Conrado Cosico
Conrado Cosico
Conrado Cosico
CONRADO COSICO, JR., petitioner, Lewis Chang
vs. Deputy Senior Vice President
and ALLEN SOONG, respondents.
Respondent Eva Air, likewise, offered to pay the petitioner separation pay equivalent
Through this special civil action for certiorari, petitioner seeks the reversal and nullification of to one (1) month salary and proportionate 13th month pay for his six (6) months and
the August 31, 1994 and the December 15, 1994 resolutions of respondent National Labor eleven (11) days service to the company.
Relations Commission (NLRC) in NLRC NCR-CA Case No. 005304-93 for having been issued with
grave abuse of discretion. Petitioner rejected the offer and instead filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, underpayment
of wages and moral and exemplary damages against respondents Eva Air and its officers, Lewis
The relevant antecedents are as follows: Chang and Alien Soong. The case was docketed as NLRC NCR Case No. 00-10-05891-92.
Petitioner Conrado Cosico, Jr. was hired by respondent Eva Airways Corporation (Eva Air) On June 9, 1993, Labor Arbiter Ernesto Dinopal rendered a decision, the dispositive portion of
through its General Sales Agent, Don Tim Air Service, Inc., on April 4, 1992 as Assistant Station which reads:
Manager for the Manila office for a mutually agreed monthly salary of P30,000.00.
WHEREFORE, decision is hereby rendered declaring the dismissal of
As Assistant Station Manager, petitioner was tasked, among others, to supervise the complainant CONRADO COSICO, JR. by respondents EVA AIRWAYS
construction of respondent Eva Air's office in a space reserved for the purpose at the Ninoy CORPORATION and LEWIS CHANG as illegal and without justifiable cause
Aquino International Airport (NAIA) and to see to it that respondent Eva Air's target of flying and ordering them to reinstate complainant Cosico, Jr. to his former
at least sixty (60) passengers per flight be realized in order to maintain the company's overhead position without loss of seniority rights and other privileges and pay him,
operations. jointly and severally, the following sums:
After five (5) months of operation, a performance audit of respondent Eva Air's Manila office Backwages from October 9, 1992 up to the date of
was undertaken and the same yielded the finding that the airline had only an average of reinstatement, either actually or by payroll, which if
twenty-five (25) passengers per flight, way below its targeted passenger load. After evaluating computed as of June 9, 1993 amounts to
the situation further, respondent Eva Air decided to implement measures to make the Manila
office cost-efficient. It was decided that the position of Assistant Station Manager be (P30,000.00 x 8 months) P 240,000.00
Thirteenth Month Pay 30,000.00
On September 24, 1992, petitioner was advised of respondent Eva Air's decision in a letter
which reads in full:
Moral Damages 1,000,000.00
Thank you and we hope you will understand the position taken by the SO ORDERED. 2
Respondents Eva Air and Lewis Chang elevated their case to respondent NLRC where they filed
Very truly yours, their appeal memorandum and posted a surety bond in the amount of Two Hundred Seventy
Thousand Pesos (P270,00000). Petitioner filed a motion to dismiss the appeal on the ground
that the supersedeas bond posted by private respondents was insufficient as it did not cover
the award of moral and exemplary damages as well as attorney's fees.
Respondent NLRC denied the motion and instead gave due course to the appeal. On August Inceptively, petitioner asseverates that respondent NLRC gravely abused its discretion in giving
31, 1994, it issued a resolution setting aside the decision of the labor arbiter, disposing thusly: due course to the appeal of private respondents albeit the latter's failure to post the correct
supersedeas bond which is supposed to be equivalent to the monetary award in the judgment.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, the Appeal is hereby given
due course and the decision of Labor Arbiter, Ernesto Dinopol dated June Article 223 of the Labor Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 6715 (Herrera-Veloso Law),
09, 1993, is hereby set aside. However, respondents are ordered to pay provides:
complainant full separation benefits equivalents (sic) to one (1) month for
every year of service and thirteenth month pay for 1992. Art. 223. Appeal. — Decisions, awards, or orders of the Labor Arbiter are final and
executory unless appealed to the Commission by any or both parties within ten (10)
SO ORDERED. 3 calendar days from receipt of such decisions, awards, or orders. . . .
