Heat Load Calculation: Project

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Design Weather Parameters & MSHGs

Design Parameters:

City Name ......................................................................................................... Doha

Location ............................................................................................................ Qatar
Latitude ............................................................................................................... 25.3 Deg.
Longitude ........................................................................................................... -51.6 Deg.
Elevation ............................................................................................................... 9.8 m
Summer Design Dry-Bulb ..................................................................................... 46.0 °C
Summer Coincident Wet-Bulb .............................................................................. 30.6 °C
Summer Daily Range ........................................................................................... 10.8 °K
Winter Design Dry-Bulb ........................................................................................ 10.0 °C
Winter Design Wet-Bulb ......................................................................................... 6.0 °C
Atmospheric Clearness Number ........................................................................... 1.00
Average Ground Reflectance ............................................................................... 0.20
Soil Conductivity ................................................................................................ 1.385 W/(m-°K)
Local Time Zone (GMT +/- N hours) ....................................................................... 3.0 hours
Consider Daylight Savings Time ............................................................................. No
Simulation Weather Data .............................................................................. noneN/A
Current Data is .................................................................................... User Modified
Design Cooling Months ............................................................ January to December

Design Day Maximum Solar Heat Gains

(The MSHG values are expressed in W/m² )


January 83.4 83.4 132.5 375.4 608.1 755.5 790.3 761.3 727.1
February 93.8 93.8 259.4 503.9 677.9 782.2 765.3 681.9 619.3
March 105.0 128.3 393.7 609.6 728.4 747.0 683.4 544.8 452.5
April 115.5 273.0 495.0 656.4 718.9 671.7 542.8 356.2 254.8
May 132.7 367.9 555.6 672.6 689.7 603.6 429.5 227.1 156.0
June 171.2 395.1 577.3 673.8 670.3 567.4 381.9 185.3 138.7
July 138.5 360.6 555.8 664.4 674.3 583.5 421.3 221.8 154.2
August 120.6 263.9 488.4 637.5 691.7 641.2 524.2 343.8 246.8
September 108.6 130.6 361.5 577.0 699.8 715.6 656.8 528.5 444.3
October 96.4 96.4 226.2 492.2 668.4 740.9 745.2 663.7 604.0
November 84.5 84.5 116.6 390.1 591.6 735.6 788.2 755.9 717.9
December 78.7 78.7 87.7 337.0 562.1 732.5 788.0 783.2 757.4
January 766.9 801.9 741.9 608.8 394.8 110.2 83.4 656.0 1.00
February 681.5 767.4 777.1 694.7 503.9 249.1 93.8 767.1 1.00
March 540.8 677.8 757.0 735.0 599.9 383.8 137.5 856.9 1.00
April 354.9 540.8 674.1 718.7 653.7 490.3 275.8 887.8 1.00
May 227.0 429.4 603.7 689.7 672.6 555.5 368.0 888.0 1.00
June 183.7 382.4 569.6 668.3 668.3 569.9 403.1 879.8 1.00
July 217.8 418.4 589.9 672.1 655.1 543.5 371.1 874.1 1.00
August 340.7 519.7 649.2 693.1 632.8 478.6 273.8 867.7 1.00
September 529.6 657.9 712.0 695.4 578.6 370.2 125.6 829.9 1.00
October 663.0 741.5 754.2 650.8 488.0 250.0 96.4 753.7 1.00
November 751.9 776.2 743.5 594.9 376.5 130.6 84.5 652.6 1.00
December 784.7 792.4 731.4 556.1 341.8 84.9 78.7 607.6 1.00
Mult. = User-defined solar multiplier factor.

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Schedule Input Data

SCHEDULE (Fractional)

Hourly Profiles:
1:Profile One
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Design 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Monday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Tuesday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Wednesday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Thursday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Friday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Saturday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sunday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Holiday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

THERMOSTAT (Fan / Thermostat)

Hourly Profiles:
1:Profile One
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

O = Occupied; U = Unoccupied

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Design 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Monday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Tuesday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Wednesday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Thursday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Friday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Saturday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sunday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Holiday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Wall Constructions

203mm HW Block

Wall Details
Outside Surface Color ..................................... Medium
Absorptivity ............................................................ 0.675
Overall U-Value ..................................................... 0.570 W/(m²-°K)

