Jose Maria College College of Teacher Education: Prof Ed 2-The Teaching Profession Philosophy

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Philippine – Japan Friendship Highway, Sasa, Davao City

College of Teacher Education

Prof Ed 2- The Teaching Profession

Jose Maria College believes that education is an ennobling force that leads to the enlightenment and transformation of individuals.

Jose Maria College is a leading educational institution in the Philippines and in the Asia-Pacific Region committed to total human development for
the well-being of society and the environment.

The mission of Jose Maria College is to achieve and sustain excellence in every area of its teaching and research, developing and maintaining its position as a recognized leading
world-class educational institution, and enriching the international, national, and regional communities through the fruits of its research and instruction, the productivity of its alumni
and staff, and the publishing of academic and educational materials.

JMC’s commitment to excellence is reflected in its five over-arching goals, articulated below:
1. Student Excellence. Enroll, education, and graduate the most deserving, promising and diverse student body possible and in the process, provide all students
(basic education and undergraduate) with an education that is innovative, distinctive, and of the highest quality, that inspires in them a zest for learning
2. Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creativity. Achieve national and global pre-eminence in research, scholarship and creativity.
3. Faculty Excellence. Recruit, nurture and retain a diverse faculty who are outstanding scholars and teachers and an excellent, qualified staff who provide
outstanding support to faculty and students.
4. Excellence in Public Engagement. Strengthen the engagement of the institution’s instruction, research, and extension programs with local, national, and
international communities, consonant with its stature as an academically distinguished private institution with a mission.
5. Organizational and Staff Excellence. Review and enhance organizational structure, processes, and manpower and facilities that promote and support academic
6. Educational Excellence. Review and enhance organizational structure and processes that promote and support academic excellence.

BSED Program Prof Ed 2 – The Teaching Profession Revision No. __ August, 2018
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 Commit to Justice that provides fairness and equal avenues for all members of the JMC community.
 Support every Open opportunity for a collaborative, collegial and caring learning environment.
 Seek knowledge through free and open intellectual inquiry and expression between and among members of the JMC community.
 Sustain Excellence in teaching, research and extension engagement of the institution.
 Embrace opportunities to Maximize linkages, networking and promotions of the institution with external entities.
 Apply learning in every discipline to prepare the JMC community for ASEAN integration and global competitiveness.
 Reward and recognize merit, creativity and innovation of members of the JMC community.
 Instill faith and belief in the Divine Providence through a life of moral, and righteous living, and caring for people, creations and resources.
 Continue Active pursuit of life-long activities of faculty, students and personnel.


Three to five years after graduation, the BEED/BSED graduates are expected to:
PEO A Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts;
PEO B Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/ discipline;
PEO C Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environment;
PEO D Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners;
PEO E Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational practices;
PEO F Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes;
PEO G Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities;
PEO H Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities; and
PEO I Model desirable values and attitudes, disciplined professionals with integrity and passion to engage in life-long learning undertakings.


BEED/BSED students are expected to: A B C D E F G H I
SO a Acquire minimum qualifications necessary for the teaching profession     
SO b Possess and exhibit substantial understanding of the subject areas in terms of
      
knowledge and pedagogy
SO c Possess the required knowledge, skills and values that support the teaching and
      
learning process
SO d Employ strategies in all learning endeavors      
SO e Involve oneself to mentoring practices 
SO a Acquire minimum qualifications necessary for the teaching profession     
BSED Program Prof Ed 2 – The Teaching Profession Revision No. __ August, 2018

Course Title The Teaching Profession

Course Description This course deals with the teacher as a person and as a professional within the context of national and global teachers standard
and educational philosophies. The topics will include professional ethics, core values, and awareness of professional rights,
privileges, and responsibilities as well as the teachers’ roles in the society as a transformative agent.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours/Week 3 hours a week
Prerequisite None

COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, the BSED/ BEED students are expected to: SOs
a b c d e
CO 1 Identify and discuss different laws and programs governing the teaching profession. L
CO 2 Investigate teacher’s practices and engagement in the profession. L
CO 3 Identify educational philosophies according to proponents and theories. L
Develop and implement instructional plan that engages students in the teaching and learning P O
CO 4
process underpinned by the principle of transformative education.
L Facilitates learning of the competencies P Allows students to practice competencies O Opportunity for development


