@anesthesia Books 2013 Board Stiff
@anesthesia Books 2013 Board Stiff
@anesthesia Books 2013 Board Stiff
Board Stiff TEE
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Board Stiff TEE
Transesophageal Echocardiography
Second Edition
Christopher J. Gallagher, MD
Professor and Residency Director
Stony Brook Department of Anesthesia
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY, USA
John C. Sciarra, MD
Assistant Professor
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesiology
Program Director
University of Miami
Miami, FL, USA
Steven Ginsberg, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Program Director of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellowship
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
New Brunswick, NJ, USA
This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright
by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein).
Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and
experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional
practices, or medical treatment may become necessary.
Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and
knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or
experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be
mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have
a professional responsibility.
With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to
check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the
manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or
formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the
responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their
patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each
individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions.
To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or
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matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any
methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein.
ISBN: 978-1-4557-3805-2
Sonographic Formulas 209
John C. Sciarra
Hemo-dynamo Doc 211
Christopher J. Gallagher
Test Questions 249
William R. Grubb and Andrew T. Burr
Index 275
Preface to the First Edition
Board Stiff TEE is just the ticket. I wrote this book to give you a complete
introduction to the subject, from the physics of ultrasound to the images
you need to recognize to the hemodynamic calculations you can make
with TEE. The whole nine yards. Plus, I direct you to those places where
you can deepen your understanding of TEE.
Board Stiff TEE is for the medical student, the anesthesiologist, the sur-
geon, the intensivist, who asks, “Just where do I start?”
Several people helped in this affair. Alicia Borus gave expert secretarial
help; my editor Natasha Andjelkovic reined in my more outlandish prose;
Elsevier’s illustrators redid all the drawings, improving on my “magic
marker in a Crayola pad” work; and J.C. Duffy did the cover and the car-
toons. Through it all, my wife endured my manic ravings.
Christopher J. Gallagher, MD
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Preface to the Second Edition
John C. Sciarra, MD
University of Miami
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List of Contributors
Andrew T. Burr, DO
Anesthesia Resident, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson
Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Liliana Cohen, MD
Assistant Professor of Cardiology, UMDNJ-Robert
Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick,
Varun Dixit
Fellow Cardio-Thoracic Anesthesiology, University of
Miami, Miami, FL, USA
Christopher J. Gallagher, MD
Professor and Residency Director, Stony Brook
Department of Anesthesia, Stony Brook University,
Stony Brook, NY, USA
Steven Gill, MD
Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellow, University
of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Jackson
Memorial Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology,
Miami, FL, USA
Steven Ginsberg, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Program
Director of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellowship,
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Jadelis Giquel, MD
Assistant Professor, Clinical Anesthesiology,
Department of Anesthesiology/Division of Cardiac
Anesthesia, University of Miami Miller School of
Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
William R. Grubb, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, UMDNJ-
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New
Brunswick, NJ, USA
Kevin A. Jian
Student Illustrator
xii List of Contributors
William Jian
Student Assistant in Research
Jonathan Kraidin, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, UMDNJ-
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New
Brunswick, NJ, USA
F. Luke Aldo, DO
Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellow, UMDNJ-Robert
Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick,
Ricardo Martinez-Ruiz, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Surgery,
Chief, Surgical ICU, VA Medical Center; Attending
Physician, Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Division,
Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miller School of
Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA
Christina Matadial, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology,
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine,
Chief of Anesthesiology, Bruce W. Carter VA
Medical Center, Miami, FL, USA
Eric W. Nelson, DO
Assistant Professor, Anesthesia and Perioperative
Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina,
Charleston, SC, USA
Gian Paparcuri, MD
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, University
of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine,
Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative
Medicine and Pain Management, Miami, FL, USA
Enrique Pantin, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, UMDNJ-
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New
Brunswick, NJ, USA
John C. Sciarra, MD
Assistant Professor, Cardiovascular and Thoracic
Anesthesiology Fellowship Program Director,
University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA
Al Solina, MD
Professor and Vice Chairman of Anesthesia, Chief,
Division of Cardiac Anesthesia, UMDNJ-Robert
Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick,
Salvatore Zisa, MD
Section Head of Thoracic Anesthesia, UMDNJ-
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New
Brunswick, NJ, USA
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Introduction: Neither Rain nor Snow
The policeman tapped his baton on the bare foot sticking out of the
refrigerator box. Behind the policeman, a mailman stood with his left
hand on his leather satchel and his right hand holding a letter from the
National Board of Echocardiography.
“Hey, rise and shine,” the policeman said. “We have something for you,
Dr. Gallagher.”
Gray hair popped out of the other end of the refrigerator box. Gray hair
disappearing in the middle, promising a “tonsured monk” look in another
few years.
Eyes, rimmed red with hard living, hard anesthetizing, and bad investing,
blinked in the sunshine just now peeking under the bridge.
“Officer!” the refrigerator box man said. “Why” he looked around at the
discarded MD 20/20 bottles wrapped in brown paper, the McDonald’s
bags, the metallic doo-dads that fell off passing cars. “Officer. Uh,
excuse me while I freshen up.”
He stood up and brushed crumbs and critters off his green scrubs.
On the front and back, large black lettering warned, “Property of East
Bumblebee Memorial Hospital. Rented, never sold.”
The man looked down, then gave the policeman a sheepish grin.
“I’m renting.”
The mailman wrinkled his brow at that explanation, then lifted the enve-
lope up to his face. “Says here, ‘Dr. Chris Gallagher,’ and for address it
says, ‘Under a bridge somewhere’.” He looked up at the bridge, then
down at the man in the scrubs. “Am I in the right place with the right
“Why yes. Yes you are,” the man in scrubs said. “I am, in point of fact,
the very addressee you seek. It warms the cockles of my heart to see
that, once again, ‘Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail, nor heat of
xvi Introduction: Neither Rain nor Snow
day, nor gloom of night, nor vagueness of address’ have stayed you from
the swift completion of your appointed rounds, my good mailperson.”
Opening the letter, the man said, “Oh joy, rapture! I have passed the
examination for special competence in the perioperative use of trans-
esophageal echocardiography! Can you believe my good fortune?”
The man in scrubs held his letter to his chest, right against the “Property
of East Bumblebee Memorial Hospital” letters.
“Say,” the man gave the policeman and mailman a conspiratorial look,
“you don’t suppose”—he looked behind lest someone surprise them,
then turned back and stood on tiptoe to look over the shoulders of his
two new friends—“you don’t suppose I might parlay this little triumph
into another book, do you?”
“Another book?”
“Who would want such a thing?” the policeman asked. He had served in
the Miami Police Department for years. Talking with a babbling maniac
was nothing new to him. At least this maniac wasn’t shooting at anybody.
The policeman preferred spending time with unarmed street people.
n Anesthetists
The mailman leaned on his left hip and shifted his leather satchel around.
He had a few more letters to deliver, but didn’t seem in a big rush.
“See what I mean?” the man said. “A crash can occur anywhere,
The policeman and mailman looked at each other and nodded. This nut-
case was on to something here.
Reaching into the refrigerator box, the man in green scrubs pulled out a
stack of papers, a sketch pad, and a magic marker.
“I’ll throw together a little study guide from these notes I took. I’ll include:
1. A guide to the books, meetings, and study material that will help
you learn TEE.
2. A brief review for the Examination of Special Competence in
Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography (PTEeXAM).
3. Detailed problem solving for the quantitative aspects of TEE, such
as gradients, valve areas, and chamber pressures.”
“For those of us who are visual learners,” the mailman said, “do you feel
that some simplified drawings may help out? Not that I anticipate much
transesophageal echocardiography work at the Post Office, but you
never know. Second careers and all that.”
The man held up his magic marker. “Simplified drawings to aid the visual
learner, coming right up.”
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The Yellow Brick Road
1 Christopher J. Gallagher
6. Get a hold of the book most people use to study for the TEE exam,
Textbook of Clinical Echocardiography, by Catherine M. Otto.
(W. B. Saunders, 2000; ISBN 0-7216-7669-3). When I talked to
a sales representative at the TEE meeting in 2003, he confirmed
what others told me—Otto has it all. (Between Otto and those
syllabuses, you’ll have all the “book reading” you could possibly
need). Since then, a million more books have come out. Look for
books by Savage and Perrino, among others.
7. Get the 2-CD set TEE: An Interactive Board Review on
CD-ROM, edited by David S. Morse and C. David Collard
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002; ISBN 0-7817-3375-8). This
has a series of TEE movies with attached tests. The tests are
multiple choice (like the PTEeXAM). Once you’ve taken the test,
you can check your answers. Best of all, each answer comes with
a complete explanation along with references.
8. Another good CD is TEE on CD: An Interactive Resource,
edited by Steven N. Konstadt and Navin C. Nanda (Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2001; ISBN 0-7817-2629-8). This CD does
have a lot more text than the Morse and Collard CDs, and it is
tough to scroll text for a long time on a computer.
9. More CDs? You bet. Since echo is a moving image, it makes sense
to get CDs that show TEE images moving. Look on amazon.com;
at last count, there are 30-something books on transesophageal
echocardiography, lots with accompanying CDs. Robert Savage
himself (a Big Kahuna in echo circles and organizer of the big TEE
meeting) will have a big book coming out soon, so snap it up!
10. A great book fresh off the press and specifically made for
transesophageal echocardiography is A Practical Approach to
Transesophageal Echocardiography, edited by A. C. Perrino and S. T.
Reeves (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003; ISBN 0-7817-3638-2).
The second editor of this book is a fellow who talked at the big TEE
conference in San Diego, Dr. Scott T. Reeves. Great speaker! Funny
stories! Knows how to get his point across crystal clear and that’s just
what he and his co-editors did in this book. (If you’re short on dough,
buy their book, put mine back on the shelf, and use the money you
saved to buy a gyro. Then eat the gyro while you’re reading Perrino
and Reeves’ book—but don’t spill the cucumber sauce all over the
pictures). And yes, they have updated versions since then.
What now?
You have a long path ahead of you. No lions and tigers and bears, but
plenty of stuff to learn.
So do like Dorothy. Put one foot ahead of the other, keep those ruby slip-
pers on tight, and follow the yellow brick road.
Of course, these recommendations from the first edition are ancient
history by now. ANYTHING you want to view now can be done online.
Google “Aortic Dissection: TEE” and you will get a lot of videos.
Guess what, (2) is still most important—get as MUCH hands on TEE
work as you can.
Principles of Ultrasound
2 Christopher J. Gallagher and John C. Sciarra
Jimi Hendrix blasted his guitar through the AIR at Woodstock. You
blast your ultrasound through the TISSUE and FLUID with your TEE.
Remember the ads when Alien came out? “In space, no one can hear
you scream.” That’s right, there’s nothing to propagate in a vacuum.
There’s no air for you to compress and rarefy.
4 Board Stiff TEE
Short λ
High frequency
1 Second
Long λ
BONG! Low frequency
1 Second
How does that relate to us? The propagation velocity of sound waves
in human tissues is 1540 meters/second. So, since the velocity is pretty
constant, that means the time it takes to go “out and back” correlates
with distance. Time vs distance is the basis of all “bounce technology”
(sonar in a ship, locating enemy submarines; Doppler radar letting us
know about a coming rainstorm; TEE telling us where the aortic dissec-
tion started).
The flip side, or the wavelength paradigm, is also true: the longer the wave-
length, the deeper the penetration but the worse the resolution. The take-
home message for budding TEE’ogists? To see an object close up, go to
a higher frequency, and you’ll see it in more detail. For a distant object—
say, the pulmonic valve, which lies far from the TEE probe—use a longer
wavelength (or, in other words, a lower frequency). This makes sense if you
remember that frequency and wavelength are inversely related:
This “air dilemma” also causes a problem with off-pump cases, in which
the surgeon may hike the heart up and obscure your vision. (You need to
retreat up the esophagus a little to get a view.)
“Blood is thicker than water,” most people know by rote. Few know
that the second half of that folk saying is: “…but the tissue impedance
of ventricular, atrial, and valve structures is higher than blood tissue
Since reflection is the key to the kingdom, and you prefer a “straight
on” bounce coming back to your transducer, it makes sense that your
best view is straight on, at 180 degrees to the transducer. At any angle
other than 90 degrees, some of the signal will bounce “away” from the
6 Board Stiff TEE
Think of the “bent straw” sitting in a glass of water. Same thing happens
with ultrasound waves. Some refract, rather than bounce back, and are lost.
You want reflection. You get this.
Transducer Transducer
“bounced back”
Some of the signal hits teeny structures and blasts the ultrasound signal
all over the place. This scatter from blood cells allows Doppler measure-
ments of moving blood. That allows us to do color Doppler studies (giv-
ing us a color signal of blood flow), continuous-wave Doppler studies (to
measure blood velocity along an entire length of view), and pulsed-wave
Doppler studies (to measure blood velocity at a specific point). So scatter
comes in most righteously handy.
Some of the ultrasound energy gets used up as heat. This does not
produce a useful signal (unlike scattering, which comes in handy). This
makes the signal get weaker and weaker the farther the ultrasound signal
goes into the body.
The meaty tissues are denser, absorb more ultrasound, and look gray.
Blood is less dense, and looks black. (Adjust the gain until you get gray
Chapter 2 Principles of Ultrasound 7
for the tissue, black for the blood.) Calcified areas eat up all the ultra-
sound waves and look white. If dense enough, they don’t allow ultra-
sound to go any further and thus throw a shadow distal to them, leading
to artifacts. Calcified things can also cause reflections that “fake out” the
transducer and produce artifacts.
Bang-a-gong, the metal vibrates, and the sound waves go forth. Now
let’s just tie a little creature to the end of a gastroscope, and have him
bang-a-gong fast enough to create 7 million cycles/second for 20 minutes
No go. We need a better way to get so much wiggling. The guy banging
the gong just won’t do.
Millions of times per second? Better go to electricity, that’s the only thing
that can give you that many wiggles per second. But how to get electric-
ity to wiggle something? Electrify a gong?
10 Board Stiff TEE
(Who the hell figures this stuff out the very first time, I want to know.)
OK, groovy, so this electrical thing makes a mechanical wave. How does
a piezoelectric crystal “hear”?
When the signal comes back to the crystal, you don’t want the crystal to
wiggle too wildly. Hence, behind the piezoelectric crystal, damping mate-
rial is in place. The damping material allows a short pulse length, hence
improved resolution. Go back to the concept of the ringing gong. After our
hero has hit the gong, he doesn’t want it ringing and ringing. He grabs the
gong; that allows it to become still, and then he can hit the gong again.
(As you can see, the Content Outline of the PTEeXAM chops up the indi-
vidual items you need to know. In reality, this stuff all flows together in
one smooth explanation in the TEE review course syllabus and in Otto’s
A sound beam tends to spread apart, like ripples in a pond. (I can almost
envision a “TEE Haiku” coming out of this.) TEE needs a tight beam to be
able to make some split-second measurements of small places, so the
transducer focuses the sound beam. A mechanical lens does this.
TEE Haiku
Axial Resolution
Short bursts—that is, high frequency—give you better axial (along the line)
resolution. Why? You will have a lot of information bouncing back to you,
so you’ll be able to tell, “Aha! This reflected signal tells me something is
just right there, and this other signal tells me that something is just a little
further along the line.” If this, admittedly weak, explanation doesn’t con-
vince you, then try this line of reasoning: Imagine very infrequent signals
going out. How could you tell things are close together then?
Lateral Resolution
Lateral resolution tells you that things at the same depth are side by side.
Axial Transducer
Lateral Transducer
Near field
Far field
That doesn’t fly, though; instead, modern TEE relies on a bunch of trans-
ducers spread out and all looking in the same direction. Some kick-ass
mathematics and computer stuff straighten all those signals out.
The most likely transducer you will use is the phased array. So if some
know-it-all asks you what kind of transducer you have in your hand, say
“a phased array”.
The way it works is in the diagram above. Basically, crystals that are lined
up fire in sequence. Where the individual waves meet (summation front)
is a point, and this forms a single line or sector. Put a whole bunch of
sectors together and you have the pie-shaped image we are so familiar
The ultrasound TV and its associated rat’s nest of knobs, video connec-
tions, and computer connections is called a platform. You cannot get
Walking Dead on the TV, no matter how much you roll around the track
ball, so satisfy yourself with ultrasound images.
The test may zoink you on how the knobs work. The next time you do an
echo, make a point of wiggling every damn knob every which way and
seeing what happens on the screen. On the test, they may, for example,
pull the knobs to very high gain at a certain depth on the Depth Gain
Compensation knobs and give you a streak of snow halfway down the
picture and ask you, “What just changed?”.
Here’s a rundown on the knobs, taken from the (cutely named) “Knobology”
Lecture at the TEE conference. (This stuff is dry as toast and easily goes
into the Insta-Forget sulcus of your brain, so do what I said before: play
with the knobs on your machine and know what each one does.)
Usually the depth is 12 cm, but you can adjust this. For example, if you
want to look real closely at the aortic valve (pretty close to the trans-
ducer), go to more shallow depth. If the patient has an enormous heart,
you may need to go to a deeper depth, otherwise you might not be able
to see all the heart.
Lower frequency = less resolution but better depth
This came up a million times during the TEE meeting and (I’ll bet my bot-
tom dollar) will appear somewhere on the test.
Controls gain at various depths in the field. This is the line of knobs like
you used to have a line of knobs on your stereo equipment.
Chapter 3 Transducers and Instrumentation 15
A Million More
There are dozens of other knobs. Work them all, so when they ask you
something about some knob you at least have a clue. The most practical
ones to know are the ones mentioned above, Depth, Frequency, Gain,
and Depth gain compensation.
(I’ll be honest, I’m not quite sure what they’re driving at here, but this is
my guess.)
The “B” stands for “brightness.” This would just show different brightness
at various interfaces and isn’t of much use to us. It is an “ice-pick” view.
16 Board Stiff TEE
If you roll a B-Mode out over time, then you can see the “ice-pick” view
of the heart go on over time. You could then, for example, see valve
movement over time. This is groovy, but we anesthesia types much pre-
fer the next mode so we can see stuff go on. Cardiologists understand
M-mode better than we do because they are smarter and tend to dress
better than anesthesiologists.
Here, an array of views gives us the familiar picture of the whole heart
moving in real time. This is the usual image you see:
Processing changes the appearance of the displayed image. You can, for
example, change the gain (too much = snow, too little = dark) to alter your
signal. Changing the gray scale or dynamic helps you adjust the image
to get sharper edges. No matter how you fiddle with the signal, it bears
repeating that “garbage in, garbage out”. For example, if you don’t empty
the patient’s stomach and a big hunk of pepperoni affixes itself to the front
of your probe, then no amount of signal processing will help you out.
1. True. When you press the freeze the machine stops sending signals.
This may help cool the probe if it is overheating.
2. D. Beam width is the major determiner of lateral resolution. Make your
whole scanning sector smaller for better resolution.
3. C. Phased array.
4. B. The focal point can be moved, but it is between the near field
and far field. It is in the focal zone, which begins right after the focal
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CHAPTER Equipment, Infection
4 Control, and Safety
Steven Ginsberg and Jonathan Kraidin
I am talking TEE, not TTE. It’s not ultrasound to find some flounder or
neck vein!
Before you make the investment or get new equipment (10–15 years)
make sure these are in place:
Where do you keep the probes prior to insertion into the patient?
20 Board Stiff TEE
The clean probe should be left in a clean and labeled tube, or safely hung
from its bracket. It should not be bumped around.
How about that nice case that came with it? Use it. Do not bend the
probe in half.
OOPs! I just put a clean probe in the “dirty” tube. Now that’s a problem!
You probably shouldn’t curl it into a nice ball prior to usage—you will
break a fine instrument.
What should we do with the probe to have it ready for the next case?
Wipe off any junk-food and organic material. Never use more that 70%
alcohol. Alcohol should not go onto the transducer; use it only on the
handle. Don’t saturate it; wipe it. Do not submerge the handle. Do not
submerge that electrical fancy do-hicky that gets plugged into the fancy
Place a plastic cover over the tip of the probe until it is in use.
Clean it with a soft cloth and remove the junk prior to a solution cleaning.
Then, consider soap and water with a soft cloth. Wipe it down. The
manufacturer has some directions, rules and recommended disinfectants
(neutral pH).
n Dry the thing
n Don’t store it around your neck
n Do not autoclave it
n Keep the tip straight when you store it
Watch out for the small cuts at the end of the tube.
Don’t figure that because your patient is paralyzed that you don’t have to
worry about those teeth scratching or cutting the probe. On the contrary,
when you take that baby out you will scratch it against those choppers,
so watch out. You use the bite block not so much because the anes-
thetized patient will bite the probe, but to protect the probe on removal.
It will run against those rabbit incisors and scratch! Your warranty won’t
work here.
Watch out for the junior resident knocking those teeth out.
Maybe use a laryngoscope if you are having a tough time of it—it goes in
the hole on bottom.
Don’t force it. If you must have Echo then use a pedie probe!
Don’t grip the transducer with excessive force. Try telling the surgeon
that you can’t do a TEE because his last case took so long that you
22 Board Stiff TEE
now have carpal tunnel! Don’t stand in one place while doing your echo.
Move around. Loosen up that back of yours and relax your shoulders.
This shouldn’t hurt.
I was too busy checking the Echo and did not notice the patient was
hypotensive or had a fatal arrhythmia—you pinched yourself and
woke up to treat in time.
n I broke his teeth
n Rarely vocal cord paralysis
n You bronched the patient—try the esophagus next time
n The patient desaturated because the TEE pushed the ETT in further
n Post-op complaints of dysphagia are possible
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. T
7. T
8. F
9. T
10. T
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CHAPTER Principles of Doppler
5 Ultrasound
Jonathan Kraidin, Steven Ginsberg, William Jian and
Kevin A. Jian
Waves of energy, such as light and sound, can be defined by the wave-
length and frequency. This gives us a third parameter, which is the propa-
gation speed through the medium.
The equation is
When a pure frequency of sound hits a stationary object, the sound bounces
back at the same frequency. If the object is moving when the sound hits, the
returning wave will have a slightly different frequency. The difference in the
outgoing and incoming frequency is called the Doppler shift.
You can see the derivation of the Doppler Shift equation in the section,
Derivation of the Doppler Shift Equation. 25
26 Board Stiff TEE
This is not just theoretical physics. This stuff really happens. Recall
the sound of an approaching train. When the train is coming towards us, the
pitch is higher (v is positive); when the train is moving away from us the
pitch is lower (v is negative).
c = 1540 m/sec
Fshift = 6493 Hz
A sound wave is emitted from the transducer. When this wave encoun-
ters differences in density it gets reflected back. If you scream over the
ocean shore you don’t hear your voice reflected off of the air because
it has a constant density. If you scream across a canyon you hear an
Chapter 5 Principles of Doppler Ultrasound 27
echo because the sound encounters a change of density when it hits the
rocks, resulting in the sound getting reflected back. The amount of sound
that gets reflected not only depends on the change in density at the
interface, but on the orientation of the object. The orientation can scat-
ter the sound in different directions. Software analyzes the amplitude of
the sound at different times in order to reconstruct the tissue density at a
specific depth from the probe, giving an image.
This was originally called brightness mode. The brightness shown on the
display corresponds to the amplitude of the returning echo, and the loca-
tion is related to the position of the reflected tissue. Highly echogenic
objects reflect more of the signal back; this is represented by a brighter
point on the screen.
Once upon a time this stood for time-motion mode. It was shortened to
M-mode for motion mode. M-mode is multiple B-mode dots plotted on a
straight line. The amplitude of the signal is recorded at various times; each
time corresponds to a different distance from the probe. A vertical line is
constructed where the brightness of each pixel corresponds to the strength
of the echo at each point. The constructed line is moved leftwards and a
new scan line is created up to 1000 times/sec. Using this methodology,
time is represented on the x-axis and the distance of the tissue from the
probe is on the y-axis. This is useful for watching anatomical motion of the
myocardium and valves along a single line of sight. This is useful for timing
the movement of valve leaflets when assessing regurgitant blood flow.
This is one line of B-mode swept through an arc. The result is a sector of
tissue called a frame. The frame image is rapidly refreshed between 30 to
60 times/sec allowing one to see motion of the tissue within the frame.
The frame rate, and thus the quality of the moving image, is affected by
sector width and depth.
Color Doppler allows one to get a rapid understanding of the blood flow
in a window of interest. One can determine that blood is moving in the
wrong direction, if the flow is laminar or turbulent, or if there is flow where
there should be none such as through a defect.
Continuous wave (CW) Doppler allows one to measure fast blood veloci-
ties. CW Doppler is exactly as the name describes: a transducer continu-
ously transmits a beam of sound while a receiver continuously measures
the returning signal. As the transducer emits sound, the beam encoun-
ters moving blood cells at varying points. The returning sound contains
multiple shifted frequencies because it bounces off of blood cells at
different depths, moving at different velocities. CW Doppler is unable
to tell where these velocities are occurring; it can only report a range of
velocity values. These velocities are all mixed together in a velocity enve-
lope and occur along the line of sight of the probe.