Wall Layers Details (Inside to Outside)

Thickness Density Specific Ht. R-Value Weight
Layers mm kg/m³ kJ / (kg - °K) (m²-°K)/W kg/m²
Inside surface resistance 0.000 0.0 0.00 0.22064 0.0
203mm HW concrete block 203.200 977.1 0.84 1.47400 198.5
Outside surface resistance 0.000 0.0 0.00 0.05864 0.0
Totals 203.200 - 1.75328 198.5

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Window Constructions


Window Details:
Detailed Input ............................................................ No
Height ...................................................................... 2.60 m
Width ....................................................................... 0.96 m
Overall U-Value ..................................................... 1.500 W/(m²-°K)
Overall Shade Coefficient ..................................... 0.380


Window Details:
Detailed Input ............................................................ No
Height ...................................................................... 2.60 m
Width ....................................................................... 1.60 m
Overall U-Value ..................................................... 1.500 W/(m²-°K)
Overall Shade Coefficient ..................................... 0.380

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Air System Sizing Summary for FCU-01
Project Name: GYMMITO@PEARL QATAR 01/22/2018
Prepared by: AL ADSANI 03:07PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ............................................ FCU-01 Number of zones ........................................................... 1
Equipment Class .............................................. TERM Floor Area .............................................................. 104.0 m²
Air System Type ............................................... 2P-FC Location ...................................................... Doha, Qatar

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months .................................... Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................ Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load ........................................................ 6.4 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jul 1500
Sensible coil load ................................................... 4.2 kW OA DB / WB ................................................... 46.0 / 30.6 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 ............................................... 156 L/s Entering DB / WB ........................................... 46.0 / 30.6 °C
Max coil L/s .......................................................... 156 L/s Leaving DB / WB ............................................ 23.9 / 22.5 °C
Sensible heat ratio .............................................. 0.647 Bypass Factor ........................................................ 0.100
Water flow @ 8.9 °K rise ....................................... 0.17 L/s

Ventilation Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ...................................................... 156 L/s Fan motor BHP ........................................................ 0.03 BHP
Standard L/s ......................................................... 156 L/s Fan motor kW .......................................................... 0.02 kW
Actual max L/(s-m²) .............................................. 1.50 L/(s-m²) Fan static .................................................................... 75 Pa

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s ................................................. 156 L/s L/s/person ................................................................ 7.50 L/s/person
L/(s-m²) ................................................................. 1.50 L/(s-m²)

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Zone Sizing Summary for FCU-01
Project Name: GYMMITO@PEARL QATAR 01/22/2018
Prepared by: AL ADSANI 03:07PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ............................................ FCU-01 Number of zones ........................................................... 1
Equipment Class .............................................. TERM Floor Area .............................................................. 104.0 m²
Air System Type ............................................... 2P-FC Location ...................................................... Doha, Qatar

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months .................................... Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing .................. Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................ Calculated Space L/s Sizing .............. Individual peak space loads

Zone Sizing Data

Maximum Maximum Zone

Cooling Design Minimum Heating Floor
Sensible Airflow Airflow Time of Load Area Zone
Zone Name (kW) (L/s) (L/s) Peak Load (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
Zone 1 16.9 1301 1301 Oct 0300 0.7 104.0 12.51

Terminal Unit Sizing Data - Cooling

Total Sens Coil Coil Water Time

Coil Coil Entering Leaving Flow of
Load Load DB / WB DB / WB @ 8.9 °K Peak
Zone Name (kW) (kW) (°C) (°C) (L/s) Load
Zone 1 28.1 17.4 23.6 / 18.6 12.5 / 12.1 0.76 Oct 0300

Terminal Unit Sizing Data - Heating, Fan, Ventilation

Heating Htg Coil

Heating Coil Water Fan OA Vent
Coil Ent/Lvg Flow Design Fan Fan Design
Load DB @21.6 °K Airflow Motor Motor Airflow
Zone Name (kW) (°C) (L/s) (L/s) (BHP) (kW) (L/s)
Zone 1 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 1301 0.246 0.195 156

Space Loads and Airflows

Cooling Time Air Heating Floor

Zone Name / Sensible of Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
Zone 1
GYM AREA 1 16.9 Oct 0300 1301 0.7 104.0 12.51

