Food Chemistry: Anis Ben Hsouna, Mohamed Trigui, Gérald Culioli, Yves Blache, Samir Jaoua
Food Chemistry: Anis Ben Hsouna, Mohamed Trigui, Gérald Culioli, Yves Blache, Samir Jaoua
Food Chemistry: Anis Ben Hsouna, Mohamed Trigui, Gérald Culioli, Yves Blache, Samir Jaoua
Food Chemistry
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Article history: The antioxidant potential of different fractions of Lawsonia inermis (Lythraceae) was investigated. The n-
Received 18 March 2010 butanolic fraction showed the highest yield of extraction; it also exhibited a strong antioxidant activity in
Received in revised form 23 August 2010 the DPPH assay and a potent capacity in preventing linoleic acid oxidation. Five phenolic glycosides were
Accepted 25 August 2010
identified in this fraction. The structure of a new compound was established as 1,2,4-trihydroxynaphtha-
lene-1-J-b-D-glucopyranoside. In addition, the known 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone-2-J-b-D-glucopy-
ranoside was described for the first time in this species. The three other compounds, lalioside (2,3,4,
6-tetrahydroxyacetophenone-2-J-b-D-glucopyranoside), lawsoniaside (1,2,4-trihydroxynaphthalene-
Lawsonia inermis
Naphthalene glycosides
1,4-di-J-b-D-glucopyranoside) and luteolin-7-J-b-D-glucopyranoside, have been previously reported in
Acetophenone glycosides L. inermis. The antioxidant activity of these glycosides was evaluated by DPPH and b-carotene assays,
1,2,4-Trihydroxynaphthalene-1-O-b-D- and compared to those of commercial standards. 1,2,4-Trihydroxynaphthalene-1-J-b-D-glucopyranoside
glucopyranoside was the most active in the DPPH free-radical scavenging test (EC50 = 6.5 lg/ml) and showed a moderate
Antioxidant activities inhibition in the b-carotene bleaching assay. Chemical components of L. inermis have good antioxidant
capacities and this species could be used as a potential source of new natural antioxidants.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0308-8146/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
194 A.B. Hsouna et al. / Food Chemistry 125 (2011) 193–200
& Saifi, 1982). The bark was also known to alleviate serum trans- 63 lm, 37 g; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) used for the fraction-
aminase levels and to restore normal bile flow. ation. The separation process was carried out using a ternary sol-
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antioxidant vent system: water (solvent A), methanol (solvent B) and
and radical-scavenging activities of n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl dichloromethane (solvent C). After an initial isocratic step with
acetate, n-butanol and water fractions obtained from the hydroal- 90% of A and 10% of B from 0 to 2 min, a linear gradient up to
coholic extract of L. inermis leaves. The amounts of total phenolics 100% of B from 2 to 15 min, an isocratic step with 100% of B from
in these fractions were also determined. As the n-butanolic fraction 15 to 17 min, and a linear gradient up to 100% of C from 17 to
showed the strongest antioxidant activity, it was subjected to fur- 20 min, an isocratic step with 100% of C was finally used from 20
ther fractionation by flash chromatography (FC). The chemical to 25 min. Concerning the flow rate, an initial linear ramp was used
composition of the most active fractions was analysed by LC/ from 2 to 20 ml/min in 2 min and then this final flow rate was
DAD-ELSD-ESI/MSn and five phenolic glycosides were isolated by maintained during all the fractionation process. The separation
semi-preparative reversed-phase HPLC. NMR and MS analyses of was monitored by UV detection at 280 nm. All sub-fractions were
these compounds allowed the unambiguous characterisation of automatically collected, evaporated and then weighed.
