Clinical Supervision in Nursing Practice: A Comparative Study in Portugal and The United Kingdom
Clinical Supervision in Nursing Practice: A Comparative Study in Portugal and The United Kingdom
Clinical Supervision in Nursing Practice: A Comparative Study in Portugal and The United Kingdom
T his research examines the practice of clinical supervision in nursing in both The United Kingdom and Portugal, one important
pilar of safety care. The study was funded by the British Council under the Treaty of Windsor scheme. Forty five nurses from
both countries completed questionnaires. One focus group interview was held in both countries involving three participants, six
in total (only three volunteered) who had also completed the questionnaire. The quantitative data from the questionnaires were
analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and the qualitative data from both the questionnaires and the focus
groups were analysed using Colaizzi’s (1978) framework. The findings suggest that clinical supervision has positive benefits
for professional development of nurses and their clinical practice. Constraints are evident, particularly in The United Kingdom
and these included lack of time, lack of understanding of clinical supervision and lack of commitment.Implications for Nursing
Management: Managers need to support clinical supervision for it is important for quality care and evidence based practice.
Protocols for clinical supervision practice would enable managers to lead and support staff ’s professional development and help
to ensure quality care within the organisation.
P retende-se, com esta pesquisa, analisar a forma como é desenvolvida a supervisão clínica no Reino Unido e em Portugal, um
dos pilares importantes de uma política de segurança nos cuidados de saúde. O estudo foi financiado pelo British Council,
através do Tratado de Windsor. Foram participantes deste estudo 45 enfermeiros, aos quais foi aplicado um questionário.
Recorreu-se ainda a um grupo focal em cada um dos países, envolvendo seis participantes (três por país). Os dados quantitativos
obtidos com os questionários foram tratados com recurso ao Statistical Package for the Social Sciences e os dados qualitativos
provenientes do questionário e do grupo focal foram analisados a partir do modelo de análise de conteúdo de Colaizzi (1978).
Os dados obtidos sugerem que a supervisão clínica possui benefícios para o desenvolvimento profissional e para as práticas
profissionais dos enfermeiros. Mas identificaram-se também constrangimentos, principalmente no Reino Unido – apontaram-se a
falta de tempo, um entendimento deficiente sobre a natureza da supervisão clínica e mesmo falta de interesse. Implicações para
a enfermagem: Os gestores devem apoiar a supervisão clínica, dado que esta se revela importante para a qualidade de cuidados
e para a prática baseada em evidências. Devem ser redigidos protocolos para o desenvolvimento da supervisão clínica, tendo em
vista o desenvolvimento profissional dos enfermeiros e a segurança dos cuidados disponibilizados nas instituições.
Professor Titular, Doutor em Educação, Coordenador de Cursos de Pós Graduação e de Unidade de Investigação, Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto, Portugal.
Professora Associada, Leitor (aposentada), Universidade de Cumbria, Doutora em Educação, Coordenadora de Cursos de Pós Graduação e de Investigação, Perita Externa
da Comissão Europeia
professional groups and organisations. These insights organisations that encourage and facilitate a culture of
include ideas and research from both The United Kingdom learning amongst the workforce outperform those that do
and Portugal, developments from the European Commission not 7 . Indeed, the concept of quality is highly recognised
founded Thematic European Nursing Network (TENN), and within government National Health System (NHS) and
a European Commission founded ‘Curriculum Development’ Health and Social Care papers. For example: ‘The Operating
project, resulting in a Master of Science in Advanced Framework for the NHS in England 8 ; ‘High Quality Care for
Nursing Practice (Nurse Practitioner, Leadership and Clinical All’ 9 and ‘Inspiring Leaders’; leadership for quality: Guidance
The focus of this research is on clinical supervision as In Portugal, the recent evolution of the Portuguese health
a quality tool within clinical nursing practice in The United system suggests that improvements have been made in terms
Kingdom and Portugal. The research was funded by the of providing safety and quality care. Since the early 1990s, a
British Council under the ‘Treaty of Windsor’ scheme. The considerable increase in total expenditure on health care has
aims of the research were to: occurred, driven mainly by the growth of public health care
• explore the practice of clinical supervision in nursing spending 11 . Proposals for reform were introduced at the end
• examine nurses’ perception of the concept of the 1990’s’, namely the concept of “local health systems”
• define an integrated and comprehensive clinical and a policy of health organizations quality accreditation.
