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Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 10 (2016) 270-279

doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2016.05.006

Cable-Stay Bridges—Investigation of Cable Rupture

Nguyen Trong Nghia1 and Vanja Samec2

1. Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Transport and Communication, Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
2. Global Director RM Bridge, Bentley Systems Austria GmbH, Graz 8010, Austria

Abstract: As the bridge engineering community sets sails to use longer and longer spans, more and more sophisticated analysis
models have to be used in the design process. One of the significant problems represents cable rupture of cable stays. The problem is
also addressed in guidelines for cable-stayed bridge design such as PTI (Post-tensioning Institute) Recommendations and EC3 by
quasi-static analyses using DAF (dynamic amplification factors) to account dynamic effects, which can be conducted instead of using
dynamic analysis. The results show that the value DAF depends on the cable rupture location and on the type and location of the
examined state. Dynamic time history analysis is recommended. Some projects examples are highlighted in the paper, where the
importance of above mentioned topic has been investigated, following different regulations and approaches. Professional bridge
analysis and design software solution RM Bridge has been used for all investigations. The application can fulfill all requirements and
deliver expected and accurate results. In addition, RM Bridge software also helps engineers as a tool to optimize structure design and
increase resistance capacity for each element to ensure the structural safety in service stage.

Key words: Cable-stayed bridge, dynamic non-linear analysis, cable rupture.

1. Introduction published in many research studies [1-4].

In most of the current commercial bridge software,
Failure of overloaded structural elements can lead
the cable rupture load needs to be modelled manually.
to the collapse of the main bridge structure. Some
This results in slow, complicated calculation and
examples of such events happened in last few years in
comparison process. For our research, several
Asia: Kutai Kartanegara suspension bridge in
software applications have been tested and finally RM
Indonesia, 2011 (Fig. 1); Chhinchu suspension bridge
Bridge [5] has been chosen. Very advanced and
in China, 2007, due to overloading and broken cable;
accurate solver allows investigation of any critical
Krong Bong suspension bridge in Dak Lak, 2013.
dynamic event for large span cable-stayed and
In 2010, Binh Bridge has been seriously damaged
suspension bridges. 4D application is based on full 3D
by ship crash. In the same year, Vam Sat Bridge in
model of the bridge. Non-linear dynamic analysis can
Hochiminh city, Vietnam has been overloaded by live
consider any number and any location of stay-cable
load, what resulted in stay-cable rupture.
Process and reasons of collapses have been often
discussed and studied in recent years, although mainly 2. Basic Conditions
buildings have been investigated. Few bridge
2.1 Modeling of Dynamic Cable Rupture
investigations about increasing bridge collapses since
year 2000 have been reported. Higher interest Cable rupture load is assumed to follow three
worldwide for that problem, especially in Asia and models in Fig. 2. In Model (a), it is assumed that cable
Vietnam, has been shown. rupture happens at tp = 0 (s) (sudden break), in Models
Investigation of cable rupture load has been (b) and (c), it is assumed, that cable rupture linear or
non-linear depends on time tp according to research
Corresponding author: Nguyen Trong Nghia, M.Sc., lecturer, results of Yukari Aoki [6], the value of tp is in range
research fields: long span bridge—design and structure
analysis. between 1 ms to 10 ms. Research results of Wolff and
Cable-Stay Bridges—Investigation of Cable Rupture 271

Fig. 1 Collapse of Kutai Kartanegara Bridge.

Fig. 2 Calculation models of cable rupture dynamic load.

cable rupture, dynamic load Fdyn on beam at mid-span

is applied. Analytical model of the problem is shown
in Fig. 5:
Equation of equilibrium:
FI + FD + FS + W = Fdyn + F0 (1)
where, FI = inertia force, FD = damping force, FS =
Fig. 3 Dynamic load in case of sudden cable rupture.
elastic force, W = self weight of structure, F0 = static
force of cable rupture, Fdyn = dynamic force of cable
In case of cable rupture, equation of equilibrium is
as below:
FS + FI + FS = Fdyn
Fig. 4 Analytical one DOF (degree of freedom) system
model of dynamic load for sudden cable rupture. x, t   c  x, t   k  x, t   p  x, t  (2)
Or: m

starossek [7] showed the worst situation, if sudden With zero damped system (c = 0):
cable rupture is caused (Model (a)). m( x, t )  k ( x, t )  p( x, t )
2.1.1 Model of One Mass System Applying Hamilton rules to establish equation of
In case of one mass system and sudden cable motion:
rupture, we prepare models (Figs. 3 and 4). Cable is  ( x , t )   ( x ) z (t ) (4)
connected with simple beam (length “L”, mass “m” where, φ(x) represents shape fuction and z(t)
and stiffness “EI”) at mid-span. Considering sudden represents
272 Cable-Stay Bridges—Investigation of Cable Rupture

Fig. 5 Analytical model of load, caused by sudden cable rupture.

