Coffee Act PDF
Coffee Act PDF
Coffee Act PDF
Note: Sub-Section 3 of section 1 of the Coffee Market Expansion Act (VII of 1942)
reads as under:
“It (the Act) shall ceases to be in force at the end of twelve months commencing on the
1st day of July subsequent to the termination of the present hostilities”.
The Act should have therefore ceased to be in force on 1st July 1947.
But the Coffee Market Expansion (Amendment) Act IV of 1947 has placed the Coffee
Market Expansion Act (VII of 1942) on a permanent basis by having the above Sub-
Section omitted.
Chapter I – Preliminary
1. Short Title
2. Definitions
Chapter IV – The Board and its Establishment
(Received the assent of the Governor-General
on the 2nd March 1942)
“It (the Amendment Act 1961) shall come into force on such
date as the Central Government may, by notification, in the
Official Gazette, appoint”.
Coffee Control
Constitution 4.(1) The Board constituted by the name of the Indian Coffee
of the Board Market Expansion Board under Section 4 of the Indian Coffee
Market Expansion Ordinance, 1940, shall be the 3[Coffee Board]
for the purpose of this Act. XII of 1939
[(2) The Board shall consists of:-
Consultation 6(A) Before taking any action touching the affairs of the Board
with the Board under this Act, the Central Government shall ordinarily consult the
the Board:
7. (1) [ ]
Committee (2) The Board may appoint such Committee for such purposes
Staff and and may employ such staff as it thinks necessary for the efficient
agents discharge of its functions under the Act.
Salary and (8) The Chairman shall be entitled to such salary and allowances
allowances of and such conditions of service in respect of leave, Pension, Provident
Chairman fund and other matters as may, from time to time, be fixed by the
Central Government.
Vice Chairman 8. A. The Board shall elect from amongst its members a
Vice Chairman who shall exercise such of the powers and perform
such of the duties of the chairman as may be prescribed or as may be
delegated to him by the Chairman.
Chief Coffee [9. (1) The Central Government shall appoint an officer to be
Marketing called the Chief Coffee Marketing Officer and a Secretary to the
Officer, Board and may appoint a Deputy Secretary to the Board and such
Secretary number of Marketing Officers as may be necessary, to exercise
and other such powers and to perform such duties under the direction of the
Staff Board as may be prescribed.
Dissolution 10. When the Board is dissolved by reason of this Act having
of the Board ceased to be in force, the unexpended balance of all money
received by the Board under the Coffee Market Expansion XII of 1948
Ordinance, 1940, or under this Act except money in the pool
fund shall be disposed off in such manner as the Central
Government may direct. The Central Government shall disburse
the money in the pool fund in the same manner as the Board
would have done had it continued to exist.
12. [ ]
(Coffee Control)
(F.No.3/6/76-Plant (B)
Payments of 13. [“(1). The proceeds of the Duty of Customs levied under this
Proceeds of Act, (all of which shall form part of the Consolidated Fund of India),
Duties to the reduced by the cost of collection as determined by the Central
Board. Government, shall, if Parliament by appropriation made by law in this
behalf so provides, be paid to the Board for being utilised for the
purposes of this Act.
52 of 1962 (2) The provisions of the Customs Act, 1962 and the rules and
regulations made thereunder, shall, as far as may be, apply in relation
to :-
Registration 14 [(1) Every owner of land planted with coffee plants, whether
of owners of such land is comprised in one estate or in more than one estate and
coffee whether it is situated wholly or only partly in India, shall, before the
estates expiration of one month from the date on which he first became owner
of such estate or estates apply to the registering officer appointed in
this behalf by the State Government to be registered by an owner in
respect of each estate owned by him; and any registration made before
the commencement of the Coffee (Amendment) Act, 1961, shall be
deemed to have been made under the Sub-Section.
(2) [ ]
(4) [ ]
Sales of coffee 17. [“No registered owner shall sell or contract to sell
in excess of coffee from any registered estate if by such sale the free
free Sale Quota sale quota allotted to that estate is exceeded; nor shall a
registered owner sell or contract to sell any coffee produced
on his estate in any year for which no free sale quota is
allotted to the estate.”]
