Testing and Commissioning of BMS Rev A

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Risk Assessment


Testing and Commissioning of BMS.

Document No.: SPS/M/RA/225

Rev.: A

Date: 17 October 2018


Anish R K Nair Chandra Mohan Saju Karunakaran
HSE Officer – SPS M JV Sr. HSE Engineer – SPS M JV Commissioning Manager - SPS M JV
Form. No: PR-026-F02
PROJECT: 147- MAMSHA AL SAADIYAT, Risk Assessment for Testing and Commissioning of BMS Rev Date: 10/03/2018
Rev No: B
Assessed on 17 October 2018 Revision No A Revised on
Risk Assessment Number SPS/M/RA/225 Assessed by: Reviewed by: Action by:
Method Statement No. & Rev. No: P147-SPS-MEC-MET-0055; Rev A. Anish R K Nair Chandra Mohan Saju Karunakaran
Who/What Initial Risk Residual Risk
## Activity Hazard(s) Risk(s) might be Control Measure(s) Responsibility
• All Workers/Visitors shall complete the SPS Mamsha Site
HSE Induction before entering the work site.
• Provide refresh/ re-induction if required and ensure all
operatives/visitors are aware of SPS site rules and
• Obtain valid task related PTW before commencing each task
and performing party shall aware of PTW requirements.
• Perform prestart briefing/TBT before each activity by the
concern Engineer/Supervisors and ensure all workers are
attending and aware of the Safe Work Procedures.
• Ensure competent workers assigned to the tasks with proper
• Unaware of site rules supervision and special guiding to the young workers.
and regulations. • Provide adequate and safe access, egress with proper
• Working without PTW. illumination.
• Incompetent/ Young • Never store materials on access routes and ensure the • Testing &
workers. access and egress are free of obstructions. Commission
• Inadequate access and • Perform housekeeping before and after the tasks. Manager.
egress. • Never allow the worker to perform lone working, always opt • Construction
• Slip, Trip and Fall. group of workers/buddy system (If possible). Manager.
• Lone Working. • Injury to • Provide adequate ventilated rest shelters with the provision of
Mobilization of Person(s). • Worker(s).
01 • Lack of rest/drinking 2 3 6 M cool drinking waters adjacent to the workplace. 2 1 2 L • Logistic
the Workplace.
water. • Property • Asset(s). • Ensure workers getting adequate rest/job rotations. Manager.
• Smoking, Eating, Damage. • Ensure workers following no smoking, Alcohol & Drug policy in
• Engineers.
Sleeping & bullying in worksite and provide a designated smoking area and toilet
the workplace. facilities. • Supervisors/Fo
• Non-availability/ • Ensure no one permitted to enter the work area under the reman.
Working without PPE. influence of alcohol and drugs.
• Poor Work Place • Ensure workers taking food and rest in designated area only. • Operatives.
Emergency • Ensure workers getting adequate PPEs, enough stock in the
arrangements. SPS store and ensure the use of it.
• Workers shall aware of the SPS Emergency procedures.
• SPS Emergency contact numbers shall communicate in the
• Provide directional signs and emergency exit route layout with
“You are here” marking.
• Never block the emergency exit routes/ access and egress.
• Perform emergency evacuation drill every 3 months and
review its suitability with the existing system.
• Ensure the availability of trained first aider and project site
male nurse to summons in case of emergency and the
standby vehicle with driver.