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Air System Design Load Summary for FCU-01
Project Name: GYMMITO@PEARL QATAR 01/22/2018
Prepared by: AL ADSANI 03:07PM


COOLING OA DB / WB 32.3 °C / 26.6 °C HEATING OA DB / WB 10.0 °C / 6.0 °C
Sensible Latent Sensible Latent
ZONE LOADS Details (W) (W) Details (W) (W)
Window & Skylight Solar Loads 21 m² 1720 - 21 m² - -
Wall Transmission 52 m² 600 - 52 m² 329 -
Roof Transmission 0 m² 0 - 0 m² 0 -
Window Transmission 21 m² 340 - 21 m² 347 -
Skylight Transmission 0 m² 0 - 0 m² 0 -
Door Loads 0 m² 0 - 0 m² 0 -
Floor Transmission 104 m² 60 - 104 m² 0 -
Partitions 48 m² 138 - 48 m² 0 -
Ceiling 0 m² 0 - 0 m² 0 -
Overhead Lighting 7176 W 7175 - 0 0 -
Task Lighting 0W 0 - 0 0 -
Electric Equipment 1040 W 1040 - 0 0 -
People 21 4328 6644 0 0 0
Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0
Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0
Safety Factor 10% / 10% 1540 664 0% 0 0
>> Total Zone Loads - 16943 7308 - 676 0
Zone Conditioning - 17097 7308 - -344 0
Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 -
Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 -
Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 -
Exhaust Fan Load 156 L/s 0 - 156 L/s 0 -
Ventilation Load 156 L/s 1682 4188 156 L/s 595 0
Ventilation Fan Load 156 L/s 22 - 156 L/s -22 -
Space Fan Coil Fans - 195 - - -195 -
Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 -
>> Total System Loads - 18996 11496 - 33 0
Cooling Coil - 1587 805 - 0 0
Terminal Unit Cooling - 17409 10692 - 0 0
Terminal Unit Heating - 0 - - 0 -
>> Total Conditioning - 18996 11497 - 0 0
Key: Positive values are clg loads Positive values are htg loads
Negative values are htg loads Negative values are clg loads

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System Psychrometrics for FCU-01
Project Name: GYMMITO@PEARL QATAR 01/22/2018
Prepared by: AL ADSANI 03:07PM



Dry-Bulb Specific Sensible Latent

Temp Humidity Airflow CO2 Level Heat Heat
Component Location (°C) (kg/kg) (L/s) (ppm) (W) (W)
Ventilation Air Inlet 32.3 0.01964 156 400 1682 4188
Vent - Return Mixing Outlet 32.3 0.01964 156 0 - -
Vent. Cooling Coil Outlet 23.9 0.01789 156 400 1587 805
Ventilation Fan Outlet 24.0 0.01789 156 400 22 -
Cold Supply Duct Outlet 24.0 0.01789 156 400 0 -
Zone Air - 23.4 0.01052 156 3420 17097 7308
Return Plenum Outlet 23.4 0.01052 156 3420 0 -

Air Density x Heat Capacity x Conversion Factor: At sea level = 1.207; At site altitude = 1.206 W/(L/s-K)
Air Density x Heat of Vaporization x Conversion Factor: At sea level = 2947.6; At site altitude = 2944.1 W/(L/s)
Site Altitude = 9.8 m


Dry-Bulb Specific Sensible Latent

Temp Humidity Airflow CO2 Level Heat Heat
Component Location (°C) (kg/kg) (L/s) (ppm) (W) (W)
Zone 1 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 156 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 23.6 0.01141 1301 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 12.5 0.00862 1301 0 17409 10692
Heating Coil Inlet - 12.5 0.00862 1301 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 12.5 0.00862 1301 0 0 -
Zone Air - 23.4 0.01052 1301 3420 17097 -

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System Psychrometrics for FCU-01
Project Name: GYMMITO@PEARL QATAR 01/22/2018
Prepared by: AL ADSANI 03:07PM



Dry-Bulb Specific Sensible Latent

Temp Humidity Airflow CO2 Level Heat Heat
Component Location (°C) (kg/kg) (L/s) (ppm) (W) (W)
Ventilation Air Inlet 10.0 0.00417 156 400 -595 0
Vent - Return Mixing Outlet 10.0 0.00417 156 0 - -
Vent. Cooling Coil Outlet 10.0 0.00417 156 400 0 0
Ventilation Fan Outlet 10.1 0.00417 156 400 22 -
Cold Supply Duct Outlet 10.1 0.00417 156 400 0 -
Zone Air - 13.1 0.00417 156 400 344 0
Return Plenum Outlet 13.2 0.00417 156 400 0 -

