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105 PDF
Publicat de
Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi
Tomul LIV (LVIII), Fasc. 1, 2008
Abstract. During the latest decades fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite
materials have proven valuable properties and suitable to be used in construction of new
buildings and in upgrading the existing ones. These materials have covered the road from
research laboratory and demonstration projects to implementation in actual structures.
Nowadays the civil and structural engineering communities are about to commence the
stage in which the use of FRP composites is becoming a routine similar to that of
traditional material such as concrete, masonry and wood. Two main issues are presented
in this paper, the use of FRP composite materials for new structural members (internal
reinforcements) and strengthening of existing members (externally bonded
reinforcements). The advantages and disadvantages as well as the problems and
constraints associated with both issues are discussed in detail mainly related to concrete
Key words: fibre reinforced polymer, composite materials.
1. Introduction
Traditional steel based reinforcement systems for concrete elements are
facing with serious problems mainly caused by corrosion due to chemically
aggressive environments and salts used in deicing procedures especially in case
of bridge steel reinforced concrete girders. Also in some cases special
applications require structural members with magnetic transparency. An
alternative to this major problem has recently become the use of fibre reinforced
polymer (FPR) composite bars as internal reinforcement.
FRP composite materials have developed into economically and
structurally viable construction materials for load bearing elements in buildings
and bridges over the last two decades. FRP reinforcements for structural
elements in construction have raised the interest of structural engineers since the
beginning of the fibre reinforced plastics industry and the use of FRP composite
Corresponding author. E-mail address: taranu@ce.tuiasi.ro (N. Ţăranu)
8 Ţăranu Nicolae, Oprişan Gabriel , Isopescu Dorina, Enţuc Ioana, et al
Nevertheless, the great potential these materials present fully justifies the
research activities of numerous research centers worldwide.
The high tensile strengths of FRP composites may recommend them as
an ideal alternative to longitudinal reinforcing elements (Figs.1 and 2), for
structural concrete members subjected mainly to flexure.
0 1 2 3 4 5 Strain, [%]
2 c a
3-3 e
3 a
3 b
4 4-4
4 g b
Because FRPs are strong in the direction of fibers only their orientation is
recommended to control the shear cracks best.
Shear forces in a beam may be reversed under reversed cyclic loading
and fibers may be thus arranged at two different directions to satisfy the
requirement of shear strengthening in both directions.
a b c
RC slab
a FRP strip b
FRP strip
RC slab
FRP strip
FRP strips
a b
excess and entrapped air. They can practically be left unsupported. In general
there is no need to use bolts for FRP plate fixing and this avoids the risk of
damaging the existing steel reinforcing bars.
c) FRP composite sheets are available in long lengths (compared to
steel plates generally limited to 6m) and their installation is much simpler: laps
and joints are not required; the material can accommodate some irregularities;
the thin FRP plates and sheets can follow a slightly curved shape without
prebending; overlapping required when strengthening plates in two directions is
not a problem because the composite products are thin.
d) The energy required to produce FRP materials is less than for
traditional materials fact that leads to sustainable solutions with minimum
impact on the environment.
e) The combination of all these advantages leads to simpler and
quicker strengthening processes than when steel products are utilized. This is
especially important for bridges because of the high costs of circulation lanes
6. Conclusions
The use of FRP in civil engineering applications enables engineers to
obtain significant achievements in the functionality, safety and economy of
construction. These materials have high ratio of strength ro density, can be
tailored to posses certain mechanical characteristics, have excellent corrosion
behaviour, convenient electrical, magnetic and thermal properties. On the other
hand FRP composites are brittle, exhibit anisotropic behaviour and their
mechanical properties may be affected by the rate of loading, temperature and
environmental conditions. FRP composite bars can be successfully utilized to
reinforce concrete elements when corrosion aggressivity is an issue and certain
electrical and magnetical requirements are needed. Externally bonded FRP
products are efficient when additional reinforcing is needed to improve flexural
behaviour and shearing capacity as well as when axial load and ductility
performance is needed by reinforced concrete columns. However, an efficient
use of polymeric composites in such applications requires a careful evaluation
of all aspects involved.
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