5091.design MM Fonts

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Multiple Master

PN LPS5091
© 1995, 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

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Contents .......................................................................................................................ii

Introduction .................................................................................................................1
Definition of Terms ....................................................................................................... 2

Part 1: Technical
Guidelines for Designing
Multiple Master Typefaces ...........................................................5

Chapter 1: Overview of Multiple Master Typefaces..........................5

Determining Design Axes and Their Dynamic Ranges ................................................ 7

Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines...........................................7

Arranging Master Designs in a Conceptual Design Space............................................ 9
Master Design Compatibility for Interpolation.......................................................... 12
Element Compatibility ......................................................................................... 13
Start-Point Consistency ........................................................................................ 13
Subpaths and Path Order Consistency................................................................. 13
Point Placement for Interpolation.............................................................................. 14
Designing Optically Adjusted Master Designs............................................................ 17
Fine Tuning the Optical Size Axis............................................................................... 19
Selecting Primary Fonts .............................................................................................. 20
General Technical Considerations.............................................................................. 22
Design Strategy ..................................................................................................... 22
Macintosh Typeface Name Restrictions ............................................................... 23
Multiple Master Typeface File Size (in Bytes) ....................................................... 24
Objectives of the Alphanumeric Naming System ...................................................... 27

Chapter 3: Multiple Master Font Naming Conventions.................27

The Alphanumeric Font Naming System ................................................................... 29
Design Axis Abbreviations.................................................................................... 31
Primary Font Label Abbreviations ........................................................................ 32
Assigning Design Coordinate Ranges to Weight and Width Axes ............................. 33
Assigning Coordinate Values to the Extremes of Each Design Axis .................... 33
Assigning Design Coordinate Values to Primary Fonts .............................................. 36

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Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 37

Chapter 4: Application Support .....................................................37

Adobe’s Multiple Master Typeface Design Process ..................................................... 39

Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process .......................................39

Overview ............................................................................................................... 40
Stage 1: Research and Concept Development ...................................................... 40
Stage 2: Keyword Exploration............................................................................... 43
Stages 3 and 4: Preliminary and Full Character Sets ............................................ 45
Design Considerations at the Master Design Level .................................................... 47
Character Heights ................................................................................................. 47
Individual Character Weights and Overall Typeface Color ................................. 49
Individual Character Proportions and Overall Typeface Width .......................... 50
Stroke Contrast ..................................................................................................... 52
Companion Italic Designs .................................................................................... 53
Letter Spacing ....................................................................................................... 53
Design Considerations at the Multiple Master Typeface Level .................................. 57
Typeface Function ................................................................................................ 57
Master Design Compatibility................................................................................ 57
Design Axis Ranges ............................................................................................... 58
Interpolated Instances and Primary Fonts ........................................................... 58
Typeface Production ................................................................................................... 59
Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 60
Typeface Guidelines.............................................................................................. 61

Appendix A: Type 1 Point Placement Basics ..................................61

Points at Extremes ................................................................................................ 62
Smooth Transitions............................................................................................... 62
Triangle Guideline ................................................................................................ 63
Vertical Stems........................................................................................................ 64
Economy of Points................................................................................................ 64

Appendix B: Glossary......................................................................65

Appendix C: Bibliography...............................................................67
Part 1: .................................................................................................................... 68
Part 2: .................................................................................................................... 68

iii Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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Appendix D: References ..................................................................68

Appendix E: Standard Kerning Pairs .............................................69
Full Character Set ........................................................................................................ 70

Appendix F: Sample Tests ...............................................................70

“Hamburgevons” Keyword Text ................................................................................. 71
Spacing Test................................................................................................................. 72
Two-Axis Multiple Master Text Interpolations
(3 x 3 grid of instances) .............................................................................................. 75

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v Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 15:13 intro.rev.frame,


Type 1 multiple master typefaces represent a revolutionary breakthrough

in font technology that gives graphic designers and desktop publishers the
ability to customize fonts for specific needs. The typographic flexibility
that multiple master typefaces provide to users is a significant advantage
over previous technologies. To offer users more choices incorporating this
flexibility, a variety of multiple master typefaces are currently under
development. To encourage further creative application of multiple master
technology, Adobe Systems has compiled these basic design guidelines and
conventions for creating new typefaces or for “retrofitting” existing families
in multiple master format.
Adobe urges type designers to apply the recommendations described in this
document so multiple master typefaces will have consistent names and
construction from one manufacturer to another, making them easy for the
customer to use and for application developers to support. This document
provides only general, non-application-specific guidelines for designing
multiple master typefaces because each type designer may use a slightly
different set of design tools. Platform or application-specific issues should
be addressed by the application manufacturer.
Part 1 of this document contains a brief overview of what multiple master
typefaces are; general technical guidelines and considerations for constructing
and designing multiple master typefaces; an explanation of Adobe’s multiple
master typeface naming conventions; and Adobe’s suggestions for advanced
multiple master support in existing typeface design and page-layout
Part 2 of this document outlines fundamental design considerations and
aesthetic guidelines for designing multiple master typefaces. It is a study of
the process Adobe designers have used to develop the first multiple master
typefaces. This process is unlike the design process typically employed for
digital type, in that the designer must consider issues at both the master design
and multiple master levels to create a successful multiple master typeface.

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 15:13 intro.rev.frame, Left Master Page

Both parts of this document are written primarily for type designers and
typeface manufacturers, but may be useful for type design software developers
and type-supporting application developers as well. The document assumes
some familiarity with designing Type 1 outline typefaces.
Figure 1 A multiple master design matrix
is established by the design axes integrated
into the typeface. Shown here is Myriad’s
two-dimensional matrix comprised of weight
and width axes, and a small sampling of the
possible font variations that can be custom-
generated within it.



Light Weight Black

For further technical information, please refer to Adobe’s technical note

#5015 Adobe Type 1 Font Format Supplement.

Definition of Terms
Definitions for several key terms used in this document are listed below.
For a complete glossary of definitions, see Appendix B.

Multiple master technology

An enhancement of Type 1 font technology incorporating on-demand
interpolation into a font program.

Multiple master typeface

A super-typeface—a very large family of related styles within a single Type 1
font program. Each multiple master typeface contains all the information
necessary to generate hundreds of style variations as individual fonts, or

NOTE: In this document, the term typeface is not interchangeable with font.

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 15:13 intro.rev.frame,

Multiple master font / font / instance

An individual Type 1 font generated from a multiple master typeface. A font
or instance is a specific style variation from a family of related styles. For
example, Myriad™ Semibold Condensed and Myriad Light Semi Extended are
discrete instances of a single multiple master typeface. A multiple master font
or instance is scalable, and may or may not be optimized for use at a particular
point size.

Character / character shape / letterform

These words are used interchangeably in this document, and can mean
either the outward appearance or shape of a letter, or its underlying concept.
For example, the letter concept, or character, “A” can be embodied in various
forms, sometimes referred to as glyphs, such as a, a, or . Since many
designers find the word character preferable to glyph, character is used
throughout this document to represent both ideas.

Primary font
A type designer- or manufacturer-selected multiple master instance that is
pre-defined and ready-to-use upon installing a multiple master typeface on
a computer.

End point / control point

An end point on a character subpath is the point at which two elements, lines or
curves, join. A control point is a point tangent to an adjoining end point on a curve
which controls the direction of the curve.

End point

Control points

Start point

Curve element

Line element

Introduction 3
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Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:28 c01rev.frame,

Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing

Multiple Master Typefaces

Chapter 1: Overview of Multiple Master Typefaces

Multiple master typefaces add new dimensions to typographic control and

flexibility for people who work with type by applying interpolation in an
innovative way to typeface attributes, or design axes, such as weight, width,
and optical size (other attributes or styles may be varied as well), as shown
in Figures 1-1 and 1-2. These typefaces are called multiple master because two
or more Type 1 outline fonts, or master designs, are integrated into each
typeface. The master designs determine the dynamic range of each design axis
in a typeface, and the PostScript™ language enables on-demand interpolation,
or generation of intermediate instances, between the master designs.
For example, a light and a bold master design delineate the dynamic range of
possible instances along the weight design axis, and the user can interpolate
font variations anywhere within this range to suit the requirements of specific
design jobs. Currently, up to four design axes (of any type) can be incorporated
into one typeface, and can be varied independently or together to generate
thousands of instances.
Figure 1-1 Some of the possible design axes and dynamic
ranges that can be integrated into a multiple master typeface

Design axis Dynamic range


Light to Black


Condensed to Extended

Optical size

6-point to 72-point designs, shown at the

same size for comparison


Wedge Serif to Slab Serif

With multiple master typefaces, the concept of a typeface family is redefined.
A typical contemporary typeface family contains only three or four different
weights. Multiple master typefaces with a weight axis make it possible for users
to generate additional weight variations to suit specific needs.

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:28 c01rev.frame, Left Master Page

Only a few typeface families supply either condensed or extended versions
of the basic design; consequently, the practice of artificially compressing or
stretching existing typefaces is widespread. Multiple master typefaces with a
width axis allow the creation of fonts of varying widths without distortion of
the letterforms.

Optical size
In traditional metal typefounding, each style and point size of a typeface was
cut by hand, and subtle adjustments to letter proportion, weight, contrast,
and spacing were inherent, optimizing the type for readability at every point
size. Multiple master typefaces with an optical size axis reintroduce the
practice of optically adjusting type, allowing users to generate fonts that are
highly readable at smaller sizes without sacrificing elegance at larger sizes.

The potential for typographic expression with multiple master typefaces that
have a style axis is nearly limitless. For example, a style axis might incorporate
design variations that range from sans serif to serif, wedge serif to slab serif,
or inline to shadow, to name just a few possibilities. The term “style” is used
as a placeholder for a more specific design axis type that is determined by
the designer.
Figure 1-2 Examples of style variations

Style variations

Sans Serif to Serif

High Contrast to Low Contrast

Line to Zigzag

Inline to Shadow

6 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines

In the course of developing multiple master technology, designing the first

multiple master typefaces, and collecting input from designers in the field
who are working on multiple master projects, Adobe has compiled a set of
technical guidelines, recommendations, and tips to aid designers in creating
multiple master typefaces.
These guidelines include: determining design axis types and dynamic ranges
when retrofitting an existing typeface family or creating a new multiple master
design; conventions for arranging the master designs in a conceptual
geometric design space of up to four dimensions; making the master designs
compatible for interpolation; point placement tips to avoid interpolation
problems; tips for designing optically adjusted master designs; fine-tuning the
optical size axis to achieve more precise optical adjustment throughout a
range of point sizes; selecting primary fonts; and several general technical

Determining Design Axes and Their Dynamic Ranges

Determining which design axes to include in a multiple master typeface, and
what dynamic ranges they will have, are typeface specific decisions. The
characteristics of the typeface design (serif or sans serif, high-contrast or
low-contrast, oldstyle or modern) and its intended uses (for text, display or
both) will help determine which design axes and dynamic ranges are
appropriate for the design.
When retrofitting an existing digital typeface family for multiple master
technology, these decisions may be relatively straightforward. For example, if
light, regular, semibold, and bold fonts are the members of an existing family,
the lightest and boldest fonts may be used as master designs for a one-axis
multiple master typeface varying in weight only. If the family contains a bold
condensed font as well, a light condensed font may be designed (based on the
light, bold, and bold condensed fonts) to comprise the necessary master
designs for a two-axis typeface varying in both weight and width. (Figure 2-1)
Figure 2-1 a. Early tests for a one-axis multiple master retrofit of the ITC Avant Garde™
typeface family. b. The final master designs in the ITC Avant GardeMM design matrix. The
Light Condensed master was developed explicitly to form a two-axis design space.

Light Bold
Condensed Condensed
Extra Light Normal

Bold Normal
Light Bold
Normal Normal

a b
Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/22/97 17:12 c02rev.frame, Left Master Page

If the designer thinks that an existing typeface with a weight axis would
benefit from the addition of an optical size axis, the appropriate point size
range for the design must be determined. For example, the range may vary
from about 6 to 18 points if the design is intended solely for text use, 24 to 72
points for display setting, or perhaps a complete range from 6 to 72 points if
the design is appropriate for both text and display use. Then the designer must
create small and large size master designs for both the light and bold weights
(i.e., creating four new masters based upon the existing fonts). Or, if the
existing light and bold fonts are appropriate to use as master designs for either
end of the optical size axis, the designer needs only add the corresponding
larger or smaller size masters to complete the typeface. (Figure 2-2)
Figure 2-2 A retrofit project may be accomplished by fashioning two or
more master designs from a single regular original as was done for the
eight master designs of the MinionMM typeface shown here.

