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Who does which chores in your

Vocabulary and Speaking

Jobs and chores

1 2.24 Listen and repeat the jobs and chores.

Which jobs are the most enjoyable? Which are the least enjoyable?

wash cars babysit pet sit deliver newspapers take dogs for walks do the ironing
clean the windows do the washing-up lay the table tidy your room make the beds
do the gardening


Animal Lover
Too busy to wanted to (2) … and
cut the grass (3) … when we go on
and water the holiday. Contact Mr
flowers? No Briggs on Hepworth
problem – I can 233856
(1) … for you!
Call Alex on
Boy or gir
2678 933300 l wanted
Weekdays to (4) …
Must have am. £5 per
ow hour.
Contact S n bicycle.
miths New
23 Clee R sagent’s

Spend your summer working in a

seaside hotel! We need someone in
August to tidy the rooms and (5) … 17-year-old girl who loves children
For more information, contact the wants to (6) … 2–3 evenings a week.
manager of the Blue Beach Hotel. Ring Mandy on 87220996


4 Think about the chores you do at home.

Complete the sentences.
I always lay the table.
1 I always … 3 I sometimes …
2 Complete the adverts with words from 2 I usually … 4 I never …
exercise 1. Which two people are looking
for work? 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
the chores you do.
3 2.25 Listen and check your answers.
Do you do the washing-up?
Yes, sometimes.

62 Vocabulary extension: Workbook page 107

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Tips for making money? by PennyLess 17/08 11:43
Hi! I’m 14 and I want to buy a smartphone. There’s only one problem – it’s expensive! Has
anyone got any tips for making and saving money?

RE: Tips for making money? by Cinderella Fri 17/08 13:30

My parents sometimes pay me to do chores around the house. I wash the car or do the
ironing – whatever needs doing! It gives me a bit of extra pocket money!

Re: Tips for making money? by owen99 17/08 15:55

Why don’t you get a job in the school holidays? I’m going to work in a hotel so I’ll have
enough money to go on holiday in August. Maybe you could try babysitting?

RE: Tips for making money? by KittyB 18/08 10:14

Think about your skills. Maybe you’re good with children, so you could babysit for families
in your area. Or if you like animals, how about pet sitting while the owners are on holiday?
Put an advert in a shop window that says what you can do.

Re: Tips for making money? by smartAlec 20/08 21:21

I know a way to make money. Sort out all the things you don’t use any more (clothes, CDs or
toys) and put an advert for them on an online auction website. Other people really will want
to buy your old things! And it’s much better to recycle them than throw them away!

RE: Tips for making money? by TrendyGirl 20/08 13:45

Instead of earning money, why not try to spend less? Do what I do – buy your clothes at
markets and in second-hand shops. You can find some really nice things at great prices!

Re: Tips for making money? by PennyLess 21/08 14:07

Thanks for your advice. I’ve seen an advert for a babysitting job, so I’m going to apply! I’m
also going to visit the second-hand shops in my area to look for bargains.

Word check DID YOU KNOW?

tip pocket money sort out second-hand apply bargain On average, UK teenagers receive
£6 every week from their parents.

Reading 3 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Who suggests PennyLess sells some things?
An online message board 2 Who is planning to do a temporary job?
3 How can PennyLess advertise herself?
1 2.26 Read and listen to the message board.
Who doesn’t suggest a way of making money?
4 Which do you think is the best tip? Why?
2 Answer the questions. I think the best tip is to do chores in the house
1 Why does PennyLess need some money? because it’s an easy way to make money.
2 What kind of jobs does Cinderella do?
3 What is owen99 going to do in August? FINISHED?
4 How can PennyLess help the environment? Can you think of more tips for saving money?
5 Where does TrendyGirl go shopping? Walk or cycle instead of using public transport.

Search for a website with adverts for part-time and temporary jobs in your country.
Work in pairs and share
1 Look for a job that you would like to do.
your tasks for the web
2 Read the information about the job and make notes about the pay, working hours quest. This helps to
and duties. save time and focuses
3 Work in pairs. Tell each other about your jobs. your search even more.


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affirmative 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions

from exercise 3.
I (1) … going to work in a hotel.
negative Are you going to go shopping on Saturday?
You (2) … going to find work easily. No, I’m not. I’m going to take my dog for a walk.
(3) … you going to be free this summer?
will and be going to
short answers 5 Copy and complete the rules with be going to
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. or will.
a) We use … to talk about future predictions
or decisions we make at the moment of
We use be going to to talk about future plans speaking.
and intentions. I’ll do the washing-up!
I’m going to tidy my room tomorrow. b) We use … to talk about future plans and
I’m going to buy a new jacket.
1 Copy and complete the table with the correct
form of be. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of be going to or will.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of be going to and the verbs in brackets. 1
I … help you
1 Adam … (not go) to university. carry those bags.
2 He and his best friend … (design)
computer games.
3 They … (sell) them to big companies.
4 His parents … (not be) happy.
5 Adam thinks he … (make) lots of money! 2
He … buy an ice

It … grow a lot.

