946,401 2,004,433 2,092,379 2,078,565 64.4 1,338,164 2,309,083 2,155,487
4456 Training Programs - Educ 0 0 4,000 4,000 0.0 0 4,000 4,000

• Workplace violence, sexual harassment and diversity, and leadership development trainings.

4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 272 443 0 500 36.0 180 100 100
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 2,351 2,423 5,000 4,500 43.5 1,957 6,000 5,000
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 626 1,343 600 600 79.2 475 1,400 1,400
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 2,911 1,124 2,000 3,000 78.5 2,356 3,000 3,000
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 719 751 1,800 1,800 15.3 276 1,800 1,800
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 490 315 1,190 1,190 26.5 315 1,190 1,190
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 7,369 6,399 14,590 15,590 35.7 5,560 17,490 16,490

Page 220
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4109 Merit Awards 682 500 1,500 1,500 17.0 255 500 500
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 25 856 0 2,000 48.8 977 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 8,098 8,158 10,000 13,033 25.7 3,345 14,250 14,250

• Equipment $650; Furniture $8,600; Office Supplies $5,000.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 0 0 0 467 0.0 0 2,500 2,500

Total Supplies 8,805 9,514 11,500 17,000 26.9 4,576 17,250 17,250
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 3,384 3,384 3,432 3,432 66.7 2,288 3,300 3,300
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 4,097 5,018 5,500 5,350 54.3 2,905 6,000 6,000

• New state exams mandate.

4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,949 4,547 5,506 5,506 66.7 3,670 5,506 5,506
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 3,034 3,270 3,000 3,000 226.1 6,784 3,500 3,500

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 12,464 16,219 17,438 17,288 90.5 15,647 18,306 18,306

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 12,464 16,219 17,438 17,288 90.5 15,647 18,306 18,306
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 3,325 16,930 16,930 16.8 2,850 35,000 35,000

• Third party investigations, CPS study, Jail scheduling study and Sheriff scheduling study.

4401.106 Professional Services Program 1,428 9,934 3,430 3,430 0.0 0 3,500 3,500

• Interpreter services (i.e. sign language) as needed during civil service exams.

4404 NYS Assessments and Fees 37,976 32,534 33,000 33,000 0.0 0 39,802 39,802
4425 Recreation Special Events 1,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4460 Comm Printing 0 105 0 350 0.0 0 0 0
Total Contracted Services 40,404 45,898 53,360 53,710 5.3 2,850 78,302 78,302
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 0 0 36,960 28,401 0.0 0 0 0

• Parking Benefit to be paid from A.9089.8701.

4606 Janitorial Services 600 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 40 80 80 100.0 80 40 40
4610.106 Advertising Program 2,959 2,052 4,000 4,000 6.5 259 4,000 4,000
4610.71 Advertising Legal 0 58 250 250 25.0 62 250 250

Page 221
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4615 Employee Physicals 1,815 5,025 5,000 6,725 100.0 6,725 8,000 8,000

• Independent medical examinations for Civil Service Law Section 72 and return to work evaluations.

4618 Employee Events 0 4,900 7,500 7,500 79.7 5,980 10,000 10,000
4650 External Postage 54 165 125 725 0.3 2 300 300
4653 Public Info and Services 0 0 20,000 13,101 0.0 0 25,000 25,000

• Human Right Commission / EEO Programs.

4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 0 0 0 99 0.0 0 0 0

4712 Bank Charges 1,670 1,532 1,200 1,200 42.6 512 1,500 1,500
Total Operations 7,101 13,772 75,115 62,081 21.9 13,620 49,090 49,090
Total A.1430 - Human Resources 2,022,544 2,096,234 2,264,382 2,244,234 61.5 1,380,417 2,489,521 2,334,925

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1430 Human Resources

12600 Personnel Fees 80,785 60,424 60,000 60,000 59.8 35,865 66,965 66,965

• Exam Fees may vary based on Firefighter Exam and potential Police Exam.

Total Departmental Income 80,785 60,424 60,000 60,000 59.8 35,865 66,965 66,965
26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 221 78 0 0 0.0 204 0 0
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 2,249 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 2,470 78 0 0 0.0 204 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 14,420 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 0 15 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 14,420 15 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1430 - Human Resources 97,675 60,517 60,000 60,000 60.1 36,069 66,965 66,965

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1910.12 Unallocated Insurance.Insurance & Related Costs

4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 0 5,488 100.0 5,488 5,500 5,500

• Defensive Driving Online Course.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 0 0 5,488 100.0 5,488 5,500 5,500
4310 Motor Vehicle Insurance 153,135 183,546 198,000 198,000 99.6 197,242 226,000 203,900
4320 Property Insurance 195,417 204,300 218,200 218,200 91.0 198,596 231,000 222,600
4330 Liability Insurance 438,946 382,438 502,300 502,300 77.2 387,657 549,000 517,400
Total Insurance 787,499 770,284 918,500 918,500 85.3 783,495 1,006,000 943,900
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 141,154 141,381 203,600 198,112 71.7 141,966 196,300 196,300

• Property and casualty insurance broker, flexible spending account administration, Employee Assitance Program services, Medicare Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy actuarial attestation,
GASB 45/75 reporting, boiler inspections, claims adjusting, forklift training, chain testing, and material data safety sheet digitization.
4401.106 Professional Services Program 1,335 801 1,335 1,335 0.0 0 1,335 1,335

• Interpreter services for staff trainings (i.e. sign language).

4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 0 260 0 1,450 87.2 1,265 275 275
4463 Judgements and Claims 259,555 268,031 400,000 400,000 95.0 379,960 338,000 338,000

• Claims/settlements against the County for costs below insurance deductible; pending claims expected to involve significant payouts. Claims against Public Transit and DPW will now be
paid from those funds directly.

Total Contracted Services 402,045 410,474 604,935 600,897 87.1 523,191 535,910 535,910
4435 Court Fees 0 140 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4444 Attys/Assgnd Counsel 228,231 133,681 200,000 197,950 20.7 40,918 150,000 150,000

• To defend liability claims.

Total Mandated Programs 228,231 133,821 200,500 198,450 20.6 40,918 150,500 150,500
4650 External Postage 0 22 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
Total Operations 0 22 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
Total A.1910.12 - Unallocated Insurance.Insurance & 1,417,774 1,314,600 1,724,035 1,723,435 78.5 1,353,092 1,698,010 1,635,910
Related Costs

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1910.12 Unallocated Insurance.Insurance & Related Costs

12890.00 Other General Misc Other 0 0 0 0 0.0 688 0 0

Total Departmental Income 0 0 0 0 0.0 688 0 0
24010.05 Interest Earnings on Investments 0 0 0 0 0.0 3,274 0 0
24010.07 Interest Insurance Reserve 1,045 4,188 0 0 0.0 15,396 0 0
Total Use of Money and Property 1,045 4,188 0 0 0.0 18,670 0 0
26800 Insurance Recoveries 17,260 1,613 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 17,260 1,613 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 22,866 2,676 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 0 3,945 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 22,866 6,621 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
50310 Interfund Transfers 500,000 300,000 250,000 250,000 100.0 250,000 250,000 250,000

• Funds for claims reserve and claim expense reimbursement from Transit.

Total Interfund Transfers 500,000 300,000 250,000 250,000 100.0 250,000 250,000 250,000
Total A.1910.12 - Unallocated Insurance.Insurance & 541,170 312,422 250,000 250,000 107.7 269,358 250,000 250,000
Related Costs

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1910.64 - General Fund.Unallocated Insurance.Risk Mgmt Admin
ACCOUNTANT CN 0.00 0 0.00 CN 0.50 37,511 0.50 37,511
AST DIR RISK MGMT MD 1.00 60,208 1.00 MD 1.00 68,124 1.00 68,124
DIR RISK MGMT MG 1.00 104,959 1.00 MG 1.00 110,004 1.00 110,004
PRIN PROG AST 12 2.00 101,246 2.00 12 2.00 104,824 2.00 104,824
SFTY COORD 15 1.00 77,272 1.00 15 1.00 82,822 1.00 82,822
SFTY SPCLST 13 1.00 51,791 1.00 13 2.00 108,162 1.00 56,852
A.1910.64 - General Fund.Unallocated Insurance.Risk Mgmt Admin 6.00 395,476 6.00 7.50 511,447 6.50 460,137

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1910.64 Unallocated Insurance.Risk Mgmt Admin

1010 Positions 299,433 312,880 395,476 405,505 62.3 252,737 511,447 460,137
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 4,662 4,662

• Seasonal Student Worker.

1040 ST Overtime 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500

Total Salaries and Wages 299,433 312,880 400,976 411,005 61.5 252,737 516,609 465,299
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 21,449 22,160 30,258 31,026 57.6 17,875 39,132 35,206
8355 Long-Term Disability 652 783 790 1,105 71.6 791 1,508 1,508
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 77,003 99,907 122,780 119,196 75.2 89,683 179,193 160,735
8450 Optical Insurance 993 1,086 1,329 1,104 76.7 846 1,725 1,495
8500 Dental Insurance 6,064 7,289 8,677 7,191 76.7 5,513 11,235 9,737
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 113 49.8 56 239 239
8800 Life Ins 376 210 210 312 71.3 222 434 434
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 34 42 42 63 70.7 45 89 89

Total Employee Benefits 106,572 131,477 164,086 160,110 71.8 115,031 233,555 209,443
8100 Pymts to Retire System 46,534 45,990 41,047 41,047 27.1 11,121 45,529 45,422

Total Benefits 46,534 45,990 41,047 41,047 27.1 11,121 45,529 45,422

Total Personal Services 452,540 490,347 606,109 612,162 61.9 378,889 795,693 720,164
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 28 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 716 447 1,000 1,000 39.9 399 1,500 1,500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 144 87 200 200 80.7 161 200 200
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 50 214 400 400 0.0 0 500 500
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 55 0 60 60 0.0 0 60 60
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 965 776 1,910 1,910 29.3 560 2,510 2,510
4117 Environmental Supplies 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4123 Safety Supplies 0 105 500 500 0.0 0 500 500

• Replace testing equipment.

4160 Office Supplies 847 886 1,200 2,300 68.3 1,570 1,750 1,000
Total Supplies 847 991 2,200 3,300 47.6 1,570 2,750 2,000
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,104 1,104 924 924 66.7 616 924 924
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 2,256 2,870 3,000 3,000 64.8 1,944 3,000 3,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 829 861 870 870 66.6 579 870 870
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 633 970 800 800 22.8 182 1,000 1,000

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 4,822 5,805 5,594 5,594 59.4 3,321 5,794 5,794

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 4,822 5,805 5,594 5,594 59.4 3,321 5,794 5,794
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4615 Employee Physicals 9,363 6,862 15,000 14,500 22.8 3,299 27,000 27,000

• Includes Volunteer Firefighter Investigator physicals and fit for duty exams.

4618 Employee Events 0 0 10,000 10,000 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

• Wellness program events and incentives.

Total Operations 9,366 6,862 25,100 24,600 13.4 3,299 37,100 37,100
Total A.1910.64 - Unallocated Insurance.Risk Mgmt 468,540 504,781 640,913 647,566 59.9 387,639 843,847 767,568

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1910.64 Unallocated Insurance.Risk Mgmt Admin

26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 0 0 0 0 0.0 680 0 0

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 0 0 0 0.0 680 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 310 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 0 310 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
50310 Interfund Transfers 300,000 307,500 342,240 342,240 100.0 342,240 355,910 355,910

• Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Plan reimbursement for salaries and related expenses.

Total Interfund Transfers 300,000 307,500 342,240 342,240 100.0 342,240 355,910 355,910
Total A.1910.64 - Unallocated Insurance.Risk Mgmt 300,000 307,810 342,240 342,240 100.2 342,920 355,910 355,910

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9089 Other Employee Benefits

8700 Employee Fitness Prgm 500 500 500 500 100.0 500 500 500
8701 Employee Parking Assistance 0 0 0 52,000 66.3 34,501 128,310 128,310

• Increase due to new parking allocation per CSEA agreement, Public Defender at 45 Market Steet, and Planning & Development as they are moving.

Total Employee Benefits 500 500 500 52,500 66.7 35,001 128,810 128,810

Total Personal Services 500 500 500 52,500 66.7 35,001 128,810 128,810
4684.111 Tuition-County Employee Union 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 30,000 30,000
4684.112 Tuition-County Employee Management & Confidential 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 10,000 10,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 40,000 40,000
Total A.9089 - Other Employee Benefits 500 500 500 52,500 66.7 35,001 168,810 168,810

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: S Self Insurance
Department: S.1710.21 Self Insurance Administration.Workers Compensation

4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 0 2,500 2,500 0.0 0 2,500 2,500

4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 838 937 2,000 2,000 21.8 437 2,000 2,000
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 417 1,500 1,500 3.1 46 1,500 1,500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 105 50 50 40.0 20 50 50
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 50 1,198 1,750 1,750 34.3 600 1,750 1,750
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 0 0 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 55 380 400 400 95.0 380 400 400
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 943 3,037 8,350 8,350 17.8 1,483 8,350 8,350
4160 Office Supplies 89 328 700 1,000 0.0 0 1,250 1,250
Total Supplies 89 328 700 1,000 0.0 0 1,250 1,250
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 120 120 132 132 66.7 88 0 0
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 109 106 500 500 2.8 14 500 500
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 411 287 290 290 66.6 193 290 290
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 20 100 100 0.0 0 100 100

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 641 533 1,022 1,022 28.9 295 890 890

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 641 533 1,022 1,022 28.9 295 890 890
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 219,000 234,900 250,000 250,000 67.7 169,195 255,000 255,000

• Fees for third party administrator management of Workers' Compensation claims, GASB 34 actuarial analysis of Dutchess County Self-Insurance Plan Workers' Compensation exposures,
and plan participation agreement support.
4404 NYS Assessments and Fees 482,985 517,050 545,100 545,100 40.1 218,733 491,558 491,558
Total Contracted Services 701,985 751,950 795,100 795,100 48.8 387,928 746,558 746,558
4650 External Postage 0 0 100 100 78.7 79 100 100
Total Operations 0 0 100 100 78.7 79 100 100
Total S.1710.21 - Self Insurance 703,658 755,848 805,272 805,572 48.4 389,785 757,148 757,148
Administration.Workers Compensation

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: S Self Insurance
Department: S.1710.21 Self Insurance Administration.Workers Compensation

22200.41 Civil Service DCC Worker's Comp 379,447 417,392 450,783 450,783 100.0 450,783 341,231 341,231
22200.42 Civil Service Worker's Comp - RRA 4,023 4,385 4,736 4,736 100.0 4,736 991 991
22220.00 Participants Assessmt County 3,409,897 3,489,654 3,774,478 3,774,478 100.0 3,774,478 3,748,192 3,748,192
22220.02 Participants Assessmt T/O Beekman 43,523 44,983 48,582 48,582 100.0 48,582 75,951 75,951
22220.11 Participants Assessmt T/O Pawling 85,604 67,914 73,347 73,347 100.0 73,347 101,746 101,746
22220.18 Participants Assessmt T/O Union Vale 13,254 14,447 15,603 15,603 100.0 15,603 74,105 74,105
22220.24 Participants Assessmt V/O Pawling 16,093 16,093 17,380 17,380 100.0 17,380 26,991 26,991
22220.25 Participants Assessmt City of Beacon 301,300 301,300 325,404 325,404 100.0 325,404 518,295 518,295
22220.26 Participants Assessmt T/O Amenia 9,292 10,128 10,938 10,938 100.0 10,938 35,299 35,299
22220.27 Participants Assessmt T/O Milan 7,449 8,119 8,769 8,769 100.0 8,769 48,199 48,199
22220.28 Participants Assessmt T/O Red Hook 14,574 15,886 17,157 17,157 100.0 17,157 40,784 40,784
22220.29 Participants Assessmt V/O Red Hook 8,034 8,757 9,458 9,458 100.0 9,458 24,180 24,180
22220.30 Participants Assessmt T/O Poughkeepsie 472,992 472,992 510,831 510,831 100.0 510,831 609,023 609,023
22220.31 Participants Assessmt T/O Dover 29,603 32,267 34,848 34,848 100.0 34,848 100,553 100,553
22220.32 Participants Assessmt T/O Washington 22,216 24,215 26,152 26,152 100.0 26,152 58,204 58,204
22220.33 Participants Assessmt V/O Millbrook 3,084 3,362 3,631 3,631 100.0 3,631 46,256 46,256
Total Intergovernmental Charges 4,820,385 4,931,894 5,332,097 5,332,097 100.0 5,332,097 5,850,000 5,850,000
24010.00 Interest General 5,551 8,353 4,000 4,000 1,493.5 59,738 50,000 50,000
Total Use of Money and Property 5,551 8,353 4,000 4,000 1,493.5 59,738 50,000 50,000
50310 Interfund Transfers 0 370,000 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Interfund Transfers 0 370,000 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total S.1710.21 - Self Insurance 4,825,936 5,310,247 5,336,097 5,336,097 101.0 5,391,835 5,900,000 5,900,000
Administration.Workers Compensation

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: S Self Insurance
Department: S.1720.21 Benefits & Awards.Workers Compensation

4636 WC Benefits and Awards 3,473,581 4,203,138 4,274,485 4,274,485 57.8 2,469,975 4,466,942 4,466,942
Total Operations 3,473,581 4,203,138 4,274,485 4,274,485 57.8 2,469,975 4,466,942 4,466,942
Total S.1720.21 - Benefits & Awards.Workers 3,473,581 4,203,138 4,274,485 4,274,485 57.8 2,469,975 4,466,942 4,466,942

Page 233
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: S Self Insurance
Department: S.1720.21 Benefits & Awards.Workers Compensation

26800 Insurance Recoveries 0 18,780 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 18,780 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 746,322 468,066 500,000 500,000 29.2 145,939 100,000 100,000
Total Misc. Local Sources 746,322 468,066 500,000 500,000 29.2 145,939 100,000 100,000
Total S.1720.21 - Benefits & Awards.Workers 746,322 486,846 500,000 500,000 29.2 145,939 100,000 100,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Human Resources
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: S Self Insurance
Department: S.1722.21 Excess Ins..Workers Compensation

4331 Stop Loss Insurance 358,409 346,690 414,100 413,800 90.2 373,307 420,000 420,000
Total Insurance 358,409 346,690 414,100 413,800 90.2 373,307 420,000 420,000
Total S.1722.21 - Excess Ins..Workers Compensation 358,409 346,690 414,100 413,800 90.2 373,307 420,000 420,000

Total Human Resources Approp 8,445,006 9,221,790 10,123,687 10,161,592 62.9 6,389,216 10,844,278 10,551,303

Total Human Resources Revenue 6,511,103 6,477,842 6,488,337 6,488,337 95.3 6,186,121 6,672,875 6,672,875

Page 235
Public Works Administration & Buildings

The Department of Public Works oversees the maintenance

and operations of all County buildings, parks, roads, bridges,
the County Airport and County Public Transit as well as the
administration and accounting of these divisions. The
administration and buildings divisions plan, design, build and
maintain the physical county infrastructure and provide
supervision of the design and construction of capital projects
in the Capital Improvement Program.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 236
Public Works Administration & Buildings
The Department of Public Works has the responsibility for the administration, construction, maintenance, supervision, repair, alteration, and care
of all County buildings, highways, bridges, parking lots, parks, and any other Public Works’ facilities within the county. The department is also
responsible for the supervision of the design and construction of capital projects in the Capital Improvement Program. There are other units
within the Department of Public Works, however for presentation purposes, Administration and Building Management are part of the General
Government Support section.

DPW Administration (A.1490)

Provides overall guidance and department management, oversees expenditures and capital projects management, and establishes the goals and
objectives of the Public Works Department.

DPW Buildings (A.1620)

Responsible for the operation and maintenance of 146 County owned or leased buildings totaling approximately 1.3 million square feet. The
major objective of this division is to ensure the safety and comfort of all county employees and residents visiting the County’s facilities. A full
range of services is provided or administered to achieve this goal including overseeing design, construction, administration, building maintenance,
security services, off-street parking, and operation of the County owned facilities.

2019 Initiatives:
• Construction on HVAC piping and infrastructure replacement • Implementation of new work order system to improve
program at 22 Market Street and 10 Market Street begins in department efficiency.
2019. • Airport terminal building renovations.
• Various planning, design, and renovations to multiple county • Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting building design and
buildings. construction.
• Continued petroleum bulk storage compliance. Ongoing work • Design and construction of Emergency Response Training
for tank compliance. Building.
• Renovation of 22 Market St. 4th floor. • Moving Public Defender, OFA, Central Services and Planning to
• First phase of Justice and Transition Center construction. new facilities.
• Installation of emergency backup electrical generators at the • Design and construction of ADA compliant bathroom at Board of
County Office Building, the Court House, and the District Election facility.
Attorney Office.
Page 237
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
To provide a safe building environment for the public and employees who conduct business in our facilities.
Work Orders Completed 3,896 4,200 4,500 300 7.1%
Number of Vehicles in County Paid Parking Lot 40,995 48,000 45,000 3,000 6.3%
Parking Lot Revenue 86,155 96,000 90,000 (6,000) -6.3%

Page 238
Public Works Administration & Buildings
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 2,156,480 2,171,942 2,246,259 2,278,702 32,443 1.4%
Employee Benefits
Personal Services
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 5,497 6,653 7,866 7,655 (211) -2.7%
58% Operations
Equipment 538,476 23,000 34,315 15,000 (19,315) -56.3% Services
Supplies 199,058 157,550 177,505 179,790 2,285 1.3%
Utilities 878,170 930,437 928,975 994,424 65,449 7.0%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs (498,278) (506,829) (506,829) (418,188) 88,641 -17.5%
Contracted Services 32,296 106,000 106,000 80,500 (25,500) -24.1%
Operations 1,052,718 1,775,682 1,733,693 1,665,137 (68,556) -4.0% 14%
Total Appropriations $5,393,564 $5,731,988 $5,788,704 $5,964,817 $176,113 3.0% Other

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Revenues
Departmental Income - 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 0.0%
Use of Money and Property 240,515 266,494 266,494 219,410 (47,084) -17.7%
Fines and Forfeitures 2,145 1,800 1,800 1,000 (800) -44.4%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 9,773 2,100 2,100 2,100 - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources 779 - - - - 0.0%
Sate Aid 441,655 459,837 459,837 380,000 (79,837) -17.4%
Total Revenues $694,867 $733,231 $733,231 $605,510 ($127,721) -17.4%

Net to County Cost $4,698,697 $4,998,757 $5,055,473 $5,359,307 $303,834 6.0% 63%
State Aid

Page 239
Public Works Administration and Buildings

Commissioner of
Public Works
Administration Budget & Finance

Buildings Operations

Heating Cooling Building Repair

Janitorial Security and Ventilation and
(HVAC) Maintenance

Page 240
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1490 - General Fund.DPW Administration
COMSR PUB WORKS MJ 1.00 147,197 1.00 MJ 1.00 157,577 1.00 157,577
CONF ADMV AST CI 1.00 66,866 1.00 CI 1.00 70,147 1.00 70,147
A.1490 - General Fund.DPW Administration 2.00 214,063 2.00 2.00 227,724 2.00 227,724

Page 241
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1490 DPW Administration

1010 Positions 218,323 203,611 214,063 214,063 70.9 151,776 227,724 227,724

Total Salaries and Wages 218,323 203,611 214,063 214,063 70.9 151,776 227,724 227,724
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 15,551 14,757 15,138 15,138 77.0 11,652 15,614 15,614
8355 Long-Term Disability 786 1,171 1,118 1,232 75.0 923 1,176 1,176
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 18,018 20,827 23,145 22,567 75.0 16,925 25,623 25,623
8450 Optical Insurance 437 442 442 442 74.9 331 460 460
8500 Dental Insurance 2,669 2,965 2,966 2,877 75.0 2,157 2,996 2,996
8800 Life Ins 638 428 410 452 74.9 339 432 432
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 58 86 83 91 74.5 68 88 88

Total Employee Benefits 38,157 40,675 43,302 42,799 75.7 32,395 46,389 46,389
8100 Pymts to Retire System 30,726 39,362 34,967 34,967 30.4 10,631 32,274 33,536

Total Benefits 30,726 39,362 34,967 34,967 30.4 10,631 32,274 33,536

Total Personal Services 287,206 283,649 292,332 291,829 66.8 194,802 306,387 307,649
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 10 539 1,000 1,000 44.9 449 1,000 1,000
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 1,111 629 2,000 2,000 33.5 670 2,000 2,000
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 132 29 348 348 8.3 29 150 150
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 345 600 450 450 44.4 200 300 300
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,598 1,797 3,848 3,848 35.0 1,348 3,500 3,500
4160 Office Supplies 236 1,209 850 850 33.8 288 500 500
Total Supplies 236 1,209 850 850 33.8 288 500 500
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,608 1,608 1,302 1,302 66.7 868 1,056 1,056
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 431 552 450 450 65.4 294 442 442
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 136 32 250 250 244.3 611 250 250
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 0 1,606 2,141 2,141 66.7 1,427 2,142 2,142
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 288 200 200 101.5 203 200 200
4629 Interdept Exp Reimb 0 (18,979) (17,000) (17,000) 0.0 0 (15,000) (15,000)

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 2,175 (14,894) (12,657) (12,657) 26.9 3,404 (10,910) (10,910)

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 2,175 (14,894) (12,657) (12,657) 26.9 3,404 (10,910) (10,910)
Total A.1490 - DPW Administration 291,214 271,761 284,373 283,870 70.4 199,841 299,477 300,739

Page 242
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1490 DPW Administration

26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 0 80 0 0 0.0 117 100 100
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 80 0 0 0.0 117 100 100
Total A.1490 - DPW Administration 0 80 0 0 0.0 117 100 100

Page 243
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1620 - General Fund.DPW-Buildings
ARCHITECTURAL TECH 13 0.00 0 0.00 13 1.00 51,310 1.00 51,310
BLDG MAINT MECHC I 08 2.00 81,133 2.00 08 2.00 80,225 2.00 80,225
BLDG MAINT MECHC I HV 10 1.00 41,725 1.00 10 1.00 45,832 1.00 45,832
BLDG MAINT MECHC II 11 2.00 95,184 2.00 11 2.00 104,245 2.00 104,245
BLDG MAINT MECHC II HV 12 1.00 54,257 1.00 12 1.00 58,157 1.00 58,157
BLDG MAINT MECHC III 13 3.00 168,135 3.00 13 3.00 182,877 3.00 182,877
BLDG MAINT MECHC III HV 13 2.00 111,383 2.00 13 2.00 121,796 2.00 121,796
BLDG MAINT SUPV 16 1.00 83,299 1.00 16 1.00 89,268 1.00 89,268
BLDGS ADMR MF 1.00 88,707 1.00 MF 1.00 93,037 1.00 93,037
BLDGS DSGN ADMR MF 1.00 76,301 1.00 MF 1.00 80,044 1.00 80,044
CLEANER 03 3.00 103,622 3.00 03 3.00 113,325 3.00 113,325
CONTRACT SPCLST 13 1.00 60,975 1.00 13 1.00 65,355 1.00 65,355
ELECTRICIAN I 13 1.00 50,648 1.00 13 1.00 55,850 1.00 55,850
ELECTRICIAN II 15 1.00 66,845 1.00 15 1.00 74,204 1.00 74,204
HEAD CLEANER 06 1.00 42,150 1.00 06 1.00 46,041 1.00 46,041
HV SUPV 16 1.00 76,643 1.00 16 1.00 82,114 1.00 82,114
HV TECH 14 1.00 57,919 1.00 14 1.00 63,622 1.00 63,622
MECHL ENG 19 1.00 88,301 1.00 19 0.00 0 0.00 0
PAINTER II 12 1.00 56,658 1.00 12 1.00 60,759 1.00 60,759
PRIN ACCTG CLK 12 2.00 104,351 2.00 12 2.00 113,927 2.00 113,927
SECUR GUARD 04 4.00 128,579 4.00 04 4.00 140,887 4.00 140,887
SECUR GUARD HR 04-8-H 0.60 39,947 0.60 04-8-H 0.60 25,951 0.60 25,951
SECY 10 1.00 43,647 1.00 10 1.00 49,141 1.00 49,141
SR CARPENTER 14 1.00 64,987 1.00 14 1.00 69,873 1.00 69,873
SR PLUMBER 14 1.00 57,383 1.00 14 1.00 63,038 1.00 63,038
A.1620 - General Fund.DPW-Buildings 34.60 1,842,779 34.60 34.60 1,930,878 34.60 1,930,878

Page 244
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1620 DPW-Buildings

1010 Positions 1,826,212 1,837,809 1,842,779 1,920,434 67.1 1,287,814 1,930,878 1,930,878
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 18,600 18,600 0.0 0 18,600 18,600

• Three Building Maintenance Summer Interns and one Architectural Intern.

1040 ST Overtime 9,986 10,922 11,000 10,912 74.1 8,081 11,000 11,000
1050 Overtime 66,306 84,554 65,000 62,677 96.7 60,621 70,000 70,000

• Snow removal, security and other work needing to be done off hours due to environmental or staffing concerns; 24/7 230 North Rd response; Farm & Home; On-call staff.

1070 Shift Differential 16,392 17,324 18,000 17,073 73.7 12,583 18,000 18,000

• Evening security, cleaning and overtime maintenance activities.

4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 2,436 2,260 2,500 2,500 70.0 1,751 2,500 2,500

Total Salaries and Wages 1,921,331 1,952,869 1,957,879 2,032,196 67.5 1,370,849 2,050,978 2,050,978
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 141,665 144,113 141,006 146,886 68.4 100,534 147,748 147,748
8355 Long-Term Disability 2,195 2,598 2,589 3,452 68.8 2,376 4,407 4,407
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 468,985 474,666 523,634 513,177 74.8 383,731 602,667 602,667
8450 Optical Insurance 7,166 7,259 7,523 7,175 74.3 5,335 7,820 7,820
8500 Dental Insurance 45,090 50,219 51,521 48,407 74.5 36,063 52,430 52,430
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 1,027 45.7 469 2,158 2,158
8800 Life Ins 264 317 333 349 74.9 262 349 349
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 24 64 67 70 74.8 52 71 71

Total Employee Benefits 665,389 679,236 726,673 720,543 73.4 528,821 817,650 817,650
8100 Pymts to Retire System 295,825 269,876 262,611 262,611 25.1 65,905 271,298 264,222

Total Benefits 295,825 269,876 262,611 262,611 25.1 65,905 271,298 264,222

Total Personal Services 2,882,545 2,901,980 2,947,163 3,015,350 65.2 1,965,575 3,139,926 3,132,850
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 0 0 88 99.1 87 100 100
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 430 302 250 250 79.8 200 500 500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 420 943 1,000 1,000 78.0 780 2,000 2,000
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 1,105 2,200 1,380 2,400 100.0 2,400 1,380 1,380
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 0 255 175 280 100.0 280 175 175
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,955 3,699 2,805 4,018 93.2 3,747 4,155 4,155
4750 Other Equipment-ND 3,733 7,404 0 8,803 100.0 8,802 0 0

Page 245
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 3,733 7,404 0 8,803 100.0 8,802 0 0

2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 5,218 0 23,000 25,512 82.2 20,966 15,000 15,000

• Walk behind 48" mower $5,000; Zero turn 48" mower $10,000.

2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 0 25,985 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

2800 Building Improvements 0 505,087 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 5,218 531,072 23,000 25,512 82.2 20,966 15,000 15,000

Total Equipment 8,951 538,476 23,000 34,315 86.7 29,768 15,000 15,000
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 265 816 750 950 109.8 1,043 750 750
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 132,992 176,462 140,000 153,757 91.8 141,082 160,000 160,000

• Tools/supplies for maintenance, HVAC and janitorial; includes addition of 45 Market St, Farm & Home.

4108 Bituminous Concrete 0 294 0 152 99.4 151 0 0

4109 Merit Awards 159 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4117 Environmental Supplies 0 0 0 55 99.7 55 0 0
4118 Field Supplies 539 4,237 800 800 67.8 542 800 800
4123 Safety Supplies 30 1,109 800 800 0.0 0 800 800
4137 Ice Control Materials 0 462 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4160 Office Supplies 8,646 7,149 7,000 12,791 92.5 11,827 7,000 7,000
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 818 1,478 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 5,431 5,843 5,850 5,850 0.0 0 7,440 7,440
Total Supplies 148,880 197,849 156,700 176,655 87.6 154,701 179,290 179,290
4126 Fuel Oil for Heating 23,165 37,954 40,000 45,000 88.5 39,803 85,500 66,994

• 22,000 gal @ $3.05/gal (392 Creek Rd, 98 Peach Rd [Consumer Affairs], 228 Main, 131 County House Rd [EDGC], 22 Market, 10 Market, 236 Main, 230 North Rd, Farm & Home).
Recommended: Based on 20,626 gal x $3.00/gal, plus monthly service charges.
4127 Propane Gas 2,528 1,750 4,349 4,349 26.3 1,143 1,250 2,229

• 392 Creek Rd

4130 Gasoline/Diesel 546 459 1,100 1,100 87.3 960 6,500 7,410

• 3,000 gal @ $2.47/gal Diesel for generators/fire pumps (10, 50, 60 Market; 230 North Rd; EDGC; 392 Creek Rd; 503 Haight Ave (OCIS). New generators at 10, 22, 60 Market & 236 Main

Page 246
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4210 Gas-Public Utilities 137,170 202,443 173,363 173,363 87.6 151,884 243,100 171,534

• 10, 22, 50 Market; 236 Main; 230 North Rd; 168 & 170 Washington; Beacon Center 223 Main St; 29-31 & 503 Haight Ave; Recommended: Based on 124,000 ccf @ $1.30/ccf, monthly
service charges and price forecasting.
4220 Electric-Light & Power 559,661 564,542 634,066 627,604 64.8 406,627 689,000 661,118

• 6,500,000 kwh @11.80 cents/kwh (solar rate 2,166,666 @ 8.20 cents/kwh = $177,667; CH rate 4,333,333 @ 11.80 cents/kwh = $511,333). 10, 22, 50 Market; 236 Main; 230 North Rd
[24/7]; 47 Cannon; 228 Main; 29-31 & 503 Haight Ave; 168 & 170 Washington; 98 Peach Rd; 131 County House Rd; Beacon Center 223 Main St; Farm & Home; 392 Creek Rd; Tivoli/Pawling
Electric Vehicle charging stations. Recommended: Based on 4,687,000 kwh @ $.1333 per energy usage, monthly service charges and price forecasting.
4240 Water 76,549 71,022 77,559 77,559 59.8 46,383 80,325 85,139

• 9,450/CF @ 8.50 CF (10, 22, 50 Market; 236 Main; 230 North Rd [24/7]; 47 Cannon; 228 Main; 131 County House Rd [EDGC]; 168 & 170 Washington; Beacon Center 223 Main; 503
Haight Ave. Recommended: Based on 9,890/CF @ 8.35 CF, monthly service charges and price forecasting.

Total Utilities 799,619 878,170 930,437 928,975 69.6 646,801 1,105,675 994,424
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 15,864 15,864 25,908 25,908 66.7 17,272 23,928 23,928
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 1,825 2,200 3,828 3,828 52.6 2,014 6,100 6,100
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 816 838 925 925 46.2 428 925 925
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,775 3,576 4,177 4,177 66.7 2,785 4,177 4,177
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 20 164 200 200 0.0 0 100 100
4629 Interdept Exp Reimb (497,152) (506,026) (529,210) (529,210) 41.4 (219,327) (442,508) (442,508)

• MLR Reimbursable Departments (DBCH $53,822; DCFS $295,660; Airport $42,723; Public Transit $47,039; Youth Bureau $3,264).

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) (476,854) (483,384) (494,172) (494,172) 39.8 (196,829) (407,278) (407,278)

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services (476,854) (483,384) (494,172) (494,172) 39.8 (196,829) (407,278) (407,278)
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 62,700 32,272 105,000 105,000 15.8 16,581 130,000 80,000

• Energy Consultant $25,000; Building Code consultants $40,000; as needed building consultants $60,000; Balefill monitoring $5,000. Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4418 Lab Fees/ Chem Analysis 1,400 0 1,000 1,000 82.0 820 500 500

• Lab fees for suspected environmental hazards.

4460 Comm Printing 0 24 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Contracted Services 64,100 32,296 106,000 106,000 16.4 17,401 130,500 80,500
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 86 298 0 0 0.0 100 100 100

Page 247
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 17,745 17,864 19,140 19,140 69.9 13,371 19,500 19,500

• Rental of 34 digital handheld 2-way radios, 4 base stations for improved communications capability, and rental of portable Airgas cylinders for welding and cutting.

4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 130,390 124,431 66,100 66,100 17.6 11,666 3,530 3,530
4606 Janitorial Services 742,058 780,870 864,281 864,281 15.0 129,549 850,681 850,757

• Contracted janitorial services/as needed at: 503 Haight Ave; 168 Washington; 228 Main; 22, 45, 50 & 60 Market; 29 Marshall Rd; Beacon Center 223 Main; 392 Creek Rd; 131 County
House Rd; 626 Dutchess Turnpike; 47 Cannon; 98 Peach Rd; Auto Service Center; 29 N. Hamilton; 230 North Rd; Farm & Home.
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 1,138 4,880 4,500 4,500 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

• Renewal fees for D.E.C., fuel and generator tanks, new gen sets; Pesticide Applicator license; abatement licenses for 27 employees.

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 178,267 265,135 216,626 216,626 73.1 158,438 285,000 285,000

• Maintenance inspection and monitoring equipment (ie: elevators, alarm systems, water treatment, generators, fire pumps, security). Includes addition of Farm & Home fire inspection
monitoring, Central Services, OFA camera service. Automatic gate service at Auto Service Center (ACS), Medical Examiner Office, E911. ASC, Farm & Home water system maintenance; work
order system; Chambers AV equipment preventive maintenance.
4610.106 Advertising Program 234 0 900 900 0.0 0 0 0
4610.71 Advertising Legal 343 0 0 0 0.0 41 0 0
4611 Refuse Removal 33,351 34,897 48,885 48,885 51.0 24,936 48,000 48,000
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 224 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 319,744 (293,148) 400,000 357,611 34.6 123,749 360,000 360,000
4614 Security Services 89,535 101,413 142,000 142,000 61.9 87,862 75,000 75,000

• Contracted security services at EDGC and as needed coverage.

4625 Pest Control 4,046 8,793 5,000 5,000 89.9 4,493 5,000 5,000

• Contracted pest control services at various County buildings.

4650 External Postage 1,089 1,119 1,000 1,400 87.1 1,220 1,000 1,000
4680.98 Taxes on Property County Owned 6,208 5,942 6,750 6,750 44.5 3,006 6,750 6,750
Total Operations 1,524,234 1,052,718 1,775,682 1,733,693 32.2 558,430 1,665,061 1,665,137
Total A.1620 - DPW-Buildings 4,953,430 5,121,803 5,447,615 5,504,834 57.8 3,179,594 5,832,329 5,664,078

Page 248
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1620 DPW-Buildings

12890.07 Other General Chiller Operational Costs 3,042 0 3,000 3,000 100.0 3,000 3,000 3,000
Total Departmental Income 3,042 0 3,000 3,000 100.0 3,000 3,000 3,000
24100.00 Rental of Real Property General 241,642 240,515 266,494 266,494 67.5 179,880 219,415 219,410

• Hudson Valley Mental Health (EDGC, 230 North Rd, Beacon) $106,870; Access Supports (EDGC) $55,870; Astor (Beacon) $15,853; Lexington (230 North Rd) $10,810; Rehabilitation
Support Services (230 North Rd) $4,800; USDA (Farm & Home) $19,288; Cornell Cooperative Extension (Farm & Home) $5,919.

Total Use of Money and Property 241,642 240,515 266,494 266,494 67.5 179,880 219,415 219,410
26200 Forfeiture of Deposits 1,875 2,145 1,800 1,800 64.2 1,155 1,000 1,000
Total Fines and Forfeitures 1,875 2,145 1,800 1,800 64.2 1,155 1,000 1,000
26500 Sales of Scrap & Excess Material 0 78 0 0 0.0 56 0 0
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 3,344 50 100 100 0.0 0 0 0
26650 Sales of Equipment 0 450 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 1,212 7,507 2,000 2,000 413.4 8,269 0 2,000
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 0 1,564 0 0 0.0 680 0 0
26900.00 Other Comp for Loss General 1,827 0 0 0 0.0 (1,827) 0 0
26900.01 Other Comp for Loss Labor 0 45 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 6,384 9,694 2,100 2,100 341.8 7,177 0 2,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 124 0 0 0.0 5,339 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 120,232 655 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 120,232 779 0 0 0.0 5,339 0 0
30210 Court Facilities 447,033 441,655 459,837 459,837 100.0 459,837 380,000 380,000
Total State Aid 447,033 441,655 459,837 459,837 100.0 459,837 380,000 380,000
Total A.1620 - DPW-Buildings 820,207 694,787 733,231 733,231 89.5 656,388 603,415 605,410

Total Public Works Approp 5,244,644 5,393,564 5,731,988 5,788,704 58.4 3,379,435 6,131,806 5,964,817

Total Public Works Revenue 820,207 694,867 733,231 733,231 89.5 656,506 603,515 605,510

Page 249
Contingency & Vacancy Factor

Contingency Vacancy Factor

The County cannot always know what is coming. By Vacancy factor is the budgeting of savings resulting from
budgeting contingency, the County recognizes the need to vacant positions. When employees leave the County or move
have funds to pay for unplanned obligations. to other positions, it takes time to refill the position.

Page 250
Contingency & Vacancy Factor
Contingency & Vacancy Factor (A.1990)
Contingency funds are monies budgeted for future events or circumstances that are possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. Vacancy
factor is a negative appropriation that reflects the dollars expected to be saved by having a number of unoccupied positions throughout the year.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• Vacancy factor is budgeted at ($2.3M) and the administration will manage positions as they become vacant.
• General Contingency is budgeted at $1.0 million.

Page 251
Contingency & Vacancy Factor
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages - (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,300,000) (200,000) 9.5%

Personal Services - (2,100,000) (2,100,000) (2,300,000) (200,000) 9.5%
Contingency - 1,500,000 574,597 1,000,000 425,403 74.0%
Total Appropriations $0 ($600,000) ($1,525,403) (1,300,000) $225,403 14.8%

Net to County Cost $0 ($600,000) ($1,525,403) ($1,300,000) $225,403 14.8%

Page 252
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1990 Contingency & Vac Fctr

1080 Vacancy Factor 0 0 (2,100,000) (2,100,000) 0.0 0 (2,100,000) (2,300,000)

Total Salaries and Wages 0 0 (2,100,000) (2,100,000) 0.0 0 (2,100,000) (2,300,000)

Total Personal Services 0 0 (2,100,000) (2,100,000) 0.0 0 (2,100,000) (2,300,000)

4007 General Contingency 0 0 1,500,000 574,597 0.0 0 1,500,000 1,000,000
Total Contingency 0 0 1,500,000 574,597 0.0 0 1,500,000 1,000,000
Total A.1990 - Contingency & Vac Fctr 0 0 (600,000) (1,525,403) 0.0 0 (600,000) (1,300,000)

Total Contingency Approp 0 0 600,000 1,525,403 0.0 0 600,000 1,300,000

Total Contingency Revenue 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 253
Contribution to Enterprise Fund

To minimize the support to the Enterprise Funds including the

Airport and Public Transit operations.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 254
Contribution to Enterprise Fund
Contribution to Enterprise Fund (A.9901.63)
DPW Airport (EA Fund) and DPW Public Transit (ET Fund) operate as Enterprise funds. The difference between revenue and expenses in each
fund is offset by a contribution from the General Fund known as the County subsidy.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• EA Fund Contribution is budgeted at $251,621, which pays for Airport debt service – there is no longer an operating subsidy.
• ET Fund Contribution is budgeted at $3,122,401.

Page 255
Contribution to Enterprise Fund
Fiscal Summary
2019 Appropriations
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Other 1,309,547 2,445,955 2,857,868 3,376,071 518,203 18.1%

Total Appropriations $1,309,547 $2,445,955 $2,857,868 $3,376,071 $518,203 18.1%

Net to County Cost $1,309,547 $2,445,955 $2,857,868 $3,376,071 $518,203 18.1%

Contribution to
Enterprise Fund

Page 256
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Contribution to Ent Fund
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9901.63 General Fund Interfund Transfer.Contribution to Ent Fund

9800 EA Fund Contribution 219,685 191,611 212,488 212,488 100.0 212,488 429,096 253,670
9850 ET Fund Contribution 1,386,093 1,117,936 2,233,467 2,645,380 100.0 2,645,380 5,121,652 3,122,401
Total Other 1,605,778 1,309,547 2,445,955 2,857,868 100.0 2,857,868 5,550,748 3,376,071
Total A.9901.63 - General Fund Interfund 1,605,778 1,309,547 2,445,955 2,857,868 100.0 2,857,868 5,550,748 3,376,071
Transfer.Contribution to Ent Fund

Total Contribution to Ent Fund Approp 1,605,778 1,309,547 2,445,955 2,857,868 100.0 2,857,868 5,550,748 3,376,071

Total Contribution to Ent Fund Revenue 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 257
Interfund Transfers

Interfund transfers are a necessary accounting function to

move money between funds.


Percentage of the County Budget

Page 258
Interfund Transfers
Interfund Transfer (A.9901.65)
The interfund transfer reflects the necessary transfer between funds for the Judgements and Claims against the County.

Workers’ Compensation (S.9901.21)

In 2019, this area includes the interfund transfer of $355,910 from the S Fund to the General Fund (A) to reimburse Risk Management for salary
and benefits for employees who administer Workers’ Compensation and related safety programs.

Page 259
Interfund Transfers
Fiscal Summary

2019 Appropriations
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Other 941,100 592,240 592,240 355,910 (236,330) -39.9%

Total Appropriations $941,100 $592,240 $592,240 $355,910 ($236,330) -39.9%

Net to County Cost $941,100 $592,240 $592,240 $355,910 ($236,330) -39.9%


Page 260
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Interfund Transfers
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9901.65 General Fund Interfund Transfer.General

9000 Interfund 0 383,600 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

9100 Reserve for Claims 500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 100.0 250,000 0 0
Total Other 500,000 633,600 250,000 250,000 100.0 250,000 0 0
Total A.9901.65 - General Fund Interfund 500,000 633,600 250,000 250,000 100.0 250,000 0 0

Page 261
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Interfund Transfers
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: S Self Insurance
Department: S.9901.21 General Fund Interfund Transfer.Workers Compensation

9000 Interfund 250,000 307,500 342,240 342,240 100.0 342,240 355,910 355,910
Total Other 250,000 307,500 342,240 342,240 100.0 342,240 355,910 355,910
Total S.9901.21 - General Fund Interfund 250,000 307,500 342,240 342,240 100.0 342,240 355,910 355,910
Transfer.Workers Compensation

Total Interfund Transfers Approp 750,000 941,100 592,240 592,240 100.0 592,240 355,910 355,910

Total Interfund Transfers Revenue 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 262
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Transfer to Cap Proj. Fund
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9950 Transfer to Capital Project Fund

9000 Interfund 2,445,000 4,443,900 0 250,000 100.0 250,000 0 0

9801 Contrib to EA Capital 2,302,550 106,100 0 483,166 100.0 483,166 0 0
9850 ET Fund Contribution 0 50,000 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Other 4,747,550 4,600,000 0 733,166 100.0 733,166 0 0
Total A.9950 - Transfer to Capital Project Fund 4,747,550 4,600,000 0 733,166 100.0 733,166 0 0

Total Transfer to Cap Proj. Fund Approp 4,747,550 4,600,000 0 733,166 100.0 733,166 0 0

Total Transfer to Cap Proj. Fund Revenue 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 263
Property Tax

To minimize property taxes to the extent possible while

maintaining core County services and programs. The property
tax levy has decreased for 5 consecutive years. In 2019, the
corresponding tax rate is also decreasing 2.6%.

Percentage of the County Revenue

Page 264
Property Taxes
The 2019 proposed tax levy of $106,350,769 reflects the 5th consecutive property tax levy decrease resulting in a property tax rate reduction for

Finance –Real Property Tax (A.1310)

The 2019 General Fund (A) real property tax is $94,283,355.

Property Tax Adjustments (A.9999)

The 2019 General Fund (A) real property tax provision for tax refunds is ($200,000) and the provision for uncollected taxes is ($800,000).

Finance –Real Property Tax (D.1310)

The 2019 Road Fund (D) real property tax is $9,502,958.

Finance –Real Property Tax (E.1310)

The 2019 Machinery Fund (E) real property tax is $2,564,456.

Page 265
Property Taxes
Fiscal Summary

2019 Revenues
General fund
Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Real Property Taxes (net) 106,833,182 105,378,663 105,378,663 105,350,769 (27,894) 0.0%
Total Revenues $106,833,182 $105,378,663 $105,378,663 $105,350,769 ($27,894) 0.0%

Road Fund

Net to County Cost ($106,833,182) ($105,378,663) ($105,378,663) ($105,350,769) $27,894 0.0%


Page 266
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Property Tax
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1310 Finance

10010 Real Property Taxes 96,034,053 94,865,287 95,510,890 95,510,890 100.0 95,510,889 105,350,769 93,283,355
Total Real Property Taxes 96,034,053 94,865,287 95,510,890 95,510,890 100.0 95,510,889 105,350,769 93,283,355
Total A.1310 - Finance 96,034,053 94,865,287 95,510,890 95,510,890 100.0 95,510,889 105,350,769 93,283,355

Page 267
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Property Tax
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9999 Property Tax Adjustments

10010 Real Property Taxes 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000

93420.98 Allow. for Uncollectible Taxes Tax Refunds 0 0 (200,000) (200,000) 0.0 0 (200,000) (200,000)
93420.99 Allow. for Uncollectible Taxes Adjustments 0 0 (800,000) (800,000) 0.0 0 (800,000) (800,000)

Page 268
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Property Tax
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.1310 Finance

10010 Real Property Taxes 8,581,846 9,552,928 7,847,348 7,847,348 100.0 7,847,348 0 9,502,958
Total Real Property Taxes 8,581,846 9,552,928 7,847,348 7,847,348 100.0 7,847,348 0 9,502,958
Total D.1310 - Finance 8,581,846 9,552,928 7,847,348 7,847,348 100.0 7,847,348 0 9,502,958

Page 269
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Property Tax
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.1310 Finance

10010 Real Property Taxes 2,279,419 2,414,967 2,020,425 2,020,425 100.0 2,020,425 0 2,564,456
Total Real Property Taxes 2,279,419 2,414,967 2,020,425 2,020,425 100.0 2,020,425 0 2,564,456
Total E.1310 - Finance 2,279,419 2,414,967 2,020,425 2,020,425 100.0 2,020,425 0 2,564,456

Total Property Tax Approp 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Property Tax Revenue 106,895,318 106,833,182 105,378,663 105,378,663 100.0 105,378,662 105,350,769 105,350,769

Page 270
Appropriated Fund Balance

The County will strive to maintain an undesignated/general

fund balance of 1-2 months of general fund operating
expenditures in the general fund balance as a means of
maintaining financial stability. To the extent general fund
balance exceeds 2 months of operating expenditures, the
County will use general fund balance to pay down or avoid
indebtedness and or provide property tax relief through
offsetting current year operating expenses.

Percentage of the County Revenue

* Includes appropriation from Taxpayer Protection Fund and
appropriation of fund balance reserve to offset debt service.

Page 271
Appropriated Fund Balance
Fund Balance is not a cash account to be spent. Instead, it is the difference between the county’s assets and liabilities at a single point in time.
There are also different fund balance classifications including non-spendable, restricted, committed, assigned and unassigned. Appropriated
Fund Balance is classified as assigned.

Appropriated Fund Balance (A.9998)

The 2019 proposed budget includes an $9,900,000 appropriation of general unassigned fund balance an appropriation of $4,500,000 from the
taxpayer protection fund and $4,000,000 appropriation from restricted fund balance to offset debt service totaling an appropriation of
$18,400,000 in the General Fund (A).

Appropriated Fund Balance (D.9998)

The 2019 proposed budget includes the use of $800,000 from the Road Fund (D) unassigned fund balance.

Appropriated Fund Balance (E.9998)

The 2019 proposed budget includes the use of $200,000 from the Machinery Fund (E) unassigned fund balance.

Appropriated Fund Balance (ET.9998)

The 2019 proposed budget does not include the use of Public Transit Fund (ET) fund balance.

Page 272
Appropriated Fund Balance
Fiscal Summary

2019 Revenues
Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 100%
Interfund Transfers - 15,000,000 19,482,049 19,400,000 (82,049) -0.4% Transfer
Total Revenues $0 $15,000,000 $19,482,049 $19,400,000 ($82,049) -0.4%

Net to County Cost $0 ($15,000,000) ($19,482,049) ($19,400,000) $82,049 -0.4%

Page 273
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Approp Fund Balance
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9998 Approp Fund Balance

95110.01 Appropriated Reserve Asset Forfeiture - St A.511.87 0 0 0 75,213 0.0 0 0 0

95110.11 Appropriated Reserve Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000

• Appropriation of prior year premiums, which are part of restricted fund balance and must be used to offset debt service.

95110.87 Appropriated Reserve Capital A.511.01 0 0 0 147,923 0.0 0 0 0

95990 Appropriated Fund Balance 0 0 0 3,455,913 0.0 0 0 0
95990.01 Appropriated Fund Balance General 0 0 8,500,000 9,303,000 0.0 0 9,900,000 9,900,000
95990.02 Appropriated Fund Balance Taxpayer Protection Fund 0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 0.0 0 4,500,000 4,500,000
Total Interfund Transfers 0 0 12,500,000 16,982,049 0.0 0 18,400,000 18,400,000
Total A.9998 - Approp Fund Balance 0 0 12,500,000 16,982,049 0.0 0 18,400,000 18,400,000

Page 274
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Approp Fund Balance
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.9998 Approp Fund Balance

95990 Appropriated Fund Balance 0 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 0.0 0 0 0

95990.01 Appropriated Fund Balance General 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 800,000 800,000
Total Interfund Transfers 0 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 0.0 0 800,000 800,000
Total D.9998 - Approp Fund Balance 0 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 0.0 0 800,000 800,000

Page 275
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Approp Fund Balance
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.9998 Approp Fund Balance

95990 Appropriated Fund Balance 0 0 500,000 500,000 0.0 0 0 0

95990.01 Appropriated Fund Balance General 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 200,000 200,000
Total Interfund Transfers 0 0 500,000 500,000 0.0 0 200,000 200,000
Total E.9998 - Approp Fund Balance 0 0 500,000 500,000 0.0 0 200,000 200,000

Total Approp Fund Balance Approp 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Approp Fund Balance Revenue 0 0 15,000,000 19,482,049 0.0 0 19,400,000 19,400,000

Page 276
Shared Revenue

The Shared Revenue section of the budget includes: Sales Tax,

Off-Track Betting, Hotel Tax and PILOT Payments.


Percentage of the County Budget

Page 277
Shared Revenue

Shared Revenues includes sources of county revenue that are for general use and fund all county operations.

Distribution of Sales Tax (A.1985)

This account reflects the distribution of sales tax revenues to municipalities through the sales tax sharing agreement that is in place. The County,
as required by law, has a contract with the City of Poughkeepsie and City of Beacon to distribute sales tax, as the cities have relinquished their
right to charge a separate city sales tax. The current sales tax sharing agreement guarantees the distribution of $25 million to municipalities and
provides for the distribution of 18.5% of any growth in sales tax from the 2012 base year and is distributed based on population. Villages receive
a portion of the town’s allocation determined by the percentage of full valuation of real property in the village within the town, as compared to
the full valuation of real property in the entire town.

Sales Tax (A.1331)

The Sales Tax rate in Dutchess County is 8.125%, of which 3.75% goes to the County, 4% goes to the State and .375% goes to the MTA. Twenty-
seven payments are received annually from New York State and are reflected in this account.

Off-Track Betting (A.1335)

Off-track betting (OTBs) corporations are a type of local authority that provides sanctioned gambling on horse racing outside a race track. OTBs
are required to pay local governments a portion of the dollars wagered, as a form of local tax revenue.

Hotel Tax Revenue (A.1336)

County hotels, motels, bed & breakfasts, boarding houses, conference centers and tourist homes which are used for lodging guests pay a 4%
occupancy tax to the County.

Shared Revenue (A.1930)

This account reflects negotiated Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOTs) paid to the County in lieu of property taxes based on assessed value.

Page 278
Key Budgetary Issues:
Sales Tax
• The projection for 2018 sales tax was based on the receipts through the beginning October with a continued 5% projected economic growth
for the remainder of 2018 and 3.5% growth for 2019. Any growth in the gross sales tax receipts between the 2012 base year and 2019 actual
receipts will be shared with municipalities at a rate of 18.5% according to the sales tax contract. The 2019 budget includes $31,003,856
projected for the distribution to municipalities, which includes $25 million plus projected growth.

2017 Sales Tax $184,155,859

2018 Projected with Growth of 5% total for 2018 9,593,455
2019 Projected with Growth of 3.5% 4,973,269

Total 2019 Gross Sales Tax Projection $198,722,583

Hotel Tax
• The County’s 4% hotel tax is estimated to generate approximately $3.2 million in revenue in 2019.

Page 279
Shared Revenue
Fiscal Summary

2019 Appropriations

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Sales Tax Revenue Sharing 28,315,858 29,433,108 29,433,108 31,003,856 1,570,748 5.3%
Total Appropriations $28,315,858 $29,433,108 $29,433,108 $31,003,856 $1,570,748 5.3%


2019 Revenues
Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 98%
Sales Tax
Real Property Tax Items 870,033 893,000 893,000 939,000 46,000 5.2%
Non Property Tax Items 187,115,853 193,277,428 193,277,428 202,104,583 8,827,155 4.6%
Total Revenues $187,985,886 $194,170,428 $194,170,428 $203,043,583 $8,873,155 4.6%

Net to County Cost ($159,670,028) ($164,737,320) ($164,737,320) ($172,039,727) ($7,302,407) 4.4% 2%

Hotel Tax &

Page 280
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Shared Revenue
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1331 Sales Tax

11100 Sales & Use Tax 179,795,180 184,155,859 190,210,428 190,210,428 61.6 117,119,526 198,722,583 198,722,583
Total Non Property Tax Items 179,795,180 184,155,859 190,210,428 190,210,428 61.6 117,119,526 198,722,583 198,722,583
Total A.1331 - Sales Tax 179,795,180 184,155,859 190,210,428 190,210,428 61.6 117,119,526 198,722,583 198,722,583

Page 281
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Shared Revenue
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1335 Off-Track Betting

11500 Off-Track Betting Surcharge 165,314 154,402 155,000 155,000 36.4 56,360 90,000 90,000
Total Non Property Tax Items 165,314 154,402 155,000 155,000 36.4 56,360 90,000 90,000
Total A.1335 - Off-Track Betting 165,314 154,402 155,000 155,000 36.4 56,360 90,000 90,000

Page 282
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Shared Revenue
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1336 Hotel Tax Revenue

11130.00 Tax on Hotel Room Occ. Hotels 2,386,763 2,417,502 2,491,200 2,491,200 50.9 1,266,793 2,800,000 2,800,000
11130.01 Tax on Hotel Room Occ. B&B 129,113 144,655 118,800 118,800 40.9 48,561 110,000 110,000
11130.02 Tax on Hotel Room Occ. Short term rentals 0 221,918 290,000 290,000 84.7 245,584 370,000 370,000
11900 Int & Pen on Non-Property Taxes 28,169 21,518 12,000 12,000 70.5 8,460 12,000 12,000
Total Non Property Tax Items 2,544,045 2,805,592 2,912,000 2,912,000 53.9 1,569,398 3,292,000 3,292,000
Total A.1336 - Hotel Tax Revenue 2,544,045 2,805,592 2,912,000 2,912,000 53.9 1,569,398 3,292,000 3,292,000

Page 283
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Shared Revenue
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1930 Shared Revenue

10800 Federal PILOT 15,245 13,778 13,000 13,000 108.2 14,064 14,000 14,000
10810.00 Other PILOT General 798,271 856,254 880,000 880,000 100.3 882,593 925,000 925,000
Total Real Property Tax Items 813,516 870,033 893,000 893,000 100.4 896,657 939,000 939,000
Total A.1930 - Shared Revenue 813,516 870,033 893,000 893,000 100.4 896,657 939,000 939,000

Page 284
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Shared Revenue
Sub Area: General Gov't Support October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1985 Distribution of Sales Tax

4442.5899 Municipalities Municipalities Sales Tax Share 27,511,182 28,315,858 29,433,108 29,433,108 55.0 16,192,870 31,003,856 31,003,856
Total Sales Tax Reveue Sharing 27,511,182 28,315,858 29,433,108 29,433,108 55.0 16,192,870 31,003,856 31,003,856
Total A.1985 - Distribution of Sales Tax 27,511,182 28,315,858 29,433,108 29,433,108 55.0 16,192,870 31,003,856 31,003,856

Total Shared Revenue Approp 27,511,182 28,315,858 29,433,108 29,433,108 55.0 16,192,870 31,003,856 31,003,856

Total Shared Revenue Revenue 183,318,055 187,985,886 194,170,428 194,170,428 61.6 119,641,941 203,043,583 203,043,583

Total General Gov't Support Approp 74,357,097 76,207,190 76,222,934 77,292,404 63.6 49,122,937 83,796,210 80,177,392
Total General Gov't Support Revenue 311,942,653 313,412,066 335,111,182 339,593,231 71.0 241,235,443 349,873,074 349,875,069
Net to County Cost (237,585,556) (237,204,876) (258,888,248) (262,300,827) 73.2 (192,112,506) (266,076,864) (269,697,677)

Page 285

Table of Contents
Handicapped Parking ........................................................... 286

Dutchess Community College .............................................. 289
DBCH - Early Intervention & Special Education Pre-K .......... 294

Percentage of the County Budget

Handicapped Parking Education Program

To provide education and advocacy to both the public and

municipal authorities to increase awareness and sensitivity to
handicapped parking laws as well as deter potential violators.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 286
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.2989 Handicapped Parking

4653 Public Info and Services 0 0 2,500 2,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500
Total Operations 0 0 2,500 2,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500
Total A.2989 - Handicapped Parking 0 0 2,500 2,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500

Page 287
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.2989 Handicapped Parking

26100.00 Fines and Forfeitures Fines 768 1,294 2,500 2,500 19.0 475 1,500 1,500
Total Fines and Forfeitures 768 1,294 2,500 2,500 19.0 475 1,500 1,500
Total A.2989 - Handicapped Parking 768 1,294 2,500 2,500 19.0 475 1,500 1,500

Total Traffic Safety/STOP DWI Approp 0 0 2,500 2,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500

Total Traffic Safety/STOP DWI Revenue 768 1,294 2,500 2,500 19.0 475 1,500 1,500

Page 288
Dutchess Community College

To offer educational opportunities that prepare individuals to

realize their full potential and contribute to a diverse and
global society.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 289
Dutchess Community College
Dutchess Community College (DCC), a unit of the State University of New York (SUNY) offers 58 programs of study leading to associate in science,
associate in arts, and associate in applied science degrees, as well as career certificates. Capital costs for the College are shared by Dutchess
County and the State of New York; operating costs are financed by student tuition and fees, State Aid and a contribution from Dutchess County.

Community College (A.2490)

This account reflects operating and capital chargebacks and is paid to other community colleges for Dutchess County residents that attend those
institutions as mandated by New York State. The college also receives operating and capital chargeback revenue from other counties that have
students attending DCC.

Contribution to Community College (A.2495)

This account reflects Dutchess County’s contribution to the operating expenses of DCC, as well as Dutchess County’s portion of the principal and
interest payments for the capital costs of the college.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The 2019 budget allocates $16.3 million as its sponsor share to the college, an increase of $1.75 million over 2018.
• Debt service paid by County Government for the Community College is $661,306 for 2019.
• Tuition and Capital Chargeback costs for Dutchess County residents attending community colleges outside Dutchess County are projected at
$3.4 million for 2019.

Page 290
Dutchess Community College
Fiscal Summary

2019 Appropriations
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
Contracted Services 13,537,898 14,537,898 14,537,898 16,287,898 1,750,000 12.0% 3% Contracted
Mandated Programs 2,909,921 3,520,000 3,490,766 3,376,000 (114,766) -3.3% Debt Service Programs
Debt Service 1,261,286 732,824 732,824 661,306 (71,518) -9.8%
Total Appropriations $17,709,105 $18,790,722 $18,761,488 $20,325,204 $1,563,716 8.3%


Net to County Cost $17,709,105 $18,790,722 $18,761,488 $20,325,204 $1,563,716 8.3%

Page 291
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Community College
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.2490 Community College

4685 Tuition-Other Comm Colleges 2,707,960 2,909,921 3,520,000 3,490,766 49.1 1,712,287 3,376,000 3,376,000
Total Mandated Programs 2,707,960 2,909,921 3,520,000 3,490,766 49.1 1,712,287 3,376,000 3,376,000
Total A.2490 - Community College 2,707,960 2,909,921 3,520,000 3,490,766 49.1 1,712,287 3,376,000 3,376,000

Page 292
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Community College
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.2495 Contribution to Community College

4616 Contrib to Comm College 12,187,898 13,537,898 14,537,898 14,537,898 100.0 14,537,898 16,287,898 16,287,898
Total Contracted Services 12,187,898 13,537,898 14,537,898 14,537,898 100.0 14,537,898 16,287,898 16,287,898
6000 Principal 1,248,522 1,131,595 650,035 650,035 80.8 525,449 520,786 520,786
7000 Interest 179,359 129,691 82,789 82,789 93.1 77,039 140,520 140,520
Total Debt Service 1,427,881 1,261,286 732,824 732,824 82.2 602,488 661,306 661,306
Total A.2495 - Contribution to Community College 13,615,779 14,799,184 15,270,722 15,270,722 99.1 15,140,386 16,949,204 16,949,204

Total Community College Approp 16,323,739 17,709,105 18,790,722 18,761,488 89.8 16,852,674 20,325,204 20,325,204

Total Community College Revenue 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 293
Behavioral and Community Health – Early Intervention
& Preschool Special Education Programs

To identify and evaluate children who may have a

developmental delay/disability, and if the children meet NYS
eligibility standards, to provide funding for services to
remediate those delays.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 294
Behavioral and Community Health – Early Intervention & Preschool
The Early Intervention & Preschool Special Education Division works with families, medical providers, specialists and/or school districts to assure
the earliest identification of eligible children to ensure that each child receives the necessary individualized assistance to maximize growth and
development as well as to prepare them to enter the school system. Eligibility and program criteria is set by NYS Bureau of Early Intervention and
the NYS Education Department.
DBCH – Preschool Special Education 3-5 (A.4046)
The department provides administrative oversight for all for preschool special education services for children ages 3-5. School districts are
responsible for determining eligibility, authorizing and arranging services for this age group and the County provides the funding.
DBCH – Early Intervention Programming 0-3 (A.4059)
The department provides eligibility determination, referrals and initial service coordination and funding for early intervention services for children
ages 0-3 who have a suspected or indicated developmental delay.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• NYS Bureau of Early Intervention is proposing for 2019 that Counties be given the authority to approve screenings rather than multi-
disciplinary evaluations of all children referred to the Early Intervention program. Should this proposal become regulation it would decrease
the Counties escrow expenses for evaluations and services in 2019.
• In Preschool Education services, Abilities First Preschool is presently working with NYS Education Department to add four preschool special
classes (up to 50 preschool special education students) to their New Windsor, NY school aged program. If this is approved, Southern Dutchess
preschool students would be eligible to attend center-based services at this location. This will increase the tuition costs to the County and
should show a decrease in related services costs for those students currently being served through individualized services.

2019 Initiatives:
• Recruitment of therapists to better meet the needs of the • Provide regulatory guidance and support to Early
children within the Early Intervention and Preschool Special Intervention and Preschool Special Education provider
Education programs to reduce wait times and ensure timely agencies, as well as, to the Committee for Preschool Special
services. Education chairpersons in our 16 school districts to ensure
our children are receiving the most appropriate and effective
services needed to improve their delay or disability.

Page 295
• Support the “ThinkDIFFERENTLY” initiative by offering
educational workshops to providers and families regarding
local agency services and community resources available to our
special needs children/students and promoting
“ThinkDIFFERENTLY” events and activities through the Early
Intervention and Preschool Special Education programs.

Page 296
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Developmental Evaluation and Eligibility - Appropriately identify and evaluate young children who may have a developmental delay or disability.
Children Ages 0-3 Referred for Evaluation and Found Eligible 725 765 765 - 0.00%
Children Ages 3-5 Referred for Evaluation and Found Eligible 823 825 840 15 1.82%
Developmental Service Procurement - Provide therapeutic services to eligible children to enhance their developmental status.
Children Ages 0-3 Who Receive Services Within 30 Days of
88.0% 80.0% 90.0% 10% 12.50%
Children Ages 3-5 with a Developmental Delay Who Received Services 2,153 2,200 2,310 110 5.00%

Page 297
Behavioral and Community Health - Early Intervention & Special Education Pre-K
Fiscal Summary

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Appropriations 95%
Salaries and Wages 721,092 716,887 748,929 757,233 8,304 1.1% Mandated
Employee Benefits 341,733 362,302 349,547 401,096 51,549 14.7% Programs

Personal Services 1,062,825 1,079,189 1,098,476 1,158,329 59,853 5.4%

Employee Travel, Train & Educ 9,946 12,433 12,266 12,733 467 3.8%
Equipment - 1,300 1,300 - (1,300) -100.0%
Communication 1,794 1,796 1,796 1,797 1 0.1%
Supplies 6,607 8,900 8,693 8,700 7 0.1%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 9,544 9,987 9,987 13,043 3,056 30.6%
Contracted Services 4,142 5,400 5,734 5,400 (334) -5.8% 4%
Mandated Programs 22,511,621 23,381,833 23,381,833 25,266,658 1,884,825 8.1% Personal 1%
Operations 100,367 107,123 107,163 107,677 514 0.5% Services Other
Total Appropriations $23,706,845 $24,607,961 $24,627,248 $26,574,337 $1,947,089 7.9%

2019 Revenues
Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Departmental Income 25,440 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 0.0%

Misc Local Sources 13,458 - - - - 0.0%
Sate Aid 12,864,589 13,272,720 13,272,720 14,273,091 1,000,371 7.5%
Federal Aid 328,669 296,352 296,352 858,917 562,565 189.8%
Total Revenues $13,232,156 $13,594,072 $13,594,072 $15,157,008 $1,562,936 11.5%

Net to County Cost $10,474,689 $11,013,889 $11,033,176 $11,417,329 $384,153 3.5% 94% 6%
Federal Aid
State Aid

Page 298
Early Intervention & Preschool Special Education

Commissioner of
Dutchess County New York State
Board of Health
Behavioral and Department of Health
Community Health

Program Coordination
and Contracted Services

Education Ages
Ages 0-3

Page 299
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4046.01 - General Fund.DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 3-5.Administration
ACCTG CLK 09 2.00 87,797 2.00 09 3.00 134,099 2.00 95,256
AST COORD CHILDN SPCL NEEDS 17 0.50 43,501 0.50 17 0.50 46,953 0.50 46,953
COORD SPCL NEEDS SVCS 19 0.50 42,231 0.50 19 0.50 46,388 0.50 46,388
PRIN ACCTG CLK 12 1.00 46,667 1.00 12 1.00 51,261 1.00 51,261
A.4046.01 - General Fund.DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 3-5.Administration 4.00 220,196 4.00 5.00 278,701 4.00 239,858

Page 300
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4046.01 DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 3-5.Administration

1010 Positions 210,707 222,122 220,196 230,175 73.0 168,049 278,701 239,858

Total Salaries and Wages 210,707 222,122 220,196 230,175 73.0 168,049 278,701 239,858
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 15,537 16,289 16,850 17,614 67.2 11,838 21,329 18,356
8355 Long-Term Disability 206 214 216 315 66.9 211 432 432
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 51,565 58,550 65,709 63,818 75.0 47,863 90,918 72,460
8450 Optical Insurance 630 662 664 663 74.9 497 920 690
8500 Dental Insurance 3,847 4,448 4,450 4,315 75.0 3,236 5,992 4,494
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 132 46.1 61 282 282

Total Employee Benefits 71,785 80,164 87,889 86,857 73.3 63,705 119,873 96,714
8100 Pymts to Retire System 19,435 19,349 30,484 30,484 16.0 4,873 30,774 32,849

Total Benefits 19,435 19,349 30,484 30,484 16.0 4,873 30,774 32,849

Total Personal Services 301,928 321,634 338,569 347,516 68.1 236,627 429,348 369,421
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 462 861 500 655 99.9 654 800 800
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 5 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 31 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 85 85 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 583 946 750 905 72.3 654 1,050 1,050
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 1,766 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 1,766 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 1,766 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 598 598 599 599 74.9 449 600 600
Total Communication 598 598 599 599 74.9 449 600 600
4160 Office Supplies 1,104 1,283 2,300 2,160 18.6 402 4,950 3,800

• Equipment $3,450; Office Supplies $1,500. Recommended: decrease as related positions were not recommended.

Total Supplies 1,104 1,283 2,300 2,160 18.6 402 4,950 3,800
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 288 240 264 264 70.1 185 528 528
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 453 453
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 197 349 500 500 61.4 307 500 500
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 837 1,018 1,078 1,078 66.7 719 1,079 1,079
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 163 200 200 0.0 0 200 200

Page 301
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 965 965

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 1,321 1,769 2,042 2,042 59.3 1,211 3,725 3,725

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 1,321 1,769 2,042 2,042 59.3 1,211 3,725 3,725
4400.4413 Contract Agencies Child Dev Council 4,500 4,142 4,900 4,900 49.0 2,400 4,900 4,900
Total Contracted Services 4,500 4,142 4,900 4,900 49.0 2,400 4,900 4,900
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 36,636 36,425 39,094 39,094 84.2 32,925 38,056 38,056
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 0 0 40 100.0 40 0 0
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 25,000 27,500 28,875 28,875 74.9 21,625 31,500 31,500

• New contract rate

4650 External Postage 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

Total Operations 61,636 63,925 68,019 68,059 80.2 54,590 69,606 69,606
Total A.4046.01 - DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 373,435 394,297 417,179 426,181 69.5 296,333 514,179 453,102

Page 302
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4046.01 DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 3-5.Administration

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 1,050 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 0 494 0 0 0.0 51 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 1,050 494 0 0 0.0 51 0 0
34460.02 Handicpd Child Administration 85,950 83,875 100,000 100,000 0.0 0 100,000 100,000
Total State Aid 85,950 83,875 100,000 100,000 0.0 0 100,000 100,000
Total A.4046.01 - DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 87,000 84,369 100,000 100,000 0.1 51 100,000 100,000

Page 303
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4046.33 DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 3-5.Programs

4446 School Age Chargeback 914,596 800,071 850,000 850,000 83.6 710,342 850,000 850,000
4480.87 Pre-School Special Ed 3-5 Transp 3,635,825 3,719,564 3,995,000 3,995,000 34.3 1,370,083 4,286,000 4,286,000

• Increase based on increased program census and historical spending.

4480.88 Pre-School Special Ed 3-5 Tuition 10,291,878 10,686,581 11,394,658 11,394,658 53.5 6,098,005 11,994,658 11,994,658

• Increase based on increased program census and historical spending.

4480.89 Pre-School Special Ed 3-5 Related Services 3,285,129 3,935,615 3,557,175 3,557,175 58.0 2,061,645 4,500,000 4,500,000

• Increase based on increased program census and historical spending.

4480.90 Pre-School Special Ed 3-5 Evaluations 517,890 508,035 425,000 425,000 17.1 72,671 600,000 600,000

• Increase based on increased program census and historical spending.

4480.94 Pre-School Special Ed 3-5 School District Admin 519,741 614,795 560,000 560,000 0.0 0 636,000 636,000

• Increase based on historical spending.

Total Mandated Programs 19,165,059 20,264,661 20,781,833 20,781,833 49.6 10,312,746 22,866,658 22,866,658
Total A.4046.33 - DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 19,165,059 20,264,661 20,781,833 20,781,833 49.6 10,312,746 22,866,658 22,866,658

Page 304
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4046.33 DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 3-5.Programs

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 25,713 5,067 0 0 0.0 7,020 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 19,623 7,538 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 45,336 12,605 0 0 0.0 7,020 0 0
34460.01 Handicpd Child Education Services 10,304,021 11,215,628 11,526,241 11,526,241 27.9 3,216,779 12,721,492 12,721,492

• Revenue increases by 59.5% of increased program expenses.

34460.04 Handicpd Child School District Admin 324,525 350,503 333,200 333,200 0.0 21 378,420 378,420

• Increased based on prior year history.

Total State Aid 10,628,547 11,566,131 11,859,441 11,859,441 27.1 3,216,800 13,099,912 13,099,912
46010.01 Medical Assist. Medicaid (95,000) 0 0 0 0.0 0 500,000 500,000
Total Federal Aid (95,000) 0 0 0 0.0 0 500,000 500,000
Total A.4046.33 - DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 10,578,882 11,578,736 11,859,441 11,859,441 27.2 3,223,820 13,599,912 13,599,912

Page 305
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4059.01 - General Fund.DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Administration
AST COORD CHILDN SPCL NEEDS 17 0.50 43,501 0.50 17 0.50 46,953 0.50 46,953
CASE MGR AIDE 07 1.00 34,832 1.00 07 0.00 0 0.00 0
COORD SPCL NEEDS SVCS 19 0.50 42,231 0.50 19 0.50 46,388 0.50 46,388
EARLY INTERVENTION AST SPN 10 0.00 0 0.00 10 1.00 40,917 1.00 40,917
EARLY INTERVENTION SPCLST 15 0.00 0 0.00 15 1.00 61,059 1.00 61,059
PROG AST 08 1.00 37,786 1.00 08 1.00 38,538 1.00 38,538
PUB HLTH NURSE 15 4.00 299,661 4.00 15 3.00 240,806 3.00 240,806
SR PROG AST 10 1.00 38,180 1.00 10 1.00 42,189 1.00 42,189
A.4059.01 - General Fund.DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Administration 8.00 496,191 8.00 8.00 516,850 8.00 516,850

Page 306
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4059.01 DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Administration

1010 Positions 503,201 498,970 496,191 518,254 64.3 333,040 516,850 516,850
1040 ST Overtime 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 525 525

Total Salaries and Wages 503,201 498,970 496,691 518,754 64.2 333,040 517,375 517,375
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 37,712 36,942 37,967 39,656 62.3 24,721 39,547 39,547
8355 Long-Term Disability 431 409 432 507 70.8 359 648 648
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 92,944 108,016 121,401 111,761 75.9 84,787 159,426 159,426
8450 Optical Insurance 1,780 1,689 1,769 1,417 77.9 1,104 1,840 1,840
8500 Dental Insurance 10,867 11,339 11,865 8,150 79.4 6,471 10,486 10,486
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 220 51.3 113 464 464

Total Employee Benefits 143,734 158,396 173,434 161,711 72.7 117,554 212,411 212,411
8100 Pymts to Retire System 82,809 83,825 70,495 70,495 30.1 21,220 77,138 59,122

Total Benefits 82,809 83,825 70,495 70,495 30.1 21,220 77,138 59,122

Total Personal Services 729,744 741,191 740,620 750,960 62.8 471,814 806,924 788,908
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 204 72 300 300 0.0 0 300 300
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 9,002 7,924 10,000 9,678 49.3 4,776 10,000 10,000
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 20 8 0 0 0.0 10 0 0
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 2 17 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 125 900 1,200 1,200 0.0 0 1,200 1,200
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 79 79 83 83 95.2 79 83 83

• El Journal

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 9,432 9,000 11,683 11,361 42.8 4,865 11,683 11,683
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 0 1,300 1,300 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 0 1,300 1,300 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 0 1,300 1,300 0.0 0 0 0

4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 1,196 1,196 1,197 1,197 75.0 897 1,197 1,197
Total Communication 1,196 1,196 1,197 1,197 75.0 897 1,197 1,197
4160 Office Supplies 4,814 5,324 6,600 6,533 22.3 1,458 4,900 4,900

• Equipment $2,300; Office Supplies $2,600

Page 307
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Supplies 4,814 5,324 6,600 6,533 22.3 1,458 4,900 4,900
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,952 1,886 1,848 1,848 70.6 1,305 1,452 1,452
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 819 820 819 819 68.6 562 843 843
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 2,816 3,451 3,000 3,000 80.7 2,420 3,200 3,200
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 837 1,018 1,078 1,078 66.7 719 1,079 1,079
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 140 600 1,200 1,200 8.8 105 1,200 1,200
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1,544 1,544

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 6,563 7,774 7,945 7,945 64.3 5,110 9,318 9,318

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 6,563 7,774 7,945 7,945 64.3 5,110 9,318 9,318
4400.4413 Contract Agencies Child Dev Council 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 0 334 99.9 334 0 0
Total Contracted Services 0 0 500 834 40.0 334 500 500
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 36,636 36,425 39,094 39,094 84.2 32,925 38,056 38,056
4650 External Postage 8 16 10 10 0.0 0 15 15
Total Operations 36,644 36,441 39,104 39,104 84.2 32,925 38,071 38,071
Total A.4059.01 - DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 788,394 800,927 808,949 819,234 63.2 517,404 872,593 854,577

Page 308
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4059.01 DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Administration

27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 119 359 0 0 0.0 137 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 119 359 0 0 0.0 137 0 0
34010.34 Pub Hlth EI Administration Grant 43,204 42,004 44,179 44,179 48.3 21,327 44,179 44,179
Total State Aid 43,204 42,004 44,179 44,179 48.3 21,327 44,179 44,179
44010.02 Pub Hlth EIP Grant 69,778 67,839 71,352 71,352 48.3 34,445 71,352 71,352
44510 Early Intervention 257,631 260,830 225,000 225,000 0.0 0 287,565 287,565

• Increase based on historical trending of program volume.

Total Federal Aid 327,409 328,669 296,352 296,352 11.6 34,445 358,917 358,917
Total A.4059.01 - DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 370,732 371,032 340,531 340,531 16.4 55,909 403,096 403,096

Page 309
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4059.33 DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Programs

4490.89 Early Intervention 0-3 Related Services 205,086 246,214 290,000 290,000 35.3 102,430 290,000 290,000
4492 Early Intervention Municipality Escrow Account 2,024,479 1,999,848 2,300,000 2,300,000 54.7 1,258,016 2,300,000 2,100,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4492.01 Early Intervention Municipality Escrow Account EI Escrow Acct

(800)Dutchess Co898 10,000 10,000 82.4 (8,240) 10,000 10,000
Total Mandated Programs 2,228,764 2,246,960 2,600,000 2,600,000 52.0 1,352,206 2,600,000 2,400,000
Total A.4059.33 - DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 2,228,764 2,246,960 2,600,000 2,600,000 52.0 1,352,206 2,600,000 2,400,000

Page 310
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Education October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4059.33 DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Programs

16210 Early Intervention Fees-Services 29,488 25,440 25,000 25,000 63.6 15,888 25,000 25,000
Total Departmental Income 29,488 25,440 25,000 25,000 63.6 15,888 25,000 25,000
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 2,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 2,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34490 Early Intervention 90,240 1,172,579 1,269,100 1,269,100 30.8 390,944 1,127,000 1,029,000

• Corrected revenue calculation based on % of escrow payments only.

Total State Aid 90,240 1,172,579 1,269,100 1,269,100 30.8 390,944 1,127,000 1,029,000
Total A.4059.33 - DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Programs 121,728 1,198,019 1,294,100 1,294,100 31.4 406,832 1,152,000 1,054,000

Total Department of Behavioral and Community Health Approp 22,555,653 23,706,845 24,607,961 24,627,248 50.7 12,478,688 26,853,430 26,574,337
Total Department of Behavioral and Community Health Revenue 11,158,342 13,232,156 13,594,072 13,594,072 27.1 3,686,611 15,255,008 15,157,008

Total Education Approp 38,879,392 41,415,950 43,401,183 43,391,236 67.6 29,331,362 47,180,134 46,901,041
Total Education Revenue 11,159,110 13,233,450 13,596,572 13,596,572 27.1 3,687,086 15,256,508 15,158,508
Net to County Cost 27,720,282 28,182,500 29,804,611 29,794,664 86.1 25,644,275 31,923,626 31,742,533

Page 311

Table of Contents
District Attorney ................................................................... 312
Emergency Response ........................................................... 337

Criminal Justice Council ........................................................ 359
Probation.............................................................................. 365
Public Defender .................................................................... 379
Sheriff & Jail.......................................................................... 401
Traffic Safety & STOP DWI.................................................... 429
DCFS Juvenile Detention ...................................................... 445

Percentage of the County Budget

District Attorney

To ensure offenders are held accountable for their criminal

conduct and that voices of the victims are heard and their
experiences with the criminal justice system are as safe and
convenient as possible.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 312
District Attorney
The District Attorney is an independently elected official who prosecutes, or otherwise disposes of, all crimes committed in the County of
Dutchess, including State institutions and correctional facilities for the People of the State of New York. These crimes include both felonies and

Asset Forfeiture (A.1165.05)

New York State law provides that “proceeds” and “instrumentalities” of a crime can be forfeited to law enforcement agencies. These funds can
be used to support public safety purposes. Asset forfeiture funds are not budgeted on an ongoing basis.

District Attorney (A.1165.06)

This division includes prosecutors, investigators and administrative staff, not included in the other divisions below. The District Attorney,
supported and assisted by his staff, seeks justice by holding offenders accountable for their criminal conduct, ensuring public safety and providing
needed assistance to victims of crime.

Stop DWI (A.1165.07)

The general purpose of the three special DWI prosecutors, is to devote their time to the prosecution of DWI cases, both misdemeanor and felony,
arising in Dutchess County. For the past four years these prosecutors have handled the prosecution of approximately 1,500 cases per year.

Grand Jury (A.1165.08)

Before a crime can be prosecuted in the County Court of Dutchess County as a felony, the Grand Jury must review the facts of the case to
determine if there is reasonable cause to believe the defendant has committed such crime. The Grand Jury is composed of 23 people. A quorum
of 16 is necessary to transact business and an affirmative vote of 12 is necessary in order to return an indictment. The Grand Jury is staffed by
two grand jury stenographers whose responsibility is to take and transcribe all proceedings conducted before that body, as well as oversee the
running of the grand jury on a day-to-day basis.

Drug Task Force (A.1165.09)

The objective of the Drug Task Force, through the use of undercover surveillance, undercover agents, search warrants, wiretaps and other
investigative resources is to help eliminate the sale and possession of illegal drugs in Dutchess County. The Dutchess County Drug Task Force is a
shared service that conducts drug investigations on a countywide basis. The unit is comprised of manpower supplied by the Dutchess County
Sheriff’s Office, City of Poughkeepsie Police Department, the Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department, Town of East Fishkill and the City of
Beacon but benefits all municipalities.

Page 313
The Task Force conducts their drug investigations as an autonomous unit but, when necessary, interacts with all other police departments in
Dutchess County as well as the Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies
investigating drug activities which may affect Dutchess County.

Domestic Violence (A.1165.10)

The District Attorney’s Office oversees a Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART) in conjunction with Family Services and Grace Smith House as
contracted and administered by the Department of Community & Family Services, with the goal of swiftly and appropriately prosecuting domestic
violence crimes.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The development of a cyber-analysis/case enhancement unit is imperative for both the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases. Part-
time Investigators are a necessary first step in being able to effectively handle the increase in cyber, electronic, video, and voice evidence
coupled with the ongoing increase in all aspects of the internet domain. This will also allow dedicated staff to concentrate on cyber analysis
and case enhancement, which has a direct correlation to the length of time it takes to resolve a case by way of disposition.
• The pilot Legal Secretary position continues to be carried on the temporary help line. This position is critical to provide secretarial support
to the Jail Efficiency Project allowing for more efficient processing of jail offender cases.

2019 Initiatives:
In 2019, we will continue to enhance the quality of prosecutorial services and at the same time address the underlying causes of crime by:

• We are in the first stages of developing a Cyber Analysis/Case • Create and enhance programs especially in the area of non-
Enhancement Bureau. The addition of two part-time violent misdemeanor offenses aimed at reducing the rate of
investigators will allow for the mining and analysis of all recidivism among these offenders. We will join with probation,
electronic and social media data sources involving cases and the defense bar, treatment agencies, and courts to develop the
investigations in the criminal matters handled by this office. In most effective strategies and programs to help the offenders.
subsequent budget requests a Senior Assistant District Attorney These programs would also benefit the jail efficiency program by
position as well as an Investigative Analyst position will be keeping appropriate offenders in community programs.
requested to supplement this unit so that the recovered
electronic data can be effectively analyzed for information and • Work with the 911 center to identify and develop funding
evidentiary items of value in pending and/or developing cases. sources to assist in developing the resources necessary to create
This will have a direct impact on a more efficient processing of and implement a Cyber Analysis/Case Enhancement Bureau.
cases handled. This initiative would offset taxpayer cost and the additional
resources, if developed, will directly assist the jail efficiency
program by more efficient case processing.
Page 314
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
District Attorney - To prosecute crimes by way of insuring that offenders are held accountable for their criminal conduct within permissible legal standards.

Prosecutions (excluding investigations) - Cases 8,303 8,401 8,500 99 1.2%

Prosecutions (excluding investigations) - Charges 21,671 22,608 23,585 977 4.3%
Investigations - Cases 344 368 394 26 7.1%
Stop DWI - To prosecute crimes by way of insuring that offenders are held accountable for their criminal conduct within permissible legal standards.

Special Prosecutions (STOP DWI) - Cases 1,373 1,392 1,411 19 1.4%

Special Prosecutions (STOP DWI) - Charges 5,838 5,877 5,917 40 0.7%
Grand Jury - To prosecute crimes by way of insuring that offenders are held accountable for their criminal conduct within permissible legal standards.

County Court Felony Prosecutions - Cases 521 529 536 7 1.3%

Domestic Violence - To prosecute crimes by way of insuring that offenders are held accountable for their criminal conduct within permissible legal
Domestic Violence Related Crimes - Cases 1,041 1,043 1,045 2 0.2%
Domestic Violence Related Crimes - Charges 2,381 2,453 2,527 74 3.0%

Page 315
District Attorney
Fiscal Summary

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 4,197,390 4,411,497 4,431,449 4,642,357 210,908 4.8% 93%
Employee Benefits 1,797,820 1,783,459 1,807,701 1,931,092 123,391 6.8% Personal
Personal Services 5,995,210 6,194,956 6,239,150 6,573,449 334,299 5.4% Services

Employee Travel, Train & Educ 96,544 88,750 99,647 102,585 2,938 2.9%
Equipment 50,032 7,000 14,541 7,200 (7,341) -50.5%
Supplies 80,047 39,820 61,275 45,055 (16,220) -26.5%
Utilities - - 4,417 5,945 1,528 34.6%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 65,076 52,678 52,678 55,101 2,423 4.6%
Insurance 700 775 775 775 - 0.0%
Contracted Services
3% 2% Programs
Other Operations
Total Appropriations $6,571,962 $6,631,963 $6,769,920 $7,112,312 $342,392 5.1%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Revenues
Departmental Income 290,209 212,557 212,557 222,105 9,548 4.5%
Fines and Forfeitures 32,348 - - - - 0.0% 43%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 2,107 - - - - 0.0% Other

Misc Local Sources 4,213 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 0.0%

Sate Aid 285,228 306,145 306,145 303,145 (3,000) -1.0%
Federal Aid - - - - - 0.0% 57%
Total Revenues $614,105 $522,702 $522,702 $529,250 $6,548 1.3% State Aid

Net to County Cost $5,957,858 $6,109,261 $6,247,218 $6,583,062 $335,844 5.4%

Page 316
District Attorney

District Attorney

Appeals Special Special Victims Narcotics Misdemeanor


Grand Jury

Page 317
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1165.05 District Attorney.Asset Forfeiture

4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 652 0 0 2,147 88.7 1,904 0 0
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 1,776 8,750 0 6,750 0.0 0 0 0
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 2,428 8,750 0 8,897 21.4 1,904 0 0
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 7,256 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4750 Other Equipment-ND 13,927 23,978 0 7,741 48.3 3,740 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 13,927 31,234 0 7,741 48.3 3,740 0 0

2600.05 Computer Software 5 YEAR 0 11,998 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 11,998 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 13,927 43,232 0 7,741 48.3 3,740 0 0

4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 700 0 0 900 32.7 295 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 14,435 37,867 0 21,530 30.6 6,598 0 0
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 761 599 0 599 100.0 599 0 0
Total Supplies 15,897 38,466 0 23,029 32.5 7,492 0 0
4220 Electric-Light & Power 0 0 0 4,417 66.0 2,915 0 0
Total Utilities 0 0 0 4,417 66.0 2,915 0 0
4431 Educational Programs 0 7,400 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4438 Investigations 0 0 0 2,388 100.0 2,387 0 0
Total Contracted Services 0 7,400 0 2,388 100.0 2,387 0 0
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 13,770 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 0 38,170 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4606 Janitorial Services 0 0 0 6,172 0.0 0 0 0
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 135 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4614 Security Services 0 2,118 0 3,667 96.1 3,524 0 0
4650 External Postage 340 502 0 200 0.0 0 0 0
4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 0 0 0 300 100.0 300 0 0
4765.312 Asset Forfeiture Reimbursed Expenses Municipalities 22,096 0 0 8,402 93.0 7,817 0 0
4765.313 Asset Forfeiture Reimbursed Expenses Other Than Municipalities
2,416 0 0 10,000 100.0 10,000 0 0
Total Operations 38,622 40,925 0 28,741 75.3 21,641 0 0
Total A.1165.05 - District Attorney.Asset Forfeiture 70,874 138,773 0 75,213 53.3 40,079 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1165.05 District Attorney.Asset Forfeiture

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 0 0 0 0.0 495 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 0 0 0 0 0.0 495 0 0
Total A.1165.05 - District Attorney.Asset Forfeiture 0 0 0 0 0.0 495 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1165.06 - General Fund.District Attorney.District Attorney
ACCOUNTANT 16 1.00 64,002 1.00 16 1.00 70,303 1.00 70,303
AST DIST ATTY ME 2.00 129,929 3.00 ME 4.00 282,157 3.00 215,314
BUREAU CHIEF MH 3.00 414,704 3.00 MH 3.00 436,271 3.00 436,271
CHIEF AST DIST ATTY MI 2.00 322,606 2.00 MI 2.00 334,216 2.00 334,216
CHIEF INVST DIST ATTY ME 1.00 100,091 1.00 ME 1.00 102,344 1.00 102,344
DIST ATTY E 1.00 190,485 1.00 E 1.00 197,601 1.00 197,601
INVST DA/LAW ENF COORD TR 16 1.00 63,291 1.00 16 1.00 69,521 1.00 69,521
INVSTV ANLST 14 0.00 0 0.00 14 1.00 56,186 0.00 0
LEGAL SECY 11 6.00 283,162 6.00 11 6.00 297,014 6.00 297,014
PROG AST 08 3.00 116,399 3.00 08 3.00 135,031 3.00 135,031
RECEP 06 1.00 40,388 1.00 06 1.00 43,355 1.00 43,355
SECY DIST ATTY MC 1.00 73,733 1.00 MC 1.00 79,019 1.00 79,019
SR AST DIST ATTY MG 12.00 1,255,396 11.00 MG 12.00 1,299,873 11.00 1,217,256
A.1165.06 - General Fund.District Attorney.District Attorney 34.00 3,054,186 34.00 37.00 3,402,891 34.00 3,197,245

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1165.06 District Attorney.District Attorney

1010 Positions 2,639,687 2,929,110 3,054,186 3,079,245 70.4 2,169,177 3,402,891 3,197,245
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 103,119 88,119 0.0 0 120,000 120,000

• Summer law interns (fully funded through a donation) $4,000; comp to pay $11,500; temp Legal Secretary $44,500; temp Investigators PT $60,000.

1040 ST Overtime 2,443 2,156 9,000 8,980 12.9 1,160 9,000 4,500

• ST Overtime/Overtime/Shift Differential is earned by the Child Abuse Investigator at the Child Advocacy Center (partially funded by the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse).
Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.
1050 Overtime 1,551 1,901 8,000 8,000 1.0 78 8,000 4,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

1070 Shift Differential 110 124 500 500 7.4 37 500 500
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 1,925 998 2,000 0 0.0 0 0 0

• Funds reallocated to 4620.72

Total Salaries and Wages 2,645,716 2,934,289 3,176,805 3,184,844 68.1 2,170,452 3,540,391 3,326,245
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 187,594 210,085 205,078 206,996 77.9 161,149 240,881 225,146
8355 Long-Term Disability 9,519 13,600 12,054 14,552 74.3 10,817 13,956 13,956
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 442,292 517,876 547,964 544,540 74.8 407,197 646,467 588,785
8450 Optical Insurance 6,547 6,716 6,412 6,868 74.9 5,147 7,820 7,130
8500 Dental Insurance 39,965 45,090 42,786 44,728 74.9 33,523 50,932 46,438
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 378 48.0 181 789 789
8800 Life Ins 7,048 4,519 4,073 4,701 74.4 3,499 4,346 4,346
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 641 904 823 941 74.4 700 877 877

Total Employee Benefits 693,606 798,790 819,190 823,704 75.5 622,214 966,068 887,467
8100 Pymts to Retire System 422,367 454,564 453,721 453,721 26.0 117,850 443,477 448,935

Total Benefits 422,367 454,564 453,721 453,721 26.0 117,850 443,477 448,935

Total Personal Services 3,761,689 4,187,642 4,449,716 4,462,269 65.2 2,910,516 4,949,936 4,662,647
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 12,043 9,716 12,500 12,500 38.5 4,819 12,500 12,500

• Travel for attorneys and investigators (to/from court or enforcement agencies, etc.).

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 850 1,201 2,500 4,500 118.0 5,308 4,500 4,500

• Funds reallocated from 4626.75

4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 1,868 1,998 2,500 2,900 38.8 1,124 2,500 2,500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 3,840 4,657 4,300 4,300 79.0 3,395 4,300 4,300

• Required CLE training for attorneys

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 64,046 61,576 55,000 55,000 72.0 39,624 67,800 66,835

• Anticipated 2018 expenses plus a 5% increases for contractual obligations. Recommended: decrease as related positions were not recommended.

4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 2,705 2,710 3,000 3,000 90.3 2,710 3,000 3,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 85,352 81,859 79,800 82,200 69.3 56,979 94,600 93,635
4760 Computer Software-ND 3,099 3,400 3,400 3,400 0.0 0 3,600 3,600

• Cellebrite USA Corp annual software upgrade fee for the Universal Forensic Extraction Device.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 3,099 3,400 3,400 3,400 0.0 0 3,600 3,600

Total Equipment 3,099 3,400 3,400 3,400 0.0 0 3,600 3,600

4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 39 0 200 0 0.0 0 200 200
4123 Safety Supplies 0 0 0 375 100.0 375 375 375
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 557 595 900 900 44.8 403 900 900
4160 Office Supplies 28,330 31,499 28,000 27,403 92.1 25,231 35,000 32,130

• Supplies $30,570; Furniture $4,430, increase is a result of the addition of new positions. Recommended: decrease as related positions were not recommended.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 8 38 20 20 339.3 68 650 650

• eCopy PDF Pro Office software license annual renewal.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 804 185 500 848 69.8 592 500 500
Total Supplies 29,738 32,317 29,620 29,546 90.3 26,670 37,625 34,755
4220 Electric-Light & Power 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 5,830 5,945

• 235 Main Street, Poughkeepsie

Total Utilities 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 5,830 5,945

Page 322
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 16,728 16,728 12,864 12,864 66.7 8,576 13,500 12,972

• Recommended: decrease as related positions were not recommended.

4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 3,340 3,226 5,300 5,300 40.5 2,146 4,131 4,131
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 7,667 8,072 8,500 8,500 61.3 5,210 9,000 9,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 16,984 16,325 16,106 16,106 69.8 11,238 23,164 18,108

• Increased for copier at 235 Main Street, Poughkeepsie. Recommended: decrease as related positions were not recommended.

4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 460 719 800 800 117.1 937 1,300 1,300

• Increased as a result of the need to provide documents in Spanish as well as English.

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 45,179 45,071 43,570 43,570 64.5 28,107 51,095 45,511

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 45,179 45,071 43,570 43,570 64.5 28,107 51,095 45,511
4320 Property Insurance 700 700 775 775 90.3 700 775 775

• Premium for the service dog.

Total Insurance 700 700 775 775 90.3 700 775 775
4401.106 Professional Services Program 1,072 12,487 6,000 4,000 53.1 2,126 6,000 6,000
4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 70,731 71,193 67,000 67,000 74.4 49,840 95,000 80,000

• Increased as a result of the escalation in Court requested transcripts. Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4438 Investigations 4,028 1,444 10,000 5,000 32.4 1,619 10,000 7,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4439 Summons & Witness Fees 24,961 15,756 20,000 46,000 64.5 29,676 25,000 25,000

• Increase due to the need for psychologist/medical specialist case review and testimony.

