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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B

( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

Protection Features: 9 Internal calculation of zero seq. EF

9 4 Element (3 Phase + EF +sensitive EF) current (3Io) and Zero sequence voltage
Directional / Non Directional Over current (3Vo) for directional detection for Earth
IDMT/DMT. fault.
9 Negative Phase Sequence element (46) 9 NDV Protection with Definite or IDMT
9 Selection of Curve: Five selectable curves characteristic.
(Normal Inverse1 (C1), Normal Inverse2, 9 Definite time or IDMT UV/OV
(C2) Very inverse (C3), Extremely Inverse characteristic
(C4), Long Time Inverse (C5)) and Define
Time (C6). Relay Design Features:

9 Instantaneous Over-Current Protection with 9 Large 20x4 LCD display for Parameter and

adjustable timer. setting display.

9 Breaker Failure detection. 9 Disturbance Recorder. Up 3sec of actual

9 In-built CB Trip Circuit Supervision function waveform of current & voltage along with
during pre closing and post closing of CB. logical and physical status are captured
9 In built Auto Reclose Relay (ARR). & saved in the built-in memory with date
9 On site CT Secondary selection 1A or 5A. time stamping, for analyzing fault
9 In built VT supervision features and condition & fault location.
under/over voltage Alarm. 9 Pre fault & Post fault duration can be
9 Internal reconstruction phase-phase selectable in Disturbance Recorder.
voltage and open delta voltage required 9 Disturbance Recorder can be trigger by
for direction detection. External Digital Input.

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

9 Fully communicable with IEC standard open 2. Analog Measuring Module

protocol. IEC 60870-5-103 or IEC 61850 3. Power supply Module
9 4. Digital Input output module.
9 Separate Communication Port for SCADA The High speed Digital Signal Controller
(RS485) as well as Local testing (RS232C) continuously monitors phase, E/F current and
9 Online display of CB status and other digital PT Secondary voltage along with different
and logical status. optical isolated status connections. The high-
9 Continuous monitoring of module’s internal speed micro-controller samples these current
hardware and alarm generation in case of and voltage signals through a A/D converter.
failure of any critical components. The Digital Signal performs powerful Numerical
9 6 Digital Output contacts for local alarm as Algorithms to find out RMS of fundamental &
well as tele-signalling. harmonic contents of the current and voltage,
9 2 Setting Groups. the direction of power flow then this value is
9 CB CLOSE/TRIP from Relay keyboard used for protection and metering function. All
9 8 Optically isolated digital status input for measurement is tuned to fundamental frequency
monitoring of status and avoid used of i.e 50 or 60Hz depending upon setting, thus
external relay logic. relay remain stable during distorted waveform
9 2 dedicated status input for Trip Circuit by various industrial load . All these measure
Monitoring. values are then used for different protection
9 100 nos of event memory, event such CB function such as IDMT/DMT Over current
close, Trip, digital status change, relay pkp protection, Instantaneous Over current
etc. All events are with date and time protection, Earth Fault protection, IDMT/DMT
stamped up to 1ms. Directional Over Current and Earth Fault,
9 10 nos of Fault data stored with keypad Instantaneous Directional Over Current and
interface and time stamping. Earth Fault protection etc. These measured
9 Display of Voltage, current, PF, Active, values are also displayed on large 20 x 4 LCD
Reactive Power in terms of Primary display for metering purpose. The DSC also
value. monitors different digital input through optical
isolator and perform some monitoring function
such trip circuit supervision, and control
ADR245B is second generation Numerical
potential free contact for control CB and
Directional Over Current Earth fault Relay. It
generate ALARM and Tele-signalling
consist all the necessary protection and
The power supply module is basically DC – DC
monitoring functions required for Normal feeder
converted designed using modern PWM based
It consist of
Switching mode technique to convert 110Vdc
1. High Speed Digital DSP Controller
station battery supply to the 12V and 24Vdc low