Light Condensed 6 pt. Light Condensed 72 pt.

Bold Condensed 6 pt. Bold Condensed 72 pt.

Original Regular design

Light Normal 6 pt. Light Normal 72 pt.

Bold Normal 6 pt. Bold Normal 72 pt.

8 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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When creating a new multiple master typeface from scratch, the designer
determines which design axes to include, and the limits of their ranges, by
carefully considering the characteristics and uses of the typeface. A sans serif
design with a large x-height, ample letterfit, and low stroke contrast that is
already very readable at small sizes may not benefit from an optical size axis as
much as a serif design with a small x-height and more extreme contrast. A
typeface intended for display setting may call for more widely ranging weights
and widths than a design intended primarily for text use. A modern or sans
serif style, with more vertical stress to the letterforms, may adapt more easily
to having extremely condensed or extended versions than a classical or
oldstyle design having more oblique stress to its shapes. Designers should
experiment with alternatives and make their best judgment. (Figure 2-3)
Figure 2-3 A display typeface, such as Viva™ on the right, may call for more widely
varying weights and widths than a more classical oldstyle design, like MinionMM on the
left, intended for use in lengthy text settings.

NOTE: The total file size (in bytes) of a multiple master typeface will be affected
by the number of design axes incorporated into the typeface. See page 24.

Arranging Master Designs in a Conceptual Design Space

Organizing, designing, and editing between 2 and 16 outline fonts simulta-
neously can be a challenge. Arranging the master designs in a conceptual,
geometric model is a helpful strategy for many people when beginning to
design a multiple master typeface.
Conceptually, a multiple master typeface inhabits a design space which is
essentially a Cartesian coordinate system of up to four dimensions; each
dimension is analogous to a design axis. In this model, a one-axis design can
be represented by a line with a master design at each extreme. Similarly, a
two-axis design can be represented by a two dimensional square with a master
design at each of the four corners. A three-axis typeface can be represented by
a cube delineated by eight master designs, and a four-axis design by a
hyper-cube with 16 master designs. (Figure 2-4)

Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines 9

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Figure 2-4 Geometric models can represent one-, two-, three-, or four-axis multiple master
design spaces. In this example, the one-dimensional design space incorporates a weight axis;
the two-dimensional space represents weight and width axes; the three-dimensional space
includes weight, width, and optical size; and the four-dimensional space incorporates the first
three and adds the “style” variation of serif structure as the fourth axis.



Weight tic
Op size

Sans Serif


NOTE: Future multiple master support in ATM ™ will allow the use of intermediate
master designs positioned anywhere within the design space in addition to masters
at the extremes; however, the current limit of 16 total master designs means that
a four-axis typeface cannot have intermediate masters.

To complete the geometric analogy, the numbers 0 and 1, or normalized

coordinates, are associated with the extremes of the design space. (Figure 2-5)
When assigning master designs to the 0 and 1 ends of each dimension, Adobe
suggests that the lightest, most condensed, smallest designs be assigned to the
zero end, and the heaviest, most extended, largest designs be assigned to the
one end. Conceptually, employ the idea that zero is equivalent to “less” and
one is equivalent to “more” of whatever attribute is varying along each axis.
The style axis is less straightforward but may follow the same concept. For
example, a sans serif style is assigned to the zero (“less”) end and a serif style
to the one (“more”) end of the Serif axis.
Adobe has formally registered four kinds of axes: Weight, Width, OpticalSize,
and the “style” of Serif that correspond to the x-, y-, z- and a-axes of the design
space, respectively. Designers may develop other axis types or style variations,
but if the Weight, Width or OpticalSize axes are used, they should be assigned
first and in the above relative order. For example, if the Width axis is not
included, OpticalSize should take its place on the second axis; then any other
axis types can be assigned to the third and fourth axes.

10 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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Figure 2-5 The first, or x-axis, is weight (from lighter to bolder); the second, or y-axis, is width
(from less extended to more extended); the third, or z-axis, is optical size (from smaller to
larger); and the fourth, or a-axis, is the “style” variation of Serif (from sans serif to serif). All
use the “less to more” concept.

(0,1,1,0) (1,1,1,0)
Light Bold
Extended Extended
Large Large
Sans Serif Sans Serif

(0,1,0,0) (1,1,0,0)
Light Bold
Extended Extended
Small Small
Sans Serif Sans Serif
(y) Axis 2: Width

(0,0,1,0) (1,0,1,0)
Light Bold
Condensed Condensed
Large Large
Sans Serif Sans Serif
a ls

(0,0,0,0) (1,0,0,0)
Light (x) Axis 1: Weight Bold
Condensed Condensed
Small Small
Sans Serif Sans Serif

Sans Serif


(a) A
xis 4
: Se

Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines 11

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Adobe encourages the use of the above construction for multiple master
typefaces. It is especially important that if a weight axis is included, it be
assigned to the first, or x-axis and is assigned with the English word “Weight.”
This will enable multiple master-savvy page layout applications to identify
this axis consistently in order to perform intelligent tasks such as
emboldening a font automatically when the user selects the Bold option from
the application’s Format menu.

NOTE: Adobe will also register new axis types. If an axis type other than the ones
defined above is developed, and would be useful for applications to manipulate
automatically, please register it with the Adobe Developers Association; e-mail:
[email protected].

Master Design Compatibility for Interpolation

To generate instances using the interpolation process, all master designs
incorporated into a multiple master typeface must be compatible. In other
words, there must be a one-to-one correspondence between the elements
comprising the characters in one master design and those in the other master
designs. To understand how outline compatibility functions in interpolation,
consider a one-axis multiple master typeface delineated by two carefully
designed master designs, one light and one bold. The process of interpolation
calculates an intermediate outline linearly, on a point-by-point basis, between
the two designed extremes. (Figure 2-6)
Figure 2-6 An interpolated r and a appear
between the master designs for each.

When designing a multiple master typeface from scratch, it is advisable to

digitize the master design outlines with compatibility in mind. A useful habit
to develop is considering from the outset how each element from one master
design will interpolate with its corresponding element in other master designs.
When retrofitting an existing family, aspects of certain characters may need to
be adjusted or redesigned to achieve compatibility in the following three areas:

12 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/22/97 17:12 c02rev.frame,

Element Compatibility
The number of elements (curves and lines) must be the same in corresponding
characters in each master design. For example, if a capital O consists of eight
curves in one master design, the capital O’s in the other master designs must
consist of eight curves.
If a character has more elements in one master design than another, it may be
easier to add corresponding elements to that character in the other master
designs than to try to do without a necessary element in the first master
design. However, minimizing the number of necessary elements in each
character is especially important when compatibilizing master designs,
because very complicated character shapes (shapes consisting of many
elements) increase the total file size of the resulting multiple master typeface.
Character shapes containing fewer elements also decrease the potential for
interpolation problems.

Start-Point Consistency
The relative location of the beginning of the outline path must be the same in
corresponding characters in each master design.

Subpaths and Path Order Consistency

The number of subpaths, and the order and direction in which each subpath
is drawn, must be the same in corresponding characters in each master design.
For example, the capital O is made up of two subpaths, an outside
counter-clockwise subpath and an inside clockwise path. If the outside
subpath was drawn first in one master design, other master designs’ subpaths
must correspond to the same order. (Figure 2-7)
Figure 2-7 Here the O’s from the light condensed and light extended master
designs are compatible in number of elements and subpaths, start-point
position, path order, and path direction.

Path 2 Path 2

Path 1 Path 1

NOTE: A character’s path start-point, path direction, or subpath order may not be
indicated or changeable in some drawing applications used to produce the master
design outlines. Contact the software manufacturer if you have trouble
interpolating characters after ruling out all other incompatibilities.

Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines 13

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NOTE: Kerning lists must also be compatible. If kerning is included in one master
design, the identical list of kerning pairs must be in all other master designs so that
the kerning values will be correct for each pair in all interpolated instances.

NOTE: Compatibility of other typeface parameters, such as hints, may also be

required. Refer to the type design application’s user manual for details on
compatibilizing auxiliary typeface parameters.

Point Placement for Interpolation

Careful point placement on all master design characters will result in better
behaved (better looking) interpolated instances. As in nonmultiple master
Type 1 outline fonts, end points should be placed at the horizontal and
vertical extremes of curved character shapes. In addition to this rule, several
point placement tips may help to avoid common interpolation side effects.

NOTE: For basic guidelines on point placement conventions, see Appendix A.

Because of the nature of the mathematics involved in linear interpolation,

some visual side effects can occur when interpolating between character
strokes or elements that vary widely from one master design to another (most
notably between very condensed and very extended designs.) One side effect
that can be avoided by careful point placement is a “kink” that can occur
along an outline’s curve. This happens most often at an end point positioned
along a curve with a tangent angle between horizontal and vertical. (Figure
2-8a) There are several work-arounds for this problem:
n Do without the point on the curve if it doesn’t compromise the character
shape in the master designs or in the interpolated instances.
n Position the end point such that the tangent angle created by the associated
control points is approximately the same on corresponding characters in
each master design. This may require that the end points be in different
relative positions on corresponding outlines to maintain the desired curve.
(Figure 2-8b)
n Position the control points so that the distance between the control points
and the associated end point are as close in ratio as possible on
corresponding outlines. (Figure 2-8c)
Figure 2-8 a. An example of a linear interpolation side effect: the interpolated tangent (defined
by two control points and their shared end point) is not colinear, creating a discontinuous curve,
or “kink,” and two possible work-arounds (b and c).

Kink a a1

b b1

a = a1
b b1

a b c

14 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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An imbalance in diagonal stroke weights is an effect that is often more

noticeable in some interpolated instances than in others. If a character is
made up predominantly of straight lines, such as a capital M, a slight
overcompensation in the weights of diagonal strokes in the master designs
may be required to achieve more evenly weighted interpolated strokes.
(Figure 2-9)
Figure 2-9 Example a shows an imbalance of the diagonal stroke weights in the interpolated M
even though the masters look correct. Example b shows the imbalance corrected by making the
diagonal stroke weights in the masters slightly lighter to compensate.

too heavy


Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines 15

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Other side effects can occur due to disparately positioned end points
“crawling” around character outlines during interpolation. This may result in
lumpy or distorted interpolations. To minimize crawling effects, the end
points and associated control points that define corresponding character
elements in the master designs should be as similar in relative position as
possible—even though the characters themselves may be quite different in
appearance, as in light condensed and bold extended forms. (Figure 2-10)
Figure 2-10 Example a shows characters with control and end points in similar relative
positions. The extreme crawling problem shown in b is corrected in c by arranging points in the
same relative position in both master designs.

16 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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When working with round shapes over a wide dynamic range, maintaining
similar end point and control point placement between master designs is
critical to avoid a super-elliptical (TV screen shaped) appearance in the
interpolated round shapes. (Figure 2-11)
Figure 2-11 In a, the relative position of corresponding control points differs between master
designs, resulting in more super-elliptical interpolated curves. In b, the relative position of
corresponding control points is similar between master designs, resulting in more round or oval
interpolated curves.

NOTE: The larger the dynamic range, especially in the width axis, the worse the
kinking or crawling side effects may become. If finessing the point placement or
stroke weights on problem characters is not sufficient, reducing the dynamic range
of the axis (and thus the widely varying angles and point placement from one
master to another) may ease the problem.

Designing Optically Adjusted Master Designs

Multiple master typefaces with an optical size axis allow interpolation
between master designs that have been optically adjusted for use at specific
point sizes. This capability reintroduces one of the advantages of metal type,
which, being hand-cut at discrete point sizes, often embodied optical
adjustments. It is also an advantage over the common digital type practice of
algorithmically scaling a single design to different point sizes, which may
reduce legibility at smaller sizes or sacrifice subtlety at larger sizes.

Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines 17

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The objective of optical sizing is to maintain the integrity and legibility of

multiple master instances throughout a range of point sizes. To accomplish
this, the following adjustments are often made to the master designs to
optimize them for different sizes. For larger point sizes, the space between
characters (letter fit) tightens, the space within characters (counterforms)
closes up (i.e., the letters are slightly more condensed), the serifs become finer
and the stroke contrast becomes greater, the overall weight becomes lighter,
and the x-height gradually diminishes. For smaller point sizes, opposite
adjustments are made. (Figure 2-12)
Figure 2-12 The figure shows a few characters from the 6-point (outline) and
72-point (filled) master designs of the Minion™ multiple master typeface, scaled to
the same capital H height for comparison. Note the open counterforms, larger
x-height, and looser fit of the 6-point design.

