MY PERFORMANCE (How I Will Be Rated)

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Episode 4

TOOLS OF THE TRADE (Teaching Aids Bank)

Name of FS Student: JOY R. ROLDAN Course, Year and Section: BSED, 3rd Year, Set A
Resource Teacher:

At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and classifying resources that
facilitate teaching and learning process.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I Will Be Rated)

4 3 2 1
Criteria Exemplary Good Satisfactory Needs Score
1 All required Most Some Most data are
Data field data are required field required field missing and
Collection collected, data are data are unrecorded
Skill: recorded and collected, collected,
Observation organized recorded and recorded but
Interview organized poorly
Survey organized
2 All field Some field Very few No evident
Desription experiences experiences details of field details of the
and Analysis are clearly are clearly experiences field
of field described and described and are described experiences
Experience analyzed analyzed but not
3 Shows great Shows depth Shows Show limited
Reflection of depth of of knowledge knowledge of knowlegde of
Personal knowledge of of personal personal personal
Learning personal thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and
thoughts and feelings feelings feelings
feelings gained from gained from gained from
gained from field field field
field experience experience experience
4 Attends to all Attends to Unable to Unable to
Level of field study most field attend to attend to
Participation activities and study some field almost all
requirements activities andstudy field study
requirements activities and activities
5 All the Missed one of Missed two of Missed three
Learning requirements the given the given of the given
Outputs are well requirements requirements requirements
6 Personal and Personal and Personal and Personal and
Evidence of professional professional professional professional
Values values are values are values are values are
extensively frequently sometimes rarely or not
evident in the evident in the evident in the evident in the
action plan action plan action plan action plan

Evaluated by: Other Comments and Total Score

Total Score _________ x 100=

Final Rating Grade Point Percentage

98-100 1.00 99
95-99 1.25 96
92-94 1.50 93
89-91 1.75 90
86-88 2.00 87
83-85 2.25 84
80-82 2.50 81
77-79 2.75 78
74-76 3.00 75
71-73 4.00 72
70 and below 5.00 70

My Tools
As you observe the class, use the activity forms provided for you to document your observation.
An observation/Survey Guide
1. Are three learning resources useful for your topic in the resource center you visited?
2. Are the available materials appropriate for your target grade/level?
3. List down those that can be useful for your topic.
4. What other materials can you make? (like flash cards, poster, cut-outs, transparencies, etc.)

Name of the School: Sinuknipan National High School

Observed: Grade 7 and Grade 9
Location of the School: Sinuknipan Del Gallego Cam. sur
Date of visit:

Big Ideas about the topic:


My Analysis
Give at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials before making your own
materials? Explain each.

1. There may be unique learning materials that could be beneficial to the lessons that the teacher
will be teaching, and by looking at other materials he/she can have additional information on
what to do.
-Materials lead us into having an idea on how those materials are significant to the lesson
that we are going to deliver.

2. Doing surveys can help the teacher realize what other learning materials that she/he need to
make or avail in order to enhance learning in his/her class.
-the teacher should be knowledgeable to the materials itself.

3. Doing survey may also help the teacher evaluate if the material he/she will be making is
beneficial or relevant to his/her lesson.
-it gave us thought on what type of materials will motivate the student’s interest

My Reflections
1.Which of the materials did you like making the most? Why

- Making power point presentations - I can put different graphic designs, effects and transitions. I
can also insert pictures, video clips and even sounds. Making power presentation’s aids to
enhance creativity.

2. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials? How did you overcome

- I did not encounter problems in making my presentation because the power point program has a
guide on how to use it.

3. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials?

- The teacher must identify what is the best material that she should use to present her lesson.
The teacher may do surveys to the available materials or can search through the internet.

My Portfolio
Learning Resources on a Specific Content Areas
Use this graphic organizer to present the learning resources relevant to the topic chosen. On the
line inside the box, indicate if the resource is ready AVAILABLE, MAY BE PURCHASED, OR WILL BE
MADE (by you, of course!)

TOPIC. Grade/year level

Internet Connection Photocopy of Handout Visual Aids/

Blackboard Chalk Laptop Projector

Content Area

Manila Paper Books

Power Point Presentation

Episode 5
PAPER WORKS! (Preparing Hand-outs)
Name of FS Student: Course, Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Cooperating School:

At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and classifying resources that
facilitate teaching and learning process.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I Will Be Rated)