their chemical structure. The purified molecules were the subject
of antioxidant activity evaluation by measuring their capacity to 2.3.3. LC-DAD-ELSD-ESI/MSn analysis
scavenge DPPH and to inhibit the bleaching of b-carotene. In order to check the purity of the constituents and to deter-
mine their molecular mass, all sub-fractions obtained after the FC
2. Materials and methods fractionation of the n-butanolic extract were analysed by LC-
DAD-ELSD-ESI/MSn. Their chromatographic profiles were com-
2.1. Chemicals pared with those of the crude n-butanolic fraction. For this exper-
iment, a LaChrom Elite HPLC (VWR-Hitachi, Fontenay-sous-Bois,
2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), butylated hydroxytolu- France) was used, which comprised an L-2130 quaternary pump,
ene (BHT), b-carotene, linoleic acid, ascorbic acid, Folin–Ciocalteu an L-2200 autosampler and an L-2300 column oven. Detection
reagent, Tween 20 and sodium carbonate were purchased from was performed with an L2455 PDA detector and an evaporative
Sigma–Aldrich Co. (St. Louis, MO). All solutions were freshly pre- light scattering detector (ELSD; Chromachem model; Eurosep, Cer-
pared in distiled water. The solvents used for chromatographic gy-Saint Christophe, France) coupled to an ion trap mass spectrom-
studies were all of HPLC grade and were from Fisher Scientific eter fitted with an electrospray ionisation (ESI) interface (Esquire
(Illkirch, France) while extraction and partition were realised with 6000; Bruker Daltonics, Bremen, Germany). Operating conditions
solvents from Sigma–Aldrich. for MS analysis were: dry temperature, 350 °C; capillary voltage,
4000 V; nebuliser, 50 psi; dry gas, helium at 12 l/min. Ion trap
full-scan analysis was conducted from m/z 50 to 1200 with an
2.2. Plant material
upper fill time of 200 ms. One milligram of each fraction was dis-
solved in 1 ml of a mixture of methanol/water (1:1, v/v) and a
L. inermis leaves were collected from Sfax (Tunisia, 35.23°N and
10-ll sample volume was injected into the chromatographic
11.11°E) in May 2008. After the botanical identification of the spe-
cies, a voucher specimen (LBPes 03) was deposited in the Herbar-
Compounds separation was achieved using an analytical re-
ium of the Laboratory of Biopesticides (Centre of Biotechnology
versed-phase column (Gemini C6-Phenyl, 250 3 mm, 5 lm, Phe-
of Sfax, Tunisia) for future reference.
nomenex) maintained at 30 °C. The gradient elution was optimised
and consisted of a binary mobile phase in which eluent A was 1%
2.3. Phytochemical study of L. inermis (v/v) formic acid in water and eluent B was 1% (v/v) formic acid
in acetonitrile. The elution was started with 30% of B and ascended
2.3.1. Preparation of plant extracts to 50% of B in 20 min (linear ramp) and 100% B in 5 min (linear
The L. inermis fresh leaves were dried and fine powdered. The ob- ramp). This composition was maintained for 5 min until re-equili-
tained powder (100 g) was extracted by maceration into 600 ml of bration of the system to the initial conditions (5 min). The flow rate
aqueous ethanol (ethanol/water, 4:1, v/v) with occasional shaking, was fixed at 0.5 ml/min.
at room temperature. After 3 days, the extract was filtered through
a 45-lm filter and was concentrated under vacuum. The resulted 2.3.4. Purification of phenolic glycosides by semi-preparative HPLC
residue (22 g) was suspended in 100 ml of distiled water and The main chemical components of selected sub-fractions ob-
sequentially partitioned into n-hexane (3 250 ml), chloroform tained from the n-butanolic fraction of henna were separated by
(3 250 ml), ethyl acetate (3 250 ml) and then n-butanol semi-preparative reversed-phase HPLC. This purification was rea-
(3 250 ml). The resulting five solutions were concentrated in vacuo lised on a Biotek-Kontron (Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France) HPLC
to dryness, to give n-hexane (1.92 g), chloroform (0.28 g), ethyl ace- system equipped with a ternary pump (Model 525), an auto sam-
tate (1.97 g), n-butanol (6.41 g) and water (8.84 g) soluble fractions. pler (Model 560) and a column oven (Model 582). The detection
These fractions were kept at 4 °C in the dark until further analysis. was made with a UV detector (LDC Analytical, Model 3100) at
280 nm. The separation of the main constituents of these fractions
2.3.2. Fractionation of the n-butanolic fraction using flash was achieved on a semi-preparative reversed-phase column (Gem-
chromatography ini C6-Phenyl, 250 10 mm, 5 lm, Phenomenex) with the same
Separation of phenolic constituents from the n-butanolic frac- gradient of elution previously used for the LC–MS analysis.
