Mother Love

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Lesson 45 — A Mother’s Love

ay Scho From Unit 11: God Has a Plan for Families

nd ol
Su (Exodus 1:22; 2:1-10)

Lesson Objective: To help the children understand that God plans for parents to take care of their children.

Bible Memory Words: I John 4:7 — “Let us love one another.” (KJV & NIV)

Preparation: Remind parents to bring a picture of their child for the Art Center, or bring an instant camera and snap away! (Or tear
pictures of children from magazines.) Cut out the visuals of Moses, Basket Lid, Moses in Basket, Miriam, Jochebed, and Pharaoh’s
Daughter from Teaching Visuals 45A and 45B. Cut a slit in Jochebed’s arms, as shown. Cut a 5” x 3” piece of construction paper
and trim it to look like grass or reeds. Glue flannel or felt to the back of each visual. Bring a flannel board. For the Bible Words
Memory Time, cut a big heart from red poster board and a small heart from red paper. Post the large heart on a wall or bulletin
board at the children’s eye level. Read through this lesson for additional preparation tips.

parents. If a child is not living with his parents, encourage him to

Arrival Activity also thank God for his grandparents, or other influential figures.
Thank God for all the things parents do for their children.
Welcome: Say, Hi, [Brenna]. Today we’re going to learn about
God’s plan for families. Let the children use blocks to construct
flat top houses. Post a picture of a Bible times house nearby ❑ Puppet Skit
or use the House on Rocks visual from Teaching Visuals 45C. Use the Cubby Bear Puppet or a puppet of your choice in
Point it out to the children as they work. a conversation with the leader.
CUBBY: (Enters counting very slowly on “fingers”)
Learning Centers One, two, three, four, five…
LEADER: Cubby, what are you counting?
CUBBY: I’m counting how many things Mama did for me
❑ Home Living Center
today. She does a lot of things for me every day.
Provide baby dolls and baby care items. Encourage the
LEADER: What has she done today?
children to pretend to be parents and to take care of the babies.
CUBBY: Well, she cooked my breakfast, she put ice
Ask, What things do people do to care for babies? (feed them,
on my knee when I fell, and she gave me a
dress them, play with them, hold them, pray for them, rock them
to sleep, etc.) Compliment the children on how well they are
LEADER: Did she do anything else?
doing these things for their baby dolls.
CUBBY: Oh, yes, she helped me cross the street so I
could visit Roddy Rabbit. But one of the best
❑ Art Center things she did was give me a big hug and say,
Spread pictures of your preschoolers on a table. Help each “I love you, Cubby.”
child find the picture of himself. Let him mount the picture LEADER: Your mama really has helped you. Would
on poster board and print his name on it. As an alternative, you like for us to sing a thank-you song to God
bring a collection of children’s pictures from magazines. Let the for her?
children select pictures they think look like them and mount CUBBY: Oh, yes. (Let Cubby lead the group in singing
the pictures on poster board. JESUS, WE JUST WANT TO THANK
Circle Time
❑ Prayer Time
❑ Song Time
Sing PRAISE HIM, PRAISE HIM. Let the children
As the children gather, encourage them to share their
suggest actions for this song. Say, We can praise God when we
learning center experiences. Invite each child to thank God for his