4457 Transportation 961 1,744 5,000 2,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000

• Prisoner extractions as indicted from the District Attorney.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4460 Comm Printing 854 0 1,000 2,363 100.0 2,363 2,400 2,400

• Previously paid out of 4160.

Total Contracted Services 102,606 102,626 109,000 126,363 67.8 85,623 143,400 125,400
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 315 407 600 910 82.3 749 600 600
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 35,292 35,292

• 235 Main Street, Poughkeepsie: 2,200 sq. ft., contract period 2/1/2019-1/31/2020 with extension options through 1/31/2023.

4604 Data Storage Services 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

• Cloud storage for Prosecution Case Management System.

4606 Janitorial Services 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 6,500 6,500

• 235 Main Street, Poughkeepsie

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 80 300 500 347 63.4 220 500 500
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 0 0 0 359 100.0 359 400 400

• Digital directory annual virtual maintenance.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 738 150 1,000 0 0.0 0 1,000 1,000

4614 Security Services 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 600 600

• 235 Main Street, Poughkeepsie

4622 Veterinary Services 1,279 668 1,500 1,500 71.0 1,066 1,500 1,500
4650 External Postage 4,839 4,900 4,000 5,500 87.7 4,821 6,000 6,000

• There has been a tremendous increase in orders to show cause within the appeals bureau, which require numerous documentary exhibits, substantially increasing postage costs.

4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 0 100 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Operations 7,250 6,525 7,600 8,616 83.7 7,215 62,392 62,392
Total A.1165.06 - District Attorney.District Attorney 4,035,613 4,460,140 4,723,481 4,756,739 65.5 3,115,809 5,349,253 5,034,660

Page 324
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1165.06 District Attorney.District Attorney

12650.02 Attorney Fees DCFS 135,722 146,188 149,597 149,597 53.0 79,274 164,145 164,145
Total Departmental Income 135,722 146,188 149,597 149,597 53.0 79,274 164,145 164,145
26260.00 Forfeit - Restricted State 254,877 32,348 0 0 0.0 31,417 0 0
Total Fines and Forfeitures 254,877 32,348 0 0 0.0 31,417 0 0
26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 81 72 0 0 0.0 120 0 0
26650 Sales of Equipment 0 1,550 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 0 485 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.02 Self Ins Recoveries Paid Family Leave (PFL) 0 0 0 0 0.0 1,120 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 81 2,107 0 0 0.0 1,239 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 212 0 0 0.0 140 0 0
27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 6,200 4,001 4,000 4,000 100.0 4,000 4,000 4,000

• James J McCann Charitable Trust donation for the summer intern

Total Misc. Local Sources 6,200 4,213 4,000 4,000 103.5 4,140 4,000 4,000
30300 District Attorney Salaries 76,522 76,522 76,500 76,500 100.0 76,522 76,500 76,500

• New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services reimbursement for the District Attorney Salary Aid Program

30890.02 Other St Aid Other-Aid to Prosecution 45,400 49,925 63,500 63,500 50.0 31,750 63,500 63,500

• New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services reimbursement for the Aid to Prosecution Grant

33890.14 Other Pub Safety Project GIVE 136,112 135,781 143,145 143,145 49.4 70,648 143,145 143,145

• New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services reimbursement for the Gun Involved Violence Elimination Initiative

33890.15 Other Pub Safety CAC Law Enforcement Coordinator 39,917 23,000 23,000 23,000 50.0 11,500 20,000 20,000
Total State Aid 297,951 285,228 306,145 306,145 62.2 190,420 303,145 303,145
Total A.1165.06 - District Attorney.District Attorney 694,830 470,084 459,742 459,742 66.7 306,490 471,290 471,290

Page 325
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1165.07 - General Fund.District Attorney.Stop DWI
AST DIST ATTY ME 2.00 130,746 0.00 ME 0.00 0 0.00 0
LEGAL SECY 11 1.00 43,559 1.00 11 1.00 54,150 1.00 54,150
SR AST DIST ATTY MG 1.00 111,312 3.00 MG 3.00 291,003 3.00 291,003
A.1165.07 - General Fund.District Attorney.Stop DWI 4.00 285,617 4.00 4.00 345,153 4.00 345,153

Page 326
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1165.07 District Attorney.Stop DWI

1010 Positions 309,177 298,055 285,617 287,784 81.0 233,013 345,153 345,153
1040 ST Overtime 0 0 0 20 95.6 19 0 0
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 171 184 400 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 309,348 298,239 286,017 287,804 81.0 233,032 345,153 345,153
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 23,148 22,077 21,854 22,021 78.6 17,316 26,407 26,407
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,347 1,384 1,004 1,650 70.8 1,168 1,674 1,674
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 55,203 69,094 48,322 67,737 83.8 56,738 86,895 86,895
8450 Optical Insurance 883 816 663 791 81.3 643 920 920
8500 Dental Insurance 5,391 5,476 4,449 5,148 81.4 4,188 5,992 5,992
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 34 44.6 15 70 70
8800 Life Ins 1,045 489 349 577 71.0 410 575 575
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 95 98 70 116 70.7 82 117 117

Total Employee Benefits 87,113 99,433 76,711 98,074 82.1 80,560 122,650 122,650
8100 Pymts to Retire System 49,439 43,748 36,847 36,847 28.7 10,582 35,978 52,062

Total Benefits 49,439 43,748 36,847 36,847 28.7 10,582 35,978 52,062

Total Personal Services 445,900 441,420 399,575 422,725 76.7 324,173 503,781 519,865
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 1,379 2,271 3,000 3,000 53.5 1,606 3,000 3,000
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 16 126 400 300 29.4 88 400 400
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,395 2,397 3,400 3,300 51.3 1,694 3,400 3,400
Total A.1165.07 - District Attorney.Stop DWI 447,295 443,817 402,975 426,025 76.5 325,868 507,181 523,265

Page 327
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1165.07 District Attorney.Stop DWI

12650.01 Attorney Fees Stop DWI 66,200 66,200 52,960 52,960 50.0 26,480 52,960 52,960

• Reimbursement of legal services provided for the Special Traffic Options Program for Driving While Intoxicated Program.

Total Departmental Income 66,200 66,200 52,960 52,960 50.0 26,480 52,960 52,960
Total A.1165.07 - District Attorney.Stop DWI 66,200 66,200 52,960 52,960 50.0 26,480 52,960 52,960

Page 328
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1165.08 - General Fund.District Attorney.Grand Jury
GRAND JURY REPORTER 16 2.00 143,883 2.00 16 2.00 156,826 2.00 156,826
A.1165.08 - General Fund.District Attorney.Grand Jury 2.00 143,883 2.00 2.00 156,826 2.00 156,826

Page 329
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1165.08 District Attorney.Grand Jury

1010 Positions 139,375 144,874 143,883 150,351 70.9 106,568 156,826 156,826

Total Salaries and Wages 139,375 144,874 143,883 150,351 70.9 106,568 156,826 156,826
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 10,505 10,909 11,010 11,506 69.8 8,028 12,000 12,000
8355 Long-Term Disability 107 107 108 158 66.7 105 216 216
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 16,301 18,132 19,946 19,793 74.6 14,768 22,128 22,128
8450 Optical Insurance 442 442 442 442 74.9 331 460 460
8500 Dental Insurance 2,696 2,965 2,966 2,877 75.0 2,157 2,996 2,996
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 86 45.8 39 178 178

Total Employee Benefits 30,050 32,555 34,472 34,862 72.9 25,429 37,978 37,978
8100 Pymts to Retire System 17,628 17,639 18,071 18,071 24.6 4,449 18,372 19,440

Total Benefits 17,628 17,639 18,071 18,071 24.6 4,449 18,372 19,440

Total Personal Services 187,053 195,068 196,426 203,284 67.1 136,446 213,176 214,244
4160 Office Supplies 64 392 500 500 36.5 183 500 500
Total Supplies 64 392 500 500 36.5 183 500 500
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 300 0 300 300 0.0 0 300 300

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 300 0 300 300 0.0 0 300 300

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 300 0 300 300 0.0 0 300 300
4650 External Postage 12 104 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
Total Operations 12 104 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
Total A.1165.08 - District Attorney.Grand Jury 187,428 195,565 197,326 204,184 66.9 136,629 214,076 215,144

Page 330
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1165.09 - General Fund.District Attorney.Drug Task Force
LEGAL SECY 11 1.00 50,512 1.00 11 1.00 55,369 1.00 55,369
SR AST DIST ATTY MG 1.00 96,402 1.00 MG 1.00 105,238 1.00 105,238
A.1165.09 - General Fund.District Attorney.Drug Task Force 2.00 146,914 2.00 2.00 160,607 2.00 160,607

Page 331
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1165.09 District Attorney.Drug Task Force

1010 Positions 144,173 143,803 146,914 149,246 71.7 106,979 160,607 160,607
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 40 0 250 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 144,213 143,803 147,164 149,246 71.7 106,979 160,607 160,607
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 10,964 10,936 11,240 11,419 70.5 8,056 12,287 12,287
8355 Long-Term Disability 519 578 566 640 74.0 473 653 653
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 9,363 10,483 11,455 22,451 60.3 13,534 40,499 40,499
8450 Optical Insurance 442 432 442 442 74.9 331 460 460
8500 Dental Insurance 2,696 2,903 2,966 2,877 75.0 2,157 2,996 2,996
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 35 44.9 16 70 70
8800 Life Ins 374 193 187 206 74.9 154 200 200
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 34 39 38 42 73.5 31 40 40

Total Employee Benefits 24,391 25,564 26,894 38,112 64.9 24,752 57,205 57,205
8100 Pymts to Retire System 23,349 28,304 24,568 24,568 30.7 7,547 22,942 32,356

Total Benefits 23,349 28,304 24,568 24,568 30.7 7,547 22,942 32,356

Total Personal Services 191,953 197,671 198,626 211,926 65.7 139,278 240,754 250,168
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 1,625 1,625 2,000 2,000 55.2 1,104 2,000 2,000
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 36 53 150 50 0.0 0 150 150
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,661 1,678 2,150 2,050 53.9 1,104 2,150 2,150
4760 Computer Software-ND 3,099 3,400 3,600 3,400 100.0 3,400 3,600 3,600

• Cellebrite USA Corp annual software upgrade fee for the Universal Forensic Extraction Device.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 3,099 3,400 3,600 3,400 100.0 3,400 3,600 3,600

Total Equipment 3,099 3,400 3,600 3,400 100.0 3,400 3,600 3,600
4123.65 Safety Supplies Firearms & Related Items 0 0 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 668 899 800 800 64.0 512 900 900
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 479 715 1,500 1,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500
4160 Office Supplies 4,934 6,622 6,500 5,000 46.2 2,308 6,500 6,500
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 210 210 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 0 427 450 450 0.0 0 450 450
Total Supplies 6,290 8,872 9,700 8,200 34.4 2,820 9,800 9,800
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 5,412 5,412 1,716 1,716 66.7 1,144 1,848 1,848

Page 332
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 5,439 5,409 5,700 5,700 69.9 3,986 5,980 5,980
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 27 0 30 30 14.5 4 30 30
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,103 1,274 1,332 1,332 66.6 888 1,332 1,332
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 0 30 30 240.0 72 100 100
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 26,107 7,910 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 38,087 20,005 8,808 8,808 69.2 6,094 9,290 9,290

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 38,087 20,005 8,808 8,808 69.2 6,094 9,290 9,290
4438 Investigations 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 66.7 20,000 30,000 30,000
Total Contracted Services 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 66.7 20,000 30,000 30,000
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 149 97 200 200 66.2 132 200 200
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 30,946 30,984 32,250 32,250 72.1 23,238 33,300 33,300

• New York Communications Company, Inc. leased radio equipment.

4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 58,892 60,659 62,384 62,384 83.3 51,986 64,160 64,160

• Rent for offices and storage area.

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 3,100 3,500 3,500 3,500 100.0 3,500 3,700 3,700

• PolicePro software system annual maintenance.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 150 150 0.0 0 150 150

4612.101 Repairs/Alt To Equip Vehicle 1,640 152 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
4622 Veterinary Services 1,889 1,182 1,400 1,345 4.6 62 1,400 1,400
4650 External Postage 173 200 400 400 24.0 96 400 400
Total Operations 96,788 96,774 101,284 101,229 78.1 79,014 104,310 104,310
Total A.1165.09 - District Attorney.Drug Task Force 357,878 358,400 354,168 365,613 68.8 251,710 399,904 409,318

Page 333
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1165.10 - General Fund.District Attorney.Domestic Violence Project
AST DIST ATTY ME 0.00 0 1.00 ME 1.00 72,329 1.00 72,329
BUREAU CHIEF MH 1.00 136,564 1.00 MH 1.00 145,147 1.00 145,147
LEGAL SECY 11 1.00 51,632 1.00 11 1.00 55,369 1.00 55,369
SR AST DIST ATTY MG 5.00 468,532 4.00 MG 4.00 380,681 4.00 380,681
A.1165.10 - General Fund.District Attorney.Domestic Violence Project 7.00 656,728 7.00 7.00 653,526 7.00 653,526

Page 334
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1165.10 District Attorney.Domestic Violence Project

1010 Positions 672,005 675,875 656,728 659,204 68.1 448,970 653,526 653,526
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 356 311 900 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 672,360 676,185 657,628 659,204 68.1 448,970 653,526 653,526
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 49,898 50,389 49,665 49,856 66.4 33,102 48,961 48,961
8355 Long-Term Disability 2,464 3,410 3,265 3,396 75.1 2,550 3,307 3,307
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 123,437 138,554 139,565 126,231 76.1 96,039 137,124 137,124
8450 Optical Insurance 1,678 1,776 1,547 1,547 75.0 1,160 1,610 1,610
8500 Dental Insurance 10,242 11,922 10,381 10,073 75.0 7,556 10,486 10,486
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 35 45.1 16 70 70
8800 Life Ins 1,912 1,210 1,182 1,218 75.2 917 1,176 1,176
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 174 242 238 244 75.1 183 238 238

Total Employee Benefits 189,804 207,502 205,843 192,600 73.5 141,523 202,972 202,972
8100 Pymts to Retire System 89,386 89,721 87,142 87,142 25.9 22,534 105,639 70,027

Total Benefits 89,386 89,721 87,142 87,142 25.9 22,534 105,639 70,027

Total Personal Services 951,551 973,408 950,613 938,946 65.3 613,026 962,137 926,525
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 2,433 1,592 2,600 2,600 42.8 1,114 2,600 2,600
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 622 268 800 600 49.2 295 800 800
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 3,054 1,860 3,400 3,200 44.0 1,409 3,400 3,400
4400.4559 Contract Agencies Family Services 202,806 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Contracted Services 202,806 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1165.10 - District Attorney.Domestic Violence 1,157,411 975,268 954,013 942,146 65.2 614,435 965,537 929,925

Page 335
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
District Attorney
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1165.10 District Attorney.Domestic Violence Project

12650.03 Attorney Fees Sp Victims, Child Abuse Prv Ctr 33,300 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
12650.04 Attorney Fees Sp Victims, DCFS reimb 58,668 77,821 10,000 10,000 50.0 5,000 5,000 5,000

• Department of Community and Family Services reimbursement for legal services provided for the Safe Harbor Project.

Total Departmental Income 91,968 77,821 10,000 10,000 50.0 5,000 5,000 5,000
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 2,147 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 2,147 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1165.10 - District Attorney.Domestic Violence 94,115 77,821 10,000 10,000 50.0 5,000 5,000 5,000

Total District Attorney Approp 6,256,500 6,571,962 6,631,963 6,769,920 66.2 4,484,531 7,435,951 7,112,312

Total District Attorney Revenue 855,145 614,105 522,702 522,702 64.8 338,465 529,250 529,250

Page 336
Emergency Response

To assist the emergency first responders of Dutchess County

and local municipalities to prepare and respond to natural and
man-made emergencies in their communities.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 337
Emergency Response
The Department of Emergency Response provides the coordination of activity among various Fire and EMS resources in the County. The
Commissioner, Coordinators, and Deputy Coordinators assist incident commanders and municipal leaders at significant emergencies and assist
them in responding to and recovering from significant disasters. The department provides a Fire Police Response Team, a Hazardous Materials
Response Team, a Fire Investigation Team, a Critical Incident Response Team, and coordination of the medical reserve corps. Deputy Coordinators
are assigned to lead the HazMat and Fire Investigation Team and all of the Deputy Coordinators are volunteer staff who are provided with
additional training, protective equipment and communication tools. Additional insurance and approved expense reimbursement is also provided
to Deputy Coordinators and special team members. Volunteer resources are being strained due to lower numbers and increasing demands from
the public causing a greater demand for the services provided by Emergency Response.

Safety (A.3020)
The Dispatch / Communication Systems division administers and manages the Countywide Enhanced 9-1-1 System, which provides emergency
dispatch to 36 Fire Districts, four Ambulance Services, and 13 Police Agencies within Dutchess County. This enhanced 9-1-1 system is an integrated
system utilizing the latest telecommunication technology. Police agencies are dispatched using the “Closest Car Concept,” allowing the law
enforcement officer closest to the emergency to respond. The countywide 9-1-1 system allows for all the emergency service agencies to
communicate with each other in emergency situations. With a central dispatch operation, resources can be deployed more quickly allowing for
an immediate coordinated response.

The 9-1-1 Dispatchers are all trained to provide “Emergency Medical Dispatch” (EMD) service. This service provides the caller with instructions
on how to aid the victim until medical help arrives.

This division oversees the radio/microwave communications network serving Dutchess County. The system is maintained and upgraded to ensure
the safety of personnel in the field, and provide swift and accurate exchange of information most vital during emergency incidents. This
communications system provides necessary contact between all County fire departments, rescue squads, police agencies, area hospital
emergency departments and neighboring county 9-1-1 Dispatch Centers.

A critical part of the Enhanced 9-1-1 System is the Address Database Management System. This data must be frequently updated to ensure that
individual addresses, streets and mapping is accurate for dispatchers to direct emergency apparatus and police as efficiently as possible.
Coordinated efforts must be maintained with the U.S. Postal Service, Telephone Companies, County’s Real Property Tax Services, Computer
Assisted Dispatch System (CADS) Geo files and local municipality’s assessors.

Page 338
Emergency Response (A.3410)
The primary function of the Emergency Management Office is to develop and maintain a comprehensive emergency management capability in
cooperation with other governmental agencies and the private sector. This Office is also responsible for reviewing the local Emergency
Management Plans including those of schools and nursing homes, and maintains an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in state of readiness.
The EOC serves as the central location for representatives of all emergency service agencies, county departments and support groups (i.e. Central
Hudson, Verizon, etc.) to meet and coordinate responses to emergency situations. The Emergency Manager also provides assistance to local
municipalities on prevention and mitigation of natural and man-made disasters.

The Fire Coordinator, which serves as the Regional Fire Administrator for the State of New York, is responsible for overseeing the operation of
the Dutchess County Fire Mutual Aid Plan, as well as the County’s participation in the New York State Fire Mutual Aid Plan. The County’s volunteer
staff of Deputy Fire Coordinators assist the Fire Coordinator with field tasks as well as assist the local Fire Chiefs at major fires and emergencies.
The Fire Coordinator also oversees the County Fire Training Center which provides training opportunities to approximately 1,400 volunteer fire,
290 emergency medical services (EMS), and 200 law enforcement personnel in Dutchess County. The Fire Training Facility is operated by the
County offering a variety of fire, rescue, EMS and police courses and simulation exercises. This facility must be maintained in safe operational
conditions at all times. New York State Instructors, Dutchess County Fire Instructors and Fire Department instructors offer over 40 different NYS
fire training courses, plus seminars and special training opportunities.

As a shared position, the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator serves the needs of EMS agencies and the Department of Behavioral
and Community Health (DBCH). This position is also the liaison between the County’s Departments of Emergency Response and DBCH and the
local career and volunteer rescue squads, the commercial EMS providers and Hospital Emergency Rooms and ensures the DBCH’s Bio-Terrorism
Plan is compatible with the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, which is an “all hazards plan”.

Homeland Security (A.3410.70)

Emergency Response receives funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to further prevent, prepare for, protect against, and
respond to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters.

LEPC (A.3989)
The Department of Emergency Response is designated as the coordination point for the Dutchess County Local Emergency Planning Committee
(LEPC). This requires the collection and maintenance of all LEPC SARA Title III records and files for distribution to requesting agencies and the
public. The activities and demands of the Chemical Emergency Response System within Dutchess County, requires this office to fulfill its
coordinating responsibilities in response to the Dutchess County Chemical Emergency Master Plan.

Page 339
Key Budgetary Issues:
• Balancing core services with increased planning, training and response demands are key for Emergency Response this year. Increased
expectations of those we serve coupled with changes to technology and hazards are increasing demands on the department. We will continue
to identify and utilize grant funding to lower direct operational costs while meeting this demand.

2019 Initiatives:
• Emergency Response will contract with a consultant to further • In conjunction with Public Works complete, design and
the work of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Emergency construct the new Emergency Services Training Facility.
Medical Services to assess the feasibility of the establishment of
an Emergency Services Authority. • The Deputy Director of Emergency Response will be a law
enforcement liaison and as such will work with the SRO program
• Update and add annexes to the County’s Comprehensive with schools to develop and implement school safety plans and
Emergency Management Plan (CEMP). These will include debris protocols.
management and a comprehensive updated response and
training plan for active threat/active shooter.

• The department will purchase, install and operate a new Next

Generation 911 Phone System. This geo-diverse redundant
system will potentially share operation with other
municipalities, thus reducing costs and improving operations
and resiliency. This project for the department is entirely grant

Page 340
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Safety - To efficiently and effectively answer E-911 calls and dispatch the appropriate personnel.
Total Calls Received 278,357 289,258 290,000 742 0.3%
Total Incidents Dispatched 154,000 152,000 152,000 - 0.0%
Emergency Response - To provide a training center / instruction for all first responders
Individuals Trained (All Trainings) 8,748 8,900 9,200 300 3.4%
Couny Fire Courses (# of Students) 3,504 3,510 3,600 90 2.6%
Emergency Response - Have specialized teams ready and able to respond to emergency incidents and/or events.
HazMat Calls 12 14 16 2 14.3%
Critical Incident Responses 5 6 6 - 0.0%
Fire Investigations 58 60 61 1 1.7%
Medical Reserve Corp. Recruits 360 380 400 20 5.3%
Fire Police Responses 5 5 5 - 0.0%

Page 341
Emergency Response
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 3,154,512 3,295,127 3,429,370 3,560,053 130,683 3.8% 2019 Appropriations
Employee Benefits 1,416,670 1,558,253 1,496,954 1,715,367 218,413 14.6% 75%
Personal Services 4,571,182 4,853,380 4,926,324 5,275,420 349,096 7.1% Personal
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 50,558 28,835 38,495 25,973 (12,522) -32.5% Services
Equipment 99,243 434,995 552,554 - (552,554) -100.0%
Communication 121,145 121,334 121,334 123,806 2,472 2.0% Programs
Supplies 61,831 51,749 176,082 34,950 (141,132) -80.2%
Utilities 58,997 63,894 63,894 65,078 1,184 1.9%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 45,533 45,666 46,266 45,565 (701) -1.5%
Contracted Services
Total Appropriations $5,832,301 $7,039,609 $7,110,607 $7,096,059 ($14,548) -0.2% 4%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Revenues
Non Property Tax Items 1,203,788 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 - 0.0% 34%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 709 150 150 100 (50) -33.3% Federal Aid
Misc Local Sources 80 - - - - 0.0%
Sate Aid 169,357 580,394 580,394 166,000 (414,394) -71.4%
Federal Aid 417,631 724,552 724,552 739,565 15,013 2.1%
Total Revenues $1,791,565 $2,555,096 $2,555,096 $2,155,665 ($399,431) -15.6%

Net to County Cost $4,040,736 $4,484,513 $4,555,511 $4,940,394 $384,883 8.4% 8% Phone
State Aid

Page 342
Emergency Response

Commissioner of
Emergency Response

Emergency Communications
E-911 Dispatch Medical Services Administration Fire Coordination Systems
(EMS) Radio, Phone, Computer

Incident Stress
Reserve Corp

Fire Local Hazardous

Emergency Animal Fire Police
Investigation Emergency Materials
Operations Response Fire & Rescue Training Response
Response Planning Response
Center (EOC) Team Team
Team Committee Team

Page 343
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.3020 - General Fund.Safety
911 CAD/GIS COORD 16 1.00 61,518 1.00 16 1.00 68,556 1.00 68,556
BUSINESS MGR CL 1.00 65,585 1.00 CL 1.00 69,297 1.00 69,297
COMMS SYS SPCLST 17 1.00 72,206 1.00 17 1.00 80,714 1.00 80,714
DIR 911 OPS ME 1.00 74,427 1.00 ME 1.00 87,250 1.00 87,250
PROG AST 08 1.00 43,013 1.00 08 1.00 46,130 1.00 46,130
PUB SFTY DISPR I 13 24.00 1,361,420 28.00 13 28.00 1,682,710 28.00 1,682,710
PUB SFTY DISPR I HR 13-8-H 0.83 71,833 0.83 13-8-H 0.83 44,214 0.83 44,214
PUB SFTY DISPR II 14 4.00 262,009 4.00 14 4.00 266,632 4.00 266,632
PUB SFTY DISPR TR 12 4.00 174,184 0.00 12 0.00 0 0.00 0
PUB SFTY DISPR TR HR 12-8-H 0.34 13,235 0.34 12-8-H 0.34 15,813 0.34 15,813
SR PROG AST 10 1.00 47,508 1.00 10 1.00 51,008 1.00 51,008
SR PUB SFTY DISPR 15 5.00 362,781 5.00 15 5.00 396,507 5.00 396,507
A.3020 - General Fund.Safety 44.17 2,609,719 44.17 44.17 2,808,831 44.17 2,808,831

Page 344
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3020 Safety

1010 Positions 2,433,607 2,496,677 2,609,719 2,728,590 65.7 1,792,666 2,808,831 2,808,831
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 60,000 60,000 0.0 0 0 0
1040 ST Overtime 3,795 7,406 5,000 7,346 95.6 7,021 7,400 7,400
1050 Overtime 149,254 173,634 130,000 130,000 93.3 121,264 120,000 120,000
1070 Shift Differential 96,220 91,798 85,000 85,000 79.4 67,517 90,000 90,000
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 1,871 1,635 1,500 1,500 65.6 985 1,500 1,500

Total Salaries and Wages 2,684,747 2,771,150 2,891,219 3,012,436 66.0 1,989,452 3,027,731 3,027,731
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 198,590 204,489 199,687 208,812 69.8 145,702 214,915 214,915
8355 Long-Term Disability 2,575 2,513 2,355 3,903 67.5 2,633 5,243 5,243
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 565,789 592,567 726,755 661,038 75.5 498,998 801,308 801,308
8450 Optical Insurance 8,998 8,731 9,972 9,173 75.3 6,909 10,350 10,350
8500 Dental Insurance 54,924 58,682 65,490 59,741 75.3 45,000 67,410 67,410
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 1,509 46.2 697 3,244 3,244
8800 Life Ins 238 132 129 254 69.2 176 299 299
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 22 27 26 51 68.9 35 60 60

Total Employee Benefits 831,136 867,140 1,004,414 944,481 74.1 700,150 1,102,829 1,102,829
8100 Pymts to Retire System 388,950 384,562 381,640 381,640 25.4 97,097 398,601 397,829

Total Benefits 388,950 384,562 381,640 381,640 25.4 97,097 398,601 397,829

Total Personal Services 3,904,832 4,022,852 4,277,273 4,338,557 64.2 2,786,699 4,529,161 4,528,389
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 232 395 600 200 0.0 0 600 600
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 2,432 2,402 3,000 3,000 23.3 698 3,000 3,000
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 737 1,088 500 500 44.6 223 500 500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 1,053 5,235 7,750 750 48.0 360 5,000 5,000
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 8,697 8,697 8,603 8,603 96.7 8,322 8,603 8,603

• Pro QA (dispatch software) extended service plan $7,440; Priority Dispatch annual maintenance $375; Medical protocol Cards $624; Police/Fire Protocol Cards $164.

4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 1,242 1,242 1,242 1,242 100.0 1,242 1,242 1,242
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 14,393 19,059 21,695 14,295 75.9 10,845 18,945 18,945
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 1,995 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4750 Other Equipment-ND 0 5,225 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 7,220 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 0 0 419,995 336,268 0.0 0 0 0

Page 345
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 0 419,995 336,268 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 7,220 419,995 336,268 0.0 0 0 0

4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 90,794 91,204 90,000 90,000 72.5 65,239 92,000 92,000
4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 21,484 21,484 22,934 22,934 70.3 16,113 23,407 23,407

• Dark Fiber Optic Connection $21,847; Cablevision Lightpath $1,560.

4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 2,399 2,893 2,400 2,400 93.7 2,249 2,899 2,899
Total Communication 114,676 115,581 115,334 115,334 72.5 83,600 118,306 118,306
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 1,603 1,592 1,000 1,000 90.8 908 1,000 1,000
4118 Field Supplies 0 123 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4123 Safety Supplies 0 72 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4124 Communication Supplies 1,077 2,400 15,399 36,921 2.0 734 2,000 2,000
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 815 443 850 850 42.8 364 850 850
4160 Office Supplies 4,095 6,852 4,000 4,012 100.0 4,010 3,500 3,500

• Furniture $1,000; Office Supplies $2,500.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 8,389 8,137 6,000 6,000 22.2 1,332 7,000 7,000
Total Supplies 15,979 19,617 27,349 48,883 15.0 7,348 14,450 14,450
4220 Electric-Light & Power 51,205 55,766 59,727 59,727 73.0 43,623 63,280 61,318
Total Utilities 51,205 55,766 59,727 59,727 73.0 43,623 63,280 61,318
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 13,152 13,152 12,096 12,096 66.7 8,064 12,096 12,096
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 0 0 780 780 14.5 113 1,365 1,365
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 28 21 50 50 46.7 23 50 50
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 4,423 5,266 5,547 5,547 66.7 3,698 5,547 5,547
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 165 25 25 0.0 0 0 0

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 17,604 18,603 18,498 18,498 64.3 11,898 19,058 19,058

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 17,604 18,603 18,498 18,498 64.3 11,898 19,058 19,058
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 0 0 15,950 100.0 15,950 0 0
4442.1300 Municipalities C/O Pok 97,295 99,728 102,221 102,221 0.0 0 107,333 107,333
Total Contracted Services 97,295 99,728 102,221 118,171 13.5 15,950 107,333 107,333
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 4,294 4,250 2,340 4,640 76.2 3,536 3,383 3,383

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 287,415 295,059 307,351 307,351 73.8 226,805 320,606 320,606

• Illinois Mtn. $121,486; Woody Rowe $32,435; Hosner Mtn. $12,701; Silver Mtn. $55,434; Depot Hill $43,115; East Mtn. $55,435.

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 1,250 500 1,870 35.8 670 1,220 1,220
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 267,827 246,225 244,893 247,893 96.1 238,174 324,704 324,704

• Tyler CAD $54,002; Infrastructure UPS Maintenance (2) $6,415;Motorola Towers $86,498; Motorola Phones $114,598; Cat Generator $8,000; Continuum Voice Recorder $16,000; Aqua
$375; CAD Exporter (new) $4,410; Motorola Console 1/2 yr. (new) $34,406.
4611 Refuse Removal 2,692 2,734 1,885 3,635 51.1 1,856 3,000 3,000
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 15,602 11,497 15,000 58,046 89.1 51,705 13,000 13,000
4612.101 Repairs/Alt To Equip Vehicle 1,115 920 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 42,535 0 2,500 60 0.0 0 2,000 2,000
4650 External Postage 195 231 100 1,100 6.0 66 100 100
Total Operations 621,674 562,166 574,569 624,595 83.7 522,811 668,013 668,013
Total A.3020 - Safety 4,837,659 4,920,592 5,616,661 5,674,328 61.4 3,482,774 5,538,546 5,535,812

Page 347
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3020 Safety

11400 E-911 Surcharge 1,241,612 1,203,788 1,250,000 1,250,000 43.8 547,230 1,250,000 1,250,000
Total Non Property Tax Items 1,241,612 1,203,788 1,250,000 1,250,000 43.8 547,230 1,250,000 1,250,000
26650 Sales of Equipment 6,750 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 0 0 0 0 0.0 884 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 6,750 0 0 0 0.0 884 0 0
33890.13 Other Pub Safety Answering Point Sustainment 165,211 169,357 147,000 147,000 20.5 30,147 166,000 166,000

• FY18-Estimated based on FY17 award.

33890.17 Other Pub Safety SICG Formula Grant 0 0 433,394 433,394 11.3 48,805 0 0
Total State Aid 165,211 169,357 580,394 580,394 13.6 78,952 166,000 166,000
Total A.3020 - Safety 1,413,573 1,373,145 1,830,394 1,830,394 34.3 627,066 1,416,000 1,416,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.3410 - General Fund.Emergency Response
BLDG MAINT MECHC III 13 1.00 62,296 1.00 13 1.00 66,775 1.00 66,775
COMSR EMERG RESP MG 1.00 114,921 1.00 MG 1.00 120,564 1.00 120,564
DPTY COMSR EMERG RESP ME 1.00 1 1.00 ME 1.00 83,855 1.00 83,855
EMERG MGMT COORD 17 1.00 72,426 1.00 17 1.00 79,562 1.00 79,562
FIRE COORD 17 1.00 80,782 1.00 17 1.00 89,677 1.00 89,677
FIRE INSTRC PT 13-H 1.35 59,982 1.35 13-H 1.35 75,789 1.35 75,789
A.3410 - General Fund.Emergency Response 6.35 390,408 6.35 6.35 516,222 6.35 516,222

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3410 Emergency Response

1010 Positions 360,232 371,187 390,408 403,434 67.6 272,773 516,222 516,222
1040 ST Overtime 4,362 3,966 4,500 4,500 68.1 3,066 5,000 5,000
1050 Overtime 9,638 7,435 8,000 8,000 82.4 6,589 10,000 10,000
1070 Shift Differential 952 775 1,000 1,000 71.8 718 1,100 1,100

Total Salaries and Wages 375,183 383,363 403,908 416,934 67.9 283,145 532,322 532,322
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 28,164 28,735 29,878 30,875 68.6 21,192 39,497 39,497
8355 Long-Term Disability 809 955 935 1,133 71.3 807 1,290 1,290
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 62,441 68,986 77,956 75,361 75.0 56,520 105,178 105,178
8450 Optical Insurance 883 883 884 884 74.9 662 1,150 1,150
8500 Dental Insurance 5,391 5,930 5,932 5,753 75.0 4,314 7,490 7,490
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 192 44.8 86 402 402
8800 Life Ins 396 231 225 242 74.9 181 236 236
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 36 46 45 49 74.0 36 48 48

Total Employee Benefits 98,120 105,765 115,855 114,489 73.2 83,799 155,291 155,291
8100 Pymts to Retire System 67,153 59,202 56,344 56,344 25.0 14,109 57,445 59,418

Total Benefits 67,153 59,202 56,344 56,344 25.0 14,109 57,445 59,418

Total Personal Services 540,456 548,330 576,107 587,767 64.8 381,054 745,058 747,031
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 2,018 2,045 2,000 2,400 40.4 969 2,000 2,000
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 74 0 25 285 90.6 258 50 50
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 89 1,933 1,130 1,130 13.0 147 1,130 1,130
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 205 19 600 600 0.0 0 500 500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 477 2,096 1,395 1,395 17.6 245 1,395 1,395
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 474 144 144 144 66.7 96 144 144
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 335 685 1,039 1,039 102.5 1,065 1,040 1,040
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 3,672 6,922 6,333 6,993 39.8 2,780 6,259 6,259
4750 Other Equipment-ND 1,110 4,436 7,000 5,888 30.6 1,800 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 1,110 4,436 7,000 5,888 30.6 1,800 0 0

2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 0 0 8,000 8,000 98.6 7,888 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 0 8,000 8,000 98.6 7,888 0 0

Total Equipment 1,110 4,436 15,000 13,888 69.8 9,688 0 0

4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 2,696 2,260 3,000 3,000 36.1 1,082 2,500 2,500
4230.52 Telephone Cell Phones/Wireless Services 3,069 3,304 3,000 3,000 62.5 1,874 3,000 3,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Communication 5,765 5,564 6,000 6,000 49.3 2,955 5,500 5,500
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 266 713 1,000 1,000 37.4 374 1,000 1,000
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 1,755 1,954 2,000 2,000 27.6 551 2,000 2,000
4109 Merit Awards 483 168 400 400 35.0 140 400 400
4117 Environmental Supplies 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 250 250
4118 Field Supplies 0 412 200 200 6.7 13 200 200
4123 Safety Supplies 4,875 4,243 7,650 24,723 5.6 1,382 4,000 4,000
4124 Communication Supplies 3,057 1,201 4,000 3,875 13.2 510 4,000 4,000
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 890 979 1,200 1,575 98.8 1,555 1,200 1,200
4160 Office Supplies 25,540 5,295 4,450 6,426 95.9 6,165 4,450 4,450

• Furniture $1,000; Office Supplies $3,450.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 5,366 2,905 3,000 3,420 22.2 758 3,000 3,000
Total Supplies 42,233 17,869 24,400 44,119 26.0 11,449 20,500 20,500
4127 Propane Gas 0 0 368 368 0.0 0 427 427
4220 Electric-Light & Power 3,499 3,231 3,799 3,799 57.2 2,174 3,164 3,333
Total Utilities 3,499 3,231 4,167 4,167 52.2 2,174 3,591 3,760
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 18,504 18,504 18,606 18,606 66.7 12,404 19,044 19,044
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 2,639 3,431 5,184 5,184 48.2 2,498 3,635 3,635
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 317 219 350 350 68.7 241 200 200
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,047 2,233 2,628 2,628 66.7 1,752 2,628 2,628
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 563 2,544 400 1,000 145.5 1,455 1,000 1,000

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 23,070 26,930 27,168 27,768 66.1 18,350 26,507 26,507

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 23,070 26,930 27,168 27,768 66.1 18,350 26,507 26,507
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 21,942 1,500 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 0 0
4401.106 Professional Services Program 28,658 46,169 88,000 88,000 48.0 42,268 64,000 64,000

• Stipends for Deputy Coordinators.

4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 50,000 50,000

• FY2017 Critical Infrastructure Grant Program.

4431 Educational Programs 4,862 4,630 5,500 5,250 72.3 3,795 5,200 5,200
4453 Weather Advisory 656 656 656 656 100.0 656 656 656
Total Contracted Services 56,118 52,954 99,156 98,906 47.2 46,719 119,856 119,856

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 2,200 786 3,100 3,100 0.0 0 3,100 3,100
4610.71 Advertising Legal 0 107 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 1,663 2,706 3,000 1,580 72.9 1,152 3,000 3,000
4612.101 Repairs/Alt To Equip Vehicle 1,193 190 2,000 2,000 19.9 398 2,000 2,000
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 10,266 14,355 18,000 17,740 0.0 0 18,000 18,000
4650 External Postage 2,103 1,745 400 1,725 48.5 836 400 400
4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 21,475 20,140 30,000 29,400 36.8 10,814 30,000 30,000
Total Operations 38,902 40,029 56,500 55,545 23.8 13,200 56,500 56,500
Total A.3410 - Emergency Response 714,824 706,265 814,831 845,153 57.8 488,369 983,771 985,913

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3410 Emergency Response

26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 400 75 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 203 213 150 150 35.3 53 100 100
26830.02 Self Ins Recoveries Paid Family Leave (PFL) 0 0 0 0 0.0 195 0 0
26900.00 Other Comp for Loss General 279 421 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 881 709 150 150 165.5 248 100 100
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 80 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 0 80 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
43050.01 Civil Defense FEMA 71,411 248,848 116,435 116,435 53.2 61,943 116,000 116,000

• EMPG Grant; 2019 Base is estimated based on FY18.

43050.05 Civil Defense Homeland Security (14,379) 0 0 0 0.0 0 50,000 50,000

• FY2017 Critical Infrastructure Grant Program.

43050.08 Civil Defense Mitigation Grant 165,103 1,488 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

43890.08 Other Safety Med Reserve Corps 15,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Federal Aid 237,135 250,336 116,435 116,435 53.2 61,943 166,000 166,000
Total A.3410 - Emergency Response 238,016 251,125 116,585 116,585 53.3 62,191 166,100 166,100

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3410.70 Emergency Response.Homeland Security Grant

4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 19,296 0 16,400 95.8 15,709 0 0

4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 4,474 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 23,770 0 16,400 95.8 15,709 0 0
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 4,020 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4750 Other Equipment-ND 45,688 0 0 35,786 70.0 25,047 0 0
4760 Computer Software-ND 0 0 0 6,858 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 49,708 0 0 42,644 58.7 25,047 0 0

2300.05 Motor Vehicles 5 Year 43,270 0 0 108,516 100.0 108,514 0 0
2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 57,782 0 0 51,238 15.5 7,916 0 0
2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 18,572 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
2600.05 Computer Software 5 YEAR 8,875 87,587 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 128,500 87,587 0 159,754 72.9 116,431 0 0

Total Equipment 178,207 87,587 0 202,398 69.9 141,478 0 0

4123 Safety Supplies 19,963 13,073 0 33,809 23.5 7,945 0 0
4124 Communication Supplies 7,080 2,465 0 18,513 100.0 18,511 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 7,064 0 0 1,495 47.0 703 0 0
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 0 0 29,263 100.0 29,263 0 0
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 0 8,806 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 34,106 24,344 0 83,080 67.9 56,422 0 0
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 0 0 2,095 100.0 2,095 0 0
4401.106 Professional Services Program 134,383 33,776 0 32,438 26.0 8,438 0 0
4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 603,393 195,771 0.0 0 568,393 568,393

• SHSP FY16 $86,000; SHSP FY17 $115,000; SHSP FY18 $367,393.

Total Contracted Services 134,383 33,776 603,393 230,304 4.6 10,533 568,393 568,393
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 14,569 28,863 0 35,325 47.8 16,903 0 0
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 8,260 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 9,586 0 0 17,920 0.0 0 0 0
4650 External Postage 492 0 0 975 70.8 690 0 0
Total Operations 32,907 28,863 0 54,220 32.4 17,593 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Total A.3410.70 - Emergency Response.Homeland 379,604 198,341 603,393 586,402 41.2 241,735 568,393 568,393
Security Grant

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3410.70 Emergency Response.Homeland Security Grant

43050.05 Civil Defense Homeland Security 225,555 160,999 603,393 603,393 26.5 159,957 568,393 568,393

• FY16 $86,000; FY17 $115,000; FY18 $367,393.

Total Federal Aid 225,555 160,999 603,393 603,393 26.5 159,957 568,393 568,393
Total A.3410.70 - Emergency Response.Homeland 225,555 160,999 603,393 603,393 26.5 159,957 568,393 568,393
Security Grant

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3989 LEPC

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 807 807 807 807 95.3 769 769 769
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 807 807 807 807 95.3 769 769 769
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 6,296 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Contracted Services 0 6,296 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 0 0 3,917 3,917 0.0 0 5,172 5,172

• Hazmat training reimbursed with Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness grant funding.

Total Operations 0 0 3,917 3,917 0.0 0 5,172 5,172

Total A.3989 - LEPC 807 7,103 4,724 4,724 16.3 769 5,941 5,941

Page 357
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Emergency Response
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3989 LEPC

43050.03 Civil Defense HMEP 0 6,296 4,724 4,724 0.0 0 5,172 5,172

• FY2018-19 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant.

Total Federal Aid 0 6,296 4,724 4,724 0.0 0 5,172 5,172

Total A.3989 - LEPC 0 6,296 4,724 4,724 0.0 0 5,172 5,172

Total Emergency Response Approp 5,932,894 5,832,301 7,039,609 7,110,607 59.3 4,213,647 7,096,651 7,096,059

Total Emergency Response Revenue 1,877,143 1,791,565 2,555,096 2,555,096 33.2 849,214 2,155,665 2,155,665

Page 358
Criminal Justice Council

To maximize resources resulting in an enhanced Criminal

Justice process by engaging in a collaborative process of
information sharing. This work is done through utilizing
research-based practices to ensure community safety, through
the promotion and support of intervention for at risk youth
and adults, addressing victims’ needs, and reduction of

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 359
Criminal Justice Council
The Criminal Justice Council (CJC) was established by local law in 1993. As outlined in the local law, the CJC advises the County Government and
may assist in the development of ways to relieve jail overcrowding, improve case processing and dispositions, and encourage and monitor
Alternative to Incarceration (ATIs). However, the CJC does not oversee the internal operation of any agency.

Criminal Justice Council (A.3010)

Specific duties of the Criminal Justice Council include, but are not limited to, promoting cooperation among criminal justice stakeholders,
establishing committees or special task groups to advance the goals of the criminal justice system, developing and recommending policies, as
appropriate, to achieve improved management of the criminal justice system, and relief of jail overcrowding.
Centered around evidence-based practices, the CJC researches, develops, recommends and reviews new programs or initiatives. The Criminal
Justice Council provides statistical analysis and evaluation of data to enhance the criminal justice system’s effectiveness, which is measured
through evaluation of internal processes and outcomes. These findings are communicated to involved agencies and the public.

The Criminal Justice Council, with the assistance of its consultant, will continue to review and evaluate the criminal justice system and promote
efficiencies that will alleviate population stresses at the jail and reduce recidivism through effective jail programming, ATIs and pretrial programs.

2019 Initiatives:
• Apply for grant funding to support re-entry programming. • Focus on data involving admissions, case processing and length
of stay to spearhead initiatives to drive jail days down and
• Review opportunities for technical assistance. enhance public safety.

• Review the RESTART Program. • Analyze criminal justice processing through quality assurance to
encourage efficiency and effectiveness.

Page 360
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Promote cooperation and collaboration among criminal justice stakeholders.
Council Members 32 33 33 - 0.0%
Full Council Meetings 6 6 6 - 0.0%
Executive Committee Meetings 12 12 12 - 0.0%

Page 361
Criminal Justice Council
Fiscal Summary

2019 Appropriations
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Supplies 34 750 750 750 - 0.0%

Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs - 75 75 75 - 0.0%
Contracted Services 60,000 61,200 61,200 63,036 1,836 3.0%
Total Appropriations $60,034 $62,025 $62,025 $63,861 $1,836 3.0%

Net to County Cost $60,034 $62,025 $62,025 $63,861 $1,836 3.0% Contracted

Page 362
Criminal Justice Council

Criminal Justice Council

Executive Committee

Quality Community Juvenile Special

Women’s Re-Entry Victim’s Diversion Raise the
Assurance Involvement Justice Populations
Committee Task Force Committee Committee Age
Committee Committee Committee Committee

Page 363
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3010 CJC Admin

4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 34 500 500 25.7 129 500 500
4160 Office Supplies 0 0 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
Total Supplies 0 34 750 750 17.1 129 750 750
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 0 0 75 75 0.0 0 75 75

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 0 0 75 75 0.0 0 75 75

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 0 0 75 75 0.0 0 75 75

4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 64,627 60,000 61,200 61,200 66.7 40,800 63,036 63,036
Total Contracted Services 64,627 60,000 61,200 61,200 66.7 40,800 63,036 63,036
Total A.3010 - CJC Admin 64,627 60,034 62,025 62,025 66.0 40,929 63,861 63,861

Page 364

To protect the community through intervention in the lives of

those under supervision by facilitating compliance with court
orders and serving as a catalyst for positive change. We
operate in collaboration with our criminal justice partners and
the community. We provide services to courts, help strengthen
families and give victims a voice in the justice system. We
provide leadership and services in a cost effective community
based setting.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 365
Department of Probation & Community Corrections
The major goals of the Department of Probation & Community Corrections include the protection of persons and property by the application of
cost effective community based correctional interventions and assisting victims of crime. A variety of interventions are utilized to reduce
recidivism by juvenile delinquents and adult offenders to alleviate family dysfunction.

Probation (A.3140)
Family Court Intake, Investigation, Pretrial Release and Supervision are the agency’s four main functions.

Preliminary Procedures for Family Court

This function, usually called intake, is a process by which Probation staff work with individuals and families whose problems may come under the
jurisdiction of the Family Court. This function ranges from answering questions to the complex assessment and adjustment procedures outlined
in Dutchess County’s Persons In Need of Supervision (PINS) Plan. The process is comprised of four basic steps (sift, screen, refer, adjust) and
involves working closely with a wide variety of community resources. Both PINS and Juvenile Delinquency (JD) cases are screened and adjusted
in this process.

Cases deemed unsuitable or ineligible for diversion services may be advanced to Family Court. These cases may be returned to Probation for
“formal” supervision. A juvenile pre-dispositional release program was created in 2009 to provide the Family Court with alternatives to

The investigation function responds to the need, usually mandated by law, for information by all criminal courts, the Family Court and Supreme
Court in Dutchess County and any other court outside Dutchess County when the defendant or one of the litigants resides in Dutchess. Staff
interviews the defendant or respondents, verify the data received, check sources for additional data, contact and assist victims, frequently visit
the home of the defendant or litigants and submit a written report to the Court with an evaluation and a recommendation for judicial action.
Enhanced investigations on sex offenders are mandated.

Pretrial Release (Release on Recognizance/Supervision)

This is a twofold function-investigation and monitoring of un-sentenced adult defendants and is available to all remanding courts in the County.
Each day, all new un-sentenced inmates are interviewed in the field prior to arraignment or at the Dutchess County Jail. Using a validated risk
assessment tool, the Probation Officer recommends to the Judge whether or not the defendant should be released on a pretrial supervision
program. If released into a pretrial program by the court, probation officers monitor the defendant until disposition of the case.

Page 366
This is the most widely known function of the agency. Its activities include using “best practice” intervention strategies to target criminal thinking
and behavior to prevent further unlawful behavior. Probation Officers must facilitate compliance with court orders. Program objectives include
preparing the probationer (and family) for independent, law abiding living through the identification, utilization and creation of community
resources to fulfill probationers’ program needs; providing restitution to victims and community service are also high priority activities. In all
areas, Probation Officers rely on chemical and breath testing for illegal substances and alcohol. Special interventions are designed and used to
maximize effectiveness with certain offender populations, i.e. STOP DWI program, the Domestic Violence Program, the Intensive Treatment
Alternative Program, the Sex Offender Program, and the Juvenile Electronic Monitoring Program.

The agency puts a high priority on jail population management. A range of alternatives and interventions have been developed to address the
issue of jail overcrowding. Using a graduated alternatives model, the department applies cost effective interventions designed to meet both
offenders’ needs while providing community safety.

• The Day Reporting Center, known as the Community Transition Center (CTC) provides educational, vocational, and life skills programs;

• The Community Residence, a 38 bed facility, is a highly structured alternative to incarceration for individuals attending the Drug and
Alcohol Rehab program: Intensive Treatment Alternative Program (ITAP) or awaiting a bed in an inpatient treatment program; and

• Electronic Monitoring allows individuals to remain in the community under intensive supervision.

The agency is also focused on placement prevention for juveniles as reflected in mandatory PINS Diversion, J-RISC and Functional Family Therapy.
The department is assisted in its work by student interns.

In addition to “Probation” work, the agency provides research and support to the Criminal Justice Council, pretrial screening and supervision to
the Drug Court, the Integrated Domestic Violence Court and the felony Drug/Diversion Court. The agency is also a member of the Family Court
Drug Treatment Team, which focuses on parents with substance abuse problems. In 2002, the agency began a major initiative to obtain
risk/assessment tools for all functions. This enables staff to assess for risk, needs, and protective factors and to ensure progress toward goals. It
also provides outcome data for both case management and research purposes. All functions now use actuarial tools for assessment and case

The Women’s Center provides gender-specific evidence-based programming for women under the supervision of the Office of Probation. With
technical assistance from the National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women and the Center for Effective Public Policy an Inventory of
Needs was developed specifically to understand the unique needs of incarcerated women.

Page 367
Key Budgetary Issues:
• The initiative to “Raise the Age” (RTA) of criminal responsibility from the current 16 years of age to 18 years of age in New York State was
signed into law in 2017. This initiative will be phased in beginning in October 2018 and will be in full effect in October of 2019. The new law
comes with a host of additional mandates to be carried out by Probation. As a result, this legislation will have a major effect on the workload
of the department and will significantly increase the number of youth requiring Intake, diversion, investigation and supervision services.
New York State has indicated there will be some level of reimbursement to counties for “reasonable expenses” related to this initiative.
However, the amount of funding is unknown at this time.
• Pending changes in New York State Regulations governing the supervision of Level III Sexual Offenders under probation supervision will
require an expansion in the use of periodic polygraph examinations for these offenders. This will require additional funding.
• Pending changes in New York State Regulations governing the intake and adjustment of juvenile delinquency cases will increase the number
of mandated contacts required and impact the workload of probation officers serving these clients. Other than the funding promised through
• RTA Legislation, there does not appear to be a corresponding increase in state aid to offset the expected increase in workload.
• The Division of Criminal Justice Services – Office of Probation and Correctional Alternatives has mandated an additional week of initial
Probation Officer Training for new officers beginning in the Fall of 2018. This will increase our travel and lodging expenses related to hiring
new probation officers.

2019 Initiatives:
• With the continued implementation of RTA in 2019, we will • Engage in a multifaceted approach in response to the opioid
have to expand our staff to meet the demands of the epidemic by participating in a variety of programs, efforts and
increased workload. We are hopeful that state funding will be initiatives. Implement ongoing staff training related to the
available to do so. Probation and Community Corrections will use of narcan, medication assisted therapy and the harm
also have to implement new procedures related to the RTA reduction model to address opioid addiction. Maintain our
mandates and reallocate staff depending on the size of this 38 bed transitional facility in order to divert inmates from Jail
new population of youth to be served. An emphasis will be while awaiting inpatient substance abuse treatment or
placed on developing cost effective interventions to quickly participating in intensive outpatient therapy. Maintain a
and efficiently divert low risk clients out of the system while dedicated probation officer to supervise participants involved
also identifying and providing services to those in need of in the Dutchess County Drug Diversion Court. Maintain a
more intensive intervention. Our ability to do so may be dedicated senior probation officer to work with probationers
impacted by the amount of state funding that we receive. within the Intensive Treatment Alternative Program operated
by the Department of Behavioral and Community Health.

Page 368
• Implement and further develop a pilot program to more • Expand the use of cognitive based interventions and evidence-
effectively address the issues of high risk domestic violence based programs by training probation staff, in a variety of
offenders through the use of a specific DV assessment methods addressing behaviors among probationers leading to
instrument along with a domestic violence cognitive based continued criminal behavior and delinquency. In doing so, we
intervention program. continue to build and maintain a highly effective staff, able to
positively impact the lives of those under probation supervision
• Continue to work on the development of the Jail based RESTART and reduce the incidence of victimization in the community.
program in cooperation with partners from Behavioral and
Community Health and the Jail, by devoting resources to support • Expand the use of technology and mobile devices enabling
planning and quality assurance. We have identified a need and probation officers to dedicate more of their time to making
assigned a dedicated senior probation officer to RESTART contacts with offenders outside of the probation office out in
inmates transitioning back into the community in order to the community. This will allow officers to be more efficient and
maintain a framework of supportive services that will aid in effective and have a greater impact on improving community
successful outcomes. safety.

Page 369
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Collect the maximum amount of restitution possible as ordered by the courts in order to make victims whole. Note: Collections depend on amount ordered
by the court.
Restitution Collected $388,394 $385,000 $385,000 - 0.0%
Fees Collected $92,171 $96,000 $96,000 - 0.0%
Family Court - Assess risks and needs using actuarial assessments. Apply effective supervision practices to reduce unnecessary detention and placement
and promote public safety by reducing recidivism and promoting positive outcomes. *
Family Court Diversion / Supervision Cases Received/Pre-Dispositional
437 475 550 75 15.8%
Cases Received
* Indicator: The adjustment rate for Juvenile Cases after participation in Diversion services will be 70%. Outcome: The adjustment rate for cases after participation in Diversion Services was
88%. (2016 Data)
Investigation - Provide a timely and accurate legal and social report to courts in Dutchess County. *
Investigations received (Juvenile and Adult) 1,681 1,700 1,800 100 5.9%
* Indicator: All investigations will contain mandated information and risk assessment. Outcome: All cases met standards. Strategy: Monitor through quality assurance.

Pretrial Release - Provide pretrial release investigations and recommendations to courts and supervise individuals released to pretrial programs for
compliance with court orders. *
Pretrial Investigations Completed 2,558 2,500 2,500 - 0.0%
Pretrial Cases Received 1,043 1,000 1,000 - 0.0%
* Indicator: 75% of cases will close successfully. Outcome: 81% of cases were successfully closed. Strategy: Continue evidence based pretrial practices.

Supervision - Supervise adults sentenced to probation according to criminogenic risks and needs in order to promote public safety and reduce recidivism.*

Probation Supervision Cases Received 927 1,000 1,000 - 0.0%

* Indicator: 80% of cases will not be re-arrested for a felony within 1 year of completing sentence. Outcome: 91% of probationers were not arrested for a felony within 1 year of sentence.
Strategy: Continue to apply evidence based practices. (2016 Data)

Page 370
Department of Probation & Community Corrections
Fiscal Summary

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 7,972,816 7,963,688 8,358,354 8,494,834 136,480 1.6%

2019 Appropriations
Employee Benefits 3,618,975 3,782,341 3,741,242 4,113,541 372,299 10.0%
Personal Services 11,591,791 11,746,029 12,099,596 12,608,375 508,779 4.2% 74%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 46,751 54,975 65,375 77,050 11,675 17.9% Personal
Equipment 12,089 11,300 11,300 6,000 (5,300) -46.9% Services

Communication 16,348 16,544 16,544 16,829 285 1.7%

Supplies 64,616 97,210 103,973 98,850 (5,123) -4.9% 19%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 630,195 626,320 626,320 677,182 50,862 8.1% Contracted
Contracted Services 2,572,897 2,953,240 2,884,106 3,138,497 254,391 8.8% Programs
Operations 185,645 302,320 285,157 311,898 26,741 9.4%
Total Appropriations $15,120,333 $15,807,938 $16,092,371 $16,934,681 $842,310 5.2% 5% 2%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Revenues
Departmental Income 1,882,392 1,981,537 1,981,537 2,327,396 345,859 17.5% 59%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 7,030 - - - - 0.0% DCFS Interfund
Misc Local Sources 2,370 - - - - 0.0%
Sate Aid 1,622,161 1,664,845 1,664,845 1,618,338 (46,507) -2.8%
Total Revenues $3,513,954 $3,646,382 $3,646,382 $3,945,734 $299,352 8.2%

Net to County Cost $11,606,378 $12,161,556 $12,445,989 $12,988,947 $542,958 4.4%

State Aid

Page 371
Probation & Community Corrections

Director of
Criminal Justice
Probation &
Community Corrections

Family Court
Special Services Family Court
Investigation Investigation &
Supervision Pre-Disposition

General Financial Electronic DWI

Supervision Administration Monitoring

ATI Support Services Pre-Trial

Satellite Offices
(Alternative to Juvenile Intake

Page 372
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.3140 - General Fund.Probation & Community Correction
ACCTG CLK 09 2.00 92,324 2.00 09 2.00 99,053 2.00 99,053
CASE MGR AIDE 07 5.00 193,240 5.00 07 5.00 208,176 5.00 208,176
CONF ADMV AST CI 1.00 66,232 1.00 CI 1.00 69,481 1.00 69,481
DIR BUDGET FIN ME 1.00 74,693 1.00 ME 1.00 78,358 1.00 78,358
DIR PROB CMNTY CORS MI 1.00 161,878 1.00 MI 1.00 169,036 1.00 169,036
DPTY DIR PROB CMNTY CORS MG 1.00 115,843 1.00 MG 1.00 121,530 1.00 121,530
OFFICE AST 06 3.00 106,578 3.00 06 3.00 113,117 3.00 113,117
PRIN PROB OFFICER MF 2.00 209,675 2.00 MF 2.00 214,295 2.00 214,295
PROB INTK WORKER 11 2.00 103,018 2.00 11 2.00 112,702 2.00 112,702
PROB OFFICER I 15 41.00 2,812,485 43.00 15 42.00 3,074,022 42.00 3,074,022
PROB OFFICER I 55 15 1.00 77,272 1.00 15 1.00 82,745 1.00 82,745
PROB OFFICER I DWI 15 1.00 74,083 0.00 15 0.00 0 0.00 0
PROB OFFICER I PIN 15 1.00 76,797 0.00 15 0.00 0 0.00 0
PROB OFFICER I SPN 15 3.00 217,645 3.00 15 3.00 234,867 3.00 234,867
PROB OFFICER I TR. 14 9.00 493,492 9.00 14 9.00 536,932 9.00 536,932
PROB OFFICER II 16 12.00 929,602 15.00 16 16.00 1,335,742 16.00 1,335,742
PROB OFFICER II ATI 16 2.00 162,839 0.00 16 0.00 0 0.00 0
PROB OFFICER II PIN 16 1.00 76,643 0.00 16 0.00 0 0.00 0
PROB UNIT ADMR 18 11.00 947,230 11.00 18 11.00 1,056,144 11.00 1,056,144
PROG AST 08 5.00 216,597 5.00 08 5.00 227,265 5.00 227,265
PROG AST EA 10 1.00 52,837 1.00 10 1.00 56,771 1.00 56,771
RECEP 06 3.00 107,833 3.00 06 3.00 114,762 3.00 114,762
SPRT SVCS AST 12 1.00 56,073 1.00 12 1.00 60,613 1.00 60,613
SR OFFICE AST 08 1.00 43,013 1.00 08 1.00 46,130 1.00 46,130
SR PROG AST 10 2.00 88,859 2.00 10 2.00 96,503 2.00 96,503
A.3140 - General Fund.Probation & Community Correction 113.00 7,556,781 113.00 113.00 8,108,244 113.00 8,108,244

Page 373
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3140 Probation & Community Correction

1010 Positions 7,400,034 7,703,881 7,556,781 7,882,313 71.0 5,599,008 8,108,244 8,108,244
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 196,507 196,507 0.0 0 162,000 162,000

• Comp to pay per union contract; NYS has mandated increased contacts with offenders.

1040 ST Overtime 152,907 177,865 105,000 161,513 72.1 116,395 112,600 112,600

• 2018 Modified includes grant funds originally budgeted in 4412.1450, 4412.1452, and 4412.1453.

1050 Overtime 76,859 72,817 83,500 96,121 46.5 44,719 90,090 90,090
1070 Shift Differential 16,155 16,413 19,000 19,000 49.6 9,429 19,000 19,000
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 1,725 1,839 2,900 2,900 38.6 1,119 2,900 2,900

Total Salaries and Wages 7,647,680 7,972,816 7,963,688 8,358,354 69.0 5,770,670 8,494,834 8,494,834
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 565,911 588,151 568,957 593,642 71.7 425,487 617,869 617,869
8355 Long-Term Disability 7,343 8,472 8,266 11,678 69.6 8,127 14,848 14,848
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 1,461,750 1,651,677 1,827,523 1,762,097 75.3 1,326,400 2,042,581 2,042,581
8450 Optical Insurance 23,734 24,018 24,567 23,874 74.9 17,880 25,760 25,760
8500 Dental Insurance 144,882 161,259 162,984 155,553 74.9 116,514 167,776 167,776
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 4,014 46.4 1,864 8,478 8,478
8800 Life Ins 1,475 1,052 1,012 1,296 75.0 972 1,251 1,251
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 134 211 204 260 74.8 194 252 252

Total Employee Benefits 2,205,228 2,434,838 2,593,513 2,552,414 74.3 1,897,439 2,878,815 2,878,815
8100 Pymts to Retire System 1,182,750 1,184,137 1,188,828 1,188,828 25.1 298,163 1,222,577 1,234,726

Total Benefits 1,182,750 1,184,137 1,188,828 1,188,828 25.1 298,163 1,222,577 1,234,726

Total Personal Services 11,035,657 11,591,791 11,746,029 12,099,596 65.8 7,966,272 12,596,226 12,608,375
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 1,373 2,000 4,000 4,000 54.6 2,185 6,600 6,600

• Domestic Violence Moral Reconation Training $1,650; new Interactive Journaling $1,650; cognitive-behavioral training supplies $3,300.

4456 Training Programs - Educ 0 8,614 7,000 7,000 80.4 5,626 7,600 7,600
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 17,146 14,889 23,000 23,000 35.6 8,189 22,000 22,000
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 9,621 12,396 7,100 15,500 51.2 7,932 20,100 20,100

• NYS mandated an additional week of training, increasing costs $4,500. New officers are now required to attend four weeks of training in Albany within six months of hire date.

Page 374
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 2,841 3,128 2,500 4,500 71.8 3,229 6,100 6,100

• Additional mandated week of training increases meals and parking costs $1,600.

4631 Training Seminars/Conf 1,775 4,674 10,000 10,000 53.1 5,308 12,500 12,500
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 165 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 1,050 1,050 1,375 1,375 83.6 1,150 2,150 2,150
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 33,971 46,751 54,975 65,375 51.4 33,620 77,050 77,050
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 1,519 0 11,300 11,300 14.1 1,598 6,000 6,000

• Laptops for court liaisons.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 1,519 0 11,300 11,300 14.1 1,598 6,000 6,000
2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 0 12,089 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 12,089 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 1,519 12,089 11,300 11,300 14.1 1,598 6,000 6,000
4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 1,811 1,815 2,000 2,000 75.8 1,515 2,000 2,000
4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 14,056 14,056 14,064 14,064 75.0 10,542 14,294 14,294
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 0 476 480 480 79.6 382 535 535
Total Communication 15,867 16,348 16,544 16,544 75.2 12,439 16,829 16,829
4123 Safety Supplies 2,965 1,230 3,120 3,120 6.2 194 6,120 6,120
4123.65 Safety Supplies Firearms & Related Items 11,980 13,746 14,000 14,000 89.7 12,559 14,000 14,000
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 173 340 500 500 49.7 249 500 500
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 11,187 12,289 13,000 13,000 54.9 7,134 13,000 13,000
4160 Office Supplies 27,550 31,099 54,210 53,910 76.0 40,970 49,350 49,350

• Equipment $23,250; Furniture $6,600; Office Supplies $19,500.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 722 361 3,080 3,080 4.1 125 3,080 3,080
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 7,172 5,551 9,300 16,363 0.0 0 12,800 12,800

• Replacement of bulletproof vests that are out of warranty.

Total Supplies 61,749 64,616 97,210 103,973 58.9 61,230 98,850 98,850

Page 375
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4430.59 Interdept Cont PINS & JD Assmnt-MH 98,374 97,278 99,956 99,956 50.3 50,257 120,541 120,541

• Dutchess County Department of Behavioral and Community Health provides a F/T Social Worker as a member of the Collaborative Solutions Team.

Total Interdepartment Prgrm (Srvc by Dept for Client) 98,374 97,278 99,956 99,956 50.3 50,257 120,541 120,541
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 25,296 25,296 26,232 26,232 66.7 17,488 26,088 26,088
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 7,289 9,197 13,000 13,000 55.0 7,148 20,581 20,581

• The increase will enable officers to use tablets in the field to increase efficiency and effectiveness, ultimately improving community safety.

4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 6,814 6,037 7,800 7,800 57.9 4,520 7,800 7,800
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 9,790 12,893 13,928 13,928 66.7 9,285 13,928 13,928
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 1,461 2,378 2,500 2,500 87.4 2,186 2,500 2,500
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 69,660 72,006 73,721 73,721 50.5 37,253 88,908 82,096
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 385,671 405,109 389,183 389,183 64.8 252,041 403,648 403,648

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 505,981 532,916 526,364 526,364 62.7 329,921 563,453 556,641

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 604,355 630,195 626,320 626,320 60.7 380,177 683,994 677,182
4400.4447 Contract Agencies Astor Home 164,744 166,631 189,165 189,165 52.5 99,269 194,435 194,435

• Astor Children & Family Services provides a F/T Clinical Psychologist for the Collaborative Solutions Team working with youth identified as Person in Need of Supervision and Juvenile
Delinquent $93,524; Includes F/T Social Worker for the J-RISC program $87,411; Sex Offender evaluations $13,500.
4400.4448 Contract Agencies Project MORE Inc 1,943,554 2,041,572 2,193,075 2,193,075 58.3 1,277,712 2,378,224 2,378,224

• Project MORE operates a 38 bed Transitional Housing Program which is an Alternative to Incarceration $1,654,352 and the Community Transition Center for day reporting $723,872.

4400.4559 Contract Agencies Family Services 302,390 325,554 338,500 338,500 43.8 148,257 46,788 46,788

• Domestic Abuse Awareness Class for men and PEACE for women are fee based criminal justice consequence/educational programs for those who commit domestic violence. Sex Offender
Treatment Services moved to account 4401.105 due to current RFP.
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 3,525 3,800 32,400 32,200 5.2 1,675 309,450 309,450

• RFP for Sex Offender Treatment Services provides support services for adult offenders and non-offenders $300,000; previously provided by Family Services 4400.4559. Unfunded mandate
to provide maintenance polygraphs $3,000; language interpretation $3,000; psychological testing for new officers $3,150; and search services $300.
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 0 200 16.6 33 2,000 2,000

• Language line.

4412.1450 Grant Project Costs Curfew Monitoring 0 0 114,900 52,171 0.0 0 120,400 120,400
4412.1452 Grant Project Costs Stop DWI OT Detail 0 0 7,200 6,068 0.0 0 7,200 7,200

Page 376
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4412.1453 Grant Project Costs GIVE Initiative Overtime Detail 0 0 10,000 4,727 0.0 0 10,000 10,000
4415 Client Services Non-Mandated 4,075 6,367 17,500 17,500 20.6 3,599 19,500 19,500

• Includes Mediation Restorative Justice Project $11,108 and wrap around services $8,392.

4418 Lab Fees/ Chem Analysis 11,866 3,670 13,500 13,500 22.3 3,011 13,500 13,500
4439 Summons & Witness Fees 16,651 25,303 35,000 35,000 34.2 11,973 45,000 35,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4442.1300 Municipalities C/O Pok 1,811 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4442.4689 Municipalities T/O Poughkeepsie 9,108 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4457 Transportation 2,126 0 2,000 2,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000
Total Contracted Services 2,459,851 2,572,897 2,953,240 2,884,106 53.6 1,545,528 3,148,497 3,138,497
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 110,393 123,412 236,520 223,047 47.4 105,649 237,876 237,876

• Electronic Monitoring $214,200; Radio leases $21,000; in car GPS leases $2,376; paging service $300.

4571.62 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Short T 3,375 4,000 4,750 4,750 0.0 0 4,750 4,750
4604 Data Storage Services 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 772 772
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 220 1,250 1,250 40.4 505 1,250 1,250
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 39,608 42,355 57,650 53,660 91.9 49,331 64,600 64,600

• Case management system $50,800; licenses and system customizations $6,150; public safety software and fingerprinting $7,650.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 95 0 300 300 0.0 0 300 300

4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 394 15,449 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4650 External Postage 388 209 750 750 56.4 423 750 750
4653 Public Info and Services 0 0 0 300 5.9 18 100 100
4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 0 0 1,100 1,100 52.9 582 1,500 1,500

• Volunteer interns' background investigation expense.

Total Operations 154,254 185,645 302,320 285,157 54.9 156,508 311,898 311,898
Total A.3140 - Probation & Community Correction 14,367,222 15,120,333 15,807,938 16,092,371 63.1 10,157,372 16,939,344 16,934,681

Page 377
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3140 Probation & Community Correction

12890.00 Other General Misc Other 0 325 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

15150 ATI Bail Reimbursment 12,676 13,291 14,000 14,000 55.6 7,789 14,000 14,000
15890.00 Other Safety 5% Restitution 15,493 18,337 15,000 15,000 73.5 11,032 15,000 15,000
15890.02 Other Safety DCFS - Pins Diversion 1,290,290 1,305,263 1,308,645 1,308,645 0.0 0 1,749,004 1,749,004
15890.05 Other Safety Adult Supervision 92,017 82,041 96,000 96,000 71.8 68,951 96,000 96,000
15890.08 Other Safety DCFS Comm Residence 134,912 158,978 126,000 126,000 114.8 144,692 126,000 126,000
15890.11 Other Safety DCFS Wrap Around 655 3,973 4,000 4,000 0.0 0 4,000 4,000
15890.12 Other Safety DCFS Juvenile Supervision 241,359 110,389 250,000 250,000 0.0 0 150,000 150,000
15890.13 Other Safety Stop DWI 56,798 57,000 45,600 45,600 44.6 20,332 45,600 45,600
15890.17 Other Safety DCFS Juvenile Pre Trial 109,468 132,795 122,292 122,292 0.0 0 127,792 127,792
Total Departmental Income 1,953,668 1,882,392 1,981,537 1,981,537 12.8 252,797 2,327,396 2,327,396
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 1,116 4,038 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 4,998 2,992 0 0 0.0 3,162 0 0
26900.00 Other Comp for Loss General 575 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 6,689 7,030 0 0 0.0 3,162 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 1,755 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 1,090 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 150 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 30 615 0 0 0.0 615 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 1,270 2,370 0 0 0.0 615 0 0
33100 Probation Services(includes ISP) 1,535,605 1,535,605 1,535,605 1,535,605 75.0 1,151,704 1,535,605 1,535,605
33890.02 Other Pub Safety ATI 33,204 52,104 47,144 47,144 12.5 5,911 47,144 47,144
33890.06 Other Pub Safety Operation Impact 2,126 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
33890.10 Other Pub Safety Ignition Interlock Devices 63,866 25,589 25,589 25,589 75.0 19,192 25,589 25,589
33890.14 Other Pub Safety Project GIVE 8,701 8,864 10,000 10,000 52.7 5,272 10,000 10,000
33890.19 Other Pub Safety Raise the Age program 0 0 46,507 46,507 0.0 0 0 0
Total State Aid 1,643,502 1,622,161 1,664,845 1,664,845 71.0 1,182,078 1,618,338 1,618,338
Total A.3140 - Probation & Community Correction 3,605,130 3,513,954 3,646,382 3,646,382 39.5 1,438,651 3,945,734 3,945,734

Total Probation Approp 14,431,849 15,180,367 15,869,963 16,154,396 63.1 10,198,300 17,003,205 16,998,542

Total Probation Revenue 3,605,130 3,513,954 3,646,382 3,646,382 39.5 1,438,651 3,945,734 3,945,734

Page 378
Public Defender

To provide legal representation to indigent criminal

defendants in Criminal Court, adult litigants in Family Court,
and individuals facing parole matters.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 379
Public Defender
The Public Defender represents people accused of a crime or any offense by which the individual may be subject to a jail sentence when the
individual cannot afford to retain private legal counsel. The United States Constitution and the New York State Constitution as well as New York
State Law mandate the right to legal counsel in criminal proceedings. The right to counsel has also been extended to ancillary proceedings such
as extradition proceedings, probation violation proceedings, sex offender classification proceedings as well as other types of proceedings. The
duties of the Dutchess County Public Defender are directed and authorized by County Law.

The Public Defender Office also handles appeals to the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court, the Appellate Division and the New York State Court
of Appeals. The New York State Court of Appeals is the highest Court in the state.

Public Defender (A.1170)

The Public Defender Office is charged with competently representing those who qualify for its services at every stage of the legal proceedings.
The Dutchess County Public Defender Office services all the Town and Village Justice Courts, City Courts and County Courts in Dutchess County.
Dutchess County has twenty (20) towns, eight (8) villages and two cities. In cases where conflicts occur the courts have a duty to assign conflict
Family Court (A.1170.04)
In 2012, the Public Defender began the provision of legal representation to adults in Family Court and continues to handle, among other matters,
family offense, neglect, abuse, custody and child support matters.
Conflict Defender SWAP Program (A.1170.72)
The Public Defender provides representation in Ulster County to criminal defendants and adult litigants in Family Court that the Ulster County
Public Defender is conflicted from doing so. In return the Ulster County Public Defender’s Office provides representation in Dutchess in instances
of conflict.
Arraignment Defense (A.1170.73)
The Public Defender provides around the clock arraignment services in all criminal courts in Dutchess County.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• New York State’s funding for indigent legal representation continues to evolve. The 2019 budget includes grant distributions allocated by the
Office of Indigent Legal Services (ILS). ILS has informed the Dutchess County Public Defender that there is approximately $900,000 in
additional state funding available for the first year of mandate relief (Hurrell-Harring). This additional amount, and related appropriations
are not included in the budget as the contract is still being negotiated.

Page 380
2019 Initiatives:
• Work with the Office of Indigent Legal Services (OILS) to make • The Public Defender continues to handle, among other matters,
sure the Public Defender’s Office meets any newly established family offense, neglect, abuse, custody and child support
New York State regulations and requirements. matters.

• The conflict defender SWAP program has been expanded with • The Public Defender continues to serve on the Dutchess County
Ulster County into Family Court, to reduce assigned counsel Family Court, Court Improvement Project Committee. This
costs. committee will continue to pursue efforts to implement a Babies
First Initiative Model into Dutchess County, increasing services,
• Provide legal services to indigent clients who have had their reunification and permanency for the 0-3 population.
parole revoked or have been denied release on parole.

Page 381
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Public Defender - To provide quality legal representation.
Acquired Caseload 7,588 7,146 7,146 - 0.0%
Dispositions 7,124 6,760 6,760 - 0.0%
Hearings 805 832 832 - 0.0%
Trials 62 86 86 - 0.0%
Rejected / Non-Indigent Applications 28 6 6 - 0.0%
Public Defender - Dutchess County will come into compliance with 18-B of County Law in order to qualify for additional reimbursement from New York
Conflict Cases / Assigned Counsel 494 408 408 - 0.0%
Public Defender - Increase client involvement in Alternatives To Incarceration (ATI) Programs.
Judicial Diversion 45 65 65 - 0.0%
Drug Court 24 24 24 - 0.0%
Family Court - Family Court staff will provide quality legal representation.
Acquired Caseload 2,248 1,980 1,980 - 0.0%
Dispositions 2,058 1,914 1,914 - 0.0%
Hearings 731 592 592 - 0.0%
Trials 592 626 626 - 0.0%
Family Court - Family Court staff will assist adults incarcerated for failure to pay child support and seek their release from jail and/or minimize their length
of stay in jail.
Number of Clients Assisted with Child Support Proceedings 248 228 228 - 0.0%
Conflict Defender SWAP - Ulster County Public Defender handling Dutchess County cases.
Acquired Caseload - Criminal Court 235 235 235 - 0.0%
Dispositions 256 256 256 - 0.0%
Trials 1 1 1 - 0.0%

Page 382
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Conflict Defender SWAP - Dutchess County Public Defender handling Ulster County cases.
Acquired Caseload - Criminal Court 253 208 208 - 0.0%
Dispositions 257 188 188 - 0.0%
Trials 2 2 2 - 0.0%
Family Court SWAP - Ulster County Public Defender handling Dutchess County cases.
Acquired Caseload - Family Court - 37 150 113 100.0%
Dispositions - 36 145 109 302.8%
Hearings - 11 45 34 309.1%
Trials - 12 47 35 291.7%
Family Court SWAP - Dutchess County Public Defender handling Ulster County cases.
Acquired Caseload - Family Court - 37 150 113 100.0%
Dispositions - 36 145 109 302.8%
Hearings - 11 45 34 309.1%
Trials - 12 47 35 291.7%
Arraignment Defense - To provide legal council at 95% of the arraignments of individuals incarcerated in the Dutchess County Jail on criminal charges.

Arraignments Handled 6,611 6,718 6,718 - 0.0%

Page 383
Public Defender
Fiscal Summary

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 3,504,252 3,769,277 3,811,436 3,803,277 (8,159) -0.2% 90%
Employee Benefits 1,580,161 1,594,606 1,549,569 1,607,402 57,833 3.7% Personal
Personal Services 5,084,413 5,363,883 5,361,005 5,410,679 49,674 0.9% Services
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 69,568 70,354 71,354 82,415 11,061 15.5%
Equipment - - - 12,000 12,000 100.0%
Supplies 11,737 21,100 20,100 18,847 (1,253) -6.2%
Utilities - 18,712 18,712 43,028 24,316 129.9%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 30,859 76,201 76,201 80,946 4,745 6.2%
Contracted Services 33,569 106,165 107,165 107,597 432 0.4% 2%
Mandated Programs 205,323 225,000 225,000 210,000 (15,000) -6.7%
3% Contracted
Operations 19,335 57,932 56,932 63,282 6,350 11.2% 5% Mandated
Total Appropriations $5,454,804 $5,939,347 $5,936,469 $6,028,794 $92,325 1.6% Other Programs

2019 Revenues
Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Departmental Income - - - - - 0.0%

Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss - - - - - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources 4,368 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 0.0%
Sate Aid 1,578,633 1,465,229 1,465,229 1,478,195 12,966 0.9%
Total Revenues $1,583,002 $1,469,229 $1,469,229 $1,482,195 $12,966 0.9%

State Aid
Net to County Cost $3,871,802 $4,470,118 $4,467,240 $4,546,599 $79,359 1.8%

Page 384
Public Defender

Public Defender

Administration & Criminal Court Criminal Court

Investigations Unit 1 Family Court Unit
Unit 2

Conflict SWAP Conflict SWAP Alternatives to

Program Program Incarceration

Page 385
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1170 - General Fund.Public Defender
ALT INCAR ATI WORKER 17 2.00 139,870 2.00 17 2.00 153,641 2.00 153,641
AST PUB DEFNDR AE 3.00 207,984 2.00 AE 4.00 275,597 4.00 275,597
BUREAU CHIEF MH 1.00 102,573 1.00 MH 1.00 107,608 1.00 107,608
CHIEF AST PUB DEFNDR MH 1.00 130,921 1.00 MH 0.00 0 0.00 0
CHIEF INVST PUB DEFNDR ME 1.00 96,299 1.00 ME 1.00 101,409 1.00 101,409
CRIM JUST INTK SPCLST 11 1.00 53,623 1.00 11 1.00 57,561 1.00 57,561
CRIM JUST INTK SPCLST SPN 11 1.00 41,473 1.00 11 1.00 45,557 1.00 45,557
INVST PUB DEFNDR 16 2.00 154,298 2.00 16 2.00 166,023 2.00 166,023
LEGAL ADMV AST MC 1.00 63,872 1.00 MC 1.00 66,942 1.00 66,942
LEGAL SECY 11 5.00 237,917 5.00 11 5.00 261,453 5.00 261,453
OFFICE AST 06 1.00 33,847 1.00 06 1.00 37,324 1.00 37,324
PROG AST 08 1.00 43,013 1.00 08 1.00 37,709 1.00 37,709
PUB DEFNDR MI 1.00 166,025 1.00 MI 1.00 172,408 1.00 172,408
RECEP 06 1.00 41,262 1.00 06 1.00 44,329 1.00 44,329
SR ACCOUNTANT 17 1.00 85,932 1.00 17 1.00 91,998 1.00 91,998
SR AST PUB DEFNDR AG 10.00 996,704 11.00 AG 10.00 1,004,226 10.00 1,004,226
A.1170 - General Fund.Public Defender 33.00 2,595,613 33.00 33.00 2,623,785 33.00 2,623,785

Page 386
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1170 Public Defender

1010 Positions 2,356,279 2,530,403 2,595,613 2,632,116 70.4 1,852,550 2,623,785 2,623,785
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 932 637 900 900 0.0 0 800 800

Total Salaries and Wages 2,357,211 2,531,040 2,596,513 2,633,016 70.4 1,852,550 2,624,585 2,624,585
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 173,379 185,280 195,960 198,754 66.7 132,521 198,019 198,019
8355 Long-Term Disability 7,255 3,822 3,685 4,294 69.8 2,999 3,926 3,926
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 475,265 511,705 577,670 523,959 73.9 387,237 578,527 578,527
8450 Optical Insurance 7,162 6,900 7,081 6,848 73.7 5,044 7,360 7,360
8500 Dental Insurance 43,721 46,324 46,793 44,598 73.7 32,853 47,936 47,936
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 507 46.1 234 1,067 1,067
8800 Life Ins 4,881 978 935 1,008 72.7 732 848 848
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 442 196 189 202 72.5 147 171 171

Total Employee Benefits 712,104 755,205 832,313 780,170 72.0 561,767 837,854 837,854
8100 Pymts to Retire System 341,384 485,439 403,066 403,066 33.3 134,202 350,711 374,443

Total Benefits 341,384 485,439 403,066 403,066 33.3 134,202 350,711 374,443

Total Personal Services 3,410,699 3,771,684 3,831,892 3,816,252 66.8 2,548,519 3,813,150 3,836,882
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 10,991 9,094 8,000 7,455 56.5 4,208 9,000 9,000
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 1,402 269 1,250 1,250 19.1 239 1,250 1,250
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 1,348 1,005 1,300 1,300 48.8 634 1,300 1,300
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 2,755 4,480 6,000 7,000 92.0 6,438 6,000 6,000
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 37,210 45,730 41,054 41,054 72.7 29,857 45,237 45,237

• Lexis-Nexis $12,000; Westlaw $31,600; Poughkeepsie Journal $337; Pacer $300; and Law Journal $1,000.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 53,705 60,577 57,604 58,059 71.3 41,377 62,787 62,787
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 297 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 7,872 8,651 9,550 9,550 56.8 5,426 10,797 10,797

• Equipment $297; Office Supplies $10,500.

Total Supplies 8,169 8,651 9,550 9,550 56.8 5,426 10,797 10,797
4210 Gas-Public Utilities 0 0 2,789 2,789 0.0 0 17,160 15,600
4220 Electric-Light & Power 0 0 15,525 15,525 0.0 0 21,240 23,328
4240 Water 0 0 398 398 0.0 0 4,175 4,100

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Utilities 0 0 18,712 18,712 0.0 0 42,575 43,028

4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 5,784 5,784 6,534 6,534 66.7 4,356 6,534 6,534
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 489 1,134 6,100 6,100 54.2 3,307 7,296 7,296
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 3,696 4,180 4,300 4,300 87.0 3,740 5,500 5,500
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 7,374 12,444 13,999 13,999 66.7 9,333 13,999 13,999
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 619 481 600 600 108.0 648 1,500 1,500
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 0 0 18,594 18,594 45.2 8,397 13,401 12,689

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 17,962 24,024 50,127 50,127 59.4 29,782 48,230 47,518

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 17,962 24,024 50,127 50,127 59.4 29,782 48,230 47,518
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 72,971 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4401.106 Professional Services Program 5,842 5,863 30,500 30,200 3.2 962 30,200 30,200
4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 3,900 3,900 0.0 0 1,797 1,797

• Upstate Quality Improvement Grant $1,797.

4431 Educational Programs 25 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 13,761 9,279 12,500 11,750 32.7 3,844 12,500 12,500
4436 Medical & Social Svcs - Evaluatn 425 2,347 500 500 97.1 485 1,000 1,000
4437 Expert Witness 30,806 8,554 45,000 45,000 46.4 20,893 45,000 45,000
4438 Investigations 0 0 1,500 1,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500
4439 Summons & Witness Fees 315 239 500 500 60.3 301 500 500
Total Contracted Services 124,144 26,280 94,400 93,350 28.4 26,487 92,497 92,497
4444 Attys/Assgnd Counsel 203,320 205,323 225,000 225,000 32.4 72,937 210,000 210,000
Total Mandated Programs 203,320 205,323 225,000 225,000 32.4 72,937 210,000 210,000
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 915 912 912 912 75.0 684 912 912
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 0 0 14,100 14,100 0.0 0 0 0
4606 Janitorial Services 0 0 19,250 19,250 0.0 0 38,500 38,500
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 320 219 250 250 64.0 160 250 250
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 15,000 15,000 20,000 19,000 78.9 15,000 20,000 20,000
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 307 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4650 External Postage 1,468 1,105 2,000 1,500 57.8 867 1,500 1,500
Total Operations 18,010 17,236 57,012 55,512 30.1 16,711 61,662 61,662
Total A.1170 - Public Defender 3,836,009 4,113,776 4,344,297 4,326,562 63.4 2,741,238 4,341,698 4,365,171

Page 388
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1170 Public Defender

26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 24,555 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 24,555 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 2,052 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 6,292 368 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 4,000 4,001 4,000 4,000 100.0 4,000 4,000 4,000
Total Misc. Local Sources 12,344 4,368 4,000 4,000 100.0 4,000 4,000 4,000
30890.01 Other St Aid Indigent Legal Svc 224,905 263,057 270,212 270,212 22.2 59,864 292,525 292,525

• Distribution #7 $133,160; Distribution #8 $159,365

30890.05 Other St Aid Parolee Legal Fees 0 6,675 0 0 0.0 2,451 6,500 6,500
30890.06 Other St Aid Aid to Defense 17,100 17,099 17,100 17,100 50.0 8,551 17,100 17,100
30890.12 Other St Aid 100% Reimb DOC inmate Representa 1,324 5,591 3,000 3,000 0.0 0 3,000 3,000
30890.16 Other St Aid Upstate Quality Improv./Caseload 89,565 50,036 100,000 100,000 0.0 0 100,000 100,000
33890.08 Other Pub Safety DCJS - Re-entry Grant 72,971 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total State Aid 405,864 342,458 390,312 390,312 18.2 70,866 419,125 419,125
Total A.1170 - Public Defender 442,763 346,826 394,312 394,312 19.0 74,866 423,125 423,125

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1170.04 - General Fund.Public Defender.Family Court
AST PUB DEFNDR AE 2.00 138,918 2.00 AE 1.00 67,680 1.00 67,680
BUREAU CHIEF MH 1.00 99,488 1.00 MH 1.00 104,372 1.00 104,372
LEGAL SECY 11 2.00 91,383 2.00 11 2.00 98,464 2.00 98,464
PROG AST 08 1.00 36,761 1.00 08 1.00 41,550 1.00 41,550
SR AST PUB DEFNDR AG 4.00 344,663 4.00 AG 5.00 445,840 5.00 445,840
A.1170.04 - General Fund.Public Defender.Family Court 10.00 711,213 10.00 10.00 757,906 10.00 757,906

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1170.04 Public Defender.Family Court

1010 Positions 627,818 687,557 711,213 716,869 71.1 509,583 757,906 757,906

Total Salaries and Wages 627,818 687,557 711,213 716,869 71.1 509,583 757,906 757,906
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 47,397 51,299 54,418 54,852 67.2 36,837 57,993 57,993
8355 Long-Term Disability 2,177 705 706 808 72.7 587 897 897
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 122,518 103,706 114,439 101,339 81.9 82,999 155,488 155,488
8450 Optical Insurance 2,037 2,180 2,210 1,983 80.0 1,587 2,300 2,300
8500 Dental Insurance 12,433 14,639 14,830 12,913 80.0 10,336 14,980 14,980
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 84 46.1 39 185 185
8800 Life Ins 1,585 200 200 210 75.0 158 210 210
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 146 40 40 42 75.0 32 42 42

Total Employee Benefits 188,293 172,769 186,843 172,231 77.0 132,574 232,095 232,095
8100 Pymts to Retire System 56,430 62,053 69,800 69,800 22.7 15,863 70,430 68,376

Total Benefits 56,430 62,053 69,800 69,800 22.7 15,863 70,430 68,376

Total Personal Services 872,541 922,379 967,856 958,900 68.6 658,020 1,060,431 1,058,377
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 190 0 0 500 13.0 65 200 200
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 0 0 875 85.7 750 900 900
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 106 18 500 500 52.6 263 500 500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 2,000 605 3,000 2,125 79.1 1,681 2,125 2,125
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 3,348 5,718 6,000 6,000 36.7 2,199 11,328 11,328

• Thomson Reuters-West (Including Clear Program) $10,328; Lexis Nexis $1,000.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 5,644 6,341 9,500 10,000 49.6 4,958 15,053 15,053
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 12,000 12,000

• Laptops for attorneys to use while in court.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 12,000 12,000

Total Equipment 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 12,000 12,000

4160 Office Supplies 3,591 3,054 6,000 5,000 36.9 1,844 6,000 6,000

• Move to 45 Market St., requiring all stationary, envelopes, etc. to be replaced with new address.

Page 391
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Supplies 3,591 3,054 6,000 5,000 36.9 1,844 6,000 6,000
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 66.7 1,000 1,500 1,500
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 0 0 3,334 3,334 13.6 452 2,736 2,736
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 2,502 2,204 2,850 2,850 58.6 1,669 2,500 2,500
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,669 1,975 2,076 2,076 66.7 1,384 2,077 2,077
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 0 80 80 0.0 0 200 200

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 5,671 5,679 9,840 9,840 45.8 4,505 9,013 9,013

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 5,671 5,679 9,840 9,840 45.8 4,505 9,013 9,013
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 1,376 500 800 71.6 573 1,200 1,200
4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 0 1,171 1,515 2,265 70.9 1,607 1,500 1,500
4437 Expert Witness 0 250 1,500 500 100.0 500 1,500 1,500
4439 Summons & Witness Fees 1,077 1,903 850 2,850 86.2 2,458 3,500 3,500
Total Contracted Services 1,077 4,700 4,365 6,415 80.1 5,138 7,700 7,700
4650 External Postage 98 640 800 800 37.4 300 700 700
Total Operations 98 640 800 800 37.4 300 700 700
Total A.1170.04 - Public Defender.Family Court 888,621 942,793 998,361 990,955 68.1 674,764 1,110,897 1,108,843

Page 392
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1170.04 Public Defender.Family Court

12650.05 Attorney Fees General 150 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Departmental Income 150 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
30890.01 Other St Aid Indigent Legal Svc 888,241 973,070 824,943 824,943 22.5 185,807 805,177 805,177

• Distribution #7 $142,823; Distribution #8 $ 388,447; Distribution #9 $273,907

Total State Aid 888,241 973,070 824,943 824,943 22.5 185,807 805,177 805,177
Total A.1170.04 - Public Defender.Family Court 888,391 973,070 824,943 824,943 22.5 185,807 805,177 805,177

Page 393
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1170.72 - General Fund.Public Defender.Conflict Defender SWAP Program
AST PUB DEFNDR 0.00 0 1.00 AE 0.00 0 0.00 0
SR AST PUB DEFNDR AG 1.00 88,487 0.00 AG 1.00 83,244 1.00 83,244
A.1170.72 - General Fund.Public Defender.Conflict Defender SWAP Program 1.00 88,487 1.00 1.00 83,244 1.00 83,244

Page 394
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1170.72 Public Defender.Conflict Defender SWAP Program

1010 Positions 77,174 84,349 88,487 88,487 73.7 65,253 83,244 83,244
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 153,732 153,732 0.0 0 94,106 94,106

• Family Court Conflict Defender Swap Program with Ulster County.

4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 40 12 12 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 77,174 84,389 242,231 242,231 26.9 65,253 177,350 177,350
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 5,845 6,313 6,771 6,771 70.3 4,762 6,370 6,370
8355 Long-Term Disability 320 0 0 39 22.2 9 0 0
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 9,424 9,633 10,527 10,350 75.0 7,762 11,755 11,755
8450 Optical Insurance 221 221 221 318 62.2 198 230 230
8500 Dental Insurance 1,348 1,482 1,483 2,067 62.3 1,288 1,498 1,498
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 21 29.3 6 0 0
8800 Life Ins 247 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 22 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Employee Benefits 17,427 17,649 19,002 19,566 71.7 14,024 19,853 19,853
8100 Pymts to Retire System 13,812 14,876 13,221 13,221 28.8 3,806 12,203 13,127

Total Benefits 13,812 14,876 13,221 13,221 28.8 3,806 12,203 13,127

Total Personal Services 108,413 116,915 274,454 275,018 30.2 83,083 209,406 210,330
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 314 1,035 0 45 94.5 43 1,500 1,500

• Travel from Kingston Office to Poughkeepsie Office.

4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 15 41 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 500 500 35.2 176 1,000 1,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 329 1,076 550 595 36.7 219 2,550 2,550
4160 Office Supplies 6 12 5,500 5,500 16.3 896 4,000 2,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

Total Supplies 6 12 5,500 5,500 16.3 896 4,000 2,000

4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 0 0 436 436 0.0 0 1,368 1,368
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 0 0 5,420 5,420 0.0 0 6,700 6,345

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 0 0 5,856 5,856 0.0 0 8,068 7,713

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 0 0 5,856 5,856 0.0 0 8,068 7,713
4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 1,945 2,589 2,400 2,400 0.0 0 2,400 2,400
4437 Expert Witness 0 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000
Total Contracted Services 1,945 2,589 7,400 7,400 0.0 0 7,400 7,400
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 0 120 120 0.0 0 120 120
4650 External Postage 0 0 0 500 0.0 0 800 800
Total Operations 0 0 120 620 0.0 0 920 920
Total A.1170.72 - Public Defender.Conflict Defender 110,693 120,591 293,880 294,989 28.5 84,198 232,344 230,913
SWAP Program

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1170.73 - General Fund.Public Defender.Arraignment Defense
ARRAIGNMENT ATTY 2.00 129,666 2.00 2.00 137,492 2.00 137,492
AST PUB DEFNDR AE 1.00 71,454 1.00 AE 0.00 0 0.00 0
SR AST PUB DEFNDR AG 0.00 0 0.00 AG 1.00 83,244 1.00 83,244
A.1170.73 - General Fund.Public Defender.Arraignment Defense 3.00 201,120 3.00 3.00 220,736 3.00 220,736

Page 397
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1170.73 Public Defender.Arraignment Defense

1010 Positions 187,905 201,254 201,120 219,320 72.7 159,520 220,736 220,736
4626.74 Employee Allowance Stipends Taxable 0 0 18,200 0 0.0 0 22,700 22,700

• Payment to attorneys for coverage as back-up night-time arraignment attorneys.

4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 12 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 187,905 201,265 219,320 219,320 72.7 159,520 243,436 243,436
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 13,696 14,875 15,390 25,890 68.4 17,699 16,890 16,890
8355 Long-Term Disability 901 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 39,237 37,059 31,581 42,287 70.0 29,589 23,074 23,074
8450 Optical Insurance 521 607 663 865 74.5 644 672 672
8500 Dental Insurance 3,180 3,953 4,449 4,195 74.3 3,116 2,937 2,937
8800 Life Ins 684 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 62 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Employee Benefits 58,280 56,495 52,083 73,237 69.7 51,048 43,573 43,573
8100 Pymts to Retire System 8,248 15,675 18,278 18,278 24.8 4,526 15,311 18,081

Total Benefits 8,248 15,675 18,278 18,278 24.8 4,526 15,311 18,081

Total Personal Services 254,433 273,435 289,681 310,835 69.2 215,094 302,320 305,090
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 1,284 1,450 1,450 17.3 250 275 275
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 21 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 170 1,000 1,000 33.0 330 1,500 1,500
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 0 100 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 1,574 2,700 2,700 21.5 580 2,025 2,025
2300.03 Motor Vehicles 3 Year 23,123 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 23,123 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 23,123 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4160 Office Supplies 93 20 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
Total Supplies 93 20 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 1,156 1,156 1,307 1,307 74.2 970 1,368 1,368
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 2,815 0 9,071 9,071 82.9 7,521 16,401 15,334

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 3,971 1,156 10,378 10,378 81.8 8,491 17,769 16,702

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 3,971 1,156 10,378 10,378 81.8 8,491 17,769 16,702
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 4,620 1,459 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Operations 4,620 1,459 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.1170.73 - Public Defender.Arraignment 286,239 277,645 302,809 323,963 69.2 224,165 322,164 323,867

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Defender
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1170.73 Public Defender.Arraignment Defense

30890.17 Other St Aid Counsel at First Appearance 169,554 263,106 249,974 249,974 0.0 0 253,893 253,893
Total State Aid 169,554 263,106 249,974 249,974 0.0 0 253,893 253,893
Total A.1170.73 - Public Defender.Arraignment Defense 169,554 263,106 249,974 249,974 0.0 0 253,893 253,893

Total Public Defender Approp 5,121,562 5,454,804 5,939,347 5,936,469 62.7 3,724,365 6,007,103 6,028,794

Total Public Defender Revenue 1,500,708 1,583,002 1,469,229 1,469,229 17.7 260,673 1,482,195 1,482,195

Page 400
Sheriff & Jail

To be a champion of Public Safety and Law Enforcement

throughout Dutchess County. To maintain a safe and crime
free environment for the community at large. To enforce laws
and provide security through a staff of well trained and well
equipped personnel that are prepared to respond to the ever
increasing calls for police services and emergencies.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 401
Sheriff & Jail
The Sheriff is an independently elected official, elected by the people he protects and serves. The Sheriff carries out his duties through Deputies
who are required to live in the County in which they serve. The Sheriff is the first line of defense to protect the citizens of Dutchess County from
predators, attack and disaster, man-made or natural. The Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the County, works with federal and state
agencies on matters that affect Dutchess County and will support police departments within his jurisdiction.

Asset Forfeiture (A.3110.05)

New York State law provides that “proceeds” and “instrumentalities” of a crime can be forfeited to law enforcement agencies. These funds can
be used to support public safety purposes. Asset forfeiture funds are not budgeted on an ongoing basis but are applied mid-year when available
and necessary.