tion of L. inermis was carried out by FC on a Spot Flash (Armen
Instruments; Saint Ave, France) chromatographic system. For frac- 2.3.5. Identification of phenolic glycosides
tionation, 1.5 g of this extract were dissolved in 5 ml of methanol The structures of the phenolic glycosides isolated in this study
and mixed with 20 g of reversed-phase silica gel (Sepra C18e, were determined through extensive spectrometric analysis (ESI/
50 lm; Phenomenex, Torrance, CA). Methanol was removed by MS, 1D and 2D-NMR) and by comparison with data reported in
evaporation under reduced pressure at 35 °C. The obtained dry ex- the literature. High resolution mass spectra (HR-ESI/MS) were ob-
tract of henna was then loaded on a guard column on the top of the tained on an LTQ Orbitrap mass spectrometer (Thermo Finnigan,
reversed-phase cartridge (SuperVarioFlash D26-RP18 model, 40– San José, CA). 1D (1H, 13C and DEPT) and 2D (COSY 1H–1H, HSQC,
A.B. Hsouna et al. / Food Chemistry 125 (2011) 193–200 195
HMBC and NOESY 1H–1H) NMR spectra were obtained at 400 and of the sample and the blank, respectively, measured after 2 h. All
100 MHz for 1H and 13C, respectively, on an Avance 400 MHz tests were carried out in triplicate.
NMR spectrometer (Bruker BioSpin, Rheinstetten, Germany) in
DMSO-d6, D2O or CD3OD. All chemical shifts were referenced to 2.6. Statistical analysis
the solvent peaks (dH 2.50 and dC 39.5 for DMSO-d6, dH 3.31 and
dC 49.0 for CD3OD and dH 4.79 for D2O). Experimental results from this study were expressed as
means ± standard deviation of three parallel measurements. The
2.4. Determination of the total phenolic content significance of difference was calculated by Student’s t-test, and
values p < 0.05 were considered to be significant. Correlation and
Total phenolic content (TPC) was determined using the Folin– regression analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel.
Ciocalteu method (Waterman & Mole, 1994) adapted to a micro-
scale. Briefly, 10 ll of diluted sample solution were shaken for
3. Results and discussion
5 min with 50 ll of Folin–Ciocalteu reagent. Then 150 ll of 20%
Na2CO3 were added and the mixture was shaken once again for
3.1. Recovery percent and phenolic content of L. inermis fractions
1 min. Finally, the solution was brought up to 790 ll by the addi-
tion of distiled water. After 90 min, the absorbance at 760 nm
The crude aqueous ethanolic extract of L. inermis leaves com-
was evaluated using a spectrophotometer (SmartSpecTm3000;
pounds was fractionated by sequential extraction with solvents
Bio-Rad; Hercules, CA). Gallic acid was used as an internal standard
of increasing polarity: n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-buta-
for the calibration curve. The phenolic content was expressed as
nol and water. It is well known that phenolic substances contribute
mg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/gram of dry sample using the
directly to the antioxidant activity of plant extracts (Rice-Evans,
linear equation based on the calibration curve.