[ ]
Sales of coffee 18. No registered owner shall sell coffee unless either -
how made
19. [ ]
(Coffee Control)
(2) The Board may in any fit case grant such a permit and no
charge shall be made therefor.
Free Sale 22. (1) [“Unless with the previous sanction of the Central Government
Quota the Board decides that no free sale quotas shall be allotted, the Board
shall, as soon as may be, allot to each registered estate a free sale quota
for the year.
(2) The free sale quota shall be a fixed percentage, common to all
registered estates, not exceeding fifty per cent of the probable total
production of the estate in the year as estimated by the Board.
(3) The Board may at any time vary the free sale quota by varying
the fixed percentage common to all registered estates, or may express the
whole or any part of the free sale quota of an estate in terms of bulk
instead of in terms of weight.”]
Returns to 23. (1) A registered owner shall furnish to the Board at the prescribed
be made by times and in the prescribed manner such returns as may be prescribed.
(2) If any registered owner fails to furnish the returns required under
Sub-Section (I) in respect of any estate, the Board may 3 (without
Prejudice to any penalty to which the said owner is liable under
Section 37 A) refuse to allot a 1[free] sale quota to that estate, or, where
A free sale quota has already been allotted, may cancel it.
(3) The Board may authorise an officer to visit any estate at any
time to verify the accuracy of any return made under this Section or to
ascertain the productive capacity of the estate.
Licences 24. The registered owner of any estate, may subject to the prescribed
for sale of conditions and so long as the [free] sale quota allotted to that estate will
uncured not be exceeded by the proposed sale, obtain from the Board a licence for
coffee the sale from that estate of uncured coffee.
Surplus 25. (1) All coffee produced by a registered estate in excess of the amount
coffee and specified in the [free] sale quota allotted to that estate 2[or when no [free]
surplus sale quotas have been allotted to estates,] all coffee produced by the
pool estate] shall be delivered to the Board for inclusion in the surplus pool by
the owner of the estate or by the curing establishment receiving the coffee
from the estate.
[Provided that where no [free] sale quotas have been allotted to estates,
the Chairman may allow the owner of any estate to retain with himself
for purposes of consumption by his family and for purpose of seed, such
quantity of coffee as the Chairman may think reasonable;
(3) Coffee delivered for inclusion in the surplus pool shall upon
delivery to Board remain under the control of the Board which shall be
responsible for storages, curing where necessary, and marketing of the
Sales of 26. (1) The Board shall take all practical measures to market the
Coffee by coffee included in the surplus pool, and all sales thereof shall be
the Board conducted by or through the Board.
(2) The Board may purchase for inclusion in the surplus pool
Coffee not delivered for inclusion in it.
Curing of Coffee
Licencing 28. Every establishment for curing coffee shall obtain from the Board
of curing a licence to operate as such.
Information 29. (1) A registered owner when sending coffee to a curing establishment
to be shall report to the Board, separately for each estate from which coffee is
supplied to sent, the amount of coffee sent and the curing establishment shall in
accordance with such instructions as may be issued by the Board and
having regard to the [free] sale quota of the estate. [where one has been
allotted] apportion each such consignment into two parts, one part
consisting of coffee intended for [free] sale and one part of coffee intended
to be delivered for inclusion in surplus pool and shall report to the Board
the amount of coffee in each such [where no [free] sale quotas have been
allotted to estates, the curing establishments shall report merely the whole
amount of coffee sent in each such consignment]
Separate 30. The Board shall maintain two separate funds, a General Fund and a
funds to be Pool Fund.
by the
[(c) all fees levied and collected by the Board under Act.]
Pool Funds. 32. (1) To the Pool Fund shall be credited all sums realised
by sales by the Board of coffee from the surplus
32.A, [ ]
Powers to borrow 33. The Board may, subject to any prescribed conditions,
borrow on the security of the General fund or the Pool fund
for any purposes for which it is authorised to expend money
from such fund, or on the security of the Coffee delivered or
treated as delivered for inclusion in the surplus pool for any
purposes for which it is authorised to expend money from the
Pool fund.
34. (1) The Board shall at such times as it thinks fit make
to registered owners who have delivered coffee for inclusion
in the surplus pool such payments out of the Pool fund as it may
think proper.
