(D&D5e) Xanathar's Guide To Everything
(D&D5e) Xanathar's Guide To Everything
(D&D5e) Xanathar's Guide To Everything
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Lead Designers: Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls Jerry Behrendt, Teddy Benson, Deb Berlin, Stacy Bermes, Jim
Designer: Robert J. Schwalb Berrier, Lauren Bilanko, Jordan Brass, Ken J. Breese, Robert
Additional Design: Adam Lee, Christopher Perkins, Matt Sernett "Bobby" Brown, Matthew Budde, Matt Burton, David Callander,
Development: Ben Petrisor Mik Calow, Richard Chamberlain, Wayne Chang, Emre Cihangir,
Bruno Cobbi, Garrett Col6n, Mark Craddock, Max Cushner, Brian
Managing Editor: Jeremy Crawford Dahl, Derek DaSilva, Phil Davidson, Krupa! Desai, Scott Deschler,
Editor: Kim Mohan Yorcho Diaz, Mario A. DiGirolamo, Adam Dowdy, Curt Duval, Jay
Additional Editing: Michele Carter, Scott Fitzgerald Gray Elmore, Russell Engel, Andrew Epps, David M . Ewalt, Justin Faris,
Jared Fegan, Frank Foulis, Max Frutig, Travis Fuller, Kyle Garms,
Art Director: Kate Irwin Ben Garton, Louis Genti le, Genesis Emanuale Martinez Gonzalez,
Additional Art Direction: Shauna Narciso Derek A. Gray, Richard Green, Kevin Grigsby, Christopher Hackler,
Graphic Designer: Emi Tanji Bryan Harris, Gregory Harris, Randall Harris, Fred Harvey, Ian
Cover Illustrator: Jason Rainville Hawthorne, Adam Hennebeck, Sterling Hershey, Justin Hicks, Will
Cover Illustrator (Alternative Cover): Hydro74 Hoffm an , Scott Holmgren, Paul Hughes, Daniel E. Chapman II,
Interior Illustrators: Rob Alexander, Mark Behm, Eric Belisle, Stanislav Ivanov, Matt Jarmak, James Jorstad, Evan Jorstad, Alex
Zoltan Boros, Christopher Bradley, Noah Bradley, Sam Burley, Jedd Kammer, Joshua Kaufman, Bill Grishnak Kerney, Jake Kiefer, Chet
Chevrier, jD, O lga Drebas, Jesper Ejsing, Wayne England, Leesha King, Atis Kleinbergs, Steven Knight, David Krolnik, Yan Lacharite,
Hannigan, Jon Hodgson, Ralph Horsley, Lake H urwitz, Julian Kok, Jon F. Lamkin, Marjorie Lamkin, Shane Leahy, Stephen Lindberg,
Raphael Lubke, Warren Mahy, Mark Molnar, Scott Murphy, Adam Tom Lommel, Michael Long, Jonathan Longstaff, Ginny Loveday,
Paquette, Claudio Pozas, Vincent Proce, A.M. Sartor, Chris Seaman, Kevin D. Luebke, Michael Lydon, Matthew Maranda, Joel Marsh,
David Sladek, Craig J Spearing, Cory Trego-Erdner, Beth Trott, Jose Gleb Masaltsev, Chris McDaniel, Chris McGovern, Jim McKay,
Vega , Richard Whitters, Ben Wootten, Min Yum Mark Meredith, Mark Merida, Lou Michelli, David Middleton, M ike
Mihalas, Mark A . Miller, Paige Miller, Ian Mills, Stacy Mills, David
Project Management: Stan!, Heather Flem ing Milman, Daren Mitchell, TL Frasqueri-Molina, Scott Moore, David
Production Services: Cynda Callaway, Jefferson Dunlap, David Morris, Tim Mottishaw, JoDee Murch, Joshua Murdock, William
Gershman, Kevin Yee Myers, Walter Nau, Kevin Neff, Daniel "KBlin" Oliveira, Grigory
st .
Parovichnikov, Alan Patrick, Russ Paulsen, Matt Petruzzell i, Zachary
This book includes some subclasses and spells that originally Pickett, Chris Presnall , Nel Pulanco, Jack Reid, Joe Reilly, Renout
e r
appeared in Princes of the Apocalypse (2015) and Sword Coast van Rij n, Sam Robertson, Carlos Robles, Evan Rodarte, Matthew
Adventurer's Guide (2015).
Roderick, Zane Romine, Nathan Ross, Dave Rosser, David Russell,
Ruty Rutenberg, A.C. Ryder, Arthur Saucier, Benjamin Schindewolf,
Other D&D Team Members: Bart Carroll, Trevor Kidd , Christopher nu
Ken Schreu r, James Schweiss, the Seer, Jonathan Connor Self,
Lindsay, Shelly Mazzanoble, Hilary Ross, Liz Schuh, Nathan
e be
Nicholas Sementelli, Arthur Severance, Ben Siekert, Jim my Spiva,
Stewa r t, Greg Tito
the Dead Squad, Francois P. Lefebvre Sr., Keaton Stamp s, Matthew
Talley, Da n Taylor, Kirsten A. Thomas, Laura Thom pson, Jia Jian
Playtesters: Charles Benscoter, Dan Klinestiver, Dave Kovarik, Ti n, Kyle Turner, Justin Turner, Alex Vine, Yoerik de Voogd, Shane
Davena Oaks, Kevin Engling, Teos Abadia, Robert Alaniz, Phil
Allison, Robert Allison, Jay Anderson, Paul Aparicio, Paul Van v e
Walker, Matthew Warwick, Chris "Waffles" Wathen, Eric Weberg,
Werebear, Gary West, Andy Wieland, Keith Williams, David
Arcken, Dee Ashe, Andrew Bahls, Chris Balboni, Jason Baxter,
d eWilliamson, Travis Woodall, Arthur Wright, Keoki Young
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620C2215000001 EN Disclaimer: No goldji<h were harmed in the making ofrhi< book. Especially not Sy/gar.
Sy/gar definitely did nor die becou<e we forgot to ehange hi< water. If you <ee Xanathar,
ISBN: 978-0-7869-6612-7 make <ur< it.know< ll1a1. Be perfectly clear Sy/gar 1vas not harmed. And we had nothing 10
First Pri nting: November 2017 do wiih it. Bttteryet, don 't bdng ii up, and don't mention us.
98765432 1
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. D&D, Wizards of the Coast. Fo rgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player'< Handbook, Mon<ler Manual, Dungeon Ma<ter'< Cuide, Xanathar'< Guide 10
Everything. all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their
distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This materlal ls protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use
of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without th e express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
Prin ted in the USA. ~2017 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707. Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA. Rue Emile-Boechat 31, 2800 Dclemont, CH.
Represented by Hasbro Europe 4 The Square Stockley park U xbridrc Middlesex UBJJ JET tJK
lntroduction................................................... 4 This Is You r Life ......................................... 61 Award ing Magic Items ............................ 13S
Using This Book........................................ 4 Origins ...................................................... 61 Sidebar: Behind the Design: Magic
The Core Ru les.......................................... S Persona l Decisions................................ 64 Item Distribution .............................. 13S
Ch. 1: Character Options ........................... 7 Life Events ............................................... 69 Common Magic Items ......................... 136
Barbarian ........................................................ 8 Supplemental Tables............................. 72 S idebar: Are Magic Items
Primal Paths .............................................. 9 Racia l Feats ................................................. 73 Necessary in a Campaign? ............. 136
Path of the Ancestra l Guardian ............ 9 Ch. 2: Dungeon Master 's Tools ............. 77 Sidebar: Creating Additional
Path of the Storm Herald ..................... 10 S imultaneous Effects ................................ 77 Common ltems .................................. 140
Path of the Zealot ................................... 11 Fal ling ........................................................... 77 Magic Item Tables................................ 140
Bard ............................................................... 12 Rate of Fa ll ing ........................................ 77 Sidebar: Recharging without
F lying Creatures and Fa ll ing .............. 77 a Dawn ................................................ 144
Bard Colleges .......................................... 14
College of Glamour ................................. 14 Sleep .............................................................. 77 Ch. 3: Spells .............................................. 147
College of Swords .................................. lS Waking Someone................................... 77 Spell Lists................................................... 147
College of Whispers .............................. 16 S leeping in Armor ................................. 77 Spell Descriptions .................................... lSO
Cleric .............................................................. 17 Going without a Long Rest .................. 78 App. A: Shared Campaigns .................. 172
Divine Domains ...................................... 18 Adamanti ne Weapons ............................... 78
S idebar: Serving a Pantheon; Tying Knots .................................................. 78 App. B: Character Names ..................... l 7S
P h ilosophy, or Force .......................... 18 Tool Proficiencies ....................................... 78 Nonhuman Names ................................... 17S
Forge Domain ......................................... 18 Tools a nd Skills Together .................... 78 Dragonborn ........................................... l 7S
Grave Domain ......................................... 19 Tool Descriptions ................................... 78 Dwa rf ...................................................... 176
Druid .............................................................. 21 Spellcasting ................................................. 8S Elf.. ........................................................... 176
Druid Circles ........................................... 22 Perceiving a Caster at Work ................ 8S Gnome .................................................... 178
Circle of Dreams .................................... 22 Identifying a Spell.. ................................ 8S HalA ing ................................................... 179
Circle of the Shepherd .......................... 23 Inva lid Spell Targets ............................. 8S
st .