Initial/ Residual Risk. Risk Rating

Page 2 of 8
S - Severity L- Likelihood TR- Total Rating RL- Risk Level RR- Residual Rating L - 1-3 Low Risk M - 4-6 Moderate Risk H - 8-12 High Risk. ER - 15-25 Extreme Risk
Form. No: PR-026-F02
PROJECT: 147- MAMSHA AL SAADIYAT, Risk Assessment for Testing and Commissioning of BMS Rev Date: 10/03/2018
Rev No: B
Assessed on 17 October 2018 Revision No A Revised on
Risk Assessment Number SPS/M/RA/225 Assessed by: Reviewed by: Action by:
Method Statement No. & Rev. No: P147-SPS-MEC-MET-0055; Rev A. Anish R K Nair Chandra Mohan Saju Karunakaran
Who/What Initial Risk Residual Risk
## Activity Hazard(s) Risk(s) might be Control Measure(s) Responsibility
• Only competent technician with valid training shall be
assigned and use the test equipment.
• Provide prestart briefing to the workers by the • T&C Manager.
engineers/supervisor and ensure all workers are attending
and aware of the Safe Work Procedures. • T&C Engineer.
• Ensure strict supervision of work area. • Building
• Lack of knowledge and • Injury to the • Use calibrated/ certified testing equipment and ensure the
Use of Testing human error. persons. • Worker(s). Manager.
02 3 3 9 H availability of certificates are readily available. 3 1 3 L
Instruments. • Defective/ uncalibrated • Asset(s). • T&C
equipment. • Property • Only select the test tool which designed for the purpose.
damage. • Always use isolated tools only, check for any discolouration eman.
due to excessive heat, chemical or moister exposure and
never use those test tools. • Technician.
• Never allow to alter/modify the testing tools and always
secures the tool as per the manufacturer recommendation. • Operatives
• Ensure the suitability of tools prior to the selection and use.
• Obtain adequate clearance/ hand over certificates from other
departments prior to the job and ensure the areas are fully
• Ensure the work area shall be identified and barricaded prior
to the jobs to avoid unauthorised entry.
• Survey work shall perform according to the approved
drawings only and ensure the BMS System is ready for the
Testing and Commissioning, all parts are connected and
installed properly. • Building
• Provide a safe area marking in the Testing & Commissioning Manager.
• Incomplete work
area/System. area and ensure the other operatives stay outside the
• Testing &
• Unauthorized entry. marking. Commissionin
Survey, and
• Provide adequate warning and awareness signages for the
Preparation for • Poor Access and • Injury to the • Operative g Manager.
Egress. person(s). work area.
03 Testing and s. 2 2 4 M 2 1 2 L
• Never permit adjacent operation/unauthorised operations in • Testing &
Commissioning • Adjacent Operations. • Property Commissionin
of BMS. • Slip Trip and fall. • Asset(s). the Testing & Commissioning area.
damage. g Engineer.
• Poor Testing & • Never obstruct the access/roads unless the provision of an
Commissioning alternate one. • T&C Team
arrangements. • Ensure unobstructed access, poor illumination and ventilation Members.
in the Test area.
• Ensure material management and protect/ remove the • Operatives.
protruding materials and stack the materials properly (If any).
• Ensure the Testing & Commissioning arrangements are
implemented according to the Testing & Commissioning Plan
and Operational Procedure.
• The documented pre-start inspection shall be performed by
the concern engineer/supervisor and ensure all connections
are made as per the requirement.