45 A Mother’s Love • Teacher’s Guide

Copyright © 2009 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this page for ministry purposes.
baby.” (Place Miriam visual slightly behind the grass.)
Circle Time, Continued Soon the princess, Pharaoh’s daughter, came to the river
(place Pharaoh’s Daughter on the board). The princess looked
sing. We can praise God when we pray, too. Ask one of your out into the river, and saw something strange floating in the
coworkers to pray, then sing GOD IS SO GOOD. water. It was the basket!
When the princess opened the basket, the baby was
Bible Story surprised (remove Basket Lid and move Moses in Basket beside
Pharaoh’s Daughter). The baby began to cry.
❑ Listen to the Bible Story The princess was surprised, too. “Look,” she said. “This is
Before the lesson, cut out the visuals of Moses, Basket Lid, a Hebrew baby. I feel sorry for him. I want to keep him.”
Moses in Basket, Miriam, Jochebed, and Pharaoh’s Daughter Just then Miriam came out of her hiding place and ran to
from Teaching Visuals 45A and 45B. Cut a slit in Jochebed’s the princess (move Miriam next to Pharaoh’s Daughter).
arms, as shown. Cut a 5” x 3” piece of construction paper and “Would you like for me to find a Hebrew woman to help
trim it to look like grass or reeds. Glue flannel or felt to the you feed and care for the baby?” she asked.
back of each visual. Bring a flannel board. “Oh, yes,” answered the princess.
Say, I’m glad Cubby’s mama takes care of him. Ask the Miriam ran home (remove Miriam). She told her mother
children to name people who help take care of them. Then say, what had happened and brought her to the princess (place
I’m glad God planned for people to care for us. Let’s listen Miriam and Jochebed on the board).
quietly to a Bible story about a boy whose mother loved him “Here, take the baby,” the princess said to Jochebed. “Feed
very much. him and take care of him until he is old enough to live with
me. I will pay you.”
A MOTHER’S LOVE Jochebed agreed (remove Moses in Basket; place Moses in
Amram [AM-ram] and Jochebed [JOCK-uh-bed] had a Jochebed’s arms). She took her own baby boy home. She did
secret. Big brother Aaron and big sister Miriam had a secret, just what the princess told her. God helped her so she was able
too (place Miriam visual on the flannel board). They had a to care for her own little boy. When the boy was old enough,
new baby boy in their house, but they couldn’t tell anyone. Jochebed took him to live with the princess. The princess
Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, thought there were too many named him “Moses.” Moses grew up to be one of God’s great
Hebrew people. Pharaoh said that all new Hebrew baby boys helpers.
had to be killed.
When Jochebed’s baby was born (place Jochebed visual on ❑ Review the Bible Story–Bible Activity Sheet A
the board), Jochebed knew God had given her a special child Give each child a red, blue, purple, and green crayon and
(place Moses visual in Jochebed’s arms, sliding it into the slit). Bible Activity Sheet 45A. Read the Bible story summary aloud.
Jochebed loved her baby very much. She did not want her Discuss which pictured event happened first, next, etc. Help
baby to die, so she hid him in the house. She took good care each child draw a circle around the pictures in the correct order
of the baby and he grew bigger and stronger. Soon he could (left to right = purple, red, blue, green). Give younger children
cry loudly, and Jochebed knew it was not safe to hide him in one crayon at a time and have them circle each picture as you
the house any longer. discuss it.
Jochebed had an idea. She took a strong basket and made
sure that no water could get in it — not even one drop. Then
Jochebed lovingly wrapped her baby in a blanket. She gently ❑ Let’s Act Out the Story
laid the baby in the basket (remove Moses visual and place Bring a basket (or a shoe box) with a lid, a doll and blanket,
Moses in Basket in Jochebed’s arms). three pieces of fabric or large towels, and three headbands or
“Come, Miriam,” Jochebed said to the baby’s big sister. “I fabric strips for Bible times costume items.
need your help.” (Move Jochebed and Miriam visuals to the Ask, Who took care of baby Moses? (Jochebed) Pause for
middle of the flannel board.) Miriam and Jochebed went to responses, then ask, Who else helped care for Moses? (Miriam
the river, and Jochebed put the basket in the water near some and Pharaoh’s daughter) Say, I’m glad God planned for parents
tall grass (place grass visual to the right of Jochebed; place and families to take care of children. Let children volunteer to
Moses in Basket to the right of the grass; place the Basket Lid portray Jochebed, Miriam, and Pharaoh’s daughter as you retell
on the basket). the story. Place a piece of fabric or towel over each volunteer’s
Jochebed pointed to a nearby spot. “Now, Miriam,” she head and secure it with a headband or a long fabric strip to create
said, “stay here. Watch the basket and see what happens to our simple costumes. Let each child have a turn, as time allows.