Schedule Intended Learning Beginning Teacher Indicators Course Content/ Teaching and Assessment Learning
Outcomes (ILO) (PPST –BTIs) Subject Matter Learning Activities Tasks (AT) Resources
Week 1 • Establish the connections 2.2.1 Demonstrate • JMC Philosophy, Vision, • Oral Recitation • Poster and •LCD Projector
of the course to JMC’s understanding of learning Mission, and Goals Slogan of ACQ
Vision, Mission and Goals. environments that promote • JMC Hymn, The College • Group Sharing education •Powerpoint
• Outline the components fairness, respect and care to Student Handbook Slides
and requirements of the encourage learning. • Course introduction and • Think-Pair-Share • Memorized JMC
course. overview philosophy, VMG •College
7.2.1 Demonstrate behaviors • Policies on Grading System, Handbook
that uphold the dignity of Attendance, and Course
teaching as a profession by Requirements
exhibiting qualities such as • Class Organization and
caring attitude, respect and Acquaintance
BSED Program Prof Ed 2 – The Teaching Profession Revision No. __ August, 2018
Week 2-3 • Define a teacher and 1.1.1 Demonstrate content • The teacher’s Philosophical •LCD Projector
teaching knowledge and its application Heritage •Powerpoint
• Define a learner and within and/or across curriculum • Formulating your Slides
learning teaching areas. Philosophy of Education • Online
• Explain teaching as a 7.4.1 Demonstrate an • Major Philosophies of References
understanding of how Education (Idealism, • Educational
vocation, mission, and
professional reflection and realism, etc.) Magazines
profession promote learning opportunities
Week 4-5 • Accept continuing values • Values Formation and you
formation as an integral • The Foundational
part of personal and Principles of morality and
professional life. You
• Clarify to oneself the value • Teaching as your Vocation,
of teaching Mission, and Profession
• Formulate one’s own
philosophy of education
Week 6 •Compare and contrast 1.5.1 Apply teaching strategies • The National Competency-
the NCBTS and PPST that develop critical and creative Based Teacher Standards
•Explain the thinking, and/or other higher- (NCBTS)
competencies contained order thinking skills. • The Philippine Professional
in the NCBTS and Standards for Teachers
PPST that each teacher
must possess in order
to function effectively in
the classroom and in
the community.

Week 7 • Relate the NCBTS to the 6.3.1 Demonstrate awareness of • Code Ethics for
Code of Ethics for existing laws and regulations that Professional Teachers
Professional Teachers apply to the teaching profession, • The 21st Century Teacher
• Deepen one’s and become familiar with the
understanding of the responsibilities specified in the
various roles of the Code of Ethics for Professional
teacher in the classroom Teachers.
and in the community
Week 8 • Examine the • Global Education and the
responsiveness of the Global Teacher
present teacher education • Bringing the World into the
curriculum to the needs of Classroom through
BSED Program Prof Ed 2 – The Teaching Profession Revision No. __ August, 2018
the teacher as she Educational Technology
performs her roles in the
classroom and in the
Week 9-10 • Compare PD 1006 and • Basic Laws on the
RA 7836, laws that Professionalization of
professionalized teaching Teaching
• Explain how the • PD 1006
amendments in RA 9293 • RA 7836
support the teaching • RA 9293
Week • Have developed a deeper • Other Education and
11 appreciation for the Teacher Related Laws
professionalization of • The 1987 Philippine
teaching Constitution
• RA 4670-Magna Carta
Week • Have realized the impact • Batas Pambansa 232
12 of the professionalization • RA 9155
of teaching on your future
life as a full-fledged
professional teacher
Week 13 • Internalized the basic laws • Excerpts from the Family
on education and its Code of the Philippines
implementation • RA 7610
• Clarified on the rights,
duties and obligations as a
Week • Understood the policies on 6.1.1 Demonstrate an • RA 7877-An Act declaring
14 recruitment and understanding of knowledge of sexual harassment unlawful
deployment of teachers learning environments that are in the employment, and
• Clarified disciplinary responsive to community education
procedures applied to contexts. • Excerpts from RA 8980
teachers as they exercise
the special parental
authority and responsibility
over the learners inside or
outside the premises of
the school
Week • Internalized the rights, 6.1.1 Demonstrate an • RA 10157-Kindergarten
15-16 duties and obligations of understanding of knowledge of Education