How does this help if the machine is getting back a myriad of veloci-
ties? One uses CW when there is an interest in measuring fast veloci-
ties. True, all of the velocities are mixed together, but the operator only
cares about the fastest velocity. The peak of the envelope represents
the fastest velocity; everything inside the envelope represents all other
velocities, which one ignores. For example, if one is looking at a stenotic
aortic valve, the jet of blood traveling through the valve will give the fast-
est velocity. Even though the CW Doppler does not know where the
fastest velocity is coming from, the operator knows the fastest velocity
measured must be coming from the jet going through the stenotic valve.
Chapter 5 Principles of Doppler Ultrasound 29
Look at it this way. You have three walls 1540, 3080, and 4620 meters
away. You ring a bell and the sound travels at 1540 m/sec. If you cover
your ears and listen only after 4 seconds you will hear the sound reflect-
ing back from the wall 3080 meters away; if you wait 6 seconds you will
hear sound bouncing back from the wall 6420 meters away. By waiting
just the right amount of time you can target from which wall you want to
hear the echo.
Some of the sound will travel farther than the target and get reflected
back during a sampling interval. Also, some of the sound will get
reflected back sooner and get sampled with some of the pulses that
were sent out earlier. This will give some velocities at other ranges. When
velocity information is recorded at other locations and is mixed with the
sample, we call this range ambiguity (see figure below) because it is giv-
ing ambiguous information.
A 1 sec
770 m
B 1 1/2 sec
385 m 770 m
C 3/4 sec
385 m 770 m
D 1 1 sec
385 m 770 m
30 Board Stiff TEE
Other than the problem with range ambiguity, why is PW not used for
all Doppler measurements and just do away with CW? After all, it does
give information at a specific location. Sampling theory dictates that at
least two points are needed for each wave oscillation in order to recon-
struct the correct frequency. If the wall is 1540 meters away one needs
to wait 2 seconds before the Doppler-shifted sound comes back. This
corresponds to a frequency of ½ Hz. The sound will not travel any faster
than this. Two measurements take 4 seconds. This means that the shift
frequency can go no faster than ¼ Hz (frequency (Hz) = 1/time).
The figure is the strange-looking effect from not taking enough sam-
ples. Remember seeing a rotating wheel appear to spin backwards?
Remember the song: “the wheels on the bus go round and round…”.
Chapter 5 Principles of Doppler Ultrasound 31
Well, the bus wheels sometimes appear to spin in reverse. Let’s analyze
this by referring to the figure of a spinning wheel, where the top spoke is
marked (see figure below).
True Motion
Apparent Motion
Flash Flash Flash Flash
Even though the wheel is rotating clockwise it appears that the wheel is
moving counterclockwise. This is aliasing. In order to avoid this we need
to send out a strobe at least every ½ second, or twice the revolution fre-
quency. In this case, the Nyquist limit is ½ Hz, and if the wheel spins any
faster than 1 Hz it will appear to move backwards. Similarly, if the blood
velocity is fast enough to yield a shift frequency above the Nyquist limit,
the blood will appear to move in the opposite direction.
If you would like to see the derivation of the Nyquist limit please refer to
Derivation of the Nyquist Limit for PW Echo.
Just remember these points: Aliasing occurs when the sampling fre-
quency is below a calculated limit called the Nyquist limit. PW allows one
to measure the velocity of a volume of fluid at a specific depth from the
probe. Shifting the baseline or switching to CW Doppler enables one to
measure faster velocities, and work around the Nyquist limit. Sometimes
you can even use CW for fast velocities if the blood flow is isolated to a
small enough region.
to send out the next allowed pulse. If the object is 770 meters away we
normally have to wait 1 second before sending another pulse so we are
sure it is an echo from that distance. If we send a pulse every ½ second
we can measure twice the shift frequency. The downside is that there is
some range-ambiguity: one will get a mixing of the velocity at two loca-
tions, shown by two cursor location markers.
We are going to derive the shift equation in order to get a better under-
standing of it.
3 2 1
C tnew
3 2 1
V tnew
Chapter 5 Principles of Doppler Ultrasound 33
t0 = λ/c is the time, t0, it takes for the next crest of our sound wave to hit
the stationary object.
tnew is the faster time that it takes for our object, moving at speed v, to hit
the next crest.
The object moves a distance v * tnew; the next wave crest moved a dis-
tance c * tnew. The sum of both distances, c * tnew + v * tnew, equals one
original wavelength, λ. The perceived wavelength is v * tnew.
(c + v ) * f0 = c * fnew
f0 * (c + v ) / c = fnew
This means that the frequency has increased for our observer on the
moving object. But we are not interested in the shifted frequency seen
by an observer on the object; we are interested in the frequency that is
reflected back from this object.
We have already shown that the crest of the wave hits the moving object
in a shorter time, tnew, when the object is moving towards the source.
The listener on the object perceives a shorter wavelength. This is the
first Doppler shift. When a wave is reflected off of the object back to the
source, the distance between each wave crest is shortened once again,
giving a second Doppler shift. The wavelength is shortened a second
time because the object is following the reflected waves.
Here is another way to think of this: You are standing still and there is a
row of evenly spaced balls, traveling at the same speed, that are com-
ing towards you. The number of them that passes you each second is
the frequency. If you start to move towards the balls you will pass a new
ball faster than if you stood still. The frequency of passing a ball has
increased. This is the first Doppler shift, which is from the perspective of
the observer, and not the person sending out the balls.
Now imagine that you let the balls bounce off a board that you are
holding. If you are standing still the balls will travel away from you
at the same frequency as when they were coming towards you. The
34 Board Stiff TEE
spacing between each ball will also be the same. If you are walking
towards the incoming balls, and they bounce off a board you are hold-
ing, they will not move away from you as quickly as when you stood
still. This is because you are walking toward the ball as it recedes
from you. So not only has the distance between each oncoming ball
decreased because you are walking towards them (first Dopper shift),
but the distance decreases even further for the reflected balls because
you are walking toward the balls as they move away (second Doppler
shift). We can derive a mathematical relationship demonstrating
this fact.
3 2 1
3 2 W1 1
W1 W2
λn V tnew
C tnew = λnew
Referring to the above figure, we see that, at time A, the first wave crest
hits the object, reflecting back wave W1. This wave moves towards
the left at a speed c. The original wave also moves towards the right at
speed c. The object moves towards the left at speed v and hits the next
wave crest at time tnew. We derived this value earlier. When the object
hits the next wave crest it reflects back wave W2.
Now, W1 moved a distance c * tnew during the time it took to hit the next
crest. The object moved a distance v * tnew. The difference, c * tnew –
v * tnew is the new wavelength, λn, of our reflected wave, and it moves at
the same speed, c. The frequency of the returning waves is
Fn = c / λn
7. Fn = f0 * (c + v)/(c – v)
8. Fshift = Fn – f0
9. Fshift = [f0 * (c + v) – f0 * (c – v)]/(c – v)
10. Fshift = f0 * 2v/(c – v)
11. For c >> v → Fshift = f0 * 2v/c
2*d= t*c
t = 2d / c → ftravel = c / 2d
PRF = 2 * Fshift
We derived the Doppler shift equation earlier: Fshift = (2fv/c) * cos(θ). So,
PRF required = 2 * (2fv / c) * cos( θ ) → (4fv / c) * cos( θ )
One can not send out pulses faster than the time for the first pulse to
make a return trip. The PRF can not exceed Ftravel
Ftravel = c / 2d = 4fv cos( θ ) / c
v = c2 cos( θ ) / 8fd
2. The equation that relates the speed of sound (c), frequency (f) and
wavelength (λ) is:
A. c = λ * f
B. λ = c * f
C. f = c * λ
D. f = 2 * c * λ
3. If the Doppler beam makes an angle of θ with the moving blood, the
measured velocity is less than the true velocity by what amount?
A. sin(θ)
B. tan(θ)
C. cos(θ)
D. sec(θ)
3. C. The measured velocity will be less than the true velocity by cos(θ)
4. B. HPRF is used with PW Doppler and allows you to measure faster
blood velocities
5. D. The correction factor, cos(θ), becomes significant when the angle
is greater than 20 degrees
6. True. When the scanning depth decreases, it takes less time for the
sound to travel back
7. False. PW Doppler measures velocity within a specific volume
8. True. The measurement of fast velocities is the benefit of CW
9. False. The Nyquist Limit is the fastest velocity one can measure, not
10. True. Color Doppler shows blood velocity, represented by colors, on
top of the 2-D image
[1] Barrick B, Podgoreanu M, Prokop E. Physics of ultrasound imaging. In: Mathew J, Swaminathan M,
Ayoub C, editors. Clinical manual and review of transesophageal echocardiography (2nd edn.).
New York: McGraw Hill; 2010. p. 1–8.
[2] Bulwer B, Shernan S, Thomas J. Physics of echocardiography. In: Savage R, Aronson S, Shernan S,
editors. Comprehensive textbook of perioperative transesophageal echocardiography (2nd edn.).
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 26–30.
[3] Halberg LI, Thiele KE. Extraction of blood flow information using Doppler-shifted ultrasound.
Hewlett-Packard Journal 1986;34(12):35–40.
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CHAPTER Quantitative M-mode
and Two-dimensional
6 Echocardiography
Varun Dixit, John C. Sciarra and Christopher J. Gallagher
Seeing the edges is easiest when the signal hits the objects at
90 degrees. (Don’t get fooled here, Doppler does best at 0 degrees or
180 degrees, but the best 2-D images are picked up when the beam is
90 degrees to the object.) The clearest edges are right down the middle
of the image. Picking out edges along the side is trickier, less clear.
Knowing where the edge ends is important when you are looking at ven-
tricular function. Good function shows good wall thickening and good
chamber emptying. Without seeing the edges clearly, it’s hard to read
either wall thickening or chamber emptying.
M-mode gives you a good edge, but to make sense of those squiggles
I think you need the $250 Italian leather designer shoes and snappy silk
ties of the cardiologist.
When measuring “where is the real live edge” in the ventricle, the back of
the mid-papillary muscle view is the most appropriate. Then, the whole
deal centers on where does the blood stop and where does the ventri-
cle start. For this, you are best off using contrast, as noted above. Other
than that anemic explanation, I don’t know beans about how they’d ask
you a test question on “Edge Components”.
40 Board Stiff TEE
Anything that takes more scan lines will slow down your temporal resolu-
tion. In other words, anything that makes the transducer process more
data will slow it down. That makes sense, if you think about it. Even your
PC at home, when processing a lot of stuff at once, slows down.
The aortic valve can be evaluated in different views but one of the best
for M-mode is the mid-esophageal long-axis view. On the right-hand cor-
ner is the view through the ME AV LAX view and the cursor is through the
aortic valve. If you press the M-mode button on your ECHO machine,
you will get this image. Let’s try to make sense of this picture.
First you will see the chest wall. The next hypoechoic shadow is the
right ventricular outflow tract. The next ‘ice pick’ line you get is the
aortic anterior wall.
Chapter 6 Quantitative M-mode and Two-dimensional Echocardiography 41
The ‘box car’ represents the cusp separation of the aortic valve.
The second ice pick line is the posterior wall of the aorta. Behind the
posterior wall is the left atrium, depending your view.
The picture explains the same landmarks in greater details. Try to corre-
late the diagram shown below with the real life ECHO picture above.
The diagram shown on the left is of an aortic valve in case of aortic ste-
nosis. Try to appreciate the small cusp separation, and the thickened
cusps of the aortic valve (small box cars). Cusp separation below 8 mm
represents severe aortic stenosis. Always correlate the M-mode with the
Again, the mitral valve can reviewed in various views, in fact it should be
evaluated in different views. One of the easiest is to get the mid-esophageal
four-chamber view and then get the curser through the mitral valve and hit
the M-mode button.
In the image shown above, the first hypoechoic image will be of the left
atrium. Then there will be the mitral valve leaflets.
Note, the two leaflets of the mitral valve move in M-shaped mirror image
pattern in diastole. At the onset of systole the two leaflets come together
and generate the first heart sound.
42 Board Stiff TEE
The next ‘ice picked’ line is the inter-ventricular septum (IVS). The IVS
will move inwards during the systole as the left ventricle contracts, and
at the same time the posterior wall of the left ventricle moves anteriorly
as it contracts. From this view the end-systolic and end-diastolic mea-
surments can be calculated. It is also possible to make measurements
of the left ventricular wall thickness. The left ventricular end-diastolic
dimension is measured at the onset of the QRS complex.
Even someone with little echo experience can see pretty quickly that
the heart is functioning well but is empty (give volume!) or the heart is
Chapter 6 Quantitative M-mode and Two-dimensional Echocardiography 43
This is worth dwelling on for a moment, not so much for the test, but for real
life. Plus, you will hear this lesson over and over and over again in this book.
REAL LIFE NOTE You’re in the OR, or the unit, and a patient has unexplained
hypotension. Is it hypovolemic shock or cardiogenic shock? Or is this cardiac
tamponage? Or has the patient low SVR due to sepsis? Maybe you have a Swan,
but then the numbers might be ambiguous. Does a PA of 30/15 mean empty or full?
What were the baseline numbers? Is the Swan working OK? Maybe you don’t have a
Swan. Now, what do you delay while you try to get in a Swan? What if the Line Gods
are not with you and you have a hard time sticking the neck, or the subclavian, or the
femorals? Now what?
BINGO! Put in a TEE. Just like that you’ll SEE what’s going on and
won’t have to INFER anything! Tamponade? You’ll see it, you won’t
have to figure whether the numbers support it. LV failure? You’ll see
it. Empty (say your patient had an allergic reaction and the SVR is
zippo)? You’ll see it.
When you are in trouble, transesophageal echo may keep you from
With a true long-axis or short-axis view, you can get the fractional area of
the ventricle with the following equation:
(End diastolic) (End systolic)
Fractional area of contraction
End diastolic
You can trace an outline of the ventricle at diastole and systole and
run the numbers, but most often you just eyeball it and make your own
assessment. Errors in LVEF estimates can be diminished by increased
experience of the echocardiographer, the use of cine loop technology,
and frequent, continuous training for quality improvement.3
You can go a little more gaga on this measurement stuff. Measure, for
example, the area of the LVOT, measure a VTI there, then you’ll get the
Stroke volume cross-sectional area ∞ velocity-time index
44 Board Stiff TEE
Once you have the stroke volume, multiply that by the heart rate and you
have the cardiac output. There you have it, a geometric way to calculate
the LV function.
Spectral? Things get a little hairier here. The fancy gadgets we have
nowadays can filter out the high-velocity, low-amplitude signals of blood
flow, and reveal the high-amplitude, low-velocity signals of cardiac tissue
itself. So instead of looking at how the heart moves the blood, you look
at how the heart itself moves.
Too cool.
From this examination of the heart tissue itself, you can judge strain (a
dimensionless quantity that shows the percentage change from a resting
state to one achieved following the application of a force [that force is
called stress]).
5. A patient admitted for CABG has central crushing chest pain. You
place a TEE probe and, guess what, you got M-mode. What ECHO
findings will you see during systole?
A. Reduced wall motion
B. No systolic thickening
C. Normal ventricular thickness
D. All of the above
[1] Perrino AC, Reeves ST. In: A practical approach to transesophageal echocardiography, 2nd ed.
Lippincott: Williams & Wilkins; 2003.
[2] Feigenbaum H. Role of M-mode technique in today’s echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocradiogr
[3] Mathew JP, Fontes ML, Garwood S, et al. Transesophageal echocardiography interpretation:
a comparative analysis between cardiac anesthesiologists and primary echocardiographers.
Anesth Analg 2002;94:302–9.
[4] Pellerin D, Sharma R, Elliott P, Veyrat C. Tissue Doppler, strain, and strain rate echocardiography
for the assessment of left and right systolic ventricular function. Heart 2003;89(Suppl. 3):iii9–iii17.
[5] Gila Perk Paul A, Tunick Itzhak Kronzon. Non-Doppler two-dimensional strain imaging by echo-
cardiography—from technical considerations to clinical applications. J Am Soc Echocardiogr
CHAPTER Quantitative Doppler
7 Christopher J. Gallagher, Christina Matadial
and Jadelis Giquel
Another thing they might be driving at here is PISA, the proximal iso-
velocity surface area.
(broad river)
This, too, is gone over ad nauseum in Chapter 3, but here goes. As blood
flow converges toward a tight spot (Analogy? Think of a broad river com-
ing to a narrow gorge), the flow will speed up. At a certain concentric 47
48 Board Stiff TEE
area, the flow should all be at the same speed as the “chaos” of a broad
river becomes the “organized tightness” of a narrow channel. This area
will, when measured by color flow Doppler, hit the Nyquist limit and will
start aliasing. Red flow will become blue, for example, in a semicircle.
You can measure the area of this by the equation
Area = 2 × pi × radius squared × angle / 180
This gets into the realm of the material in Chapter 3, the volume equa-
tions you use to measure valve areas, cardiac outputs, stroke volumes,
and the like. The sample problems in that chapter illustrate better than
this explanation, but here goes.
The main volume you will lug around through the heart is best thought of
as a cylinder of blood. You will make various area measurements (area is
0.785 × diameter squared) and “length” measurements (the TVI, or time-
velocity integral, which you get by outlining the flow through an area,
and then the echo machine computer spits out a TVI, the integrated area
under the flow curve).
A million times, you will make these measurements and apply them to
get valve areas. Yeah, verily, I say unto you, do all the problems in the
hemodynamics section and you will see what all of this means.
Diameter TVI
Put calipers
Measure flow
Delta pressure = 4 × velocity squared
Delta pressure = 4 × (2 meters / second) squared = 16 mmHg
So how does all this cool stuff translate into valve areas? Look no fur-
ther than the continuity equation (which was mentioned at least 4 million
times during the meeting). The continuity equation says this:
Characteristically, you will have the area at one place and a velocity
(which you can then outline, get a TVI, and thus have a “length”) at the
same place. Then you get a velocity (which you again outline and thus
get a “length” by the same TVI gig) at an unknown valve, and solve for
that valve area by cross multiplying and dividing.
A typical example involves the LVOT (where you can figure the area and
get a TVI) and the aorta (where you can get a TVI but don’t know the
Area LVOT × TVI LVOT × TVI aortic valve × area aortic valve
50 Board Stiff TEE
will equal
The cylinder the cylinder
of blood of blood
out the through the
aortic valve mitral valve
(Area × TVI) (Area × TVI)
You can flip it, turn it, bake it, braise it, blacken it, serve it with tartar
sauce or salsa—the continuity equation is always a variant of this theme.
Even in the “spooky” realm of PISA, you are still just doing the same
thing, using the continuity equation:
Area PISA × velocity PISA = velocity other valve × area other valve
The unknown is the area of the other valve. You cross multiply and divide
and there you have it. Note that in PISAville, you don’t use the TVI; rather,
you use a velocity. All is well, though, because you use a velocity on the
other side of the equation, too, so the units cancel out. But you’re still
working the continuity idea.
Now, use your common sense and figure this out: Where is the high-
pressure end of this gradient, and where is the low-pressure end? Recall
that this will be specific to the cardiac cycle. So, for example, if you have
mitral regurgitation, then during systole, you will have high pressure in
the left ventricle, a gradient across the mitral valve as the blood flows
backward into the atrium, and a low “leftover” pressure in the left atrium:
Ventricular systolic pressure − pressure lost across regurgitant valve
= left atrial pressure
If you have, say, mitral stenosis, then during diastole, the high-pressure
area will be the left atrium, the pressure gradient will be “pressure lost”
crossing the mitral valve as blood struggles to get into the left ventricle,
and the “leftover” pressure will be the left ventricular pressure. (Assuming
no aortic regurgitation muddies the waters.)
Chapter 7 Quantitative Doppler 51
then you can figure any of these “what’s the pressure in chamber or ves-
sel X?” questions.
High Pressure
In systole, as seen on tissue Doppler, the heart tissue moves away from
the transducer. The first movement, S1, is isovolumic contraction. The
second movement, S2, is systolic shortening velocity.
In diastole, there are also two velocities. Both are toward the transducer.
The first diastolic movement, E velocity, corresponds to the rapid filling
of the ventricle in early diastole. The second diastolic velocity, A velocity,
corresponds to the atrial contraction.
During the meeting they showed some tissue Doppler, but not too much.
Just know that it exists and know what S1, S2, E velocity, and A velocity are.
52 Board Stiff TEE
Gorcsan III J, Diana P, Ball BS, et al. Intraoperative determination of cardiac output by tranesopha-
geal continous wave Doppler. Am Heart J 1992;123:171–6.
Haltle L, Angelsen B. In: Doppler ultrasound in cardiology: physical principles and clinical applica-
tion. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1982.
Chapter 7 Quantitative Doppler 53
Heimdal Andreas. Doppler based ultrasound imaging methods for noninvasive assessment of tissue
viability. NTNU 1999.
Muhiuden IA, Kuecherer HF, Lee E, et al. Intraoperative stimation of cardiac output by tranesopha-
geal pulsed Doppler echocardiography. Anesthesiology 1991;74:9–14.
Powis RL, Schwartz RD. In: Practical Doppler ultrasound for the clinician. Baltimore: Williams &
Wilkins; 1991:171–172.
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CHAPTER Doppler Profiles and
8 Assessment of Diastolic
Christopher J. Gallagher and John C. Sciarra
TEST NOTE Anyone who ever took the test will attest to one thing:
The big Mammas of the valve world are the mitral and aortic, with whole
lectures dedicated to each one individually. The tricuspid and pulmonic
valves usually get lumped together, like third-class steerage passengers
on the Titanic. It’s a safe bet that you should put your efforts into the
mitral and aortic valves. But, let’s soldier on through the tricuspid valve.
The tricuspid valve has (duh) three cusps. Set in a (normally) low-
pressure system, the tricuspid doesn’t “have to” function perfectly. You
will normally see some regurg here. Think about it; sometimes the tricus-
pid valve is removed and not even replaced, and the heart continues to
function. Try that with the aortic valve!
You get a dandy view of the tricuspid in the “easiest” view to get, the ME
four-chamber. The ME RV inflow–outflow view also gives you a shot at
the tricuspid.
Focusing your Doppler on the tricuspid valve will tell you just how severe
the tricuspid regurg is. The regurg is severe if:
n The jet area is greater than 10 cm squared
n The jet area-to-right atrial area is greater than 67%
n The vena contracta width (narrowest width of the regurgitant jet) is
>6.5 cm squared
n The tricuspid jet intensity is >65% of antegrade flow
n The tricuspid annular dimension is >34 mm at end systole
Also, if the hepatic vein flow profile shows systolic flow reversal, that also
indicates severe tricuspid regurgitation. If you think about it, that makes
sense. When the heart contracts, if the tricuspid valve doesn’t work, the
blood flows back into the right atrium and just keeps on flowing backward,
56 Board Stiff TEE
backward, backward, all the way back into the inferior vena cava and back
further into the hepatic vein (which feeds into the inferior vena cava).
Look at your model of the heart again. The pulmonary valve is the far-
thest away valve in the heart. No surprise, then, that you sometimes have
a hard time getting a good look at it. And getting a good Doppler study
through it can be a real pain.
Fortunately, a kind Providence has given us a few good views of the pul-
monic valve. The ME RV inflow–outflow view works. If you get that aortic
valve in a good en face view (the Mercedes Benz sign), then you will get
a 90-degree view of the pulmonic valve.
Another view (not quite as easy to get) is the UE aortic arch SAX view.
This view gives you a better chance at getting a Doppler shot down the
pipe of the pulmonic valve.
When you Doppler-ifize the pulmonic valve, you will see some regurg,
especially if there is a PA catheter straddling the valve. As with other
valves, you can get an impression of the degree of regurg by looking at
the size and depth of the regurgitant jet. A big jet means a lot of regurg,
a little jet means a little regurg. (Aren’t you glad you went to school for
years and years to be able to figure out such complex stuff?)
Since the pulmonic valve lies far afield from the echo probe, getting more
quantitative than that just ain’t in the works.
Chapter 8 Doppler Profiles and Assessment of Diastolic Function 57
When you see PR, it’s worth thinking about what might be causing it. As with
other valves, a poorly functioning valve (endocarditis, carcinoid syndrome,
congenital defect) may account for the blood flowing backward. Also, high-
pressure “downstream” of the valve (pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary
embolus) may “overwhelm” a normal valve and cause regurgitation.
How the blood flows into the ventricle tells a lot about the ventricle’s
function during diastole. If the heart is healthy, springy, and not stiff, then
the blood will flow in easily. If the heart is sick, stiff, and nonresilient, then
the blood will have to “work hard” to fill the ventricle.
LA LA Tough
Easy to
flow get
LV LV blood
in there
The pump doesn’t work, but the concept of diastolic dysfunction is tough.
The world would be a nice place if the mitral inflow patterns were a
First, I’ll blast through the patterns, then I’ll go back and try to drag you
through the reasoning. PLOW THROUGH THIS STUFF SLOWLY, AND
58 Board Stiff TEE
Now, the reasoning behind the patterns. (The first part is easy—the
second is a bit sticky.)
Side note: to acquire the E/A ratio, place the pulse wave circle thing at
the tip of the mitral leaflets. For the pulomonary flow go way to the top of
the left atrium and put the PW there. You may have to ask a professional
for help with this.
The E wave shows the rapid inflow of blood into the ventricle when the
mitral valve opens. This E wave then peters out, there is a time of diasta-
sis (no pressure difference, hence no flow), then the atrium contracts and
there is a second inflow of blood called the A wave.
In your mind’s eye, make the heart a little stiffer, a little less compliant.