Petitioner moved to reconsider the resolution but the same was denied on December 15, 1994 xxx xxx xxx
in a resolution which reads:
In case of a judgment involving a monetary award, an appeal by the employer may
After due consideration of the Motion for Reconsideration filed by be perfected only upon the posting of a cash or surety bond issued by a reputable
complainant on September 16, 1994, from the Resolution of August 31, bonding company duly accredited by the Commission in the amount equivalent to
1994, the Commission (Second Division) RESOLVED to deny the same for the monetary award in the judgment appealed from.
lack of merit. 4
xxx xxx xxx
Hence, this petition predicated on the following grounds for consideration, to wit:
For the proper guidance of lawyers and litigants and pursuant to the provisions of Article
I 218 6 of the Labor Code, the NLRC adopted and promulgated its New Rules of Procedure on
August 31, 1990. The Rules were published in the Manila Bulletin and the Philippine Daily
THE NLRC GRAVELY ABUSED ITS DISCRETION WHEN IT GAVE PRIVATE Inquirer on September 24, 1990 and became effective fifteen (15) days thereafter. Section 6,
THE CORRECT SUPERSEDEAS BOND IN AN AMOUNT EQUIVALENT TO THE Sec. 6. Bond. — In case the decision of a Labor Arbiter involves a monetary
MONETARY AWARD. award, an appeal by the employer shall be perfected only upon the posting
of a cash or surety bond issued by a reputable bonding company duly
II accredited by the Commission or the Supreme Court in an amount
equivalent to the monetary award.
DECISION OF LABOR ARBITER ERNESTO (sic) DINOPOL AND INSTEAD The Commission, may, in meritorious cases and upon Motion of the
RULED THAT COMPLAINANT WAS NOT ILLEGALLY DISMISSED. Appellant, reduce the amount of the bond. However, an appeal is deemed
perfected upon posting of the bond equivalent to the monetary award
exclusive of moral and exemplary damages as well as attorney's fees.
Said provision was amended on May 21, 1991 per Resolution No. 5-01-91 which became
effective ten (10) days after its publication in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and the Philippine
Star on June 2, 1991. It was again amended on November 7, 1991 in Resolution No. 11-01-91
THE NLRC GRAVELY ABUSED ITS DISCRETION IN RULING THAT PETITIONER which became effective ten (10) days after its publication in the Manila Bulletin and the
IS NOT ENTITLED TO DAMAGE (sic). 5 Philippine Star on January 5, 1992. The amended provision reads:
The petition is devoid of merit. Sec. 6. Bond. — In case the decision of a Labor Arbiter involves a monetary award,
an appeal by the employer shall be perfected only upon the posting of a cash or
surety bond issued by a reputable bonding company duly accredited by the . . . (S)tatutes should receive a sensible construction, such as will give effect
Commission or the Supreme Court in an amount equivalent to the monetary award. to the legislative intention and so as to avoid an unjust or an absurd
The Commission may, in meritorious cases and upon Motion of the Appellant, reduce EVITATUR INCONVENIENS ET ABSURDUM. Where there is ambiguity, such
the amount of the bond. (However, an appeal is deemed perfected upon the posting interpretation as will avoid inconvenience and absurdity is to be adopted.