Miller, & Paganga, 1996). Therefore, it was quite important to eval-
uate the total phenolic content (TPC) of these five fractions. Extrac-
2.5. Antioxidant assays tion yield, TPC, EC50 of DPPH assay and b-carotene bleaching
method of the different solvent fractions obtained from L. inermis
2.5.1. Determination of DPPH radical-scavenging capacity hydroalcoholic extract are given in Table 1. The amount of extract-
Radical-scavenging activity of the different fractions was deter- able compounds, expressed as percentage by weight of dried pow-
mined using DPPH radical as a reagent, according to the method of der, ranged from 0.29% for the chloroform extract to 6.74% and
Kirby and Schmidt (1997), with some modifications. Briefly, 1 ml of 8.84% for the n-butanol and water extracts, respectively. The TPC
a 4% (w/v) solution of DPPH radical in ethanol was mixed with of each fraction was determined according to the Folin–Ciocalteu
500 ll of sample solution in ethanol (different concentrations). method and expressed as mg GAE/g of extract. As shown in Table
The mixture was incubated for 20 min in the dark at room temper- 1, the highest levels of TPC were found in the water extract, fol-
ature. Scavenging capacity was read spectrophotometrically by lowed by ethyl acetate and n-butanol extracts. In contrast, TPC of
monitoring the decrease of the absorbance at 517 nm. Lower absor- n-hexane fraction was the lowest. This result was in agreement
bance of the reaction mixture indicates higher free radical-scaveng- with recent findings of Tunalier, Kosar, Kupeli, Calis, and Baser
ing activity. Ascorbic acid was used as standard. The percent DPPH (2007) who demonstrated that the yield of aqueous extracts of Ly-
scavenging effect was calculated using the following equation: thrum salicaria (Lythraceae) was significantly higher than those ob-
tained with organic solvents. This variation might be due to the
DPPH scavenging effect ð%Þ ¼ ðAcontrol Asample =Acontrol Þ 100: better solubility of phenolic constituents in water. Additionally, a
linear correlation between the extraction yield and the total ex-
where Acontrol is the absorbance of the control reaction, where the
tracted phenolics was observed (r2 = 0.923).
sample is replaced by 500 ll ethanol. Tests were carried out in
3.2. Antioxidant activity of L. inermis fractions
Table 1
The yield extraction, the total phenolic content, the evaluation of the EC50 values in the DPPH free radical-scavenging and b-carotene bleaching assay of L. inermis leaves crude
fractions. Ascorbic acid was used as standard.
Yield (%) Total phenolic contenta (mg GAE/g)b DPPHa EC50 (lg/ml) b-Carotenea bleaching assay EC50 (lg/ml)
n-Hexane 1.92 50 ± 5.0 >200 11.8 ± 0.3
Chloroform 0.28 73 ± 4.0 >200 >200
Ethyl acetate 1.97 367 ± 19 4.8 ± 0.2 38.7 ± 0.7
n-Butanol 6.41 286 ± 8.0 9.0 ± 0.3 52.0 ± 3.0
Water 8.84 444 ± 38 7.6 ± 0.1 16.5 ± 1.5
Ascorbic acid – – 3.5 ± 0.2 –
Each value represents the mean ± SD of three experiments.
(mg GAE/g): mg of gallic acid equivalent per g of dry plant extract.
Scavenging activities (%)
H CHCL3 EA n-ButOH W A. acid
1 5 10 20 50 (μg/ml)
Fig. 1a. The DPPH free radical-scavenging activity of L. inermis leaves fractions at different concentrations (lg/ml). H: n-hexane, CHCl3: chloroform, EA: ethyl acetate, n-
BuOH: n-butanol, W: water, A. acid: Ascorbic acid. Each value represents the mean ± SD of three experiments.
It has been reported that the free radical-scavenging activity is activities was found to be n-hexane > water > ethyl acetate > n-
greatly influenced by the phenolic composition of the sample (Che- butanol (Table 1).
ung, Cheung, & Ooi, 2003). Thus, the antioxidant activity of the n-
butanol, water and ethyl acetate fractions may be attributed to 3.3. Purification and identification of compounds from L. inermis
their phenolic content. Although the TPC of the aqueous fraction leaves
was significantly higher (p = 0.034) than that of the ethyl acetate
fraction, its antioxidant activity was lower. Tunalier et al. (2007) LC-DAD-ELSD ESI/MSn analysis of the water fraction showed the
reported that the EC50 values from L. salicaria extracts (a Lythracea) presence of tannin compounds, widely known, from the literature,
were found between 0.1 and 2.7 mg/ml. Our results demonstrate to have antioxidant and other biological activities. Of the several
that L. inermis extracts, particularly ethyl acetate, n-butanol and fractions obtained from the hydroalcoholic extract of L. inermis
water fractions, have a better performance against DPPH radical leaves, the n-butanolic was found to have an excellent DPPH radi-
and therefore showed higher antioxidant activities. cal-scavenging activity and to inhibit lipid peroxidation. Active
compounds in the n-butanol extract were possibly different mole-
3.2.2. Antioxidant activity of L. inermis fractions measured by b- cules to those found in the water extract. Thus, the n-butanolic
carotene bleaching method fraction was chosen for the identification of potential compounds
The inhibitory effect on lipid peroxidation was determined by with antioxidant activity.