Law Enforcement (A.3110.25)

The Sheriff’s office includes a uniformed patrol force, detective bureau, juvenile aid bureau, records and training department, civilian business
staff, communications support and specialized response units. The Sheriff’s Office is also responsible for judicial enforcement of any judgments
handed down by a court. Typically, these matters are carried out through civil process such as the service of summons, levy’s, evictions, financial
executions, garnishments and seizures. These judicial orders are carried out by uniformed and plain clothes Deputies appointed by the Sheriff.

The Sheriff maintains specialized units made up of regular law enforcement deputies and detectives. These members support the Sheriff’s mission
or other agencies that request support from the Sheriff. These units can operate special equipment like motorcycles, ATV’s, boats, and bicycles.
Special operations can include police canines, underwater search and recovery, crash and crime scene investigation, emergency services unit
(special weapons and tactics), crimes against children, computer crimes and recording or storing any type of image.

Another major function that the Sheriff provides to the County is the maintenance of all records generated and the issuance of pistol permits
within the County. Records are maintained and provided to the public. Pistol permits are applied for and issued after background investigations.

Security Other Governments (A.3110.26)

The Sheriff’s Office provides policing services by contract to municipalities throughout Dutchess County. The cost of this program is fully offset
by the revenue from the participating municipalities. This shared service provides greater efficiency and cost savings to reduce the total cost of

Page 402
Homeland Security Grant (A.3110.70)
The Sheriff’s office receives funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to further prevent, prepare for, protect, and respond to
natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters.

School Resource Officer Program (SRO) (A.3110.71)

The SRO Program is a proactive initiative based on prevention, education, and intervention, where specially trained and experienced Deputy
Sheriffs are placed in local schools on a full time basis. The goal is to create a safe school environment while bridging the gap between youth and
law enforcement. In 2018, an SRO was promoted to Sergeant. The SRO Sergeant has duties dedicated to the needs of the school districts to
oversee safety plans and conduct training. The Sergeant also supervises all SRO’s.

Jail (A.3150)
The Jail is run by a Corrections Colonel appointed by the Sheriff. The Jail maintains in a safe and secure manner, any person sentenced to
incarceration for up to one year and also houses any inmate awaiting transfer to state prison, and inmates and parolees awaiting trial who have
not yet made bail. The Jail also ensures safe and secure transport of every inmate to court appointments to any jurisdiction in the County.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The Jail will continue to operate and staff temporary housing PODs during the timeline required to build a new Sheriff’s Office and construct
a new Justice and Transition Center. By keeping the majority of inmates in the jail facility and PODs, the County has experienced significant
savings in inmate housed out costs, as well as improved inmate access to family, friends, attorneys and community programing. The Jail will
continue to staff the facilities with full time correction officers and actively seek additional part time correctional officers to help reduce
mandatory overtime as well as provide coverage for correction officers assigned to jail transport of inmates.
• The majority (76%) of our budgeted expenses that are not Personal Services related, are going out to bid this year in formal RFPs. These
include: Staff uniforms, Food & Commissary, Inmate Care Supplies, and Inmate Medical Providers. These RFPs have a combined value of $6
• The Jail actively participates in the new Justice and Transition Center (JTC) meetings.

2019 Initiatives:
• The Sheriff’s Office has been awarded $122,500 once again • Continued expansion of the SRO (School Resource Officer)
from Homeland Security, which is the FY17 SLETPP Grant. This Program.
is in addition to $20,000 in Legislative Grants from Senator
• Work with Human Resources on an enhanced scheduling
• We anticipate being moved in to the new Law Enforcement
• Work with OCIS to obtain New World scheduling software for
Center in 2019.
Law Enforcement and Corrections.

Page 403
• Expand our lease for MDT’s (Mobil Device Terminals) and • The Jail Administration will continue to work with the Justice
request the District Attorney’s office to purchase MDT’s for the and Transition Committee in refining the design and
Drug Task Force. construction timeline for the new facility. The (JTC) working
group will expand and be tasked with the coordination
• Expand our lease with NYCOMCO to include an additional between the (JTC) and the Commission on Corrections.
console in Communications Security Unit (COMSEC), Security
Cameras for the new Law Enforcement Center, in addition to • The Jail will continue to offer at least two Corrections
portable radios and car radios due to grant proposals. Academies annually to train new full and part time Corrections
• Request grant funding for the purchase of stationary License
Plate Readers to be placed on the Route 9, 55, 22 and 44 • The Jail will continue its RESTART program in conjunction with
corridors. Also, to purchase two additional vehicles for Probation through a partnership with Hudson Valley Mental
Radiological Detection Devices and Counter Terrorism. Health and Project MORE, Inc. to provide targeted behavioral
and transitional training skills for inmates to successfully re-
• Cross-train civilian staff in Civil, Pistols and Records to cover integrate into the community upon release.
customer service windows in new Law Enforcement Center.

Page 404
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Sheriff - Provide responsive investigations of complaints, and active availability and visibility in the community.
Responses/Investigations of Complaints 44,476 53,000 54,000 1,000 1.9%
Sheriff - Ensure visibility on the roads and highways of Dutchess County to discourage traffic infractions before they occur. Continue proactive law
enforcement through increased response, investigation and arrests.
Traffic Summonses Issued 2,454 3,024 3,050 26 0.9%
Total Arrests 1,576 1,550 1,600 50 3.2%
Number of Civil Actions 3,363 3,365 3,400 35 1.0%
DWI Arrests 356 356 400 44 12.4%
Sheriff - Provide proactive law enforcement efforts resulting in the recovery of more stolen property and the deterrent of more crime.
Property Stolen $1,691,709 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 - 0.0%
Property Recovered $36,542 $50,000 $50,000 - 0.0%
Sheriff - Pistol Permits
Applications Processed 1,611 1,700 1,750 50 2.9%
Supplements Issued (Amendments to License) 9,303 10,000 10,500 500 5.0%
Sheriff - Sex Offenders
Registered 405 425 450 25 5.9%
Violated 16 12 15 3 25.0%

Jail - Provide a system of incarceration that is safe, efficient and effective.

Inmates House Out (Inmate Days) 3,964 3,313 3,600 287 8.7%
Average Daily Population 430 415 422 7 1.7%

Page 405
Sheriff & Jail
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 34,360,763 33,977,948 34,118,088 33,963,446 (154,642) -0.5% 2019 Appropriations
Employee Benefits 14,299,738 14,814,084 14,411,503 15,623,660 1,212,157 8.4%
Personal Services 48,660,501 48,792,032 48,529,591 49,587,106 1,057,515 2.2% 84%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 73,859 114,745 104,745 119,245 14,500 13.8% Personal
Equipment 91,144 152,585 269,933 63,700 (206,233) -76.4% 3% Services
Communication 49,993 56,395 62,645 81,295 18,650 29.8% Other

Supplies 714,180 790,199 853,963 779,177 (74,786) -8.8% 2%

Utilities 491,792 624,732 624,732 646,657 21,925 3.5% Operations
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 142,622 159,226 159,226 153,932 (5,294) -3.3%
Contracted Services 6,130,734 6,994,015 6,892,247 6,747,632 (144,615) -2.1%
Operations 915,378 1,051,047 1,061,962 1,134,405 72,443 6.8% 11%
Total Appropriations $57,270,203 $58,734,976 $58,559,044 $59,313,149 $754,105 1.3% Contracted

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Departmental Income 2,544,829 2,524,160 2,559,360 2,726,321 166,961 6.5% 2019 Revenues
Intergovernmental Charges 2,895 3,360 3,360 3,450 90 2.7%
Use of Money and Property 305,364 264,025 264,025 295,025 31,000 11.7%
Sheriff Fee
Licenses and Permits 38,880 42,000 42,000 42,000 - 0.0% State Aid
Fines and Forfeitures 10,904 - 47,838 - (47,838) -100.0%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 538,077 247,400 247,400 355,000 107,600 43.5%
Federal Aid
Misc Local Sources 259 - - - - 0.0%
Sate Aid 592,181 76,020 76,020 78,520 2,500 3.3%
Federal Aid 218,986 277,303 365,974 277,288 (88,686) -24.2%
Total Revenues $4,252,375 $3,434,268 $3,605,977 $3,777,604 $171,627 4.8%

Net to County Cost $53,017,828 $55,300,708 $54,953,067 $55,535,545 $582,478 1.1%

Page 406
Sheriff & Jail


Detective Division Uniform Division Civil Division Drug Taskforce

Civil Process Drug Investigations
Administration & Criminal Investigations Road Patrol
Juvenile Investigations Jail County Security Court Orders Drug Law enforcement
Finance Communications Communications
Sex Offender Registry
School Resource Officers Training
Pistol License Bureau Dispatch

Education Jail Operations & Finance & Food Service &
Programs & Medical Services
Programs Facilities Administration Commissary

Page 407
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3110.05 Sheriff.Asset Forfeiture

2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 0 0 0 15,000 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 0 0 15,000 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 0 0 15,000 0.0 0 0 0

4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 0 0 0 6,250 0.0 0 0 0
Total Communication 0 0 0 6,250 0.0 0 0 0
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 0 0 0 1,400 0.0 0 0 0
4123 Safety Supplies 0 0 0 2,450 0.0 0 0 0
4124 Communication Supplies 0 0 0 5,440 0.0 0 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 0 0 0 12,500 0.0 0 0 0
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 0 10,896 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 0 10,896 0 21,790 0.0 0 0 0
4438 Investigations 0 0 0 4,798 0.0 0 0 0
Total Contracted Services 0 0 0 4,798 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.3110.05 - Sheriff.Asset Forfeiture 0 10,896 0 47,838 0.0 0 0 0

Page 408
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3110.05 Sheriff.Asset Forfeiture

26260.02 Forfeit - Restricted Sheriff 830 10,904 0 47,838 100.0 47,838 0 0

Total Fines and Forfeitures 830 10,904 0 47,838 100.0 47,838 0 0
Total A.3110.05 - Sheriff.Asset Forfeiture 830 10,904 0 47,838 100.0 47,838 0 0

Page 409
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.3110.25 - General Fund.Sheriff.Sheriff
ACCTG CLK SH NI 2.00 84,168 2.00 NI 2.00 87,486 2.00 87,486
BUSINESS MGR SH NN 1.00 74,308 1.00 NN 1.00 74,592 1.00 74,592
CHIEF DPTY MG 1.00 108,070 1.00 MG 1.00 112,982 1.00 112,982
CLEANER SH NC 0.00 0 0.00 NC 1.00 30,023 0.00 0
CLK SH ND 1.00 39,526 1.00 ND 1.00 39,526 1.00 39,526
CONF SECY SHRF MA 1.00 71,050 1.00 MA 1.00 72,647 1.00 72,647
DPTY SHRF SN 72.00 5,585,127 72.00 SN 74.00 5,715,328 72.00 5,618,434
DPTY SHRF CAPT MF 2.00 225,510 2.00 MF 1.00 113,744 1.00 113,744
DPTY SHRF COL MG 0.00 0 0.00 MG 1.00 127,502 1.00 127,502
DPTY SHRF DD SN 16.00 1,432,852 16.00 SN 16.00 1,457,276 16.00 1,457,276
DPTY SHRF LT SQ 5.00 537,706 5.00 SQ 5.00 551,038 5.00 551,038
DPTY SHRF SGT SP 8.00 776,355 9.00 SP 9.00 885,512 9.00 885,512
DPTY SHRF SGT DD SP 2.00 196,610 2.00 SP 2.00 200,843 2.00 200,843
HEAD CLEANER SH NF 1.00 43,420 1.00 NF 1.00 43,965 1.00 43,965
OFFICE AST SH NF 1.00 43,721 1.00 NF 1.00 43,721 1.00 43,721
PROG AST SH NH 2.00 87,809 2.00 NH 1.00 42,583 1.00 42,583
SHERIFF E 1.00 125,664 1.00 E 1.00 125,664 1.00 125,664
SHRF AIDE NK 8.00 401,685 8.00 NK 8.00 401,461 8.00 401,461
SR OFFICE AST SH NH 1.00 39,390 1.00 NH 1.00 40,542 1.00 40,542
SR PROG AST NJ 0.00 0 0.00 NJ 1.00 48,630 1.00 48,630
SR PROG AST SH NJ 4.00 208,137 4.00 NJ 4.00 210,243 4.00 210,243
UNDERSHERIFF MH 1.00 132,687 1.00 MH 1.00 139,247 1.00 139,247
A.3110.25 - General Fund.Sheriff.Sheriff 130.00 10,213,795 131.00 134.00 10,564,555 131.00 10,437,638

Page 410
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3110.25 Sheriff.Sheriff

1010 Positions 9,296,490 9,422,354 10,213,795 10,303,445 67.3 6,931,976 10,564,555 10,437,638
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 (575,267) (629,267) 0.0 0 (709,161) (709,161)

• Part Time Deputies SOG $53,745, offset by School Resource Officer School Year transfer to A.3110.71 ($733,067) and Security Other Government administrative transfer ($29,839).

1040 ST Overtime 3,731 2,769 4,500 4,500 60.0 2,701 4,500 4,500
1050 Overtime 1,632,390 1,986,729 950,000 1,319,736 92.2 1,216,718 1,101,976 1,000,000

• Contractual OT $605,710; Reimbursable OT $122,500; DC Parks $30,000; DOD $36,000; ABC/Sobriety Checkpoints $10,000; Overtime during the normal course of duty $247,766;
Academy $50,000. Recommended: reduction based on Jail taking back inmate transportation function.
1070 Shift Differential 247,492 269,285 260,000 270,201 69.5 187,697 267,442 267,442
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4626.76 Employee Allowance Uniforms Taxable 15,370 15,370 15,660 15,660 92.6 14,500 15,660 15,660

• Clothing Allowance $580 each: 18 Detectives, 6 Civil, 2 DTF, 1 CAC.

Total Salaries and Wages 11,195,473 11,696,507 10,869,188 11,284,775 74.0 8,353,592 11,245,472 11,016,579
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 884,496 918,091 781,138 781,138 85.1 664,574 807,652 797,940
8355 Long-Term Disability 2,277 3,068 2,963 3,193 75.1 2,398 2,410 2,410
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 1,621,686 1,892,227 2,138,462 2,005,245 75.0 1,504,628 2,360,384 2,305,437
8450 Optical Insurance 3,706 3,926 1,326 3,796 91.3 3,464 1,380 1,380
8500 Dental Insurance 139,284 144,269 149,474 140,882 75.1 105,765 159,571 156,070
8800 Life Ins 1,841 1,343 1,224 1,335 76.3 1,019 967 967
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 167 269 247 268 76.1 204 195 195

Total Employee Benefits 2,653,458 2,963,193 3,074,834 2,935,857 77.7 2,282,051 3,332,559 3,264,399
8100 Pymts to Retire System 2,160,593 2,128,795 2,248,296 2,248,296 23.2 522,287 2,129,318 2,291,017

Total Benefits 2,160,593 2,128,795 2,248,296 2,248,296 23.2 522,287 2,129,318 2,291,017

Total Personal Services 16,009,523 16,788,496 16,192,318 16,468,928 67.8 11,157,931 16,707,349 16,571,995
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 475 744 3,000 3,000 7.5 225 2,000 2,000
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 7,414 11,635 12,150 12,150 59.4 7,212 16,200 16,200
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 1,433 1,411 1,500 1,500 54.0 810 1,500 1,500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 12,600 7,160 23,725 13,725 61.6 8,459 20,300 20,300

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Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 11,361 10,711 13,770 13,770 83.7 11,520 15,210 15,210

• OffenderWatch $10,500; Hill Donnelly Cross Reference Directory (2) $700; Blackbag Tech Extraction Subsc $650; TLO Search Subscription $2,500; Pok Jrnl $360; Misc Law Book Renewals
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 4,902 4,993 5,970 5,970 85.3 5,093 7,435 7,435
4684.111 Tuition-County Employee Union 0 0 9,500 9,500 0.0 0 9,500 9,500
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 38,184 36,653 69,615 59,615 55.9 33,319 72,145 72,145
4750 Other Equipment-ND 25,329 53,706 50,685 57,708 42.5 24,520 54,100 34,100
4760 Computer Software-ND 3,099 3,400 5,400 0 0.0 0 6,600 6,600

• Cellebrite SW Update $3,500; Crash Data Group SW Update $1,100; Computer Charts SW Update $2,000.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 28,428 57,106 56,085 57,708 42.5 24,520 60,700 40,700
2500.03 Other Equipment 3 Year 0 0 0 6,395 100.0 6,395 0 0
2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 42,015 27,138 65,000 0 0.0 0 21,000 12,000

• Graphics printer machine and supplies $12,000; Night Vision (FIG) $9,000. Recommended: Purchase Night Vision Equipment with grant funds.

2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 0 0 20,000 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 42,015 27,138 85,000 6,395 100.0 6,395 21,000 12,000

Total Equipment 70,443 84,244 141,085 64,103 48.2 30,915 81,700 52,700
4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 10,837 5,555 8,200 8,200 36.9 3,030 6,000 6,000
4230.52 Telephone Cell Phones/Wireless Services 6,419 5,754 7,000 7,000 85.6 5,994 8,100 8,100

• Sat Phone Renewal $5,500; GPS/Ankle Bracelet Tracker Renewal $2,000; Live Link $600.

4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 29,301 31,934 33,000 33,000 69.2 22,851 59,000 59,000

• Verizon Aircards Mobile Computers $56,000 (additional aircards for 30 new laptops/ 25 new tablet); Cable internet at substations $3,000.

Total Communication 46,556 43,243 48,200 48,200 66.1 31,875 73,100 73,100
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 7,887 8,853 14,340 9,340 53.9 5,034 15,250 15,250
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 10,663 5,180 9,775 9,775 59.7 5,833 14,880 14,880
4109 Merit Awards 0 0 0 500 90.0 450 0 0
4123 Safety Supplies 21,476 47,881 38,534 33,534 30.6 10,273 49,075 49,075

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Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4123.65 Safety Supplies Firearms & Related Items 58,296 95,364 75,000 71,582 16.6 11,885 107,522 80,000

• Firearms, Ammunition and related supplies. Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4124 Communication Supplies 550 5,316 5,150 5,150 6.5 335 2,800 2,800

• 4 Motorcycle helmet Headsets $2,800.

4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 2,756 2,362 2,550 2,550 71.6 1,825 2,600 2,600
4125.100 Food & Kitchen Supplies Kitchen 0 193 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
4137 Ice Control Materials 0 0 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
4138 Identification/Investigation Supplies 2,029 699 6,000 6,000 13.3 800 8,650 5,000
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 8,826 1,053 5,000 5,000 6.5 327 2,200 2,200

• TruNarc Test Kits $1,000; Bucal Swab Kits $500; NY Blood Kits $700.

4160 Office Supplies 35,003 37,967 85,000 136,755 54.2 74,066 62,400 55,000

• Equipment $12,460; Furniture $4,400; Supplies $45,540. Recommended: reduction based on actual prior year spending; (2018 budget included $30,000 of one-time expense for file
conversion project.)
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 1,048 899 2,800 2,800 7.1 199 2,000 2,000

• SW Updates Crash Investigations.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 105,670 147,909 130,000 130,000 65.0 84,442 187,500 130,000
Total Supplies 254,204 353,677 374,599 413,436 47.3 195,469 455,327 359,255
4130 Gasoline/Diesel 4,960 5,166 8,696 8,696 83.2 7,233 10,000 10,000
4220 Electric-Light & Power 1,706 1,784 1,552 1,552 79.7 1,238 1,750 1,750
Total Utilities 6,665 6,950 10,248 10,248 82.7 8,470 11,750 11,750
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 27,912 27,912 27,912 27,912 54.5 15,212 22,356 22,356
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 9,115 9,456 10,500 10,500 59.1 6,206 20,500 20,500
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 40,273 41,203 48,000 48,000 64.2 30,810 48,000 48,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 19,312 22,540 23,616 23,616 66.7 15,744 23,616 23,616
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 987 1,410 2,000 2,000 139.1 2,781 2,500 2,500

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 97,598 102,521 112,028 112,028 63.2 70,753 116,972 116,972

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 97,598 102,521 112,028 112,028 63.2 70,753 116,972 116,972
4400.4559 Contract Agencies Family Services 60,368 55,730 64,044 64,044 46.2 29,602 67,887 67,887
4400.4663 Contract Agencies SPCA 59,929 61,725 63,576 63,576 86.2 54,783 93,515 65,483

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2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4400.4696 Contract Agencies Civil Air Patrol 0 0 1,500 1,500 100.0 1,500 1,500 1,500
4404 NYS Assessments and Fees 110,000 145,000 200,000 200,000 50.0 100,000 200,000 200,000
4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 10,000 0 0.0 0 20,000 20,000

• DCJS Legislative Grant.

4438 Investigations 0 0 5,000 5,000 16.0 800 5,000 5,000

4460 Comm Printing 2,313 4,892 6,000 6,000 50.5 3,031 6,000 6,000
Total Contracted Services 232,610 267,348 350,120 340,120 55.8 189,716 393,902 365,870
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 270,026 323,474 366,111 366,111 73.7 269,696 404,110 404,110

• Radio Contract $260,000 (lease increase $2,000/month); Tasers $44,110; Mobile Laptop estimate $100,000.

4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 52,531 54,907 56,906 56,906 77.6 44,180 59,885 59,885

• Tower Rentals, East Mtn $12,038; Silver Mtn $15,041; Milan $7,606: Amer Tower #1 $11,880; #2 $13,320.

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 80 80 240 240 27.1 65 120 120
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 160,219 187,346 209,486 209,486 83.5 174,929 206,400 206,400

• CivilServe $6,500; IBM Printer $2,000; New World $158,850; LiveScan $20,000; Trane $5,500; LPR $10,000; TruNarc $1,450; Wanco VMS $1,000; CIU $1,100.

4611 Refuse Removal 0 0 0 2,400 16.7 400 0 0

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 8,660 325 10,000 10,000 45.7 4,569 12,500 12,500
4612.101 Repairs/Alt To Equip Vehicle 7,305 14,990 15,000 28,145 84.6 23,808 47,500 47,500
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 620 655 2,500 2,500 60.2 1,505 2,500 2,500
4615 Employee Physicals 0 0 15,000 7,600 0.0 0 15,000 15,000
4622 Veterinary Services 9,317 2,098 7,500 7,500 60.6 4,547 7,500 7,500
4625 Pest Control 1,517 2,375 2,600 2,600 40.2 1,045 3,000 3,000
4650 External Postage 2,851 10,239 3,500 3,500 65.3 2,286 3,500 3,500
4712 Bank Charges 0 3 10 10 32.0 3 10 10
Total Operations 513,125 596,492 688,853 696,998 75.6 527,033 762,025 762,025
Total A.3110.25 - Sheriff.Sheriff 17,268,909 18,279,624 17,987,066 18,213,676 67.2 12,245,480 18,674,270 18,385,812

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3110.25 Sheriff.Sheriff

15100.00 Sheriff Fees General 555,450 572,596 565,000 565,000 70.0 395,339 570,000 570,000
15100.01 Sheriff Fees Security - DCFS 255,104 287,456 294,697 294,697 43.8 129,223 298,595 298,595
15100.03 Sheriff Fees Other Govnmt 0 6,797 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
15100.08 Sheriff Fees Fingerprinting System 147,858 169,341 200,000 200,000 36.3 72,572 200,000 200,000

• Escrow account for DCJS fingerprint fee expense.

15890.01 Other Safety DWI Reimb 109,939 50,939 45,000 45,000 109.5 49,263 45,000 45,000
15890.06 Other Safety Local Contribution 11,712 22,775 2,500 2,500 0.0 0 0 0
15890.24 Other Safety JTTF/FBI Strategic Initiative 77,886 41,930 37,753 37,753 89.0 33,618 38,344 38,344

• Reimbursement OT deputy assigned Joint Terrorism Task Force $18,344, Reimbursement OT FBI Gang Task Force Members $20,000.

15890.25 Other Safety DWI & Traffic Patrols 0 11,610 20,000 20,000 23.6 4,721 20,000 20,000

• DWI related OT patrol reimbursement.

Total Departmental Income 1,157,949 1,163,444 1,164,950 1,164,950 58.8 684,735 1,171,939 1,171,939
24010.00 Interest General 25 398 25 25 59.2 15 25 25
Total Use of Money and Property 25 398 25 25 59.2 15 25 25
25450 Licenses, Other 38,811 38,880 42,000 42,000 49.5 20,805 42,000 42,000

• State regulated pistol permit fees.

Total Licenses and Permits 38,811 38,880 42,000 42,000 49.5 20,805 42,000 42,000
26650 Sales of Equipment 7,700 8,000 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 31,943 122,813 40,000 40,000 32.5 13,013 40,000 40,000
26900.00 Other Comp for Loss General 1,600 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 41,243 130,813 40,000 40,000 32.5 13,013 40,000 40,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 203 30 0 0 0.0 5,086 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 2 190 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27150 Seized & Unclmed Prop 0 39 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 205 259 0 0 0.0 5,086 0 0
30890.23 Other St Aid NYS DCJS Grant 22,789 29,685 30,000 30,000 313.4 94,016 20,000 20,000
33150.01 Marine Navigation Law Enforcement 21,504 30,159 30,000 30,000 0.0 0 37,500 37,500

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Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
33890.00 Other Pub Safety General 7,431 6,549 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
33890.10 Other Pub Safety Ignition Interlock Devices 3,866 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
33890.14 Other Pub Safety Project GIVE 13,241 24,974 15,000 15,000 135.4 20,314 20,000 20,000
33890.16 Other Pub Safety PresumptiveDrugTestKits/Training 8,499 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
39600 Emergence Disaster Assistance 0 0 0 0 0.0 830 0 0
Total State Aid 77,330 91,366 75,000 75,000 153.5 115,159 77,500 77,500
43200.05 Crime Control Homeland Security (32,605) (3,912) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
43890.09 Other Safety Police Traffic Services 0 14,748 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
49600 Emergency Disaster Assistance 0 4,977 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Federal Aid (32,605) 15,814 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.3110.25 - Sheriff.Sheriff 1,282,958 1,440,974 1,321,975 1,321,975 63.5 838,813 1,331,464 1,331,464

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Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3110.26 Sheriff.Security Other Gov't

1010 Positions 71,628 69,230 0 0 0.0 50,379 0 0

1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 30,215 66,215 0.0 0 29,839 29,839
1040 ST Overtime 1,013 1,297 5,000 5,000 26.7 1,334 5,000 5,000
1050 Overtime 424,096 358,698 435,640 405,640 76.6 310,766 438,791 438,791
1070 Shift Differential 12,912 10,832 15,500 15,500 58.3 9,038 12,400 12,400

Total Salaries and Wages 509,648 440,058 486,355 492,355 75.5 371,518 486,030 486,030

Total Personal Services 509,648 440,058 486,355 492,355 75.5 371,518 486,030 486,030
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 0 0 8,855 8,855 0.0 0 4,980 4,980

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 0 0 8,855 8,855 0.0 0 4,980 4,980

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 0 0 8,855 8,855 0.0 0 4,980 4,980
Total A.3110.26 - Sheriff.Security Other Gov't 509,648 440,058 495,210 501,210 74.1 371,518 491,010 491,010

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Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3110.26 Sheriff.Security Other Gov't

15100.03 Sheriff Fees Other Govnmt 615,350 532,572 494,210 494,210 65.6 324,180 491,010 491,010
Total Departmental Income 615,350 532,572 494,210 494,210 65.6 324,180 491,010 491,010
Total A.3110.26 - Sheriff.Security Other Gov't 615,350 532,572 494,210 494,210 65.6 324,180 491,010 491,010

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Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3110.70 Sheriff.Homeland Security Grant

1050 Overtime 7,741 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 7,741 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Personal Services 7,741 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4750 Other Equipment-ND 6,381 0 0 7,427 82.8 6,152 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 6,381 0 0 7,427 82.8 6,152 0 0

2300.05 Motor Vehicles 5 Year 16,191 0 0 45,941 99.8 45,860 0 0
2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 65,124 0 0 125,962 28.0 35,209 0 0
2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 11,600 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 92,915 0 0 171,903 47.2 81,069 0 0

Total Equipment 99,297 0 0 179,330 48.6 87,221 0 0

4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip (291) 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4123 Safety Supplies 1,200 0 0 1,348 99.7 1,344 0 0
4123.65 Safety Supplies Firearms & Related Items (200) 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4124 Communication Supplies 18,642 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 10,859 0 0 1,789 49.7 888 0 0
Total Supplies 30,210 0 0 3,137 71.2 2,233 0 0
4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 122,465 25,899 0.0 0 122,450 122,450

• Homeland Security Grant FY18.

Total Contracted Services 0 0 122,465 25,899 0.0 0 122,450 122,450

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 33,823 33,823 34,838 34,838 100.0 34,838 34,838 34,838

• Motorola Service Agreement for Radio Infrastructure FY17 Homeland Security Grant.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 0 1,250 0.0 0 0 0

4612.101 Repairs/Alt To Equip Vehicle (3,134) 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4650 External Postage 35 0 0 1,520 95.0 1,444 0 0
Total Operations 30,724 33,823 34,838 37,608 96.5 36,282 34,838 34,838
Total A.3110.70 - Sheriff.Homeland Security Grant 167,971 33,823 157,303 245,974 51.1 125,735 157,288 157,288

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Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3110.70 Sheriff.Homeland Security Grant

43200.05 Crime Control Homeland Security 217,863 25,471 157,303 245,974 11.1 27,342 157,288 157,288

• Homeland Security Grant FY18.

Total Federal Aid 217,863 25,471 157,303 245,974 11.1 27,342 157,288 157,288
Total A.3110.70 - Sheriff.Homeland Security Grant 217,863 25,471 157,303 245,974 11.1 27,342 157,288 157,288

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3110.71 Sheriff.School Resource Officer Program

1010 Positions 489,019 534,717 0 35,200 953.9 335,764 0 0

1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 575,052 629,052 0.0 0 653,961 733,067
1050 Overtime 0 0 7,500 2,500 19.0 476 5,000 7,500
1070 Shift Differential 0 149 1,000 0 0.0 0 250 1,000

Total Salaries and Wages 489,019 534,866 583,552 666,752 50.4 336,239 659,211 741,567
8100 Pymts to Retire System 97,141 92,468 107,448 107,448 21.4 23,034 110,790 139,880

Total Benefits 97,141 92,468 107,448 107,448 21.4 23,034 110,790 139,880

Total Personal Services 586,160 627,334 691,000 774,200 46.4 359,273 770,001 881,447
Total A.3110.71 - Sheriff.School Resource Officer Program 586,160 627,334 691,000 774,200 46.4 359,273 770,001 881,447

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3110.71 Sheriff.School Resource Officer Program

15100.07 Sheriff Fees School Resource Officer Fees 616,400 671,000 691,000 726,200 55.4 402,600 857,000 881,447
Total Departmental Income 616,400 671,000 691,000 726,200 55.4 402,600 857,000 881,447
Total A.3110.71 - Sheriff.School Resource Officer Program 616,400 671,000 691,000 726,200 55.4 402,600 857,000 881,447

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Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.3150 - General Fund.Jail
ACCTG CLK SH NI 1.00 47,409 1.00 NI 1.00 47,409 1.00 47,409
ACCTG CLK SH EA NK 1.00 59,606 1.00 NK 1.00 58,872 1.00 58,872
ADMV AST SH NL 1.00 57,935 1.00 NL 1.00 58,783 1.00 58,783
BLDG MAINT MECHC III SH NM 2.00 112,528 2.00 NM 2.00 114,866 2.00 114,866
BLDG MAINT SUPV CORL FAC NP 1.00 80,452 1.00 NP 1.00 84,334 1.00 84,334
CARPENTER SH NM 1.00 52,282 1.00 NM 2.00 102,500 1.00 51,250
CHAPLAIN PT 1.00 21,516 1.00 1.00 21,516 1.00 21,516
COR CAPT ME 1.00 100,091 1.00 ME 1.00 104,902 1.00 104,902
COR COLONEL MG 1.00 114,232 1.00 MG 1.00 129,574 1.00 129,574
COR LT JP 6.00 518,042 6.00 JP 6.00 522,661 6.00 522,661
COR MAJOR MF 1.00 74,258 1.00 MF 1.00 69,635 1.00 69,635
JM 21.00 1,198,431 21.00 JL 24.00 1,127,741 21.00 989,462
COR OFFICER JM 184.00 11,052,296 184.00 JM 184.00 11,305,499 184.00 11,305,499
COR SGT JO 21.00 1,558,314 21.00 JO 21.00 1,570,424 21.00 1,570,424
DIR BUDGET FIN ME 1.00 78,355 1.00 ME 1.00 82,202 1.00 82,202
ELECTRICIAN I SH NM 1.00 63,035 1.00 NM 1.00 51,250 1.00 51,250
HV TECH SH NN 1.00 67,705 1.00 NN 1.00 69,491 1.00 69,491
OFFICE AST SH NF 1.00 41,325 1.00 NF 1.00 42,504 1.00 42,504
PRIN PROG AST SH NL 1.00 61,602 1.00 NL 1.00 61,602 1.00 61,602
SR PROG AST SH NJ 1.00 51,389 1.00 NJ 1.00 51,389 1.00 51,389
A.3150 - General Fund.Jail 249.00 15,410,803 249.00 253.00 15,677,154 249.00 15,487,625

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3150 Jail

1010 Positions 15,034,615 15,485,706 15,410,803 15,411,743 70.3 10,838,524 15,677,154 15,487,625
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 669,500 303,913 0.0 0 824,892 672,642

• Increase est. 2018 spend by 25% to include an additional 24/7 tour during the construction phases for the new Justice and Transition Center (JTC); Three temp Correction Officers to
comply with the NYS Commissions on Corrections mandate to oversee JTC construction.
1040 ST Overtime 40,582 34,807 40,000 40,000 74.7 29,861 40,000 40,000
1050 Overtime 5,397,335 5,542,502 5,273,800 5,273,800 77.6 4,094,433 5,283,200 4,873,403

• Reduce OT by adding 3 new Correction Officer Positions; net reduction of $280,000 compared to 2017 actual. Recommended: reduction based on taking back inmate transports and
adding part time Correction Officers to reduce OT.
1070 Shift Differential 611,199 620,416 640,000 640,000 69.1 442,396 640,000 640,000
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 5,130 5,900 4,750 4,750 29.3 1,390 5,600 5,600

• 2019 budget based on 3 year avg expeniture.

Total Salaries and Wages 21,088,859 21,689,332 22,038,853 21,674,206 71.1 15,406,604 22,470,846 21,719,270
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 1,490,853 1,527,664 1,392,591 1,392,664 78.2 1,088,920 1,275,959 1,275,959
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,795 2,018 1,614 1,717 75.0 1,287 1,680 1,680
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 3,507,235 3,880,160 4,394,753 4,112,042 74.9 3,080,693 4,839,531 4,892,620
8450 Optical Insurance 31,693 30,301 2,295 30,303 99.5 30,137 30,690 30,690
8500 Dental Insurance 257,496 256,300 261,729 252,606 75.1 189,592 280,119 275,619
8800 Life Ins 1,453 740 594 633 74.9 474 618 618
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 132 148 120 127 74.8 95 126 126

Total Employee Benefits 5,290,657 5,697,331 6,053,696 5,790,092 75.8 4,391,198 6,428,723 6,477,312
8100 Pymts to Retire System 3,446,841 3,417,951 3,329,810 3,329,810 25.5 848,485 3,493,037 3,451,052

Total Benefits 3,446,841 3,417,951 3,329,810 3,329,810 25.5 848,485 3,493,037 3,451,052

Total Personal Services 29,826,357 30,804,613 31,422,359 30,794,108 67.0 20,646,287 32,392,606 31,647,634
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 350 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 5,985 6,668 9,450 9,450 46.6 4,407 11,500 11,500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 501 215 500 500 35.0 175 500 500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 3,118 4,489 6,780 6,780 55.9 3,790 6,000 6,000
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 6,916 13,737 14,500 14,500 54.5 7,907 14,500 14,500
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 996 1,529 1,400 1,400 55.6 779 2,100 2,100
4684.111 Tuition-County Employee Union 5,573 10,218 12,000 12,000 24.4 2,926 12,000 12,000

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Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 23,089 37,206 45,130 45,130 44.3 19,983 47,100 47,100
4750 Other Equipment-ND 29,986 6,900 11,500 11,500 0.0 0 11,000 11,000

• Replace aging DVR, cameras, and monitors in our security system in new section only.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 29,986 6,900 11,500 11,500 0.0 0 11,000 11,000
2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 26,815 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 26,815 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 56,801 6,900 11,500 11,500 0.0 0 11,000 11,000

4230.52 Telephone Cell Phones/Wireless Services 6,674 6,749 8,195 8,195 82.4 6,749 8,195 8,195
Total Communication 6,674 6,749 8,195 8,195 82.4 6,749 8,195 8,195
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 0 269 2,500 2,500 0.0 0 2,500 2,500
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 89,747 89,511 90,000 90,000 79.1 71,212 94,200 94,200
4109 Merit Awards 0 174 0 400 36.2 145 400 400
4118 Field Supplies 0 0 300 300 0.0 0 300 300
4123 Safety Supplies 44,404 35,114 50,000 50,000 57.0 28,480 50,000 50,000
4123.65 Safety Supplies Firearms & Related Items 21,961 23,019 25,000 25,000 0.0 0 25,000 25,000
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 3,164 2,607 7,300 6,900 12.9 890 5,000 5,000
4137 Ice Control Materials 4,000 2,500 4,000 4,000 0.0 0 4,000 4,000
4160 Office Supplies 26,641 18,843 33,000 33,000 33.3 10,993 35,000 30,000

• 3 yr. avg expense plus 5 new workstations for the JTC team members $4,450 and 15 new chairs $3,750. Recommended: based on actual prior year spending.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 935 240 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4162 Patient /Inmate Care Supplies 85,718 79,964 93,500 93,500 64.3 60,091 93,754 93,754

• Inmate care supplies out to bid; new RFP in September 2018.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 113,513 97,367 110,000 110,000 35.9 39,436 114,768 114,768

• Staff uniforms out to bid; new RFP awarded in June 2018.

Total Supplies 390,083 349,607 415,600 415,600 50.8 211,246 424,922 419,922
4130 Gasoline/Diesel 1,040 0 3,478 3,478 0.0 0 3,478 3,478
4210 Gas-Public Utilities 77,328 104,299 147,844 147,844 66.3 97,964 173,496 122,460
4220 Electric-Light & Power 261,443 265,695 334,271 334,271 74.2 248,011 377,498 383,638
4240 Water 114,043 114,848 128,891 128,891 58.5 75,447 127,628 125,331

Page 425
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Utilities 453,854 484,842 614,484 614,484 68.6 421,422 682,100 634,907
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 0 19,344 15,120 15,120 66.7 10,080 8,000 8,000
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 1,892 2,048 2,508 2,508 48.5 1,216 1,767 1,767
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 28 14 100 100 36.3 36 100 100
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 10,032 15,570 17,415 17,415 68.3 11,901 18,113 18,113
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 4,758 3,126 3,200 3,200 78.5 2,513 4,000 4,000

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 16,710 40,101 38,343 38,343 67.1 25,746 31,980 31,980

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 16,710 40,101 38,343 38,343 67.1 25,746 31,980 31,980
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 359,384 378,927 408,000 408,000 43.6 177,776 426,168 420,240

• Jail base services (RESTART) going out to bid; new RFP Dec 31, 2018.

4401.106 Professional Services Program 763,664 765,149 830,000 830,000 63.2 524,847 846,148 830,000

• Food Service and Commissary out to Bid; new RFP Oct 31, 2018.

4409 Accomplished Work Prog 20,395 20,759 22,500 22,500 64.1 14,433 22,500 22,500
4423 Health Services -Inmates 4,147,129 4,306,612 4,590,930 4,590,930 55.3 2,537,476 4,573,397 4,573,397

• Inmate Health Service provider out to Bid Dec 31, 2018; CPI Medical at 2.5%

4428 Inmates in Other Institutions 376,105 391,660 620,000 620,000 25.1 155,310 441,870 363,175

• 3,738 inmate days at $90 per day and 570 hospital days at $185 per day. Recommended: reduce to 9 inmates housed out daily at $90 per day and 365 hospital days at $185 per day,
based on 2018 YTD actuals.
4432 Dental & Medical Care-Inmates 1,609 280 50,000 50,000 1.4 695 50,000 50,000

• Medical bills over the contractual Catastrophic Limitations.

Total Contracted Services 5,668,285 5,863,387 6,521,430 6,521,430 52.3 3,410,537 6,360,083 6,259,312
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 1,865 2,049 6,766 6,766 33.0 2,234 5,560 5,560
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 60,335 62,428 64,000 64,000 72.7 46,533 77,325 77,325

• NYCOMCO fees $58,325; Dishwasher lease $6,000; Cloud storage for current body cameras $3,000 plus $10,000 for additional body camera in 2019.

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 0 180 180 77.8 140 180 180
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 118,009 123,650 131,060 131,060 89.7 117,586 133,337 133,337
4611 Refuse Removal 23,048 23,639 26,000 26,000 60.6 15,759 32,890 32,890
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 5,364 3,662 25,000 25,000 10.1 2,535 25,000 15,000

Page 426
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 40,092 58,364 55,000 55,000 60.8 33,426 56,650 56,650
4615 Employee Physicals 0 2,737 7,700 7,700 0.0 0 5,000 5,000
4622 Veterinary Services 1,046 1,656 3,000 3,000 4.6 139 3,000 3,000
4625 Pest Control 5,975 4,939 5,600 5,600 66.1 3,704 5,600 5,600
4640 Laundry 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 0 0
4650 External Postage 2,018 1,938 3,000 3,000 35.7 1,070 3,000 3,000
4712 Bank Charges 102 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Operations 257,854 285,063 327,356 327,356 68.2 223,126 347,542 337,542
Total A.3150 - Jail 36,699,709 37,878,468 39,404,397 38,776,146 64.4 24,965,096 40,305,528 39,397,592

Page 427
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3150 Jail

15100.00 Sheriff Fees General 2,281 1,836 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

15100.02 Sheriff Fees Juv/Transp 150,556 122,094 132,000 132,000 20.0 26,383 136,325 136,325
15100.05 Sheriff Fees Disciplinary Hearings 6,314 7,282 3,600 3,600 0.0 0 3,600 3,600
15890.00 Other Safety 5% Restitution 37,600 46,600 38,400 38,400 82.3 31,600 42,000 42,000
15890.06 Other Safety Local Contribution 6,757 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Departmental Income 203,508 177,813 174,000 174,000 33.3 57,983 181,925 181,925
22600.00 Pub Safety Services Transportation 3,230 2,895 3,360 3,360 45.4 1,527 3,450 3,450
Total Intergovernmental Charges 3,230 2,895 3,360 3,360 45.4 1,527 3,450 3,450
24500 Commissions 254,467 304,966 264,000 264,000 64.1 169,137 295,000 295,000
Total Use of Money and Property 254,467 304,966 264,000 264,000 64.1 169,137 295,000 295,000
26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 37 37 0 0 0.0 82 0 0
26650 Sales of Equipment 0 266 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 249,394 399,236 207,400 207,400 142.6 295,705 315,000 315,000
26900.00 Other Comp for Loss General 60,405 7,725 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 309,837 407,263 207,400 207,400 142.6 295,787 315,000 315,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 42 0 0 0 0.0 703 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 17,119 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 17,161 0 0 0 0.0 703 0 0
30890.18 Other St Aid Budget Aid 388,251 500,000 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
33890.14 Other Pub Safety Project GIVE 1,592 815 1,020 1,020 0.0 0 1,020 1,020
Total State Aid 389,843 500,815 1,020 1,020 0.0 0 1,020 1,020
43200.06 Crime Control SCAAP Program 177,702 177,702 120,000 120,000 0.0 0 120,000 120,000
Total Federal Aid 177,702 177,702 120,000 120,000 0.0 0 120,000 120,000
Total A.3150 - Jail 1,355,748 1,571,455 769,780 769,780 68.2 525,137 916,395 916,395

Total Sheriff Approp 55,232,398 57,270,203 58,734,976 58,559,044 65.0 38,067,103 60,398,097 59,313,149

Total Sheriff Revenue 4,089,149 4,252,375 3,434,268 3,605,977 60.1 2,165,911 3,753,157 3,777,604

Page 428
Traffic Safety & STOP DWI

To support effective traffic safety and injury prevention

programming that targets reductions in the number of injuries,
fatalities and related economic issues for all Dutchess County
roadway users. Additionally, Traffic Safety / STOP DWI aims to
deter alcohol/drug impaired driving through enhanced
enforcement, prosecution, rehabilitation and education

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 429
Traffic Safety & STOP DWI
The Traffic Safety Board is a coalition of law enforcement, education, health and human service agencies and individuals committed to ensuring
that our streets, sidewalks and residents remain safe and secure.

STOP-DWI stands for Special Traffic Options Program for Driving While Intoxicated. The STOP-DWI Program was enacted by the State
Legislature in 1981 for the purposes of empowering county governments to coordinate local efforts to reduce alcohol and other drug-related
traffic crashes within the context of a comprehensive and financially self-sustaining alcohol and highway safety program.

Traffic Control / Safety (A.3310)

The Traffic Safety Board works to educate the public about safe driving, bicycling and walking habits through a multi-faceted program based on
education and enforcement initiatives. Programs focus on aggressive driving, the special needs of older/mature drivers, proper bicycle and
pedestrian behaviors relating to injury prevention, school bus safety, and motorcycle safety awareness. Traffic Safety also supports and
coordinates local law enforcement efforts to increase compliance with state safety belt laws and reduce the number of crashes related to
aggressive driving behaviors and excessive speed. The Traffic Safety Board will assist with coordination of efforts, data collection, and reporting
activities conducted by law enforcement agencies/grantees awarded funding to participate in the Police Traffic Services (PTS) grant project.

Traffic Safety coordinates child passenger safety seat check events/activities/training(s) countywide through support of the Dutchess County
Child Passenger Safety Coalition.

STOP DWI (A.3315)

The STOP-DWI Program is funded from the fines collected from individuals who have been found guilty of Driving While Intoxicated violations
within Dutchess County. Programs are administered internally in the departments of the Sheriff, District Attorney, and Probation and externally
through contracts with Lexington Center for Recovery, The Council on Addiction Prevention and Education of Dutchess County, and with various
municipal police departments. The STOP-DWI Program also supports educational programs and special projects to deter drinking and driving by
providing information to the general public and community groups to reduce the prevalence of related crashes and injuries.

DC Community Corrections/Probation Enhanced Supervision Project, through the DC Department of Probation & Community Corrections,
supports limited overtime for probation officers to affect enhanced supervision (after hour home/work visits) on high risk offenders in an effort
to increase surveillance and compliance with court orders.

Page 430
The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Call Out Reimbursement Initiative funds the utilization of DREs with a countywide call out procedure. The
STOP program has established policy/procedures where reimbursement will be provided to the respective law enforcement agency if a DRE was
called to assist with drug recognition based on established protocol.

The department supports the Annual Regional (Mid-Hudson) STOP-DWI Conference with the other 8 counties in the region. DC STOP-DWI will
support law enforcement officers or Assistant District Attorneys and other community partners by extending the opportunity to attend the
conference and related training workshops at no cost to their respective departments.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• STOP DWI Revenue has declined with priority funding of DWI checkpoints. Funding has been reduced for other prevention programming.

2019 Initiatives:
• Multi-jurisdictional Sobriety Checkpoint Campaign: STOP DWI will develop an operational plan to schedule, organize, notify, and conduct
multi-agency sobriety check points to enhance public awareness and provide/reinforce deterrence.

Page 431
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Traffic Control / Safety - Educating the public about safe driving, bicycling and walking habits. Programming focused on aggressive driving, the special
needs of mature/older drivers, and proper bicycling and pedestrian behaviors.
Number of Education Material Distributed 39,000 39,000 38,000 (1,000) -2.6%
Training Programs:
Number of Training Programs (Includes Helmet/Older
1 2 2 - 0.0%
Number of Participants 20 25 25 - 0.0%
Community Events / Displays 21 20 22 2 10.0%
Bicycle Safety Rodeos:
Number of Rodeos 8 7 8 1 14.3%
Number of Participants 314 225 260 35 15.6%
Child Passenger Safety Training Programs:
Number of Training Programs - 1 1 - 0.0%
Number of Participants - 12 15 3 25.0%
Traffic Control / Safety - Provide training opportunities in proper child passenger safety seat installations and seat check events throughout the county in an
effort to improve the safety of your youngest residents.
Child Passenger Safety Checks:
Number of Events 1 2 2 0.0%
Number of Participants 51 60 60 - 0.0%
Number of Child Safety Seats Distributed 136 120 100 (20) -16.7%
Traffic Control / Safety - Manage the organization and dissemination of traffic and crash statistics from police agencies throughout the county.
Number of Crash Records Processed 1,700 1,600 1,600 - 0.0%
Number of Information Requests (Government & Public) - 3 3 - 0.0%

Page 432
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
STOP DWI - Reduce the rate of alcohol and other drug-related injuries and fatalities through the support of these program components; prosecution,
probation, rehabilitation, public information and education.
Number of STOP Supported Arrests:
Overtime Patrols 175 205 225 20 9.8%
Sobriety Checkpoints - 5 9 4 80.0%
Number of Sobriety Checkpoints Funded - 4 9 5 125.0%
Number of Alcohol Related Crashes* 146 150 150 - 0.0%
Number of Alcohol Related Fatalities* - 4 4 - 0.0%
Number of Information Requests 80 80 85 5 6.3%
* Data compiled by the institute of Traffic Safety Management & Research with data from T/SLED.

Page 433
Traffic Safety & STOP DWI
Fiscal Summary

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 153,586 150,130 157,099 161,568 4,469 2.8% 46%
Employee Benefits 88,942 95,567 94,817 104,829 10,012 10.6% Personal
Personal Services 242,528 245,697 251,916 266,397 14,481 5.7% Contracted
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 7,505 9,737 9,737 9,902 165 1.7%
Supplies 2,936 6,100 11,100 6,175 (4,925) -44.4%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 190,493 147,416 158,416 147,416 (11,000) -6.9%
Contracted Services 106,363 174,201 158,201 151,966 (6,235) -3.9%
Operations 444 595 595 595 - 0.0%
Total Appropriations 550,270 $583,746 $589,965 $582,451 ($7,514) -1.3%
Other 25%
Support of Other Departments

2019 Revenues
Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Fines and Forfeitures 489,064 449,357 449,357 464,590 15,233 3.4% 83%
Misc. Local Sources 371 - - 250 250 100.0% Fines
State Aid 2,324 - - - - 0.0%
Federal Aid 74,818 117,295 117,295 97,628 (19,667) -16.8%
Total Revenues $566,577 $566,652 $566,652 $562,468 ($4,184) -0.7%

Net to County Cost ($16,307) $17,094 $23,313 $19,983 ($3,330) -14.3% Federal Aid

Page 434
Traffic Safety & STOP DWI

Department of Planning
& Development


Traffic Safety

Traffic Safety STOP DWI

Programs Programs

Handicapped Parking
Education Program
(in Education Area)

Page 435
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.3310 - General Fund.Traffic Control/Safety
PROG AST PT 08-H 0.50 22,063 0.50 08-H 0.50 23,590 0.50 23,590
STOP DWI TRFC SFTY ADMR 15 0.25 18,140 0.25 15 0.25 19,433 0.25 19,433
A.3310 - General Fund.Traffic Control/Safety 0.75 40,203 0.75 0.75 43,023 0.75 43,023

Page 436
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3310 Traffic Control/Safety

1010 Positions 39,574 41,083 40,203 42,083 71.0 29,858 43,023 43,023

Total Salaries and Wages 39,574 41,083 40,203 42,083 71.0 29,858 43,023 43,023
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 2,572 2,649 3,077 3,222 58.7 1,892 3,293 3,293
8355 Long-Term Disability 67 70 68 103 70.9 73 135 135
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 9,973 12,152 12,380 13,353 83.0 11,077 13,735 13,735
8450 Optical Insurance 55 66 56 67 89.4 60 58 58
8500 Dental Insurance 1,011 1,183 1,113 1,155 80.5 929 1,124 1,124
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 27 58.7 16 53 53

Total Employee Benefits 13,678 16,118 16,694 17,927 78.4 14,047 18,398 18,398
8100 Pymts to Retire System 3,386 3,775 6,502 6,502 15.2 986 6,460 7,445

Total Benefits 3,386 3,775 6,502 6,502 15.2 986 6,460 7,445

Total Personal Services 56,638 60,976 63,399 66,512 67.5 44,892 67,881 68,866
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 3,802 3,900 3,972 3,972 95.6 3,798 4,137 4,137

• Public information and educational materials for distribution at seminars, workshops, senior picnics, and other events sponsored by TSB. Aggressive Driving $940; School Bus Safety
$1,030; Mature/Older Driver $895; Bike/Pedestrian Safety $1,065; and Traffic Safety $207.
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 278 265 640 640 31.1 199 640 640
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 82 82 110 110 72.7 80 110 110
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 300 300 0.0 0 300 300
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 70 12 115 115 11.3 13 115 115
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 75 75 150 150 50.0 75 150 150
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 4,306 4,333 5,287 5,287 78.8 4,164 5,452 5,452
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 56 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4109 Merit Awards 185 185 185 185 99.7 185 185 185

• School Bus Driver of the Year.

4123 Safety Supplies 2,969 288 2,225 2,225 99.9 2,223 2,300 2,300

• Bike trailer safety equipment $300; Helmets $2,000.

4160 Office Supplies 166 374 540 540 24.2 131 540 540
Total Supplies 3,375 846 2,950 2,950 86.0 2,538 3,025 3,025
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 360 360 264 264 66.7 176 264 264

Page 437
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 114 8 100 100 32.2 32 100 100
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 549 635 664 664 66.6 442 664 664
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 30 400 400 0.0 0 400 400
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 48 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 1,070 1,033 1,528 1,528 42.6 650 1,528 1,528

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 1,070 1,033 1,528 1,528 42.6 650 1,528 1,528
4412 Grant Project Costs 98,017 2,977 9,900 9,900 86.4 8,550 7,900 7,900

• Child Passenger Safety Grant.

4460 Comm Printing 0 0 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000

• Printing of special materials for car seat check events and other special events.

Total Contracted Services 98,017 2,977 10,900 10,900 78.4 8,550 8,900 8,900
4650 External Postage 116 295 325 325 7.0 23 325 325
Total Operations 116 295 325 325 7.0 23 325 325
Total A.3310 - Traffic Control/Safety 163,523 70,461 84,389 87,502 69.5 60,818 87,111 88,096

Page 438
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3310 Traffic Control/Safety

27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 0 350 0 0 0.0 250 250 250

• For the purchase of bicycle helmets, car seats, etc.

Total Misc. Local Sources 0 350 0 0 0.0 250 250 250

43890.01 Other Safety Safety Programs 50,411 51,466 57,095 57,095 17.6 10,054 59,863 59,863

• Local grant covers part of the salary for administrator, program assistant, program overhead costs, purchase of public safety information and educational materials, bike safety,
aggressive driving, motorcycle safety, school bus safety, and mature/older driver initiatives. 100%/Oct/Fed/GTSC - CFDA# 20.600.
43890.05 Other Safety Child Safety 9,829 3,019 10,200 10,200 269.5 27,487 8,000 8,000

• Child Passenger Safety (CPS) grant covers the purchase of car seats, equipment for installation of car seats, educational materials, conference reimbursement, and recertification
reimbursement to CPS technicians. 100%/Oct/Fed/GTSC - CFDA# 20.602.
43890.10 Other Safety Multi Agency Police Enforcement 88,237 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Federal Aid 148,478 54,484 67,295 67,295 55.8 37,540 67,863 67,863
Total A.3310 - Traffic Control/Safety 148,478 54,834 67,295 67,295 56.2 37,790 68,113 68,113

Page 439
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.3315 - General Fund.STOP DWI
PRIN PROG AST 12 1.00 55,458 1.00 12 1.00 60,196 1.00 60,196
STOP DWI TRFC SFTY ADMR 15 0.75 54,419 0.75 15 0.75 58,299 0.75 58,299
A.3315 - General Fund.STOP DWI 1.75 109,877 1.75 1.75 118,495 1.75 118,495

Page 440
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3315 STOP DWI

1010 Positions 109,397 112,503 109,877 114,966 71.1 81,711 118,495 118,495
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

Total Salaries and Wages 109,397 112,503 109,927 115,016 71.0 81,711 118,545 118,545
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 8,054 8,278 8,407 8,798 67.9 5,977 9,067 9,067
8355 Long-Term Disability 94 91 95 134 63.4 85 189 189
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 34,955 37,816 43,425 41,110 72.4 29,769 48,103 48,103
8450 Optical Insurance 386 376 387 375 72.4 271 403 403
8500 Dental Insurance 2,359 2,524 2,595 2,442 72.4 1,767 2,622 2,622
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 67 41.0 27 141 141

Total Employee Benefits 45,847 49,085 54,909 52,926 71.6 37,897 60,525 60,525
8100 Pymts to Retire System 19,909 19,964 17,462 17,462 28.9 5,050 17,900 18,461

Total Benefits 19,909 19,964 17,462 17,462 28.9 5,050 17,900 18,461

Total Personal Services 175,153 181,552 182,298 185,404 67.2 124,658 196,970 197,531
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 1,394 1,350 1,350 1,350 0.0 0 1,350 1,350

• Educational brochures, pamphlets, flyers, etc. Also used as petty cash reimbursement.

4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 241 321 600 600 18.3 110 600 600
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 0 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 20 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 165 165 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 1,420 1,335 2,000 2,000 64.1 1,282 2,000 2,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 3,240 3,171 4,450 4,450 31.3 1,392 4,450 4,450
4109 Merit Awards 0 369 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4123 Safety Supplies 608 1,645 1,800 6,800 97.2 6,608 1,800 1,800

• Equipment for contracted law enforcement agencies.

4160 Office Supplies 197 76 1,350 1,350 1.6 21 1,350 1,350

Total Supplies 805 2,090 3,150 8,150 81.3 6,629 3,150 3,150
4430.60 Interdept Cont Stop DWI Efforts 185,103 187,424 143,560 154,560 61.0 94,299 143,560 143,560

• DCSO FT Patrols $45,000; DC Probation Intensive Supervision $38,400; DC Probation Overtime Supervision $7,200; District Attorney's Office $52,960.

Page 441
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Interdepartment Prgrm (Srvc by Dept for Client) 185,103 187,424 143,560 154,560 61.0 94,299 143,560 143,560
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 120 120 264 264 66.7 176 264 264
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 182 142 300 300 33.3 100 300 300
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 549 635 664 664 66.6 442 664 664
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 240 1,140 800 800 10.4 83 800 800
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 0 0 300 300 0.0 0 300 300

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 1,091 2,037 2,328 2,328 34.4 801 2,328 2,328

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 186,193 189,460 145,888 156,888 60.6 95,100 145,888 145,888
4400.4436 Contract Agencies Lexington Ctr 27,896 27,896 23,900 23,900 51.0 12,186 23,900 23,900

• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy $16,000; Group Cognitive Therapy $7,900.

4400.4443 Contract Agencies Council on Addiction Prevention 19,408 24,300 19,440 19,440 50.0 9,720 19,440 19,440

• Partial funding for Alcohol Highway Safety Educator.

4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 64,200 27,400 0.0 0 64,200 64,200

• Enhanced Saturation Patrols $36,800; DRE Call Out Initiative $2,400; Coordinated Checkpoint Program $25,000.

4412 Grant Project Costs 80,224 20,333 50,000 45,000 41.0 18,438 29,765 29,765

• Crackdown Grant $23,300; Enhancement Grant $6,465.

4425 Recreation Special Events 2,439 2,350 2,761 2,761 0.0 0 2,761 2,761

• Law Enforcement Awards Ceremony.

4431 Educational Programs 2,275 2,990 3,000 3,000 65.0 1,950 3,000 3,000

• Mid-Hudson Regional DWI Conference.

4442.0200 Municipalities C/O Beacon 0 2,393 0 2,650 60.9 1,614 0 0

4442.1300 Municipalities C/O Pok 7,500 7,500 0 5,000 0.0 0 0 0
4442.2800 Municipalities T/O East Fishkill 3,500 2,500 0 3,800 94.4 3,587 0 0
4442.3089 Municipalities T/O Fishkill 0 0 0 850 0.0 0 0 0
4442.3200 Municipalities T/O Hyde Park 980 1,936 0 3,800 0.0 0 0 0
4442.3801 Municipalities V/O Millerton 1,316 996 0 1,150 0.0 0 0 0
4442.4689 Municipalities T/O Poughkeepsie 4,936 7,192 0 6,000 21.2 1,270 0 0

Page 442
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4442.4801 Municipalities V/O Red Hook 3,500 3,000 0 2,550 0.0 0 0 0
Total Contracted Services 153,974 103,386 163,301 147,301 33.1 48,765 143,066 143,066
4650 External Postage 81 149 270 270 2.8 8 270 270
Total Operations 81 149 270 270 2.8 8 270 270
Total A.3315 - STOP DWI 519,447 479,809 499,357 502,463 55.0 276,551 493,794 494,355

Page 443
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3315 STOP DWI

26150 Stop DWI Fines 427,438 489,064 449,357 449,357 63.7 286,348 464,590 464,590

• Revenue from DWI Fines.

Total Fines and Forfeitures 427,438 489,064 449,357 449,357 63.7 286,348 464,590 464,590
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 0 21 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 0 21 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
33890.18 Other Pub Safety Pharm. Waste Reduction 0 2,324 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total State Aid 0 2,324 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
43890.07 Other Safety Impaired Driver Det 80,224 20,333 50,000 50,000 102.5 51,271 29,765 29,765

• Crackdown Grant $23,300; Enhancement Grant $6,465

Total Federal Aid 80,224 20,333 50,000 50,000 102.5 51,271 29,765 29,765
Total A.3315 - STOP DWI 507,661 511,742 499,357 499,357 67.6 337,619 494,355 494,355

Total Traffic Safety/STOP DWI Approp 682,970 550,270 583,746 589,965 57.2 337,369 580,905 582,451

Total Traffic Safety/STOP DWI Revenue 656,139 566,577 566,652 566,652 66.3 375,410 562,468 562,468

Page 444
Community & Family Services - Juvenile Detention

Ensuring the provision of supervision and care for the youth in

the criminal justice system, thereby enhancing community

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 445
Community and Family Services – Juvenile Detention
Provides placement of youth ages 8 through 18 during the court process including pre-adjudication and disposition by Family Court. Detention
regulations are part of the Family Court Juvenile Act #304 and Social Services Law #432(2) which mandates the local Department of Community
& Family Services to pay temporary juvenile detention until a Family Court ruling can be made.

DCFS – Juvenile Detention (A.3145)

The Juvenile Detention unit of the Department of Community and Family Services (DCFS) is responsible for the provision of temporary housing
for juvenile delinquents in hold-over facilities or non-secure detention facilities, depending on the juvenile’s offense. The temporary placement
remains until the Family Court makes a decision on the case. Transportation is also required and is provided by the Dutchess County Sheriff’s
Department to transport the juveniles to and from these placements to court appearances as ordered by Family Court.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• A major part of the budget concerns “raising the age” of criminal responsibility to 18 years old. DCFS will work with the Probation Department
to address the availability of placements, options for Persons In Need of Supervision (PINS) and increased service capacity for alternatives to
placements, including community based mental health/substance abuse treatment.

Page 446
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Provide secure facilities to house youth who have been charged with serious crimes while they are awaiting court disposition and provide secure
transportation for detained youth to and from court appearances.
Number of Sheriff Transports 183 198 198 - 0.0%
Number of Youth in Secure Detention (unduplicated) 27 30 30 - 0.0%
Number of Secure Detention Days 941 675 675 - 0.0%
Provide non-secure facilities to house youth who are charged with less serious crime, and who are deemed at risk of not appearing in court, to ensure that
they appear in court.
Number of Youth in Non-Secure Detention (unduplicated) 61 65 65 - 0.00%
Number of Non-Secure Care Days 1,215 1,300 1,300 - 0.00%

Page 447
Community & Family Services - Juvenile Detention
Fiscal Summary

2019 Appropriations
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 89%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 126,943 132,000 132,000 136,325 4,325 3.3% Programs
Mandated Programs 977,980 1,125,000 1,125,000 1,125,000 - 0.0%
Total Appropriations $1,104,923 $1,257,000 $1,257,000 $1,261,325 $4,325 0.3%


2019 Revenues
Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Misc. Local Sources 118,404 - - - - 0.0%

Sate Aid 493,117 616,000 616,000 618,049 2,049 0.3%
Total Revenues 611,522 $616,000 $616,000 $618,049 $2,049 0.3%

Net to County Cost $493,401 $641,000 $641,000 $643,276 $2,276 0.4%

State Aid

Page 448
Juvenile Detention

Department of
Community and Family

Division of Children Services

Legal &
Juvenile Detention
Claiming & Review

Page 449
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3145 DCFS- Juvenile Detention

4430.64 Interdept Cont Sheriff Transport 147,716 126,943 132,000 132,000 20.0 26,383 136,325 136,325

Total Interdepartment Prgrm (Srvc by Dept for Client) 147,716 126,943 132,000 132,000 20.0 26,383 136,325 136,325

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 147,716 126,943 132,000 132,000 20.0 26,383 136,325 136,325
4452 Juv Detention Home - Temp 1,305,550 977,980 1,125,000 1,125,000 54.7 615,158 1,125,000 1,125,000
Total Mandated Programs 1,305,550 977,980 1,125,000 1,125,000 54.7 615,158 1,125,000 1,125,000
Total A.3145 - DCFS- Juvenile Detention 1,453,266 1,104,923 1,257,000 1,257,000 51.0 641,541 1,261,325 1,261,325

Page 450
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Safety October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.3145 DCFS- Juvenile Detention

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 118,404 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 0 118,404 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
36230.01 Juvenile Delinquent Juv Det Home 625,918 493,117 616,000 616,000 40.5 249,289 618,049 618,049
Total State Aid 625,918 493,117 616,000 616,000 40.5 249,289 618,049 618,049
Total A.3145 - DCFS- Juvenile Detention 625,918 611,522 616,000 616,000 40.5 249,289 618,049 618,049

Total Department of Community & Family Services Approp 1,453,266 1,104,923 1,257,000 1,257,000 51.0 641,541 1,261,325 1,261,325

Total Department of Community & Family Services Revenue 625,918 611,522 616,000 616,000 40.5 249,289 618,049 618,049

Total Safety Approp 89,111,439 91,964,829 96,056,604 96,377,401 64.0 61,666,856 99,783,237 98,392,632
Total Safety Revenue 13,209,333 12,933,099 12,810,329 12,982,038 43.7 5,677,613 13,046,518 13,070,965
Net to County Cost 75,902,106 79,031,730 83,246,275 83,395,363 67.1 55,989,242 86,736,719 85,321,667

Page 451
Behavioral and Community Health

Table of Contents
Medical Examiner ................................................................. 466

Health Administration .......................................................... 471
Planning & Education .......................................................... 475
Environmental Health ......................................................... 480
Public Health Nursing ........................................................... 486
Communicable Disease ........................................................ 491
Alcohol Addiction Control (ITAP).......................................... 498
Mental Hygiene Administration .......................................... 502
Contracted Services.............................................................. 509
Partial Hospital .................................................................... 513
Coordinated Services............................................................ 517
HELPLINE ............................................................................. 521
Diversion Program ................................................................ 525
Court Remands ..................................................................... 531
Mobile Team ....................................................................... 532
Stabilization Center ............................................................. 535 Percentage of the County Budget
Veterans Service Agency ..................................................... 539
Weights & Measures ........................................................... 545
Behavioral and Community Health

Dutchess County will be the healthiest county in New York

State. The Dutchess County Department of Behavioral and
Community Health will assess and protect the community from
health risks, assure access to high quality services, and
promote holistic care that integrates physical and behavioral
health outcomes.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 452
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Medical Examiner’s Office (A.1185)
The Office is mandated by law to investigate any sudden, unexpected, violent or suspicious death within the County, in order to determine cause
and manner of death. The office also provides oversight to the forensic nursing exam services to survivors of violence and abuse. Services include
providing examinations, documentation and photographs of injuries, evidence collection and referrals as needed. The Medical Examiner’s Office
serves law enforcement, public health and safety, the New York Organ Donor Network, State and County agencies, and all County residents.

Public Health Planning and Education (A.4010.27)

The purpose of this division is to disseminate to the community continuous, accurate, timely and meaningful information designed to reduce
health risks, promote better health, and to provide DBCH workforce with reliable access to high quality information and informational resources.
The division is also responsible for the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of the department’s Community Health
Assessment (CHA), and the Dutchess County Health Emergency Response Plan. It oversees the creation of various publications, such as the
department’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), annual report and various newsletters. The division also gathers, organizes, analyzes
and interprets vital and public health related epidemiological data and ensures completion of all Public Health Emergency Preparedness grant
deliverables as required by NYS Department of Health, Department of Homeland Security or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Environmental Health Services (A.4010.29)

Environmental Health Services Division activities include regulatory services carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Dutchess County
Sanitary Code and the New York State Public Health Law. The division regulates public water supplies including source, treatment, storage and
distribution systems; sewage systems including collection, treatment and disposal; temporary residences; children’s camps; and food service
establishments. They also regulate public swimming pools; public bathing beaches; recreational aquatic spray grounds; migrant farm worker
housing; mass gatherings; public functions with attendance of 5,000 or more people; child day care facilities; nursery schools; mobile home parks;
tobacco retailers; and tanning facilities. Regulatory activities include permitting, inspections, enforcement, engineering plan review and approval
and complaint investigations. The division investigates reports of public nuisance, foodborne illness, elevated blood lead levels in children,
chemical spills for potential public health impacts, housing complaints, sewage failures and public water supply complaints. They also administer
the rabies control program; performs food service operator trainings and drowning prevention seminars; permits septic system repairs and the
construction of wells; inspects septic system installations; conducts some public water supply water sampling; and offers advice to the public
regarding their private well water quality concerns.

Public Health Nursing (A.4010.30)

The Public Health Nursing Division provides Family Health and Chronic Disease programs aimed at improving the health of families across the life
span. Family Health Programs focus on improving maternal, infant, child, adolescent, and reproductive health including services to breastfeeding
mothers. The division services high-risk children in Foster Care, involved with Child Protective Services, affected by opioids, with special health
care needs, and exposed to lead poisoning. The Chronic Disease program is designed to reduce the prevalence of disease in the County. The PHN
Page 453
division is responsible for identifying and planning population based programs as identified in our Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).
In collaboration with Quality Improvement and Mental Hygiene, this division is responsible for leading the development of the department’s
strategic plan.

Communicable Disease Control (A.4010.31)

The Communicable Disease Control Division conducts routine surveillance for all reportable communicable diseases and investigates
communicable disease case reports as required by NYS Sanitary Code (10NYCRR 2.10) public health law. The division also investigates clusters of
suspect infectious disease in schools, colleges, businesses and other congregate settings. It provides education and guidance to health care
providers and other community partners on a variety of infectious disease topics. The CDC division also encompasses the Article 28 Diagnostic
and Treatment clinic for Tuberculosis, STD, and HIV and provides a variety of immunizations to nearly 1,000 clinic patients annually.

Addition Control (A.4250)

The Intensive Treatment Alternatives Program (ITAP) provides day rehabilitation for chemically dependent persons who require more intensive
care than can be provided in a clinic, serves as an alternative-to-incarceration and provides chemical dependency evaluation and case
management support to chemically dependent public assistance recipients, probationers, and others served by the criminal justice system.

Mental Hygiene Services (A.4310)

This division is responsible for the planning, oversight, development, and provision of comprehensive community-based prevention, treatment,
and recovery services and programs for people who are mentally ill, intellectually/developmentally disabled and/or chemically dependent. These
services are provided directly by DBCH behavioral health services divisions, contract agencies and other community-based service agencies.

Contracted Services (A.4320.42)

Contracted services are provided by Abilities First, Inc.; Astor Services for Children & Families; The ARC of Dutchess; Dutchess County Council on
Addiction Prevention & Education, Inc.; Gateway Community Industries, Inc.; Hudson River Housing; Hudson Valley Mental Health, Inc.; Lexington
Center for Recovery, Inc.; Mental Health America of Dutchess County, Inc.; Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers; MHRH; Access: Supports for
Living, Inc.; PEOPLe, Inc.; Rehabilitation Support Services, Inc.; and Taconic Resources for Independence, Inc.

Partial Hospital (A.4320.43)

The Partial Hospitalization Program provides treatment five days a week for patients 18 years of age and over who require daily structured mental
health treatment. The program functions both as an alternative to full-time psychiatric hospitalization for those who have supportive living
arrangements and as a step-down for those patients discharged from a psychiatric inpatient unit.

Coordinated Services (A.4320.44)

Coordinated Services are those functions that provide monitoring and oversight of a variety of behavioral health community support services
such as housing coordination, assisted outpatient services coordination, single point of access coordination, children’s services coordination,

Page 454
prevention services coordination, and family court evaluation coordination. Each area is headed by a Coordinator who works to identify needs in
the respective areas for services in the community and works with the community based programs to develop services. Services are also provided
through the Office of Probation and Community Correction, Department of Community and Family Services, and the Dutchess County Jail.

HELPLINE (A.4320.45)
HELPLINE provides telephone and texting counseling, crisis intervention, information and referral services and operates 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year.

Diversion (A.4320.46)
The Diversion program provides services in the community to individuals, families and groups who are in acute distress. The Mobile Crisis
Intervention Team, dispatched by HELPLINE, is available seven days a week and interfaces with police and other County agencies and intervenes
with children and adults countywide. The Crisis Intervention Team operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Stabilization Center (A.4320.74)

The Stabilization Center is a multi-agency partnership providing supports, assessments and related crisis services for youth, families and
adults. Services are targeted to reduce emergency department visits and for diversion from the criminal justice system. Services will focus on
mental health assessments, sobering and beginning detox, respite and access to primary care. The expected outcomes will include linkages to
community partners and increasing guest’s knowledge of available local resources and how to access them.

Veterans Services (A.6510)

The mission of this division is to promote the interests and welfare of our veterans, their dependents and survivors. The division aims to enhance
their quality of life through counseling, claims assistance, education, and advocacy in obtaining federal, state and local benefits, which may be
available to them. Staff provides comprehensive services including assistance with burial and survivor benefits, filing of discharge papers with the
County Clerk, applying for the F.A.V.O.R. Discount Card, replacing lost Military Records, upgrading or correcting military discharges, applying for
medals, and referrals to other benefit agencies. In depth counseling and follow-up service on all claims for benefits are available to all veterans
and their dependents/survivors. Veterans Services also oversees the Peer-to-Peer services grant operated by Mental Health America of Dutchess

Weights & Measures (A.6610)

The division is responsible for ensuring commercial products are marketed fairly and competitively. Responsibilities include the inspection of all
scales and measuring devices in commercial establishments to ensure accuracy; testing of petroleum products for quality (octane, ethanol content
and Clean Air Act Requirements); inspection of retail price scanner accuracy; weights of all commodities; and precious metal licensing. In addition,
the Division is responsible for enforcing the Department of Energy Conservation regulations as it pertains to gasoline storage at retail gas stations.

Page 455
Key Budgetary Issues:
• Combatting the opioid abuse problem in Dutchess County has led to the creation of two temporary pilot positions in 2018 which the
Department is requesting to make permanent in 2019. These positions include a Public Health Education Coordinator in department
A.4010.27 Health Planning and Education, and a Recovery Coach in A.4320.74 Stabilization Center. In addition, service volume increases in
both HELPLINE and Diversion Services (Mobile Crisis Intervention) has necessitated increases in staffing by County personnel as well as
contracted staffing. This can be seen by new positions and/or position movements in Departments A.4320.45 HELPLINE, A.4320.46 and
A.4320.68 Diversion Services
• Prevention activities continue to be a focus in 2019 and the Department has increased its requested supplies of outreach materials including
those for students, veterans and seniors in Departments A.4010.27 Health Planning and Education and A.6510 Veterans Services. The
materials will be provided to these populations at various events around the County including but not limited to senior picnics, health fairs,
special needs picnics, and veterans outreach events. In addition, promotional campaigns are planned for various media outlets including
print, air and online.
• Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital of Westchester Medical Center has opted not to renew its contract with the Department for the provision of
professional staffing on-site at the Hospital and off campus at the Stabilization Center/HELPLINE in the community. This has reduced the
fiscal support of the department by over $600,000 at a time when service volumes for these services continue to climb, especially at critical
times of day/week when these services were targeted-overnight and on the weekends. The Department has continued to provide services
during these times to ensure individuals in crisis can receive or be directed to appropriate services 24/7/365.

2019 Initiatives:
• With the continued rise in sexually transmitted diseases, • Public health detailing is an effective way to increase awareness
methods of developing ideas to stem the tide are much needed. and collaboration within the provider community. Outreach and
A Sexual Health Coalition, a working group, comprised of detailing visits are planned to identify, implement, and monitor
Primary Healthcare Providers, Community Based Organizations the effectiveness of at least one evidence based coalition
and Colleges and some select schools will brainstorm intervention per year to improve community adult
together. immunization coverage.

• Public Health Preparedness plans to increase community • The department is planning to collaborate with neighboring
education opportunities delivered by the Medical Reserve Corps counties to establish an Immunization Coalition (Orange,
(MRC) of Dutchess County. The MRC has had great success with Putnam, Sullivan, Ulster and Dutchess) to increase the adult
Citizen Preparedness classes. In 2019, additional offerings to the immunization rate in Dutchess County during 2019.
public will include Stop the Bleed classes along with blood
pressure checks and public health and preparedness education.

Page 456
• Work with a national pharmacy chain to open a pharmacy at the • With the expected grant funding, the Medical Examiner’s Office
230 North Road campus. This provider will serve our clients as plan for IRIS Scanning research and more extensive toxicology
well as our partner agencies’ clients, ultimately to improve testing on substance abuse cases as part of a data initiative for
treatment adherence and clinical outcomes. the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program grant.

Page 457
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Medical Examiner - Respond to and investigate all reportable deaths, in order to determine which cases fall under the jurisdiction of the Medical Examiner.
Act as an expert witness in criminal and civil cases involving deaths due to violence and live victims of violence and abuse; and investigate unresolved old
Total Caseload 933 974 1,036 62 6.4%
Death Scene Visits 390 464 481 17 3.7%
Autopsies 285 294 355 61 20.7%
External Examination / Certification 59 162 167 5 3.1%
Court Testimony 14 18 17 (1) -5.6%
Consultation / Live Victims & Old Cases 12 20 10 (10) -50.0%
Overdose Prevention Program - Coordination of training and provision of overdose prevention kits to county law enforcement programs, professionals and
community members.
Number of Persons Trained 1,698 1,740 2,290 550 31.6%
Number of Narcan Kits Distributed 2,031 2,564 2,297 (267) -10.4%
Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Programs - Planning and preparation for emergency response and/or mass casualty events and ensuring
Emergency Preparedness grant deliverables as required by NYS Department of Health, Department of Homeland Security or the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. Managing the CPR/AED and Stop the Bleed Programs.
Number of MRC Registered on ServNY* 402 230 260 30 13.0%
Number of MRC Outreach/Community Events 39 40 44 4 10.0%
Total Number of Volunteer Hours in Training 1,808 1,900 2,000 100 5.3%
Total Number of DBCH Staff Attending PHEP Related Trainings and
235 160 180 20 12.5%
Number of Dutchess County Employees Trained in CPR/AED 158 114 150 36 31.6%
Number of Dutchess County Employees Trained in Stop the Bleed - 950 1,000 50 5.3%
Number of Community Members Trained in Stop the Bleed - 100 200 100 100.0%
*NYS DOH revised volunteer registration system parameters resulting in decreased number. ** 2017 post merger all DBCH staff received Public Heath Preparedness 101 training.

Page 458
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Environmental Health - Community Sanitation Services - Inspect permitted facilities and investigate complaints.
Inspections of Camps and Recreational Facilities 924 920 920 - 0.0%
Inspections of Temporary Residences (Hotels/Motels) 275 222 222 - 0.0%
Public Health Nursing - Maternal Child Health Program - Promote the health of mothers, infants and children through home visits to ensure engagement in
primary care and preventive health services and to provide health guidance as needed.
Health Guidance Visits 618 678 848 170 25.1%
Public Health Nursing - Chronic Disease Prevention Program - Promote the health of individuals and families through chronic disease prevention education
including pre-diabetes, diabetes, heart health, stroke prevention, nutrition and obesity prevention.
Educational Programs 55 100 77 (23) -23.0%
Participants Served 4,454 2,850 3,652 802 28.1%
Communicable Disease Control Clinics - Provide free and confidential screening, diagnosis and treatment at the TB, HIV and STD clinics. Provide
immunization to the public, in particular to high risk individuals and those traveling abroad. Monitor 80 NYS reportable diseases.
Total Number of Electronic Clinical Reporting System (ECLRS) Lab
12,667 13,050 13,315 265 2.0%
Report For All 80 NYS Reportable Diseases
Number of STD Clinic Visits 1,128 1,130 1,160 30 2.7%
Number of Pulmonary Clinic and TB Related Visits (including TB
792 850 880 30 3.5%
Number of Immunizations Administered (adult & children) 2,288 2,300 2,350 50 2.2%
Rabies Program - Decrease the number of humans receiving post-exposure treatment in Dutchess County by increasing the number of pets (dogs, cats,
domestic ferrets) vaccinated at rabies clinics sponsored by DBCH and community partners.
Number of Case Investigations 678 700 725 25 3.6%
Number of Unique Individuals Referred to Prophylaxis Treatment 80 90 95 5 5.6%
Number of Rabies Vaccine Injections Administered 171 225 240 15 6.7%
Number of Pets Vaccinated - 4 Clinics 486 430 494 64 14.9%

Page 459
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Arthropod-borne Disease Program - Maintain ongoing surveillance activities and epidemiological status of reportable conditions caused by arthropod
vectors, primarily ticks and mosquitoes. Develop and implement prevention education for residents. Update healthcare providers on emergent arthropod-
borne disease issues, advising on approved treatments, and understanding current laboratory tools used for diagnosis.
Number of Arthropod Diseases Reported on ECLRs 3,567 3,600 3,650 160 4.4%
Arthropod Case Investigations 2,560 2,450 2,500 50 2.0%
Total Number of Confirmed and Probable Cases Based on NYS Data
942 960 1,000 160 16.7%
* Sentinel surveillance means we investigate a randomized sample of 20% of reported positives for Lyme disease; NYS DOH subsequently applies a statistical formula and provides an estimate
of the actual number of positive cases.

Outpatient Clinic Services - (ITAP Aftercare & Transitions Treatment Program (started in 2017) Provide adults/adolescents and their families with treatment
to promote recovery from chemical dependence/addiction and improve their quality of life.
Number of Persons Served 70 120 130 10 8.3%
Volume of Service 1,316 2,865 3,150 285 9.9%
Outpatient Rehabilitation Services (ITAP) - Provide chemically dependent adults with a highly structured, intensive, five day per week program with the
goal of developing and maintaining a program of recovery.
Number of Persons Served 104 115 125 10 8.7%
Volume of Service 10,201 8,905 9,800 895 10.1%
HVMH Outpatient Clinic Services - Provide adults with clinic treatment to enhance their mental health, quality of life and independence.
Number of Persons Served 3,947 4,010 4,160 150 3.7%
Volume of Service 45,127 47,055 48,795 1,740 3.7%
Access: Supports for Living - Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) - Provide adults with PROS treatment services to enhance their mental health,
quality of life and independence.
Number of Persons Served 621 715 715 - 0.0%
Volume of Service 80,795 82,415 82,415 - 0.0%

Page 460
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Case Management (ICM, SCM, BCM, and Generic CM Services) & MHA Beacon PROS - Provide linking and coordinating services that assist mentally ill
individuals to live as independently as possible, through accessing treatment services and medical, housing and vocational supports.

Number of Persons Served 3,951 3,390 3,390 - 0.0%

Volume of Service 55,757 43,020 43,020 - 0.0%
Children's Services - Provide children and their families with clinic treatment, day treatment, home-based crisis intervention, case management and partial
hospitalization services to enhance their mental health, functionality at home and at school, and quality of life.
Number of Persons Served 3,022 2,980 3,130 150 5.0%
Volume of Service 53,547 69,095 72,550 3,455 5.0%
Methadone Services - Offer methadone maintenance and treatment to individuals addicted to heroin and certain prescription drugs.
Number of Persons Served 437 665 665 - 0.0%
Volume of Service 55,821 97,190 97,190 - 0.0%
Lexington Center for Recovery, Inc. Outpatient Clinic Services - Provide adults/adolescents and their families with treatment to promote recovery from
chemical dependence/addiction and improve their quality of life.
Number of Persons Served 1,647 2,920 3,065 145 5.0%
Volume of Service 36,443 32,900 34,545 1,645 5.0%
Habilitation, Training, and Vocational Services - Enhance the functionality and quality of life of people who are developmentally disabled and their families
residing in Dutchess County.
Number of Persons Served 800 415 415 - 0.0%
Volume of Service 104,938 88,585 88,585 - 0.0%
Partial Hospitalization - A five day a week intensive treatment program to stabilize individuals in an effort to prevent psychiatric hospitalizations or to
gradually phase individuals back into the community after a psychiatric hospitalization.
Number of Persons Served 394 410 450 40 9.8%
Volume of Service 3,547 3,745 4,120 375 10.0%

Page 461
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Forensic Services - Provide a comprehensive chemical dependency/mental health/criminal justice assessment with appropriate behavioral healthcare
treatment recommendations to the courts as an alternative to incarceration.
Number of Persons Served 293 285 300 15 5.3%
Volume of Service 293 285 300 15 5.3%
Jail-Based Behavioral Health Services - Provide mental health/chemical dependency services to individuals incarcerated in the DC Jail and link these
individuals to appropriate behavioral healthcare services upon their release into the community.
Number of Persons Served* 98 110 110 - 0.0%
Volume of Service 2,028 1,355 1,355 - 0.0%
* These figures do not currently reflect services provided in the jail collected in the Northpointe software.
Case Management, Vocational and Assessment Services - Provide planning, linking, monitoring and advocacy to individuals to assist in engaging them in
treatment and remaining in treatment with the goal of reducing the Medicaid cost for CD treatment.
Number of Persons Served 1,384 1,700 1,800 100 5.9%
Volume of Service 1,384 1,700 1,800 100 5.9%
Court Evaluations - Assist Dutchess County criminal justice system by providing the courts with pre-trial psychiatric evaluations of defendant's competency
to understand at trial the charges brought against them and their ability to participate in their own defense.
Number of Persons Served 74 65 65 - 0.0%
Volume of Service 169 150 150 - 0.0%
Helpline - Provide telephone counseling, crisis intervention, information and referral services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Number of Persons Identified (unduplicated) 4,693 5,310 5,575 265 5.0%
Volume of Service 34,621 39,050 42,175 3,125 8.0%
Texting Contacts 1,027 1,755 1,755 - 0.0%
Mobile Crisis Intervention Team - Provide short-term interventions stabilization for individuals in acute psychological distress in an effort to avoid
emergency department visits and/or psychiatric hospitalization.
Number of Persons Served 4,744 1,875 2,005 130 6.9%
Volume of Service 22,081 15,855 16,965 1,110 7.0%

Page 462
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Stabilization Center - A 24 hour walk-in facility for people feeling overwhelmed by mental health, substance use, or other life issues. (Program began
Number of Persons Served 1,874 3,075 4,000 925 30.1%
Volume of Service 4,569 6,915 8,995 2,080 30.1%
Division of Veterans Services - Provide outreach and education to veterans and families regarding services and entitlements available from federal, state
and local governments.
Education and Vocational Rehab 336 689 689 - 0.0%
Pension 1,313 1,145 1,145 - 0.0%
Burial / Insurance 769 1,255 1,255 - 0.0%
Compensation 1,989 2,008 2,008 - 0.0%
Discharge Papers, Military Records 1,848 1,592 1,592 - 0.0%
Blind Annuity 15 234 234 - 0.0%
Loan 223 772 772 - 0.0%
Medical Assistance 1,786 1,410 1,410 - 0.0%
Total Number of Contacts 23,071 18,789 18,789 - 0.0%
Weights & Measures Division - Inspections of all retail gasoline pumps and scales used in commercial transactions to ensure that the correct amounts are
received by the consumer. Gasoline samples are tested for chemical component to ensure that it is within specifications.
Weights & Measuring Devices Inspected 4,697 4,697 4,697 - 0.0%
Weights & Measures Division - Protect consumers through the enforcement of local and state laws designed to maintain equity in retail transactions.

Gasoline Samples Tested* 288 288 288 - 0.0%

Inspection of Scanner Accuracy 26 27 27 - 0.0%
Item Pricing Exemption Permits Issued 26 27 27 - 0.0%
* Contract is for testing of 285 samples but more may be tested if staff time available.

Page 463
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 14,025,926 14,568,461 15,120,810 15,338,293 217,483 1.4% 2019 Appropriations
Employee Benefits 6,134,480 6,523,140 6,372,253 7,092,665 720,412 11.3%
Personal Services 20,160,406 21,091,601 21,493,063 22,430,958 937,895 4.4%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 179,730 209,572 183,222 205,650 22,428 12.2%
Equipment 31,345 126,822 124,930 7,400 (117,530) -94.1% Services
Communication 55,125 53,042 53,536 56,805 3,269 6.1%
Supplies 197,659 414,789 445,479 429,146 (16,333) -3.7%
Utilities 3,810 3,306 3,306 4,061 755 22.8%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 890,806 902,136 902,842 969,162 66,320 7.3%
Insurance 135,746 136,800 136,800 158,400 21,600 15.8% 5% 42%
Contracted Services 17,333,410 18,672,475 19,774,181 19,035,684 (738,497) -3.7% Other Contracted
Mandated Programs 855,850 725,000 724,000 725,000 1,000 0.1% 4% Programs

Operations 1,253,712 1,570,824 1,604,592 1,736,575 131,983 8.2% Operations

Total Appropriations $41,097,598 $43,906,367 $45,445,951 $45,758,841 $312,890 0.7%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Departmental Income 2,898,115 3,735,107 3,742,107 3,283,231 (458,876) -12.3%

Intergovernmental Charges 40,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 20,000 100.0% 2019 Revenues
Use of Money and Property 22 - - - - 0.0%
Licenses and Permits 725,620 670,020 670,020 697,020 27,000 4.0% 78% 6%
State Aid Federal Aid
Fines and Forfeitures 40,553 41,000 41,000 41,000 - 0.0%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 4,535 - - - - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources 115,468 47,973 47,973 4,000 (43,973) -91.7%
Sate Aid 18,372,373 19,358,714 20,593,252 19,891,838 (701,414) -3.4%
Federal Aid 1,031,469 1,113,357 1,113,357 1,535,935 422,578 38.0%
Interfund Transfer - - - 16,723 16,723 100.0% Other
Total Revenues $23,228,154 $24,986,171 $26,227,709 $25,509,747 ($717,962) -2.7%

Net to County Cost $17,869,444 $18,920,196 $19,218,242 $20,249,094 $1,030,852 5.4%

Page 464
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Behavioral Health New York State
Advisory Board Commissioner of Department of Health
New York State
Examiner’s Office
Behavioral and Office for People with
Developmental Disabilities
Board of Health
Community Health New York State
Office of Mental Health
New York State
Office of Alcoholism $
Substance Abuse Services

Office of Quality
Community Communicable
Improvement & Behavioral Health Administrative
Veteran’s Services Health Disease &
Workforce Division Operations
Division Preparedness

Public Health Environmental
Nursing Health
Office of
Clinical Services
EI & Preschool
Weights & Public Health
Measures Clinic

Hospital Crisis Developmental

Chemical Diversion
Transition Stabilization Disabilities
Dependency Services
Program Page 465
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1185 - General Fund.DBCH.Medical Examiner
CHIEF MED EXAMR FOREN PATH F 1.00 191,723 1.00 F 1.00 201,135 1.00 201,135
CHIEF MED INVST FOREN 17 1.00 82,438 1.00 17 1.00 90,077 1.00 90,077
DPTY MED EXAMR F 1.00 159,761 1.00 F 1.00 167,440 1.00 167,440
MED EXAMR TECH 13 0.00 0 0.00 13 1.00 52,595 1.00 52,595
MORTUARY TECH 11 1.00 42,824 1.00 11 1.00 47,221 1.00 47,221
PRIN PROG AST 12 1.00 57,859 1.00 12 1.00 62,061 1.00 62,061
A.1185 - General Fund.DBCH.Medical Examiner 5.00 534,605 5.00 6.00 620,529 6.00 620,529

Page 466
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1185 DBCH.Medical Examiner

1010 Positions 523,655 520,686 534,605 536,138 74.8 401,154 620,529 620,529
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 51,311 51,311

• Temp Medical Examiner Technician.

1040 ST Overtime 17,009 17,792 18,500 18,500 85.6 15,831 19,425 14,569

• Recommended: decrease as new position requested was recommended.

1050 Overtime 13,933 22,200 22,000 31,171 82.7 25,791 23,100 17,325

• Recommended: decrease as new position requested was recommended.

1070 Shift Differential 734 1,223 1,300 1,300 87.3 1,135 1,365 1,365
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 40 0 25 25 0.0 0 25 25

Total Salaries and Wages 555,372 561,900 576,430 587,134 75.6 443,910 715,755 705,124
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 45,079 37,608 34,883 35,703 90.6 32,352 40,544 40,544
8355 Long-Term Disability 814 1,025 1,025 1,151 72.2 831 1,187 1,187
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 109,454 86,609 96,531 93,426 75.0 70,069 124,888 124,888
8450 Optical Insurance 1,481 1,113 1,105 1,196 72.3 865 1,380 1,380
8500 Dental Insurance 9,042 7,474 7,415 7,790 72.3 5,632 8,988 8,988
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 141 46.2 65 226 226
8800 Life Ins 491 315 315 315 75.0 236 315 315
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 45 63 63 63 75.0 47 63 63

Total Employee Benefits 166,406 134,208 141,337 139,785 78.8 110,097 177,591 177,591
8100 Pymts to Retire System 80,642 74,422 76,587 76,587 23.4 17,904 75,106 83,754

Total Benefits 80,642 74,422 76,587 76,587 23.4 17,904 75,106 83,754

Total Personal Services 802,419 770,530 794,354 803,506 71.2 571,912 968,452 966,469
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 0 1,500 505 0.0 0 1,500 1,500
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 3 0 1,231 1,231 0.0 0 1,250 1,250
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 877 0 100 100 75.0 75 100 100
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 850 850 0.0 0 900 900
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 329 329 445 445 44.9 200 460 460
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,208 329 4,126 3,131 8.8 275 4,210 4,210
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 0 0 1,732 0.0 0 0 0

Page 467
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 0 0 1,732 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 0 0 1,732 0.0 0 0 0

4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 75.0 9,000 12,000 12,000
Total Communication 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 75.0 9,000 12,000 12,000
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 12,899 16,427 18,000 18,000 69.3 12,468 18,000 18,000
4160 Office Supplies 1,782 1,693 5,200 5,200 78.0 4,058 5,450 5,450

• Equipment $3,450; Office Supplies $2,000.

Total Supplies 14,682 18,120 23,200 23,200 71.2 16,526 23,450 23,450
4240 Water 3,810 3,810 3,000 3,000 90.7 2,721 3,820 3,751
Total Utilities 3,810 3,810 3,000 3,000 90.7 2,721 3,820 3,751
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,742 1,761 1,584 1,584 71.3 1,129 1,584 1,584
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 1,936 2,323 2,322 2,322 68.0 1,580 2,664 2,664
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 617 563 650 650 72.8 473 650 650
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 522 2,168 2,717 2,717 66.7 1,811 2,718 2,718
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 82 8 500 500 12.0 60 500 500

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 4,899 6,823 7,773 7,773 65.0 5,053 8,116 8,116

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 4,899 6,823 7,773 7,773 65.0 5,053 8,116 8,116
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 855 0 1,500 1,500 40.0 600 1,500 1,500
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 225 225 0.0 0 225 225
4418 Lab Fees/ Chem Analysis 58,099 72,998 65,000 65,000 78.4 50,939 71,000 71,000

• Additional test run for Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-Based Grant.

4438 Investigations 83,046 83,388 87,000 75,768 69.8 52,879 65,240 55,240

• Recommended: decrease as new position requested was recommended.

4457 Transportation 22,182 16,157 25,000 25,000 84.5 21,124 27,000 27,000
Total Contracted Services 164,182 172,543 178,725 167,493 75.0 125,542 164,965 154,965
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 10,337 10,333 10,334 10,334 83.4 8,614 10,334 10,334
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 190 190 190 100.0 190 0 0

Page 468
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 281 1,133 325 1,320 21.0 277 1,335 1,335

• Tiger View $995; Landauer $340.

4610.70 Advertising Admin 0 0 150 150 0.0 0 175 175

4611 Refuse Removal 4,680 5,370 6,336 6,336 70.9 4,493 6,900 6,900
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 825 1,555 1,750 11,250 95.0 10,690 1,750 1,750
4623 Other Services 3,127 3,386 3,600 3,600 65.7 2,366 3,600 3,600

• After hours messaging service.

4650 External Postage 650 1,453 1,500 1,500 74.2 1,113 1,600 1,600
Total Operations 19,899 23,420 24,185 34,680 80.0 27,744 25,694 25,694
Total A.1185 - DBCH.Medical Examiner 1,023,100 1,007,575 1,047,363 1,056,515 71.8 758,773 1,210,707 1,198,655

Page 469
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1185 DBCH.Medical Examiner

12250 Medical Examiner Fees 13,677 38,245 20,000 20,000 122.8 24,567 34,000 34,000
Total Departmental Income 13,677 38,245 20,000 20,000 122.8 24,567 34,000 34,000
22800 Health Services - Other Govt/Dis 35,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 150.0 30,000 40,000 40,000
Total Intergovernmental Charges 35,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 150.0 30,000 40,000 40,000
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 5,547 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 5,547 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34010.39 Pub Hlth Post-Mortem Iris Recognition 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 45,031 45,031

• Proposed new grant with Researcher from University of Notre Dame.

Total State Aid 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 45,031 45,031

Total A.1185 - DBCH.Medical Examiner 54,224 78,245 40,000 40,000 136.4 54,567 119,031 119,031

Page 470
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4010.01 - General Fund.DBCH.Administration
ACCOUNTANT 16 1.50 97,124 1.50 16 1.50 102,121 1.50 102,121
ACCTG CLK 09 3.00 142,439 3.00 09 3.00 144,371 3.00 144,371
CHIEF DIV ADMV OPS MG 0.50 65,399 0.50 MG 0.50 59,999 0.50 59,999
COMSR OF BEHAV AND CMNTY HLTH F 1.00 225,001 1.00 F 1.00 235,814 1.00 235,814
CONF ADMV AST CI 1.00 66,013 1.00 CI 1.00 69,186 1.00 69,186
DIR QUAL IMPROV MF 0.00 0 0.00 MF 0.50 50,624 0.00 0
PRIN PROG AST 12 2.50 129,901 2.50 12 2.50 144,030 2.50 144,030
QUAL IMPROV COORD 18 0.50 42,859 0.50 18 0.50 47,038 0.50 47,038
SPRT SVCS MGR MC 0.50 37,312 0.50 MC 0.50 39,144 0.50 39,144
SR ACCOUNTANT 17 0.50 35,031 0.50 17 1.50 108,886 1.50 108,886
SR PROG AST 10 0.00 0 0.00 10 0.50 20,459 0.50 20,459
A.4010.01 - General Fund.DBCH.Administration 11.00 841,079 11.00 13.00 1,021,672 12.50 971,048

Page 471
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4010.01 DBCH.Administration

1010 Positions 863,574 827,087 841,079 860,378 69.1 594,935 1,021,672 971,048
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 49,120 49,120
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 68 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 863,641 827,087 841,079 860,378 69.1 594,935 1,070,792 1,020,168
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 58,038 59,629 58,182 59,659 70.4 41,985 71,518 67,644
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,937 2,253 1,790 2,583 70.8 1,828 2,250 2,250
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 150,065 183,306 183,613 174,096 74.1 129,034 231,804 221,998
8450 Optical Insurance 2,443 2,309 2,216 2,013 73.7 1,483 2,530 2,415
8500 Dental Insurance 14,912 15,505 14,594 13,107 73.7 9,661 16,478 15,729
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 261 46.1 120 537 537
8800 Life Ins 1,156 656 507 734 71.9 528 459 459
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 105 131 102 147 71.9 106 93 93

Total Employee Benefits 228,656 263,790 261,004 252,600 73.1 184,745 325,669 311,125
8100 Pymts to Retire System 94,828 90,244 115,252 115,252 18.4 21,219 97,916 135,432

Total Benefits 94,828 90,244 115,252 115,252 18.4 21,219 97,916 135,432

Total Personal Services 1,187,125 1,181,121 1,217,335 1,228,230 65.2 800,898 1,494,377 1,466,725
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 64 18 100 100 22.4 22 100 100
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 178 123 200 200 17.2 34 200 200
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 1,872 23 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 215 75 700 700 23.6 165 700 700
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 6,067 6,622 6,975 6,975 93.8 6,542 7,202 7,202
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 8,396 6,861 8,075 8,075 83.8 6,764 8,302 8,302
4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 1,794 1,794 1,795 1,795 75.0 1,346 1,800 1,800
Total Communication 1,794 1,794 1,795 1,795 75.0 1,346 1,800 1,800
4160 Office Supplies 5,348 4,566 6,600 6,600 71.0 4,689 16,750 15,350

• Equipment $11,750, Office Supplies $5,000. Recommended: decrease as related positions were not recommended.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 1,080 720 720 100.0 720 750 750

• Corporate compliance employee licensing validation software renewal.

