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Noc-Based Fpga: Architecture and Routing

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NoC-Based FPGA: Architecture and Routing

Roman Gindin, Israel Cidon, Idit Keidar

Electrical Engineering Department
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000, Israel

Abstract same system implementation. Therefore, CMPs’ NoC

resources should support all perceivable software
We present a novel network-on-chip-based architecture scenarios. In contrast to both of the above, in a Field
for future programmable chips (FPGAs). A key challenge Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), the communication
for FPGA design is supporting numerous highly variable patterns are not known at fabrication time but may
design instances with good performance and low cost. become much better determined when the chip is
Our architecture minimizes the cost of supporting a wide configured for a specific functionality. This unique
range of design instances with given throughput scenario implies that there a cost and performance
requirements by balancing the amount of efficient hard- advantage in splitting an FPGA’s NoC construction
coded NoC infrastructure and the allocation of “soft” among the two design stages.
networking resources at configuration time. Although In this paper, we introduce a NoC design process and
traffic patterns are design-specific, the physical link architecture for FPGAs. A distinctive feature of FPGA
infrastructure is a performance bottleneck, and hence systems is that they include a combination of hard and
should be hard-coded. It is therefore important to employ soft functionalities. The hard functionality is
routing schemes that allow for high flexibility to implemented in silicon; it typically includes special
efficiently accommodate different traffic patterns during purpose modules like processors, multipliers, external
configuration. We examine the required capacity network and memory interfaces, etc. The soft
allocation for supporting a collection of typical traffic functionality is configured using programmable elements
patterns on such chips under a number of routing (gate arrays, flip-flops, etc.) and routing components.
schemes. We propose a new routing scheme, Weighted Modern FPGAs contain hundreds of thousands of
Ordered Toggle (WOT), and show that it allows high programmable elements, in addition to special purpose
design flexibility with low infrastructure cost. Moreover, modules [22]. As technology scales, the sheer number of
WOT utilizes simple, small-area, on-chip routers, and has logic units will render a flat FPGA chip design
low memory demands. unmanageable. FPGA engineers are already experiencing
unacceptable place-and-route times for large designs with
1. Introduction tight timing constraints. To remedy this problem, modern
FPGA CAD tools, like Xilinx’s PlanAhead, are already
Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) e.g. [1], [4], [5], [8], [9], [12], supporting a certain degree of hierarchical design: they
[15],[17] are commonly considered as a scalable solution allow designers to implement independent modules on the
for on-chip communication. However, it is also chip, which are later connected. We thus envision a future
understood that there is no "one size fits all" NoC FPGA that is organized hierarchically, whereby the chip
architecture [5], as different silicon systems have very is divided into high-level regions (some programmable
different requirements from their NoCs. For example, in a and some hard), interconnected by a NoC.
System-on-Chip (SoC), the network usage patterns are When architecting an FPGA NoC, one has to decide
many times known a priory. Hence, the NoC can be which functionalities are implemented as hard cores and
synthesized with the “correct” link capacities for which are left as soft. There is a tradeoff between the
supporting the required usage [10]. In CMP designs [14], flexibility offered by the soft part and the higher
[17] the traffic patterns depend on the various executed performance offered by hard part. Since inter-module
programs and hence can vary dramatically within the communication is often a bottleneck, it is important to
design the NoC architecture for high performance. We when the chip is programmed, and are loaded into a
therefore advocate laying out the network infrastructure, vector holding a bit per destination in the CNI.
including metal wires and hard-coded routers in silicon. In typical SoC and FPGA designs, the communication
At the same time, in order to allow for maximum load is not divided evenly among all modules. Rather, a
flexibility, the NoC infrastructure should be able to handful of modules are hotspot modules (or in short,
accommodate multiple routing schemes and a large hotspots), which communicate with many other modules.
variety of traffic patterns. To this end, we allow network A hotspot can be an interface to external communication
interfaces to be soft. Simplistic routing schemes, like XY, or memory, a master module that communicates with a
can employ small interfaces, whereas more elaborate number of slaves, a dispatcher that forwards requests
source-routing schemes ([1],[13]) may have the interfaces from multiple masters to multiple slaves [17], etc.
store large routing tables. Our novel architecture is Additional examples are given by [1], e.g., in one of their
detailed in Section 2. reference designs, an SDRAM module has 7 connections,
The main challenge is exploiting network resources and an SRAM module has 4, while other modules have 2
efficiently, i.e., supporting a large number of program or 3 connections each. We therefore focus on traffic
designs while investing minimal resources (wires and patterns involving one ore more hotspots, (including a
