Clinical Cases
Clinical Cases
Clinical Cases
A 70 year-old generally healthy woman presented with discomfort and decreased vision in her only
good-seeing right eye. She had had extracapsular cataract extraction with PCIOL 12 years
previously. In this right eye visual acuity was 20/150, IOP was 34 mmHg. The external eye was
quiet, cornea dystrophic but without edema. . The anterior chamber was uniformly shallow. There
was a sector iridectomy superiorly. Angle details could not be visualized even with forceful corneal
compression with the gonioscope. There was no vitreous or choroidal pathology. The disc had 0.7
cupping. Initial treatment with pilocarpine resulted in elevation of IOP and was immediately
discontinued. Subsequent IOP-lowering medications were only mildly effective. Addition of
cycloplegia resulted in chamber deepening from 2.2 mm to 2.5 mm and IOP decrease to 19 mmHg.
UBM and US did not reveal any significant pathology other than Elsching pearls in the capsular
bag. Attempt at discontinuing cycloplegia resulted in immediate reversal of treatment effect and so
it was continued. After a week IOP elevated again, and with the diagnosis of aqueous misdirection
the patient was treated with pars-plana vitrectomy, hyaloidectomy and zonulectomy. During a
follow-up of 4 months untreated IOP has been 10 mmHg, the chamber deep and the angle open.
This case represents a most unique example of "malignant glaucoma", not after recent surgery. The
differential diagnosis according to the Ritch mechanistic classification of angle-closure is nicely
demonstrated, with the necessary conclusion that indeed a posterior-segment source was responsible
for the angle closure and chamber shallowing. The diagnosis had to be firmly established since the
consequent treatment was unusual surgery in an only seeing eye. I am aware of only one report in
the literature of a similar case.
68 year old female, a nurse by occupation presented for a glaucoma workup. She had an
iridencleisis surgery in her left eye way back in 1972 when she had developed corneal edema and
persistently high intraocular pressure. On examination the best corrected visual acuity was 6/6 in
the right eye and 6/60 in the left eye. The intraocular pressure by applanation tonometry was 15 mm
Hg and 19 mmHg in the right and left eyes respectively. The anterior segment of the right eye was
normal. The central corneal thickness was 530 microns. A +90 D examination revealed a cupping of
0.5 in the right eye. The rims were healthy nasally and temporally. Due to the presence of
myelinated nerve fibres at the optic disc, the health of the superior and inferior neuroretinal rims
could not be commented upon. (Figure 1). Gonioscopy showed open angles with no peripheral
anterior synechiae. The Humphrey Central 24-2 SITA standard visual field analysis was normal.
(Figure 2). Optical coherence Tomography showed increased retinal nerve fibre thickness in all
quadrants. (Figure 3). The patient was using Timolol 0.5% in the left eye. The cornea had
epitheliopathy with features of dry eye. The central corneal thickness was 602 microns. There was a
flat bleb which had pigmentation which probably incorporated the pillars of iris (iridencleisis).
(Figure 4). The chamber was normal with a cataractous lens. In addition, the inferior iris revealed
mutiple pigmented spots suggestive of iris naevus syndrome. The view of the left fundus was hazy
and a cupping of 0.9 with very thin neuroretinal rims was noted. Due to the hazy cornea, details of
gonioscopy could not be made out. Similar visual field analysis 0f the left eye showed superior
arcuate defects. (Figure 5). Retinal nerve fibre analysis by Optical coherence Tomography could not
be done due to the corneal changes.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
A 45 year old post menopausal lady of South Asian descent presented with congested left eye of 6
months duration along with diminished vision in the same eye for past 4 months. Her previous
treatment records revealed a baseline IOP of 42 mmHg OS and 16 mmHg OD and that she had been
managed as a case of acute angle closure glaucoma and was prescribed Brimonidine and Timolol in
the OS and had undergone a YAG laser iridotomy. Due to non remittance of her symptoms the
treating ophthalmologist then started her on oral steroids assuming it to be a thyroid
ophthalmopathy with which she was non compliant. The patient was obese and hypertensive
controlled on medications. She did not give a history of heat intolerance, weight loss or mood
disturbances. There was no past history of trauma.
Examination :Her best corrected vision at presentation was 6\6 in OD and 6\24 in OS. Left eye had
relative afferent pupillary defect and a proptosis of 3 mm with limitation of movement in end gazes.
The right eye was apparently normal. Left eye had dilated episcleral vessels in a corkscrew
configuration (Fig. 1a & 1b). Fundus examination showed dilated and tortuous veins in the left eye
but there were no hemorrhages or choroidal folds. The cup: disc ratio was 0.3: 1 in the right eye and
0.5 in the LE with mild temporal pallor. The vessels in the LE showed tortuosity but there was no
disc swelling in the left eye (Fig. 2). Gonioscopy showed occludable angles. The exophthalmos was
non-pulsatile and no bruit could be heard in the forehead or periorbital region.