Total Supplies 5,348 5,645 7,320 7,320 73.9 5,409 17,500 16,100

Page 472
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 9,481 9,519 5,868 5,868 67.8 3,976 5,580 5,580
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 1,324 2,134 872 872 101.3 884 1,326 1,326
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 366 458 1,200 1,200 27.9 335 1,200 1,200
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,759 1,997 2,076 2,076 66.7 1,384 2,077 2,077
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 115 502 325 325 28.3 92 325 325
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 4,040 4,727 9,800 9,800 54.3 5,317 11,389 10,805
4628.81 Interdept Exp Records Retention 1,344 992 1,196 1,196 41.8 500 1,136 1,136
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 7,439 1,282 10,865 10,865 17.2 1,868 11,948 11,948
4628.83 Interdept Exp CA Charges 10,352 14,047 12,000 12,000 62.8 7,534 20,000 20,000
4628.91 Interdept Exp Misc Charges 905 2,842 7,000 7,000 11.4 796 7,000 7,000

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 37,126 38,500 51,202 51,202 44.3 22,683 61,981 61,397

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 37,126 38,500 51,202 51,202 44.3 22,683 61,981 61,397
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 135,961 121,877 129,157 129,157 88.3 114,068 130,895 130,895
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 0 100 100 80.0 80 100 100
4610.70 Advertising Admin 263 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4613.200 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop Leased Property 0 449 0 0 0.0 0 450 450
4650 External Postage 26 15 150 150 0.1 0 150 150
4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 661 500 700 700 30.3 212 700 700
Total Operations 136,911 122,841 130,107 130,107 87.9 114,360 132,295 132,295
Total A.4010.01 - DBCH.Administration 1,376,701 1,356,763 1,415,834 1,426,729 66.7 951,461 1,716,255 1,686,619

Page 473
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4010.01 DBCH.Administration

26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 0 1,877 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 1,877 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 5,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 800 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 5,800 0 0 0 0.0 2 0 0
34010.01 Pub Hlth Article 6 678,469 894,172 790,248 798,248 85.1 679,422 881,361 862,462
Total State Aid 678,469 894,172 790,248 798,248 85.1 679,422 881,361 862,462
Total A.4010.01 - DBCH.Administration 684,270 896,049 790,248 798,248 85.1 679,424 881,361 862,462

Page 474
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4010.27 - General Fund.DBCH.Planning & Education
ADMV AST 12 1.00 54,565 1.00 12 1.00 59,310 1.00 59,310
BIOSTATISTICIAN 16 1.00 62,549 1.00 16 1.00 68,705 1.00 68,705
DIR CMUNCBL DIS PREPARE MG 1.00 99,295 1.00 MG 1.00 104,066 1.00 104,066
EMERG MED SVCS COORD 17 1.00 69,141 1.00 17 1.00 75,949 1.00 75,949
EMERG PREPARE COORD 17 1.00 69,387 1.00 17 1.00 77,038 1.00 77,038
EPIDEMIOLOGIST 17 1.00 68,941 1.00 17 1.00 75,728 1.00 75,728
GIS TECH 12 1.00 56,658 1.00 12 1.00 60,759 1.00 60,759
MRC COORD 14 1.00 62,594 1.00 14 1.00 68,953 1.00 68,953
PUB HLTH ED COORD 15 2.00 121,609 2.00 15 3.00 194,633 3.00 194,633
PUB HLTH ED COORD HR 15-H 0.75 42,348 0.75 15-H 0.75 52,996 0.75 52,996
SR PUB HLTH ED COORD 16 1.00 79,786 1.00 16 1.00 85,455 1.00 85,455
SUPVG SOC WORKER 18 1.00 70,583 1.00 18 1.00 78,235 1.00 78,235
A.4010.27 - General Fund.DBCH.Planning & Education 12.75 857,456 12.75 13.75 1,001,827 13.75 1,001,827

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4010.27 DBCH.Planning & Education

1010 Positions 552,740 710,019 857,456 892,329 72.8 650,054 1,001,827 1,001,827
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 56,975 56,975 0.0 0 4,750 4,750

• One summer intern.

1040 ST Overtime 1,044 1,315 1,200 1,208 99.9 1,207 1,260 1,260
1050 Overtime 1,218 297 1,500 1,500 67.4 1,011 1,575 1,575
1070 Shift Differential 60 60 100 100 57.5 57 105 105
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 37 51 0 32 98.4 32 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 555,099 711,742 917,231 952,144 68.5 652,361 1,009,517 1,009,517
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 41,054 52,923 65,606 68,275 70.1 47,860 76,656 76,656
8355 Long-Term Disability 578 1,056 1,092 1,512 71.1 1,075 1,867 1,867
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 89,123 128,046 171,490 206,138 73.3 151,059 243,014 243,014
8450 Optical Insurance 1,663 2,060 2,437 2,640 75.6 1,995 2,990 2,990
8500 Dental Insurance 10,154 13,829 16,057 17,191 75.6 12,996 19,474 19,474
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 531 46.1 245 1,032 1,032
8800 Life Ins 149 200 200 210 75.0 158 210 210
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 14 40 40 42 75.0 32 42 42

Total Employee Benefits 142,733 198,153 256,922 296,539 72.6 215,419 345,285 345,285
8100 Pymts to Retire System 74,701 84,289 90,784 90,784 23.8 21,625 88,138 122,711

Total Benefits 74,701 84,289 90,784 90,784 23.8 21,625 88,138 122,711

Total Personal Services 772,533 994,183 1,264,937 1,339,467 66.4 889,406 1,442,940 1,477,513
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 21,115 48,000 19,751 77.2 15,239 43,500 43,500

• Educational supplies for breaking through campaign, opiod abuse and suicide prevention. Tick Kits $12,000; Helpline Bracelets & Lip Balm $10,000; Helpline magnets (for Seniors) $5,000;
Hand Sanitizers $5,000; Healthy Dutchess Lip Balm $3,000; reflective materials for Highway Safety campaign $8,500 (50% covered by Grant).
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 158 1,190 500 841 99.9 840 2,000 1,000

• Recommended: decrease as related positions were not recommended.

4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 442 1,632 200 1,496 89.5 1,339 4,000 2,000
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 112 633 25 1,393 97.3 1,356 200 200

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 723 560 20,300 6,647 30.9 2,055 3,868 3,868

• Second Step prevention program moved to 4185.

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 299 336 336 336 0.0 0 384 384
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,734 25,466 69,361 30,464 68.4 20,830 53,952 50,952
4750 Other Equipment-ND 12,869 0 93,522 88,812 0.0 0 3,900 3,900

• 78 AED's to be purchased in 2018, 3 planned in 2019.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 12,869 0 93,522 88,812 0.0 0 3,900 3,900

Total Equipment 12,869 0 93,522 88,812 0.0 0 3,900 3,900

4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 897 897 1,244 1,244 54.1 673 1,250 1,250
Total Communication 897 897 1,244 1,244 54.1 673 1,250 1,250
4123 Safety Supplies 0 0 19,578 24,184 0.0 0 5,000 5,000
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 0 0 520 100.0 520 800 800
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 10,323 6,282 350 350 60.5 212 350 350
4160 Office Supplies 11,974 2,930 7,699 7,699 69.2 5,325 12,800 12,800

• Equipment $9,400; Furniture $500; Office Supplies $2,900.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 1,345 79 2,385 2,385 0.0 0 2,500 2,500
4185 Therapy & Recr Supplies 0 0 0 38,016 93.8 35,662 21,000 21,000

• Second Step School Based Prevention program moved from 4631. Two school districts at $9,200 each; 13 school district subscriptions at $200 each.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 0 0 0 574 100.0 574 0 0

Total Supplies 23,642 9,291 30,012 73,728 57.4 42,293 42,450 42,450
4127 Propane Gas 0 0 306 306 0.0 0 310 310
Total Utilities 0 0 306 306 0.0 0 310 310
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,112 1,008 1,056 1,056 73.6 777 1,320 1,320
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 1,767 2,159 2,659 2,659 62.1 1,652 3,158 3,158
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 12 75 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,875 1,969 2,001 2,001 66.7 1,334 2,001 2,001
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 1,341 105 500 500 262.6 1,313 1,500 1,500
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 394 170 400 400 13.2 53 130 130
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 13,648 6,639 12,580 12,580 21.4 2,689 11,785 11,785

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.91 Interdept Exp Misc Charges 9,330 11,276 10,000 10,000 51.5 5,149 10,000 10,000

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 29,479 23,400 29,296 29,296 44.3 12,967 29,994 29,994

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 29,479 23,400 29,296 29,296 44.3 12,967 29,994 29,994
4400.4484 Contract Agencies Organic Indoor Gardens of Pok 120 3,261 0 2,840 100.0 2,840 0 0
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 0 70,000 70,000 0.0 0 79,685 79,685

• Community Health Assessment $59,685; Youth Prevention Program $20,000.

4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 8,291 34,000 37,000 36.2 13,404 20,000 20,000

• Community CPR Training $17,000; First Responder Special Needs Training $2,000; Various $1,000

4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 54,700 57,526 0.0 0 315,024 315,024

• Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) $5,000, Opioid componenet $75,000; Comprehensive Opioid Addiction Prevention Program $213,624; Highway Safety $11,400; Pedestrian
Safety Campaign $10,000.
4425 Recreation Special Events 1,614 473 2,350 1,830 24.0 440 4,000 4,000

• Marathon and Medical Counter Measures drill.

4431 Educational Programs 440 0 3,250 3,250 0.0 0 3,500 3,500

Total Contracted Services 2,174 12,025 164,300 172,446 9.7 16,684 422,209 422,209
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 280 280 280 280 0.0 0 290 290
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 77,413 73,815 78,207 78,207 85.9 67,158 84,460 84,460
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 0 0 300 300 0.0 0 300 300
4610.106 Advertising Program 3,960 16,055 11,500 11,500 44.3 5,095 20,000 20,000

• Outreach for: HELPLINE/Stabilization Center, seasonal depression, opioid crisis, suicide prevention in seniors, and other general messaging as needed (ie: flu outbreak).

4615 Employee Physicals 0 0 2,100 1,800 0.0 0 0 0

4650 External Postage 448 1,110 275 1,088 75.9 825 275 275
4653 Public Info and Services 10,304 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 0 0 0 200 0.0 0 0 0
Total Operations 92,405 91,260 92,662 93,375 78.3 73,078 105,325 105,325
Total A.4010.27 - DBCH.Planning & Education 935,733 1,156,523 1,745,640 1,829,138 57.7 1,055,930 2,102,330 2,133,903

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4010.27 DBCH.Planning & Education

12890.21 Other General Microgreen Project 0 10,602 30,050 30,050 3.3 1,000 0 0

• Microgreen grant ended in 2018.

16890.05 Other Health Dept Income Prescription Card Pgm Revenue

2,211 1,622 3,000 3,000 10.9 327 1,500 1,500
Total Departmental Income 2,211 12,224 33,050 33,050 4.0 1,327 1,500 1,500
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 850 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 850 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 0 12,980 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27050.06 Gifts and Donations Community Health Assessment 1,750 0 30,000 30,000 0.0 0 0 0

• Funding not guaranteed for 2019.

Total Misc. Local Sources 1,750 12,980 30,000 30,000 0.0 0 0 0

34010.01 Pub Hlth Article 6 137,702 188,222 382,816 398,056 20.4 81,162 352,275 361,195
34010.32 Pub Hlth DSRIP 0 13,495 10,000 10,000 5.0 500 10,000 10,000
Total State Aid 137,702 201,717 392,816 408,056 20.0 81,662 362,275 371,195
44010.18 Pub Hlth Bioterrorism Prep 205,392 235,844 218,107 218,107 67.1 146,398 293,107 293,107

• Additional Opioid Crisis funding $75,000.

44010.26 Pub Hlth EBOLA 60,465 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

44010.30 Pub Hlth Highway Sfty Grant HP&E 20.616 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 32,199 32,199

• New grant

44010.31 Pub Hlth Comprehensive Opiod Abuse Prog 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 353,558 353,558

• New grant

49020 Planning Studies 4,935 10,080 9,400 9,400 28.9 2,713 9,400 9,400
Total Federal Aid 270,792 245,923 227,507 227,507 65.5 149,111 688,264 688,264
Total A.4010.27 - DBCH.Planning & Education 413,305 472,844 683,373 698,613 33.2 232,100 1,052,039 1,060,959

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4010.29 - General Fund.DBCH.Environmental Health
ADMV AST 12 1.00 55,458 1.00 12 1.00 59,459 1.00 59,459
ASSOC PUB HLTH SANTRN 19 3.00 279,051 3.00 19 3.00 304,082 3.00 304,082
DIR ENV HLTH SVCS MG 1.00 104,260 1.00 MG 1.00 109,072 1.00 109,072
OFFICE AST 06 2.00 71,223 2.00 06 2.00 69,715 2.00 69,715
PROG AST 08 3.00 122,317 3.00 08 3.00 124,300 3.00 124,300
PUB HLTH ENG 17 2.00 160,487 2.00 17 2.00 173,817 2.00 173,817
PUB HLTH ENGNG TECH 13 6.00 312,661 6.00 13 6.00 335,886 6.00 335,886
PUB HLTH SANTRN 14 14.00 890,508 14.00 14 14.00 940,101 14.00 940,101
RECEP 06 1.00 42,136 1.00 06 1.00 45,305 1.00 45,305
SR OFFICE AST 08 2.00 88,884 2.00 08 2.00 83,127 2.00 83,127
SR PROG AST 10 1.00 43,251 1.00 10 1.00 47,775 1.00 47,775
SR PUB HLTH ENG 19 6.00 568,780 6.00 19 6.00 570,576 6.00 570,576
SR PUB HLTH SANTRN 17 4.00 340,457 4.00 17 4.00 346,320 4.00 346,320
SUPVG PUB HLTH ENG 20 1.00 109,587 1.00 20 1.00 117,137 1.00 117,137
A.4010.29 - General Fund.DBCH.Environmental Health 47.00 3,189,060 47.00 47.00 3,326,672 47.00 3,326,672

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4010.29 DBCH.Environmental Health

1010 Positions 3,055,978 3,190,994 3,189,060 3,329,262 68.6 2,283,995 3,326,672 3,326,672
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 9,030 9,030 0.0 0 9,500 9,500

• Two summer interns.

1040 ST Overtime 11,406 9,921 14,000 14,000 53.1 7,439 14,700 14,700
1050 Overtime 259 260 2,000 2,000 45.4 908 2,100 2,100
1070 Shift Differential 44 50 75 75 76.8 58 80 80
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 106 243 400 400 32.3 129 400 400

Total Salaries and Wages 3,067,794 3,201,468 3,214,565 3,354,767 68.3 2,292,529 3,353,452 3,353,452
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 228,394 237,202 244,010 254,737 66.4 169,181 254,527 254,527
8355 Long-Term Disability 2,858 2,967 3,055 3,943 69.2 2,730 5,112 5,112
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 555,882 657,935 749,746 653,398 74.2 484,882 781,970 781,970
8450 Optical Insurance 9,513 9,618 9,948 9,200 75.6 6,955 9,890 9,890
8500 Dental Insurance 58,069 64,825 68,090 59,963 75.5 45,282 64,414 64,414
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 1,655 45.8 757 3,492 3,492
8800 Life Ins 396 208 206 221 74.9 165 213 213
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 36 42 42 45 73.6 33 43 43

Total Employee Benefits 855,149 972,797 1,075,097 983,162 72.2 709,987 1,119,661 1,119,661
8100 Pymts to Retire System 442,658 458,700 468,132 468,132 24.9 116,781 475,922 469,962

Total Benefits 442,658 458,700 468,132 468,132 24.9 116,781 475,922 469,962

Total Personal Services 4,365,601 4,632,965 4,757,794 4,806,061 64.9 3,119,297 4,949,035 4,943,075
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 1,778 10,381 0 2,320 100.0 2,320 0 0
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 49,746 50,689 54,000 54,295 59.3 32,204 55,250 55,250
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 753 1,182 1,900 1,900 54.3 1,032 4,050 4,050

• Additional training/conferences planned for 2019.

4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 1,135 935 600 600 82.6 495 650 650
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 1,770 736 160 700 32.9 230 4,230 4,230

• Lead Risk Certification Training $1,245; Engineers Week $1,200; American Water Works Assoc. $1,040; Asbestos Training $625; Radon Update $120.

Page 481
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 841 260 240 240 10.4 25 795 795

• Conferene of Environmental Health Directors; American Water Works Association.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 56,023 64,183 56,900 60,055 60.5 36,306 64,975 64,975
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 0 9,600 9,600 87.7 8,422 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 0 9,600 9,600 87.7 8,422 0 0

2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 0 0 15,000 15,000 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 0 15,000 15,000 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 0 24,600 24,600 34.2 8,422 0 0

4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 5,084 5,122 5,085 5,085 75.0 3,813 5,100 5,100
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 599 439 780 780 49.0 382 790 790
Total Communication 5,683 5,561 5,865 5,865 71.5 4,195 5,890 5,890
4117 Environmental Supplies 1,380 1,610 1,500 1,528 91.4 1,397 1,700 1,700
4123 Safety Supplies 449 138 500 609 21.2 129 500 500
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 577 540 600 746 58.2 434 600 600
4160 Office Supplies 16,613 18,041 18,002 19,795 39.3 7,775 22,100 22,100

• Equipment $5,100; Office Supplies $17,000.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 950 758 1,750 1,750 50.0 876 1,800 1,800
Total Supplies 19,969 21,086 22,352 24,428 43.4 10,611 26,700 26,700
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 10,286 9,906 7,242 7,242 68.9 4,992 7,500 7,500
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 756 739 741 741 66.7 494 742 742
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 11,595 11,759 11,800 11,800 72.2 8,523 11,800 11,800
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 5,122 6,404 6,831 6,831 66.7 4,554 6,831 6,831
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 2,856 1,763 2,500 2,875 31.1 895 2,500 2,500
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 850 1,793 1,347 1,548 56.3 872 1,973 1,863
4628.81 Interdept Exp Records Retention 2,010 1,973 2,362 2,362 48.6 1,147 2,046 2,046
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 72,090 50,843 38,885 38,885 63.5 24,680 34,529 34,529
4628.84 Interdept Exp Maint-in-lieu 27,467 25,788 38,000 38,000 35.0 13,315 35,506 35,506
4628.91 Interdept Exp Misc Charges 1,336 4,193 5,000 5,000 23.5 1,174 5,000 5,000

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 134,366 115,159 114,708 115,284 52.6 60,645 108,427 108,317

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 134,366 115,159 114,708 115,284 52.6 60,645 108,427 108,317

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 4,539 2,682 0 4,039 53.0 2,139 0 0

• 2019 expense budgeted as part of Grant expenditures in 4412.

4401.106 Professional Services Program 1,855 1,982 100 1,830 74.7 1,367 100 100
4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 83,116 133,100 0.0 0 111,536 111,536

• Childhood Lead poisoning Program (CLPPP) $34,000; Rabies $24,536; Adolescent Tobacco Use Prevention Act (ATUPA) $3,000; State Septic Replacement Program $50,000.

4418 Lab Fees/ Chem Analysis 54,564 56,868 55,000 55,000 60.5 33,273 60,000 60,000
4425 Recreation Special Events 0 110 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4431 Educational Programs 13,105 16,650 16,000 16,000 56.8 9,090 17,000 17,000

• BOCES Lead Abatement classes.

4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 1,457 2,345 3,200 3,200 21.6 692 3,200 3,200
Total Contracted Services 75,520 80,637 157,416 213,169 21.8 46,561 191,836 191,836
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 2,085 3,415 6,201 6,201 46.3 2,871 3,960 3,960
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 203,480 224,575 233,287 233,287 82.0 191,399 242,742 242,742
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 1,500 200 1,480 2,030 36.9 750 1,110 1,110
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 953 7,580 0 549 0.0 0 0 0
4610.106 Advertising Program 13,175 4,885 0 11,500 100.0 11,500 0 0

• 2019 expense budgeted as part of Grant expenditures in line 4412.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 70 615 280 280 14.3 40 300 300

4622 Veterinary Services 4,513 4,799 9,000 9,303 25.2 2,346 9,000 9,000
4623 Other Services 1,700 1,125 1,280 1,280 63.5 813 1,350 1,350

• After hours messaging service.

4650 External Postage 854 1,427 1,500 1,692 33.3 563 1,500 1,500
4652 Vaccines 280 86 1,000 1,213 8.2 99 1,000 1,000
4653 Public Info and Services 6,347 293 350 483 44.3 214 350 350
Total Operations 234,956 249,000 254,378 267,818 78.6 210,595 261,312 261,312
Total A.4010.29 - DBCH.Environmental Health 4,892,118 5,168,591 5,394,013 5,517,280 63.4 3,496,634 5,608,175 5,602,105

Page 483
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4010.29 DBCH.Environmental Health

16010.11 Health Fees Rabies Fees 820 64 100 100 89.3 89 100 100
16150.00 Laboratory Fees Lab Charges 11,901 14,275 9,000 9,000 124.3 11,190 14,000 14,000
Total Departmental Income 12,721 14,339 9,100 9,100 123.9 11,279 14,100 14,100
25900.00 Permits, Other Comm San & Food 395,715 410,400 400,000 400,000 87.4 349,745 415,000 415,000
25900.01 Permits, Other Housing Hygiene 6,435 5,940 7,000 7,000 73.1 5,115 7,000 7,000
25900.02 Permits, Other Ind Water & Sewage 159,312 191,581 150,000 150,000 61.4 92,139 120,000 120,000

• Corrected recording of revenue, see 25900.05.

25900.03 Permits, Other Pblc Water Supply Prot 9,410 0 10,000 10,000 62.1 6,205 10,000 10,000
25900.05 Permits, Other Realty Subdivisions 6,155 6,305 6,000 6,000 906.6 54,395 48,000 48,000

• Corrected recording of revenue, see 25900.02.

25900.06 Permits, Other Tobacco Permits 42,720 32,125 30,000 30,000 99.2 29,745 30,000 30,000
25900.11 Permits, Other Public Water Supply 77,315 78,209 66,000 66,000 117.7 77,710 66,000 66,000
Total Licenses and Permits 697,062 724,560 669,000 669,000 91.9 615,054 696,000 696,000
26100.00 Fines and Forfeitures Fines 38,360 31,543 40,000 40,000 73.0 29,195 40,000 40,000
Total Fines and Forfeitures 38,360 31,543 40,000 40,000 73.0 29,195 40,000 40,000
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 0 0 0 0 0.0 9,853 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 0 918 0 0 0.0 2,741 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 918 0 0 0.0 12,594 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 127 30 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 15,314 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 2,050 1,897 0 0 0.0 1,644 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 17,491 1,927 0 0 0.0 1,644 0 0
34010.01 Pub Hlth Article 6 890,728 759,217 845,476 898,476 46.3 415,628 880,775 880,715
34010.11 Pub Hlth Primary Lead 320,817 285,525 308,004 308,004 59.0 181,574 284,557 284,557

• COLA not projected.

34010.14 Pub Hlth Water Grant 273,419 361,920 361,920 361,920 36.8 133,163 361,920 361,920
34010.19 Pub Hlth ATUPA 73,284 96,183 94,517 94,517 45.7 43,213 86,863 86,863
34010.20 Pub Hlth Rabies Grant 24,502 23,951 26,558 26,558 69.2 18,373 24,536 24,536

Page 484
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
34010.38 Pub Hlth NYS EFC Septic System replacemnt 0 0 0 75,000 0.0 0 50,000 50,000
Total State Aid 1,582,750 1,526,796 1,636,475 1,764,475 44.9 791,951 1,688,651 1,688,591
Total A.4010.29 - DBCH.Environmental Health 2,348,384 2,300,081 2,354,575 2,482,575 58.9 1,461,717 2,438,751 2,438,691

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4010.30 - General Fund.DBCH.Public Health Nursing
AST DIR PUB HLTH NURSING 19 1.00 83,795 1.00 19 1.00 92,974 1.00 92,974
CASE MGR AIDE 07 1.00 41,126 1.00 07 0.00 0 0.00 0
CMNTY HLTH OUTRCH WORKER SPN 09 0.00 0 0.00 09 1.00 46,059 1.00 46,059
DIR PUB HLTH NURSING MG 1.00 102,793 1.00 MG 1.00 107,840 1.00 107,840
PRIN PROG AST 12 1.00 45,069 1.00 12 1.00 46,667 1.00 46,667
PROG AST 08 2.00 77,704 2.00 08 2.00 76,430 2.00 76,430
PUB HLTH NURSE 15 4.00 266,958 4.00 15 4.00 291,305 4.00 291,305
PUB HLTH NURSE 17 1.00 89,019 1.00 17 1.00 95,341 1.00 95,341
PUB HLTH NUTRITION COORD EA 17 1.00 89,478 1.00 17 1.00 95,840 1.00 95,840
A.4010.30 - General Fund.DBCH.Public Health Nursing 12.00 795,942 12.00 12.00 852,456 12.00 852,456

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4010.30 DBCH.Public Health Nursing

1010 Positions 682,680 770,135 795,942 826,429 68.4 565,226 852,456 852,456
1040 ST Overtime 668 530 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,050 1,050
1050 Overtime 0 34 250 250 0.0 0 265 265
1070 Shift Differential 5 1 25 25 0.0 0 27 27
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 25 126 99.4 125 125 125

Total Salaries and Wages 683,353 770,700 797,242 827,830 68.3 565,351 853,923 853,923
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 42,302 55,993 60,904 63,237 65.0 41,132 65,224 65,224
8355 Long-Term Disability 578 1,100 1,103 1,382 71.3 985 1,563 1,563
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 149,893 188,421 214,818 189,906 77.0 146,160 219,218 219,218
8450 Optical Insurance 2,070 2,420 2,655 2,439 76.0 1,854 2,760 2,760
8500 Dental Insurance 12,639 16,246 17,668 15,821 75.9 12,016 17,976 17,976
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 368 48.1 177 720 720
8800 Life Ins 95 206 206 217 74.8 162 217 217
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 9 41 42 44 73.8 32 44 44

Total Employee Benefits 207,585 264,427 297,396 273,414 74.1 202,519 307,722 307,722
8100 Pymts to Retire System 114,439 102,522 107,178 107,178 24.2 25,918 111,220 106,123

Total Benefits 114,439 102,522 107,178 107,178 24.2 25,918 111,220 106,123

Total Personal Services 1,005,377 1,137,649 1,201,816 1,208,422 65.7 793,788 1,272,865 1,267,768
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 3,302 490 1,000 1,615 22.6 366 3,000 3,000

• "Born to Read" program $2,000.

4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 5,773 7,251 7,445 7,458 55.6 4,146 7,600 7,600
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 1,196 13 1,500 1,004 19.9 200 1,500 1,500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 75 11 500 500 74.2 371 500 500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 883 1,129 1,400 6,635 97.0 6,435 1,500 1,500

• NYS Perinatal Assoc. Conf. $400; NYS Breastfeeding Coalition Conf. $200; Mid-Hudson Lactation Consortium Conf. $300; Regional Perinatal Assoc. Conf. $200; Nursing Summit $400.

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 0 0 85 85 0.0 0 90 90

• American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 11,229 8,894 11,930 17,297 66.6 11,517 14,190 14,190
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 8,429 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 8,429 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 8,429 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 1,645 1,645 1,645 1,645 75.0 1,234 1,650 1,650
Total Communication 1,645 1,645 1,645 1,645 75.0 1,234 1,650 1,650
4123 Safety Supplies 0 17 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 647 1,370 2,500 1,885 54.5 1,027 2,500 2,500
4160 Office Supplies 2,921 5,038 8,000 5,225 129.6 6,772 9,600 9,600

• Equipment $5,600; Office Supplies $4,000.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 0 1,750 1,750 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 3,568 6,424 12,750 9,360 83.3 7,798 12,600 12,600
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 3,633 3,619 2,640 2,640 69.4 1,833 1,848 1,848
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 2,807 2,792 2,819 2,819 75.5 2,128 3,192 3,192
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 417 497 750 750 40.2 301 750 750
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 2,384 2,249 2,204 2,204 66.7 1,469 2,204 2,204
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 203 606 1,000 1,130 56.2 635 1,200 1,200
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 306 307 886 886 30.0 266 260 206
4628.81 Interdept Exp Records Retention 1,798 1,782 2,114 2,114 48.7 1,030 2,091 2,091
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 10,937 1,251 21,272 21,272 13.6 2,902 8,081 8,081
4628.91 Interdept Exp Misc Charges 583 1,832 3,000 3,000 17.1 513 3,000 3,000

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 23,068 14,934 36,685 36,815 30.1 11,077 22,626 22,572

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 23,068 14,934 36,685 36,815 30.1 11,077 22,626 22,572
4401.106 Professional Services Program 257 27 525 525 11.4 60 525 525
4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 5,261 5,089 0.0 0 500 500

• Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (LPPP).

4425 Recreation Special Events 200 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4431 Educational Programs 0 0 600 600 0.0 0 600 600

• Domestic Violence, CPS and MCH Training for MDs, NP, RN & agencies.

Total Contracted Services 457 27 6,386 6,214 1.0 60 1,625 1,625

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4469 Client Services-Mandated 700 7,474 10,000 9,000 1.1 100 10,000 10,000

• Physically Handicapped Children's Program.

Total Mandated Programs 700 7,474 10,000 9,000 1.1 100 10,000 10,000
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 88,510 78,645 83,511 83,511 87.9 73,411 95,762 95,762
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 0 0 306 100.0 306 306 306
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 25,925 25,528 27,920 27,418 95.7 26,229 33,150 33,150

• Electronic Health Record software annual maintenance fee.

4615 Employee Physicals 0 0 525 525 0.0 0 525 525

4623 Other Services 0 1,125 1,280 1,280 63.5 813 1,350 1,350

• After hours messaging service.

4650 External Postage 253 115 1,200 360 31.4 113 1,200 1,200
Total Operations 114,688 105,413 114,436 113,400 89.0 100,872 132,293 132,293
Total A.4010.30 - DBCH.Public Health Nursing 1,160,732 1,290,889 1,395,648 1,402,153 66.1 926,447 1,467,849 1,462,698

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4010.30 DBCH.Public Health Nursing

16100.02 Home Nursing Charges 3rd Party Insurance 1,539 453 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Departmental Income 1,539 453 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 272 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 272 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items (20,362) 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 12 262 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources (20,350) 262 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34010.01 Pub Hlth Article 6 223,955 258,231 299,781 311,781 57.4 178,959 331,143 331,123
34010.03 Pub Hlth CSHCN Grant 2,811 2,907 2,812 2,812 0.0 0 0 0
34010.09 Pub Hlth Lead Grant 65,958 68,800 62,187 62,187 54.3 33,761 54,967 54,967
34460.03 Handicpd Child Medical Services 350 3,638 5,000 5,000 1.0 50 5,000 5,000
Total State Aid 293,074 333,575 369,780 381,780 55.7 212,770 391,110 391,090
44010.03 Pub Hlth CSHCN Grant 31,210 32,285 36,441 36,441 60.1 21,884 36,441 36,441
44010.09 Pub Hlth LEAD Grant 35,709 35,618 32,656 32,656 61.4 20,058 32,658 32,658
44010.25 Pub Hlth BF Disparities in Breastfeeding 4,116 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
44010.27 Pub Hlth HSLC (HealthSysLearningCollabora 3,200 8,514 3,200 3,200 96.4 3,086 0 0
44010.29 Pub Hlth SMBP CFDA#93.524 0 24,139 20,000 20,000 72.6 14,526 0 0

• Grant ended.

Total Federal Aid 74,235 100,556 92,297 92,297 64.5 59,554 69,099 69,099
Total A.4010.30 - DBCH.Public Health Nursing 348,770 434,847 462,077 474,077 57.4 272,324 460,209 460,189

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4010.31 - General Fund.DBCH.Communicable Disease
CASE MGR AIDE 07 2.00 85,895 2.00 07 1.00 48,246 1.00 48,246
CLINICAL SVCS AST SPN 09 0.00 0 0.00 09 1.00 44,958 1.00 44,958
CMNTY HLTH NURSE 14 3.00 179,147 3.00 14 3.00 190,818 3.00 190,818
CMUNCBL DIS COORD 17 1.00 87,002 1.00 17 1.00 94,016 1.00 94,016
NURSE PRACTITIONER 21 1.00 102,587 1.00 21 1.00 90,228 1.00 90,228
PROG AST 08 2.00 76,201 2.00 08 2.00 93,124 2.00 93,124
PUB HLTH ADVSR 15 4.00 279,152 4.00 15 5.00 366,193 4.00 305,134
PUB HLTH NURSE 15 1.00 56,977 1.00 15 1.00 65,653 1.00 65,653
SR OFFICE AST 08 1.00 45,871 1.00 08 1.00 37,936 1.00 37,936
SUPVG PUB HLTH NURS 17 1.00 75,341 1.00 17 1.00 85,155 1.00 85,155
A.4010.31 - General Fund.DBCH.Communicable Disease 16.00 988,173 16.00 17.00 1,116,327 16.00 1,055,268

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4010.31 DBCH.Communicable Disease

1010 Positions 959,141 920,646 988,173 1,031,977 68.5 707,121 1,116,327 1,055,268
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 4,515 4,515 0.0 0 24,950 24,950

• Seasonal Student Worker; Intern for data entry.

1040 ST Overtime 9,189 3,299 7,000 7,000 34.1 2,386 7,350 7,350
1050 Overtime 465 189 500 500 0.0 0 525 525
1070 Shift Differential 94 5 75 75 2.9 2 80 80
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 74 42 100 122 100.0 122 250 250

Total Salaries and Wages 968,963 924,180 1,000,363 1,044,189 68.0 709,632 1,149,482 1,088,423
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 70,873 68,054 75,611 78,963 65.9 52,008 85,415 80,743
8355 Long-Term Disability 795 763 810 1,162 66.5 773 1,512 1,512
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 226,392 215,658 257,425 240,401 74.3 178,552 336,269 317,811
8450 Optical Insurance 3,224 3,100 3,539 3,092 75.0 2,318 3,910 3,680
8500 Dental Insurance 18,334 19,581 23,600 18,696 75.0 14,021 23,968 22,470
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 632 45.1 285 1,013 1,013

Total Employee Benefits 319,618 307,156 360,985 342,946 72.3 247,958 452,087 427,229
8100 Pymts to Retire System 143,906 136,378 125,605 125,605 27.2 34,134 140,552 131,520

Total Benefits 143,906 136,378 125,605 125,605 27.2 34,134 140,552 131,520

Total Personal Services 1,432,487 1,367,714 1,486,953 1,512,740 65.6 991,724 1,742,121 1,647,172
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 187 640 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 2,681 3,563 5,600 6,411 69.2 4,439 7,200 7,200
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 243 1,543 3,000 2,978 0.3 8 3,200 3,200
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 213 182 500 719 56.5 406 500 500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 1,000 1,000 79.0 790 1,500 1,500
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 4,080 4,099 0 3,105 100.0 3,105 0 0
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 7,404 10,028 10,100 14,213 61.5 8,748 12,400 12,400
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 2,000 2,000

• Clinic paper shredder.

4750 Other Equipment-ND 0 6,207 0 1,086 100.0 1,086 0 0

4760 Computer Software-ND 0 0 7,200 7,200 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 6,207 7,200 8,286 13.1 1,086 2,000 2,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment 0 6,207 7,200 8,286 13.1 1,086 2,000 2,000

4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 1,555 1,553 1,584 1,584 66.6 1,055 1,600 1,600
4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 1,944 1,944 1,944 1,944 75.0 1,458 1,950 1,950
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 1,020 1,042 1,100 1,100 67.8 746 1,100 1,100
Total Communication 4,519 4,539 4,628 4,628 70.4 3,259 4,650 4,650
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 0 0 0 139 100.0 139 0 0
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 43 800 800 18.8 150 800 800

• AARMS Coalition meeting and conference food.

4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 9,316 11,923 30,500 23,465 60.8 14,262 30,500 21,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4160 Office Supplies 5,345 6,851 11,400 10,795 76.5 8,253 26,750 23,950

• Equipment $17,750; Office Supplies $9,000. Recommended: decrease as related positions were not recommended.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 0 1,750 1,750 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 14,661 18,817 44,450 36,949 61.7 22,804 58,050 45,750
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 3,887 4,162 4,206 4,206 68.4 2,877 4,992 4,992
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 2,724 3,244 4,141 4,141 55.7 2,305 3,458 3,458
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 704 694 700 700 81.9 574 700 700
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 2,231 3,380 3,763 3,763 66.7 2,509 3,763 3,763
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 1,173 1,019 1,000 1,000 46.9 469 1,000 1,000
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 171 294 200 200 67.1 134 294 294
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 2,335 2,228 6,860 6,860 10.0 686 15,079 15,079
4628.91 Interdept Exp Misc Charges 1,262 6,067 3,316 3,316 23.7 786 3,316 3,316

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 14,487 21,088 24,186 24,186 42.7 10,339 32,602 32,602

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 14,487 21,088 24,186 24,186 42.7 10,339 32,602 32,602
4401.106 Professional Services Program 266 22,149 9,450 18,993 69.3 13,163 500 500

• Grant funded expenses primarily budgeted in 4412 account.

4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 18,543 4,053 0.0 0 7,300 7,300

• Disease Intervention Services $6,000; Immunization Action Plan $1,300.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4418 Lab Fees/ Chem Analysis 15,000 11,084 14,000 14,000 45.6 6,387 14,000 14,000
4425 Recreation Special Events 2,575 330 165 165 0.0 0 165 165
4426 TB Care & Treatment 868 320 8,000 7,735 7.2 553 8,000 8,000
Total Contracted Services 18,708 33,884 50,158 44,946 44.7 20,103 29,965 29,965
4469 Client Services-Mandated 26,499 17,462 15,000 15,000 4.6 685 15,000 15,000
Total Mandated Programs 26,499 17,462 15,000 15,000 4.6 685 15,000 15,000
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 129,491 140,245 150,124 150,124 84.3 126,535 162,893 162,893
4606 Janitorial Services 20,245 20,937 23,000 23,000 15.3 3,509 24,000 24,000
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 200 0 200 200 100.0 200 210 210
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 0 2,325 2,520 2,785 100.0 2,785 91,703 91,703

• Cerner Millennium Software Contract and Migration $87,183, Vaccine Refrigeration maintenance/calibration $4,520.

4610.70 Advertising Admin 0 0 400 400 0.0 0 1,200 1,200

• Help wanted advertising.

4611 Refuse Removal 2,746 3,085 2,700 2,700 95.2 2,571 3,200 3,200

• CDC Clinic medical waste disposal.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 1,100 1,023 825 825 100.0 825 825 825
4613.200 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop Leased Property 275 0 0 923 99.9 922 900 900
4615 Employee Physicals 0 0 525 525 0.0 0 525 525
4623 Other Services 1,863 1,125 1,280 1,280 63.5 813 1,300 1,300
4640 Laundry 371 368 2,020 2,020 16.0 324 2,100 2,100
4650 External Postage 370 1,397 1,200 1,200 49.2 591 1,200 1,200
4652 Vaccines 64,921 74,388 70,000 76,304 88.0 67,123 80,000 75,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

Total Operations 221,581 244,892 254,794 262,286 78.6 206,199 370,056 365,056
Total A.4010.31 - DBCH.Communicable Disease 1,740,346 1,724,630 1,897,469 1,923,234 65.8 1,264,946 2,266,844 2,154,595

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4010.31 DBCH.Communicable Disease

16010.02 Health Fees Clinic 26,460 36,135 40,000 40,000 62.9 25,178 60,000 60,000
16010.05 Health Fees Flu Clinic 35 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
16010.11 Health Fees Rabies Fees 8,621 291 7,500 7,500 140.4 10,533 7,500 7,500
16010.18 Health Fees CDC consultations for DCFS 0 0 21,762 21,762 0.0 0 17,897 17,897
Total Departmental Income 35,116 36,426 69,262 69,262 51.6 35,711 85,397 85,397
26800.01 Insurance Recoveries TB 3rd Party 50 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 170 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 220 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 102 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 546 8,884 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 212 54 0 0 0.0 78 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 757 9,040 0 0 0.0 78 0 0
34010.01 Pub Hlth Article 6 453,820 323,687 305,181 322,181 51.6 166,200 386,066 357,857
34010.06 Pub Hlth T/B Grant 48,629 54,080 43,198 43,198 66.8 28,867 39,166 39,166
34010.10 Pub Hlth Immunization Prog 106,361 113,121 86,629 86,629 84.4 73,104 72,865 72,865
34010.17 Pub Hlth HIV/Pnap 69,051 63,251 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34010.33 Pub Hlth EXPS (Expanded Partner Services) 104,313 102,150 105,000 105,000 51.0 53,503 105,000 105,000
34010.37 Pub Hlth DIS Grant(Disease Intervention S 0 150,000 205,000 205,000 62.0 127,113 225,000 225,000
Total State Aid 782,174 806,289 745,008 762,008 58.9 448,787 828,097 799,888
44010.10 Pub Hlth Immunization Grant 50,055 36,168 74,372 74,372 25.7 19,142 74,372 74,372
44010.28 Pub Hlth DIS Temp Adm Ast 0 18,858 0 0 0.0 12,911 0 0
Total Federal Aid 50,055 55,025 74,372 74,372 43.1 32,052 74,372 74,372
Total A.4010.31 - DBCH.Communicable Disease 868,322 906,781 888,642 905,642 57.0 516,628 987,866 959,657

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4230 DBCH.Contract Narc Addiction

4400.4436 Contract Agencies Lexington Ctr 84,063 83,842 84,063 84,063 89.6 75,308 84,063 84,063
Total Contracted Services 84,063 83,842 84,063 84,063 89.6 75,308 84,063 84,063
Total A.4230 - DBCH.Contract Narc Addiction 84,063 83,842 84,063 84,063 89.6 75,308 84,063 84,063

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4230 DBCH.Contract Narc Addiction

44860.03 Substance Abuse Lexington Center 0 (47,798) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Federal Aid 0 (47,798) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.4230 - DBCH.Contract Narc Addiction 0 (47,798) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4250 - General Fund.DBCH.Alcohol Addiction Control
CHEM DEPEND COUNS 14 2.00 115,251 2.00 14 2.00 126,603 2.00 126,603
CLINICAL UNIT ADMR 21 1.00 104,675 1.00 21 1.00 114,598 1.00 114,598
CMNTY MENTAL HLTH COUNS 15 1.00 58,225 1.00 15 1.00 63,955 1.00 63,955
CMNTY MENTAL HLTH NURSE 14 1.50 100,155 1.50 14 1.50 107,319 1.50 107,319
OFFICE AST 06 2.00 68,083 1.50 06 1.50 54,657 1.50 54,657
PSYCHOLOGIST II 20 2.00 168,857 2.00 20 2.00 188,176 2.00 188,176
SOC WORKER III 17 3.00 254,741 3.00 17 3.00 273,947 3.00 273,947
SUPVG PSYCHIATRIST MED DIR F 0.40 84,254 0.40 F 0.40 85,816 0.40 85,816
A.4250 - General Fund.DBCH.Alcohol Addiction Control 12.90 954,241 12.40 12.40 1,015,071 12.40 1,015,071

Page 498
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4250 DBCH.Alcohol Addiction Control

1010 Positions 854,199 958,054 954,241 997,248 74.9 747,236 1,015,071 1,015,071
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 29,530 29,530 0.0 0 85,532 85,532
1040 ST Overtime 152 227 250 250 0.0 0 263 263
1070 Shift Differential 0 0 5 195 0.0 0 5 5

Total Salaries and Wages 854,351 958,281 984,026 1,027,223 72.7 747,236 1,100,871 1,100,871
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 63,031 68,553 66,568 69,874 73.7 51,474 75,530 75,530
8355 Long-Term Disability 666 703 675 1,239 65.8 816 1,587 1,587
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 158,213 182,791 191,846 214,918 73.4 157,788 223,707 223,707
8450 Optical Insurance 2,705 2,875 2,763 2,983 75.2 2,243 2,852 2,852
8500 Dental Insurance 16,693 19,300 18,538 19,427 75.2 14,609 18,576 18,576
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 511 46.1 236 969 969
8800 Life Ins 0 0 0 37 56.8 21 63 63
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 0 0 0 8 52.5 4 13 13

Total Employee Benefits 241,307 274,222 280,390 308,997 73.5 227,189 323,297 323,297
8100 Pymts to Retire System 104,168 103,771 127,317 127,317 20.4 26,005 119,919 145,968

Total Benefits 104,168 103,771 127,317 127,317 20.4 26,005 119,919 145,968

Total Personal Services 1,199,826 1,336,273 1,391,733 1,463,537 68.4 1,000,430 1,544,087 1,570,136
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 102 2,500 500 500 0.0 0 2,500 2,500
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 95 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 95 145 250 250 0.0 0 600 600
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 326 329 338 338 97.3 329 0 0
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 618 2,974 1,238 1,238 26.6 329 3,250 3,250
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 3,005 3,094 3,108 3,108 73.0 2,270 3,108 3,108
Total Communication 3,005 3,094 3,108 3,108 73.0 2,270 3,108 3,108
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 0 53 500 500 7.5 38 500 500
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 53,902 46,713 54,000 54,000 58.0 31,296 55,000 55,000
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 6,446 9,816 8,000 7,853 28.2 2,216 11,000 8,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4160 Office Supplies 11,115 3,801 12,200 12,200 67.4 8,224 7,300 7,300

• Equipment $2,300; Office Supplies $5,000.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 145 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4185 Therapy & Recr Supplies 1,094 67 1,000 1,000 5.0 50 1,000 1,000
Total Supplies 72,703 60,450 75,700 75,553 55.4 41,824 74,800 71,800
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 13,247 13,304 4,068 4,068 71.9 2,925 4,200 4,200
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 95 46 150 150 11.9 18 150 150
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 2,473 2,789 2,894 2,894 66.7 1,930 2,895 2,895
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 120 201 800 800 210.1 1,681 744 693

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 15,935 16,340 7,912 7,912 82.8 6,553 7,989 7,938

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 15,935 16,340 7,912 7,912 82.8 6,553 7,989 7,938
4310 Motor Vehicle Insurance 500 549 600 650 92.3 600 700 600
4330 Liability Insurance 7,131 8,890 8,900 8,850 99.7 8,827 9,700 10,400
Total Insurance 7,631 9,438 9,500 9,500 99.2 9,427 10,400 11,000
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 0 27 97.0 26 0 0
Total Contracted Services 0 0 0 27 97.0 26 0 0
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 153,354 155,910 161,022 161,022 82.2 132,437 165,022 165,022
4650 External Postage 74 112 75 195 10.8 21 75 75
Total Operations 153,428 156,022 161,097 161,217 82.2 132,458 165,097 165,097
Total A.4250 - DBCH.Alcohol Addiction Control 1,453,148 1,584,591 1,650,288 1,722,092 69.3 1,193,317 1,808,731 1,832,329

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4250 DBCH.Alcohol Addiction Control

16200.02 Mental Hygiene Fees ASAS (PTS) 1,057,454 1,254,331 1,200,000 1,200,000 25.0 300,380 1,299,600 1,299,600
Total Departmental Income 1,057,454 1,254,331 1,200,000 1,200,000 25.0 300,380 1,299,600 1,299,600
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 102 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 102 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 207 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 0 207 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
33890.02 Other Pub Safety ATI 131,535 144,870 131,535 131,535 0.4 461 131,535 131,535
Total State Aid 131,535 144,870 131,535 131,535 0.4 461 131,535 131,535
Total A.4250 - DBCH.Alcohol Addiction Control 1,189,092 1,399,408 1,331,535 1,331,535 22.6 300,841 1,431,135 1,431,135

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4310 - General Fund.DBCH.Mental Hygiene Admin
ACCOUNTANT 16 0.50 34,163 0.50 16 0.50 32,963 0.50 32,963
BILLING MGR 14 1.00 69,215 1.00 14 0.00 0 0.00 0
BLDG MAINT MECHC III 13 0.00 0 0.00 13 1.00 51,310 0.00 0
CHIEF DIV ADMV OPS MG 0.50 65,399 0.50 MG 0.50 59,999 0.50 59,999
CMNTY MENTAL HLTH NURSE 14 1.50 85,815 1.50 14 0.50 35,773 0.50 35,773
CONF ADMV AST CI 1.00 77,100 1.00 CI 1.00 81,799 1.00 81,799
DIR BEHAV HLTH CLINICAL SVCS MG 1.00 132,432 1.00 MG 1.00 135,292 1.00 135,292
DIR BEHAV HLTH DIVRSN SVCS MG 1.00 126,275 1.00 MG 1.00 130,062 1.00 130,062
DIR QUAL IMPROV MF 0.00 0 0.00 MF 0.50 50,624 0.00 0
DPTY COMSR BEHAV CMNTY HLTH MENTAL HYGN MI 1.00 125,210 1.00 MI 1.00 131,007 1.00 131,007
NURSING SUPV 17 0.20 15,824 0.20 17 0.20 17,247 0.20 17,247
OFFICE AST 06 3.00 108,615 3.00 06 3.00 117,038 3.00 117,038
PRIN ACCTG CLK 12 2.00 117,955 2.00 12 2.00 126,837 2.00 126,837
PRIN PROG AST 12 1.50 75,744 1.50 12 1.50 86,049 1.50 86,049
QUAL IMPROV COORD 18 0.50 42,859 0.50 18 0.50 47,038 0.50 47,038
RESRCH AST 15 2.00 148,476 2.00 15 2.00 160,477 2.00 160,477
SECY CD 1.00 47,370 1.00 CD 1.00 50,809 1.00 50,809
SPRT SVCS AST CH 1.00 52,699 1.00 CH 1.00 56,515 1.00 56,515
SPRT SVCS MGR MC 0.50 37,312 0.50 MC 0.50 39,144 0.50 39,144
SR ACCOUNTANT 17 0.50 35,031 0.50 17 0.50 38,110 0.50 38,110
SR OFFICE AST 08 1.00 34,523 1.00 08 1.00 49,285 1.00 49,285
SR PROG AST 10 1.00 48,627 1.00 10 1.50 72,618 1.50 72,618
SUPVG PSYCHIATRIST MED DIR F 0.40 84,254 0.40 F 0.40 85,816 0.40 85,816
A.4310 - General Fund.DBCH.Mental Hygiene Admin 22.10 1,564,898 22.10 22.10 1,655,812 20.60 1,553,878

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4310 DBCH.Mental Hygiene Admin

1010 Positions 1,437,742 1,496,392 1,564,898 1,598,692 67.9 1,086,007 1,655,812 1,553,878
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 35,000 35,000 0.0 0 0 0
1040 ST Overtime 0 0 0 19 95.7 18 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 1,437,742 1,496,392 1,599,898 1,633,711 66.5 1,086,025 1,655,812 1,553,878
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 107,814 111,591 112,855 115,442 71.8 82,895 123,862 116,063
8355 Long-Term Disability 3,631 4,602 3,790 5,223 73.7 3,851 4,813 4,813
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 278,370 308,331 366,853 320,643 75.3 241,464 385,471 357,207
8450 Optical Insurance 4,482 4,423 4,809 4,350 75.4 3,281 4,853 4,508
8500 Dental Insurance 27,357 29,698 31,688 28,327 75.4 21,370 31,609 29,362
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 466 46.1 215 866 866
8800 Life Ins 2,242 1,379 1,162 1,460 74.1 1,082 1,259 1,259
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 204 276 234 292 74.1 216 256 256

Total Employee Benefits 424,100 460,300 521,391 476,203 74.4 354,374 552,989 514,334
8100 Pymts to Retire System 263,065 235,051 227,436 227,436 26.5 60,292 230,719 214,359

Total Benefits 263,065 235,051 227,436 227,436 26.5 60,292 230,719 214,359

Total Personal Services 2,124,907 2,191,743 2,348,725 2,337,350 64.2 1,500,691 2,439,520 2,282,571
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 87 302 700 590 30.7 181 700 700
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 1,046 533 800 870 49.5 431 800 800
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 30 75 400 440 190.7 839 400 400
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 1,519 2,564 8,500 8,500 57.9 4,922 8,500 8,500

• RELIAS Online learning system $7,150; various training $1,350.

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 750 2,283 2,303 2,979 81.0 2,413 2,205 2,205
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 11,374 10,170 10,476 10,476 100.9 10,575 10,600 10,600

• NYS Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 14,807 15,927 23,179 23,855 81.2 19,361 23,205 23,205
4750 Other Equipment-ND 3,535 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4760 Computer Software-ND 2,152 1,569 1,500 1,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 5,687 1,569 1,500 1,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500

Total Equipment 5,687 1,569 1,500 1,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 4,888 5,047 5,400 5,400 72.3 3,904 5,400 5,400
4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 14,953 14,953 14,057 14,057 79.8 11,215 14,057 14,057
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 3,562 3,982 3,300 2,624 116.5 3,056 6,000 6,000
Total Communication 23,402 23,982 22,757 22,081 82.3 18,175 25,457 25,457
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 105 1,206 2,000 2,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000
4109 Merit Awards 0 0 0 172 99.6 171 0 0
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 51 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 11,399 8,652 19,107 15,925 22.4 3,567 21,750 20,600

• Equipment $2,550; Office Supplies $19,200. Recommended: decrease as related positions were not recommeded.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 457 720 3,300 3,300 21.8 720 4,199 899

• Active Reports Pro

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 0 0 175 641 72.7 466 175 175
Total Supplies 11,961 10,630 24,582 22,038 22.3 4,925 28,124 23,674
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 21,624 22,153 19,452 19,452 67.8 13,196 14,352 14,352
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 5,095 6,682 6,412 6,412 61.8 3,966 5,766 5,766
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 1,696 1,359 2,100 2,100 38.4 806 2,100 2,100
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 8,084 10,053 10,710 10,710 66.7 7,139 10,710 10,710
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 2,412 5,057 2,500 2,500 95.3 2,383 5,000 5,000
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 920 4,872 800 800 352.1 2,817 4,314 4,217
4628.81 Interdept Exp Records Retention 755 706 903 903 32.5 293 783 783
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 509,978 556,781 542,662 542,662 74.0 401,367 589,872 589,872

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 550,564 607,662 585,539 585,539 73.8 431,966 632,897 632,800

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 550,564 607,662 585,539 585,539 73.8 431,966 632,897 632,800
4310 Motor Vehicle Insurance 1,501 1,663 1,800 1,900 94.8 1,801 2,100 1,900
4320 Property Insurance 3,421 3,767 4,000 4,000 91.2 3,650 4,200 4,100
4330 Liability Insurance 15,156 18,806 18,900 18,800 99.9 18,775 20,700 22,100
Total Insurance 20,078 24,236 24,700 24,700 98.1 24,226 27,000 28,100
4401.102 Professional Services Legal 0 0 0 44 0.0 0 0 0
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 0 54,000 54,000 0.0 0 4,000 4,000

• Business consultant budgeted in 2018 ($50,000). In-service training and sign language interpreter.

4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 39,837 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4431 Educational Programs 0 400 0 0 0.0 0 400 400
4448 Accountants & Auditors 24,200 22,000 23,000 23,000 95.7 22,000 23,000 23,000
4460 Comm Printing 0 109 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Contracted Services 24,200 62,346 77,000 77,044 28.6 22,000 27,400 27,400
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 130 132 1,286 1,286 10.9 140 1,286 1,286
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 125 0 1,225 1,225 73.5 900 1,225 1,225

• Training Certification w/NYSED for CE credits.

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 115,128 92,723 173,575 173,575 42.5 73,725 204,032 204,032

• Increase due to conversion of electronic health records to a hosted internet-base platform.

4610.106 Advertising Program 0 1,182 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4610.70 Advertising Admin 3,667 4,666 3,600 3,600 0.0 0 3,600 3,600

• Help Wanted Advertising.

4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 1,950 1,086 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4650 External Postage 241 492 500 500 57.6 288 500 500
4653 Public Info and Services 50 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Operations 121,291 100,280 180,186 180,186 41.7 75,053 210,643 210,643
Total A.4310 - DBCH.Mental Hygiene Admin 2,896,897 3,038,376 3,288,168 3,274,293 64.0 2,096,396 3,415,746 3,255,350

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4310 DBCH.Mental Hygiene Admin

16200.14 Mental Hygiene Fees Misc. 3,410 3,146 0 0 0.0 3,444 0 0

Total Departmental Income 3,410 3,146 0 0 0.0 3,444 0 0
26650 Sales of Equipment 0 550 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 0 272 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 822 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 709 709 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items (8,941) 1,493 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources (8,233) 2,202 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
30890.18 Other St Aid Budget Aid 2,375,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34900.02 Mental Health State Aid Claims 513,966 343,959 514,497 514,497 25.0 128,625 514,497 514,497
Total State Aid 2,888,966 343,959 514,497 514,497 25.0 128,625 514,497 514,497
44900.01 Mental Health General 0 636,546 652,000 652,000 0.0 0 652,000 652,000
Total Federal Aid 0 636,546 652,000 652,000 0.0 0 652,000 652,000
Total A.4310 - DBCH.Mental Hygiene Admin 2,884,143 986,675 1,166,497 1,166,497 11.3 132,069 1,166,497 1,166,497

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.40 DBCH.Mental Health Clinics

16200.01 Mental Hygiene Fees Outpt. C 37 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Departmental Income 37 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34900.02 Mental Health State Aid Claims 0 (126,797) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total State Aid 0 (126,797) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.4320.40 - DBCH.Mental Health Clinics 37 (126,797) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.41 DBCH.Continuing Day Treatment

16200.06 Mental Hygiene Fees OCS 137 120 0 0 0.0 130 0 0

Total Departmental Income 137 120 0 0 0.0 130 0 0
34900.01 Mental Health General 0 (3,163) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total State Aid 0 (3,163) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.4320.41 - DBCH.Continuing Day Treatment 137 (3,043) 0 0 0.0 130 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.42 DBCH.Contracted Services

4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 0 0 132 132 66.7 88 0 0

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 0 0 132 132 66.7 88 0 0

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 0 0 132 132 66.7 88 0 0

4400.4420 Contract Agencies Taconic Resources For Independ 38,166 38,185 38,185 39,165 87.7 34,367 39,492 39,492
4400.4423 Contract Agencies Mental Health America of DC 2,709,731 2,715,737 2,715,737 2,739,030 86.6 2,372,333 2,780,360 2,780,360

• State Aid COLA and new supported housing beds.

4400.4425 Contract Agencies Hudson River Housing 431,783 610,000 707,902 707,902 90.6 641,304 722,304 722,304

• NYS Office of Mental Health Respite Grant.

4400.4429 Contract Agencies Gateway 889,867 869,625 869,625 876,523 85.4 748,154 865,588 865,588

• Supported Housing bed funding reallocation by OMH.

4400.4436 Contract Agencies Lexington Ctr 2,007,132 2,008,051 2,007,830 2,025,980 89.2 1,807,396 2,030,894 2,030,894
4400.4441 Contract Agencies Hudson Valley Mental Health Inc 1,790,761 1,892,261 1,990,761 1,990,761 92.4 1,839,005 2,165,939 2,050,484

• Increase due to difficulty in recruiting and retaining professionals who can prescribe medications in order to compete in the market. Recommended includes a 3% increase consistent with
other contracted services in 2019.
4400.4443 Contract Agencies Council on Addiction Prevention 520,668 640,111 660,853 675,660 97.8 660,853 697,897 697,897

• State Aid COLA and school substance use surveys.

4400.4447 Contract Agencies Astor Home 889,944 952,734 1,029,306 1,653,662 92.2 1,524,146 1,040,552 1,040,552

• One time funding from OMH in 2018 not included in 2019.

4400.4455 Contract Agencies Rehab Programs Inc 664,975 685,003 711,750 719,634 0.0 0 670,292 670,292

• State Aid funding reduction for vocational reorganization.

4400.4463 Contract Agencies DC ARC 279,447 279,895 280,758 283,390 89.2 252,682 283,770 283,770
4400.4466 Contract Agencies Rehab Supp Serv 2,085,616 2,285,764 2,285,764 2,299,760 88.6 2,036,808 2,451,254 2,451,254

• State Aid COLA and new supported housing beds.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4400.4472 Contract Agencies Access Supports For Living 923,869 991,261 1,011,261 1,011,261 81.9 827,784 993,341 993,341

• State Aid reduction based on program census.

4400.4645 Contract Agencies MARC 50,474 50,499 50,499 51,337 90.0 46,203 51,491 51,491
4400.4655 Contract Agencies PEOPLE 1,291,054 1,364,443 1,417,626 1,441,962 80.1 1,155,174 1,435,982 1,435,982
4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 0 316,128 0.0 0 0 0

• Holding account for unallocated state aid funding resolutions.

Total Contracted Services 14,573,487 15,383,568 15,777,857 16,832,155 82.9 13,946,208 16,229,156 16,113,701
Total A.4320.42 - DBCH.Contracted Services 14,573,487 15,383,568 15,777,989 16,832,287 82.9 13,946,296 16,229,156 16,113,701

Page 510
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.42 DBCH.Contracted Services

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 112,127 80,993 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 73,434 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 185,561 80,993 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34860.03 Narc. Addictn Cntrl Cncl on Add Prev & Ed 533,144 579,035 621,386 636,193 25.0 159,048 638,430 638,430
34900.02 Mental Health State Aid Claims 0 0 0 922,676 0.0 0 0 0

• Holding account for grants to be distributed to agencies.

34900.03 Mental Health Greystone Program 0 (111,618) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

34900.07 Mental Health State Aid MHA 2,684,274 2,488,015 2,690,207 2,713,500 24.3 659,043 2,754,830 2,754,830

• State Aid COLA and new supported housing beds.

34900.20 Mental Health RSS 2,296,256 2,018,562 2,285,764 2,299,760 25.0 574,425 2,451,254 2,451,254

• State Aid COLA and new supported housing beds.

34900.21 Mental Health Gateway 888,674 862,208 869,625 876,523 24.1 211,680 865,588 865,588

• Reallocation of supported housing bed funding.

34900.22 Mental Health Taconic Resources 38,166 38,185 38,185 39,165 25.0 9,791 39,492 39,492
34900.30 Mental Health Cardinal Hayes 0 (20,149) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34900.35 Mental Health Lexington Ctr 1,395,993 1,682,053 1,398,785 1,416,935 25.0 354,373 1,421,849 1,421,849
34900.40 Mental Health Astor Child Guidance 1,071,955 1,067,492 1,029,306 1,047,114 82.6 865,317 1,040,552 1,040,552
34900.50 Mental Health Rehab Prog Inc 579,990 537,782 560,038 567,922 20.7 117,285 487,580 487,580

• State Aid funding reduction for vocational reorganization.

34900.55 Mental Health People 1,157,781 1,416,670 1,417,626 1,441,962 22.7 328,034 1,435,982 1,435,982
34900.62 Mental Health Access: Supports for Living, Inc 297,313 299,260 299,260 299,260 23.5 70,335 281,340 281,340

• State Aid funding reduction based on program census.

34900.63 Mental Health Mental Health Occupations Inc. 0 55,289 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
34900.64 Mental Health Hudson River Housing 431,784 622,738 707,902 707,902 22.8 161,231 722,304 722,304

• State Aid COLA.

34900.80 Mental Health DC ARC 249,030 262,746 256,793 259,425 25.0 64,856 259,805 259,805
34900.86 Mental Health MARC 50,474 50,499 50,499 51,337 25.0 12,834 51,491 51,491
Total State Aid 11,674,834 11,848,767 12,225,376 13,279,674 27.0 3,588,252 12,450,497 12,450,497
Total A.4320.42 - DBCH.Contracted Services 11,860,395 11,929,760 12,225,376 13,279,674 27.0 3,588,252 12,450,497 12,450,497

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4320.43 - General Fund.DBCH.Partial Hospital
ACT THERAPY AIDE 06 1.00 43,051 1.00 06 0.00 0 0.00 0
CHEM DEPEND COUNS 14 1.00 58,902 1.00 14 1.00 64,706 1.00 64,706
CMNTY MENTAL HLTH AIDE 12 1.00 61,129 2.00 12 2.00 127,445 2.00 127,445
NURSING SUPV 17 0.80 63,293 0.80 17 0.80 68,988 0.80 68,988
OFFICE AST 06 1.00 39,511 1.00 06 1.00 42,723 1.00 42,723
PRIN ACCTG CLK 12 1.00 57,618 1.00 12 1.00 62,917 1.00 62,917
PSYCHIATRIST I 27 0.00 0 0.00 27 1.00 175,074 1.00 175,074
PSYCHOLOGIST II 20 2.00 168,872 2.00 20 2.00 183,358 2.00 183,358
SOC WORKER II 16 0.00 0 1.00 16 1.00 82,114 1.00 82,114
SOC WORKER III 17 2.00 174,616 2.00 17 1.00 91,872 1.00 91,872
SUPVG PSYCHIATRIST MED DIR F 0.20 42,127 0.20 F 0.20 42,908 0.20 42,908
A.4320.43 - General Fund.DBCH.Partial Hospital 10.00 709,119 12.00 11.00 942,105 11.00 942,105

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.43 DBCH.Partial Hospital

1010 Positions 812,356 811,023 709,119 749,517 82.0 614,849 942,105 942,105
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 135,343 135,343 0.0 0 0 0
1040 ST Overtime 152 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 812,508 811,023 844,462 884,860 69.5 614,849 942,105 942,105
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 59,680 59,037 51,034 54,126 82.8 44,810 68,122 68,122
8355 Long-Term Disability 608 584 475 833 66.9 557 1,124 1,124
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 152,144 169,308 161,091 159,744 80.5 128,610 206,908 206,908
8450 Optical Insurance 2,237 2,186 2,169 2,004 79.3 1,590 2,530 2,530
8500 Dental Insurance 14,571 15,421 14,406 13,291 79.7 10,594 16,479 16,479
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 326 49.5 161 703 703
8800 Life Ins 0 0 0 19 55.4 11 32 32
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 0 0 0 4 53.0 2 7 7

Total Employee Benefits 229,241 246,537 229,175 230,347 80.9 186,335 295,905 295,905
8100 Pymts to Retire System 113,992 133,533 122,114 122,114 28.8 35,175 123,020 122,638

Total Benefits 113,992 133,533 122,114 122,114 28.8 35,175 123,020 122,638

Total Personal Services 1,155,740 1,191,093 1,195,751 1,237,321 67.6 836,359 1,361,030 1,360,648
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 153 25 150 150 0.0 0 150 150

• Dialectal Behavioral Training

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 153 25 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
4235 Cable Services 1,599 1,614 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Communication 1,599 1,614 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 195 434 250 500 50.7 253 500 500
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 1,200 652 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4160 Office Supplies 4,404 2,351 2,875 2,598 27.2 706 2,875 2,875
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 106 0 480 480 0.0 0 480 480
4185 Therapy & Recr Supplies 331 187 250 250 41.3 103 250 250
Total Supplies 6,237 3,624 4,355 4,328 24.5 1,063 4,605 4,605
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 2,213 2,740 2,112 2,112 69.7 1,472 3,228 3,228
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 61 90 75 75 88.6 66 75 75
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 522 2,996 3,820 3,820 66.7 2,547 3,821 3,821
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 0 623 1,160 1,160 14.7 170 708 674

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 2,795 6,448 7,167 7,167 59.4 4,255 7,832 7,798

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 2,795 6,448 7,167 7,167 59.4 4,255 7,832 7,798
4310 Motor Vehicle Insurance 500 549 600 609 98.6 600 700 600
4330 Liability Insurance 53,869 66,922 66,900 66,800 99.5 66,454 73,100 78,300
Total Insurance 54,369 67,470 67,500 67,409 99.5 67,054 73,800 78,900
4401.106 Professional Services Program 530 386 0 27 97.0 26 400 400
Total Contracted Services 530 386 0 27 97.0 26 400 400
4650 External Postage 42 27 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
Total Operations 42 27 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
Total A.4320.43 - DBCH.Partial Hospital 1,221,466 1,270,687 1,274,973 1,316,452 69.0 908,757 1,447,867 1,452,551

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.43 DBCH.Partial Hospital

16200.03 Mental Hygiene Fees Part Hosp 322,854 328,219 325,000 325,000 25.1 81,682 325,000 325,000
Total Departmental Income 322,854 328,219 325,000 325,000 25.1 81,682 325,000 325,000
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 0 0 0 0 0.0 680 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 0 0 0 0.0 680 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 2,593 2,593 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 2,593 2,593 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34900.02 Mental Health State Aid Claims 0 0 0 0 0.0 7,397 36,674 36,674

• State Aid COLA.

Total State Aid 0 0 0 0 0.0 7,397 36,674 36,674

Total A.4320.43 - DBCH.Partial Hospital 325,446 330,812 325,000 325,000 27.6 89,759 361,674 361,674

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4320.44 - General Fund.DBCH.Coordinated Services
ACT THERAPY AIDE 06 1.00 40,388 1.00 06 1.00 43,355 1.00 43,355
CHEM DEPEND COUNS 14 3.00 176,613 3.00 14 3.00 192,478 3.00 192,478
CLINICAL UNIT ADMR 21 2.00 207,352 2.00 21 2.00 202,755 2.00 202,755
PRIN PROG AST 12 2.00 105,378 2.00 12 2.00 115,333 2.00 115,333
PROG AST 08 1.00 36,279 1.00 08 1.00 39,850 1.00 39,850
PSYCHOLOGIST III 21 1.00 109,299 1.00 21 1.00 116,949 1.00 116,949
SOC WORKER I 15 1.00 61,655 1.00 15 1.00 67,399 1.00 67,399
SOC WORKER I EA 16 1.00 80,036 1.00 16 1.00 86,558 1.00 86,558
SOC WORKER II 16 1.00 73,120 0.00 16 0.00 0 0.00 0
SOC WORKER III 17 2.00 150,157 2.00 17 2.00 145,185 2.00 145,185
SR PROG AST 10 1.00 44,998 1.00 10 1.00 49,424 1.00 49,424
SUPVG SOC WORKER 18 2.00 181,749 2.00 18 2.00 198,382 2.00 198,382
A.4320.44 - General Fund.DBCH.Coordinated Services 18.00 1,267,024 17.00 17.00 1,257,668 17.00 1,257,668

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.44 DBCH.Coordinated Services

1010 Positions 1,301,128 1,308,511 1,267,024 1,325,016 69.2 917,374 1,257,668 1,257,668
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 29,530 29,530 0.0 0 92,124 92,124

• Previously budgeted in A.4320.46.

1040 ST Overtime 428 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 37 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 1,301,556 1,308,547 1,296,554 1,354,546 67.7 917,374 1,349,792 1,349,792
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 95,803 97,314 96,945 101,382 67.0 67,887 96,226 96,226
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,015 988 988 1,398 67.8 948 1,728 1,728
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 259,439 276,329 312,366 276,226 76.7 211,892 343,869 343,869
8450 Optical Insurance 4,149 4,076 3,961 3,956 75.8 2,999 3,910 3,910
8500 Dental Insurance 25,329 27,364 26,438 25,766 75.8 19,534 25,466 25,466
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 670 46.9 314 1,275 1,275

Total Employee Benefits 385,734 406,071 440,698 409,398 74.2 303,575 472,474 472,474
8100 Pymts to Retire System 194,854 195,059 197,615 197,615 24.9 49,180 204,784 196,678

Total Benefits 194,854 195,059 197,615 197,615 24.9 49,180 204,784 196,678

Total Personal Services 1,882,144 1,909,677 1,934,867 1,961,559 64.8 1,270,129 2,027,050 2,018,944
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 318 761 1,000 1,000 68.5 685 1,400 1,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 1,221 946 1,250 1,250 25.2 315 1,250 1,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4631 Training Seminars/Conf 1,705 1,949 3,100 3,100 7.3 225 3,100 2,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 0 0 0 140 100.0 140 0 0

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 3,244 3,656 5,350 5,490 24.9 1,365 5,750 4,000
4138 Identification/Investigation Supplies 0 0 0 17 88.2 15 0 0
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 0 0 0 (1,000) 0.0 0 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4155.110 Medical & Lab Supplies Prescriptions 6,856 2,729 64,018 64,001 3.2 2,071 64,018 64,018

• 100% State Funded Medication Assistance Program.

4160 Office Supplies 5,046 3,545 2,000 3,000 71.1 2,133 3,150 3,150

• Equipment $1,150; Office Supplies $2,000.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 184 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4185 Therapy & Recr Supplies 699 350 900 760 0.0 0 900 900
Total Supplies 12,784 6,624 66,918 66,778 6.3 4,219 68,068 68,068
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 3,549 3,511 1,428 1,428 70.8 1,011 924 924
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 1,559 2,058 2,131 2,131 76.9 1,639 2,459 2,459
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 3,609 2,530 2,170 2,170 66.7 1,446 2,170 2,170
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 6,845 2,426 4,640 4,640 16.0 742 2,933 2,644

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 15,561 10,525 10,369 10,369 46.7 4,838 8,486 8,197

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 15,561 10,525 10,369 10,369 46.7 4,838 8,486 8,197
4310 Motor Vehicle Insurance 2,502 2,778 3,000 3,050 98.4 3,001 3,400 3,100
4330 Liability Insurance 9,211 11,455 11,500 11,500 99.2 11,413 12,600 13,500
Total Insurance 11,713 14,233 14,500 14,550 99.1 14,415 16,000 16,600
4415 Client Services Non-Mandated 5,046 9,896 20,000 20,000 15.5 3,103 20,000 20,000

• Funds used to provide for unmet needs of individuals leaving the DC jail.

4441 Doctors, Counsel 16,460 17,140 19,000 19,000 67.3 12,780 19,000 19,000
Total Contracted Services 21,506 27,036 39,000 39,000 40.7 15,883 39,000 39,000
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 680 680
4650 External Postage 41 46 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
Total Operations 41 46 50 50 0.0 0 730 730
Total A.4320.44 - DBCH.Coordinated Services 1,946,994 1,971,796 2,071,054 2,097,796 62.5 1,310,848 2,165,084 2,155,539

Page 519
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.44 DBCH.Coordinated Services

16200.10 Mental Hygiene Fees DCFS Evaluation 301,901 305,324 309,768 309,768 0.0 0 314,825 314,825
16200.12 Mental Hygiene Fees PINS 98,374 97,278 99,956 99,956 50.3 50,257 120,541 120,541

• Increase based on increased salary/fringe costs.

Total Departmental Income 400,274 402,602 409,724 409,724 12.3 50,257 435,366 435,366
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 1,020 918 0 0 0.0 986 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 1,020 918 0 0 0.0 986 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 357 1,531 0 0 0.0 8,121 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 357 1,531 0 0 0.0 8,121 0 0
34900.02 Mental Health State Aid Claims 324,710 402,141 452,141 452,141 26.0 117,488 481,393 481,393

• State Aid COLA.

Total State Aid 324,710 402,141 452,141 452,141 26.0 117,488 481,393 481,393
44900.01 Mental Health General 48,001 41,216 67,181 67,181 25.0 16,795 52,200 52,200

• Reduction based on projected claims.

Total Federal Aid 48,001 41,216 67,181 67,181 25.0 16,795 52,200 52,200
Total A.4320.44 - DBCH.Coordinated Services 774,362 848,408 929,046 929,046 20.8 193,647 968,959 968,959

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4320.45 - General Fund.DBCH.HELPLINE
CLINICAL UNIT ADMR 21 1.00 112,269 1.00 21 1.00 121,292 1.00 121,292
CMNTY MENTAL HLTH AIDE SPN 12 1.00 55,458 1.00 12 0.00 0 0.00 0
CMNTY MENTAL HLTH COUNS PT- EA 16-H 0.42 38,124 0.42 16-H 0.42 41,055 0.42 41,055
OFFICE AST 06 0.50 16,743 0.50 06 0.50 16,993 0.50 16,993
SOC WORKER I 15 4.00 242,112 3.00 15 3.00 199,382 3.00 199,382
SOC WORKER I SPN 15 0.00 0 0.00 15 1.00 61,059 1.00 61,059
SOCIAL WORKER I 15 1.00 58,399 1.00 15 1.00 66,073 1.00 66,073
SUPVG SOC WORKER 18 2.00 164,486 2.00 18 2.00 161,578 2.00 161,578
A.4320.45 - General Fund.DBCH.HELPLINE 9.92 687,591 8.92 8.92 667,432 8.92 667,432

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.45 DBCH.HELPLINE

1010 Positions 817,570 880,238 687,591 729,248 87.1 635,375 667,432 667,432
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 268,759 268,759 0.0 0 254,182 254,182

• 16 shifts per week for part-time staff (8 hour shifts); Temp Social Worker I.

1040 ST Overtime 22,406 25,944 23,000 23,000 87.2 20,053 12,075 12,075

• Decrease related to temp Social Worker I position.

1050 Overtime 9,234 8,821 11,000 11,000 38.4 4,225 5,775 5,775

• Decrease related to temp Social Worker I position.

1070 Shift Differential 19,482 24,469 24,000 24,000 94.4 22,658 25,200 25,200

Total Salaries and Wages 868,691 939,472 1,014,350 1,056,007 64.6 682,311 964,664 964,664
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 68,872 76,793 52,611 55,799 99.7 55,620 51,069 51,069
8355 Long-Term Disability 387 482 421 704 63.1 444 648 648
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 90,923 144,692 167,075 121,899 69.9 85,246 125,502 125,502
8450 Optical Insurance 1,357 1,731 1,891 1,671 70.3 1,174 1,955 1,955
8500 Dental Insurance 9,630 13,040 13,577 12,320 70.8 8,724 14,231 14,231
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 786 43.6 343 489 489

Total Employee Benefits 171,168 236,737 235,575 193,179 78.5 151,552 193,894 193,894
8100 Pymts to Retire System 96,812 96,742 110,393 110,393 22.1 24,431 112,291 108,979

Total Benefits 96,812 96,742 110,393 110,393 22.1 24,431 112,291 108,979

Total Personal Services 1,136,671 1,272,951 1,360,318 1,359,579 63.1 858,294 1,270,849 1,267,537
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 115 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 0 0 8,284 8,284 99.0 8,205 9,156 9,156
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 1,684 800 840 840 95.2 800 880 880

• National Association of Suicidology

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,799 800 9,124 9,124 98.7 9,005 10,036 10,036
2600.03 Computer Software 3 Year 0 12,640 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 12,640 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment 0 12,640 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4235 Cable Services 0 0 0 1,170 70.2 821 1,000 1,000
Total Communication 0 0 0 1,170 70.2 821 1,000 1,000
4160 Office Supplies 1,859 2,874 7,000 6,286 78.9 4,962 8,750 8,750

• Equipment $5,750; Office Supplies $3,000.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 58 150 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Supplies 1,918 3,024 7,000 6,286 78.9 4,962 8,750 8,750
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,582 2,994 1,716 1,716 70.9 1,217 1,716 1,716
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 176 187 530 530 123.8 656 985 985
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 0 576 768 768 66.6 512 768 768

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 1,758 3,756 3,014 3,014 79.1 2,385 3,469 3,469

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 1,758 3,756 3,014 3,014 79.1 2,385 3,469 3,469
4330 Liability Insurance 4,614 5,736 5,800 5,800 99.1 5,749 6,300 6,800
Total Insurance 4,614 5,736 5,800 5,800 99.1 5,749 6,300 6,800
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 1,223 1,732 1,732 1,732 0.0 0 1,732 1,732
4610.106 Advertising Program 1,628 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 0 0 0 2,044 100.0 2,044 0 0
4650 External Postage 17 9 25 25 35.4 9 25 25
Total Operations 2,868 1,741 1,757 3,801 54.0 2,053 1,757 1,757
Total A.4320.45 - DBCH.HELPLINE 1,149,627 1,300,648 1,387,013 1,388,774 63.6 883,269 1,302,161 1,299,349

Page 523
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.45 DBCH.HELPLINE

26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 578 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 578 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 245 245 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27050 Gifts and Donations 2,500 2,500 1,250 1,250 320.0 4,000 4,000 4,000
Total Misc. Local Sources 2,745 2,745 1,250 1,250 320.0 4,000 4,000 4,000
34900.02 Mental Health State Aid Claims 323,443 313,691 323,190 323,190 27.0 87,234 357,746 357,746

• State Aid COLA.

Total State Aid 323,443 313,691 323,190 323,190 27.0 87,234 357,746 357,746
Total A.4320.45 - DBCH.HELPLINE 326,766 316,436 324,440 324,440 28.1 91,234 361,746 361,746

Page 524
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4320.46 - General Fund.DBCH.Diversion Program
CMNTY MENTAL HLTH AIDE 12 3.00 175,357 2.00 12 2.00 126,991 2.00 126,991
CMNTY MENTAL HLTH COUNS 15 1.00 61,596 1.00 15 0.00 0 0.00 0
CMNTY MENTAL HLTH NURSE 14 2.00 125,698 2.00 14 2.00 137,618 2.00 137,618
OFFICE AST 06 0.50 16,743 0.50 06 0.50 16,993 0.50 16,993
SOC WORKER I 15 0.00 0 2.00 15 4.00 249,026 4.00 249,026
SOC WORKER II 16 1.00 63,055 1.00 16 1.00 69,262 1.00 69,262
SUPVG SOC WORKER 18 1.00 70,583 1.00 18 1.00 75,638 1.00 75,638
A.4320.46 - General Fund.DBCH.Diversion Program 8.50 513,032 9.50 10.50 675,528 10.50 675,528

Page 525
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.46 DBCH.Diversion Program

1010 Positions 794,068 832,237 513,032 540,548 95.2 514,689 675,528 675,528
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 227,797 227,797 0.0 0 0 0

• Community Mental Health Aide Temp moved to A.4320.44 and Diversion Per Diem moved to A.4320.74.4401.106.

1040 ST Overtime 8,793 8,820 12,000 12,000 35.7 4,286 12,600 12,600
1050 Overtime 4,031 4,397 6,000 6,000 85.1 5,107 6,300 6,300
1070 Shift Differential 2,441 3,441 4,000 6,326 81.0 5,127 4,200 4,200

Total Salaries and Wages 809,334 848,895 762,829 792,671 66.8 529,209 698,628 698,628
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 60,460 59,396 39,257 41,541 87.0 36,157 51,690 51,690
8355 Long-Term Disability 601 582 413 824 61.2 504 864 864
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 175,836 171,053 155,086 169,410 70.1 118,726 160,082 160,082
8450 Optical Insurance 2,479 2,364 1,885 2,217 69.3 1,535 2,415 2,415
8500 Dental Insurance 15,134 15,813 12,350 14,435 69.3 10,001 15,729 15,729
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 510 42.4 216 660 660

Total Employee Benefits 254,510 249,208 208,991 228,937 73.0 167,139 231,440 231,440
8100 Pymts to Retire System 116,701 102,246 100,219 100,219 24.7 24,736 120,773 109,904

Total Benefits 116,701 102,246 100,219 100,219 24.7 24,736 120,773 109,904

Total Personal Services 1,180,545 1,200,349 1,072,039 1,121,827 64.3 721,084 1,050,841 1,039,972
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 10,817 17,350 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 0 250 250 0.0 0 0 0
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 115 0 0 0 0.0 0 250 250
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 50 0 100 100 0.0 0 0 0
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 1,405 8,659 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 0 7,980 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

• Suicide prevention texting/messaging software maintenance subscription moved to A.4320.45.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 12,387 33,988 350 350 0.0 0 250 250
4760 Computer Software-ND 7,980 2,500 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 7,980 2,500 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 7,980 2,500 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 0 0 190 100.0 190 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4160 Office Supplies 5,938 2,818 3,850 3,633 24.5 889 3,900 3,900
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 116 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4185 Therapy & Recr Supplies 13,166 5,243 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 19,220 8,061 3,850 3,823 28.2 1,079 3,900 3,900
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,229 1,453 1,056 1,056 68.4 722 1,056 1,056
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 4,486 4,134 4,218 4,218 67.6 2,853 4,280 4,280
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,148 1,603 1,755 1,755 66.7 1,170 1,755 1,755
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 3,761 5,734 5,799 5,799 57.6 3,340 6,528 5,725

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 10,624 12,924 12,828 12,828 63.0 8,085 13,619 12,816

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 10,624 12,924 12,828 12,828 63.0 8,085 13,619 12,816
4310 Motor Vehicle Insurance 2,002 2,230 2,400 2,441 98.4 2,401 2,700 2,500
4330 Liability Insurance 9,988 12,401 12,400 12,400 99.1 12,285 13,600 14,500
Total Insurance 11,990 14,631 14,800 14,841 99.0 14,686 16,300 17,000
4400.4443 Contract Agencies Council on Addiction Prevention 0 20,742 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4447 Contract Agencies Astor Home 210,056 180,933 200,096 200,096 89.2 178,389 200,497 200,497
4400.4460 Contract Agencies Nat'l Alliance on Mental Illness 10,000 10,000 11,000 12,100 100.0 12,100 10,000 10,000
4400.4655 Contract Agencies PEOPLE 59,889 40,080 40,080 40,080 89.0 35,664 40,080 40,080
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 5,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 0 27 97.0 26 187,425 187,425

• RFP for Per Diem Shift Coverage.

4415 Client Services Non-Mandated 6,058 7,962 34,499 33,399 10.5 3,507 35,000 35,000
4425 Recreation Special Events 1,000 500 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4441 Doctors, Counsel 0 0 30,000 30,000 0.0 0 15,000 15,000
Total Contracted Services 292,003 260,216 316,175 316,202 72.6 229,685 488,502 488,502
4610.106 Advertising Program 859 7,986 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4650 External Postage 808 318 600 600 0.0 0 600 600
4653 Public Info and Services 0 500 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Operations 1,667 8,804 600 600 0.0 0 600 600
Total A.4320.46 - DBCH.Diversion Program 1,536,415 1,541,474 1,420,642 1,470,471 66.3 974,620 1,574,012 1,563,040

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.46 DBCH.Diversion Program

16200.20 Mental Hygiene Fees Mobile Crisis 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 220,000 220,000

• Mobile Team Billing.

Total Departmental Income 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 220,000 220,000

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 236 788 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 236 788 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34900.15 Mental Health NYS Diversion Funding 1,514,259 1,377,885 1,509,390 1,509,390 25.4 383,817 1,542,981 1,542,981

• State Aid COLA.

Total State Aid 1,514,259 1,377,885 1,509,390 1,509,390 25.4 383,817 1,542,981 1,542,981
Total A.4320.46 - DBCH.Diversion Program 1,514,495 1,378,673 1,509,390 1,509,390 25.4 383,817 1,762,981 1,762,981

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.47 DBCH.MR / DD

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 168 168 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 168 168 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34900.02 Mental Health State Aid Claims 0 (337) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total State Aid 0 (337) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.4320.47 - DBCH.MR / DD 168 (169) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.48 DBCH.Chemical Dependency

34900.02 Mental Health State Aid Claims 0 (8,793) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total State Aid 0 (8,793) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.4320.48 - DBCH.Chemical Dependency 0 (8,793) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 530
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.67 DBCH.Court Remands

4420 Court Remands 473,263 830,914 700,000 700,000 40.5 283,403 700,000 700,000
Total Mandated Programs 473,263 830,914 700,000 700,000 40.5 283,403 700,000 700,000
Total A.4320.67 - DBCH.Court Remands 473,263 830,914 700,000 700,000 40.5 283,403 700,000 700,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4320.68 - General Fund.DBCH.Mobile Team
SOC WORKER I 15 1.00 56,977 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0
A.4320.68 - General Fund.DBCH.Mobile Team 1.00 56,977 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0

Page 532
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.68 DBCH.Mobile Team

1010 Positions 47,103 38,972 56,977 59,433 67.8 40,309 0 0

• Position moved to A.4320.46.

1040 ST Overtime 1,271 2,431 3,500 1,400 35.0 490 0 0

1070 Shift Differential 691 328 800 2,900 59.7 1,731 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 49,064 41,731 61,277 63,733 66.7 42,530 0 0
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 0 4 4,360 4,549 45.4 2,067 0 0
8355 Long-Term Disability 0 0 0 23 95.7 22 0 0
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 0 0 14,375 0 0.0 0 0 0
8450 Optical Insurance 0 0 224 56 98.6 55 0 0
8500 Dental Insurance 0 0 1,355 360 99.9 360 0 0
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 6 96.3 6 0 0

Total Employee Benefits 0 4 20,314 4,994 50.2 2,509 0 0

Total Personal Services 49,064 41,736 81,591 68,727 65.5 45,040 0 0

4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 0 240 132 132 0.0 0 0 0

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 0 240 132 132 0.0 0 0 0

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 0 240 132 132 0.0 0 0 0

4400.4423 Contract Agencies Mental Health America of DC 240,228 340,672 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4436 Contract Agencies Lexington Ctr 64,747 90,355 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 611,722 611,722 0.0 0 0 0

• Mobile team contracted costs in A.4320.46.

Total Contracted Services 304,975 431,027 611,722 611,722 0.0 0 0 0

Total A.4320.68 - DBCH.Mobile Team 354,040 473,002 693,445 680,581 6.6 45,040 0 0

Page 533
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.68 DBCH.Mobile Team

16200.17 Mental Hygiene Fees Mid Hudson Regional Hospital 520,520 528,424 693,553 693,553 0.0 0 0 0

• Contract with Mid Hudson Regional Hospital not extended.

Total Departmental Income 520,520 528,424 693,553 693,553 0.0 0 0 0

Total A.4320.68 - DBCH.Mobile Team 520,520 528,424 693,553 693,553 0.0 0 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.4320.74 - General Fund.DBCH.Stabilization Center
ACCTG CLK 09 1.00 37,011 1.00 09 1.00 40,654 1.00 40,654
OFFICE AST 06 0.00 0 0.50 06 1.50 50,978 0.50 16,993
RECOVERY COACH 11 0.00 0 0.00 11 1.00 44,532 1.00 44,532
SUPVG SOC WORKER 18 1.00 70,583 1.00 18 1.00 75,638 1.00 75,638
A.4320.74 - General Fund.DBCH.Stabilization Center 2.00 107,594 2.50 4.50 211,802 3.50 177,817

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.74 DBCH.Stabilization Center

1010 Positions 22,989 138,718 107,594 113,170 105.9 119,863 211,802 177,817
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 50,000 50,000 0.0 0 0 0
1040 ST Overtime 0 703 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
1050 Overtime 0 0 0 350 0.0 0 0 0
1070 Shift Differential 0 132 250 250 0.0 0 250 250

Total Salaries and Wages 22,989 139,554 158,844 164,770 72.7 119,863 213,052 179,067
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 1,692 9,329 8,233 8,687 97.9 8,509 13,606 13,606
8355 Long-Term Disability 12 93 54 213 63.5 135 108 108
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 4,511 22,038 14,375 37,101 68.7 25,477 46,145 46,145
8450 Optical Insurance 51 364 445 551 69.8 385 805 805
8500 Dental Insurance 309 2,447 2,838 3,583 69.9 2,504 5,243 5,243
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 94 46.0 43 54 54

Total Employee Benefits 6,575 34,271 25,945 50,229 73.8 37,053 65,961 65,961
8100 Pymts to Retire System 0 10,484 19,945 19,945 17.5 3,495 0 26,414

Total Benefits 0 10,484 19,945 19,945 17.5 3,495 0 26,414

Total Personal Services 29,564 184,308 204,734 234,944 68.3 160,411 279,013 271,442
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 0 0 50 0.0 0 0 0
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 0 0 50 0.0 0 0 0
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 3,600 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 3,600 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 35,280 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 35,280 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 38,880 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 0 5,315 6,000 6,000 4.8 287 6,000 6,000
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 4,097 33,600 33,400 22.0 7,344 33,600 20,000

• Recommended: reduction based on actual spending.

4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 3,243 9,161 43,000 41,700 10.1 4,212 43,000 43,000

• Medical Supplies $6,000; Drug Testing Supplies $10,000; Medication $27,000.

Page 536
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4160 Office Supplies 41,450 3,411 4,800 4,750 36.7 1,745 4,999 4,999

• Equipment $999; Office Supplies $4,000.

4162 Patient /Inmate Care Supplies 0 0 0 1,000 41.2 412 0 0

Total Supplies 44,693 21,984 87,400 86,850 16.1 14,000 87,599 73,999
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,102 2,393 0 0 0.0 82 0 0
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 73 400 436 436 139.5 608 1,384 1,384
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 0 2,177 2,903 2,903 66.7 1,935 2,904 2,904

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 1,175 4,969 3,339 3,339 78.6 2,626 4,288 4,288

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 1,175 4,969 3,339 3,339 78.6 2,626 4,288 4,288
4400.4447 Contract Agencies Astor Home 602 74,564 147,000 147,000 0.0 0 156,954 156,954

• Based on 2018 estimate salary COLA plus 3%.

4400.4645 Contract Agencies MARC 856 268,548 436,550 436,550 44.4 194,008 397,169 397,169

• Based on 2018 estimate plus 3%.

4400.4655 Contract Agencies PEOPLE 0 237,986 253,000 253,000 0.0 0 281,212 281,212
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 2,883 35,000 35,000 0.1 26 306,060 306,060

• RFP for Contracted Recovery Coach and Per Diem Shift Coverage.

4441 Doctors, Counsel 0 0 30,000 30,000 0.0 0 30,000 30,000

Total Contracted Services 1,458 583,981 901,550 901,550 21.5 194,034 1,171,395 1,171,395
4606 Janitorial Services 0 40,768 115,000 115,000 14.8 17,068 115,000 115,000
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 5,709 0 8,250 8,250 0.0 0 0 0
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 0 300 98.4 295 0 0
4614 Security Services 0 64,134 164,000 164,000 52.7 86,503 164,000 164,000
4650 External Postage 332 532 200 400 74.0 296 200 200
Total Operations 6,041 105,433 287,450 287,950 36.2 104,162 279,200 279,200
Total A.4320.74 - DBCH.Stabilization Center 121,811 900,676 1,484,473 1,514,683 31.4 475,233 1,821,495 1,800,324

Page 537
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.4320.74 DBCH.Stabilization Center

16200.19 Mental Hygiene Fees Crisis Stabilization 0 101,966 225,000 225,000 3.8 8,539 75,000 75,000
Total Departmental Income 0 101,966 225,000 225,000 3.8 8,539 75,000 75,000
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 0 33 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 0 33 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
34900.87 Mental Health Delivery System Reform Incentive 0 100,000 50,000 50,000 0.0 0 0 0

• Grant funding ended.

Total State Aid 0 100,000 50,000 50,000 0.0 0 0 0

Total A.4320.74 - DBCH.Stabilization Center 0 201,999 275,000 275,000 3.1 8,539 75,000 75,000

Page 538
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.6510 - General Fund.DBCH.Veterans Service Agency
DIR VETERANS AFFS MD 1.00 88,756 1.00 MD 1.00 73,365 1.00 73,365
PROG AST HR 08 1.00 34,523 1.00 08-H 1.00 36,997 1.00 36,997
SECY 10 1.00 47,573 1.00 10 1.00 51,008 1.00 51,008
VETERANS COUNS 12 2.00 99,103 2.00 12 2.00 108,411 2.00 108,411
A.6510 - General Fund.DBCH.Veterans Service Agency 5.00 269,955 5.00 5.00 269,781 5.00 269,781

Page 539
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6510 DBCH.Veterans Service Agency

1010 Positions 222,113 253,570 269,955 276,686 59.5 164,688 269,781 269,781
1040 ST Overtime 1,718 1,423 1,400 1,400 70.4 986 1,470 1,470
1050 Overtime 1,524 961 800 1,055 100.0 1,055 840 840
1070 Shift Differential 19 19 25 25 63.6 16 27 27
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 103 30 0 21 96.4 20 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 225,477 256,003 272,180 279,187 59.7 166,764 272,118 272,118
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 16,789 18,561 20,655 21,190 55.4 11,747 20,643 20,643
8355 Long-Term Disability 544 673 682 287 75.8 218 324 324
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 47,496 67,780 73,303 78,366 73.9 57,933 102,399 102,399
8450 Optical Insurance 828 883 884 810 72.7 589 1,040 1,040
8500 Dental Insurance 5,053 5,930 5,932 4,661 79.4 3,702 5,993 5,993
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 97 49.7 48 206 206
8800 Life Ins 321 179 168 102 63.3 65 147 147
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 29 36 34 21 61.5 13 30 30

Total Employee Benefits 71,059 94,041 101,658 105,534 70.4 74,314 130,782 130,782
8100 Pymts to Retire System 49,888 38,540 35,849 35,849 24.1 8,631 37,534 31,077

Total Benefits 49,888 38,540 35,849 35,849 24.1 8,631 37,534 31,077

Total Personal Services 346,424 388,584 409,687 420,570 59.4 249,709 440,434 433,977
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 1,370 1,301 1,700 1,700 11.4 195 1,700 1,700
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 1,203 2,867 2,500 2,500 92.4 2,309 2,500 2,500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 1,156 444 1,500 1,479 5.8 86 1,500 1,500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 245 350 350 0.0 0 350 350
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 355 967 709 709 65.5 464 720 720
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 90 90 150 150 0.0 0 160 160
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 4,174 5,914 6,909 6,888 44.3 3,054 6,930 6,930
4109 Merit Awards 194 73 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 950 0 0 13 98.5 13 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 652 1,615 900 887 78.1 693 900 900
Total Supplies 1,796 1,688 1,100 1,100 64.2 706 1,100 1,100
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 864 864 906 906 66.7 604 900 900
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 384 384 385 385 67.4 260 948 948
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 1,046 1,309 1,800 1,800 42.7 769 1,800 1,800
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,123 1,351 1,427 1,427 66.7 952 1,428 1,428

Page 540
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 489 1,165 550 550 97.6 537 1,000 1,000
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 21 0 100 100 0.0 0 0 0
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 19,545 19,545

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 3,927 5,073 5,168 5,168 60.4 3,120 25,621 25,621

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 3,927 5,073 5,168 5,168 60.4 3,120 25,621 25,621
4400.4423 Contract Agencies Mental Health America of DC 95,933 181,567 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4477 Contract Agencies Disab American Veterans Chpt 144 0 17,250 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 0 100,000 100,000 0.0 0 100,000 100,000
4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 185,000 185,000 0.0 0 185,000 185,000
4425 Recreation Special Events 1,377 2,221 3,500 3,500 0.0 0 3,500 3,500
4460 Comm Printing 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 2,500 2,500

• Outreach materials on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Total Contracted Services 97,310 201,039 288,500 288,500 0.0 0 291,000 291,000
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 29,653 31,700 34,562 34,562 81.8 28,276 36,898 36,898
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 700 750 750 750 100.0 750 750 750
4650 External Postage 51 144 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4653 Public Info and Services 823 853 15,850 15,850 5.4 853 900 900
4687 Veterans Burials 16,263 10,824 16,450 16,450 47.1 7,750 16,450 16,450
Total Operations 47,490 44,271 67,712 67,712 55.6 37,629 55,098 55,098
Total A.6510 - DBCH.Veterans Service Agency 501,121 646,569 779,076 789,938 37.2 294,218 820,183 813,726

Page 541
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6510 DBCH.Veterans Service Agency

12890.24 Other General Veterans Services Fees – DCFS 0 0 577,418 584,418 0.0 0 611,668 611,668

• Funding increases as program costs increase.

Total Departmental Income 0 0 577,418 584,418 0.0 0 611,668 611,668

37100.01 Veterans Svc Agency General 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 100.0 17,058 17,058 17,058
37100.02 Veterans Svc Agency Grant 95,933 181,567 185,000 185,000 0.0 0 185,000 185,000
Total State Aid 112,991 198,625 202,058 202,058 8.4 17,058 202,058 202,058
Total A.6510 - DBCH.Veterans Service Agency 112,991 198,625 779,476 786,476 2.2 17,058 813,726 813,726

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6510.69 DBCH.Veterans Service Agency.Veterans Services Reserve

4401.106 Professional Services Program 1,309 150 16,723 16,393 0.0 0 16,123 16,123

• War Memorial maintenance/upkeep for events.