logic). In this context, there is an inter-play between the mapping of the reference example above to our
link capacity requirements and the routing scheme used to architecture), when evaluating our solutions in Section 5.
route packets between modules. A routing scheme that Our evaluation shows that WOT routing reduces the link
balances the load over all links readily supports more capacity cost across a wide range of designs. In some
designs using smaller link capacities than an unbalanced cases, its most loaded link requires 40% less capacity than
one. the maximum required with XY, and up to 15% less
Section 3 formally defines FPGA routing (on our capacity than with TXY.
suggested architecture) as an optimization problem. In We further compare unconstrained placement of hotspots,
order to study the inter-play between routing and capacity where the designer can locate hotspots anywhere on the
requirements, we define a new concept called design chip, with constrained placement. Our results (cf. Section
envelope, capturing the required capacity for a collection 5) show that constrained placement can significantly
of traffic patterns. The more traffic patterns the envelope reduce the cost. For example, unconstrained placement of
accommodates, the more flexibility is offered to the two hotspots with WOT routing requires 20% more
designer configuring the chip. We study the design capacity (in the busiest link) than constrained placement
envelopes required to accommodate a collection of that dictates that the distance between the hotspots is at
patterns with each of the routing schemes. least three hops. With three hotspots, unconstrained
In Section 4, we present efficient solutions to the FPGA placement requires 35% more capacity than placing the
routing problem. Note that traditional routing algorithms hotspots at a distance of at least three hops.
like XY lead to unbalanced capacity allocation [10], and Finally, in Section 6, we present implementations of the
are therefore not suitable for programmable chips. It is four routing schemes studied in this paper. Since all our
possible to improve the balance by splitting the flow, schemes can be supported by regular router [4], [20] we
toggling between sending on XY and YX routes [18] implemented only the logic required for the routing
[20]; we call this approach toggle XY (TXY). However, decision leaving out other router design issues like
TXY is not optimal when traffic requirements are not buffers and scheduling. We show that all of our studied
symmetric, (which is very common in HW architectures). routing schemes require very few programmable elements
We improve it by adding weights to flow division (based (at most tens) and hence occupy very little area on the
on the design pattern), and call the resulting algorithm chip.
weighted toggle XY (WTXY). In summary, the main contributions of this paper are -
Unfortunately, both TXY and WTXY have a major 1. A new NoC-based architecture for FPGA, which
disadvantage – they split a single flow among two routes. balances between the flexibility of soft logic and the
This can lead to out-of-order arrivals, requiring large better performance of dedicated logic.
re-order buffers, especially in congested networks. 2. A design methodology for such an architecture.
Moreover, re-ordering requires the addition of sequence 3. A balanced in-order routing algorithm for this
numbers to packet headers. We therefore suggest the use architecture, which minimizes the cost of supporting a
of ordered algorithms, which do not split flows, and large set of designs within given performance
ensure in-order arrivals. We do this by selecting one route requirements.
(XY or YX) to each source-destination flow. We present
the weighted ordered toggle (WOT) algorithm, which 1.1 Related Work
assigns XY and YX routes to source-destination pairs in a
way that reduces the maximum network capacity for a Sethuraman et al. [19] propose a fully soft NoC router
given traffic pattern. The WOT routes are calculated design using current-day FPGA technology, which does
not include any burned-in (hard) NoC infrastructure. In
contrast, we propose an architecture for future FPGA order to improve performance and reduce power
platforms, which is partly embedded supporting in silicon consumption.
and partly defined and tuned at configuration-time. Hard There are two main reasons for such hierarchical and
routers offer better performance, lower power and better modular structure for large programmable chips. First,
silicon area usage than their soft counterparts. On the CAD place-and-route tools cannot cope effectively with a
other hand, any excess NoC resource that is not utilized in flat design including a large number of modules. Even
a specific design, cannot be converted to another usage. today, commercial tools like Xilinx's PlanAhead, and
DyNoC [14] is an architecture for adaptive routing using Synplicity's Amplify support a hierarchical design: the
reconfigurable hardware. There are several additional chip designer divides the flat chip into regions,
works that present adaptive and dynamic routing, like designating which modules reside in each region. Then,
DyAd [11], and Odd-Even routing by Chiu [6]. Unlike place-and-route is run per region. In the last stage,
our solution, these solutions do not perform offline connections among regions are wired using remaining
optimizations at configuration time; instead, they resources. Second, long wires incur a high cost in terms
dynamically changes routing policies on the fly. This of delay and power. In modern FPGAs, each LUT can be
approach is very effective when the traffic pattern is not wired to any other element on the chip. Utilizing the long
known and the network should balance itself during the wires between remote elements induces long delays. Our