Air Density x Heat Capacity x Conversion Factor: At sea level = 1.207; At site altitude = 1.206 W/(L/s-K)
Air Density x Heat of Vaporization x Conversion Factor: At sea level = 2947.6; At site altitude = 2944.1 W/(L/s)
Site Altitude = 9.8 m


Dry-Bulb Specific Sensible Latent

Temp Humidity Airflow CO2 Level Heat Heat
Component Location (°C) (kg/kg) (L/s) (ppm) (W) (W)
Zone 1 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 156 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 12.9 0.00417 1301 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 12.9 0.00417 1301 0 0 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 12.9 0.00417 1301 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 12.9 0.00417 1301 0 0 -
Zone Air - 13.1 0.00417 1301 400 344 -

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Hourly Air System Design Day Loads for FCU-01
Project Name: GYMMITO@PEARL QATAR 01/22/2018
Prepared by: AL ADSANI 03:07PM

Data for July

Total Cooling Total Heating


Load ( kW )




00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hour of Day

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Psychrometric Analysis for FCU-01
Project Name: GYMMITO@PEARL QATAR 01/22/2018
Prepared by: AL ADSANI 03:07PM

The psychrometric graph cannot be generated for this type of system.

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FCU-01 Input Data
Project Name: GYMMITO@PEARL QATAR 01/22/2018
Prepared by: AL ADSANI 03:26PM

1. General Details:
Air System Name ..................................................................................... FCU-01
Equipment Type .......................................................................... Terminal Units
Air System Type ......................................................................... 2-Pipe Fan Coil
Number of zones ................................................................................................ 1
Ventilation .......................................................... Common Ventilation System

2. Ventilation System Components:

Ventilation Air Data:
Airflow Control ..................................................... Constant Ventilation Airflow
Ventilation Sizing Method ...................................... Sum of Space OA Airflows
Unocc. Damper Position .......................................................................... Closed
Damper Leak Rate ............................................................................................. 0 %
Outdoor Air CO2 Level .................................................................................. 400 ppm

Cooling Coil Data:

Setpoint ......................................................................................................... 24.0 °C
Coil Bypass Factor ...................................................................................... 0.100
Cooling Source ............................................................................. Chilled Water
Schedule ................................................................................ JFMAMJJASOND

Ventilation Fan Data:

Fan Type .................................................................................. Forward Curved
Configuration ....................................................................................... Draw-thru
Fan Performance ............................................................................................. 75 Pa
Overall Efficiency ............................................................................................. 54 %

% Airflow 100 90 80 70 60 50
% kW 100 91 81 72 61 54

% Airflow 40 30 20 10 0
% kW 46 40 33 27 21

Duct System Data:

Return Duct or Plenum Data:
Return Air Via .............................................................................. Ducted Return

3. Zone Components:
Space Assignments:

Zone 1: Zone 1

Thermostats and Zone Data:

Zone ................................................................................................................. All
Cooling T-stat: Occ. ...................................................................................... 22.8 °C
Cooling T-stat: Unocc. .................................................................................. 26.7 °C
Heating T-stat: Occ. ...................................................................................... 21.1 °C
Heating T-stat: Unocc. .................................................................................. 18.3 °C
T-stat Throttling Range ................................................................................. 0.83 °K

Thermostat Schedule .................................................................. THERMOSTAT

Unoccupied Cooling is ......................................................................... Available

Common Terminal Unit Data:

Cooling Coil:
Design Supply Temperature ......................................................................... 12.0 °C
Coil Bypass Factor ...................................................................................... 0.100
Cooling Source ............................................................................. Chilled Water
Schedule ................................................................................ JFMAMJJASOND

Fan Control .............................................................................................. Fan On

Terminal Units Data:

Zone ................................................................................................................. All
Terminal Type ........................................................................................ Fan Coil
Minimum Airflow ............................................................................................ 0.00 L/s/person
Fan Performance ............................................................................................. 75 Pa
Fan Overall Efficiency ...................................................................................... 50 %