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

voltage supply for relay electronics and control Over Current Element:
circuit. It also provides necessary isolation from The ADR245B is member of Ashida Numerical
station battery. There are two type of power Relay family design for protection general
supply modules are available 1) having range of feeder. The relay has four independent stages
77Vdc – 250Vdc. Covering requirement of of directional over current (Ip1>, Ip2>, IP>>, &
110Vdc and 220Vdc station battery system 2) IP>>>). Stage 1 (>) stage 2 (>>) can be
having range of 18Vdc to 250Vdc covering programmed as IDMT or Definite Time. All major
24Vdc, 30Vdc, 110Vdc and 220Vdc station international IDMT curves are available. Stage 3
battery requirement. (>>>) can be programmed Instantaneous or
The relay is having total 8 nos of high intensity Define Time. Range of for stage 1 and 2 is 10%
dual LED for easy identification of type of fault to 250% for phase the output of stage 1 (Ip>) is
for easy user interface. LEDs L5, L6 & L7, digital separate and not connected to trip contact. The
status input and control output R1 to R6 are fully output of Ip1> and Ip2> can be assigned to any
programmable via keypad interface of 6 programmable relay through key board.
While output of Ip>> and Ip>>> is connected to
Main Functions
trip element. Thus Ip> can be used as ALARM
The ADR245B are having following protection
before TRIP or can be used to TRIP another CB
before tripping main CB.
1. 4 stage of Directional phase Over current
Although the curves tend towards infinite when
element. (Ip1>, Ip2>, Ip>> and Ip>>>).
the current approaches Is (general threshold),
2. 3 stages of Directional 3Io (Internally
the minimum guaranteed value of the operating
derived EF) (3Io>, 3Io>> and 3Io>>>).
current for all the curves with the inverse time
3. 3 stages of Directional Ie (Externally EF or
characteristic is 1.1Is (with a tolerance of ±
REF) (Ie>, Ie>> and Ie>>>).
4. Negative phase sequence element.
5. Under / over voltage Protection . Earth Fault Element:
6. Neutral Displacement voltage Protection . The relay has two different type of Earth Fault
7. Trip Circuit Super vision. one is marked as 3Io and another is marked as
8. Breaker Failure Detection. Ie. The 3Io is derived internally by software
9. Monitoring Functions. through phase current while Ie is measured from
10. Auto Recloser Relay (ARR). external CT. Thus Ie can be used as Core
11. Relay / LED configuration Balance CT (CBCT) or Restricted EF (REF).
Each of these functions are independently Each EF is having 3 stages (>, >>, & >>>).
programmable and can be enable or disable by Stage 1 (>) stage 2 (>>) can be programmed as
user depending upon requirement. IDMT or Definite Time. All major international
IDMT curves are available. Stage 3 (>>>) can

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

be programmed instantaneous or Define Time. Inverse_1

Range for stage 1 and stage 2 3Io is 10% to C2 Standard 0.60 0.02
100% and for stage 3 3Io is 50% - 1200%. The
C3 Very Inverse 13.5 1
Range for EF is from 5% to 80% for stage 1, C4 Extremely 80 2
stage 2 and 50% to 1200% for stage 3. The inverse
C5 Long Time 120 1
output of stage 1 (Ie>) is separate and not Inverse
connected to trip contact. The output of > can be C6 Define Time - -
assigned to any of 6 programmable relay The separate output contact allows to use each
through key board. While output of >> and >>> stage for independent function such as stage 1
is connected to trip element. Thus Ie> can be can be used for ALARM stage 2 for tripping or
used as ALARM before TRIP or can be used to both can be use for tripping independent CB.
TRIP another CB before tripping main CB. Each stage can enable or disable depend upon
As standard practice all direction relay use two application.
healthy phase voltage for direction detection and
Trip Circuit Supervision:-
use MTA setting for phase angle correction. For
The ADR245B is having 2 separate digital opto-
example R phase element use R phase current
coupler status input which can be used to
and Y, B phase voltage. In ADR245B use
continuously monitor continuity of trip-circuit.
standard star connection at relay side and
The general scheme is as shown in fig. 4.
internally reconstruct phase to phase voltage
Relay monitor Trip coil continuity through CB NO
required for direction detection. Similarly relay
during close condition and through CB NC
calculates open delta voltage (3Vo) and EF
during Trip condition. If any discontinuity
current (3Io) required for detection of EF
observed it generate Alarm signal.
The output marked as PROTH (Protection
Inverse Time Curves :- healthy) is normally is ON and become OFF at
The each stage thresholds for phase (earth) following condition
over current can be selected with an Inverse 9 When DC supply is not sufficient (DC fail)
Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) characteristic.
The time delay is calculated with a mathematical B+ TCCOM
formula 6 To Relay CPU