runtime. However, an FPGA’s communication pattern is design eliminates such long wires, and utilizes direct
many times determined at configuration time; offline wires only within the relatively small CRs.
optimization can be very effective. The simpler router NoC
design, in turn, reduces hardware cost in terms of area The regions are interconnected using a NoC. There are
and power consumption. We therefore focus on static several reasons to base the future FPGA on NoC. First,
routing schemes in this paper. NoC is much more scalable than all other interconnect
The TXY algorithm was independently developed by Seo solutions, such as point-to-point wires, buses, etc. [4].
et al. for interconnection networks under the name of Another reason is spatial reuse, which allows for scalable
O1TURN [18]. It has been shown to be worst-case near- power cost compared to the increased routing matrix that
optimal for uniform traffic, where all nodes send and is used in traditional FPGA. Moreover, FPGAs are often
receive at the same rate [20]. In this paper, we focus on used as prototypes for ASIC. If the ASIC is migrating to
typical hardware traffic patterns, where some modules NoC, the FPGA architecture should support NoC as well.
transmit and receive more than others. For such patterns, In our architecture, the NoC is a uniform mesh and each
our weighted algorithms outperform TXY. Moreover, region is connected to a router via a local router interface.
TXY results in out-of-order packet reception and hence Like other NoCs, we use wormhole routing. The router
requires large re-order buffers. Towels et al. [21] use structure is very similar to ones in previous NoC designs
linear programming for solving general flow problems for (e.g., [8],[3],[15],[1]) and includes support for multiple
uniform traffic, but do not cover the case of asymmetric QoS classes, similar to QNoC [4]. Consequently, we do
non-uniform patterns as considered herein. not detail the design here.
While it is possible to also provide direct communication
2. High Level Architecture wires between adjacent CRs not via the NoC, we chose to
avoid such communication in order to simplify the design
This section presents the proposed architecture for NoC- and the inter-region communication methodology.
based FPGA. It first discusses our proposed hierarchical Soft vs. Hard
chip structure and the advantages of such an organization. The NoC consists of several components, like routers,
We then discuss how the NoC paradigm is applied to wires and a network interface. The routers and links are
FPGA. Afterwards, we discuss which parts of the system part of the NoC’s hard-core infrastructure, so as to allow
are hard-coded on the chip, and which are configurable maximum performance in terms of area and power. As
(soft). Finally, we discuss design methodology for NoC- this hard-coded infrastructure is always laid out, it is
based FPGA. designed to support a large class of applications.
Hierarchical Organization Due to the fact that FPGA has to support a lot of
We propose a hierarchical architecture for future FPGAs, unknown applications with different traffic patterns, we
consisting of two types of regions connected by a NoC: suggest a configurable network interface (CNI), which is
(1) Configurable Regions (CR), resembling today’s a mix of soft and hard parts. Each region is connected to
FPGA, consisting of programmable logic, which is a the network via at least one CNI. A CR may have several
collection of possibly thousands of lookup tables (LUTs) CNIs, which can be configured to work together (when
and an internal programmable routing matrix; and (2) the CR acts as a single task module) or apart (when a CR
Functional Regions (FR), performing a predefined task, is divided into multiple modules).
e.g., general purpose processor, DSP, fast external The CNI performs the following functions: network
interface, etc. FRs are implemented as hard IP cores in physical interface, buffering, reordering, fragmentation/
reassembly (from application specific blocks to packets
and from packets to wormhole flits), interface to the Placement was extensively studied in VLSI – e.g. [16],
region modules and routing support. Most of these and known techniques are, by-and-large, applicable to our
functions are not application-specific, and are therefore design. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on the routing
hard coded in order to achieve better power, area, and phase of the design, which is unique to NoC-based
performance. However, there are several application FPGA.
specific functions, like adaptation layers, playback and
routing. The routing logic needs to be flexible, as 3. FPGA Routing Problem Definition
different applications have different communication
needs. Therefore, the routing layer and the application- A NoC-based FPGA is provided to the user with a pre-
specific layers are configurable, i.e., implemented from built NoC infrastructure. This network needs to be
programmable elements. flexible enough to support many user applications that are
unknown during the design of the network. A routing
Example Layout scheme for this network needs to address the challenge of
providing high resource utilization with a low
infrastructure cost. Thus, routing algorithms should be
both efficient and flexible.
This section defines FPGA routing as an optimization
problem. It assumes the placement phase is complete, and
inter-region traffic requirements are known.
A grid is comprised a set of vertexes V and edges E.
Every node on the grid has unique (x,y) coordinates. Each
coordinate ranges between 0 and n-1.
A node represents a module attached to a router, which
can be a region or part thereof.
A traffic pattern is a function f :V → ℜ . This