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FCU-01 Input Data
Project Name: GYMMITO@PEARL QATAR 01/22/2018
Prepared by: AL ADSANI 03:26PM

4. Sizing Data (Computer-Generated):

System Sizing Data:
Sizing Data:
Cooling Supply Temperature ........................................................................ 12.0 °C

Hydronic Sizing Specifications:

Chilled Water Delta-T ..................................................................................... 8.9 °K
Hot Water Delta-T ......................................................................................... 21.6 °K

Safety Factors:
Cooling Sensible .............................................................................................. 10 %
Cooling Latent .................................................................................................. 10 %
Heating ............................................................................................................... 0 %

Zone Sizing Data:

Zone Airflow Sizing Method ................................... Sum of space airflow rates
Space Airflow Sizing Method ............................... Individual peak space loads

Zone Supply Airflow Zone Htg Unit Reheat Coil Ventilation

(L/s) (kW) (kW) (L/s)

1 1301.1 - - 156.0

5. Equipment Data
No equipment data required for this system.

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Space Input Data


1. General Details:
Floor Area ............................................................. 104.0 m²
Avg. Ceiling Height ................................................... 3.7 m
Building Weight ..................................................... 341.8 kg/m²
1.1. OA Ventilation Requirements:
Space Usage ..... SPORTS: Gym, stadium (play area)
OA Requirement 1 .................................................... 0.0 L/s/person
OA Requirement 2 .................................................. 1.50 L/(s-m²)
Space Usage Defaults . ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010

2. Internals:
2.1. Overhead Lighting: 2.4. People:
Fixture Type .................................. Recessed (Vented) Occupancy .............................................................. 5.00 m²/person
Wattage ................................................................. 60.00 W/m² Activity Level ................................................... Athletics
Ballast Multiplier ...................................................... 1.15 Sensible ................................................................ 208.1 W/person
Schedule ....................................................... LIGHTING Latent .................................................................... 319.4 W/person
Schedule ....................................................... LIGHTING

2.2. Task Lighting: 2.5. Miscellaneous Loads:

Wattage ................................................................... 0.00 W/m² Sensible ....................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ............................................................... None Schedule ............................................................... None
Latent ........................................................................... 0 W
Schedule ............................................................... None
2.3. Electrical Equipment:
Wattage ................................................................. 10.00 W/m²
Schedule ....................................................... LIGHTING

3. Walls, Windows, Doors:

Exp. Wall Gross Area (m²) Window 1 Qty. Window 2 Qty. Door 1 Qty.
E 48.1 3 1 0
S 24.6 2 1 0

3.1. Construction Types for Exposure E

Wall Type Face Brick + RSI-2.5 Board + 203mm HW Block
1st Window Type ................................................ WINDOW-01
2nd Window Type ............................................... WINDOW-02

3.2. Construction Types for Exposure S

Wall Type Face Brick + RSI-2.5 Board + 203mm HW Block
1st Window Type ................................................ WINDOW-01
2nd Window Type ............................................... WINDOW-02

4. Roofs, Skylights:
(No Roof or Skylight data).

5. Infiltration:
Design Cooling ........................................................ 0.00 L/s
Design Heating ....................................................... 0.00 L/s
Energy Analysis ...................................................... 0.00 L/s
Infiltration occurs only when the fan is off.

6. Floors:
Type .................... Floor Above Unconditioned Space
Floor Area ............................................................. 104.0 m²
Total Floor U-Value ............................................... 0.100 W/(m²-°K)
Unconditioned Space Max Temp. .......................... 30.0 °C
Ambient at Space Max Temp. ................................ 40.0 °C
Unconditioned Space Min Temp. ........................... 23.9 °C
Ambient at Space Min Temp. ................................. 12.8 °C

7. Partitions:
7.1. 1st Partition Details: Uncondit. Space Min Temp .................................... 23.9 °C
Partition Type .......................................... Wall Partition Ambient at Space Min Temp .................................. 12.8 °C
Area ......................................................................... 48.1 m²
U-Value ................................................................. 0.500 W/(m²-°K)
Uncondit. Space Max Temp ................................... 30.0 °C
Ambient at Space Max Temp ................................. 40.0 °C

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Space Input Data

7.2. 2nd Partition Details: (No partition data).

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