Initial/ Residual Risk. Risk Rating

Page 3 of 8
S - Severity L- Likelihood TR- Total Rating RL- Risk Level RR- Residual Rating L - 1-3 Low Risk M - 4-6 Moderate Risk H - 8-12 High Risk. ER - 15-25 Extreme Risk
Form. No: PR-026-F02
PROJECT: 147- MAMSHA AL SAADIYAT, Risk Assessment for Testing and Commissioning of BMS Rev Date: 10/03/2018
Rev No: B
Assessed on 17 October 2018 Revision No A Revised on
Risk Assessment Number SPS/M/RA/225 Assessed by: Reviewed by: Action by:
Method Statement No. & Rev. No: P147-SPS-MEC-MET-0055; Rev A. Anish R K Nair Chandra Mohan Saju Karunakaran
Who/What Initial Risk Residual Risk
## Activity Hazard(s) Risk(s) might be Control Measure(s) Responsibility
• Never use the straight ladder as a working platform, use
Podium ladder and never place the podium ladder at the edge
of the slab/ near the floor openings.
• Ensure the ladder rungs are free from slippery/ forging • Building
materials prior to climb on it. Manager.
• Slip & Fall from a • Ensure the ladder placed on a firm or level ground.
• Testing &
height • Never use a damaged ladder, remove it from the workplace
• Falling objects. with “don’t use” tag.
Working at • Injury to g Manager.
• Secure the ladder always by the means of holding it and
Height – Use of • Defect ladder. person. • Worker(s).
04 3 3 9 H always maintain 3 points of contact while climbing the ladders. 3 1 3 L
Podium • Overreaching • Testing &
• Property • Asset(s). • Use only certified/ inspected ladders for the task and select
Ladder. • Overloading. Commissionin
according to the work to avoid overreaching.
• Lack of Inspection. Damage. g Engineer.
• Ensure prestart inspection prior to each shift by the user and
• Environment condition periodic documented inspection by a competent scaffold • T&C Team
inspector. Members.
• Close supervision must be available all the time and ensure
proper rest/ job rotation in place. • Operatives.
• Ensure adequate illumination in the workplace and the
workplace is free of slippery and debris.
• Unauthorised entry. • All personnel are undergone SPS M JV HSE induction and
• Incompetent holding valid access gate passes.
operatives. • Ensure the assigned operatives are competent, undergone
• Unauthorised SPS Testing Commissioning specified training according to
operation/Approach. the Testing Plan.
• Incomplete/wrong • Ensure approved Method Statement and Risk Assessment
BMS installation. are in place, communicated and understood by the assigned
• Lone working. operatives. • Testing &
• Lack of supervision. • Documented prestart briefing shall be performed by the Commissionin
• Energized electric competent supervisor prior to the task execution. g Manager.
panels. • Injury to • Competent Testing & Commissioning Engineer shall ensure
Testing and Operatives • Operative( • Testing &
• Electrocution/ Exposed (s). s).
the system is ready for Testing and Commissioning.
05 Commissioning 3 3 9 H 3 1 3 L Commissionin
electric components. • Testing and Commissioning engineer shall ensure that all
of BMS. g Engineer.
• Electric burn. • Property • Asset(s). connections are made as per the approved drawings and
• Lack of/ poor isolation Damage manufacturer instructions. • T&C Team
procedure. • Ensure relevant PTW’s were obtained prior to start the Testing Members.
• Fire hazards. & Commissioning work with appropriate control measures.
• Poor illumination. • Supervisor ensured that workers are only working in their • Operatives.
• Poor ventilation. designated area.
• Obstructed • Visual inspection shall be performed by a competent
access/egress or engineer/supervisor prior to the activity.
emergency exits. • Ensure no shortcuts for the jobs and possible hazards & risks
• Absence/ Poor may arise while working near live/energized panel/equipment
Selection of PPEs. shall communicate properly.

Initial/ Residual Risk. Risk Rating

Page 4 of 8
S - Severity L- Likelihood TR- Total Rating RL- Risk Level RR- Residual Rating L - 1-3 Low Risk M - 4-6 Moderate Risk H - 8-12 High Risk. ER - 15-25 Extreme Risk
Form. No: PR-026-F02
PROJECT: 147- MAMSHA AL SAADIYAT, Risk Assessment for Testing and Commissioning of BMS Rev Date: 10/03/2018
Rev No: B
Assessed on 17 October 2018 Revision No A Revised on
Risk Assessment Number SPS/M/RA/225 Assessed by: Reviewed by: Action by:
Method Statement No. & Rev. No: P147-SPS-MEC-MET-0055; Rev A. Anish R K Nair Chandra Mohan Saju Karunakaran
Who/What Initial Risk Residual Risk
## Activity Hazard(s) Risk(s) might be Control Measure(s) Responsibility
• Poor emergency • Never permit unauthorised entry and operations in the
arrangements. electric/panel room. And ensure the entry and exit to the
• Lack of electric/panel area are logged properly.
communication. • Provide a safe area marking by barricading in the Testing &
Commissioning area and ensure the operatives stay outside
the marking during the Testing & Commissioning activities.
• Never permitted lone working in electric/ panel rooms/
energized equipment.
• Works are carried out under qualified and experienced
• Ensure no materials are stacked or stored near the energized
panel or equipment.
• All personnel are to be informed that does not tamper with any
energized equipment.
• Works are carried out only in the allocated area and ensure
adequate warning/danger signs in place.
• Ensure all electric/panel/equipment components are protected
well to avoid unplanned contacts.
• Provide nonconductive tools while working with an electric line
and provide a non-conductive mat for working.
• Supervisor ensured lockout/Tag out isolation is done prior to
start activity.
• Ensure the appropriate and adequate numbers of fire
extinguishers are in place.
• Ensure adequate illumination and ventilation in test area.
• Ensure the provision of adequate work platform for the
operatives with adequate space for operations and ensure the
workers not use or stand top of the panel or equipment as a
working platform.
• Assigned operatives shall aware of the emergency procedure
and emergency shutdown arrangements in case of a situation.
• Ensure the access and egress are free from obstructions
always and exits are unobstructed and clearly marked.
• Ensure the Rescue Kit is Available in Panel/electric room and
assigned operatives shall be trained for the use of it.
• Ensure the availability of competent first aiders and first aid
facilities are available in the project.
• Ensure proper communication shall maintain at all the level of
the operations with the construction and commissioning team.
• Ensure the Testing & Commissioning Team wearing
appropriated task related PPEs.