Half·Orc .................................................. 179
Learn ing Beast Shapes ........................ 24
Fighter ........................................................... 27
Areas of Effect on a Grid ...................... 86
Encounter Build ing .................................... 88 e riali
TieAing.................................................... 180
Human Names .......................................... 181
Martia l Archetypes ................................ 28 Quick Matchups...................................... 91
Arabic ...................................................... 181
Celtic ....................................................... 182
Arcane Archer ........................................ 28 Random Encou nters: A World of P
Cavalier .................................................... 30 Possibilities .............................................. 92 nu
Chinese ................................................... 182
Samurai .................................................... 31 Arctic Encounters .................................. 92
e be
Egyptian ................................................. 183
Monk .............................................................. 32 Coasta l Encou nters ............................... 93
o fD
English .................................................... 184
French ..................................................... 18S
Monastic Traditions .............................. 33 Desert Encou nters ................................. 9S
Way of the Drunken Master ................ 33 Forest Encounters ................................. 97 German .................................................. 18S
Way of the Kensei .................................. 34 Grassland Encounters ........................ 100 v e G reek ...................................................... 186
Way of the Sun Soul... ........................... 3S Hil l Encounters .................................... 101 Indian ...................................................... 186
Paladin .......................................................... 36 d e
Mou ntain Encounters ......................... 104 Japanese ................................................. 187
Sacred Oaths .......................................... 37 Swamp Encounters ............................. lOS Mesoamerican ...................................... 188
Oath of Conquest ................................... 37 in
Underdark Encounters ....................... 106
Niger- Congo ......................................... 189
Oath of Redemption .............................. 38 Underwater Encounters ..................... 109 Norse ....................................................... 189
Ranger........................................................... 40
if ie
Urban Encounters................................ 110 Polynesian ............................................. 190
Ranger Archetypes ................................ 41
G loom Stalker ........................................ 41 m od
Traps Revisited ......................................... 113
Simple Traps ......................................... 113
Roman .................................................... 190
Slavic....................................................... 191
Horizon Walker ...................................... 42
b ee Sidebar: Making Traps Spanish .................................................. 192
Monster Slayer ....................................... 43 Meaningfu l ......................................... 114
Rogue ............................................................ 44
Designing Simple Traps .................... llS
Roguish Archetypes .............................. 4S Complex Traps...................................... 118
is P
Inqu isitive ................................................ 4S Designing Complex Traps ................. 121
Mastermind ............................................. 46
Scout ......................................................... 47
Sidebar: Complex Traps and
Legendary Monsters ........................ 123
Swashbuckle r ......................................... 47 Downtime Revisited ................................. 123
Sorcerer ........................................................ 48 R ivals ...................................................... 123
Sorcerous Origins ................................. SO Downtime Activities ............................ 12S
Divine Soul... ........................................... SO Buying a Magic Item ........................ 126
Shadow Magic ........................................ SO Carousi ng ........................................... 127
Storm Sorcery ........................................ Sl Crafting an Item ................................ 128
Warlock ......................................................... S3 Crime ................................................... 130
Otherworldly Patrons ........................... S4 Gambling ............................................ 130
The Celestial ........................................... S4 Pit Fighting ........................................ 131
The Hexblade .......................................... SS Relaxation .......................................... 131
Eldritch Invocations .............................. S6 Religious Service ............................. 131
Wizard ........................................................... S8 Resea rch ............................................. 132
Arcane Trad ition .................................... S9 Scribing a Spell Scroll... ................. 133
War Magic ................................................ S9 Selling a Magic Item ........................ 133
Training .............................................. 134
Work .................................................... 134
a beho lder crime lord keeps tabs on everyone
and everything-or so the beholder thinks.
Known as Xanathar, this bizarre being be-
lieves it can gather information o n everything
in the DU NGEONS & DRAGONS multiverse.
The be holde r desires to know it a ll! But no
matter what the beholder learns and what treasures it
acquires, its most prized possession in a ll the multi-
verse re ma ins its goldfis h, Sylgar.
The firs t major ru les expans ion to the fifth edition of
D&D, Xanathar's Guide to Everything provides a wealth
of new optio ns for the game. Xanathar might not be able
to realize its dream to know everything, but th is book
does delve into every major part of the game: adventur-
ers, their adventures, a nd the magic they wield.
tables that a llow you to quickly generate na mes fo r the
hi the m any options herein , you' ll come
cha racters in your D&D stories.
As you peTruse
across observatio ns from Xanathar itself. Like the
beholder's roving mind, your reading will take you to
places in the game fa miliar and new. May you enjoy
the journey!
Much of the material in this book originally appea red in
Unearthed Arcana, a series of online articles we publish
to explore rules that might officially become part of the
game. Some Unearthed Arcana offerings don't end up
resonating with fans and are set aside fo r the time being.
The Unearthed Arcana m aterial that inspired the options
in the following chapters was well received a nd , thanks to
feedba ck from thousands of you, has been refined into the
official forms presented here.
THE C O RE RULES Even if more than one factor gives you adva ntage or
This book relies on the ru les in the three core ru le- d is advantage on a roll, yo u have it only once, a nd if you
books . T he game especia lly ma kes freque nt use of have adva ntage and d is adva ntage on the same roll , they
the rules in chapters 7- 10 of the Player's Handbook: ca ncel each other.
"Using Ability S cores," "Adve ntur ing," "Combat," a nd
"Spellcasting." That book's a ppendix A is als o crucial; C OMBINI NG D I FFERE NT EFFECTS
it contains defini tions of conditio ns, like invisible a nd Diffe re nt gam e effects can affect a ta rge t at the same
prone . Yo u don't need to k now the ru les by heart, but it's time. For example, two di ffe re nt be nefits can give you
helpfuJ to know w he re to find them whe n you need the m . a bonus to your Armor Class. But w hen two or mo re
If you'r e a DM, you s ho uld a lso k now where to look e ffects have the s ame proper name, o nly one of the m
things up in the Dungeon Mas ter's Guide , especia lly the (the most powe rful one if their be ne fits a re n't identical)
ru les on how magic ite ms work (see chapte r 7 of th a t applies while the d urations of the effects overlap. For ex-
book). T he introduction of the Mons ter Manual is your a mple, if bless is cast o n yo u w hen you're s till unde r the
guide on how to use a mons te r's stat block. e ffect of an earl ie r bless, yo u gain the benefit of o nly o ne
casti ng. S imila rly, if yo u're in the radius of m ore than
THE DM ADJUDICATES THE RULE S one Aura of P rotectio n, yo u benefit only from the one
One ruJe ove rr ides a ll othe rs : the DM is the fina l a uthor- that grants the highest bonus.
ity on bow the rules work in play.