K * a CB NO
t= b
I B-

1 T2 6 To Relay CPU
Iref TC


Fig.4 Trip Circuit Logic

Curve Description a b
Type 9 When T1 and T2 both active or both
C1 Standard 0.14 0.02 inactive.

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

9 i.e CB NO as will as CB NC are both close Under / Over Voltage Alarm :-

or open. Relay detects any internal The ADR245B relay will be included
hardware Error. programmable function to detect under / over
Auto Recloser Logic:- voltage conditions. Relay had separate under
The ADR245B is provided with 4 shot Auto voltage and over voltage element. The under
recloser function. There are 4 timer for auto voltage setting is from 45% to 95% and over
recloser 1) Dead Time for shot 1 (DT1) 2) Dead voltage setting from 105% to 155% of rated
Time for shot 2 (DT2) 3) Dead Time for shot 3 (100% = 65.5V). Each function can be
(DT3) 4) Dead Time for shot 4 (DT4) and 5) separately enable or disable independently.
Reclaim Time (RT). After clearing of fault Whenever any phase voltage is above over
ADR245B trigger dead Time 1 i.e DT1. after the voltage setting or below under voltage setting
time delay Relay provide reclose command and relay start internal timer (settable from 0.1 to 10
start reclaim timer RT. If second fault occur sec in steps of 0.1 sec). If voltage remain
during RT relay trigger Dead Time 2 i.e DT2. If abnormal during is time relay generate Alarm
third fault occur during RT relay trigger Dead signal. Any of the output element from RL1 to
Time 3 i.e DT3, If Fourth fault occur during RT RL6 can be assign to this function. The output
relay trigger Dead Time 4 i.e DT4 and after time can be use for alarm or tripping of CB.
delay it again provide reclose command and
Negative sequence over current (46): -
retrigger RT. If fifth fault occur during RT Relay
The ADR245B relay will be included
generate Lock-Out alarm and block further
programmable function to detect unbalanced
reclose. The Lock-Out condition can be reset
fault conditions. When earth fault elements are
locally as well remotely by SCADA through
not operated or not sufficiently sensitive. The
communication digital status input.
ADR245B include negative phase sequence
Breaker Failure Detection :- over current element it can be programmed as
Normally after tripping current should become IDMT or definite time the actual setting range
Zero within 100 – 200ms time depend upon will be finalized during later stage of design.
type of fault and breaker mechanism. After
Neutral Displacement Voltage Protection :-
Fault ADR245B trigger internal timer (settable
Neutral displacement voltage protection function
from 0.1s to 1.0s) if fault is not cleared during
is provided with internal & External selection.
this time then relay declare as Breaker fail (LBB
With internal setting it uses 3Vo voltage (Open
function) and change another contacts. These
Delta voltage) for sensing. In external setting it
contacts is marked as Breaker Fail can be used
uses external PT Voltage (Terminals C27 &
to TRIP back up breaker or can be used to
C28) for sensing. The setting is from 5.5V to
generate ALARM signal.