6-point master design 72-point master design

These adjustments can improve the legibility of intermediate point sizes

further if they do not occur linearly throughout the size range. More change in
design features is required for the smaller sizes than is necessary for larger sizes.
The following section describes how multiple master technology can
accomplish non-linear adjustments using linear interpolation.

NOTE: In designing an optical size axis for a typeface, it is important to remember

that the variations along an axis may be very subtle, and not always apparent
when proofing on a low resolution output device (~300 dots per inch or fewer).
Proofing at a resolution of 1200 dots per inch or higher is recommended.

18 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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Fine Tuning the Optical Size Axis

The optical size design axis should have a dynamic range appropriate for the
typeface, representing the range of point sizes for which the typeface has been
optically adjusted. For example, a typeface that incorporates a master design
optimized for legibility at 6-point and a master design optimized for legibility
at 72-point will have a dynamic range from 6 to 72 on the optical size axis.
Although linear interpolation over this range can provide better quality than
simple scaling of a single master design, the results can be dramatically
improved by incorporating nonlinear interpolation. For example, the optical
adjustments needed between a 6- and an 8-point font are greater (and more
apparent to the eye) than are those needed between a 66- and a 68-point font.
Non-linear interpolation allows each font generated at a size within the range
to be more accurately optimized for use at that specific point size. (Figure 2-13)
Figure 2-13 This illustration shows 7-point optically sized and 72-point optically sized
Minion set at 7 points for comparison. Note that the 72-point optically sized type looks

More legible: 7 op, set at 7 points Less legible: 72 op, set at 7 points

Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines 19

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Multiple master technology enables the type designer to define an axis map for
any design axis. The axis map provides a means for translating the default
linear interpolation into a non-linear or “piece-wise linear” function. It is
extremely useful for the optical size axis because with it the designer can better
control the design feature variation occurring in all the instances throughout
the size range. The character outlines, letter fit, and kerning values are
interpolated together using the same axis map. (Figure 2-14)
Figure 2-14 In this non-linear axis map, an instance optimized for use at 6 points
appears at the lower extreme of the optical size axis; an instance for 8 points appears 35%
of the way along the axis, for 12 points at 50% of the way along the axis, and for 18
points at 70% of the way along the axis. The result of this axis map is that point sizes at
the low end of the axis incorporate proportionally more design variation than those at the
high end of the axis, rather than the variations occuring linearly and constantly along the
axis. This more closely parallels how well-designed metal type functions. Although type
design tools may differ in terms and techniques, the Type 1 definition for the axis map in
this figure is: BlendDesignMap [[6 0][8 .35][12 .5][18 .7][72 1]]

Non-linear interpolation

Large size Linear interpolation

master design
Optical size axis

Small size
master design 6 12 18 24 36 48 72
Point size

Determining the correct axis map for an optical size axis is more art than
science, requiring testing and visual judgement. The procedure entails first
making an educated guess at a suitable axis map, then printing instances
throughout the optical size range—each at the appropriate point size, and
evaluating the proofs to determine if the axis map needs to be adjusted further
to achieve better results.

NOTE: Refer to the type design application’s user manual to determine how to
apply a non-linear axis map to a design axis.

Selecting Primary Fonts

The type designer or manufacturer may want to select a set of primary fonts
to provide the user with predefined, ready-to-use instances that will be
available upon installing the multiple master typeface. Since some users
will only work with the primary fonts provided in the package, the selected set
should be chosen carefully, and consist of a workable number of instances
representative of the range of possibilities offered by the multiple master

20 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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When choosing primary fonts, keep in mind the intended use of the design
(for text, display, or both), and select instances that are most likely to be useful
as a stand-alone set. For example, extra light, regular, and extra black weights
might be a suitable set of primary fonts for a one-axis display typeface. Light,
regular, semibold, and bold weights with corresponding condensed and
extended versions might comprise a minimum set of primary fonts for a text
typeface with both weight and width axes. (Figure 2-15)
Figure 2-15 Variations of the Myriad typeface with its 15 primary fonts highlighted in black




Light Regular Semibold Bold Black


The best time to choose primary fonts is during the later stages of the
design process. To do this, the designer may want to first assign temporary
design coordinate values to the extremes of each design axis. Design coordinates
represent the dynamic range for each axis and correspond to the normalized
Cartesian coordinates of 0 and 1 established in the typeface’s geometric design
space model. A common temporary dynamic range for each axis is 0–100;
some designers find it easier to work with whole numbers rather than decimal
normalized coordinate values. Proof instances at frequent, regular intervals
throughout the design space, and select the primary fonts from these
instances. Note the design coordinate along each axis where the selected
primary fonts occur; for example, the often-used “regular” weight, “normal”
width instance might be positioned at 30 along the temporary weight axis and
50 along the temporary width axis (30 and 50 correspond to .3 and .5
respectively, in a normalized coordinate range). Additional proofs may need to
be run on sections of the design space to hone in precisely on particular
primary font instances.

NOTE: Refer to the type design application’s user manual to determine how to
apply temporary design coordinate values to the extremes of the design axes.

IMPORTANT: Once the typeface design is complete and the primary fonts have
been chosen and given temporary values, see “Assigning Design Coordinate Values
to Primary Fonts” in Chapter 3 to convert the temporary design coordinates or
normalized coordinates into final design axis and primary font coordinate values.

Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines 21

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General Technical Considerations

The following general considerations may affect how the designer approaches
a multiple master project. First, the designer may need to alter his/her design
strategy somewhat; second, technical restrictions may affect the choice of a
multiple master typeface name; and third, the total file size (in bytes) of the
multiple master typeface may affect its performance.

Design Strategy
When creating a multiple master typeface, the type designer must make
some adjustments to design strategy that initially may seem awkward. First,
at least two (and often four or eight) designs will need to be developed and
tested simultaneously, in contrast to the common method of developing a
regular design first, then finishing a bold, then a condensed, and so on. This
takes some acclimatization. Second, only the master designs are designed
explicitly, so they must be crafted carefully to ensure that the interpolated
designs throughout the whole range look as they are intended, including the
instance that will become the often used “Regular” primary font. The wider
the dynamic range of each axis, the more challenging this job becomes.
In practice, the second adjustment is not as unusual as it sounds. The
master designs are often created while referring to, or working directly from,
an original regular weight drawing or design (i.e., the bold master is made
by increasing the weight of a regular design, the light master is made by
decreasing the weight of a regular design, etc). Then the character shapes of
each master design are carefully fine-tuned while monitoring the interpolated
instances. Experimenting with a few characters of each master design to
determine functional dynamic ranges for the design axes is a crucial early step,
see “Stage 1: Keyword Exploration” in Part 2, Adobe’s Typeface Design Process.
Future multiple master support will allow the designer to incorporate
intermediate master designs within the design axes in addition to those at the
extremes. For example, the original regular weight design may be incorporated
as a discrete master design at an appropriate position between the light and
bold masters on the weight axis. However, the complexity of working with yet
another master design and the increase in total file size of the final typeface
could outweigh any control over the interpolated letterforms that may be
gained by including the additional master. Most often, very good results can
be achieved without adding intermediate masters, by carefully crafting the
master designs at the extremes and adjusting the dynamic range of the axes.

22 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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Macintosh Typeface Name Restrictions

The Family Name

From the type designer’s perspective, multiple master font naming begins
with choosing the basic typeface family name. This name is used as the
value for the FamilyName keyword in the Type 1 font program, and defines
the stylistic family group to which its font variations belong. For example,
MyriadMM_400 RG 200 CN is one instance of the Myriad family of font
A significant consideration when choosing a multiple master typeface family
name is that a constraint used to satisfy the limited space in application
menus, called 5:3:3 truncation (discussed in Adobe Technical Note #5088,
Font Naming Issues), may be imposed on the typeface name when a multiple
master typeface is built by the type design software. This truncation is
necessary in multiple master typefaces to ensure that the typeface menu name
will match the PostScript outline font filename, allowing ATM to properly
locate, generate, and display font instances.
For example, a typeface family name such as Myriad may be truncated to
Myria, and Minion to Minio. (Figure 2-16) When choosing a name for a multiple
master typeface, the effect of this truncation on the family name should be
kept in mind, so the name that appears in font menus remains meaningful to
the user and unique to software applications.

NOTE: Some designers name their typefaces with preceding initials (vendor IDs)
to establish clear ownership of the typeface name, and to ensure unique font
names. For example, JSRoman might signify the typeface called Roman from
John Smith’s digital type foundry. However, the font menu name for this multiple
master typeface will be truncated to JSRom. Due to the rules of 5:3:3 truncation,
the preceding initials use up valuable real estate which might be used to display
more of the typeface family name. For this reason, Adobe recommends placing
vendor IDs after the family name and before any style or character set attributes.

Figure 2-16 An example of a truncated typeface name in a font

menu; Minion has become “Minio.”

NOTE: Adobe’s Type Reunion™ software expands a compatible typeface’s

truncated family name (and primary instance label abbreviations) to their
full length wherever space allows.

Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines 23

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Instance Font Menu Names

Font menu names for multiple master instances, particulary those from
typefaces with two or more design axes with large dynamic ranges, currently
require more room in font menus than standard font menu names. This is a
significant consideration when determining how many design axes to include
in a multiple master typeface, and their dynamic ranges.
To be compatible with earlier versions of Macintosh® system software,
as well as applications and utilities, there is a font menu name length
restriction of 30 characters (the first 28 must be unique). While multiple
master technology currently allows up to four design axes, having potential
dynamic ranges from 1 to 9999 (expanded from the 1 to 999 range listed
in earlier Adobe documentation), the number of design axes included in a
typeface and their dynamic ranges must be considered carefully so the font
name length restriction is not exceeded. For example, fonts generated from
a four-axis typeface with the weight, width, and style axes each ranging
from 1 to 2000 will exceed the limit: A user-generated instance with the
name “HippoMM_2000 wt 2000 wd 2000 sr 12 op” is 37 letters long,
including recommended labels, and the MM identifier. Fonts from an
accompanying italic or expert set typeface will further exceed the limit
(i.e., HippoMMItaExp_...). In cases like these, either the two-letter axis
labels, a portion of the dynamic range on the axes (bringing one or more
of the ranges down to three digits), or a whole design axis must be forfeited
to avoid exceeding the limit. See “The Alphanumeric Font Naming System”
in Chapter 3.
For references to detailed information on font naming issues for the
Macintosh, see Appendix D.

Multiple Master Typeface File Size (in Bytes)

Several factors directly influence the total file size (in bytes) of the printer font
portion of a multiple master typeface. These include the number of master
designs, the number and complexity of characters in each master design
(characters with many elements, particularly curves, take up more space than
ones with fewer elements), the amount of hinting applied to the characters of
each master design, and the number of kerning pairs included with each
master design (the kerning pairs must be identical in all masters of a typeface).
When outputting to imagesetters and high resolution printing devices (or
non-PostScript printers), the total printer font size is not usually an issue.
However, smaller printer font file size is an important consideration for a
typeface intended for general correspondence, for example, which is
specifically designed for use on low memory printers in homes or offices.

24 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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A useful benchmark is that a multiple master typeface with a printer font file
size larger than 150,000 bytes (150k) may cause problems for typical 300 dpi
PostScript language printers that lack enough memory for downloading fonts
(under three megabytes of RAM). To avoid problems, the number of design
axes (i.e., the number of master designs) that are included in the typeface, as
well as the complexity of the characters in each master, should be considered
carefully, and the total file size should be monitored during development of
the multiple master typeface. Each multiple master typeface package should
list the printer font file size of the enclosed typeface.
Explicitly downloading fonts to a printer’s hard disk (if available) can be a
helpful work-around when memory problems occur while printing with
multiple master typefaces. Characters from fonts that are explicitly
downloaded to a printer’s hard disk and accessed on an as-needed basis are
a significant memory-saver for print jobs. However, the more typefaces
(multiple master or otherwise) that are used in a document, the more likely
a printer will run out of memory and be unable to print the document.