the b-carotene/linoleic acid bleaching test. This test simulates the After a preliminary survey of the chromatographic profile of this
oxidation of the membrane lipid components in the presence of fraction by LC-DAD-ELSD-ESI/MSn, its fractionation by FC was per-
antioxidants inside the cells. Lipid peroxidation is one of the major formed, in order to isolate its main components. From the n-butan-
causes of quality deterioration in lipid-containing foods. It affects olic extract (1.5 g), 41 fractions were generated. Fractions 7 and 10,
colour, flavour, texture, and nutritive value of foods. b-Carotene, eluted with 65% and 60% water in MeOH, respectively, were re-
in this model system, may be oxidised in the absence of an antiox- chromatographed by semi-preparative reversed-phase HPLC, in or-
idant and the test solution undergoes rapid discoloration. The pres- der to isolate their components. This procedure separated three
ence of extract with antioxidant activity can hinder the extent of b- compounds: 1 (5 mg), 2 (9 mg) and 4 (7 mg) from fraction 7, while
carotene bleaching by neutralising the linoleate-free radical fraction 10 afforded two compounds: 3 (17 mg) and 5 (15 mg). The
formed in the system (Jayaprakasha, Singh, & Sakariah, 2001). As chemical structures of these constituents of henna leaves were
shown in Fig. 1b, n-hexane, ethyl acetate, n-butanol and water identified on the basis of NMR spectroscopic and mass spectromet-
fractions exhibited antioxidant activity in a concentration-depen- ric analyses.
dent manner, with the exception of the chloroform fraction. This Compound 1 was obtained as a white powder and its molecular
fraction was inactive at concentrations less than 200 lg/ml. Based formula C14H18O10 was deduced from ESIMS (m/z 347.3 [M+H]+)
on the comparison of the EC50 values, the order of the antioxidant and 13C NMR spectra. These data together with a complete NMR
A.B. Hsouna et al. / Food Chemistry 125 (2011) 193–200 197
H CHCL3 EA n-ButOH Water BHT
1 2,5 5 10 20 50 (μg/ml)
Fig. 1b. Antioxidant activities of different fractions of L. inermis and BHT at different concentrations (lg/ml). The values represent the percent of inhibition of autoxidation of
the linoleic acid/b-carotene emulsion. Measurements were carried out in triplicate. H: n-hexane, CHCl3: chloroform, EA: ethyl acetate, n-BuOH: n-butanol, W: water, A. acid:
Ascorbic acid. Each value represents the mean ± SD of three experiments.
analysis showed that this compound was lalioside (2,3,4,6-tetra- 361.08951 [M+Na]+, D 0.33 ppm). The 1H NMR spectrum of 5 in
hydroxyacetophenone-2-J-b-D-glucopyranoside). The confirma- CD3OD exhibited the presence of five aromatic protons ascribable
tion of spectral data was made by comparison with the literature to: (i) an isolated proton at dH 6.50 (s, H-3) and, (ii) four protons
(Takeda & Fatope, 1988). at dH 7.22 (ddd, J = 8.5, 7.5 and 1.0 Hz, H-6), 7.40 (ddd, J = 8.5, 7.5
Compound 2, a white amorphous material, possessed a molec- and 1.0 Hz, H-7), 8.03 (dd, J = 8.5 and 1.0, H-5) and 8.33 (dd, J =
ular formula of C22H28O13, which was established on the basis of 8.5 and 1.0, H-8) with an ABCD coupling pattern implying the
its HRESIMS spectrum (m/z 523.14227 [M+Na]+, D 0.12 ppm). occurrence of a 1,2-disubstituted benzene moiety. The 1H NMR
Based on NMR analysis and thanks to the comparison of the data spectrum showed also characteristic signals of a sugar moiety be-