function defines the flows between every pair of nodes. A

class of traffic patterns is a set F.
More accurately, these flows should be accommodated by
the link capacities. They do not necessarily represent the
Figure 1. Example of network on programmable chip.
peak traffic on the link, in case queuing delays are
Figure 1 depicts an example chip design using our
tolerated during peaks. For example, capacity can be
architecture. Some links (sets of parallel wires) between
allocated for accommodation 90% of the traffic demands,
routers are routed across the CRs. This can be done since
implying that say 99% of the traffic has a known delay
the network and CRs are designed by the same vendor at
the same time, and therefore, it is possible to deploy long
A path from v1 to v2 is a connected sequence of links
wire repeaters at the right places in the silicon of the CRs.
This allows for a regular mesh topology, and avoids the that starts at node v1 and ends at node v 2 .
complexity that can result from an irregular mesh [18]. A routing algorithm A defines the fractions of the flows
that are sent over all possible routes from every source to
Design Methodology every destination. For example, half of the flow is sent
Given the hierarchical chip organization, the design over one possible route and the other half over another
methodology for programming such FPGA consists of the route.
following phases: (i) division into high-level modules, An ordered routing does not split flows, i.e. each pair is
roughly the size of CRs; (ii) placement of high-level mapped to a single path.
modules; (iii) implementation of each module within a The link capacity for given A and f is the sum of all the
region; and (iv) inter-region routing. flows that are routed on this link.
In the placement phase, the designer performs the The maximum capacity for given A and f is the capacity
mapping of the high-level modules to the chip's of the most loaded link in the network for a given traffic
functional and configurable regions. This process requirement pattern. On uniform meshes, this will dictate
considers the gate count and functionality of the logical the capacity of all links. The maximum capacity reflects
modules, and chooses CRs or FRs that can accommodate the cost of supporting the given traffic pattern.
them. Clearly, modules with heavy communication A routing algorithm should minimize the maximum
requirements between them should be placed as close as capacity, i.e., the cost for supporting a given f.
possible, on the same CR when space allows. The design envelope of a given algorithm for a class of
Next, the routing of the inter-module communication is traffic requirement patterns F is the minimal assignment
performed. The routing should comply with the of capacities to the links in the NoC graph, which
constraints (capacity) of the pre-built network. supports every traffic pattern in F. Each link's capacity in
the envelope is its maximum capacity over all traffic
YX only
patterns in the specified class with a given routing