NOTE: Multiple master technology currently allows up to four design axes, or

16 total master designs. However, some low memory printers are known to have
trouble printing with three-axis typefaces incorporating eight master designs.

Chapter 2: Technical Design Guidelines 25

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Chapter 3: Multiple Master Font Naming Conventions

Objectives of the Alphanumeric Naming System

Two major objectives led to the development of the alphanumeric naming
system used for Adobe’s multiple master fonts: first, to clearly identify
each instance generated from a multiple master typeface, and second, to
meaningfully relate instances from one multiple master typeface to instances
from others.
The first objective of the system, given that a vast number of variations
may be generated from each typeface, is to make every instance uniquely
identifiable to the user and compatible with existing software applications.
The alphanumeric system indicates precisely where in a typeface’s design
space any given instance is located, giving the user a frame of reference when
generating custom instances or looking through a font menu. It also allows
applications to identify specific instances and regenerate those that are
missing, if necessary. Traditional font names, such as regular, semibold,
and bold, are not specific enough for these purposes.
Until now, users have had to rely solely upon common traditional style
labels such as medium, book, and regular when comparing fonts from
different typeface families. Unfortunately, there is no standard meaning for,
or use of, these labels. The apparent color of fonts with the same label (their
density of gray when printed as text on a page) can vary widely from one
family to another; a medium font from one family is unlikely to have the same
color as a medium from another.
The second objective of the naming system addresses this issue by enabling a
font’s design coordinate value to relate from one multiple master typeface to
others, regardless of its manufacturer and independently of any style labels
that may be applied. When design axis coordinates are assigned consistently,
a font generated with a value of 500 in weight from one multiple master
typeface will have approximately the same apparent color as a font of the same
weight value from another typeface. Similarly, fonts generated with the same
width values will have approximately the same apparent width from one
typeface to another. (Figure 3-1)

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:25 c03rev.frame, Left Master Page

Figure 3-1 The instances of Myriad, MinionMM and TektonMM shown here have been
generated in Adobe’s Font Creator utility with the same design coordinate for weight, and so
appear a similar color, or value of gray, when set in text.

Myriad Minion multiple master

Tekton multiple master

NOTE: This labeling system assumes that weight and width comparisons are
made between fonts of similar apparent size, that is, typeset so that they
have similar x-height and leading measurements rather than equal point sizes.
See “Assigning Design Coordinate Ranges to Weight and Width Axes” later in
this chapter.

28 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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Corresponding relationships of weight and width are useful as well as

convenient, especially in text typesetting. For example, if the color or width
of one multiple master font works well for a particular job, a font similar
in weight or width from another family might be desired for a new job, and
the alphanumeric system quickly indicates which instance from the other
family would be the best replacement. (Figure 3-2)
Figure 3-2 On the left, MinionMM Normal and MinionMM Bold Normal are used together.
On the right, by choosing instances of the same weight and width values from Myriad, similar
color relationships can be maintained.

Adobe’s goal is to enable people to use multiple master typefaces easily. If

the alphanumeric naming system is adhered to by typeface designers and
manufacturers, the user will recognize multiple master font names as
representing approximate points along a relative, meaningful scale of
variations rather than a list of arbitrary numbers in current font menus.

NOTE: Adobe anticipates that in future applications users will have the option to
define their own instance names in addition to the alphanumeric instance names.

The Alphanumeric Font Naming System

Adobe’s multiple master font instances are named according to the
convention of FamilyMM_font identification, where Family is the name
of the typeface, MM_ indicates that it is a multiple master typeface, and
font identification is a string of alphanumeric characters (a combination of
letters and numbers) that identify a specific font instance. An instance can
be either a primary font (manufacturer defined) or a custom font (user-
generated). (Figure 3-3)

IMPORTANT: The MM indicator is optional, but recommended. The underscore

(_) is required to visually separate the family name from the font identification,
and to indicate to applications and rasterizing softare that, if this is a multiple
master typeface, the design coordinates defining the instance follow.

Chapter 3: Multiple Master Font Naming Conventions 29

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Figure 3-3 a. Shown here are MinionMM primary fonts along with user-generated (custom)
fonts as they appear in the Font menu of an application without Adobe Type Reunion software.
The primary fonts are distinguished by two letter uppercase abbreviations for weight, width, or
size, while user-generated fonts have lowercase abbreviations for each axis type. b. When using
Adobe Type Reunion software, the abbreviations for the primary fonts are expanded as space
allows for easier identification.

User-generated font
Primary font

User-generated font
Primary font

30 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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The font identification consists of one alphanumeric string (a required design

coordinate value and an optional label) for each design axis in the typeface. If
the typeface has one design axis, there is a single alphanumeric string. If there
are two design axes, there are two alphanumeric strings, and so on. (Figure 3-4)
Figure 3-4 Examples of one-axis, two-axis, and three-axis font names. Extra space
has been added between name-parts for clarity.

FamilyMM Weight Width Optical size

One-axis typeface CaflischScriptMM 380 RG

Two-axis typeface MyriadMM 400 RG 600 NO

Three-axis typeface MinionMM 367 RG 586 NO 11 OP

The design coordinates indicate the position of the font along each design
axis, and the letters label the font’s style (i.e., regular, bold, condensed) if it
is a primary font, or the design axis that is being varied (i.e., weight, width,
optical size) if it is a user-generated font. (Refer to Figure 3-3)
Because there is a Macintosh font name length restriction of 30 characters,
style labels must be appreviated to fit the necessary information into this
restricted length. Adobe Type Reunion will expand typical primary font label
abbreviations when installed on a user’s Macintosh.

Design Axis Abbreviations

As mentioned previously, Adobe has defined four design axis types: Weight,
Width, OpticalSize, and the “style” called Serif, and encourages type designers
to use these standard labels whenever appropriate. Any other axis types that
designers believe are useful for multiple master typefaces may be publicly
registered with Adobe’s Developer Support department. If they are registered,
other type designers may incorporate them into their typefaces, and software
applications will be able to identify and use them intelligently in the future.
Adobe’s convention for labeling the design axes in user-generated fonts are the
following lowercase letter abbreviations:
Weight wt
Width wd
OpticalSize op
Serif sr

Chapter 3: Multiple Master Font Naming Conventions 31

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Primary Font Label Abbreviations

To distinguish primary fonts from user-generated fonts, Adobe’s primary
font labels use the following two-letter uppercase abbreviations. These labels
indicate each primary font’s style (regular, bold, condensed, etc.), and act as
guideposts in long menus of multiple master instances. (Refer to Figure 3-3)
These labels in both weight and width can accommodate design axes with
wide dynamic ranges. Adobe strongly recommends that type designers use
these abbreviations whenever applicable in their new multiple master
Weight: XL ExtraLight Width: XC ExtraCondensed
LT Light CN Condensed
RG Regular SC SemiCondensed
SB Semibold NO Normal
BD Bold SE SemiExtended
BL Black EX Extended
XB ExtraBlack XE ExtraExtended

Optical Size: OP OpticalSize

Serif: SA Sans
SR Serif

Retrofit designs that include primary font weights and/or widths that
closely match those in an existing family may require abbreviated versions
of common labels, such as Thin (TH), Book (BK), Medium (MD), Demi (DM),
Heavy (HV), Nord (ND), Extra Bold (EB), Super (SU), Ultra (UL), Compressed
(CM), Compact (CT), Narrow (NR), and Wide (WI). These and the abbrevia-
tions listed in the chart above are currently recognized by Adobe Type
Reunion, and may be expanded out as font menu space allows. As new
multiple master typefaces are developed, the list of standard label
abbreviations is likely to grow. Contact Adobe’s customer support department
at 415-961-4111.

NOTE: Refer to the type design application’s user manual to determine how
to apply multiple master typeface instance labels while following the above

NOTE: In this alphanumeric naming system, it is more important that the design
coordinate portion of the font identification correspond over typeface families
than the letter labels, however, if both parts of the font name are as consistent as
possible between typeface families, the user will find them easy to recognize and

32 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

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Assigning Design Coordinate Ranges to Weight and Width Axes

The apparent weights and widths of typefaces can be subjective and involve
many visual variables. Therefore, they cannot be defined in numerical terms
by algorithm alone, and design coordinate numbers must be assigned to
them in a primarily visual process. By combining typeface specific data with
extensive visual comparisons of existing typefaces in its library, Adobe has
established the relative numerical scale used to determine the design
coordinate ranges for the weight and width axes of the first multiple master
typefaces: Myriad, MinionMM, Viva, TektonMM, ITCAvantGardeMM, and
CaflischScript.™ A catalog of font samples with associated design coordinate
values covering a wide range in both weight and width is available from Adobe
System’s OEM support department at 415-962-4805. In conjunction with the
procedures in the following sections, Adobe’s catalog can be used as a standard
scale when visually assigning design coordinate values to the weight and
width axes in a new multiple master typeface.
Using a visual process to assign appropriate values to the extremes of each
design axis results in numerical ranges that are not absolutes. Instead, they
function as approximate indications of how light or bold, condensed or
extended the extremes of each design axis in the typeface are, and require
careful selection to fill this role. It is more critical that text typefaces use this
relative numerical scale than display typefaces, and that weight and width
axes adhere to the system over other axis types.

Assigning Coordinate Values to the Extremes of Each Design Axis

By visually comparing samples of a new multiple master typeface to Adobe’s
catalog samples, final, relative design coordinates can be assigned to the
extremes of the weight and width design axes.
The major visual variables affecting a typeface’s apparent weight and width
are: point size, x-height, leading, serif length and weight, letter fit, stroke
contrast, typeface weight (when judging width), and typeface width (when
judging weight). These variables may combine in complex ways. For example,
a font with a lighter stem weight and a larger x-height but which is very
condensed and tightly spaced may create a darker apparent color than one
with a heavier stem weight and a smaller x-height which is extended and
loosely spaced. The samples in Adobe’s catalog are typeset such that the
x-height, leading, overall weight (in the “Width” section) and overall width
(in the “Weight” section) are held constant in order to eliminate as many
variables as possible from the visual equation. Typesetting samples from a
new multiple master typeface in a similar way will make comparison between
these and the catalog samples easier.
The designer will need to have chosen the primary fonts for the new multiple
master typeface prior to assigning final design coordinate values to the
extremes of the weight and width design axes. Instances in the regular weight
and normal width will be used for comparison with Adobe’s catalog font
samples, as detailed below.

Chapter 3: Multiple Master Font Naming Conventions 33

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Because most text is comprised primarily of lowercase letters, making overall

color and width judgments based on lowercase text (whenever possible) will
yield the best results. Also, because point size alone is not a standard measure
for the apparent size of a typeface, scaling the lowercase x-height of the new
multiple master instances to match that of the catalog samples will equalize
their apparent sizes for better weight and width comparison. (All capital
typefaces, or display typefaces with extremely large or small x-heights may
require that the designer use this recommendation with discretion to achieve
reasonable results.)
Use the steps below to assign appropriate design coordinate values to the
extremes of the weight and width axes of a multiple master typeface.
1. Typeset Samples To establish a foundation for accurate comparison, typeset
the following instances of the multiple master typeface, using the text as it
appears in Adobe’s samples, on smooth, white paper from a high-resolution
printer (1200 dpi is recommended):
n For weight: Typeset a sample of the lightest and the heaviest weight
instances in the normal width,
n For width: Typeset a sample of the most condensed and the most extended
width instances in the regular or book weight.
Typeset these samples at a point size such that the x-height matches Adobe’s
samples (x = 1.75mm tall), or, for a capital-only typeface, so that the capital
height matches (H = 2.5mm tall), with 13 points between baselines.
2. Assign Weight Coordinates For both the lightest and heaviest samples (in the
normal width), visually determine which of the numbered instances in the
“weight” section of Adobe’s catalog best matches each sample in overall weight
or grey value, not absolute stem weight (squinting slightly as the samples are
held next to those in the catalog can help), and note the corresponding
number for each sample. These numbers are then assigned to the lightest and
heaviest extremes of the weight axis, respectively.
By using the normal width of the lightest and heaviest extremes, the weights
of the light condensed and light extended master designs are essentially
averaged together, and the weights of the bold condensed and bold extended
master designs are averaged together, in order to assign only a single design
coordinate value to each extreme of the weight axis.
3. Assign Width Coordinates For both the condensed and extended samples (in the
regular or book weight), visually determine which of the numbered instances
in the “width” section of Adobe’s catalog best matches each sample in overall
width, not character for character width (try to discount letter fit and serif
length, which can distort the overall impression of the font’s width as the
samples are held next to those in the catalog), and note the corresponding
number for each sample. These numbers are then assigned to the most
condensed and most extended extremes of the width axis, respectively.

