Convert Ions

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Multiply by to get

Acres 43,560.00 0 Square Feet

Acres 4,840.00 0 Square Yards
Acre Feet 43,560.00 0 Cubic Feet
Acre Feet 325,851.00 0 Gallons

Atmospheres 76.00 0 Cms. of Mercury

Atmospheres 29.92 0 Inches of Mercury
Atmospheres 33.90 0 Feet of Water
Atmosphere 14.70 0 Lbs./sq. in.
Barrels -- Oil 42.00 0 Gallons-- oil

Barrels Cem 376.00 0 Lbs. -- Cement

Bags/sacks cement 0.94 0 Lbs. Cemen
British Thermal Units 777.50 0 Foot -- Lbs
Btu/min 12.96 0 Ft. -- Lbs./sec
Btu/min 0.02 0 Horse Power
Btu/min 17.57 0 Watts

Cubic Feet 1,728.00 0 Cubic Inches

Cubic Feet 0.04 0 Cubic Yards
Cubic Feet 7.48 0 Gallons
Cubic Feet/min 0.12 0 Gallons/see.
Cubic Feet/rain 62.43 0 Lbs. water/min.
Cubic Feet/sec 0.65 0 Million Gals./Day

Cubic Feet/sec 448.83 0 Gallons/min.

Feet 12.00 0 Inches
Feet of water 62.43 0 Lbs./sq. ft.
Feet of water 0.43 0 Lbs./sq. in.
Feet/min 0.02 0 Ft./sec.
Feet/min 0.01 0 Miles/hr.

Feet/sec 0.59 0 Knots

Feet/sec 0.68 0 Miles/hr.
Feet/sec 0.01 0 Miles/min
Gallons 0.13 0 Cubic Feet
Gallons 231.00 0 Cubic Inches
Gallons 8.00 0 Pints (Liquid)

Gallons 4.00 0 Quarts ~ Liquid)

Gallons Imperial 1.20 0 U. S. Gallons
Gallons Water 8.35 0 Lbs. Water
Gallons/hour 8.02 0 Cubic Feet/hr.
Horse Power 42.44 0 Btu/Min.
Horse Power 33.00 0 Foot-lbs./min.

Horse Power 550.00 0 Ft.-Lbs./Sec.

Horse Power 745.70 0 Watts
Kilograms 35.27 0 Ounces
Kilograms 2.20 0 Pounds
Kilo Watts 56.92 0 Btu/min.
Kilo Watts 1.34 0 Horse Power
Miles 5,280.00 0 Feet

Miles 1,760.00 0 Yards

Miles/hr 88.00 0 Ft./Min.
Miles/hr 1.47 0 Ft./sec.
Milliliters 0.03 0 Ounces
Ounces 0.06 0 Lbs.
Ounces (Fluid) 1.81 0 Cubic Inches

Pounds 453.59 0 Grams

Pounds 0.45 0 Kilograms
Pounds 16.00 0 Ounces
Pounds 0.00 0 Tons (Short)
Pounds Water 0.02 0 Cubic Feet
Pounds Water 27.68 0 Cubic Inches
Pounds Water 0.12 0 Gallons
Pounds/sq ft 0.02 0 Feet of Water
Pounds/sq in 2.31 0 Feet of Water
Quarts (Dry) 67.20 0 Cubic Inches
Quarts (Liquid) 57.75 0 Cubic Inches
Radians 57.30 0 Degrees
Radians 3,438.00 0 Minutes
Radians 0.64 0 Quadrant
Square Feet 0.00 0 Acres
Square Feet 144.00 0 Square Inches
Square miles 640.00 0 Acres
Square yards 9.00 0 Square Feet
Temperature (°C) + 273 x 1 273 Abs. Temp. (°K) (Kelvin)
Temperature (°C) +32 x 1.8 32 Temp. (°F)
Temperature (°F) +459.67 x 1 459.67 Abs. Temp. (°R) (Rankine)
Temperature (°F) -32 x 5/9 -17.78 Temp.(°C)

Tons Long 2,240.00 0 Pounds

Tons Short 2,000.00 0 Pounds
Tons Short 32,000.00 0 Ounces

Watts 0.06 0 Btu/min.

Watts 44.26 0 Foot-pounds/min
Watt-Hours 3.42 0 Btu
Watt-Hours 2,655.00 0 Foot-pounds
Yards 3.00 0 Feet
Yards 36.00 0 Inches

Yards 0.91 0 Meters

0.313 inch (in) 0.25 7.9502 millimeter (mm)
6.00 feet (ft) 0.30 1.8288 meters
mile (mi) 1.61 0 kilometers
square mile 2.59 0 square kilometer
gallon per minute
(gal/min) 0.06 0 liters per second (L/s)

million gallons per day

(Mgal/d) 0.04 0 cubic meters per second
million gallons per day
(Mgal/d) 3,785.00 0 cubic meter per day
foot per second(ft/s) 0.31 0 meter per second
cubic foot per second
(ftS/s) 0.03 0 cubic meter per second
foot squared per
second(ft~/s) 0.09 0 meter squared per second
liter 1,000.00 0 cubic meter
liter 1.06 0 quarts
cubic centimeter 16.40 0 Cubic inch
cubic centimeter 0.03 0 Ounces
1 kilogram 2.21 0 Pounds
pounds 453.60 0 grams
cm 0.39 0 inch
1 short ton of CO2 17.80 0 McfCO2 @ 25 deg C and 1 atm
teaspoons (tsp) 5.00 0 milliliters
Tablespoon (Tbsp) 15.00 0 milliliters
jiggers 1.50 0 Ounces
jiggers 44.40 0 milliliters

28 kpa 0.15 4.0610567 psi

4000 psi 6.89 27579.029 kpa
psi 0.01 0 mpa
kip 4,448.22 0N
mpa 1,000.00 0 kpa
kg 9.81 0N

nmi 2.00 0 km
82.0498 41.0249 33.0747

0.75 0.25
60 65


66 0.01



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