Use of Erbium Laser in The Treatment of Persistent Post-Radiotherapy Laryngeal Edema: A Case Report and Review of The Literature
Use of Erbium Laser in The Treatment of Persistent Post-Radiotherapy Laryngeal Edema: A Case Report and Review of The Literature
Use of Erbium Laser in The Treatment of Persistent Post-Radiotherapy Laryngeal Edema: A Case Report and Review of The Literature
Background: Post-radiotherapy laryngeal edema may affect the patients’ quality of life, leading to repeated treatment
attempts, which include massage/physical therapy, inhalations, and/or tracheostomy.
Case presentation: We report the surgical treatment approach of a 69-year-old patient with severe persistent post-
radiotherapy laryngeal edema. After multiple inpatient admissions and failed conservative therapy, we used the erbium
laser to treat the arytenoid edema. After repeated procedures, no complications were observed. The patient remained
free of symptoms after 30 months of follow-up.
Conclusions: The authors provide an easy-to-perform, safe, and quick surgical technique without non-severe or severe
complications. Using this technique repeatedly, complications from excessive thermal damage with CO2 laser
or unpleasant solutions such as tracheostomy can be avoided.
Keywords: Erbium, Laser microsurgery, Post-radiotherapy, Laryngeal, Edema
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Giotakis and Pototschnig World Journal of Surgical Oncology (2018) 16:176 Page 2 of 4
cal approach to treat post-radiotherapy laryngeal edema Ethics approval and consent to participate
[12]. Specifically, the authors reported four such cases Not applicable
treated with arytenoid resection with a CO2 laser. Air-
Consent for publication
way widening was more than sufficient in all four cases Obtained
and remained stable in follow-up evaluations. No per-
manent complications were observed. However, one pa- Competing interests
Both authors declare that they do have no competing interests.
tient experienced temporary vocal fold fixation for
6 months. The authors presumed that mucosal inflam-
Publisher’s Note
mation from the CO2 laser injury extending to the cri- Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
coarytenoid joint caused the fixation. They concluded published maps and institutional affiliations.
that excessive CO2 laser injury to the cartilage can
Received: 30 May 2018 Accepted: 21 August 2018
cause mucosal stenosis, stricture, and perichondritis.
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