Investigations: Her Thyroid function tests (T3, T4 and TSH values) were normal and an MRI
showed bulky extraocular muscles with relative sparing of the tendons. The superior ophthalmic
vein on the left side showed subtle dilatation. A provisional diagnosis of a carotico cavernous fistula
was made. An magnetic resonance angiography was then performed to look for any abnormal
arteriovenous communication or fistula. However, no such anomalous arteriovenous
communication was picked up on either of these imaging modalities. In the absence of a carotid
cavernous fistula we considered treating her on lines of a Thyroid ophthalmopathy and patient was
advised oral Prednisolone of 1 mg/kg dose and anti glaucoma medication. The patient was
On follow-up: 4 weeks later her vision in the left eye was reduced to 6/60. The proptosis had
increased to 4 mm. There was severe conjunctival chemosis, an increase in congestion and severe
limitation of eye movements (Fig. 3). The patient had developed a Cushingoid facies. Her IOP on
maximal topical medication and Acetazolamide 500mg T.DS was 50mmHg. The patient was
admitted and over the next 4 days her vision dropped to hand movement close to face. A repeat
MRI was performed, but no cavernous sinus lesion was detected (Fig. 4). The patient then
underwent an urgent digital subtraction angiography (DSA) that showed a small left side indirect
low flow cavernous fistula that was partially thrombosed arising from the internal carotid artery
along with mildly dilated superior ophthalmic vein with anterograde flow and a retrograde flow into
the dural plexus (Fig. 5).
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
A 72- year-old female was referred to the phaco service to determine the etiology of episodes of
blurry vision in left eye. She has recently been diagnosed by few ophthalmologists for recurrent
hyphemas in her left eye but they did not detect an etiology for her condition.
Her past ocular history: Pseudophakic ( ECCE and PMMA PCIOLs implantation) in both eyes 18
years ago (1994); Posterior capsulotomy by Laser Yag in left eye 17 years ago (1995);
Trabeculectomy in left eye because of high IOP in left eye 14 years ago (1997). Vitreous
hemorrhage diagnosed and treated with medications by an ophthalmologist in February, 2009.
Her past medical history and family history: unremarkable.
Office Examination: when she presented to phaco service.
Her BSCVA was 6/6 OD and 6/18 OS. Her IOP with applanation tonometry measured 18 mmHg
OD and 28 mmHg OS. Pupil diameter was 1.5 mm OD and 3.5 mm after dilated (Fig. SLE OD1,
OD2). Pupil diameter was 2.5 mm OS and fixed (Fig. SLE OS1). We noted PCIOLs in sulcus both
eyes and an open posterior capsule OS. We did not see the bleb of previous trabeculectomy OS.
(Fig.SLE OS 6). In her left eye, hyphema was present with 2 + cell in the anterior chamber and
vitreous ( Fig. SLE OS2). With transillumination, we also noted the iris defect at 2.30 o’clock with
an IOLs haptic nearly exposured (Fig. SLE OS 4, 5). At the site of iridectomy at 12 o’clock in her
left eye, we saw a part of IOLs optic (Fig. SLE OS3). We also observed greater cupping of the optic
nerve in her left versus her right eye (Fig. FO). We did not note any blood in the vitreous. On
gonioscopy, the total closed angle 360⁰ with PAS in her left eye (Fig. Gonioscopy). On UBM, we
suspected the IOLs haptic pressing between ciliary body and iris in her left eye (Video clip of
Diagnosis: Uveitis, glaucoma, hyphema (UGH) syndrome in the patient’s left eye.
How would we proceed?
1/ How to manage the closured- angle glaucoma on the patient? Perform surgery? If so, what
2/ With her left vision 6/18, could we remove and replace the PCIOLs in the patient’s left eye?
If so, what type of IOLs we should use?
A 5 year-old girl suffered from acute IOP elevation in the right eye following a pupil dilatation for
routine retinal examination. She was a premature baby with a gestation age of 27 weeks and a body
weight of 980 grams. She developed ROP, stage IV, and received scleral buckle in both eyes during
infancy. Visual acuity (VA) was 20/200 in the right eye and light sense positive in the left eye.
After the acute attack occurred, she had the typical ocular presentations of acute angle closure
glaucoma, including edematous cornea, shallow anterior chamber, fixed-dilated pupil, and
glaucomatous flecks of the lens, etc. (Fig. 1) Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) showed that the
angle in the right eye was closed 360 degrees circumferentially. The IOP remained over 50 mmHg
although oral diamox and maximal tolerated topical antiglaucoma medications were treated. When
the IOP control can not be achieved by the initial medical treatment following an acute attack of
pupillary block, we need to advocate a surgical procedure to lower the IOP. A traditional procedure,
including (a) laser iridotomy and (b) surgical peripheral iridectomy under sedation, could be an
option. However, sometimes pupillary block can not be easily broken with this traditional
procedure. If the peripheral anterior synechiae remains and the IOP remains high, additional
surgical procedure is still needed. At this point, since visual prognosis was greatly demanded for
this one-eye case, we had to assess all possible surgical options, including filtering procedure,
glaucoma drainage, and diode cilioablation. As the patient was encircled with a scleral buckle, we
also had to consider all possible technical obstacles which might be encountered during the surgical
procedure. Weighing the advantages and disadvantages for each surgical option, a filtering surgery
of trabeculectomy with mitomycin C was finally decided upon. With the advances in neonatology,
the survival rate of premature infants with lower birth weight and lower gestation age has increased
and the incidence of ROP is thereafter on the rise. Acute attack of angle closure glaucoma is likely
to occur following the pupil dilatation in patients of ROP. Management of acute angle closure
glaucoma in pediatric ROP is not as easy as management in adult patients.