When the mitral valve opens now, the blood has a harder time rushing
into the left ventricle (like trying to blow air into a stiffer balloon; it’s just
harder to do, so less goes in). The E wave, then, is blunted. Now the
atrium, which didn’t empty too well, is still sort of full, so when the atrium
contracts, the A wave will be a little bigger.
The E-to-A ratio has reversed, as seen in the second pattern in the figure
at the top of this page.
It would be great if things just stopped right here, because up until now,
it’s quite easy to follow.
Boom. Done.
Chapter 8 Doppler Profiles and Assessment of Diastolic Function 59
Alas, from here on out, it gets a little tougher. This is where it pays to look
at a bunch of different books (Otto; the TEE review course syllabus) and
see how this is explained.
Now, let time pass and the heart gets yet more noncompliant and yet
stiffer. Now, the atrium really fills up a lot, from a long-standing battle to
push blood into the ventricle. When the mitral valve opens, blood now
rushes in, not due to a compliant ventricle accepting the blood easily,
but from an overfilled atrium ramming the blood down the ventricle’s
throat. Then, when the atrium contracts, some more blood is added to
the ventricle.
Net result? The third pattern in the figure at the top of page 58, pseudo-
normalization of the E-to-A ratio.
But wait, that E-to-A ratio looks just like the first pattern, that of the
groovy heart with good compliance! It looks normal, but how can that be,
because we know it’s abnormal!
Every test-taker in the galaxy just asked himself or herself the same
“On the test, and for that matter in real life, how do I know the difference between
a normal and a pseudonormal pattern?”
Valsalva Maneuver
If you perform a Valsalva maneuver and cut off venous return to the
heart, a pseudonormal pattern will go “back one step” to a noncompli-
ant pattern (the easy-to-understand blunted E wave). Why? By cutting
60 Board Stiff TEE
off venous return with your Valsalva maneuver, you don’t let the atrium
“supercharge” with volume and “overwhelm” the noncompliant ventricle.
Sit and think about that for just a minute. If you can really satisfy your-
self that that works, you go a long way toward really understanding this
whole diastolic dysfunction mess.
Another way to tell is to look at the inflow pattern of the pulmonary veins.
Normally, the pulmonary veins have the pattern shown in the figure below:
Normal or Pseudonormal?
Look at PV flow
S D A Blunt S S D A
Big D
Big A
But when the heart is noncompliant, then the pulmonary veins can’t rush
blood forward so well during systole, so the S wave is blunted and the D
wave is heightened. (You can think of this “blunted” pulmonary venous
pattern as similar to the blunted E wave and heightened A wave of the
“first stage of diastolic dysfunction” that you see in a mitral flow pattern.)
To recap:
Another aspect of the pulmonary venous inflow is this: the small amount
of flow reversal in the normal heart (causing a small A wave) becomes a
big amount of flow reversal in the stiff heart (causing a large A wave).
There are a bunch more indicators that you can use to know the differ-
ence between normal and pseudonormal, but they’re a killer to memo-
rize (your humble author having tried and failed to do just that). If you
go over the reasons given above and really understand what’s going on,
then you’ll “get” diastolic dysfunction.
Chapter 8 Doppler Profiles and Assessment of Diastolic Function 61
Let more time pass and make that heart just as stiff as stiff can be. Now
the pattern gets distinct enough to differentiate from the normal pattern,
as shown in the fourth pattern in the figure at the top of page 58: restric-
tive or really bad.
What you are seeing is a thin spike of high pressure as a totally over-
amped atrium fires into a rock of ventricle. Pressure rises high and fast
and falls off fast. Note how thin the E wave is. Then the A wave is just
a tiny little thing, because the atrium is so stretched out that it doesn’t
have much “oomph” of its own left over.
For completeness’ sake, study the Doppler patterns of the other valves,
Bigger! Like a
S2 Down! dagger!
Tissue Pulmonary
Doppler vein flow
Notice how the IVRT (isovolumic relaxation time) changes. See how
the D wave in the pulmonary vein flow dips in diastolic dysfunction,
then goes up in pseudo-normalization. Pay attention to the PV-Ar (the
atrial reversal part of pulmonary vein flow). Look at how the DT (decel-
eration time) changes during the E phase of the mitral inflow. Try to
imagine these flows happening in the heart and memorize these subtle
This table is graphic and quite precise, but each drawing has a number
associated with it. On a test, you may see the image on a screen, or you
may just be given the numbers. So here is a table of the numbers. Note,
these are not iron clad. Textbooks argue over absolutes, so you may see
different numbers in different texts.
62 Board Stiff TEE
The first (and in my case, nearly every) time you try to get this view, you
will advance the probe deep, deep into the stomach, you will anteflex it,
pull back and…and…and you get a transgastric mid–short-axis view. The
bouncing donut view.
You try again, you put that probe in so far you figure you’ll be seeing the
toenails soon, then you bend the probe back and you get…the stupid
transgastric view again!
Try again. Here’s an example to help guide you. Say you’re in to 50 cm at
the teeth. Advance all the way to 60 cm, then anteflex all the way that the
handle can go and come back slowly, ever so slowly. You just might get
it. Keep in mind that, even in experienced hands, this deep transgastric
long-axis view is just not gettable in 30% of patients.
If you ever DO get the damned view, then you can lay your Doppler
right across the valve and get a reading. One problem? You would love
to get a specific flow at a specific point (which means you want pulsed
Chapter 8 Doppler Profiles and Assessment of Diastolic Function 63
Doppler) but the flow through the aortic valve is very fast (pulsed Doppler
would alias) so you have to go with continuous wave when analyzing the
aortic valve. There is range ambiguity then, and if the flow is faster in
another spot (say the patient has subaortic stenosis), then you will get
the “fastest” signal from the subaortic spot rather than the valve itself.
TEST NOTE The pulsed wave versus the continuous wave comes up again and
again. Make sure each time you understand WHY you use WHICH ONE.
Absolutely cannot, cannot, get the deep transgastric long-axis view? You
can get a less-than-perfect but still usable view with the transgastric long
Note that the alignment isn’t as perfect as the true blue deep transgastric
long-axis view.
REAL WORLD NOTE Getting these views and reading a gradient across the
aortic valve is no ivory tower exercise. When surgeons do a myomectomy for IHSS
or place a new valve that “might be too small,” they really want to know those
gradients because it may determine the success or failure of the procedure. Make
sure you do a few gradients on routine cases before you “have to” after an aortic
valve or interventricular septum procedure.
This was already touched upon in the discussion of mitral valve inflow
and diastolic dysfunction, but it bears repeating.
Yes! Anytime you are wondering about a structure, you can always lay
a Doppler across it and see what gives. Especially when you wander up
into views of the aorta or other great vessels, you might see a circle or
tube and wonder, “Well, what the Sam Hill is that?” If a patient has dis-
torted anatomy (lymphomatous nodes squishing this and that), you can
get mixed up with “is that the aorta coming around, or an innominate
vein, or what?”. Doppler will at least tell you if you have an arterial or a
venous wave pattern.
64 Board Stiff TEE
Remember the tricuspid valve? When that has regurgitant flow (as
already mentioned above), then you can always interrogate the hepatic
vein. Reversal of flow in the hepatic vein is consistent with severe tricus-
pid regurgitation.
Whip that damned Doppler all over the place, it will tell you all kinds of
9. DT stands for:
A. Decompression time
B. Default time
C. Deceleration time
D. Down time
E. Adventure time
Chapter 8 Doppler Profiles and Assessment of Diastolic Function 65
1. C.
2. This guy is normal. Look at the diagram or the table. If you got this
one wrong, go back and draw the wave forms.
3. Here our E/A looks normal, but the PVF is abnormal, so it is pseudo-
normal relaxation.
4. The E/A ratio is huge so you hardly need any more information than
that—restrictive filling.
6. The E wave is in the normal range, but the DT and IVRT fall in the
pseudonormal range—so pseudonormal it is.
7. Normal.
8. Pseudonormal.
9. C. Deceleration time.
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9 Cardiac Anatomy
Christopher J. Gallagher and John C. Sciarra
Time to go back to the model and the pie-shaped slice of imaging that
comes out of the echo probe.
These imaging planes tie in with the BIG 20 views of the heart. These
are the 20 views detailed in THE ARTICLE by Shanewise et al on
echo.1 The 20 views are also detailed a million times over on differ-
ent internet sites. Google “University of Toronto: TEE” for a great tuto-
rial. This article and the 20 views detailed therein are the absolute crux
of the TEE experience. Photocopy those 20 views and tape them to
your TEE machine. Every time you examine a patient, try to get all the
20 views. Get in the habit of “examining everything every time”. If not,
you’ll just look at the “thing of interest” and you’ll miss something else.
Also, getting all 20 views will sharpen your TEE probe-wiggling skills.
Shanewise gives the lecture on the “standard exam”—meaning the 20
views—and he says he can do it in 7 minutes, before the patient is even
Shanewise has thrown down the gauntlet. Can you do it that fast?
Here is our version of the 20 views. Notice it is not labeled. That is your
job. As you read through this book label every structure on these 20
images. Yes, you can write on the book. You did buy your own, didn’t
68 Board Stiff TEE
0° 90° 120° 0°
0° 90° 0° 90°
TEST NOTE AND REAL LIFE NOTE Know these views cold. Know each structure
in each view. Imagine you are learning a new language that has a 20-letter
alphabet. These 20 views are the letters of that alphabet.
The imaging planes for these views are divided into distinct “layers,”
though, in reality, you slide gradually from one view to another rather
than making jerky quantum leaps.
RV LV wall
RV free
Interventricular Inferior
septum or ME 4 Chamber wall ME 2 Chamber
septal wall Best “initial” view Know those walls!
Important for coronary anatomy
Chapter 9 Cardiac Anatomy 69
PM papillary
AL papillary
Antero- RV
wall LV
Anterior leaflet of MV— Great for LV function
Note how close to AV!
Post. leaflet
LV Ant. leaflet
TG 2 Chamber TG Basal SAX
P1 Benz”
AV Doppler
“shot” for
AV gradient
just above AV
RV Tricuspid valve
inflow outflow
ME RV Inflow-Outflow TG RV Inflow
Right pulm.
artery PA
Aorta Main pulm. Aorta
Aorta Aortic
Look for Here’s where you see Arch can be Can shoot Doppler
dissections. artifacts like double- hard to see due down pulmonic
barrelled aortas. to bronchi. valve here.
Chapter 9 Cardiac Anatomy 71
The four-chamber view gives you your best “initial impression” and a
good look at most of the major stuff in the heart. It’s what you first see
when you’re just starting TEEology.
When you show this view, most medical people can immediately grasp
what’s going on because it looks like a drawing of the heart. If you
have a med student, ICU nurse, surgeon, or someone else looking on,
this view shows you all four chambers of the heart (hence the name),
the lateral and septal walls, and the mitral and tricuspid valves. What a
And, niftier still, if you just rotate the view 90 degrees, you get the two-
chamber view and see the inferior and anterior walls. Rotate 90 more
degrees, and you get the long-axis view, revealing the anteroseptal and
posterior walls. Voila! You’ve seen all the walls of the heart.
As time passes, you’ll get to know what each view can “do” for you.
Now go transgastric, and you see all this stuff in cross section.
This systematic look at the walls of the heart will help us later when we
study coronary anatomy. (Preview: By knowing which wall you’re look-
ing at and which coronary feeds it, you can tell which coronary vessel is
not working. Ischemia leads to wall motion abnormalities and bingo! You,
Sherlock Holmes, MD, will nail the diagnosis.)
Knowing which wall is which seems a little tough at first, but a little brutal
memorization early on will pay off handsomely later.
Need a little crutch? Try this. Draw a cross section first and get those
walls down. Then, draw lines connecting each to its opposite wall.
That will get you to link these walls in pairs and keep you from getting
mixed up.
72 Board Stiff TEE
We will break these walls down further into segments later on, in
(Segmental Left Ventricular Systolic Function) of this outline. But before
you can know the wall segments, you need to know the walls them-
selves, so work on just that for now.
The mitral valve is between the left atrium and the left ventricle.
The aortic valve is between the left ventricle and the aorta.
The tricuspid valve is between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
The pulmonic valve is between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery.
All valves have three leaflets except the mitral valve, which has two.
Too simple for you? Believe it or not, it’s worth reviewing because, in a
test or in a hairy case, you can and do get amped out and go, “Wait,
that’s the…uh…”.
Again, this is Med School redux, but it’s worth rehashing to make sure
you have it all down ice cold.
Break it down into sections. Since it’s a “cycle”, you can start wherever
you want.
Atrium contracts, blood flows through the mitral valve into the left
ventricle. And on the right side? Atrium contracts there, too, and
blood flows from the right atrium into the right ventricle. Is more going
on? Well, yes. There is some backward flow into the pulmonary veins
at the time of atrial contraction, too. And on the right side? Does it
make sense there might be a little backward flow there too? (There
are, after all, no valves to prevent it.) Yes, by golly, there is a little
backward flow there, too, into the two “feeders” of the right atrium,
the inferior and superior venae cavae. Should there be a little back-
ward flow down the coronary sinus? That, too, lacks any valves to
prevent backward flow. My guess (I never read this or heard it men-
tioned in any lecture) is yes.
God all fishhooks, Batman, all that going on just with the stupid P wave.
I thought this section would be simple!
Oh, that was easy, not nearly so complex as that damned P wave.
After the ventricles are done contracting, the aortic and pulmonic valves
close, and the ventricles continue to relax (isovolumic relaxation) until the
pressure falls so low that the mitral and pulmonic valves can open and
start filling the ventricles.
That’s what goes on with the heart itself. It’s worth taking a second look
at this stuff. This time we’ll look at the CVP and the SGC and review what
goes on and when.
All those descents and letters and stuff are a pain in the ass, no doubt.
(Sort of like the Kreb’s cycle; you memorize it a few times in school, then
promptly forget it after the test.) But, alas, the docs giving the TEE review
course went over these more than once, so it looks like you have to learn
it again.
3. In the figure titled “20 views”, the artery that supplies E is:
1. LAD
2. RCA
3. Circ
4. PDA
5. Palm treo PDA
4. In the figure titled “20 views”, the artery that supplies F is:
1. LAD
2. RCA
3. Circ
4. PDA
5. Femoral
Chapter 9 Cardiac Anatomy 75
[1] Shanewise JS, Cheung AT, Aronson S, et al. ASE/SCA Guidelines for performing a comprehen-
sive intraoperative multiplane transesophageal echocardiography examination: recommenda-
tions of the American Society of Echocardiography Council for Intraoperative Echocardiography
and the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Task Force for Certification in Perioperative
Transesophageal Echocardiography. Anesth Analg 1999;89:870–84.
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CHAPTER Pericardium and Extra-
10 Cardiac Structures:
Anatomy and Pathology
Enrique Pantin and F. Luke Aldo
There are so many things surrounding the heart that no one pays atten-
tion to!
It is all about the heart though, so who cares about all that other stuff.
Right? Wrong!
Like a lot of things in life, we forget that it is not about the “prima donna”,
but about the team! After all, there is no “I” in team, but wait a second,
there is a “ME”. Alright, never mind, let’s move on!
78 Board Stiff TEE
The aortic root (“B” in the image above) is one of the structures the peri-
cardium covers, so if the root decides to rupture, well that patient is so
out of luck… cold and dead! As in ruptured aortic root dissection with
exsanguination into the pericardial sac→pericardial tamponade→that
light at the end of the tunnel…
n Spleen.
n Kidneys.
n Other stuff like the tongue could be seen but it won’t be TEE but
oral ultrasound!
These are all members of the “extra-cardiac structures team”, they are
the majority, but this still sounds like a dictatorship by that narcissistic
As the TEE probe is advanced through the esophagus and into the stom-
ach we can image several structures besides the heart.
n Starting from the esophageal entrance we can see the main neck
vessels (the carotid arteries and internal jugular veins)
u can be used to guide central line placement, though I would NOT
recommend this in the awake patient!
n In the esophageal upper 1/3, we can see part or all of the arch
Chapter 10 Pericardium and Extra-Cardiac Structures: Anatomy and Pathology 79
Because the esophagus, our magic TEE window, is all the way in the
back of the chest, we decided to do a drawing from the esophageal
perspective. Then we took the back of our drawing away, including the
spine and rest of the bones, and applied some crude “X-ray” views to
see what lies in front of it. This is probably the only time the esophagus
finished first in a coronal view anatomical race. Congratulations Mr. “E”!
n trachea and lungs are gray
n stomach and esophagus are dotted gray/black
n rest of the structures are black
There are very few important questions about the extra cardiac struc-
tures in the fast-paced world of anesthesiology and acute care. Usually
questions include:
n “Is there a pericardial effusion or not?” and if there is,
u “is it tamponade or not?”
n “Is there an aortic dissection?”
n “Is there a transection?”
n “Is there an aneurysm?”
n “Is there a clot in the pulmonary artery or other evidence of a
pulmonary embolism?”
n “Is there a pleural effusion?”
The rest is by far secondary, technicalities we really don’t care too much
about! After all, we are here to diagnose cardiac abnormalities and things
that can immediately affect cardiac function, not to determine if the
patient had filet mignon or penne a la vodka for dinner last night!
moderate (1–2 cm)
large (>2 cm).
u speed of fluid accumulation is a key factor to determine how
fast the symptoms appear. Acutely an accumulation thicker
than 1 cm could be considered significant, and usually causes
u putting together the symptoms (hemodynamic compromise or
not) and the echo findings, a diagnosis of tamponade or not can
be made.
n The aorta ends at the level of the 4th lumbar vertebra with about
1.75 cm in diameter as it bifurcates into the common iliac arteries.
n The coronary arteries are the only branches of the ascending
n The arch gives origin to the innominate artery, left carotid and
left subclavian, although there are many anatomical variations that
these vessels can have.
n The descending aorta gives origin to intercostals and some
abdominal branches that often can be seen by TEE, like the celiac
trunk, superior mesenteric artery, and sometimes even the renal
n TEE can give a quick assessment of almost the entire aorta, from
origin to upper/mid abdomen. It is best to start your exam at the aortic
valve annulus and to try to follow the aorta all the way to the belly.
Aortic aneurysm, dissection, and atheroma are the 3 big things. The
good thing is that we know what these things look like in the anatomic
specimen. With TEE it is only black-and-white images.
Chapter 10 Pericardium and Extra-Cardiac Structures: Anatomy and Pathology 87
n An aneurysm is a dilation greater than 1.5 times the normal size for
that structure.
n The ascending aorta is much larger than the aortic root and
sinotubular junction in the image below…what could this be? Yes,
you are correct an aneurysm it is!
n Sometimes we don’t know what the normal size is, but comparing
to other areas of the same structure usually gives us a hint that
things are bigger than they should be!
n Aneurysms can be isolated or associated with a cardiovascular
problem like HTN, aortic valve disease (AS/AI/bicuspid aortic valve),
Marfan’s, etc.
n Ascending aortic dilation can cause secondary aortic valve
insufficiency as well.
n Aneurysms greater than 5 cm or a rapidly growing (>5 mm/year) are
often used as indications for surgery. These are most commonly
CT- or MRA-based diagnosis.
n Patients with Marfan’s or other connective tissue disorders usually
have other cardiovascular anomalies. Thus a complete exam must
be done.
n Aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva, like in any other portion of the
aorta, can also occur. Depending on which sinus is affected, it can
rupture into the right atrium (most commonly) or distort the annulus
and cause aortic valve insufficiency.
n Atheromas can take almost any shape and size, sometimes artistic,
mostly very scary! They can be flat, round, mountain looking,
pedunculated, mobile or not, as well as calcified or not.
n In this long-axis view of the descending thoracic aorta a large
atherosclerotic plaque can be seen, yes! that white blob attached to
the inner surface of the aorta.
n The bigger and more mobile they are, the higher risk for stroke and
embolic phenomena there is.
n We should define these plaques by their location, size (measure
from base to highest point), and if mobile or not.
n Aneurysm, dissection, and plaque can overlap in the same patient
making its management more complicated.
Aortic trauma is a distinct problem from dissection, but with the potential
of acute death as well—as opposed to chronic death? I tell you, my part-
ner was a bit sleepy when he wrote this stuff… .
n Most commonly occurs after blunt chest trauma, usually due to
high-speed impact.
n The aorta has several areas where it is relatively fixed (annulus to
heart, neck vessels, descending thoracic aorta fixed by intercostals)
to the chest and other areas where it is mobile (ascending and
n The aorta can rotate and twist at the aortic root, can bend at the
arch vessel area, and at the ligamentum arteriosum area.
n The aorta most commonly breaks at the root, arch vessel area, or at
its fixture at the ligamentum arteriosum area.
n If the transection is complete, kaput you are DEAD!
n Partial transections are what we see, and CT is the primary
diagnostic mode because it is part of the usual trauma workup.
n TEE can miss small tears in the arch and ligamentum area as they
are difficult to see with TEE due to tracheal interposition. Anyway
aortic shape disruption, adventitial hematoma, small evagination of
the wall, intraluminal hematoma, small flaps or tears can be seen.
Chapter 10 Pericardium and Extra-Cardiac Structures: Anatomy and Pathology 91
Why do we care?
n It can tell us a bit about the chronic pulmonary vasculature
strain it suffers with chronic severe mitral regurgitation, pulmonary
hypertension (primary or secondary to asthma, COPD, etc.), acute
or chronic pulmonary embolism, etc. In all chronic cases it gets
BIG, and we don’t mean fat, but dilated like a nice round Italian
n Did you know that a pulmonary embolism is one of the most
common causes of sudden unexpected intraoperative cardiac
arrest?!? But of course you knew! The other common causes
include acute myocardial ischemia, arrhythmias, tamponade, and
severe hypovolemia. ALL, but arrhythmias can have its diagnosis
“assisted” by TEE.
n As a rule made by us, the right (“R”) and left (“L”) pulmonary artery
should be 2/3 the diameter of the main pulmonary artery (“P”), and
the main PA and SVC (“S” = short-axis superior vena cava) should
be 2/3 of the ascending aorta (“A” = short-axis ascending aorta).
This “2/3” rule also applies to many other chambers and tubes in
the heart.
92 Board Stiff TEE
n In the image below, take note that the main PA has a similar
diameter to the ascending aorta, probably because there is some
chronic abnormality occurring with the PA.
Now what? We looked at the tubes going out of the heart. Now it’s time
for the incoming pipes.
Once you get a nice 4-chamber view from the mid-esophageal window,
center the right atrium (“R”) in the middle of the screen and multiplane to
about 90 degrees. Most of the time you will get a nice bicaval view with
the SVC at the right of the screen and the IVC at the left of the screen. If
you multiplane a bit more, to around 120–140 degrees, you will see the
“modified bicaval view” like the beautiful one we got below.
In this modified bicaval view, we can see the left atrium (“L”), the inter-
atrial septum and its thinner/thinner area (the fossa ovalis), the right
atrium (“R”), the SVC (“S”), the IVC (“I”), the entrance of the coro-
nary sinus (“C”), and the right atrial appendage with its typical broad
Chapter 10 Pericardium and Extra-Cardiac Structures: Anatomy and Pathology 93
base (“A”). The tricuspid valve (“T”) can also be partially seen, as well as
some of the right ventricle (“RV”).
If we advance the probe into the stomach following the IVC, we will see
the hepatic IVC (“I”) and the hepatic veins (“H”). Normally the IVC is less
than 2.5 cm in diameter. The hepatic veins can be used to assess the
inflow venous pattern as they lay parallel to the Doppler beam and thus
make it easier to evaluate with PWD or color flow Doppler.
Well, well we are not done, but from here on it is much easier!
n The azygos vein, trachea, thymus (in children), and spine can be
seen, but add very little in acute care.
n For fun we can see the stomach and its contents thus having an
idea if there is some significant gastric content.
n From the gastric window, the liver and spleen are easily identified.
n Within the liver, the inferior vena cava has a normal diameter
change with respiration, suggestive of normal CVP.
u if there is a lack of IVC diameter change or the IVC is dilated this
is suggestive of elevated CVP. This is an easy way to have an
idea about what is going on with the right heart.
n The right kidney and the hepato-renal space (Morrison pouch),
as well as the subdiaphragmatic area, will show any fluid
accumulation in the right upper quadrant.
n We leave the lung and pleural space for last.
u TEE exam is never complete if we do not look at the left and
right pleural spaces
u lung can be seen with its typical aerated pattern
u if there is lung atelectasis or condensation it looks like liver.
u pneumothorax is much more difficult to diagnose and we will
leave that for you to research!
u pleural effusions are easy to see, but we need to look for
them. The best view to start looking for pleural effusions is in
the descending aorta short-axis view. Anything we see in this
location, we will know belongs to the left chest, as seen in the
following image. This is a short-axis view of the descending
Chapter 10 Pericardium and Extra-Cardiac Structures: Anatomy and Pathology 95
aorta with normal lung (“L”), atelectatic lung which looks very
similar to the liver in echo (“A”), pleural effusion (“E”), and the
chest wall with the ribs and all (“C”).
n After we are done with the left chest we have two options, you can
just rotate to the right at the level of the atria until you find a right
effusion or normal lung. You could also simply find the liver and pull
the probe straight back from there until you see the right lung. Be
careful not to pull out so much or the TEE probe will come out of
the patient’s mouth!