3 Write the questions using be going to.

1 you / go shopping on Saturday? 4 They … rob a
2 anyone / give you money for your birthday? bank.
3 you / save your pocket money?
4 your parents / let you get a job?
5 you / be a millionaire in the future?

You … be a
In English, the going to part of be going scientist, live on
to never changes form depending on the the Moon and be
person who is speaking. Is this the same in very happy!
your language?

2.27–2.28 Pronunciation lab: Difficult sounds: /w/, page 125

64 Digital course: Interactive grammar table Study guide: page 71

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Vocabulary and Listening

Money and shopping
1 2.29 Listen and repeat the money words in the box. Do you ever lend or borrow money?

buy sell cost spend save earn pay for borrow lend lose swap win collect


I’ve got some money for Camden Market in Some stalls (3) … I really like these bags!
my birthday! Mum thinks London is a great place second-hand things, so How much does this
I should put it in the to (2) … clothes and you don’t need to (4) … (5) …, please?
bank and (1) … it, but I jewellery. a lot of money.
want to go shopping!

Let’s have a rest now! I’ll Not everyone comes to Other people (8) … I haven’t got any money
(6) … the coffees. Camden to go shopping. money for charity, like left now! I’ll have to (9) …
Some people (7) … this one for sick children. some money from my
money by entertaining friend to buy my bus
the shoppers! ticket!

2 Read the text and complete it with words from 5 2.31 Listen to a reporter interviewing people
exercise 1. Does Clare prefer to spend money or in the street for a TV programme. What’s the
to save it? name of the programme?

3 2.30 Listen and check your answers to 6 Listen again and choose the correct words.
exercise 2.
1 Anna comes from London / Poland.
4 Think about a shop or market in your town and 2 Anna’s earrings were cheap / expensive.
answer the questions. 3 The boy prefers black / bright colours.
4 He’s got a new bag / T-shirt.
1 What’s the name of the shop? 5 The girl usually buys new / used clothes.
2 What does it sell? 6 She has bought / borrowed a jacket.
3 How often do you go shopping there?
4 What’s the last thing you bought there?
5 How much did it cost?


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Cultural awareness Fact box
The United Kingdom There are about 7,000 charity
shops in the UK!


Even if you haven’t got lots of money to spend, you can still go shopping!
Read on to find out where to find the best bargains.
Why do people in Britain like shopping in charity shops? First, because of
the low prices, and second, because when you buy something, the money
is used to help people in need. For example, Oxfam, which has shops all
over the UK, works to stop poverty in countries around the world. What

can you find in a charity shop? Used clothes, shoes, books, toys, DVDs
and kitchen equipment. It might take a while to find what you want, but
it’s fun looking!

What do British people do with their old or unwanted possessions? Take

them to a car boot sale! Every Saturday and Sunday, people all over
Britain fill the boot of their car with things they don’t want and take
them to one of these sales. Car boot sales attract hundreds of people,
so get there early for the best bargains. You never know what you might

find. Recently, someone bought an old picture frame at a car boot sale
for one pound and later found it was worth £500,000!
Do you want to get some new clothes without spending any money? The
answer is a swap shop! Swap shops are events where you and other

people can exchange clothes that you don’t want. The clothes have to
be good quality and look new. You can then choose clothes of the same
value that other people have brought to the swap shop. Swap shops are
popular with fashionable people who have lots of nice clothes that they
never wear. Swapping clothes is also better for the environment than
buying new ones!
Word check
charity poverty frame exchange good quality value

1 Do you like shopping? Why (not)? CULTURAL COMPARISON

2 2.32 Read and listen. Where can you shop 4 Answer the questions about your country.
for free?
1 Do people like buying second-hand things?
Why (not)?
3 Read the guide again and answer the
2 Are there any charity shops in your town or
1 How do charity shops use the money they 3 What do people do with things that they don’t
make? want any more?
2 Which charity has a lot of shops? 4 Can you go shopping on a Sunday? If so,
3 What do people sell at car boot sales? where?
4 How much did a valuable picture frame cost 5 Do young people ever swap clothes with each
at a car boot sale? other?
5 What kind of clothes can you find at swap
6 What are two advantages of swapping?