Photo following acute attack: edematous cornea, shallow anterior chamber, fixed-dilated
pupil, and glaucomatous flecks of the lens.
62 year old female presented with complaints of defective vision both eyes for 10 days. She gave
history of undergoing hysterectomy 10 days earlier under spinal anesthesia elsewhere. She was
treated with the post op room with antiglaucoma drops & topical steroids. On examination her
visual acuity were 4/60 in right eye & 2/60 in left eye. Ocular examination showed corneal oedema
& dilated pupils in both eyes. Intra ocular pressures recorded were 28 mmHG in right eye & 30 mm
Hg in left eye. Laser iridotomies were tried in both eyes, but was not successful. Trabeculectomy
was done in both eyes, in a gap of 4 days. Intra ocular pressures were 10 mmHg in Right eye & 8
mm Hg in left eye after filtering surgeries. Fundus examination were normal in both eyes. She later
developed cataract following filtering surgeries in both eyes, for which Phacoemulsification with
Intraocular lens implantation was done.
Mrs. M.H., a 60 year-old Caucasian, was referred for advanced chronic angle closure glaucoma of
the RE diagnosed a year previously. Two trabeculectomies had already been done. The LE had
undergone no laser or incisional surgery. Her visual acuity was RE: +3.00 (-1.25 × 17°) 2/10 Add
+3.00 P 10 and the LE +2.75 (-1.00 × 70°) 8/10 Add +3.00 P2. IOP was RE 18 mmHg on no
medical treatment and LE 17 mmHg on a prostaglandin analog QHS and dorzolamide/timolol
combination BID. CCT was RE 605 µ LE 592 µ. The RE had a relative afferent pupillary defect, a
patent surgical iridectomy, and an intact filtering bleb. Gonioscopy of the RE showed PAS for over
270° completely covering the trabecular meshwork. Indentation gonioscopy of the LE showed
significant relative pupillary block in all quadrants with the nasal angle completely closed by
apposition. The nasal trabecular meshwork was lightly pigmented. The temporal angle, however,
was open to the ciliary body band with no indentation necessary to easily observe the angle. There
was heavily pigmented tissue resembling dense iris processes or uveal meshwork covering the angle
structures. Question to the audience: This pigmented tissue is: normal iris processes? PAS inserted
more posteriorly? On ocular fundus examination the RE had advanced glaucomatous optic atrophy,
and the LE showed no cupping at all. The visual field RE had a centro-temporal island: the LE was
entirely normal. Question to the audience: In light of the unusual gonioscopy findings LE, what is
the next examination to be performed? Anterior segment OCT? UBM? Something else? The UBM
LE showed a closed nasal angle both in the dark and with illumination of the pupil. The temporal
angle remained open at all times. The ciliary body was thicker on the temporal side with a ciliary
body lesion measuring 6.35 x 1.05 mm. In summary, this patient has a pigmented ciliary body
lesion (nevus versus melanoma) keeping the angle open by centripetal displacement of the iris root.
Because of the small size and relative thinness of the lesion, the presumptive diagnosis is a nevus.
The LE underwent a small laser PI nasally , and is also being followed at an ocular oncology center.
(A case report is being prepared for publication). Iconography: Videogonioscopy of temporal and
nasal angle LE. Video UBMs (in dark and light) of temporal and nasal angle LE. 24-2 visual fields.
A 16 year old boy presented in May 2010, with a h/o pain, redness & diminished vision in the Left
eye since the past few months. H/o injury to the LE with a fire cracker at the age of 1 year.H/o
Cataract surgery done with a posterior chamber intra ocular implant done at the age of 13 years.
A posterior capsular opacification developed & a Yag Capsulotomy was done 2 years later.
