Cement Specification: Group 4
Cement Specification: Group 4
Cement Specification: Group 4
Group 4
Amalu Jose, Anam Waheed, Geetesh Malhotra, Himel Barikder, Tripti
Construction Technology
Cement is a binding material used to bind different type of construction materials together. It is
formed mainly from argillaceous, siliceous, calcareous materials.
In the most general sense, portland cement is produced by heating sources of lime, iron, silica, and
alumina to clinkering temperature (2,500 to 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit) in a rotating kiln, then
grinding the clinker to a fine powder. The heating that occurs in the kiln transforms the raw
materials into new chemical compounds. Therefore, the chemical composition of the cement is
defined by the mass percentages and composition of the raw sources of lime, iron, silica, and
alumina as well as the temperature and duration of heating. It is this variation in raw materials
source and the plant-specific characteristics, as well as the finishing processes (i.e. grinding and
possible blending with gypsum, limestone, or supplementary cementing materials), that define the
cement produced.
By twisting this internal mix ratio and by altering the chemical inputs, special types of cement can
be produced according to the needs.
Apart from the general types that we are using in day to day activity, there are some special cement
types available in the market.
8. Pozzolana Cement:
In this cement type, clinker and pozzolanic material such as (volcanic ash, fly ash, etc.) are mixed
in a definite proportion with Portland cement.
The pozzolanic materials do not have any cementing qualities when used alone, but when mixed
with Portland cement, they react with cement components and form compounds with cementing
The pozzolana cement has many properties similar to ordinary Portland cement. But it also offers
some additional properties, which are given below.
(i) It produces less heat. Due to this property, it can be used in mega projects.
(ii) It offers greater resistance to sulfates and corrosive actions of sea water.
These qualities make it more useful for construction near or along the coast and also in sulfate soil.
It can also be used in sewage works and for underwater construction.
9. Colored Cement:
In this type of cement, pigment (color) is mixed with the Portland cement in a definite proportion.
The Pigment is mixed in a finest powdered state. The amount of pigment used depends upon the
shade of the desired color.
It is, however, generally less than 10 percent (by weight). The following pigments are used to
obtain colored cement.
(i) Chromium oxide is used for green color.
(ii) Cobalt is used for blue color.
(iii) Iron oxide is used for various shades of red, brown and yellow color.
(iv) Manganese dioxide is used to obtain black and deep brown color.
This type of cement is extensively used for top coat in flooring and decorative purposes in various
places in a building.
Cement Bag
Every delivery of cement is accompanied by producer’s certificate confirming that the supplied
cement conforms to relevant specifications. These certificates should be endorsed to Engineer-in-
charge for his record.
For each grade, cement bags are stored in two separate godowns, one for tested cement and the
other for fresh cement (under testing) constructed by L&T as per sketch given in General
Conditions of Contract for CPWD 2010 with weather proof roofs and walls. The actual size of
godown is as per site requirements and as per the direction of the Engineer in charge. The
decision of the Engineer-in-charge regarding the capacity required/needed will be final.
However, the capacity of each godown is not be less than 250 tonnes or as decided by Engineer-
PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement) is used in RCC structures in accordance with the circular
issued by the Directorate General of Works. The use of PPC is regulated as per the following
a) IS:456-2000 Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete (as amended upto date) is
followed in regard to Concrete Mix Proportion.
b) Minimum M25 grade or as specified of concrete is used in all structural elements of RCC,
both in load bearing and framed structure.
c) The mechanical properties such as modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, creep and shrinkage
of concrete using fly ash blended cements (PPCs) are not likely to be significantly different and
their values are to be taken same as those used for concrete made with OPC.
d) To control higher rate of carbonation in early ages of concrete in PPC based concr ete,
water/binder ratio is kept as low as possible, which is closely monitored during concrete manufacturing.
If necessitated due to low water/binder ratio, required workability is achieved by use of chloride
free chemical admixtures conforming to IS: 9103. The compatibility of chemical admixtures and
super plasticizers with each set PPC received from different sources is ensured by trails.
f) Wet curing period is enhanced to a minimum of 10 days or its equivalent. In hot & arid
conditions, the minimum curing period is 14 days or its equivalent.
h) Till the time, BIS makes it mandatory to print the %age of fly ash on each bag of cement, the
certificate from the PPC manufacturer indicating the same is supplied by the L&T.
i) While using PPC for structural concrete work, no further admixing of fly ash is permitted.
1. For A.A.C. masonry the jointing mortars are recommended as per suitability of ingredients
available in the area.
a. Cement Mortars 1:1:4 (1 cement: 1 fly ash: 4 sand) using Portland cement. When PPC is used
richer mix should be adopted and wall surface to be wetted with dilute cement slurry. The
approved plasticiser can be used for thinner joints. Heavy watering is not necessary on Block
masonry. Spray pumps or water in buckets are found satisfactory for curing.
b. The cement lime mortars in proportion of (1:1:4) is satisfactory for A.A.C masonry.
The basic aim is to find out the water content required to produce a cement paste of standard
consistency as specified by the IS: 4031 (Part 4) – 1988. The principle is that standard
consistency of cement is that consistency at which the Vicat plunger penetrates to a point 5-7mm
from the bottom of Vicat mould.
In the soundness test a specimen of hardened cement paste is boiled for a fixed time so that any
tendency to expand is speeded up and can be detected. Soundness means the ability to resist
volume expansion.
Initial setting time is that time period between the time water is added to cement and time at
which 1 mm square section needle fails to penetrate the cement paste, placed in the Vicat’s
mould 5 mm to 7 mm from the bottom of the mould.
Final setting time is that time period between the time water is added to cement and the time at
which 1 mm needle makes an impression on the paste in the mould but 5 mm attachment does
not make any impression.