Max capacity
algorithm A. Uniform design envelopes are preferred.
Another metric that is used to evaluate the routing 15
XY only
algorithms is the gate count. Gate count is the amount of
logic required for the implementation of the routing 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
decision circuit. Clearly, lower gate counts are preferred. XY fraction
Figure 2. The impact of the XY fraction on 5x5 grid
4. Routing Algorithms with two hotspots at locations (2,1) and (1,1).
WTXY therefore chooses the best XY fraction, c xy ,
We study and propose several routing algorithms and
according to given traffic requirements. This fraction is
evaluate them in terms of maximum capacity and design
calculated offline for each application before the chip
envelope. This section presents the routing techniques
programming phase, and is loaded to the CNI with the
and analyzes the efficiency of the algorithms.
rest of the configuration data. The calculation of c xy is
4.1 Flow splitting algorithms beyond the scope of this paper since our main focus is on
ordered algorithms.
This section presents routing algorithms that improve the WTXY can be implemented (see Section 6) using a
network's balance by splitting flows among several paths. random number generator and a comparator in the
Before presenting these algorithms, we recall the simple network interface that assigns the route bit in the packet
and well-known XY and YX routing algorithms, upon header according to c xy . Deadlocks are avoided the same
which they improve.
XY routing first routes packets horizontally, towards way as in TXY.
their X coordinate, and then vertically, towards their Y
coordinate. XY is commonly used in NoCs thanks to its 4.2 Ordered algorithms
simplicity and inherent deadlock-freedom. However, it
induces unbalanced link loads [10]. The main problem of the algorithms described above is
YX routing uses the same technique but reverses the the flow splitting. When flows are sent over multiple
order of the vertical and horizontal routing. routes, the packet arrival order may differ from the
Toggle XY Routing (TXY) [20] improves XY's load- sending order. This requires the receiver CNI to maintain
balancing by routing half the packets in the XY path and large reordering buffers. Consider, e.g. a relatively small
the other half in the YX path. Each packet header window of 2 n outstanding packets, ( n 2 ) nodes
includes a bit indicating whether its route is XY or YX. communicating with each hotspot and about 10% of the
Each CNI toggles between XY and YX packets. This nodes are hotspots.
scheme avoids deadlocks by using two virtual channels (
In this case total memory requirement is 0.1 ⋅ n 2 ⋅ 2n 3 . If )
(VCs) per router: one for XY paths and one for YX with n is 7, we have to put enough memory for 16 K packets.
any fair scheduling scheme between VCs. The situation is even worse in case there are multiple
Weighted Toggle XY Routing (WTXY) improves TXY classes of services or more source destination (S-D) pairs.
by sending different portions of flows on the XY and YX Moreover, the flow splitting routing requires
paths. communication overhead to carry the numbering of the
Splitting the traffic evenly between XY and YX routes, as packets to allow the reordering at the destination.
in TXY, does not always achieve optimal load balancing. We therefore propose ordered algorithms, in which all the
In some cases, sending a different portion of the traffic by packets between the same S-D pair are sent over the same
each route may achieve better load-balancing and thus route. Hence, packets arrive in the order that they are
reduce capacity requirements. For example, Figure 2 sent, and no re-order buffer is required.
shows how the maximum link capacity is affected by the A simple way to assign routes per flow is Source Toggle
fraction of traffic routed XY on a 5x5 grid with two XY - STXY. This algorithm toggles the routes of entire
hotspots at locations (1,1) and (2,1) on the grid, where flows. To create a better spreading of the flows, we use
each node send the same amount of data to every hotspot. both source and destination addresses to assign the route.
Here, optimal capacity is achieved when roughly 2/3 of For example, a bitwise XOR of the source and destination
the traffic is routed XY, offering an almost 20% addresses is used to determine the route. Using this
improvement over TXY. technique gives us a close approximation to TXY with a
small quantization error since half of the flows is sent on
XY path and the other half on YX.
However, due to the previously shown advantages of
weighted routing, we suggest the Weighted Ordered
Toggle (WOT) algorithm. WOT divides the source-
destination routes in a way that produces best result in YX. We calculate similar formulas to all the incoming
terms of maximum capacity. flows.
The remaining challenge is to develop a technique for Lemma 2: The lowest maximum capacity achieved
effectively choosing the route of each source-destination when the absolute value of the difference D between
