OEB9FA231 USN9810 Operation and Maintenance ISSUE1.00
OEB9FA231 USN9810 Operation and Maintenance ISSUE1.00
OEB9FA231 USN9810 Operation and Maintenance ISSUE1.00
When you log in to the system offline, certain menu items are unavailable.
Lock and Security under System are unavailable.
Scheduled Tasks, File Transfer Service, and Batch Commands under Maintenance
are unavailable.
All menu items under Alarm are unavailable.
The menu item Debug under View is unavailable.
When you log in to the system offline, certain menu items are unavailable.
Lock and Security under System are unavailable.
Scheduled Tasks, File Transfer Service, and Batch Commands under Maintenance
are unavailable.
All menu items under Alarm are unavailable.
The menu item Debug under View is unavailable.
The CGP MML panel is used to execute the platform related MML command.
The USN9810 MML panel is used to execute the service related MML command.
After we run “ADD BRD” command in CGP MML panel, or “ADD PROCESSGRP” command
in USN9810 MML panel, we can check the board installation or loading progress in this
Before you enter the batch commands, enter USE ME:MEID=*;.
If you select a batch file, the first command in the batch file must also be USE
ME:MEID=*;. The * symbol indicates the ID of the ME on which a batch of
commands are to be executed.
The user must have the permission of the G_1 or G_2 command group for
performing this operation.
The batch files exist. The first command used to select batch files must be USE
ME:MEID=*;. The * character indicates the ID of the ME on which a batch
command is to be run.
The figure on the left side shows the connection between the power distribution box and
the subracks under the default setting. You are advised to confirm the connections before
powering on or off a subrack.
All the hardware devices of the system are installed correctly.
The circuit breakers of the PDBs are switched off.
The power switches of the components are switched off.
All the boards are in position and the ejector levers of the boards are closed.
The DIP switches of the subracks are set in accordance with the corresponding
subrack numbers.
During the acceptance process, you need to power off the system.
When the equipment becomes abnormal, the system needs to be powered off.
Impact on System
During acceptance of a newly deployed office, the power off the system has no
impact on services.
The power off the operating equipment may interrupt all the services being
handled by the equipment.
Before power on and power off the boards, wear an ESD wrist strap (or a pair of ESD
gloves), and then connect the ground end to the ESD jack on the subrack.
Before you lower the ejector levers, the HOTSWAP indicator is on, indicating that the
board is not powered on. After you lower the ejector levers, the HOTSWAP indicator blinks
at long intervals, indicating that the board is being activated. After the board is successfully
powered on, the HOTSWAP indicator turns off.
When you raise the ejector levers, the HOTSWAP indicator blinks at short intervals,
indicating that the board is being deactivated. When the HOTSWAP indicator turns on,
indicating that the board is powered off, you can remove the board.
1. The top is the power indicator. The green color indicates normal state of the power.
2. The green color of the board panel indicates normal power state of the board.
3. In the emulation frame panel, you can check the PEM module of the subrack.
We can use DSP PDU command to check the power status as well.
Colors of boards
Grey: The board is in empty state, that is, the board is not installed or the board
status is unknown.
Red: The board is faulty.
Green: The active board runs in normal state.
Bright blue: The standby board runs in normal state. The board is in standby state.
The states of the processes on a board are indicated by the indicators on the device panel.
The colors of the indicators are determined by the combination of the processes on the
board. The combination rules are as follows:
When a process is in Fault state, the indicator (the dot-like indicator on the panel) is
ON in red.
When all the processes on a board are in Active or Standby state, the indicator is
ON in green.
When no process is in Fault state, and other states except Active and Standby exist,
the indicator is ON in grey.
Command DSP BRD is used to display the configuration and state information on the
Availability state: This parameter specifies the availability state of the board.
Based on this parameter, the system displays the board information.
Normal: The status of a board is Normal.
Faulty: The status of a board is Faulty.
Absent: The status of a board is absent.
Power off: The status of a board is powered off.
Active: The status of a board is active.