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

20V. Any output elements i.e. from RL1 to RL6 logical status during fault condition. Up to 10
can be assign to this function. such waveforms can be recorded, the duration
of disturbance record is 1 sec. The disturbance
Setting Group:-
record can be trigger from physical status
The relay is provided with two setting groups G1
input as well as from pick, trip operation of
and G2, one of the groups is active at time. The
relay. This waveform can be downloaded
setting group can changed from digital input, this
through communication port for further analysis
allow user to change relay setting dynamically
as per outgoing load CB condition. Relay Talk Software:
The general communication software is
Programmable DI/DO and LED:-
provided to communicate with relay, known as
The ADR245B has 6 digital outputs, 8 opto-
Relay Talk. By using this software data such as
isolated input and 6 general purpose LEDs.
event log, disturbance records etc can be down
These can be programmed by local key board.
loaded and can be further analysis. The
Any logical of physical status can be assigned to
disturbance record data can be saved in
any relay contact The logic of digital status input
standard COMTRADE Format which is
as well as logical status can be formed and
understandable by numbers of relay testing
assigned to any of the relay output. The
units for play back.
disturbance record can be trigger from external
logical input.

Monitoring Functions (Event, Disturbance

Apart from basic protection functions. Relay is
continuously monitors all substations operation
through status, it internal functions, internal
hardware etc. if any changed is observed it
marked as event. Such type of events is stored
in internal non-volatile memory along with time
stamped. Following some of the events. Relay
PKP, Relay Reset, CB Trip, CB close, Changed
of any digital status input, Relay setting
changed etc.
Up to 100 such event can be stored and can be
download for detailed analysis. Apart from Event
record Relay also record actual waveform of
current and voltage along with all digital and

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

Following as some of software clips

All The data can view at time

All The data can view at time

Event list with real time

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

The waveform and logical and physical status latched by relay can be view and analysed
Data can be viewed as raw sine wave

or RMS value

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

W h i l e O r d e r i n g S p e c i f y t h e f o l l o w i n g I n f o r m a t i o n f o r ADR245B R e l a y

Definition of Model No of Aditya Series of Relays

AM XXX–XX – X – X – XX – X

Reserved for Future Use

Auxiliary Supply
PT Secondary 01 = 18 – 52 V dc 04 = 30 V dc
0 = NO PT 02 = 77 – 250 V dc 05 = 48 V dc
1 = 63.5 PT sec
03 = 24 V dc 06 = 18 – 250 V dc

CT Secondary
1 = 1 Amp.
2 = 5 Amp.
3 = 1 Amp. / 5 Amp. Selectable

Over Current Earth Fault Relay
For Adity-V2 series start from 201. For V1 series refer respective document
201 01 Obsolete Version CSE – H – 150 3
201 02 Relay with standard Back Connection CSE – H – 130 3

Ordering information:

A D R 2 4 5 B - A M - X X X - X X - X - X - X X - X

AD R 2 4 5 B – AM - 2 0 1 - 0 2 - 3 - 1 - 0 2 - 0
Type: ADR245B
S t . B a c k t e r m i n a l l a yo u t
C a b i n e t T yp e : C S E - 1 5 0 H T e r m i n a l R e m o v a b l e
A u x i l i a r y S u p p l y: 7 7 - 2 5 0 V d c
C T s e c : 1 Amp. / 5 Amp selectable
PT sec : 63.5V P-N / 110VP-P

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

Technical Specifications:
General specifications
Sr. No. Specification Particulars
I. Current Input : Suitable for CT secondary 5Amp. Or 1Amp site selectable
II. Aux. Supply : 77 - 250VDC. Or 18 – 250VDC to be specified
III. VA burden on CT : Less than 0.2VA
IV. VA burden on Aux. : Less than 10 Watts
V. VA burden on PT : Less than 0.2 VA
VI. Operating Temp. range : -10 deg. To + 65 deg.
VII. Continuous carrying capacity : 2 x of rated for CT and 1.5 x of rated for PT
VIII. Pick up : Within 1.1 times of set value.
IX. Reset Value : 95% to 90% of pick up.
X. Output Contact : 2 for Trip
: 1 for Reclose
: 1 for Protection Healthy
: 1 for Reclaim
: 6 for General Programmable
XI. Contact Rating : Continuous: 5A
: Make & carry for 0.5 sec : 30A
: Make carry for 3 sec : 15A
XII. Opto Isolated input : 1 for CB NO & 1 for CB NC
: 8 as general programmable
XIII. Thermal Withstand for CT : 20 x of rated for 3.0 sec.
General Setting
XIV. Settings : Unit ID 1 – 250 in step of 1
: Baud Rate 1200 - 57600
: Com Port RS232 / RS485
: Set Parity None / Even / Odd
: Group Selection G1 / G2
: BF Enable YES / NO
: BF Delay 100 – 1000 msec in step of 50msec
: CT Sec 1A / 5A
: CT Primary 10 – 2000 in step of 1
: PT Primary 1KV – 400KV in step of 1KV
: Local Control YES / NO
: Trip Ckt Test YES / NO
: Trip Cont SR / HR
: Trip Led SR / HR
: Post Trigger 10% - 90% in step of 1%