Fig. 6 Analytical model of multi DOF structure, loaded by stay-cable rupture.

generalized coordinate system. time dependent dynamic load. For this purpose, we
Bending moment: decided to research DAF (dynamic amplification
~ t ) (0 ≤ x ≤ L/2) (5)
M y ( x, t )  M y,stat ( x)(1- - cos factor). DAF is defined as ratio of the most

Shear force: detrimental effect of the cable rupture load. DAF for
~ t)
Qz ( x, t )  Qz,stat ( x)(1- cos one degree of freedom system can be mathematical
n (0 ≤ x ≤ L/2) (6)
where, M y ( x, t ) : dynamic bending moment, defined as per Eq. (10):
M y ,stat ( x ) : static moment, Qz ( x, t ) : dynamic shear max z ( x, t ) max  ( x, t ) max M y ( x, t ) max Qz ( x, t )
DAF     
z stat ( x) stat ( x) M y , stat ( x) Qz , stat ( x)
force, Qz ,stat ( x) : static shear force.
2.1.2 Multi-degrees of Freedom System max1 - cos~n t  DAFmax  2.0 (10)
Analytical model with multi DOF is shown in
Fig. 6. For one DOF model, loaded by cable rupture and
Equation of equilibrium at node “i”: calculated by RM Bridge DAF was evaluated as
fIi + fDi + fSi = pi(t), i = 1, 2, 3,..., n (7) 1.9979  2.0.
where, pi(t) = dynamic load; fIi = inertial force; fDi = For multi DOF system, the dynamic factor of cable
damping force; fSi = elastic force. rupture load in the ith element (DAFi) is calculated as
In matrix form: follows:
[fI] + [fD] + [fS] = [p(t)] (8) z dyn ,i M yi , dyn Q zi , dyn
DAFi    (11)
In differential equation of motion: z stat ,i M yi , stat Q zi , stat

M ω   C ω   K ω   pt  (9)

Acording to Eq. (2), the internal forces due to cable
rupture load depend on the structure stiffness mass
where, [M] = mass matrix; [C] = damping matrix; [K] distribution, dynamic load effects (magnitude of
= stiffness matrix. dynamic loads) and structural damping coefficient
(damping matrix).
2.2 Dynamic Amplification Factor DAF of Cable
Rupture 2.3 Researched Parameters, Affecting DAF

Research goal was evaluation of difference between 2.3.1 Stay-Cable Angle

two options: cable rupture is applied as sudden load or The analysis results showed that DAF does not
Cable-Stay Bridges—Investigation of Cable Rupture 273

change significantly by increasing the cable-stay angle Considering structural damping variation, expected
connection to main girder (Fig. 7). results are visible in Fig. 9.
2.3.2 Stay-Cable Tensioning Force Higher structural damping causes lower DAF.
Relationship between initial stay-cable tensioning Damping parameters are visible in Table 1.
force and DAF is shown in Fig. 8. 2.3.4 Stay-Cable Location
2.3.3 Effect of Structure Damping DAFs of main girder in dependency of cable
Damping force [C] can be expressed as relationship position as well as static response dynamic cable
between mass [M] and stiffness of the structure [K] rupture of any stay-cable have been investigated.
(15): Using 3D model in Fig. 10 and results of non-linear
C    M    K  (15) dynamic calculation due to cable rupture in Fig. 11,

Fig. 7 Relationship between the cable rupture force and DAF.

Fig. 8 Relationship between initial tensioning force and DAF.

Fig. 9 Relationship between structures’ damping coefficient and DAF.

274 Cable-Stay Bridges—Investigation of Cable Rupture

Table 1 Damping coefficient and damping parameters. structural damping coefficient. PTI (Post-tensioning
     Institute) Recommendations [8] and EC3 [6] have
0.20 10.716 18.522 0.0272 0.0001 been checked by some case studies of cable-stayed
0.40 10.716 18.522 0.0543 0.0003 bridges, calculated by RM Bridge. In the research
0.60 10.716 18.522 0.0815 0.0004 process, some important basic conditions have been
0.80 10.716 18.522 0.1086 0.0005
1.00 10.716 18.522 0.1358 0.0007
 cable-stayed bridge has been considered as 3D
dynamic amplification factor varies for different model;
stay-cable locations as shown in Fig. 12.  cable rupture has been applied as dynamic load;
 non-linear dynamic analysis has been activated;
3. Cable Rupture Influences Distribution of
Main girder, stay-cables and pylons have been
Internal Forces in Cable-Stayed Bridge
DAF depends on the cable rupture position and Three cases studies have been prepared:

Fig. 10 Cable-stayed bridge model with non-linear dynamic calculation.