Standby: The status of a board is standby.
If yes, go to step 3.
If no, execute LOD PKG command to load or upload and load the
required software package.
3. Execute the LST BRD command to confirm that the Reinstall flag of the front
board in the slot where the board to be replaced resides is Yes.
If yes, go to step 4.
If no, execute MOD BRD command to change the Reinstall flag of the
front board in the slot where the board to be replaced resides to Yes.
1) OMU state of the slot where the active OMU is install is Active.
The new hard disk has the same capacity as the faulty one. After you insert the new hard
disk into the processor board, the system checks the hard disk automatically and generates
data for the hard disk. This procedure requires 1 hour or so, depending on the data size in
the original hard disk and the availability of the CPU.
If the HD_ACT indicator on the processor board is on in steady green, you can infer that
the hard disk works properly.
In normal cases, the new fan box starts working immediately after it is installed in the rack.
If the HEALTHY indicator on the front panel of the fan box is green, you can infer that the
fan box works properly.
Account type:
Built-in account: Refers to the super user admin.
User-defined account: Refers to the accounts created by the administrator, for
example, operators.
Repeated login rejection policy: It specifies whether to enable the policy for rejecting a
repeated login attempt.
When Repeated login rejection policy is selected, the system allows a user to log in
to the system for only one time by using the operation and maintenance tool.
When Repeated login rejection policy is deselected, the system allows a user to log
in to the system for many times through different PCs by using the operation and
maintenance tool.
By default, Repeated login rejection policy is deselected.
The workstation access control function enables only the IP addresses in the Accessible
Workstation list to access the system. If the workstation access control function is disabled,
all IP addresses are allowed to access the system.
Besides the default user root in the Linux operating system, the system creates a user omu.
We can create other account as we need.
Default password:
Account: root, password: huawei
Account: omu, password: omu
Setp1: create a user account, define the password and validation parameters.
Step 2: bind the user to a user group, so the user can has the corresponding rights to
operate the USN9810.
Right click the user account, select the "edit" from the pop up menu.
Step 3: in the pop up window of "edit", select the "belong to" page, add the user account
to a user account.
We need to authorize the user group, that is, this user/user group can do some operations
on some objects.
We need to authorize the user group, that is, this user/user group can do some operations
on some objects.
The SET FTPSALCK command can also be used to unlock the FTP server. By
comparison, the SET FTPSENABLE command is used to unlock the FTP server
without modifying the setting of the automatic locking function.
We can use ADD USER and SET FTPDIR command to create a FTP account, which
can be used in the "File Transfer service" program of LMT.
Log in to the client of HUAWEI Operation & Maintenance System. Then choose System >
Security to display the Security Management navigation tree.
In the Security Management navigation tree, click Log. The right pane displays the log
query panel.
These logs are stored in the database, By default:
Query operation logs are retained for two days for each ME and a maximum of ten
thousand records are retained for each ME.
Modification operation logs are retained for 365 days for each ME and a maximum
of 120 thousand records are retained for each ME.
Security logs are retained for 365 days for all MEs and a maximum of 200
thousand records are retained for all MEs.
Event logs are retained for 90 days for each ME and a maximum of 450 thousand
records are retained for each ME.
Double click the operation log record to see the detail of the operation log.
Event Log: describes the system events that need attention, such as processes switched
over successfully and module initialization completed.
Different from alarms, you do not need to restore the event log.
Click Save As on the log query panel, or right-click the log list and choose Save As. The
Save dialog box is displayed,
By default, the directory for saving the file is $\omu\workspace1\client\output\log, and the
file name is xxx_Log-YY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS, in which YY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS represents
the time for saving the file. You can save the event log in the *.txt, *.html, and *.csv file
format. The file is saved in the format of *.txt.
For the M3UA trace, we need to define the M3UA Link No. .
For the GTPC trace, we need to define the Local IP address and Peer IP address.
For the DNS trace, we need to define the DNS client IP address.
For the S6A trace, we need to define the Diameter Link No. .