Glaucoma was diagnosed in April 2008 & a trabeculectomy was done in Oct 2008. O/E : RE was
WNL BCVA; 6/9 & N6. IOP was 20 mm Hg Fundus was normal so was the Perimetry. LE showed
BCVA to be 6/18, N36, IOP was was 36 mm Hg. There was a flat bleb superiorly with a
pseudophakia & an open PC. There were pigments on the anterior surface of the IOLI. Pupil was
RTL. Fundus showed a normal sized disc , with a c/d of 0.85 & thin NRR all round. The perimetry
showed a generalised depression with a paracentral defect. A diagnosis of failed trabeculectomy
was made & a RETRAB was done in MAY 2010. The immediate post op period was uneventful,
with vision improving to6/12 , N10. & IOP's at 14 mmHg. At 3 months the IOP started rising, & the
bleb seemed to be failing, with episcleral fibrosis setting in. S/C Inj 5 FU was given in addition to
topical Beta blockers.4 such inj were given on alternate days. 10 days later a nice diffuse superior
bleb was seen with an IOP of 5 mm Hg & Vision at 6/12, N10. Routine post-op tapering steroids
were continued. 6 weeks later the bleb was getting encysted with an IOP of 42 mmHg. A bleb
needling was done, the bleb was formed & IOP came down to 4 mmHg. Patient's vision started
dropping, BCVA 6/60
as patient developed choroidals with a maculopathy. Steroids were stepped up, Choroids are
settling, but no change in vision. IOP's rising. With every intervention the IOP's lower, how long to
keep the steroids on? What is the cause of episcleral fibrosis setting in so quickly < 1 month
How do you proceed?
R. Dhamankar
A 30 year old Male patient was referred to us. He had been a k/c/o glaucoma since 13 years of age,
with poor vision in the Left eye. Was using G. Timolol 0.5% bd and G. Latonoprost HS. in OU.
Poor compliance O/E:OD showed a BCVA 6/9, IOP : 14 mm Hg N6 Quiet AC, Pupils reacting well
to light & a fundus showing a normal sized disc with a c/d of 0.9 with a thin & pale NRR.
OS: showed a BCVA: PL PR inaccurate, IOP of 36 mm Hg, Mid dilated fixed pupil, ciliary
staphyloma seen superiorly & inferiorly& a fundus shows a glaucomatous optic neuropathy with a
total pale cup. Perimetry: OD showed superior paracentral + superior arcuate defect, OD macular
program also showed superior arcuate defect. OS Perimetry could not be done due to poor vision.
As patient was non compliant with meds on follow up a trabeculectomy was suggested. In the
interim period patient was lost to follow up & he came to us 6 weeks later with an IOP of 32 mmHg
in the Right Eye. Trabeculectomy with MMC was done. The immediate post up was uneventful,
with IOP in OD staying at 6 mm Hg with a diffuse bleb. Later, the RE was doing fine, the non
seeing eye was a problem. What next? He is on 2 drugs. Will you add more medications?
Cyclodestructive procedures? Trabeculectomy? Advised: LE Ahmed Valve as he had a large ciliary
staphyloma in the LE & was known to be non compliant. OS Ahmed valve insertion done post-op
VA OS PL+ PR inaccurate. IOP : 03 mmHg. OS Conjunctival bleb +AC Slightly shallow,
Hyphaema + Pupil 4.0 mm dilated. Fundus: C:D::0.95. Bipolar notching. Early Post op was
uneventful 2 months later: IOP OD 05 mmHg OS 28 mmHg OS – tube not seen in the Anterior
chamber. Impression – tube withdrawn from the AC and blocked. How to proceed? We decided to
wait & watch, & started Alpha agonist e d in the LE. In subsequent follow-up the patient developed
a conjunctival hole over the implant with Siedel’s positivity. He was advised conjunctival suturing
which he deferred initially. Conjunctival suturing was eventually done. Later, on a routine follow-
up, the patient was found to have Extrusion of the Ahmed valve plate in the left eye. IOP (GAT)
OD 04 mmHg OS 02 mmHg. The valve had extruded out completely with shallow-flat anterior
chamber. NOW WHAT? Pressure bandage was applied and removed after 4-5 hours after which the
anterior chamber was relatively well formed OS removal of the Ahmed valve and conjunctival
suturing was done. Post-op recovery was uneventful with normal to low IOP and Siedel’s negative.
When he last presented to us VA with PG OD 6/12p; OS PL+ IOP: 7 & 24 mmHg, OD .
Trabeculectomy bleb+, OS - Ciliary+Intercalary staphyloma with temporal conjunctival scarring.
Fundus OD C:D::0.95 with no inferior rim, OS Glaucomatous optic atrophy. Patient was asked to
continue G. Combination Therapy OS and follow-up in 2 months. All pictures are well documented.
Do we need to send all the pictures right away?
R. Dhamankar
I have a small eye & a hole in my eye & I can see less
11 yrs old male patient presented with C/O decreased vision with present pair of glasses
No H/O trauma
S/A: (RE) -2.50 DS /-2.0DC x 60 6/24,N8
(LE) +10.0DS/+1.0DC x 35 FC 1 ½ metres,N36
A seven year old boy presented to us with gradual progressive deterioration of vision for last two
years. On examination his best corrected visual acuity was finger counting at 1/2 meter in right eye
and finger counting at 1 m in left eye from aphakic area. He was on therapy with dorzolamide and
timolol 0.5% in both eyes. Applanation intraocular pressure was 44 mm of Hg in RE and 42 mm of
Hg in LE. His horizontal corneal diameters were 11.5 mm right eye (RE) and 11.5 mm left eye
(LE), with pachymetry of 650 µm in both eyes. His lens was cataractous and superiorly subluxated
in both eyes. Fundus evaluation revealed a vertical cup to disc diameter ratio was 0.9:1 RE and
0.8:1 LE, with foveal hypoplasia in both eyes. He was diagnosed as both eyes Aniridia with
subluxated lens with glaucoma. The case will be put to the panel for surgical options. We performed
both eye pars plana lensectomy with AC maintainer with implantation of Ahmed glaucoma valve
with pars plana clip.