66 Culture video: Shopping

0439269_Pulse_SB2_pp042-073.indd 66 03/03/2014 10:34


Future time expressions CLIL Grammar in context:
time expressions + will, when + will
When we make predictions about the future with will, 5 Read the maths problems and circle the
we often use time expressions like: correct answers for 1–8.
tomorrow next week this summer one day soon
I’ll be rich one day! A Bananas are 1.20 euros a kilo, apples
We use phrases with when like this: are 2.50 euros a kilo, and pears are
When I go shopping, I’ll buy some new shoes. ✔ 2.20 euros a kilo. You are going
When I’ll go shopping, I’ll buy some new shoes. ✘ (1) a buy / to buy / buying half a kilo of
bananas, a kilo of apples, and a kilo of
1 Study the table. In sentences about the future, pears. Will a five euro note
which tense do we use after when? (2) it is / it be / be enough to pay
for them?
2 Copy and complete the sentences with the correct B Sue gets 100 euros for her birthday.
form of the verbs in brackets. She (3) will to / going to / ’s going to
1 When we … (be) in Paris, we … (go) shopping. spend 36.99 euros on a camera and
12.50 euros on a DVD. How much
2 I … (try) lots of different clothes on, but I … (not change (4) she will have / will she
buy) them all! have / will have she ?
3 When we … (feel) tired, we … (find) a café. C You (5) going / going to go / ’re going
4 I … (have) a drink and a sandwich. to go on holiday to the USA and you’d
(6) like / like to / would like change
3 Make predictions about your future. Use these 200 euros into dollars. 1 euro = 1.5
phrases to help you. dollars. How many dollars (7) will you
get / you’ll get / will get when you
get a job go to university buy a car (8) will change / are going to change /
travel round the world get married learn to drive change this number of euros?

1 When I’m 18, I … 3 When I’m 25, I …

2 When I’m 20, I … 4 When I’m 30, I …

would like
would like + infinitive
We use would like to mean want. We use the infinitive
with to after it.
affirmative and negative 6 2.33 Can you solve the three maths
I’d like to borrow your pen. problems? Listen and check your
Tom wouldn’t like to miss the concert.
questions and short answers C: 200 x 1.5 = 300 dollars
Would you like to take the dog for a walk? B: 100 – (36.99 + 12.50) = 50.51 euros

Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn’t.

is 0.60 + 2.50 + 2.20 = 5.30 euros.
bananas cost 0.60 euros. The cost of the fruit

4 Study the table. Write sentences using would like

A: No, five euros won’t be enough. Half a kilo of

(✔) or wouldn’t like (✘).


I / forget your birthday ✘

I wouldn’t like to forget your birthday. CLIL TASK
1 He / have short hair ✘ Go online. Find three maths problems.
2 Sarah / play the guitar ✔ Can you do them?
3 Mrs Smith / go on a rollercoaster ✘
4 Neil and Liz / get married ✔

2.34–2.35 Pronunciation lab: Difficult sounds: /s/ at the beginning of words, page 125

Digital course: Interactive grammar table Study guide: page 71 67

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integrated skills xx
All about pocket money Doing odd jobs around
the house is a great way
to earn extra money.


* Parents and neighbours pay some children to do
‘odd jobs’. These are chores such as doing the ironing,

20% cutting the grass or washing the car.

** Many British children over the age of thirteen have
got Saturday jobs in places like shops or sports centres.
10% 1 Boys and girls spend two-thirds of their
pocket money on sweets and chocolate.
2 Girls buy more clothes, magazines and
cosmetics than boys.
3 Boys buy more food and drink, computer
Saturday jobs** presents games, DVDs and CDs than girls.
odd job earnings* parents 4 Girls spend 50% more on mobile phones than boys.


Expressing numbers as percentages or
fractions 3 2.36 Listen to a radio programme about
Amounts can be given as percentages. pocket money. Who doesn’t get money from
Percentages can be expressed in the following his or her parents?
10% = a tenth 50% = (a) half 4 Listen again. Copy and complete the table in
25% = a quarter 75% = three-quarters your notebook.
33.3% = a third 100% = all
way of what he / she
name age making does with
money money
Step 1: Read Ben buys sweets
and computer
1 Look at the magazine article. On what day of the
week do some teenagers work?
Lily 16
2 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the
false sentences.
Harry does odd
1 Teenagers only get money from their parents.
jobs for
2 Children aged 11 and 12 have part-time jobs.
3 Teenagers spend most of their pocket money
on sweets and chocolate.
4 More girls buy computer games than boys.
5 Boys spend less money on mobile phones
than girls.


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ated skills integrated skills

Hi Dad. Can I ask you a favour? OK. What is it?

Could you lend me (1) … , please? Why?
I want to buy a (2) … How much does it cost?
(3) … , but I’ve already got 10. I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you earn the money
How can I do that? I’ll pay you three pounds to (4) … .
OK, it’s a deal! I’ll do it when I finish my Great! Thanks.