Now it is your turn to grab that TEE probe and start trying to find all the
cool stuff we talked about. Lots of extra-cardiac stuff and many things to
see, some more important than others, but all fun!
Armstrong WF, Ryan T. In: Feigenbaum’s echocardiography, 7th edn. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
Baumgartner H, Hung J, Bermejo J, et al. Echocardiographic assessment of valve stenosis: EAE/
ASE recommendations for clinical practice. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2009;22:1–23.
Brown JM, O’Brien SM, WuChangfu et al. Isolated aortic valve replacement in North America com-
prising 108,687 patients in 10 years: changes in risks, valve types, and outcomes in the society
of thoracic surgeons national database. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009;137:82–90.
Isolated aortic valve replacement in North America comprising 108 687 patients in 10 years:
Changes in risks, valve types, and outcomes in the Society of Thoracic Surgeons National
Kisslo JA, Adams DB. Doppler Evaluation of Valvular Stenosis #3 <http://www.echoincontext.com/
Mathew J, Swaminathan M, Ayoub C. In: Clinical manual and review of transesophageal echocar-
diography, 2nd edn. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional; 2010.
Shanewise JS, Cheung AT, Aronson S, et al. ASE/SCA guidelines for performing a comprehensive
intraoperative multiplane transesophageal echocardiography examination: recommendations
of the American Society of Echocardiography Council for Intraoperative Echocardiography and
the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Task Force for Certification in Perioperative
Transesophageal Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1999;12:884–900.
Zoghbi WA, Enriquez-Sarano M, Foster E, et al. Recommendations for evaluation of the severity
of native valvular regurgitation with two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography. A report
from the American Society of Echocardiography’s Nomenclature and Standards Committee and
the Task force on valvular regurgitation, developed in conjunction with the American College of
Cardiology, Echocardiography Committee, the Cardiac Imaging Committee Council on Clinical
Cardiology, the American Heart Association, and the European Society of Cardiology Working
Group on Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2003;16:777–802.
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CHAPTER Pathology of the Cardiac
11 Valves
F. Luke Aldo and Enrique Pantin
Cardiac valves are like any other valve, they help direct flow in the
desired direction, and the cardiac ones have to do this about 3–3.5 billon
times without failing. I want the same warranty for my car!!! Simply, they
have to open completely and then close completely.
No matter which one we are talking about, the four cardiac valves all
have to do the same thing, open and close and nothing else… talk about
a boring job. The valves can only work if there is blood being pumped
through the heart, usually by the heart, but sometimes by a superhero
trying to save a life by pumping on the chest. There are only two main
problems with valves: insufficiency/leaky/open when it should be closed
and stenosis/narrowed/somewhat closed when it should be open. There
are however several reasons why they get messed up. Blood pumped
through relatively narrow holes (which the valves are) causes certain
blood velocity increases.
Valves and their supporting structures can sustain several types of dam-
age that can cause them to malfunction. For simplicity, valve dysfunction
has been categorized as stenosis or insufficiency. Before we continue
any further we must always make sure in cases of valvular stenosis that
the problem is at the valve level and not a sub- or supra-valvular ste-
nosis. It takes years to develop tight valves, and thus it takes a while to
cause problems. Leaky valves can occur over years, but also acutely. As 97
98 Board Stiff TEE
you can imagine, acute valve leakage is not well tolerated by the heart.
This often needs immediate medical intervention and usually surgical
repair as the heart has no time to compensate for the extra volume load.
Aortic valve stenosis due to senile calcific degeneration is the most com-
mon valve problem in the elderly (>65 years old). Is this really that old?!?
In the figure below we see a short-axis view of a normal aortic valve (A).
How nice and secure it looks closed, and when it opens a truck can drive
through its orifice! This figure is drawn anatomically correct, but as you
know when we do TEE, the top will be on the bottom, and the left will be
on the right. Unfortunately a lot of stuff in echo is not done anatomically
correct because some genius a long time ago decided to be fancy!
Rheumatic heart disease (B) is the most common cause of mitral stenosis
in general, and is a common cause of aortic stenosis in less developed
countries. Rheumatic disease starts with commissural fusion at the leaf-
let coaptation points and works its way outward towards the perimeter of
the valve. This early commissural calcification often gives the so-called
“hockey stick” appearance. As we mentioned earlier, in developed coun-
tries nobody beats senile calcific aortic stenosis (C). Here calcification
starts at the perimeter of the valve and works its way in toward the leaf-
let edges, which is the exact opposite of rheumatic disease progression.
Congenitally defective aortic valves (bicuspid, unicuspid, etc.) can get tight
much sooner. A bicuspid aortic valve (D) is the most common cause of
aortic stenosis in patients less than 55 years old. Note the upper and larger
lower valve leaflets fused with a clearly seen raphe, and the smaller left
coronary cusp. The valve comes defective from the factory and you can't
return it. Where is the consumer protection! Nature is definitely smarter
than us because they have no lawyers involved in their business!
Too much, just see the table below for a list of causes of valvular prob-
lems, not necessarily in any particular order.
Table 1
Aortic Calcific Calcific
Bicuspid Rheumatic
Rheumatic Myxomatous
Unicuspid Congenital
Annular dilation
Mitral Rheumatic Annular dilatation
Degenerative calcification Leaflet perforation
Hyperparathyroidism Ruptured chord
LES Ruptured papillary muscle
Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatic
Systemic carcinoid Dilated cardiomyopathy
Amyloid Prolapse
Post radiation Marfan
Tricuspid Rheumatic Annular dilation
Endomyocardial fibrosis Pulmonary hypertension
Carcinoid Right ventricular dilation
Ebstein's anomaly
Pulmonic Congenital Pulmonary hypertension
Rheumatic Annular dilation
Carcinoid Carcinoid
Sarcoma Marfan
Now we are really done! Just kidding, we will explore stenosis and regur-
gitation a bit more.
You already have read that there are several formulas used to calculate
blood velocity using the Doppler effect. Well it is quite simple and we
really only need to memorize two Doppler-derived formulas:
Continuity equation
There are a bunch of images and numbers used to categorize the degree
of valvular dysfunction. You should always look at the supra-valvular, val-
vular, and infra-valvular areas. For the aortic valve the mid esophageal long
and short axis, and then the deep transgastric views are ideal. The first
two will provide a lot of anatomical data and the last one is the best for
Doppler measurements. In the ME AV LAX view (during systole and dias-
tole) the areas above, below, and at the level of the valve can be examined
in 2-D and then color flow Doppler. The first image below is named Mid
Esophageal Aortic Valve LAX (Long Axis) view and is usually obtained at a
multiplane angle of about 130 degrees. The image was taken in ventricular
diastole; note that the mitral valve is open, and the aortic valve is closed.
LA = left atrium; P = posterior mitral valve leaflet; A = anterior mitral valve
leaflet (the anterior mitral leaflet is always the closest to the aortic valve);
LV = left ventricle; AO = ascending aorta. The anterior mitral leaflet in this
image corresponds to a segment of the mitral leaflet called “A2”. “A2”
length measurement correlates very closely with the ideal mitral valve ring
size that needs to be used when a surgeon performs a mitral valve repair in
cases of mitral regurgitation. Hey, you can teach this to your surgeon! The
second image is in ventricular systole. Notice the closed mitral valve and
the amount of mitral leaflet coaptation (arrow), usually greater than 8 mm.
A measurement of the aortic valve annulus is taken during systole (white
line). This is the best view to measure the aortic annulus.
Chapter 11 Pathology of the Cardiac Valves 101
At the valvular region, the annulus and leaflets must be closely examined.
You also must take a look at the chamber above and below the valve to
see the effects of the valvular problem on these chambers. Finally, in cases
of mitral or tricuspid insufficiency you must see how the regurgitation
affects the pulmonary or hepatic venous flow into the left or right atrium.
If the venous flow is reversed into the pulmonary or hepatic veins during
systole, there is a high chance that the valvular insufficiency is pretty bad!
Because we know you have such an open mind, we are going to talk
about the two valve problems at once! Not really talk, but just put some
stuff into a table. What do you expect? Don't you know by now we want
to finish writing this stuff! Just take a look at the table below, and then
take a deeper look. Dissect it, enjoy it, and try to make sense of it! We
show you several ways, but not all the ways the valve pathology can
present. For example, there could be aortic insufficiency due to calcified
leaflets or annular dilation. We will not talk about cardiac symptoms or
speed of development of the valvular problem, otherwise we’ll be here
forever and most likely you will fall asleep!
Now that we have an idea of what to look for we will try to grade the
severity of the valvular problem. PLEASE always make sure to set your
CFD scale ≥50 cm/s to avoid over reading flow patterns and scaring the
s#@* out of your surgeon after a mitral valve repair! It might be humorous
to try on April Fools day, but I wouldn’t make a habit out of it unless you:
(a) enjoy watching your surgeon stomp his feet like a 2-year-old child
who can’t get their way
(b) like to see him launch a scalpel across the room like he’s playing a
competitive game of darts
(c) want to hear him curse like a truck driver
(d) want to make him realize he is not the omnipotent deity he thought
he once was
(e) all of the above.
Table 2
AI NO NO YES Restricted Diastolic Dilated LV or Mostly normal Unchanged
normal LV
YES NO NO Normal but Tethered Diastolic Dilated LV or Mostly Dilated Unchanged
normal LV
AS NO YES or NO YES Restricted Systolic turbulent LVH Normal or
AS + AI NO YES or NO YES Restricted Systolic turbulent LVH Normal or Unchanged
diastolic dilated
MR YES NO NO Normal Systolic to LA Dilated LA Mild dilated LV Unchanged
blunted or reversed
depending on
NO NO NO Perforated Systolic to LA Dilated LA Mild dilated LV
NO NO NO Rupture chord or Systolic to LA Dilated LA Mild dilated LV
NO YES YES Restricted Systolic to LA Dilated LA Mild dilated LV
MS NO YES YES Restricted Flow convergence Dilated LA Normal size LV
to valve from LA
MS + MR NO YES YES Restricted Systolic to LA Dilated LA Normal or Similar to mitral
flow convergence dilated LV regurgitation
to valve from LA
AI = aortic insufficiency; AS = aortic stenosis; MR = mitral regurgitation; MS = mitral stenosis; LVH = left ventricular hypertrophy; CFD = color flow Doppler.
Chapter 11 Pathology of the Cardiac Valves 103
The following TEE web page is an AMAZING teaching tool, go there and
study it:
Done? Can you obtain the 20 standard views? Can you do more?
Excellent, then let's move on! We will start at the Mid Esophageal Four-
Chamber (ME4C) view that is obtained at a multiplane angle of ZERO
degrees. In this view we can see the atria (size, smoke, clots, append-
age, and veins draining into them), mitral and tricuspid valves, and both
ventricles all in one shot. Are we efficient or what?!? Below is the ME4C
view in ventricular diastole: RA = right atrium; AS = tricuspid valve
(A = anterior leaflet; S = septal leaflet); RV = right ventricle; LA left
atrium; AP = mitral valve (A = anterior leaflet segment “A3”; P = posterior
leaflet segment “P1”); and LV = left ventricle.
From there we have to decide if we want to start with the mitral or tri-
cuspid valve. Whatever valve we decide to check first, we turn our TEE
probe to make sure we place it in the middle of the screen. Then we
take a look at all its components in 2-D first. You want to see if the valve
looks normal, if it opens and how much, if there is motion restriction, and
if things are hanging from it or ruptured. After the 2-D exam a CWD to
measure the maximum velocity across the valve should be done. This is
super important in stenosis. Let’s talk a bit more about mitral/tricuspid
stenosis. With the CWD information we can calculate the mean pres-
sure gradients across the valve, by tracing and integrating (with the TEE
machine software) the area under the curve for the mitral or tricuspid dia-
stolic pressure tracing.
Mitral inflow patterns obtained with CWD can be seen below. All tracings
shown below the baseline mean that flow is moving away from the trans-
ducer, and all shown above, duh, mean that flow is moving towards the
transducer! You feel pretty smart, don't you? We decided to place several
patients in one drawing. “A” and “B” demonstrate normal CWD tracings
104 Board Stiff TEE
through the mitral valve in diastole and systole. The Doppler cursor is
placed running through the middle of the mitral valve. Take a look at a nor-
mal valve tracing during ventricular diastole “A”. You did notice the two
peaks of the “A” tracing right? The early one called the “E wave” repre-
sents passive ventricular filling, and the late one, the “A wave”, represents
additional ventricular filling due to the atrial kick. Yes indeed, the “A wave”
is named after the atrial kick. When the mitral valve closes, during ven-
tricular systole, we see a normal mitral valve tracing “B” (no Doppler sig-
nal in diastole because the valve is 100% competent). The next patient is
Mr. C with a typical severe mitral stenosis tracing “C”. Note the increased
velocity, the little “E wave” deceleration slope, and the large area under the
curve for “C”. This is reflective of a high gradient across the mitral valve, all
indicative of significant mitral stenosis. Finally, in the case of mitral regurgi-
tation we see patient “D”.
Another calculation we can do with the aid of the TEE machine software
is the pressure half time. The deceleration slope of the mitral “E” wave
is traced from the mitral inflow envelope generated by CWD and the
machine calculates a pressure half time number. The longer, slower, and
less complete it takes the atria to empty, the flatter the slope will be and
thus the smaller the valve size. Mitral valve area = 220/mitral pressure
half time, and tricuspid valve area = 190/TV pressure half time.
we look at the valve and multiplane to see all sides of the valve. In the
2-D image below, obtained in ventricular systole, it is pretty clear some-
one bit a piece off of the mitral valve leaflets and a gap can be seen. We
then turn on our secret weapon, CFD, and a large, gigantic, humongous
flare of color can be seen across the mitral valve. This is severe mitral
regurgitation. A wimpy barely visible flare across the tricuspid valve is
seen as well. This qualifies for trace tricuspid insufficiency. Please do not
panic, we all have a bit of tricuspid regurgitation and other flares as well.
Before you decide to make any "TEE diagnosis" make sure you interro-
gate the whole darn heart! Too often, we stand up with our heads held
high and announce to the world with a loud and proud voice that there is
no valvular problem or that the heart function is great! Then, a nanosec-
ond later we realize we missed the view that showed severe regurgitation
or that the patient had a humongous apical aneurysm and its effective
ejection fraction is only 5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few common ways to grade the severity of mitral and tricuspid regurgi-
tation are vena contracta measurements, regurgitant jet area, continuous
wave Doppler of the regurgitant jet, and pulmonary venous and hepatic
venous flows. If you want to get even sexier we can even obtain a PISA
(no, this has nothing to do with the Leaning Tower of Pisa…it stands for
proximal isovelocity surface area), which will be explained in another sec-
tion of this book, but if not then go read a more sophisticated echo book.
Vena contracta is simply a measurement of the narrowest portion of the
regurgitant jet, usually at the level of the leaflets. Obviously, the larger the
vena contracta the worse the regurgitation. The regurgitant jet area can be
obtained by simply tracing the jet with our magic trace button and track
ball on the TEE machine and the computer will spit out a number. It’s
that simple! CWD as we mentioned above will show different waveforms
depending upon the severity. A mild MR jet will have a soft density and will
be parabolic in shape, whereas a severe MR jet will be a very dense trian-
gular one. Lastly, we can explore flow reversal. If regurgitation is severe
enough it will affect even the veins draining into the cardiac chamber it is
leaking into. For example, normally during systole blood is flowing from
the pulmonary veins into the left atrium, but with severe MR, the regurgi-
tant jet is so powerful that it is actually reversing this flow and not allow-
ing the pulmonary veins to empty. Makes sense right? Of course it does!
The exact same thing applies to the hepatic venous flow when grading tri-
cuspid regurgitation. Now be careful, echocardiography is not about dis-
covering one finding in one specific view and slapping on a diagnosis. No!
Echocardiography is more like a murder mystery. You are Sherlock Holmes
and you are gathering as many clues as possible to solve the crime or in
this case make the diagnosis. The more clues you discover the more confi-
dent you can be in your diagnosis.
The pulmonic valve for TEE is like the red-headed step child that no one
likes. Why is this the case? The pulmonic valve is the furthest away from
our TEE probe and as a result, the hardest to image. In the case of pul-
monary regurgitation, there are no quantitative measurements to grade the
severity. We are left with making a qualitative assessment of the valve and
regurgitation. A thin jet with a narrow origin is likely mild and a large jet with
a wide origin is likely severe. Not very scientific we know. As for pulmonary
stenosis, a CWD can be shot down the valve to obtain a peak gradient.
Chapter 11 Pathology of the Cardiac Valves 107
Mild <36 mmHg
Moderate 36–64 mmHg
Severe >64 mmHg
The best view to shoot a CWD through the pulmonic valve is the upper
esophageal aortic arch short-axis view obtained at 90 degrees. One of
those 20 standard views that you are an expert at by now! This view is
nice because it allows for near parallel alignment of the CWD down the
pulmonic valve.
Wow, so many words! Finally we can discuss Mr. aortic valve. After get-
ting the valve in view we do the same stuff again. We evaluate the valve
with 2-D, look at the valve in a short and long axis, the annulus, and the
chamber before and after (LV and aorta). The Mid Esophageal Aortic
Valve SAX view of the aortic valve is obtained around 45 degrees of mul-
tiplane and allows for a pretty good view of the tricuspid and pulmonic
valves (“P”). Because the tricuspid is almost parallel to the Doppler cur-
sor, this view is commonly used to evaluate insufficiency or stenosis.
The aortic valve has 3 leaflets: a left coronary cusp (“L”), a right coronary
cusp (“R”), and a non-coronary cusp (“N”). Yes indeed, all are named
based upon the coronary arteries that originate from their location.
LA = left atrium; RA = right atrium; RV = right ventricle; and P = pul-
monic valve and main pulmonary artery.
Then again place the CFD over the valve. We will see systolic turbulent
flow after the valve in aortic stenosis, and diastolic blood flow across
the aortic valve if insufficient. In the picture below, we see the Mid
Esophageal Aortic Valve LAX view during ventricular systole. The two
following images are of the same patient, both in ventricular systole. On
your left, there is an aortic valve that does not visibly open, not even with
a microscope can we see an opening! We see that the mitral valve is
closed because… yes, you’re correct: the heart is in ventricular systole,
because the aortic valve does not open… not because it is lazy, but the
leaflets are stuck together… yes, correct again: this is how severe aor-
tic stenosis looks! The aortic valve leaflets are thickened and have areas
of calcification (top arrow) with posterior echo shadowing as the ultra-
sound has trouble seeing beyond the calcified area and thus the machine
just shows a black long triangular area after the severely calcified area
108 Board Stiff TEE
In our next set of two images, aortic valve insufficiency is seen after plac-
ing the CFD interrogation box over the aortic valve. In the image on the left,
obtained during ventricular diastole, trace insufficiency is seen. The image
at the right demonstrates a large color pattern (we know there is no color
in this book, but imagine it!) starting immediately from the subvalvular area
and extending into the left ventricle occupying the entire CFD box. Look
closely and you will also notice that the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve
has been pushed into the semi-closed position by the regurgitant jet. We
can see this more so on the right image in severe cases of AI.
Wider and longer color usually correlates with a more severe problem. If
the ventricular function is poor, systolic flow will be decreased as well.
Now that we are done with 2-D and CFD, it’s time to do CWD across
the valve. The transgastric views are the best views to shoot a CWD
across the aortic valve, as they allow parallel alignment of the Doppler
beam with the valve. The Deep Transgastric LAX view, obtained at ZERO
degrees, is shown below with the Doppler cursor in ideal position across
the aortic valve; RV = right ventricle, LV = left ventricle, LA = left atrium,
and A = aorta.
Chapter 11 Pathology of the Cardiac Valves 109
CWD cursor is seen across the LV, aortic valve, and proximal ascending
CWD systolic envelope with a peak velocity greater than 1.5 m/s is seen
in stenosis.
>1.5 cm² = Mild AS
1.5–1 cm² = Moderate AS
<1 cm² = Severe AS
These peak velocities are all nice, but if the ventricle is half dead (has
poor/crappy function) he is not able to generate large gradients even in
the presence of severe stenosis. One easy way to tell, besides looking
at the valve, is to measure the PWD at the LVOT and the CWD through
the valve. A ratio of LVOT velocity/aortic valve velocity close to 100%
is normal, >50% is indicative of mild stenosis; 50–25%, moderate, and
<25% is indicative of severe aortic stenosis. These Doppler measure-
ments along with a measurement of the LVOT cross sectional area (which
is easily obtained in the ME AV LAX view by measuring the diameter of
the LVOT and having the computer figure it out) can also be plugged into
the continuity equation, which we reviewed earlier, and an aortic valve
area can be calculated. Another quick and dirty measurement could be
made using planimetry in the ME AV SAX view. Planimetry is just a fancy
word used for tracing the aortic valve orifice and having the machine cal-
culate an area. It has tons of potential for error, especially in a stenotic
valve, and is no-where near as impressive as the all great and powerful
continuity equation!
110 Board Stiff TEE
The following diagram contains CWD tracings through the aortic valve
from various patients, all bunched into one graph. Tracing “A” and “B”
correspond to one whole cardiac cycle in an aortic valve that is working
normally. We just like to make learning this stuff a bit more confusing for
you. Not really, we are just trying to save some space.
Tracings below the baseline represent systolic flow across the aortic
valve, and above, diastolic flow. Note also the “double envelope” in all
systolic flow patterns. The larger tracing of the “double envelope” repre-
sents flow across the aortic valve and the smaller one represents flow at
the LVOT. “A” and “B” = a normal systolic and diastolic (no flow across
the valve) flow pattern. “C” = severe aortic stenosis, with a peak velocity
of 6 meters/second, which is equivalent to a calculated peak pressure
gradient using the simplified Bernoulli equation of 144 mmHg! Yikes! The
double envelope relationship, LVOT/AV Doppler, is called the dimension-
less index as it is pretty independent of ejection fraction. Normally it
is >50%. An index <25% is considered criteria for severe aortic steno-
sis. “D” = mild aortic insufficiency. The deceleration slope is almost flat.
“E” = systolic flow across the aortic valve at 3 m/s, equivalent to a peak
Chapter 11 Pathology of the Cardiac Valves 111
Well, well, well. If you are still awake and were able to get to this point
you will be happy to know we just decided to end it right here.
Final word: take it easy, learn what is normal very well, and then when
you see abnormal you will know something is cooking! Now we are done!
Out-freakin’-standing!!! You deserve a pat on the back!
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. D
Chapter 11 Pathology of the Cardiac Valves 113
7. E
8. A
9. A
10. A
Armstrong WF, Ryan T. In: Feigenbaum’s echocardiography, 7th edn. Lippincott: Williams & Wilkins;
Baumgartner H, Hung J, Bermejo J, et al. Echocardiographic assessment of valve stenosis: EAE/
ASE recommendations for clinical practice. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2009;22:1–23.
Brown JM, O’Brien SM, Wu C, et al. Isolated aortic valve replacement in North America compris-
ing 108687 patients in 10 years: changes in risks, valve types, and outcomes in the Society of
Thoracic Surgeons national database. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009;137:82–90.
Kisslo J.A., Adams D.B. Doppler evaluation of valvular stenosis #3. <http://www.echoincontext.com/
Mathew J, Madhav Swaminathan M, Ayoub Chakib. In: Clinical manual and review of transesopha-
geal echocardiography, 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill Professional; 2010.
Shanewise JS, Cheung AT, Aronson S, et al. ASE/SCA Guidelines for performing a comprehensive
intraoperative multiplane transesophageal echocardiography examination: recommendations
of the American Society of Echocardiography Council for Intraoperative Echocardiography and
the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Task Force for Certification in Perioperative
Transesophageal Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1999;12:884–900.
Toronto TEE website: <http://pie.med.utoronto.ca/TEE/index.htm>
Zoghbi WA, Enriquez-Sarano M, Foster E, et al. Recommendations for evaluation of the severity of
native valvular regurgitation with two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography. A report from
the American Society of Echocardiography’s Nomenclature and Standards Committee and The
Task Force on Valvular Regurgitation, developed in conjunction with the American College of
Cardiology Echocardiography Committee, The Cardiac Imaging Committee Council on Clinical
Cardiology, the American Heart Association, and the European Society of Cardiology Working
Group on Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2003;16:777–802.
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CHAPTER Intra-cardiac Masses
12 and Devices
Al Solina, F. Luke Aldo and Salvatore Zisa
You may remember from high school physics that mass is simply a quan-
tity of matter. Under the right set of circumstances, it can even be con-
verted into a predictable amount of energy. But that’s not what we are
talking about here. Cardiac masses come in a variety of shapes, sizes,
locations, consistencies, and clinical significance. They can be charac-
terized primarily into real masses, and normal anatomical structures
that masquerade as masses. Real cardiac masses can be further char-
acterized as being benign or malignant, and as being primary or meta-
static. In order to differentiate between these possibilities it is important
to understand normal anatomy, the physics involved with imaging arti-
facts (see Chapter 5), and the characterization of real cardiac masses.
Echocardiography has been utilized to image cardiac masses since the
1950s, and can be used to characterize the anatomy and pathophysio-
logical consequences of the mass. Although a mass may be histologically
benign, it may muck up the normal function of the heart by interfering
with chamber filling or valve function, and therefore not be benign from a
physiological perspective.