L. Hammouda
Ophthalmology, Minia University - Egypt
Case Description: A 31 years old female with history of rheumatic heart disease and Mitral valve
replacement with a mechanical prosthetic valve on anticoagulants for life.
History of wearing contact lenses, repeated use of steroid drops, increased IOP that decreased by
the use of anti-glaucoma medications. Best corrected visual acuity 6/18 in both eyes, IOP 16 mmHg
bilaterally on medications, normal anterior segment and bilateral pale optic disc with bilateral
contracted fields. Electrophysiological testing showed rod/con dystrophy consistent with the
diagnosis of Retinitis Pigmentosa. The patient is poorly compliant to medical treatment and follow-
up visits.
Diagnosis: Steriod induced glaucoma in a case of retinitis pigmentosa on anticoagulant therapy for
Mitral valve replacement
Management Problems:
1. What prognosis is expected in this case?
2. If Medical treatment only were decided, what would be the safest drugs to be used?
3. If surgery is decided which type is recommended to be safest for the retinal condition?
4. If surgery is recommended should anti-coagulant therapy “warfarine” be stopped and
bridged with Heparin in the peri-operative period?
5. If surgery is recommended should the patient receive prophylactic antibiotics for prevention
of bacterial endocarditis?
Background:To report our experience in managing a challenging case of trauma related glaucoma
whereby multiple surgeries performed resulted in successful IOP control.
Method: Interventional case report.
Results: A 25-year old Malay man alleged a fire cracker injury to his right eye one month prior to
presentation was referred for uncontrolled intraocular pressure (IOP). He sustained right corneal
abrasion, traumatic mydriasis, subluxated lens and secondary glaucoma. Right intracapsular cataract
extraction (ICCE) and anterior vitrectomy were performed by referring ophthalmologist. Ocular
examination revealed right aphakia with best corrected vision of 6/30 and IOP of 39 mmHg. There
was presence of minimal vitreous strands in the anterior chamber at 9 to 10 o’clock position and
cup to disc ratio of 0.7. He underwent Right Baerveldt implantation and the silicone tube was
placed at 12 o’clock position. At Day 1 postoperative day, vitreous was noted to be attached to the
tip of the silicone tube and the IOP was 14 mmHg. Unfortunately within few days the IOP started to
climb up again, ranging from 22 to 63 mmHg. Antiglaucoma medications were stepped up and at
Day 9 post Barveldt implantation, right Trans Pars plana vitrectomy was performed to clear the
vitreous. Initially the IOP was low but elevated again to 55 mmHg at Day 4 post vitrectomy. At
Day 21 post Baerveldt implantation, the silicone tube stent was removed and subsequently the IOP
normalized without antiglacoma treatment. No hypotony noted. Three months postoperatively the
best corrected visual acuity was 6/18.
Conclusion: Multiple surgeries in trauma cases are inevitable. Baerveldt implantation in aphakic
eyes can be complicated with presence of vitreous in anterior chamber. Adequate vitrectomy is
warranted to prevent vitreous incarceration in glaucoma implant tubes.
Case: A 38 year old lady with hypermetropia, in the first trimester of pregnancy presented with a
painful, red left eye. Acute primary angle closure (PAC) was diagnosed in the left eye. No response
was obtained with supine posture, firm pressure with goniolens and pilocarpine drops following
punctal occlusion. Diffuse corneal edema precluded the use of argon laser iridoplasty. She
underwent controlled anterior chamber paracentesis (ACP) on the slit lamp with aseptic
precautions. The IOP reduced from 48mm Hg to 16mmHg and YAG iridotomy was possible within
3 hours with clearing of corneal edema. The patient remains under review following an otherwise
uneventful pregnancy with a healthy baby born at full term.
Discussion: There is limited experience in management of glaucoma in pregnancy with lack of
safety data on glaucoma medications especially systemic therapy. PAC has been described during
pregnancy in only two patients, both during labour, induced by the associated sympathetic
overdrive and a possible effect of labour inducing drug (Ritodrine, a selective ß2 adrenergic
agonist). To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of PAC in early pregnancy. Evidence
based systematic approach to PAC is discussed especially in a young patient.
Message/Lesson: The case is an example of good practice that led to risk of glaucoma medication
to the fetus being eliminated with a rapid resolution of the PAC episode. It reminds us of the role of
alternative management strategies for PAC like controlled ACP in selected cases where systemic
and/ topical therapies are unsuitable or inadequate.