Rules a re part of w ha t makes D&D a game , rathe r R E ACTION TIMIN G
tha n j ust improvised s torytelling. The ga me's ru les are Certa in ga me fea tu res let you take a s pecial action,
meant to he lp orga ni ze, a nd even ins pire , the action of a called a reaction, in respo nse to s ome event. Making
D&D campa ign. The rules a re a tool , a nd we wa nt our opportunity attacks a nd casting the shield s pell ar e two
tools to be as effective as p ossible . No ma tte r how good ty pical uses of reactio ns . If yo u're uns u re when a reac-
those too ls m ight be , they need a group of playe rs to tio n occurs in re la tio n to its trigger, here's the rules
l i t.
: the
a the
br ing the m to life a nd a DM to guide their use. reaction ha ppens a fter its trigger completes, unless
The DM is key. Ma ny unexpected eve nts can occur in A
descr iption of the reaction explicitly says otherwise.
Once you ta ke a reaction, you can'tD taF
ke a nothe r one
until the s ta rt of your next turn . u P
a D&D campaig n, a nd no set of ru les could reasona bly
account for every contingency. If the ru les tried to do s o,
the ga me would become a s log. An alte rnat ive wo uld be b
for the rules to sever ely lim it w ha t cha racte rs can do, De
f apply m odifiers to damage: (1)
He re's t he order thatoyou
which would be contra ry to the open-endedness of D&D . n
ioage immunity, (2) any add ition or s ub-
a ny r elevant da m
He re's the path th e ga me ta kes: it lays a fou ndatio n of
ru les that a DM can build on, a nd it embraces the DM's ersdamage, (3) o ne relevant damage resis -
traction tovthe
tance, ao nd (4) one releva nt damage vulne rability.
role as the bridge be tween the things the r ules address
d emif multiple sources give you resis ta nce to a ty pe
and the things they don't.
g aof da mage you're ta king, you can apply resis tance to it
d us o nly o nce. T he same is true of vulne rability.
A few r ules in the core rulebooks some times tripifiupea PROFICIENCY BONUS
new player or DM. Here are te n of those ru leso. Keep- If your proficie ncy bonus a pplies to a roll, you can add
ing them in mi nd will help you inter preetnthe optio ns in the bonus o nly o nce to the ro ll, even if m ultiple th ings in
this book. be the game s ay your bonus a pplies. Moreover, if mor e than
h as one th ing te lls you to doub le or ha lve yo ur bo n us, you
Gener al ru les govern each DFpa rtGENERAL RULES
of the game . F or exam-
double it only once or ha lve it only once before apply-
ple, the combat ruh istell you tha t melee weapon attacks
ing it. Whethe r m ultiplie d, d ivided, or left at its normal
use Streng th a nd ra nge d weapon attacks use Dex terity.
value, the bonus can be used only once per roll.
W he neve r you divide or multiply a n umbe r in the gam e,
round down if you e nd up with a fraction, even if the porary hit points a nd receive more of them , you don't
fraction is one-half or greater. add them toge ther, unle ss a gam e feature says you can.
Ins te ad, yo u decide which te mporary hit points to keep.
H E MAI N FIGURES I N ANY D &D CAMPA I GN each o f the s ubclasses in this book. In addition, the sec-
a re t he c ha racters c reate d by the players. tion for druids presents details on how the Wild Shape
The heroics, folly, righteous ness, and po- feat ure w orks, and th e warlock receives a collectio n of
tential villainy of your cha racters are at the new choices for the class's E ld ritch Invocations feature.
heart of the story. This c ha pte r provides a Each of the class presentations leads off with advice
variety of new options for t he m , foc usi ng on how to add d epth a nd detail to your c haracte r's pe r-
on additiona l subclasses for each of the son ality. You can use the tables in these sections as a
classes in the Player's Handbook. source of inspi ration, or roll a die to randomly deter-
Each class offers a cha racter-de fining choice at 1st, m in e a result if desi red.
2nd, or 3rd level that un locks a series of special fea- Following the subclasses, the section called "This Is
tures, n ot available to the class as a whole. That c h oice Your Life" presents a series o f tables for adding deta il to
is called a subclass. Each class has a collective term your character's backstory.
that describes its subclasses; in the fighter, for instance, The c h apter concludes with a selection of feats for the
the s ubcl asses are called martial arch etypes, a nd in the races in the Player's Handbook, offering ways to delve
palad in, they're sacred oaths. The table below ide ntifies deeper into a c h a racter's racial ide ntity.
Class Subclass Leve l Available Description
e r iali
Barbaria n
Path of the Ancestral Guardia n
Path of the Storm Herald
3rd D FA
Calls on the spi rits of honored ancestors to protect others
Filled with a rage that channels the primal magic of th e st orm
Barbarian Path of the Zealot 3rd nu
Fueled by a religious zeal that visits destruction on foes
Bard College of Gl amou r 3rd
e be
Wields the beguiling, glorious magic of the Feywild
Bard College of Swords 3rd
Entertains and slays with daring feats of weapon prowess
Bard College of Whis pers 3rd on
Plants fea r and doubt in the minds of others
Cleric Forge Domain 1st e rsi
Clad in heavy armor, serves a god of the forge or c reation
Cl eric Grave Domain 1st Opposes the blight of undeath
Druid Circle of Dreams 2nd d e
Mends wounds , guards the weary, and strides through dreams
Druid Circle of the Shepherd 2nd
in ga
Summons nature s pirits to bolster friends and harry foes
Fighter Arcane Archer 3rd s Imb ues arrows with spectacular magical effects
Fighter Cavalier
3rddu Defend s allies and knocks down enemies, often on horseback
Mon k
Way of the Drunke n Master mod 3rd
Combines resilience with co urtly elegance and mighty strikes
Co nfounds foes t hrough a martial arts tradition inspired by t he
bee swaying o f a drun kard
Mo nk Way of the Kensei 3rd Channels ki through a set of mastered weapons
Monk F
Way of the Sun Soul
3rd Tra nsforms ki into bursts of fire and searing bolts of light
is P
Paladin Oath of Co nquest 3rd Strikes terro r in enemies and crushes the forces of chaos
O ath of Redemption 3rd Offe rs redemption to the wo rthy a nd destruction to those who
refuse mercy or righteousness
Ranger Gloom Stalker 3rd Unafraid of the dark, relentlessly stalks and ambushes foes
Ranger Ho rizo n Wal ker 3rd Finds po rtals to other worlds and channels plan ar magic
Ranger Monster Slayer 3rd Hunts down creatu res of the night a nd wielders of grim magic
Rogue Inquis itive 3rd Roots out secrets, akin to a masterful detec tive
Rogue Masterm ind 3rd A master tactician , man ipulates others
Rogue Scout 3rd Combines stealth with a knack for s urvival
Rogue Swashbuckler 3rd Delivers deadly strikes with speed and panache
Sorce rer Divine Soul 1st Harnesses magic bestowed by a god or other divine source
Sorce rer Shadow Magic 1st Wields the grim magic of the Shadowfell
Sorcerer Storm Sorcery 1st Crackles with th e power of the storm
Warlock The Celestial 1st Forges a pact with a being from celestial realms
Wa rlock The Hexblade 1st Serves a shadowy e ntity t hat bestows dread curses
Wizard War Magic 2nd Mixes evocation and abjuration magic to dominate the battlefield
d6 Totem
A tuft of fur from a solitary wolf that you be-
friended during a hunt
2 Three eagle feathers given to you by a wise sha-
man, who told you they would play a role in deter-
mining your fate
3 A necklace made from the claws of a young cave
bear that you slew singlehandedly as a child
BARBARIAN 4 A small leathe r pouch holding three s tones that
represent your ancestors
5 A few small bones from the first beast you killed,
barbarians on the.field of battle, and it makes me wonder tied together with colored wool
what force lies at the hea rt of their rage. 6 An egg-sized stone in the shape of your spirit ani -
-Seret, archwizard mal that appeared one day in your belt pouch
the result of personal experience?
d us
d6 Superstition e nm Some barbarians ha il from cultures that revere their an-
If you disturb the bones of thebedead, you inherit all cestors. These tribes teach that the warriors of the past
the troubles that plagued
F ha them in life. linger in the world as mighty spirits, who can guide and
protect the living. When a barbarian who follows this
2 D They 're all devils in disgui se,
Never trust a wizard.