pair. First, we present analytical solution for a single maximum horizontal and the vertical flows on the
hotspot and later show heuristic algorithm for the general adjacent links to the hotspot ( H max = max (Fleft , Frightt )
and Vmax = max (Fdown , Fup ) ) is minimal.
WOT Optimal Solution for Single Hotspot
In case of a single hotspot, we have a single destination Proof: Suppose by the way of contradiction that it is
on the square grid and all other nodes on the grid send the possible to reduce the difference. This is done by re-
same flow f to it. Consider a hotspot at coordinates (x,y), routing any flow (all the flows are the same) from the
as shown in Figure 3 (coordinates range from 0 to n-1). most loaded link to any other link. If we reduce the
difference, we reduce the most loaded link which is
impossible. ƒ
Our algorithm relies on Lemma 1 and 2. In order to find
the optimum WOT route assignment we minimize the
difference D as described by the following equation -
min( D ) = min( H max − V max ) = min(max (Fleft , Fright ), max (Fleft , Fright ))
Figure 3. Location of a single hotspot.
For each node we define a binary indicator rij that dictates
while working with binary variables rij . The equation is
whether the flow from node i to node j is routed XY or
YX. We also divide the nodes to four groups - left-down solved with known techniques like linear programming.
(LD), left-up (LU), right-down (RD) and right-up (RU). WOT General Heuristic
For example, the LD group consists of the nodes with In general case, when the analytical solution is more
both coordinates smaller than ( x, y ) . In our case, index i complex we suggest heuristic algorithm. We studied three
refers to the hotspot node. In order to find the maximum techniques –
we show two lemmas. Iterative Assignment – in this technique we first
Lemma 1: In case of the single hotspot, and if all routes calculate the c xy ratio. The grid is initialized to STXY.
are either XY or YX, the most loaded link is one of the The algorithm serially scans the nodes and changes the
links adjacent to the hotspot. routes in such a way that XY ratio will be as close as
Proof: Suppose by the way of contradiction that the most possible to the optimal ratio that was calculated before.
loaded link, Lmax , is not the incoming link of the hotspot. Random Assignment – in this technique we also
calculate the optimal ratio and scan the (S-D) pairs. For
Since the routing algorithm performs only one turn
each pair we assign XY routing with the probability equal
(XY/YX) we have two possible locations of Lmax . to the optimal ratio and YX with the complement
(1) Lmax shares one coordinate (X or Y) with the hotspot. probability. In this way we’ll have approximately the
desired ratio.
In this case, the flow reaches the hotspot with the addition Min-Max Assignment – seeks an optimal assignment
of the flow of the hotspot's closest neighbor. without prior knowledge of the optimal ratio. The
(2) Lmax does not share any coordinate with the hotspot algorithm starts with STXY as its initial assignment. In
Without loss of generality, suppose that Lmax located at each step, the algorithm first finds the most loaded link, l,
and then goes over all the S-D pairs that contribute traffic
RU. That means that in order to reach the destination to l. For each such S-D pair, the algorithm calculates the
within one turn, the flow is routed down/left or left/down cost that would result from changing the route of this pair
(depending on whether Lmax is horizontal or vertical) (and only this pair) from XY to YX or vice versa. Among
and contributes to link of the right of the hotspot. these, the algorithm chooses the one that leads to the
In both cases the capacity of the adjacent link is larger or lowest maximum capacity on links affected by the route
equal to Lmax . ƒ change. Subsequently, a new step starts with the new
route assignment. The algorithm converges either after a
Using rij indicators and the hotspot location (x,y), we can predefined number of iterations or upon reaching a local
calculate the flows on the hotspot incoming links. For minimum. In the latter case, WOT can achieve even lower
example, the flow on the left link is cost than WTXY, since it is not limited to a single c xy
  . This flow consists of the
F = x +
left  (r == YX ) ⋅ f
∑ ij 
ratio for the entire network.
 j∈( LU , LD )  The following graph shows the comparison between the
flows from x nodes located on the same coordinate, which three systems. We compare here by the relative difference
are not split, and from the split flows from x(n-1) nodes between the achieved maximum capacity and the
residing to the left of the hotspot that send the data using maximum capacity of the WTXY algorithm. In our
simulation we randomize the number of hotspots in range
(1-3) and the also the location of the hotspots for grid size XY
from 5 to 10. For each grid size we perform 1000 STXY
simulations. The y-axis is Cmax
− Cmax
. 16
Cmax 14