45 A Mother’s Love • Teacher’s Guide • page 2

❑ Mother, May I?
Bible Memory The object of the game is to get from one side of the play
area to the other while obeying the Mother. Choose a leader
❑ Bible Words Memory Time to be the Mother. The children may only move if Mother
I John 4:7 — “Let us love one another.” (KJV & NIV) approves. For example, the Mother may say, “Take two large
hops forward.” The children must ask, “Mother, may I?”
Before the lesson, cut a big heart from red poster board before they move. When Mother says, “Yes, you may,” they
and a small heart from red paper. Mark your Bible at the Bible may move. If a child moves before asking, he must take a step
Words with the small heart. Post the large heart on a wall or backward. The first one to make it across the play area is the
bulletin board at the children’s eye level. next Mother.
During class, point to the large heart. Ask, What word
do you think of when you see a heart? Say, Here in the Bible ❑ Take-Home Paper
it says, “Let us love.” Do you know whom the Bible tells us Give each child a Take-Home Paper 45. Explain that the
to love? Read the whole verse. Say, We can begin by loving children can complete the activity and do the Family Project
everyone in the room. Hand out the pictures the children at home during the week. Encourage the children to bring
made earlier in the Art Center. Let each child tape her picture back the completed Take-Home Papers the following week to
near the heart. As each child does this, say the Bible Words. earn stickers. (Give a sticker to any child who completed and
Substitute the child’s name for “one another.” When all the brought back last week’s paper.)
pictures have been posted around the heart, have the children
say the Bible Words together. Closing
Bible Activities ❑ Closing Prayer Time
Pray, thanking God for giving us parents to care for us.
❑ Bible Activity Sheet B Hand out today’s craft and the completed activity sheets to
Give each child Bible Activity Sheet 45A and six stickers. each child.
Discuss the pictures of the various adults and how they are
caring for the children. Let the children place a sticker by those Teacher Tips
pictures showing families caring for each other. (all pictures)
Say, Families care for each other in many ways. I’m glad God ❑ Tip: Simple Rules
made families. Preschoolers need friendly reminders in the form of simple
rules and classroom procedures. By planning ahead, you will
❑ Bible Activity Sheet C: Fiction Story avoid many unpleasant situations.
Read the fiction story from Bible Activity Sheet 45C. Show When you are sitting together on the floor during story
the pictures as you tell the story. Then talk about the questions. time, Jason (who is sitting in front) might not realize that, by
Say, God gave us parents to take care of us. sitting on his knees, he is blocking Sarah’s view. You can avoid
a distracting situation in the middle of your story (“Teacher, I
can’t see!”) by starting out with two very simple rules: (1) Sit
❑ Bible Activity Sheet D: Craft Time cross-legged (or fold legs together to one side) during story
Give each child scissors, crayons, glue, and Bible Activity time and (2) No talking during Bible story time without raising
Sheets 45D and 45E. Help the children color and cut out the your hand. You can make these rules the norm for every group
baskets and baby Moses. Show how to glue the basket pieces back discussion, and, by doing so, avoid many time-consuming
to back and glue Moses in the basket. Help them fold down the corrections.
basket lid. Point to the words on the basket as you say them.

❑ Bible Background
❑ Snack Time From all outward appearances, it would seem that Moses’
Say, Baby Moses grew big and strong because his mother mother was abandoning her baby to a tragic death. But she
helped him eat properly. It is important that we eat good apparently was aware that Pharaoh’s daughter often bathed
food. I’m glad God planned for families to care for us. Serve in that area of the Nile. She hoped that this woman, when
fruit juice and crackers. Say a prayer of thanks before eating. she found the abandoned baby among the reeds, would show
Praise the children who practice good manners. compassion on him and adopt him. As part of the plan, Miriam,

45 A Mother’s Love • Teacher’s Guide • page 3

Teacher Tips, Continued
Moses’ sister, stood at a distance to see what would happen to
the baby (Exodus 2:1-4).
As Miriam watched, Pharaoh’s daughter approached the
riverbank to bathe. She spotted the basket among the reeds and
sent one of her slave girls to retrieve it. When she opened it, she
recognized the child was a Hebrew baby and felt compassion
for him. In defiance of her father’s decree, she determined to
raise the child as her own — making Moses a member of the
royal household (Exodus 2:5-6).
God’s sovereign control of events is clearly evident in this
episode early in Moses’ life. Pharaoh’s daughter handed over
the baby to Moses’ mother and instructed her to nurse the
baby, a service for which Pharaoh’s daughter promised to pay.
So Moses’ mother took her baby and nursed him during his
childhood years (Exodus 2:7-9).

45 A Mother’s Love • Teacher’s Guide • page 4

ay Scho
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Lessons Name ____________________________

Moses’ Family Cared for Him

Jochebed [JOCK uh bed] hid her new baby. Pharaoh’s daughter named the baby
baby boy so Pharaoh could not have him Moses (Exodus 1:22; 2:1-10).
killed. When Jochebed could no longer Look at the picture story. Show what
hide him, she put the baby in a basket happened first by drawing a red circle
in the river. His sister, Miriam, watched around the first picture in the story. Draw
as Pharaoh’s daughter found the baby. a blue circle around the second picture
Pharaoh’s daughter wanted to keep the in the story. Draw a purple circle around
baby, but she needed a nurse for him. the third picture, and draw a green circle
Miriam went to get her mother, and around the last picture.
Jochebed became the nurse for her own
Bible Activity Sheet A 45 A Mother’s Love
Copyright © 2009 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this page for ministry purposes.
ay Scho
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Lessons Name ____________________________

My Family Cares for Me

Glue a sticker by the pictures of families caring for each other.