of the bond equivalent to the monetary award exclusive of moral and exemplary ....7
damages as well as attorney's fees. [Deleted, effective on Jan. 14, 1992])
In the case at bar, the backwages and thirteenth month pay awarded to petitioner amounted
Nothing herein however, shall be construed as extending the period of appeal. only to P270,000.00, but the moral and exemplary damages, plus 10% attorney's fees, totalled
P2,497,000.00. In other words, the moral and exemplary damages and attorney's fees are
almost ten (10) times greater than the basic monetary judgment. Private respondents posted
On November 5, 1993, said provision was further amended by Resolution No. 11-01-93 which
a supersedeas bond of P270,000.00, obviously, on the honest belief that the amount was
became effective ten (10) days after its publication in the Philippine Star and the Manila Times
sufficient. At the very least, therefore, there was substantial compliance with the requirement
on November 20, 1993. The latest amended provision reads:
of appeal bond. For to rule otherwise would negate the interest of justice and deviate from
the mandate of the Labor Code that the rules of procedure should be liberally construed, thus:
Sec. 6. Bond. — In case the decision of a Labor Arbiter POEA Administrator and
Regional Director or his duly authorized hearing officer involves a monetary award,
Sec. 2. CONSTRUCTION. — These Rules shall be liberally construed to carry
an appeal by the employer shall be perfected only upon the posting of a cash or
out the objectives of the Constitution and the Labor Code of the Philippines
surety bond issued by a reputable bonding company duly accredited by the
and to assist the parties in obtaining a just, expeditious and inexpensive
Commission or the Supreme Court in an amount equivalent to the monetary
settlement of labor disputes.
award, exclusive of moral and exemplary damages and attorney's fees.
We turn then to the issue of petitioner's separation from employment. We therefore, find and so hold that respondent company's action was
justified in exercising its management prerogative in abolishing the
position of complainant without any abuse of discretion resulting in a
Petitioner claims that the position he was occupying was not duly abolished, hence, his
malicious and arbitrary manner constituting bad faith. 13
employment was illegally terminated.
Given the preceding factual and legal milieu, petitioner's claim for moral and exemplary
We do not agree. It is a management prerogative to abolish a position which it deems no longer
damages falls to naught. Moral and exemplary damages are recoverable only where the
necessary and this Court, absent any findings of malice and arbitrariness on the part of
dismissal of an employee was attended by bad faith or fraud, or constituted an act oppressive
management, will not efface such privilege if only to protect the person holding that
to labor, or was done in a manner contrary to morals, good customs or public policy. 14 Since
office. 12 In the present case, the position of Assistant Station Manager was deemed a
none of the circumstances warranting the grant of moral and exemplary damages obtains
superfluity as the functions of the said office could be performed by trained personnel already
here, the same cannot be awarded.
in the company's employ. Moreover, the abolition of the position was seen as a cost-effective
measure to cut operational expenses so as not to incur further losses already suffered by the
company's Manila office on account of low passenger yield. Certainly, the position was not WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari is hereby DISMISSED, and the challenged resolutions
abolished because the petitioner was the occupant thereof but because the functions of the of respondent National Labor Relations Commission are hereby AFFIRMED.
position had become redundant and unnecessary. Verily, therefore, the deletion of the
petitioner's position should be accepted and validated as a valid exercise of management SO ORDERED.
The Supreme Court affirmed the judgment under review, without prejudice
to petitioner’s right to seek reimbursement from Calmar Security Agency for
such amounts as petitioner may have to pay to complainants. Costs against Calanoc vs. Court of Appeals, 98 Phil. 79 [1955]
the private respondent.
Facts: Melencio Basilio, a watchman and, secured a life insurance policy
from the Philippine American Insurance Company in the amount of P2,000
which had a supplemental contract covering death by accident. He later died
from a gunshot wound on the occasion of a robbery committed;
his widow was paid P2,000 for the face value of the policy but the company
refused to give the other 2000 for the death by accident because the
deceased died by murder during the robbery and while making an arrest as
an officer of the law which were expressly excluded in the contract. The
Court of Appeals upheld the Company and said that the circumstances
surrounding Basilio’s death was caused by one of the risks excluded by the
supplementary contract which exempts the company from liability.
Issue: Is the Philippine American Life Insurance Co. liable to the petitioner
for the amount covered by the supplemental contract?
Held: Yes.