0.3 12

Relative Error

0.2 10
Random 8
5 6 7 8 9 10 2

Grid Size 0

Figure 4. Relative overhead for WOT route assignment Location of the hot spot

schemes vs. WTXY. Figure 5. Maximum capacity requirements for one

We can observe that the min-max scheme produces the hotspot on a 5x5 uniform grid at various locations
best results and is very close and sometimes even better with different routing schemes.
then WTXY in terms of maximum capacity. We observe that XY requires the highest maximum
In the rest of this paper, we use the min-max assignment capacity in the most loaded link. This is expected, since
for evaluating the WOT algorithm. XY does not balance the load among links. By alternating
Finally, a well known technique for ordered routing is between XY and YX routes, TXY and WTXY
source-routing, where the source chooses the path to each considerably reduce the capacity requirements, and are
destination and sends it in the packet header. We optimal for hotspots located in the center or at a corner of
evaluated the cost of source routing in our architecture the grid. When the hotspot’s X and Y coordinates are not
using efficient path assignments. The required capacities symmetric, that is, when its distance from the edge on one
were very similar to those required by WOT, without axis is greater than the other, splitting the traffic evenly
taking into account the increase in flow induced by the between the XY and YX routes is not optimal, and
large headers used in source-routing. Moreover, source WTXY can improve on TXY by up to 33%. Observe that
routing requires more lookup-table hardware for storing the WOT algorithm, despite of being in-order, produces a
the routes in each source. Therefore, we found source- cost that is very close to that of WTXY.
routing to be inferior to WOT in our design. We further observe that locating a hotspot in the center of
the grid requires the smallest capacity, whereas a corner
5. Evaluation hotspot requires the highest capacity. This is because in
the center, the load can be spread evenly among all four
We turn to evaluate the capacity requirements of the directions. This suggests that smaller link capacity can be
different routing schemes under typical on-chip traffic allocated if the user is restricted in her placement of
patterns using simulations. First four sections show the hotspots. Some hotspot modules provide external
results for synthetic examples, and the last section shows interfaces and must therefore reside at the edge of a chip.
the result of the real-world design mapped to our Nevertheless, it is reasonable to require locating them in
architecture. the middle of an edge rather than in a corner, and
consequently save 33% in capacity. Figure 6 shows the
5.1 Single Hotspot
histogram of link capacities of the envelope for all
We first examine traffic patterns in which all nodes
possible hot spot location for all the routing schemes. It is
communicate with one hotspot with different routing
evident that XY is highly unbalanced, with vertical links
schemes. We compare the results to a theoretical lower-
five times as loaded as horizontal ones. In contrast, WOT
bound, which is computed by dividing the hotspot's
and WTXY can satisfy the design envelope with balanced
communication requirements by the number of links
leading to it.
20 XY
Number of Links

10 W TXY

0 5 10 15 20

Figure 6. Histogram of link capacities in design

envelopes of all possible single hotspot locations.
5.2 Two hotspots
Next, we examine traffic patterns involving two hotspots. asymmetry of the traffic pattern increases the influence of
We observe that in this case, the cost is highly dependent the weight grows. One of the comparison graphs is shown
on the distance between the hotspots. If the hotspots are below. The graph presents average maximum capacities
close together, there is a high concentration of traffic in for various grid sizes. Each grid size was simulated with
the area where they are located, whereas if they are far 100 random patterns.
apart, they barely impact each other, and the capacity 110
requirements are similar to those for a single hotspot. This XY
100 TXY
trend is depicted in Figure 7. We conclude that by W TXY
restricting the allowed distance between hotspots, one can 90 STXY
save up to 25% capacity. We can see that the weighted
algorithms present better results then regular and that the
ordered algorithms show costs that are very similar to the 70

Max. C
un-ordered version (TXY vs. STXY and WTXY vs.
30 50
25 40

20 WOT 30

15 20

1 2 3 4 5 10
Minimum Distance between the hotspots 5 6 7 8 9
Grid Size
Figure 7. Maximum worst case link capacity required Figure 9. Comparison of routing schemes for Phs = 0.1
for two hotspots versus the distance between them. P send = 0.05
and Phs = 0.8 , no ,hs
for various grid size.
5.3 Three hotspots We can see that WOT incurs lower costs than all other
routing algorithms despite the constraint of in-order
Here, we examine the case of three hotspots. The minimal routing. Further, STXY's maximum capacity is very close
distance between the closest pair among the three to that of TXY. The following graph shows the average
hotspots is dominant in determining the load, as is shown improvement of the weighted algorithms for the same
in Figure 8. Weighted algorithms present lower costs here case as the previous figure.
and the ordered version are very close to the flow-
Max. C Ratio

splitting algorithms. In total, weighted algorithm
outperforms the regular one about 20%. We can also see 0.9
C /C
that for an unconstrained placement, WOT is even better. 0.85
m ax,wtxy m ax,txy

C /C
40 m ax,wot m ax,stxy

XY 0.8
5 6 7 8 9
Grid Size

WOT Figure 10 – Average improvement of the weighted
20 algorithms.

