Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
-I :
Structure ,
4.1 Introductioo
4.2 Fat-soluble Vitamins
4.2.1 Vitamin A
4.2.2 Vitamin D
4.2.3 Vitamin E
4.2.4 Vitamin K
4.3 Water-soluble Vitamins
4.3.1 Vitamins of the Bcomplex Group
4.3.2 Vitamin C
4.4 Let Us Sum Up
4.5 Glossary
4.6 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
You learnt about the sources, functions and utilization of macronutrients in
Block I. We will now begin our discu~sionon micronutrients with the study of
vitamins in this unit.
The "vita" part of the word "vitamin" means "life". Vitamins are, in fact, vital
and essential for life and health. They regulate metabolism, help in the growth
and maintenance of our body and protect against disease. You will learn a great
deal about these functions in the unit.
Vitamins ( l i k ~carbohydrates, fats and proteins) are organic compounds. Unlike
these nutrients, however, vitamins are present in minute quantities in food. This
does not mean we need vitamin pills to meet our needs! We can meet our
requirements for vitamins quite easily by consuming the right types of foods.
Some of the vitamins are soluble in water while others are soluble in fat. They
are hence classified into two categories: water-soluble vitamins and fat-saluble
vitamins. This unit will introduce you to the different vitamins included in each
of these categories. You will learn about the food sources, functions and
absorption of these vitamins.
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
differentiate between fatsoluble and water-soluble vitamins
identify the food sources of each vitamin
describe the mechanism of absorption of each vitamin
describe the storage of fat-soluble vitamins and
state the important functions of each vitamin in the body
4.2.1 Vitamin A
Vitamin A or retinol is fowd only in the foods of animal origin. Animal foods
like'milk, butter, ghee, egg, fish and liver are rich sources of vitamin A. Liver
-.*. - r c - L1:1*- L-I:L... -,.A ..-A -h--L -:-ha..+ --..--..-
Bmlc Concepts In Plant food< d o not contaln retinol. They contain certain orange o r yellow
Nutdtlon-11 coloured pigments called carotenoids which can be converted t o retinol in the
body. In other words these carotenoid pigments are precursor5 of vitamin A. The
word "precur\or". of cour$e, refers here to a substance which can be'converted to the
vltamin In the body
Beta carotet7e 1s the most widely distributed caroteno~din plant foods. Most of
the yellow and orange colour of vegetables and frults is due to these carotenoid'
pigments as we mentioned earlier. Ripe fruits such as mango, papaya and
yellow,iorange vegetables like carrot and pumpkin are rich in beta carotene. Green
leqfy vegetables also contain caroteno~dpigments. Here the yellow and the orange
colour of the carotenoid pigments is masked due to the pre<ence of another
pigment called chlorophyll whlch, as you may know. is green in colour. Green
leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard leaves and fenugreek leaves are very
rich sources of beta carotene.
We earlier mentio ed specific animal foods which are rich sources of vitamin A.
However, you know that animal foods are expensive Most Indians d o not
consume enough animal foods to meet the vitamln A needs of the body. Hence
they depend on plant foods to meet their vitamin A needs. Plant foods, as you
know, d o not have retinol. They contain beta carotene instead. The conversion of
beta carotene to vitamin A or retinol is not very efficient in the body. In fact
only half of the beta carotene absorbed is converted to retinol. Thus people who
consume less animal foods need to consume enough plant foods such as green
leafy vegetables and orange-yellow fruits to meet vitamin A needs.
Absorption and storage: You have read that vitamin A is ingested either in the
form of retinol o r carotene. After absorption from the intestinal cells, retinol
forms a complex .with some fat-containing particles called chylomicrons and is
taken to the bloodstream. C a r o t e n ~is .absorbed in much the same way as-retinol.
After ahsorption most of the carotene is converted to retinol in the cells of the
small intestine ~tself.
Xctinol (whether absorbed as such or formed in the body from carotene) is
transported by the.blood to the liver as part of the chylomicrons. Approximately
90 per cent of the total absorbed vitamin is stored in the liver and the remaining
10 per cent is distributed in other organs and glands like the kidneys, lungs and
adrenal glands.
Being a fat-soluble vitamin, the presence of bile and fats greatly aids in vitamin A
absorption. Further, proteins help in its transport from the liver t o other body
tissues. This 1s a n example of how nutrients interact with each other.
Functions: What does vitamin A d o in the body? This remarkable substance has,
in fact, three important functions a s listed below:
Light -
Lens \
down into its two components. It is, therefore, no longer a.ble to perform its
functions. How, then, did you begin to see in the dark? This happened
because rhodopsin is regenerated once again in the dark. If you look at these
events closely you would notice that we started with rhodopsin and now we
have gone'through a process by which it is broken down and then
regenerated. This is a n example of a "cycle" in metabolism and is called the
visual cycle (Figure 4.2).