Pfriendly path rages, the barbaria n contacts the spirit world and
h s
especially ithe ones.
calls on these guardian s pirits for aid.
3 T
Dwarves have lost t heir spirits, and are almost like Barbarians who draw on their ancestral guardians
the undead . That's why they live underground. can bette r fight to protect their tribes and their allies. In
4 Magical things bring trouble. Never s lee p with a order to ceme nt ties to their ancestral guardians, bar-
magic object within ten feet of you . barians who follow this path cover themselves in elabo-
5 When you walk through a graveyard, be sure to rate tattoos that celebrate their ancestors' deeds. These
wear silver, or a ghost might jump into your body. tattoos tell sagas of victories against terrible monsters
6 If an elf looks you in the eyes , she's trying to read and other fearsome rivals.
your thoughts.
PRIMAL PATHS Level Feature
At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path feature. 3rd Ancestral Protectors
The following options are available to a barbarian, in 6th Spirit Shield (2d8)
addition to those offe red in the Player's Handbook: the
10th Consult the Spirits, Spirit Shield (3d8)
Path of the Ancestral Guardian, the Path of the Storm
Herald, and the Path of the Zealot. 14th Vengeful Ancestors , Spirit Shield (4d8)
exotic mater ials are likely to leave a l asting impression
events down through time-knowledge so impo rtant on an audience.
that it is memor ized and passed along as oral history, to e
survive even w hen no written record remains. o fD
You might have an "off th e rack" instrument, perhaps
because it's all you can afford right now. Or, if your
It is also the bard's role to chronicle sma ller and more first instrument was gifted to you , it might be of a more
contemporary events- the stories of today's heroes,
v e
elaborate sor t. Are you satisfied with the in strument you
including their feats of valor as well as their less than have, or do you aspire to replace it with something truly
impressive failures.
de distinctive?
Of course, the world has many people who ca n carry
a tune or tell a good story, and there's much more to any
adventuring bard than a glib tongue and a melodious
voice. Yet what truly sets bards apart from other s- and d6 Instrume nt
from one another-are the style and substance o f their
m l A masterfully crafted halfling fiddle
n 2 A m ithral horn made by elves
perform ances.
To grab and hold the attention of an audience, bards
3 A zither made with drow s pider silk
are typically fl amboyant a nd outgoing when they p er- 4 An orcish drum
form . The most fa mous of them are essentially the D & D 5 A wooden bullywug croak box
world's equ ivalent of pop stars. If you're play ing a bard, 6 A t in ker's harp of gnomish des ign
consider using one of you r favor ite musicians as a role
model for your character.
You can add some unique aspects to your bard charac-
ter by considering the suggestions that follow. A l most every bard has suffered at least one bad experi-
ence in front of an audience, and cha nces are you're no
DEFINING WORK exception. No one becomes famous right away, after all;
perhaps you had a few small difficulties early in your ca-
Every successfu l bard is ren owned for at least one piece
reer, or maybe it took you a while to restore your reputa-
of performance art, typically a song or a poem that
tion a fter one agonizing night when t he fates conspired
is popular with everyone who hears it. These perfor-
to bring about your t heatrica l ruin .
mances are spoken abou t for years by those w ho view
them, and some spectators have h ad their lives forever
cha nged because of the experience.
If your character is just star ting out, your ultimate de-
fining work is likely in the future. But in order to m ake
any sort of living at your professi on, chances are you
already have a piece or two in your r epertoire that have
proven to be aud ience pleasers.
T he ways th at a performance ca n go w rong are as nu
a muse- a p ar t icular concept t hat inspires much o f wh at
varied as the fish in the sea. No m atter what sort of e be
those bards do in front o f an audience.
disaster might occur, however, a ba rd has the courage ofD
A bard who follows a muse generally does so to gain a
and t he confidence to rebound from it- either pressing on
d eeper understanding of w h at that muse represents and
on w ith the show (if possible) or promising to com e back e rsi
how to best convey that understand ing to other s t h roug h
tomorrow w ith a new performa nce that's guara nteed per for mance.
to please.
d e
If your bard cha racter has a m use, it could be one of
the three d escribed here, or one o f your own devising.
s in Nature. You feel a k inship w ith the natural world, a nd
d6 Embarrassment
iedu its beauty and mystery inspire you . For you , a tree is
if deeply symbolic, its roots delving into t he da rk unknown
The time when your comedic song, " Big Tom's
Hijinks"-which, by the way, you thought was bril-
to draw forth t he power of the earth, wh ile its branches
n reach towa rd th e sun to nourish their flowers and
liant-did not go over well with Big Tom frui t. Nature is the ancient witness who has seen every
2 The matinee performance when a circus's owlbear k ingd om rise a nd fa ll , even those whose names have
got loose and terrorized the crowd been forgotten and wait to be rediscovered. The gods of
is P
3 When your o pening song was your e nthusiastic nature share their secrets with druids and sages, open-
but universally hated rendition of "Song of the ing t heir hearts and minds to new ways of seeing, and
as with those individ uals, you find that your cr eativity
4 The first and last public perfo rmance of"M irt, Man b lossoms while you wander in an open field of wavi ng
a bout Town" grass or wa lk i~ si lent reverence through a g rove o f an-
cient oaks.
5 The time on stage when your wig caught fire and
Love. You ar e o n a quest to identify the essence o f
you threw it down-which set fire to the stage
true love. Though you do not disdain the superficial
6 When you sat o n your lute by mistake during the love of flesh and form, the deeper form of love that ca n
final stanza of "Starlight Serenade" inspire thousands o r bring joy to o ne's every moment
is what you a re i nterested in. Love o f t his sort takes o n
A BARD'S MUSE m any forms, and you can see its presence everyw here-
Natura lly, every bard has a r epertoire o f songs and sto- from the sparkling o f a beautiful gem to t he song of a
simple fisher tha nking the sea for its bounty. You a re
ries. Some bards are general ists w ho can draw from
a wide range of topics for each per formance, a nd w ho o n the trail of love, that most p recious and mysterious
take pride in their versatility. Others adopt a more per- of emotion s, a nd your search fi lls your stories a nd your
son gs wit h vita l ity and passion.
sonal approach to thei r a r t, driven by th eir attachment to
T his
its saving throw aga ins t the command you cast with
this feature.
When you j oin the College of Gla mour at 3 rd level, you Once you use this feature , you can't use it again until
gain the ability to weave a song of fey magic that imbues you finis h a long rest.
your allies with vigor and s peed.
As a bonus action, you can expend one use of your UN BREAKA BLE M AJ ESTY
Ba rdic Inspiration to gra nt yourself a wondrous appear- At 14 th level, your appeara nce permanently gains an
ance. When you do so, choose a number of creatures otherwo rldly aspect th at makes you look more lovely
you can see a nd that can s ee you within 60 feet of you, a nd fierce.
up to a number equa l to your Cha ris ma modifier (mini- In addition, as a bo nus action, you can assume a mag-
mum of one). Each of the m gains 5 tempora ry hit points. ically majestic presence for 1 minute or until you are
Whe n a creature gains these te mpora ry hit points , it incapacitated. For the duration, whenever any creature
can immed iately use its reaction to move up to its speed, tr ies to attack you for the firs t time on a turn, the at-
without provoking opportunity attacks. tacker mus t make a Charis ma saving throw aga ins t your
T he n umber of temporary hit points increases when spell save DC. On a failed save , it can't attack you on this
you r each certain levels in this class, increasing to 8 at turn , and it must choose a new ta rget for its attack or the
5th level, 11 at 10th level, and 14 at 15th level. attack is wasted. On a s uccessful s ave, it can attack you
g aing Blade F lour ish options of your c hoice. You can use
When you join the College of S words a t 3rd level, youus
only o ne Blade Flouris h option pe r turn.
ied r.