34 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:25 c03rev.frame,

By using the regular weight of the condensed and extended extremes, the
widths of the light condensed and bold condensed master designs are
essentially averaged together, and the widths of the light extended and bold
extended master designs are averaged together, in order to assign only a single
design coordinate value to each extreme of the width axis.
These final values represent the dynamic range of each design axis in the
new multiple master typeface. They will appear, for example, at the ends of
the design axis sliders in Adobe’s Font Creator utility, which enables users to
generate font variations from the multiple master typeface. (Figure 3-5)
Figure 3-5 The Font Creator dialog box contains a slider bar for each design axis
in the typeface, allowing the user to select and generate any font instance within
the dynamic ranges.
Editable numeric field

Design axis Button for

slider generating fonts

Design coordinate range

or dynamic range

Typeface Instance font menu

Sample text
size menu

Sample text box

NOTE: Refer to the type design application’s user manual to determine how to
apply design coordinate values to multiple master design axes.

In previous Adobe documentation, the overall coordinate range for a design

axis has been listed as 1–999. Multiple master technology now allows the
coordinate ranges to extend from 1–9999 to allow for four-digit design axis
values. This is especially useful for extremely extended designs. Viva’s Extra
Extended designs, for example, have a width value of 1500. This new scale
merely adds to the range that was established earlier; it does not change the
value of the design coordinates assigned to the first Adobe multiple master
typefaces (i.e., a value of 500 is still 500 in the new scale). However, Macintosh
font name length restrictions may preclude having more than two axes
containing four digit design coordinate values in any typeface. See “Macintosh
Typeface Name Restrictions” in Chapter 2.

Chapter 3: Multiple Master Font Naming Conventions 35

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:25 c03rev.frame, Left Master Page

Assigning Design Coordinate Values to Primary Fonts

Assign final design coordinate values to the primary instances based on
the design coordinate ranges determined in the section “Assigning Design
Coordinate Ranges to Weight and Width Axes” earlier in this chapter. From
running proofs throughout the design space to choose the primary font
instances (see “Selecting Primary Fonts” in Chapter 2), the designer knows
where along the normalized or temporary ranges of each axis the primary
fonts occur. Converting the normalized or temporary primary font values
using the following mathematical equation will yield the appropriate final
design coordinates for each primary font.
For example, if the “Regular” primary instance was chosen at a position 30%
of the way along the weight axis (i.e., a value of 30 along a temporary range
of 0-100, or .3 along the normalized range of 0–1 in Cartesian coordinates),
and the newly assigned design coordinate range of the weight axis is from
200 (light) to 800 (black), the regular primary font should be assigned a final
coordinate value of 380. The equation used to arrive at this value is
((30 – 0) x (800 – 200) / (100 – 0)) + 200 = 380

In more generic terms, the equation is

((TP – Tmin) x (DCmax – DCmin) / (Tmax – Tmin)) + DCmin = P

TP = temporary design coordinate value of primary font

DCmin = minimum (i.e., lightest) value of the final design coordinate range

DCmax = maximum (i.e., heaviest) value of the final design coordinate range

Tmin = minimum value of the temporary range

Tmax = maximum value of the temporary range

P = final design coordinate value of the primary font

Solve this equation for any temporary primary font values to determine final
design coordinates for each of the primary fonts in the typeface.

36 Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 15:15 c04.frame,

Chapter 4: Application Support

With the development of multiple master technology and the first multiple
master typefaces, Adobe has created key components for the enhancement of
typographic control and expression provided by current type-supporting
applications. To complete the picture and ensure that type users have easy
access to these powerful enhancements, applications should support multiple
master typefaces in an efficient, intuitive, and largely transparent manner.
Some multiple master features are currently being supported or developed
in page layout applications. Of those that Adobe anticipates will be
implemented, several are of major importance, such as interactive text
and headline-fitting capabilities; automatic optical sizing, so that when
10-point is selected as the font size, for example, the application will
automatically generate an instance that is optically adjusted for use at 10
points; hyphenation and justification (H&J) algorithms that take advantage
of multiple master width axes to achieve better copyfitting; the ability to
generate font instances from within page layout applications rather than
through a separate utility; the ability to define names for multiple master
instances in lieu of or in addition to the alphanumeric names; and efficient
management of custom-generated instances in font menus.
Adobe anticipates that independent type designers and type users of all
kinds will encourage application developers to fully support multiple master
technology. Page layout and other applications that take advantage of the
flexibility of multiple master typefaces will provide significantly enhanced
tools for graphic designers, desktop publishers, and type users in all industries.

To encourage the design of consistently structured and named multiple master
typefaces, we have outlined guidelines for these procedures in Part 1. Also
through Part 1, we hope to enrich the understanding of multiple master
typeface structure so that powerful and creative software applications can
continue to be built to support them. To offer customers more choices which
incorporate the flexibility of multiple master technology, more typefaces are
currently being developed at Adobe and other design sites. By adhering to the
conventions and recommendations described in Part 1, designers can make
multiple master typefaces which are easy for customers to use and for
application developers to support.

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 15:15 c04.frame, Left3 Master Page
Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Adobe’s Multiple Master Typeface Design Process

Although designers differ in their methods and working style, at Adobe
each new typeface typically goes through four basic design stages from
concept to completion: research and concept development, keyword
exploration, preliminary character set development, and full character
set completion. In a multiple master project, while each master design
goes through these stages, the multiple master typeface as a whole is
continually evaluated. To give designers an approach to the creation of a
new multiple master typeface, or to retrofitting an existing typeface family,
the four stages we’ve found useful in our projects are reviewed below.
Outlined in Part 2 are fundamental design considerations and tips for
designing multiple master typefaces (many of these apply to standard
typeface design as well). At the master design level these include character
height relationships, character weights and typeface color, character
proportions and typeface width, stroke contrast, companion italics, letter
spacing (or letter fit), and kerning. At the multiple master typeface level,
design considerations include the typeface’s function, choosing appropriate
design axis ranges, and evaluation of the interpolated instances. In
conclusion, procedures for creating marketable font software from the
finished typeface are outlined.
Although many parts of the design process—and almost all of the design
considerations—apply to creating typefaces for any medium, multiple
master typefaces are inherently digital, so we have focused on procedures
for the digital medium. In reading this document, keep in mind that the
design process and general guidelines mentioned do not constitute formal
rules. Type design is primarily a process of visual judgement, and specific
design considerations and methods are likely to differ for each project and
designer. We do not attempt to cover every procedure in detail, but to offer
basic tips for the first-time multiple master designer that may be useful for
the experienced designer as well.

Both visual and technical aspects of a typeface should progress simultaneously
throughout the design process in order to create a successful multiple master
As Adobe’s typefaces proceed through the four design stages described below,
specific tasks are completed in the following general order.
1. Design stage 1: concept research; optionally design or work from an original
regular font; determine the primary typeface function (for text, display, or
both). (Part 2)
2. Design stage 2: beginning with a keyword, determine which design axes will
be included in the typeface and appropriate dynamic ranges for each. (Part 2)
3. Model the concept in a geometric design space, and assign normalized
coordinates to each master design. (Part 1)
4. Optionally choose a temporary design coordinate range for each axis
(0–100 is a common choice). (Part 1)
5. Begin trademark search/application for the typeface name. (Part 2)
6. Select a working regular weight, normal width primary font instance. (Part 1)
7. Design stages 3 and 4: preliminary and full character set completion; finalize
the design of the multiple master typeface, including the full character set,
spacing, kerning, and auxiliary typeface parameters (hints, etc.) for each
master design. (Part 2)
8. Select all final primary font instances to be included in the typeface. (Part 1)
9. Assign a final design coordinate range, based on Adobe’s relative numerical
scale, to each design axis. (Part 1)
10. Assign final design coordinate values to each primary font based on the
ranges determined in #9 above. Assign descriptive labels (and appropriate
abbreviations) to each primary font. (Part 1)

Stage 1: Research and Concept Development

The method for developing an initial design concept differs depending on
what sort of typeface the designer has in mind. Some projects may require
extensive research and finished drawings, and others may be spontaneous
ideas that can be worked out by writing, sketching, or by constructing
letterforms directly on a computer screen.

40 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Typeface design projects usually fall into one of three roughly defined,
often overlapping categories: a historical adaptation (sometimes referred to
as a historical revival) of an existing typeface or lettering style; an inspired
interpretation of an existing typeface or lettering style—this category covers
a wide spectrum of typefaces, some showing strong influence and others only
remote influence from the model letterforms; or a new design which is not
based on any pre-existing model. The last two categories are sometimes
referred to as original designs as opposed to revivals, but a historical revival is
technically original also, provided it incorporates some adaptation of the
model letterforms to function in a new medium. A multiple master typeface
can be any one of the above sorts, or it might be a retrofit of an existing digital
typeface family requiring few changes to the original design to allow it to
incorporate multiple master capabilities. (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Historical adaptation—Adobe Caslon™ is an adaptation (or historical revival) of the
metal types designed and hand-cut by William Caslon in the 1720s. Extensive research of early
specimen pages and books printed with the original types formed the foundation for Adobe’s version
designed for digital typesetting. Inspired interpretation—Minion is a typeface family inspired by types
from the punchcutters of the late Renaissance, such as Jenson, Griffo, and Garamond. It is not modeled
on any single source, but is a synthesis of historical and contemporary elements along with broad-edged
pen lettering. New design—Viva is a multiple master typeface that is not based on any existing models.
It is an “inline” design that takes advantage of multiple master technology to add a new twist to the
concept of typeface weight: the weight axis doubles as a shadow axis.

Adobe Caslon



If the design is a historical adaptation, in-depth research is often done to find

clear, reliable sources of the original style. Sometimes incomplete samples
are the only ones available—bits and pieces from early manuscripts or
specimen books—and interpretive design work must be done to invent
missing characters. By scrutinizing the source material, careful drawings can
be made of the original shapes, keeping in mind the effects of time on the ink
and paper of manuscripts, or the effects of letterpress printing such as
“ink-squash” on early type specimens. The challenge lies in recreating the
spirit and look of the model while adapting it to the requirements of the new
digital typesetting medium.

If the design is either an inspired interpretation or completely new, varying
levels of research, sketching, and experimentation are necessary to establish
the initial design concept, depending on the specifics of the project and the
designer’s working style. An inspired interpretation may begin as clean, careful
drawings based on a model or as hand-lettering capturing the essence of a
particular style. These may be subsequently refined on the drawing board
before digitization, and fine-tuned on the computer. A new design may be
carefully worked out on paper prior to digitization, or perhaps only rough
sketches of a few characters on notebook paper are needed to suggest a concept
that the designer can digitize and improvise from directly on the computer
screen. Some designers have developed their own models, refining a personal
lettering style over many years before adapting it into a typeface. Others have
worked more spontaneously from outside sources, inspired by anything from
children’s lettering to the jagged look of early digital images.
If the design is a retrofit combining the existing light and heavy weights of a
typeface family into a one-axis multiple master typeface, for example, the
design process can be fairly straightforward. If the existing family includes
condensed versions of both the light and heavy fonts, a second axis for width
may be relatively easy to incorporate as well. (Figure 2) Most families, however,
do not include condensed or extended versions, or fonts optimized for use at
specific point sizes. In these cases, adding a width or optical size axis will
usually require creating condensed or extended master designs, or optically
adjusted masters based on the existing fonts in the family. This can be a
design-intensive task. For more information on retrofitting typefaces for use
with multiple master technology, please see “Determining Design Axes and
Their Dynamic Ranges” in Chapter 2 of Part 1: Technical Guidelines for
Designing Multiple Master Typefaces.
Figure 2 The ITC Avant Garde™ family was retrofitted for use with multiple master
technology. The Light Normal, Bold Normal, and Bold Condensed master designs were
created from the fonts in the existing family, and the Light Condensed master was designed
at Adobe to complete the design space.

Light Normal Bold Normal

Light Condensed Bold Condensed

designed at
Adobe Systems

ITC Avant GardeMM; primary fonts highlighted in black

42 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Whichever category the typeface project fits into, once the concept is on
paper or clearly in mind, the designer scans or digitizes the drawings into
the computer to begin working directly on the screen; working in the digital
medium from the outset gives the designer immediate feedback in the
same environment in which the final typeface will be used. Starting with a
handful of letters is a good way to test out early concepts to see if the
design has potential.