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Exemplary Good Satisfactory Needs
1 All required Most Some Most dat are
Data field data are required field required field missing and
Collection collected, data are data are unrecorded
Skill: recorded and collected, collected,
Observation organized recorded and recorded but
Interview organized poorly
Survey organized
2 All field Some field Very few No evident
Desription experiences experiences details of field details of the
and Analysis are clearly are clearly experiences field
of field described and described and are described experiences
Experience analyzed analyzed but not
3 Shows great Shows depth Shows Show limited
Reflection of depth of of knowledge knowledge of knowlegde of
Personal knowledge of of personal personal personal
Learning personal thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and
thoughts and feelings feelings feelings
feelings gained from gained from gained from
gained from field field field
field experience experience experience
4 Attends to all Attends to Unable to Unable to
Level of field study most field attend to attend to
Participation activities and study some field almost all
requirements activities andstudy field study
requirements activities and activities
5 All the Missed one of Missed two of Missed three
Learning requirements the given the given of the given
Outputs are well requirements requirements requirements
6 Personal and Personal and Personal and Personal and
Evidence of professional professional professional professional
Values values are values are values are values are
extensively frequently sometimes rarely or not
evident in the evident in the evident in the evident in the
action plan action plan action plan action plan

Evaluated by: Other Comments and Total Score

Total Score _________ x 100=

Final Rating Grade Point Percentage

98-100 1.00 99
95-99 1.25 96
92-94 1.50 93
89-91 1.75 90
86-88 2.00 87
83-85 2.25 84
80-82 2.50 81
77-79 2.75 78
74-76 3.00 75
71-73 4.00 72
70 and below 5.00 70

My Map
With a lot of reflective thinking coupled with your creativity, you can design hand- outs that will
truly work well to make learning effective. You will see that preparing hand-outs is not just any
paper work. When you produce high quality hand-outs and eventually try them out, you will
discover that, indeed, paper works! To reach your target, follow the steps below:

• Prepare hand outs for a selected topic (i. e. Flowcharts, schema, graphic organizers)

Elemento ng

Tugma Kariktan

• Describe your handouts

The hand-out I made is graphic organizer. The topic is “element ng tula”.

• Present it to your FS teacher before reproducing it.

As you prepare your hand-outs, use the activity form below.

Hand-out Planning Guide

1. What topic do I like to work on?

2. For what grade or year level is my handout?
3. What components do I include in my outline?
4. What type of graphic organizers/flow-charts/schemas do I need to use?
5. What references do I use?

Subject Matter

1. The topic I like to work on is all about my major FILIPINO.
2. For 2nd year student.

Hand-out Plan (can’t)

Type of Graphic Organizer/s/flow-chart/schema to use:

My Analysis

After working on your handout, answer the following questions:

What are the good features of a handout?

- A good handout must be concise and can be understood by the readers.

Which of these features are present in the handout I made?

- All of these features are present. The handout I made was concise and comprehensive. I
contained the information in which I want my student to know.

Which features are not present in the handout I made?

- None. All of features that I know that a handout must have are present in my handout.
My Reflections
1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the handouts? How did you overcome

The difficulties that I have been encountered in making my hand-out are first, I really don’t have
the idea on how to make a good successful hand-out. It makes to two three hours surfing the net
looking for the criteria of a good hand-out.

2. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of handouts?

The teacher must identify first her/his objectives and the purpose in making the handout.
My Portfolio
Paste and copy of your hand-out here.
Episode 6
SLIDESHOW BIZ (Slide Presentation)
Name of FS Student: Course, Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Cooperating School:

At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and classifying resources that
facilitate teaching and learning process.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I Will Be Rated)

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Exemplary Good Satisfactory Needs
1 All required Most Some Most dat are
Data field data are required field required field missing and
Collection collected, data are data are unrecorded
Skill: recorded and collected, collected,
Observation organized recorded and recorded but
Interview organized poorly
Survey organized
2 All field Some field Very few No evident
Desription experiences experiences details of field details of the
and Analysis are clearly are clearly experiences field
of field described and described and are described experiences
Experience analyzed analyzed but not
3 Shows great Shows depth Shows Show limited
Reflection of depth of of knowledge knowledge of knowlegde of
Personal knowledge of of personal personal personal
Learning personal thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and
thoughts and feelings feelings feelings
feelings gained from gained from gained from
gained from field field field
field experience experience experience
4 Attends to all Attends to Unable to Unable to
Level of field study most field attend to attend to
Participation activities and study some field almost all
requirements activities andstudy field study
requirements activities and activities
5 All the Missed one of Missed two of Missed three
Learning requirements the given the given of the given
Outputs are well requirements requirements requirements
6 Personal and Personal and Personal and Personal and
Evidence of professional professional professional professional
Values values are values are values are values are
extensively frequently sometimes rarely or not
evident in the evident in the evident in the evident in the
action plan action plan action plan action plan

Evaluated by: Other Comments and Total Score

Total Score _________ x 100=

Final Rating Grade Point Percentage

98-100 1.00 99
95-99 1.25 96
92-94 1.50 93
89-91 1.75 90
86-88 2.00 87
83-85 2.25 84
80-82 2.50 81
77-79 2.75 78
74-76 3.00 75
71-73 4.00 72
70 and below 5.00 70


My Map
An effective teacher makes it her/his business to create slide presentations that really enhance
To reach you target, follow the storyboard below:

Select a topic or subject Develop a slide Try out your

presentation to support presentation to a group
a learning activity on the of learners.