Artifacts may appear for all the world to be true cardiac masses. It is
important to interrogate a suspected mass in different views to ascer-
tain its true anatomical nature. Artifacts tend to disappear with alternate
imaging planes. Be suspicious when you see a structure crossing normal
anatomic boundaries, this is another indication that you may be looking
at an artifact.
“Benign” primary cardiac masses: these masses are “benign” in their tissue
characterization, but may misbehave and cause functional disturbances
attributable to their anatomical location!
Chapter 12 Intra-cardiac Masses and Devices 117
Coronary sinus
Thebesian valve
Renal cell IVC SVC
Eustachian valve
Chiari network
Mural thrombus in
PA right atrial appendage
TV Pectinate muscles
n Breast cancer.
n Malignant melanoma displays a particular penchant for spread to
the heart.
n Renal cell carcinoma—these puppies may actually grow in to the
right atrium, and require cardiopulmonary bypass and even deep
hypothermic circulatory arrest to resect. Makes for a complicated day!
n Carcinoid—more likely to have an effect on the right heart valves
that is mediated by substances secreted by primary carcinoid
tissue located in the liver. Direct metastatic spread is less likely.
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. E
5. D
6. E
7. E
8. E
9. E
10. A
Chapter 12 Intra-cardiac Masses and Devices 121
Armstrong W, Ryan T. Masses, tumors, and source of embolus. In Feigenbaum’s
“Echocardiography”, 7th Edition, Chapter 23, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2010.
Hari P, Mohamad T, Kondur A, et al. Incremental value of contrast echocardiography in the diagnosis
of atrial mxyoma. Echocardiography 2010;27(5):E46–9.
Kirkpatrick J, Wong T, Bednarz J, et al. Differential diagnosis of cardiac masses using contrast echo-
cardiographic perfusion imaging. J Am Coll Cardiol 2004;43(8):1412–19.
Muller S, Feuchtner G, Bonatti J, et al. Value of transesophageal 3D echocardiography as an adjunct
to conventional 2D imaging in preoperative evaluation of cardiac masses. Echocardiography 2008;
Peters P, Reinhardt S. The echocardiographic evaluation of intracardiac masses; a review. J Am Soc
Echocardiography 2006;19(2):230–40.
Ragland M, Tahir T. The role of echocardiography in diagnosing space-occupying lesions of the
heart. Clinical Medicine and Research 2006;4(1):22–32.
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CHAPTER Left Ventricular Systolic
13 Function
Eric W. Nelson
For some reason there is a lot of focus on the left ventricle and its evalu-
ation on TEE, both in the operating room and on the boards. This most
likely has to do with the fact that it’s pumping blood to the entire body,
thus keeping you alive. The easiest way to start your evaluation of the left
ventricle is to know what a normal left ventricle looks like.
The shape of the LV should look somewhat like a football. If you drop a
TEE probe in someone and the heart is closer to a basketball than a foot-
ball, something is wrong.
So, now you know how to eyeball the heart and tell grossly if it’s normal
or not, but what about an actual measurement? LV function is typically
measured numerically by the ejection fraction (EF). That is, how much
blood that goes into the LV goes out through the aorta?
Good Bad
to do is outline the end-diastolic area and the end-systolic area and the
machine will crunch the numbers.
You can also estimate EF via the eyeball method, which is what most
people do. On the test you should be able to look at an image and deter-
mine the difference between an EF of 25% and 55%. Which is pretty
One thing to keep in mind whether using the eyeball method or doing an
actual measurement is don’t jump to conclusions based on one view. A
single slice may look great, but remember it’s only part of the heart and
another part may not look so good. Also, if you are foreshortening or not
getting a “true” cut of the LV your read is going to be off. Make sure you
eyeball the LV with multiple omniplane angles and also in both the trans-
gastric and midesophageal views.
Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is ischemia…if this wasn’t
your first thought you may want to retake your boards. There are also a
lot of other things that may cause abnormal LV function.
An important point about HOCM is the picture you see on TEE. Some
people call this the “dagger sign”. When a continuous wave Doppler
is placed across the left ventricular outflow tract, or LVOT, and the AV
the outflow pattern will resemble a dagger rather than the nice rounded
appearance of someone without this problem. This is secondary to the
ventricle being so empty at the end of systole and the septum being so
huge an obstruction actually occurs.
Keep in mind that patients with HOCM are also more prone to SAM
or systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve. Since the outflow tract
is already narrow, it’s easy for the anterior leaflet to get sucked in and
impede flow.
Restrictive Hypertrophic
n sarcoid
n Post viral
n Peripartum
n Alcohol
1. B
2. E
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. F
9. B
10. E
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CHAPTER Segmental Left Ventricular
14 Systolic Function
John C. Sciarra and Christopher J. Gallagher
Hear ye, hear ye. The Office of Homeland Security is not going to shoot
me for revealing any state secrets here. You will need to know these seg-
ments and you will need to know which coronaries feed which walls and
which segments.
The first time you see it you’ll quasi freak, because it looks so complex,
but when you think of all the other stuff you memorized to get this far, it’s
not so bad. Plus there’s a logic to it, so don’t go off the deep end.
First, the whole thing, then we’ll back up and break it down.
Basal 6 I Not in
P apical
Mid 6
Apical 4
Not in AS
apical A
Basal? Septal
(see MV)
ME 4-Chamber
(see Paps) Inferior
ME 2-Chamber
(nothing) Anterior
132 Board Stiff TEE
I found it easiest to start with the cross sections. That way you can at
least always know what’s “directly across” from you. Then you can take
the long views and start to put it together.
So, think of three of these lying on top of each other, starting at the top
of the ventricle, right next to the mitral valve. Three layers of six:
The middle 6 segments are next down, at the level of the papillary
Lose the posterior and the anteroseptal segments there. In the apical,
you just have inferior, anterior (across from each other, remember), and
septal and lateral (across from each other too).
Now, put it back together, piece by piece, until it makes sense. If you are
still confused, stay tuned for the 17 segment chapter.
REAL WORLD NOTE Major, major importance that you know this. This ties in
with the extremely practical dilemma that you face on a daily basis: “Is the new
graft working?” If a wall fed by, say, the right coronary graft was working, and now
is not working, hey, look at the graft for kinks, disconnects, clots, dissections. It’s
a hell of a lot easier to recognize the problem and fix it now than to find out later
and lose a chunk of myocardium.
TEST NOTE Vintage testable material here, folks. A little brutal memorization
(come on, there are only three vessels, it’s not that bad) and you should nail these
Chapter 14 Segmental Left Ventricular Systolic Function 133
2-Chamber these cold!
Let’s put it into words, just in case you’re less of a visual learner.
The right coronary feeds the inferior wall and right ventricle.
The left anterior descending feeds the anterior and septal walls. (No won-
der an LAD infarct is so problematic.)
Everyone studies the hell out of this issue, drawing the pictures over and
over again, flashcards, you name it. Get this stuff down but down.
Here is a little memory helper I made up, I call it the “coronary artery
memory helper”:
LM → LAD → Diags (the “D” in lad leads into the “D” in diagonals).
RC → PDA (the right hand [RCA] writes on the palm pilot pda).
Keep your eyes open, that’s the method. The wall motion abnormali-
ties you see will not be subtle. Every test-taker since the dawn of time
emphasized that to me.
134 Board Stiff TEE
And in real life, that’s what you see too. As soon as a wall gets ischemic,
the motion disappears. Keep in mind, the normal movement of a wall is
thickening and an inward movement.
At the meeting, they get a little more scientific than this, saying “Normal
contractility results in 30% thickening of the wall, hypokinetic is 15%,
akinetic is, well, 0%, and dyskinetic means it bulges outward”.
All of this high-tech ranking is groovy, but you just have to look at a
bunch of echos and try to peg, “Which wall is not happening?”. This can
be harder than it seems, so be systematic about it. Look at one section
and (this according to the great Cahalan himself) say, “Systole, systole,
systole” and see if that particular section moves.
In the OR, I’ll put my finger in the center of the ventricle on the monitor
and see if different wall segments move in toward my finger.
One trick I stumbled upon is the value of fast forward. Tape a bit, then
rewind and look at the walls in fast motion. Believe it or not, when the
ventricle’s going super fast, the dyskinetic or akinetic wall stands out
better than at regular speed.
In your studying, look at either the tapes or the CDs. This is a total “mov-
ing picture experience”, for there is no other way than to drill these.
On the tapes from the 2002 meeting, they recorded the “Regional Wall
Motion Unknown” session. That is the best way I found to practice pick-
ing out the “mystery wall motion abnormality.” (Quit laughing as I men-
tion “tapes”, go online and look up a few examples of regional wall
motion abnormalities on the Internet.)
Wise counsel says, “Believe bad news and act accordingly”. Other than
a graft not working or a native vessel being occluded, there aren’t too
many other things it could be. The main aspect of the differential should
center on which catastrophe afflicted your graft:
n Air embolus (particularly after an open procedure).
Chapter 14 Segmental Left Ventricular Systolic Function 135
Whatever it may have been, when you see a new wall motion abnormality
that you thought you should have fixed, take a look-see.
Tethering can throw you off the hunt when examining regional wall
motion abnormalities.
A hypo-, dys-, or akinetic area can “hold back” a normal area. (You may
be able to run around pretty energetically, but if I jump on your shoulders
and say, “Yeehaa! Giddyap!”, your motion may slow down considerably.
You have been tethered by my bulk.)
The angle of your examination may throw you off too. If you get a really
foreshortened view of the ventricle, for example, you may not get a clean
look at one segment; rather, you’ll see a lot of segments at once and
won’t be able to make a clean diagnosis.
The love handle analogy helps again. Love handles (however much they
may plague us, uh, more mature gentlemen) at least have an aestheti-
cally pleasing smoothness as they transition from the torso to the love
handle proper.
Aneurysms are most often found in the apex, though they can occur
elsewhere. And aneurysms, with their underlying stasis, can give rise to
For a big-time ventricular rupture, skip the TEE. Grab a pathology text
and head for the refrigerated surgical suite in your hospital’s basement.
ventricle “held”
Narrow by pericardium
If you want to get all quantitative and anal about it, the ratio of the neck to
the maximum diameter of the pseudoaneurysm should be less than 0.5.
But give me a break; if you know what happened, the difference between
an aneurysm and a pseudoaneurysm should jump out at you.
1. E.
2. D.
3. C.
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The 17 Segment Model
15 John C. Sciarra
(Update note: In the ancient history of the first edition, there were 16 seg-
ments. Apparently we have evolved a 17th segment!)
This chapter requires some artist skill. When I say some, I mean very lit-
tle. If you can draw a line and a circle you are, for the purposes of this
chapter, an artist.
First off, draw a line. Just a straight line. As seen below this is a straight line.
A line
Wow, that was not so bad. Now comes the tricky part. You have to add
two more lines in a cross pattern as seen below. It kind of reminds me of
an asterisk, or star. That’s you–an echo star!
Good job Picasso, you have drawn the basic foundation for the 17 seg-
ment model. Next we have to number the segments. Start in the lower
left, inside the circle, and do 1 thru 6, as seen below.
6 4
1 3
start here 2
Now start again outside the circle at the same lower left and do 7
thru 12. It should look like this. If you are not drawing at this point and
just reading you are missing the point. Get out your pen and do it.
12 10
6 4
1 3
7 9
Chapter 15 The 17 Segment Model 141
13 thru 17 start close to your original starting point, which is the bot-
tom. Circle around and finish at the bottom with 17. 17 is the apex or
bottom of the heart, so that is where the number should be. It should
look like this:
12 10
6 4
16 14
1 3
7 9
That’s it. Now you have to practice this without looking. Go ahead. Find
a piece of paper and start with the line, and finish with 17. You should be
able to do this in 5 seconds. I am waiting…. Do it.
Now that you are an artist, you may feel like painting your living room.
Hold on, since we now need to go over how your master work relates
to the heart. Your 17 segment model is a segmental version of the cross
section of the heart as seen below, which you may recognize from other
sections in this book. Or a dozen other inferior books on TEE.
We start at the top of the heart and work our way to the bottom, number-
ing as we go. “Wait” you say. The number one is in the wrong place. This
is due to the fact that in TEE things are backwards from trans-thoracic
scanning. I just put these images here to show you how the numbers
relate to the levels: basal, mid, apical, and apex.
13 2 6
8 12
14 16
9 11
15 3 5
This is the image you might see in most cardiology textbooks—if you
ever dared to crack one open.
2 6
8 13 12
14 17 16
9 11
3 5
Alright, let’s get back to the world of anesthesia. This next image is the
one that has the positional planes lined up as the heart sits in the chest
and as the probe is at the back of the heart. Our orientation is the top
of the page is the back of the heart—the inferior portion—and the front
of the heart is at the bottom of the page or TEE image—anterior. This
should all be crystal clear in the cool exploded 3-D image I made below,
which I drew from an actual exploded heart.
Chapter 15 The 17 Segment Model 143
Septal Posterior
Anterior Lateral
LM → LAD → Diags (the “D” in LAD leads into the “D” in diagonals).
2-Chamber these cold!
144 Board Stiff TEE
At this point I should be able to shout out a segment, and you shout out
a coronary artery—and vice versa. If not, go back to the beginning and
start reading again. And this time draw it out. Lastly, I want to explain
how some of the TEE planes relate to my 17 segment star. If you draw
some dashed lines in between the lines of the star, these represent the
planes of the TEE probe in certain views. The four-chamber view slices
thru segments 3 and 6, for example. Next is the two-chamber view with
the plane going anterior to inferior. Last is the ME long-axis cutting seg-
ments 7 and 4 among others.
t. s
So there you have it. The star makes it all come together. I recommend
trying to draw the 17 segment star in a few days to see if you remem-
bered it. Then in the future, during say, some exam, you see a question
involving the coronary arteries, wall segments, or ECG changes, just
draw the star and figure it out. Nothing will stop your star power!
Chapter 15 The 17 Segment Model 145
1. Quick draw your 17 segment model, and look at the back wall.
Hmmm… must be 5.
2. Quick draw your 17 segment model... and it looks like 14 is lateral,
so it must be the circumflex.
3. Quick draw your 17 segment model, and guess he is accurate and
hits 2 which is anterior.
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CHAPTER Assessment of Perioperative
16 Events and Problems
Ricardo Martinez-Ruiz and Christopher J. Gallagher
REAL WORLD NOTE Let’s face it, cowboys and cowgirls, this is the real crux of
the whole deal with echo. All the cool physics and gradients and Doppler stuff are
necessary for the test. And if you’re going to do cardiac echo, you need to know all
the neato-frito valve details. But as TEE gets more and more common, the day will
come when every single anesthesiologist or ICUologist will need to know at least
the basics of TEE to figure out what’s going on when a patient gets unstable.
When badness happens (and we’ve all seen it happen), you might not
have a Swan or CVP. And even if you do, you’re still wrestling with num-
bers that tell you something, but not the whole picture. You are left with a
set of numbers from which you infer, or hope, you have the picture.
The TEE gives you the real picture, right now, no need for a leap of faith.
Cahalan points out in the tapes and at the meetings that, even with only a lit-
tle TEE experience, most people can diagnose the most common problems
in mere minutes. After all, when most patients go to caca, you want to know:
n Heart, full or empty?
n Ventricle, good or bad?
n Tamponade, yes or no?
Midpapillary views
The first two are easy to see with a glance at the TEE. The third is a little
trickier, but you can augment your TEE findings with other stuff. (Flushed
appearance and wheezing going along with anaphylaxis; murmurs or fur-
ther TEE views to find mitral regurg, aortic regurg, or a VSD.)
Then the final thing you want to know, “Tamponade, yes or no?”, is
figure-outable with your basic search for a pericardial effusion plus the
hemodynamics of tamponade.
If you take nothing else away from TEE (say you don’t want to bother
taking the TEE exam), if you at least know this, the differential for hypo-
tension, you will save somebody some day.
How the hell do you use TEE to assess bypass and cardioplegia? Got
me. I have no clue what the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesia folk
were thinking when they put this on their magical list.
One thing is worth mentioning at this time. Disconnect your echo probe
while on bypass. That will allow the probe to cool down and prevent
esophageal burns. And remember that you do need to disconnect the
probe, not just put the image on FREEZE. Although the word FREEZE
implies a cool state of affairs, you have just frozen the image. You haven’t
actually frozen the probe and turned it into a big Fudgecicle.
To see the coronary sinus on TEE, you need to get your ME 4-cham-
ber view and slowly advance the probe into the stomach and VOILA!!!
The coronary sinus shows up as a drak conduit that drains into the right
atrium (you can check with Doppler to see the coronary sinus blood
flow). Ocassionally you may have a valve (Thebesian valve) impeding
the easy positioning of the retrograde cannula, the cannula gets stuck
on it. It is pretty cool to tell your surgeon that the reason he is struggling
getting it in position is because of the valve.
150 Board Stiff TEE
RA Coronary sinus
Cannula to cross the threshold. Like all cannulas, the retrograde cannula
has a “double line” that tells you it’s a man-made thingamajig. And like all
cannulas, its 3-D reality will dive in and out of your 2-D picture, making
it sometimes a little tough to keep it entirely in view. In some occasions
you may see the stippled balloon at the end of the cannula: it looks like a
star cluster (yes…use your imagination!).
The aortic cannula is hard to see as it is often placed far into the ascend-
ing aorta, usually in the blind spot area.
Look at the atrial cannula? Sure, why not? I suppose you could imagine
looking at the venae cavae, if the surgeons were having trouble cannulat-
ing, to see if there is a web or some bizarre thing holding them up.
The tip of your dual stage cannula should be just into the IVC.
Further in ....
It sc artery
and NO it
sc artery
Desc. aortic
Left and right ventricular assist devices, and ECMO when things are
going really swell, all enter the cardiac realm in this Brave New World we
With an LVAD, you want to make sure the person doesn’t have a patent
foramen ovale or interatrial septal defect. You could, as the blood rushes
out of the left side into the assist device, “suck” blood from the right side
over to the left.
If this happens, then no blood goes out the right side, so no blood goes
to the lungs, so no oxygen enters the body. Unless your patient is a cya-
nobacterium, he or she will need oxygen.
So check for these PFO when you start an LVAD. You may also need to
make sure that there is no aortic regurgitation. If that happens blood will
“recirculate” in a circle of death >>>> from the LV >>> to LVAD >>>> to
aorta >>> back to LV.
Bad things!!
Once the LVAD is going, you can also use the TEE to confirm that the
aortic valve isn’t opening. At first that concept seems a little jarring.
152 Board Stiff TEE
“What, the aortic valve isn’t opening? But, golly Mr. Wizard, how can
the person live?”
Yes, usually that is the case, but remember, you’re not in Kansas any-
more, Dorothy. The LVAD is doing all the work now. You want all the
blood to leave the heart and go into the machine.
In testville, remember that the cannula that is draining blood out of the
body into the machine is the inflow cannula. (That is, inflow as far as the
machine is concerned. You could get faked out and think, well, relative to
the body, that is technically outflow, so… Don’t think that!)
There are two new gadgets for LV support that can be placed percutane-
ously >> the Tandem heart and the Impella. The Tandem inflow cannula
goes from the femoral vein into the IVC into the RA and then goes through
the interatrial septum into the LA! The LA blood is pulled into the centrifugal
pump located outside the body to be reinfused into the arterial system via
the femoral artery to provide systemic perfusion. You can check the place-
ment of the inflow cannula as it goes across the interatrial septum.
Tandem cannula
Aortic valve
Chapter 16 Assessment of Perioperative Events and Problems 153
ECMO and RVADs? You can use TEE to check those cannulas too and
just make sure they seem to be in the right place.
Intracavitary Air
No biggie here. Air bubbles look like snowflakes swirling around in the
heart. You will want to look for these (the TEE is the most sensitive at
detecting air bubbles) after an open-chamber procedure to make sure
you de-aired the heart properly.
Air can hide out in the tangle of papillary muscles and chordae tendin-
eae. (When you think of a cardiac “chamber,” you think of this big, open
space, but it’s damned crowded in there.) Check along the septum and
down in the apex for “lurking air”.
As regular old off-pump CABGs work so well now, the days of MIDCABs
(such a puckish name) seem to be numbered. TEE was used to make
sure the fantastically complicated tangle of cannulas was all in place.
As a sign of the times, I looked back at the tapes for the 1999 TEE
course. People then were talking about doing off-pump cardiac sur-
gery in “select cases” and doing relatively small percentages of people
off pump. Well, of course, by now, everybody and their second cousin is
doing off-pump CABGs. McDonald’s will have a drive-thru window soon
where you can get off-pump CABG done.
One pain in the ass, actually THE pain in the ass, with off pumps is “the
hike”—when the surgeons lift the heart to get at those dim and distant
distals. Hemodynamically the patient’s blood pressure often takes a
hit with the hike, though the newer “holder thingies” and more surgeon
experience have made the whole process less devastating than in days
of yore. The hike also goofs up the echo, because now you may have air
between the heart and the probe.
The whole deal during off-pump surgery is, “Can we do this off pump?”
or “Are things getting SO BAD that we have to stop this charade, put in
cannulas, and do this on pump?”. Pertinent to us is the question, “Can
the TEE help me make that decision?”.
But during off-pump cases, you are actually looking at the wall right
there, with your own eyeballs. Even “hard to see” walls are hiked up for
you and the surgeon and everyone to see. You can, of course, confirm it
with the TEE, but your eyeballs do just as well in the OR.
TEE helps you to see the mitral and tricuspid regurg, of course. (Unless
you’re Superman, most of us can’t see inside the heart.)
Jack Shanewise gives this talk at the TEE conference. (He’s a great
speaker, so don’t miss him. Remember, he spearheaded the big paper
that gave us the “big 20” views, so he knows from TEE.) He tells us he
usually sees signs of ischemia or wall motion abnormalities during these
off-pump cases, but that as long as things improve after the anastomosis
is complete, you’re usually (not always) OK.
Having heard the talk and done a bunch of off-pump cases, you’re still left
with a bit of a “by guess and by God” feeling about these off-pump cases:
1. They hike the heart.
2. They clamp the vessels to sew in the graft.
3. Things get bad, you limp along with volume, a little Neo maybe, you
hope things don’t get too bad.
4. TEE confirms that you are limping along, but you hope things get
5. Things either get better or they don’t.
6. If they don’t, if the wall motion abnormality does NOT go away, then
you have to reexamine that graft and make sure it’s working OK.
(If you had an on-pump case and had a new regional wall motion
abnormality, you would reinvestigate your graft, wouldn’t you?)
Chapter 16 Assessment of Perioperative Events and Problems 155
I tell residents an off-pump case is like a labor epidural that’s just kind
of, sort of working. You pray and pray for the lady to deliver so that you’ll
just be done with it! Same with these cases: you pray and pray that they
get the grafts done so you’ll just be done with it!
How will TEE help you in an on-pump CABG? (Since we talked about off-
pump just a second ago.)
Pretty much, the TEE will replace the Swan. (This debate will swirl around
for a long time, particularly the “What happens when the patient goes
to the ICU; do we put a probe in again each time we get in trouble? You
guys have it in the whole time in the OR, but we in the ICU don’t!”.)
With the TEE going in nearly all our patients (people at the meeting con-
firmed that, in a lot of places, heart surgery means a TEE, period), you
get most of your “Swan-like” information right there from the TEE. (We do
put introducers in everybody, so we can always put a Swan in later.)
n Heart empty or full? TEE tells us.
n Ventricle crummy, ventricle snappy? TEE tells us.
n Tamponade? TEE tells us.
This helps you out at all points of the case. Hypotension and cardiovas-
cular instability can and do happen whenever they want to—at induction,
during the IMA dissection, coming off pump, whenever.
TEE also helps in regional wall motion abnormality analysis. This goes
right back to another previous discussion in Chapter 14 (see Coronary
Artery Distribution and Flow).
Examine the patient ahead of time, look for wall motion abnormalities.
See which grafts go in which distribution. If you see a new wall motion
abnormality, that is evidence a graft is not working.
This comes in especially handy once the chest is closed. The skin and
sternum are “in the way” and the TEE helps you see what your eyes no
longer can.
156 Board Stiff TEE
Not to sound like a broken record here, but TEE helps you during valve
surgery the same way it helps you during CABGs, that is, in the evalua-
tion of cardiac function and volumes, the management of hypotension
and cardiovascular instability.
TEE helps you keep the blood going round in circles in your patient, and
Oh be Joyful to that. How?
n Heart empty, heart full?
n Ventricle good, ventricle bad?
n Tamponade, yes or no?
TEST NOTE You’ve got a little memorizing to do. You will need to know what
different valves look like on echo. Not the end of the world, but the hyphenated
double names of the artificial valves drove me cuckoo. Doesn’t any one person
ever design a valve?
Let’s plow through the various kinds of valves and how they look.
Different ones have different jets of regurg (you’ll need to know that too),
but one thing holds true for all valve replacements. You should not see a
PERI-valvular leak. You shouldn’t see leaking OUTSIDE the sewing ring.
That means bad news. All valves have some leaking INSIDE the sewing
ring, but not, repeat not, outside.
NOTE get all the valve pics and make them smaller and put them together in
one pic.
Chapter 16 Assessment of Perioperative Events and Problems 157
Since flow goes around the sides, that’s where you’ll see a couple of jets
of regurg before the valve closes. (All valves have a little bit of regurg
before they close.)