A 41-year- old woman was presented in October 2008 to our clinic with elevated IOL. The patient´s
past medical history included disseminated sclerosis with intermittent immunossuppresive
corticosteriod therapy from 1999. She was examined by the ophthalmologists for repeated
headache. On examination, the patient’s BCVA was 6/24 OP and 6/6 OS. Her IOP measured
28mmHg OD and 15mmHg OS with Goldmann applanation tonometry. Central corneal thickness
was 545 um OD and 550 um OS. The slit-lamp examination of the right eye revealed abnormalities
of the anterior chambre angle, and iris. Gonioscopy showed peripheral anterior synechiae which
extend beyond Schwalbe´s line and small degrees of corectopia directed toward the quadrant with
the most prominent area of peripheral anterior synechia. The right optic nerve had advanced
glaucomatous damage with a loss of the rim and pallor. The left eye examination was normal.The
patient´s examination suggested a diagnosis of Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrom (ICE) with
glaucoma and the patient initially was treated by combined therapy ICA and betablockers - Cosopt.
On July 2009 - 8months later, her IOP elevated on 47 mmHg and the trabeculetomy (TE) was
performed, 2months after surgery the needling was performed for the scarring of the bleb. We
continued local treatment with Cosopt. On January 2010 the IOP increased on 30mmHg and the
surgery was neccessary to repeat, TE with Mitomycin C was done. Despite undergoing surgeries on
the right eye the long –term prognosis of IOP was poor.On July 2010 Ahmed glaucoma valve was
done. We did not observe any complications during the procedure but the late failure after the shunt
re-operation occur. What would be the next step?
A 41-year-old woman presented with a history of left eye pain and blurred vision for 2 days.
Present illness: Three years ago, she was diagnosed with cataract, primary open angle glaucoma and
mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy in both eyes. Her visual acuity was 20/200 and Fc 3 ft.
She was currently treated with 0.5% timolol to BE bid and switch to brimonidine/timolol fixed
Six months ago, after the fasting blood sugar was controlled, she underwent phacoemulsification
with IOL, RE. After that, proliferative diabetic retinopathy of the right eye was found. Panretinal
photocoagulation of the right eye was performed.
Five months ago, she underwent phacoemulsification with IOL, LE. Two months later, she
presented with terrible eye pain, LE with nausea and vomiting. Left eye examination revealed
iridocorneal touch, LE with IOP of 55 mmHg. She was treated with anterior chamber paracentesis
and 100% Glycerin stat, acetazolamide 1 tab oral q 6 hr, brimonidine/timolol fixed combination, BE
bid, brinzolamide, LE bid, 1% Prednisolone acetate, LE q 1 hr, and moxifloxacin, LE qid. After the
IOP decreased to 14 mmHg, peripheral iridotomy, LE at 2 o’clock was performed. At that time her
visual acuity was 20/70 and 20/100 for right and left eyes with brimonidine/timolol fixed
combination, BE bid, and brinzolamide, LE bid.
Two months ago, she presented at the emergency department with left eye pain. Her visual acuity
was Fc 1 ft. and IOP of 60 mmHg. The PI was not patent with shallow peripheral anterior chamber
and corneal microcystic edema. After IOP was controlled, the second PI was done at 10 o’clock.
The IOP decreased to 14 mmHg, LE. She still treated with brimonidine/timolol fixed combination,
BE bid, Brinzolamide, LE bid.
2 days ago, she started to have left eye pain again. Visual acuity was Fc 2 ft. with IOP of 70 mmHg.
Left eye examinations revealed corneal microcystic edema with ciliary injection, small 1 patent PI
and 1 occluded PI with iris bombe and rubeosis iridis around PI.
Note: This history and physical examination will be presented with anterior segment photographs
and ultrasound biomicroscope printout.
A 56 years old male with uncontrolled advanced chronic angle closure glaucoma underwent
uneventfull phacotrabeculectomy with implantation of hydrophobic single piece lens in the lens
capsule (Acri.Smart 46LC, Zeiss). At the end of the procedure a small amount of viscoelastic
solution (Viscoat) was left in the anterior chamber in order to prevent postoperative athalamia. A
week later, VA was counting fingers and the examination showed: shallow anterior chamber, IOP
of 4 mmHg, negative seidel test and no choroidal detachment. Refraction was -3.50 sph -0.50 cil
150. Carefully examination under complete pupillary dilatation showed an optically clear liquid
between the posterior surface of the IOL and the posterior capsular membrane, the capsular bag was
distended: iris and IOL moved forward while posterior capsular membrane backwards. Almost
immediately after posterior capsulotomy with Nd:YAG laser was performed, the athalamia was
completely solved
Discussion: Capsular Bag Distension Syndrome (CBSD) is an uncommon and rarely recognized
cause of postoperative athalamia after combined surgery in glaucoma. This syndrome occurs after
remaining viscoelastic solution or cortex is trapped between the IOL and the posterior lens capsule.
The rhexis diameter must be smaller than the optic diameter of the lens. Remaining viscoelastic or
cortex in the lens capsule makes an osmotic gradient across the posterior lens capsule that would
cause liquid accumulation in the capsular bag. As shallow anterior chamber and hipotony are very
common features after glaucoma surgery, this syndrome is frequently misdiagnosed. In many cases,
CBDS have been described even years after the phacoemulsification. Carefully examination is
mandatory, especially when it is done without pupil dilatation and remaining viscoelastic or cortex
is suspected to be inside the lens capsule. Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy is a simple
procedure that solves almost immediately this syndrome. The fluid material inside the lens capsule
is released through the posterior capsulotomy to the vitreous cavity while the iris and the lens move
back to its correct position.