Defensive Flourish. You can expe nd one use of your
gain proficie ncy with medium armor and the sciifmita Bardic Inspiration to cause th e weapo n to deal extra
If you're proficient w ith a s imple or martiaol d
me lee
m damage to the ta rge t you hit. The da m age equ a ls the
weapon, you ca n use it as a spellcasting
e en focus for yo ur numbe r you roll on the Ba rdic Inspiration die . You a lso
ba rd s pells.
s b add t he number rolJed to your AC until the start of your
nex t turn.
Slashing Flourish. You can expend o ne use of your
At 3rd level, you adoptPaDs tyle of fighting as your spe-
s the following options. You can't
cialty. C hoose o ne
Bardic Ins piration to cause the weapon to deal extra
take a F ighting S ty le option mo re tha n once, even if
damage to the target you hit and to any othe r creature
o f your choice tha t you can see w ithin 5 feet of you. The
some thing in the game le ts you choose again.
damage equa ls. the numbe r you roll on the Bardic Inspi-
Dueling. Whe n you a re wielding a melee weapon in
r a tion die .
one hand and no othe r weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to
Mobile Flourish. You can expe nd one use of you r Bar-
d amage rolls with that weapon.
dic Inspiration to cause the weapon to deal extra dam-
Two-Weapon Fighting. Whe n you e n gage in two-
age to the target you bit. The damage equals th e number
weapon fighting, you can add your a bility modifier to the
you roll o n the Bardic Insp ira tion die. You ca n a lso push
d amage of the second attack.
the ta rget up to 5 feet away from you, plus a number of
BLADE FLOURISH feet equa l to the numbe r you roll on that di e. You ca n
At 3rd level, you learn to pe rform impressive displays of th e n immediately use your reaction to move up to your
martial prowess and sp eed. walking speed to an unoccupied space w ith in 5 feet of
Whe never you take the Attack action on your turn, th e target.
your walking s peed inc reases by 10 feet until the e nd of
th e turn, and if a weapon a ttack th a t you make as part of
Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of
this action hits a c reatu re, you can use one of the follow-
once, whenever you take the Attack action o n your turn.
At 6th level, you gain the ability to adopt a huma noid's
persona. When a huma noid dies within 3 0 feet of you,
you can m agically capture its shadow using your reac-
tion. You retain this s hadow until you use it or you finis h
MASTER'S FLOURISH a long rest.
Starting at 14th level, whenever you use a Blade Flour- You can use the s hadow as a n action. When you do so,
ish option, you can roll a d6 a nd use it instead of expend- it vanishes, magically transforming into a disguise that
ing a Bardic Inspiration die. appears on you. You now look like the dead person, but
healthy a nd a'live. This disguise lasts for 1 hour or until
COLLEGE OF WHISPERS you end it as a bonus action.
While you're in the disguise, you gain access to a ll
Most folk are happy to welcome a ba rd into their midst. information that the humanoid would freely s hare with
Bards of the College of Whispers use this to the ir ad- a casua l acquainta nce. Such information includes gen-
vantage. They appear to be li ke other ba rds , s haring eral details on its background a nd personal life, but
news, singing songs, a nd telling tales to the audiences doesn't include secrets. The information is enough that
they gather. In truth, the College of Whispers teaches its you can pass yourself off as the person by drawing on
students that they are wolves among s heep. These ba rds its memories.
use their knowledge and magic to uncover secrets and Another creature can see through this disguise by
ist. by
turn them against others through extortion and threats . s ucceeding on a Wisdom (Insight) check contested
Many other ba rds hate the College of Whispers, your Cha risma (Deception) check. You gainia a l+5 bonus
viewing it as a parasite that uses a bard's reputation to to your check. A er
acquire wealth a nd power. For this reason, members Once you capture a s hadow withDthisF feature , you
of this college rarely reveal their true nature. They typ- P
can't capture a nother one with it until you finish a s hort
icalJy claim to follow some other college, or they keep e
or long rest. b
their actual calling secret in order to infiltrate and ex-
f De
ploit royal courts a nd other settings of power. SH ADOW LORE
b ee attacks magically
gain the ability to ma ke your weapon
On a fai led saving throw, the target is cha rmed by you
for the next 8 hours or until you or your a llies attack it,
toxic to a creature's mind.as
F h with a weapon attack, you
da mage it, or force it to make a saving throw. It inter-
When you hit a creature
can expend one use
P of your Bardic Ins piratio n to dea l a n
prets the whispers as a description of its mos t mortify-
Almost a ll the folk in the world who revere a deity live KEEPSAKES
their lives witho ut ever being directly touched by a di-
d6 Keepsake
vine being. As s uch, they can never know what it feels
like to be a cleric- someone who is not only a devout 1 The finger bone of a saint
wors hiper, but who has a lso been invested with a mea- 2 A metal-bound book that tells how to hunt and de-
s ure of a de ity's power. stroy infernal creatures
The question has lo ng been debated : Does a mo rtal A pig's whistle that reminds you of your humble st.
become a cleric as a conseque nce of deep devotion to and beloved mentor r
one's deity, thereby attracting the god's favor? Or is it the 4 A braid of hair woven from the tai l of a unicorn
de ity who sees the potential in a pe rson a nd calls that 5 D
A scroll that describes how best to rid the world of
individual into service? U ltimately, perhaps, the answer necromance rs nu
does n't m atte r. However cle rics come into bein g, the
6 e be
A runes tone sa id to be blessed by your god
world need s clerics as much as clerics a nd deities need
each othe r. ofD
If you 're playing a cleric c haracter, the following sec-
tions offer ways to add some deta il to that ch a racte r 's No morta v
e is e ntirely free of second thoughts or
l soul
his tory and personality. m
doubt. o
Even a cleric must grapple with dark desires o r
d eforbidden teachings
aof one's deity. attr action of turning against the
Most clerics s tart their lives of service as priests in a nus If you h aven't cons idered this aspect of your cha rac-
ord er, then later realize that they have been blessed
i f iedby ter yet, see the table e ntries for some possibilities, or
their god with the qualities needed to become
m odallycleric.
typica re-
use t hem fo r inspiration. Your deep, dark secre t might
involve something you did (or a re doing), or it could
To prepare for th is new duty, candida tes
en or another
ceive ins truction from a cleric of abteemple be rooted in the way you feel about the world and your
p lace of study devoted to theiradeity. role in it.
Some temples are c ut off h world so that their
F ns,thewhile
occupants can focus on P Ddevotio o ther temples SECRETS
open their doors htoisminis ter to a nd heal the masses. d6 Secret
T a bout t he temple you studied a t?
What is noteworthy An imp offers you counsel. You try to ignore the
creattJre, but sometimes its advice is helpful.
TEMPLES 2 You be lieve that, in the final analysis, the gods are
d6 Temple nothin g more tha n ultrapowerful mortal creatures.
Your temple is said to be the o ldest su rviving struc- 3 You acknowledge the power of the gods, but you
ture built to honor your god. think that most events are dictated by pure chance.
2 Acolytes of several like-mi nde d deities all received 4 Even though you ca n work divi ne magic, yo u have
instruction together in your temple. never tru ly fe lt the presence of a divine essence
3 You come from a temple famed for the brewery it within yourself.
operates. Some say you smell like o ne of its ales. 5 You are plagued by nightmares that you believe are
4 Your temple is a fo rtress and a provi ng ground t hat sent by your god as punishment for some unknown
tra ins warrior-priests. transgression.
5 You r temple is a peaceful, humble place, filled with 6 In times of despair, you feel that you are but a play-
vegetable gardens and s imple priests. thing of the gods, and yo u resent their re moteness.
6 You served in a te mpl e in the Ou ter Planes.
The gods of the forge are patrons of a rtisans who work
with metal, from a humble blacksmith who keeps a
village in horseshoes and plow blades to the mighty elf
artisa n whose diamond-tipped arrows of mithral have
felled demon lords. The gods of the fo rge teach that,
with patience a nd hard work, eve n the most intractable
meta l can be transformed from a lump of ore to a beau-
tifu lly wrought object. Clerics of these deities search
for objects lost to the forces of darkness, liberate mines
overrun by ores, and uncover rare and wondrous mate-
r ia ls necessary to create potent magic items. Followers
of these gods take great pride in their work, and they
are willing to craft and use heavy armor and power-
ful weapons to protect them. Deities of this domain
include Gond , Reorx, Ona tar, Morad in, Hephaestus,
and Goibhn iu.
er iali
Cleric Level Feature
1st P
Domain Spells, Bonus Proficiencies,
Blessing of the Forge
Channel Divinity: Artisan's Blessing
o of the Forge
i o nSoul
8th rs Divine Strike (1 d8)
v e
m o14th Divine Strike (2d8)
17th Saint of Forge and Fire
in g
ied You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the
SERVING A PA NTHEON , PHILOSOPH Y, OR FORCE o dif Forge Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain
m class feature for how domain spells work.