Stage 2: Keyword Exploration

The keyword used most often at Adobe is hamburgevons. This set of letters
is useful because all the major stroke types are represented—straight,
round, diagonal, and s-curve—and it includes some of the most distinctive
letters in the alphabet (R, B, G, a, e, g, s). Developing capital and lowercase
keyword letters for each master design and setting them in rudimentary texts
gives an early impression of how the designs will look. A majority of the
design decisions for the multiple master typeface can be made by initial
concentration on the twelve letters of this keyword in capitals and lowercase,
and it is easier to make global changes to each master design when the
character set is relatively small. (Figure 3)
Figure 3 A useful upper- and lowercase
“keyword” with which to establish a workable
typeface concept

The keyword stage is the primary exploration and development period.

The first master design keywords will not be without problems; in fact, it is
common to go through many rounds of experimentation. Sometimes a
new design will change quite a bit in underlying structure during this stage,
while often (as in retrofit projects) it is a matter of fine-tuning the “flesh”
on already sound “skeletons.” The principal concern at the keyword stage is
developing letterforms that are harmonious in weight, proportion, and
spacing. There should be a unified visual concept throughout the master
designs, and element compatibility so that they interpolate well. Once the
shape and basic letter spacing of the keyword characters are resolved, the
design of the remaining characters for each master should build upon the
discoveries and decisions made at this stage.

Proofing the Master Designs
To evaluate the design at the keyword stage (and beyond), proof each master
design by setting the keyword letters in text samples at various appropriate
point sizes (smaller sizes for text designs and larger sizes for display designs).
Also set a complete showing of the characters at a relatively large size (such as
48-point) to check for unwanted bumps and design “glitches.” Proof the letter
spacing by setting control character chains (see “Letter Spacing” below) as well
as reviewing the spacing in blocks of text. Look for problems with the shapes
of individual characters. Observe how each character’s shape, weight, and
width relates to other characters in the same master as well as to characters in
the other master designs, and how the characters look at different point sizes.
Check proofs at as many different output resolutions as possible; 300 and 1200
dpi (dots per inch) are essential; they represent common laser printer and
typesetter resolutions, respectively. When proofing the master designs for an
optical size axis where differences may be very subtle, be sure to review high
resolution samples set at the point sizes for which each master design is
optimized (i.e., proof the 6-point master design at 6 points, the 72-point
master at 72 points). For specific design issues to consider when looking at
the proofs, see the “Design Considerations” sections below. Some useful
sample proofs are shown in Appendix F.

Proofing the Multiple Master Typeface

In critiquing a multiple master typeface, the criteria should be how well the
integrity of the original design concept is maintained throughout the entire
design space. That concept may be embodied in a manuscript model for a
historical adaptation, an original “regular” drawing for a new design, or in
the members of an existing typeface family that is being retrofitted.
Begin testing the design as a multiple master typeface during the keyword
stage to evaluate global issues of proportion, spacing, and weight in the
interpolated instances. Proof instances throughout the design space at various
point sizes. It is helpful to proof instances that are positioned incrementally
within the design space as well as instances that represent current best guesses
for the primary fonts (i.e., always proof the instance you think will eventually
be designated the regular weight, normal width font). With experience it
becomes easier to determine which master design (or designs) may be causing
specific interpolation or design problems by examining these incremental
proofs and noting where (i.e., closest to which master) the problems begin to
appear. Run similar tests on the interpolated instances as those recommended
for the individual master designs (text blocks, spacing chains, and large
characters), and check proofs at as many different output resolutions as
possible. For specific design issues to consider when looking at the proofs,
see the “Design Considerations” sections below.
When testing instances along an optical size axis, make sure to proof each
instance at the point size it is optimized for (i.e proof the 12-point instance
at 12 points, the 18-point instance at 18 points). This may require some
figuring; for example, if the dynamic range runs from 6 to 18 points, the
12-point instance will occur 50% of the way along the axis using simple
linear interpolation. For information on applying non-linear interpolation to
an optical size axis, see “Fine-Tuning the Optical Size Axis” in Chapter 2 of
Part I: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces.
44 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process
Evaluation and Changes to the Keywords
After the designs are proofed and evaluated, the consequences of any
proposed change must be considered. For example, if a subtle shape
adjustment seems necessary in one character of one master design, the rest
of the characters must be considered in light of the change. How the changed
character looks in context with other characters of the same master design
(in shape, proportion, and weight), whether or not this change requires a
change in corresponding characters in the other master designs, and how
the changed character interpolates must all be considered and addressed.
After any change is made, the proofs discussed in the previous section must
be rerun.
Every design requires careful attention to detail to be successful. Sometimes
the solutions to problems are clear, but sometimes repeated experimentation
and evaluation are required to solve them.

Stages 3 and 4: Preliminary and Full Character Sets

These two stages are mainly for applying the decisions made during the
keyword stage, first to the preliminary characters, and then to the full
character set for each master design. (Figure 4) The preliminary character set
stage is the time to work out the shapes and basic letter fit of the remaining
capitals, lowercase characters, and figures, many of which can be based
directly on the keyword characters of each master design. In the full character
set stage, the balance of the extra characters are designed and all the character
shapes and their spacing are fine-tuned. (See Letter Spacing below for details.)
At the end of the full character set stage, once the basic letter fit and character
shapes have been finalized, the kerning pairs can be edited for each master
design (see Appendix E for Adobe’s list of basic kerning pairs).
Figure 4 Preliminary character subset (black) and full ISOAdobe character set (black
and gray)

Sometimes during the preliminary character set stage, problems with
individual character shapes or in a master design’s overall weight or width
will become apparent that were not noticeable in the keyword stage. Or,
while evaluating a master design’s kerning pairs, basic letter fit problems
may become apparent that must be addressed before the kerning can be
completed. Flexibility is required at all stages so when unforeseen trouble
arises, the designer can backtrack and fix the problems, possibly in more
than one master design, rather than build upon errors irrevocably. Repeated
proofing, evaluation, and adjustment is essential to finalizing each master
design and the multiple master typeface as a whole.

Finalizing the Multiple Master Typeface

After the four stages of the design process are complete, the designer selects
the final set of primary fonts to be included in the multiple master typeface
package, and assigns the final design coordinate values (the dynamic
range) for each axis and primary font in the typeface. For more information
on selecting primary fonts and determining design coordinate values,
see Chapters 2 and 3 of Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple
Master Typefaces.

The Typeface Name / Trademark and Copyright

Naming a typeface can be difficult, so the earlier this aspect of the design is
tackled, the better. It is best to have more than one name in mind in case the
first choice has been used previously or is a current registered trademark. Look
through as many typeface specimen books as possible for names already in
use. Contact the International Center for Font Technology at the Rochester
Institute of Technology where a list of current typeface names is being
compiled. For information call 716-475-2052.
Registering the typeface name as a trademark protects the product name. The
procedures underlying the trademark registration process can become time
consuming and expensive, and if the trademark registration is pursued,
consultation with an attorney is recommended.
Copyright protection for typeface designs in the international arena varies
depending upon the country from which registration is sought. Some
countries extend copyright protection to typeface designs while others do not.
Consultation with an attorney specializing in copyright law is recommended
prior to initiating the registration process in a non-U.S. country.
In 1992 the U.S. Copyright Office held that digital type manufacturers may
copyright an original software program that generates a font, as opposed to
the typeface outlines themselves (i.e. the shapes of the letters — which are not
currently covered by U.S. copyright). Although neither the U.S. trademark nor
copyright option offers complete protection for a new typeface, the designer
may choose to pursue one or both. References to more information on
typeface protection can be found in Appendix D.

NOTE: For technical information regarding multiple master typeface name

restrictions, see “Macintosh Typeface Name Restrictions” in Chapter 2 of
Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces.

46 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Design Considerations at the Master Design Level
Many of the following basic considerations are more applicable to designs
intended for text use than display use. There is more leeway to bend rules
of thumb when designing display type. The tips below are fundamental
guidelines only; historical issues and stylistic choices may influence how
closely the designer adheres to them. Experienced designers are no doubt
already familiar with these concepts.

Character Heights
Apparent Size Versus Point Size There are no absolute standards for the capital,
lowercase (x-height), ascender, descender, and other character heights in a
typeface. This is why two typefaces set at the same point size may have very
different apparent sizes. In digital type, all the letters rest on a consistently
aligned baseline within an invisible body. The body concept is inherited from
metal type where the face of each character is cast on a rectangular bar, or
body, of metal—the body is a consistent height throughout the typeface.
(Figure 5) Point size refers only to the height, in points, of the body of the
typeface—it does not reflect the apparent size of the characters within that
body. For example, a typeface with a small x-height (in relation to its capital
height) will appear smaller at a given point size than a typeface with a large
x-height. With the exception of typefaces that incorporate optically sized
designs, different point sizes of digital type are created by mathematically
scaling the body size of a single master design. (Figure 6)
Figure 5 A diagram of a piece of metal type; the face sits on
the body. The term em-square, inherited from metal type,
refers to the square of the body size; 12 by 12 points in a 12
point font. Adobe’s typefaces are designed on a master body
size of 1000 by 1000 units to the em-square.

Face Shoulder


Body size
(= Point size)


Although digital type is not dependent on solid metal bodies, a new typeface
should be a comfortable size within its invisible body measure. For example,
in most cases the type should not be so small that a 10-point setting looks like
most other types at 7-point, or so large that the ascenders and descenders stick
out of the invisible body measure and tangle or overlap when lines of type are
set solid (without extra leading or line spacing).
Figure 6 Characters of a digital typeface generally fit within invisible guidelines on
an overall body size somewhat taller than the extruders (ascenders and descenders).


Cap height


Body size



X-height The x-height should be appropriate for the design. Designs in the
“Oldstyle” or “Classical” category generally have shorter x-heights than
“Modern” designs. Display typefaces (or master designs optimized for use at
large sizes in a typeface with an optical size axis) usually have smaller
x-heights and tighter letter spacing than designs intended solely for text
setting. As a character gets bolder, the white space in the inner counters and
bowls becomes smaller, creating the illusion of a shorter x-height. To
compensate for this,
the x-height often needs to be slightly taller in the bolder designs than in the
lighter designs of a typeface in order for them to appear the same height.
For the same reason, condensed designs may need to have a slightly taller
x-height than extended designs.
Capital Height Although sometimes stylistically or historically determined,
the cap height to x-height relationship in text designs should be comfortable
for extended reading. The capitals should not be so small that they are hidden
in text, or so large that they are obtrusive—test this relationship by setting text
in a language which uses lots of capitals; German, for example. Titling capitals
(capital-only typefaces) may use more of the total body size because there
are no ascenders and descenders to take up space between lines; however,
enough space should be allowed within the body measure to accommodate
accented capitals.
Ascender / Descender Length The ascender height and descender length should
look appropriate for the overall design and be balanced with each other in a
text design. They should not be so long that they are distracting or obtrusive,
or so short that they look skimpy and seem to disappear, making the text
less legible. The ascenders and descenders may need to be slightly longer in
extended designs and slightly shorter in condensed designs to appear the
same length throughout the width range.

48 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Figure Height The lining figures should look comfortable in combination
with both the lowercase and capital letters of a typeface. Lining figures are
usually somewhat shorter than the capitals and a little narrower so they don’t
overpower the lowercase. Oldstyle (or lowercase) figures have approximately
the same x-height as the lowercase letters so they are unobtrusive when set
within lowercase text. The 0, 1, and 2 are x-height tall or slightly taller, the
3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 traditionally have descenders, while the 6 and 8 ascend
somewhat, but usually not to the full ascender height. 1234567890 (Lining);
1234567890 (Oldstyle).
Small Capitals Small capitals are designed to coordinate with the lowercase
letters, and are usually slightly taller than the x-height. They are also similar
to the weight of the lowercase characters, and have slightly wider proportions
than the normal capitals. Algorithmically scaled capitals often appear too light
and narrow to function well as small capitals.