Contraven- 36. (1) Any registered owner who contravenes the provisions
tions to of Sub-Section (2) of Section 16, or Section 17, Section 18, any
Section 16, licences curer [or dealer] who contravenes the provisions of
17, 18 and Sub-Section (2) of Section [ ] shall be punishable with fine
19 which may extend to one thousand rupees.
Contravention [37.A. Any registered owner who fails to furnish the required by
of Sections Sub-Section (1) of Section 23 as required by that Sub-Section
23 (1) shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand
False returns 38. Any person who makes in any return to be furnished
under Section 23 or in any report to be made under Section 29
any statement which is false and which he knows to be false or
does not believe to be true shall be punishable with fine which
may extend to one thousand rupees.
41. [ ]
Control by the 42. (1) All acts of the Board shall be subject to the control of
Central Government the Central Government which may cancel, suspend or modify as
it thinks fit any action taken by the Board.
Appeal to the 43. (1) Any person aggrieved by an order of the Board
Central Government refusing a licence to or cancelling the licence of curing
establishment may, within sixty days of the making of the order,
appeal to the Central Government.
Accounts of the 45. (1) The Board shall keep accounts in such a manner as
Board may be prescribed of all money received and expended by it.
Bar of legal 47.A. No. Suit., prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie
Proceeding against the Board or any officer of the Board for or in respect of
XII of 1940 anything in good faith done or intended to be under this Act.
Power of the 48. (1) The Central Government may, by notification in the
Central Government Official Gazette, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act.
to make rules
[(2) without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
power, rules may be made providing for all or any of the following
(xvi) the staff which may be employed by the Board and the pay
and allowances and leave and other conditions of service of
officers (other than those appointed by the Central
Government) and other employees of the Board;
(xviii) the manner in which the [free] sale quota of coffee estates
shall be determined;
(xix) the manner in which the Board shall exercise its powers
of buying and selling coffee;
(xxiii) the form of, manner of application for, fees payable for,
procedure in granting and conditions governing, the
licences and permits to be issued by the Board;
[“(3) Every rule made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be
after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for
a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in
two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session
immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid,
both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses
agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect,
only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so
however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without
prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule”]
XII of 1940 50. (1) The Coffee Market Expansion Ordinance 1940. The Coffee Repeals
1 of 1941 Market Expansion (Amendment) Ordinance, 1941. The Coffee Savings
Market Expansion (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 1941, and
VIII of 1941 the Coffee Market Expansion (Third Amendment) Ordinance,
XII of 1941 1941, are hereby repealed.
XIII of 1940 (a) any trial or proceeding under The Coffee Market Expansions
Ordinance, 1940, pending at the time of the appeal of the
Ordinance, may be continued and completed as is such
trial or proceeding were a trial or proceeding under this Act;
(b) all registrations made, all licences issued and all other things
done under the said Ordinance shall be deemed to have been made,
issued or done under this Act.
1.9. [All acts of executive authority, proceedings and sentence which
[Validation have been done taken or passed with respect to or on account of, coffee
of certain during the period commencing on the 26th day of January 1953, and
acts and ending with the date of commencement of this Act, by the Government
indemnity or by any officer of the Government or by any other authority in the belief
in respect or purported belief that the acts, proceedings or sentences were being
thereof] done, taken or passed under the principal Act shall has been valid and
operative as if they had been done, taken or passed in accordance with
law, and no suit or other legal proceeding shall be maintained or continued
against any authority whatsoever on the ground that any such acts,
proceedings or sentences were not done, taken or passed in accordance
with law.]