4425 Recreation Special Events 0 528 0 330 100.0 330 600 600
Total Contracted Services 1,309 678 16,723 16,723 2.0 330 16,723 16,723
Total A.6510.69 - DBCH.Veterans Service 1,309 678 16,723 16,723 2.0 330 16,723 16,723
Agency.Veterans Services Reserve

Page 543
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6510.69 DBCH.Veterans Service Agency.Veterans Services Reserve

24010.08 Interest War Memorial reserve 8 22 0 0 0.0 20 0 0

Total Use of Money and Property 8 22 0 0 0.0 20 0 0
27050.07 Gifts and Donations War Memorial 100 0 16,723 16,723 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 100 0 16,723 16,723 0.0 0 0 0
50310 Interfund Transfers 18,110 0 0 0 0.0 0 16,723 16,723
Total Interfund Transfers 18,110 0 0 0 0.0 0 16,723 16,723
Total A.6510.69 - DBCH.Veterans Service 18,218 22 16,723 16,723 0.1 20 16,723 16,723
Agency.Veterans Services Reserve

Page 544
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.6610 - DBCH.Weights & Measures
CNSMR SVCS INSPC I 12 2.00 107,595 2.00 12 2.00 116,582 2.00 116,582
DIR WGTS MEAS B 15 1.00 69,959 1.00 15 1.00 76,770 1.00 76,770
SECY 10 1.00 49,577 1.00 10 1.00 53,211 1.00 53,211
A.6610 - DBCH.Weights & Measures 4.00 227,131 4.00 4.00 246,563 4.00 246,563

Page 545
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6610 DBCH.Weights & Measures

1010 Positions 218,283 228,951 227,131 237,660 70.9 168,607 246,563 246,563

Total Salaries and Wages 218,283 228,951 227,131 237,660 70.9 168,607 246,563 246,563
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 16,308 17,086 17,379 18,186 68.4 12,445 18,866 18,866
8355 Long-Term Disability 214 214 216 315 66.9 211 432 432
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 68,030 75,170 84,986 93,839 74.4 69,794 109,198 109,198
8450 Optical Insurance 882 882 884 884 74.9 662 920 920
8500 Dental Insurance 5,385 5,924 5,932 5,753 75.0 4,314 5,992 5,992
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 147 46.1 68 300 300

Total Employee Benefits 90,818 99,276 109,397 119,124 73.4 87,494 135,708 135,708
8100 Pymts to Retire System 30,825 31,304 32,439 32,439 24.5 7,941 32,650 34,738

Total Benefits 30,825 31,304 32,439 32,439 24.5 7,941 32,650 34,738

Total Personal Services 339,927 359,531 368,967 389,223 67.8 264,042 414,921 417,009
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 184 178 300 300 38.5 115 300 300
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 14 9 1,800 1,800 0.1 1 1,800 1,800

• NYS Weights and Measures Association Annual Training School.

4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 120 120 0.0 0 120 120

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 300 318 380 442 99.9 441 400 400
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 180 180 180 180 100.0 180 180 180
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 678 685 2,780 2,842 26.0 738 2,800 2,800
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 1,269 0 200 200 37.4 75 200 200
4123 Safety Supplies 1,016 502 1,500 950 90.8 862 1,500 1,500
4160 Office Supplies 575 1,038 1,550 2,038 59.5 1,213 3,900 3,900

• Equipment $2,300; Office Supplies $1,600.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 0 651 550 550 95.4 525 600 600
Total Supplies 2,860 2,191 3,800 3,738 71.5 2,675 6,200 6,200
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 720 720 660 660 66.7 440 660 660
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 302 221 500 500 22.8 114 500 500
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,173 1,288 1,326 1,326 66.7 884 1,327 1,327
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 98 735 200 200 20.0 40 750 750

Page 546
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 2,293 2,964 2,686 2,686 55.0 1,479 3,237 3,237

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 2,293 2,964 2,686 2,686 55.0 1,479 3,237 3,237
4404 NYS Assessments and Fees 0 175 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000

• Mandated calibration of department's weights.

4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 0 0 900 900 0.0 0 900 900
4460 Comm Printing 0 0 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
Total Contracted Services 0 175 2,900 2,900 0.0 0 2,900 2,900
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 60 60
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 260 260 260 265 100.0 265 265 265
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 1,000 995 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
4650 External Postage 6 0 100 100 45.8 46 100 100
Total Operations 270 260 1,360 1,360 22.9 311 1,425 1,425
Total A.6610 - DBCH.Weights & Measures 346,027 365,806 382,493 402,749 66.9 269,244 431,483 433,571

Page 547
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Sub Area: Behavioral and Community Health October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6610 DBCH.Weights & Measures

19620 Weights & Measurers Fees 77,650 81,099 77,500 77,500 48.2 37,330 81,100 81,100
19620.01 Weights & Measurers Fees Item Pricing Waiver Fee 0 96,520 95,500 95,500 89.0 85,000 100,500 100,500
Total Departmental Income 77,650 177,619 173,000 173,000 70.7 122,330 181,600 181,600
25450 Licenses, Other 1,130 1,060 1,020 1,020 96.1 980 1,020 1,020
Total Licenses and Permits 1,130 1,060 1,020 1,020 96.1 980 1,020 1,020
26100.00 Fines and Forfeitures Fines 211,945 9,010 1,000 1,000 210.0 2,100 1,000 1,000
Total Fines and Forfeitures 211,945 9,010 1,000 1,000 210.0 2,100 1,000 1,000
37890 Economic Assistance 22,721 18,976 16,200 16,200 73.4 11,893 16,200 16,200
Total State Aid 22,721 18,976 16,200 16,200 73.4 11,893 16,200 16,200
Total A.6610 - DBCH.Weights & Measures 313,446 206,665 191,220 191,220 71.8 137,303 199,820 199,820

Total Department of Behavioral and Community Health Approp 37,788,397 41,097,598 43,906,367 45,445,951 68.7 31,210,470 46,188,864 45,758,841

Total Department of Behavioral and Community Health Revenue 24,557,490 23,228,154 24,986,171 26,227,709 31.1 8,159,429 25,548,015 25,509,747

Total Behavioral and Community Health Approp 37,788,397 41,097,598 43,906,367 45,445,951 68.7 31,210,470 46,188,864 45,758,841
Total Behavioral and Community Health Revenue 24,557,490 23,228,154 24,986,171 26,227,709 31.1 8,159,429 25,548,015 25,509,747
Net to County Cost 13,230,907 17,869,444 18,920,196 19,218,242 119.9 23,051,042 20,640,849 20,249,094

Page 548

Table of Contents
Public Works Highway & Engineering .................................. 549

Public Works Airport ............................................................ 599
Public Works Public Transit .................................................. 611
Metropolitan Transit Authority ............................................ 627

Percentage of the County Budget

Public Works Highway & Engineering

To responsibly maintain and repair the County highway

infrastructure network, to insure public safety and ease of use
of the County highway system and to keep the County’s motor
vehicle and equipment fleet in good repair, in a manner that
maximizes return on public funds invested.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 549
Public Works Highway & Engineering
The Department of Public Works has the responsibility for the administration, construction, maintenance, supervision, repair, alteration, and care
of all County highways and bridges. The department is responsible for the supervision of the design and construction of all County related highway
and bridge improvement/construction projects. The department maintains and manages the County’s fleet of motor vehicles and equipment.

DPW Auto Center (A.1640)

The Auto Center maintains all vehicles, including hybrid electric vehicles for the County’s automotive fleet, as well as provides shared services for
five County related agencies, one municipality and one fire district. These services include maintenance and repair, purchase and registration of
new vehicles, performing state inspections, responding to road calls, providing fuel, and disposing of surplus equipment. All vehicles leased by
the County are coordinated through the Auto Center. The division is responsible for the operation of ten refueling sites throughout Dutchess
County and 4 charging stations. The Auto Center tracks usage of gasoline, diesel and E-Z Pass.

DPW Highway Administration (D.5010)

The division of Highway Construction and Maintenance (HCM) is responsible for overseeing numerous programs to maintain the County’s 393
miles of roads, 154 bridges, 186 large drainage structures and assists the Parks Division with maintaining 23+ miles of rail trails. The division also
provides accounting services for all divisions with the department, including the Highway Division, Engineering Division, maintenance in lieu of
rent (MLR) for the Buildings Division, Auto Center, $15M - $20M of capital expenditures and provides payroll services for all divisions in the
Department of Public Works.

DPW Engineering (D.5020 & D.3310)

The Engineering Division oversees the design, construction and inspection of all County highway and bridge capital improvement projects;
inspection of County drainage structures; monitoring and repairing the condition of County bridges which are inspected by NYSDOT; issues
permits for all work within the County right-of-way; and performs all required subdivision and SEQRA reviews. Engineering is also responsible
for: all traffic related projects and public requests concerning traffic, roads, and bridges; assures dam safety and storm water pollution prevention
compliance; and performs land acquisition associated with all improvement projects. Engineering is responsible for supervision of the design and
construction of all Highway and Bridge Improvement/Construction projects included in the County five-year Capital Improvement Program. The
division is responsible for the administration and implementation of the Locally Administered Federal Aid Program. This program enables the
construction of County roads and bridge projects at a net cost to the County of 5 - 20% of the total project cost.

Page 550
DPW Road & Bridge Maintenance (D.5110 & D.5120)
This division has a pavement maintenance and rehabilitation program that includes resurfacing, reconstruction, special surface treatments and
crack sealing. Roadside maintenance includes repair and replacement of pipe, guide rail and signs. Other maintenance work includes shoulder
and drainage ditch cleaning, tree and brush clearing, grass cutting and bridge/culvert repair and replacement.

DPW Snow Removal (D.5142)

Six highway facilities are used to conduct snow and ice control and repair maintenance work on County roads and bridges. The County also has
shared services contracts with municipalities to provide efficient snow removal and maximize resources.

DPW Machinery (E.5130 & E.5132)

The Highway Division is responsible to maintain 200 pieces of construction equipment (trucks, tractors, excavators, etc.) and is also responsible
to maintain all buildings and facilities associated with highway maintenance operations.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The Engineering Division is planning to continue the countywide pavement scoring program in partnership with the Planning Department.
Two summer interns will perform this work in 2019 and the Engineering Division will receive up to 94% reimbursement for their salary and
training costs from the Planning Department through their Federal Highway Administration funding programs.
• The Engineering Division is proposing to maintain 2018’s funding levels for training staff in the 2019 budget. Some of this training is required
for maintaining industry certifications (concrete inspection certification, erosion control certification for NYSDEC, etc.).

2019 Initiatives:
• Continued advancement of County and federally funded • Construct the bridge replacement project for Bridge S-37, CR 19
highway, bridge and trail design projects. (Bulls Head Road) over Wappinger Creek in the Town of
• Advance compliance and perform inspection for State and
Federally mandated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System • Construct the federally-funded Myers Corners Road (CR 93)
(MS4) Program. reconstruction project in the Town of Wappinger.

• Commence with the second round of countywide traffic signal • Construct the Harlem Valley Rail Trail Phase IV project.
improvements. This is a multi-year project in which 3-5 traffic
signals per year will be fitted with new or updated equipment • Respond to NYSDOT bridge inspection flags.
and technology.

Page 551
• Continue design and planning for highway and bridge projects • Explore more opportunities to supplement in-house resources
listed in the division’s capital plan. with contracted services to deliver bridge and highway
maintenance services as effectively as possible.
• The Highway Construction & Maintenance Division will continue
to improve the Brier Hill Cemetery in Millbrook. • Work with Labor Union to improve relations and morale in the
Highway Division.

• Continue to deliver essential highway and bridge maintenance • Work with municipalities to increase participation in the
services efficiently and timely. County’s shared services snow and ice control program.

• Continue to maintain and upgrade the County’s fleet of heavy

machinery and construction equipment.

Page 552
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Maintain safety-related highway equipment and traffic control devices, maintian highways free from snow/ice, and study accident locations to develop
safer facilities.
Guide Rail Restoration (Feet) 4,500 4,000 4,000 - 0.0%
Snow & Ice Control (Miles) 9,000 9,000 9,000 - 0.0%
Number of Traffic Studies 14 14 14 - 0.0%
Auto Accidents Investigated 4 5 5 - 0.0%
Vegetation Control (Miles) 2,400 2,400 2,400 - 0.0%
Tree Maintenance 400 400 400 - 0.0%
Speed Limit Requests 3 5 5 - 0.0%
Litter Control (Miles) 100 100 100 - 0.0%
Replace or repair bridges and large culverts to insure public safety and maximize return on public funds invested.
Bridge & Culver Reconstruction Projects 6 5 5 - 0.0%
Number of Bridges Maintained 13 13 13 - 0.0%
Culvert Inspections 63 60 66 6 10.0%
Bridge Flags Responses 5 10 10 - 0.0%
Upgrade, replace and install new traffic signs and delineation devices to enhance safety and ease of use on the County highway system.
Traffic Signs Installed 180 350 200 (150) -42.9%
Signs Maintained 1,400 1,400 1,400 - 0.0%
Provide a superior level of service to the public when reviewing plans and issuing/closing permits for permitted work within the County highway right-of-
Number of Permits Closed Out 144 150 150 - 0.0%
Number of Permits Issued 202 170 170 - 0.0%
Subdivisions Reviewed 3 9 6 (3) -33.3%

Page 553
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Maintain, upgrade and extend the life of pavement surface, drainage systems, and highway equipment to maximize the investment of public funds
appropriated for transportation infrastructure.
Pavement & Highway Surface Treatment Miles 10 10 10 - 0.0%
Highway Shoulder Miles Restored 15 19 20 1 5.3%
Pavement Permanent Resurfacing Miles 10 12 13 1 8.3%
Pavement Surface Maintenance Locations 225 230 230 - 0.0%
Drainage Reconstruction and Alteration (Feet) 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 0.0%
Highway Equipment & Machinery Units 200 210 210 - 0.0%
Maintain, upgrade and extend the life of payment markings to enhance public safety and maximize the investment of public funds.
Centerline (Miles of 4" stripe) 389 443 450 7 1.6%
Edgelines (Miles of 4" Stripe) 408 443 450 7 1.6%
Special Marking Locations 71 84 80 (4) -4.8%

Page 554
Public Works Highway & Engineering
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 6,737,308 6,965,484 7,315,184 7,361,872 46,688 0.6% 2019 Appropriations
Employee Benefits 3,469,895 3,854,655 3,615,820 4,106,980 491,160 13.6%
Personal Services 10,207,204 10,820,139 10,931,004 11,468,852 537,848 4.9%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 19,770 28,565 32,265 31,690 (575) -1.8% 73% 7%
Personal Operations
Equipment 106,004 75,368 92,327 28,080 (64,247) -69.6%
Communication 5,620 5,866 6,341 6,500 159 2.5%
Supplies 2,142,505 2,196,805 2,248,581 2,252,350 3,769 0.2%
Utilities 814,839 943,242 944,242 1,136,154 191,912 20.3%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs (484,631) (569,158) (641,861) (590,750) 51,111 -8.0%
Insurance 154,141 169,400 169,400 173,900 4,500 2.7% 20%
Contracted Services 46,096 64,293 58,003 61,275 3,272 5.6% Other
Operations 946,823 1,028,781 1,033,874 1,054,792 20,918 2.0%
Total Appropriations $13,958,370 $14,763,301 $14,874,176 $15,622,843 $748,667 5.0%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Departmental Income 2,033,880 1,990,500 1,990,500 2,021,400 30,900 1.6%

Use of Money and Property 4,619 6,000 6,000 4,500 (1,500) -25.0% 2019 Revenues
Licenses and Permits 32,642 40,750 40,750 38,500 (2,250) -5.5% 89%
Fines and Forfeitures 6,275 6,000 6,000 6,000 - 0.0% DMV Revenue

Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 212,738 175,800 175,800 190,240 14,440 8.2%
Misc Local Sources 5,122 - - - - 0.0%
State Aid 42,028 - - - - 0.0%
Federal Aid 220,987 14,600 14,600 14,600 - 0.0%
Interfund Transfer 13,600 - - - - 0.0%
Total Revenues $2,571,889 $2,233,650 $2,233,650 $2,275,240 $41,590 1.9%
Licenses &
Net to County Cost $11,386,481 $12,529,651 $12,640,526 $13,347,603 $707,077 5.6% 9% Permits


Page 555
Public Works- Highway & Engineering

Commissioner of
Public Works

Deputy Commissioner of
Public Works

Highway & Auto Construction & Engineering
Service Center Maintenance Division

Page 556
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.1640 - DPW- Auto Center
ACCTG CLK 09 1.00 38,817 1.00 09 1.00 42,799 1.00 42,799
AUTO MECHC 13 3.00 174,963 3.00 13 3.00 190,330 3.00 190,330
AUTO MECHC HELPER 09 1.00 48,215 1.00 09 1.00 38,843 1.00 38,843
AUTO PARTS SPCLST 13 1.00 62,296 1.00 13 1.00 66,775 1.00 66,775
AUTO SCV CENTER SUPV 15 1.00 75,325 1.00 15 1.00 80,699 1.00 80,699
CONST EQPT MECHC AIDE 09 1.00 37,165 1.00 09 1.00 38,843 1.00 38,843
SR AUTO MECHC 14 1.00 72,679 1.00 14 1.00 60,660 1.00 60,660
TIRE MECHC 11 1.00 55,024 1.00 11 1.00 60,242 1.00 60,242
A.1640 - DPW- Auto Center 10.00 564,484 10.00 10.00 579,191 10.00 579,191

Page 557
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1640 DPW- Auto Center

1010 Positions 545,624 553,695 564,484 588,408 62.8 369,586 579,191 579,191
1040 ST Overtime 595 1,475 2,000 2,000 44.2 885 1,500 1,500
1050 Overtime 6,689 14,847 12,000 12,000 35.2 4,227 12,000 12,000
1070 Shift Differential 248 414 500 500 42.4 212 500 500
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 4 9 100 100 54.6 55 100 100

Total Salaries and Wages 553,159 570,440 579,084 603,008 62.2 374,965 593,291 593,291
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 40,455 41,861 43,194 45,025 60.2 27,106 44,317 44,317
8355 Long-Term Disability 504 496 540 703 66.8 470 972 972
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 135,948 144,366 179,285 147,852 74.7 110,419 188,467 188,467
8450 Optical Insurance 1,978 1,802 1,989 1,730 74.5 1,288 2,070 2,070
8500 Dental Insurance 12,074 12,345 14,830 11,265 74.5 8,389 13,482 13,482
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 323 46.1 149 663 663

Total Employee Benefits 190,959 200,870 239,838 206,898 71.4 147,820 249,971 249,971
8100 Pymts to Retire System 82,506 84,042 84,275 84,275 25.5 21,451 94,079 79,792

Total Benefits 82,506 84,042 84,275 84,275 25.5 21,451 94,079 79,792

Total Personal Services 826,624 855,352 903,197 894,181 60.9 544,236 937,341 923,054
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 238 577 200 200 33.9 68 100 100
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 715 600 600 2,500 0.0 0 2,600 2,600

• Tool allowance per CSEA contract.

4631 Training Seminars/Conf 85 4,284 4,550 4,550 45.1 2,050 4,550 4,550

• Fleet management software training and mechanic training.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,038 5,460 5,400 7,300 29.0 2,118 7,300 7,300
4750 Other Equipment-ND 4,978 2,050 0 1,800 0.0 0 3,000 3,000

• Outdoor vacuum replacement.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 4,978 2,050 0 1,800 0.0 0 3,000 3,000

Page 558
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
2300.05 Motor Vehicles 5 Year 0 88,794 30,000 30,000 0.0 0 203,921 0

• Six additional cars. Recommended: Eliminate increases to the county fleet.

2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 0 0 10,000 6,250 86.3 5,396 0 0

2500.15 Other Equipment 15 yr 0 6,359 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
2600.05 Computer Software 5 YEAR 32,125 (4,199) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 32,125 90,955 40,000 36,250 14.9 5,396 203,921 0

Total Equipment 37,104 93,005 40,000 38,050 14.2 5,396 206,921 3,000
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 226,537 223,853 210,000 210,000 82.9 174,013 225,000 225,000

• Repair parts, fluids, supplies, tires, etc.

4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 10,649 7,491 8,000 10,000 81.9 8,192 8,500 8,500

• Shop tools, welding supplies, oil absorbent towels, etc.

4123 Safety Supplies 406 34 400 400 27.4 110 400 400
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 56 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 5,055 3,708 2,700 2,700 39.9 1,077 2,700 2,700
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 899 749 950 950 78.9 749 1,000 1,000

• Snap-on scanner software license.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 0 0

Total Supplies 243,546 235,890 222,100 224,100 82.2 184,141 237,600 237,600
4126 Fuel Oil for Heating 3,247 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4127 Propane Gas 4,092 12,477 13,364 13,364 58.4 7,809 23,404 23,405

• 9,553 gal @ 2.45/gal

4130 Gasoline/Diesel 553,592 678,137 765,620 765,620 83.2 637,026 1,206,486 933,847

• Gasoline and diesel fuel purchased for all county vehicles; 383,011 gal at $3.15. Recommended: Reflects updated gallons of 369,429 based on historic usage; $2.47 per gallon for gasoline
and $2.54 per gallon for diesel based on YTD actual prices and projected increase of 15%.
4220 Electric-Light & Power 12,350 12,591 15,006 15,006 62.3 9,351 14,559 15,044

• 112,855 kWh @ .129; plus monthly service charges.

Page 559
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Utilities 573,281 703,205 793,990 793,990 82.4 654,186 1,244,449 972,296
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 2,700 2,700 4,626 4,626 66.7 3,084 3,096 3,096
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 94 94 100 100 66.4 66 100 100
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 41 56 100 100 17.4 17 100 100
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 522 668 720 720 66.4 478 718 718
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 60 150 150 122.7 184 200 200
4629 Interdept Exp Reimb (690,092) (703,979) (868,741) (868,741) 50.9 (441,812) (1,065,110) (940,995)

• Inter-departmental transfer from other departments for fuel, auto leases and repair. Recommended: Based on updated fuel price projections.

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) (686,735) (700,401) (863,045) (863,045) 50.7 (437,982) (1,060,896) (936,781)

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services (686,735) (700,401) (863,045) (863,045) 50.7 (437,982) (1,060,896) (936,781)
4310 Motor Vehicle Insurance 28,525 31,677 34,200 34,200 99.6 34,072 39,000 35,200
Total Insurance 28,525 31,677 34,200 34,200 99.6 34,072 39,000 35,200
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 118 0 0 82 99.2 81 0 0
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 31,576 29,926 21,592 21,510 55.0 11,838 23,990 23,990

• Vehicle leases $21,456; NYCOMCO radios $1,872; Airgas cylinders $662.

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 10,655 16,941 18,137 18,087 69.1 12,503 18,000 18,000

• Syn-tech (fuelmaster) $10,574; Fleet management software $5,216; Alldata $1,500; Kronos $429; lift inspections $281.

4611 Refuse Removal 3,806 4,798 8,984 8,984 41.3 3,711 7,877 7,877

• Refuse removal $ 3,777, tire disposal $3,000, waste oil and anti-freeze removal $600, parts sink service $500.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 480 1,063 1,000 1,000 78.5 785 2,000 2,000
4612.101 Repairs/Alt To Equip Vehicle 115,204 88,433 110,000 108,100 47.0 50,850 108,100 108,100
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 239 713 2,000 2,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000
4640 Laundry 3,274 3,446 4,300 4,300 42.8 1,842 4,000 4,000
4650 External Postage 736 747 1,000 1,000 52.3 523 1,000 1,000
Total Operations 166,088 146,066 167,013 165,063 49.8 82,134 166,967 166,967
Total A.1640 - DPW- Auto Center 1,189,470 1,370,256 1,302,855 1,293,839 82.6 1,068,301 1,778,682 1,408,636

Page 560
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.1640 DPW- Auto Center

12890.15 Other General Auto Ctr/Beekman Fire District 155 100 100 100 0.0 0 200 200

• Shared Services: fuel storage fee.

12890.16 Other General Auto Ctr/DCC 605 0 200 200 0.0 0 0 0

12890.17 Other General Auto Ctr/Tn of Hyde Park 26,316 25,844 25,000 25,000 61.9 15,484 25,000 25,000

• Shared Services: Vehicle repair Hyde Park (Police, Recreation, Hwy).

12890.19 Other General Auto Ctr/DC Soil and Water 2,184 455 100 100 220.5 220 1,000 1,000

• Shared Services: Farm storage fee and vehicle repairs.

12890.23 Other General Auto Ctr/Tn Beekman Fuel Storage 0 100 100 100 0.0 0 200 200

• Shared Services: Fuel storage fee.

Total Departmental Income 29,259 26,499 25,500 25,500 61.6 15,705 26,400 26,400
24100.00 Rental of Real Property General 975 819 1,500 1,500 12.9 194 500 500

• Impound fees.

24140 Rental of Equipment 5,426 0 0 0 0.0 529 0 0

Total Use of Money and Property 6,401 819 1,500 1,500 48.2 723 500 500
26500 Sales of Scrap & Excess Material 1,745 70 2,000 2,000 0.0 0 200 200
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 0 80 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26550.06 Sales, Other EV Charging 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1,000 1,000

• Fees collected at Electric Vehicle charging stations.

26650 Sales of Equipment 22,005 21,468 25,000 25,000 0.0 0 21,000 21,000

• Revenue from sale of Auto Center parts, supplies and vehicles.

26800 Insurance Recoveries 96,271 125,032 100,000 100,000 38.9 38,910 100,000 100,000

• Costs recovered from insurance claims.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 0 1,360 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26900.00 Other Comp for Loss General 1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 120,022 148,010 127,000 127,000 30.6 38,910 122,200 122,200
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 1,270 0 0 0 0.0 10,434 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 7,500 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 8,770 0 0 0 0.0 10,434 0 0
Total A.1640 - DPW- Auto Center 164,452 175,328 154,000 154,000 42.7 65,772 149,100 149,100

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Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.5650 - General Fund.DPW Off-Street Parking
PARKING LOT ATNDT 04 1.00 39,649 1.00 04 1.00 43,326 1.00 43,326
A.5650 - General Fund.DPW Off-Street Parking 1.00 39,649 1.00 1.00 43,326 1.00 43,326

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.5650 DPW Off-Street Parking

1010 Positions 0 967 39,649 41,773 70.6 29,495 43,326 43,326

1050 Overtime 0 0 0 3,180 76.8 2,444 4,000 4,000
1070 Shift Differential 0 0 0 290 37.2 108 500 500
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 0 70 24.6 17 120 120

Total Salaries and Wages 0 967 39,649 45,313 70.8 32,064 47,946 47,946
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 0 104 3,034 3,198 72.6 2,321 3,316 3,316
8355 Long-Term Disability 0 0 0 78 66.1 52 108 108
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 0 0 14,375 10,165 74.5 7,569 11,791 11,791
8450 Optical Insurance 0 0 224 217 74.2 161 230 230
8500 Dental Insurance 0 0 1,355 1,408 74.4 1,048 1,498 1,498
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 27 44.7 12 51 51

Total Employee Benefits 0 104 18,988 15,093 74.0 11,163 16,994 16,994
8100 Pymts to Retire System 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 7,142

Total Benefits 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 7,142

Total Personal Services 0 1,071 58,637 60,406 71.6 43,227 64,940 72,082
4460 Comm Printing 0 0 1,250 960 0.0 0 1,250 1,250

• Printing of public parking tickets.

Total Contracted Services 0 0 1,250 960 0.0 0 1,250 1,250

Total A.5650 - DPW Off-Street Parking 0 1,071 59,887 61,366 70.4 43,227 66,190 73,332

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.5650 DPW Off-Street Parking

17210.01 Parking & Garages Parking Fees 101,531 81,991 105,000 105,000 65.5 68,749 85,000 95,000

• Estimated 42,500 vehicles x $2.00. Recommended: increase based on actual fees collected in previous years.

Total Departmental Income 101,531 81,991 105,000 105,000 65.5 68,749 85,000 95,000
Total A.5650 - DPW Off-Street Parking 101,531 81,991 105,000 105,000 65.5 68,749 85,000 95,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.3310 Traffic Control/Safety

4750 Other Equipment-ND 0 0 0 2,779 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 0 0 2,779 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 0 0 2,779 0.0 0 0 0

4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 46 0 4,000 3,559 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
4160 Office Supplies 0 0 0 330 0.0 0 0 0
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 0 0 450 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 46 0 4,000 4,339 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
4220 Electric-Light & Power 5,101 6,033 5,278 6,278 72.3 4,540 6,200 5,332

• Electricity for traffic signals.

Total Utilities 5,101 6,033 5,278 6,278 72.3 4,540 6,200 5,332
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 292,571 257,469 300,000 305,882 29.0 88,751 310,000 310,000

• Pavement striping contracted services, 20 mi. epoxy and 215 mi. waterborne paint. Repair costs for traffic signals, flashing-lights. $10,000 moved from 4612.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 12,534 1,325 12,000 2,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000

• See 4609.

Total Operations 305,105 258,794 312,000 307,882 28.8 88,751 312,000 312,000
Total D.3310 - Traffic Control/Safety 310,252 264,827 321,278 321,278 29.0 93,291 319,200 318,332

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.3310 Traffic Control/Safety

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 107 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 107 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total D.3310 - Traffic Control/Safety 107 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
D.5010 - Road.DPW Highway Administration
ACCOUNTANT 16 1.00 61,518 1.00 16 1.00 68,348 1.00 68,348
ACCTG CLK 09 0.00 0 0.00 09 1.00 38,843 1.00 38,843
AST DIR CONST MAINT MF 1.00 76,374 1.00 MF 1.00 80,044 1.00 80,044
CONTRACT SPCLST 13 1.00 63,497 1.00 13 2.00 119,387 2.00 119,387
DIR BUDGET FIN ME 1.00 91,142 1.00 ME 1.00 95,524 1.00 95,524
DIR HWY CONST MAINT MG 1.00 96,889 1.00 MG 1.00 101,545 1.00 101,545
DPTY COMSR PUB WORKS MH 1.00 101,057 1.00 MH 1.00 105,914 1.00 105,914
PRIN ACCTG CLK 12 1.00 48,880 1.00 12 1.00 53,695 1.00 53,695
PRIN PROG AST 12 1.00 53,364 1.00 12 0.00 0 0.00 0
SECY CD 1.00 59,120 1.00 CD 1.00 60,451 1.00 60,451
SR PROG AST 10 1.00 51,786 1.00 10 0.00 0 0.00 0
D.5010 - Road.DPW Highway Administration 10.00 703,627 10.00 10.00 723,751 10.00 723,751

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5010 DPW Highway Administration

1010 Positions 580,605 649,447 703,627 715,216 66.1 472,991 723,751 723,751
1010.1025 Positions Contractual Payroll Adjustments 0 0 0 21,952 0.0 0 0 0
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 3,850 3,850 0.0 0 8,225 8,225

• Part Time Intern.

1040 ST Overtime 1,452 3,090 1,500 2,850 55.0 1,567 3,000 3,000
1050 Overtime 100 713 400 350 28.6 100 350 350
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 23 50 50 78.5 39 50 50

Total Salaries and Wages 582,158 653,273 709,427 744,268 63.8 474,697 735,376 735,376
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 42,824 47,955 53,837 54,824 63.7 34,921 55,377 55,377
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,912 2,422 2,551 2,736 74.8 2,047 2,741 2,741
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 150,874 187,229 229,490 180,357 76.3 137,692 230,688 230,688
8450 Optical Insurance 1,863 1,978 2,213 1,854 76.1 1,412 2,300 2,300
8500 Dental Insurance 11,371 13,281 14,702 12,071 76.2 9,194 14,980 14,980
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 117 45.7 54 242 242
8800 Life Ins 1,393 808 862 914 75.4 689 891 891
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 127 162 174 183 75.4 138 180 180

Total Employee Benefits 210,363 253,833 303,829 253,056 73.6 186,147 307,399 307,399
8100 Pymts to Retire System 93,040 87,226 102,964 102,964 21.0 21,641 107,134 101,055

Total Benefits 93,040 87,226 102,964 102,964 21.0 21,641 107,134 101,055

Total Personal Services 885,561 994,332 1,116,220 1,100,288 62.0 682,485 1,149,909 1,143,830
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 13 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 807 551 2,650 2,650 41.5 1,099 2,650 2,650
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 105 101 445 445 25.8 115 445 445
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 545 1,324 3,085 3,085 37.6 1,160 3,085 3,085
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 500 225 450 450 24.4 110 450 450
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,970 2,201 6,630 6,630 37.5 2,484 6,630 6,630
4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 3,210 2,920 3,250 3,250 63.1 2,050 0 0

• Line moved to E.5132; cost for six garage phones.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 2,613 2,700 2,616 3,091 69.2 2,140 0 0

• Expenses moved to E.5132.

Total Communication 5,823 5,620 5,866 6,341 66.1 4,189 0 0

4160 Office Supplies 5,894 4,170 3,800 3,077 73.8 2,271 4,000 4,000
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 240 0 723 50.0 361 750 750
Total Supplies 5,894 4,410 3,800 3,800 69.3 2,633 4,750 4,750
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 9,120 9,120 7,224 7,224 66.7 4,816 6,288 6,288
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 2,373 2,133 2,124 2,124 67.3 1,429 2,144 2,144
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 596 898 600 600 7.7 46 800 800
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 4,005 4,394 4,526 4,526 66.6 3,016 4,524 4,524
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 163 100 100 20.0 20 100 100
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 21 142 25 25 0.0 0 25 25

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 16,115 16,851 14,599 14,599 63.9 9,327 13,881 13,881

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 16,115 16,851 14,599 14,599 63.9 9,327 13,881 13,881
4330 Liability Insurance 15,244 11,298 14,700 14,700 77.2 11,351 16,100 15,100
Total Insurance 15,244 11,298 14,700 14,700 77.2 11,351 16,100 15,100
4460 Comm Printing 0 0 43 43 0.0 0 25 25
Total Contracted Services 0 0 43 43 0.0 0 25 25
4610.106 Advertising Program 0 880 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4610.70 Advertising Admin 90 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4610.71 Advertising Legal 0 225 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4650 External Postage 90 0 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
Total Operations 180 1,105 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
Total D.5010 - DPW Highway Administration 930,786 1,035,817 1,162,058 1,146,601 62.1 712,469 1,191,495 1,184,416

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5010 DPW Highway Administration

17890.01 Other Trans. - Dept. Income Misc. 0 10,000 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Departmental Income 0 10,000 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 61 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 61 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total D.5010 - DPW Highway Administration 61 10,000 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
D.5020 - Road.DPW Engineering
AST CIVIL ENG I 17 2.00 170,403 3.00 17 3.00 266,491 3.00 266,491
AST CIVIL ENG II DSGN 19 3.00 253,648 2.00 19 2.00 194,366 2.00 194,366
JR CIVIL ENG 15 4.00 283,124 4.00 15 4.00 294,533 4.00 294,533
SECY 10 1.00 40,028 1.00 10 1.00 43,970 1.00 43,970
SR ENGNG AIDE 12 2.00 108,514 2.00 12 2.00 94,300 2.00 94,300
SR ENGNG AIDE EA 14 1.00 71,107 1.00 14 1.00 76,184 1.00 76,184
TRFC ENG 18 1.00 87,939 1.00 18 1.00 94,201 1.00 94,201
D.5020 - Road.DPW Engineering 14.00 1,014,763 14.00 14.00 1,064,045 14.00 1,064,045

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5020 DPW Engineering

1010 Positions 1,005,399 934,063 1,014,763 1,059,930 65.9 698,603 1,064,045 1,064,045
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 9,600 9,600 0.0 0 9,600 9,600

• Two summer interns for 11 weeks, (94% reimbursement by Planning Dept.).

1040 ST Overtime 3,546 4,006 7,000 7,000 18.6 1,299 6,000 6,000
1050 Overtime 2,227 1,443 4,000 4,000 0.0 0 6,000 4,000
1070 Shift Differential 31 11 200 200 4.8 10 200 200
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 44 100 100 31.8 32 100 100

Total Salaries and Wages 1,011,202 939,566 1,035,663 1,080,830 64.8 699,943 1,085,945 1,083,945
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 75,066 69,153 77,643 81,099 63.2 51,237 81,413 81,413
8355 Long-Term Disability 714 660 702 1,004 66.4 667 1,404 1,404
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 157,806 194,513 235,301 207,083 75.0 155,312 253,588 253,588
8450 Optical Insurance 2,705 2,594 2,876 2,779 74.2 2,061 3,220 3,220
8500 Dental Insurance 16,511 17,604 20,634 18,096 74.2 13,422 20,972 20,972
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 521 46.1 240 1,094 1,094

Total Employee Benefits 252,801 284,526 337,156 310,582 71.8 222,938 361,691 361,691
8100 Pymts to Retire System 155,794 150,946 141,465 141,465 26.7 37,727 165,548 149,969

Total Benefits 155,794 150,946 141,465 141,465 26.7 37,727 165,548 149,969

Total Personal Services 1,419,797 1,375,038 1,514,284 1,532,877 62.7 960,608 1,613,184 1,595,605
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 0 200 110 0.0 0 0 0
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 11 0 100 100 0.0 0 75 75
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 847 601 600 600 99.7 598 600 600
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 397 125 400 400 70.1 280 400 400
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 1,351 1,163 1,400 1,490 83.2 1,240 1,400 1,400
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 52 55 60 60 99.8 60 60 60
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 510 773 800 800 99.3 794 1,000 1,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 3,168 2,717 3,560 3,560 83.5 2,973 3,535 3,535
4760 Computer Software-ND 0 0 0 6,000 100.0 6,000 6,000 6,000

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 0 0 6,000 100.0 6,000 6,000 6,000

2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 0 0 19,000 19,000 89.3 16,975 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 0 19,000 19,000 89.3 16,975 0 0

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment 0 0 19,000 25,000 91.9 22,975 6,000 6,000

4117 Environmental Supplies 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
4118 Field Supplies 107 282 250 219 99.8 219 250 250
4123 Safety Supplies 199 390 400 344 65.6 226 400 400
4160 Office Supplies 4,680 2,620 2,400 2,145 97.6 2,094 2,400 2,400
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 2,708 1,500 2,730 2,730 18.3 500 2,800 2,800

• Highway Capacity Software license $400; Adobe Acrobat $1430; Guide Sign Map Software $900; Misc. $70.

Total Supplies 7,694 4,793 5,830 5,488 55.4 3,038 5,900 5,900
4130 Gasoline/Diesel 832 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Utilities 832 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 768 768 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 305 745 960 960 53.7 516 822 822
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 15 35 100 100 1.4 1 100 100
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,375 3,255 3,881 3,881 66.7 2,588 3,882 3,882
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 68 60 100 100 60.0 60 100 100

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 2,531 4,863 5,041 5,041 62.8 3,164 4,904 4,904

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 2,531 4,863 5,041 5,041 62.8 3,164 4,904 4,904
4330 Liability Insurance 1,841 1,332 1,800 1,800 78.7 1,417 2,000 1,900
Total Insurance 1,841 1,332 1,800 1,800 78.7 1,417 2,000 1,900
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 60,838 43,354 60,000 54,000 59.3 32,048 55,000 55,000

• Biennial bridge inspections and on-call engineering consultant fees.

Total Contracted Services 60,838 43,354 60,000 54,000 59.3 32,048 55,000 55,000
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 9,665 9,690 9,700 9,700 96.5 9,358 11,600 11,600

• Annual maintenance contracts for GIS, AutoCAD, and OCE Multifunction large format copier-printer-scanner.

4610.70 Advertising Admin 5,817 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4610.71 Advertising Legal 0 120 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 750 675 0.0 0 500 500

• Repair, maintenance and calibration of survey equipment.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4650 External Postage 0 46 100 517 83.7 433 500 500
Total Operations 15,481 9,855 10,700 11,042 88.7 9,791 12,750 12,750
Total D.5020 - DPW Engineering 1,512,182 1,441,952 1,620,215 1,638,808 63.2 1,036,014 1,703,273 1,685,594

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5020 DPW Engineering

24100.00 Rental of Real Property General 1,050 3,800 4,500 4,500 71.1 3,200 4,000 4,000

• Business sign rentals in highway right-of-way.

Total Use of Money and Property 1,050 3,800 4,500 4,500 71.1 3,200 4,000 4,000
25450 Licenses, Other 0 0 750 750 0.0 0 500 500
25900.10 Permits, Other Driveway Permits 62,535 32,642 40,000 40,000 51.7 20,675 38,000 38,000
Total Licenses and Permits 62,535 32,642 40,750 40,750 50.7 20,675 38,500 38,500
26200 Forfeiture of Deposits 5,710 6,275 6,000 6,000 94.3 5,660 2,000 6,000
Total Fines and Forfeitures 5,710 6,275 6,000 6,000 94.3 5,660 2,000 6,000
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 40 120 50 50 80.0 40 40 40
26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 22 26 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26600 Sales of Real Property 0 0 0 0 0.0 19,000 20,000 20,000
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 62 146 50 50 38,080.0 19,040 20,040 20,040
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 1,080 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 1,080 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
49020 Planning Studies 13,434 9,987 14,600 14,600 0.0 0 14,600 14,600
Total Federal Aid 13,434 9,987 14,600 14,600 0.0 0 14,600 14,600
Total D.5020 - DPW Engineering 83,870 52,849 65,900 65,900 73.7 48,575 79,140 83,140

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Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5100 DPW Construction & Maint Div

27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 0 40 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 0 40 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total D.5100 - DPW Construction & Maint Div 0 40 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
D.5110 - Road.DPW Maint Roads
AST TREE CLIMBER 11 1.00 50,512 1.00 11 1.00 54,153 1.00 54,153
CONST EQPT OPR I 11 15.00 730,369 15.00 11 15.00 776,181 15.00 776,181
CONST EQPT OPR II 12 13.00 701,940 13.00 12 13.00 756,655 13.00 756,655
CONST EQPT OPR II MECHC 12 1.00 56,972 1.00 12 1.00 58,157 1.00 58,157
LABOR SUPV 14 7.00 479,488 7.00 14 7.00 510,169 7.00 510,169
LABORER 08 2.00 87,982 2.00 08 2.00 94,409 2.00 94,409
MOTOR EQPT OPR 10 16.00 693,793 16.00 10 16.00 749,390 16.00 749,390
ROAD MAINT SUPV 14 1.00 70,408 1.00 14 1.00 75,484 1.00 75,484
ROAD MAINTR 09 3.00 133,132 3.00 09 3.00 145,082 3.00 145,082
TREE CLIMBER 12 1.00 55,113 1.00 12 1.00 59,459 1.00 59,459
TREE CLIMBER 14 1.00 68,730 1.00 14 1.00 75,364 1.00 75,364
D.5110 - Road.DPW Maint Roads 61.00 3,128,439 61.00 61.00 3,354,503 61.00 3,354,503

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5110 DPW Maint Roads

1010 Positions 2,868,184 2,906,209 3,128,439 3,312,791 62.5 2,069,207 3,354,503 3,354,503
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 (202,000) (202,000) 0.0 0 (211,600) (211,600)

• Transfer for snow removal (256,000); 10 Summer Interns for 10 weeks $44,400.

1040 ST Overtime 13,018 13,021 12,000 12,000 80.7 9,681 12,000 12,000
1050 Overtime 73,497 46,844 39,000 39,000 86.1 33,578 40,000 40,000
1070 Shift Differential 660 943 1,000 1,000 59.4 594 1,000 1,000
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 122 273 500 500 75.6 378 500 500

Total Salaries and Wages 2,955,481 2,967,290 2,978,939 3,163,291 66.8 2,113,437 3,196,403 3,196,403
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 236,815 248,860 239,386 253,490 71.1 180,273 256,675 256,675
8355 Long-Term Disability 3,043 2,937 2,916 4,469 66.9 2,992 6,156 6,156
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 937,449 978,280 1,186,199 1,047,602 74.9 784,632 1,273,066 1,273,066
8450 Optical Insurance 12,343 12,015 13,278 12,503 74.6 9,328 13,800 13,800
8500 Dental Insurance 75,344 80,791 89,695 81,429 74.6 60,756 89,880 89,880
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 1,914 46.3 886 4,125 4,125

Total Employee Benefits 1,264,993 1,322,883 1,531,474 1,401,407 74.1 1,038,867 1,643,702 1,643,702
8100 Pymts to Retire System 505,510 485,542 457,927 457,927 26.5 121,366 496,936 477,166

Total Benefits 505,510 485,542 457,927 457,927 26.5 121,366 496,936 477,166

Total Personal Services 4,725,984 4,775,714 4,968,340 5,022,625 65.2 3,273,670 5,337,041 5,317,271
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 924 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 816 100 1,000 1,000 29.7 297 1,000 1,000
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 165 0 675 675 31.1 210 675 675
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 981 1,024 1,775 1,775 28.6 507 1,775 1,775
4750 Other Equipment-ND 0 14,700 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 14,700 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 0 0 6,000 6,000 0.0 0 8,200 8,200

• Aluminum flat bed w/header, rear skirt and rack.

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 0 6,000 6,000 0.0 0 8,200 8,200

Total Equipment 0 14,700 6,000 6,000 0.0 0 8,200 8,200

4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 3,980 874 6,000 5,525 14.6 805 6,000 6,000

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Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4107 Bituminous Materials 74,994 216,891 100,000 90,000 0.0 0 180,000 100,000

• Cracksealing by vendor for annual pavement maintenance; Non-Capital Chipsealing. Recommended eliminates an increase of 4 miles of road repair.

4108 Bituminous Concrete 307,728 251,887 250,000 250,000 54.3 135,752 250,000 250,000

• Asphalt concrete for non-capital road repairs, shoulders and maintenance.

4117 Environmental Supplies 0 278 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4118 Field Supplies 10,986 3,845 12,500 12,500 47.0 5,879 13,000 13,000

• Hydro-seed supplies (seed, mulch, fertilizer); hay bales; silt fence.

4123 Safety Supplies 940 0 2,000 2,000 0.0 0 2,500 2,500

• Safety supplies, first aid supplies, tick spray.

4133 Gravel, Fill & Stone 89,935 64,456 65,000 75,000 93.6 70,188 80,000 65,000

• For non-capital road repairs and maintenance. Recommended eliminates an increase of 4 miles of road repair.

4136 Highway & Bridge Const Materials 59,121 51,408 75,000 75,000 64.6 48,423 82,000 75,000

• Materials for non-capital repair and maintenance. Recommended eliminates an increase of 4 miles of road repair.

4136.210 Highway & Bridge Const Materials Signs 1,192 28,895 20,000 20,000 80.2 16,043 25,000 25,000
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 5,520 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 554,395 618,534 535,500 535,025 51.8 277,089 638,500 536,500
4629 Interdept Exp Reimb (2,900) 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) (2,900) 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services (2,900) 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4463 Judgements and Claims 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 2,000 2,000

• Judgements and claims for highway will now be paid from the D fund instead of the A fund.

Total Contracted Services 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 2,000 2,000

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Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 6,000 10,440 20,000 20,000 78.6 15,723 30,000 20,000

• Rental of machinery & equipment, including milling machine for shoulders and bridge decks. Recommended eliminates an increase of 4 miles of road repair.

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 1,275 675 1,200 1,200 93.8 1,125 1,200 1,200

• Annual NYSDEC license for 2 pesticide applicators.

4611 Refuse Removal 1,515 0 1,500 1,500 89.5 1,342 1,500 1,500

• Dumpster at DPW Main Garage; refuse picked up from roadside cleaning operations.

4624 Road/Property Maint & Service Contracts 50,460 25,230 40,000 40,000 0.0 0 40,000 40,000

• Contracted services for road and roadside tree maintenance.

Total Operations 59,250 36,345 62,700 62,700 29.0 18,190 72,700 62,700
Total D.5110 - DPW Maint Roads 5,337,710 5,446,318 5,574,315 5,628,125 63.4 3,569,456 6,060,216 5,928,446

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Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5110 DPW Maint Roads

17890.00 Other Trans. - Dept. Income Highway Improvement Fees

1,865,642 1,915,390 1,860,000 1,860,000 72.7 1,351,875 1,860,000 1,900,000

• Fees from DMV based on vehicle registrations in the county.

Total Departmental Income 1,865,642 1,915,390 1,860,000 1,860,000 72.7 1,351,875 1,860,000 1,900,000
26500 Sales of Scrap & Excess Material 7,548 5,960 5,000 5,000 20.8 1,038 5,000 5,000
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 6,004 0 250 250 0.0 0 0 0
26650 Sales of Equipment 0 350 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 32,302 14,890 20,000 20,000 30.3 6,055 15,000 15,000
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability (68) 952 0 0 0.0 442 0 0
26900.01 Other Comp for Loss Labor 3,944 4,795 0 0 0.0 4,590 0 0
26900.03 Other Comp for Loss Materials 13,563 3,587 0 0 0.0 6,338 6,000 6,000
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 63,292 30,535 25,250 25,250 73.1 18,463 26,000 26,000
39600 Emergence Disaster Assistance 0 42,028 0 0 0.0 (6,600) 0 0
Total State Aid 0 42,028 0 0 0.0 (6,600) 0 0
49600 Emergency Disaster Assistance 0 211,000 0 0 0.0 1,564 0 0
Total Federal Aid 0 211,000 0 0 0.0 1,564 0 0
Total D.5110 - DPW Maint Roads 1,928,935 2,198,952 1,885,250 1,885,250 72.4 1,365,302 1,886,000 1,926,000

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Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
D.5120 - Road.DPW Maint Bridges
BRIDGE MAINT SUPV 14 1.00 67,970 1.00 14 1.00 72,846 1.00 72,846
BRIDGE MAINTR 10 3.00 125,435 3.00 10 3.00 133,571 3.00 133,571
SR BRIDGE MAINTR 12 1.00 52,889 1.00 12 1.00 58,294 1.00 58,294
D.5120 - Road.DPW Maint Bridges 5.00 246,294 5.00 5.00 264,711 5.00 264,711

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Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5120 DPW Maint Bridges

1010 Positions 229,674 235,891 246,294 257,939 63.0 162,558 264,711 264,711
1040 ST Overtime 672 1,161 800 800 95.9 767 800 800
1050 Overtime 1,954 6,793 2,500 3,006 85.0 2,554 2,500 2,500
1070 Shift Differential 6 59 50 60 87.6 53 50 50
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 9 18 50 50 90.0 45 50 50

Total Salaries and Wages 232,316 243,921 249,694 261,855 63.4 165,977 268,111 268,111
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 18,645 20,801 18,846 19,778 71.2 14,090 20,258 20,258
8355 Long-Term Disability 265 268 270 379 65.8 249 540 540
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 55,412 61,533 68,912 72,217 72.2 52,143 91,170 91,170
8450 Optical Insurance 1,095 1,104 1,105 1,028 73.1 751 1,150 1,150
8500 Dental Insurance 6,683 7,412 7,415 6,691 73.1 4,893 7,490 7,490
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 159 46.0 73 340 340

Total Employee Benefits 82,100 91,117 96,548 100,252 72.0 72,199 120,948 120,948
8100 Pymts to Retire System 33,322 31,500 31,873 31,873 25.6 8,153 32,465 31,734

Total Benefits 33,322 31,500 31,873 31,873 25.6 8,153 32,465 31,734

Total Personal Services 347,738 366,539 378,115 393,980 62.5 246,329 421,524 420,793
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 0 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 1,467 1,283 1,500 3,500 78.9 2,762 1,500 1,500
4108 Bituminous Concrete 6,467 1,199 10,000 10,000 0.0 0 10,000 10,000
4118 Field Supplies 0 500 500 500 47.0 235 500 500
4123 Safety Supplies 400 0 400 400 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
4133 Gravel, Fill & Stone 5,933 108 5,000 5,000 0.7 33 5,000 5,000
4136 Highway & Bridge Const Materials 48,761 42,349 45,000 43,000 14.1 6,045 45,000 45,000
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 0 0 575 575 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 63,027 45,439 62,975 62,975 14.4 9,075 63,000 63,000
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 4,530 8,620 4,000 4,000 3.0 120 4,000 4,000
Total Operations 4,530 8,620 4,000 4,000 3.0 120 4,000 4,000
Total D.5120 - DPW Maint Bridges 415,295 420,598 445,240 461,105 55.4 255,523 488,674 487,943

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Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5120 DPW Maint Bridges

26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 578 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 578 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total D.5120 - DPW Maint Bridges 578 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5142 DPW Snow Removal

1010 Positions 108,512 150,216 0 0 0.0 167,591 0 0

1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 254,000 254,000 0.0 0 260,000 260,000

• Salaries used for snow removal $256,000 transfer from D.5110; temporary Comm. Clerk during winter storms $4,000.

1040 ST Overtime 18,839 19,591 20,000 19,500 75.3 14,676 20,000 20,000
1050 Overtime 164,637 324,761 225,000 221,000 96.5 213,330 231,000 231,000
1070 Shift Differential 5,608 12,962 10,000 10,500 96.0 10,081 11,000 11,000
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 1,882 5,503 3,000 7,000 66.3 4,643 5,500 5,500

Total Salaries and Wages 299,477 513,033 512,000 512,000 80.1 410,321 527,500 527,500
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 433 575 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Employee Benefits 433 575 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

8100 Pymts to Retire System 2,033 1,884 627 627 73.5 461 865 101

Total Benefits 2,033 1,884 627 627 73.5 461 865 101

Total Personal Services 301,944 515,492 512,627 512,627 80.1 410,782 528,365 527,601
4456 Training Programs - Educ 5,479 3,679 4,500 4,500 0.0 0 5,000 5,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 5,479 3,679 4,500 4,500 0.0 0 5,000 5,000
4760 Computer Software-ND 13,498 0 6,368 0 0.0 0 6,880 6,880

• Cirus Controls maintenance on 32 trucks.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 13,498 0 6,368 0 0.0 0 6,880 6,880

Total Equipment 13,498 0 6,368 0 0.0 0 6,880 6,880

4137 Ice Control Materials 1,213,905 785,655 1,000,000 1,000,000 78.3 782,668 1,000,000 1,000,000

• Snow and ice control materials $787,500 (10,500 tons salt x $75/ton); Sand $100,000 (4,000 c.y. x $25/c.y.); Liquid calcium $105,000 (60,000 gal. x $1.75/gal.; Calcium chloride flake
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 6,368 0 6,368 100.0 6,368 0 0
Total Supplies 1,213,905 792,023 1,000,000 1,006,368 78.4 789,036 1,000,000 1,000,000
4453 Weather Advisory 2,679 2,742 3,000 3,000 79.7 2,390 3,000 3,000
Total Contracted Services 2,679 2,742 3,000 3,000 79.7 2,390 3,000 3,000
4624 Road/Property Maint & Service Contracts 146,497 298,007 300,000 300,000 34.0 101,868 300,000 300,000

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Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Operations 146,497 298,007 300,000 300,000 34.0 101,868 300,000 300,000
Total D.5142 - DPW Snow Removal 1,684,002 1,611,943 1,826,495 1,826,495 71.4 1,304,076 1,843,245 1,842,481

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.5142 DPW Snow Removal

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 5,082 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 15,972 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 15,972 5,082 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total D.5142 - DPW Snow Removal 15,972 5,082 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

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Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
E.5130 - Machinery.DPW Road Machinery Admin
CONST EQPT MECHC II 14 4.00 243,124 4.00 14 4.00 252,159 4.00 252,159
CONST EQPT OPR II 12 1.00 54,257 1.00 12 1.00 58,566 1.00 58,566
CONST EQPT OPR II INSTRC 13 1.00 58,709 1.00 13 1.00 63,818 1.00 63,818
CONST EQPT OPR II MECHC 12 1.00 45,846 1.00 12 1.00 48,178 1.00 48,178
CONST EQPT WELDER II 14 1.00 54,750 1.00 14 1.00 60,368 1.00 60,368
EQPT MECHC SUPV II 15 1.00 72,433 1.00 15 1.00 77,606 1.00 77,606
GARAGE SUPT 16 1.00 82,291 1.00 16 1.00 88,158 1.00 88,158
SIGN MAKER 10 1.00 50,734 1.00 10 1.00 55,217 1.00 55,217
STOCKROOM AST 11 1.00 50,146 1.00 11 1.00 55,073 1.00 55,073
STOCKROOM SUPV 14 1.00 64,986 1.00 14 1.00 71,354 1.00 71,354
E.5130 - Machinery.DPW Road Machinery Admin 13.00 777,276 13.00 13.00 830,497 13.00 830,497

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Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.5130 DPW Road Machinery Admin

1010 Positions 762,942 762,852 777,276 814,482 66.9 544,486 830,497 830,497
1010.1025 Positions Contractual Payroll Adjustments 0 0 0 3,273 0.0 0 0 0
1040 ST Overtime 646 858 500 500 17.3 87 500 500
1050 Overtime 13,568 14,893 18,000 17,700 29.6 5,241 15,000 15,000
1070 Shift Differential 58 264 300 300 19.9 60 300 300
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 81 100 100 60.2 60 100 100

Total Salaries and Wages 777,214 778,948 796,176 836,355 65.8 549,934 846,397 846,397
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 60,259 62,576 59,476 62,323 70.0 43,610 63,545 63,545
8355 Long-Term Disability 686 679 702 979 68.2 668 1,404 1,404
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 210,318 234,069 265,921 266,385 75.5 201,209 307,068 307,068
8450 Optical Insurance 2,607 2,567 2,652 2,733 75.7 2,070 2,990 2,990
8500 Dental Insurance 15,916 17,481 19,279 17,797 75.8 13,482 19,474 19,474
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 491 44.0 216 1,029 1,029

Total Employee Benefits 289,786 317,372 348,030 350,708 74.5 261,255 395,510 395,510
8100 Pymts to Retire System 114,177 123,203 119,397 119,397 26.8 31,986 110,276 119,295
8300 Workers Comp Payments 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1,021 1,021

Total Benefits 114,177 123,203 119,397 119,397 26.8 31,986 111,297 120,316

Total Personal Services 1,181,178 1,219,523 1,263,603 1,306,460 64.5 843,174 1,353,204 1,362,223
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 560 737 750 2,550 40.8 1,040 1,500 1,500
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 1,701 3,300 3,300 62.1 2,050 3,300 3,300

• Fleet Management software training.

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 1,500 2,250 2,500 2,500 23.0 575 2,500 2,500

• Navistar International Vehicle Diagnostics.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 2,060 4,688 6,550 8,350 43.9 3,665 7,300 7,300
4750 Other Equipment-ND 4,013 0 4,000 4,795 100.0 4,795 4,000 4,000

• Replacement tools and equipment for garage.

4760 Computer Software-ND 3,780 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 7,793 0 4,000 4,795 100.0 4,795 4,000 4,000

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Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year 0 0 0 15,703 0.0 0 0 0
2600.05 Computer Software 5 YEAR 13,016 (1,701) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 13,016 (1,701) 0 15,703 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 20,809 (1,701) 4,000 20,498 23.4 4,795 4,000 4,000
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 317,005 390,899 320,000 365,771 92.4 337,926 350,000 350,000
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 39,853 37,223 30,000 28,835 62.0 17,874 40,000 40,000
4117 Environmental Supplies 270 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4118 Field Supplies 3,160 943 1,500 1,500 13.9 209 1,500 1,500
4123 Safety Supplies 8,873 7,501 8,000 6,910 68.2 4,710 8,000 8,000
4124 Communication Supplies 0 900 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4136 Highway & Bridge Const Materials 219 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 3,615 2,063 500 870 123.6 1,075 1,500 1,500
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 375 0 400 400 0.0 0 400 400

• Servmaxx Diagnostic Software for international trucks.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 70 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Supplies 373,440 439,528 360,400 404,286 89.5 361,794 401,400 401,400
4127 Propane Gas 1,970 1,478 1,893 1,893 66.4 1,256 2,000 1,838

• Propane gas used for machinery (Gradall, forklift); 700 lbs. x $2.625/lb.

Total Utilities 1,970 1,478 1,893 1,893 66.4 1,256 2,000 1,838
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 190,911 193,368 273,504 200,801 80.7 162,126 400,174 322,786

• Unleaded $105,791 (32,551 x $3.25/gal); Diesel $294,383 (90,579 gal x $3.25/gal). Recommended: Estimated price per gallon (unleaded $2.47/gal, diesel $2.54/gal) based on updated

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 190,911 193,368 273,504 200,801 80.7 162,126 400,174 322,786

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 190,911 193,368 273,504 200,801 80.7 162,126 400,174 322,786
4310 Motor Vehicle Insurance 53,170 60,622 66,600 66,600 99.6 66,343 76,000 68,600
Total Insurance 53,170 60,622 66,600 66,600 99.6 66,343 76,000 68,600
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 52,933 59,662 58,356 60,356 74.6 45,033 60,000 60,000

• Lease of 2-way radio system for HCM Division.

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Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 5,071 7,930 4,312 9,912 41.4 4,108 6,000 6,000

• Fleet Management software license and support; Kronos time clock; parts washer; lift inspections; bucket truck inspections; Indentifix.

4611 Refuse Removal 4,334 3,142 3,500 3,000 84.0 2,521 3,000 3,000
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 24,457 15,943 10,000 19,974 113.7 22,707 20,000 20,000
4612.101 Repairs/Alt To Equip Vehicle 36,696 64,486 60,000 50,026 80.7 40,385 60,000 60,000

• Repairs to vehicles performed by outside vendors, including towing services.

4640 Laundry 5,015 4,814 6,000 6,000 46.4 2,786 6,000 6,000
4650 External Postage 7,152 9,786 8,000 8,000 81.4 6,508 8,500 8,500
Total Operations 135,657 165,763 150,168 157,268 78.9 124,049 163,500 163,500
Total E.5130 - DPW Road Machinery Admin 1,959,195 2,083,269 2,126,718 2,166,156 72.3 1,567,203 2,407,578 2,331,647

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.5130 DPW Road Machinery Admin

26500 Sales of Scrap & Excess Material 1,834 1,936 3,500 3,500 5.4 189 2,000 2,000
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 725 300 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26650 Sales of Equipment 0 11,930 20,000 20,000 0.0 0 20,000 20,000
26800 Insurance Recoveries 0 18,362 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 1,196 0 0 0 0.0 972 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 1,190 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26900.02 Other Comp for Loss Equipment 940 1,520 0 0 0.0 1,400 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 5,884 34,047 23,500 23,500 10.9 2,560 22,000 22,000
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 250 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 40 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 290 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
50310 Interfund Transfers 0 13,600 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Interfund Transfers 0 13,600 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total E.5130 - DPW Road Machinery Admin 6,174 47,647 23,500 23,500 10.9 2,560 22,000 22,000

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Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
E.5132 - Machinery.DPW Road Machinery Bldgs
SR COMMS CLK EA 11 1.00 56,102 1.00 11 1.00 54,153 1.00 54,153
E.5132 - Machinery.DPW Road Machinery Bldgs 1.00 56,102 1.00 1.00 54,153 1.00 54,153

Page 594
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.5132 DPW Road Machinery Bldgs

1010 Positions 67,163 69,704 56,102 59,514 67.8 40,347 54,153 54,153
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000
1040 ST Overtime 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
1050 Overtime 639 101 3,000 3,000 9.0 270 3,000 3,000
1070 Shift Differential 4 64 200 200 8.3 17 200 200
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 50 50 34.5 17 50 50

Total Salaries and Wages 67,805 69,870 64,852 68,264 59.5 40,651 62,903 62,903
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 4,934 5,277 4,293 4,555 77.6 3,535 4,144 4,144
8355 Long-Term Disability 54 45 54 79 66.7 53 108 108
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 20,219 18,615 25,243 23,952 75.0 17,963 27,195 27,195
8450 Optical Insurance 221 184 221 221 74.9 166 230 230
8500 Dental Insurance 1,348 1,235 1,483 1,439 75.0 1,079 1,498 1,498
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 80 45.5 36 70 70

Total Employee Benefits 26,775 25,356 31,294 30,326 75.3 22,832 33,245 33,245
8100 Pymts to Retire System 8,831 8,917 8,970 8,970 25.2 2,259 9,229 10,245

Total Benefits 8,831 8,917 8,970 8,970 25.2 2,259 9,229 10,245

Total Personal Services 103,411 104,143 105,116 107,560 61.1 65,741 105,377 106,393
4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 3,300 3,300

• Expense moved from D.5010 .

4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 3,200 3,200

• Internet Beekman Outpost; expense moved from D.5010.

Total Communication 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 6,500 6,500

4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 0 610 1,000 1,000 2.0 20 1,000 1,000
4160 Office Supplies 1,007 1,278 1,200 1,200 46.9 563 1,200 1,200
Total Supplies 1,007 1,888 2,200 2,200 26.5 583 2,200 2,200
4126 Fuel Oil for Heating 22,154 26,558 50,230 45,230 51.5 23,293 51,285 58,500

• Heating oil for 4 Outpost garages.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4127 Propane Gas 4,392 8,169 7,105 12,105 63.0 7,626 8,000 7,999

• Propane gas for heating Pine Plains Outpost garage (3,265 gal. x $2.45/gal.).

4210 Gas-Public Utilities 11,911 14,695 25,176 25,176 53.5 13,479 32,375 29,432

• Gas to heat Main DPW complex (22,640 ccf x $1.43/ccf). Recommended: Based on 22,640 ccf x $1.30/ccf.

4220 Electric-Light & Power 46,495 47,445 46,570 46,570 74.8 34,818 48,114 52,557

• Electricity cost for Highway complex and outposts (408,000 kwh x .118 cents). Recommended: Based on 394,275 kwh x $0.1333/kwh.

4240 Water 5,323 7,256 13,000 13,000 37.0 4,814 8,350 8,200

• Municipal water service for Main DW complex (1,000 ccf x $8.35/ccf). Recommended: Based on actual useage and price forecasting.

Total Utilities 90,275 104,123 142,081 142,081 59.1 84,029 148,124 156,688
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 1,860 1,860

• Line moved to this department.

4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 522 687 743 743 66.6 495 2,600 2,600

• Copier in Maintenance Building offices for the Highway and Buildings Supervisors.

4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 50 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 572 687 743 743 66.6 495 4,460 4,460

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 572 687 743 743 66.6 495 4,460 4,460
4320 Property Insurance 41,141 49,213 52,100 52,100 91.0 47,402 55,200 53,100
Total Insurance 41,141 49,213 52,100 52,100 91.0 47,402 55,200 53,100
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 270 675 0 0 0.0 0 675 675

• Beekman Salt Shed.

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 6,995 7,204 12,000 7,490 100.0 7,489 12,000 12,000

• Maintenance contract for Kronos time clocks at outposts; Contract for service on over-head doors.

4611 Refuse Removal 13,185 14,388 5,000 13,229 66.7 8,819 15,000 15,000

Page 596
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 1,563 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000

• Minor repairs to Outposts buildings.

Total Operations 22,012 22,267 22,000 25,719 63.4 16,308 32,675 32,675
Total E.5132 - DPW Road Machinery Bldgs 258,418 282,321 324,240 330,403 64.9 214,560 354,536 362,016

Page 597
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.5132 DPW Road Machinery Bldgs

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 1,456 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 1,456 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total E.5132 - DPW Road Machinery Bldgs 1,456 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 598
Public Works Airport

The Hudson Valley Regional Airport strives to be the Hudson
Valley’s first choice for business and personal air

transportation, providing an engine for economic growth,
while maintaining operational safety, outstanding service, and
a safe environment for aircraft owners, operators, our
neighbors, and the flying public.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 599
Public Works Airport
The Hudson Valley Regional Airport, located seven miles south of the City of Poughkeepsie in the Town of Wappinger, provides corporate and
general airport transportation services. Flight Level Dutchess continues to provide Fixed-Based Operation services.

DPW Airport (EA.5610)

The Hudson Valley Regional Airport serves as an important economic and transportation resource. Federal and State grants are aggressively
pursued for all eligible projects identified in the Airport Master Plan. The division is focused on safety, security, taxiway enhancements to provide
access to parcels available for future development, obstruction removal, environmental compliance, and wildlife hazard management.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• Dutchess County is actively engaged in efforts to bring water infrastructure to the airport.
• Terminal improvements are planned as the County was awarded a New York State grant. The renovation is scheduled for completion in the
first quarter of 2019.

2019 Initiatives:
• The County will continue efforts to bring water and sewer • Update and amend airport minimum standards.
infrastructure to provide greater economic opportunity.
• FAA/NYSDOT Capital Grants
• Continue development of the airport property to an airport- o Design and construction AARF/Snow Removal
focused marketing plan, market existing vacant airport property Equipment Building and related Phase ll Water.
and real estate/land parcels, engage current valuable tenants to o Runway Safety Area assessment and improvement.
ensure continued tenancy at the airport. o Replacement of a SRE (Snow Removal Equipment) plow
• Tesla will build a Solar Energy array on Airport property to
provide an alternative energy source for part of Dutchess
County’s electric requirements.

• Promote the airport as a community venue for new events.

Page 600
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Provide safe, efficient airport operations, and a transportation and economic resource to the community.
Landings and Take-offs 58,380 64,801 68,041 3,240 5.0%
Aircraft Based at Airport 104 106 110 4 3.8%
Airport Terminal Tenants 7 9 10 1 11.1%
Airport Ground Lease Tenants 109 110 112 2 1.8%
Offer community event venue to promote tourism and quality of life.
Mass Gathering Events 3 2 2 - 0.0%
Estimated Event Attendance 4,000 3,500 6,000 2,500 71.4%

Page 601
Public Works Airport
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 446,246 465,950 475,741 430,704 (45,037) -9.5% 2019 Appropriations
Employee Benefits 243,072 233,450 235,659 238,506 2,847 1.2% 23%
Personal Services 689,318 699,400 711,400 669,210 (42,190) -5.9% 48% Debt Service
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 7,757 8,075 8,382 8,720 338 4.0% Personal
Equipment - - 144,868 - (144,868) -100.0% Services
Communication 6,114 6,470 6,470 6,445 (25) -0.4%
Supplies 38,946 39,750 45,493 54,281 8,788 19.3%
Utilities 80,550 101,138 94,338 105,824 11,486 12.2%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 66,462 78,318 78,318 82,047 3,729 4.8%
Insurance 35,509 38,300 38,300 39,400 1,100 2.9% 6%
Contracted Services 4,716 10,250 17,700 28,900 11,200 63.3% 23% Operations
Operations 68,974 77,861 77,161 82,870 5,709 7.4% Other
Debt Service 304,856 303,499 303,499 313,055 9,556 3.1%
Items for Resale - - - - - 0.0%
Total Appropriations $1,303,202 $1,363,061 $1,525,929 $1,390,752 ($135,177) -8.9%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Revenues
Departmental Income 926,125 956,069 956,069 933,318 (22,751) -2.4% 18%
Use of Money and Property 172,044 194,344 194,344 196,764 2,420 1.2% County
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 145,058 - - - - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources 140 160 160 7,000 6,840 4275.0%
Interfund Revenues - - - - - 0.0%
Interfund Transfer 382,235 212,488 357,356 253,670 (103,686) -29.0%
Total Revenues $1,625,601 $1,363,061 $1,507,929 $1,390,752 ($117,177) -7.8% 15%
Net to County Cost ($322,400) $0 $18,000 $0 ($18,000) -100.0% Rental Revenue

Page 602
Public Works- Airport

Commissioner of FLIGHT LEVEL

Public Works

Airport Director

Fiscal and

Page 603
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
EA.5610 - Enterprise Airport.DPW Airport
ACCTG CLK 09 1.00 45,161 1.00 09 1.00 48,426 1.00 48,426
AIR DIR MF 1.00 75,001 1.00 MF 1.00 86,668 1.00 86,668
AIR MAINT MECHC I 10 4.00 184,501 4.00 10 4.00 198,910 4.00 198,910
AIR MAINT MECHC II 12 1.00 59,060 1.00 12 1.00 63,361 1.00 63,361
AIR MAINT SUPV 15 1.00 64,877 1.00 15 1.00 74,391 1.00 1
EA.5610 - Enterprise Airport.DPW Airport 8.00 428,600 8.00 8.00 471,756 8.00 397,366

Page 604
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: EA Enterprise Airport
Department: EA.5610 DPW Airport

1010 Positions 450,137 420,049 428,600 444,391 62.6 278,090 471,756 397,366
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 6,438 6,438

• Summer Intern for 14 weeks.

1040 ST Overtime 525 1,116 1,500 1,500 8.3 124 1,000 1,000
1050 Overtime 22,565 24,191 35,000 29,000 30.7 8,899 30,000 25,000
1070 Shift Differential 441 439 450 450 33.2 149 500 500
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 434 450 400 400 76.1 304 400 400

Total Salaries and Wages 474,102 446,246 465,950 475,741 60.4 287,568 510,094 430,704
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 35,295 33,352 32,795 34,004 62.0 21,092 36,098 30,407
8355 Long-Term Disability 801 644 378 1,185 57.3 680 648 648
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 103,738 107,145 111,714 111,714 63.7 71,169 126,170 107,712
8400.81 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins Retirees 6,633 15,456 13,000 12,784 80.9 10,346 23,000 23,000
8450 Optical Insurance 1,711 1,665 1,547 1,547 74.9 1,159 1,840 1,610
8500 Dental Insurance 10,446 11,180 10,381 10,381 72.7 7,550 11,984 10,486
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 193 45.8 88 393 393
8800 Life Ins 352 99 0 179 74.8 134 0 0
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 32 20 0 36 74.5 27 0 0

Total Employee Benefits 159,008 169,561 169,815 172,023 65.2 112,245 200,133 174,256
8100 Pymts to Retire System 78,566 72,491 62,615 62,615 28.9 18,085 77,051 63,236
8100.01 Pymts to Retire System Net Pension Liability 62,234 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
8300 Workers Comp Payments 1,000 1,020 1,020 1,021 99.9 1,020 1,014 1,014

Total Benefits 141,800 73,511 63,635 63,636 30.0 19,105 78,065 64,250

Total Personal Services 774,910 689,318 699,400 711,400 58.9 418,917 788,292 669,210
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 0 0 82 100.0 82 100 100
4456 Training Programs - Educ 1,075 1,098 1,200 1,200 8.3 100 1,200 1,200
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 17 0 200 200 0.0 0 100 100
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 1,492 1,581 1,200 1,425 25.9 370 1,620 1,620
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 387 503 750 750 4.0 30 750 750
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 2,526 3,080 3,310 3,310 59.5 1,970 3,500 3,500
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 940 1,495 1,415 1,415 49.5 700 1,450 1,450
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 6,438 7,757 8,075 8,382 38.8 3,252 8,720 8,720
2800 Building Improvements 0 0 0 144,868 0.0 0 0 0

Page 605
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 0 0 144,868 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 0 0 0 144,868 0.0 0 0 0

4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 3,953 3,959 4,150 4,072 73.5 2,992 4,150 4,150
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 829 839 1,000 1,000 63.7 637 880 880
4235 Cable Services 1,245 1,316 1,320 1,398 74.3 1,039 1,415 1,415
Total Communication 6,027 6,114 6,470 6,470 72.2 4,669 6,445 6,445
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 24,448 20,297 19,000 19,000 71.2 13,533 20,000 20,000
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 8,354 8,045 5,000 5,000 26.3 1,313 5,000 5,000
4108 Bituminous Concrete 414 0 1,000 836 10.5 88 750 750
4118 Field Supplies 78 319 1,000 1,000 18.9 189 1,000 1,000
4123 Safety Supplies 3,117 2,115 1,800 7,800 3.2 249 1,800 1,800
4123.65 Safety Supplies Firearms & Related Items 560 427 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4124 Communication Supplies 0 536 200 200 69.3 139 200 200
4133 Gravel, Fill & Stone 0 0 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
4137 Ice Control Materials 7,950 4,500 8,000 8,000 100.0 8,000 8,000 8,000
4160 Office Supplies 1,485 1,477 2,000 1,918 26.7 512 15,281 15,281

• Office supplies $1700; Furniture $13,581. Increase for office furniture in the new office and operations building.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 481 1,230 1,000 989 31.0 307 1,500 1,500
Total Supplies 46,886 38,946 39,750 45,493 53.5 24,328 54,281 54,281
4127 Propane Gas 7,122 11,335 27,440 20,640 53.2 10,976 25,641 25,641
4210 Gas-Public Utilities 5,629 8,302 12,840 12,840 55.4 7,118 14,300 13,000

• Increased for new operations building at end of year.

4220 Electric-Light & Power 58,935 60,913 60,858 60,858 72.6 44,192 59,472 67,183

• Increased for the usage of the new operations building.

Total Utilities 71,685 80,550 101,138 94,338 66.0 62,286 99,413 105,824
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 2,742 1,236 1,302 1,302 66.7 868 1,296 1,296
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 702 583 1,000 1,000 47.6 476 750 750
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,224 1,357 1,403 1,403 66.6 935 2,268 2,268
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 35 20 300 300 14.7 44 250 250
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 11,656 14,862 17,910 17,910 47.9 8,586 23,135 18,760
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 15,868 11,177 16,660 16,660 45.2 7,536 16,000 16,000

Page 606
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.84 Interdept Exp Maint-in-lieu 65,835 37,226 39,743 39,743 43.1 17,127 42,723 42,723

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 98,062 66,462 78,318 78,318 45.4 35,570 86,422 82,047

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 98,062 66,462 78,318 78,318 45.4 35,570 86,422 82,047
4310 Motor Vehicle Insurance 4,512 5,008 5,400 6,290 85.9 5,402 6,200 5,600
4320 Property Insurance 8,662 9,539 10,100 10,100 91.1 9,198 10,700 10,300
4330 Liability Insurance 18,413 20,962 22,800 21,910 96.0 21,025 24,900 23,500
Total Insurance 31,587 35,509 38,300 38,300 93.0 35,625 41,800 39,400
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 6,292 4,600 10,000 16,800 100.0 16,800 28,400 28,400
4404 NYS Assessments and Fees 257 116 250 900 50.0 450 500 500
Total Contracted Services 6,549 4,716 10,250 17,700 97.5 17,250 28,900 28,900
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 943 896 1,500 1,500 58.1 872 1,100 1,100
4606 Janitorial Services 28,106 28,777 33,461 33,461 14.4 4,811 34,000 34,000

• Increase to clean new operations building in the 4th quarter, plus continue to clean terminal.

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 200 200 250 250 60.0 150 450 450
4608 Maint -Runways & Fields 19,570 29,338 23,000 23,000 37.9 8,727 20,000 20,000

• Taxi way lights, paint, sign panels etc.

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 1,970 1,946 3,150 3,150 68.0 2,142 3,920 3,920

• Porta potty for hangar tenant needs, crane and lift inspections.

4610.70 Advertising Admin 0 0 500 500 23.6 118 500 500

4611 Refuse Removal 1,662 1,702 2,000 2,000 56.7 1,134 2,000 2,000
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 465 981 2,500 2,500 8.4 210 7,500 7,500

• Emergency lighting and radio install for new trucks.

4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 6,586 3,402 10,000 9,300 0.0 0 18,000 10,000

• Outfit the new operations shop area $10,000; Building misc repairs $8,000. Recommended: misc. repairs $10,000.

4650 External Postage 1,760 1,733 1,500 1,500 28.0 420 3,400 3,400

• Increase due to shipping charges for parts & supplies plus delivery charges for furniture in new office building.

Page 607
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Operations 61,262 68,974 77,861 77,161 24.1 18,585 90,870 82,870
6903 Principal-Serial Bonds 281,678 255,965 265,653 265,653 39.2 104,103 235,365 235,365
7903 Bond Interest - Ent Funds 60,087 48,891 37,846 37,846 65.1 24,647 77,690 77,690
Total Debt Service 341,765 304,856 303,499 303,499 42.4 128,750 313,055 313,055
Total EA.5610 - DPW Airport 1,445,171 1,303,202 1,363,061 1,525,929 49.1 749,232 1,518,198 1,390,752

Page 608
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: EA Enterprise Airport
Department: EA.5610 DPW Airport

17700.00 Airport Fees Nightly Tie Downs 210 150 0 0 0.0 930 600 600

• Transient overnight.

17700.01 Airport Fees T-Hangars 408,102 391,374 386,060 386,060 86.3 332,982 393,000 393,000
17700.02 Airport Fees Tie Downs 41,292 36,432 36,888 36,888 75.7 27,906 32,472 32,472
17700.03 Airport Fees Leases 421,431 449,690 494,821 494,821 62.7 310,089 469,296 467,246

• Angel's Equip, Precision Avionics, Aero Mechanical, AAG, American Cellular, Flightlevel, and Tesla.

17700.05 Airport Fees Landing Fees 25,887 22,356 12,300 12,300 65.9 8,111 14,000 14,000

• 90% of Flightlevel's landing fees.

17700.07 Airport Fees Snow Removal 2,272 5,713 5,000 5,000 86.2 4,312 5,000 5,000

• Fees charged to AAG and Flightlevel.

17700.08 Airport Fees Fuel Flow Charges 20,531 20,410 21,000 21,000 85.5 17,959 21,000 21,000

• Fees charged to AAG.

17700.09 Airport Fees Mowing 0 0 0 0 0.0 200 0 0

Total Departmental Income 919,725 926,125 956,069 956,069 73.5 702,489 935,368 933,318
24010.00 Interest General 166 296 150 150 3,458.1 5,187 0 0
24010.02 Interest Capital Reserve 420 3,234 500 500 518.7 2,594 0 0
24010.06 Interest Late Payment Bills 2,973 1,572 1,500 1,500 25.1 377 750 750
24100.01 Rental of Real Property Airp't Bldg 155,715 164,549 190,794 190,794 65.0 124,081 195,314 195,314

• Wapp Falls Math & Reading, Westfield Flight Academy, Sullivan Aviation, District Attorney, FAA, Tailwinds Café, Higher for Hire, Cassandra Durnell, and BNI.

24500 Commissions 2,371 2,393 1,400 1,400 47.7 668 500 700

• Vending machines.

Total Use of Money and Property 161,645 172,044 194,344 194,344 68.4 132,907 196,564 196,764
26500 Sales of Scrap & Excess Material 0 190 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 609
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 1,131 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26600 Sales of Real Property 707,382 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26650 Sales of Equipment (707,382) 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 2,451 0 0 0 0.0 3,398 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 0 0 0 0 0.0 2,142 0 0
26900.00 Other Comp for Loss General 0 144,868 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 3,582 145,058 0 0 0.0 5,540 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 39 0 0 0 0.0 436 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 4,130 140 160 160 293.5 470 7,000 7,000

• Concert revenue.

Total Misc. Local Sources 4,169 140 160 160 566.0 906 7,000 7,000
50310 Interfund Transfers 219,685 191,611 212,488 212,488 100.0 212,488 452,096 253,670
50500 Interfund Trans for Debt Svce 1,160 190,624 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
95110.10 Appropriated Reserve Airport restricted reserve 0 0 0 144,868 0.0 0 0 0
Total Interfund Transfers 220,845 382,235 212,488 357,356 59.5 212,488 452,096 253,670
Total EA.5610 - DPW Airport 1,309,965 1,625,601 1,363,061 1,507,929 69.9 1,054,329 1,591,028 1,390,752

Page 610
Public Works – Public Transit

To provide Dutchess County with a safe, efficient, accessible

and reliable public transportation system.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 611
Public Works Public Transit
The Department of Public Transit provides public transportation service to Dutchess County through two modes of service: fixed route service
and demand response service.

Public Transit (ET.5680)

Fixed route services include Dutchess County Public Transit and RailLink. Demand response services include Dial-A-Ride, Flex, and ADA
Complimentary Paratransit. The primary objective of the division is to provide Dutchess County with a safe, efficient, accessible, and reliable
public transportation system. Management, operations, and maintenance staff are provided through a private management contract with First
Transit. The Dutchess County Transit Administrator oversees the management company as the County representative.

The County will continue to use federal capital funds (5307 funds) to cover the cost of eligible preventive maintenance, project administration,
and operating assistance. Preventive maintenance and project administration are reimbursable at 80% federal, 10% state, and 10% local.
Operating assistance is reimbursable at 50% federal and 50% local.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The collective bargaining agreement between First Transit (Transit Management of Dutchess County) and Teamsters Local 445 has been
settled and will increase both salary and fringe benefit expenses.
• The New York State Operating Assistance Program and the New York State Capital Assistance Program will remain stable for 2019.
• The Dial-A-Ride Program is expected to remain the same for 2019 and the rates for municipalities will remain flat.
• Contracts with the Dutchess Community College and Marist College to support the H route are expected to continue in 2019 and ridership
for that service remains strong and stable.
• Fuel cost projections have increased by $119,000.
• NYS Local Government Efficiency Grant ($315,000) has been fully encumbered over 2017 and 2018.
• Increased vehicle maintenance results in increased parts costs of $74,000.

Page 612
2019 Initiatives:
• The Transit Development Plan Advisory Committee and a new • The County Transit Administrator will continue to be aggressive
Universally Accessible Transportation Committee will continue in applying for federal and state funding to support:
to meet as public committees dedicated to the ongoing
o Electronic departure signs for the Poughkeepsie Transit HUB,
monitoring and improvement of public transit services
the Poughkeepsie, New Hamburg, and Beacon train stations,
throughout the County.
the Galleria, and any other hubs where two or more public
transit services intersect and passengers may transfer.
• Organizational model change from a management to an
o Installation of a newly designed parking area at the transit
operations and maintenance style contract with a private
center to facilitate more efficient use of the space on site.
provider. RFP will be released in the fall of 2018 with potential
o Installation of more bus stop shelters and other transit
transition that may be possible in 2019.
o Replacement of buses in 2021 and 2022.
o Credit and debit card payment applications for customers.
o Improved customer centric IT applications to improve
passenger convenience.

Page 613
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Provide safe, efficient bus transportation for the general public.
Number of Fixed route Passengers (Including RailLink) 566,686 633,760 711,712 77,952 12.3%
Number of Dial-A-Ride Passengers 13,841 14,232 16,538 2,306 16.2%
Number of Flex and Paratransit Passengers 6,661 6,950 10,425 3,475 50.0%
Total Passengers 587,188 654,942 738,675 83,733 12.8%

Page 614
Public Works Public Transit
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 104,879 91,131 38,131 94,999 56,868 149.1%

2019 Appropriations
Employee Benefits 35,119 29,272 14,674 30,746 16,072 109.5%
Personal Services 139,998 120,403 52,805 125,745 72,940 138.1% 53% 30%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 13,201 5,632 5,632 4,400 (1,232) -21.9% Operations
Equipment 3,750 60,000 62,110 2,500 (59,610) -96.0% Programs
Communication 15,153 16,820 16,820 7,950 (8,870) -52.7%
Supplies 403,912 334,000 426,018 412,330 (13,688) -3.2%
Utilities 513,567 558,968 658,968 693,900 34,932 5.3%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 170,979 214,463 214,463 265,487 51,024 23.8%
Insurance 70,386 74,700 75,200 78,600 3,400 4.5%
Contracted Services 4,486,173 5,526,063 6,246,707 6,125,590 (121,117) -1.9%
Operations 2,589,248 3,403,916 3,403,155 3,498,967 95,812 2.8%
1% 16%
Debt Service 331,915 268,715 268,715 345,349 76,634 28.5% Services
Other 50,000 - - - - 0.0%
Total Appropriations $8,788,283 $10,583,680 $11,430,593 $11,560,818 $130,225 1.1%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Departmental Income 1,257,267 1,421,085 1,421,085 1,457,243 36,158 2.5% 2019 Revenues
Use of Money and Property 1,540 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 0.0% 24% 36%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss (31,323) 23,000 23,000 8,000 (15,000) -65.2% State Aid Federal Aid

Misc Local Sources 77,955 - - - - 0.0%

Interfund Revenues - - - - - 0.0%
Sate Aid 2,701,363 3,104,629 3,108,629 2,818,031 (290,598) -9.3%
Federal Aid 2,519,581 3,798,999 4,229,999 4,152,643 (77,356) -1.8%
Interfund Transfer 1,117,936 2,233,467 2,645,380 3,122,401 477,021 18.0%
Total Revenues $7,644,319 $10,583,680 $11,430,593 $11,560,818 $130,225 1.1%
Fare Revenue

Net to County Cost $1,143,964 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0%


Page 615
Public Works- Public Transit

Commissioner of
Public Works

Deputy Commissioner
Public Works

County Transit Administrator

Management Company/
General Manager

Transit Fleet Administration

Operations Maintenance

Page 616
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
ET.5680 - Enterprise Transportation.Public Transit
CNTY TRANSIT ADMR MF 1.00 91,131 1.00 MF 1.00 94,999 1.00 94,999
ET.5680 - Enterprise Transportation.Public Transit 1.00 91,131 1.00 1.00 94,999 1.00 94,999

Page 617
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: ET Enterprise Transportation
Department: ET.5680 Public Transit

1010 Positions 91,355 103,012 91,131 38,131 92.2 35,173 94,999 94,999
1040 ST Overtime 0 1,717 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
1050 Overtime 0 150 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 91,355 104,879 91,131 38,131 92.2 35,173 94,999 94,999
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 6,676 7,863 6,973 3,473 76.2 2,648 7,268 7,268
8355 Long-Term Disability 448 273 0 525 33.3 175 0 0
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 21,381 11,577 15,318 3,462 100.0 3,461 19,612 19,612
8450 Optical Insurance 221 110 224 224 32.9 74 230 230
8500 Dental Insurance 1,348 741 1,262 1,262 38.0 479 1,498 1,498
8800 Life Ins 364 101 0 194 33.2 64 0 0
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 33 20 0 39 33.0 13 0 0

Total Employee Benefits 30,471 20,685 23,777 9,179 75.3 6,914 28,608 28,608
8100 Pymts to Retire System 14,295 14,434 5,495 5,495 66.5 3,653 14,940 2,138
8100.01 Pymts to Retire System Net Pension Liability 12,290 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Benefits 26,585 14,434 5,495 5,495 66.5 3,653 14,940 2,138

Total Personal Services 148,411 139,998 120,403 52,805 86.6 45,740 138,547 125,745
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4401.107 Professional Services Training 0 6,395 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 43 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 1,751 1,804 100 100 374.2 374 100 100
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 5 99 400 400 0.0 0 100 100
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 85 445 1,432 1,432 97.8 1,400 1,500 1,500

• Training required by NYS DOT.

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 1,233 979 1,000 1,000 65.7 657 0 0

4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 1,950 3,436 2,500 2,500 86.4 2,159 2,500 2,500

• New York Public Transit Association dues.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 5,024 13,201 5,632 5,632 81.5 4,590 4,400 4,400
4750 Other Equipment-ND 1,782 7,543 0 28,825 90.6 26,128 2,500 2,500

• Purchase of small shop equipment.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 1,782 7,543 0 28,825 90.6 26,128 2,500 2,500
2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 45,176 (3,793) 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 0 0
2500.10 Other Equipment 10 Year (1,782) 0 50,000 23,285 0.0 0 0 0
2600.05 Computer Software 5 YEAR 0 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 43,394 (3,793) 60,000 33,285 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment 45,176 3,750 60,000 62,110 42.1 26,128 2,500 2,500
4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 5,307 5,548 6,500 6,500 65.6 4,267 6,500 6,500
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 8,644 8,643 9,000 9,000 56.0 5,042 0 0

• Charges for tablets data were moved to 4628.52.

4235 Cable Services 226 963 1,320 1,320 64.6 853 1,450 1,450
Total Communication 14,178 15,153 16,820 16,820 60.4 10,162 7,950 7,950
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 232,839 347,150 270,000 360,890 79.5 286,902 375,000 344,330

• This line is reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds. Our 3 yr average annual parts usage is $316,000. The 2019 budget increase will allow us a onetime infusion of parts to
increase on hand inventory, which will reduce bus downtime. This is now needed because we expanded service and reduced fleet size in 2018.
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 14,238 15,238 12,000 12,000 60.1 7,207 15,000 15,000

• This line is reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds.

4123 Safety Supplies 2,871 4,890 6,000 6,000 0.0 0 6,000 6,000
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 0 0 1,128 61.9 698 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 7,684 12,337 12,000 12,000 73.7 8,844 12,000 12,000
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 2,154 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000

• Adobe Pro and GFI software.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 20,471 22,142 33,000 33,000 42.5 14,016 33,000 33,000

• The supervisors will be wearing uniforms in 2019. We are under budget for 2018 due to vacancies.

Total Supplies 278,103 403,912 334,000 426,018 74.6 317,667 443,000 412,330
4127 Propane Gas 142 107 167 167 75.0 125 170 184

• This line is reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4130 Gasoline/Diesel 309,548 446,473 482,682 582,682 83.0 483,403 832,274 601,494

• Diesel fuel for buses: 1,532,441 miles/5.8 mpg (264,214 gal x $3.15). Recommended: Estimated price per gallon $2.57 based on updated projections.

4210 Gas-Public Utilities 15,645 25,708 31,471 31,471 67.5 21,230 44,404 32,500

• 31,052 cubic feet x $1.43/cf. Recommended: Based on updated projection of 25,000 cf x $1.30/cf.

4220 Electric-Light & Power 37,043 39,407 42,498 42,498 72.1 30,656 50,910 57,512

• 431,446 kwh x .118/kwh. Recommended: Based on updated projection of 431,446 kwh x $0.1333/kwh.

4240 Water 1,506 1,872 2,150 2,150 60.7 1,305 2,250 2,210

• Based on Town of LaGrange average of 396,800 gal x $.00567/gal. Recommended: Based on updated projection and price forecasting.

Total Utilities 363,883 513,567 558,968 658,968 81.4 536,720 930,008 693,900
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 2,760 2,760 4,338 4,338 66.7 2,892 3,960 3,960
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 95 423 600 600 61.9 372 9,600 9,600

• Charges will include cell phone and monthly fees for tablets.

4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 1,596 1,569 1,500 1,500 83.5 1,253 1,800 1,800
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 3,036 2,601 2,456 2,456 88.0 2,160 5,594 5,594

• Additional charges for color printer.

4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 2,120 19,433 15,000 15,000 103.5 15,523 25,000 25,000

• Cost of all schedules, informational flyers and rider guides.

4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 2,126 2,379 2,544 2,544 140.7 3,580 14,508 11,472
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 17,714 60,083 124,268 124,268 80.5 100,000 141,022 141,022
4628.84 Interdept Exp Maint-in-lieu 32,799 39,553 43,757 43,757 113.0 49,434 47,039 47,039

• This line is reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds.

4628.91 Interdept Exp Misc Charges 10,284 42,179 20,000 20,000 0.0 0 20,000 20,000

• Cost of administrative expenses of DPW and Planning departments.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 72,530 170,979 214,463 214,463 81.7 175,213 268,523 265,487

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 72,530 170,979 214,463 214,463 81.7 175,213 268,523 265,487
4310 Motor Vehicle Insurance 31,514 38,349 41,400 41,239 100.0 41,228 47,300 42,600
4320 Property Insurance 8,402 9,268 9,800 8,924 100.0 8,924 10,400 10,000
4330 Liability Insurance 15,554 22,769 23,500 25,037 100.0 25,037 25,700 26,000
Total Insurance 55,470 70,386 74,700 75,200 100.0 75,188 83,400 78,600
4400.4658 Contract Agencies North East Comm Ctr 39,446 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4401.102 Professional Services Legal 0 495 5,000 19,600 99.8 19,559 10,000 10,000

• To pay arbitration/CBA related legal fees.

4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 177,145 256,383 207,868 274,966 77.8 213,923 266,280 266,280

• Armored Car Services $18,000; Transit Planning and Analysis Service and Riders Guide $25,000; Grant Claiming Assistance $20,000; Management Company fee $203,280. This line is
reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds.
4401.106 Professional Services Program 3,583,757 4,194,963 5,307,595 5,945,748 68.9 4,096,476 6,528,260 5,773,910

• Management Company staff salaries. A portion of this line is reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds.

4404 NYS Assessments and Fees 62 7 600 600 2.3 14 600 600

• 19 A Letters Fees to NYS Depertment of Motor Vehicles.

4431 Educational Programs 1,398 125 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000

• Required training for regulatory requirements.

4448 Accountants & Auditors 0 34,200 0 0 0.0 0 9,000 9,000

• Audit service for Leprechaun Bus Lines, Inc required by NYS DOT.

4460 Comm Printing 0 0 0 793 83.6 663 800 800

• Outside printing of new schedules, large print.

4463 Judgements and Claims 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 60,000 60,000

• Judgments and claims related to public transit will now be charged to ET fund instead of A fund.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Contracted Services 3,801,809 4,486,173 5,526,063 6,246,707 69.3 4,330,635 6,879,940 6,125,590
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 1,835 1,828 2,160 2,160 48.6 1,049 2,160 2,160
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 219,302 243,160 305,868 305,868 65.8 201,139 285,000 285,000

• Radios and sofware systems for buses. This line is reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds. Evaluation of current contract will be done and APC service will be eliminated.

4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 5,800 6,400 5,800 5,800 0.0 0 6,400 6,400

• Intermodal Center lease.

4603 Data Proc Svcs 13,429 14,309 21,500 21,500 59.1 12,711 21,500 21,500

• Payroll processing charges.

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 50 0 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 0 0

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 12,073 8,321 38,400 38,400 74.3 28,550 38,400 38,400

• Service of Oil/Sand Interceptor, Bus Wash, and Rainwater Harvesting System.

4610.106 Advertising Program 4,802 7,354 25,000 23,029 16.1 3,702 15,000 15,000
4610.70 Advertising Admin 500 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4610.71 Advertising Legal 140 0 1,000 3,000 3.1 94 3,000 3,000

• Legal advertisements for Public Notices in English/Chinese/Spanish publications as required by the FTA.

4611 Refuse Removal 33,462 31,398 35,000 35,000 54.0 18,907 45,000 45,000

• The new contract for waste water and oil was awarded.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 3,787 278 5,000 5,000 27.0 1,350 5,000 5,000

• This line is reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds.

4612.101 Repairs/Alt To Equip Vehicle 141,053 140,390 130,000 130,000 87.1 113,227 160,000 141,770

• This line is reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds. Some major repairs are needed for our fleet.

4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 70,334 11,785 27,500 24,270 5.5 1,326 25,000 25,000

• This line is reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4615 Employee Physicals 16,205 20,424 17,000 17,000 65.1 11,064 22,600 22,600
4621 Service Fees 456,029 472,439 480,000 480,000 48.5 233,008 480,000 480,000

• Leprechaun Bus Lines, Inc. pass through account. This line is 100% reimbursable from state funds.

4624 Road/Property Maint & Service Contracts 0 0 0 3,230 91.6 2,960 0 0

4650 External Postage 711 554 750 4,750 81.6 3,878 4,500 4,500

• Charges for auto parts delivery.

4653 Public Info and Services 0 300 0 50 100.0 50 0 0

4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 2,100 1,158 2,500 4,875 1.3 64 2,500 2,500
4680.98 Taxes on Property County Owned 28,233 27,622 30,000 30,000 86.3 25,899 30,000 30,000
4755 Non-Employee Benefits 1,373,847 1,601,529 2,274,938 2,267,723 58.6 1,328,423 2,845,880 2,370,637

• Management Company staff fringe benefits. A portion of this line is reimbursable with 80% federal and 10% state funds. Recommended: Includes vacancy savings in benefits.

Total Operations 2,383,692 2,589,248 3,403,916 3,403,155 58.4 1,987,399 3,992,440 3,498,967
6903 Principal-Serial Bonds 291,408 280,601 226,003 226,003 63.1 142,500 302,688 302,688
7903 Bond Interest - Ent Funds 64,423 51,315 42,712 42,712 55.8 23,817 42,661 42,661
Total Debt Service 355,830 331,915 268,715 268,715 61.9 166,317 345,349 345,349
9100 Reserve for Claims 50,000 50,000 0 0 0.0 0 60,000 0
Total Other 50,000 50,000 0 0 0.0 0 60,000 0
Total ET.5680 - Public Transit 7,574,104 8,788,283 10,583,680 11,430,593 67.2 7,675,759 13,156,057 11,560,818

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: ET Enterprise Transportation
Department: ET.5680 Public Transit

17500.00 Bus Operations Fixed Route:FB 670,884 698,643 842,899 842,899 59.8 503,640 775,000 821,680
17500.01 Bus Operations Flex: FB 12,797 13,191 12,173 12,173 55.7 6,777 12,173 12,173
17500.03 Bus Operations Dial-A-Ride: FB 15,163 16,818 17,551 17,551 64.1 11,252 20,420 20,420
17500.05 Bus Operations OFA DAR-Town 256,480 241,730 248,630 248,630 40.8 101,430 247,710 247,710
17500.06 Bus Operations ADA Complementary Paratransit:FB 14,959 14,544 14,832 14,832 79.4 11,775 22,260 22,260
17500.07 Bus Operations RailLink: FB 17,722 14,105 20,000 20,000 40.3 8,066 15,000 15,000
17500.08 Bus Operations C/O POK 9,250 4,625 0 0 0.0 0 27,000 27,000
17500.11 Bus Operations Leprechaun Lines 27,461 28,611 40,000 40,000 18.6 7,447 40,000 40,000

• This revenue pays part of the expense in line 4621. It is a pass through account with Leprechaun Bus Lines, Inc.

17500.12 Bus Operations Reimbursement OTJ Program 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 15,000 15,000

• The City of Poughkeepsie will reimburse a bus stop maintenance worker for one year.