Tilting disc.
(Always these double names! At least they settled on just one saint for
the St. Jude.)
Has three metallic stents holding it in place, so you still see shadows.
Take out the diseased aortic valve, take out the native pulmonic valve,
put the pulmonic valve in the aortic place, put a tissue graft in place of
the pulmonic valve.
TEST NOTE For me, the shadows from the tissue valve stents and the shadows
from the prosthetic valves can look pretty similar. Watch the video of this or study
the CD movies of these a lot because, on the test, you only have a minute or so to
look at these, and it can be pretty confusing. If there is one area where you can get
fooled, this is it.
There are stentless prosthetic valves. You won’t see the metal and their
reflections, but you may see a sewing ring. That is an extremely subtle
finding and easy to miss.
Chapter 16 Assessment of Perioperative Events and Problems 159
An issue with tissue valves is longevity. They tend to wear out faster.
You can measure gradients across these valves, but it can be challeng-
ing. You have to know where the tight spots are and you have to navi-
gate a straight shot through that spot. For example, for a Starr-Edwards,
you’ll have to slip your Doppler right through one of those regurgitant jets
around the sides of the ball.
Aortic Repair?
Doesn’t happen too often. A truly isolated injury to one cusp, maybe, but
surgeon enthusiasm for aortic valve repairs has faded a bit of late. More
often they replace the aortic valve.
Mitral Repair?
First, you evaluate the mitral valve, looking to grade the severity. Four-
plus regurg pretty much mandates that “something be done,” often
a repair rather than a replacement. How do you know it’s 4+? Look for
systolic flow reversal in the pulmonic vein; that is diagnostic/pathogno-
monic/for sure for sure, good buddy, that the regurg is severe.
Pulmonary Vein Flow
After the repair is done, you will look at the mitral valve again, making
sure, well, that the repair worked! Regurg gone (good), but not so gone
that you have moved all the way to mitral stenosis (not good).
160 Board Stiff TEE
Tricuspid Repair?
If the tricuspid valve has severe regurg, you will see reversal of flow in
the hepatic veins. (Similar to seeing systolic flow reversal in the pulmonic
vein with mitral regurg.) The surgeon may choose to repair it, though they
do this a lot less than mitral repairs.
After the repair is done, look for enough repair to stop the regurg (good),
but not so much that you have stenosis (not good). Sound familiar?
Pulmonic Repair?
Don’t see that much, though I suppose you could if you wanted to be
really cool.
With all these valves, what might you see that would make you NOT
want to do a repair?
As far as TEE is concerned, there are only a few special things you’ll see
with a heart transplant. You’ll see extra-atrial tissue and see suture lines
that demarcate “the new from the old”.
From an anesthesia standpoint, one thing you will really be watching for
is signs of right heart failure—the big bugaboo of heart transplants. What
will you see, by way of review?
n RV enlargement
n Tricuspid regurg.
Of course you look for all the usual suspects—hypovolemia, global dys-
function, tamponade—as in every patient. Air, too, can bite you in the
butt, but it’s the right heart battling against “previously unseen” pulmo-
nary hypertension that will cause the most headaches.
Most lungs are, you sincerely hope, full of air, so it’s a toughie to exam-
ine them with TEE. Unless the lung is consolidated you might be able to
Chapter 16 Assessment of Perioperative Events and Problems 161
“see” the parenchyma > bad thing. Also with big pleural effusions you
can see the lung “floating” in the descending thoracic aortic views. You
can also see the presence of clot and fibrin in the fluid (pretty cool).
Pleural effusion
So in those rare cases of lung transplants (not done too often or in too
many places), you’re left with doing the usual stuff—monitoring the heart
for signs of failure.
You will yawn when I say this, but you’ll be looking to monitor for hypo-
tension and cardiovascular instability; that is, you’ll watch for:
n Ventricle full or empty?
n Ventricle good or bad?
n Tamponade?
n Valves OK?
What more can I say—by now we keep coming back to the main things a
TEE does!
If you put the TEE deep and turn it around, you can look at the liver,
though I don’t know of many observations you can make. (None were
mentioned at the meeting, or in the tapes or any books I read.)
I’ve been called into liver transplantation surgeries to put the TEE in and
look around. Of note, the varices that most of these patients have are
NOT a contraindication to placement of the probe.
You might want to take a look at the IVC as an index of fluid status and
Rt heart function>>IVC >2 cm in diameter suggests fluid overload (also
the lack of collapse with inspiration will confirm this).
162 Board Stiff TEE
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. C
Perrino A, Reeves S. In: A practical approach to transesophageal echocardiography, 2nd edn.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007.
Savage R, Aronson S, Shernan S. In: Comprehensive textbook of perioperative transesophageal
echocardiography, 2nd edn. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010.
Sidebotham D, Merry A, Legget M, Edwards M. In: Practical perioperative transesophageal echocar-
diography, 2nd edn. Elsevier Saunders; 2011.
Congenital Heart Disease
17 Liliana Cohen and Daniel M. Shindler
We say TETRAlogy:
1. Pulmonic stenosis—use transgastric and high esophageal views to
image the pulmonic valve, determine thickness and look for doming
(indicative of fused commissures).
2. Right ventricular outflow obstruction—mid esophagus 90 degree
views and transgastric views (when you get good).
3. Ventricular septal defect—120 degree mid esophagus, rotate your
wrist until you find it.
4. Overriding aorta—same 120 degree mid esophagus.
On the echo of tetralogy: the aorta “hovers over” the ventricular septum.
That is called overriding. 163
164 Board Stiff TEE
At what age?
For example, an operation done right after birth may be palliative and
just the first part of staged procedures. In patients born with hypoplastic
left hearts, a Blalock Taussig Shunt, may be followed by a Glenn Shunt,
followed by a Fontan. This is the Norwood heart. (Oh, don’t ask…).
But wait, there is more: the coronary arteries need to be moved back too.
If this is Greek to you, please know that before that time, transposition
of the great vessels was being repaired by the Mustard procedure (at the
Mayo Clinic—heh! heh!) using an intra-atrial baffle to redirect blood.
(Ake Senning did it first [without pants]—oh, don’t ask, just Google it.)
By the way, anulus means “little anus” in Latin, maybe that is why we
prefer to spell it with two n’s.
Are the lungs clear or congested on that chest X-ray (that you never look at)?
Chapter 17 Congenital Heart Disease 165
If you got a little befuddled by the name of an operation, here are more:
Anything “Fontan” means only three heart chambers. There are no oper-
ations named Kermit (frog heart….three chambers…. Get it???).
Sometimes the name order is changed if Dr. Kaye’s or Dr. Stansel’s peo-
ple are operating.
There is a “trick” to help you identify and follow the path of venous blood
through the congenitally malformed heart.
Inject some agitated saline into a vein. The saline contrast reflections show
the path of venous blood.
Here are some suggestions for communicating with the grumpy person
holding the scalpel on the other side of the plastic curtain.
166 Board Stiff TEE
Transposition of the great vessels gets confusing real quick if you insist
on using certain terms.
The anatomic right ventricle may serve as the systemic ventricle but it
always has an infundibulum. This means that the atrio-ventricular valve is
separated from (not in fibrous continuity with) the semilunar valve.
Don’t say mitral valve—instead say: the atrio-ventricular valve that has
only two leaflets, that is shaped like the mitre of a bishop, and receives
blood from the (systemic or venous) atrium.
Don’t say pulmonary artery—say: the great vessel that bifurcates and has
no coronary ostia.
So… always look for high-velocity systolic jets in the right ventricular
The left-to-right shunt most frequently enters the right ventricle “peri-
where” the chordae of the septal tricuspid leaflets attach to the inter-
ventricular septum. The color flow jet is the Doppler equivalent of
the typical physical finding of a loud systolic murmur with a palpable
precordial thrill.
Someone who had a loud systolic murmur during infancy (in the history
that you obtained, ha!), and now only has a soft diastolic decrescendo
murmur (on auscultation), may have closed a subaortic ventricular sep-
tal defect, but the aortic valve may not be adequately supported by the
healed septum. Say hello to my little friend: aortic insufficiency (caused
by a healed or healing ventricular septal defect).
The lack of support in the area of the subaortic ventricular septal defect
may enlarge (or as President Bush would say: “aneurysmificate”) the
right sinus of valsalva.
Chapter 17 Congenital Heart Disease 167
You tell the surgeon to close the ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneurysm,
but you find a persistent subaortic ventricular septal defect AFTER
they come off the pump and are ready to close the chest (rip-roaring
systolic and diastolic Doppler signal is not there to fool you anymore).
As a result, the mitral valve may have a cleft—don’t forget to look for it.
It’s like a slice of pie was removed from the anterior mitral leaflet.
The tricuspid valve may send chordae (visible on TEE) to the crest of a
ventricular septal defect.
Atrial septal defects may remain undiagnosed until adulthood. The mur-
mur is subtle and can be missed. Yes, yes, fixed splitting of the second
heart sound is a valuable clue.
168 Board Stiff TEE
The most common is the secundum defect. Surgeons love to fix these.
From the right atrium it looks like the circular center of a crater is miss-
ing. On TEE examination the thin membrane of the fossa ovalis is indeed
absent. To confirm the presence of a hole (as opposed to echo dropout),
use color flow Doppler and also look for a negative contrast effect when
you fill the right atrium with agitated saline. If it is not a hole but a flap,
then it is a patent foramen ovale. If the right atrium and right ventricle are
not dilated in an adult, it is not a hole. It’s a flap.
A defect of the “roof” of the right atrium, close to the sinus node, near
the entry of the superior vena cava into the right atrium is called a sinus
venosus atrial “septal” defect. It is associated with anomalous drainage
of a right pulmonary vein.
Lastly, primum atrial septal defect is due to failure of the atrial septum to
connect to the crux of the heart. This is part of the av canal defect and
is easily recognizable. However, you can easily miss an associated small
ventricular septal defect on a TEE.
Oh yes, we did say three, but… if you inject saline into a left arm vein
and the contrast shows up first in the LEFT atrium, you have got yourself
a persistent left superior vena cava with a fourth kind of “atrial septal”
defect—an unroofed coronary sinus.
Conversely, you can be born with a left superior vena cava that delivers
venous blood from the left side into the right atrium via an intact coronary
sinus. The coronary sinus gets dilated. Saline contrast that is injected
into a left arm vein will arrive in the coronary sinus and then in the right
atrium. There is no shunt, so there is no problem, right? An extra vein
never hurt anybody. Not so harmless if you use cardioplegia! W says:
“don’t cardioplegify a PLSVC”.
This is the most common congenital heart defect in the adult. Caution!
Look at the aortic valve in systole. The diastolic appearance may be
deceptively similar to a normal trileaflet valve. In systole, both the thick
raphe and the fish-mouth orifice become easily recognizable.
Who would think that a membrane UNDER the aortic valve would even-
tually cause aortic regurgitation? The turbulent systolic jet does just that!
The reason for operating to remove a subaortic membrane is to prevent
progressive destruction and consequent insufficiency of the aortic valve.
Mrs. Ebstein’s boy (the doctor) came up with this one—a while back in
the sixties (1866).
The normal tricuspid valve is more apically displaced than the mitral valve,
but the difference is normally much less than 10 mm. This becomes exag-
gerated in Ebstein’s with restricted motion of the septal tricuspid leaflet and
further (>10 mm) displacement of tricuspid coaptation into the right ventric-
ular cavity. It is associated with secundum atrial septal defect and can be
found with other complex congenital defects.
C. Overriding aorta
D. Mitral cleft
E. Goose neck
7. The following eponyms go with transposition EXCEPT:
A. Mustard
B. Senning
C. Jatene
D. Lecompte
E. Heinz
8. Least likely to permanently improve symptoms of hypertrophic
A. Alcohol
B. Myotomy
C. Myectomy
D. Beta blockers
E. Pacemakers
9. Atrio-ventricular discordance with ventriculo-arterial discordance
A. Double outlet right ventricle
B. Tricuspid atresia
E. Truncus arteriosus
10. Single papillary muscle in the left ventricle is associated with:
A. Parachute mitral valve
B. Mitral valve prolapse
C. Cor triatriatum
D. Rheumatic mitral stenosis
E. Supramitral membrane
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This may seem like “the ultimate bail”, but let me
emphasize—google any of these lesions/defects/operations and you will see
videos/power points/animations. If you want to learn this material, use this book
in conjunction with the wealth of material online.
Christopher J. Gallagher
Artifacts and Pitfalls
18 Christopher J. Gallagher and Gian Paparcuri
When you are in the OR, you are forever asking yourself, “Is it real, or
is it Memorex?”. We get seduced by the great images, and you have
to shake yourself and say, “This is not a REAL LIVE picture, this is
fool you”.
Let’s grind through these monsters. Pay close, close, close attention to
the aortic dissection artifacts; that is what will scare the hell out of you in
the middle of the night.
Useful for any and all artifacts is the mantra, “Change the viewing
angle.”. That may allow you to see around a calcified or prosthetic valve.
Plus, if you see the same thing from a bunch of different angles, guess
what? It’s really there! (Maybe. We live in an uncertain world.)
Real structures will remain constant and can be seen in multiple views.
n Error in imaging.
n Inconsistencies due to violations of the acoustic imaging
assumptions, equipment malfunction, ultrasound physics (physical
limitations of the modality), operator error (improper scanning
techniques), interpretation error.
n Interfere with image interpretation.
n Reflections not representing true anatomy.
n Part of an image will not represent the anatomic structure (reality)
u non-existing structures (not anatomically present) appear in an
u existing structures (anatomically present) missing from the image
u incorrect location, size, brightness of structures.
174 Board Stiff TEE
Beam width: distal beam (widened beam) widens beyond the actual
transducer width (below figures).
Weaker than the main beam, less acoustic energy, weaker returning echoes,
many are not actually seen (overshadowed by true echoes). Evident when
they do not conflict with real echoes or originate from strong reflectors.
to the transducer. The first two echoes arise from true anatomic struc-
tures in their correct position. Example: PAC, calcified aorta (strong
reflectors), makes sound wave ricochets (rebounding) back and forth
between transducer and structure. Readjust the angle; reducing gain or
the contrast might not eliminate ‘em.
178 Board Stiff TEE
Reverberation artefact
A A1
Chapter 18 Artifacts and Pitfalls 179
180 Board Stiff TEE
The speed of sound within different materials (air 330, fat 1450, soft tis-
sue 1540, bone 4080 meters per second) depends on their density and
elastic properties. US image processing assumes a constant speed of
sound of 1540 m/sec. When sound travels through material with a veloc-
ity significantly slower than the assumed 1540 m/sec, the returning echo
will take longer to return to the transducer and will be displayed deeper
on the image.
θ1 θ1
Refracted ray
Incident Reflected
ray ray
θ1 θ1
Transmitted ray
Angle of incidence
Surface Normal n1
Angle of refraction θ2
sin θ1
RI =
sin θ2
182 Board Stiff TEE
Calcified tissue and metallic valves eat up all the ultrasound waves (look-
ing white) and do not allow ultrasound to go further, throwing a distal
The end result of this chicanery? A Swan might appear in the left ven-
tricle (oops!), or an aortic valve might appear in the middle of a cham-
ber (how can the patient be so stable with his aortic valve sitting in the
middle of the left ventricle?). Change the depth of the image (that will
alter the pulse repetition frequency) and that should make the “mystery
object” disappear.
The main Doppler headache, and a recurring point in the meeting and
tapes, is aliasing. You will hear a million times (and no doubt be asked)
to differentiate between continuous-wave Doppler (range ambiguity but
no problem with aliasing) and pulsed-wave Doppler (range certainty but
problems with aliasing).
Wrong angle: remember the cosine thing from long ago in a galaxy far,
far away? To get an accurate measure, you have to be looking “straight
up the pipe”.
If the angle is more than 20 degrees off kilter, your Doppler will be
Beam width: this is the “Doppler equivalent” of the problem with side
lobes. You are trying to see, for example, the left ventricular inflow from
the left atrium, but your beam width is too wide and you also see an aor-
tic regurgitant jet at the same time, screwing up the signal.
186 Board Stiff TEE
Normal Aortic
mitral regurgitant
inflow flow
Can’t get
clean reading
Another problem with beam width is “the third dimension”. The beams
are not perfect 2-D structures. There is a thickness to them, so you may
get an abnormal signal from something “out of the plane” of the image,
but still “pick-upable” from the beam.
Mirror image artifact: A symmetric but weaker signal appears in the oppo-
site direction of what you measure.
Ghosting: remember the old chestnut about seeing the “green flash” of
the sun just as it is setting? No doubt many a retina has gotten fried to a
crisp looking for that. Ghosting is sort of like that.
With color Doppler, if the patient has a strong reflector, like a metallic
valve, you can get a brief flash of blue or red that doesn’t correspond to
any flow pattern. It’s like, you know man, just like this big flash, so don’t
get all bent out of shape, man.
This is total Visual City, USA, and a lot of it you’ve heard of before.
All kinds of normal things and embryonic leftovers are floating around
the heart, gumming up the works and throwing you for a loop. The list is
quasi long, but each individual one just takes a little memory work and
pattern recognition.
Moderator band: A big muscle band in the apical third of the right ven-
tricle (never in the left). The moderator band has part of the conduction
system in it.
ME 4-Chamber
Chapter 18 Artifacts and Pitfalls 187
Cool, knobbly
Little knobby fibrous thingies at the center of the free edge of each cusp
of the aortic valve. Dig the Latin name.
Coumadin ridge: atrial tissue dividing the atrial appendage from the left
upper pulmonary vein. Can look like a clot, but don’t fall for it.
ME Bicaval
Eustachian valve: same kind of deal over on the other side, where the
inferior vena cava meets the right atrium.
Both of these were drawn a while ago. Re-read the book, if you missed it.
Thebesian valve: same kind of deal, but now at the entrance to the coro-
nary sinus. This can make it hard to place the retrograde cannula, since it
is, in effect, a valve.
ME 4-Chamber
Focus on IAS
Wall motion abnormality: this isn’t really an anatomic pitfall, but it’s worth
noting here, as Dr. Grichnik did in her lecture (and from which I hope she
doesn’t mind I stole everything!).
Epicardial pacing can make the septal wall appear hypokinetic or dys-
kinetic. The normal sequence of depolarization doesn’t occur, so you
could be fooled into thinking there was a coronary occlusion leading to
this regional wall motion abnormality.
Chapter 18 Artifacts and Pitfalls 189
1. If the artifact is in line with the axis of the transducer it is most likely:
A. A side lobe artifact
B. A mirror artifact
C. A displacement artifact
D. An acoustic impedance artifact
E. Best to ignore it
2. If the artifact is in line with the axis of the transducer it is least likely:
A. Reverberation artifact
B. Acoustic shadowing
C. Ring down artifact
D. Comet tail artifact
E. Range ambiguity
F. Mirror artifact
G. Most likely not a falsely real artifact
3. Ebstein’s anomaly is characterized by all of the following except:
A. Apical tricuspid valve
B. Atrialized right ventricle
C. Associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
D. Right to left atrial shunts
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
G. Some of the above, but not quite all of the above
1. B
2. E
3. E
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CHAPTER Related Diagnostic
19 Modalities
Steven Gill, John C. Sciarra and Christopher J. Gallagher
Stress TEE is the same deal as a transthoracic stress echo. You get a
baseline reading, stress the heart with some dobutamine, kick up the
heart rate to marathon levels and do another exam. Besides seeing a
heart running like a race horse, you will also see the hyperdynamic heart
and any new wall motion abnormalities compared to the baseline rest-
ing heart. When you crank up the dobutamine, new wall motion abnor-
malities might pop-up revealing at risk myocardium, right? Well, not
always. Sometimes, low-dose dobutamine improves ventricular function,
but othertimes, you might see a biphasic response which is improving
response until reserve is exhausted. At which point you start to fall off
the old Starling curve and ventricular function declines to the point of
what we call scientifically—“Dead-as-a-doornail” myocardium. That is no
response to redbull levels of whipping the heart.
Instead of looking for wall motion abnormalities, there are new dyes that
allow you to tag the blood and see the blood flowing to the myocardium
itself, thereby, healthy oxygen-demanding tissue shows up better then
ischemic tissue and at-risk myocardium can be identified.
192 Board Stiff TEE
Look at TEE images. There is a lot of dropoff and uncertainty around the
edges, especially off to the sides. With injectable contrast, the insides
light up! Making the endocardium definition much easier to identify. This
makes for easier measurements of cardiac output and wall motion calls.
TTE provides a better look at the front of the heart, though the ribs and lungs
restrict your acoustic windows. The TEE provides a better look at the back
of the heart, though there are some limitations to the windows here too.
With just the right window, TTE can get a look at the aortic arch that the
TEE might miss. So in certain cases, TTE may be better at seeing a high
arch dissection.
TEE lets you see what’s wrong in a hurry. A Swan may be hard to get in a
hurry (CVP is low, can’t hit an IJ or a subclavian vein), and a Swan gives
you numbers requiring some leap of faith. But a Swan “stays in” and may
be useful for long-term ICU care. You can’t be popping an echo every
5 minutes, although there are some longer-term ICU-focused TEE probes
on the market.
What’s that up ahead, at the end of the yellow brick road? Is it the
Emerald City?
1. E
2. B
3. E
4. B
5. C
Bagur R, Rodes-Cabau J, Doyle D, et al. Usefulness of TEE as the primary imaging technique to
guide transcatheter transapical aortic valve implantation. J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2011;4:115–24.
Memtsoudis SG, Rosenberger P, Loffler M, et al. The usefulness of transesophageal echocar-
diography during intraoperative cardiac arrest in noncardiac surgery. Anesthesia Analgesia
Öwall A, Ehrenberg J, Brodin L.-Å. Myocardial ischaemia as judged from transoesophageal echocar-
diography and ECG in the early phase after coronary artery bypass surgery. Acta Anaesthesiol
Scand 1993;37:92–6.
Shapiro SM, Young E, De Guzman S, et al. Transesophageal echocardiography in diagnosis of infec-
tive endocarditis. Chest 1994;105:377–82.
Youn H.-J., Foster E. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in the evaluation of the coronary
arteries. Cardiology Clinics 2000;18:833–848.
CHAPTER Intraoperative 3-D
20 Echocardiography
Gian Paparcuri
3-D Echo:
n Enhances the illusion of depth perception.
n Offers a better appreciation of individual patient anatomy.
n Facilitates the understanding of complex cardiac pathology.
n Improves appreciation of the relationship between cardiac
structures by allowing visualization from different angles.
n Expedites the study of ventricular volumes by displaying
geometrically complicated chambers, such as the right ventricle.
n Eliminates the assumption of specific geometric shape of the
ventricles, when quantifying volume and ejection fraction. 3-D does
not assume the heart has a particular shape, because you see it as
it is (quantification is more accurate).
n Reduces measurement variability.
n Offers the potential to slice the dynamic cardiac structures in
infinite planes through the three dimensions.
Believe it or not, there are 3-D detractors out there. People are afraid of
change. But it is human to feel anxious when a new technology is trying
to be introduced. It is easier to welcome this new technology when limi-
tations of existing technology are appreciated.
n Mental reconstruction of a 3-D structure
n Assumptions
With real time 3-D gone is the need to sum information for 61 beats. What
is new about it these days is that instead of images that are acquired in 2-D
and then reconstructed into a 3-D image using software, the images can
be acquired in 3-D volumes and displayed in real time. The new technol-
ogy uses a special scanner (probe). The scanner used a unique matrix array
to scan a volume without physically moving the transducer. The transducer
gathers information from a single beat, resulting in a very low-latency display.
How to create a 3-D display? How does it work? It’s a simple 4-step
process. 3-D echocardiography is based on volumetric techniques.
Ultrasonic data about a volume of tissue are obtained with the probe
scanner. This is the first step (data acquisition). The fancy scanner with
thousands of crystals (matrix array probe) is able to obtain all the infor-
mation required from the tissue in order to create this pyramid-shaped
volume. All in real time, in just one beat. Simpler and faster.
The surfaces and volumes are then rendered for display. Objects and
their relative positions in this 3-D space or coordinate system can be
Although composed of voxels, 3-D objects are seen in the screen as pix-
els of a 2-D image. Perspective, light casting and depth color coding are
used to give a visual sense of depth and reality. Stereoscopic displays
and holograms may display a 3-D rendered object more realistically but
are currently used only for research purposes. Any volume-rendered 3-D
object can be freely rotated on the display screen to be viewed in any
orientation either as a static or a moving object.
Limitations: current technology does not allow even simple on-line mea-
surement of length and area within the 3-D image. A grid of dots (5 mm
apart) can be overlaid in real time (live or zoom) mode on any stored 3-D
image to estimate dimensions (see below).
3-D provides a “surgical view”—the same image that the surgeon will see
in the field. This is very important when repairs are being planned. It can
also accurately measure the size of the orifice. MV position within the
heart and its relationship to the esophagus allows perpendicular align-
ment of the TEE US scanning plane making the MV an easily imaged
structure!!! It is important for the ecocardiographer to provide the sur-
geon with detailed information of MV pathology, etiology, and a clear
understanding of individual patient (surgical planning).