- - - - - - - --1
1 I
I--- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I
I Protein I
Fig. 4.2 ~irh~lifled
version of vlsunl cycle
2) Supporting growth: Vitamin A is essential for the growth of the skeleton and
soft tissues. The exact role of the vitamin in the growth of the body is still
not understood. Research studies in this area have indicated that with the
deficiency of vitamin A in the body, bones d o not grow to their full length,
and the overall growth of the body is affected:
4.2.2 Vitamin D
Vitamin D is also called the "sunshine vitamin". This is because it is
manufactured from a substance present in our skin on exposure to sunlight. As a
result of this, we d o not necessarily have to depend on dietary sources of vitamin
D. The easiest way of obtaining the vitamin is, in fact, enough exposure to
Which foods contain vitamin D ? Foods of animal origin like eggs, liver and
butter contain the vitamin in significant amounts. It is, however, the fish liver oils
which are the richest sources. On the other hand, most of the commonly used
foods of plant brigin d o not contain vitamin D.
Absorption and storage: What happens t o vitamin D in the body? The vitamin
D we take in is absorbed along with fats from the small intestine. Bile is essential
for effective absorption of fats and therefore, of vitamin D. Once absorption is
completed, vitamin D enters the bloo!stream as a part of the chylotnicrons.
Vitamin D formed in the skin on exposure to sunlight also enters the
bloodstream. Whatever the source, the vitamin is then taken to the liver. Some of
it is stored there and the remaining is distributed by the blood to various body
Functions: You might have heard that vitamin D makes bones strong and
healthy. This is absolutely correct. How does .vitamin D help in this? Read on to
find out. Minerals like calcium and phosphorus, when deposited in the bones,
make them strong and hard. The process of deposition of mi erals in the bones is
termed as mineralization of bones. Vitamin D aids the proce s of mineralization
in two wayg:
i) b y increasing t h e absorptioh of calcium and phosphorus and
ii) by helping in the deposition of caicium and phosphorus in bones. ,
Indicate whether the following statements are true o r false. Correct the false
a) Bile is essential for effective absorption of vitamin A and D. (True/False)
4.2.4 Vitamin K
Among plant foods, green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage and lettuce are
rich sources of vitamin K. Other good sources include animal foods such as egg
yolk, milk and organ meats like liver. Vitamin K is also manufactured by certain
helpful bacteria which are normally present in the small intestine. Approximately
half of the vitamin K needed by us gets manufactured in the intestinal tract and
the other half is obtained from animal and plant foods.
Absorption and storage: The absorption of vitamin K requires bile since
vitamin K is fat-soluble. After absorption from the upper part of the small
intestine the vitamin is distributed to various body tissues. Vitamin K is stored in
verytsmall amounts in the body a n d its concentration is not high in any'
particular tissue.
Functions: Have you ever observed what happens when you cut your finger?
Your finger, of course, starts bleeding. But after a while blood stops oozing out.
Why? This is because a clot is formed on the wound and seals it off. Vitamin K
p l a ~an important role in clotting of blood and is therefore also termed as the
"antibleeding vitamin" (one which prevents uncontrolled bleeding). How does
vitamin K help in clotting of blood? It helps in the formation of ,a protein called
prothrombin which, in turn, is essential for blood clotting.
Let us now learn more .about the food sources, absorption, storage and functions
of each of these vitamins.
Thiamine 'or B,: Thiamine or B I is widely distributed in animal and plant foods.
Almost all the foodstuffs except fats, oils and sugar contain small amounts of
thiamine. Plant foods such as whole grain cereals (i.e. wheat and rice) and whole
pulses are also rich sources of thiam~ne.
Among the foods of animal origin lean. meats, poultry and egg yolk are good
sources. One point that needs to be'emphasized here is that the processing of
cereals and pulses can significantly, alter their thiamine content as welJ as the
content of some of the other vitamins. You will find more in€brmation on this
aspect in Highlight I . The discussion is relevant not just to thiamine but to other
vitamins as well.
Influence of Processing on Nutritive Value
We use various methods to process our foodstuffs. Processing, in fact, includes all
those procedurrs which foods are subjected to from the time of harvest to
consumption. This means pre-preparation and preparationlcooking are also forms
of processing. Here we will look at some specific examples of processing--
processing of wheat, processing of rice and the pre-preparation procedures like
sprouting and fermentation.