Random User Trace is used for the USN9810 to randomly select a user that meets the
configured trace triggering conditions and report the associated user tracing result.
Random User Trace can identify a user based on the access type, message, and cause value.
There are 4 file type can be choose when save the message:
Trace Message File(*.ptmf): the default file type.
CSV file (*.csv)
Text file (*.txt) : normal text format.
Protocol Text File (*.txt) : the protocol format txt file.
A floating IP address is used by the active and standby OMUs to communicate with
external devices. If the active and standby OMUs use different IP addresses, hosts and
clients have to use another IP address to connect to the OMU when a switchover is
performed. To solve this problem, a floating IP address is shared by the active and standby
The Database High Availability (DBHA) mechanism is adopted to synchronize data in the
database. The Mirror process (the arbitration process of the active and standby OMUs) is
adopted to monitor and manage the synchronization
(1) The active OMU monitors the state of the DBHA of the database. If the DBHA is
faulty, the OMU starts the restoration processing.
(2) The standby OMU monitors the state of the DBHA of the database. If the DBHA
is faulty, the standby OMU works with the active OMU to restore the database.
(3) The database synchronizes data through the DBHA mechanism.
To ensure data consistency between the active and standby OMUs, the CGP provides a
complete real-time synchronization procedure and a periodical synchronization procedure
in addition to the DG mechanism. In this way, the program files, database configuration
files, and installation software packages are consistent between the active OMU and the
standby OMU.
(1) After modifying a configuration file or program file, the OMU service process
(such as CM process and PM process) sends a message to the synchronization
process, Sync instructing it to synchronize the data.
(2) When receiving the message, the Sync process forwards the message to the
arbitration process Mirror of the active OMU.
(3) When receiving the message, the Mirror process of the active OMU checks
whether the file is modified. If the file is modified, the Mirror process performs the
next step; if the file is not modified, the Mirror process directly discards the
(4) The Mirror process of the active OMU sends a file synchronization message
(carrying the file modification information and modified files) to the Mirror process
of the standby OMU.
(5) The standby OMU replaces the local file with the file obtained from the active
OMU. At this point, the file synchronization is complete.
(1) The Mirror process of the active OMU checks whether the monitored
synchronization file (including program files, configuration files, and installation
software packages) is modified. If the file is modified, the Mirror process performs
the next operation; if the file is not modified, the Mirror process stops the
(2) The Mirror process of the active OMU sends a file synchronization message
(carrying the file information to be synchronized) to the Mirror process of the
standby OMU.
(3) The standby OMU replaces the local file with the file received from the active
OMU. At this point, the file synchronization is complete.
The network startup function of the board is used to install the operating system, database,
and auxiliary software. After the board is reset, it starts the OS from the network, and then
reads the OS file, database, and auxiliary software to install them to the hard disk or flash
memory on the board. In this way, the board can be started from a local disk.
The service applications are installed on server boards and service board through a unified
file loading mechanism in which the system loads a corresponding file based on the
configured service application. The OS of a service board supports only the service
applications on the board. Therefore, the OS is of small size and is loaded to the hard disk
or flash memory to ensure a compact OS. The board thus can be started from a local disk
or memory.
EXP MMLEX command is used to export configuration data of the object from the
USN9810 and CGP in MML format. The exported configuration data files are stored in the
directory /Export/mit/mml on the OMU. You can download the files through the client File
Transfer Service.
The file name format is
Note: EXP MML command of CGP MML window is used to export the hardware related
configuration data only. We don’t use that command normally.
X ranges from 1 to 7. The eighth backup file will overwrite the backup file
numbered 1 and the rest may be deduced by analogy.
version number is determined by the actual USN9810 version number.
The following principles must be obeyed when the data is backed up:
The system data is backed up automatically once a day at 03:30 and can be backed
up manually at any time.
After the automatic network backup function is enabled, the backup can be
implemented once at a specific time every day.