Bible Activity Sheet B 45 A Mother’s Love

Copyright © 2009 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this page for ministry purposes.
ay Scho
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Lessons Name ____________________________

A Special Helper
“What happened to my happy girl Stephanie had to stay at home without
today?” Mother asked. her mother. Are you ever going to leave
Janie frowned as she dragged her rag me?”
doll behind her across the kitchen floor. Mother took Janie to the big chair and
“Are you ever going to leave me?” they sat together. “Janie, I don’t plan to
Janie wondered out loud. leave you, but if I did have to go away,
Mother dried her hands and held Janie Daddy and I would find someone special
in her arms. “Why do you think I would to care for you. That is what Stephanie’s
leave you?” mom did.”
“Stephanie’s mother went away. continued on page 2

Bible Activity Sheet C 45 A Mother’s Love

Copyright © 2009 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this page for ministry purposes.
continued from page 1

Janie looked up in surprise. “You mean until Mrs. Martin comes home. God gave
Stephanie isn’t at home all alone?” mothers and daddies the job of caring for
“Oh, no!” Mother explained. “Mrs. their boys and girls. But sometimes they
Martin didn’t leave Stephanie alone. Your have to go away for a while, or cannot
special sitter friend, Mrs. Bass, is staying be with their children at all. Then, other
with Stephanie.” special people love and care for them.”
Janie giggled. “Mrs. Bass is fun! She Janie was silent. She was thinking.
knows how to play games and tell funny “You mean like Tommy? He lives with
stories. And, she gives great big hugs his grandmother.”
when she tucks me in bed.” “Yes, God gave Tommy a very special,
“I’m sure Stephanie misses her mother, loving grandmother. She cares for him
but Mrs. Bass will take good care of her and they do fun things together.”

Bible Activity Sheet C page 2 45 A Mother’s Love

Mother added, “Julie stays with the “That’s a good idea,” Mother agreed.
Hankins while her mother works. They “I’ll call Mrs. Bass right now.”
take care of her and love her, too.” “Oh, thank you, Mom. And thank you
“I’m glad Mrs. Bass is taking care of for taking care of me,” said Janie with a
Stephanie,” Janie said smiling. “Let’s big smile.
invite them to our house.”

1. Who was taking care of Stephanie while her
mother was away?
2. Who takes care of you?

Bible Activity Sheet C page 3 45 A Mother’s Love

ay Scho
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Lessons Name ____________________________
Baby Moses Was Loved
Color the basket and baby Moses pieces and cut them out. Glue the basket pieces together. Glue
baby Moses inside the basket. Fold down the lid to close the basket. Lift the lid to see Moses.


Bible Activity Sheet D 45 A Mother’s Love

Copyright © 2009 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this page for ministry purposes.
ay Scho
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Lessons Name ____________________________

Completed Basket


Let us love one another.

— I John 4:7

Bible Activity Sheet E 45 A Mother’s Love

Copyright © 2009 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this page for ministry purposes.
ay Scho
nd ol Name ____________________________
Cubby’s Parents Care for Him
Cubby is thinking of ways his mother and the things his parents do and provide to care
father care for him. Draw a line from Cubby to for him.

Ask your mom or dad to help you cut some paper hearts from
colorful paper. Watch your mother or the person who cares for
you. Give her a heart when she does something kind for you. Tell
her you love her. Remember to say “thank you.” Thank God for
your parents.


I John 4:7 — “Let us love one another.” (KJV & NIV)

Take-Home Paper 45 45 A Mother’s Love

Copyright © 2009 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this page for ministry purposes.
Teaching Visuals 45A • A Mother’s Love

ay Scho
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Lessons Name ____________________________

(Lesson 45)

Basket Lid
(Lesson 45)

Moses in Basket
(Lesson 45) Miriam
(Lesson 45)

Copyright © 2009 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this page for ministry purposes.
Teaching Visuals 45B • A Mother’s Love
ay Scho
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Lessons Name ____________________________

(Cut slit to insert Moses

into his mother’s arms.)

Jochebed (Lesson 45) Pharaoh’s Daughter (Lesson 45)

Copyright © 2009 Christian Ed. Publishers • P.O. Box 26639 • San Diego, CA 92196 • 800-854-1531 • Permission is granted to reproduce this page for ministry purposes.

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