Processing of wheat: Wheat is usually not consumed in the form of wheat
grains as such but in the processed form e.g. whole wheat flour (atta), refined
wheat flour (maida and sujilrawa). M O S ~ of the thiamine and other B
vitamins are present in the outer covering or bran and the germ layer of the
wheat grain (Refer to Figure2.5, Block 1). Atta or whole wheat flocr has
most of the bran and part of the germ layer in it and is a good source of
thiamine. However, maida anh suji have very little bran and germ and hence
are poor sources of thiamine and other B-complex vitamins in general.
0 Processing of rice: Polished rice is very poor in B-complex vitamins -
thiamine in particular. What d o we mean by polishing? Paddy (or rice with
husk) is either ground in machines or pounded by hands to remove the outer
husk. After this the grain is further cleaned to give it a white, polished
appearance, Removal of husk and polishing both cause heavy losses of
thiamine as well as some of the other B v~tamins
Rice is also available in another form called parboiled (sela) rice. Parboiled
rice is prepared by soaking raw rice in wpter for 2 to 3 days. boiling or
steaming and then drying. During this process most of the nutrients pre3ent
in the outer layers of the grain move to its int iior. Thus thiaminc and the
other vitamins are not lost when the outer layers of rice are removed during
subsequent processing.
0 Sprouting and fermentation: Sprouting and fermentatiori of whole grain
ckreals o r pulses increases their content of B-complex vitamins and vitamin C.
Sprouting, as you know, is the process of growing or germination of seeds o r
grains by first soaking them in water and then leaving the grains moist for
about 24 hours by wrapping them in moist cloth (Figure4.4). You can sprout
whole pulses like green gram and use them for making :aita (a curd
preparation), stuffed paranthas or eat them as such in the form of salads.
I ---------
(C) Sprouted grains.
------------- - - - ----- - -------
j Sprouting increases the amount of vitamins of B-complex group!
9- _
- _ - - - - - _and
- - vitamin
_ - - -C present the grains
- - .-- - - _ - _ - _---- - - -- I.
Fermentation, on the other hand, refers to the chemical changes taking place in
certain foods when mixed in a ground form with added fluid and kept overnight
a t a suitable temperature. During this time certain beneficial bacteria multiply and
grow in the fad mixture and bring about some desirable changes in it. You may
already be familiar with these changes.
Fermentation makes the mixture light and fluffy in appearance and more
digestible. Let us now talk about some fermented foods. Idlis are commonly
consumed in the south and are made by steaming a fermented mixture of rice
and urad dal. Similarly dhokla, a dish consumed in West India (Gujarat), is
prepared by steaming a fermented mixture of curd and besan (bengal gram flour).
After ingestion, thiamine is absorbed and enters the bloodstream. It is utilized to
perform several important functions. Excess thiamine (i.e. the amount in excess of
the body needs) is excreted in. the urine.
You would now be interested in finding out what exactly thiamine does in the
body. Thiamine plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates. We
mentioned coenzymes before. Thiamine forms a part of a specific coenzyme
involved mainly in carbohydrate metabolism. The main function of this coenzyme
is its role in the burning or oxidation of glucose to produce energy.
Niacin: Niacin is another member of the B-complex family. The good sources of
niacin include meat, fish, poultry, cereals; pulses, nuts and oilseeds. One
interesting point about niacin is that it can also be formed in the body from an
amino acid called tryptophan. Milk is a good example of a food rich in
tryptophan but not in niacin. The tryptophan present in milk protein can be
converted to niacin in the body. Thus milk provides ap~reciableamounts of
Niacin (like riboflavin) is also part of coenzymes ~lhichhelp to release energy
from the end products of the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It thus
helps in their metabolism.
Folic acid: Folic acid is also widely-distributed in foods. Green leafy vegetables and
organ meats (like liver ,and kidney) are very rich sources of folic acid. Whole grain
cereals, pulses, eggs and dairy products are also good sources of folic acid.
After absorption folic acid is taken to various body thsues through the
bloodstream for specific functions. Normally some amount of folic acid is stored
in the body. The principal storage organ is the liver. Under normal circumstances,
the body stores of folic acid are sufficient to meet the requirements of the body
for several months even if no folic acid is available through the diet.
Folic acid plays an important role in blood formation. You may be aware that blood
has three kinds of cells - red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets -
suspended in a fluid called plasma. Folii acid is important for the proper
development of red blood cells.
Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin: Vitamin B I Zor cobalamin is present only in the foods of
animal origin. Liver, kidney, milk, eggs and sea foods (e.g. shrimps, crabs, lobsters) are
rich sources of vitamin BIZ.Plant foods do not contain the vitamin. Vitamin Biz
is also synthesized in our body in the intestinal tract by certain helpful bacteria.