The MV can be easily imaged using all the 3-D imaging modes
n Live (from 2-D ME 4C) yields only a portion of the MV.
n Full volume.
n Zoom is the modality of choice to view detailed anatomy of the
entire MV with adequate temporal and spatial resolution. The zoom
acquisition starts with imaging the entire MV in 2-D, preferably
with the AV in view. The displayed pyramid-shaped 3-D image can
be manipulated on screen in real time to view the MV from any
When you do a TEE exam you gather information for yourself. So the
order in which it is done is your preference. But, if someone comes after
and wants to look at your exam, it can be difficult to sort out all the infor-
mation. That is why this chapter seeks to suggest a standard and logical
way to perform your exam. In addition, if you do it the same way each
time you will get more efficient. Plus the order suggested here just makes
sense. It is broken down into three sections. First is ventricular function,
second are the valves, and third are associated structures. This way you
can confidently blast through a comprehensive examination and be con-
fident you did not overlook a major item.
Preliminary checks:
n Confirm that there is no absolute contraindication for TEE insertion.
n Treat the probe gently (expensive), always use a bite block.
n ECG to be connected.
n Enter patient details—name, MRN, DOB in the machine using the
‘Patient I.D’ button.
Left Ventricle
Studied in 4 views. In each view look for chamber size, wall thickness,
systolic, diastolic function, and wall motion abnormalities.
120° 0°
The first view is the ME 4 chamber where both atria and ventricles are
seen with the two AV valves. The lateral and the septal walls of the left
ventricle and the free wall of the right ventricle are seen. The next view is
the transgastric short axis (TG SAX) obtained by advancing the probe
further down to enter the stomach and anteflex. Cross section of the LV/
RV (doughnut appearance) is seen at the level of the papillary muscles.
204 Board Stiff TEE
This is the most commonly used view to assess the systolic function
of the LV as it displays all the six regions corresponding to the distribu-
tion of the 3 coronary arteries. At this point record a loop of this view to
compare with the post-operative study. The TG 2 chamber is seen by
increasing the angle to 90 degrees.
ME 2 chamber
The next view is the ME 2 chamber where the left atrium, the anterior
and inferior walls of the left ventricle are seen. This is also a good view
with which to see the left atrial appendage and the left pulmonary veins
to the left of the screen and, finally, the long axis of the left ventricle is
seen in the ME LAX where the posterior and the anteroseptal walls are
seen along with the LV outflow tract. Both the mitral and aortic valves
are seen. Examine with color flow to see any valve lesions and also any
obstructive pathology at the outflow tract.
Aorta just
above AV
inflow outflow
ME RV Inflow-Outflow
Right Ventricle
One of the most common views is the ME 4 chamber where the free wall
of the right ventricle is visualized. Look for chamber size, dilatation, and
contractility in relation to the left ventricle. Another common view is the
ME RV inflow/outflow with both the tricuspid and pulmonary valve
seen. Note the RV size and contraction. Color flow to be used across
both the valves to look for any stenosis/regurgitation; the long axis of the
right ventricle is also studied in the TG RV inflow view.
Chapter 21 The Structured TEE Examination 205
ME 2 chamber
Mitral Valve
ME 4 chamber
ME mitral commissural
Aortic Valve
In the ME SAX view the 3 cusps are seen (the Mercedes Benz sign) the
non-coronary near the interatrial septum, the left cusp on the left, and
the right cusp anteriorly. Look at the number of cusps (tri/bi/uni-cuspid),
morphology, coaptation. Examine with color flow.
In the ME LAX, the long axis of the aorta is seen with the LV outflow and
the mitral valve. Note the leaflet morphology, coaptation, and dimensions
of the annulus, sinus, sino-tubular junction and ascending aorta. Examine
with color flow. Look for any pathology in the outflow tract. This view is
also used to study the A2, P2 of the mitral valve which are commonly
associated with prolapse. Advance the probe further into the stomach,
ante flex and go beyond the short axis of LV to visualize the Deep TG
view of the aortic valve which is seen at the bottom of the sector. This
view is used to measure the pressure gradient across the valve as the
Doppler is in line with the blood flow. If getting this view is difficult, the
Chapter 21 The Structured TEE Examination 207
ME 4 chamber
Tricuspid/Pulmonary Valve
The right-sided valves are seen in the ME 4 chamber view; note the mor-
phology, coaptation. Use color flow to quantify the regurgitation/stenosis.
The other view is the RV inflow/outflow. This view is used for both the
tricuspid and the pulmonary valve, and also for Doppler study across the
valve to grade the regurgitation and to indirectly measure the PA pres-
sure from the peak pressure of the regurgitant flow.
Aorta just
above AV
inflow outflow
ME RV Inflow-Outflow
The following views are obtained to study the left atrium ME 4CH, 2 CH,
RV inflow/outflow, Bicaval.
ME bicaval view
In the ME Bicaval view the SVC is seen on the right and the IVC on the
left; both atria and the atrial septum are well visualized. A good view to
identify atrial septal defect and patent foramen ovale.
Aortic Arch
With the probe in the upper esophagus, and rotated to the left, the short
axis of the aortic arch is seen with the origin of the subclavian artery to
the left. Look for dilatation, dissection flap/atheroma. This view is used
to check the position of the intra-aortic balloon. Decreasing the angle
to 0 degrees gives the UE LAX view of the ascending aorta.
In other structures, you can add any odd pathology you may know
about—such as VSD, or persistent left superior vena cava. There you
have it—1, 2, 3, your basic exam is done. With practice this should take
you no more than a few minutes.
Now that you have covered the basics, you can go back and study the
diastolic dysfunction or tissue strain rates, etcetera, etcetera….
Sonographic Formulas
22 John C. Sciarra
CO = SV × HR
Volume = Area × TVI
Flow = area × velocity
Continuity equation: what goes in comes out. (Note: you can sub peak
vel for TVI.)
c = f × λ c = 1540 m/s
Z = p × c
Here I will go over some that are not quite obvious. The hemodynamic
section will explain most of these again.
210 Board Stiff TEE
MV area = 220/P 1/2t…This is the quick and easy way to get a mitral
valve area. 220 divided by the pressure half-time. If you want to know
how to get the pressure half-time—ask your attending or tech.
Pisa area, Pisa flow…These are just parts of the big Pisa MV area
equation. Understanding them as separate components is helpful.
Hemo-dynamo Doc
23 Christopher J. Gallagher
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the ONE place where “Go to the Internet” does not
solve the issue. You need pencil, paper, and a little concentrated thinking to get
this section. Old fashioned, but effective!
The first time you see the quantitative problems of transesophageal echo-
cardiography, you will defecate a quart jar of tenpenny nails, not to be too
indelicate about it. But fear not, all is not lost. The math is no more com-
plex than algebra, and the same concepts come back over and over and
over again. The best way to show this is to plow through the problems
they showed at the 2003 hemodynamics workshop meeting. The first time
through (especially if you haven’t seen this stuff before), it will seem like
Greek. But by the end (once you see that the same equations reappear
like Jason in a Halloween sequel), you should get it.
Case 1
77-yo man having CABG surgery has an A-line, CVP, and (surprise) a TEE.
On echo, the AV appears sclerosed with restricted leaflet motion and trace
AR. His BSA is 2.0 m squared. The following measurements are made:
• Heart rate: 75 bpm
• Systemic BP: 105/65 mmHg
• CVP: 105/65 (Oops! The resident must have nailed big red! It’s really
10 mmHg.)
• Diameter LVOT: 2.2 cm
• TVI LVOT: 18 cm
• Peak velocity LVOT: 1.0 m/sec
• TVI AV: 62 cm
• Peak velocity AV: 3.4 m/sec
• Peak velocity TR: 2.8 m/sec
212 Board Stiff TEE
Area of a circle, you recall from 8th grade or so, is pi × radius squared.
Since pi is 3.14 and since radius = diameter divided by 2, then the area
Chapter 23 Hemo-dynamo Doc 213
For some reason, in the TEE review course, they always go with
area = 0.785 × diameter squared, they never go with pi × radius squared.
Whatever, when in Rome, do as the Romans.
So let’s wander back to the stroke volume thing.
Stroke volume area LVOT TVI LVOT
0.785 (2.2 cm) squared 18 cm
3.8 cm squared 18 cm
68 cm cubed, or 68 mL
Does it pass the “units make sense” test? Yes. Does it pass the “common
sense” test? Yes. You’re in business.
The Mathematical
The Bernoulli equation will appear a million times in any discussion of
TEE. The complicated form of this equation takes Sir Isaac Newton to deci-
pher, but the simplified version comes to us as the digestible.
Delta P (the change in pressure between two chambers in a flowing
system) = 4 × velocity squared (where the velocity is measured at a
“choke point” or narrowing between the two chambers)
So picture the place we’re interested in measuring, here the right ventricle.
Where is there a “choke point” or narrowing that leads into or out of the
right ventricle, we can measure a velocity. (Remember, the TEE can mea-
sure a velocity for you, but it cannot measure a pressure.)
Aha! The patient has tricuspid regurgitation, and there is a measurement
of the tricuspid regurg velocity that we can measure:
Peak velocity TR 2.8 m/sec
(Note well, the units for the Bernoulli equation work out as follows—use
the velocity in m/sec and your gradient will come out in mmHg.)
So let’s convert that TR velocity into a gradient:
The Commonsensical/Visual
So we want to know the pressure in one place, we have a gradient, and we
have a pressure in a second place. Here’s where the common sense comes in.
Chapter 23 Hemo-dynamo Doc 215
There is a higher pressure place, the right ventricle (that’s what contracts,
after all). There is a lower pressure place, the atrium (the pressure in that
thin-walled chamber better be lower than the thicker walled ventricle).
Common sense tells you that you could set up an equation like this:
The right ventricle the gradient going back into the atrium
the pressure in the atrium
Unknown 31mmHg 10 mmHg
Unknown 41 mmHg
This may work for you, but I found it more useful to think through the
problem from the vantage of “here’s the high-pressure area, here’s the
low-pressure area, and here’s the loss of pressure between them”. That
way you’ll understand the way the pressure works, and you’ll be less likely
to, say, subtract the CVP from the gradient rather than add the CVP to
the gradient. Once you’re done, you can then draw your picture and see if
common sense holds up.
Fluids are not compressible, so you can’t “squish” the blood. Also, blood
cannot just “disappear”, which brings up the BIG EXCEPTION to the conti-
nuity equation:
If a patient has noncontinuous flow (septal defect somewhere), then you
can’t use the continuity equation. To use continuity, have continuity!
So, if you can measure flow through one area, then that should equal flow
in another area.
Flow here = flow there. The essence of the continuity equation.
Recall from earlier that we “create” measurable flow by assuming a cylin-
drical amount of blood flow. (We did that in the original part of this prob-
lem, the stroke volume problem. Go back now and nail that down, because
that is the heart of the continuity equation.) We measure this cylindrical
flow by getting one area and multiplying it by the length (the time-velocity
integral), thus getting flow.
Area length area length
We know we want to know the aortic valve area, so where can we find
another place to measure stuff?
The left ventricular outflow tract, of course! (The LVOT is forever bailing
our mathematical asses out of trouble.)
So flow through the LVOT should equal flow through the aortic valve. So
plug in the respective three things that we DO have, and solve for the one
thing we don’t have:
Area of the LVOT blood flow “cylinder” length that the blood flow
“cylinder” goes area of the aortic valve “cylinder” length that
the aortic blood flow “cylinder” goes
Area LVOT TVI LVOT unknown aortic valve area TVI aortic vallve
You have the diameter of the LVOT, 2.2 cm, so use the area formula:
Does this pass the units test? Yes. Aortic valve areas are measured in cm
Does this pass the common sense test? Yes, this fits the general size you
would expect of a stenotic aortic valve. You didn’t get an aortic valve area
the size of an electron, nor did you get an area the size of Comiskey Park.
Now hold on to your slide rulers and cyclotrons—there is, it turns out,
another way to get the aortic valve area.
Go back to the cylinder of blood idea (the gist of all these equations). If
you look just at the aortic valve, you could say:
Aortic valve area TVI aortic valve stroke volume through th he aortic valve
So, if you were of a mind to, you could calculate the aortic valve area that
way, could you not? (The first time you see this, you’ll go, “Huh? Aren’t
they cheating?”.) But it’s actually not cheating, because, in order to get the
stroke volume, you had to use the concept of the “cylinder of blood going
through the LVOT” (see above, where we calculated the very first part of
this problem, the stroke volume).
Take a second to digest this.
No, really, look back up there, don’t take this on faith.
Satisfied? Good.
So, here we go with the second way to calculate the area of the aortic valve.
Cross multiply and divide, and gee whiz golly, the aortic valve area is still
1.1 cm squared.
That shouldn’t surprise you, as this patient hasn’t aged much during this
What should surprise you is a second answer different from your first.
Since you were just grinding the same numbers through in different ways,
you should get a second answer the same as the first. If you don’t, go back
and rework it.
Units OK ? Check.
Common sense OK ? Check.
Case 2
48-yo man having CABG. Monitoring includes a finger on the pulse and an
anesthesiologist on the phone to Merrill-Lynch. OK, OK, sorry. Monitoring
includes an A-line, CVP, and TEE. LV appears dilated and hypocontractile.
There is a central jet of MR judged to be 2+ to 3+ in severity. The following
measurements are made:
• Diameter LVOT: 2.5 cm
• TVI LVOT: 13 cm
• Mitral annular diameter: 3.5 cm
• TVI mitral annular diameter: 11 cm
• PISA radius: 0.8 cm
• PISA alias velocity: 34 cm/sec
• Peak velocity MR: 574 cm/sec
• TVI MR: 172 cm
Calculate the following:
• LVOT stroke volume
• MV stroke volume
Chapter 23 Hemo-dynamo Doc 219
• MV regurgitant volume
• MV regurgitant fraction
• Regurgitant orifice area
• PISA calculations
• Regurgitant flow rate
• Regurgitant orifice area
• Regurgitant volume
• Regurgitant fraction
Before you regurgitate yourself at all this stuff, a few pointers.
On this, the math part of the test, they will just give you the various mea-
sures. They’ll lay LVOT diameter on a silver platter and hand it to you. In
other parts of the test, you will visually have to show exactly where you
would take this measurement yourself. And on the test the various places
are damned close to one another, so make sure you know where to take
these measurements.
Second, PISA makes the whole auditorium groan, it seems so esoteric at
first. But once you gird your loins and throw yourself into this stuff, you’ll
see that PISA is just the continuity equation in another form.
Flow through the PISA flow through another area
Units make sense? Yes. Common sense rule checks out? Yes. (Make it a
habit to always do this two-part checkout.)
Units check? Yes. Common sense check? Wait a minute! Didn’t we just
calculate an LVOT stroke volume of 64 mL? Now where did this stroke vol-
ume of 106 mL come from? What about the Holiest of Holies, the continu-
ity equation?
Confused? Pause for a moment and think about what’s happening.
This patient has mitral regurgitation, so it makes sense that more should
go through the mitral valve than goes out the LVOT. Some of that mitral
volume is lost by going backward (as we’ll see below). Recall, too, that the
continuity equation doesn’t apply here, because the LVOT measurement
applies to blood flowing out to the aorta during systole. The blood flow
going forward through the mitral valve occurs during diastole.
Systole and diastole do not occur at the same time. They are
DIScontinuous so the continuity equation does not apply to them.
So, in review, the units check and the common sense also checks, once
you think about what is happening and when it is happening.
Chapter 23 Hemo-dynamo Doc 221
Units check? Yes. Common sense check? Ye-e-e-es. (If you find yourself
hesitating, draw a picture to satisfy yourself that it does, indeed, make
PISA Calculations
Hunker down, cowboys and cowgirls, it’s not so bad as you think. Before
we go into the actual calculations in this case, let’s go over the main
aspects of PISAtology.
Look at the words that make up PISA, and draw pictures to illustrate the
Proximal. That means the colorful and troublesome PISA radius will appear
on the upstream part of the “choke point”. So draw a few pictures. If the
patient has mitral regurg, and the flow is pouring from the high-pressure
left ventricle into the low-pressure left atrium, the PISA will appear where?
Proximal! That is, the PISA will appear in the left ventricle, the “near” side
of the “choke point”. The proximal area of the choke hold, not the far side.
That would be “distal isovelocity surface area”, and if you think of the cha-
otic flow on the far side of a “choke point”, that doesn’t make sense.
How about a case of mitral stenosis? Flow is trying to “squeeze” through a
tight mitral valve. Where would the PISA radius appear then?
Proximal! On the near side of the choke point, that is, in the left atrium.
Again, a radius on the far side of the choke point doesn’t make sense.
Isovelocity. All the flow at that area is the same. Recall that flow Doppler is
a pulsed-wave, not a continuous-wave, phenomenon. At a certain velocity,
the color of the wave will change. Conveniently for us, the aliasing velocity
(the velocity where color change occurs) is listed on the machine.
Well, why should the isovelocity thing line up so perfectly for us. Why isn’t
the isovelocity thing scattered all over the map?
Think of water going toward a narrow sluice gate. The velocities are all over
the map, until you get real close; then the pressure bearing down on the
water is all the same. The velocities “organize” as the water gets closer
to the sluice gate, and you get a hemisphere of water all going the same
speed toward that narrow opening. That is why you get a hemisphere of
“isovelocity-ness” that appears on the TEE screen.
Chapter 23 Hemo-dynamo Doc 223
Surface Area. Unlike earlier equations, which used the area of a circle
(pi × radius squared), this area is that of a hemisphere (2 × pi × radius
squared). Why? Look at the PISA thing. It is a hemisphere, not a circle.
So that’s where you get the 2 × pi × radius squared. In calculations done
at the conference, they give you the radius and you go with 6.28 (that is,
2 × 3.14) × radius squared.
So, once you believe in PISA, have the formula for area of a hemisphere
down, and recall the continuity equation, you are in business.
Wait, wait! Where did that aliasing velocity come from again?
That line, where the flow changes color, must all be going at the same
velocity—remember the water flowing towards the sluice gate? So read
the aliasing velocity right off your TEE screen (it’s listed right next to a
colored bar), measure the radius to that line change, and you know that
right there, the blood has to be going that fast, the aliasing velocity. And
you measured the radius right there, where the color change occurs, so
you are satisfying the demand that the area and the velocity be measured
at the same place. So,
Area (in one specific place) velocity (at that same specifiic place)
volume (at that specific place)
Regurgitant flow rate 2 pi (0.8 cm) squared 34 cm/sec
Wait, wait! In all the other stuff, we used TVI and got a length in cm. Now
we’ve got this aliasing velocity that has cm/second. Doesn’t that screw
everything up?
Don’t panic. Take a deep breath. The question asked for a regurgitant flow
rate (which implies a flow per unit time), so the aliasing velocity is-not-the-
same-as-TVI will not screw us up. But it’s good to see you fretting about
the units.
Units OK? Check. (Again, you get Brownie points if you got nervous about
the aliasing velocity not being the same as the TVI.) Common sense? Yes.
224 Board Stiff TEE
Cross multiply and divide and you get ERO = 0.24 cm squared.
Units OK? Yes. Common sense OK? Well now, I will be dipped in hot
fudge, stuck on a stick, and served up at the County Fair—the ERO turned
out to be the same thing! 0.24 cm squared. And this time we really did cal-
culate it a different way.
Who’d a thunk it.
Units? Check. Common sense? Check. Recall, with the other way, we calcu-
lated a regurgitant volume of 42 mL. That is close enough for government
or, in percentage terms, 39%, which makes both units and common sense
sense. (Or, [sense] squared.)
Now that problem right there is a killer. If you can smack through that,
you can handle most anything in the hemodynamic front. Might be worth
going over this again a couple times, making sure you keep getting the
units all squared away, especially with PISA’s little twists and turns.
Case 3
60-yo obese female s/p cardiac arrest following total hip replacement.
Patient is brought to the operating room based upon a preliminary TEE
that suggests pulmonary embolus.
CONFERENCE NOTE: There was an entire lecture on TEE in the evalua-
tion of hypoxemia, and it focused on how TEEs help diagnose pulmonary
emboli. Though the embolus itself is rarely seen, the secondary signs—RV
dilatation, tricuspid regurg, all the signs of a right heart struggling to push
blood past an obstruction—are most helpful in making this slippery diag-
nosis of pulmonary embolus.
They did show one unbelievable clip of an enormous embolus that actu-
ally was in transit through the right heart. On screen, in real time, it came
unglued, shot up into the pulmonary artery, and the patient went on to die
soon after. Scary as hell. About as impressive a TEE as you’d ever care to
see. Or not see.
Vital Signs
• Heart rate: 100 bpm
• Systemic BP: 110/60 mmHg
• CVP: 16 mmHg
TEE Data
• Pulmonary artery diameter: 2.0 cm
• Pulmonary artery TVI: 10 cm
• Aortic valve TVI: 15 cm
• TR peak velocity: 4 m/sec
• Stroke volume
• Cardiac output
• Peak right ventricular systolic pressure
• Aortic valve area
226 Board Stiff TEE
You’ve done two of these already, and you should have the equipment to
figure these out on your own, so give it a try before you read on. You will
note that the same stuff keeps coming up, the same ideas, the same equa-
tions. But it still doesn’t hurt to draw a picture or two to keep the big pic-
ture in mind.
This is a heart whose right side is “stopped up” with a plug in the outflow
from the right ventricle to the lungs. Status hemicardioconstipationatus
dextrus, if you prefer the Latin term. The tricuspid regurg shouldn’t sur-
prise you. As the right ventricle groans against a high pressure, some
blood will go backward through the tricuspid valves.
What the hell? Where are my old favorites? How can this be? Has the
world turned upside down? It was so EASY to see it that way. You’re look-
ing right down the pipe of the left ventricular escape hatch. Out goes the
blood through the LVOT into the aorta and you’re there! What am I sup-
posed to do with the information I do have?
Here’s where you really need to understand the continuity equation. The
information you get is the pulmonary artery diameter and the pulmonary
artery TVI. If you really believe, I mean believe, brothers and sisters, in the
sanctity of the continuity equation, then you must convince yourself that
flow through the pulmonary artery will equal flow through the aorta.
That is, if the forward flow has no weird places the blood could disappear
to (ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, some weird AV malforma-
tion in the lung).
But! But! What about the tricuspid regurg? Doesn’t that “undo” the conti-
nuity equation?
No. The TVI you measure through the pulmonary artery is real-live, forward
flow. That flow has made it past the right ventricle. Whatever went backward
went backward, and we’ll measure that in our own sweet time. But the TVI
of the forward flow through the PA will rock right on straight through to the
lungs, the left atrium, and the left ventricle, and out into the body.
If no flow goes backward from the pulmonary artery on out (that is, the
pulmonary artery itself is not regurgitant), then the continuity equation
says, “the flow will flow”.
Chapter 23 Hemo-dynamo Doc 227
So, now that we’ve settled that, then we can calculate our stroke volume:
Units check? Yes. Common sense check? That forward flow seems pretty
small. In earlier patients we were getting stroke volumes of 68 mL and the
like. Only 31 mL? Pretty punky. But then, what does common sense tell
you? This patient has a big PE, a big blockage to flow out of her right ven-
tricle. It’s conceivable and understandable that a monster plug to the RV
could cut the “usual” stroke volume in half. So, yes, this passes the com-
mon sense test.
While you’re at it, turn the logic around. What if you calculate a stroke vol-
ume greater than normal, say, 90 mL? That wouldn’t jibe with the picture
of a pulmonary embolus and blocked forward flow.
Always check your numbers against common sense and what is really hap-
pening to the patient. You will be less likely to make a mistake. If you just
plug in numbers and hope against hope that you’re right, you’ll stumble.
Delta P 64 mmHg
Then you just cross multiply and divide. Well, as noted above, we ain’t got
no LVOT. We got the PA. There is tricuspid regurg, but that doesn’t con-
cern us now. We’re past that level of the regurg, and if, from the PA for-
ward, there is no stop to forward, continuous flow, we should be able to
use the continuity equation.
Plug in:
Area PA × TVI PA = area AV (the unknown) × TVI AV
0.785 (2.0 cm) squared 10 cm area AV 15 cm
As before, this shouldn’t come across as some miracle, as you are just
regrinding the numbers in a different path to get to the same result. Of
course, if you regrind and come out with a different number, perhaps you
need to look things over and mend the error of your ways.
Case 4
60-yo male with acute aortic dissection and aortic insufficiency.
Vital Signs
• Heart rate: 80 bpm
• Systemic BP: 120/60 mmHg
TEE Data
• LVOT diameter: 2.0 cm
• LVOT TVI: 30 cm
• MV diameter: 3 cm
• MV TVI: 10 cm
• AI TVI: 160 cm
• AI end-diastolic velocity: 3 m/sec
• LVOT stroke volume
• Mitral valve stroke volume
• Aortic regurgitant volume
• Aortic regurgitant fraction
• Aortic regurgitant orifice area
• Cardiac output
• Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure
It’s worth reminding yourself where you get all these numbers from. You
measure the LVOT about 5 to 10 mm proximal to the annulus of the aortic
valve. You measure the LVOT velocity (around which you draw your cursor
to get the TVI) at the EXACT SAME PLACE, using… well, you tell me. Do
you use continuous-wave Doppler or pulsed-wave Doppler?
230 Board Stiff TEE
Let’s step outside the numbers again to make sure we got the numbers
from the right place.
You measured the mitral valve, where, the annulus or the tips of the
The annulus.
Where do you measure the velocity?