Note- Amendments are shown in square brackets proceeded by a figure and a letter
which are abbreviations used to denote the following:
I- Inserted by
A- Added by
O- Omitted by
S- Substituted by
New Delhi, the 1st August 1955
(Coffee Control)
S. R.O. 1966 - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 48 of the Coffee Act,
1942 (VII of 1942) and in supersession of the Coffee Market Expansion Rules, 1940 the
Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely: -
1 Short Title : These rules may be called. The Coffee Rules 1955
2 Definitions : In these rules, unless the context otherwise
(1) "The Act" means Coffee Act, 1942 (VII of 1942)
(2) " Chief Accounts Officer" means the Chief Accounts Officer of
the Board
(3) "Board" means Coffee Board constituted under Section 4
(4) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Board
(5) "Chief Coffee Marketing Officer" means the Chief Coffee
Marketing Officer of the Board and includes the Deputy Chief
Coffee Marketing Officer
Board and its Constitutions
(c) "three members shall represent the coffee trade interests, two
members shall represent the curing establishment, four members
shall represent the interests of labour; two members shall
represent the interests of consumers; two members shall
represent the interests of coffee growing states other than those
mentioned in Clause (a) of Sub-Rule 2 of Rule 3 (viz; States of
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu); one
member shall represent the manufacturers of instant coffee and
one shall be an eminent scientist from a Research Institute or an
Agricultural University or an eminent personality in marketing
management or promotion of coffee"
10. [Vice Chairman:- (1) The Board shall, in each year out
of its own member, elect a person to be the Vice-Chairman
for a period of twelve months commencing from the date of
his election or if the elections held before the expiry of the
term of office of an existing Vice-Chairman, from the date
on which such Vice-Chairman would vacate office.
15. Agenda:-
17. Voting:-
(2) [ ]
(2) At least ten clear days before the date of any meeting of a
Committee, notice of the time and place of the intended meeting,
signed by the Chairman of the Committee or the Secretary to the
Board, shall be sent to the Government of India (in the appropriate
ministry) and left a or posted to address of every member of the
Provided that in case of an emergency, a special meeting may be
summoned, at any time, by the Chairman of the Committee who
shall inform, in advance the Government of India (in the
appropriate Ministry) and Members of the Committee, of the
subject matter for discussion and the reasons for which he considers
the matter to be urgent. No ordinary business shall be transacted at
such special meeting.
Provided that -
(b) the paper need not be sent to any member who is absent from
(c) the Chairman of the Committee shall have the power to require
any such decision to be placed before the Board for its
consideration and the implementation of the Committee's decision
shall be deferred till the matter is considered by the Board.
(2) [ ]
G.I.O.(1) S.R.51
G.I.O.(1) S.R.51
(i) The pay, leave and allowances of all officers and servants
appointed by the Board shall, so far as may be, regulated in
accordance with the Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules
applicable to Government servants of the Central Government. The
Chairman may grant leave to all such officers and servants and may
also delegate this power to the officers of the departments subject to
such conditions as he thinks fit.
The pricipal rules were published vide No.S.R.O. 1966 in the
Gazette of India Extra-ordinary dated the 1st August, 1955 and were
Amended by:
1. Notification No.G.S.R.359 Published in the Gazette of India
2. Notification No.G.S.R.551 published in the Gazette of India
3. Notification No.G.S.R.1888 published in the Gazette of India
4. Notification No.G.S.R.632 published in the Gazette of India
5. Notification No.G.S.R.289 published in the Gazette of India
6. Notification No.G.S.R.457 published in the Gazette of India
7. Notification No.G.S.R.929 published in the Gazette of India
8. Notification No.G.S.R.1077 published in the Gazette of India
9. Notification No.G.S.R.369 published in the Gazette of India
10. Notification No.G.S.R.1192 published in the Gazette of India
11. Notification No.G.S.R.666 published in the Gazette of India
12. Notification No.G.S.R.256 published in the Gazette of India
13. Notification No.G.S.R.36 published in the Gazette of India
(iii) [ ]
(ii) The Advance specified in (I) above may be granted for the
same purpose to an officer of the Board appointed by the Central
Government also, at such rates and on such conditions as may be
admissible to officers holding comparable posts under the Central
Government in accordance with the rules of the Central Government
for the time being in force.
(iii) the Board, the executive Committee and the Chairman shall
have power to grant advances upto the amounts specified below:
(a) censure:
(b) recovery from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss
caused to the Board by negligence or breach of orders:
(f) dismissal;
(ii) the Chairman may impose any of the said penalties in respect
of all officers and servants whom he is empowered to appoint and
may delegate the powers under this rules officers under
him such extent as he deems fit.
(6) The Board may delegate its powers under this rule to the
Executive Committee.
31A. Person cum – gratuity benefits to employees of the Board;
Every employees of the Board, other than an employee who is on
deputation to the Board, shall be entitled to pension and death-cum-
retirement gratuity (including family pension, extraordinary pension
and commutation pension) at such rates and under such conditions as
are prescribed in the Liberalised Pension Rules and the Family
Pension Scheme for central Government Employees, 1964 as
amended from time to time or such other orders of the Central
Government regulating grant of pension and gratuity to its employees
of the corresponding grade.