The typical cleric is an ordained servant of a particular god
s be
and chooses a Divine Domain associated with that deity. FORGE DOMAIN SPELLS
F ha
The cleric's magic flows from the god or the god's sacred
realm , and often the cleric bears a holy symbol that rep- Cleric Level Spells
is PD
resents that divinity.
Some clerics, especially in a world like Eberron, serve a
1st identify, searing smite
whole pantheon, rather than a single deity. In certain cam-
3rd heat metal, magic weapon
paigns, a cleric might instead serve a cosmic force, such 5th elemental weapon, protection from energy
as life or death, or a philosophy or concept, such as love,
7th fabricate, wall offire
peace, or one of the nine alignments. Chapter 1 of the
Dungeon Master's Guide explores options like these, in the 9th animate objects, creation
section "Gods ofYour World ."
Talk with your DM about the divine option s available in
your campaign, whether they're gods, pantheons, philos-
ophies, or cosmic forces. Whatever being or thing your
cleric ends up serving, choose a Divine Domain that is ap-
propriate for it, and if it doesn 't have a holy symbol, work
with your DM to design one.
The cleric's class features often refer to your deity. If you
are devoted to a pantheon, cosmic force, or philosophy,
your cleric features still work for you as written. Thi nk of
the references to a god as references to the divine thing
you serve that gives you your magic.
At 1s t leve l, you gain the ability to imbue magic into
a weapon o r a rmo r. At the e nd of a lo ng rest, you can
touch one no nmagical object that is a s uit of a rmo r o r
a s im ple o r ma r tia l weapon. Unti l the e nd of your next
long rest o r until you die, the o bject becom es a magic
item , g ra nting a +1 bo nus to AC if it's a rmo r or a +1 bo-
nus to attack a nd da mage ro lls if it's a weapon.
O nce you use this fea ture, you can't use it again until
you finis h a long rest.
e mo
within 30 feet of you, cursing it until the end of you r
d next turn. Th e next time you or an ally of yours hits
if ie curse ends.
Cleric Level Feature SENTINEL AT DEATH 'S DOOR
e of Mortality, At 6th level , you gain the abi lity to impede death's prog-
1st Domain Spells, Circle
ress. As a reaction when you or a creature you can see
h a
Eyes of the Grave
within 30 feet of you suffers a critical hit, you can turn
2nd ChannelFDivinity: Path to the Grave
P at Death's Door that hit into a normal hit. Any effects triggered by a criti-
6th Sentinel ca l hit are canceled.
8th T Potent Spellcasting You can use this feature a number of times equal to
17th Keeper of Souls yo ur Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the
Starting at 8th level , you add your Wisdom modifier to
Grave D omain Spells table. See the Divine Domain
class feature for how domain spells work. the damage you deal with any cleric ca n trip.
Starting at 17th level , you ca n seize a trace of vitality
Cleric Level Spe lls from a parting soul and use it to heal the living. When
1st bane, false life an enemy you can see dies within 60 feet of you, you or
3rd gentle repose, ray ofenfeeblement one creature of your choice that is within 60 feet of you
5th revivify, vampiric touch regains hit points equa l to the enemy's number of H it
Dice. You can use this feature only if you aren't incapac-
7th blight, death ward
i tated. Once you use it, you can 't do so again unti l the
9th antilife shell, raise dead
start of your next turn.
Your mentor was a wise treant who taught you to spent dice and add them together. The target regains a
ie number of hit points equal to the total. The target also
o dif
think in terms of years and decades rather than
gains 1 temporary hit point per die spent.
days or months. m You regain all expended dice when you finish a
2 en
You were tutored by a dryad who watched over
s be
a slumbering portal to the Abyss . During your
Jong rest.
F ha
training, you were tasked with watching for hidden HEARTH OF MOONLIGHT AND SHADOW
threats to the world. At 6th level, home can be w herever you are. During a
3 his
Your tutor always interacted with you in the form of
s hort or long rest, you can invoke the shadowy power of
the Gloaming Court to help guard your respite. At the
a falcon. You never saw the tutor's humanoid form.
4 You were one of several youngsters who were start of the rest, you touch a point in space, and an invis-
mentored by an old druid , until one of your fellow ible, 30-foot-radius sphere of magic appears, centered
on that point. Total cover blocks the sphere.
pupils betrayed your group and killed your master.
While within the sphere, you and your a llies gain a +5
5 Your mentor has appeared to you only in visions.
bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) and Wisdom (Perception)
You have yet to meet this person, and you are not checks, and any light from open Hames in the sphere (a
sure such a person exists in mortal form. campfire, torches, or the like) isn't visible outside it.
6 Your mentor was a werebear who taught you to The sphere vanishes at the end of the rest or when you
treat all living things with equal regard . leave the sphere.
DRUID CIRCLES Starting at 10th level, you can use the hidden, magical
At 2nd level, a druid gains the Druid Circle feature. The pathways that some fey use to traverse space in the
following options are available to a druid, in addition blink of an eye. As a bonus action o n your turn, you can
to those offered in the Player's Handbook: the Circle of teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can
Dreams and the Circle of the Shepherd. see. Alternatively, you can use your action to teleport
At 14th level, the magic of the Feywild grants you
the a bility to travel me nta lly o r phys ically through
W he n you finis h a s hort rest, you ca n cast one of the
following spells, without expending a spell s lot or re-
quiring mate ria l compo ne nts: dream (with you as the
messenge r), scrying, or te/eportation circle.
T his use of teleportation circle is specia l. Ra ther tha n
opening a portal to a pe rma ne nt tele porta tion circle, it
opens a porta l to the last location whe re you finished
a long rest o n your c urre nt plane of existence. If you
have n 't taken a long rest on your curren t plane, the
s pell fai ls but isn't was ted .
Once you use this feature, you ca n't use it again
until you finis h a long rest.
diffi c ulty d efe nding the mselves. S he phe rds, as they are
o fD
ion with g ifts to c urry favor with them
known, see s uc h cr eatures as the ir c ha rges. They wa rd
combine this asbility
off mons te r s that threaten them, re buke hunters w ho r
kill more prey than necessary, a nd prevent civilization as you wou
o veld with a ny nonplayer character.
from e nc roaching on rare animal ha bita ts a nd o n s ites
d em TOTEM
sacre d to the fey. Many of these druids a re h a ppiest far
from cities and towns, conte nt to s pe nd the ir d ays in the ng
aStarting at 2nd level, you can call fo rth nature spirits to
influe nce the world around you. As a bonus action, you
company of a nima ls a nd the fey cr eatures of the wilds.
Members of this circle become adventurers tofioppose e d can magica lly s ummon a n incorporeal spirit to a point
forces that threaten their c h a rges or to seekokn diowledge you can see within 60 fee t of you. The spirit c reates a n
aura in a 30 -foot radius a round that point. It counts as
and power that will help them safegua rd n m
th eir c h a rges
ees pirits of the wil-
neither a c reature nor an object, though it has the spec-
better. Wherever t hese druids go, the
b tra l a ppea rance of the c reature it re p resents.
de rness a re w ith t he m.
h as As a bonus actio n, you can move the s pirit up to 60
D F feet to a point you can see.
The s pirit pe rsists for 1 minute o r until you're incapac-
Druid Level Feature itated. Once you use this fea ture , you can't use it again
2nd Speech of the Woods, Spirit Totem until you finish a s hort or long rest.
6th Mighty Summoner The effect of.the s pirit's a ura depe nds on the type of
10th Guard ian Spirit spirit you summon from the options below.