Individual Character Weights and Overall Typeface Color

There should be a balance of weight within the individual characters of each
master design. Although perfectly even color may be appropriate for some
designs and not others, generally there should be a consistent color (or grey
value) on the page when each master design is set in text (or in short phrases
for a display design); there should be no dark spots in stems, joins, or crotches,
or light areas in bowls or hairlines that call attention to themselves and
distract the reader. (Figure 7)
Figure 7 Some major letterform parts. The coincident sidebearings (dotted lines) establish the white space on both
sides of each letter and determine how one letter fits in combination with others (i.e., letter spacing).

Crotch Arm Ascender Join Ear


Bracket Unenclosed
Serif counterform

Crossbar Hairlines Bowl Loop

Enclosed Descender
Counterforms counterform

Particularly in a text family, the overall weight of corresponding master
designs should harmonize. For example, the light condensed master ought
to be similar in color to the light extended master, and the bold condensed
master should be similar in color to the bold extended master. (Figure 8)
Figure 8 Myriad Black Condensed and Myriad Black Semi Extended at 9 points. Both have a
similar apparent color or weight, independent of width.

Individual Character Proportions and Overall Typeface Width

The character proportions should be appropriate for each master design.
A classically inspired design often uses classical letter proportions, while
a modern or sans serif design may have letter proportions of more equal
width. (Figure 9)
Figure 9 The top line of characters is from a classically
proportioned design—containing a combination of wider
and narrower letters. The bottom line of characters, from
a sans serif design, has letters of more equal width.

50 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

The overall widths of condensed or extended master designs should be
comfortable. The condensed masters should look condensed but not
compressed to the point of distortion, and the extended masters should
look extended but not stretched to the point of distortion. The idea behind
designing condensed and extended master designs is to provide font
variations that are an improvement over those that can be produced by
artificially compressing and stretching an existing typeface. (Figure 10)
Figure 10 Three width variations of Viva, showing its wide dynamic range without the distortion to
shapes and stroke weights common in artificially compressed or stretched fonts

Particularly in a text family, the overall width of corresponding master designs

ought to harmonize. For example, the light condensed master should be
similar in visual (apparent, not absolute) width to the bold condensed master,
and the light extended master should be similar in visual width to the bold
extended master. (Figure 11)
Figure 11 Myriad Light Semi Extended and Myriad Black Semi Extended at 9 points. Both
have a similar apparent width independent of weight.

Stroke Contrast
The contrast between thick and thin strokes should work well throughout
the range of sizes for which the typeface is designed. The serifs and hairlines
should look balanced with the vertical stems and rounded bowls; they should
not drop out at smaller sizes, or look extremely clumsy at larger sizes. The
difference in weight between thick and thin stokes is often less pronounced
in light designs than in bold designs. Due to optical illusion, in a monoline
design the horizontal strokes (or what would be thin hairlines in a high
contrast design) must be slightly lighter than the vertical strokes (or what
would be thick stems in a high-contrast design) in order to appear the same
weight. Also, due to lack of space within counterforms, the contrast between
horizontal and vertical stroke weights is often higher in bolder monoline
designs than in lighter designs. (Figure 12)
Figure 12 The ratio of difference in stroke weights varies between the light and
bold weights of a “monoline” design. (Measurements are in thousandths of an em





52 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Companion Italic Designs
A true italic typeface that is designed to compliment a roman design ought to
harmonize with its companion while incorporating some distinctly different
shapes, often reminiscent of formal chancery script or other handwritten
models. To be distinguishable from the roman and function as emphasis in
text, a true italic design traditionally is somewhat narrower and lighter, and at
a distinct angle, generally between 8 and 15 degrees from vertical. (Figure 13)
An oblique design, which is a slanted version of the roman letterforms,
designed by hand or generated mechanically, may need to have a more
pronounced angle to be distinct from the roman design when set in text.
Figure 13 A true italic design, as in Minion, versus an oblique design, as in Tekton

Minion Tekton

Letter Spacing
Text Versus Display Text typefaces are usually designed with a comparatively
straightforward, clear appearance so they read well when set at smaller sizes,
commonly ranging from 6 to about 18 points. Text type usually requires
more open letter spacing than display typefaces for the letters to be clearly
distinguishable from one another at small sizes. Display typefaces are meant
to be used at larger sizes, from about 18 points and up, and are often more
delicate, detailed, emphatic, or ornate than text faces. They usually require
somewhat tighter letter spacing than text sizes so words appear as whole units
and can be read more easily at larger sizes. However, spacing so tight that
letters touch or overlap is best reserved for display headlines and logotypes.
Often text and display types require slightly different spacing relationships
(i.e., merely globally tracking a single design by various amounts for use at a
wide range of point sizes may not result in the best letter spacing). (Figure 14)
Figure 14 In this example, the round-to-round relationships change more between MinionMM’s
text and display designs than do the straight-to-straight relationships.

MinionMM 6 point MinionMM 72 point

Control Chains To work out the basic letter fit of a type design, begin with
lowercase n, o and capital H, O combinations to first determine comfortable
spacing relationships between the straight-to-straight, straight-to-round, and
round-to-round elements in the typeface. Then apply the values from these
relationships to the rest of the characters (some values can be transferred
directly to similar shaped characters, others require an educated guess), and
position each letter between the control characters (n, o, H, O) to form control
chains. Adjust the sidebearings of each letter (the amount of white space on
either side of the letter) so that there is an even texture in the chains and in
sample text settings. (Figure 15)
Figure 15 An example of common control chains

Control characters

Control chains

Lowercase Although personal tastes differ, generally lowercase letters are

spaced so that there is approximately the same apparent volume (or a bit less)
of white space between each letter as there is within the counterforms. Thus
bolder, more condensed designs require slightly tighter letter spacing than
lighter, more extended designs to maintain this balance of inner white space
to surrounding white space. The lowercase letters of a text typeface should
create a smooth texture when set in a page of text without light, loose areas
or dark, tight tangles. (Figure 16)
Figure 16 In the Myriad text typeface, the volume of white space between lowercase letters is
slightly less than the volume inside the counterforms

Inside Letter space


54 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Capitals The capitals, most often used to begin sentences, are generally
spaced to set comfortably next to each of the lowercase characters; not too
tight and not too loose. (Figure 17) For this reason, most all-capital settings
are too tight without adjustment, and require hand tuning of the letter fit
to achieve balanced volumes of white space inside and between the letters.
Capital-only typefaces are often full of problem characters. Letters with
diagonal strokes are the most notorious and often require hand tuning
even when spaced loosely. Some typefaces correct the capital-to-capital
relationships for the user by incorporating extensive kerning pair tables.
(Figure 18)
Figure 17 The first example shows Myriad Regular Normal capitals spaced too tightly
compared to the default spacing of the lowercase letters, the second example shows the capitals
spaced too loosely, and the third example shows a more balanced relationship.

Tight Loose


Figure 18 The top line shows Trajan™ without manual

letter spacing; the marks indicate the congruent sidebearings
of the letters. In the bottom line, the marks indicate the
amount by which letter pairs have been manually kerned
(in this case negatively kerned, or shifted so their side-
bearings overlap), creating tighter, more balanced letter
spacing for this title.

Problem Characters Diagonal or oddly shaped letters often defy all efforts
to achieve balanced spacing by adjustment within control chains alone. First,
these letters should be adjusted as carefully as possible within the control
chains and by evaluating the letters in combination with others in text. Then,
extremely obstinate pairs should be put into a list for individual kerning
adjustment after the basic letter spacing has been finalized.
Kerning Pairs “Problem pairs” can differ from one typeface to another,
but there are some letter pairs that seem to cause spacing trouble in most
typefaces. (Figure 19) A list of Adobe’s basic kerning pairs is shown in
Appendix E. This basic set is a useful one to start from when adding pairs
to a multiple master typeface. Comprehensive text families may incorporate
many more; for example, some Adobe Originals designs contain up to 1200
pairs. Each kerning pair in each master design must be proofed, evaluated,
and adjusted to achieve the proper fit in all interpolated instances.
Figure 19 An example of a few common
“problem pairs”

Word Space The word space should look correct throughout the range of
sizes the design is intended for. It should not be so small that the words
run together, or so large that it creates gaps and rivers in the text. A common
rule of thumb recommends that, for a text typeface, the word space be
approximately the width of a lowercase i. (Figure 20) In bold or condensed
designs, where the overall letter fit is somewhat tighter than in related light
or extended designs, the word space must also be somewhat smaller.

NOTE: The default word space is generally designed with unjustified text in mind.
When text is justified, the word space is often made somewhat wider or narrower
on a line-by-line basis by the page layout application.

56 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Figure 20 Three settings of Myriad Regular Normal at 9/11 points. In the first example the
word space is too small, in the second the word space is too large, and in the third the word
space is a comfortable width for the default lowercase letter spacing.

Tight Loose


Design Considerations at the Multiple Master Typeface Level

Typeface Function
As the concept of the design is first being developed, the primary function of
the typeface must be determined; whether it is for text setting, display setting,
or both. If the design is intended for text use, concentrate on making the
typeface legible at sizes between about 6 and 18 points, with the major focus
on the normal text sizes of 9 to 12 points. If the design is intended for display
setting, concentrate on making the sizes between about 18 and 72 points look
best, with a focus on the common display sizes of 24 to 48 points. If the design
is intended to cover both functions, it must work well from 6 to 72 points.
If the typeface includes an optical size axis, determine the size range the
master designs will cover, based on the above guidelines, and create a master
design that works well at each extreme of the size range. For more information
about optical size axes, see “Designing Optically Adjusted Master Designs” and
“Fine-Tuning the Optical Size Axis” in Chapter 2 of Part 1: Technical Guidelines
for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces.

Master Design Compatibility

The master design outlines should be compatibilized for optimum
interpolation results. For detailed information on compatibilization, see
“Master Design Compatibility for Interpolation” and “Point Placement
for Interpolation” in Chapter 2 of Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing
Multiple Master Typefaces.

Design Axis Ranges
The weight, width, optical size, and any other ranges of variation should be
appropriate for the design. What is appropriate will depend on the aesthetic
characteristics and primary function of the design, that is, for text or display
setting. Text typefaces may be best suited to relatively short dynamic ranges
(i.e., from light to bold or condensed to normal) while display designs may
call for wider ranges (i.e., from extra light to black or extra condensed to
extra extended). (Figure 21) For more information on determining axis ranges,
see “Determining Design Axes and Their Dynamic Ranges” in Chapter 2 of
Part 1: Technical Guidelines for Designing Multiple Master Typefaces.
Figure 21 Exuberant display type often calls for more widely varying weights and widths than
a more classical design for use in lengthy text settings, as seen here with MinionMM (left)
compared to Viva (right)

Interpolated Instances and Primary Fonts

The integrity of the typeface design should be maintained throughout the
entire multiple master design space. All interpolated instances should be free
from unintentional shape and weight idiosyncrasies. (Figure 22)
Figure 22 An example of unintentional
“kinks,” or interpolation side effects, in early
Viva characters

58 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

The proportions of the intermediate instances should look balanced; and
may be more mono-width in the condensed designs than in the normal or
extended designs (especially in a classically proportioned typeface). (Figure 23)
Figure 23 In the condensed version of a more classically proportioned text typeface, characters
may need to be condensed by different amounts so they become similar in width to create a more
even texture, as seen in Myriad Condensed compared to Myriad Normal.

Myriad Normal Myriad Condensed

The weights of the selected primary fonts should be useful as stand-alone

members of a typeface family, or comprise a representative sampling of the
possible variations from the multiple master typeface. In a text design,
the regular weight primary font should not be too light or too heavy for
comfortable reading in long texts, and the semibold primary font should
be different enough from the regular weight font to function as emphasis
in text.
The widths of the selected primary fonts should be useful as members of
a typeface family as well. In a text design, the condensed width should be
sufficiently condensed but still function as a readable face at smaller sizes; the
extended width should be sufficiently extended to be clearly distinguishable
from the normal width design while functioning as a clear, readable font.

Typeface Production
After the typeface design itself is complete, subsequent production tasks
must occur to produce a marketable typeface package. Although this very
important work is beyond the scope of this document, a brief list of necessary
production tasks includes fine-tuning the character shapes and letter fit
in conjunction with applying hints for improved low resolution printing,
producing floppy disks with the appropriate resource files and font
identification numbers, and testing the typeface in real world software
applications for quality assurance. Attractive packaging and informative
collateral material are also critical parts of getting a typeface product ready
for the market.