Initial/ Residual Risk. Risk Rating

Page 5 of 8
S - Severity L- Likelihood TR- Total Rating RL- Risk Level RR- Residual Rating L - 1-3 Low Risk M - 4-6 Moderate Risk H - 8-12 High Risk. ER - 15-25 Extreme Risk
Form. No: PR-026-F02
PROJECT: 147- MAMSHA AL SAADIYAT, Risk Assessment for Testing and Commissioning of BMS Rev Date: 10/03/2018
Rev No: B
Assessed on 17 October 2018 Revision No A Revised on
Risk Assessment Number SPS/M/RA/225 Assessed by: Reviewed by: Action by:
Method Statement No. & Rev. No: P147-SPS-MEC-MET-0055; Rev A. Anish R K Nair Chandra Mohan Saju Karunakaran
Who/What Initial Risk Residual Risk
## Activity Hazard(s) Risk(s) might be Control Measure(s) Responsibility
• Performing party shall obtain a valid permit prior to the night
shift operations.
• Prestart briefing to be conducted by night shift workers and
communicate the hazards.
• Ensure adequate illumination in access route and workplace,
• Unauthorised monitor and record it periodically & adequate task lights in • Testing &
operations. workplaces. Commissionin
• Poor illumination. • Ensure the availability of T&C Engineer and supervisors g Manager.
• Slip, trip and Falls. • Injury to the during the night shift operations.
Working in • Testing &
• Poor visibility. person(s). • Worker(s). • All operations shall be performed with adequate supervision.
06 Night Shifts 2 2 4 M 2 1 2 L Commissionin
• Poor/ Lack of • Ensure the proper communication in place throughout the
(IF). • Property • Asset(s). g Engineer.
supervisor. task.
• Poor Communication. • Ensure the provision and use of proper PPE like high visibility • T&C Team
• Poor emergency jacket and clear goggles Members.
arrangements. • Ensure the use of designated access routes by operatives.
• Ensure the availability of a competent electrician in the • Operatives
workplace for illumination.
• Ensure Safety lighting (rotating beacon) on all equipment.
• Ensure the availability of the first aider on site and emergency
standby vehicles.