Bear Spirit. T he bear s pirit g rants you and your allies
14th Faithful Summons
its might a nd e ndura nce. Each creature of your choice
in the a ura when t he spirit a ppears gains temporary
hit points equal to 5 +your druid level. In addition, you
At 2nd level, you gain the a bility to converse wit h beasts a nd your allies gain advantage on Strength c hecks and
a od many fey. Strength saving throws while in the a ura.
You learn to s peak, read, a nd write Sylvan. In addi- Hawk Spirit. The hawk s pirit is a consummate
tion, beasts can understand your speech, and you gain hunter, aiding you and your allies with its keen sight.
the a bility to deciphe r their noises a nd motions. Most Whe n a c reature makes a n attack r oll against a target
beasts lack the in telligence to convey or under stand in the spirit's a ura, you cao use your reaction to grant
sophisticated concepts, but a friendly beas t could relay advantage to that attack roll. In addition, you and your
what it has seen or heard in the rece nt pas t. This a bility a !Ues have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) c hecks
doesn 't grant you friends hip with beasts, though you can w hile in the aura.
Unicorn Spirit. The unicorn spirit lends its protection l c.10...-()..._'l, B(cc,...-u (v(r;t~i"~
to those nearby. You and your a llies gain advantage on 4u is '"f(rior to w<(,
all ability checks made to detect creatures in the spirit's
aura. In addition, if you cast a spell using a spell slot
that restores hjt points to any creature inside or outside T he tables include all the individua l beasts that are
the aura, each creature of your choice in the aura also eligible for Wild Shape (up to a challenge rating of 1) or
regains hit points equal to your druid level. the Circle Forms feat ure of the Circle of the Moon (up to
a cha llenge rating of 6).
Starting at 6th level, beasts and fey that you conjure are A RCTIC
more resilient than normal. Any beast or fey summoned
CR Beast Fly/Sw im
or created by a spell that you cast gains the follow-
ing benefits: 0 Owl Fly
1/8 Blood hawk Fly
The creature appears with more hit points than nor-
1/4 Giant owl Fly
mal: 2 extra hit points per Hit Die it has.
Brown bear
• The damage from its natural weapons is considered
magical for the purpose of overcoming immuruty a nd 2 Polar bear Swim
resistance to nonmagical attacks and damage. 2 Saber-toothed tiger
6 Mammoth
Beginning at 10th level, your Spirit Totem safeguards COA ST
the beasts and fey that you call forth with your magic.
When a beast or fey that you summoned or created with CR Beast Fly/Swim
0 Crab Swim
a spell ends its turn in your Spirit Totem aura, that crea-
ture regains a numbe r of hit points equal to half your 0 Eagle Fly
druid level. 1/8 Blood hawk er
1/8 Giant crab
D F Swim
1/8 Poisonous snake P Swim
Starting at 14th level, the nature spirits you commune
1/8 Stirge enu Fly
with protect you when you are the most defenseless.
1/4 Giant lizard
If you a re reduced to 0 hit points or are incapacitated
1/4 o f
Giant wolf spider
against you r will , you can immediately gain the benefits
i o n
ers eagle
1/4 Pteranodon Fly
of conjure animals as if it were cast using a 9th-level
spell s lot. It summons four beasts of your cho ice that are o vGiant Fly
challenge rating 2 or lower. The conjured beasts appear em Giant toad Swim
within 20 feet of you. If they receive no commands from ad 2 Plesiosaurus Swim
you, they protect you from harm a nd attack your foes.ing
The spell lasts for 1 hour, requiring no concentration,
d us or DE SERT
until you dismiss it (no action required). fi e
Once you use this feature, you can't use o ditiagain until
CR Beast Fly/ Swim
0 jackal
F 0 Scorpion
1/4 Giant badger 1/ 4 Giant wolf spider
1/4 Giant bat
bee Fly 1/ 4 Panther (leopard)
1/4 Giant frog
as Swim 1/4 Pteranodon Fly
1/4 Giant lizard
D Fh 1/ 4 Rid ing horse
1/4 Giant owl P Fly 1/4 Wolf
1/4 his
Giant po isonous s nake
T Swim 1/2 Giant goat
1/4 Giant wolf spider 1/2 Giant wasp Fly
1/ 4 Panthe r Giant e~gl e Fly
1/4 Wolf Giant hyena
1/ 2 Ape Giant vulture Fly
1/2 Black bear Lion
1/2 Giant wasp Fly Tiger
Brown bear 2 Allosaurus
Dire wolf 2 Giant boar
Giant hyena 2 Giant elk
Giant spider 2 Rhinoceros
Giant toad Swim 3 Ankylosaurus
Giant boa r
Giant constrictor snake Swim
Triceratops ,j
2 Giant elk
d ifie
your spi rit soars . You are happiest whe n you have a pur pose of overcoming r esistance and immunity to non-
o magical attacks a nd da mage. T he magic fades from the
foe in fro nt of you and a weapon in ha nd .
a r row immediately after it hits or m isses its target.
b ee
Sinis ter. Yo u scowl and s neer while fi g hti ng, and
h as
you enjoy mocking your foes as you defeat them. CU RVING SHOT
At 7th level, you learn how to direct a n erra nt arrow
MARTIAL toward a new ta rget. When you ma ke a n attack roll with
Tha fighter gains the Ma rtia l Archetype fea-
At 3rd level,
a magic ar row a nd miss, you can use a bonus action to
r eroll the a ttack roll aga ins t a differe nt target within 6 0
ture. The following options a re available to a fighter, in
feet of the origina l ta rget.
addition to those offered in the Player's Handbook : the
Arcane Archer, the Cavalier, and the S a mura i. E V ER-RE A DY S H OT
S ta rting at 15th level, your magica l a rchery is ava ilable
ARCANE ARCHER w henever battle s ta rts. If you roll initiative a nd have no
An Arcane Archer s tudies a unique elven method of uses of Arcane S hot rema in ing, you regain one use of it.
a rchery that weaves magic into attacks to produce s u-
pern atural effects. Arcane Archers are some of the most A RCANE S H OT 0PT10N S
elite wa rrio rs a mong the elves. They stand watch over The Arcane S hot feature lets you choose options for it at
the fringes of elven dom ains, keeping a keen eye out fo r cer ta in levels. T he options are presented here in alpha-
trespassers and us ing m agic-infused a rrows to defeat betical o rder. They ar e all magical effects, and each one
monsters a nd invade rs before they can reach elven set- is associated with one of the schools of magic.
tle ments . Over the centuries, the methods of these elf If a n option requires a saving throw, your Arca ne S ho t
a rchers have been learned by members of other races save DC equa ls 8 + yo ur proficiency bonus + your Intell i-
w ho can a ls o ba lance arcane aptitude w ith a rche ry. gence mod ifie r.
T he Sam urai is a fi ghter who draws on a n im placable
fig hting s pir it to overcome enem ies. A Samurai's resolve
is nea rly unbreakable, a nd the enemies in a Samura i's st .
path have two cho ices: yield or die fig hting.
e riali
Fighter Level Feature nu
3rd Bonus Profi ciency, Fightin g Spirit (5 temp . hp) e be
7th Elega nt Co urtier ofD
10th Tireless Spirit, Fighting Spirit (10 temp. hp)
15th Ra pid Stri ke, Fighting Spirit (1 5 te m p. hp)
v e
18th Strength before Deat h mo
a de
Whe n you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gainus
Star ting a t 10th level, whe n you roll initiative and
have no uses of Fighting S pir it re ma ining, you re-
proficie ncy in one of the following skills of your choice:
History, Ins ig ht, P e r fo rma nce, o r P ers uas ion. i f
dAlterna- gain o ne use.
tively, you lea rn o ne la ng uage of your choice.
s be S ta r ting at 15th level, you learn to trade accuracy fo r
ha ity in battle can s hield
S ta rting at 3rd leve l, your intens
swift strikes. Tf you take the Attack action on your turn
a nd have adva ntage on a n attack roll aga ins t one of
you and help you s trike D true. As a bonus action o n your
i s P
turn, you can give yourself adva ntage on weapo n a ttack
the targets, you can forgo the adva ntage for tha t roll to
Thof the curre nt tum. Whe n you do so,
rolls until the end
ma ke a n additio na l weapon attack aga ins t that target,
as part of the same action. Yo u can do so no mo re th an
you a lso gain 5 te mpora ry hit points. The numbe r of
once per turn.