Before automatic backup, the system deletes invalid files in the Backup directory
and keeps only the files that meet the naming rules of local backup files, that is,
The system saves only seven local backup files in the Backup directory. If the
backup data is manually backed up multiple times in a day, the system saves only
the latest backup file.
After the data is backed up, all the backup data generated on the active OMU
board is automatically synchronized to the standby OMU board.
You are advised not to perform the backup and the upgrade operations at the
same time.
If the OMU performs an active/standby switchover during backup, the backup task
is interrupted.
The auto network backup time must be different from the auto local backup time. It is
recommended to be at 4:00 am.
Backup type:
Database files: Full backup
System files: Full backup
This command is used to export the data from the databases of specified MEs. The storage
procedure cannot be exported. After the data is successful exported, you can run LST
EXPINFO to list the information about the exported file information and ME information in
binary format. You can export the OMU data for importing the ME data in the mirror
environment. The exported ME data can be downloaded to the local disk from the OMU
board through the file transfer function of the client.
NEEDPDS: Need PDS. This parameter specifies whether to export performance data. If you
do not need the performance data, set this parameter to the default value "No".
EXPTYPE: Export file type. This parameter specifies the file type to export. The binary files
containing the exported ME data can be used to restore the data in the database. The test
files containing the ME data can be used by the data check tool to check the correctness
of the system data. Value: BIN(Binary), TEXT(Text). Default value: BIN(Binary).
TBNAME: Table name. This parameter specifies the name of a table for exporting the data
in the table when Export file type is set to Text. If this parameter is not specified, the
system exports the data in all tables of the current ME.
You can download the exported filed in binary format from the "/Backup/exp_backup"
directory. The exported ME data file is named in the format of
Exp_TabFile_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tar.gz, where YYYYMMDDhhmmss indicates the local
time at which the file is exported.
The exported data file in text format can be downloaded from the "/Backup/exp_datatool"
directory. The exported ME data file is named exp_datatool.tar.gz.
1. Copy the backup file to the “INU4Win_ATCA\software\backup” directory.
Two types of backup files are available:
Local backup file: Its naming format is backup_X_Version_YYYYMMDD, for
example, backup_1_V100R006C00B020_20101201. For detailed operations, see
Backup on Local Disk.
Network backup file: Its naming format is MEVersion_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.tar,
for example, CGPV100R005C00_20090227175709.tar. For detailed operations,
see Backup on Network Disk.
2. Install the active and standby OMU boards with the backup data file.
Like a patch for clothing, a software patch is a small program to optimize the software
having bugs.
Hot patching is a method to rapidly rectify defects of the product software at a low cost.
Compared with software upgrade, hot patching takes advantages in addressing problems
of the current software without interrupting ongoing services and restarting devices.
Compared with hot patching, cold patching requires restarting the system and interrupting
ongoing services.
Principles of cold patching: Simply speaking, a program file designed for fixing bugs is used
to replace the original software file, and the process must be restarted to have the new
program file take effect.
Cold patching almost has no difficulties in technology and is applicable to scenarios where
hot patching cannot be used.
Cold patching has three states: update, updating, and null.
Update: indicates that a cold patch has been installed.
Updating: indicates that a cold patch is being installed. This state is abnormal.
Null: indicates that there is no clod patch.
After a patch file is loaded, the state is deactivated. The patch can be activated.
The state becomes activated after the patch is activated. Then, service verification is
performed. If the patch runs properly, the patch can be confirmed.
The state becomes running after patch confirmation. Then, hot patching is complete.
Log in to the HUAWEI Operation & Maintenance System, then choose Maintenance > File
Transfer Service from the menu bar. The FTPS interface is displayed.
Select Software package (auto loading) for Remote Directory, and then upload the cold
patch package ME type_PTCH_VXXR00XC0X_SPH00X.tar to the default directory through
The license file matches with the ESN (Electronic Serial Number). When the SGSN number
or MMEID changes, the ESN will change, and that will cause the license file become invalid.
When a feature in the license is expiring, the USN reports the ALM-5213 License Expiring
fault alarm every day to indicate the days left before the feature in the activated license
expires. The alarm sent the day before will be cleared after this alarm is sent successfully.