As with all high quality type design, multiple master typeface design can be a
time intensive task, and is primarily a process of visual judgement. To give
designers an approach to the creation of new or retrofitted multiple master
typefaces, the four-stage design process we have found useful in our projects
has been reviewed in this document. With this outline of basic design
considerations and tips at both the master design and the multiple master
typeface levels, Adobe encourages type designers to explore both traditional
and innovative multiple master design projects.

60 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:16 appx.a.rev.frame,

Appendix A: Type 1 Point Placement Basics

The following basic tips apply when designing multiple master typefaces, as
well as standard Type 1 fonts. It is helpful to position key points correctly
along the outlines as you digitize the character shapes. This way compatibility
between master designs begins at the outset of the design process, requiring
less editing (or compatibilizing) when it is time to build a multiple master
typeface from the individual master designs.

Typeface Guidelines
Set up the following horizontal guidelines to assist in drawing and editing
the characters: baseline, x-height (lowercase height) line, capital height line,
ascender height line, descender depth line, figure height line (if different from
the capital height), and overshoot lines for each of these. Round and pointed
characters in a typeface often need to overshoot the flat character heights
by an amount such that all flat, pointed, and round characters appear to be
the same height, and appear to sit solidly on the baseline. The amount of
overshoot required for capital letters and figures may be slightly larger than
for lowercase letters. Likewise, pointed elements (v, w) often require more
overshoot than round letters (o, e). (Figure A-1)
Figure A-1 Shown here are common guidelines for aligning characters of a typeface during the design process.


Cap height Figure height


Overshoot lines



Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:16 appx.a.rev.frame, Left Master Page

Points at Extremes
To help PostScript language hints function properly for accurate rasterization
and printing at lower resolutions, position an end point at the horizontal or
vertical extreme of each major curved element in an outline character.
Make sure that the tangent line through each of these end points, defined
by its associated control points, is absolutely vertical or horizontal (whichever
is appropriate). (Figure A-2)
Figure A-2 Examples of major curved character elements with end points placed at the horizontal
and vertical extremes

Smooth Transitions
Make sure all transitions that should appear smooth (i.e., from one curve into
another, or from a straight line into a curve) are defined by straight, unbroken
tangent lines at each transition (i.e., the end points and their associated
control points are colinear). (Figure A-3)
Figure A-3 Unless a corner or kink is desired in the outline, make smooth transitions between
path elements.

Smooth Unsmooth

62 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:16 appx.a.rev.frame,

Triangle Guideline
As a rule of thumb, the control points of a curve segment should fall inside
an imaginary triangle formed by the two end points and the lines that connect
each end point to its associated control point, extended to their intersection.
(Figure A-4)
Figure A-4 Control points should fall inside an imaginary triangle.

Correct Correct

Incorrect Incorrect


Appendix A: Type 1 Point Placement Basics 63

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:16 appx.a.rev.frame, Left Master Page

Vertical Stems
Using a single end point to define the center of a swelling stem may result in
proper rasterization. However, to ensure that stems are hinted properly for
consistent low resolution printing, it may be beneficial to put a straight line
segment (even if it’s very small) rather than a single end point on major flaring
vertical stem elements. (Figure A-5)
Figure A-5 A small vertical line segment on a
swelling stem

Economy of Points
Use the smallest number of points that successfully describes the shape of a
character. Don’t compromise the letter shape by skimping on points, but keep
in mind that extraneous points can make the outline lumpier (which may be
desirable in some cases), be more time consuming to edit on screen, make the
file size of the typeface larger, and increase the potential for interpolation side
effects. One approach is to attempt to make the shape work first by using a
minimum number of end points and adjusting the control point positions
before resorting to adding more points. Another approach when working from
complex digital data or from automatically scanned drawings or lettering is to
delete points in strategic places to simplify the outlines while maintaining the
desired shapes. (Figure A-6)
Figure A-6 Fewer elements can improve the performance of a multiple master typeface.

Recommended Not recommended

64 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:18 appx.b.rev.frame,

Appendix B: Glossary


The practice of making text or “copy” fit a given space or measure.

design axis

The one-dimensional range of possible font variations delineated by

at least two master designs, one at each extreme.

design coordinate

1) The final numerical value assigned to the extreme of each design

axis, representing the dynamic range; 2) a numerical value within
the dynamic range identifying the position of a specific instance
along the design axis. Design coordinates fall within a total range
of 1–9999.

design space

The conceptual one-, two-, three-, or four-dimensional space in

which variations of a multiple master typeface exist.

dynamic range

How much a multiple master font can vary along a given design axis.
For example, if a design axis for weight is delineated by extra light
and extra black master designs, the dynamic range of that axis will
be from extra light to extra black. The dynamic range of a design axis
can be expressed in design coordinate values as well, as seen on the
“sliders” in Adobe’s Font Creator utility.


See multiple master font.

Font Creator

Adobe’s utility for generating (interpolating) custom instances from

a multiple master typeface.


A mathematical calculation that generates intermediate values

between two extremes.

multiple master font, font, instance

A scalable Type 1 font program; a single style variation generated

from a multiple master typeface. See “Definition of Terms” in
Chapter 1.

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:18 appx.b.rev.frame, Left Master Page

multiple master typeface

A PostScript Type 1 font program from which a user can generate

instances on demand that may vary in weight, width, optical size,
or other style characteristics. See “Definition of Terms” in Chapter 1.

normalized coordinate

The Cartesian coordinate assigned to a master design arranged

within a conceptual one- to four-dimensional design space.

PostScript Language

A device independent programming language developed by Adobe

Systems to describe the position of text and graphic elements in
electronic documents that can be viewed or printed on various
output devices.

primary font, primary instance

A multiple master instance, selected by the type designer or manu-

facturer, that is predefined and ready-to-use upon installing a
multiple master typeface on a computer.


Adapting an existing typeface family to take advantage of multiple

master technology, allowing custom fonts to be generated from it.


See multiple master typeface.

Type 1 outline font

A digital font comprised of outline characters described by end

points and connected by Beziér curves. Type 1 is the default font
format used in the PostScript page description language (see the
Adobe™ Type 1 Font Format Specification).

66 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:19 appx.c.rev.frame,

Appendix C: Bibliography

MinionMM, a Specimen Book. Mountain View, California: Adobe Systems

Incorporated, 1992.
Myriad, a Specimen Book. Mountain View, California: Adobe Systems
Incorporated, 1992.
Adobe Type 1 Font Format: Multiple Master Extensions. Mountain View,
California: Adobe Systems Incorporated, 1992.
Multiple Master User Guide. Mountain View, California: Adobe Systems
Incorporated, 1991.
Adobe Font Production Software Manual. Mountain View, California:
Adobe Systems Incorporated, 1992.

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:21 appx.d.rev.frame,

Appendix D: References

Part 1:
Adobe Type 1 Font Format. Mountain View, California: Addison-Wesley, 1991.
Adobe Technical Note #5015, Type 1 Font Format Supplement, November 1993.
Adobe Technical Note #0091, Macintosh FOND Resources, March 1992.
Adobe Technical Note #5088, Font Naming Issues, April 1993.

Part 2:
Trademarking a Typeface Name:

Trademark searches can be performed by the Thomson & Thomson

Company (800-692-8833).

Patent and Trademark Office: 1-408-730-7290

Typeface Copyright and Font Program Copyright Articles:

“Use a Font, Go to Jail,” Publish magazine, December 1992.

“The Copyright Status of Typeface Software,” by Diane Savage and Douglas

Brotz, The Computer Lawyer, Volume 6 Number 10, October 1989, Adobe
Systems, Inc., Mountain View, CA with Prentice Hall Law and Business.
(This paper was written prior to the latest regulation from the Copyright
Office below.)

“Registrability of Computer Programs that Generate Typefaces,” Announce-

ment from the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.,
Final Regulation, February 21, 1992.

68 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:23 appx.e.rev.frame.dave,

Appendix E: Standard Kerning Pairs

AC Ju TA W, ew o. ya
AG J, TO W. ex py ye
AO J. Ta YA ey p, yo
AQ KO Te YO e, p. y,
AT Ke Th YS e. ra y.
AU Ko Ti Ya fa rc ze
AV Ku To Ye fe rd zo
AW Ky Tr Yi ff re : (space)
AY LT Tu Yo fi rg , (space)
Ap LV Tw Yu fl ri ,”
Au LW Ty Y: fo rk ,’
Av LY T: Y; fl rl .”
Aw Ly T; Y- f” rm .’
Ay L” T- Y, f’ rn . (space)
A” L’ T, Y. f, ro “A
A’ NA T. ab f. rp “‘
BA N, UA ag ga rq ‘‘
AU N. U, ap ge rr ‘A
B, OA VA at gg rs ” (space)
B. OT VG av gi rt ’”
CA OV VO aw go ru ’’
C, OW Va ay gr rv ’d
C. OX Ve bb gy ry ’l
DA OY Vi bl g, r: ’r
DV O, Vo bu g. r; ’s
DW O. Vu bv hy r- ’t
DY PA V: by iv r, ’v
D, Pa V; b, ke r. ’ (space)
D. Pe V- b. ko sw ; (space)
FA Po V, ch ky s, (space) A
Fa P, V. ck lw s. (space) T
Fe P. WA cl ly va (space) V
Fi QU WO cy mu ve (space) W
Fo Q, Wa c, my vo (space) Y
Fr Q. We c. nu v, (space) “
F, RO Wh dd nv v. (space)
F. RT Wi dv ny wa
G, RU Wo dw og we
G. RV Wu dy ov wh
JA RW Wy eb ow wo
Ja Ry W: eg ox w,
Je S, W; ep oy w.
Jo S. W- ev o, xe

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:24 appx.f.rev.frame,

Appendix F: Sample Tests

Full Character Set

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:24 appx.f.rev.frame, Left Master Page

“Hamburgevons” Keyword Text

Hamburgevons verbs On Ruman hen ran Verbs aurora Bas even among
rumors Uever oregano more Esugar remorse An sorghum on Measure
Governor snores are game here Sour greenhouse Nag humerous has
mmaueuvers her over gush hug among masons shuns or oases heaven
nouveau sausage someone gruesome ro rummage enormous shoehorn
she verse ashore as agrees runas gorgeous name manage sea nano
governess see nose rough ransom be ego engrave snore generous
ore sugar remorse an sausage someone hen ran verbs shuns or ona
sorghum on measure over verse ashore as here sour oregano more
aurora as even rumors ever oregano maneuvers her over ashore on
vague over on rum orb an over ashore ransom snores her over ban
rumors ever oregano more sugar remorse an sorghum on measure
governor snores are game here sour greenhouse nag humerous has
Maneuvers her over gush hug among masons shuns or Oases heaven
nouveau sausage someone gruesome o rummage enormous shoehorn
she verse Ashore as agrees runas gorgeous name manage Sea nano
governess see Nose rough ransom be ego engrave snore generous
ore sugar remorse an sausage someone Hen ran verbs shuns or ona
sorghum on measure over verse ashore as here sour oregano more
aurora as Even rumors ever oregano maneuvers her over ashore on
vague over on rum orb an over ashore ransom snores her over Ban
Rumors ever oregano more sugar remorse an sorghum Uon measure
governor snores are Game here sour greenhouse nag humerous has
maneuvers her over gush hug among masons shuns or oases heaven
nouveau sausage someone gruesome o rummage enormous shoehorn
she verse ashore Vas agrees runas gorgeous name manage sea nano
governess see nose rough ransom Be ego engrave snore generous
ore sugar remorse an sausage someone hen ran verbs shuns or ona
sorghum On measure over verse ashore as here sour oregano more
Aurora as even rumors ever oregano maneuvers her over ashore on
vague over on rum orb an over ashore Ransom snores her over ban
governor Snores are game here sour greenhouse nag humerous has
maneuvers her over gush hug among Masons shuns or oases heaven
nouveau sausage someone gruesome o rummage enormous shoehorn

71 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:24 appx.f.rev.frame,

Spacing Test

Appendix F: Sample Tests 72

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:24 appx.f.rev.frame, Left Master Page

73 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:24 appx.f.rev.frame,

Appendix F: Sample Tests 74

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:24 appx.f.rev.frame, Left Master Page

Two-Axis Multiple Master Text Interpolations

(3 x 3 grid of instances)

75 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:24 appx.f.rev.frame,

Appendix F: Sample Tests 76

Designing Multiple Master Typefaces 12/19/97 12:24 appx.f.rev.frame, Left Master Page

77 Part 2: Adobe’s Typeface Design Process

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