Desc9201 - Thermal Revision
Desc9201 - Thermal Revision
Desc9201 - Thermal Revision
Semester 2, 2018
- Humans better equipped to thermoregulate in heat (sweat) than cold (shivering).
- Physiologically, humans involuntarily thermoregulate.
o Blood flow – vasoconstriction and vasodilation
o Sweating
o Shivering
o Goosebumps
1. Air temp.
2. Humidity
3. Air velocity
4. Mean radiant temp. The uniform temperature of an imaginary enclosure that is the net
energy exchange of all radiated heat from differing surfaces.
1. Activity (met), e.g. 1=sitting 3=walking 4=sawing (??)
2. Clothing (clo), e.g. 1=full covering 3=with coat and beanie
6. Thermal Comfort: Physiological Principles
> Operative Temperature is the average between air and radiant temperatures.
Naturally ventilated Free-running inc. mixed-mode
Regressing votes on observed temps. for buildings Extrapolating sensation from each person
(increments 2deg)
Mean skin temperature and sweat production are the two factors that influence heat balance at any met.