Balian Low Theorem
Balian Low Theorem
Balian Low Theorem
ABSTRACT. The Balian–Low theorem (BLT) is a key result in time-frequency analysis, originally
stated by Balian and, independently, by Low, as: If a Gabor system {e2π imbt g(t − na)}m,n∈Z with
ab = 1 forms an orthonormal basis for L2 (R), then
∞ ∞
|t g(t)|2 dt |γ ĝ(γ )|2 dγ = +∞.
−∞ −∞
The BLT was later extended from orthonormal bases to exact frames.
This paper presents a tutorial on Gabor systems, the BLT, and related topics, such as the
Zak transform and Wilson bases. Because of the fact that (g )∧ (γ ) = 2πiγ ĝ(γ ), the role of
differentiation in the proof of the BLT is examined carefully. The major new contributions of this
paper are the construction of a complete Gabor system of the form {e2π ibm t g(t − an )} such that
{(an , bm )} has density strictly less than 1, an Amalgam BLT that provides distinct restrictions on
Gabor systems {e2π imbt g(t − na)} that form exact frames, and a new proof of the BLT for exact
frames that does not require differentiation and relies only on classical real variable methods from
harmonic analysis.
1. Introduction
1.1. History
The Balian–Low theorem (BLT) is a key result in time-frequency analysis. It was originally
stated by Balian [Bal81] and, independently, by Low [Low85], as: If aGabor system {e2π imbt g(t −
na)}m,n∈Z with ab = 1 forms an orthonormal basis for L2 (R) = {f : −∞ |f (t)|2 dt < ∞}, then
∞ ∞
|t g(t)| dt
|γ ĝ(γ )| dγ2
= +∞,
−∞ −∞
c CRC Press, Inc.
ISSN 1069-5869
356 J. J. Benedetto, C. Heil, and D. F. Walnut
where ĝ(γ ) = −∞ g(t) e−2π iγ t dt is the Fourier transform of g, R is the real line, and Z is the set of
integers. The setting for Balian was Gabor’s notion of information area in signal analysis [Gab46],
[Dau86], [JHJ88], [Ben94, §7.3] as well as the role of the phase plane in quantum mechanics
[vN55]. The background for Low included completeness properties of classical wavepackets in
quantum mechanics (for example, [vN55], including von Neumann’s work from the late 1920s).
The proofs given by Balian and Low each contained a gap arising from the fact that square-
integrability of the partial derivatives of a function does not imply continuity of the function itself in
dimensions two and higher. This gap was independently addressed in two ways. Battle provided an
elegant and entirely new proof based on the operator theory associated with the Classical Uncertainty
Principle Inequality [Bat88]. Daubechies, Coifman, and Semmes retained the original approach of
Balian and Low, filling the gap directly [Dau90]. In the process, they extended the result from Gabor
systems which form orthonormal bases for L2 (R) to Gabor systems which form exact frames—a
natural generalization of orthonormal bases that we describe below. Although Battle’s uncertainty
principle approach to the BLT for orthonormal bases was both elegant and simple, and although the
step from orthonormal bases to exact frames seems small, it was a nontrivial matter to adapt Battle’s
proof to the case of exact frames. This was accomplished by Daubechies and Janssen in [DJ93].
Their proof is beautifully recounted in Daubechies’s recent monograph [Dau92].
In order to describe frames and exact frames, let us first recall and describe orthonormal bases.
We begin with the L2 -norm of a complex-valued function f , given by
f 2 = |f (t)| dt
Integrals with unspecified limits are to be taken over the entire real line R. The quantity f 22 is often
referred to as the energy of f . Thus L2 (R) is the space of all functions f that have finite energy. We
can define an inner product on L2 (R) by
f, g = f (t) g(t) dt,
A sequence that is both orthonormal and a basis is an orthonormal basis. In this case, the scalars
ck (f ) are given simply by inner products of f with the basis elements: ck (f ) = f, fk . Thus, for
an orthonormal basis
∀ f ∈ L2 (R), f = f, fk fk . (1.2)