GY301 Lab Groundwater
GY301 Lab Groundwater
GY301 Lab Groundwater
Groundwater Characteristics
Groundwater is the water that occurs beneath the land surface inside small pore
spaces in rock or soil. The underground surface that is defined as the place where pore
spaces are completely saturated with water is termed the water table. Below the water
table all pore space is completely filled by liquid water. The volume of rock that occurs
below the water table is also referred to as the zone of saturation. The volume of rock that
is above the water table is termed the zone of aeration. In the zone of aeration pore spaces
may contain water but they are not completely saturated. The water table lies at varying
depths below the surface of the earth, and is usually a subdued replica of the topographic
surface. Since the water table is truly a surface, we can contour it just as we contour the
land surface. Where the water table intersects the surface one may find a stream, lake or
spring. Because groundwater is confined to the tiny pore spaces in a rock or sediment it
does not travel as fast as runoff. Rates of movement may be as low as several
centimeters per day. Therefore the residence time of water in the groundwater system is
several orders of magnitude higher than that of runoff. This difference in the rate of
movement has important consequences relative to pollution. Pollution of a stream system
is usually immediately detected because of the rapidity with which the contaminate spreads
throughout the downstream area. However, since groundwater moves slowly, the
contamination of the groundwater may not be noticed decades after the actual
contamination event. Another potential problem is the fact that groundwater resources are
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Groundwater Dynamics and Karstic Landforms
expensive to monitor because monitor wells must be drilled and maintained. This expense
is an order-of-magnitude higher than that of sampling stream systems.
When precipitation is heavy over a period of time the soil horizon may become
saturated throughout causing the water table to coincide with the topographic surface. The
groundwater reacts to the force of gravity it begins to flow in the direction of the steepest
inclination of the water table. This direction is the hydraulic gradient, which is analogous
to topographic or stream gradients except that it refers explicitly to the water table surface.
As water in the groundwater system drains away from topographically high areas the water
table surface will become a subdued replica of the topographic surface. If the region
undergoes a long period of drought, the water table will eventually become flat. In humid
climates, however, the water table is usually in a state of flux between the extremes. The
groundwater moving down the hydraulic gradient eventually encounters a location where
the water table is elevated above the land surface. We term these areas ponds, swamps,
lakes, streams, or sea level. In humid climates, much of the groundwater flows into stream
systems via effluent flow a short distance from where the water infiltrated into the water
table. Thus streams are to a large extent fed by effluent flow from the groundwater system
in humid climates. Figure 11 displays the relationship of groundwater contours,
groundwater flow direction, and effluent streamflow. Note that contaminated groundwater
would move parallel to flow lines as an expanding contamination plume. The plume moves
slowly while in the groundwater system, but will move rapidly downstream once the flow
is fed into the stream. Also note that the flow lines are always in a direction perpendicular
to the contours of the water table, and they move in a direction toward the lower contour
line values. Note that the hydraulic gradient is easily calculated from water table contours
since the map scale will determine the horizontal distance between two points on the
surface, and the contour values will determine the change in elevation value.
Karst Landforms
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Groundwater Dynamics and Karstic Landforms
the water will be captured by the sinkhole and funneled into the water table. These types
of streams are termed disappearing streams. Because of the streamflow capture, surface
streams that extend for long distances are rare in karst landforms.
Over time the sinkholes will become larger. If several large sinkholes coalesce
together in a linear geometry the resulting landform is termed a solution valley. Solution
valleys have all the characteristics of fluvial valley systems except that the valley floor is
filled with numerous sinkholes rather than a stream. Some solution valleys will contain a
disappearing stream. After even more time several solution valleys will merge together so
that the entire region is lowered by the erosion. At this stage the erosional surface may
encounter different rocks that are not soluble. The normal fluvial stream valley landform
features will then develop until another layer of limestone is encountered.
In the United States karst terrains are found wherever significant exposures of
limestone occur. These areas include much of the states of Florida and Kentucky, and a
good portion of north Alabama where Paleozoic carbonate rocks are exposed at or just
below the erosional surface (see the Alabama State Geologic in the hall outside room
#335). The term karst is derived from the region that lies along the Dalmatian coast of the
Adriatic Sea. Quadrangles in our laboratory that display karst landform features include the
Mammoth Cave, Kentucky 15E quadrangle and the Lake Wales, Florida 7.5E quadrangle.
The presence of karstic landforms in arid climates, such as Carlsbad Caverns in southeast
New Mexico, proves that these regions had a much more humid climate in recent geologic
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Groundwater Dynamics and Karstic Landforms
Note: For this exercise you will need tracing paper.
Problem 1: Ashby, Nebraska 15' Sheet. This quadrangle map area is underlain by very
porous sand and has sparse vegetation, therefore, precipitation in the form of liquid water
infiltrates readily from the surface to the groundwater table.
a) Match the upper right corner of your 8.5 x 11" sheet of tracing paper with the
northeast corner of the quadrangle. Your tracing paper should cover the
approximate northeast quarter of the map area. Trace the lakes (blue) onto the
tracing paper, including the lake elevations which are printed inside the lake
boundary on the quadrangle. Assuming that the lake elevations represent the
elevation of the water table, contour the water table using a contour interval of 5
feet. On your tracing paper label the value of each contour.
b) From the contour map determine the direction of groundwater flow (NE, E, SE,
S, SW, W, NW, N).
c) If the owner of the Adams Ranch in section 34, T26N, R39W polluted the
groundwater with pesticide is it possible that the Davis Ranch well (section 32,
T26N, R38W) would be affected at some later date? Explain why or why not relative
to parts (a) and (b).
d) Calculate the hydraulic gradient in feet per mile units from your contour map in
part (a).
Problem 2: Lake Wales, Florida 7.5' Sheet. The bedrock of this map area is composed of
a) After observing the general features of this quadrangle, what term would best
describe the landforms present in this area?
b) What is the term used to describe the lakes in section 35, T29S, R27E? How did
they develop?
c) The area along the western margin of the quadrangle is relatively lower than the
middle portion of the map. What is the landform term that best describes this area?
d) Examine the lake elevations throughout the map. Imagine the appearance of
contours of the water table elevation. In what general direction would groundwater
flow ? (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)?
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Groundwater Dynamics and Karstic Landforms
e) If Lake Pierce was polluted with toxic waste, would the population of Lake Wales
be affected if the local domestic water supply is Lake Wales? Explain your answer.
f) Using the southwest shoreline of Lake Pierce, and the northeast shoreline of Lake
Wales, and the respective lake elevations of each, calculate the hydraulic gradient
between these two lakes.
A) Using a 3-point problem method determine the contours at a 10 foot interval for the
water table using the below data. Assume that the water table is an unconfined inclined
planar surface:
B) What is the gradient of the water table in feet per mile? _______
C) How deep would a driller have to drill to reach the water table at point X ? ______
E) If the groundwater below wellhead A was contaminated with pesticide which of the other
wells would most likely be affected over time? _____
F) Green Pond is a source of municipal water. Is it possible for the pesticide contamination
to affect this water supply over time? Explain.
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Groundwater Dynamics and Karstic Landforms
Figure 1. Hypothetical water table contours with superimposed flow lines (dotted line
with arrows).
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