*Additional Precautions: -
All operations are undertaking in accordance with OSHAD H&S requirements.
All work shall be in accordance with;
• SPS M JV Project HSE Plan P147-SPS-HSE-PRG-0001;
• SPS M JV Construction Environmental Management Pan P147-SPS-ENV-PRG-0001;
• SPS M JV Permit To Work Procedure P147-SPS-HSE-REP-0374;
• SPS M JV Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan. P147-SPS-ENV-PRG-0002;
• SPS M JV Emergency Management Plan HSE/OP/EMP/01;
• SPS M JV Working at Height Plan SPS/WHP/P/01;
• SPS M JV Operational Control for Using Ladders P147-SPS-HSE-REP-0030;
• SPS M JV Traffic Management Plan SPS/HSE/REP/027;
• SPS M JV Summer Safety Plan HSE/S/P/01.
• SPS M JV Operational Control for the Testing Commissioning and Energization Activities. P147-SPS-HSE-RE-0248.
• Ensure the controls are typically established in those operations that are essential, and acceptance is too risky, and avoidance and sharing of residual risks are not possible.
• To ensure that controls are operating efficiently, testing is usually necessary.
• Corrective action is warranted when a control is weak, not in place or not functioning properly.
• Operatives undertaking other workers at the vicinity/ surrounding should be briefed on the hazards operations.
• Supervisor and other key personnel shall ensure that all mitigation measures are been implemented prior to commence the operations.
• No work is to be carried out without constant competent supervision.

Initial/ Residual Risk. Risk Rating

Page 6 of 8
S - Severity L- Likelihood TR- Total Rating RL- Risk Level RR- Residual Rating L - 1-3 Low Risk M - 4-6 Moderate Risk H - 8-12 High Risk. ER - 15-25 Extreme Risk
Form. No: PR-026-F02
PROJECT: 147- MAMSHA AL SAADIYAT, Risk Assessment for Testing and Commissioning of BMS Rev Date: 10/03/2018
Rev No: B
Assessed on 17 October 2018 Revision No A Revised on
Risk Assessment Number SPS/M/RA/225 Assessed by: Reviewed by: Action by:
Method Statement No. & Rev. No: P147-SPS-MEC-MET-0055; Rev A. Anish R K Nair Chandra Mohan Saju Karunakaran
• Operatives to be instructed to consult their engineer/ supervisor/safety professional before a deviation from any of the aforementioned controls.
• This Risk Assessment to be reviewed under the following minimum circumstances but not limited.
i. Any incident/event.
ii. Change in activity/conditions.
iii. Recommendation-legal/consultant/professional.
General Note: -
Inspection of Site Power Tools.
• All Hand power tools shall be inspected and tested (PAT test) and tagged before use.
• Only tagged power tools will be released from the store.
• All site supervisors required to be very strict on the usage of the power tools by authorised people only.
Information, instruction and training.
• All personnel of the team are to be made aware of the safe systems of work.
• Minimum required PPE for all personnel are Coverall, helmet, eye protector and safety shoes.
• No simultaneous activity.
• Personnel involved in this operation shall be briefed with task-related Tool Box Talk.
Emergency procedures
• In case of an emergency, stop the work, secure the area and follow SPS MJV emergency procedure.
• Site emergency procedures should make provision for the rescue of individuals.
• First-aid facilities should be available to cope with any significant injuries that may arise from the hazard.
Monitoring and review
• Work should be monitored by Site Engineers, Foreman & charge hand who are trained to ensure that any additional precautions or equipment required are provided.

Initial/ Residual Risk. Risk Rating

Page 7 of 8
S - Severity L- Likelihood TR- Total Rating RL- Risk Level RR- Residual Rating L - 1-3 Low Risk M - 4-6 Moderate Risk H - 8-12 High Risk. ER - 15-25 Extreme Risk
Form. No: PR-026-F02
PROJECT: 147- MAMSHA AL SAADIYAT, Risk Assessment for Testing and Commissioning of BMS Rev Date: 10/03/2018
Rev No: B
Assessed on 17 October 2018 Revision No A Revised on
Risk Assessment Number SPS/M/RA/225 Assessed by: Reviewed by: Action by:
Method Statement No. & Rev. No: P147-SPS-MEC-MET-0055; Rev A. Anish R K Nair Chandra Mohan Saju Karunakaran


Initial/ Residual Risk. Risk Rating

Page 8 of 8
S - Severity L- Likelihood TR- Total Rating RL- Risk Level RR- Residual Rating L - 1-3 Low Risk M - 4-6 Moderate Risk H - 8-12 High Risk. ER - 15-25 Extreme Risk

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