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

Phase Section (Ip)

XV. Phase (OC – G1 ) : IP1> Enable YES / NO
: IP1> Settings 10% – 250% in steps of 1%.
: IP1> Time Multiplier (TMS) x0.02 – x1.00 in steps of 0.01
: IP1> Curve C1 – C6
(Operating Time) ( IDMT curve C1 – C5 or Define Time C6 )
: IP1> C6 Delay 0 – 1899.9 Sec in steps of 0.1Sec.
: IP2> Enable YES / NO
: IP2> Settings 10% – 250% insteps of 1%
: IP2> Time Multiplier (TMS) x0.02 – x1.00 in step of 0.01
: IP2> Curve C1 – C6
(Operating Time) ( IDMT curve C1 – C5 or Define Time C6 )
: IP2> C6 Delay 0 – 1899.9 Sec in steps of 0.1Sec.
: IP>> Enable YES / NO
: IP>> Settings 10% – 250% insteps of 1%
: IP>> Time Multiplier (TMS) x0.02 – x1.00 in step of 0.01
: IP>> Curve C1 – C6
(Operating Time) ( IDMT curve C1 – C5 or Define Time C6 )
: IP>> C6 Delay 0 – 99.99 Sec in steps of 0.1Sec.
: IP>>> Enable YES / NO
: IP>>> Settings 50% – 3000% insteps of 10%
: IP>>> C6 Delay 0 – 90.00 Sec in steps of 0.01Sec.
: MTA Settings 0° – 360 Lead in steps of 5°
External Earth Fault Section (Ie)
XVI. EF – G1 : IE> Enable YES / NO
: IE> Settings 5% – 80% insteps of 1%
: IE> Time Multiplier (TMS) x0.02 – x1.00 in step of 0.01.
: IE> Curve C1 – C6
(Operating Time) ( IDMT curve C1 – C5 or Define Time C6 )
: IE> C6 Delay 0 – 99.9 Sec in steps of 0.1Sec.
: IE>> Enable YES / NO
: IE>> Settings 5% – 80% insteps of 1%
: IE>> Time Multiplier (TMS) x0.02 – x1.00 in step of 0.01.
: IE>> Curve C1 – C6
(Operating Time) ( IDMT curve C1 – C5 or Define Time C6 )
: IE>> C6 Delay 0 – 99.9 Sec in steps of 0.1Sec.
: IE>>> Enable YES / NO
: IE>>> Settings 50% – 1200% insteps of 10%
: IE>>> C6 Delay 0 – 3.00 Sec in steps of 0.01Sec.

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

Internally derived Earth Fault Section (3Io)

