Wound Healing and Skin Integrity Principles and Practice
Wound Healing and Skin Integrity Principles and Practice
Wound Healing and Skin Integrity Principles and Practice
his comprehensive wound care book fasciitis, self-inflicted wounds, and skin tears.
offers a valuable resource to anyone involved One of the key principles of this section is
in the prevention and ensuring clinical management pathways are
management of wounds and skin integrity. It is appropriate for the patient and the wound, so as to
a practical, well-researched text covering a wide achieve the best outcome.
range of issues within the speciality by leading The third section discusses wounds within
international experts in the field. the context of the health economy and the
Wound Healing and Skin Integrity: Principles application of best practice principles to reduce
and Practice acknowledges that wound care the human and economic costs of wounds. The
editor: Madeleine Flanagan
and skin integrity requires a multiprofessional final section leaves the reader with some insight
iSBN: 9780470659779 approach that cuts across traditional service into future directions for the speciality of wound
Published: April 2013 boundaries. care and skin integrity.
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell The contributing authors reflect the nature of The book supports best practice decision-
Cost: £32.99 the multidisciplinary team required to develop making when caring for patients with wounds
and promote advanced wound care for the and skin integrity issues. There is a useful
needs of wound care patients today. It has been resource section at the end of each chapter that
written from a broad international perspective points the reader to best practice statements
and will, therefore, be of value to the global and other useful documents and websites.
wound care community. It has the additional value of practice points
The book is divided into three distinct running through the text that are useful for both
sections. Section one covers the principles of advanced and novice practitioners.
best practice for all wound types, including a Wound Healing and Skin Integrity: Principles
review of evidence-based practice and how and Practice is an easy-to-read text with useful
to improve outcomes through the decisions illustrations and tables that brings life to the
we make as practitioners. It also covers text and keeps the reader interested. It will
the physiology of skin integrity and wound make a welcome addition to the library of the
healing and the general principles of wound multidisciplinary wound care team. I would
management, including an overview of wound recommend it to anyone who wants to improve
dressing and therapy choices, wound infection or validate their knowledge and skills in wound
and the psychological impact of a wound on healing and skin integrity. Wuk
the patient.
Section two focuses on challenging wounds,
their prevention and management, and includes
discussion of the specific needs of pressure
ulcers, diabetic foot disease, chronic ulcers
of the lower limb, lymphoedema, malignant
wounds, skin integrity, dermatology, and
surgical wounds.
An additional chapter on neglected
wounds encourages the reader to expand
their knowledge and skills on more unusual
Nurse Consultant, Tissue
Viability, East London wound types, such as body piercings, bullous
Foundation Trust, London pemphigoid, calciphylaxis, fistulas, necrotising