30m Monopole Dry Footing 100KPA

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ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No.

Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5

Structure Design For

Foundation 100KPA Dry

Client: VF
Project: 30m Monopole

A 10/23/2018 First issue M.Kh A.S.M

Rev. Date Description Designed by Reviewed by
ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5


Design is Safe with maximum ratio 0.99 and checks can be summarized as below:

Overturning Safe as 0.55 < 1.0

Sliding Safe as 0.12 < 1.0
Bearing stress on soil Safe as 0.82 < 1.0
Punching shear Safe as 0.45 < 1.0
Bottom reinforcement Safe as 0.81 < 1.0
Top reinforcement Safe as 0.55 < 1.0
Minimum reinforcement Safe as 0.5 < 1.0
Pedestal vertical reinforcement Safe as 0.99 < 1.0
Pedestal horizontal reinforcement Safe as 0.24 < 1.0

Figure 1: Raft footing plan and elevation

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5

Maximum Tower Leg Reaction [Factored LOADS]

Maximum compression force in leg C = 72.9 KN

Maximum force in leg T = 0 KN

Maximum horizontal shear force in leg SP = 48.19 KN

Material Specification

Net bearing capacity = 100 MPa

Soil density γs = 1734 kg/m3

Concrete density γc = 2447 kg/m3

Concrete compressive strength F'c = 21 MPa

Yielding strength for reinforcing bars Fy = 410 MPa

Yielding strength for stirrup bars Fyst = 240 MPa

Foundation Dimension

Width of foundation W = 4.7 m

Length of foundation L = 4.7 m

Foundation depth D = 2 m

Foundation thickness t = 0.5 m

Width of tower FW = 1.18 m

Width of pedestal Wp = 1.5 m

Height above ground Hg = 0.3 m

Ground water depth dwat = 2 m

Check of Overturning According to TIA Clause 9.2

Weight of soil above footing Ws = 506.06 KN

Weight of footing Wc = 362.23 KN

Uplift force due to ground water U = 0 KN

Overturning resistance φ STMsc = 0.9* [ Ws + Wc - U ] * (0.5 * W)

= 1964.92 KN.m

Factored overturning moment OTM = M + SP * ( D + Hg )

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5
= 1085.24 KN.m

OTM Vs. STM Safe as 1085.24 < 1964.92

Check of Sliding According to TIA Clause 9.2

Soil internal friction φf = 30 Deg

Passive pressure coefficient Kp = (1 + sin (φf) ) / (1 - sin (φf) )

= 3

Active pressure coefficient Ka = (1 - sin (φf) ) / (1 + sin (φf) )

= 0.33

Net pressure coefficient Kn = 2.67

Friction coefficient between soil and concrete µ = 0.3

Net pressure force on pedestal in X-dir FpedX = 76.52 KN

Net pressure force on pedestal in Z-dir FpedZ = 76.52 KN

Net pressure force on footing in X-dir FfX = 186.49 KN

Net pressure force on footing in Z-dir FfZ = 186.49 KN

Angle between sliding shear force and X-axis θ = -178.22 Deg

(FpedX + FfX) Cos θ + (FpedZ + FfZ) Sin θ
Nominal Sliding resistance force Slp =
+ µ * Total Down
= 547.95 KN

Material reduction factor of soil φs = 0.75

Sliding resistance force φSlp = 410.97 KN

Maximum sum of factored shear force on raft = 48.19 KN

Shear force Vs. Sliding resistance Safe as 48.19 < 410.97

Check of Base Pressure According to TIA Clause 9.2

Net bearing capacity = 100 KPa

Assumed soil factor of safety = 2

Ultimate net bearing capacity = 200 KPa

Nominal strength Rs = Ultimate net bearing capacity + γs * D

= 234 MPa

Material reduction factor of soil φs = 0.75

Design bearing capacity φs Rs = 175.5 KPa

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5
Maximum bearing stress from figure 2 = 143.8 KPa

Stress on soil Vs. bearing capacity Safe as 143.8 < 175.5

Check of Punching Shear at Pedestal According to ACI-318M-08

Punching force at footing level P = -170.09 KN

Moment about X-axis at pedestal center Mx = -42.16 KN.m

Moment about Z-axis at pedestal center Mz = 1075.04 KN.m

Foundation depth d = t - cover -reinforcement diameter

= 0.409 m

Location type = Corner

Length of side of critical section for punching shear b1 = 3.304 m

Width of side of critical section for punching shear b2 = 3.304 m

Punching perimeter bo = b1 + b2

= 6.609 m

Punching area Ap = bo * d

= 2.703 m2
Section modulus associated with critical section for
(J/c)x = 3744610628 mm3
punching shear
(J/c')x = 1248203543 mm3

(J/c)z = 3744610628 mm3

(J/c')z = 1248203543 mm3

Percent of Mx resisted by shear γvx = 0.4

Percent of Mz resisted by shear γvz = 0.4

Applied punching stress = P / Ap + γvx Mx * (J/c)x + γvz Mz * (J/c)z

= 0.4 MPa

Allowable punching stress = 0.9 MPa

Punching check Safe as 0.4 < 0.9

Design of Bottom Reinforcement According to ACI-318

Reinforcement bars spacing = 200 mm

Diameter of reinforcement bars = 16 mm

Area of reinforcement bars = 1005.3 mm2

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5
Foundation depth = 0.401 m

a = As * fy / ( 0.85 * fc' * W)

= 23.1 mm

Moment capacity φMn = 0.9 * As * fy * ( d - a / 2 - 1.5 * reinf. dia. )

= 144.5 KN.m/m'

Applied bottom bending moment (figure 3) = 116.9 KN.m/m'