5 2.37 Listen to Lucy talking to her dad. Step 4: Communicate

Complete 1–4 in your notebook.
9 Work in pairs. Take turns to practise your
6 Listen again and repeat. Practise your
Hi … Can I ask you a favour?
OK. What is it ?
Step 3: Write
10 Act your dialogue for the class.
7 Copy the phrases and questions in bold in your
notebook. Then think of something else you COMMUNICATION KIT
want to buy and another way of earning the
money to buy it. Asking for a favour
Can I ask you a favour?
8 Write a new dialogue. Write both parts. Use the Could / Can you … ?
dialogue in exercise 5 to help you. Is it OK if I … ?
Hi … Can I ask you a favour? Would you mind doing / cleaning / helping me
with … ?
OK. What is it ?

Integrated skills: Workbook page 116 69

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Writing 3 Bennett Road
An informal letter BL7 4PJ
Friday 15 April
Dear Grandma and Grandad,
rs. I’m
Thank you very much for my birthday present! I love my new traine
wearing them right now! They fit me perfectly.
I’m going to have my birthday party tomorrow because it’s Saturd
First, ten of my friends are coming to my house in the afternoon.
r isn’t
we’re going to go to the bowling alley in the town centre. My brothe
se he isn’t
going to come because he hates bowling – I think that’s becau
to eat at
very good at it! I’ll invite him to join us later though. We’re going
film at my
my favourite burger bar. In the evening, we’ll probably watch a
house. Mum and Dad bought me some great new DVDs for my
so I’d like to watch one of them.
I’ll see you next month! Thanks again for the present.
Love from,

4 Change the words in blue to subject or object

1 2.38 Read and listen to the letter. What is
Paul going to do for his birthday party?
1 If I find some cheap DVDs, I’m going to buy
the DVDs.
2 Look at the sentences from the letter. What or
2 Lucy doesn’t like football because she isn’t
who do the words in blue refer to?
very good at football.
1 I’m wearing them right now! 3 I want to buy a CD for Tim’s birthday, but I
2 I’m going to have my birthday party don’t know what music Tim likes.
tomorrow. 4 Amy didn’t know where to go swimming, but
3 He isn’t very good at it! someone told Amy about the new sports
4 I’ll invite him to join us. centre.
5 We’ll probably watch a film.
6 I’ll see you next month!
Writing task:
3 Copy and complete the sets of pronouns in the Write an informal letter.
Writing focus. Plan Imagine that it was your birthday
yesterday and you’re writing to thank a
relative for their birthday present and tell
WRITING FOCUS them about your birthday party. Decide what
Using pronouns present they bought you and think of three
We use pronouns to avoid repeating names and plans for your party.
nouns. Write Write an informal letter to your
Subject pronouns: relative to thank them and tell them about
I you (1) … she it we (2) … your plans. Write three paragraphs.
Object pronouns:
Check Check your writing.
me (3) … him her (4) … us them
Molly hates shopping. She prefers playing ✔ subject and object pronouns
computer games. ✔ use of future verb forms
That’s a nice t-shirt. Why don’t you buy it? ✔ ‘Dear …’ at the start, your name at
the end

70 Build your confidence: Writing reference and practice. Workbook page 130

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Study guide
be going to Vocabulary
Jobs and chores
affirmative babysit lay the table
I’m going to buy a magazine with my pocket clean the windows make the beds
money. deliver newspapers pet sit
negative do the gardening take dogs for walks
We aren’t going to go on holiday this year. do the ironing tidy your room
do the washing-up wash cars
Are you going to get a part-time job? Money and shopping
short answers borrow lend spend
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. buy lose swap
collect pay for win
will and be going to cost save
earn sell
We use will to talk about future predictions or
decisions we make at the moment of speaking.
I’ll take the bus home!
We use be going to to talk about future plans Speaking
and intentions.
I’m going to the cinema with Jack tomorrow. Asking for a favour
Can I ask you a favour?
time expressions + will, when + will Could / Can you … ?
tomorrow next week this summer one day Is it OK if I … ?
soon Would you mind doing / cleaning / helping
I’ll see you tomorrow! me with … ?
When I go on holiday, I’ll buy some souvenirs.


would like + infinitive Study with a friend and practise the role-plays
We use would like to mean want. We use the on the Integrated Skills pages. Try inventing
infinitive with to after it. your own dialogues too.
I’d like to visit Canada.
Jess wouldn’t like to babysit.
Would you like to go shopping at the weekend?
short answers
Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn’t.

Progress check: Workbook page 54 Grammar reference: Workbook page 94 71

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