A 14 old girl child presented to the out patient department of Dr Rajendra Prasad Centre For
Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of M edical Sciences, New Delhi with the chief complaints
of progressive enlargement of the both eyeballs noticed since birth by her parents. The enlargement
of the eyeballs was associated with poor vision, watering and photophobia. The parents did not seek
treatment for the child at an earlier age due to lack of finances.Her visual acuity was perception of
light in both eyes with accurate projection of rays in all four quadrants.The general physical
examination and the systemic examination did not reveal any abnormality. Corneal diameters
measured approximately 23mm x 22 mm OD and 24 mm x 23 mm on horizontal and vertical axis.
The cornea revealed stromal haze with haab striae and superficial vascularisation in all quadrants
with an enlarged limbus. Gonioscopy was not possible but the angle was visible directly with a
torch light examination revealing an open angle and anterior insertion of the iris. The pupils were
fixed dilated and not reacting to light . Tonopen reading of both eyes measured 42 mm Hg OD and
46 mmHg OS. The fundus examination on indirect ophthalmoscopy revealed severe chorioretinal
degeneration with near total glaucomatous atrophy in both eyes. The axial length was 38.15 mm
OD and 38.12 mm OS. The child was started on oral acetazolamide , a fixed dose timolol and
brimonidine topical combination and latanoprost . The surgical management of this case is very
challenging and we want the experts to discuss the management options for such cases.
A. Oliveira
A male patient, 35 years old, Brazilian, Caucasian, with glaucoma history in his family, had all kind
of glaucoma exams within normal limits, including normal intra-ocular pressure. After 3 months, he
came back to the office and had everything changed. His cup/disc ratio was 0.8 on both eyes and a
trabeculectomy was performed.
A. Oliveira
GFO, female, 30 years old, Brazilian, Caucasian, enter the office and told that she was in pain for
about one week on both eyes after started a treatment for uveitis. She had intra-ocular hypertension
(42 mmHg), conjunctival hyperaemia, corneal edema, anterior chamber cells, mydriasis, visual
acuity reduced.
She stopped all medicines in use. The doctor treated her hypertension and she came back in 2 days:
without pain, better visual acuity and intra-ocular pressure, her fundus exam without alteration
(retina and optical nerve). An iridectomy by laser was done on both eyes but after a few days were
not working. After a week another iridectomy was done but still not worked. The patient retorned to
the office and told the physician that she has pain and blurry vision on the right eye in the afternoon.
Another medicine was prescribed.
at the last visit, she was with good intra-ocular pressure and vision but refer dry eye sensation.
A 28-year-old woman, with a history of left corneal perforation from a contact lens-related
pseudomonas keratitis, was treated elsewhere with antibiotics and a conjunctival flap.
She presented three months after the initial episode, with hand movements vision, a conjunctival
flap covering three quarters of the cornea superiorly, stromal oedema inferiorly, new vessels and
cataract. The eye was quiet. It was not possible to applanate the cornea, but intraocular pressure
(IOP) by digital measurement was substantially elevated. The fundus and optic nerve could not be
visualized; ultrasound confirmed an attached retina. There was synechial closure of the superior half
of the angle.
The IOP was uncontrolled despite maximal therapy, necessitating an Ahmed valve implant in the
superotemporal quadrant. As the patient was phakic, the tube was placed in the anterior chamber
(AC). This preceded a penetrating keratoplasty following which her visual acuity (VA) improved to
0.3 – 0.4 and IOP was relatively controlled (23mmHg with 3 agents).
Her cataract worsened, VA decreasing to 0.1, and was removed. The IOP again reached
unacceptable levels. Numerous bleb needlings were carried out with injections of 5-FU, and the
tube patency confirmed through the AC. The elevated IOP persisted until a secondary implant was
added, this time in the superonasal quadrant with a ciliary sulcus tube.
Two years later, the IOP is 16mmHg on two medications and VA is 0.8. The patient is followed up
every 4 – 6 months with stereoscopic disc photos, visual fields and endothelial cell counts.
A 35-year-old male arrived at our institute complaining of intense discomfort and loss of vision in
his only, right eye. He had been diagnosed with bilateral congenital glaucoma within a week of
birth and had had a left enucleation aged 10 for a painful, blind eye with uncontrolled hypertension,
despite multiple surgical procedures. In his remaining eye, goniotomy, trabeculectomy, cataract
surgery without IOL implantation and 3 penetrating keratoplasties had been performed elsewhere.
Vision 2 years previously had been hand movements according to his medical notes. He was using
Combigan and Lumigan drops.
On examination, we recorded light perception without projection. There was bullous epithelial and
diffuse stromal corneal oedema, aphakia with cortical and capsular remnants but no evidence of
vitreous in the anterior chamber (Visante anterior OCT proved inconclusive due to media opacity).