Let the learners evaluate Write a narrative pointing out

your presentation the strengths and weaknesses of
your presentation.

My Tools
As you prepare your slide presentations, use the activity form below.

Title of my Presentation
Subject Matter/topic:

Enhancements (Check appropriate box);

Graphics. Music. Hyperlink
Animations. Voice Narration. Others, please specify
Sound effects. Stylish fonts

Description of Appropriate Use:

Presentation Storyboard:

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4

Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8

Slide 9 Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12

My Analysis
After working on your slide presentation, answer the following questions:
What are the good features of a handout?

- A good slide must be short. It must have transitions effects and emphasize some point of the
lesson. It is also nice that it has a picture to show the students what is being discussed.

Which of these features are present in the handout I made?

- All of these features are present in my slide presentation.

Which features are not present in the handout I made?

- There's none.

My Reflections
1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation? How did you
overcome them?

My Portfolio
Attached a CD containing the following:

1. An electronic copy of your presentation here.

2. A collection of down-loaded slide presentations, slide templates, clip Arts, fonts that may be
useful for you in the fufure. ( Be sure to paste a listing of the contents of the CD on this page too.)

Episode 7
MY E-WORLD (Websites)
Name of FS Student: Course, Year and Section:
Resource Teacher: Cooperating School:

At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and classifying resources that
facilitate teaching and learning process.

MY PERFORMANCE (How I Will Be Rated)

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Exemplary Good Satisfactory Needs
1 All required Most Some Most dat are
Data field data are required field required field missing and
Collection collected, data are data are unrecorded
Skill: recorded and collected, collected,
Observation organized recorded and recorded but
Interview organized poorly
Survey organized
2 All field Some field Very few No evident
Desription experiences experiences details of field details of the
and Analysis are clearly are clearly experiences field
of field described and described and are described experiences
Experience analyzed analyzed but not
3 Shows great Shows depth Shows Show limited
Reflection of depth of of knowledge knowledge of knowlegde of
Personal knowledge of of personal personal personal
Learning personal thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and
thoughts and feelings feelings feelings
feelings gained from gained from gained from
gained from field field field
field experience experience experience
4 Attends to all Attends to Unable to Unable to
Level of field study most field attend to attend to
Participation activities and study some field almost all
requirements activities andstudy field study
requirements activities and activities
5 All the Missed one of Missed two of Missed three
Learning requirements the given the given of the given
Outputs are well requirements requirements requirements
6 Personal and Personal and Personal and Personal and
Evidence of professional professional professional professional
Values values are values are values are values are
extensively frequently sometimes rarely or not
evident in the evident in the evident in the evident in the
action plan action plan action plan action plan

Evaluated by: Other Comments and Total Score

Total Score _________ x 100=

Final Rating Grade Point Percentage

98-100 1.00 99
95-99 1.25 96
92-94 1.50 93
89-91 1.75 90
86-88 2.00 87
83-85 2.25 84
80-82 2.50 81
77-79 2.75 78
74-76 3.00 75
71-73 4.00 72
70 and below 5.00 70

My Map
For this process, explore the world through these steps:

1. Observe a class and take note of the topic being presented

2. Surf the net to find sites that provide support materials and/or interactive programs (web
quest/games) on the topic.
3. List and describe at least 5 sites/ interactive programing
4. Evaluate the materials or programs.
5. Reflect on your FS experience.

My Tool
Please use the Class Observation Guide provided for you.
Class Observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about? What are the teacher's objectives?

2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing .

3. Note the skill that the teacher is developing the learners.

My Analysis
Using the information, you got from observing the class, surf the internet for electronic
resources that will be useful in teaching the same lesson. Choose the most appropriate ones.
Recall the guidelines you learned in Educational Technology about evaluating electronic
resources. These guidelines will help you fill the matrix below.

Grade/Year Level of the Class

Topic (of the class you observed)
Objectives of the lesson

Name of Electronic Resource Description of the Electronic How it can be used in the class
Resource you observed





Games (on-line)





My Reflections
1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic
Resources for the class? Did you find it easy or difficult?

2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you consider?

3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have and what skills would you
continue to work on to be better at utilizing electronic resources?

My Portfolio

Visit or other teacher resource websites. Print useful instructional

materials (worksheets, visual aids, flash cards, rubrics, etc,) and include them here. Indicate how
they might be useful considering your major or area of specialization.

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