with the reported literature values (Takeda & Fatope, 1988), com- tween dH 3.26 and 4.59 including one anomeric signal (dH 4.59, d,
pound 2 was identified as lawsoniaside (1,2,4-trihydroxynaphtha- J = 8.0 Hz, H-10 ). The sugar appeared to be b-D-glucopyranose
lene-1,4-di-J-b-D-glucopyranoside). according to 13C NMR data (Table 2), where signals belonging to
Compound 3 was isolated as a white powder with a molecular the sugar moiety were four methines at dC 71.0 (C-40 ), 75.6 (C-
formula of C21H20O11 (ESIMS; m/z 449.1 [M+H]+) and NMR data 20 ), 78.0 (C-30 ) and 78.3 (C-50 ), one methylene at dC 62.2 (C-60 )
consistent with those of luteolin-7-J-b-D-glucopyranoside (Lin, and one anomeric methine at dC 108.4 (C-10 ). In addition to the sig-
Chen, Tseng, Lee, & Chen, 2009). nals due to the glucosidic part, the 13C NMR and DEPT spectra of 5
Compound 4, a white powder, had a molecular formula of exhibited 10 sp2 carbon signals between dC 101.3 and 152.6,
C14H18O9 determined by ESIMS (m/z 331.1 [M+H]+) as well as 13C including five methine and five quaternary carbons. On the basis
NMR data. The comparison of its MS and NMR data with those of these data, 1H–1H COSY and HMBC experiments (Table 2) were
described in the literature (Lee, Hong, Kwak, Pyo, & Jee, 1996) al- used to establish the structure of the aglycone part as 1,2,4-tri-
lowed us to identify unambiguously 4 as 2,4,6-trihydroxyaceto- hydroxynaphthalene. The HMBC spectrum also showed the con-
phenone-2-J-b-D-glucopyranoside. nectivity between the sugar moiety and the aglycone part,
The new compound 5 was isolated as a white powder and its thanks to the correlation between C-1 and H-10 . A NOE cross-peak
molecular formula was defined as C16H18O8 by HRESIMS (m/z between H-8 and H-10 confirmed that glucose moiety was involved
Table 2
The NMR spectral data of compound 5.
13 a 1
1 132.4 C – – – –
2 147.7 C – – – –
3 101.3 CH 6.50 s C-1, C-2, C-4, C-4a – –
4 152.6 C – – – –
4a 121.6 C – – – –
5 123.1 CH 8.03 dd (8.5, 1.0) C-4, C-7, C-8a H-6 –
6 123.1 CH 7.22 ddd (8.5, 7.5, 1.0) C-4a, C-6 H-5, H-7 –
7 127.5 CH 7.40 ddd (8.5, 7.5, 1.0) C-5, C-8a H-6, H-8 –
8 122.3 CH 8.33 dd (8.5, 1.0) C-1, C-4a, C-6 H-7 H-10 ,
8a 131.0 C – – – –
10 108.4 CH 4.59 d (8.0) C-1, C-20 , C-3, C-50 H-20 H-8, H-30 , H-50
20 75.6 CH 3.61 dd (9.0, 8.0) C-10 , C-30 H-10 , H-30 –
30 78.0 CH 3.44 t (9.0) C-20 , C-40 H-20 , H-40 H-10 , H-50
40 71.0 CH 3.52 t (9.0) C-20 , C-30 , C-50 , C-60 H-30 , H-50 H-60
50 78.3 CH 3.26 ddd (9.0, 4.5, 2.5) C-30 H-40 , H-60 H-10 , H-30
60 62.2 CH2 a: 3.85 dd (12.0, 2.5)b: 3.77 dd (12.0, 4.5) C-40 , C-50 H-50 H-40
Chemical shifts are shown in the d scale (in ppm); measured at 100 MHz in CD3OD.
Chemical shifts are shown in the d scale (in ppm) with J values in parentheses (in Hz); measured at 400 MHz in CD3OD.
198 A.B. Hsouna et al. / Food Chemistry 125 (2011) 193–200
Scavenging activities (%)
Compound 1
Compound 2
Compound 3
40 Compound 4
Compound 5
Ascorbic acid
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Concentration (μg/ml)
Fig. 3. The DPPH radical-scavenging activity of compounds isolated from L. inermis, expressed as percentages of inhibition (%), versus the positive control (ascorbic acid). Data
represent the means ± SD of three experiments.
A.B. Hsouna et al. / Food Chemistry 125 (2011) 193–200 199
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