17500.13 Bus Operations College Services 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 66.7 150,000 225,000 225,000
17500.14 Bus Operations City of Beacon contract 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 11,000 11,000
Total Departmental Income 1,249,715 1,257,267 1,421,085 1,421,085 56.3 800,387 1,410,563 1,457,243
24010.00 Interest General 1,859 1,540 2,500 2,500 43.6 1,089 2,500 2,500
Total Use of Money and Property 1,859 1,540 2,500 2,500 43.6 1,089 2,500 2,500
26500 Sales of Scrap & Excess Material 520 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 0 737 0 0 0.0 742 0 0
26650 Sales of Equipment 77,815 (56,150) 20,000 20,000 84.4 16,875 5,000 5,000
26800 Insurance Recoveries 11,544 23,790 2,500 2,500 176.1 4,402 2,500 2,500
26900.00 Other Comp for Loss General 920 300 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 90,799 (31,323) 23,000 23,000 95.7 22,019 8,000 8,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 841 67,796 0 0 0.0 1,444 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 52,414 10,156 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 0 3 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 53,256 77,955 0 0 0.0 1,444 0 0
35890.01 Other Transp. General 1,782 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
35890.02 Other Transp. Preventative Maint. 102,735 117,473 125,902 129,902 0.0 0 139,744 135,744

• This line reimburses the 10% of the following expense lines: 4102, 4612.101, 4613, 4401.106, 4755, 4628.84, 4105 and 4127.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
35890.03 Other Transp. Program Administration 41,416 58,936 89,599 89,599 0.0 0 31,550 39,040

• This line reimburses some portion of the following expense lines: 1010, 4401.105 and a portion of 4401.106.

35890.05 Other Transp. STOA LOOP 1,241,878 1,500,632 1,905,974 1,905,974 66.1 1,259,992 1,847,210 1,825,430
35890.06 Other Transp. STOA DAR 100,030 94,134 94,016 94,016 75.9 71,385 107,463 108,093
35890.07 Other Transp. STOA RailLink 59,868 60,811 61,383 61,383 70.2 43,063 62,231 62,353
35890.08 Other Transp. STOA Flex 83,438 98,716 71,478 71,478 104.0 74,341 60,013 60,013
35890.09 Other Transp. STOA ADA (Complementary Paratran 111,229 117,963 76,400 76,400 116.1 88,724 113,312 113,312
35890.10 Other Transp. STOA Leprechaun Lines 428,288 443,827 440,000 440,000 73.8 324,665 440,000 440,000

• This revenue pays part of the $480,000 expense in line 4621. This is a pass through account.

35890.11 Other Transp. STOA Uniticket Sys 25,989 15,087 7,491 7,491 109.5 8,203 9,339 9,340
35890.13 Other Transp. Computer Equipment 14,331 0 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 0 0
35890.14 Other Transp. Shop Equipment 4,528 3,721 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
35890.16 Other Transp. Radio Lease 20,576 24,263 30,586 30,586 0.0 0 24,706 24,706

• This line reimburses some portion of line 4570.63.

35890.17 Other Transp. Equipment 0 0 50,000 50,000 0.0 0 0 0

35890.19 Other Transp. Bond Interest Paid 0 0 800 800 0.0 0 0 0
35890.21 Other Transp. Construction 45,176 12,298 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
35890.22 Other Transp. Local Gov. Efficiency Grant 0 153,501 150,000 150,000 0.0 0 0 0
Total State Aid 2,281,262 2,701,363 3,104,629 3,108,629 60.2 1,870,373 2,835,568 2,818,031
45890.01 Other Transp Rural OA Sec 18 96,000 106,000 116,000 116,000 0.0 0 117,000 117,000
45890.03 Other Transp Computer Equipment 0 0 8,000 8,000 0.0 0 0 0
45890.05 Other Transp Preventive Maint 821,875 939,786 1,007,213 1,038,213 20.3 210,841 1,117,956 1,085,956

• This line reimburses the 80% of the following expense lines: 4102, 4612.101, 4613, 4401.106, 4755, 4628.84, 4105 and 4127.

45890.06 Other Transp Program Administration 445,977 471,496 716,792 716,792 0.0 0 315,516 312,317

• This line reimburses some portion of the following expense lines: 1010, 4401.105 and 4401.106.

45890.11 Other Transp 5307 Operating Assistance 450,000 760,285 1,697,300 2,097,300 18.1 379,668 2,037,216 2,437,216

• This line reimburses 50% of a portion of line 4577, and 50% of a portion of 4401.106.

Page 625
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
45890.12 Other Transp RTAP Training Reimb 4,239 3,075 2,500 2,500 3.2 81 2,500 2,500

• This line reimburses expenses in line 4654.

45890.14 Other Transp New Freedoms Grant 39,446 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

45890.16 Other Transp Radio Lease 164,606 194,104 244,694 244,694 0.0 0 197,654 197,654

• This line reimburses some portion of the expenses in line 4570.63.

45890.19 Other Transp Bond Interest Paid 0 0 6,500 6,500 0.0 0 0 0

45890.21 Other Transp Construction 0 44,835 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Federal Aid 2,022,143 2,519,581 3,798,999 4,229,999 14.0 590,590 3,787,842 4,152,643
50310 Interfund Transfers 1,386,093 1,117,936 2,233,467 2,645,380 100.0 2,645,380 5,121,652 3,122,401
50500 Interfund Trans for Debt Svce 5,931 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Interfund Transfers 1,392,024 1,117,936 2,233,467 2,645,380 100.0 2,645,380 5,121,652 3,122,401
Total ET.5680 - Public Transit 7,091,057 7,644,319 10,583,680 11,430,593 51.9 5,931,282 13,166,125 11,560,818

Total Public Works Approp 22,616,585 24,049,855 26,710,042 27,830,698 65.7 18,289,111 30,887,344 28,574,413

Total Public Works Revenue 10,704,158 11,841,810 14,180,391 15,172,172 56.3 8,536,569 16,978,393 15,226,810

Page 626
Metropolitan Transit Authority

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 627
Metropolitan Transit Authority
The Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) determines and certifies to Dutchess County, the cost for Metro-North Commuter Railroad to operate,
maintain and use the Metro-North Commuter Railroad passenger stations located in Dutchess County, including the buildings appurtenances,
platforms and land. The cost is billed to the county annually. The MTA also collects various taxes from Dutchess County residents through
Mortgage Recording Fees, Payroll Taxes, and Sales Tax.

MTA Station Maint/Match (A.5640)

This account reflects the amount billed by the MTA and paid by Dutchess County for MTA Station Railroad Maintenance. This account also reflects
the revenue associated with “mass transportation operating assistance” payments which the MTA is required to provide Dutchess County from
the MTA’s Mortgage Recording Tax (MRT-2) receipts.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The Transportation Aid revenue is budgeted at $2.5 million for 2019. This is formula driven based on Mortgage Recording Tax data provided
by the County Clerk’s Office for 2018 year-to-date, which is expected to remain stable.
• The MTA Station Maintenance which the County pays to the MTA each September 1st is being budgeted higher than the 2018 amount based
on the CPI increase for NYS. The County budgeted $2.6 million for 2019 based on an estimated 3.4% increase in the CPI.
• The County pays MTA a required local match for NYSDOT operating assistance totaling $380,000. This amount has remained the same since

Page 628
Metropolitan Transit Authority
Fiscal Summary

2019 Appropriations

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Mandated Programs 2,806,846 2,835,734 2,852,311 2,936,841 84,530 3.0%

Total Appropriations $2,806,846 $2,835,734 $2,852,311 $2,936,841 $84,530 3.0%

Station Maint.

2019 Revenues
Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

State Aid 2,402,398 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 - 0.0%

Total Revenues $2,402,398 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $0 0.0%

Net to County Cost $404,448 $335,734 $352,311 $436,841 $84,530 24.0%

State Aid

Page 629
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.5640 MTA Station Maint / Match

4667.4446 MTA Payments Quarterly Payment 380,276 380,276 380,276 380,276 50.0 190,138 380,726 380,726
4667.4448 MTA Payments Railroad Station Maintenance 2,369,628 2,426,570 2,455,458 2,472,035 100.0 2,472,035 2,556,115 2,556,115
Total Mandated Programs 2,749,904 2,806,846 2,835,734 2,852,311 93.3 2,662,173 2,936,841 2,936,841
Total A.5640 - MTA Station Maint / Match 2,749,904 2,806,846 2,835,734 2,852,311 93.3 2,662,173 2,936,841 2,936,841

Page 630
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Sub Area: Transportation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.5640 MTA Station Maint / Match

35890.02 Other Transp. Preventative Maint. 2,183,912 2,402,398 2,500,000 2,500,000 85.1 2,127,821 2,500,000 2,500,000
Total State Aid 2,183,912 2,402,398 2,500,000 2,500,000 85.1 2,127,821 2,500,000 2,500,000
Total A.5640 - MTA Station Maint / Match 2,183,912 2,402,398 2,500,000 2,500,000 85.1 2,127,821 2,500,000 2,500,000

Total MTA Approp 2,749,904 2,806,846 2,835,734 2,852,311 93.3 2,662,173 2,936,841 2,936,841

Total MTA Revenue 2,183,912 2,402,398 2,500,000 2,500,000 85.1 2,127,821 2,500,000 2,500,000

Total Transportation Approp 25,366,489 26,856,701 29,545,776 30,683,009 68.3 20,951,284 33,824,185 31,511,254
Total Transportation Revenue 12,888,069 14,244,207 16,680,391 17,672,172 60.3 10,664,390 19,478,393 17,726,810
Net to County Cost 12,478,420 12,612,494 12,865,385 13,010,837 79.1 10,286,894 14,345,792 13,784,444

Page 631
Economic Assistance & Opportunity

Table of Contents
Office for the Aging .............................................................. 632
Department of Community & Family Services ..................... 652

Percentage of the County Budget
Office for the Aging

To provide an array of community based services to the elderly

and persons who require assistance in the long term care
system, in an effort to promote independence, dignity and
improve quality of life. Serving as an advocate and community
partner, the Office for the Aging strives to ensure clients’ needs
continue to be met now and in the future.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 632
Office for the Aging
The Office for the Aging (OFA) provides a variety of services assisting the seniors, the disabled and chronically ill living in Dutchess County and
promoting successful aging at home. The department also seeks to meet the core needs of caregivers and those in the long term care system.

Office for the Aging (A.6772.50)

OFA provides, either directly or through contract with community agencies, businesses and professionals, the following services: home care, case
management and assessment, social adult day care, personal emergency response systems, respite, transportation, home delivered meals,
congregate meals, nutrition education and counseling, senior friendship centers, case assistance, information, outreach, referral, energy
assistance, housing information, recreation, education, health insurance assistance, counseling, in-home contact and support, health promotion
and exercise programs, mental fitness classes, legal services, caregiver workshops and support, minor home modifications, and services to
grandparents raising grandchildren.

Senior Citizens Reserve (A.6772.51)

This reserve account is for private donations and sponsorships for senior programs and special services including the annual senior picnics.

Continuing Care Unit (A.6772.52)

Through Dutchess Continuing Care, OFA also serves as a single point of entry to the long-term care system and is considered by the federal and
state governments to be the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) and No Wong Door (NWD) hub for Dutchess County. The division
provides the required case management including intake and referral, determination of service needs and eligibility for care, and authorization
for the Medicaid funded in-home services.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The number of clients receiving home care has increased 10% through June 2018 and demand continues to grow. In addition to more Home
Care clients, those receiving assistance are requiring a greater degree of services in order to remain independent and in their
homes. Additionally, the interest in Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) is growing aided by the expanded option of a cellular
PERS and GPS PERS unit now available from our contractor. Adult Day Care is also projected to increase.
• Included in the 2019 OFA Nutrition budget is a full-time Senior Site Manager. This person will be responsible for the new City of
Poughkeepsie Senior Friendship Center as well as programming at the other seven centers. The senior site manager will develop, plan and
schedule activities and events at the friendship centers.

Page 633
• With OFA’s move to a new building in 2019, rent expense of $313,736 will be incurred. This expense will be partially offset with the
elimination of rental expense for our current kitchen and City of Poughkeepsie Senior Friendship Center in the amount of $92,040 and the
elimination of Maintenance in Lieu for the High Street building in the amount of $86,138.

2019 Initiatives:
• With the addition of the new position of full-time Senior Site • In 2019, OFA will reestablish a full five-day a week program at
Manager programming and events at all OFA Senior Friendship the new City of Poughkeepsie Senior Friendship Center.
Centers will be coordinated and developed to create a more
inviting and engaging atmosphere for seniors.

Page 634
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
To provide services designed to promote proper and improved nutrition in a group or in-home setting.
Home Delivered Meals 138,576 144,679 145,000 321 0.2%
Senior Friendship Center Meals 41,505 45,000 46,000 1,000 2.2%
Nutrition Counseling (Hours) 74 80 90 10 12.5%
Nutritional Education (presentations and publications) 24,401 24,000 24,750 750 3.1%
To provide/arrange for services to disabled, chronically ill, or elderly clients to enable them to remain at home in the community or in another appropriate
Home Care Hours (non-Medicaid) 31,862 36,750 32,833 (3,917) -10.7%
In-Home Contact & Support Hours 2,398 1,950 2,000 50 2.6%
Care at Home Program Cases 3 3 2 (1) -33.3%
Nursing and Case Management Field Visits 1,956 1,858 1,901 43 2.3%
Case Management Hours 10,376 11,222 11,222 - 0.0%
Medicaid Personal Care Cases 95 177 185 8 4.5%
Adult Foster Care Cases 43 39 41 2 5.1%
Assisted living Cases 307 349 350 1 0.3%
Consumer Directed in Home Service Cases 59 63 65 2 3.2%
Case Assistance Cases (NY Connects) 44 33 37 4 12.1%
Nursing Home/Hospital Discharge Planning Hours 69 77 81 4 5.2%
Patient Review Instruments completed for Nursing Home and other
52 10 10 - 0.0%
program admission
To provide legal assistance, counseling and representation to seniors.
Legal Assistance hours 642 645 645 - 0.0%
To provide transportation services to senior citizens foster access to health, shopping, social events and recreation.
Transportation Trips (non Medicaid) 24,781 25,000 25,000 - 0.0%

Page 635
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
To provide information and case assistance to seniors, caregivers and others in the long term care system and to engage in activities to reach hard to serve
Info & Case Assistance Units 26,112 26,000 26,200 200 0.8%
Outreach 615 425 425 - 0.0%
NY Connects Intakes/Screenings 6,306 6,345 6,300 (45) -0.7%
To provide services to foster good physical and mental health as well as recreation and educational opportunities.
Health Promotion Events (Exercise, Brain Games, Matter of Balance, Tai
42,869 43,000 43,000 - 0.0%
Recreation & Education 1,589 1,325 1,400 75 5.7%
To provide supportive services to caregivers to help sustain efforts to provide care, including support groups, workshops, counseling, and respite.
Caregiver Services (Support Groups, Counseling, Training) 154 130 130 - 0.0%
Grandparent Caregiver Respite Clients - - 15 15 100.0%
Overnight Respite 8 24 24 - 0.0%
Minor Home Modification Clients 4 5 5 - 0.0%
Adult Day Care Hours (non-Medicaid) 3,306 3,666 3,666 - 0.0%
To provide services to enable vulnerable citizens to summon help in an emergency.
Personal Emergency Response Devices Provided 3,343 3,582 3,582 - 0.0%
To provide services to access regular benefits such as HEAP, to link clients with other appropriate benefits and services and to provide energy education.

Energy Assistance - Heap and other assistance 1,432 1,450 1,475 25 1.7%
2859 2800
To assist citizens in making valuable use of free time through civic engagement and to provide services to senior citizens without the expense of additional
Number of Office for the Aging Volunteers 339 345 350 5 1.4%
Office for the Aging Volunteer Hours 42,168 42,000 42,000 - 0.0%

Page 636
Office for the Aging
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 2,584,199 2,722,627 2,834,716 2,879,395 44,679 1.6%
Employee Benefits 1,180,838 1,307,417 1,257,931 1,451,910 193,979 15.4% 27%
Personal Services 3,765,037 4,030,044 4,092,647 4,331,305 238,658 5.8% 60% Contracted
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 15,215 16,855 18,262 16,940 (1,322) -7.2% Personal
Equipment 2,459 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 0.0% Services
Communication - - - - - 0.0%
Supplies 154,643 160,150 159,960 170,400 10,440 6.5%
Utilities 140 223 223 245 22 9.9%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 380,862 410,375 410,425 331,027 (79,398) -19.3%
Contracted Services 1,627,676 1,819,442 2,010,160 1,932,433 (77,727) -3.9%
Operations 81,559 211,311 214,316 403,458 189,142 88.3%
Total Appropriations $6,027,589 $6,651,400 $6,908,993 $7,188,808 $279,815 4.1%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 44% 2019 Revenues
Departmental Income 2,003,129 2,257,141 2,292,141 2,407,128 114,987 5.0% Contract

Intergovernmental Charges 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 0.0%

Federal Aid
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss - - - - - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources 69,878 68,000 68,000 62,000 (6,000) -8.8%
Sate Aid 1,760,086 1,977,911 1,977,911 1,996,135 18,224 0.9%
Federal Aid 1,340,305 1,025,259 1,025,259 1,031,329 6,070 0.6%
Total Revenues $5,175,898 $5,330,811 $5,365,811 $5,499,092 $133,281 2.5%

Net to County Cost $851,691 $1,320,589 $1,543,182 $1,689,716 $146,534 9.5% 36%
State Aid

Page 637
Office for the Aging

Office for the Aging

Insurance Intake & Nursing and Case Health
Nutrition Services Administration
Counseling & Screening Management Promotion

Page 638
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.6772.50 - General Fund.Programs for the Aging.Office for the Aging
ACCTG CLK 09 1.00 45,161 1.00 09 1.00 48,426 1.00 48,426
ACCTG CLK HR 09-H 0.97 38,808 0.97 09-H 0.97 41,502 0.97 41,502
AGING INFO SVCS SPCLST 15 2.00 132,178 2.00 15 2.00 145,912 2.00 145,912
AGING SVCS AIDE 03 1.00 38,088 1.00 03 1.00 40,975 1.00 40,975
AGING SVCS AIDE HR 03-8-H 0.74 27,879 0.74 03-8-H 0.74 29,875 0.74 29,875
AGING SVCS AIDE PT 03-H 0.00 0 0.00 03-H 1.50 46,013 0.00 0
BUS DRV HR 07-8-H 6.80 249,330 6.80 07-8-H 6.80 245,400 6.80 245,400
BUSINESS MGR 14 1.00 61,508 1.00 14 1.00 58,468 1.00 58,468
CASE MGR I 12 1.00 52,142 1.00 12 1.00 57,254 1.00 57,254
CMNTY SVCS WORKER 09 5.00 209,717 5.00 09 5.00 225,846 5.00 225,846
CONF ADMV AST CI 1.00 51,318 1.00 CI 1.00 53,639 1.00 53,639
DIR OFFICE AGING MG 1.00 99,073 1.00 MG 1.00 103,834 1.00 103,834
HEAP EXAMR 11 1.00 42,308 1.00 11 1.00 45,245 1.00 45,245
HOME DELIVD MEAL COORD 11 1.00 42,400 1.00 11 1.00 46,573 1.00 46,573
NUTRITION SVCS COORD 15 1.00 58,285 1.00 15 1.00 64,021 1.00 64,021
OUTRCH COORD 12 1.00 43,546 1.00 12 1.00 46,667 1.00 46,667
PRIN ACCTG CLK 12 1.00 47,610 1.00 12 1.00 55,112 1.00 55,112
PRIN PROG AST HR 12-H 0.85 28,545 0.85 12-H 0.85 31,440 0.85 31,440
RECEP 06 1.00 33,517 1.00 06 1.00 34,903 1.00 34,903
SITE MGR HR 09-8-H 4.95 208,251 4.95 09-8-H 4.20 170,194 4.20 170,194
SITE MGR PT 09-8-H 0.50 16,061 0.50 09-8-H 0.50 18,722 0.50 18,722
SR SITE MGR 10 0.00 0 0.00 10 1.00 40,917 1.00 40,917
A.6772.50 - General Fund.Programs for the Aging.Office for the Aging 33.81 1,525,725 33.81 35.56 1,650,938 34.06 1,604,925

Page 639
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6772.50 Programs for the Aging.Office for the Aging

1010 Positions 1,491,104 1,597,869 1,525,725 1,592,882 75.3 1,200,021 1,650,938 1,604,925
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 144,700 144,700 0.0 0 159,600 159,600

• Temp positions include two seasonal students $4,400; Seasonal HEAP employee $11,500, which is 100% reimbursed by DCFS; Community Services Worker hourly $31,200; Substitute bus
drivers $50,000; Substitute site managers $35,000; one temp driver for Poughkeepsie deliveries $27,500.
1040 ST Overtime 6,099 322 2,500 2,500 0.0 0 2,500 2,500
1050 Overtime 584 12 500 500 1.6 8 500 500
1070 Shift Differential 23 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 0 10 97.5 10 0 0

Total Salaries and Wages 1,497,810 1,598,204 1,673,475 1,740,642 68.9 1,200,039 1,813,588 1,767,575
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 109,551 116,016 113,511 118,649 73.1 86,752 126,340 122,817
8355 Long-Term Disability 2,235 2,673 2,433 3,602 68.6 2,470 4,528 4,528
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 298,111 356,574 412,996 411,222 74.9 307,980 544,430 506,034
8450 Optical Insurance 3,539 3,960 3,981 4,085 74.3 3,036 5,741 4,830
8500 Dental Insurance 31,711 37,618 37,600 37,091 74.8 27,743 47,877 41,944
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 1,170 45.2 529 2,062 2,062
8800 Life Ins 381 294 200 320 74.8 239 315 315
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 35 59 40 64 74.8 48 63 63

Total Employee Benefits 445,563 517,195 570,761 576,203 74.4 428,797 731,356 682,593
8100 Pymts to Retire System 180,727 187,176 194,036 194,036 24.5 47,574 181,904 211,182

Total Benefits 180,727 187,176 194,036 194,036 24.5 47,574 181,904 211,182

Total Personal Services 2,124,100 2,302,574 2,438,272 2,510,881 66.8 1,676,410 2,726,848 2,661,350
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 850 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4456 Training Programs - Educ 2,905 0 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 6,117 7,861 6,000 6,000 60.9 3,653 6,000 6,000
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 834 605 800 800 34.5 276 800 800
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 280 618 300 290 113.5 329 390 390
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 878 1,160 1,500 1,500 48.0 720 1,500 1,500
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 0 0 30 30 0.0 0 0 0
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 1,946 2,030 2,000 2,054 101.5 2,084 2,000 2,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 13,809 12,273 12,130 12,174 58.0 7,062 12,190 12,190

Page 640
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4750 Other Equipment-ND 3,150 2,459 3,000 3,000 0.0 0 3,000 3,000

• Replacement tent used at senior picnics.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 3,150 2,459 3,000 3,000 0.0 0 3,000 3,000

Total Equipment 3,150 2,459 3,000 3,000 0.0 0 3,000 3,000

4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 673 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Communication 673 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 4 7 200 200 35.9 72 200 200
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 7,231 4,691 9,000 9,000 15.0 1,346 9,000 9,000
4125.100 Food & Kitchen Supplies Kitchen 30,709 37,003 38,000 38,000 76.5 29,057 45,000 45,000
4125.109 Food & Kitchen Supplies Frozen Food 58,963 78,727 70,000 70,000 74.9 52,462 75,000 75,000
4125.99 Food & Kitchen Supplies Shelf Stable 7,080 15,705 12,000 12,000 100.6 12,075 15,000 15,000
4160 Office Supplies 11,826 8,908 18,000 17,946 51.5 9,235 14,000 14,000
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 300 792 2,000 2,000 0.0 0 500 500
4185 Therapy & Recr Supplies 1,494 3,038 2,500 2,500 49.9 1,249 3,250 3,250
Total Supplies 117,608 148,872 151,700 151,646 69.6 105,495 161,950 161,950
4127 Propane Gas 112 140 223 223 30.0 67 200 245
Total Utilities 112 140 223 223 30.0 67 200 245
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 4,161 5,334 4,698 4,698 66.7 3,132 4,680 4,680
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 1,433 1,668 4,760 4,760 24.3 1,159 1,739 1,739
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 2,720 3,261 4,000 4,000 58.9 2,355 4,000 4,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 2,716 3,787 4,145 4,145 66.6 2,763 5,000 5,000
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 4,941 6,669 6,000 6,000 121.7 7,301 7,000 7,000
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 83,805 86,929 94,564 94,564 42.5 40,159 104,348 93,895
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 64,538 91,908 85,822 85,822 59.9 51,440 89,700 89,700
4628.84 Interdept Exp Maint-in-lieu 29,003 29,003 29,003 29,003 50.0 14,502 0 0

• Funds no longer necessary as expense is included in lease cost. See A.6772.50.4571.63 and 50.4606

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 193,317 228,558 232,992 232,992 52.7 122,810 216,467 206,014

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 193,317 228,558 232,992 232,992 52.7 122,810 216,467 206,014
4400.4402 Contract Agencies Alzheimer's Assoc 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 100.0 3,700 3,700 3,700
4400.4403 Contract Agencies Vassar Warner Home 625 1,000 3,000 3,000 100.0 3,000 3,000 3,000
4400.4449 Contract Agencies Pawling Community Resource Cente 7,450 7,450 7,450 7,450 92.5 6,894 7,450 7,450
4400.4451 Contract Agencies Friends Of Seniors 27,767 27,766 29,967 29,967 67.9 20,359 29,967 29,967

Page 641
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4400.4457 Contract Agencies Rebuilding Together 3,000 2,994 3,000 3,000 63.8 1,915 3,000 3,000
4400.4461 Contract Agencies Coop Ext 7,650 5,888 9,735 9,735 61.6 5,994 9,735 9,735
4400.4470 Contract Agencies North Road LHCSA 7,031 5,338 7,525 7,525 36.8 2,767 7,525 7,525
4400.4484 Contract Agencies Organic Indoor Gardens of Pok 400 17,975 20,600 20,600 61.2 12,600 40,500 40,500
4400.4621 Contract Agencies DC Comm Action 22,115 22,555 25,240 25,240 62.8 15,855 25,240 25,240
4400.4658 Contract Agencies North East Comm Ctr 7,450 7,450 8,200 8,200 80.0 6,560 8,200 8,200
4401.102 Professional Services Legal 38,508 38,520 38,525 38,525 66.7 25,680 38,525 38,525
4401.106 Professional Services Program 628,074 664,683 683,000 683,000 64.5 440,208 685,000 685,000

• Senior meal vendor $650,000, Health promotion $33,000, hearing impaired and interpreter services $2,000. Costs are eligible for state and federal reimbursement.

4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 113,000 113,000 0.0 0 113,000 113,000

4424 Home Care 517,892 651,345 670,000 845,000 61.3 517,744 845,700 750,000

• A significant increase in homecare needs for the aging population is reflected in this line increase.

4424.68 Home Care Adult Day Care 38,684 53,875 45,000 59,000 64.2 37,875 59,000 54,000

• A significant increase in adult day care needs for the aging population is reflected in this line increase.

4424.69 Home Care Personal Care 0 9,257 5,000 5,000 130.0 6,500 5,000 5,000
4425 Recreation Special Events 16,787 17,465 18,000 18,000 45.0 8,094 18,000 18,000
4635 Emergency Services 63,004 63,066 65,000 71,000 24.2 17,205 70,591 70,591

• A significant increase in emergency services needs for the aging population is reflected in this line increase.

Total Contracted Services 1,390,136 1,600,328 1,755,942 1,950,942 58.1 1,132,951 1,973,133 1,872,433
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 5,500 5,669 5,500 5,500 88.4 4,860 5,500 5,500
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 5,244 6,462 8,000 8,000 68.7 5,499 8,000 8,000
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 23,000 23,000 142,700 142,700 63.4 90,467 250,275 250,275

• Increase due to new location of OFA offices.

4606 Janitorial Services 1,300 1,300 1,301 1,301 83.3 1,084 11,864 11,864

• Increase due to new location of OFA offices.

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 5,457 5,121 5,500 5,500 48.8 2,683 5,800 5,800
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 2,998 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4610.71 Advertising Legal 187 135 170 170 79.2 135 170 170
4611 Refuse Removal 4,372 4,498 5,000 5,000 51.5 2,573 5,000 5,000

Page 642
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 5,311 7,947 4,500 4,500 102.4 4,609 2,500 2,500
4612.101 Repairs/Alt To Equip Vehicle 0 0 4,000 4,000 0.0 0 0 0
4613.100 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop Kitchen 0 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 0 0
4650 External Postage 10,967 12,251 13,000 13,000 78.8 10,239 13,000 13,000
4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 7,824 9,254 10,000 10,000 62.6 6,257 10,000 10,000
Total Operations 72,161 75,637 204,671 204,671 62.7 128,406 312,109 312,109
Total A.6772.50 - Programs for the Aging.Office for the Aging 3,915,067 4,370,841 4,798,930 5,066,529 62.6 3,173,201 5,405,897 5,229,291

Page 643
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6772.50 Programs for the Aging.Office for the Aging

12890.21 Other General Microgreen Project 0 18,450 20,600 20,600 0.0 0 0 0

19720.00 Pgm for the Aging Discount IDs 103 90 100 100 0.0 0 0 0

• Seniors are referred to the DMV to be issued an official ID. OFA ended this program in 2018.

19720.01 Pgm for the Aging Legal 2,693 3,223 2,500 2,500 96.7 2,418 3,000 3,000
19720.02 Pgm for the Aging Exercise 3,303 8,253 5,000 5,000 103.2 5,159 5,000 5,000
19720.10 Pgm for the Aging Luncheon Fees 11,705 13,085 14,000 14,000 84.8 11,875 13,000 13,000
19720.15 Pgm for the Aging Nutrition Donations 125,883 118,647 120,000 120,000 60.7 72,803 120,000 120,000
19720.17 Pgm for the Aging EISEP Cost Share 33,307 39,495 30,000 30,000 73.4 22,026 35,000 35,000
19720.20 Pgm for the Aging EISEP Contributions 265 278 500 500 105.7 528 400 400
19720.21 Pgm for the Aging IIIE Contributions 150 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
19720.23 Pgm for the Aging HIICAP Donations 220 240 300 300 36.7 110 300 300
19720.30 Pgm for the Aging DCFS/HEAP 93,350 92,715 121,108 121,108 0.0 0 129,501 129,501
19720.31 Pgm for the Aging DCFS/MAOP 178,810 170,078 182,883 182,883 0.0 0 192,610 192,610
19720.35 Pgm for the Aging Recreation and Special Events 5,293 6,029 7,000 7,000 13.9 970 5,500 5,500

• Decreased by $1,500 as funds collected at OFA Friendship Centers are no longer recorded here. See A6772.51.27050.10.

19720.47 Pgm for the Aging DCFS/Medicaid Admin 209,442 316,509 306,223 306,223 0.0 0 348,908 348,908
19720.48 Pgm for the Aging ELANT - EVERCARE (8,578) 0 4,800 4,800 0.0 0 0 0
19720.51 Pgm for the Aging Prime Health Choice LLC (990) 0 3,800 3,800 0.0 0 0 0
19720.52 Pgm for the Aging Fidelis Care New York (816) 0 3,000 3,000 0.0 0 0 0
19720.53 Pgm for the Aging Alzheimer's Assoc - Care Consult 18,000 16,800 18,000 18,000 50.0 9,000 18,000 18,000
19720.54 Pgm for the Aging Contract Meals Friends&Fam SADC 0 8,408 20,000 20,000 72.8 14,550 20,000 20,000
Total Departmental Income 672,139 812,299 859,914 859,914 16.2 139,439 891,319 891,319
23510.01 Aging Pgms, Other Govt. T/O Plst Vlly 500 500 500 500 100.0 500 500 500
23510.02 Aging Pgms, Other Govt. T/O Lagrange 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 100.0 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Intergovernmental Charges 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 100.0 2,500 2,500 2,500
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 34 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 34 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 29 15 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 1,330 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 368 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 1,500 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 644
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend

Total Misc. Local Sources 3,226 15 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 0 0

37720.00 Pgm for Aging EISEP-Expnded In-home Svc Eldrly 543,999 600,187 481,744 481,744 49.4 237,906 481,744 481,744
37720.01 Pgm for Aging SNAP WIN -Wellness in Nutrition 292,420 271,418 265,912 265,912 42.4 112,697 265,912 265,912
37720.20 Pgm for Aging CSE Community Svcs for Elderly 522,667 498,673 467,662 467,662 40.8 190,787 489,236 489,236
37720.21 Pgm for Aging CSI - Congregate Svc Initiative 7,449 4,585 6,173 6,173 25.7 1,588 6,173 6,173
37720.22 Pgm for Aging AAA Transportation Program 17,745 15,489 16,045 16,045 22.8 3,657 16,045 16,045
37720.24 Pgm for Aging Point of Entry 40,955 54,658 15,000 15,000 50.6 7,588 0 0

• Program ended March 2018.

37720.25 Pgm for Aging NYC Exp & Enh (BIP) 0 0 422,375 422,375 45.1 190,474 437,025 437,025
37720.26 Pgm for Aging BIP Caregiver 22,210 1,945 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total State Aid 1,447,444 1,446,955 1,674,911 1,674,911 44.5 744,697 1,696,135 1,696,135
47720.01 Pgm for Aging Title IIIB - Supportive Services 304,794 304,263 299,767 299,767 0.0 0 299,767 299,767
47720.02 Pgm for Aging Title IIID - Health Promotion 16,090 15,998 15,872 15,872 0.0 0 15,964 15,964
47720.10 Pgm for Aging Title III-C1-Congrgate Nutri Svc 214,219 213,226 213,037 213,037 0.0 0 212,532 212,532
47720.11 Pgm for Aging Title IIIC2-HomeDelivrd Nutr Svc 225,328 225,509 224,541 224,541 0.4 (968) 224,720 224,720
47720.20 Pgm for Aging HIICAP 34,304 33,168 32,677 32,677 25.0 8,178 33,121 33,121
47720.26 Pgm for Aging NYC Exp & Enh (BIP) 239,569 296,316 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
47720.30 Pgm for Aging NSIP 107,374 109,936 100,000 100,000 59.2 59,211 100,000 100,000
47720.60 Pgm for Aging Title IIIE NFC 97,034 95,517 94,081 94,081 0.0 0 94,081 94,081
47720.80 Pgm for Aging MIPPA CFDA #93.071 11,805 13,189 11,284 11,284 0.0 0 17,144 17,144
Total Federal Aid 1,250,517 1,307,122 991,259 991,259 6.7 66,421 997,329 997,329
Total A.6772.50 - Programs for the Aging.Office for the Aging 3,375,861 3,568,891 3,533,584 3,533,584 27.0 953,056 3,587,283 3,587,283

Page 645
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6772.51 Programs for the Aging.Senior Citizens Services Reserve

4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 0 0 1,227 53.0 650 0 0

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 0 0 1,227 53.0 650 0 0
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 0 20 0 50 89.9 45 25 25
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 968 295 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 975 975

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 968 315 1,000 1,050 4.3 45 1,000 1,000

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 968 315 1,000 1,050 4.3 45 1,000 1,000
4401.106 Professional Services Program 6,450 0 6,500 6,500 0.0 0 6,500 6,500
4415 Client Services Non-Mandated 10,749 6,530 28,500 24,238 0.4 95 27,500 27,500
4425 Recreation Special Events 4,513 9,283 18,500 18,500 16.0 2,961 18,500 18,500
4431 Educational Programs 8,707 10,504 6,500 6,480 20.2 1,310 6,500 6,500
Total Contracted Services 30,418 26,317 60,000 55,718 7.8 4,366 59,000 59,000
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 1,501 1,750 2,000 5,005 70.2 3,514 2,000 2,000
Total Operations 1,501 1,750 2,000 5,005 70.2 3,514 2,000 2,000
Total A.6772.51 - Programs for the Aging.Senior 32,887 28,382 63,000 63,000 13.6 8,575 62,000 62,000
Citizens Services Reserve

Page 646
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6772.51 Programs for the Aging.Senior Citizens Services Reserve

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 2,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 50,297 55,185 50,000 50,000 83.2 41,575 50,000 50,000
27050.08 Gifts and Donations Caregiver Conference 8,850 9,100 5,000 5,000 91.0 4,550 5,000 5,000
27050.09 Gifts and Donations Golden Gathering 5,000 5,000 8,000 8,000 75.0 6,000 6,000 6,000
27050.10 Gifts and Donations Friendship Centers 0 578 0 0 0.0 964 1,000 1,000
Total Misc. Local Sources 66,147 69,863 63,000 63,000 84.3 53,089 62,000 62,000
Total A.6772.51 - Programs for the Aging.Senior 66,147 69,863 63,000 63,000 84.3 53,089 62,000 62,000
Citizens Services Reserve

Page 647
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.6772.52 - General Fund.Programs for the Aging.Continuing Care Unit
CASE MGR I 12 5.00 251,552 5.00 12 5.00 275,994 5.00 275,994
CASE MGR II 14 1.00 58,861 1.00 14 1.00 66,334 1.00 66,334
CASE SUPV 16 1.00 73,977 1.00 16 1.00 81,129 1.00 81,129
OFFICE AST 06 3.00 103,957 3.00 06 3.00 109,058 3.00 109,058
OFFICE AST HR 06-H 0.72 22,685 0.72 06-H 0.72 24,122 0.72 24,122
OFFICE AST PT 06-H 0.50 16,379 0.50 06-H 0.50 18,029 0.50 18,029
PRIN PROG AST 12 1.00 57,859 1.00 12 1.00 62,459 1.00 62,459
PUB HLTH NURSE 15 5.00 339,754 5.00 15 5.00 349,129 5.00 349,129
PUB HLTH NURSE HR 15-H 0.55 38,468 0.55 15-H 0.55 33,939 0.55 33,939
SUPVG PUB HLTH NURS 17 1.00 84,110 1.00 17 1.00 90,077 1.00 90,077
A.6772.52 - General Fund.Programs for the Aging.Continuing Care Unit 18.77 1,047,602 18.77 18.77 1,110,270 18.77 1,110,270

Page 648
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6772.52 Programs for the Aging.Continuing Care Unit

1010 Positions 1,059,427 985,996 1,047,602 1,092,524 69.8 762,418 1,110,270 1,110,270
1040 ST Overtime 1,211 0 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000
1050 Overtime 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
1070 Shift Differential 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

Total Salaries and Wages 1,060,637 985,996 1,049,152 1,094,074 69.7 762,418 1,111,820 1,111,820
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 77,982 71,638 80,159 83,596 66.4 55,482 84,955 84,955
8355 Long-Term Disability 947 916 918 1,433 68.0 975 1,944 1,944
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 201,540 231,480 298,262 242,699 77.0 186,789 295,450 295,450
8450 Optical Insurance 3,650 3,321 3,987 3,515 77.0 2,705 3,680 3,680
8500 Dental Insurance 22,958 23,593 27,794 24,328 76.8 18,695 25,466 25,466
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 621 48.2 299 1,381 1,381

Total Employee Benefits 307,077 330,949 411,120 356,192 74.4 264,945 412,876 412,876
8100 Pymts to Retire System 156,949 145,518 131,500 131,500 27.1 35,593 162,732 145,259

Total Benefits 156,949 145,518 131,500 131,500 27.1 35,593 162,732 145,259

Total Personal Services 1,524,663 1,462,463 1,591,772 1,581,766 67.2 1,062,956 1,687,428 1,669,955
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 139 0 500 500 12.3 62 500 500
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 58 23 400 400 8.9 35 400 400
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 41 58 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 133 645 1,500 1,500 51.3 769 1,500 1,500
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 209 220 225 250 95.8 239 250 250
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 1,941 1,995 2,000 2,111 98.7 2,084 2,000 2,000
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 2,520 2,941 4,725 4,861 65.6 3,189 4,750 4,750
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 40 0 150 150 51.5 77 150 150
4160 Office Supplies 5,360 5,771 7,800 7,664 43.7 3,346 7,800 7,800
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
Total Supplies 5,400 5,771 8,450 8,314 41.2 3,423 8,450 8,450
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 2,880 1,680 3,036 3,036 66.7 2,024 3,036 3,036
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 4,394 4,416 5,000 5,000 58.4 2,918 4,593 4,593
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 3,528 2,347 4,000 4,000 46.6 1,863 4,000 4,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 2,615 2,713 2,750 2,750 66.6 1,831 3,600 3,600
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 918 887 1,000 1,000 30.2 302 1,200 1,200
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 30,758 33,723 33,552 33,552 51.9 17,402 35,000 34,264
4628.81 Interdept Exp Records Retention 704 685 805 805 53.7 432 850 820

Page 649
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 77,125 48,412 69,113 69,113 53.0 36,596 72,500 72,500
4628.84 Interdept Exp Maint-in-lieu 57,127 57,127 57,127 57,127 50.0 28,564 0 0

• Funds no longer necessary as expense is included in lease cost. See A.6772.52.4571.63

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 180,048 151,989 176,383 176,383 52.1 91,931 124,779 124,013

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 180,048 151,989 176,383 176,383 52.1 91,931 124,779 124,013
4401.106 Professional Services Program 1,312 1,031 3,500 3,500 12.3 432 1,000 1,000
Total Contracted Services 1,312 1,031 3,500 3,500 12.3 432 1,000 1,000
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 2 0 25 25 0.0 0 25 25
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 80,804 80,804

• New OFA offices and kitchen location lease expenses; previously expensed through maintenance in-lieu to DPW.

4606 Janitorial Services 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 3,905 3,905

• New OFA office and kitchen location expenses; previously OFA paid maintenance in-lieu to DPW.

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 300 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4609 Maint -Service Contracts 3,650 3,653 4,000 4,000 0.0 0 4,000 4,000
4611 Refuse Removal 510 510 515 515 74.3 383 515 515
4650 External Postage 19 9 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
Total Operations 4,481 4,172 4,640 4,640 8.2 383 89,349 89,349
Total A.6772.52 - Programs for the Aging.Continuing Care Unit 1,718,423 1,628,366 1,789,470 1,779,464 65.3 1,162,314 1,915,756 1,897,517

Page 650
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Office For the Aging
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6772.52 Programs for the Aging.Continuing Care Unit

19720.40 Pgm for the Aging DCFS/NY Connects 1,470,095 1,190,829 1,397,227 1,432,227 0.0 0 1,515,809 1,515,809
Total Departmental Income 1,470,095 1,190,829 1,397,227 1,432,227 0.0 0 1,515,809 1,515,809
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 1,292 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 1,292 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700 Unclassified Rev. 170 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 170 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
37720.00 Pgm for Aging EISEP-Expnded In-home Svc Eldrly 256,305 300,000 300,000 300,000 29.8 89,318 300,000 300,000
37720.24 Pgm for Aging Point of Entry 16,233 13,132 3,000 3,000 100.0 3,000 0 0

• Program ended March 2018.

Total State Aid 272,538 313,132 303,000 303,000 30.5 92,318 300,000 300,000
47720.01 Pgm for Aging Title IIIB - Supportive Services 16,000 6,246 10,000 10,000 0.0 0 10,000 10,000
47720.60 Pgm for Aging Title IIIE NFC 17,000 26,938 24,000 24,000 0.0 0 24,000 24,000
Total Federal Aid 33,000 33,183 34,000 34,000 0.0 0 34,000 34,000
Total A.6772.52 - Programs for the Aging.Continuing 1,777,096 1,537,144 1,734,227 1,769,227 5.2 92,318 1,849,809 1,849,809
Care Unit

Total Office For the Aging Approp 5,666,378 6,027,589 6,651,400 6,908,993 62.9 4,344,090 7,383,653 7,188,808

Total Office For the Aging Revenue 5,219,104 5,175,898 5,330,811 5,365,811 20.5 1,098,464 5,499,092 5,499,092

Page 651
Community & Family Services

Provide temporary assistance and support services necessary

to sustain vulnerable and disabled persons and assist each
recipient, in a courteous, fair and efficient manner with the
aim of restoring each beneficiary to maximum independence.
Provide protection services to children and adults at risk of
being harmed; and make available to families, services that will
strengthen the family unit, encourage stability in living
arrangements, and provide a nurturing environment for

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 652
Department of Community and Family Services
The Department of Community and Family Services (DCFS) is responsible for the administration of the New York Social Services Law in Dutchess
County. The Department administers the federal and/or state assistance programs of Family Assistance, Safety Net Assistance, Emergency Aid
to Families, Emergency Aid to Adults, Day Care, Home Energy Assistance (HEAP), Indigent Burial, Medicaid, Supplemental Nutritional Assistance
Program (SNAP), Adults and Youth Services. The department is also responsible for the care of children surrendered by their parents or ordered
to its custody by Family Court, and to investigate reports of child abuse or neglect and to provide services for children found to be abused.

DCFS - Admin (A.6010)

Personnel costs for the department are centralized in A.6010 and provide all of the department’s various programs and operations. DCFS
administers transitional benefits, Medicaid and Child Support as well as the cash assistance programs of Family Assistance, Safety Net Assistance,
Emergency Aid to Families, and Emergency Aid to Adults. The department operates two satellite offices: the Beacon office which handles SNAP
and HEAP applications and the Eastern Dutchess Government Center Office which handles integrated applications. The department also includes
a special investigations unit that investigates suspicion of clients fraudulently receiving benefits.

DCFS – Day Care (A.6055)

Financial assistance for child care costs for low income families and families transitioning off of public assistance.

DCFS – Services for Recipients (A.6070)

This unit reflects funding for contracted agencies providing a range of services including adult protective, domestic violence, housing and
emergency placement of homeless individuals and families.

DCFS – Medicaid Services (A.6100)

This unit reflects the costs associated with Medicaid for eligible Dutchess County residents unable to pay the cost of medical care. This amount
has been capped by the state.

DCFS – Medical Assistance (A.6101)

Reflects any Medicaid related costs paid directly by DCFS including, health insurance premiums paid on behalf of eligible Medicaid recipients and
client payments for Medicare Buy-In programs.

Page 653
DCFS – Special Needs (A.6106.75 and A.6106.76)
This unit includes the Deputy Commissioner for Special Needs and associated programming, which seeks to change the way individuals,
businesses, and communities relate to our residents with special needs through projects featuring inclusion and universal access. The A.6106.76
is a reserve department for special needs events that receive donations and sponsors.

DCFS – Family Assistance (A.6109)

Family Assistance provides financial support to eligible families that include a minor child living with a parent (including families where both
parents are in the household) or a caretaker relative. This program seeks to provide assistance to families so that children may be cared for and
to end the dependence of parents on government benefits by promoting job preparation and workforce development.

DCFS – Children Services (A.6119)

This unit provides services to children placed in care through voluntary surrender by parents, court order by Family Court, or removal of a child
from his or her home due to abuse or neglect. Services provided include foster care, institutional care, adoption, non-secure detention, adoption
subsidies and preventive care. This also includes Committee on Special Education school placements.

DCFS – Juvenile Delinquent Care (A.6123)

Costs associated with the court ordered placement and care of children who are adjudicated PINS or juvenile delinquents.

DCFS – State Training School (A.6129)

Costs for the care of youth in the custody of the New York State Office of Children & Family Services and placed at State operated facilities. These
are children who have been adjudicated with serious juvenile delinquent offenses.

DCFS – Safety Net (A.6140)

Safety Net provides financial assistance to eligible single adults, childless couples, and others who do not quality for other assistance programs,
and families who have exhausted their 60-month time limit for Family Assistance. This program also provides for the cost of burials for the

DCFS – HEAP (A.6141)

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federal block grant designed to assist low income individuals, particularly those with the lowest
income who pay a high proportion of household income for home energy in meeting their immediate energy needs. The program targets low
income elderly, disabled, and households with young children, where insufficient heating and cooling can cause health and safety issues. The
program includes regular assistance, emergency assistance, cooling assistance, heating equipment cleaning and tuning, and heating equipment
repair and replacement.

DCFS – Emergency Aid - Adults (A.6142)

Emergency Assistance to Adults provides assistance in the case of emergency (such as a utility shut-off or eviction) for individuals and couples
who have been determined eligible or are receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Page 654
DCFS – Youth (A.7310)
Youth Services is responsible for the administration of New York State funding. This division also provides case counseling for personal, family
and school conflicts; advocacy services, referrals to appropriate community resources, and workshops on a variety of youth related topics.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The most striking issue in the 2019 budget is the implementation of the Raise The Age (RTA) legislation, which raises the age of criminal
responsibility to 18 years old. The Maximum State Allowable Rate (MSAR) for RTA out of home placement is $1,000/day per child. DCFS has
worked with the Probation Department to provide alternatives to detention, and increased service capacity for cognitive behavioral
interventions and services. When the County’s RTA plan is approved by the State the appropriations and corresponding revenue will be
added to the budget.
• The Federal Families First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) enacted in February of 2018. This Federal law reforms the financing of foster care
services to prioritize family based foster care over residential care. This change imposes severe restrictions on the availability of Title IV-E
payments for foster children.
• The County faces increases in the local share of costs for children placed in the custody of New York State and placed at state operated
facilities. These are children who have been adjudicated with serious JD offenses. The cost is determined retroactively by OCFS based on a
statewide cap for local district which is then spread among the counties based on the utilization rate, making it difficult to project costs when
budgeting for any given year.
• With the advent of the Olmstead Decision, sheltered workshops will be closed by 2020 and employment opportunities will be needed for
people with special needs. DCFS will work with Dutchess Community College and service providers, the Business Community and the
Workforce Investment Board, to provide the training needed to enter the competitive workforce.

2019 Initiatives:
• DCFS proposes to initiate a Parent Coaching model of needs of their children and build on the strengths in each
supervised visitation for families in the child welfare system family.
intended to provide strengths-based coaching for
parents/caregivers. There are insufficient opportunities for • DCFS will launch the “Fostering Connections” initiative to
children in foster care to visit with their biological parents; recruit and train community volunteers who will be connected
however, such visitation is key in planning for reunification or to youth in foster care. The mentors will commit to a minimum
for parent participation in planning for a permanent home for of 4 hours each month for at least one full academic year.
the child. Rather than acting as a disconnected observer, the Mentoring will occur at specific agency partner sites, under the
visitation coach can engage with the family. Host Visitation direct supervision of a trained site coordinator. DCFS will
Volunteers are professionally trained community volunteers partner with youth service providers to become mentoring
who support families as they visit their children, guiding them sites. The New York State Mentoring Program will provide free
as they cope with their own feelings, respond to the unique training and screening for volunteer mentors.

Page 655
• In partnership with the Hudson Valley Veteran Alliance and
BOCES, the Department is expanding its existing Community
Solutions for Transportation program (also known as the
Wheels to Work program) to assist veterans who are facing
transportation barriers to secure work and maintain their

Page 656
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Adult Services - Utilize multi-disciplinary community resources to improve assessments and to develop service plans which reduce risk and protect adults.

Adult Protective Intakes Annually 617 850 900 50 5.9%

Average Open Cases (per month) 286 360 370 10 2.8%
Special Investigations - Ensure that assistance payments are made only on behalf of eligible recipients and that erroneous payments are recovered
Dollar Amount of Fraud Detected Prior to Issuance $3,113,790 $3,200,000 $3,200,000 - 0.0%
Cases Closed due to Fraud 500 500 500 - 0.0%
Medicaid - Provide timely assistance to low income individuals to ensure that they receive access to services.
Applications Received Annually 5,056 5,000 5,000 - 0.0%
Average Monthly Caseload 13,994 13,380 13,380 - 0.0%
Temporary Assistance - Provide timely financial assistance to eligible individuals and ensure that they are provided with access to services that ensure
skills or functioning so that they may achieve self sufficiency.
Applications Received Annually 5,710 5,750 5,750 - 0.0%
Average Monthly Caseload 1,038 1,080 1,080 - 0.0%
Children's Services - Strengthen family support and ensure that children who are removed from their birth families will be ensured stability, continuity and
an environment that supports all aspects of their development.
Number of Children in Care (at year end) 237 225 225 - 0.0%

Number of Abuse/Neglect Investigations determined (per year) 2,461 2,600 2,600 - 0.0%

Child Support Enforcement - Ensure children and youth with adequate financial support from absent parents.
Amount of Child Support Collected ($ Millions) $29.3 $29.3 $29.3 - 0.0%

Page 657
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Supplemental Nutritional Assistance - Provide timely assistance to eligible individual and ensure they receive services that improve the conditions in which
they live.
Average Monthly$ Amount of Food Stamps Issued $2,403,448 $2,250,000 $2,250,000 - 0.0%
Food Stamp Applications Received Annually 8497 8500 8500 - 0.0%
Average Monthly Caseloads 10,903 10,700 10,700 - 0.0%
Youth Services - Improve positive decision-making skills, increase social competencies, and ensure a healthy constructive mindset in the youth of Dutchess
County as it will equip them to better deal with their family and school situations.
Short-Term Youth Counseling 150 150 150 - 0.00%
Youth Services - Provide prevention/intervention services to at risk youth in order to divert them from Probation, Family Court, Detention and to address
overall school performance.
Runaway / Diverted Youth Served* 81 90 90 - 0.00%
*Change in reporting methodology per OCFS

Page 658
Department of Community and Family Services
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Salaries and Wages 20,689,822 21,262,455 22,133,150 23,337,688 1,204,538 5.4% 2019 Appropriations 64%
Employee Benefits 9,980,537 10,744,923 10,401,458 11,692,214 1,290,756 12.4%
Personal Services 30,670,359 32,007,378 32,534,608 35,029,902 2,495,294 7.7% Programs
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 184,086 278,087 278,087 271,768 (6,319) -2.3%
Equipment 6,666 114,800 114,800 103,260 (11,540) -10.1%
Communication 14,056 15,556 15,556 15,600 44 0.3%
Supplies 138,544 190,875 191,275 186,525 (4,750) -2.5%
Utilities 160,110 176,916 176,916 185,685 8,769 5.0% 7%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 6,375,316 7,290,290 7,293,390 7,973,320 679,930 9.3% Contracted
Insurance 151,037 192,400 192,400 198,000 5,600 2.9% Programs
Contracted Services
Mandated Programs
23% 1% Interdept
Personal… Programs
Operations 62,669 153,230 174,015 116,039 (57,976) -33.3%
Total Appropriations $145,896,947 $147,303,738 $148,009,018 $152,998,888 $4,989,870 3.4%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Revenues
Departmental Income 5,820,207 5,577,400 5,577,400 5,844,418 267,018 4.8% 47%
Use of Money and Property (5,994) 2,000 2,000 4,500 2,500 125.0% Federal Aid
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 23,908 15,500 15,500 16,500 1,000 6.5%
Misc Local Sources 1,413,045 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 0.0%
Sate Aid 33,175,123 30,458,851 30,755,651 30,902,253 146,602 0.5%
Federal Aid 37,389,118 32,398,675 32,693,675 32,829,947 136,272 0.4%
Total Revenues $77,815,408 $68,462,426 $69,054,226 $69,607,618 $553,392 0.8%
Net to County Cost $68,081,539 $78,841,312 $78,954,792 $83,391,270 $4,436,478 5.6%
44% Other

State Aid

Page 659
Department of Community & Family Services
Commissioner of the Improvement
Department of
Legal Unit
Community & Family
Services Special Needs

Transitional &
Special Investigations Medicaid Services Staff Development Youth Services
Supportive Benefits
Front End Detection Disability Determination Training Case Counseling
Employment Services Fraud Investigations & Nursing Home Intake Human Resources Youth Council
Temporary Assistance Recovery Managed Care Payroll Monitor Runaway Youth
Safety Net Medicaid Intake
Heat and Energy Case Management
Food Assistance

Child Support Administrative Services

Adult Services Children Services
Paternity Establishment Foster Care IT and Systems Support
Adult Protective
Enforce Court Orders Adoption / Home Finding Contract Monitoring
Collection Preventive Services Accounting & Claiming
Domestic Violence
Child Protection Services Reception
Placement Services
Juvenile Placement Finger Imaging
Record Retention

Page 660
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.6010 - DCFS- Admin
ACCTG CLK 09 20.00 836,279 20.00 09 20.00 872,751 20.00 872,751
ACCTG SUPV I 14 1.00 66,770 1.00 14 1.00 71,546 1.00 71,546
ACCTG SUPV II 16 3.00 219,635 3.00 16 3.00 225,714 3.00 225,714
ADMV AST CI 1.00 62,808 1.00 CI 1.00 65,890 1.00 65,890
ADMV SVCS COORD 15 1.00 78,535 1.00 15 1.00 82,537 1.00 82,537
AST COMSR PROG PLAN EVAL 18 1.00 97,046 1.00 18 1.00 104,480 1.00 104,480
AST SOC WLFR MGR II 16 3.00 213,657 3.00 16 3.00 247,261 3.00 247,261
BLDG MAINT MECHC III 13 1.00 62,296 1.00 13 1.00 66,775 1.00 66,775
CASE MGR AIDE 07 8.00 309,279 8.00 07 8.00 325,969 8.00 325,969
CASE MGR AIDE SPN 07 1.00 37,134 1.00 07 1.00 40,793 1.00 40,793
CASE MGR I 12 19.00 925,866 19.00 12 19.00 973,671 19.00 973,671
CASE MGR II 14 29.00 1,783,635 29.00 14 30.00 2,000,751 29.00 1,944,565
CASE MGR II CPS 14 40.00 2,422,048 41.00 14 42.00 2,694,077 41.00 2,635,046
CASE MGR II CPS (INTERN) 14 1.00 54,508 0.00 14 0.00 0 0.00 0
CASE SUPV 16 17.00 1,289,495 17.00 16 18.00 1,468,542 17.00 1,402,616
CASE SUPV II 17 1.00 88,573 1.00 17 1.00 96,327 1.00 96,327
CLK 04 6.00 190,065 7.00 04 7.00 235,455 7.00 235,455
CLK 55 04 1.00 33,882 1.00 04 1.00 37,218 1.00 37,218
CLK EA 05 1.00 39,871 0.00 05 0.00 0 0.00 0
CMPTR OPR 12 1.00 57,250 1.00 12 1.00 61,659 1.00 61,659
COMSR CMNTY FAM SVCS MJ 1.00 148,136 1.00 MJ 1.00 155,408 1.00 155,408
CONF ADMV AST CI 1.00 56,940 1.00 CI 1.00 61,261 1.00 61,261
DIR ADMV SVCS MG 1.00 115,618 1.00 MG 1.00 121,295 1.00 121,295
DIR BUDGET FIN ME 1.00 98,789 1.00 ME 1.00 102,341 1.00 102,341
DIR SVCS 18 1.00 94,224 1.00 18 1.00 100,885 1.00 100,885
DIR SVCS MG 1.00 108,107 1.00 MG 1.00 114,099 1.00 114,099
DOM VIOLENCE OUTRCH WORKER 12 3.00 140,941 3.00 12 3.00 156,933 3.00 156,933
DPTY COMSR CMNTY FAM SVCS MH 2.00 255,438 2.00 MH 2.00 271,266 2.00 271,266
FAM PEER ADVOC 12 0.00 0 0.00 12 1.00 48,348 1.00 48,348
HEAP EXAMR 11 1.00 40,542 1.00 11 1.00 45,130 1.00 45,130
LEGAL SECY 11 2.00 106,617 2.00 11 3.00 147,002 3.00 147,002
MC NET SPRT SPCLST 17 2.00 168,779 2.00 17 2.00 182,625 2.00 182,625
MCWP SPRT AST 14 2.00 129,512 2.00 14 2.00 139,996 2.00 139,996

Page 661
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.6010 - DCFS- Admin
MICOMP SYS ADMR 19 1.00 91,756 1.00 19 1.00 100,235 1.00 100,235
OFFICE AST 06 21.00 764,124 21.00 06 20.00 795,642 20.00 795,642
OFFICE AST 55 06 4.00 164,020 4.00 06 4.00 176,840 4.00 176,840
OUTRCH COORD 12 1.00 43,546 1.00 12 0.00 0 0.00 0
PRIN ACCTG CLK 12 2.00 100,003 2.00 12 2.00 107,225 2.00 107,225
PRIN PROG AST 12 5.00 270,344 5.00 12 5.00 294,361 5.00 294,361
PROG AST 08 13.00 519,222 13.00 08 13.00 567,968 13.00 567,968
RECEP 06 5.00 184,067 5.00 06 6.00 226,392 6.00 226,392
RECEP SPN 06 1.00 39,511 1.00 06 1.00 42,379 1.00 42,379
RSRC CONSULT 13 1.00 56,996 1.00 13 1.00 62,545 1.00 62,545
SOC WLFR MGR I 15 15.00 1,078,294 14.00 15 14.00 1,067,993 14.00 1,067,993
SOC WLFR MGR II 17 4.00 348,359 4.00 17 4.00 364,436 4.00 364,436
SOC WLFR SPCLST 13 18.00 1,048,989 18.00 13 18.00 1,086,789 18.00 1,086,789
SOC WLFR WORKER I 10 11.00 428,381 21.00 10 21.00 875,937 21.00 875,937
SOC WLFR WORKER II 2.00 84,361 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0
SOC WLFR WORKER II 11 66.00 3,150,117 58.00 11 58.00 3,001,419 58.00 3,001,419
SOC WLFR WORKER II F 0.00 0 1.00 F 1.00 73,503 1.00 73,503
SPCL AST COMSR ME 1.00 93,694 1.00 ME 1.00 98,197 1.00 98,197
SR OFFICE AST 08 7.00 281,231 7.00 08 7.00 311,749 7.00 311,749
SR PROG AST 10 1.00 48,441 1.00 10 1.00 52,159 1.00 52,159
STAFF DEV AST CE 1.00 51,877 1.00 CE 1.00 54,369 1.00 54,369
STAFF DEV DIR ME 1.00 92,460 1.00 ME 1.00 96,902 1.00 96,902
SUPV SPCL INVSTGNS 16 1.00 80,981 1.00 16 1.00 86,749 1.00 86,749
SUPVG OFFICE AST 10 5.00 240,819 6.00 10 5.00 251,172 5.00 251,172
SUPVG OFFICE AST EA 11 1.00 53,866 0.00 11 0.00 0 0.00 0
WLFR MGMT SYS PROG AST 14 1.00 67,887 1.00 14 1.00 72,762 1.00 72,762
A.6010 - DCFS- Admin 363.00 19,715,621 363.00 366.00 21,185,728 363.00 21,004,585

Page 662
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6010 DCFS- Admin

1010 Positions 18,841,230 19,320,739 19,715,621 20,172,362 69.4 13,990,701 21,185,728 21,004,585
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 448,000 448,000 0.0 0 1,197,699 1,197,699

• Includes temporary positions that are seasonal, grant funded, and temporary in order to constantly recruit for hard to fill positions. This line also includes a $5,000 stipend for child
protective positions to aide in the recruitment and retention effort.
1040 ST Overtime 449,649 490,708 350,000 528,000 68.4 361,415 305,941 305,941
1050 Overtime 413,918 527,207 350,000 572,000 74.3 425,249 397,560 397,560

• Includes funds related to the child protective service worker stipend.

1070 Shift Differential 14,569 16,632 15,800 15,800 85.6 13,524 18,000 18,000
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 670 397 600 600 65.0 390 600 600

Total Salaries and Wages 19,720,037 20,355,683 20,880,021 21,736,762 68.0 14,791,280 23,105,528 22,924,385
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 1,457,754 1,499,085 1,507,204 1,572,745 69.0 1,085,111 1,618,480 1,604,621
8355 Long-Term Disability 22,343 23,771 23,074 32,416 68.4 22,164 40,898 40,898
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 4,543,376 4,890,348 5,572,186 5,193,524 74.7 3,879,494 6,195,534 6,266,676
8450 Optical Insurance 73,085 73,677 77,204 72,894 74.8 54,489 80,270 79,580
8500 Dental Insurance 446,158 494,802 515,850 474,580 74.8 354,770 522,802 518,308
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 11,302 45.9 5,193 23,118 23,118
8800 Life Ins 3,648 2,155 2,066 2,286 75.0 1,714 2,167 2,167
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 332 431 419 458 74.9 343 437 437

Total Employee Benefits 6,546,695 6,984,269 7,698,003 7,360,205 73.4 5,403,278 8,483,706 8,535,805
8100 Pymts to Retire System 2,900,792 2,845,183 2,858,175 2,858,175 25.0 714,512 2,967,518 2,952,049

Total Benefits 2,900,792 2,845,183 2,858,175 2,858,175 25.0 714,512 2,967,518 2,952,049

Total Personal Services 29,167,524 30,185,135 31,436,199 31,955,142 65.4 20,909,069 34,556,752 34,412,239
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 414 600 600 0.0 0 600 600
4456 Training Programs - Educ 105,791 108,824 200,000 200,000 26.9 53,728 185,531 185,531

• Employee training program with Empire College $156,531, MSW program with Adelphi $20,000, Agency-wide trainer $7,500, and Agency Safety Training $1,500.

4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 590 274 1,200 1,200 43.0 515 1,000 1,000
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 13,958 19,092 14,800 14,800 87.4 12,936 16,500 16,500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 3,731 3,949 4,500 4,500 87.2 3,925 4,200 4,200
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 9,958 10,757 15,000 15,000 55.0 8,249 14,000 14,000

Page 663
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 25,934 31,361 28,600 28,600 64.9 18,555 38,000 38,000

• Legal Books and Web access; CLEAR investigative search website. Increase due to homeless tracking system access.

4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 6,278 7,164 7,850 7,850 16.5 1,297 6,600 6,600
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 166,241 181,834 272,550 272,550 36.4 99,206 266,431 266,431
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 4,175 3,443 94,500 94,500 0.0 0 66,000 66,000

• Furniture and cubicle replacement for clerical and legal areas.

4750 Other Equipment-ND 0 0 1,500 1,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500

• Replacement refrigerator for employee lunch room.

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 4,175 3,443 96,000 96,000 0.0 0 67,500 67,500
2100.05 Furniture & Office Equipment 5 YEAR 192,527 3,223 9,000 9,000 0.0 0 0 0
2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 31,000 31,000

• 2 Servers to replace unsupported technology.

2600.05 Computer Software 5 YEAR 0 0 9,800 9,800 0.0 0 4,760 4,760

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 192,527 3,223 18,800 18,800 0.0 0 35,760 35,760

Total Equipment 196,702 6,666 114,800 114,800 0.0 0 103,260 103,260

4231.53 Data Lines Line Charges 14,056 14,056 15,556 14,181 74.3 10,542 14,100 14,100
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 0 0 0 1,375 63.6 875 1,500 1,500
Total Communication 14,056 14,056 15,556 15,556 73.4 11,417 15,600 15,600
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 2,115 4,513 3,900 3,900 36.6 1,428 3,900 3,900
4109 Merit Awards 0 0 0 500 0.0 0 0 0
4123 Safety Supplies 1,145 1,272 1,500 1,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 347 370 375 375 85.5 321 375 375
4155 Medical & Lab Supplies 3,942 2,844 5,200 5,200 0.0 0 0 0
4160 Office Supplies 151,289 125,622 175,000 174,500 35.6 62,111 184,901 175,000
4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 0 2,896 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 0 912 300 300 0.0 0 300 300
Total Supplies 158,838 138,429 186,275 186,275 34.3 63,860 190,976 181,075
4126 Fuel Oil for Heating 18,858 27,392 37,410 37,410 0.0 0 38,125 37,500
4210 Gas-Public Utilities 13,525 21,629 19,581 19,581 96.6 18,918 32,890 23,400

Page 664
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4220 Electric-Light & Power 100,340 99,900 108,305 108,305 71.5 77,455 129,800 113,305
4240 Water 11,795 11,189 11,620 11,620 42.6 4,950 11,690 11,480
Total Utilities 144,518 160,110 176,916 176,916 57.3 101,323 212,505 185,685
4430.498 Interdept Cont Veteran Services 0 0 577,418 577,418 0.0 0 611,668 611,668
4430.56 Interdept Cont CASA-OFA 1,858,348 1,786,438 1,886,333 1,886,333 0.0 0 2,057,327 2,057,327
4430.61 Interdept Cont Drug & Alcohol 301,904 303,517 331,530 331,530 0.0 0 332,722 332,722

• 2 Chemical dependency counselors, community mental health social worker, and a nurse practitioner consult.

4430.85 Interdept Cont Security Services 255,104 287,456 294,697 294,697 43.8 129,223 298,595 298,595
4430.86 Interdept Cont DA Services 194,390 224,009 159,597 159,597 52.8 84,274 169,145 169,145

• Fraud Investigation coordination project; Safe Harbour attorney $5,000.

Total Interdepartment Prgrm (Srvc by Dept for Client) 2,609,746 2,601,419 3,249,575 3,249,575 6.6 213,497 3,469,457 3,469,457
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 74,238 74,243 92,880 92,880 50.2 46,596 76,240 76,240
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 43,262 56,358 65,500 65,500 59.8 39,181 67,892 67,892
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 104,938 98,772 115,000 115,000 62.8 72,206 106,000 106,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 62,288 68,897 78,714 78,714 60.2 47,400 71,100 71,100
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 11,218 11,048 13,000 13,000 72.0 9,358 13,000 13,000
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 243,547 260,958 293,560 293,560 46.3 136,035 316,439 299,482
4628.81 Interdept Exp Records Retention 77,282 78,048 91,444 91,444 48.5 44,344 96,114 96,114

• Increase due to NY State court case holding all TA records.

4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 87,301 84,760 62,046 62,046 91.6 56,860 88,880 88,880
4628.83 Interdept Exp CA Charges 896,862 1,083,905 1,106,095 1,106,095 34.8 385,048 1,209,920 1,209,920
4628.84 Interdept Exp Maint-in-lieu 267,022 297,584 300,000 300,000 30.3 91,035 295,660 295,660

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 1,867,957 2,114,571 2,218,239 2,218,239 41.8 928,064 2,341,245 2,324,288

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 4,477,702 4,715,990 5,467,814 5,467,814 20.9 1,141,560 5,810,702 5,793,745
4320 Property Insurance 15,328 16,877 17,900 17,900 91.1 16,314 19,000 18,300
4330 Liability Insurance 143,477 134,160 174,500 174,500 77.2 134,659 190,700 179,700
Total Insurance 158,805 151,037 192,400 192,400 78.5 150,974 209,700 198,000
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 32,745 3,620 25,000 20,765 100.0 20,764 0 0
4401.106 Professional Services Program 22,399 12,933 134,500 134,500 6.9 9,253 184,000 184,000

• Sign language Interpreter $6,000, Communication Real-time Translation Service $11,000, MSW oversight $3,000, Child Support Record Scanning $90,000, Language line $9,000, and
SAFE Nurse $65,000.

Page 665
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4404 NYS Assessments and Fees 294,124 262,154 315,000 315,000 3.1 9,648 338,000 338,000
4425 Recreation Special Events 1,832 789 2,500 2,500 52.9 1,324 2,500 2,500

• Foster family picnic, Father's Day parade, adoption month activities.

4434 Steno Fees & Transcripts 2,049 975 2,100 10,100 57.4 5,797 4,800 4,800
4436 Medical & Social Svcs - Evaluatn 128,484 128,260 138,000 138,000 34.7 47,916 138,000 138,000

• Child abuse exams and consults by JFC consulting $75,000 and Westchester Inst. for Human Development $51,500; Paternity testing by DNA Diagnostics $11,500.

4437 Expert Witness 11,017 1,861 12,000 7,000 0.0 0 12,000 12,000
4438 Investigations 511 597 1,000 1,000 19.8 198 600 600
4439 Summons & Witness Fees 13,165 26,985 33,000 30,000 31.0 9,310 42,000 42,000
4460 Comm Printing 2,093 9,476 7,000 7,000 32.4 2,270 7,000 7,000
Total Contracted Services 508,418 447,650 670,100 665,865 16.0 106,480 728,900 728,900
4435 Court Fees 2,907 4,548 4,000 4,000 45.3 1,812 4,000 4,000
4454 Respite Care 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
Total Mandated Programs 2,907 4,548 4,500 4,500 40.3 1,812 4,500 4,500
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 46 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 200 736 800 800 59.3 474 800 800
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 23,153 28,734 37,780 65,015 76.0 49,404 47,089 47,089

• Client tracking software $20,460; Kiosk software $12,540; Client Account software $5,109; Paging system $3,500; RICOH print support $5,480.

4610.106 Advertising Program 8,965 10,150 7,500 7,500 31.2 2,342 7,500 7,500
4611 Refuse Removal 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 7,405 1,720 8,500 8,500 34.9 2,970 8,500 8,500
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 115,631 3,485 75,000 52,000 0.0 0 75,000 25,000
4615 Employee Physicals 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4632 Intercept Refunds 2,407 292 2,500 2,400 7.5 179 2,500 2,500
4650 External Postage 8,803 8,089 10,000 10,000 34.9 3,489 8,000 8,000
4654 Reimb of Exp-Non-Employee 0 0 0 100 58.9 59 0 0
4712 Bank Charges 674 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Operations 167,283 53,205 143,080 147,315 40.0 58,916 150,389 100,389
Total A.6010 - DCFS- Admin 35,162,995 36,058,662 38,680,190 39,199,133 57.8 22,644,616 42,249,715 41,989,824

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6010 DCFS- Admin

17210.01 Parking & Garages Parking Fees 2,860 2,220 2,160 2,160 80.6 1,740 2,160 2,160
18110.00 Medical Incentive Child Supp Coll Incent 342,336 343,402 210,000 210,000 51.7 108,513 243,000 243,000
18110.01 Medical Incentive Intercept Refund 9,249 11,347 9,500 9,500 80.3 7,625 9,400 9,400
18110.02 Medical Incentive Local Collection Incentives 61,656 3,745 3,000 3,000 151.2 4,536 3,000 3,000
18700 Repymnts - Srvcs for Recipients 8,866 9,550 9,500 9,500 87.1 8,273 9,500 9,500
18940.00 DCFS General 413 329 200 200 136.3 273 200 200
18940.01 DCFS Home Study Fees 3,500 6,000 3,500 3,500 28.6 1,000 3,500 3,500
18940.02 DCFS CSEU Fees 71,973 69,954 70,000 70,000 21.8 15,262 70,000 70,000
19890.03 Other Economic Assist & Opportunity DCFS Grants, other organization
0 0 100,000 100,000 55.1 55,134 110,768 110,768

• Redlich Horwitz Foundation grant.

Total Departmental Income 500,854 446,547 407,860 407,860 49.6 202,355 451,528 451,528
24010.00 Interest General 5,409 (5,994) 2,000 2,000 262.6 5,251 4,500 4,500
Total Use of Money and Property 5,409 (5,994) 2,000 2,000 262.6 5,251 4,500 4,500
26650 Sales of Equipment 2,750 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 8,173 9,495 4,500 4,500 231.6 10,423 5,500 5,500
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 10,209 14,413 11,000 11,000 78.9 8,678 11,000 11,000
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 21,131 23,908 15,500 15,500 123.2 19,101 16,500 16,500
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 364 0 0 0 0.0 253 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 96,296 2,421 0 0 0.0 655 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 96,660 2,421 0 0 0.0 908 0 0
33890.19 Other Pub Safety Raise the Age program 0 0 13,000 13,000 0.0 0 0 0
36100.04 DCFS Admin RF2A 3,878,739 4,080,204 3,590,000 3,831,000 53.2 2,037,015 3,991,200 3,992,114
36430.01 Food Assist Program Overage Adj 228,207 (959) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
36610.00 Family and Children Block Grant 2,564,208 2,559,974 2,521,528 2,521,528 59.8 1,508,039 2,566,101 2,566,101
Total State Aid 6,671,154 6,639,219 6,124,528 6,365,528 55.7 3,545,054 6,557,301 6,558,215
46100.02 DCFS Admin RF2A 6,868,947 6,922,628 6,880,000 7,175,000 61.7 4,425,394 7,087,300 7,209,993
46100.03 DCFS Admin RF4 28,149 20,343 30,000 30,000 37.3 11,190 20,000 20,000

• Reduction in vocational training expenses related to this funding stream result in decreased reimbursement.

46100.06 DCFS Admin Non-Res DV 59,413 71,457 50,700 50,700 0.0 0 61,802 61,802
46100.20 DCFS Admin Indirect Costs A87 728,406 1,001,785 931,405 931,405 101.6 946,691 1,027,000 1,027,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
46100.21 DCFS Admin FFFS Grant 6,752,447 6,910,976 6,910,976 6,910,976 51.8 3,582,536 6,910,976 6,910,976
46110.00 Food Stamp Administration 2,227,655 2,114,538 2,000,000 2,000,000 63.8 1,275,360 2,000,000 2,000,000
46110.01 Food Stamp Administration Adj (339,379) (339,379) (339,379) (339,379) 50.0 (169,687) (339,379) (339,379)
Total Federal Aid 16,325,638 16,702,348 16,463,702 16,758,702 60.1 10,071,484 16,767,699 16,890,392
Total A.6010 - DCFS- Admin 23,620,845 23,808,450 23,013,590 23,549,590 58.8 13,844,153 23,797,528 23,921,135

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6055 DCFS- Day Care

4451 Day Care 5,670,420 5,955,556 7,014,341 7,014,341 54.8 3,844,734 6,000,000 6,000,000

• In line with actuals- still at max benefit allowable, no waiting list.

Total Mandated Programs 5,670,420 5,955,556 7,014,341 7,014,341 54.8 3,844,734 6,000,000 6,000,000
Total A.6055 - DCFS- Day Care 5,670,420 5,955,556 7,014,341 7,014,341 54.8 3,844,734 6,000,000 6,000,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6055 DCFS- Day Care

18550 Repayments of Day Care 11,309 12,699 9,000 9,000 61.4 5,523 9,000 9,000
Total Departmental Income 11,309 12,699 9,000 9,000 61.4 5,523 9,000 9,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 984 3,554 0 0 0.0 2,610 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 984 3,554 0 0 0.0 2,610 0 0
36550.30 Day Care Day Care 75% 37,189 (208,003) 136,418 136,418 30.8 42,076 68,209 68,209
36550.40 Day Care Day Care 100% 5,799,315 6,453,926 5,593,145 5,593,145 54.7 3,057,909 4,638,013 4,638,013
36550.45 Day Care Child Care Support Grant 913,846 944,681 1,091,345 1,091,345 59.9 653,858 1,091,345 1,091,345
36550.60 Day Care Expansion of CCAP Grant 160,867 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total State Aid 6,911,217 7,190,604 6,820,908 6,820,908 55.0 3,753,843 5,797,567 5,797,567
Total A.6055 - DCFS- Day Care 6,923,510 7,206,857 6,829,908 6,829,908 55.1 3,761,976 5,806,567 5,806,567

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6070 DCFS- Services for Recipients

4430.58 Interdept Cont PINS & JD Prevention 1,647,121 1,544,969 1,684,937 1,684,937 0.0 0 2,030,796 2,030,796

Total Interdepartment Prgrm (Srvc by Dept for Client) 1,647,121 1,544,969 1,684,937 1,684,937 0.0 0 2,030,796 2,030,796

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 1,647,121 1,544,969 1,684,937 1,684,937 0.0 0 2,030,796 2,030,796
4400.4407 Contract Agencies Child Abuse Prevention 411,314 313,083 125,471 347,943 46.5 161,945 59,206 59,206

• CAC Coordination & Community Education; Parent Empowerment, RFP for Special Needs Parenting allocation moved to 4401.105.

4400.4413 Contract Agencies Child Dev Council 243,035 237,372 255,317 255,317 50.5 129,044 255,317 255,317
4400.4423 Contract Agencies Mental Health America of DC 0 63,532 65,438 65,438 34.3 22,470 67,401 67,401

• Homeless services extended hours for the Living Room.

4400.4425 Contract Agencies Hudson River Housing 784,694 792,481 851,150 931,150 35.3 328,865 863,866 863,866

• River Haven respite beds $417,305; homeless case management $281,139; EATS/housing navigator $155,422; Safe Harbour outreach $10,000.

4400.4444 Contract Agencies Mediation Ctr 29,561 35,000 36,050 36,050 39.8 14,365 36,800 37,132
4400.4447 Contract Agencies Astor Home 924,371 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4473 Contract Agencies Anderson Center For Autism 19,999 7,000 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4475 Contract Agencies Legal Services of Hudson Valley 0 74,998 75,000 75,000 50.0 37,500 77,250 77,250
4400.4482 Contract Agencies Grace Smith House 583,203 599,864 750,182 750,182 12.9 97,127 791,858 772,688
4400.4487 Contract Agencies Give Way to Freedom 0 12,671 12,500 12,500 70.6 8,822 12,500 12,500

• Part of Safe Harbor program.

4400.4488 Contract Agencies House of Faith Ministry 0 11,136 11,136 11,136 49.5 5,513 11,470 11,470
4400.4559 Contract Agencies Family Services 1,074,599 1,368,673 1,515,893 1,515,893 24.5 371,338 1,153,787 1,153,787

• Crime Victims $159,135; SART $123,600; Domestic Violence programs $871,052; RFP for RISC allocation moved to 4401.105.

4400.4621 Contract Agencies DC Comm Action 110,806 111,602 111,602 111,602 78.1 87,198 111,602 111,602

• Local Share of Community block grant.

4400.4655 Contract Agencies PEOPLE 0 19,000 19,000 19,000 0.0 0 19,570 19,570

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4400.4656 Contract Agencies Boys & Girls Club of Newburgh 0 180,000 50,000 150,000 77.4 116,083 84,500 84,500

• Summer and Teen Center Programs.

4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 0 0 195,000 12,528 0.0 0 557,000 557,000

• RISC $300,000, Parent Empowerment $155,000; Special Needs Parenting $80,000; Psychiatrist Evaluations $2,000; Code Blue security services $20,000.

4405 OMH HCBS Waiver Costs 50,000 45,000 53,000 53,000 0.0 0 60,000 60,000
Total Contracted Services 4,231,581 3,871,411 4,126,739 4,346,739 31.8 1,380,270 4,162,127 4,143,289
4455 Emergency Aid To Adults 44,484 40,587 60,000 120,000 86.2 103,416 130,000 130,000

• Increase due to Caseload and length of stay increases for mandated homeless placement.

Total Mandated Programs 44,484 40,587 60,000 120,000 86.2 103,416 130,000 130,000
Total A.6070 - DCFS- Services for Recipients 5,923,186 5,456,967 5,871,676 6,151,676 24.1 1,483,686 6,322,923 6,304,085

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6070 DCFS- Services for Recipients

18700 Repymnts - Srvcs for Recipients 836 3,077 1,000 1,000 304.1 3,041 2,000 2,000
Total Departmental Income 836 3,077 1,000 1,000 304.1 3,041 2,000 2,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 228 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 15,428 73,646 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 15,657 73,646 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
36190.08 Child Care COPS 715,208 859,723 576,698 576,698 46.3 267,108 816,676 816,676
36190.09 Child Care Safe Harbor 164,093 120,000 100,000 100,000 2.9 2,946 102,000 102,000
36230.03 Juvenile Delinquent STSJP 108,914 124,509 103,536 134,536 91.2 122,701 84,824 84,824
36700.00 Services for Recipients Aid for Services 618,942 768,738 495,000 495,000 0.0 0 495,000 495,000
36700.07 Services for Recipients Executive Order 151 19,471 58,288 45,700 45,700 113.4 51,845 124,570 246,680
Total State Aid 1,626,628 1,931,258 1,320,934 1,351,934 32.9 444,600 1,623,070 1,745,180
46700.01 Title XX General 794,797 1,291,654 1,016,006 1,016,006 112.1 1,139,301 852,272 852,272

• This portion of Title XX allocation reduced.

46700.04 Title XX All Other Services (804,001) 435,838 212,067 212,067 1,079.2 2,288,702 309,966 309,966
Total Federal Aid (9,204) 1,727,492 1,228,073 1,228,073 279.1 3,428,003 1,162,238 1,162,238
Total A.6070 - DCFS- Services for Recipients 1,633,916 3,735,473 2,550,007 2,581,007 150.2 3,875,644 2,787,308 2,909,418

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6100 DCFS- Medicaid Services

4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 28,592 13,919 200,000 200,000 5.3 10,535 200,000 200,000
Total Contracted Services 28,592 13,919 200,000 200,000 5.3 10,535 200,000 200,000
4458 Medicaid Services 41,321,812 41,285,244 41,339,688 41,339,688 77.8 32,168,342 41,327,545 41,327,545

• 53 Payments @ $779,765.

Total Mandated Programs 41,321,812 41,285,244 41,339,688 41,339,688 77.8 32,168,342 41,327,545 41,327,545
Total A.6100 - DCFS- Medicaid Services 41,350,404 41,299,163 41,539,688 41,539,688 77.5 32,178,877 41,527,545 41,527,545

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6100 DCFS- Medicaid Services

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 532,721 1,199,650 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 13,433 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 546,154 1,199,650 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
36010.05 Medical Assistance Medicaid Fraud Demo 15,818 7,189 100,000 100,000 4.0 4,039 100,000 100,000
Total State Aid 15,818 7,189 100,000 100,000 4.0 4,039 100,000 100,000
46010.05 Medical Assist. Medicaid Fraud Demo 15,722 7,166 100,000 100,000 4.0 4,014 100,000 100,000
Total Federal Aid 15,722 7,166 100,000 100,000 4.0 4,014 100,000 100,000
Total A.6100 - DCFS- Medicaid Services 577,694 1,214,005 200,000 200,000 4.0 8,053 200,000 200,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6101 DCFS- Medical Assistance

4400.4432 Contract Agencies Dutchess Outreach Inc 11,315 16,182 17,500 17,500 4.4 775 18,025 18,025

• Emergency prescription program.

4436 Medical & Social Svcs - Evaluatn 156,277 38,584 30,000 30,000 89.6 26,865 100,000 100,000

• Immediate payments to continue care.

Total Contracted Services 167,591 54,766 47,500 47,500 58.2 27,640 118,025 118,025
Total A.6101 - DCFS- Medical Assistance 167,591 54,766 47,500 47,500 58.2 27,640 118,025 118,025

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6101 DCFS- Medical Assistance

18010.00 Repymt of Med. Assist. Spec. Investig. Lien 812,582 98,839 60,000 60,000 133.3 79,981 165,000 165,000
18010.01 Repymt of Med. Assist. Client Buy in 126,671 100,429 130,000 130,000 50.0 64,956 100,000 100,000
Total Departmental Income 939,254 199,268 190,000 190,000 76.3 144,937 265,000 265,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 4,937 (2,460) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 3,117 21,149 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 8,054 18,689 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
36010.01 Medical Assistance Medicaid (819,532) (247,986) (300,000) (300,000) 55.5 (166,505) (380,000) (380,000)
36010.02 Medical Assistance Medicaid Buy In 152,486 100,429 130,000 130,000 45.1 58,644 100,000 100,000
Total State Aid (667,046) (147,557) (170,000) (170,000) 63.4 (107,861) (280,000) (280,000)
46010.01 Medical Assist. Medicaid (949,049) (92,531) (250,000) (250,000) 27.8 (69,404) (85,000) (85,000)
46010.04 Medical Assist. Medicaid Buy In 276,575 200,857 260,000 260,000 45.1 117,288 200,000 200,000
Total Federal Aid (672,474) 108,326 10,000 10,000 478.8 47,884 115,000 115,000
Total A.6101 - DCFS- Medical Assistance (392,212) 178,726 30,000 30,000 283.2 84,960 100,000 100,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.6106.75 - General Fund.DCFS Special Needs Adults/Family.Special Needs Program
DPTY COMSR SPCL NEEDS MH 1.00 102,305 1.00 MH 1.00 107,326 1.00 107,326
A.6106.75 - General Fund.DCFS Special Needs Adults/Family.Special Needs Program 1.00 102,305 1.00 1.00 107,326 1.00 107,326

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6106.75 DCFS Special Needs Adults/Family.Special Needs Program

1010 Positions 0 97,375 102,305 102,305 70.9 72,514 107,326 107,326

Total Salaries and Wages 0 97,375 102,305 102,305 70.9 72,514 107,326 107,326
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 71 7,397 7,827 7,827 71.1 5,563 8,212 8,212
8355 Long-Term Disability 0 560 560 589 74.9 441 589 589
8450 Optical Insurance 0 216 221 221 74.9 166 230 230
8500 Dental Insurance 0 1,452 1,483 1,439 75.0 1,079 1,498 1,498
8800 Life Ins 0 206 206 217 74.8 162 217 217
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 0 41 42 44 73.8 32 44 44

Total Employee Benefits 71 9,873 10,339 10,337 72.0 7,443 10,790 10,790
8100 Pymts to Retire System 0 5,700 13,539 13,539 14.0 1,900 13,539 16,026

Total Benefits 0 5,700 13,539 13,539 14.0 1,900 13,539 16,026

Total Personal Services 71 112,948 126,183 126,181 64.9 81,858 131,655 134,142
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 975 1,000 1,000 10.0 100 1,000 1,000
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 586 800 800 0.0 0 800 800
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 1,561 1,800 1,800 5.6 100 1,800 1,800
4118 Field Supplies 0 0 2,000 1,200 0.0 0 2,000 2,000
4160 Office Supplies 0 0 0 1,200 36.0 432 500 500
Total Supplies 0 0 2,000 2,400 18.0 432 2,500 2,500
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 0 0 0 1,100 65.4 719 1,100 1,100
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 0 0 3,000 75.0 2,250 2,200 2,200

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 0 0 0 4,100 72.4 2,969 3,300 3,300

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 0 0 0 4,100 72.4 2,969 3,300 3,300
4400.4427 Contract Agencies Poughkeepsie Public Library Dist 0 7,883 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4473 Contract Agencies Anderson Center For Autism 0 12,500 25,000 25,000 50.0 12,500 0 0

• Allocation budgeted in 4401.106.

4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 17,084 190,000 166,950 15.3 25,596 132,000 132,000

• Includes outreach, supportive environment training, first responder training, transportation program, child care center training, and special education advocate.

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4425 Recreation Special Events 0 0 0 2,000 44.3 886 12,000 12,000

• Think DIFFERENTLY conference, 100 cups of coffee outreach, and Think DIFFERENTLY Dash.

4431 Educational Programs 0 1,370 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Contracted Services 0 38,837 215,000 193,950 20.1 38,982 144,000 144,000
4610.106 Advertising Program 0 1,865 0 16,350 46.8 7,650 5,350 5,350
4650 External Postage 0 0 0 200 12.0 24 150 150
4653 Public Info and Services 0 155 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Operations 0 2,020 0 16,550 46.4 7,674 5,500 5,500
Total A.6106.75 - DCFS Special Needs 71 155,365 344,983 344,981 38.3 132,015 288,755 291,242
Adults/Family.Special Needs Program

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6106.76 DCFS Special Needs Adults/Family.Special Needs Reserve

4425 Recreation Special Events 0 3,441 7,500 7,500 35.6 2,671 7,500 7,500
Total Contracted Services 0 3,441 7,500 7,500 35.6 2,671 7,500 7,500
Total A.6106.76 - DCFS Special Needs Adults/Family.Special Needs 0 3,441 7,500 7,500 35.6 2,671 7,500 7,500

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6106.76 DCFS Special Needs Adults/Family.Special Needs Reserve

27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 0 7,350 7,500 7,500 63.0 4,725 7,500 7,500
Total Misc. Local Sources 0 7,350 7,500 7,500 63.0 4,725 7,500 7,500
Total A.6106.76 - DCFS Special Needs 0 7,350 7,500 7,500 63.0 4,725 7,500 7,500
Adults/Family.Special Needs Reserve

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6109 DCFS- Family Assistance

8300 Workers Comp Payments 10,197 11,167 11,167 11,167 100.0 11,167 11,089 11,089

Total Benefits 10,197 11,167 11,167 11,167 100.0 11,167 11,089 11,089

Total Personal Services 10,197 11,167 11,167 11,167 100.0 11,167 11,089 11,089
4400.4440 Contract Agencies Dut Co Regional Chmb of Commerce
357,274 272,018 297,862 297,862 51.6 153,807 305,675 305,675
4400.4456 Contract Agencies WIB 377,063 431,718 460,000 460,000 80.6 370,759 494,345 494,345

• Summer Youth Employment Program and youth computer training.

4400.4476 Contract Agencies Exodus Transitional Community 25,000 74,396 100,000 139,050 60.0 83,468 120,000 121,172

• Employment training program.

4400.4615 Contract Agencies BOCES 441,709 413,724 549,734 549,734 39.4 216,664 632,234 602,234

• Vocational education $272,234, Employment transportation program $330,000. Recommended includes additional cars for Veterans.

4457 Transportation 70,000 0 50,000 30,000 0.0 0 30,000 20,000

Total Contracted Services 1,271,045 1,191,857 1,457,596 1,476,646 55.8 824,698 1,582,254 1,543,426
4461 Family Assistance 5,705,219 5,682,824 5,800,000 5,680,000 77.1 4,378,378 6,200,000 6,200,000
Total Mandated Programs 5,705,219 5,682,824 5,800,000 5,680,000 77.1 4,378,378 6,200,000 6,200,000
Total A.6109 - DCFS- Family Assistance 6,986,461 6,885,848 7,268,763 7,167,813 72.7 5,214,242 7,793,343 7,754,515

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6109 DCFS- Family Assistance

18090.00 Repymt of Fam. Assist. Dep Child 691,190 679,305 750,000 750,000 59.1 442,928 700,000 700,000
18090.01 Repymt of Fam. Assist. Disregard Pymt 144,402 131,172 150,000 150,000 56.9 85,330 130,000 130,000
Total Departmental Income 835,592 810,476 900,000 900,000 58.7 528,258 830,000 830,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 7,232 22,079 0 0 0.0 4,845 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 86,500 1,064 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 93,732 23,143 0 0 0.0 4,845 0 0
36090.01 Family Assist Dependent Children 7,529 25,196 6,000 6,000 32.1 1,925 6,000 6,000
Total State Aid 7,529 25,196 6,000 6,000 32.1 1,925 6,000 6,000
46090.01 Dep Child General 5,619,726 5,593,796 5,634,000 5,634,000 57.0 3,211,295 5,901,000 5,901,000
46090.02 Dep Child Emerg Aid to Families 70,604 124,777 50,000 50,000 352.2 176,109 175,000 175,000
46890.03 Other DCFS Summer Youth Employment Program 377,063 431,718 431,718 431,718 27.3 118,074 472,295 472,295
46890.05 Other DCFS Solutions to Trans 20,625 15,298 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
46890.10 Other DCFS FS Employ & TRNG 100% 189,826 95,047 90,000 90,000 23.5 (21,184) 80,000 80,000
46890.20 Other DCFS FS Employ & TRNG 50% 84,031 154,746 75,000 75,000 180.9 135,690 80,000 80,000
Total Federal Aid 6,361,875 6,415,382 6,280,718 6,280,718 57.6 3,619,984 6,708,295 6,708,295
Total A.6109 - DCFS- Family Assistance 7,298,727 7,274,198 7,186,718 7,186,718 57.8 4,155,012 7,544,295 7,544,295

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6119 DCFS- Foster Care

4400.4423 Contract Agencies Mental Health America of DC 54,046 25,924 27,262 27,262 49.6 13,522 48,125 47,580

• Court Appointed Special Advocates $28,080; Coached Family Visitations $19,500 to increase family visitation frequency.

4400.4430 Contract Agencies Abbott House 0 159,186 1,008,236 1,008,236 0.0 0 623,707 571,502

• Decrease due to services moved to Astor.

4400.4436 Contract Agencies Lexington Ctr 46,957 212,906 259,206 259,206 41.2 106,711 266,982 266,982

• Drug and Alcohol screenings for CPS/Child Welfare.

4400.4445 Contract Agencies Berkshire Farm Ctr & Svc for Yth 641,198 1,108,087 1,141,329 1,141,329 17.1 194,782 1,145,834 1,145,834

• Children's preventive services.

4400.4447 Contract Agencies Astor Home 0 777,582 174,761 174,761 69.9 122,151 844,846 700,985

• Intensive Home Based Services $521,427; Enhanced Coordinated Children's Services Initiative $169,284; Collaborative Solutions Team $10,274.

4400.4469 Contract Agencies Westchester Medical Ctr - MH Reg 0 12,269 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 19,500 19,500

• Fostering Connections youth mentoring program.

Total Contracted Services 742,201 2,295,954 2,610,794 2,610,794 16.7 437,166 2,948,994 2,752,383
4449 CSE-Placements Room & Bd 8,732,684 8,095,827 8,500,000 8,500,000 66.7 5,671,195 9,000,000 9,000,000
4462 Foster Care 7,732,696 8,044,065 8,000,000 8,000,000 66.2 5,292,843 8,085,000 8,085,000
4471 Institutional Care-Placement 18,250,885 19,524,983 18,900,000 18,900,000 59.1 11,173,348 19,380,000 18,900,000
Total Mandated Programs 34,716,265 35,664,875 35,400,000 35,400,000 62.5 22,137,386 36,465,000 35,985,000
4610.106 Advertising Program 2,008 6,159 10,000 10,000 15.0 1,500 10,000 10,000
Total Operations 2,008 6,159 10,000 10,000 15.0 1,500 10,000 10,000
Total A.6119 - DCFS- Foster Care 35,460,474 37,966,988 38,020,794 38,020,794 59.4 22,576,052 39,423,994 38,747,383

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6119 DCFS- Foster Care

18190 Repymt of Child Care 364,641 659,563 420,000 420,000 106.6 447,692 420,000 420,000
18500.01 Repymt of Pub Fac - Child Tuition 3,860,469 3,044,833 3,266,040 3,266,040 98.9 3,229,263 3,611,856 3,457,890
Total Departmental Income 4,225,110 3,704,396 3,686,040 3,686,040 99.8 3,676,955 4,031,856 3,877,890
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 8,857 39,680 0 0 0.0 4,124 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 0 11,525 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 8,857 51,205 0 0 0.0 4,124 0 0
36190.03 Child Care Special School 75,091 84,918 70,000 70,000 11.1 7,782 5,000 5,000

• Reduction in dormitory project expenses at voluntary agencies where foster children are placed results in a corresponding reduction in reimbursement of those expenses.

36190.05 Child Care Child Advocacy 255,317 255,320 255,317 255,317 75.0 191,486 255,317 255,317
36190.06 Child Care Child Abuse Prevention 5,963,716 6,394,594 5,051,000 5,075,800 0.0 0 5,668,350 5,578,400
36190.07 Child Care Foster Care 3,801,993 3,718,822 3,524,540 3,524,540 73.3 2,584,256 3,731,856 3,575,410
36610.00 Family and Children Block Grant 5,128,418 5,119,954 5,043,055 5,043,055 59.8 3,016,066 5,132,201 5,132,201
Total State Aid 15,224,535 15,573,608 13,943,912 13,968,712 41.5 5,799,590 14,792,724 14,546,328
46100.95 DCFS Admin ARRA 4,325 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
46190.07 Child Care Foster Care 6,255,959 6,174,310 5,605,000 5,605,000 61.5 3,445,770 5,200,000 5,034,500

• Reductions to Title IV-E related portion of this revenue hurt overall reimbursement here.