BSED Program Prof Ed 2 – The Teaching Profession Revision No. __ August, 2018
the academic community learning environments that are Institutionalization Act
• Have a good working responsive to community • RA 10533-Enhanced Basic
knowledge on the salient contexts. Education Act (K to 12
components of the K to 12 Curriculum)
curriculum i.e. grading
system, core subjects,
integration, promotion and
retention, etc.
Week • Identified UN programs • UNESCO Commission on
17-18 and projects affecting Education
education and see its • The Pillars of Education
relevance to the teaching • UNICEF Child
profession. Friendly)School System
• Millennium Development
Goals 2015 (MDG
• UN First Call for Children
Education for All (EFA)
Week 19 Trace the development of • Historical Development of
the Philippine educational the Philippine Educational
system from the pre- System
Spanish era to the present • Journey in Basic Education
along national development Curricular Reforms: 1946-
goals and objectives of present
Underscore the teachers’
roles in the national program
for the expansion to a 12-
year basic education cycle

BSED Program Prof Ed 2 – The Teaching Profession Revision No. __ August, 2018
1 Bilbao, P., Corpuz, B., Llagas, A., & Salandanan, G. (2012). The Teaching Profession, 2nd Ed. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
2 Corpuz, B. (2004). Principles and Strategies of Teaching. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
3 DO 32, s. 2009 – National Adoption and Implementation of NCBTS, TNSA, and IPPD for Teachers
4 DO 42, s. 2017 – National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

1 Pawilen, GT. (2016). Teaching Profession: Passion and Mission. Rex Book Store, Incorporated.

1 Expectation from the Students
The student’s responsibility is to come to each class prepared. She/he is also expected to take all examinations on the date scheduled. She/he should read the assigned
topics/problems before entering the class. She/he is expected to attend each class and participate actively in the discussions.

Academic Dishonesty
All students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying and other forms of unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty of cheating in
examination or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will receive an F or failure in the course requirement or in the course. Plagiarism refers to the use of books,
notes or other intellectual property without giving proper attribution to its author, or representing the work of another person as one’s own. Cheating refers to securing help
in a test, copying tests, assignments, reports or term papers; collaborating with other students during an examination or preparing academic work; signing anoher student’s
name on an attendance sheet; or otherwise, practicing scholastic dishonesty.

Policy on Absences
The maximum allowable number of absences is 6. Request for excused absences or waiver of absences must be presented upon reporting back to class. Special
examinations will be allowed only in special cases, such as prolonged illness. It is the responsibility of the student to monitor her/his own tardy incidents and absences that
might accumulate leading to a grade of “FA”. It is also the student’s responsibility to consult with the teacher, program chair or dean should her/his case be of special

Course Requirements

The following are the minimum requirements of a student to pass the course:

1. Attendance

BSED Program Prof Ed 2 – The Teaching Profession Revision No. __ August, 2018
2. Oral Participating
3. Projects/Assignments/Seatwork
4. Quizzes
5. Long Examination
6. Individual/Group Report/Case Analysis
7. Reflection Paper

Grading System
Every student must know how to compute their grades following the Based Twenty Grading System. Computations of grades shall observe the following formula:

_________Raw Score _ ‘ x 80 + 20 = Rating

Total Number of Items
Example: Actual score is 18 out of the highest possible score of 20. The rating will be computed as follows:

______18___ _ ‘ x 80 + 20 = 0.92 to 92 %
There will be four grading periods. Students who fail to take a quiz, assignment, project or any of the three grading period examinations shall be given a rating of 60 unless
the absence is excused. Students who take to take the FINAL EXAMINATION shall be automatically be given a grade of ZERO.
Participation/ Performance 20% (flexible)
Assignment 5% (flexible)
Projects (Research/Portfolio/etc.) 15% (flexible)
Quizzes 20% (fixed)
Periodic Examinations 40% (fixed)
Total 100%

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

BSED Program Prof Ed 2 – The Teaching Profession Revision No. __ August, 2018
Name of Instructor Program Chair Dean, College of Teacher Education

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Student’s Acknowledgement

I have received and read the course syllabus in ( ________________ ). I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations
from me as a student in the said course during the First/Second Semester, SY 2018-2019 as these have been discussed also by our instructor. I am fully aware of
the consequences of non-compliance with the above mentioned requirements.

Student’s Signature over Printed Name

Date Signed

BSED Program Prof Ed 2 – The Teaching Profession Revision No. __ August, 2018

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