Goldmann tonometry gave a reading of 22mmHg, against a pachymetry of 820 microns. The
iridocorneal angle had multiple, diffuse, broad peripheral anterior synechiae, and fundoscopy
showed a flat retina, with almost total glaucomatous neuropathy.
A provisional Eckardt keratoprosthesis was performed, combined with a 23 gauge pars plana
vitrectomy and Ahmed valve implantation (tube in the posterior segment), and a definitive Boston
type 1 keratoprosthesis (video).
6 months after his triple surgery, vision is HM and he tolerates a therapeutic contact lens well. The
keratoprosthesis shows no sign of breakdown or endophthalmitis (on long-term steroids,
vancomycin and a fluoroquinolone antobiotic), and the tube appears well-positioned and patent. The
retina remains flat, and stereoscopic viewing suggests a stable optic nerve. Digitally-measured IOP
is between 10 and 20 mmHg, on no topical treatment, and the patient no longer feels any
discomfort. Follow-up is 3-monthly.
We present a unique case & share extremely challenging clinical management issues over 10 years.
A 60 year old man presented with irritation of the right eye a sclera melt causing limbal bleb and
hypotony. He was diagnosed to have progressive hemifacial atrophy ( Parry Romberg Syndrome)
for which he underwent facial reconstructive plastic surgery. A detailed clinical investigation was
done to rule out other causes of sclera melt. He was observed for 8 years for signs of hypotony
maculopathy. He developed reduced vision and hypotony maculopathy after 8 years. We performed
bleb repair with donor sclera graft. He developed extremely high intraocular pressure rise
postoperatively requiring inpatient treatment with intravenous acetazolamide and mannitol. He had
to carry out cyclodiode ablation of cilliary body to control IOP after 72 hours. This resulted in
hypotony, cataract and reduced vision.
Parry Romberg syndrome is a rare disorder of unknown etiology. Scleral melt should be recognised
as an association of this syndrome. Opinion of international expert will be highly valuable on how
would they have approached this case and on specific issue of how to surgically close these sclera
A 56-year-old man was clinically admitted at the glaucoma department complaining of low visual
acuity and mild discomfort on the left eye. He was first admitted at the ER 1 year earlier
complaining of blurred vision, redness and photophobia on the right eye. He was diagnosed and
treated as ocular toxoplasmosis and treated accordingly. Later he developed cataract and vitreos
opacities. 3 month prior to his admission he was submitted to phacoemulsification and posterior
vitrectomy in his right eye. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was hand movements on the right
eye and 20/20 on the left eye. Anterior segment examination of the right eye revealed: anterior
bowing of the peripheral iris, and a complete pupillary block due to synechia. IOP OD: 28 mmHg.
He was then submitted to laser iridectomy and topical medication. After the laser, biomycroscopy
showed a flatten iris. IOP 22 mmHg. After 15 days IOP was 32 mmHg and he was still
complaining. Gonioscopy showed a closed angle 360 degrees. After a long discussion we
programmed a goniosynechialisis. The final IOP was 12 mmHg without topical medication.
Case Description
A 7 years old boy came to our Hospital 10 months ago with a chief complaint of blurred vision,
redness and itching in both eyes. The redness and itching was complaining since 3 years ago and he
used the topical steroid regularly without ophthalmologist control in 1 last year. Since 3 months ago
he felt blurred vision in both eyes. There is no history of other allergies.
On eye examination, we revealed the visual acuity was counting finger at 1 meter in both eyes.
The eye position was ortothrophia with no limitation of the eye movement on both eyes.
The intraocular pressures (non contact tonometry) were 45.8 and 42.4 mmHg in the right and left
eyes respectively. In slit lamp examination, we found mild papillary reaction in superior tarsal
conjunctiva, limbal papillary reaction and bulbar conjunctival injection in both eyes. In cornea,
punctate epithelial keratitis was found in both eyes with Shield’s ulcer in the right eye. In posterior
segment examination we revealed c/d ratio 0.8-0.9 in both eyes.
The therapy were:
• Fluorometholone ed
• Lodoxamine 0.1% ed
• Artificial tears ed
• Timolol maleat ed
• Acetazolamide eye drops and oral
And the patient underwent filtering surgery (trabeculectomy + MMC) in both eyes.
Two months after surgery the intraocular pressure in the left eye raised and the intraocular pressure
in left eye could not control with 2 hypotensive medication until now (6 months).
Present eye examination
Visual acuity: counting finger at one meter in both eyes
Intraocular pressures (non contact tonometry): 8 mmHg in the right eye and 46.7 mmHg in the left
In anterior segment examination, we revealed active vernal keratoconjuctivitis in both eyes and
posterior subcapsular cataract in the left eye.
The plan of patient assessment for the left eye:
1. Trabeculectomy + MMC + lens extraction + intraocular lens OR
2. Trabeculectomy + MMC without lens extraction OR
3. Trabeculectomy with glaucoma drainage implant