Same place. Get the stuff at the same place, not different places!
Which kind of Doppler did you use?
Pulsed wave, because we wanted a specific velocity at a specific place.
The ventricle is “loaded” with two volumes during regurgitation, the blood
pouring backward from the incompetent aortic valve, and the blood flow-
ing forward through the mitral valve. Then WHOOSH, both these volumes
go blasting out the aortic valve.
Regurgitant volume aortic valve 71mL 94 mL
Still not convinced the mitral valve has to be competent? Let’s load up the
ventricle then WHOOSH it out both valves.
Units check? (Do it every time) Yes. Common sense check? Yes.
Think it through: you have an area (of regurg), a length (of regurg), and a
volume (of regurg). It all makes sense, so now grind the numbers:
Units? Good. Common sense? Um. That’s pretty tiny for an aortic valve,
but wait, this is the area where regurgitation is occurring, not the entire
valve area. You can picture that this patient has an aortic dissection, so
the aortic root is stretched, making the aortic valves not able to completely
reach each other, and leaving a small area “uncovered” in the middle.
Through that, 23 mL of blood per beat flows back into the heart. Then, yes,
the aortic regurgitant orifice area of 0.14 cm squared makes sense.
232 Board Stiff TEE
Say you had come up with an aortic regurgitation orifice area of 1.2 cm
squared. That would leave a gigantic gap. Blood would go like a house afire
into the ventricle, giving an enormous regurgitant volume and, in all likeli-
hood, a moribund patient.
Whoa! You say, wait just a darn tootin’ minute here, partner, who said any-
thing about the mitral valve? I thought, well, I thought we wanted cardiac
output, like as in from the left ventricle out to the body. Who gives a damn
about the “cardiac output” from the left atrium to the left ventricle?
Back to the continuity equation. We are talking about uninterrupted for-
ward flow. The amount of blood that leaves the left atrium and doesn’t
come back (recall the mitral valve is OK), must be the amount that leaves
the ventricle. As long as the forward flow is not diverted in its forward
Look at flow in a different way to convince yourself that the continuity
equation holds.
Pretend 71 mL of blood enters the left ventricle from the left atrium; then
71 mL do NOT go forward and out of the heart. Say only 50 mL goes out of
the heart with each beat, and then 71 mL keeps entering the left ventricle
through the mitral valve.
With each beat of the heart, the left ventricle gets 21 mL bigger. At the
end of a minute, the heart will have 1600 mL of blood just hanging
around, looking for a good time. At the end of the hour, your heart will
be 96,000 mL bigger, or 96 L big. Echo findings in such a case would be
remarkable, to say the least. Even the most vigorous patient might find
handling such a volume load to be beyond his or her capacity.
Let’s say you were given this problem and I said the patient had a VSD.
Could the continuity equation come to the rescue? No. Do a sample prob-
lem to satisfy yourself of this.
Pretend that you magically know that 71 mL of blood enters through the
mitral valve and 23 mL enters through regurgitation. That is, 71 mL of blood
enters the left ventricle from the mitral valve, and 23 mL enters the left ven-
tricle from regurgitant flow, so now the total ventricular volume of 94 mL
goes WHOOSH! But how much goes out the aortic valve, and how much
goes out the VSD? No way of knowing.
Units check? Check. Common sense check? Yes. Blood flowing into the
left ventricle through regurgitation should create some pressure there.
Nothing ridiculous. (Say you came up with an LV EDP of 130 mmHg; that’s
higher than systolic pressure, and during diastole? No way.) So, this value
satisfies the common sense test.
Case 5
70-yo male with worsening dyspnea on exertion.
Vital Signs
• Heart rate: 70 bpm
• Systemic BP: 100/50 mmHg
• CVP: 12 mmHg
TEE Data
• LVOT diameter: 2.0 cm
• LVOT TVI: 20 cm
• MV TVI: 90 cm
• MV pressure half-time (PHT): 300 ms
• Peak trans-mitral end-diastolic velocity (EDV): 2.0 m/sec
• Pulmonary insufficiency EDV: 2.5 m/sec
234 Board Stiff TEE
• Mitral valve area by pressure half-time
• Mitral valve area by continuity equation
• Pulmonary artery diastolic pressure
How? Doppler half-times were compared to cath lab studies, and this
magic number appeared.
Draw a line down the E wave of mitral flow; make that line go right to 0.
Ignore the A wave. Find the halfway point down the slope that corresponds
to the pressure (recall, delta pressure = 4 × [velocity] squared); that is
the halfway point. Do not go to the halfway point as far as velocity is con-
cerned. As luck is with us, the computer on the TEE can do this.
So, back to the problem, what is the mitral valve area by PHT?
Units check? Yes. If you use this equation, and use milliseconds, you get
cm squared. Common sense? Yep. That’s a tight mitral valve, and that
goes along with the clinical picture of worsening dyspnea on exertion.
That, by continuity, must equal the flow through the mitral valve, so let’s
create that cylinder of blood:
Flow through mitral valve area MV TVI MV
If we believe in continuity, and, amen, amen, by now you must believe, then
set the flow through the mitral valve equal to the flow through the LVOT:
Area MV 90 cm 0.785 (2.0 cm) squared 20 cm
Hot damn! Just like the pressure half-time way! Well bend me over an
Adirondack chair and spank me with a two-by-four ‘til I say “Mama!”.
Uh, er…Where is the RV EDP? Have we got one equation, two unknowns?
I cry foul!
Hold on, professor. Let’s find a good approximation of the RV EDP. How
about the CVP? Well, think about it.
If there is no big pressure gradient between the right atrium and the right
ventricle (there is no mention made of tricuspid stenosis), then, yes, in
diastole, with the tricuspid valve open, the prevailing pressure in the right
atrium should reflect the pressure in the right ventricle. So put 12 mmHg
into the right ventricle:
PA end-diastolic pressure 4 (2.5 m/sec) squared 12 mmHg
Satisfy yourself that the units and the common sense hold true.
236 Board Stiff TEE
Case 6
54-yo man is having MV surgery. A-line, Swan, TEE. TEE shows thickened
MV leaflets with diastolic doming and restricted opening. There is 2+ MR
and no AI. You get the following:
Vital Signs
• Heart rate: 100 bpm
• Systemic BP: 136/80 mmHg
• Thermodilution cardiac output: 3.8 L/min
TEE Data
• MV pressure half-time: 215 millisec
• Peak trans-mitral E velocity: 240 cm/sec
• Mean trans-mitral velocity: 194 cm/sec
• TVI mitral inflow: 55 cm
• TVI MR: 85 cm
• MS PISA radius: 1.4 cm
• PISA alias velocity: 30 cm/sec
• MV alpha angle: 120 degrees
• Peak trans-mitral pressure gradient
• Mitral valve area by pressure half-time
• Area of PISA
• Mitral valve area using PISA
• Mitral valve stroke volume
• Mitral valve regurgitant volume
• Mitral valve regurgitant fraction
• Effective MV regurgitant orifice area
Yipes. Killer.
Just start pounding, it’ll unfold.
Note that they tried to fake you out by giving you the trans-mitral E velocity
in cm/second. You need, in the Bernoulli equation, to have velocity in m/
second to get the answer in mmHg. If you had said
Delta P 4 (240 ) squared
you would have ended up with a gradient of 57600 mmHg. If you see such
a patient, DUCK, for his atrium is about to blow that wing of the hospital
to smithereens.
Units OK? Yes. Common sense OK? Yes, this is a small mitral valve,
which goes along with the TEE findings of diastolic doming and restricted
opening. Just as an exercise, pretend he had a good mitral valve, one that
opened right up and emptied real fast. What would you see?
A faster pressure half-time, say, 110 milliseconds to empty half way. And
that means what? An area of 220/110, or 2 cm squared. A bigger valve.
Faster emptying. Makes sense.
If that angle is giving you trouble, consider two extreme examples to sat-
isfy yourself that the angle does, indeed, decrease the area of the PISA
Consider 180 degrees; in other words, there is no angle. Then the “angle
part” of the equation is 180/180 or 1. And the area is just that of a hemi-
sphere, 2 × pi × radius squared.
Consider 90 degrees. That looks like, and does, cut the area off by half.
Holy consistency, Batman, the area turns out the same, even after all that
Units OK? Yes. Common sense OK? Yes: 55 mL is a decent stroke volume.
Not super, but not ridiculously low or high.
OK, think about what’s going on. Way back a hundred years ago you read
that the patient has mitral regurg but no aortic insufficiency. So we load
the left ventricle; where does the blood go?
There are only two “doors” into the left ventricle, the mitral valve pouring
blood in during diastole, and, what else, how else could blood get in there?
Blood could roll back into the left ventricle through the aortic valve. But no,
“There is 2+ MR but no AI.”
“…no AI.”
So, forget that. The only blood going into the left ventricle is the stroke
volume passing the mitral valve, that is, the SV MV. That amount is 55 mL.
Now, what paths do we have OUT of the ventricle?
We still have the same two doors, the aortic and the mitral. Unlike during
diastole, though, this time BOTH of the doors are open. The aortic valve
functions its normal way, and pumps out a certain stroke volume, and the
mitral valve is incompetent, so blood flows out that way too.
A ventricle filled with 55 mL divides its two exit pathways into two:
55 mL volume out the aorta volume out the mitral valve
But how much goes out the aorta? Where is our “usual” LVOT diameter
and LVOT TVI? The bastards, they’ve left us high and dry.
Hold back your despair. It’s time to go back, long ago, to a galaxy far,
far away, where you used to figure stuff out without a TEE. Call this
You have a cardiac output, right, remember, from that Swan thing that
they must have ordered from the Smithsonian? And you have a heart beat.
(God, they probably actually felt a PULSE! How’s that for a blast from
the past? Why don’t we all put on polyester leisure suits and head out to
Studio 54?)
Cardiac output out the aorta heart rate stroke volume out the aorta
3.8 L/min 100 beats/min stroke volume out the aorta
Stroke volume out the aorta 38 mL
55 mL (the amount loaded into the left ventricle) 38 mL out the aorta
X mL out the incompetent mitral valve
55 mL 38 mL regurgitant volume
55 mL 38 mL regurgitant volume
Regurgitant volume 17 mL
240 Board Stiff TEE
So, figuring this problem out was like the things every bride should wear,
“Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue,
and a penny in her shoe”.
Only without the blue and penny stuff.
Units, common sense? Yeah, yeah, yeah. When will this chapter ever end?
Makes sense, right units, so rock on. If this is starting to get repetitive, that
is fine and dandy, sugar candy. These should be so drilled into you that
you should be able to do these problems standing on your head. There are
only a few ideas (move a cylinder of blood; know which way the blood is
flowing; continuity; Bernoulli; area × length = volume; high-pressure area
loses pressure in a gradient, which goes to the low-pressure area). And, no
matter how the question is phrased, you get back to the same principles.
If you go through the nine problems from their workshop, and understand
how you got everything, you should ace this part of the test.
And if not, well hell, there’s always next year.
Case 7
56-yo man presents for AV surgery.
Vital Signs
• Heart rate: 84 bpm
• Systemic BP: 90/70 mmHg
• CVP: 14 mmHg
• BSA: 1.98 m squared
Chapter 23 Hemo-dynamo Doc 241
TEE Data
• LVOT diameter
• Aortic valve mean gradient
• Aortic valve TVI
• TR peak velocity
• LVOT stroke volume
• Cardiac output and index
• Aortic valve area
• Pulmonary artery systolic pressure
No kidding, by now you should be able to nail this stuff.
Units, um. Common sense, er… HEY, WAIT A MINUTE! Aha, so you see,
you can fall asleep at the wheel here and just grab any old number and
plug it in. Then, when your numbers and units come out phony baloney,
the klaxons should start clanging.
Cardiac output stroke volume heart rate
CO 87 mL/heartbeat 84 heartbeats/min
7.3 L/min
242 Board Stiff TEE
That’s more like it. That unit makes sense, and an output of 7.3 L/min
you’ve seen before in the OR.
Cardiac index CO/BSA
CI 7.3L/min/1.98 m squared
3.7 L/min/m squared
LVOT SV (the cylinder of blood we calculated first) area off the aortic valve
(unbeknownst to us at present, but soon to yield to our astute powers
of calculation) length (TVVI of the aortic valve)
87 mL area of AV 122 cm
Area of AV 87 mL/122 cm
0.7 cm squared
Yes! We are no longer “at a remove” from useful information. We have our
high-pressure area, our “choke point” where we lose pressure across a gra-
dient, and our low-pressure area.
Right units, makes sense that a right ventricle might have to generate a lot
of pressure in the face of a diseased heart. (He has a tight aortic valve plus
tricuspid regurg. Ay caramba! You think you’ve got problems.)
And, to answer the question, since the RV generates 66 mmHg, and the
pulmonic valve has no stenosis, then it makes sense that the pulmo-
nary artery “sees” all that pressure and thus the PA systolic pressure is
66 mmHg.
You CAN figure these things out, even when it’s not super obvious!
Case 8
78-yo man undergoing AAA surgery becomes hypoxic and hypotensive with
cross-clamping of the abdominal aorta. TEE reveals 1+ to 2+ MR, 1+ TR
without AS or AI.
Vital Signs
• Heart rate: 110 bpm
• Systemic BP: 85/50 mmHg
• CVP: 8 mmHg
TEE Data
• Aortic valve side: 2.3 cm
• Aortic valve TVI: 12 cm
• Peak velocity MR: 3.5 m/sec
• Peak velocity TR: 3.5 m/sec
• Aortic valve area
• Stroke volume
• Cardiac output
• Left atrial pressure
244 Board Stiff TEE
Units make sense, and, wonder of wonders, the common sense works too,
because 2.3 cm squared is within the normal range. That jibes with “with-
out AS or AI”.
Units work out, and common sense, … whoa Nelly. Stroke volume of
28 mL. Not exactly irrational exuberance on the part of the heart is it? Does
that make clinical sense?
A 28-mL stroke volume is Bad News Bears Breaking Training. But look at
the overall picture — hypoxemic, hypotensive, old patient, just had the
aorta cross-clamped. Them’s a lot of reasons to be doing poorly. So, yes,
this result, though alarming, does satisfy the “common sense” criterion.
Crikey (as the Croc Hunter says), this patient is overloaded and doing
badly. If things don’t get better soon, he may go Down Under.
Case 9
81-yo woman develops severe dyspnea and a harsh systolic murmur 8 days
after an acute MI. She gets intubated and rolls into an ICU near you. Stat
TEE shows a VSD with left-to-right shunting. Aortic and mitral valves are
Vital Signs
• Heart rate: 100 bpm
• Systemic BP: 100/60 mmHg
TEE Data
• LVOT diameter: 1.8 cm
• LVOT TVI: 17 cm
• PA diameter: 2.4 cm
• PA TVI: 22 cm
• VSD peak velocity: 3.2 m/sec
• LVOT stroke volume
• Cardiac output
• Pulmonary artery stroke volume
• Pulmonary artery blood flow
• Shunt fraction (Qp/Qs)
• Peak right ventricular systolic pressure
246 Board Stiff TEE
Any hesitation on embracing this? Just the usual stuff, right? But what
about the VSD, does that gum things up? Remember, whatever may be
happening in the septum is below you. You measured the LVOT, which is
5 to 10 mm below the aortic valve. That area is real, and the TVI you mea-
sured with your precisely placed pulsed-wave Doppler is real. That LVOT
flow is the blood that has escaped whatever carnage is happening at
the ventricular septum. LVOT blood made good its escape from the left
Don’t sweat the VSD, you got past that, no worries, mate.
CO heart rate SV
CO 100 bpm 43 mL 4.3 L/min
Right units. Now, that stroke volume looks a little larger than the stroke
volume we just calculated for the blood going out the LVOT into the sys-
temic circulation. Good Golly Miss Molly, has the inviolable truth of the
continuity equation been undone? Has the world gone mad?
The horror. The horror.
But wait, hope springs eternal. Remember, the continuity equation holds
ONLY IF the flow is uninterrupted. And we have an interruption here, a
VSD! We have another exit door out of the left ventricle.
Given that, then, this answer does make common sense.
Chapter 23 Hemo-dynamo Doc 247
Units, good. Common sense? That’s a lot of blood zipping through the PA.
But then, if the right side is getting its “normal flow” (say 5 L/min or so),
plus a blast from the left side coming across the VSD (recall that the his-
tory mentions an MI with development of a VSD with left-to-right shunt-
ing), then 9.9 L/min does make common sense.
No units, that works. More blood going through the pulmonary vascula-
ture than the systemic? Yes, that makes sense because the high-pressure
left side is squishing over to the low-pressure right side, “shorting” the
systemic blood flow and augmenting the pulmonary blood flow.
And that, in so many words, is that. You are now a bona fide
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Test Questions
24 William R. Grubb and Andrew T. Burr
2-1. C
2-2. D
2-3. C
2-4. D
2-5. D
3-1. C
3-2. C
3-3. C
3-4. B,D
3-5. B,C
4-1. Acceptable cleaning solutions for the active tip of TEE probe are
(multiple answers):
A. Soapy H2O
B. Glutaraldehyde
C. Hydrogen peroxide
D. Alcohol
E. Windex
4-2. If the insulation for TEE probe is broken, consequences can be:
A. Microelectrical shock
B. Faulty image
C. No image
D. Esophageal injury
4-3. The reason why a probe cannot be removed from a patient’s
A. Esophageal varicies
B. Probe locked in flexed position
C. Patient is not paralyzed
D. Not enough lubrication
4-4. It is possible to break TEE probe flexion lock by:
A. Pulling probe through bite block while in flexion
B. Excessive anterior flexion in stomach
C. Right main stem intubation
D. Retroflexed pharyngeal intubation
252 Board Stiff TEE
4-1. A,B,C
4-2. A
4-3. B
4-4. A
4-5. A,B,C,D
5-1. T
5-2. T
5-3. T
5-4. T
5-5. T
5-6. T
5-7. T
5-8. T
5-9. T
5-10. T
5-11. T
6-1. B
6-2. D
6-3. C
6-4. A
6-5. D
7-1. A
7-2. D
7-3. B
7-4. A
7-5. C
8-1. D
8-2. B
8-3. B
8-4. A
8-5. A
9-2. In the ME 4 chamber view, the perfusion to the middle of the
ventricular display (the anteroseptal wall) is:
B. Circumflex artery
9-3. In the ME LAX135 degree view, the perfusion to the ventricular
wall on the right side immediately below the LVOT (the
anteroseptal wall) is:
B. Circumflex artery
9-4. In the ME 2 chamber view (90 degrees), the perfusion to the wall
on the left side of the display (the inferior wall) is:
C. Circumflex artery
9-5. In the ME TG SAX view, the perfusion to the myocardium at the
top of the screen (the inferior wall) is:
C. Circumflex artery
9-1. B
9-2. C
9-3. A
9-4. A
9-5. B
10-1. D
10-2. B
10-3. C
10-4. C
10-5. C
11-1. C
11-2. B
11-3. D
11-4. C
11-5. B
12-1. All the following structures are seen in the right atrium except:
A. Chiari network
B. Coumadin ridge
C. Cristsa terminalis
D. Eustachian valve
260 Board Stiff TEE
12-1. B
12-2. B
12-3. D
12-4. D
12-5. D
13-1. B
13-2. D
13-3. C
13-4. B
13-5. D
C. Circumflex artery
14-4. Immediately post sternal closure the patient’s blood pressure
drops; arrhythmia ensues and TEE shows RWMA. The most
probable explanation is:
A. Air embolism
B. Coronary dissection
C. Kinked graft during closure
D. Dissection
14-1. B
14-2. A
14-3. C
14-4. A,B,C,D
Chapter 24 Test Questions 263
15-1. In the 17 segment model, the anterior wall of the left ventricle
depicted in the figure below is composed of segments:
C. Circumflex artery
15-1. B
15-2. B
15-3. A
15-4. A
15-5. B
17-2. Persistent left superior vena cava includes all the following except:
A. Congenital anomaly with large coronary sinus
B. Venous injection of agitated saline appears first in the coronary
sinus and then in the right ventricle
C. Venous injection of agitated saline appears first in the left
D. Difficulty in establishing retrograde coronary cardioplegia flow
17-3. All true concerning coronary fistulas except:
A. Commonly involve the right coronary artery
B. Drain to the PA, coronary sinus, or superior vena cava
C. Commonly drain to the left heart
D. Are associated with a large or tortuous coronary artery
17-4. Most common congenital heart defect is:
B. Bicuspid aortic valve
17-5. Subaortic stenosis is associated with:
C. Bicuspid aortic valve
17-1. D
17-2. C
17-3. C
17-4. B
17-5. C
18-1. C
18-2. D
18-3. A
18-4. D
18-5. B
19-1. D
19-2. D
19-3. D
19-4. B
19-5. C
20-1. D
20-2. B
20-3. C
20-4. B
20-5. C
21-1. In the ME 2 chamber view; the following walls of the left ventricle
are seen:
A. Anteroseptal and posterior
B. Anterior and inferior
270 Board Stiff TEE
21-1. B
21-2. B
21-3. B
21-4. C
21-5. D
C. AVA × TVIlvot
D. CSAlvot × TVIav
22-2. All true about PHT except:
A. Rate of decline in pressure through a valve over time
B. Time for peak pressure in a system to decline to ½
C. Time of PHT = peak velocity/square root of 2
D. Equal to 0.29 × DT
22-3. MVA for stenotic valve:
A. 220/.29 × DT
B. 220 × PHT
C. PHT/220
D. 0.29 × DT
22-4. All true for PISA determination of MVA except:
A. Angle correction of alpha/180 is used because the mitral valve
is “tented” when closed and the isovelocity figure measured is
less than hemisphere in size
B. 2 pi r2 is the area of a hemisphere
C. ‘r’ is measured at the first isovelocity line
D. The determination is made during systolic
22-1. B
22-2. A
22-3. A
22-4. D
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Epilogue: Smooth Sailing
Now, whether you decide to make TEE a part of your OR, ER, or ICU
practice, I wish you smooth sailing, just like Captain Smith had. (At least
for the first half of his trip.)
Christopher J. Gallagher
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Note: Page numbers followed by “f ” and “t” refers to figures and tables respectively.
Kidney 78–79, 94 Malignant melanoma 118
Marfan’s disorder 87
L Matrix array 196–197
probe 197
Lambl’s excrescences 116, 187, 187f Measurements
Lanimetry 109 case studies 211
Lateral resolution 12, 12f M-mode 42–44
Latex 19 valve 49–50, 50f
Leaflet calcification 102t velocity 47
Leaflet motion 102t volumetric 48, 48f
Lecompte maneuver 164 Mechanical ventilation 83–84, 84f
Left atrium Medtronic–Hall valve 157
pressure, calculation 245 Melanoma, malignant 118
size 59 Memory wall motion abnormality 134
Left carotid artery 85 Mercedes Benz sign 56, 206
Left subclavian artery 85 Mesothelioma 117
dissections 89 Metabolic abnormalities 124
Left ventricle (LV) Metastatic cardiac masses 118
assessment 200 Midesophageal (ME) 2 Chamber view
assist device (LVAD) 151–152, 151f 68f
ejection fraction (LVEF) 43, 123 atrium 208
end-diastolic pressure, calculation left ventricle 204, 204f
232–233 mitral valve (MV) 205–206, 205f
hypertrophy (LVH) 102t Midesophageal (ME) 4 Chamber view 68f,
imaging 203–204, 203f, 204f 103, 103f
regional function/wall motion 200 atrium 208
shape left ventricle 203–204
dilated 123–124, 123f mitral valve (MV) 205, 205f
normal 123, 123f, 125 right ventricle 204–205
systolic pressure, peak 218 tricuspid/pulmonary valve 207,
volume 200 207f
Left ventricular inflow, mitral valve (MV) Midesophageal (ME) aortic valve (AV)
57–58, 57f, 61f long axis (LAX) view 68f, 100–101, 101f,
Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) 107–108, 206–207, 206f
49–50 short axis (SAX) view 68f, 107,
abnormalities 169 206, 206f
aortic valve (AV) 62–63 Midesophageal (ME) ascending aortic
stroke volume, calculation 219–220, view
229–230, 241, 246 long axis (LAX) 68f
Left ventricular systolic function 123 short axis (SAX) 68f
abnormal 124 Midesophageal (ME) bicaval view 68f
cardiomyopathies 124–127 atrium 208, 208f
segmental see Segmental left Midesophageal (ME) left ventricle long
ventricular systolic function axis (LAX) view 203f, 204
Leukemia 118 Midesophageal (ME) mitral commissural
Ligamentum arteriosum 84 view 68f, 205–206, 205f
Lipoma 117 Midesophageal (ME) plane 68
Lipomatous hypertrophy, interatrial long axis (LAX) view 68f
septum 116 Midesophageal (ME) RV inflow-outflow
Liver 78–79, 94 view 68f
left lobe 80 atrium 208
transplantation 161 right ventricle 204–205, 204f
Lumens tricuspid/pulmonary valve 207, 207f
false 88 Mimics
true 88 artifacts 186–188, 186f, 187f, 188f
Lung 78–79, 94–95 cardiac masses 115–116
atelectasis 94 Minimally invasive cardiopulmonary
cancer 118 bypass 153
right 95 Mirror images, artifacts 174, 179–180,
transplantation 160–161, 161f 179f, 186
Lymphoma 118
280 Index