Fig. 11 Non-linear dynamic calculation due to cable rupture.

Cable-Stay Bridges—Investigation of Cable Rupture 275

Fig. 12 DAF factor—any stay-cable rupture.

Fig. 13 Model of Cao Lanh cable-stayed.

Fig. 14 Bending moment envelope diagram for main girder—cable rupture of any stay-cable—stayed.

(1) Case 1: Effect of cable rupture for Cao Lanh and higher than 2.0 for pylon bending moment
cable-stayed bridge—with two pylons, two stay-cable (Fig. 16);
planes and spans 150 m + 350 m + 150 m, main (2) Case 2: Effect of cable rupture for Bai Chay
girder width 24.5 m; 128 stay-cables; 120 m cable-stayed bridge—with two pylons, one stay-cable
high H-shaped pylon (Figs. 13 and 14). DAF is lower plane, span arrangement (35 + 86 + 129.5 + 435 +
than 2.0 for main girder bending moment (Fig. 15) 129.5 + 86) m, main girder width 25.7 m, 112
276 Cable-Stay Bridges—Investigation of Cable Rupture

stay-cables and 141 m high pylon. DAF of main girder cable-stayed bridge—with one pylon, three stay-cable
elements is lower than 2.0 for negative moment and planes, span arrangement (4 × 50 + 230 + 45 + 4 ×
higher than 2.0 for positive moment (Fig. 17). DAF of 50 + 30 + 26) m, main girder width 36.5 m; 63
pylon elements is higher than 2.0 for positive moment stay-cables, 127 m high pylon.
(Fig. 18); DAF of main girder elements as well as of pylon
(3) Case 3: Effect of cable rupture for Tran Thi Ly elements is higher than 2.0 (Figs. 19 and 20).

Fig. 15 DAF—main girder Mz (Case 1).

Fig. 16 DAF—pylon Mz (Case 1).

Fig. 17 DAF—main girder Mz (Case 2).

Cable-Stay Bridges—Investigation of Cable Rupture 277

Fig. 18 DAF—pylon Mz (Case 2).

Fig. 19 DAF—main girder Mz (Case 3).

Fig. 20 DAF—pylon Mz (Case 3).

strategies towards increasing the robustness of bridge

4. Prevent Local Failure of Critical Elements
structures can be divided into the following categories
in Design Stage
There exist various strategies to help preventing  Prevent local failure of critical elements: control
disproportionate failure. In comparison to building local resistance and protective measures;
structures, bridges are primarily horizontally aligned  Assume local failure: alternative load paths and
structures with one main axis of extension. Current isolation by segmentation;
278 Cable-Stay Bridges—Investigation of Cable Rupture

Fig. 21 Nga ba Hue Overpass Bridge in April, 2015.

Fig. 22 Model of Nga ba Hue Overpass Bridge structure—modelled/analyzed/optimized by RM Bridge software.

Fig. 23 Bending moment capacity of main girder.

Note: Case 1: bending moment capacity of main girder in initial design stage;
Case 2: bending moment capacity of main girder after adjusted tendon;
Cable loss: dynamic cable loss combination.

 Descriptive design rules. straightforward and can be described directly in

Increasing the local resistance of critical elements design requirements. If increased resistance is
within the structural bridge system is quite uneconomical or not possible, non-structural
Cable-Stay Bridges—Investigation of Cable Rupture 279

protective measures can be used with physical barriers, evaluation of those factors, professional bridge
surveillance systems, etc. software should be used.
In RM Bridge, engineers can optimize design of Additionally, RM Bridge solver enables
each element by using reinforcement, tendons and optimization of the bridge structural elements in order
initial cable force effectively. This method has been to increase the bearing capacity of those and help
applied at Nga ba Hue Overpass Bridge in Danang engineers for better visual perspective on the design
city, Vietnam—with one pylon, two stay-cable planes, structural safety.
span arrangement (90 + 90) m (Figs. 21 and 22).
According to the initial design, the positive moment
capacity due to dynamic cable loss combination was The authors thank the Ministry of Transport (MOT)
not sufficient (Fig. 23, Case 1). Design is adjusted by Vietnam for being given the possibility to present
increasing the number of tendons and on this way some cable-stayed bridges in Vietnam within this paper.
satisfying design requirements (Fig. 23, Case 2).
5. Conclusions
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