Applied moment Vs. moment capacity Safe as 116.9 < 144.5

Design of Top Reinforcement According to ACI-318

Reinforcement bars spacing = 200 mm

Diameter of reinforcement bars = 16 mm

Area of reinforcement bars = 1005.3 mm2

Foundation depth = 0.401 m

a = As * fy / ( 0.85 * fc' * W)

= 23.1 mm

Moment capacity φ Mn = 0.9 * As * fy * ( d - a / 2 - 1.5 * reinf. dia. )

= 144.5 KN.m/m'

Applied top bending moment (figure 4) = 80 KN.m/m'

Applied moment Vs. moment capacity Safe as 80 < 144.5

Check of Minimum Reinforcement if Raft According to ACI-318

Area of bottom reinforcement bars = 1005.3 mm2

Area of top reinforcement bars = 1005.3 mm2

Total area of reinforcement bars = 2010.6 mm2

Minimum total area of reinforcement bars = 0.002 * t * W

= 1000 mm2

Safe as 1000 < 2010.6

Design of Pedestal According to ACI-318

No. of reinforcement bars = 36

Diameter of reinforcement bars = 20 mm

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5
Area of reinforcement bars = 11309.7 mm2

Assumed cover = 75 mm

Pedestal depth = Wp - cover - stirrup dia. - rebar dia. / 2

= 1.405 m

No. of bar / face = 10

Spacing between bars = 145.6 mm

Assumed N.Axis distance = 154.2 mm

Reinforcement bars analysis : =

Row No. of Ai di strain stress Fi Mi
ID rebar mm2 mm MPa KN KN.m
1 10 3141.6 1405 0.0243 410 1288.05 1730.28
2 2 628.3 1259.4 0.0215 410 257.61 308.56

3 2 628.3 1113.9 0.0187 410 257.61 271.06

4 2 628.3 968.3 0.0158 410 257.61 233.57
5 2 628.3 822.8 0.013 410 257.61 196.07
6 2 628.3 677.2 0.0102 410 257.61 158.57

7 2 628.3 531.7 0.0073 410 257.61 121.08

8 2 628.3 386.1 0.0045 410 257.61 83.58
9 2 628.3 240.6 0.0017 336.1 211.2 37.78
10 10 3141.6 95 -0.0012 0 0 0

Sum 36 11309.7 - - - 3302.53 3140.54

a = sum Ai * fsi / ( 0.85 * fc' * W)

= 123.3 mm

C = a / 0.8

= 154.2 mm

Moment capacity φ Mn = 0.9 * sum [Ai * fsi * ( di - a/2 )]

= 2826.49 KN.m

Tension Capacity φ Tn = 0.9 * As * fy

= 4173.29 KN

Applied Moment Ma = SP * ( D - t + Hg )

= 1063.82 KN.m

Applied Tension = 0 KN

φ Mn / Ma + φ Tn / Ta = 0.38
ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5
Safe as 0.38 < 1.0

Check of Minimum Reinforcement if Pedestal According to ACI-318

Minimum reinforcement Ratio = 0.005

Minimum reinforcement Area = 11250 mm2

Supplied reinforcement Area = 11309.7 mm2

Safe as 11250 < 11309.7

Design of Shear reinforcement For Pedestal According to ACI-318

Tie bars spacing = 200 mm

Diameter of tie bars = 10 mm

No. of tie branches = 2

Area of tie bars = 157.1 mm2

Pedestal depth = Wp - cover - stirrup dia. - rebar dia. / 2

= 1.405 m

Shear capacity = 0.75 * Ast * fy * dp / S

= 198.63 KN

Applied shear force = 48.19 KN

Safe as 48.19 < 198.63

Total Reaction on Foundation [Factored loads]

Comb Shear X Vertical Shear Z Moment Torque Moment

No. KN KN KN Mx My Mz
KN.m KN.m KN.m
1 -48.17 -72.9 -1.5 -39.09 -8.83 976.29
2 -34.3 -72.9 -33.28 -671.19 1.04 700.66
3 -2.37 -72.9 -45.95 -922.91 1.19 64.31
4 32.9 -72.9 -31.43 -626.38 4.43 -674.49
5 46.36 -72.9 1.22 37.95 8.24 -944.75
6 32.96 -72.9 32.25 656.56 -2.04 -676.25
7 1.48 -72.9 45.74 923.86 -2.75 -44.79
8 -33.42 -72.9 31.73 634.17 -4.45 675.66
9 -48.17 -54.67 -1.5 -39.84 -8.83 974.45
10 -34.3 -54.67 -33.28 -670.3 1.04 699.52
11 -2.37 -54.67 -45.95 -921.37 1.19 64.82
12 32.9 -54.67 -31.43 -625.62 4.43 -672.02
ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5
Comb Shear X Vertical Shear Z Moment Torque Moment
No. KN KN KN Mx My Mz
KN.m KN.m KN.m
13 46.36 -54.67 1.22 36.96 8.24 -941.58
14 32.96 -54.67 32.25 653.98 -2.04 -673.78
15 1.48 -54.67 45.74 920.59 -2.75 -43.95
16 -33.42 -54.67 31.73 631.66 -4.45 674.6
ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5

Figure 2: Maximum base pressure under raft footing at Combination 10

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5

Figure 3: Maximum bottom moment (Postive) Mx+|Mxy| in raft footing at Combination 10

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5

Figure 4: Maximum top moment (Negative) Mx-|Mxy| in raft footing at Combination 2

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5

Figure 5: Moment Mx in raft footing at Combination 10

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5

Figure 6: Moment Mxy in raft footing at Combination 10

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5

Figure 7: Moment Mx in raft footing at Combination 2

ASMTower 2018.5 Job No. Foundation 100KPA Dry Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project 30m Monopole Designed by M.Kh
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5

Figure 8: Moment Mxy in raft footing at Combination 2


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