When a feature in the license is expired, the USN reports the ALM-5215 License Expired
fault alarm every day to indicate the days left for the feature in the activated license to be
used on trial. The alarm sent the day before will be cleared after this alarm is sent
successfully. When a feature in the license is in the default stage, the USN reports the
ALM-5217 License Default alarm every day to indicate that services related to the feature
are unavailable. The alarm sent the day before will be cleared after this alarm is sent
Command ADD PROCESSGRP is used to add a process group on a pair of boards. A process group is
a process combination fixedly configured in a board. In this way, you can quickly configure process
data on the board.
A slot supports up to one process group of each type.
Before adding a process, you need to run the ADD BRD command to add the relevant board on the
carrier grade platform (CGP).
The active and standby processes cannot be configured at one slot.
SRN: Number of the subrack where a process group is located
SN: Number of the slot where a process group is located
PSN: Number of the slot where a peer process group is located
PROCGRP: Process group type. The process group of SGSN9810 are: ECUGP(ECUGP),
every process group are:
ESUGP: 12*SPP+12*GBP+12*SGP+12*LLP+1*CDP+1*AMP+1*UPP
Activate License (ACT LICENSE). This command is used to activate the License.
The application scenarios of this command are as follows:
During deployment, you must run this command to activate the valid license file. This
enables users to use system capacity and functions.
During capacity expansion, if a new license file is applied, you must run this command to
activate the new license file. This enables users to use the new functions of the system.
When a license file expires, the user must apply for the license file again; otherwise, the
functions controlled by the license file cannot be used. After the license file is applied for,
you must run this command to activate the License file.
FN: License file name. This parameter specifies the name of a License file. The name of the
license file must be prefixed with 'LIC', and the format must be similar to 'LICXXX.DAT'.
LT: Location. This parameter specifies the location on which the license is to be activated.
Value: OMU(OMU): activate the license on the OMU. BOTH(OMU and HOST): activate the
license on both the OMU and the host.
After you run LST LICCTRL, only the purchased function items in the license file are
displayed in the report.
If the status of a function item is off in the report after you run LST LICCTRL, the function
item is disabled. If you want to enable the function, run SET LICCTRL to set the status of
the function to on.
By default, an alarm is generated when the capacity reaches 80%, and the alarm is cleared
when the capacity is less than 70%. The period for updating the capacity is 3 hours.
If you activate the license in the system with another activated license, the system displays
the details about the downsized or absent control items (if any) in the command output.
Before you run this command, if a failover of the OMU board occurs after the uploading of
the license file, the command will fail, and the system returns the error 420124 "The
license file does not exist.” In this case, you can upload the license file again.
A temporary license can be applied for during holidays/festivals only based on the sales
ALM-5213 License Feature Expiring Precaution is reported every day when the fixed-term
segment of the permanent-term plus fixed-term license is at the "Expiring stage". This alarm
contains information about the remaining days after which a licensed feature in an activated license
file will expire. After this alarm is successfully reported, the alarm generated one day before is
cleared. ALM-5215 License Feature Expired is reported every day when a licensed feature is at
the "Expired stage". The alarm contains information about the trial days for which the licensed
feature in the activated license file can be used. After this alarm is successfully reported, the alarm
generated one day before is cleared.
The reporting of ALM-5213 License Feature Expiring Precaution or ALM-5215 License
Feature Expired for a fixed-term segment has no impact on the system. The value of a licensed
resource item is equal to the value in the permanent-term segment plus the value in the fixed-term
segment. It is the same as that in the normal stage. As shown in the preceding slide for example,
the maximum number of 2.5G subscribers is 1005000 (1000000 + 5000).
ALM-5217 License Feature Restrict Service is not reported when a licensed feature is at the
"Restricted stage". The alarm indicates that services related to the licensed feature in the activated
license file have been restricted. In this situation, the license of the fixed-term segment has expired.