XVII. 3Io – G1 : 3Io> Enable YES / NO
: 3Io> Settings 10% – 100% insteps of 1%
: 3Io> Time Multiplier (TMS) x0.02 – x1.00 in step of 0.01.
: 3Io> Curve C1 – C6
(Operating Time) ( IDMT curve C1 – C5 or Define Time C6 )
: 3Io> C6 Delay 0 – 99.9 Sec in steps of 0.1Sec.
: 3Io>> Enable YES / NO
: 3Io>> Settings 10% – 100% insteps of 1%
: 3Io>> Time Multiplier (TMS) x0.02 – x1.00 in step of 0.01.
: 3Io>> Curve C1 – C6
(Operating Time) ( IDMT curve C1 – C5 or Define Time C6 )
: 3Io>> C6 Delay 0 – 99.9 Sec in steps of 0.1Sec.
: 3Io>>> Enable YES / NO
: 3Io>>> Settings 50% – 1200% insteps of 10%
: 3Io>>> C6 Delay 0 – 3.00 Sec in steps of 0.01Sec.
: MTA Settings 0° – 360° Lag in steps of 5°
Negative Phase sequence Element (46)`Section
XVIII. NPS – G1 : I2>> Enable YES / NO
: I2>> Settings 10% – 100% insteps of 1%
: I2>> Time Multiplier (TMS) x0.02 – x1.00 in step of 0.01.
: I2>> Curve C1 – C6
(Operating Time) ( IDMT curve C1 – C5 or Define Time C6 )
: I2>> C6 Delay 0 – 99.9 Sec in steps of 0.1Sec.
: I2>>> Enable YES / NO
: I2>>> Settings 50% – 1500% insteps of 10%
: I2>>> C6 Delay 0 – 3.00 Sec in steps of 0.01Sec.
Additional Data : C1 Std. Inverse. 1 (3.0S)
: C2 Std. Inverse 2 (1.3S)
: C3 Very Inverse
: C4 Extremely inverse
: C5 Long Time Inverse
: C6 Define Time
(00 – 99 Sec In steps of 1.0s.)
Under / Over voltage Section (V< / V>)
XIX. Under Voltage (V<) : V< OFF / ON
: Setting 45% - 95% insteps of 1%
: Char Type IDMT/DT
: Operating Time 0.1 to 10.0 sec
Over Voltage (V>) : V> OFF / ON
: Setting 105% - 155% insteps of 1%

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

: Char Type IDMT/DT

: Operating Time 0.1 to 10.0 sec

Neutral Displacement Voltage Protection (NDV)

XX. Neutral Displacement : NDV Enable Yes/No
Voltage : NDV Ext/Int Int/Ext
: Setting 5.5 to 20V
: Char Type IDMT/DT
: Timing 0 to 10 sec.
Auto Recloser Section
XXI. Auto Recloser : Numbers of shot 0–4 / 0 = bypass
: Dead Time 1, 2 , 3, 4 0.1S – 180s
: Relaim Time 200 – 300s
Operational Indicators (Flags)
XXII. PROT.H /ERR : Green LED indicates Relay OK (Protection Healthy)
: Red LED indicates Fault in following conditions.
1. Problem in relay Hardware.
2. Trip Circuit Faulty
PICK-UP / FAULT : Green LED indicates Start of Timer. Self Reset (SR) Type
: Red LED indicates FAULT. Hand Reset (HR) Type.
DT / REC : Green LED indicates Dead Time
: Red LED indicate Reclaim Time
LOCK / BF : Green LED indicates ARR lock-out (HR) Type
: Red LED indicates Breaker Fail (HR) Type
L5 / L6 / L7 : Spare LEDs Programmable
CLOSE / TRIP : Green LED indicates Output CLOSE relay contact closer (SR) Type
: Red LED indicates Output TRIP relay contact closer (SR) Type
XXIII. Drawing References : For Back Connections - ADV02601
: For Cabinet Type - MAC01301
: For Typical External connection - ADV02501
: For Typical External connection - ADV02502

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

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ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