Vitamin Biz can only be absorbed in the 'presence of a specific chemical substance
called intrinsic factor. 171is substance is secreted by the cell; of the stomach.
Vitamin B12'ingested combines with intrinsic factor and is absorbed from the
small intestine. Bacteria present in the intestine can also produce vitamin BIZ.But
this cannot be absorbed without the intrinsic 'factpr which is found only in the
stomach. The vitamin BIZproduced by the bacteria is hence excreted from the The Mlcronsrtdents-I :
body through faeces.
Our body's requirement for vitamin B I Zis very small. Consumption of even small
amounts of animal foods like milk can take care of'the vitamin B I Zneeds of the
Vitamin BIZis necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive tract, nervous
system and the bone marrow. In the bone marrow, vitamin BIZ(like folic acid) is
also involved in the formation of normal red blood cells.
Check Your Progress Exercise 3
1) What are coenzymes?
4.3.2 Vitamin C
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is also termed as the "fresh food vitamin" because
fresh fruits and vegetables are its major sources (Figure4.5). Fresh citrus fruits
(like orange, lime aqd lemon) and other fruits and vegetables like guava, amla,
papaya, green leafy & e b l e s , tomatoes, green chillies and capsicum are some of
the excellent sources of vitamin C. Root vegetables like potato and sweet potato
contain small amounts of the vitamin and they contribute significant amounts
only when consumed in large quantities. Cereals and pulses as such are poor in
vitamin C but when sprouted and fermented become good sources. Animal foods
like fish, meat, milk, poultry and eggs contain little or no ascorbic acid.
Fruits like amla, guava, green leafy vegetables and green chillies are examples ,of
some of the cheap sources of vitamin C. In fact, amla is the cheapest source and
provides 20 times or more ascorbic acid as compared to the expensive citrus .
Ascorbic acid is readily absorbed from'the digestive tract and is then distributed
to various body tissues. Organs and glands like the spleen, bone marrow, liver,
pancreas, kidney and the retina of the eye have a high concentration of ascorbic
Basic Concepts Ln Functions: D o you know that vitamin C
Nutrition-I1 plays a role in healing of wounds
aids in the absorption of iron (a mineral which plays a role in blood formation)
helps t o overcome conditions of injury, infection and other stresses and
prevents destruction of certain substances present in the body a s well as in some
These are some of the interesting facts about the functions of vitamin C. Wouldn't
you like to know more about them? Let us now take each of the above mentioned
'functions and study them in some detail. Vitamin C plays a role in:
1)' Wound healing: Vitamin C plays a n important role in the formation of a special kind
of protein called collagen. The formation of collagen a t the site of wound or injury
aids in its healing. This protein is found in the connective tissue which holds together ,
different other tissues much like cement holds bricks together. Forexample, collagen
present in blood vessels makes them firm. Deficiency of vitamin C in the diet may
result in fragi!e blood vessels which can easily rupture.
2 ) . Ilealing with stress: Ascorbic acid plays an important role in the release of two
hormones -- epinephrine and norepinephrine-from the adrenal glands of the body.
These hormones help the body t o deal with stressful situations like day-to-day
tensions, stresses of infections and injury.
3) Absorption of iron: Iron is a n essential component of red blood cells. Vitamin C .
aids absorption of iron by converting it into a more suitable form for -
ii) Milk can help t o meet niacin needs.
iii) '4scorbic acid is termed the "fresh food vitamin".
Vitamin A Retinol
Liver, egg yolk, cream,
butter. ghee, milk Maintenance of health
of epithelial tissues.
Beta Carotene Vision in dlm light.
Yellow and orange Growth of skeletal and soft
vegetables, green tissues
leafy vegetables
Vitamin D Action of sunlight on skin Calciilm and phosphorus
Animal foods like eggs, absorption
butter, fish liver oil Deposition of calcium and
phosphorus in bones
Vitamin E Vegetable oils, whole Protection of unsaturated
grains, deep green fatty acids, vitamins A
leafy vegetables, and C from destruction
pulses, nuts and in the body/food .
Vitamin K Dark green leafy Clotting of blood
vegetables, egg yolk,
Bact'itrial synthesis
- --
ii) Milk is a rich source of tryptophan. Tryptophan can be converted to niacin. This
is why milk can help to meet niacin needs.
iii) Ascorb~cacid is called the 'fresh food vitamin' because it is present in substantial
quantities in fresh fruits and ~egetables.
iv) Thiamine ic :. :,, " i coenzymes which play a role in metabolism of
carbo;~yd.rstes.Deficiciicy of thiamine in the diet can therefore interfere with
carbohydrate metabolism.