1 2 3 4 5.5 A Real World Example

Minimum Distance between the hotspots

Figure 8. Maximum link capacity required for three In this section we show the results of the routing
hotspots versus minimal distance between a pair of algorithms applied to the MPEG 4 decoder design of
them. Bertozzi et al. [1]. The logic diagram of the design is
shown in Figure 11 .
5.4 Complex traffic patterns

In this section, we compare the routing algorithm using

more realistic data patterns. We use traffic model
described in [3] . This random model has three parameters
for each node – a probability to be a hotspot, a probability
to send data to a hotspot node and a probability to send
data to a non-hotspot.
We use this model for various values of the probability. Figure 11 – MPEG4 Decoder block diagram.
For the symmetric graphs the weighted algorithms We can see that the design includes hotspots: the
produce similar costs as the non-weighted ones, but as the SDRAM module has 7 connections; the SRAM module
has 4, while other modules have small connectivity to deadlock [18] supports all routing techniques presented in
other modules. this paper. The router is a constant part of the hardware
As discussed in Section 2, the design process has two infrastructure laid by the vendor in the programmable
phases (1) Mapping of the logical graph to the NoC grid chip. The data width of the router and the maximum
and the placement of the modules; (2) routing the inter- frequency is dictated by the required capacity. The
region flows on the NoC. difference between the routing techniques is in the CNI.
In previous examples, we worked with given mapped Recall that in our design, the CNI is located in the CR and
designs. In order to compare the various routing is partially implemented using programmable logic to
algorithms for the reference design, we need to first map allow flexibility.
and place its modules in regions in our architecture. We Figure 14 shows the schematic implementation of the
do so manually. The mapped graph is shown in Figure 12. circuits that produce the control bit of the packet header
that determines the routing – XY or YX for each of the
routing techniques.

Figure 12 – MPEG4 mapped design.

Figure 14 – Routing circuit implementation.
The grid has 3 rows of regions. The first and the last rows
TXY is implemented with a simple flip-flop that inverts
contain one CPU each and one large CR with 3 CNIs.
its state every sent packet.
The middle row contains 2 CRs with 2 CNIs each. The
WTXY is a random number generator (RNG)
reference design is relatively small and thus mapped to a
implemented using linear feedback shift register (LFSR)
small grid. Note that in future designs, modules are
and a comparator that compares the random value to the
expected to be much more complex.
predefined threshold (Cxy). If the random is larger than
Figure 13 shows the histogram of the link capacities of
Cxy – the routing bit is XY, and otherwise it is YX.
this design for several routing schemes. We can see that
The STXY implementation is a bitwise XOR of the
WOT produces the least loaded maximum link (1053
source and destination IDs. The width of the XOR gate
compared to 1539) and generates a balanced capacity
depends on the number of bits required for unique node
distribution, matching the results of our synthetic
ID representation. In our case, the ID width can be
experiments above.
limited to the logarithm of the number of nodes in the
grid - ( log(n 2 ) ). We implement it with 4-way LUTs’ tree
STXY configured to perform XOR.
WOT routing circuit implementation uses Look-Up-
Tables (LUT) for logic implementation of the routing
Number of Links

decision. 4-way LUT is one of the basic elements of the

FPGA – c.f. [22] and is enough to implement up to 16
possible destinations. The 4-way LUT is easily expanded
by cascading and multiplexing to the desired width.
We implemented the routing decision circuits and
synthesized it using Synplify 8 synthesis tool. In our
81 243 405 567 729 891 1053 1215 1377 1539
implementation we used 5-bit ID for source and
Capacity destination identification. In Table 1 we show the actual
Figure 13 – MPEG4 links capacity histogram. and theoretical cost of each routing scheme.
Table 1 – Routing circuit comparison for various
6. Hardware Costs
Routin LUT count for n LUT Notes
g – worst case coun
This section analyzes the incremental hardware costs for
Scheme t for
supporting each of the different routing schemes in the
reference FPGA NoC design of Section 2. As noted
TXY 1 1 -
above, a simple router with 2 virtual channels to avoid
WTXY 32 32 We used 16-bits [4] E. Bolotin, I. Cidon, R. Ginosar, A. Kolodny, “QNoC: QoS
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STXY  log(2 ⋅ log(n ))
2 3 Bitwise xor of
Architectures”, CCIT research report, December 2005.

 2 

log (n 2
) words.Each [6] Chiu Ge-Ming. “The Odd-Even Turn Model for Adaptive
LUT implements Routing”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
XOR of 4 bits Systems, Vol. 11. July 2000, pp. 729-738.
WOT  
2 Each LUT acts as a
16 bit ROM. We
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