The Relay Confirm to following standard

Sr. No. Title Standard no.
Electromagnetic Compatibility Type Test:
1. High Frequency Test : IEC 60255-22-1, class – III
: Frequency : 1MHz Damped Oscillatory
: Longitudinal :5 KV (peak)
: Duration: sec duration 2 sec.
: Between input current Terminal
2. Electrostatic Discharge : IEC 60255-22-2 Class III and IEC 61000-4-2 class III.
Direct Application : Contact discharge: 6kV,
: Air discharge: 8KV
: Polarity: both +ve and –Ve polarities.
3. Indirect Application : IEC-61000-4-2, Class-III
: IEC 60255-22-4 and IEC 61000-4-4, class A
Fast Transient
4. : 1.2KV; 5/50ns; 5KHz burst duration = 15ms.
: Repetition rate 300ms; Both polarities; Ri = 50Ω; duration 1 min.
: IEC 60255-22-5 / IEC 61000-4-6 class 4
: Differential Mode = 2kV
5. Surge Immunity Test
: Common Mode = 4kV
: 1.2/50uS , 5 surges of each polarity
Power Frequency
6. : IEC-60255-22-7, Class-A
Immunity Test
7. Power Frequency : IEC-61000-4-8, Class-V
Magnetic Field Test
8. Radiated : IEC- 60255-22-3
Electromagnetic Field : EN-61000-4-3
Disturbance : Frequency 80MHz – 1GHz
9. Conducted Disturbance : IEC 60255-22-6 / IEC 61000-4-6: 1996.
Induced By Radio : Freq. 150kHz – 80MHz, Amplitude 10 V, Modulation 80% AM @
Frequency Field 1 KHz
10. AC Ripple In DC : IEC 60255-11
Supply Test
11. Radiated Emission : IEC- 60255-25
Insulation Tests:
12. High Voltage Test : IEC 60255-5. class – III
: At 2.5kV 50Hz between all terminal connected together and
earth for 1 minutes
13. Impulse Voltage Test : IEC60255-5. class – III
: Test voltage: 5KV (peak) 1.2 / 50us,
: Energy :0.5 J,
: Polarity : + ve and – Ve
: Nos. of impulses : 3 positive and 3 negative impulse
: Duration between Impulses : 5 sec.
Environmental tests:

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

E-mail: [email protected] Page 14 / 15
ASHIDA Numerical Directional 3OC + 1EF Type: ADR245B
( AD I T Y A– V 2 S e r i e s )
Protection Relay (Preliminary)

14. Cold test Storage test : IEC-60068-2-1

15. Dry heat test : IEC-60068-2-2
Damp heat test, steady
16. : IEC-60068-2-3
17. Damp heat test, cyclic : IEC-60068-2-30
CE compliance
18. Immunity : IEC-60255-26
19. Emissive Test : IEC- 60255-26
20. Low voltage directive : EN-50178

Mechanical tests
: IEC 60255-21-1 class 1
: Frequency Range = 10Hz – 150Hz , acceleration. = 1gn (9.8
21. Vibration
: Sweep rate 1 octave/min; 20 cycle in 3 orthogonal axis.
22. Bump Test : IEC 60255-21-2 Class-1
: 1000 bumps of 10gn peak acceleration and 16ms pulse duration
in each of the two opposite direction per axis as per IEC60255-
21-2 class 1 No. of axes . 3.
23. Shock Withstand : IEC 60255-21-2 Clas-1
: 3 shocks of 15gn peak acceleration and 11ms pulse in each of
two opposite direction. No. of axis : 3
24. Seismic Test : IEC 60255-21-3
: In single axis sine sweep in X-axis
sweep (@a sweep rate of 1 octave/minute) vibration in the
frequency range (5-40 Hz) at amplitude of 3.5mm or 1.0gn
(whichever is less)
: In single axis sine sweep in Y-axis
- sweep (@a sweep rate of 1 octave/minute) vibration in the
frequency range (5-40 Hz) at amplitude of 1.5mm or 0.5gn
(whichever is less)

Rev. No. Date Description

01 15.10.2009 Original specifications
02 01.02.2010 Photograph of the Relay update
03 19.03.2010 IEC61850 option Added
04 26.10.2010 IDMT option added in UV/OV and NDV settings

Note: Due to our policy to upgrade our products constantly, we reserve the right to
supply products which may vary slightly from that indicated above.


ASHIDA HOUSE, Plot No. A-308, Road No. 21, Ref.:ADR245B_V2
Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (W)-400 604. INDIA. Issue: 04 26.10.2010

E-mail: [email protected] Page 15 / 15

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