46610 Title IV-B Funds 494,861 256,350 200,000 200,000 0.0 0 200,000 200,000
46700.02 Title XX Under 200% 1,121,519 1,821,376 1,784,461 1,784,461 95.3 1,701,200 1,784,461 1,784,461
Total Federal Aid 7,876,664 8,252,036 7,589,461 7,589,461 67.8 5,146,970 7,184,461 7,018,961
Total A.6119 - DCFS- Foster Care 27,335,166 27,581,246 25,219,413 25,244,213 57.9 14,627,639 26,009,041 25,443,179

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6123 DCFS- Juvenile Delinquent Care

18230 Repymt of Juv Delinq. Care 47,769 46,818 1,000 1,000 13.5 135 1,000 1,000
Total Departmental Income 47,769 46,818 1,000 1,000 13.5 135 1,000 1,000
Total A.6123 - DCFS- Juvenile Delinquent Care 47,769 46,818 1,000 1,000 13.5 135 1,000 1,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6129 DCFS- State Training School

4465 State Training School 950,000 1,600,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 0.0 0 2,090,000 2,090,000
Total Mandated Programs 950,000 1,600,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 0.0 0 2,090,000 2,090,000
Total A.6129 - DCFS- State Training School 950,000 1,600,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 0.0 0 2,090,000 2,090,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6140 DCFS- Safety Net

4466 Safety Net 5,337,900 5,333,803 5,600,000 5,600,000 83.3 4,663,915 6,500,000 6,500,000
Total Mandated Programs 5,337,900 5,333,803 5,600,000 5,600,000 83.3 4,663,915 6,500,000 6,500,000
Total A.6140 - DCFS- Safety Net 5,337,900 5,333,803 5,600,000 5,600,000 83.3 4,663,915 6,500,000 6,500,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6140 DCFS- Safety Net

18400.00 Child Support Disrgd CAMS & SIU 331,584 356,761 330,000 330,000 151.1 498,566 350,000 350,000
18400.01 Child Support Disrgd C S D 30,229 26,979 25,000 25,000 74.6 18,656 25,000 25,000
Total Departmental Income 361,813 383,740 355,000 355,000 145.7 517,222 375,000 375,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 8,717 7,872 2,500 2,500 284.2 7,105 2,500 2,500
Total Misc. Local Sources 8,717 7,872 2,500 2,500 284.2 7,105 2,500 2,500
36400 Safety Net 1,397,783 1,402,891 1,624,000 1,624,000 51.1 829,357 1,892,000 1,747,000
Total State Aid 1,397,783 1,402,891 1,624,000 1,624,000 51.1 829,357 1,892,000 1,747,000
46400 Safety Net 29,236 125,788 10,000 10,000 1,282.9 128,287 100,000 100,000
Total Federal Aid 29,236 125,788 10,000 10,000 1,282.9 128,287 100,000 100,000
Total A.6140 - DCFS- Safety Net 1,797,549 1,920,291 1,991,500 1,991,500 74.4 1,481,971 2,369,500 2,224,500

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6141 DCFS- HEAP

4430.56 Interdept Cont CASA-OFA 93,350 99,373 121,108 121,108 0.0 0 129,501 129,501

Total Interdepartment Prgrm (Srvc by Dept for Client) 93,350 99,373 121,108 121,108 0.0 0 129,501 129,501

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 93,350 99,373 121,108 121,108 0.0 0 129,501 129,501
4400.4621 Contract Agencies DC Comm Action 309,584 399,542 395,613 395,613 66.5 262,916 401,213 401,213
Total Contracted Services 309,584 399,542 395,613 395,613 66.5 262,916 401,213 401,213
4467 HEAP 171,489 158,796 225,000 225,000 14.5 32,555 225,000 225,000
4467.XX HEAP Financial Statement Adjustment 3,361,613 3,719,105 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Mandated Programs 3,533,102 3,877,900 225,000 225,000 14.5 32,555 225,000 225,000
Total A.6141 - DCFS- HEAP 3,936,036 4,376,815 741,721 741,721 39.8 295,472 755,714 755,714

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6141 DCFS- HEAP

18410 Repymt of HEAP 147,327 193,332 25,000 25,000 400.1 100,022 25,000 25,000
Total Departmental Income 147,327 193,332 25,000 25,000 400.1 100,022 25,000 25,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 27,992 25,508 0 0 0.0 24,598 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 27,992 25,508 0 0 0.0 24,598 0 0
46410 Home Energy Assistance 415,849 331,475 716,721 716,721 116.2 832,925 735,061 735,061
46410.XX Home Energy Assistance Financial Statement Adjustment
3,361,613 3,719,105 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Federal Aid 3,777,462 4,050,580 716,721 716,721 116.2 832,925 735,061 735,061
Total A.6141 - DCFS- HEAP 3,952,781 4,269,420 741,721 741,721 129.1 957,545 760,061 760,061

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6142 DCFS- Emergency Aid- Adults

4468 SSI Emergency Aid 58,066 49,194 80,000 80,000 64.0 51,169 80,000 80,000
Total Mandated Programs 58,066 49,194 80,000 80,000 64.0 51,169 80,000 80,000
Total A.6142 - DCFS- Emergency Aid- Adults 58,066 49,194 80,000 80,000 64.0 51,169 80,000 80,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.6142 DCFS- Emergency Aid- Adults

18420 Repymt of Emrgncy Care-Adult 5,543 19,853 2,500 2,500 387.1 9,676 8,000 8,000
Total Departmental Income 5,543 19,853 2,500 2,500 387.1 9,676 8,000 8,000
36420 Emergency Aid for Adults 29,862 28,817 40,000 40,000 36.7 14,675 36,000 36,000
Total State Aid 29,862 28,817 40,000 40,000 36.7 14,675 36,000 36,000
Total A.6142 - DCFS- Emergency Aid- Adults 35,405 48,670 42,500 42,500 57.3 24,351 44,000 44,000

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.7310.01 - DCFS- Youth Admin
DIR YOUTH SVCS 17 1.00 87,742 1.00 17 1.00 95,091 1.00 95,091
PROG AST 08 1.00 34,523 1.00 08 1.00 38,546 1.00 38,546
A.7310.01 - DCFS- Youth Admin 2.00 122,265 2.00 2.00 133,637 2.00 133,637

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7310.01 DCFS- Youth Admin

1010 Positions 124,535 103,548 122,265 128,043 71.0 90,952 133,637 133,637
1040 ST Overtime 1,448 3,745 2,000 2,900 67.3 1,951 2,000 2,000
1050 Overtime 0 194 0 100 22.5 22 0 0
1070 Shift Differential 38 99 100 100 42.6 43 100 100
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 150 150 0.0 0 150 150

Total Salaries and Wages 126,021 107,585 124,515 131,293 70.8 92,968 135,887 135,887
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 9,144 8,025 9,355 9,798 71.5 7,006 10,224 10,224
8355 Long-Term Disability 107 74 54 158 66.7 105 216 216
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 27,151 14,895 24,972 10,833 76.1 8,244 11,755 11,755
8450 Optical Insurance 442 304 445 442 74.9 331 460 460
8500 Dental Insurance 2,696 2,041 2,838 2,877 75.0 2,157 2,996 2,996
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 67 45.5 30 140 140

Total Employee Benefits 39,540 25,338 37,664 24,175 73.9 17,874 25,791 25,791
8100 Pymts to Retire System 15,264 17,135 18,867 18,867 24.3 4,586 19,380 21,054

Total Benefits 15,264 17,135 18,867 18,867 24.3 4,586 19,380 21,054

Total Personal Services 180,824 150,058 181,046 174,335 66.2 115,429 181,058 182,732
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 0 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 242 35 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 134 30 150 150 32.9 49 150 150
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 200 0 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 957 625 987 987 63.3 625 987 987
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 1,532 690 1,837 1,837 36.7 674 1,837 1,837
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 115 500 500 9.3 47 500 500
4160 Office Supplies 775 0 750 750 46.9 352 850 850
Total Supplies 775 115 1,250 1,250 31.9 399 1,350 1,350
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 2,088 2,088 1,188 1,188 66.7 792 1,188 1,188
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 94 39 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 0 0 600 600 0.0 0 500 500
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 0 1,955 1,236 1,236 140.6 1,738 2,607 2,607
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 0 300 300 0.0 0 300 300
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 0 0 0 0 0.0 130 0 0
4628.81 Interdept Exp Records Retention 570 570 670 670 17.4 117 234 234
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 6,312 2,040 3,888 2,888 0.0 0 2,640 2,640

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 9,063 6,692 7,882 6,882 40.3 2,776 7,469 7,469

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 9,063 6,692 7,882 6,882 40.3 2,776 7,469 7,469
4401.106 Professional Services Program 0 0 22,000 22,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000

• Youth forum; Youth Council events; RHYA coordinator training.

Total Contracted Services 0 0 22,000 22,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000

4610.106 Advertising Program 1,110 1,285 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4610.71 Advertising Legal 0 0 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
4650 External Postage 220 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Operations 1,330 1,285 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
Total A.7310.01 - DCFS- Youth Admin 193,524 158,841 214,165 206,454 57.8 119,278 193,864 195,538

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7310.01 DCFS- Youth Admin

27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 0 6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 0 6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
36190.08 Child Care COPS 0 36,710 71,015 71,015 0.0 0 91,122 91,122
36700.02 Services for Recipients RF2 54,535 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
38200 Youth Programs 60,825 86,935 85,796 85,796 0.0 0 85,814 85,814
Total State Aid 115,360 123,645 156,811 156,811 0.0 0 176,936 176,936
Total A.7310.01 - DCFS- Youth Admin 115,360 123,651 156,811 156,811 0.0 0 176,936 176,936

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.7310.55 - DCFS- Youth Services Unit
CASE MGR I 12 1.00 45,125 1.00 12 1.00 49,565 1.00 49,565
SR YOUTH WORKER 14 1.00 52,430 1.00 14 1.00 58,264 1.00 58,264
YOUTH WORKER 12 1.00 57,859 1.00 12 1.00 62,061 1.00 62,061
A.7310.55 - DCFS- Youth Services Unit 3.00 155,414 3.00 3.00 169,890 3.00 169,890

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7310.55 DCFS- Youth Services Unit

1010 Positions 112,659 129,179 155,414 162,590 71.1 115,639 169,890 169,890
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 0 200 200 0.0 0 200 200

Total Salaries and Wages 112,659 129,179 155,614 162,790 71.0 115,639 170,090 170,090
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 8,080 9,003 11,892 12,441 63.9 7,949 12,999 12,999
8355 Long-Term Disability 103 125 108 236 67.0 158 324 324
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 36,928 49,995 62,435 69,487 75.0 52,115 78,897 78,897
8450 Optical Insurance 405 488 666 663 74.9 497 690 690
8500 Dental Insurance 2,471 3,336 4,321 4,315 75.0 3,236 4,494 4,494
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 104 46.0 48 217 217

Total Employee Benefits 47,987 62,945 79,422 87,246 73.4 64,003 97,621 97,621
8100 Pymts to Retire System 28,552 18,926 17,747 17,747 22.5 3,997 18,003 21,989

Total Benefits 28,552 18,926 17,747 17,747 22.5 3,997 18,003 21,989

Total Personal Services 189,198 211,050 252,783 267,783 68.6 183,639 285,714 289,700
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 0 400 400 0.0 0 200 200
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 0 500 500 0.0 0 500 500
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 0 250 250 0.0 0 250 250
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 750 750 0.0 0 750 750
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 0 0 1,900 1,900 0.0 0 1,700 1,700
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 100 100
4160 Office Supplies 0 0 1,350 1,350 0.0 0 1,500 1,500
Total Supplies 0 0 1,350 1,350 0.0 0 1,600 1,600
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 0 0 25 25 0.0 0 25 25
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100
4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 5,151 5,093 5,160 5,160 49.7 2,565 5,152 5,120
4628.84 Interdept Exp Maint-in-lieu 3,264 3,200 3,264 3,264 50.0 1,632 3,264 3,264

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 8,415 8,293 8,549 8,549 49.1 4,197 8,541 8,509

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 8,415 8,293 8,549 8,549 49.1 4,197 8,541 8,509
Total A.7310.55 - DCFS- Youth Services Unit 197,613 219,343 264,582 279,582 67.2 187,836 297,555 301,509

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2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7310.55 DCFS- Youth Services Unit

36190.08 Child Care COPS 0 112,517 168,382 168,382 0.0 0 194,810 167,021
36700.02 Services for Recipients RF2 157,758 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total State Aid 157,758 112,517 168,382 168,382 0.0 0 194,810 167,021
Total A.7310.55 - DCFS- Youth Services Unit 157,758 112,517 168,382 168,382 0.0 0 194,810 167,021

Page 701
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7310.56 Youth Services Division.Youth Development Program

4400.4407 Contract Agencies Child Abuse Prevention 7,500 0 0 10,000 100.0 10,000 0 0
4400.4420 Contract Agencies Taconic Resources For Independ 19,370 20,000 0 18,000 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4423 Contract Agencies Mental Health America of DC 10,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4425 Contract Agencies Hudson River Housing 20,000 20,000 0 16,000 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4443 Contract Agencies Council on Addiction Prevention 10,000 10,500 0 10,000 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4444 Contract Agencies Mediation Ctr 7,305 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4459 Contract Agencies Mill Street Loft 12,000 15,000 0 18,000 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4461 Contract Agencies Coop Ext 20,000 19,793 0 18,000 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4467 Contract Agencies Children's Media Project 21,050 20,000 0 18,000 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4474 Contract Agencies Neighborhood Economic & Cultural 5,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4478 Contract Agencies DCC Foundation - DCC Cares 0 0 0 15,000 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4482 Contract Agencies Grace Smith House 14,107 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4489 Contract Agencies Beekman Library 0 5,000 0 5,000 50.0 2,500 0 0
4400.4491 Contract Agencies REAL Skills Network Inc 0 5,000 0 5,000 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4492 Contract Agencies Chamber Foundation Inc 0 19,336 0 14,000 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4493 Contract Agencies Red Hook Comm Center -Teen Group 0 0 0 5,000 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4559 Contract Agencies Family Services 22,500 20,000 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4400.4658 Contract Agencies North East Comm Ctr 21,358 9,233 0 9,500 0.0 0 0 0
4412 Grant Project Costs 0 0 220,000 34,500 7.2 2,500 200,000 200,000
4442.0200 Municipalities C/O Beacon 3,787 0 0 4,000 0.0 0 0 0
4442.2200 Municipalities T/O Beekman 7,422 8,500 0 8,000 0.0 0 0 0
4442.2800 Municipalities T/O East Fishkill 5,224 7,000 0 7,000 0.0 0 0 0
4442.3200 Municipalities T/O Hyde Park 5,311 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4442.4400 Municipalities T/O Pleasant Valley 2,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4442.4889 Municipalities T/O Red Hook 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 100.0 5,000 0 0
Total Contracted Services 218,933 184,361 220,000 220,000 9.1 20,000 200,000 200,000
Total A.7310.56 - Youth Services Division.Youth 218,933 184,361 220,000 220,000 9.1 20,000 200,000 200,000
Development Program

Page 702
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7310.56 Youth Services Division.Youth Development Program

38200 Youth Programs 213,983 184,361 220,000 220,000 0.0 0 200,000 200,000
Total State Aid 213,983 184,361 220,000 220,000 0.0 0 200,000 200,000
Total A.7310.56 - Youth Services Division.Youth 213,983 184,361 220,000 220,000 0.0 0 200,000 200,000
Development Program

Page 703
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7310.59 DCFS- Youth Runaway & Homeless

4400.4425 Contract Agencies Hudson River Housing 139,103 137,835 137,835 137,835 0.0 0 136,008 136,008
Total Contracted Services 139,103 137,835 137,835 137,835 0.0 0 136,008 136,008
Total A.7310.59 - DCFS- Youth Runaway & Homeless 139,103 137,835 137,835 137,835 0.0 0 136,008 136,008

Page 704
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Department of Community & Family Services
Sub Area: Economic Assistance & Opportunity October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7310.59 DCFS- Youth Runaway & Homeless

38200 Youth Programs 104,327 103,376 103,376 103,376 0.0 0 102,006 102,006
Total State Aid 104,327 103,376 103,376 103,376 0.0 0 102,006 102,006
Total A.7310.59 - DCFS- Youth Runaway & Homeless 104,327 103,376 103,376 103,376 0.0 0 102,006 102,006

Total Department of Community & Family Services Approp 141,752,777 145,896,947 147,303,738 148,009,018 63.1 93,442,202 153,984,941 152,998,888

Total Department of Community & Family Services Revenue 73,422,579 77,815,408 68,462,426 69,054,226 62.0 42,826,164 70,100,552 69,607,618

Total Economic Assistance & Opportunity Approp 147,419,154 151,924,536 153,955,138 154,918,011 63.1 97,786,292 161,368,594 160,187,696
Total Economic Assistance & Opportunity Revenue 78,641,683 82,991,306 73,793,237 74,420,037 59.0 43,924,628 75,599,644 75,106,710
Net to County Cost 68,777,471 68,933,230 80,161,901 80,497,974 66.9 53,861,664 85,768,950 85,080,986

Page 705
Culture & Recreation

Table of Contents
History .................................................................................. 706

Public Works Parks ............................................................... 715

Percentage of the County Budget


To research and preserve Dutchess County History, and to

promote better understanding of its significance for residents
and visitors to the County.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 706
The Dutchess County Historian’s primary responsibility is to research and preserve County history and to promote the public’s understanding of
the County’s past and how it impacts us today. Responsibilities include conducting research and designing exhibits, developing and conducting
records management projects to preserve and increase access to the County archives, and collaborating with Dutchess Tourism, Inc. and historical
associations throughout the County to support educational outreach and heritage tourism initiatives.

History (A.7510)
The Historian provides leadership for municipal historians within Dutchess and serves as a resource for the general public on County history and
programming initiatives. Other responsibilities of the County Historian include writing grant proposals and acting as a liaison with state and
federal partners in the cultural sector. The Historian is appointed by the County Executive subject to confirmation by the County Legislature. The
Department of History comes under the purview of the County Clerk’s Office.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• The ongoing Ancient Documents Project is largely dependent on grant funding for the imaging portion of the work. Loss of New York State
Archives Grant funding would present serious challenges for continuing imaging and expanding the online document access portal for

2019 Initiatives:
• Complete Phase 6 of the Ancient Documents Project, which • Increase outreach programming based on the Ancient
includes indexing and imaging 15,000 pages of unprocessed Documents Project, from the lecture series “Tales from the
documents. Ancient Documents” to in person and web-based training
workshops for utilizing the search portal, social media posts
• Expand the coverage of the Ancient Documents search Portal spotlighting significant documents and stories, and a document-
through performing final quality assessment on images and based exercise for school students.
metadata from previous phases of the Ancient Document
Project. • Plan and manage the 4th Series of the Dutchess County Historic
Tavern Trail.
• Coordinate the Dutchess County History Community and
encourage collaborative programming through quarterly • Develop a new county government history panel.
meetings and other support services.

Page 707
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
History - To research, preserve, and promote Dutchess County History as well as its significance to residents and visitors of the County.

Public Programming 32 30 30 - 0.0%

Ancient Document Preservation 25,000 15,000 15,000 - 0.0%

Page 708
Fiscal Summary

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 68,744 76,780 77,033 79,988 2,955 3.8%
Employee Benefits 22,376 23,959 23,624 25,585 1,961 8.3% 98%
Personal Services 91,120 100,739 100,657 105,573 4,916 4.9% Personal
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 1,025 1,900 1,900 1,880 (20) -1.1%
Supplies 337 400 400 400 - 0.0%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 198 382 382 382 - 0.0%
Contracted Services - - - - - 0.0%
Total Appropriations $92,680 $103,421 $103,339 $108,235 $4,896 4.7%


Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Misc Local Sources 35 - - - - 0.0%

Total Revenues $35 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0%

Net to County Cost $92,645 $103,421 $103,339 $108,235 $4,896 4.7%

Page 709
Department of History

County Clerk

County Executive County Historian

Documents and
Outreach and

Page 710
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.7510 - General Fund.History
HISTORIAN MC 1.00 66,780 1.00 MC 1.00 69,988 1.00 69,988
A.7510 - General Fund.History 1.00 66,780 1.00 1.00 69,988 1.00 69,988

Page 711
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7510 History

1010 Positions 65,367 68,744 66,780 67,033 76.5 51,292 69,988 69,988
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 10,000 10,000 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

Total Salaries and Wages 65,367 68,744 76,780 77,033 66.6 51,292 79,988 79,988
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 4,858 5,098 5,110 5,130 74.0 3,799 5,355 5,355
8355 Long-Term Disability 296 366 366 384 75.0 288 384 384
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 8,604 9,506 10,742 10,385 75.0 7,788 11,791 11,791
8450 Optical Insurance 221 221 221 221 74.9 166 230 230
8500 Dental Insurance 1,348 1,482 1,483 1,439 75.0 1,079 1,498 1,498
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 20 44.7 9 0 0
8800 Life Ins 242 134 135 141 74.9 106 141 141
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 22 27 27 29 72.9 21 29 29

Total Employee Benefits 15,590 16,834 18,084 17,749 74.7 13,254 19,428 19,428
8100 Pymts to Retire System 5,431 5,542 5,875 5,875 23.9 1,403 5,737 6,157

Total Benefits 5,431 5,542 5,875 5,875 23.9 1,403 5,737 6,157

Total Personal Services 86,388 91,120 100,739 100,657 65.5 65,949 105,153 105,573
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 127 142 100 100 58.9 59 100 100
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 390 403 1,000 1,000 16.6 166 1,045 1,045

• Conference expenses including lodging and activities.

4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 0 70 250 250 7.5 19 250 250
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 190 265 300 300 66.7 200 300 300

• Association of Public Historians NYS Conference $80; Researching NY $80; Greater Hudson Heritage Network $70; New York Archives Conference $70.

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 50 60 70 70 71.4 50 80 80

4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 100 85 180 180 50.0 90 105 105

• Association of Public Historians of NYS $50; Greater Hudson Heritage Network $40; New York Archives $15.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 857 1,025 1,900 1,900 30.7 584 1,880 1,880
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 27 44 50 25 0.0 0 50 50
4160 Office Supplies 129 293 350 375 93.4 350 350 350
Total Supplies 155 337 400 400 87.6 350 400 400

Page 712
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 120 120 132 132 66.7 88 132 132
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 12 3 50 50 0.9 0 50 50
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 116 75 200 200 15.0 30 200 200

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 248 198 382 382 31.0 118 382 382

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 248 198 382 382 31.0 118 382 382
Total A.7510 - History 87,648 92,680 103,421 103,339 64.8 67,002 107,815 108,235

Page 713
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
County Clerk
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7510 History

27050.00 Gifts and Donations General 0 35 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 0 35 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.7510 - History 0 35 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total County Clerk Approp 87,648 92,680 103,421 103,339 64.8 67,002 107,815 108,235

Total County Clerk Revenue 0 35 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 714
Public Works Parks

To enhance the quality of life for county residents by providing

opportunities for active and passive recreation in the natural
scenic beauty of our facilities.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 715
Public Works Parks
DPW Parks provides recreational opportunities throughout the County for residents through various park facilities.

DPW - Parks (A.7110)

The Parks Division, within the Department of Public Works, enhances the quality of life for County residents by operating six active facilities:

• Bowdoin Park, a 301-acre park in the southwest part of the County;

• Wilcox Park, which contains over 600 acres in the north central part of the County;
• Quiet Cove Riverfront Park, 27 acres featuring a 2-acre riverfront parcel in the Town of Poughkeepsie;
• William R. Steinhaus Dutchess Rail Trail, a 13.4-mile-long rail trail located in the heart of Dutchess County, from Hopewell Junction in the
Town of East Fishkill to the Walkway over the Hudson connection in the City of Poughkeepsie;
• Harlem Valley Rail Trail, stretches 10 miles from the train station in Wassaic to the Village of Millerton; and
• Dutchess Stadium.

A wide variety of activities are conducted at these facilities including swimming, boating, picnicking, hiking, biking, disc golf, skating, camping,
miniature golf, playgrounds, basketball, volleyball and cross country running. Additional programs/activities/facilities include educational
programs, school programs, the operation of nature/hiking trails, an education center, numerous pavilions and playgrounds and special seasonal
programs including the maple syrup program, summer day camps and many others.

Dutchess Stadium (A.7110.66)

Dutchess Stadium built in 1994, the home of the Hudson Valley Renegades as well as many other community events is celebrating its 25th year in
the Hudson Valley.

2019 Initiatives:
• Completion of the parks master plan and implementation of • At Wilcox Park, there has been an effort to improve the water
prioritized recommendations. quality at the swimming lake; in addition, an ADA accessible mat
has been added to the sandy section of the beach to allow for
• At Bowdoin Park, 2 additional handicap parking spaces will be wheelchair access, as well as having a floating wheelchair and
added to the pavilion 5 parking area and the decking at Maple sand wheelchair available to make the swimming area more
Knoll Lodge will be replaced with new wood promoting safety accessible.
and aesthetics.

Page 716
• ADA accessibility will be addressed in several facilities at Wilcox • With the approval of a bond in the fall, Dutchess Stadium will
Park. have improvements made to the stadium facility and parking lot,
and seating will be replaced. The Renegades contract is currently
• At Quiet Cove Park, the riverfront construction project will be being negotiated.
completed with the addition of another waterfront deck, an ADA
kayak launch, a kayak concessionaire and upgrades to the rental
room and parking facilities.

Page 717
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Increase park visitation and utilization.
Wilcox Visitors 6,000 8,000 10,000 2,000 25.0%
Bowdoin Visitors 110,000 110,000 110,000 - 0.0%
Provide opportunities for wilderness education and engagement.
Educational Program Participants 1,450 1,600 1,800 200 12.5%
Survival Program Participants 41 45 50 5 11.1%
Archery Program Participants 230 200 250 50 25.0%
Summer Day Program Participants 140 150 175 25 16.7%

Page 718
Public Works Parks
Fiscal Summary
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 1,002,666 1,093,314 1,126,716 1,190,810 64,094 5.7%
Employee Benefits 436,833 531,787 511,595 568,694 57,099 11.2%
Personal Services 1,439,499 1,625,101 1,638,311 1,759,504 121,193 7.4% 72%
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 1,728 2,395 2,175 2,495 320 14.7% Personal
Equipment 5,718 10,000 35,037 13,000 (22,037) -62.9% Operations
Communication 8,055 8,525 8,525 8,600 75 0.9%
Supplies 86,345 93,415 104,325 109,840 5,515 5.3%
Utilities 60,042 70,144 70,144 78,798 8,654 12.3%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 6,715 7,733 7,483 7,894 411 5.5%
Debt Service
Contracted Services 9,875 60,050 31,925 61,925 30,000 94.0%
Operations 149,133 181,547 185,251 194,647 9,396 5.1%
Debt Service 216,648 216,648 216,648 210,127 (6,521) -3.0% 11%
Total Appropriations $1,983,758 $2,275,558 $2,299,824 $2,446,830 $147,006 6.4%

2019 Revenues
Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Departmental Income 224,104 269,020 269,020 251,880 (17,140) -6.4%

Use of Money and Property 274,901 250,555 250,555 251,215 660 0.3%
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 15,698 55,000 55,000 35,600 (19,400) -35.3%
Misc Local Sources 15,632 14,150 14,150 15,200 1,050 7.4%
Total Revenues $530,335 $588,725 $588,725 $553,895 ($34,830) -5.9%

Net to County Cost $1,453,423 $1,686,833 $1,711,099 $1,892,935 $181,836 10.6% 45%
Parks Revenue

Page 719
Public Works- Parks

Commissioner of
Public Works

Parks Director

Wilcox Park WRS

Administrative Bowdoin Park
Dutchess Rail Trail
Summer Camp Operations
Quiet Cove & Summer Camp Dutchess Stadium
Swimming Beach & Park
Harlem Valley Sledding & Skating
Camping Maintenance
Disc Golf Rail Trail Water Spray

Page 720
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.7110 - General Fund.DPW-Parks
AST PARK NATURALIST 09 1.00 40,704 1.00 09 1.00 39,421 1.00 39,421
LIFEGUARD 06-8-H 3.00 55,692 3.00 06-8-H 3.00 58,608 3.00 58,608
OFFICE AST 06 1.00 38,636 1.00 06 1.00 41,823 1.00 41,823
PARK ATNDT 06 2.00 64,157 2.00 06 2.00 70,198 2.00 70,198
PARK MAINT MECH 11 5.00 233,504 5.00 11 5.00 253,772 5.00 253,772
PARK MGR 14 2.00 134,927 2.00 14 2.00 146,285 2.00 146,285
PARK NATURALIST 11 1.00 52,749 1.00 11 1.00 56,588 1.00 56,588
PARKS DIR MF 1.00 102,921 1.00 MF 1.00 107,974 1.00 107,974
SECY 10 1.00 46,768 1.00 10 1.00 51,008 1.00 51,008
SR PARK MAIN MECHC EA 13 1.00 55,465 1.00 13 1.00 61,648 1.00 61,648
SR PARK MAINT MECHC 12 2.00 104,457 2.00 12 2.00 113,935 2.00 113,935
WTRFRNT DIR HR 10-8-H 0.50 11,264 0.50 10-8-H 0.50 11,760 0.50 11,760
A.7110 - General Fund.DPW-Parks 20.50 941,244 20.50 20.50 1,013,020 20.50 1,013,020

Page 721
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7110 DPW-Parks

1010 Positions 886,600 939,875 941,244 974,646 74.5 726,316 1,013,020 1,013,020
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 91,575 91,575 0.0 0 112,440 112,440

• 15 staff for 14 weeks $97,440; plus additional seasonal staff member to help offset overtime expenses $15,000.

1040 ST Overtime 4,872 5,276 5,000 5,000 93.9 4,697 6,000 6,000
1050 Overtime 44,393 53,934 52,000 52,000 75.2 39,098 55,000 55,000

• Coverage of extended hours and weekends when staff uses benefit time.

1070 Shift Differential 532 716 795 795 67.2 534 850 850
4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 2,546 2,865 2,700 2,700 89.6 2,420 3,500 3,500

Total Salaries and Wages 938,943 1,002,666 1,093,314 1,126,716 68.6 773,067 1,190,810 1,190,810
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 70,258 74,896 72,031 74,587 76.7 57,216 77,520 77,520
8355 Long-Term Disability 1,188 1,318 1,303 1,801 68.7 1,238 2,304 2,304
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 183,720 208,294 282,657 265,049 74.7 197,987 310,484 310,484
8450 Optical Insurance 3,409 3,468 4,309 3,515 73.3 2,576 3,754 3,754
8500 Dental Insurance 20,808 23,287 28,392 22,890 73.3 16,778 24,448 24,448
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 638 43.5 278 1,171 1,171
8800 Life Ins 360 202 202 219 74.8 164 213 213
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 33 40 41 44 74.5 33 43 43

Total Employee Benefits 279,775 311,506 388,935 368,743 74.9 276,269 419,937 419,937
8100 Pymts to Retire System 133,991 125,327 142,852 142,852 21.5 30,758 137,994 148,757

Total Benefits 133,991 125,327 142,852 142,852 21.5 30,758 137,994 148,757

Total Personal Services 1,352,709 1,439,499 1,625,101 1,638,311 65.9 1,080,093 1,748,741 1,759,504
4119 Edu Supplies-Books, Film 0 150 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 36 100 100 91.4 91 100 100
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 541 1,042 1,695 1,695 50.7 860 1,695 1,695
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 100 250 0 0.0 0 250 250
4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 315 400 350 380 100.0 380 450 450
Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 856 1,728 2,395 2,175 61.2 1,331 2,495 2,495
4750 Other Equipment-ND 5,404 5,718 10,000 6,850 97.6 6,683 9,000 6,000

• Replacement Blower for Wilcox and Harlem Valley Rail Trail.

Page 722
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 5,404 5,718 10,000 6,850 97.6 6,683 9,000 6,000
2500.05 Other Equipment 5 YEAR 6,750 0 0 0 0.0 0 7,000 7,000

• Replacement snowmobilee; used for winter trail maintenance and emergency response on ski trails.

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 6,750 0 0 0 0.0 0 7,000 7,000

Total Equipment 12,154 5,718 10,000 6,850 97.6 6,683 16,000 13,000
4230.51 Telephone Land Lines 8,042 6,533 7,000 7,000 64.6 4,520 7,000 7,000
4231.54 Data Lines Internet Charges 1,320 1,522 1,525 1,525 72.8 1,110 1,600 1,600
Total Communication 9,361 8,055 8,525 8,525 66.0 5,630 8,600 8,600
4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 15,886 18,128 15,500 15,500 90.5 14,024 17,000 17,000
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 21,018 24,414 37,000 33,857 64.5 21,829 35,000 35,000
4107 Bituminous Materials 22 180 200 1,800 88.6 1,594 0 0
4108 Bituminous Concrete 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 15,000 10,000

• For repairing park roads and parking lots.

4117 Environmental Supplies 0 0 0 33 98.4 32 0 0

4118 Field Supplies 3,635 3,487 4,400 4,400 42.7 1,878 4,400 4,400
4123 Safety Supplies 2,518 6,092 2,500 3,000 90.9 2,726 3,500 3,500
4123.65 Safety Supplies Firearms & Related Items 0 0 0 10 79.9 8 25 25
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 119 96 125 125 51.2 64 150 150
4125.100 Food & Kitchen Supplies Kitchen 0 0 0 60 95.0 57 75 75
4133 Gravel, Fill & Stone 5,953 6,880 5,000 9,000 89.3 8,033 8,000 8,000
4137 Ice Control Materials 108 23 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
4160 Office Supplies 3,445 4,001 6,000 6,000 60.5 3,629 6,000 6,000

• Furniture $1,000; Office Supplies, including American and County flags $5,000.

4185 Therapy & Recr Supplies 8,452 13,992 12,000 15,150 71.7 10,866 14,000 14,000

• Supplies and tee shirts for programs; replacement grills and fire rings.

4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 2,289 2,212 2,990 2,990 51.2 1,531 2,990 2,990
Total Supplies 63,446 79,505 85,865 92,075 72.0 66,271 106,290 101,290
4126 Fuel Oil for Heating 6,674 7,768 11,778 11,778 76.6 9,025 14,030 12,650
4127 Propane Gas 5,706 7,221 12,740 12,740 55.7 7,102 13,046 13,764
4220 Electric-Light & Power 27,646 27,332 25,921 25,921 91.7 23,776 32,544 30,925

Page 723
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4240 Water 2,535 2,265 6,250 6,250 9.0 560 4,975 4,885
Total Utilities 42,562 44,585 56,689 56,689 71.4 40,462 64,595 62,224
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 1,849 1,596 1,698 1,698 66.7 1,132 1,692 1,692
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 465 632 660 660 50.1 331 832 832
4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 0 0 0 0 0.0 28 0 0
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 2,422 3,695 4,125 4,125 66.6 2,746 4,120 4,120
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 143 792 1,250 1,000 0.0 0 1,250 1,250

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 4,879 6,715 7,733 7,483 56.6 4,237 7,894 7,894

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 4,879 6,715 7,733 7,483 56.6 4,237 7,894 7,894
4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 2,680 8,000 60,000 30,000 61.1 18,335 60,000 60,000

• Forestry Consultant; Wilcox Lake water treatment applicators; Concert promotion.

4418 Lab Fees/ Chem Analysis 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

Total Contracted Services 2,680 8,000 60,050 30,050 61.0 18,335 60,050 60,050
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 1,520 515 2,000 2,000 0.0 0 2,000 2,000
4570.63 Rntl/Lse - Equip Long T 14,177 13,846 16,750 16,750 65.4 10,948 18,000 18,000
4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 440 930 650 650 81.5 530 1,000 1,000
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 18,515 25,181 19,000 19,000 58.6 11,143 22,000 22,000
4610.71 Advertising Legal 0 62 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4611 Refuse Removal 9,036 13,054 12,452 12,452 56.2 6,998 12,452 12,452
4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 1,617 1,600 2,500 2,500 25.7 642 2,500 2,500
4612.101 Repairs/Alt To Equip Vehicle 2,878 1,736 4,000 4,000 50.1 2,005 4,000 4,000
4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 31,110 21,411 25,000 25,910 72.6 18,808 35,000 30,000

• Includes ADA upgrades to bathrooms at Wilcox Park; repair/replace decking at Lodge; fencing for Tivoli park.

4625 Pest Control 215 665 500 500 90.0 450 500 500
4650 External Postage 1,942 2,382 2,800 4,300 71.4 3,069 3,000 3,000
4712 Bank Charges 2,493 2,390 2,995 2,995 72.4 2,169 2,995 2,995
Total Operations 83,943 83,773 88,647 91,057 62.3 56,762 103,447 98,447
Total A.7110 - DPW-Parks 1,572,588 1,677,579 1,945,005 1,933,215 66.2 1,279,805 2,118,112 2,113,504

Page 724
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7110 DPW-Parks

20010 Parks 214,800 214,812 252,020 252,020 80.1 201,848 239,880 239,880

• Facility rentals, admission to Wilcox, and Program fees.

20120 Recreational Concessions 8,405 9,292 17,000 17,000 15.9 2,700 12,000 12,000

• Kayak concession, Haunted Mansion, Holiday Spirit Fest, and Ice Cream permit fee.

Total Departmental Income 223,205 224,104 269,020 269,020 76.0 204,548 251,880 251,880
24100.00 Rental of Real Property General 16,818 16,702 17,455 17,455 74.2 12,960 18,015 18,015

• Rent at Wilcox Apartment and House at Bowdoin Park.

24500 Commissions 282 199 100 100 31.3 31 200 200

• Vending machines.

Total Use of Money and Property 17,100 16,901 17,555 17,555 74.0 12,991 18,215 18,215
26550.05 Sales, Other Forestry proceeds 65,300 0 45,000 45,000 0.0 0 25,600 25,600

• Wilcox Timber Harvest.

26650 Sales of Equipment 0 5,150 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

26830.00 Self Ins Recoveries General 2,110 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
26830.01 Self Ins Recoveries Disability 1,088 748 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 68,498 5,898 45,000 45,000 0.0 0 25,600 25,600
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 2,028 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 147 176 150 150 201.7 303 200 200
Total Misc. Local Sources 2,176 176 150 150 201.7 303 200 200
Total A.7110 - DPW-Parks 310,979 247,079 331,725 331,725 65.7 217,841 295,895 295,895

Page 725
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7110.66 DPW-Parks.DC Stadium

4750 Other Equipment-ND 2,675 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 2,675 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

2800 Building Improvements 0 0 0 28,187 100.0 28,187 0 0

Total Equipment (Depreciable) 0 0 0 28,187 100.0 28,187 0 0

Total Equipment 2,675 0 0 28,187 100.0 28,187 0 0

4102 Parts & Supplies - Auto, Equip 0 0 40 40 0.0 0 40 40
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 4,944 6,840 6,000 11,500 96.5 11,098 7,000 7,000
4108 Bituminous Concrete 0 0 500 100 0.0 0 500 500
4133 Gravel, Fill & Stone 893 0 750 550 23.7 130 750 750
4160 Office Supplies 208 0 260 60 0.0 0 260 260
Total Supplies 6,045 6,840 7,550 12,250 91.7 11,229 8,550 8,550
4210 Gas-Public Utilities 3,314 7,790 7,330 7,330 59.2 4,343 6,077 7,800
4240 Water 6,122 7,666 6,125 6,125 16.4 1,003 8,935 8,774
Total Utilities 9,436 15,456 13,455 13,455 39.7 5,346 15,012 16,574
4401 Professional Services 1,125 1,875 0 1,875 100.0 1,875 1,875 1,875

• Field maintenance for Beacon High School, as per contract.

Total Contracted Services 1,125 1,875 0 1,875 100.0 1,875 1,875 1,875
4570.62 Rntl/Lse - Equip Short T 0 3,000 1,500 2,500 11.9 298 2,000 2,000
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 30,000 30,650 30,650 11,275 0.0 0 32,000 32,000

• Rent for Beacon School, plus 25% of Mass gathering fees paid to Beacon School District, as per contract.

4607 Prof License & Permit Fee 200 200 200 200 0.0 0 200 200
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 6,617 11,899 9,000 9,000 85.7 7,709 10,000 10,000

• Alarm monitoring, elevator, generator, garage doors, and annual system fire extinguisher maintenance.

4612 Repairs/Alt To Equip 0 0 50 49 0.0 0 0 0

4613 Repairs/Alt to Real Prop 13,948 18,203 50,000 68,070 76.7 52,220 50,000 50,000

• For planned and unanticipated repairs.

Page 726
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4625 Pest Control 900 900 1,000 1,000 45.0 450 1,000 1,000
4650 External Postage 173 507 500 2,100 95.8 2,012 1,000 1,000
Total Operations 51,839 65,360 92,900 94,194 66.6 62,689 96,200 96,200
6903 Principal-Serial Bonds 167,000 167,000 167,000 167,000 100.0 167,000 167,000 167,000
7903 Bond Interest - Ent Funds 49,648 49,648 49,648 49,648 90.2 44,801 43,127 43,127
Total Debt Service 216,648 216,648 216,648 216,648 97.8 211,801 210,127 210,127
Total A.7110.66 - DPW-Parks.DC Stadium 287,767 306,179 330,553 366,609 87.6 321,127 331,764 333,326

Page 727
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Public Works
Sub Area: Culture & Recreation October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.7110.66 DPW-Parks.DC Stadium

24100.00 Rental of Real Property General 233,000 258,000 233,000 233,000 68.7 160,000 233,000 233,000
Total Use of Money and Property 233,000 258,000 233,000 233,000 68.7 160,000 233,000 233,000
26550.00 Sales, Other Minor Sales 19,600 9,800 10,000 10,000 32.0 3,200 10,000 10,000

• Mass gathering payments; Fireworks permit fees.

Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 19,600 9,800 10,000 10,000 32.0 3,200 10,000 10,000
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 2,826 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 188 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
27700.02 Unclassified Rev. Misc 9,436 15,456 14,000 14,000 50.0 7,000 15,000 15,000

• Non-electrical utility payments.

Total Misc. Local Sources 12,449 15,456 14,000 14,000 50.0 7,000 15,000 15,000
Total A.7110.66 - DPW-Parks.DC Stadium 265,049 283,256 257,000 257,000 66.2 170,200 258,000 258,000

Total Public Works Approp 1,860,355 1,983,758 2,275,558 2,299,824 69.6 1,600,931 2,449,876 2,446,830

Total Public Works Revenue 576,028 530,335 588,725 588,725 65.9 388,041 553,895 553,895

Total Culture & Recreation Approp 1,948,003 2,076,438 2,378,979 2,403,163 69.4 1,667,933 2,557,691 2,555,065
Total Culture & Recreation Revenue 576,028 530,370 588,725 588,725 65.9 388,041 553,895 553,895
Net to County Cost 1,371,975 1,546,068 1,790,254 1,814,438 70.5 1,279,892 2,003,796 2,001,170

Page 728
Community Services

Table of Contents
Planning & Development ..................................................... 729

Division of Water Resources ................................................ 747
Natural Resources ................................................................ 754

Percentage of the County Budget

Planning & Development

To help maintain and enhance the County’s quality of life. The
Department is responsible for countywide planning, planning

assistance to local governments, and comprehensive mapping
and geographic information systems (GIS) data.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 729
Planning & Development
The Department of Planning and Development is responsible for comprehensive county-wide planning, Greenway program implementation,
farmland and open space preservation, review of municipal planning and zoning development projects, planning assistance to local governments,
community development, housing and prevention of homelessness, comprehensive transportation planning and capital programming,
implementation of the Agency Partner Grant (APG) and Municipal Innovation Grant (MIG) programs, public information, citizen participation, and
comprehensive mapping and geographic information systems (GIS) data.

Planning (A.8020)
The department provides technical assistance to municipalities in the County on a range of issues, including comprehensive plans, zoning,
downtown revitalization, water resource management, transportation, and Greenway implementation. Also, the department assists the
Department of Behavior and Community Health with “healthy communities” bicycle/pedestrian activities.

Significant projects and programs include:

o Implementation of Greenway Connections in cooperation with Hudson River Valley Greenway Council;
o Coordination of the County's Partnership for Manageable Growth Program to protect farmland and significant open space areas;
o Administration of the Federal Community Development Block Grant program and related housing programs;
o Management of the Dutchess County Transportation Council activities, including comprehensive transportation planning and capital
o Administration of the Agency Partner and the Municipal Innovation Grant Programs;
o Working closely with the Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board, Division of Real Property Tax, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and
the Soil and Water Conservation District on the County’s Agricultural District Program;
o Creation and management of GIS-based maps and databases;
o Coordination of census and other significant socio-economic data; and
o Providing administrative oversight and support to the Traffic Safety and STOP-DWI programs.

Solid Waste (A.8020.81)

This division is responsible for the formulation and implementation of programs for the collection and disposal of solid waste generated within
the County.

Page 730
Key Budgetary Issues:
• The budget does not include funds for a Resource Recovery Agency Net Service Fee (NSF), as there is no anticipated NSF for 2019.

2019 Initiatives:
County Planning Economic Development
• Analyze data from a variety of sources to reveal trends in • Work with the Cities of Beacon and Poughkeepsie on
housing, labor, demographics, etc. Rejuvenating Urban Centers particularly in the federally
• Lead Dutchess County taskforce working to receive designated Opportunity Zones (OZs), where the
designations as a Climate Smart Community. redevelopment of the property will be a catalyst for the
• Produce two technical memoranda on planning topics to be revitalization of the surrounding area.
distributed to local officials.
Transportation Planning
Community Investment • Begin work on a long-range Transportation Plan for Dutchess
• Beginning in 2018 we moved to a two-year cycle for Agency County.
Partner Grant and CDBG Public Service applications. In the • Complete substantial work on a Regional Transit Study for the
second half of 2019, there will be an application cycle for the three-county area (Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster).
2020-2021 cycle. • Complete a Pedestrian Plan for the Village of Pawling.
• Related to the application cycle, the department will conduct
a “How to write a good application” workshop. Solid Waste
• Complete 2020-2025 Consolidated Plan. • Promote and host three Household Hazardous Waste and
Electronics Recycling events.

Page 731
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Open Space - Partnership for Manageable Growth - Preservation of farmland and significant open space through the Partnership for Manageable Growth
matching grant program.
Projects Completed 4 3 2 (1) -33.3%
Acres Under Easement (cumulative) 3,803 4,028 4,299 271 6.7%
Local Government Assistance - Provide education and information to local governments and the public regarding regional, urban, rural and local land use
planning so sound planning and zoning will lead to the orderly growth and development of our communities.
Community Assistance Hours 4,987 4,300 4,700 400 9.3%
Plan On It Newsletter 6 6 6 - 0.0%
Training Programs 8 6 6 - 0.0%
Training Participants 430 375 400 25 6.7%
Community Investment Programs - Administer the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), Shelter
Plus Care (S+C), Agency Partner Grant (APG) and Municipal Innovation Grant (MIG) programs.
CDBG Municipal Projects Completed 6 13 9 (4) -30.8%
CDBG Public Service Projects Completed 7 7 7 - 0.0%
Housing Units Created 88 63 149 86 136.5%
Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Project Completed 12 15 15 - 0.0%
Housing Units Supported by Rental Assistance 61 68 68 - 0.0%
Agency Partner Contracts Awarded 24 26 26 - 0.0%
Municipal Grants Awarded 12 14 9 (5) -35.7%
Transportation Planning (MPO) - Support comprehensive county-wide, metropolitan transportation planning program through the Dutchess County
Transportation Council.
Number of Traffic Counts 256 250 250 - 0.0%
Community Studies Completed 2 3 3 - 0.0%

Page 732
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
Planning and Community Design - Review local development proposals (239 reviews) as mandated by state law; provide lead planner assistance to
communities and prepare comprehensive county-wide planning.
Referrals Completed: 440 410 400 (10) -2.4%
Percent Completed within 21 Days 82% 85% 87% 0 2.4%
Solid Waste Management - Responsible for the formulation and implementation of programs for the collection and disposal of solid waste generated
within the County.
Annual Municipal Solid Waste to Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Facility (in
145,637 151,000 154,000 3,000 2.0%
Annual Municipal Solid Waste Recycling Volumes (in tons) 138,767 140,000 142,000 2,000 1.4%
WTE Net Electric Generation (in megawatt hours) 32,939 32,000 36,000 4,000 12.5%
Annual WTE Metals Recycled (in tons) 6,117 6,100 6,100 - 0.0%
Household Hazardous Waste to Resource Recovery Agency (RRA)
168,280 170,000 170,000 - 0.0%
Events (pounds)
Recycling Educator Presentations 35 90 95 5 5.6%

Page 733
Planning & Development
Fiscal Summary

Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Appropriations
Salaries and Wages 1,643,306 1,709,235 1,768,112 1,848,459 80,347 4.5% 4%
Employee Benefits 776,047 847,370 832,393 911,894 79,501 9.6% 52% Other
Personal Services 2,419,353 2,556,605 2,600,505 2,760,353 159,848 6.1% Contracted
Employee Travel, Train & Educ 12,193 15,185 14,985 13,610 (1,375) -9.2%
Equipment 1,178 6,210 6,210 500 (5,710) -91.9%
Supplies 17,440 9,508 9,558 9,850 292 3.1%
Interdepartmental Prog & Svcs 15,467 24,348 24,348 44,756 20,408 83.8%
Contracted Services 4,704,659 4,761,450 5,415,250 3,306,487 (2,108,763) -38.9%
Operations 29,323 7,100 33,200 211,675 178,475 537.6%
Total Appropriations $7,199,612 $7,380,406 $8,104,056 $6,347,231 ($1,756,825) -21.7% 44%

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Revenues
Departmental Income 397,336 35,200 35,200 47,500 12,300 34.9%
Intergovernmental Charges 370,677 380,754 389,754 465,281 75,527 19.4% 12%
Fines and Forfeitures - 300 300 300 - 0.0% Federal Aid
Sale of Prop and Comp for Loss 283 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 0.0%
Misc Local Sources 224 - - 136,276 136,276 100.0%
Sate Aid 35,952 1,467,785 1,467,785 3,757,848 2,290,063 156.0%
Federal Aid 617,056 567,562 577,562 603,734 26,172 4.5%
Total Revenues $1,421,528 $2,453,101 $2,472,101 $5,012,439 $2,540,338 102.8%
State Aid
Net to County Cost $5,778,084 $4,927,305 $5,631,955 $1,334,792 ($4,297,163) -76.3%

Page 734
Planning & Development

Commissioner of
Planning &

Transportation Traffic Safety /

GIS / Graphics
Program (MPO) STOP DWI

Division of Solid
Economic Community
Planning Waste
Development Investment

Page 735
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.8020 - General Fund.Planning & Development
ACCTG CLK 09 1.00 38,233 1.00 09 1.00 41,999 1.00 41,999
CMNTY DEV ADMR 18 1.00 93,767 1.00 18 1.00 102,010 1.00 102,010
CMNTY DEV COORD 17 1.00 69,336 1.00 17 1.00 76,163 1.00 76,163
COMNTY INVESTMT PRGM SPCLST 15 1.00 62,069 1.00 15 1.00 68,442 1.00 68,442
COMSR PLAN DEV MI 1.00 130,889 1.00 MI 1.00 137,182 1.00 137,182
CONF ADMV AST CI 1.00 67,190 1.00 CI 1.00 71,770 1.00 71,770
DPTY COMSR PLAN DEV MG 1.00 105,559 1.00 MG 1.00 110,633 1.00 110,633
GIS TECH 12 1.00 45,999 1.00 12 1.00 50,528 1.00 50,528
GRPH DSGNR 16 1.00 80,108 1.00 16 1.00 87,501 1.00 87,501
JR PLANNER 13 2.00 108,739 2.00 13 2.00 118,108 2.00 118,108
PLANNER 15 1.00 56,977 1.00 15 1.00 63,673 1.00 63,673
PRIN PROG AST 12 2.00 113,573 2.00 12 2.00 122,345 2.00 122,345
PROG AST 08 1.00 35,704 1.00 08 1.00 39,219 1.00 39,219
REHAB SPEC 14 1.00 66,770 1.00 14 1.00 71,546 1.00 71,546
SR GIS PROJECT COORD 17 1.00 85,932 1.00 17 1.00 91,998 1.00 91,998
SR PLANNER 17 2.00 154,508 2.00 17 2.00 171,793 2.00 171,793
SR PLANNER (ENV) 17 1.00 87,754 1.00 17 1.00 95,501 1.00 95,501
TRANS PROG ADMR 19 1.00 95,401 1.00 19 1.00 102,156 1.00 102,156
A.8020 - General Fund.Planning & Development 21.00 1,498,508 21.00 21.00 1,622,567 21.00 1,622,567

Page 736
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.8020 Planning & Development

1010 Positions 1,449,475 1,461,425 1,498,508 1,552,995 71.5 1,110,474 1,622,567 1,622,567
1010.1030 Positions Temporary Help 0 0 4,000 4,000 0.0 0 4,148 4,148

• One summer intern to assist the Metropolitan Planning Organization and Planning programs, reimbursable portion is $1,949.

1040 ST Overtime 0 6 100 100 16.9 17 50 50

4626.75 Employee Allowance Meals Taxable 0 20 50 50 0.0 0 30 30

Total Salaries and Wages 1,449,475 1,461,450 1,502,658 1,557,145 71.3 1,110,491 1,626,795 1,626,795
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 105,796 106,326 114,426 118,595 67.9 80,490 123,600 123,600
8355 Long-Term Disability 2,179 2,554 2,519 3,159 71.5 2,259 3,627 3,627
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 312,810 343,962 392,679 372,819 75.2 280,207 420,612 420,612
8450 Optical Insurance 4,515 4,416 4,644 4,665 75.1 3,505 4,830 4,830
8500 Dental Insurance 27,564 29,650 31,015 30,380 75.1 22,830 31,458 31,458
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 689 46.1 318 1,451 1,451
8800 Life Ins 1,006 602 589 639 75.1 480 619 619
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 91 120 119 128 75.0 96 126 126

Total Employee Benefits 453,962 487,630 545,991 531,074 73.5 390,184 586,323 586,323
8100 Pymts to Retire System 222,689 209,248 206,600 206,600 25.2 52,130 206,600 220,484

Total Benefits 222,689 209,248 206,600 206,600 25.2 52,130 206,600 220,484

Total Personal Services 2,126,126 2,158,328 2,255,249 2,294,819 67.7 1,552,805 2,419,718 2,433,602
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 763 723 920 920 39.1 360 530 530

• Reimbursable portion is $144.

4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 786 2,226 2,420 2,420 77.2 1,867 1,780 1,780

• Reimbursable portion is $1,540.

4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 347 1,377 2,710 2,710 21.4 579 2,960 2,960

• Reimbursable portion is $2,588.

4631 Training Seminars/Conf 3,357 4,155 3,290 3,290 38.8 1,275 2,350 2,350

• Reimbursable portion is $1,175.

Page 737
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 1,275 433 450 450 91.7 413 450 450

• Trade publications necessary to maintain up to date information.

4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 2,970 2,870 3,110 3,110 92.9 2,890 2,970 2,970

• Memberships necessary to obtain the latest information on programs and techniques, reimbursable portion is $2,025.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 9,499 11,784 12,900 12,900 57.2 7,384 11,040 11,040
4710 Furniture & Office Equip-ND 0 1,178 5,660 5,660 0.0 0 0 0
4760 Computer Software-ND 0 0 550 550 0.0 0 500 500

Total Equipment (Non-Depreciable) 0 1,178 6,210 6,210 0.0 0 500 500

Total Equipment 0 1,178 6,210 6,210 0.0 0 500 500

4109 Merit Awards 162 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4123 Safety Supplies 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50
4125 Food & Kitchen Supplies 38 1,515 120 170 88.2 150 1,550 1,550

• Shared Services Summit and other meetings with volunteer members; Increase due to manditory Shares Services Initiative meetings; reimbursable portion is $67.

4160 Office Supplies 4,140 12,499 4,400 4,400 46.8 2,057 4,000 4,000

• Equipment $500; Supplies $3,500; reimbursable portion is $820.

4160.115 Office Supplies Software Products & Licenses 161 1,220 738 738 0.0 0 0 0
Total Supplies 4,501 15,233 5,308 5,358 41.2 2,207 5,600 5,600
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 2,640 2,640 3,036 3,036 66.7 2,024 3,036 3,036
4628.52 Interdept Exp Cell Phones 196 816 820 820 59.8 491 1,096 1,096

• Reimbursable portion is $774.

4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 688 792 1,200 1,200 44.0 528 1,000 1,000
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 4,163 4,283 4,323 4,323 66.7 2,882 5,726 5,726
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 804 10,315 1,340 1,340 33.1 444 3,200 3,200

• Reimbursable portion is $2,540.

4628.80 Interdept Exp Auto Center 4,361 4,534 4,429 4,429 50.5 2,235 4,916 4,746

Page 738
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4628.82 Interdept Exp Computer Process 5,526 22,866 17,820 17,820 14.4 2,574 37,100 37,100

• Agricultural Resources Search Tool; Bike Ped Attribute and Count Tool; Traffic Data Application and maintenance; reimbursable portion is $28,294.

4629 Interdept Exp Reimb (6,165) (33,038) (13,000) (13,000) 36.1 (4,698) (15,000) (15,000)

• Reimbursement from other County departments: Behavioral and Community Health $10,000 and Public Transit $5,000.

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 12,213 13,209 19,968 19,968 32.5 6,480 41,074 40,904

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 12,213 13,209 19,968 19,968 32.5 6,480 41,074 40,904
4400.4422 Contract Agencies Tourism 1,158,721 1,284,500 1,514,500 1,514,500 79.6 1,205,644 574,160 574,160

• Tourism is now partially funded directly by the Industrial Development Agency (IDA) through a negotiated sales tax fee agreement with IBM. The overall funding committment is
increasing 8% over 2018, with the County budget funding $574,160, and the IDA funding $1,061,500 directly.
4400.4461 Contract Agencies Coop Ext 0 201,056 305,400 305,400 75.1 229,325 314,562 314,562
4400.4483 Contract Agencies Local Development Corp 436,471 451,500 451,500 451,500 0.0 0 0 0

• Local Development Corp is now funded directly by the Industrial Development Agency through a negotiated sales tax fee agreement with IBM.

4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 135,587 225,427 392,050 355,100 34.3 121,955 317,765 317,765

• Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board $1,000; Agricultural Navigator $60,640; Community Development $3,500; Environmental Management Council $925; Legal Assistance for
Land Use Issues $27,000; Metropolitan Planning Organization/Transportation Planning $124,700; Rejuvenating Urban Centers $50,000; DC Transportation Council $50,000; reimbursable
portion is $168,416.
4403 Environmental Services 3,919 3,627 8,000 8,000 20.4 1,633 8,000 8,000
4413 Competitive Grant Program 755,610 732,175 1,000,000 876,750 40.5 355,115 1,000,000 1,000,000
4414 Shared Services Grant Program 927,818 1,750,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 54.1 541,235 1,000,000 1,000,000
4414.1460 Shared Services Grant Program Muni Consolid & Effncy
Supplemnt 0 0 803,000 0.0 0 0 0
4460 Comm Printing 0 0 0 11,000 99.7 10,965 0 0
Total Contracted Services 4,618,125 4,648,285 4,671,450 5,325,250 46.3 2,465,872 3,214,487 3,214,487
4571.63 Rntl/Lse - Real Prop Long T 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 198,045 198,045

• Lease for new space at Poughkeepsie Journal building.

4604 Data Storage Services 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 6,500 6,500

• Online application portal, reimbursable portion is $3,250.

Page 739
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
4609 Maint -Service Contracts 4,149 4,149 4,750 4,750 87.3 4,149 4,750 4,750

• ArcGIS $3,400; GPS Photo Link Software $150; and TransCAD $1,200; reimbursable portion is $1,128.

4610.71 Advertising Legal 656 551 1,000 1,000 85.2 852 480 480

• Legal notices for Community Development, reimbursable portion is $480.

4650 External Postage 57 23,917 100 26,000 86.7 22,542 100 100

• Reimbursable portion is $50.

Total Operations 4,863 28,616 5,850 31,750 86.8 27,543 209,875 209,875
Total A.8020 - Planning & Development 6,775,326 6,876,633 6,976,935 7,696,255 52.8 4,062,292 5,902,294 5,916,008

Page 740
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.8020 Planning & Development

21150.00 Planning Fee General 9,798 7,272 7,000 7,000 39.6 2,773 7,000 7,000
Total Departmental Income 9,798 7,272 7,000 7,000 39.6 2,773 7,000 7,000
22100.01 Gen Serv, Other Govt Urban Counties 299,595 268,364 255,389 264,389 22.6 59,678 313,661 313,661
22100.05 Gen Serv, Other Govt Home Program 68,063 54,580 64,365 64,365 17.1 11,010 93,620 93,620
22100.09 Gen Serv, Other Govt Admin - CoC Program 25,635 47,733 61,000 61,000 35.2 21,456 48,000 48,000
23720 Planning Services, Other Govts 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 10,000 10,000

• Reimbursement from the City of Poughkeepsie for county staff time related to the creation of our joint 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan.

Total Intergovernmental Charges 393,293 370,677 380,754 389,754 23.6 92,145 465,281 465,281
26550.01 Sales, Other FOIL Request Fee 0 283 0 0 0.0 11 0 0
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 283 0 0 0.0 11 0 0
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 2,560 224 0 0 0.0 2,310 0 0
27010.02 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp Deferred Income 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 136,276 136,276

• Office space rent credit.

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 17,379 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 19,939 224 0 0 0.0 2,310 136,276 136,276
30890.19 Other St Aid Economic Assessment Grant 19,925 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
39890.01 Other Home & Comm Svce Shared Services Match 0 0 1,397,785 1,397,785 0.0 0 3,715,848 3,715,848

• County share of New York State (NYS) matching funds as part of the County-Wide Shared Services Initiative.

Total State Aid 19,925 0 1,397,785 1,397,785 0.0 0 3,715,848 3,715,848

49020 Planning Studies 535,408 617,056 567,562 577,562 59.2 342,097 603,734 603,734
Total Federal Aid 535,408 617,056 567,562 577,562 59.2 342,097 603,734 603,734
Total A.8020 - Planning & Development 978,364 995,512 2,353,101 2,372,101 18.5 439,335 4,928,139 4,928,139

Page 741
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2019 Authorized Positions

2018 2019
Approved Modified Request Recommended
GR FTE Amount FTE GR FTE Amount FTE Amount
A.8020.81 - General Fund.Planning & Development.Div of Solid Waste Management
DPTY COMSR SOLID WASTE MGMT MG 1.00 108,644 1.00 MG 1.00 114,089 1.00 114,089
RECYCLING EDUCATOR 12 1.00 44,298 1.00 12 1.00 48,660 1.00 48,660
SOLID WASTE COMP INSPC 14 1.00 53,635 1.00 14 1.00 58,915 1.00 58,915
A.8020.81 - General Fund.Planning & Development.Div of Solid Waste Management 3.00 206,577 3.00 3.00 221,664 3.00 221,664

Page 742
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.8020.81 Planning & Development.Div of Solid Waste Management

1010 Positions 185,414 181,857 206,577 210,967 71.0 149,701 221,664 221,664

Total Salaries and Wages 185,414 181,857 206,577 210,967 71.0 149,701 221,664 221,664
8200 Pymts to Soc Sec 13,476 13,555 15,806 16,142 68.4 11,047 16,960 16,960
8355 Long-Term Disability 561 668 686 783 73.4 574 824 824
8400 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins 53,509 35,219 49,050 48,607 75.0 36,455 55,189 55,189
8450 Optical Insurance 598 497 663 663 74.9 497 690 690
8500 Dental Insurance 3,650 3,336 4,449 4,315 75.0 3,236 4,494 4,494
8710 Paid Family Leave Insurance 0 0 0 65 46.2 30 142 142
8800 Life Ins 384 218 213 229 75.0 172 223 223
8850 ACC Death & Dismemb 35 44 43 46 74.7 34 45 45

Total Employee Benefits 72,214 53,537 70,910 70,850 73.5 52,045 78,567 78,567
8100 Pymts to Retire System 33,756 25,632 23,869 23,869 24.1 5,753 32,054 26,520

Total Benefits 33,756 25,632 23,869 23,869 24.1 5,753 32,054 26,520

Total Personal Services 291,384 261,025 301,356 305,686 67.9 207,498 332,285 326,751
4619 Employee Mileage Non-Taxable 0 127 535 535 0.0 0 800 800
4620.72 Employee Travel & Exp Travel 0 0 600 400 0.0 0 600 600
4620.73 Employee Travel & Exp Reimb 102 0 150 150 0.0 0 150 150
4631 Training Seminars/Conf 0 0 650 650 15.4 100 650 650

• Solid Waste, Composting and Recycling conferences.

4670.95 Subscriptions Subscr 80 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

4670.96 Subscriptions Dues 282 282 350 350 60.6 212 370 370

• Solid Waste & NYS Recycling Associations.

Total Employee Travel, Training, & Education 464 409 2,285 2,085 15.0 312 2,570 2,570
4105 Bldg & Maint Parts, Supp & Tools 0 1,152 1,500 1,500 0.0 0 1,500 1,500

• Compost bins for resale.

4138 Identification/Investigation Supplies 305 320 500 500 0.0 0 550 550
4160 Office Supplies 10 547 2,000 2,000 10.8 215 2,000 2,000
4190 Uniforms, Badges & Access 143 187 200 200 94.7 189 200 200

Page 743
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend

Total Supplies 459 2,206 4,200 4,200 9.6 405 4,250 4,250
4628.51 Interdept Exp Land Lines 360 360 528 528 66.7 352 0 0

• Using Resource Recovery Agency phones and fax.

4628.77 Interdept Exp Postage 187 244 500 500 38.4 192 500 500
4628.78 Interdept Exp Copier Program 1,224 1,320 1,352 1,352 66.7 901 1,352 1,352
4628.79 Interdept Exp Printing 159 334 2,000 2,000 12.1 242 2,000 2,000

• Brochures; Signs; Post Cards.

Total Interdepartment Srvcs (Srvc by Dept for Dept) 1,929 2,258 4,380 4,380 38.5 1,687 3,852 3,852

Total Interdepartmental Programs & Services 1,929 2,258 4,380 4,380 38.5 1,687 3,852 3,852
4400.4461 Contract Agencies Coop Ext 22,150 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
4401.106 Professional Services Program 56,758 56,374 90,000 90,000 32.0 28,775 92,000 92,000

• Private Investigative Firm for Hauler Licensing $10,000; Household Hazardous Waste Events $82,000.

Total Contracted Services 78,908 56,374 90,000 90,000 32.0 28,775 92,000 92,000
4650 External Postage 22 66 100 100 78.8 79 100 100
4653 Public Info and Services 350 460 1,000 1,000 80.0 800 1,500 1,500

• Recycling promotion (bags, pencils).

4712 Bank Charges 244 180 150 350 51.5 180 200 200

• Credit card fees for Household Hazardous Waste events.

Total Operations 616 706 1,250 1,450 73.0 1,059 1,800 1,800
Total A.8020.81 - Planning & Development.Div of Solid 373,760 322,978 403,471 407,801 58.8 239,736 436,757 431,223
Waste Management

Page 744
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.8020.81 Planning & Development.Div of Solid Waste Management

19890.00 Other Economic Assist & Opportunity Licensing Fees 6,385 19,395 10,000 10,000 41.3 4,125 22,000 22,000
19890.01 Other Economic Assist & Opportunity Investigation Fees 3,275 5,000 10,000 10,000 6.9 685 10,000 10,000
19890.02 Other Economic Assist & Opportunity Household Waste drop
off fees 8,080 8,200 8,200 92.4 7,580 8,500 8,500
Total Departmental Income 18,110 32,475 28,200 28,200 43.9 12,390 40,500 40,500
26100.00 Fines and Forfeitures Fines 300 0 300 300 100.0 300 300 300
Total Fines and Forfeitures 300 0 300 300 100.0 300 300 300
26550.04 Sales, Other Recycling supplies 0 0 1,500 1,500 72.1 1,082 1,500 1,500
Total Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss 0 0 1,500 1,500 72.1 1,082 1,500 1,500
27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 0 0 0 0.0 30 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 0 0 0 0 0.0 30 0 0
37970.03 Other Economic Assistance NYS DEC Grant 139,521 35,952 70,000 70,000 0.0 0 42,000 42,000
Total State Aid 139,521 35,952 70,000 70,000 0.0 0 42,000 42,000
Total A.8020.81 - Planning & Development.Div of Solid 157,930 68,427 100,000 100,000 13.8 13,802 84,300 84,300
Waste Management

Page 745
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Planning & Development
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.8020.82 Planning & Development.Municipal Innovation Grant

12890.00 Other General Misc Other 2,459,189 357,589 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Departmental Income 2,459,189 357,589 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.8020.82 - Planning & Development.Municipal 2,459,189 357,589 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Innovation Grant

Total Planning & Development Approp 7,149,087 7,199,612 7,380,406 8,104,056 53.1 4,302,029 6,339,051 6,347,231

Total Planning & Development Revenue 3,595,482 1,421,528 2,453,101 2,472,101 18.3 453,137 5,012,439 5,012,439

Page 746
Division of Water Resources

To promote sound water resource management and the

availability of economical, sustainable water supply and
wastewater treatment services throughout the County.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 747
Division of Water Resources
The Division of Water Resources functions include: regional and community water and wastewater planning, preliminary evaluation and
development of potential Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority projects; efforts to “sell” County reserved capacity in the Central
Dutchess Water Transmission Line; representation of Dutchess County in local, regional and statewide forums related to water and wastewater
management, and water resource protection. The Division of Water Resources also acts as a bridge between the County and the Authority, for
both funding assistance and policy coordination.

Division of Water Resources (A.8790)

The goal of the Division of Water Resources is to promote sound water resource management and the availability of economical, sustainable
water supply and wastewater treatment services throughout the County. The provision of water and wastewater services has been recognized
as a critical element in implementing the County Master Plan and in creating opportunities for economic development. Water Resources works
to ensure that potential new authority water and wastewater infrastructure projects are closely coordinated and aligned with Countywide
economic development, land-use planning and environmental projection goals and objectives and that services are provided in an affordable,
sustainable manner.

The division provides technical and financial assistance to community efforts to plan for future water and wastewater system service areas and
to evaluate the financial feasibility of specific infrastructure development projects. Water Resources works to ensure that Dutchess County’s
interests are represented in local, regional and statewide forums relating to water and wastewater issues, and bringing back to the County
information on innovative and successful programs being carried out in other areas.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• County Service Fee Payment: The Water and Wastewater Authority does not have taxing power. The County levies taxes on properties
within certain County water and sewer districts on behalf of the Authority. These amounts are paid by the County to the Authority as service
fees, pursuant to several County-Authority Service Agreements. The amounts levied by the County are not revenues of the County. There
is no net impact on the County’s operating budget. The service fees are used by the Authority to pay debt service on Authority bonds issued
to finance the purchase, construction and/or improvement of water and sewer infrastructure for the benefit of properties within the County
districts. The amount of the 2019 levy is expected to be approximately $3.4 million. This estimate will be revised as needed when the Final
Assessment Roll is completed in December.

Page 748
2019 Initiatives:
• Efforts will continue to develop an economically viable central • DC WWA will complete the process to transfer ownership of the
sewer project for the Hyde Park commercial corridor. Tivioli Water and Sewer Systems.

• Dependent upon the project sponsor’s decision to proceed, DC • The Authority will work with municipalities, private owners and
WWA will complete all steps required to provide water and new project sponsors to identify opportunities for DCWWA
sewer services to the proposed Red Hook Acres (Hoffman Farm) acquisition and expansion of water and sewer infrastructure in
Project in the Town of Red Hook. Dutchess County.

Page 749
Goals and Workload Measures
Goal Workload Measure 2017 Actual 2018 Estimate 2019 Plan Change % Change
To provide technical and financial assistance to community efforts to plan for future water and wastewater system service areas and to evaluate the financial
feasibility of specific infrastructure development projects.

Communities Assisted 3 3 2 (1) -33.3%

To evaluate potential new water / wastewater infrastructure projects for consistency with County goals and provide preliminary project development

Contracts Administered 4 5 5 - 0.0%

Projects Evaluated 15 14 13 (1) -7.1%
Project to be Implemented by Authority 6 6 5 (1) -16.7%
Projects Terminated 3 3 2 (1) -33.3%
Projects Ongoing 6 6 6 - 0.0%
To sell surplus County "reserved" capacity in the Central Dutchess Water Transmission Line.
Projects Evaluated - 2 2 - 0.0%
Potential Capacity Required (gallons/day) - 50,000 30,000 (20,000) -40.0%
To provide affordable, sustainable water and wastewater services through the Authority's ownership and operation of water and wastewater systems.

Systems Owned 23 24 26 2 8.3%

Customer Accounts Served 5,393 5,433 6,305 872 16.1%
Annual Operating Revenues $5,417,610 $5,832,562 $6,532,469 $699,907 12.0%
Value of Capital Projects Managed $10,600,000 $10,900,000 $11,500,000 $600,000 5.5%

Page 750
Division of Water Resources
Fiscal Summary

2019 Appropriations
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change 90%
Contracted Services 105,000 105,000 105,000 112,500 7,500 7.1% Programs
Operations 12,375 12,375 12,375 12,375 - 0.0%
Total Appropriations $117,375 $117,375 $117,375 $124,875 $7,500 6.4%


Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change
2019 Revenues
Use of Money and Property 10,000 10,000 10,000 - (10,000) -100.0%
Misc Local Sources 123,481 107,649 107,649 140,144 32,495 30.2%
Total Revenues $133,481 $117,649 $117,649 $140,144 $22,495 19.1%

Net to County Cost ($16,106) ($274) ($274) ($15,269) ($14,995) 5472.6%

Service Fee

Page 751
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Water & Waste Water
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.8790 Division of Water Resources

4401.105 Professional Services Consultants 95,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 100.0 105,000 120,000 112,500

• Recommended: in line with CSEA COLA adjustments.

Total Contracted Services 95,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 100.0 105,000 120,000 112,500
4621 Service Fees 12,375 12,375 12,375 12,375 0.0 0 12,375 12,375
Total Operations 12,375 12,375 12,375 12,375 0.0 0 12,375 12,375
Total A.8790 - Division of Water Resources 107,375 117,375 117,375 117,375 89.5 105,000 132,375 124,875

Page 752
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Water & Waste Water
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.8790 Division of Water Resources

24100.00 Rental of Real Property General 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50.0 5,000 0 0
Total Use of Money and Property 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50.0 5,000 0 0
27010.01 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp Repayment of Net Service Fee 107,621 123,481 107,649 107,649 100.0 107,649 140,144 140,144

• Estimate based Tentative Assessment roll.

Total Misc. Local Sources 107,621 123,481 107,649 107,649 100.0 107,649 140,144 140,144
Total A.8790 - Division of Water Resources 117,621 133,481 117,649 117,649 95.8 112,649 140,144 140,144

Total Water & Waste Water Approp 107,375 117,375 117,375 117,375 89.5 105,000 132,375 124,875

Total Water & Waste Water Revenue 117,621 133,481 117,649 117,649 95.8 112,649 140,144 140,144

Page 753
Natural Resources

To form partnerships to provide technical, financial, and

educational resources, whatever their source, and focus or
coordinate them so that they meet the needs of the local
land user for conservation of soil, water and related

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 754
Natural Resources
The area entitled “Natural Resources” in the Community Services section of the budget represents the Dutchess County Soil and Water
Conservation District. The Conservation District focuses on natural resource problems and solutions.

Natural Resources (A.8710)

The Soil and Water Conservation District works to meet the needs of local and county governments, farmers, landowners, and other land users.
The district identifies and assesses problems dealing with the conservation of our county’s resources and then develops and carries out programs
to solve them. The outstanding technical expertise of the District in areas of soil erosion, water management, forestry, organic waste
management, water quality preservation, and recreational development, enable it to provide specialized assistance for a variety of issues facing
Dutchess County today.

Page 755
Natural Resources
Fiscal Summary

2019 Appropriations
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Contracted Services 295,800 295,800 295,800 304,674 8,874 3.0%

Total Appropriations $295,800 $295,800 $295,800 $304,674 $8,874 3.0%

Net to County Cost $295,800 $295,800 $295,800 $304,674 $8,874 3.0%


Page 756
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Natural Resources
Sub Area: Community Service October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.8710 Soil & Water Conservation

4400.4662 Contract Agencies Soil Conservation 290,000 295,800 295,800 295,800 67.0 198,100 304,674 304,674
Total Contracted Services 290,000 295,800 295,800 295,800 67.0 198,100 304,674 304,674
Total A.8710 - Soil & Water Conservation 290,000 295,800 295,800 295,800 67.0 198,100 304,674 304,674

Total Natural Resources Approp 290,000 295,800 295,800 295,800 67.0 198,100 304,674 304,674

Total Natural Resources Revenue 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Community Service Approp 7,546,462 7,612,787 7,793,581 8,517,231 54.1 4,605,129 6,776,100 6,776,780
Total Community Service Revenue 3,713,104 1,555,009 2,570,750 2,589,750 21.8 565,786 5,152,583 5,152,583
Net to County Cost 3,833,358 6,057,778 5,222,831 5,927,481 68.1 4,039,342 1,623,517 1,624,197

Page 757
Unallocated Fringe Benefits

Table of Contents
Unallocated Fringe Benefits ................................................. 758

Percentage of the County Budget
Unallocated Fringe Benefits

To minimize the cost of fringe benefits wherever possible.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 758
Unallocated Fringe Benefits
The majority of fringe benefits are allocated to each individual department, including: retirement, social security, long-term disability, health
insurance, optical insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, and accidental death and dismemberment. The “Unallocated Fringe Benefits” area
of the budget includes the costs associated with workers’ compensation, employee fitness program, and unemployment insurance.

This area also includes funding for retirement and social security costs for temporary help, overtime and shift differential expenditures, and fringe
benefit amounts to cover changes in staff and changes in health insurance coverage which occur throughout the year, along with the County’s
share of retiree health insurance.

Retirement (A/E.9010)
To cover unexpected retirement costs or retirement expenses associated with temporary help and other position costs across county

Social Security (A/D.9030)

To cover unexpected social security costs or social security expenses associated with temporary help and other position costs across county

Workers’ Compensation (A/D/E.9040)

This account represents the costs of the County’s workers’ compensation self-insurance plan.

Life Insurance (A/D/E.9045)

To cover unexpected life insurance costs or life insurance expenses associated with temporary help and other position costs across county

Unemployment Insurance (A/D/E.9050)

To cover unexpected unemployment costs across county departments.

Disability Insurance (A/D/E.9055)

To cover unexpected disability insurance costs or disability insurance expenses associated with temporary help, across county departments.

Health, Dental & Opt Insurance (A/D/E.9060)

To cover unexpected health, dental and optical insurance costs across county departments, as well as retiree health insurance costs.

Page 759
Unallocated Fringe Benefits
Fiscal Summary

2019 Appropriations
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Employee Benefits 10,221,481 11,594,741 13,359,774 12,163,140 (1,196,634) -9.0%

Total Appropriations $10,221,481 $11,594,741 $13,359,774 $12,163,140 ($1,196,634) -9.0%


Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Misc. Local Sources 70,965 - - - - 0.0%

Total Revenues $ 70,965 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0.0%

Net to County Cost $10,150,516 $11,594,741 $13,359,774 $12,163,140 ($1,196,634) -9.0%

Page 760
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9010 Retirement

8100 Pymts to Retire System 310 0 150,000 150,000 0.0 0 150,000 150,000

Total Benefits 310 0 150,000 150,000 0.0 0 150,000 150,000

Total Personal Services 310 0 150,000 150,000 0.0 0 150,000 150,000

Total A.9010 - Retirement 310 0 150,000 150,000 0.0 0 150,000 150,000

Page 761
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9010 Retirement

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 0 0 0 0 0.0 65,679 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 0 0 0 0 0.0 65,679 0 0
Total A.9010 - Retirement 0 0 0 0 0.0 65,679 0 0

Page 762
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9030 Social Security

8200.80 Pymts to Soc Sec non PB 2,157 1,000 350,000 339,500 0.4 1,420 350,000 350,000

Total Employee Benefits 2,157 1,000 350,000 339,500 0.4 1,420 350,000 350,000

Total Personal Services 2,157 1,000 350,000 339,500 0.4 1,420 350,000 350,000
Total A.9030 - Social Security 2,157 1,000 350,000 339,500 0.4 1,420 350,000 350,000

Page 763
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9040 Worker's Compensation

8300 Workers Comp Payments 3,088,894 3,174,100 3,434,077 3,434,077 100.0 3,434,077 3,410,161 3,410,161

Total Benefits 3,088,894 3,174,100 3,434,077 3,434,077 100.0 3,434,077 3,410,161 3,410,161

Total Personal Services 3,088,894 3,174,100 3,434,077 3,434,077 100.0 3,434,077 3,410,161 3,410,161
Total A.9040 - Worker's Compensation 3,088,894 3,174,100 3,434,077 3,434,077 100.0 3,434,077 3,410,161 3,410,161

Page 764
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9045 Life Insurance

8800.80 Life Ins non PB 0 91 10,500 7,081 0.0 0 10,500 10,500

8850.80 ACC Death & Dismemb non PB 0 15 7,900 7,268 0.0 0 8,000 8,000

Total Employee Benefits 0 106 18,400 14,349 0.0 0 18,500 18,500

Total Personal Services 0 106 18,400 14,349 0.0 0 18,500 18,500

Total A.9045 - Life Insurance 0 106 18,400 14,349 0.0 0 18,500 18,500

Page 765
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9050 Unemployment Insurance

8600 Unemployment Insurance 57,301 99,999 100,000 100,000 18.3 18,274 120,000 120,000

Total Benefits 57,301 99,999 100,000 100,000 18.3 18,274 120,000 120,000

Total Personal Services 57,301 99,999 100,000 100,000 18.3 18,274 120,000 120,000
Total A.9050 - Unemployment Insurance 57,301 99,999 100,000 100,000 18.3 18,274 120,000 120,000

Page 766
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9050 Unemployment Insurance

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 0 5,709 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Total Misc. Local Sources 0 5,709 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.9050 - Unemployment Insurance 0 5,709 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 767
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9055 Disability Insurance

8355.80 Long-Term Disability non PB 118 552 8,400 15,221 0.0 0 8,500 8,500
8710.80 Paid Family Leave Insurance Non PB 0 0 0 602 0.0 0 8,500 8,500

Total Employee Benefits 118 552 8,400 15,823 0.0 0 17,000 17,000

Total Personal Services 118 552 8,400 15,823 0.0 0 17,000 17,000
Total A.9055 - Disability Insurance 118 552 8,400 15,823 0.0 0 17,000 17,000

Page 768
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9060 Health, Dental & Opt Insurance

8400.80 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins non PB 19,902 354,641 31,000 1,461,866 0.0 0 150,000 150,000
8400.81 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins Retirees 5,384,088 5,762,818 6,500,000 6,500,000 48.9 3,179,974 6,900,000 6,918,000
8450.80 Optical Insurance non PB 0 1,535 29,000 10,645 0.0 0 30,000 30,000
8500.80 Dental Insurance non PB (149) 5,753 30,000 161,062 0.0 0 35,000 35,000

Total Employee Benefits 5,403,841 6,124,747 6,590,000 8,133,573 39.1 3,179,974 7,115,000 7,133,000

Total Personal Services 5,403,841 6,124,747 6,590,000 8,133,573 39.1 3,179,974 7,115,000 7,133,000
Total A.9060 - Health, Dental & Opt Insurance 5,403,841 6,124,747 6,590,000 8,133,573 39.1 3,179,974 7,115,000 7,133,000

Page 769
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9060 Health, Dental & Opt Insurance

27010.00 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp General 82,389 62,376 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

27010.99 Refund of Pr. Yr's Exp A/P Items 0 2,880 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 82,389 65,256 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.9060 - Health, Dental & Opt Insurance 82,389 65,256 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 770
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.9030 Social Security

8200.80 Pymts to Soc Sec non PB 0 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000

Total Employee Benefits 0 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000

Total Personal Services 0 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000

Total D.9030 - Social Security 0 0 5,000 5,000 0.0 0 5,000 5,000

Page 771
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.9040 Worker's Compensation

8300 Workers Comp Payments 280,475 273,589 295,997 295,997 100.0 295,997 293,936 293,936

Total Benefits 280,475 273,589 295,997 295,997 100.0 295,997 293,936 293,936

Total Personal Services 280,475 273,589 295,997 295,997 100.0 295,997 293,936 293,936
Total D.9040 - Worker's Compensation 280,475 273,589 295,997 295,997 100.0 295,997 293,936 293,936

Page 772
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.9045 Life Insurance

8800.80 Life Ins non PB 0 3 50 0 0.0 0 100 100

8850.80 ACC Death & Dismemb non PB 0 1 50 41 0.0 0 50 50

Total Employee Benefits 0 4 100 41 0.0 0 150 150

Total Personal Services 0 4 100 41 0.0 0 150 150

Total D.9045 - Life Insurance 0 4 100 41 0.0 0 150 150

Page 773
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.9050 Unemployment Insurance

8600 Unemployment Insurance (195) 9,999 10,000 10,000 90.5 9,046 12,000 12,000

Total Benefits (195) 9,999 10,000 10,000 90.5 9,046 12,000 12,000

Total Personal Services (195) 9,999 10,000 10,000 90.5 9,046 12,000 12,000
Total D.9050 - Unemployment Insurance (195) 9,999 10,000 10,000 90.5 9,046 12,000 12,000

Page 774
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.9055 Disability Insurance

8355.80 Long-Term Disability non PB 0 5 100 0 0.0 0 100 100

8710.80 Paid Family Leave Insurance Non PB 0 0 0 48 0.0 0 100 100

Total Employee Benefits 0 5 100 48 0.0 0 200 200

Total Personal Services 0 5 100 48 0.0 0 200 200

Total D.9055 - Disability Insurance 0 5 100 48 0.0 0 200 200

Page 775
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: D Road
Department: D.9060 Health, Dental & Opt Insurance

8400.80 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins non PB 0 50,000 30,000 239,835 0.0 0 35,000 35,000
8400.81 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins Retirees 426,012 427,498 505,300 505,300 47.0 237,426 520,000 521,000
8450.80 Optical Insurance non PB 0 100 600 1,908 0.0 0 600 600
8500.80 Dental Insurance non PB 0 1,000 3,000 17,157 0.0 0 3,000 3,000

Total Employee Benefits 426,012 478,598 538,900 764,200 31.1 237,426 558,600 559,600

Total Personal Services 426,012 478,598 538,900 764,200 31.1 237,426 558,600 559,600
Total D.9060 - Health, Dental & Opt Insurance 426,012 478,598 538,900 764,200 31.1 237,426 558,600 559,600

Page 776
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.9040 Worker's Compensation

8300 Workers Comp Payments 29,331 29,778 32,217 32,217 100.0 32,217 31,993 31,993

Total Benefits 29,331 29,778 32,217 32,217 100.0 32,217 31,993 31,993

Total Personal Services 29,331 29,778 32,217 32,217 100.0 32,217 31,993 31,993
Total E.9040 - Worker's Compensation 29,331 29,778 32,217 32,217 100.0 32,217 31,993 31,993

Page 777
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.9045 Life Insurance

8800.80 Life Ins non PB 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

8850.80 ACC Death & Dismemb non PB 0 0 50 50 0.0 0 50 50

Total Employee Benefits 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100

Total Personal Services 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100

Total E.9045 - Life Insurance 0 0 100 100 0.0 0 100 100

Page 778
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.9050 Unemployment Insurance

8600 Unemployment Insurance 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000

Total Benefits 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000

Total Personal Services 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000

Total E.9050 - Unemployment Insurance 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 0 1,000 1,000

Page 779
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.9055 Disability Insurance

8355.80 Long-Term Disability non PB 0 0 150 1,277 0.0 0 100 100

8710.80 Paid Family Leave Insurance Non PB 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 100 100

Total Employee Benefits 0 0 150 1,277 0.0 0 200 200

Total Personal Services 0 0 150 1,277 0.0 0 200 200

Total E.9055 - Disability Insurance 0 0 150 1,277 0.0 0 200 200

Page 780
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Fringe Benefits
Sub Area: Employee Benefits October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: E Machinery
Department: E.9060 Health, Dental & Opt Insurance

8400.80 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins non PB 0 1,000 8,000 8,827 0.0 0 8,000 8,000
8400.81 Hospital,Med&Surg Ins Retirees 24,932 26,790 47,300 47,300 24.6 11,625 47,300 47,300
8450.80 Optical Insurance non PB 0 28 1,100 1,019 0.0 0 1,100 1,100
8500.80 Dental Insurance non PB 0 186 3,900 5,426 0.0 0 3,900 3,900

Total Employee Benefits 24,932 28,004 60,300 62,572 18.6 11,625 60,300 60,300

Total Personal Services 24,932 28,004 60,300 62,572 18.6 11,625 60,300 60,300
Total E.9060 - Health, Dental & Opt Insurance 24,932 28,004 60,300 62,572 18.6 11,625 60,300 60,300

Total Fringe Benefits Approp 9,313,177 10,221,481 11,594,741 13,359,774 54.0 7,220,056 12,144,140 12,163,140

Total Fringe Benefits Revenue 82,389 70,965 0 0 0.0 65,679 0 0

Total Employee Benefits Approp 9,313,177 10,221,481 11,594,741 13,359,774 54.0 7,220,056 12,144,140 12,163,140
Total Employee Benefits Revenue 82,389 70,965 0 0 0.0 65,679 0 0
Net to County Cost 9,230,788 10,150,516 11,594,741 13,359,774 53.6 7,154,377 12,144,140 12,163,140

Page 781
Debt Service

Table of Contents
Debt Service ......................................................................... 782

Percentage of the County Budget
Debt Service

To maintain a strong bond rating to minimize interest costs
associated with debt.

Percentage of the County Budget

Page 782
Debt Service
Major capital improvement projects such as the construction/reconstruction of buildings, road construction, etc., are typically financed through
the issuance of bonds. These obligations are paid over a period of time, which varies according to the Local Finance Law. Payments are made
for principal and interest costs incurred.

Debt Service (A.9700)

Interest earned on unexpended bond proceeds and other miscellaneous revenue related to the issuance of bonds are recorded in this

Serial Bonds (A.9710)

Expenses associated with the principal and interest of existing serial bonds. This section does not include debt service for Enterprise Funds or
Dutchess Community College, which are budgeted in those respective areas.

Key Budgetary Issues:

• Dutchess County Government continues to demonstrate very strong credit worthiness, as confirmed by a rating from Standard and Poor’s
(S&P) Rating Services of AA+. The rating indicates the County has a very strong capacity to meet financial commitments. S & P’s noted several
strengths that led to the AA+ rating including the County’s strong budgetary performance and fiscal management, low debt burden, increased
fund balance and strong cash levels.
• As of December 31, 2018 Dutchess County estimates outstanding debt to be $133,374,536. Budgeted appropriations to pay down debt in
2019 total $14,074,536. Thus, net indebtedness for purpose of computing the constitutional debt limit as of December 31, 2018, is estimated
to be $119,300,000. This amount is subject to the constitutional debt limit of $2.1 billion. As of December 31, 2018, the net indebtedness of
the County is estimated to be at 5.7% of the constitutional debt limit.
• The County issued $54,949,536 of new bonds in 2018. The Commissioner of Finance anticipates a bond issuance in the first half of 2019 in
the range of $5 -$15 million, as well as bond anticipation notes (BANS) or bonds to fund the new Law Enforcement Center in the range of
$25-$45 million.

2019 Initiatives:
• Monitor cash flow for construction of the Justice and Transition Center and cash forecasting model to enable the County to defer borrowings
and reduce overall interest expense while maintaining adequate liquidity levels.

Page 783
Debt Service
Fiscal Summary
2019 Appropriations
Appropriations 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Debt Service 16,443,336 15,349,554 15,349,554 17,730,446 2,380,892 15.5%

Total Appropriations $16,443,336 $15,349,554 $15,349,554 $17,730,446 $2,380,892 15.5%

Debt Service

Revenues 2017 Actual 2018 Adopted 2018 Modified 2019 Tentative $ Change % Change

Use of Money and Property 108,532 67,500 67,500 - (67,500) -100.0%

Misc Local Sources 43,139 - - - - 0.0%
Interfund Transfers 495,082 - - - - 0.0%
Proceeds of Obligations - - - - - 0.0%
Total Revenues 646,754 $67,500 $67,500 $0 ($67,500) -100.0%

Net to County Cost $15,796,583 $15,282,054 $15,282,054 $17,730,446 $2,448,392 16.0%

Page 784
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Debt Service
Sub Area: Debt October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9700 Debt Service

9991 Payments to Escrow Agent - Advance Refunding Bonds

12,387,743 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Debt Service 12,387,743 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.9700 - Debt Service 12,387,743 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Page 785
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Debt Service
Sub Area: Debt October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Revenue Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Revenue Revenue Budget Budget Realized Realized Estimate Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9700 Debt Service

24010.05 Interest Earnings on Investments 99,869 108,532 67,500 67,500 0.0 7 0 0

• Going forward interest earned will be credited to capital projects.

Total Use of Money and Property 99,869 108,532 67,500 67,500 0.0 7 0 0
27100 Premium on Obligations 1,534,621 43,139 0 0 0.0 316,485 0 0
Total Misc. Local Sources 1,534,621 43,139 0 0 0.0 316,485 0 0
50500 Interfund Trans for Debt Svce 1,742,498 495,082 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Interfund Transfers 1,742,498 495,082 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
57910 Advance Refunding Bonds 10,960,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total Proceeds of Obligations 10,960,000 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Total A.9700 - Debt Service 14,336,988 646,754 67,500 67,500 468.9 316,492 0 0

Page 786
2019 Budget For Dutchess County
Debt Service
Sub Area: Debt October 09, 2018

2016 2017 2018 2018 % 2018 2019 2019
Appropriations Actual Actual Adopted Modified YTD YTD Dept Executive
Expended Expended Budget Budget Expense Expense Request Recommend
Fund: A General Fund
Department: A.9710 Serial Bonds

6000 Principal 14,255,152 13,049,839 12,166,310 12,166,311 65.2 7,930,948 12,848,699 12,848,699
7000 Interest 3,989,773 3,393,497 3,183,244 3,183,243 59.4 1,890,549 4,881,747 4,881,747
Total Debt Service 18,244,925 16,443,336 15,349,554 15,349,554 64.0 9,821,497 17,730,446 17,730,446
Total Debt Approp 30,632,668 16,443,336 15,349,554 15,349,554 64.0 9,821,497 17,730,446 17,730,446
Total Debt Revenue 14,336,988 646,754 67,500 67,500 468.9 316,492 0 0
Net to County Cost 16,295,680 15,796,583 15,282,054 15,282,054 62.2 9,505,005 17,730,446 17,730,446

Total Appropriations 462,362,278 465,820,846 480,204,857 487,737,734 64.3 313,383,815 511,349,601 502,154,287
Total Revenue 471,106,845 462,845,380 480,204,857 487,737,734 (64.5) 314,684,587 504,508,630 502,154,287
Cost To County (8,744,568) 2,975,466 0 0 0.0 (1,300,772) 6,840,971 0

Page 787
Position Information

Table of Contents
Authorized Positions by Department ................................... 788
New Positions in the 2019 Tentative Budget ....................... 789
Position Restructuring in the 2019 Tentative Budget ......... 790
Positions Deleted in 2019 Tentative Budget ........................ 794
Police Benevolent Association Salary Schedule ................... 795
Sheriff’s Employees Association Salary Schedules ............... 796
Civil Service Employees Association Salary Schedule .......... 798
Dutchess Staff Association Salary Schedule ......................... 799
Management/Confidential Salary Schedules ....................... 800
Elected Officials Annual Salary Schedule ............................. 801
Authorized Positions By Department
2016 2017 2018 2019
Adopted Adopted Adopted Recommended
Aging 49.8 50.6 52.6 52.8
Board of Elections 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0
Co. Exec./Bud 12.0 13.0 14.0 14.0
Comptroller 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0
County Attorney 18.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
County Clerk 60.0 61.0 61.0 64.0
District Attorney 48.0 50.0 49.0 49.0
DBCH 200.8 205.2 209.2 212.2
DCFS 363.0 364.8 369.0 369.0
Emergency Response 49.5 49.5 50.5 50.5
Finance 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0
Human Resources 23.0 24.0 25.0 25.0
Legislature 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0
OCIS 62.0 63.0 63.0 63.0
Planning 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0
Probation 112.0 113.0 113.0 113.0
Public Defender 45.0 47.0 47.0 47.0
Public Works 180.1 180.1 181.1 181.1
Sheriff & Jail 377.0 378.0 379.0 380.0
Traffic Safety / DWI 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
TOTAL 1720.7 1739.7 1753.9 1761.1

Page 788
New Positions Recommended in the 2019 Tentative Budget
Change in Net to County
Department Proposed Title FTE Gross Salary Cost Comments
Department of Behavioral & Medical Examiner Technician 1.00 52,595 52,595 This position creates a new Medical Examiner Technician Grade 13
Community Health (DBCH) - Grade 13 due to the increasing demand for medical examiner services. The
Medical Examiner job duties include field and clinical investigations, autopsy
A.1185 assistance, clerical operations of the office, interviewing witnesses,
recording detailed observations of the scene, obtaining physical and
trace evidence, and conducting follow-up investigations.

DBCH - Planning & Public Health Education 1.00 61,059 39,078 This position creates a new Public Health Education Coordinator
Education Coordinator Grade 15 to assist in combatting the opioid epidemic through
A.4010.27 Grade 15 coordination, working closely with existing work groups and
substance abuse and addiction services. Job duties include Narcan
training, outreach and training to the community, medical
providers, law enforcement and first responders. This position is
36% reimbursed.
DBCH - Partial Hospital Psychiatrist I 1.00 175,074 175,074 This position creates a new Psychiatrist I Grade 27 for the Divisions
A.4320.43 Grade 27 of Mental Hygiene in order to fulfill the increasing prescriber needs
as well as provide coverage when the Supervising Psychiatrist is

DBCH - Stabilization Center Recovery Coach 1.00 44,532 44,532 This position creates a new Recovery Coach Grade 11 as part of the
A.4320.74 Grade 11 "Breaking Through" initiative. This position is part of a strategy to
decrease hospital emergency room visits and to assist persons
currently engaged in the criminal justice system as well as engage
those actively using alcohol or other drugs or those at a heightened
risk for use and addiction.

4.00 $ 333,260 $ 311,279

New Positions Total:

Page 789
Position Restructuring in the 2019 Tentative Budget
Change in Net to County
Department Proposed Title FTE Gross Salary Cost Comments
County Clerk Principal Registry Clerk 0.00 43,447 (3,219) This request reclassifies a Principal Program Assistant Grade 12 to a
A.1410.20 Grade 11 Principal Registry Clerk Grade 11 to better reflect the needs of the
Records Management Division.
Department of Behavioral & Senior Program Assistant 0.00 40,918 (9,440) This request reclassifies a Community Mental Health Nurse Grade
Community Health (DBCH) Grade 10 14 to a Senior Program Assistant Grade 10 to better reflect the
A.4010.01 & A.4310 needs of the department. This position will be dedicated to Quality
Improvement and assist with performance improvement, licensure,
administrative compliance as well as employee and community
DBCH - Health Admin Senior Accountant 0.00 70,776 2,451 This request reclassifies a Billing Manager Grade 14 to a Senior
A.4010.01 Grade 17 Accountant Grade 17 due to the restructure and realignment of
duties and responsibilities within the fiscal office of the Department
of Behavioral and Community Health. Job duties include oversight in
budgeting, billing and accounts receivable, state aid and grant
claiming, financial reporting, as well as, revenue recognition and
reconciliation for all programs.
DBCH - Public Health Community Health Outreach 0.00 46,059 1,250 This request reclassifies a Case Manager Aide Grade 7 to a
Nursing Worker SPN Community Health Outreach Worker Spanish Speaking Grade 9 to
A.4010.30 Grade 9 reflect the current duties of the position.
DBCH - Communicable Clinical Services Assistant SPN 0.00 44,958 852 This request reclassifies a Case Manager Aide Grade 7 to a Clinical
Disease Grade 9 Services Assistant Spanish Speaking Grade 9 to reflect the current
A.4010.31 duties of the position.
DBCH - Early Intervention Early Intervention Specialist 0.00 61,059 0 This request reclassifies a Public Health Nurse Grade 15 to an Early
A.4059.01 Grade 15 Intervention Specialist Grade 15 to allow for a broader scope of
education and experience. This position is required to conduct
intakes, coordinate an evaluation for each referral, manage the
evaluating team, create an initial service plan for each eligible child
and provide administrative oversight of services.

Page 790
Position Restructuring in the 2019 Tentative Budget
Change in Net to County
Department Proposed Title FTE Gross Salary Cost Comments
DBCH - Early Intervention Early Intervention Assistant SPN 0.00 40,917 4,572 This request reclassifies a Case Manager Aide Grade 7 to an Early
A.4059.01 Grade 10 Intervention Assistant Spanish Speaking Grade 10 to better reflect
the duties and needs of the division. This position is required to
conduct intakes, coordinate an evaluation for each referral, manage
the evaluating team, monitor Medicaid billing, manage program
records and provide administrative/clerical back-up to the program
DBCH - HELPLINE Social Worker I 0.00 61,059 (9,717) This request reclassifies a Social Worker III Grade 17 to a Social
A.4320.45 Grade 15 Worker I Grade 15 to reflect the current duties of the position.
DBCH - HELPLINE Social Worker I SPN 0.00 61,059 14,393 This request reclassifies a Spanish Speaking Community Mental
A.4320.45 Grade 15 Health Aide Grade 12 to a Spanish Speaking Social Worker I Grade
15 to reflect the needs of the department.
DBCH - Diversion Program Social Worker I 0.00 62,583 1,526 This request reclassifies a Community Mental Health Counselor
A.4320.46 Grade 15 Grade 15 to a Social Worker I Grade 15 to better reflect the needs of
the division. Job duties include assessment and response to
individuals and families in crisis, guide individuals to cope with
immediate stressors, avoid unnecessary hospitalization and develop
longterm action plans.
Department of Community Legal Secretary 0.00 43,447 (6,120) This request reclassifies a Supervising Office Assistant Grade 10 to a
& Family Services (DCFS) Grade 11 Legal Secretary Grade 11 to ensure a better staffing pattern to
A.6010 support the legal unit.
DCFS Family Peer Advocate 0.00 48,348 1,567 This request reclassifies an Outreach Coordinator Grade 12 to a
A.6010 Grade 12 Family Peer Advocate Grade 12 to reflect the essential functions
and duties of the position.
DCFS Receptionist 0.00 36,317 4,605 This request reclassifies an Office Assistant Grade 6 to a Receptionist
A.6010 Grade 6 Grade 6 to better reflect the needs of the department.
Department of Public Works Architectural Technician 0.00 51,310 (29,178) This request reclassifies a Mechanical Engineer Grade 19 to an
(DPW) - Buildings Grade 13 Architectural Technician Grade 13 to better reflect the needs of the
A.1620 department. This position would assist with building renovation
projects, space planning and serve as project manager for smaller,
less complicated building renovation projects.

