Background: I. Ii. Iii. IV

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Wasif H.

Syed Fourteen Points

1. Background
 Recommendations of Nehru Committee : Source of disappointment
 All Muslim Parties Conference was held at Delhi on 10th Feb. 1929 under the president
ship of Sir Agha Khan: Muslim League didn’t attend this conference.
 Meanwhile, Quaid e Azam drafted a resolution in consultation with Muslim Leaders to
be presented in the Annual M.L Session: It is known as 14 Points.
2. Fourteen Points
i. Future constitution should be Federal; Residuary powers vested in Provinces.
ii. Uniform autonomy should be granted to all the Provinces.
iii. Minorities should be given adequate representation in all the elected bodies.
iv. Muslim representation in the Central Legislature should not be less than 1/3 of the
total membership.
v. Communal representation should be ensured by the means of Separate Electorate.
vi. Any territorial adjustment should not in any way effect the Muslim Majority in the
Punjab & the Bengal.
vii. Religious and Education Liberty to all communities.
viii. No bill or resolution shall be considered passed in any Legislative Body or in any Elected
Body if it is opposed by ¾ of the member of any community in that body.
ix. Sind should be separated from Bombay.
x. Reforms should be introduces in the N.W.F.P and the Baluchistan.
xi. Muslims should be given adequate representation in the Govt. Services and the Local
Self Governing Bodies.
xii. Adequate safeguards should be constituted for the protection of the Muslim Culture
and for the protection and the promotion of the Muslims Education, Language,
Religion, Personal Law and Muslim Charitable Institutions.
xiii. Muslims should be given 1/3 representation in the Central and Provincial Cabinet.
xiv. Constitution should be amended only with the consent of the States Constituting the
Indian Federation.

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