Provided that any such employee who was in the service of the
Board before the 1st April 1963, and is continuing in such service on
the 18th January 1965, may, within three months from the date last
mentioned, opt, in writing, for the benefits of the Coffee Board
Provident Fund Scheme, in which case nothing in this rule shall
apply to such employee;
(a) The Board may delegate the powers under Sub-Rule (1) to the
Chairman or any of its committees or its officers.
33. Budget Estimate: (1) The Board shall in each year prepare a
budget for the General Fund for the ensuing financial year and shall
submit it for the sanction of the Central Government on or before
such date as may in this behalf be appointed by that Government.
(b) the estimated receipts from the Custom Duty on all coffee
levied under Section 11
(c) the estimated receipts from issue of licences and from other
(d) loans received from Central Government under Rule 38A
(iii) After the close of each year, the High Commissioner shall send
to the Secretary and audited account of his receipt and expenditure.
The Secretary shall place the statement before the Board and
afterwards transmit it to the Central Government.
(v) The accounts of the receipts shall be shown under the following
(a) Moneys received under Section 13(1);
(f) Fees levied and collected by the Board under the Act]
(e) Statistics.
(j) Miscellaneous.
(e) [ ]
(5) The cheque referred to in Sub-Rule (4) and all orders for
making deposits or investments or for the withdrawal of the same or
for the disposal in and other manner of the General Pool Funds of
the Board shall be signed;
(i) in respect of the General Fund by the Chief Accounts Officer or
any other officer duly authorised by the Board in this behalf and
countersigned by the Chairman or any other officer duly authorised
by him.
36. Contracts:- (1) [The Board may enter into contracts for the
discharge of the duties entrusted to it under the Act provided that
every contract which involves expenditure in excess of twenty lakhs
rupees shall require the previous sanction of the Central
(3) The Board may issue subsidiary orders authorising the officers
of the Board of its agents to execute contracts specifying the clauses
of contracts and the condition subject to which they may be
(4) Contracts shall not be binding on the Board unless they are
executed by the Chairman or any officer or agent authorised by the
Board with the previous approval of the appropriate authority
(5) Neither the Chairman nor any officer of the Board nor any
member or agent of the Board shall be liable for any assurance or
contracts made by the Board but any liability arising under such
assurances or contracts shall be discharged from the moneys at the
disposal of the Board.
(c) the total of such loans outstanding at any one time shall not
exceed rupees. Two hundred Seventy Five Crores.
38-A:- The Board shall also have power to take money on loan
from the Central Government on which terms and conditions as may
be determined by the Board and said Government for the purposes
for which it is authorised to expend money from the General Fund
under Clauses (b) to (d) of Sub-Section (2) of Section 31;
(2) The Board may delegate its powers under Sub-Rule (1) to the
(Development Committee) the Chairman or any officer of the Board
to such extend and upon terms as may be fixed by it.
38-C:- (1) The Board may fix a schedule for each year for payments
to be made under Section 34 for coffee delivered by any registered
owner for inclusion in the surplus Pool and may, on the request of
any registered owner, make any payment in advance of the date
when it falls due under the schedule so filled, but in the case of any
such advance payment to a registered owner, he shall be required to
pay interest at such rate as may be determined by the Board until
such payment falls due in accordance with schedule.
(e) present an annual draft report on the working of the Board to the
Board for approval and submit the report in the form approved by
the Board to the Central Government.
(4) Subject to the budget provision, the Chairman may sanction
expenditure on contingencies, supplies and services and purchase of
articles required for the working of the office of the Board and
required for the execution of measures in furtherance of the objects
of the act:
(4A) The Chairman shall have the powers of the Board under section
38B and Sub-section (2) of section 40 of the Act.
Provided that the Chairman may be order in writing delegate any
of his powers under this sub-rule to any other officer or officers of
the Board.
(c) issue of licences to registered owners for the sale on the Indian
market of uncured coffee.
(d) licensing of coffee curing establishments,
(h) any other matter which in his opinion is not in the public interest
or against the declared policy or intention of the Central
(i) such other power as may be delegated to him by the Board.