This paper discusses some of the findings of the study. and budgets, the health care system has been subject to
The sample is small thus not representative generally. many reforms. In 2008, the Portuguese Nurses Order (“Ordem
However, the findings could help to raise awareness of the dos Enfermeiros”) established a “Model of Professional
issues relating to clinical supervision in practice. Development”, based on clinical supervision. Clinical
There is a growing concern that the quality of hospital supervision became an important subject in the curricula of
care needs to be improved and monitored systematically in the post graduate courses in many nursing schools. Moreover,
many European Hospitals. In The United Kingdom, the Office evidences are demonstrating that the quality management
for National Statistics showed that more than 40 people died systems in the hospitals, based on ISO 9001: 2008 only can
and 280 were recorded by doctors as being malnourished be fully operative if include a strong and integrated system
when they died in hospitals. A recent report revealed wide of clinical supervision.
admitted as emergencies. A public inquiry was announced and knowledge, there has been a gradual growth in the use
and the final report (Robert Francis Inquiry report) was of clinical supervision in the health organisations over the
published on February 2013, making 290 recommendations. last few decades. There is also increasing evidence that it
The development of supervision and clinical management is becoming an important quality indicator of organisational
were highly recommended. Quality and patient safety are the performance 4 .
understanding of rating scales and one open question on the amount and quality
of clinical supervision. In both countries the questionnaires
the current state of were given to NHS Trust managers (UK) and to the Director of
clinical supervision in Nursing (Portugal) requesting that they disseminate them to
one Health Care Trust registered nurses who were or had been involved in clinical
Table 3 – Number of people that the research participants There are a significant number of nurses in Portugal that
supervise (UK and Portugal) receive clinical supervision (21), in comparison with the
colleagues from UK (3).
Portugal UK Total
nº % nº % nº % Table 7 – Participants views on how they would rate
1 - 5 8 57.1 3 75.0 11 61.1 clinical supervision
6 - 11 6 42.9 1 25.0 7 38.9
Total 14 100.0 4 100 18 100.0 How would you rate the CS?
Fair Good Excellent
Participants that provided clinical supervision were Portugal 2 20 0 22
asked to indicate if they received supervision themselves; UK 1 0 2 3
13 (72,2%) did receive supervision. The supervision Total 3 20 2 25
of supervisors by country is as follows. The contexts are
dramatically different, as we can see in the Table 4:
As we can see above, 20 (80%) of them rated the clinical
Table 4 – Number of supervisors that received supervision supervision as Good, 2 (8% ) as Excellent and 13 (2% ) as
(UK and Portugal) Fair.
In one question, we tried to understand the participants’
Portugal UK Total opinion about the relevance of clinical supervision to their
nº % nº % nº %
professional daily work; 15 (60%) of the participants stated
Yes 13 92.9 0 0 13 72,2
No 1 7.1 4 100.0 5 27,8 that clinical supervision was definitely important to nurses’
Total 14 100.0 4 100.0 18 100.0 work. It was interesting to notice that 2 participants from
Portugal stated that it was not relevant to their work!
Those who provided clinical supervision were invited to
indicate the number of hours they spent in providing clinical Table 8 – Participants’ opinion about the relevance of
supervision. The following Table shows the results of the clinical supervision to the professional daily work (UK and
answer, divided in groups. It is interesting to note that Portugal)
in Portugal 6 nurses were providing 41 or more hours of
supervision per month which is 10 or more hours per week! CS and work effectively as a nurse
No, not yes, yes, Total
really generally definitely
Table 5 – Number of hours that participants spend in
Portugal 2 7 13 22
providing CS (UK and Portugal)
UK 0 1 2 3
Total 2 8 15 25
Hours / Month
Country 41 or Total
1 - 10 11 – 20 21 - 30 In another question (Table 9), we tried to understand
Portugal 2 5 1 6 14 the participants’ satisfaction with the clinical supervision
UK 4 0 0 0 4 they receive; 15 (60%) of the participants stated that
Total 6 5 1 6 18
in general nursing in have taken place in the UK Hospital Trusts. The relevancy
of clinical supervision to the evaluation of the Hospitals in
Portugal than in the UK. Portugal and the introduction of the electronic record based
(in the case of nurses) care plan documentation and explain
to develop a clinical
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