When a fixed-term segment is at the "Restricted stage", the licensed feature in the fixed-term
segment has expired and therefore system functions will be affected. The value of a licensed
resource item is equal to the value in the permanent-term segment. As shown in the preceding slide,
the maximum number of 2.5G subscribers is 1000000.
For example:
Critical: 10190---Number of Resources Reached License Limit
Major: 11934---Equipment Fault
Minor: 10186---License Expired
Warning: 10189---License with Lower Configuration
The alarm generating subsystem collects fault information, generates specific alarms, and
notifies the maintenance personnel for handling.
The alarm generatig subsystem includes the alarm modules of the host, alarm modules of
the OMU, alarm service module of the OMU, alarm console, and alarm box. The alarm
system structure is shown in the figure.
The modules of the host collect and send alarm information to the alarm service module
of the OMU. Other modules of the OMU collect and send alarm information to the alarm
service module of the OMU. The alarm service module of the OMU processes and saves all
the alarm information, and instructs the alarm box to generate audible and visual alarms.
At the same time, the alarm information and handling suggestions are displayed on the
alarm console.
You can use this command to change the database information of the environment alarm,
including the alarm severity level, alarm name, alarm box flag, and alarm shield flag.
When an environment monitoring sensor is used, you need to use this command to define
an alarm for the environment monitoring sensor.
You can use this command to restore the alarm configuration, including the alarm severity
level, alarm shield flag, and alarm box flag.
You can use this command to set the alarm shield flag for an alarm. After an alarm is
shielded, the object instances of the NE does not report the alarm any longer.
You can also use this command to expose an alarm.
When the interval between alarm generation and alarm clearing is less than a specified
value (the value of Transient threshold), the alarm is referred to as a transient alarm. That is,
a transient alarm lasts for a short period.
If the number of times a fault alarm and the corresponding clear alarm are generated
during a specified period is less than a specified value (the value of Toggle threshold), the
alarm is referred to as a toggle alarm during this period.
A transient alarm depends on the time during which an alarm is not cleared (the value of
Transient threshold) whereas a toggle alarm depends on the number of times a fault alarm
and the corresponding clear alarm are generated during a specified period (the value of
Toggle threshold).
Note: The parameters related to the alarm transient and toggle must be set based on the
actual alarm generation mechanism. Otherwise, alarms may be restrained or unnecessary
delay of alarm report may occur.
Web UI
The Web user interface (UI) is a user-friendly interface provided by the performance management system. You
can create, modify, and delete a measurement task as well as query and export measurement results.
The Web UI sends the user operations on the web in the form of message frame to the OMU for internal
The iManager U2000 (U2000 for short) is an integrated network management system on the mobile network.
You can create, modify, and delete a measurement task as well as query measurement results. The U2000 can
manage the performance measurement for multiple sites. In addition, the U2000 receives the measurement
results reported from the OMU in time, thus facilitating the query of measurement results on the U2000.
ME Performance Measurement Process
The ME performance measurement process is responsible for reporting the performance call detailed records
(PCDRs) to the OMU in time and correctly. The PCDR is an important reference for the performance
The performance management process on the OMU is the core of the performance management system. It
has the following functions:
Collecting the PCDRs reported from the ME performance measurement process, analyzes and calculates values
of measurement entities, and then saves the measurement data in the database. Meanwhile, it saves the
measurement results in the binary or .xml format complying with the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)
standard, and then sends the files to the U2000 through the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Functioning as a server, it receives and processes requests from the Web UI, and then returns the processed
result to the Web UI.
Continuous time segment mode Select Continuity. Click to set the values for Start time
and End time, and then click OK. The duration specified by the start time and end time
must be within 180 days.
Fixed time segment mode
Click Segment, and then set the start time and end time. You can set three fixed time
segments. To set the values of Segment2, set the values of Segment1 first; to cancel the
settings of Segment1, cancel the settings of Segment2 first. You can set the values for
other segments in the same way. The start time of the second segment must be later than
the end time of the first segment. In addition, the interval between two segments must be
more than two minutes.