Chapter VII
(i) that the amount of coffee available for sale in the Indian market
exceeds or is likely to exceed the estimated demands the Indian
market to such an extent as to cause or threat a serious fall in prices ;
(ii) that there is not enough coffee of the kind or quality in the
surplus pool to enable the Board to fulfil the demands for the export
of coffee.
2). The Board may release coffee from the surplus pool for sale
in the Indian market in its discretion and shall do so:-
Provided that the interval between any two auctions, except with
the prior approval of the Central Government, shall not exceed thirty
41. Appointment of Agents:- The Board may appoint any person
or body of persons to act as its agents for all or any of the following
purposes: namely:-
44. Export of Coffee:- (1) The Board may authorise the export of
coffee under Section 20 under such terms and conditions as it may
deem fit in any of the following cases, namely:
(2) The Board shall issue orders for the export of coffee and permits
for re-importation of exported coffee in Forms C and D respectively.
Chapter VIII
Name of owner
Postal address
Estimated crop Quantity authorised to
of rhe season be sold under licence
1. Parchment
2. Cherry
3. Parchment estate pounded
4. Cherry estate pounded
1. Parchment
2. Cherry
3. Parchment estate pounded
4. Cherry estate pounded
Other varieties:
Seal :
Place: Signature.
(See rule 46)
4. Name of the authorised
representative, if any ___________________________________________________
(1) Free sale quota.
Desired quantity
Allotted percentage
or lesser quantity
(specify quantity) ________________________________________________
i) Name ________________________________________________
Quantity ________________________________________________
Quantity ________________________________________________
Quantity ________________________________________________
Note: In case, the production estimated is more or less than the estimated
furnished above, then a revised estimate should be given as soon as the
harvest is completed but not later than 31st May.
I/We undertake to deliver surplus pool coffee with the Pool Agent
indicated above.
I/We agree that free sale quota availed shall not exceed the quantity
allotted to the estate and in case production is less than the estimate given above then
free sale quota quantity should be restricted to the production allotted as free sale
quota during the year.
No. …….
Date …………
To be completed if the quantity was exported in terms of Coffee Act, 1942.
Date ………..
10. Total planted area, Bearing area and production expressed in terms of cleaned/cured
coffee, (for the last six years)
Sl..No Particulars I II III IV V VI
Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(i) Cherry
(a) Arabica(kgs)
(b) Robusta(kgs)
(ii) Parchment
(a) Arabica(kgs)
(b) Robusta(kgs)
Self Employed:
(b) Wages for field
Self Employed
(a) Salaries
(b) Wages
(c) Contract Labour
Estate Expenditure Statement
Sl. Name of the Item of Expenditure Remarks
No. ( in Rs.)
1 2 3 4
Material Cost
Overhead Charges
Mature Immature area Mature
Immature area
Material Cost
(Total of item
Nos.13 to 17 of
Estate Expenditure
Labour Charges
(Total of item
Nos. 19 to 34)
(Total of item
Nos. 39 to 43)
Plus 46 to 54
Plus 56 to 67
74. Crop Charges/Harvesting Charges
75. Other income earned
Particulars Total Arabica Robusta Other Crops
Miscellaneous credits of income
Income from other Crops
76. Details of Materials:
1 (a)Cost of Manure
(i) Farmyard manure
(ii) Chemical fertilisers
(iii) Rest --------------------------------------------
(See Page 3)
(See Page 4)
(ii) Total cost of labour and salaries may be reconciled with the item
Sl.No.12(a), (b) and (c).
4. Value in Column 6 should tally with the details furnished in item Nos. 13 to 18.
See Rule 46(I) (V)
Cost of production of coffee ………………..season
5. Details of new clearings and replanting within the last six years………………
6. Number of labourers actually emplofyed Sl.No.37 in the last two years……….
………………………………..(separately for men women and children)
This information shall be given under the following heads:
(i) Number of lines and units conforming to specification under the Plantation
Labour Act 1951.
(ii) Number of lines and units which could be made to conform to the
specifications under the plantation Labour Act, with a few alterations or modifications.
(iii) Number of lines and units which do not come under either (I) or (ii) above.
I - Inserted by
A – Added by
O – Omitted by
S – Substituted by