Page 791
Position Restructuring in the 2019 Tentative Budget
Change in Net to County
Department Proposed Title FTE Gross Salary Cost Comments
DPW - Highway Admin Accounting Clerk 0.00 38,843 (2,073) This request reclassifies a Senior Program Assistant Grade 10 to an
D.5010 Grade 9 Accounting Clerk Grade 9 to better reflect the needs of the
department. The job duties include payroll, invoice processing, back
up phone and door coverage, and other duties under the guidance
of the Principal Accounting Clerks.
DPW - Highway Admin Contract Specialist 0.00 51,310 4,644 This request reclassifies a Principal Program Assistant Grade 12 to a
D.5010 Grade 13 Contract Specialist Grade 13 to reflect the critical need for a skilled
employee to assist with procurement and contract work. The
position will assist in the development and management of bid
specifications, contract documents and requests for proposals and
bids for numerous capital projects, operational service and repair
needs, and professional services.
OCIS - Central Services Principal Program Assistant 0.00 46,667 4,627 This request reclassifies a Senior Program Assistant Grade 10 to a
A.1670.19 Grade 12 Principal Program Assistant Grade 12 to reflect the higher level of
duties currently being performed.
OCIS Cyber Security Administrator 0.00 83,846 0 This position reclassifies a Network Administrator Grade 19 to a
A.1680 Grade 19 Cyber Security Administrator Grade 19 to better reflect the needs of
the department. This position will be responsible for protecting the
County's information technology infrastructure by facilitation,
monitoring and oversight of System Security processes, evaluating
safeguards and protecting confidentiality as well as provide
direction and leadership through education and awareness
programs and implementing security policies, standards and
OCIS Software Applications Specialist 0.00 75,638 (4,850) This request reclassifies a System Analyst Grade 19 to a Software
A.1680 Grade 18 Applications Specialist Grade 18 to better fit the needs of the
department. This position will analyze and learn end-user business
processes, analyze software needs to help identify and select
appropriate software to meet user needs and create queries and
reports. This position will also provide applications training and
provide user support and troubleshooting.

Page 792
Position Restructuring in the 2019 Tentative Budget
Change in Net to County
Department Proposed Title FTE Gross Salary Cost Comments
Office for the Aging Senior Site Manager 0.25 40,917 9,186 This position reclasses a Site Manager Grade 9 to a Senior Site
A.6772.50 Grade 10 Manager Grade 10 to manage the City of Poughkeepsie congregate
meal site, as well as provide activities coordination and meal site
presentations for eight congregate sites, track meals and client data
for reporting and address congregate staff issues.
Probation Probation Officer II 0.00 84,554 5,118 This request reclassifies a Probation Officer I Grade 15 to a
A.3140 Grade 16 Probation Officer II Grade 16 due to an increasing number of high
risk cases that require specialized knowledge and skills. This position
would interact and participate in higher level inter-agency meetings
and collaborations.
Public Defender Assistant Public Defender 0.00 67,352 (24,405) This request reclassifies a Chief Assistant Public Defender Grade MH
A.1170 Grade AE to an Assistant Public Defender Grade AE to better reflect the needs
of the department. This position will allow caseload relief to enable
the Bureau Chief's to devote more time to administration and
Public Defender Assistant Public Defender 0.00 68,278 (14,966) This request reclassifies a Senior Assistant Public Defender Grade AG
A.1170 Grade AE to an Assistant Public Defender Grade AE to better reflect the needs
of the department.
Public Defender Senior Assistant Public Defender 0.00 85,408 13,885 This request reclassifies an Assistant Public Defender Grade AE to a
A.1170.04 Grade AG Senior Assistant Public Defender Grade AG to reflect the experience
of the employee.
Public Defender Senior Assistant Public Defender 0.00 83,244 12,746 This request reclassifies an Assistant Public Defender Grade AE to a
A.1170.72 Grade AG Senior Assistant Public Defender Grade AG to reflect the experience
of the employee.
Public Defender Senior Assistant Public Defender 0.00 83,244 11,790 This request reclassifies an Assistant Public Defender Grade AE to a
A.1170.73 Grade AG Senior Assistant Public Defender Grade AG to reflect the experience
of the employee.
Sheriff Senior Program Assistant 0.00 48,630 2,278 This request reclassifies a Program Assistant Grade NH to a Senior
A.3110.25 Grade NJ Program Assistant Grade NJ to manage, supervise and train low level
clerical staff as well as provide an additional level of security and
oversight over the Civil Department finances.

Page 793
Position Restructuring in the 2019 Tentative Budget
Change in Net to County
Department Proposed Title FTE Gross Salary Cost Comments
Sheriff Colonel 0.00 127,502 13,021 This request reclassifies a Captain Grade MF to a Colonel Grade MG
A.3110.25 Grade MG to better reflect the needs of the department, as well as reflect the
duties and responsibilities of the position.

Restructured Positions Total: 0.25 $ 1,697,690 $ 4,543

Position Deleted in the 2019 Tentative Budget

Change in Net to County
Department Proposed Title FTE Gross Salary Cost Comments
DBCH Partial Hospital Activity Therapy Aide -1.00 33,984 (21,750) The deletion of the Activity Therapy Aid Grade 6 is a vacant position
A.4320.43 Grade 6 that is not intended to be filled.

Total - Deleted Positions: (1.00) $ (33,984) $ (21,750)

Total - Restructured Positions: 0.25 $ 1,697,690 $ 4,543

Total - New Positions: 4.00 $ 333,260 $ 311,279

Total - County Change: 3.25 $ 1,996,966 $ 294,072

Page 794
2019 Annual Salary Schedule



SN 48,446 56,277 64,108 68,466 73,642 80,416 2,049

SP 92,478 2,346
SQ 101,726 2,491

Note: PBA contract period is 2016 - 2019

Page 795
Civilian Series
2019 Annual Salary Schedule


GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 INCREMENT

NA 27,636 28,326 29,033 29,760 30,505 31,329 32,175 33,044 773

NB 28,826 29,548 30,286 31,044 31,819 32,678 33,560 34,466 806
NC 30,022 30,775 31,543 32,334 33,141 34,036 34,955 35,899 840
ND 31,170 31,952 32,752 33,568 34,409 35,338 36,292 37,272 872
NE 32,387 33,196 34,026 34,877 35,749 36,714 37,705 38,723 905
NF 33,561 34,399 35,260 36,142 37,046 38,046 39,073 40,128 938
NG 34,977 35,851 36,749 37,668 38,608 39,650 40,721 41,820 978
NH 36,608 37,525 38,462 39,424 40,409 41,500 42,621 43,772 1,023
NI 38,523 39,486 40,473 41,486 42,523 43,671 44,850 46,061 1,077
NJ 40,620 41,636 42,677 43,745 44,839 46,050 47,293 48,570 1,136
NK 43,225 44,306 45,414 46,548 47,712 49,000 50,323 51,682 1,208
NL 46,518 47,681 48,874 50,095 51,346 52,732 54,156 55,618 1,300
NM 51,249 52,532 53,845 55,192 56,571 58,098 59,667 61,278 1,433
NN 56,200 57,605 59,046 60,522 62,034 63,709 65,429 67,196 1,571
NO 61,166 62,697 64,263 65,870 67,518 69,341 71,213 73,136 1,710
NP 66,130 67,783 69,478 71,214 72,994 74,965 76,989 79,068 1,848
NQ 71,070 72,847 74,667 76,533 78,446 80,564 82,739 84,973 1,986
NR 76,041 77,941 79,891 81,886 83,935 86,201 88,528 90,918 2,125
NS 80,994 83,020 85,096 87,224 89,403 91,817 94,296 96,842 2,264
NT 85,964 88,113 90,317 92,573 94,888 97,450 100,081 102,783 2,403

Note: DCSEA contract expired 12/31/16

Page 796
Correctional Series
2019 Annual Salary Schedule


GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INCREMENT

JL 46,092 47,245 48,426 49,638 50,877 52,251 53,662 55,111 56,764 1,334

JM 50,750 52,019 53,319 54,651 56,018 57,530 59,083 60,678 62,498 1,469

JO 60,572 62,086 63,638 65,229 66,860 68,665 70,519 72,423 74,596 1,753

JP 65,506 67,144 68,823 70,542 72,306 74,258 76,263 78,322 80,672 1,896

Note: DCSEA contract expired 12/31/16

Page 797
2019 Annual Salary Schedule


GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INCREMENT
1 28,180 28,887 29,612 30,351 31,106 31,886 32,682 33,500 34,338 770
2 29,343 30,074 30,825 31,596 32,387 33,195 34,024 34,876 35,748 801
3 30,503 31,264 32,046 32,847 33,668 34,509 35,370 36,257 37,164 833
4 31,649 32,441 33,254 34,085 34,936 35,811 36,703 37,624 38,565 865
5 32,841 33,661 34,504 35,364 36,251 37,157 38,083 39,035 40,010 896
6 33,984 34,836 35,706 36,597 37,513 38,449 39,412 40,394 41,404 928
7 35,369 36,254 37,163 38,093 39,041 40,020 41,020 42,046 43,096 966
8 36,996 37,920 38,868 39,841 40,837 41,859 42,906 43,976 45,076 1,010
9 38,843 39,815 40,811 41,831 42,874 43,948 45,047 46,172 47,325 1,060
10 40,916 41,941 42,986 44,064 45,165 46,294 47,452 48,637 49,853 1,117
11 43,446 44,532 45,645 46,787 47,953 49,155 50,383 51,641 52,933 1,186
12 46,666 47,834 49,031 50,253 51,512 52,801 54,119 55,470 56,856 1,274
13 51,311 52,594 53,908 55,257 56,639 58,056 59,505 60,991 62,515 1,401
14 56,185 57,590 59,030 60,502 62,016 63,567 65,156 66,783 68,452 1,533
15 61,057 62,582 64,146 65,750 67,397 69,079 70,807 72,575 74,389 1,667
16 65,925 67,571 69,261 70,991 72,767 74,584 76,448 78,358 80,317 1,799
17 70,776 72,546 74,359 76,219 78,126 80,077 82,079 84,131 86,235 1,932
18 75,639 77,529 79,468 81,452 83,489 85,579 87,716 89,906 92,154 2,064
19 80,488 82,503 84,565 86,677 88,846 91,065 93,341 95,672 98,064 2,197
20 85,349 87,482 89,670 91,913 94,210 96,567 98,976 101,449 103,986 2,330
21 90,229 92,485 94,798 97,165 99,594 102,087 104,640 107,253 109,935 2,463

27 166,966 167,978 168,988 169,998 171,009 172,018 173,031 174,039 175,049 1,010
28 174,043 175,052 176,062 177,073 178,083 179,093 180,105 181,114 182,124 1,010

Note: CSEA contract period is 2017 - 2020

Page 798
2019 Dutchess Staff Association Salary Schedule (DSA)

First Quartile Second Quartile Third Quartile Fourth Quartile

Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

Grade AD 60,666 67,549 67,549 74,430 74,430 81,312 81,312 88,193

AE 67,351 74,991 74,991 82,633 82,633 90,274 90,274 97,916
AG 83,244 92,660 92,660 102,077 102,077 111,493 111,493 120,911

Note: DSA contract period is 2016 - 2019

Page 799
2019 Management / Confidential Salary Schedule

First Quartile Second Quartile Third Quartile Fourth Quartile

Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

Management MA 44,612 49,675 49,676 54,738 54,739 59,801 59,802 64,864

MB 49,532 55,132 55,133 60,733 60,734 66,334 66,335 71,935
MC 55,293 61,558 61,559 67,824 67,825 74,090 74,091 80,356
MD 61,563 68,546 68,547 75,530 75,531 82,514 82,515 89,497
ME 68,347 76,100 76,101 83,854 83,855 91,608 91,609 99,362
MF 75,929 84,554 84,555 93,180 93,181 101,806 101,807 110,431
MG 84,475 94,031 94,032 103,587 103,588 113,143 113,144 122,699
MH 93,822 104,409 104,410 114,997 114,998 125,585 125,586 136,173
MI 104,480 116,252 116,253 128,025 128,026 139,798 139,799 151,571
MJ 116,099 129,116 129,117 142,134 142,135 155,152 155,153 168,169

Confidential CA 32,525 36,215 36,216 39,906 39,907 43,597 43,598 47,287

CB 34,329 38,224 38,225 42,120 42,121 46,016 46,017 49,912
CC 36,136 40,237 40,238 44,339 44,340 48,441 48,442 52,542
CD 38,144 42,472 42,473 46,801 46,802 51,130 51,131 55,459
CE 40,153 44,709 44,710 49,266 49,267 53,823 53,824 58,379
CF 42,383 47,193 47,194 52,003 52,004 56,813 56,814 61,623
CG 44,612 49,675 49,676 54,738 54,739 59,801 59,802 64,864
CH 47,073 52,405 52,406 57,737 57,738 63,070 63,071 68,402
CI 49,532 55,132 55,133 60,733 60,734 66,334 66,335 71,935
CJ 52,416 58,348 58,349 64,281 64,282 70,214 70,215 76,146
CK 55,293 61,558 61,559 67,824 67,825 74,090 74,091 80,356
CL 58,429 65,053 65,054 71,678 71,679 78,303 78,304 84,928
CM 61,563 68,546 68,547 75,530 75,531 82,514 82,515 89,497
CN 64,955 72,323 72,324 79,692 79,693 87,061 87,062 94,429
CO 68,347 76,100 76,101 83,854 83,855 91,608 91,609 99,362
CP 72,137 80,327 80,328 88,517 88,518 96,708 96,709 104,898

Page 800
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

County Executive* 139,869 139,869 139,869 139,869 139,869

County Sheriff* 125,664 125,664 125,664 125,664 125,664

County Clerk* 106,023 106,023 106,023 106,023 106,023

County Comptroller** 99,937 99,937 99,937 99,937 99,937

Chairman of the Legislature** 32,960 32,960 32,960 32,960 32,960

Majority/Minority Leader** 23,690 23,690 23,690 23,690 23,690

Majority/Minority Whip** 19,570 19,570 19,570 19,570 19,570

Legislators** 15,450 15,450 15,450 15,450 15,450

*These salaries were set by Resolution #203139 for the period 2004-2007, no local law has been passed since, therefore, the salary is the same as 2007.
**The Comptroller's salary and Legislative salaries for 2019 were set by Resolution #2017112.
Note: The District Attorney's salary is not included as it is tied to judicial salaries, which are set by the state and can be changed mid-year.

Page 801
Capital Improvement Program

Table of Contents
Letter to Legislators & Resolution ....................................... 802
Introduction ......................................................................... 803
Capital Projects & Debt Service............................................ 805
Summary ............................................................................. 810 Public Works
Projects................................................................................. 811 93.8%
Finances................................................................................ 826

Capital Program Committee

Marcus J. Molinaro, County Executive, Chair

William O’Neil, Deputy County Executive Planning & Development
A. Gregg Pulver, Chair of County Legislature 2.7%
John Metzger, Chair of Public Works and Capital Projects Dutchess Community College
Jessica White, Budget Director 3.1%
Heidi Seelbach, Commissioner of Finance Water & Wastewater Authority
Eoin Wrafter, Commissioner of Planning and Development 0.4%
Robert H. Balkind, P.E., Commissioner of Public Works
David C. Whalen, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works

Program prepared by:

The Dutchess County Department of Planning & Development
Capital Program Coordinator: Heather LaVarnway, Senior Planner
Letter to Legislators Resolution
Enclosed herein is the Capital Program 2019-2023, as adopted by the Capital Robert Balkind, Commissioner of Public Works, offers the following resolution
Program Committee on August 14, 2018. The Capital Program is a and moves its adoption:
recommendation to the County Legislature from the Capital Program Committee,
comprised of members of the Administration and Legislature. It identifies the WHEREAS, there is a requirement in the Dutchess County Charter and
projects that are recommended to be undertaken, including their estimated cost Administrative Code to provide the County Legislature with a listing of projects
when available. Projects listed for 2019 are recommended for submission to the and estimated costs of capital construction and improvement projects for a five-
County Legislature for approval in the next year. The projects included for 2020- year period; and
2023 are identified as being necessary; these projects, however, will be reviewed
annually to reconcile changing needs, priorities, current costs, and funding WHEREAS, the Capital Program Committee has met with department heads
availability. to review the status of existing Capital Projects; and

Financing Dutchess County Government requires careful consideration of long- WHEREAS, the Capital Program Committee has met with department heads
term financial goals as well as consideration of the immediate needs faced in the to review proposed departmental projects; and
preparation of annual operating budgets. The capital program establishes project
priorities over the next five-year period; it is a forecast based on the needs of our WHEREAS, the Capital Program Committee has reviewed departmental plans
County within the context of long-term fiscal restraint and stability. within the context of County government priorities; and

The overall program cites fiver-year expenditures for public safety, recreation, WHEREAS, the Capital Program Committee has evaluated proposed capital
transportation, physical and technical infrastructure and general service spending for the impact on annual operating budgets; now, therefore; be it
functions. In addition to county expenditures and bonding, sources of financing
RESOLVED, that the construction and improvement projects as shown on the
include Federal and State aid, and additional revenues that may be generated by
a project. This capital program includes projects for Dutchess Community College attached be approved as the 2019-2023 Dutchess County Capital Program, and
and Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority, which would also require be it further
substantial funding by the County. RESOLVED, that the projects as shown for 2019 be recommended for approval of
While we must be prudent, maintaining the county’s facilities, infrastructure, funding by the County Legislature in fiscal year 2019.
road network and other capital assets must remain a high priority. I wish to thank
the members of the Capital Program Committee for participating in establishing
this plan for the Legislature’s consideration.
Sincerely, Seconded by: Eoin Wrafter, Commissioner of Planning and Development
Resolution adopted by acclamation, August 14, 2018

Marcus J. Molinaro

Page 802
A capital program is a statement of major projects that are intended to be undertaken over a specified period of time. This program of capital
expenditures includes spending for the acquisition, improvement or addition to capital assets, which are fixed assets with a useful life of more
than a year. Dutchess County’s capital program covers a five‐year period and is revised annually to reflect the County’s changing needs and

Capital expenditures for County departments, the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority (DCWWA) and Dutchess Community College
(DCC) are summarized in the pages that follow. Projects are grouped and prioritized by the requests of DCC, County departments and DCWWA.
The highlights of the County’s capital program are noted below; descriptions for all projects are included in the Section: 2019 – 2023 Capital
Program Requests for Dutchess County.

Dutchess County’s Capital Program 2019‐2023 provides for improvements to assets and infrastructure in multiple areas of County government.
Projects are spread over the five‐year period to equalize the impact on annual debt service obligations.

• Recommended 2019 capital projects involving existing County buildings include planning, design and renovations to various County
• The Highway Construction and Maintenance Division of the DPW has scheduled the replacement of various vehicles and equipment during
• The maintenance of County roads and bridges is an ongoing priority in Dutchess County. 2019 funding is provided for the Engineering
Division of DPW to continue our commitment to maintaining roads and bridges, preventing deterioration, and repairing hazardous
• DPW Parks plans to focus 2019 investments on the design and implementation of the Parks Master Plan, as well as, improvements to
Dutchess Stadium.
• DPW Airport has scheduled for new and replacement of airport equipment, design for the replacement of guidance signs at runways and
taxiways, as well as, update the existing Airport Master Plan.

Page 803
• Dutchess Community College projects for 2019 are improvement projects at Falcon, Taconic and Washington Halls, Orcutt Student Services
Building, Greenspan Daycare Center, as well as, continuation of their phased infrastructure project and the purchase of a property on
Creek Road.
• In 2019, the Department of Planning & Development will request funds for the Partnership for Manageable Growth. This grant fund
matches available Federal, State, municipal and/or other funds in order to protect Dutchess County open space and farmland.
• The Water & Wastewaster Authority plans to conduct a Feasibility Study for a Water Storage Facility to serve the Central Dutchess Water
Transmission Line (CDWTL).

The Annual Process

The annual capital programming process, which is coordinated by the Dutchess County Department of Planning and Development, begins with
County departments submitting capital budget requests for a five‐year period. For each capital project submitted by a department, its
commissioner assigns a departmental priority ranking. This rating assists the Capital Program Committee in comparing projects in different

The Capital Program Committee comprised of the County Executive, County Legislators, and selected department heads, then evaluates the
requests on the basis of overall county government priorities and needs. This evaluation process includes discussions with department heads, an
analysis of existing assets and infrastructure, and a review of the short‐ and long‐term fiscal impacts of proposed projects.

After the Capital Program Committee adopts the capital program, bonding resolutions for the ensuing years’ projects will be forwarded to the
County Legislature for approval when appropriate.

Fiscal Impact
The projected fiscal implications of the 2019‐2023 Capital Program are included in this report to provide a true picture of the financial impacts of
the proposed projects on the County’s future budgets. Historical trends of debt service and capital outlay expenditures in Dutchess County are
also provided, as is a listing of capital improvement projects that have been approved and are in the process of being implemented.

Page 804
Capital Projects & Debt Service
Like most governments, Dutchess County utilizes borrowing to finance capital expenditures such as road and bridge projects, equipment
acquisition, building construction and renovations, and other authorized activities. Capital projects are typically multi-year projects financed by
the issuance of debt which is repaid with interest over the useful life of the project or capital asset. The County’s operating budget includes annual
re-payment of principal and payment of interest through “debt service.”

There are many advantages to this method of financing capital expenditures. Borrowing, typically through issuance of bonds, helps to create a
more stable expenditure pattern that does not fluctuate severely as projects are undertaken. Borrowing also enables the County to complete
capital projects that would be unattainable through a strictly pay-as-you-go financing basis. Furthermore, this policy enables the cost of these
capital assets to be borne by the present and future taxpayers receiving the benefit of the capital assets.

The uses and terms of debt are largely regulated by New York State and Local Finance Law. According to the County charter, the authorization to
issue bonds requires adoption of a bond resolution approved by at least two-thirds of the County Legislative body. These resolutions delegate the
power to the Chief Fiscal Officer, the Commissioner of Finance, to authorize and sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and
sale of bonds authorized, including renewals of such notes. The decision to issue bonds is evaluated annually based on cash needs of each project
and projected county cash flow. The County is assisted by bond counsel and financial advisors, who play a key role in the issuance, regarding the
structure, timing, official statement and legal requirements, as well as with the application to the rating agency. For more information regarding
debt service policy, refer to the Budget Overview – Financial Policies section of the budget document.

Debt Service
As of December 31, 2018, Dutchess County is projected to have total outstanding debt of $133,374,536 and approved appropriations to pay down
$14,074,536 in 2019. Thus, the net indebtedness for the County as of December 31, 2018 is projected to be $119,300,000. The net indebtedness
is subject to the constitutional tax limit of $2.090 billion, and the amount as of December 31, 2018 represents 5.71% of this limit. As of August 31,
2018, the County had authorized but unissued debt totaling $177,400,617. The following table represents a summary of the County’s debt service
obligation as of December 31, 2018.

Page 805

2019 14,074,536 5,192,265 $19,266,801

2020 12,825,000 3,812,544 $16,637,544
2021 10,625,000 3,354,763 $13,979,763
2022 9,200,000 2,961,581 $12,161,581
2023 8,125,000 2,634,481 $10,759,841
2024-2028 32,010,000 9,928,028 $41,938,028
2029-2033 17,335,000 6,225,947 $23,560,947
2034-2038 11,095,000 4,026,484 $15,121,484
2039-2043 8,305,000 2,526,028 $10,831,028
2044-2048 9,780,000 948,847 $10,728,847
$133,374,536 $41,610,968 $174,985,504

Dutchess County utilizes comprehensive debt management strategies to minimize annual debt service and maximize benefit to the County’s fiscal
condition while protecting taxpayer resources. Debt management planning includes continual administrative review, adherence to local finance
law, emphasis on pay-as-you-go financing when possible and responsible, and use of bond counsel and financial advisors.

The County has been vigilant in refunding bonds to issue new ones at lower interest rates. This process is undertaken periodically depending on
interest rates and potential savings. Recent refundings include the following:

• In February 2009, Dutchess County issued $15,095,000 in Public Improvement Refunding (Serial) Bonds, 2009 Series dated February 18, 2009.
The bond principal decreased $390,000; interest decreased $679,585. The total overall savings was $1,069,585 to the County.

• In December 2011, the County issued $5,395,000 in Serial Bonds which were used to advance refund $5,750,000 of the 2003 public
improvement serial bonds. The County recorded a gain on bond refunding in the amount of $544,473 related to this transaction.

• In June 2015, the County issued $14,800,000 in Serial Bonds which were used to advance refund $15,150,000 of public improvement bonds
issued in 2004 and 2006. The total overall saving to the County was $956,326.

• In October 2016, the County issued $10,960,000 in Serial Bonds which were used to advance refund $11,800,000 of public improvement bonds
issued in 2007 and 2008. The overall savings to the County was $1,413,527.

Page 806
County fiscal staff continue to seek out other responsible debt management practices to effectively reduce costs. This includes the deferral of
borrowings based upon the County’s liquidity position.

Ongoing Projects
Dutchess County utilizes the annual Capital Improvement Program as a means to maintain and improve county infrastructure. The following
represent ongoing projects that are necessary on a routine basis to maintain county infrastructure, many of which have been proposed as part of
the Capital Improvement Program for 2019.

• Building Planning, Design and Renovations at Various County Facilities

• Roof Replacement Program

• HVAC Piping & Infrastructure Replacement Program

• Highway & Bridge Improvement & Reconstruction

• Highway Construction Vehicles and Equipment Replacement

• Dutchess Community College Infrastructure Improvements

• Partnership for Manageable Growth

• County Vehicle Replacement Program

These programs and projects are undertaken to respond to mandates or opportunities to promote greater efficiency and protect county assets.

Planned Capital Projects in 2019

Along with the routine ongoing capital projects listed above which occur on an annual basis, there are a number of necessary non-recurring capital
projects included in the plan. The following projects have been proposed as part of the Capital Improvement Program for 2019.

Page 807
Non-Recurring Capital Projects for 2019
Estimated County
Department Project
Dutchess Community College Purchase Creek Road Property $87,500
DPW – Airport Airport Master Plan Update $21,800
DPW – Airport New and Replacement Airport Equipment $90,300
DPW – Airport Airport Guidance Sign Replacement (Design) $3,300
DPW – Buildings Youth Services Center (Planning & Design) $350,000
DPW – Parks Dutchess Stadium Capital Improvements $3,600,000
DPW – Parks Parks Master Plan Design and Implementation $2,000,000
Water & Wastewater Authority Feasibility Study – Water Storage Facility $150,000
Total $6,302,900

For detailed information regarding these projects, including project descriptions and total project costs, please refer to the 2019 – 2023 Capital
Program Requests for Dutchess County section.

Impacts on Operating Costs

Capital projects and the capital improvement program impact the budget in a number of ways. When debt is issued for a particular project, those
costs increase the total debt service cost included in the ensuing year’s operating budget.

Dutchess County strives to minimize frequency of borrowing and to utilize a pay-as-you-go project financing method when possible. The fiscal
impact of each project is carefully reviewed to determine if and when borrowing becomes necessary to finance the project.

Many of the on-going capital projects, such as roof replacements and energy efficiency improvements at County facilities, minimize departmental
operating expenses by reducing utility and maintenance costs. These adjustments are included in the calculation of the annual operating budget
during the budget process and are included in the analysis and decision-making process for individual capital projects.

Page 808
The 2019 Debt Service Obligation by Fund is detailed in the table below.

2019 Debt Service Summary by Fund

Fund Serial Bond Principal Serial Bond Interest Debt Service Totals
General Fund 13,015,699 4,924,874 17,940,573
Community College 520,786 140,520 661,306
Airport 235,365 77,690 313,055
Public Transportation 302,688 42,661 345,349
Total $14,074,538 $5,185,745 $19,260,283

The below table indicates the projected 2019 debt service by department.

2019 Debt Service Summary by Department

Department Serial Bond Principal Serial Bond Interest Debt Service Totals
Dutchess Community College 520,786 140,520 661,306
Public Works - Airport 235,365 77,690 313,055
Public Works - Buildings 4,077,809 2,866,114 6,943,923
Public Works - Highway & Engineering 4,757,075 1,372,367 6,129,442
Public Works - Parks 970,462 196,665 1,167,127
Emergency Response 565,371 139,411 704,782
Finance 1,515,000 113,625 1,628,625
Public Works - Public Transit 302,688 42,661 345,349
Office of Central and Information Systems 461,000 24,545 485,545
Planning & Development 368,428 189,987 558,415
Probation & Community Corrections 44,554 11,228 55,782
Sheriff 256,000 10,932 266,932
Total $14,074,538 $5,185,745 $19,260,283

Page 809
2019 Summary of 2019 - 2023 Capital Program

Public Buildings

Highway Construction &

6.3% Dutchess Community College
Planning & Development


Roads & Bridges

22.9% Water & Waste Water Resources

Department: 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Dutchess Community College $2,272,000 $1,411,000 $0 $0 $0
Planning & Development 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Public Works - Airport 994,000 1,377,000 3,593,000 1,983,800 1,198,000
Public Works - Buildings Division 20,350,000 19,150,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
Public Works - Engineering Division 9,800,000 8,500,000 9,000,000 9,250,000 9,000,000
Public Works - Highway Division 2,678,000 2,780,000 2,742,000 2,695,000 2,915,000
Public Works - Parks 6,500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Public Works - Public Transit - 1,620,000 - 6,495,000 -
Water & Wastewater Authority 150,000 - - - -
Total Gross Costs 43,744,000 37,838,000 22,335,000 26,423,800 19,113,000
Total Other Funding 6,914,600 7,471,600 7,413,300 11,730,100 5,138,000
Total Net County Costs* $36,829,400 30,366,400 14,921,700 $14,693,700 $13,975,000

*Values are rounded

Note - Projects with costs to be determined are not included in the totals.

Page 810
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)

Dutchess Community College

Dutchess Community College (DCC) offers educational opportunities that prepare individuals to realize their full potential and contribute to a diverse and global society. DCC is
in the process of developing a 2018 Comprehensive Academic and Facilities Master Plan to include all campus and satellite locations, which will inform the capital program.
Projects in 2019-2020 will be reviewed for relevance, requirements, timing and costs and may change accordingly. Projects beyond 2020 are listed as TBD pending its
completion. Fifty percent of capital construction costs are provided through New York State funds; thus, the proposed projects are subject to review and approval at the state
level. The County portion of the capital construction costs is financed first through capital charge-back revenues, when available. Capital charge-back revenues are monies for
out-of-county students attending DCC paid by the county in which those students reside. Any projects for which the required County portion of the funding would exceed the
available charge-back monies would require the approval of a County bonding resolution to provide the additional funds needed
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Campus Infrastructure - Phase 3 - 676.0 338.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50% / 338.0 SUNY Office of
Construction* Capital Facilities
This phase updates the electrical service (switch gear, transformers and main cabling) in Taconic Hall, Orcutt Student Services
Building, and the Greenspan Daycare Center.

Design and Construct Falcon Hall 518.0 259.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50% / 259.0 SUNY Office of
Boiler Replacement* Capital Facilities
The project will replace the boilers with new dual-fuel fired units and replace all pumps and accessories.

Falcon Hall Masonry Repairs* 207.0 103.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50% / 103.5 SUNY Office of
Capital Facilities
The project will consist of repairing the building’s damaged brick façade, replacing hollow metal doors and frames, and
painting/replacing sealants where necessary.

*As part of the 2018 Comprehensive Academic and Facilities Master Plan, the projects in 2019-2020 will be reviewed
for relevance, requirements, timing and costs, and may change accordingly.

Page 811
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Dutchess Community College
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Purchase Creek Road Property* 175.0 87.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50% / 87.5 SUNY Office of
Capital Facilities
This project includes the purchase and remediation of residential property located at 176 Creek Road. The remediation will include
tear down and removal of the existing dilapidated structures. The property will then be excavated and developed for future

Washington Hall Lab Exhaust 577.0 288.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50% / 288.5 SUNY Office of
Improvements* Capital Facilities
To relocate and replace the lab exhaust intake louvers to correct indoor air quality concerns. The project includes ductwork
modifications, relocation of three to four exhaust fans within the mechanical room, and the addition of an exhaust louver.

Washington Hall Masonry Repairs* 119.0 59.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50% / 59.5 SUNY Office of
Capital Facilities
This project will include resetting the stone sills, scraping and painting the lintels, remediating the source of the water infiltration,
and repointing and cleaning the brick.

Design New Academic Building* 0.0 0.0 857.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50% / 428.5 SUNY Office of
Capital Facilities
Design of a new 50,000 gross square foot academic building to create new instructional and student space. This project also
includes the complete renovation of Hudson Hall (Phase 1 and Phase 2) and Taconic Hall.

*As part of the 2018 Comprehensive Academic and Facilities Master Plan, the projects in 2019-2020 will be reviewed
for relevance, requirements, timing and costs, and may change accordingly.

Page 812
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Dutchess Community College
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Upgrade Campus IT Infrastructure 0.0 0.0 554.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50% / 277.0 SUNY Office of
Phase 1* Capital Facilities
This project will permit the college to provide and maintain efficient, effective, and state-of-the-art information technology
components, network backbone, speed, and capacity to support the educational and administrative mission of the institution.

Construct New Academic Building 0.0 0.0 0.0 TBD TBD 0.0 50% SUNY Office of
Capital Facilities
Construction phase of new academic building.

Upgrade Campus IT Infrastructure 0.0 0.0 0.0 TBD 0.0 0.0 50% SUNY Office of
Phase 2 Capital Facilities
This project will permit the college to provide and maintain efficient, effective, and state-of-the-art information technology
components, network backbone, speed, and capacity to support the educational and administrative mission of the institution.

Planning, Design and Renovations - 0.0 0.0 0.0 TBD TBD TBD 50% SUNY Office of
Various Buildings Capital Facilities
This project will fund planning, design and construction costs for renovations and alterations at various buildings identified
through the College's 2018 Comprehensive Academic and Facilities Master Plan. Costs will include professional services (planning,
studies, design, construction management & inspection, testing, etc.) and construction services, including hazardous materials
abatement, if necessary. Costs will also include purchase of materials and equipment as needed.
TOTAL - Dutchess Community College 2,272.0 1,136.0 1,411.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

*As part of the 2018 Comprehensive Academic and Facilities Master Plan, the projects in 2019-2020 will be reviewed
for relevance, requirements, timing and costs, and may change accordingly.

Page 813
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Planning & Development
The Department of Planning and Development is responsible for comprehensive county-wide planning, Greenway program implementation, farmland and open space
preservation, review of municipal planning and zoning development projects, planning assistance to local governments, community development, housing and prevention of
homelessness, comprehensive transportation planning and capital programming, County-wide shared services plan, implementation of the Agency Partner Grant (APG) and
Municipal Innovation Grant (MIG) programs, public information, citizen participation, and comprehensive mapping and geographic information systems (GIS) data.
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Partnership for Manageable Growth 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0
Protecting important agricultural and open space resources is essential to Dutchess County's agriculture and tourism industries;
protects environmental quality, supports biodiversity and mitigates the impacts of development. County Matching grants allow us
to leverage funding from federal, state, local and private sources. Inclusion of PMG funding in the Capital Budget fulfills NYS
requirements for documentation of the County's long-term commitment to funding partnerships.
TOTAL - Planning & Development 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0

Page 814
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Public Works - Airport
Hudson Valley Regional Airport serves a broad base of aviation-related activities. The continued maintenance of facilities for general aviation is important for economic
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Airport Master Plan Update 435.0 21.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5% / 21.7 NYSDOT
Update existing Airport Master Plan, which is necessary for maintaining eligibility for FAA capital funds. 90% / 391.5 FAA

Groundwater Mitigation at Hudson TBD TBD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Valley Regional Airport
Mitigation of groundwater contamination pursuant to NYS DEC Order on Consent.

New and Replacement Airport 493.0 90.3 0.0 350.0 0.0 0.0 4% / 35.0 NYSDOT
Equipment 83% / 700.2 FAA
Replace existing 2000 Oshkosh plow/spreader trucks with two new trucks, one in 2019 and one in 2021. Replace existing 1-ton (*includes 2019
dump truck with plow. Replace pavement paint sprayer. Purchase new aerial lift. and 2021)

Airport Guidance Sign 66.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5% / 3.3 NYSDOT
Replacements (Design) 90% / 59.4 FAA
Replacement of airfield guidance signs and devices at runways and taxiways. This project is design services and environmental
assessment services only.

Appraisals & Pre-Negotiation for 0.0 0.0 84.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5% / 4.2 NYSDOT
Easement Acquisition (Runway 90% / 75.6 FAA
Appraisals and pre-negotiation for easement acquisitions for runway 6/24 associated with off-airport obstruction removal project.

Page 815
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Public Works - Airport
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
On-Airport Obstruction Removal 0.0 0.0 98.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5% / 4.9 NYSDOT
(Design & Permitting) 90% / 88.2 FAA
Removal of objects that have been identified by FAA as possible hazards to aircraft within the airport property.

Terminal Apron and Taxiways E & F 0.0 0.0 140.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5% / 7.0 NYSDOT
Rehabilitation (Design and 90% / 126.0 FAA
Rehabilitate pavement surface at the airport terminal apron and taxiways E & F. Project may include pavement and drainage
repairs, and may also include full depth pavement reconstruction as needed. New pavement striping will be included as needed.
Runway 6/24 Safety Area 0.0 0.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5% / 15.0 NYSDOT
Improvements (Final Design) 90% / 270.0 FAA
Project involves creating a runway safety area at both ends of runway 6/24. Project will include relocation of navigation aids and
runway guidance signs as needed, and new pavement striping as needed.

Airport Guide Sign Replacements 0.0 0.0 755.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5% / 37.7 NYSDOT
(Construction) 90% / 679.5 FAA
Replacement of airfield guidance signs and devices at runways and taxiways. This project is design services and environmental
assessment services only.

On-Airport Obstruction Removal 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,102.0 0.0 0.0 5% / 55.1 NYSDOT
(Construction) 90% / 991.8 FAA
Removal of on-airport obstructions.

Page 816
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Public Works - Airport
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Replace Runway Lighting (Design) 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.0 0.0 0.0 5% / 2.9 NYSDOT
This project is for the design of in-pavement runway light replacements for runway 6/24. Included are existing edge light removals, 90% / 52.2 FAA
replacement with new in-pavement elevated edge lights, associated cable and transformer replacements, and the installation of
drainage conduit where possible to direct water infiltrating the lighting system to established drainage conveyances.

Runway 6/24 Safety Area 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,083.0 0.0 0.0 5% / 104.1 NYSDOT
Improvements (Construction) 90% / 1,874.7 FAA
Project involves creating a runway safety area at both ends of runway 6/24. Project will include relocation of navigation aids and
runway guidance signs as needed, and new pavement striping as needed.

Appraisals & Pre-Negotiation for 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 72.0 0.0 5% / 3.6 NYSDOT
Easement Acquisition at the "33" 90% / 64.8 FAA
End of Runway 15/33
Appraisals and pre-negotiation for acquiring property and/or property rights needed for the removal of obstructions off-airport at
the "33" end of runway 15/33.
Terminal Apron and Taxiways E & F 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,497.0 0.0 5% / 74.8 NYSDOT
Rehabilitation (Construction) 90% / 1,347.3 FAA
Rehabilitate pavement surface at the airport terminal apron and taxiways E & F. Project may include pavement and drainage
repairs, and may also include full depth pavement reconstruction as needed. New pavement striping will be included as needed.

Obstruction Removal, Off-Airport, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 414.8 0.0 5% / 20.7 NYSDOT
Runway 6/24 (Design & Permitting) 90% / 373.4 FAA
Design and permitting for off-airport obstruction removal at runway 6/24.

Page 817
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Public Works - Airport
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Appraisal & Pre-Negotiation for 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 140.0 5% / 7.0 NYSDOT
Easement Acquisition at the "15" 90% / 126.0 FAA
End of Runway 15/33
Appraisal and pre-negotiation activities for acquiring property and rights to remove off-airport obstructions at the "15" end of
runway 15/33.
Obstruction Removal, Off-Airport, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 651.0 5% / 32.5 NYSDOT
Runway 6/24 (Construction) 90% / 585.9 FAA
Removal of obstructions off-airport at runway 6/24.

Replace Runway Lighting 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 407.0 5% / 20.3 NYSDOT
(Construction) 90% / 366.3 FAA
This project is for the construction of in-pavement runway light replacements for runway 6/24. Included are existing edge light
removals, replacement with new in-pavement elevated edge lights, associated cable and transformer replacements, and the
installation of drainage conduit where possible to direct water infiltrating the lighting system to established drainage
TOTAL - Public Works - Airport 994.0 115.4 1,377.0 3,593.0 1,983.8 1,198.0

Page 818
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Public Works - Buildings Division
The Buildings Division of the Dutchess County Department of Public Works has the responsibility for the rehabilitation and maintenance of County-owned buildings, parking
lots, and other facilities.

2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
HVAC Infrastructure Repairs at 10 & 16,000.0 16,000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
22 Market Street
Replacement of HVAC piping and related systems and equipment including asbestos abatement for 10 and 22 Market Street. This
project will be a multi-phased, multi-year build-out.

HVAC Piping & Infrastructure 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0
Replacement Program - Various
This project will fund replacement and upgrades of HVAC systems at various County buildings.

Planning, Design and Renovation - 2,500.0 2,500.0 2,500.0 2,500.0 2,500.0 2,500.0
Various Buildings
This project will fund planning, design and construction costs for renovations and alterations at various County buildings, including
renovation of the 4th floor of 22 Market Street in 2019. Costs will include professional services (planning, studies, design,
construction management & inspection, testing, etc.) and construction services, including hazardous materials abatement. Costs
will also include purchase of moving services, furnishings, fixtures, and equipment as needed.
Roof Replacements at Various 500.0 500.0 500.0 500.0 500.0 500.0
This project will fund replacement or major repairs of roofs at various County buildings.

Youth Services Center 350.0 350.0 1,150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Planning and design in 2019, with renovations for new Youth Services Center in 2020.

Page 819
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Public Works - Buildings Division
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
230 North Road Campus and 0.0 0.0 14,000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Building Renovations - Phase 2 & 3
Renovation of buildings, parking lots, and HVAC systems at 230 North Road. The construction will be completed in two separate
phases over a multi-year build-out period.

TOTAL - Public Works - Buildings Division 20,350.0 20,350.0 19,150.0 4,000.0 4,000.0 4,000.0

Page 820
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Public Works - Engineering Division
The Engineering Division of the Dutchess County Department of Public Works is responsible for the engineering-related maintenance of County roadways. The Department
maintains a total of 328 bridges and drainage structures with spans over five feet. The Dutchess County Highway System consists of 395 miles of roads with storm drainage and
traffic control devices.
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Highway & Bridge Improvements 9,800.0 5,800.0 8,500.0 9,000.0 9,250.0 9,000.0 44% / 20,000.0 NYSDOT, CHIPs*
and Reconstruction (2019 CHIPs
This project funds highway improvements, bridge replacement or reconstruction, traffic safety projects, drainage system funding =
replacements and repairs, pavement management programs, parking lot improvements, and traffic signal and signage $4,000.)
improvements. Costs include professional services for design and inspection, acquisition of right-of-way, construction services, and
purchase of materials.

*The projected $20 million in CHIPs funding will partially offset County costs over the 5-year project period.
TOTAL - Public Works - Engineering 9,800.0 5,800.0 8,500.0 9,000.0 9,250.0 9,000.0

Page 821
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Public Works - Highway Division
The Highway Division is responsible for overseeing numerous programs to maintain the County’s 395 centerline miles of roads, 140 bridges and 178 drainage structures.
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Department of Public Works Capital 1,503.0 1,503.0 1,565.0 1,487.0 1,400.0 1,580.0
Purchase replacement trucks and machinery for the Department of Public Works.

Law Enforcement Replacement 650.0 650.0 675.0 700.0 725.0 750.0

Replacement law enforcement vehicles and equipment for the Sheriff's Office.

Replacement Vehicles for Various 525.0 525.0 540.0 555.0 570.0 585.0
Replacement vehicles for various County departments and agencies, except the Sheriff's Office.

TOTAL - Public Works - Highway Division 2,678.0 2,678.0 2,780.0 2,742.0 2,695.0 2,915.0

Page 822
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Public Works - Parks
The Department of Public Works Parks Division is responsible for the development and maintenance of County parks (Wilcox, Bowdoin and Quiet Cove Riverfront Park), as well
as the Dutchess County portion of the Harlem Valley Rail Trail and the Dutchess Rail Trail. Wilcox Park, located in the Town of Milan, covers 615 acres of mostly wooded terrain.
Bowdoin Park, purchased by the County in 1975, includes 301 acres along the Hudson River in the Town of Poughkeepsie. Quiet Cove Riverfront Park is 27 acres along the
Hudson River and is a partnership between the State and the County.
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Dutchess Stadium Capital 4,500.0 3,600.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20% / 900.0 CFA Grant
Renovations to existing stadium buildings and systems. Construction of new stadium enhancements to improve fan experience,
offer additional vending areas, enlarge suites, and construct a year-round event space. Required for CFA match.

Parks Master Plan Design and 2,000.0 2,000.0 2,000.0 2,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0
Design and implementation of recommendations that will be developed through the Parks Master Plan process. Each year's
funding will include implementation of current projects and design of next year's phase.

TOTAL - Public Works - Parks 6,500.0 5,600.0 2,000.0 2,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0

Page 823
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Public Works - Public Transit
The primary mission of the Division of Public Transit is to provide Dutchess County with a safe, efficient, accessible and reliable public transportation system.
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Replace Four (4) 30’ Medium Duty 0.0 0.0 1,620.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10% / 162.0 NYSDOT
Diesel (International) Buses 80% / 1,296.0 FTA
Project will replace four (4) 30’ medium duty diesel buses (International).

Replace Six (6) 40’ Heavy Duty 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,850.0 0.0 10% / 285.0 NYSDOT
Diesel (Orion) Buses 80% / 2,280.0 FTA
Project will replace six (6) 40' heavy duty diesel buses (Orion).

Replace Nine (9) 30’ Medium Duty 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,645.0 0.0 10% / 364.5 NYSDOT
Diesel (International) Buses 80% / 2,916.0 FTA
Project will replace nine (9) 30’ medium duty diesel buses (International).

TOTAL - Public Works - Public Transit 0.0 0.0 1,620.0 0.0 6,495.0 0.0

Page 824
2019 - 2023 Capital Program Requests for Dutchess County ($000)
Water & Wastewater Authority
The Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority was created to identify and seek solutions to water and wastewater problems in the County. The provision of adequate
central water and sewer service is crucial. The most common problems that municipalities face in implementing water and sewer projects are lack of funding and the inability to
build future capacity into systems.
2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Other than County Sources
Total Est. Projected Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. Total Est. % / Projected Source
Project Project Cost County Share Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Project Cost Amount
Feasibility Study - Water Storage 150.0 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Feasibility Study for a Water Storage Facility to serve the Central Dutchess Water Transmission Line (CDWTL), Dutchess County
Airport Water Line, and Hudson Valley Regional Airport. Involves an update to the 2006 Engineering Feasibility Study to assess the
storage volume needed, siting considerations, evaluation of potential sites, and estimates of probable cost for selected options.
Water Storage Facility 0.0 0.0 TBD TBD TBD TBD
Water Storage Facility for the Central Dutchess Water Transmission Line (CDWTL), Dutchess County Airport Water Line, and
Hudson Valley Regional Airport. The final size and location of the storage facility will be determined as part of the project design
process and will depend on the project participants and needs identified. Project costs will be determined once other participants
and their potential needs are identified.
TOTAL - Water & Wastewater Authority 150.0 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOTAL - ALL DEPARTMENTS 43,744.0 36,829.4 37,838.0 22,335.0 26,423.8 19,113.0

Page 825
Current Capital Projects

Encumbered and Unencumbered

Appropriation as of Expended as of Balance as of
Project Code (a) 8/31/2018 (b) 8/31/2018 (c) 8/31/2018 (d)

Dutchess Community College

DCC Bowne Hall Roof Replacement HC0437 $691,445 $450,000 $241,445
DCC Campus Infrastructure Phase II HC0489 1,980,000 11,125 1,968,875
DCC Infrastructure Phase III Roof HC0503 626,250 183,696 442,554
DCC 2017 Safety/Fire alarm Update HC0509 823,000 - 823,000
DCC 2017 Master Plan Update HC0510 500,000 - 500,000
DCC 2017 Roof Replacement HC0511 1,801,200 825,176 976,024

Economic Assistance and Opportunity

2017 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0504 170,000 161,236 8,764
2018 Capital Equipment H0516 145,400 15,952 129,448
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 69,000 - 69,000
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 24,000 - 24,000
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 24,000 - 24,000
2018 OFA Building Equipment H0521 1,000,000 182,796 817,204
General Service
2010 Building Reconstruction H0420 1,439,250 929,777 509,473
Enterprise Content Management System H0449 960,000 463,170 496,830
2014 DPW Building Reconstruction H0459 2,171,500 2,129,965 41,535
HazMat Survey - Phase I H0465 439,500 194,871 244,629
2014 Jail PODS Project H0466 8,393,303 6,612,468 1,780,835
2014 DPW Building Demolition H0467 808,000 31,319 776,681
Acquisition - 503 Haight Avenue H0473 1,426,625 1,345,859 80,766
Water Transmission Line H0477 3,700,000 3,002,040 697,960
Building Repairs H0484 1,333,200 1,200,081 133,119
230 North Rd. Renov/Crisis Stabil H0486 4,848,000 4,332,349 515,651
DC Justice & Transition Center H0487 192,150,000 39,452,750 152,697,250
2016 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0494 872,640 857,630 15,010
2016 Building Repairs/Renovation H0496 3,333,000 2,050,048 1,282,952
2016 Acq/Renov 45 Market Street H0499 6,988,000 5,624,433 1,363,567
2017 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0504 32,545 24,147 8,398

Page 826
Current Capital Projects

Encumbered and Unencumbered

Appropriation as of Expended as of Balance as of
Project Code (a) 8/31/2018 (b) 8/31/2018 (c) 8/31/2018 (d)
2017 Emergency Generators H0508 2,614,811 86,725 2,528,086
100-102 Parker Avenue H0513 488,000 487,537 463
2018 Capital Equipment H0516 60,000 - 60,000
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 30,000 23,123 6,877
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 24,000 - 24,000
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 93,000 - 93,000
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 79,210 - 79,210
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 24,000 - 24,000

Home and Community Service

2014 Partner/Manageable Growth H0476 1,000,000 590,452 409,548
2016 - Partner/Manageable Growth H0500 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
2017 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0504 24,500 22,967 1,533
Partnership/Manageable Growth H0512 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 47,000 - 47,000
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 22,000 - 22,000

2006 Parks Plan H0372 12,778,000 10,570,686 2,207,314
Stadium Capital Improvement H0373 431,050 411,834 19,216
Parks Capital Projects H0434 2,872,450 2,614,107 258,343
2014 Highway Equipment H0464 44,000 43,883 117
2014 Parks Improvements H0471 166,650 85,836 80,814
2016 Park Improvements H0493 375,000 123,117 251,883
2017 Capital Equipment H0505 60,000 50,677 9,323
2018 Capital Equipment H0516 113,000 27,618 85,382
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 45,000 - 45,000
Criminal Justice System H0348 2,650,000 2,615,065 34,935
Emergency Response Training Room H0358 6,825,000 6,824,998 2
DC Jail Security & Comm. System H0422 3,456,600 2,616,093 840,507
Jail Project - Design Phase H0456 1,212,000 1,150,231 61,769

Page 827
Current Capital Projects

Encumbered and Unencumbered

Appropriation as of Expended as of Balance as of
Project Code (a) 8/31/2018 (b) 8/31/2018 (c) 8/31/2018 (d)
2016 911 Communication Systems H0497 2,048,758 2,010,174 38,584
2017 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0504 505,000 484,430 20,570
2018 Emergency Response Train Cr. H0514 3,030,000 - 3,030,000
2018 ER 911 Phone System H0519 630,120 - 630,120
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 616,000 - 616,000

Transportation (Roads & Bridges)

2000 Bridges- ISTEA/TEA 21 H0289 15,000,000 11,281,126 3,718,874
2000 Roads (ISTEA/TEA 21) H0290 10,238,000 9,730,609 507,391
2007 Bridges - ISTEA H0383 6,066,909 3,340,228 2,726,681
2007 Roads - ISTEA H0384 27,909,699 3,927,940 23,981,759
Highway & Bridge Capital Projects H0431 4,921,178 4,916,243 4,935
2013 Highway & Bridge Improv. H0451 6,541,940 6,504,163 37,777
2014 Highway & Bridge Improvements H0460 8,630,679 7,953,436 677,243
2014 Highway Equipment H0464 1,048,030 883,464 164,566
CR92 Project - DEP H0468 800,000 - 800,000
2014 Economic Dev. Bridge Projects H0469 6,738,000 3,624,409 3,113,591
2015 Highway and Bridge Improvements H0479 8,765,666 7,570,014 1,195,652
2016 Highway & Bridge Improvements H0491 7,735,040 6,014,081 1,720,959
2016 Capital Equipment H0495 339,360 326,248 13,112
2016 Fallkill Dam Improvements H0498 425,000 27,660 397,340
2017 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0504 80,500 78,503 1,997
2017 Capital Equipment H0505 838,900 676,725 162,175
2017 Hwy & Bridge Improvements H0506 6,928,500 4,724,819 2,203,681
2018 Highway & Bridge Improvements H0515 6,948,695 1,156,185 5,792,510
2018 Capital Equipment H0516 1,065,704 217,723 847,981
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 35,000 - 35,000

Transportation - Aviation
2012 DPW Airport Fuel Tanks EA0445 76,000 26,005 49,995
2015 Airport Obstruction Removal EA0485 290,000 284,198 5,802
2016 Capital Improvements EA0488 35,000 35,000 -

Page 828
Current Capital Projects

Encumbered and Unencumbered

Appropriation as of Expended as of Balance as of
Project Code (a) 8/31/2018 (b) 8/31/2018 (c) 8/31/2018 (d)
Airport ARFF/SRE Bldg. & Wtr. Dist. EA0492 8,816,900 346,268 8,470,632
DCC Airport Educational Facility EA0501 8,106,945 1,065,478 7,041,467
2016 Airport Property Renovation EA0502 988,500 105,108 883,392
2017 Auto Center Vehicle Bond EA0504 45,955 40,312 5,643
2017 EMAS Replacement EA0507 145,000 73,158 71,842
2018 Capital Equipment EA0516 78,078 - 78,078
On-Airport Water Line EA0518 808,000 578,838 229,162
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond EA0520 73,730 - 73,730

Transportation - Public Transit

Fuel Tank & Site Rehab. ET0435 3,449,082 3,341,760 107,322
Bus Replacement ET0440 3,737,091 3,735,713 1,378
2012 DPW Buildings Bond ET0442 100,100 58 100,042
Bus Replacement ET0483 7,578,052 6,046,686 1,531,366
2016 Bus Replacement ET0490 3,791,768 3,310,546 481,222

Grand Total $440,292,008 $192,863,144 $247,428,864

(a) Refers to the project number assigned to each individual capital project in the County's accounting records. The letter refers to the fund as follows: ET - Enterprise
Transportation (Bus), EA - Enterprise Airport and H - Capital Projects (all other).

(b) The total amount the Legislature has authorized the County to spend in connection with the specific capital project.

(c) The total amount the County has spent (expended) and committed to spend in the future (encumbered) in connection with the specific capital project.

(d) The remaining amount the County is authorized to spend in connection with the specific capital project.

Page 829

Capital Expenditure Trends

Capital outlays include expenditures for capital equipment and for construction, improvement and acquisition of fixed assets such as public buildings,
roads, bridges and real property. A ten-year summary of capital outlays is provided below. In 2017, a total of $30.4 million was expended for capital outlays.

Capital Outlays, Dutchess County Government

2008 - 2017
Millions $

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

*Source: State Comptroller’s Annual Report Municipal Affairs, Dutchess County Department of Finance

Page 830
Total Outstanding Indebtedness
Indebtedness 2010 - 2018
$150 $133.4
The outstanding indebtedness table provides a five- $110.8
$110.7 $107.7 $107.2
year summary of outstanding County indebtedness. $99.5 $101.8
$100 $91.9

Millions $
Total outstanding indebtedness is projected to be
$133,374,536 on December 31, 2018.

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Debt Service Debt Service

2010 - 2019
$22 Debt Service includes payment of principal and interest on
bonds and notes. The Debt Service table provides a
summary of debt service payments from 2010 through
$18 2018 and the budgeted amount for 2019.

$16 The 2019 projected debt service expenditure for projects

already approved by the County Legislature is

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
*Source: State Comptroller’s Annual Report on Municipal Affairs, Dutchess County Department of Finance

Page 831
Debt Authorized and Unissued 2018
August 31, 2018
Project Code (a) Authorized (b) Issued (c) Unissued (d)
DCC Airport Educational Facility EA0501 $1,812,445 $1,200,000 $612,445
2017 Auto Center Vehicle Bond EA0504 45,955 - 45,955
2018 Capital Equipment EA0516 7,878 - 7,878
On-Airport Water Line EA0518 808,000 - 808,000
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond EA0520 73,730 - 73,730
2016 Bus Replacement ET0490 332,136 332,136 -
2014 Parks Improvements H0471 166,650 165,000 1,650
2014 Partner/Manageable Growth H0476 1,000,000 750,000 250,000
Water Transmission Line H0477 2,900,000 2,900,000 -
230 North Rd. Renov/Crisis Stabil H0486 4,848,000 4,300,000 548,000
DC Justice & Transition Center H0487 192,150,000 40,000,000 152,150,000
2016 Highway & Bridge Improvements H0491 4,044,040 2,500,000 1,544,040
2016 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0494 872,640 775,000 97,640
2016 Capital Equipment H0495 339,360 330,000 9,360
2016 Building Repairs/Renovation H0496 3,333,000 2,100,000 1,233,000
2016 Acq/Renov 45 Market St. H0499 4,595,000 - 4,595,000
2016 - Partner/Manageable Growth H0500 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
2017 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0504 812,545 400,000 412,545
2017 Capital Equipment H0505 898,900 100,000 798,900
2017 Highway & Bridge Improvements H0506 2,878,500 1,700,000 1,178,500
2017 Emergency Generators H0508 2,614,811 1,000,000 1,614,811
Partner/Manageable Growth H0512 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
2018 Emergency Response Training Cr. H0514 3,030,000 - 3,030,000
2018 Highway & Bridge Improvements H0515 2,898,224 - 2,898,224
2018 Capital Equipment H0516 1,384,104 - 1,384,104
2018 Auto Center Vehicle Bond H0520 1,132,210 - 1,132,210
DCC Campus Infrastructure Phase II HC0489 990,000 990,000 -
DCC Infrastructure Phase III Roof HC0503 313,125 - 313,125
DCC 2017 Safety/Fire Alarm Updt. HC0509 411,500 - 411,500
DCC 2017 Master Plan Update HC0510 250,000 - 250,000
DCC 2017 Roof Replacement HC0511 900,600 900,600 -
Grand Total $237,843,353 $60,442,736 $177,400,617

(a) Refers to the project number assigned to each individual capital project in the County's accounting records. The letter refers to the fund as follows: EA - Enterprise
Airport, ET - Enterprise Transportation (Bus) and H - Capital Projects (all other).
(b) The total amount of debt the Legislature has authorized the County to borrow in connection with the specific capital project.
(c) The total amount the County has borrowed in connection with the specific capital project.
(d) The remaining amount of debt the County is authorized to borrow in connection with the specific capital project.

Page 832

Table of Contents
2019 Tentative Budget Index ............................................... 833
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
General Gov't Support
66 A.1110 - Justices & Constables 11,500 11,500 11,500
67 A.1162.02 - Unified Court.County Court 519,600 519,600 469,600
69 A.1162.03 - Unified Court.Supreme Court 10,000 10,000 10,000
70 A.1162.04 - Unified Court.Family Court 1,055,450 1,055,450 1,055,450
Total Courts 1,596,550 1,596,550 1,546,550
Board of Elections
76 A.1450 - Board of Elections 2,858,981 2,863,672 2,828,130
Total Board of Elections 2,858,981 2,863,672 2,828,130
88 A.1315 - Comptroller 1,511,867 1,461,873 1,512,050
Total Comptroller 1,511,867 1,461,873 1,512,050
Office of Central & Information Services
100 A.1610.01 - OCIS- CS Admin 679,564 714,205 1,022,653
104 A.1650 - OCIS- Telecomm 206,768 210,315 199,735
108 A.1660 - OCIS- Stores 89,422 92,319 101,455
112 A.1670.18 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Printing 427,338 431,491 464,877
116 A.1670.19 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Mail 332,214 328,127 386,772
119 A.1680 - Computer Information Systems 6,228,292 6,360,426 6,714,881
Total Office of Central & Information Services 7,963,598 8,136,883 8,890,373
County Clerk
131 A.1410.01 - County Clerk.Administration 358,834 359,828 374,577
133 A.1410.13 - County Clerk.DMV 2,466,079 2,642,415 2,929,637
137 A.1410.14 - County Clerk.Legal Division 2,035,540 2,016,481 2,082,558
141 A.1410.20 - County Clerk.Records Mgmt 146,017 144,319 115,203
Total County Clerk 5,006,470 5,163,043 5,501,975

Page 833
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
General Gov't Support
County Executive
149 A.1230 - County Executive 1,378,971 1,380,794 1,446,454
153 A.1340 - Budget 518,341 514,677 542,171
Total County Executive 1,897,312 1,895,471 1,988,625
162 A.1010 - County Legislature 1,101,909 1,092,139 1,150,355
165 A.1040 - Clerk of the Legislature 429,537 445,620 467,798
Total Legislature 1,531,446 1,537,759 1,618,153
181 A.1310 - Finance 2,583,950 3,074,139 2,791,442
185 A.1355 - Real Property Tax Division 986,308 993,892 1,029,527
189 A.1362 - Tax Advertising & Expense 30,000 24,000 30,000
191 A.1364 - Exp Property Acquired for Taxes 127,500 111,847 177,500
193 A.1920 - Municipal Association Dues 50,500 50,500 51,500
194 A.1950 - Taxes & Assessmt County Property 15,000 2,707 4,000
195 A.1980 - MTA Payroll Tax 416,000 428,000 433,000
196 A.1989 - General Gov't Support 120,500 126,834 58,200
Total Finance 4,329,758 4,811,919 4,575,169
County Attorney
206 A.1420 - County Attorney 1,799,974 1,783,959 1,764,410
Total County Attorney 1,799,974 1,783,959 1,764,410

Page 834
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
General Gov't Support
Human Resources
219 A.1430 - Human Resources 2,264,382 2,244,234 2,334,925
224 A.1910.12 - Unallocated Insurance.Insurance & Related Costs 1,724,035 1,723,435 1,635,910
226 A.1910.64 - Unallocated Insurance.Risk Mgmt Admin 640,913 647,566 767,568
230 A.9089 - Other Employee Benefits 500 52,500 168,810
231 S.1710.21 - Self Insurance Administration.Workers Compensation 805,272 805,572 757,148
233 S.1720.21 - Benefits & Awards.Workers Compensation 4,274,485 4,274,485 4,466,942
235 S.1722.21 - Excess Ins..Workers Compensation 414,100 413,800 420,000
Total Human Resources 10,123,687 10,161,592 10,551,303
Public Works
241 A.1490 - DPW Administration 284,373 283,870 300,739
244 A.1620 - DPW-Buildings 5,447,615 5,504,834 5,664,078
Total Public Works 5,731,988 5,788,704 5,964,817
253 A.1990 - Contingency & Vac Fctr (600,000) (1,525,403) (1,300,000)
Total Contingency (600,000) (1,525,403) (1,300,000)
Contribution to Ent Fund
257 A.9901.63 - General Fund Interfund Transfer.Contribution to Ent Fund 2,445,955 2,857,868 3,376,071
Total Contribution to Ent Fund 2,445,955 2,857,868 3,376,071
261 A.9901.65 - General Fund Interfund Transfer.General 250,000 250,000 0
262 S.9901.21 - General Fund Interfund Transfer.Workers Compensation 342,240 342,240 355,910
Total InterfundTransfer 592,240 592,240 355,910
Transfer to Cap Proj. Fund
263 A.9950 - Transfer to Capital Project Fund 0 733,166 0
Total Transfer to Cap Proj. Fund 0 733,166 0

Page 835
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
General Gov't Support
Shared Revenue
285 A.1985 - Distribution of Sales Tax 29,433,108 29,433,108 31,003,856
Total Shared Revenue 29,433,108 29,433,108 31,003,856

Total Appropriations - General Gov't Support 76,222,934 77,292,404 80,177,392

General Gov't Support

Board of Elections
80 A.1450 - Board of Elections 6,668 6,668 7,480
Total Board of Elections 6,668 6,668 7,480
91 A.1315 - Comptroller 10,000 10,000 10,000
Total Comptroller 10,000 10,000 10,000
Office of Central & Information Services
103 A.1610.01 - OCIS- CS Admin 31,500 31,500 237,979
107 A.1650 - OCIS- Telecomm 2,094 2,094 1,980
111 A.1660 - OCIS- Stores 3,300 3,300 3,300
115 A.1670.18 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Printing 25,000 25,000 25,000
118 A.1670.19 - OCIS- Print / Mail- Mail 14,000 14,000 14,000
123 A.1680 - Computer Information Systems 494,984 494,984 512,916
Total Office of Central & Information Services 570,878 570,878 795,175

Page 836
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
General Gov't Support
County Clerk
136 A.1410.13 - County Clerk.DMV 2,124,050 2,124,050 2,414,550
140 A.1410.14 - County Clerk.Legal Division 2,972,317 2,972,317 2,877,267
144 A.1410.20 - County Clerk.Records Mgmt 1,260 1,260 1,260
Total County Clerk 5,097,627 5,097,627 5,293,077
184 A.1310 - Finance 7,576,500 7,576,500 8,613,000
188 A.1355 - Real Property Tax Division 42,850 42,850 42,800
190 A.1362 - Tax Advertising & Expense 30,000 30,000 30,000
198 D.1310 - Finance 1,200 1,200 6,000
199 E.1310 - Finance 800 800 800
Total Finance 7,651,350 7,651,350 8,692,600
County Attorney
209 A.1420 - County Attorney 4,000 4,000 4,000
Total County Attorney 4,000 4,000 4,000
Human Resources
223 A.1430 - Human Resources 60,000 60,000 66,965
225 A.1910.12 - Unallocated Insurance.Insurance & Related Costs 250,000 250,000 250,000
229 A.1910.64 - Unallocated Insurance.Risk Mgmt Admin 342,240 342,240 355,910
232 S.1710.21 - Self Insurance Administration.Workers Compensation 5,336,097 5,336,097 5,900,000
234 S.1720.21 - Benefits & Awards.Workers Compensation 500,000 500,000 100,000
Total Human Resources 6,488,337 6,488,337 6,672,875
Public Works
243 A.1490 - DPW Administration 0 0 100
249 A.1620 - DPW-Buildings 733,231 733,231 605,410
Total Public Works 733,231 733,231 605,510

Page 837
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
General Gov't Support
Property Tax
267 A.1310 - Finance 95,510,890 95,510,890 93,283,355
269 D.1310 - Finance 7,847,348 7,847,348 9,502,958
270 E.1310 - Finance 2,020,425 2,020,425 2,564,456
Total Property Tax 105,378,663 105,378,663 105,350,769
Approp Fund Balance
274 A.9998 - Approp Fund Balance 12,500,000 16,982,049 18,400,000
275 D.9998 - Approp Fund Balance 2,000,000 2,000,000 800,000
276 E.9998 - Approp Fund Balance 500,000 500,000 200,000
Total Approp Fund Balance 15,000,000 19,482,049 19,400,000
Shared Revenue
281 A.1331 - Sales Tax 190,210,428 190,210,428 198,722,583
282 A.1335 - Off-Track Betting 155,000 155,000 90,000
283 A.1336 - Hotel Tax Revenue 2,912,000 2,912,000 3,292,000
284 A.1930 - Shared Revenue 893,000 893,000 939,000
Total Shared Revenue 194,170,428 194,170,428 203,043,583

Total Revenue - General Gov't Support 335,111,182 339,593,231 349,875,069

Page 838
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
287 A.2989 - Handicapped Parking 2,500 2,500 1,500
Total Traffic Safety/STOP DWI 2,500 2,500 1,500
Community College
292 A.2490 - Community College 3,520,000 3,490,766 3,376,000
293 A.2495 - Contribution to Community Colleg 15,270,722 15,270,722 16,949,204
Total Community College 18,790,722 18,761,488 20,325,204
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
300 A.4046.01 - DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 3-5.Administration 417,179 426,181 453,102
304 A.4046.33 - DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 3-5.Programs 20,781,833 20,781,833 22,866,658
306 A.4059.01 - DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Administration 808,949 819,234 854,577
310 A.4059.33 - DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Programs 2,600,000 2,600,000 2,400,000
Total Department of Behavioral and Community Health 24,607,961 24,627,248 26,574,337

Total Appropriations - Education 43,401,183 43,391,236 46,901,041

Page 839
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
288 A.2989 - Handicapped Parking 2,500 2,500 1,500
Total Traffic Safety/STOP DWI 2,500 2,500 1,500
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
303 A.4046.01 - DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 3-5.Administration 100,000 100,000 100,000
305 A.4046.33 - DBCH.Pre School Special Ed 3-5.Programs 11,859,441 11,859,441 13,599,912
309 A.4059.01 - DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Administration 340,531 340,531 403,096
311 A.4059.33 - DBCH.Early Intervention Prg 0-3.Programs 1,294,100 1,294,100 1,054,000
Total Department of Behavioral and Community Health 13,594,072 13,594,072 15,157,008

Total Revenue - Education 13,596,572 13,596,572 15,158,508

Page 840
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
District Attorney
318 A.1165.05 - District Attorney.Asset Forfeiture 0 75,213 0
320 A.1165.06 - District Attorney.District Attorney 4,723,481 4,756,739 5,034,660
326 A.1165.07 - District Attorney.Stop DWI 402,975 426,025 523,265
329 A.1165.08 - District Attorney.Grand Jury 197,326 204,184 215,144
331 A.1165.09 - District Attorney.Drug Task Force 354,168 365,613 409,318
334 A.1165.10 - District Attorney.Domestic Violence Project 954,013 942,146 929,925
Total District Attorney 6,631,963 6,769,920 7,112,312
Emergency Response
344 A.3020 - Safety 5,616,661 5,674,328 5,535,812
349 A.3410 - Emergency Response 814,831 845,153 985,913
354 A.3410.70 - Emergency Response.Homeland Security Grant 603,393 586,402 568,393
357 A.3989 - LEPC 4,724 4,724 5,941
Total Emergency Response 7,039,609 7,110,607 7,096,059
364 A.3010 - CJC Admin 62,025 62,025 63,861
373 A.3140 - Probation & Community Correction 15,807,938 16,092,371 16,934,681
Total Probation 15,869,963 16,154,396 16,998,542
Public Defender
386 A.1170 - Public Defender 4,344,297 4,326,562 4,365,171
390 A.1170.04 - Public Defender.Family Court 998,361 990,955 1,108,843
394 A.1170.72 - Public Defender.Conflict Defender SWAP Program 293,880 294,989 230,913
397 A.1170.73 - Public Defender.Arraignment Defense 302,809 323,963 323,867
Total Public Defender 5,939,347 5,936,469 6,028,794

Page 841
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
408 A.3110.05 - Sheriff.Asset Forfeiture 0 47,838 0
410 A.3110.25 - Sheriff.Sheriff 17,987,066 18,213,676 18,385,812
417 A.3110.26 - Sheriff.Security Other Gov't 495,210 501,210 491,010
419 A.3110.70 - Sheriff.Homeland Security Grant 157,303 245,974 157,288
421 A.3110.71 - Sheriff.School Resource Officer Program 691,000 774,200 881,447
423 A.3150 - Jail 39,404,397 38,776,146 39,397,592
Total Sheriff 58,734,976 58,559,044 59,313,149
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
436 A.3310 - Traffic Control/Safety 84,389 87,502 88,096
440 A.3315 - STOP DWI 499,357 502,463 494,355
Total Traffic Safety/STOP DWI 583,746 589,965 582,451
Department of Community & Family Services
450 A.3145 - DCFS- Juvenile Detention 1,257,000 1,257,000 1,261,325
Total Department of Community & Family Services 1,257,000 1,257,000 1,261,325

Total Appropriations - Safety 96,056,604 96,377,401 98,392,632

Page 842
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
District Attorney
325 A.1165.06 - District Attorney.District Attorney 459,742 459,742 471,290
328 A.1165.07 - District Attorney.Stop DWI 52,960 52,960 52,960
336 A.1165.10 - District Attorney.Domestic Violence Project 10,000 10,000 5,000
Total District Attorney 522,702 522,702 529,250
Emergency Response
348 A.3020 - Safety 1,830,394 1,830,394 1,416,000
353 A.3410 - Emergency Response 116,585 116,585 166,100
356 A.3410.70 - Emergency Response.Homeland Security Grant 603,393 603,393 568,393
358 A.3989 - LEPC 4,724 4,724 5,172
Total Emergency Response 2,555,096 2,555,096 2,155,665
378 A.3140 - Probation & Community Correction 3,646,382 3,646,382 3,945,734
Total Probation 3,646,382 3,646,382 3,945,734
Public Defender
389 A.1170 - Public Defender 394,312 394,312 423,125
393 A.1170.04 - Public Defender.Family Court 824,943 824,943 805,177
400 A.1170.73 - Public Defender.Arraignment Defense 249,974 249,974 253,893
Total Public Defender 1,469,229 1,469,229 1,482,195
409 A.3110.05 - Sheriff.Asset Forfeiture 0 47,838 0
415 A.3110.25 - Sheriff.Sheriff 1,321,975 1,321,975 1,331,464
418 A.3110.26 - Sheriff.Security Other Gov't 494,210 494,210 491,010
420 A.3110.70 - Sheriff.Homeland Security Grant 157,303 245,974 157,288
422 A.3110.71 - Sheriff.School Resource Officer Program 691,000 726,200 881,447
428 A.3150 - Jail 769,780 769,780 916,395
Total Sheriff 3,434,268 3,605,977 3,777,604

Page 843
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Traffic Safety/STOP DWI
439 A.3310 - Traffic Control/Safety 67,295 67,295 68,113
444 A.3315 - STOP DWI 499,357 499,357 494,355
Total Traffic Safety/STOP DWI 566,652 566,652 562,468
Department of Community & Family Services
451 A.3145 - DCFS- Juvenile Detention 616,000 616,000 618,049
Total Department of Community & Family Services 616,000 616,000 618,049

Total Revenue - Safety 12,810,329 12,982,038 13,070,965

Page 844
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
466 A.1185 - DBCH.Medical Examiner 1,047,363 1,056,515 1,198,655
471 A.4010.01 - DBCH.Administration 1,415,834 1,426,729 1,686,619
475 A.4010.27 - DBCH.Planning & Education 1,745,640 1,829,138 2,133,903
480 A.4010.29 - DBCH.Environmental Health 5,394,013 5,517,280 5,602,105
486 A.4010.30 - DBCH.Public Health Nursing 1,395,648 1,402,153 1,462,698
491 A.4010.31 - DBCH.Communicable Disease 1,897,469 1,923,234 2,154,595
496 A.4230 - DBCH.Contract Narc Addiction 84,063 84,063 84,063
498 A.4250 - DBCH.Alcohol Addiction Control 1,650,288 1,722,092 1,832,329
502 A.4310 - DBCH.Mental Hygiene Admin 3,288,168 3,274,293 3,255,350
509 A.4320.42 - DBCH.Contracted Services 15,777,989 16,832,287 16,113,701
513 A.4320.43 - DBCH.Partial Hospital 1,274,973 1,316,452 1,452,551
517 A.4320.44 - DBCH.Coordinated Services 2,071,054 2,097,796 2,155,539
521 A.4320.45 - DBCH.HELPLINE 1,387,013 1,388,774 1,299,349
525 A.4320.46 - DBCH.Diversion Program 1,420,642 1,470,471 1,563,040
531 A.4320.67 - DBCH.Court Remands 700,000 700,000 700,000
532 A.4320.68 - DBCH.Mobile Team 693,445 680,581 0
535 A.4320.74 - DBCH.Stabilization Center 1,484,473 1,514,683 1,800,324
539 A.6510 - DBCH.Veterans Service Agency 779,076 789,938 813,726
543 A.6510.69 - DBCH.Veterans Service Agency.Veterans Services Reserve 16,723 16,723 16,723
545 A.6610 - Weights & Measures Division 382,493 402,749 433,571
Total Department of Behavioral and Community Health 43,906,367 45,445,951 45,758,841

Total Appropriations - Department of Behavioral and Community Health 43,906,367 45,445,951 45,758,841

Page 845
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
470 A.1185 - DBCH.Medical Examiner 40,000 40,000 119,031
474 A.4010.01 - DBCH.Administration 790,248 798,248 862,462
479 A.4010.27 - DBCH.Planning & Education 683,373 698,613 1,060,959
484 A.4010.29 - DBCH.Environmental Health 2,354,575 2,482,575 2,438,691
490 A.4010.30 - DBCH.Public Health Nursing 462,077 474,077 460,189
495 A.4010.31 - DBCH.Communicable Disease 888,642 905,642 959,657
501 A.4250 - DBCH.Alcohol Addiction Control 1,331,535 1,331,535 1,431,135
506 A.4310 - DBCH.Mental Hygiene Admin 1,166,497 1,166,497 1,166,497
511 A.4320.42 - DBCH.Contracted Services 12,225,376 13,279,674 12,450,497
516 A.4320.43 - DBCH.Partial Hospital 325,000 325,000 361,674
520 A.4320.44 - DBCH.Coordinated Services 929,046 929,046 968,959
524 A.4320.45 - DBCH.HELPLINE 324,440 324,440 361,746
528 A.4320.46 - DBCH.Diversion Program 1,509,390 1,509,390 1,762,981
534 A.4320.68 - DBCH.Mobile Team 693,553 693,553 0
538 A.4320.74 - DBCH.Stabilization Center 275,000 275,000 75,000
542 A.6510 - DBCH.Veterans Service Agency 779,476 786,476 813,726
544 A.6510.69 - DBCH.Veterans Service Agency.Veterans Services Reserve 16,723 16,723 16,723
548 A.6610 - Weights & Measures Division 191,220 191,220 199,820
Total Department of Behavioral and Community Health 24,986,171 26,227,709 25,509,747

Total Revenue - Department of Behavioral and Community Health 24,986,171 26,227,709 25,509,747

Page 846
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Public Works
557 A.1640 - DPW- Auto Center 1,302,855 1,293,839 1,408,636
563 A.5650 - DPW Off-Street Parking 59,887 61,366 73,332
566 D.3310 - Traffic Control/Safety 321,278 321,278 318,332
568 D.5010 - DPW Highway Administration 1,162,058 1,146,601 1,184,416
572 D.5020 - DPW Engineering 1,620,215 1,638,808 1,685,594
578 D.5110 - DPW Maint Roads 5,574,315 5,628,125 5,928,446
583 D.5120 - DPW Maint Bridges 445,240 461,105 487,943
586 D.5142 - DPW Snow Removal 1,826,495 1,826,495 1,842,481
589 E.5130 - DPW Road Machinery Admin 2,126,718 2,166,156 2,331,647
594 E.5132 - DPW Road Machinery Bldgs 324,240 330,403 362,016
604 EA.5610 - DPW Airport 1,363,061 1,525,929 1,390,752
617 ET.5680 - Public Transportation 10,583,680 11,430,593 11,560,818
Total Public Works 26,710,042 27,830,698 28,574,413
630 A.5640 - MTA Station Maint / Match 2,835,734 2,852,311 2,936,841
Total MTA 2,835,734 2,852,311 2,936,841

Total Appropriations - Transportation 29,545,776 30,683,009 31,511,254

Page 847
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Public Works
561 A.1640 - DPW- Auto Center 154,000 154,000 149,100
565 A.5650 - DPW Off-Street Parking 105,000 105,000 95,000
576 D.5020 - DPW Engineering 65,900 65,900 83,140
582 D.5110 - DPW Maint Roads 1,885,250 1,885,250 1,926,000
593 E.5130 - DPW Road Machinery Admin 23,500 23,500 22,000
609 EA.5610 - DPW Airport 1,363,061 1,507,929 1,390,752
624 ET.5680 - Public Transportation 10,583,680 11,430,593 11,560,818
Total Public Works 14,180,391 15,172,172 15,226,810
631 A.5640 - MTA Station Maint / Match 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000
Total MTA 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000

Total Revenue - Transportation 16,680,391 17,672,172 17,726,810

Page 848
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Economic Assistance & Opportunity
Office For the Aging
639 A.6772.50 - Programs for the Aging.Office for the Aging 4,798,930 5,066,529 5,229,291
646 A.6772.51 - Programs for the Aging.Senior Citizens Services Reserve 63,000 63,000 62,000
648 A.6772.52 - Programs for the Aging.Continuing Care Unit 1,789,470 1,779,464 1,897,517
Total Office For the Aging 6,651,400 6,908,993 7,188,808
Department of Community & Family Services
661 A.6010 - DCFS- Admin 38,680,190 39,199,133 41,989,824
669 A.6055 - DCFS- Day Care 7,014,341 7,014,341 6,000,000
671 A.6070 - DCFS- Services for Recipients 5,871,676 6,151,676 6,304,085
674 A.6100 - DCFS- Medicaid Services 41,539,688 41,539,688 41,527,545
676 A.6101 - DCFS- Medical Assistance 47,500 47,500 118,025
678 A.6106.75 - DCFS Special Needs Adults/Family.Special Needs Program 344,983 344,981 291,242
681 A.6106.76 - DCFS Special Needs Adults/Family.Special Needs Reserve 7,500 7,500 7,500
683 A.6109 - DCFS- Family Assistance 7,268,763 7,167,813 7,754,515
685 A.6119 - DCFS- Foster Care 38,020,794 38,020,794 38,747,383
688 A.6129 - DCFS- State Training School 1,250,000 1,250,000 2,090,000
689 A.6140 - DCFS- Safety Net 5,600,000 5,600,000 6,500,000
691 A.6141 - DCFS- HEAP 741,721 741,721 755,714
693 A.6142 - DCFS- Emergency Aid- Adults 80,000 80,000 80,000
695 A.7310.01 - DCFS- Youth Admin 214,165 206,454 195,538
699 A.7310.55 - DCFS- Youth Services Unit 264,582 279,582 301,509
702 A.7310.56 - Youth Services Division.Youth Development Program 220,000 220,000 200,000
704 A.7310.59 - DCFS- Youth Runaway & Homeless 137,835 137,835 136,008
Total Department of Community & Family Services 147,303,738 148,009,018 152,998,888

Total Appropriations - Economic Assistance & Opportunity 153,955,138 154,918,011 160,187,696

Page 849
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Economic Assistance & Opportunity
Office For the Aging
644 A.6772.50 - Programs for the Aging.Office for the Aging 3,533,584 3,533,584 3,587,283
647 A.6772.51 - Programs for the Aging.Senior Citizens Services Reserve 63,000 63,000 62,000
651 A.6772.52 - Programs for the Aging.Continuing Care Unit 1,734,227 1,769,227 1,849,809
Total Office For the Aging 5,330,811 5,365,811 5,499,092
Department of Community & Family Services
667 A.6010 - DCFS- Admin 23,013,590 23,549,590 23,921,135
670 A.6055 - DCFS- Day Care 6,829,908 6,829,908 5,806,567
673 A.6070 - DCFS- Services for Recipients 2,550,007 2,581,007 2,909,418
675 A.6100 - DCFS- Medicaid Services 200,000 200,000 200,000
677 A.6101 - DCFS- Medical Assistance 30,000 30,000 100,000
682 A.6106.76 - DCFS Special Needs Adults/Family.Special Needs Reserve 7,500 7,500 7,500
684 A.6109 - DCFS- Family Assistance 7,186,718 7,186,718 7,544,295
686 A.6119 - DCFS- Foster Care 25,219,413 25,244,213 25,443,179
687 A.6123 - DCFS- Juvenile Delinquent Care 1,000 1,000 1,000
690 A.6140 - DCFS- Safety Net 1,991,500 1,991,500 2,224,500
692 A.6141 - DCFS- HEAP 741,721 741,721 760,061
694 A.6142 - DCFS- Emergency Aid- Adults 42,500 42,500 44,000
698 A.7310.01 - DCFS- Youth Admin 156,811 156,811 176,936
701 A.7310.55 - DCFS- Youth Services Unit 168,382 168,382 167,021
703 A.7310.56 - Youth Services Division.Youth Development Program 220,000 220,000 200,000
705 A.7310.59 - DCFS- Youth Runaway & Homeless 103,376 103,376 102,006
Total Department of Community & Family Services 68,462,426 69,054,226 69,607,618

Total Revenue - Economic Assistance & Opportunity 73,793,237 74,420,037 75,106,710

Page 850
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Culture & Recreation
711 A.7510 - History 103,421 103,339 108,235
Total History 103,421 103,339 108,235
Public Works
721 A.7110 - DPW-Parks 1,945,005 1,933,215 2,113,504
726 A.7110.66 - DPW-Parks.DC Stadium 330,553 366,609 333,326
Total Public Works 2,275,558 2,299,824 2,446,830

Total Appropriations - Culture & Recreation 2,378,979 2,403,163 2,555,065

Culture & Recreation

Public Works
725 A.7110 - DPW-Parks 331,725 331,725 295,895
728 A.7110.66 - DPW-Parks.DC Stadium 257,000 257,000 258,000
Total Public Works 588,725 588,725 553,895

Total Revenue - Culture & Recreation 588,725 588,725 553,895

Page 851
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Community Service
Planning & Development
736 A.8020 - Planning & Development 6,976,935 7,696,255 5,916,008
742 A.8020.81 - Planning & Development.Div of Solid Waste Management 403,471 407,801 431,223
Total Planning & Development 7,380,406 8,104,056 6,347,231
Water & Wastewater
752 A.8790 - Division of Water Resources 117,375 117,375 124,875
Total Water & Wastewater 117,375 117,375 124,875
Natural Resources
757 A.8710 - Soil & Water Conservation 295,800 295,800 304,674
Total Natural Resources 295,800 295,800 304,674

Total Appropriations - Community Service 7,793,581 8,517,231 6,776,780

Community Service
Planning & Development
741 A.8020 - Planning & Development 2,353,101 2,372,101 4,928,139
745 A.8020.81 - Planning & Development.Div of Solid Waste Management 100,000 100,000 84,300
Total Planning & Development 2,453,101 2,472,101 5,012,439
Water & Wastewater
753 A.8790 - Division of Water Resources 117,649 117,649 140,144
Total Water & Wastewater 117,649 117,649 140,144

Total Revenue - Community Service 2,570,750 2,589,750 5,152,583

Page 852
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Employee Benefits
Fringe Benefits
761 A.9010 - Retirement 150,000 150,000 150,000
763 A.9030 - Social Security 350,000 339,500 350,000
764 A.9040 - Worker's Compensation 3,434,077 3,434,077 3,410,161
765 A.9045 - Life Insurance 18,400 14,349 18,500
766 A.9050 - Unemployment Insurance 100,000 100,000 120,000
768 A.9055 - Disability Insurance 8,400 15,823 17,000
769 A.9060 - Health, Dental & Opt Insurance 6,590,000 8,133,573 7,133,000
771 D.9030 - Social Security 5,000 5,000 5,000
772 D.9040 - Worker's Compensation 295,997 295,997 293,936
773 D.9045 - Life Insurance 100 41 150
774 D.9050 - Unemployment Insurance 10,000 10,000 12,000
775 D.9055 - Disability Insurance 100 48 200
776 D.9060 - Health, Dental & Opt Insurance 538,900 764,200 559,600
777 E.9040 - Worker's Compensation 32,217 32,217 31,993
778 E.9045 - Life Insurance 100 100 100
779 E.9050 - Unemployment Insurance 1,000 1,000 1,000
780 E.9055 - Disability Insurance 150 1,277 200
781 E.9060 - Health, Dental & Opt Insurance 60,300 62,572 60,300
Total Fringe Benefits 11,594,741 13,359,774 12,163,140

Total Appropriations - Employee Benefits 11,594,741 13,359,774 12,163,140

Page 853
2019 Tentative Budget Index
2018 2018 2019
Page Description Adopted Budget Modified Budget Recommended
Debt Services
Debt Services
787 A.9710 - Serial Bonds 15,349,554 15,349,554 17,730,446
Total Debt Services 15,349,554 15,349,554 17,730,446

Total Appropriations - Debt Services 15,349,554 15,349,554 17,730,446

Debt Services
Debt Services
786 A.9700 - Debt Service 67,500 67,500 0
Total Debt Services 67,500 67,500 0

Total Revenue - Debt Services 67,500 67,500 0

Page 854

Table of Contents
Glossary ................................................................................ 855
Glossary of Budget Terms
Account Code: An expenditure classification based upon types efficiency with which management carries out its
or categories of spending, such as positions, office supplies, or responsibilities.
various types of interdepartmental expenses.
Authorized Positions: Positions that are formally approved by
Accrual Basis of Accounting: Transactions are recorded to a the legislative body for a given period.
fiscal year when the event takes place, without regard for when
Balanced Budget: A budget in which estimated revenues,
the cash is actually received. Revenues are recorded in the
including any appropriated fund balance, is equal to estimated
periods in which the revenue-generating activities are
expenditures or appropriations.
performed. Expenses are recorded when goods and services
are received. In Dutchess County, all funds are reported on the Bond: A written promise to pay a specified sum of money on a
modified accrual basis of accounting. specified date in the future with a specified interest rate.
Repayment of principle and interest payments are detailed in a
Appropriation: An authorization made by the legislative body,
debt schedule and are budgeted as debt service. Bonds are
which allows officials to incur obligations for specific purposes
primarily used to fund large capital projects, such as building
and to expend public funds. Appropriations are typically limited
improvement, bridges, equipment and vehicle replacement
in amount and granted for a one-year period.
and other large projects benefiting multiple future fiscal years.
Assessed Valuation: The estimated value of real estate or other Bond authorization must be approved by two thirds of the
property by a government as a basis for levying taxes. governing legislative body.

Asset: Property owned by the County, have a monetary value Bond Rating: A system of rating securities for the purpose of
that must be accounted for. indicating the relative creditworthiness. A bond rating is
performed by an independent rating service. Dutchess County’s
Audit: The collection and review of appropriate records to
AA+ rating is the second-highest bond rating in New York State.
assess the accuracy of financial statements and the fairness and
The ranking indicates that obligations are judged to be of high
quality and are subject to very low credit risk.

Page 855
Budget: A comprehensive plan of financial operation which Capital Expenditure: The spending for the acquisition,
allocates available revenues and projects expenditure improvement or addition to a fixed asset that has a useful life
requirements for a given time period. Dutchess County of more than one year.
develops a budget for a single fiscal year, which is approved by
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP): A plan of proposed capital
the legislative body and the County Executive on an annual
expenditures to be incurred each year over a period of five
future years. The plan details each capital project, the time
Budget Amendment: The legal process used to revise a budget period in which the project will occur, the amount to be
appropriation or revenue. Authorized by legislative approval, expended and the means of financings those expenditures.
modifications to the adopted budget specify each line item
Capital Improvements: Improvements to land, buildings or
other physical assets. Capital improvements typically include
Budget Message: The Budget in Brief serves as the official buildings, roads, or park improvements, and equipment and
budget message as referred to in section 29.05 (c) of the vehicle replacements.
Administrative code. It accompanies the proposed budget and
Capital Reserve: Funds that have been set aside pursuant to
articulates priorities and issues for the upcoming year. The
legislative resolution to expend on capital projects. Use of funds
Budget in Brief explains and highlights the most important
from capital reserve requires subsequent legislative approval.
aspects of the budget and the views and recommendations of
the County Executive. Cash Basis of Accounting: A basis of accounting where
transactions are recognized only when cash is received or
Budget Transfer: Modifications to the operating budget, which
involve the transfer of appropriations or revenues within and
between organizational units and accounts, but not between Constitutional Tax Margin: The maximum legal property tax
funds. rate (or levy) at which a municipality may levy a tax.
Budgetary Control: The control or management of a Constitutional Debt Limit: The maximum legal amount of debt
government in accordance with an approved budget for the that can be incurred by the county.
purpose of keeping expenditures within the limitations of
available appropriations and estimated revenues.

Page 856
Contingency: A budgetary reserve set aside for unforeseen It is presently comprised of 25 part-time Legislators, who are
expenditures that occur during the fiscal year. An appropriation elected from separate districts throughout the County.
from contingency requires a two third vote of the Legislature.
Encumbrance: The commitment of appropriated funds to
Debt Service: The payment of principal and interest on purchase an item or service. Encumbering funds sets aside or
borrowed funds, according to a predetermined payment commits funding for future expenditure.
Enterprise Fund: A governmental accounting fund in which the
Deficit: The excess of liabilities over assets or the excess of services provided are financed and operated similarly to those
expenses over revenues during a given accounting period or on of a private business. The Airport and Public Transit
an accumulated basis. departments operate as enterprise funds.

Defease: A method by which an outstanding bond issue can be Estimated Revenue: The amount of revenue projected or
made void, both legally and financially. Although a defeasance forecasted to be collected during the current or future fiscal
is generally the outcome of a refunding transaction, a years. Estimated revenue becomes budgeted revenue when
defeasance can also be accomplished with cash rather than the approved as part of the annual budget process by the County
issuance of any bonds. Legislature.

Department: An organizational unit used to provide and deliver Expenditure: Charges incurred by an organization for the
specific governmental service or closely related services. A rendering of services, or delivery or production of goods.
department may be composed of sub-departments or divisions.
Fiscal Restraint: The practice of restraining growth in
Depreciation: Expiration in the service life of capital assets expenditures to remain within revenue forecasts.
attributable to wear and tear, deterioration, action of the
Fiscal Year (FY): A twelve-month period designated as the
physical elements, inadequacy and obsolescence. The portion
operations year for an organization, also called the budget year.
of the cost of a capital asset, which is charged as an expense
For the County, the fiscal year is January 1 through December
during a particular period.
31. The New York State fiscal year is April 1 to March 31. The
Dutchess County Legislature: The County Legislature is the Federal fiscal year is October 1 to September 30.
policy-making and appropriating body of County Government.

Page 857
Forecast: Re-evaluation of revenue and expenditure taxes, State and Federal aid, licenses and permits, fees for
projections for a given fiscal period based on updated economic services, and other types of revenue. The General Fund also
data and trends, providing actual revenues, expenditures, and includes expenditures and financing for most of the basic
performance for the current fiscal year to date, plus a operating services, such as public safety, finance, data
projection for the remainder of the fiscal year. processing, parks and recreation, and highway and engineering.

Full Value: Full value is equivalent to market value. The market General Obligation Bonds: Bonds backed by the full faith and
value of all property in the county, after exemptions, as credit of government ensuring repayment. The Legislature
indicated on the assessment rolls. must approve the bonding of all capital projects by a two-thirds
Full Value Tax Rate: The tax rate (per $1,000 of value) that
would be applied if all property were assessed at market value. Grant: Typically, these are contributions made to local
governments from the state and federal government for a
Fund: An independent fiscal and accounting entity that
specified purpose.
accounts for revenues and expenditures, segregated for the
purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain Hotel Tax: A surcharge on services rendered at hotels and
objectives. motels. Dutchess County currently has a 4% hotel tax.

Fund Balance: The difference of a fund’s total assets versus its Indirect Costs: Costs associated with, but not directly
total liabilities. attributable to, the operation of a department. These costs are
usually incurred by departments in the support of other
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP): Uniform
operating departments, such as Human Resources, County
minimum standards for financial accounting and recording, as
Attorney, Finance, OCIS, etc.
established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board
(GASB). Dutchess County prepares and reports its financial Interdepartmental Service Charges: A cost billed to one County
statements in accordance with GAAP. department by another County department for the provision of
direct and measurable services, such as printing, facilities
General Fund (A): The County’s primary operating fund, which
management, computer and technical support, etc.. These
accounts for most of the County’s financial resources. General
represent an appropriation in the County user department’s
Fund revenues include property tax, county portion of sales

Page 858
budget and a negative appropriation in the County provider available to pay current obligations, and expenditures are
department’s budget. recognized when the related obligation is incurred. Dutchess
County uses the modified accrual basis for all funds.
Interdepartmental Program Changes: A cost billed to one
County department for a service provided to the public on Net Indebtedness: In the Capital Plan, this term is used in the
behalf of another County department. These represent an context of the constitutional debt limit. It is the outstanding
appropriation in the County user department’s budget and a indebtedness at a specific point in time less the amount of the
revenue in the Department’s budget providing the program. debt that has been approved, via a budget, to be repaid. At the
end of a fiscal year, this amount is equal to the outstanding
Interest: The price paid for the use of money, or the return on
debt at December 31 less the budgeted debt principal
investment obtained from investing cash.
appropriations for the subsequent year.
Long Term Debt: Debt with a maturity date of more than one
Operating Budget: Plans of current expenditures and proposed
year after the date of issuance.
means of paying for them. The annual operating budget is the
Mandate: Any responsibility, action or procedure that is primary means by which most of the financing, acquisition,
imposed by one sphere of government on another through spending and service delivery activities of a government are
legislative, executive, or judicial action as a direct order. controlled.

Mission Statement: A clear, concise statement of purpose for Outcome: Qualitative consequences associated with a program
the entire County or department. The mission focuses on the or service, such as the number of mental health hospitalizations
broad, yet distinct, results the County or department will prevented, or the percentage of juveniles not reconvicted
achieve for its customers. within 12 months.

Modified Budget: The adopted financial plan as changed by Outstanding Indebtedness/Debt: The amount borrowed by
budget amendments and budget transfers between account the County that remains unpaid at a specific point in time.
codes throughout the year.
Post Employment Benefits: (Retirement benefits) Benefits that
Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting: Under the modified extend past the period of employment and are provided as part
accrual basis, revenues are recognized when measurable and

Page 859
of the total compensation offered to qualified employees sales tax, fees and fine, receipts from other governments,
including health benefits for retirees. interest income, state and federal grants, and more.

Principal: The par value or face value of a bond, note, or other Revenue Estimate: A prediction of how much revenue will be
fixed amount security, payable on stated dates of maturity. earned from a specific revenue source for a specified period of
Principal plus Interest: Together, this is referred to as debt
service. Sales Tax: A surcharge applied to retail sales of certain tangible
personal property and services. The Sales Tax rate in Dutchess
Property Tax: Countywide taxes levied on all real property
is 8.125% of which 3.75% goes to the county, 4% goes to the
according to the property’s assessed valuation and tax rate.
State and .375% goes to the MTA.
Reimbursements: Repayments of amounts spent on behalf of
Self-Insurance Fund: The County’s Self-Insured Workers’
another party.
Compensation Plan is administered by the County with claims
Request for Proposals (RFP): A document prepared by the managed by an experienced third-party administrator. Wage
County to request offers for the provision of goods or services. replacement and medical claims as well as related expenses are
An RFP is used when a competitive sealed bidding process is not paid from a self-insurance fund up to the limit of an excess
practical or advantageous and price is only one of several workers’ compensation insurance policy.
evaluation factors to be weighted by the County in awarding
Serial Bond: A written promise to repay a specified amount of
the bid.
money (principal face value) at a specified date in time
Restricted Fund Balance: consists of amounts that are subject (maturity date), with periodic interest paid at a specified
to externally enforceable legal purpose restrictions imposed by percentage of the principal (interest rate).
creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws and regulations or
Tax Base: The aggregated value of taxed items. The base of the
other governments; or through constitutional provisions or
county’s real property tax is the market value of all real estate
enabling legislation.
in Dutchess County.
Revenue: Income that a government receives that can be used
Tax Levy: The total amount of money that the county will
to fund expenditures. Revenue sources include property tax,
collect in property taxes.

Page 860
Tax Rate: The amount of tax levied for each $1,000 of assessed Useful Life: The estimated period of probable usefulness of an
value. asset, by which the depreciation schedule can be determined.
The useful life also establishes the maximum period of time
Tax Roll: The certification of assessed/taxable values prepared
available, by law to repay indebtedness.
by the Assessor and presented to the taxing authority each
year. The list of all of the properties and how much they are User Fees: The direct payment of a fee by a party benefiting
required to pay. from a public service, such as the rental of park pavilion.

Taxes: Compulsory charges levied by a government to finance

services performed for the common benefit.

Unassigned Fund Balance: Represents the residual

classification for the government’s general fund, and could
report a surplus or deficit. In funds other than the general fund,
the unassigned classification should be used only to report a
deficit balance resulting in overspending for specific purposes
for which amounts had been restricted, committed, or

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