tempo ra ry hi t points increases when you reach certa in
leve ls in this class, increasing to 10 a t 10th level and 15 S TRENGTH BEFOR E D EATH
at 15th level. Sta rting at 18 th leve l, your fi ghting spirit can delay the
Yo u can use this feature three times, and you regain g rasp of death. If you take da mage that reduces you to
a ll expended uses of it when yo u finis h a long rest. 0 hit points a nd doesn't kill you outright, you can use
your reaction to delay fa lling unconscious, a nd you can
immed iately take a n extra turn, interrupting the current
S ta rting at 7th level, your discipline a nd attentio n to de-
turn. While you have 0 hit points during that extra turn,
ta il a llow you to excel in socia l s ituations. Whe never you
taking da mage causes death saving th row failures as
ma ke a Cha ris ma (P ers uasion) check, you gain a bo nus
norm a l, a nd three death saving th row failures can s till
to the check equa l to your Wis dom modifier.
kill yo u. When the extra turn ends, yo u fa ll unconscious
Your self-control a lso causes you to ga in proficiency
if you s till have 0 hit points.
in Wis dom saving throws . If you already have this pro-
Once you use this feature, you can't use it aga in until
ficiency, you ins tead gain proficie ncy in Inte lligence or
yo u finis h a long rest.
Charis m a saving throws (your choice).
d u con-
A monk's focus on inner mas tery leads many such ing mark. Or perhaps your order's icon does not have a
individua ls to become detached from society,iemore physical fo rm but is expressed through a gesture or a
dni with hap-
cerned with their personal experience tha
m o
penings elsewhere. Adventuring monks are a rare breed
posture that you adopt, and which other monks might
know how to interpret.
ee taking their quest
of an a lready rare type of character,
for perfection beyond the a s of the monastery into the
world at large. d6 Icon
Playing a monkPcharacter offers many intriguing op-
portunities to i s
try something diffe rent. To distinguis h
Mon key. Quick reflexes and the ability to travel
TSearing Sunburst
At 17th level, you become wreathed in a luminous, mag-
ical aura. You shed bright light in a 30-foot rad ius a nd
17th Sun Shield dim light for an additional 3 0 feet. Yo u can extinguish or
restore the light as a bonus action.
R ADIANT SUN BOLT If a creature hits you with a melee attack while this
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you light s hines, you can use your reaction to deal radiant
can hurl searing bolts of magical radiance. damage to the creature. The radiant damage equals 5 +
You gain a new attack option that you can use with your Wisdom modifier.
the Attack action. T his special attack is a ranged spell
attack with a ra nge of 30 feet. You are proficient with
it, and you add your Dexterity modifier to its attack a nd S-o io"' ~c;vt t~il !O<A(, \o<At io"' '<;"''t ltl it or
damage rolls. Its damage is radiant, and its damage die to<AG~ il. f\"'J.. "'~'"' '10"' J..i<, t~i1 i"'visi\ol• t~i"'~
is a d 4. This die cha nges as you gain monk levels, as
l<c;v<l io"'r \ooJ.'1 c;"'J.. ~o,•I to c; tc;'• io"' '<;"' t l<l.
s hown in the Ma rtial Arts column of the Monk table.
When you take the Attack action on your turn and use
this specia l attack as part of it, you can spend 1 ki point
(\"'). io"' f'ofl' t~i"'k \ "" Grc;'l.i· 0
to make the special attack twice as a bonus action.
d6 Nemesis
A mighty ore war chief who threatens to overrun
and destroy everything you hold sacred
2 A fiend or a celestial, the agent of a power of the
Outer Planes, who has been charged with corrupt-
ing or redeeming you , as appropriate
3 A dragon whose servants dog your steps
4 A high priest who sees you as a misguided fool and
wants you to abandon your religion
5 A rival paladin who trained with you but became an
oath-breake r and holds you responsible
A vampire who has sworn revenge against all pala- e r iali
dins after being defeated by one
e be
Although paladins are dedicated to their oaths, they are
o fD
mortals, and thus they are flawed. Many of them exhibit
a type of behavior or hold to an attitude that is not in
keeping with the highest ideals of their calling.
o vOF CONQU_E_S_T_ _ __
deOath of Conquest calls to paladins who seek glory
What is the temptation that your character succumbs
to o r finds it difficult to resist?
g aThe
in battle and the subjugation of their enemies. It isn't
d us enough for these paladins to establish order. They must
ie crush the forces of chaos. Sometimes called knight ty-
d6 Temptation
o dif rants or iron mongers, those who swear this oath gather
Fury. When your anger is roused, you have trouble into grim orders that serve gods or philosophies of war
thinking straight, and you fear you might do some-
and well-ordered might.
thing you'll regret. s Some of these paladins go so far as to consort with
2 ha
Pride. Your deeds are noteworthy, and no one takes
F the powers of the Nine Hells, valuing the rule of law
D over the balm of mercy. The arcbdevil Bel, warlord of
is P
note of them more often than you.
Avernus, counts many of these paladins- called hell
3 Lust. You can't resist an attractive face and a pleas-
ant smile. knights- as his most ardent supporters. Hell knights
4 Envy. You are mindful of what some famous folk cover their armor with trophies taken from fallen en-
emies, a grim-warning to any w ho dare oppose them
have accomplished, and you feel inadequate when
and the decrees of their lords. These knights are often
your deeds don't compare to theirs.
most fiercely resisted by other paladins of this oath,
5 Despair. You consider the great stre ngth of the who believe that the hell knights have wandered too far
enemies you must defeat, and at times you see no into darkness.
way to achieve final victory.
6 Greed . Regardless of how much glory and treasure TENETS OF CONQUEST
you amass, it's never enough for you. A paladin who takes this oath has the tenets of conquest
seared on the upper arm.
Douse the Flame ofHope. It is not enough to merely
SACRED OATHS defeat an enemy in battle. Your victory must be so over-
At 3rd level, a paladin gains the Sacred Oath feature. whelming that your enemies' will to fight is shattered
The following options are available to a paladin, in addi- forever. A blade can end a life. Fear can end an empire.
tion to those offered in the Player's Handbook: the Oath Rule with an Iron Fist. Once you have conquered,
of Conquest a nd the Oath of Redemption. tolerate no dissent. Your word is law. Those who obey it
is P
13th Otiluke's resilient sphere, stoneskin PROTECTIVE SPIRIT
h monster, wall offorce Starting at 15th level, a holy presence mends your
17th Thold wounds in battle. You regain hit points equal to ld6 +
half your paladin level if you end your turn in combat
w ith fewer than half of your hit points remaining and
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the follow- you aren't incapacitated.
ing two Channel Divinity options.
Emissary ofPeace. You can use your Channel Divin- EMISSARY OF REDEMPTION
ity to augment your presence with divine power. As a At 20th level, you become an avatar of peace, which
bonus action, you grant yourself a +5 bonus to Charisma gives you two benefits:
(Persuasion) checks for the next 10 minutes.
Rebuke the Violent. You can use your Channel Divin- • You have resistance to a ll damage dealt by othe r crea-
ity to rebuke those who use violence. Immediately after tures (their attacks, spells , and other effects).
an attacker within 30 feet of you deals damage with an • Whenever a creature hits you with an attack, it takes
attack against a creature other than you, you can use radia nt damage equal to half the damage you take
your reaction to force the attacker to make a Wisdom from the attack.
saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker takes radiant If you attack a creatu re, cast a spell on it, or dea l dam-
damage equal to the damage it just dealt. On a success- age to it by any means but this feature, neither benefit
ful save, it takes half as much damage. works against that creature until you finish a long rest.
6 You respect you r chosen enemy, and you see your 7th Iron Mind
battles as a test of res pective skills. 11th Stalker's Flurry
15th Shad owy Dodge
Y_ov.. cc:;"''t wc:;lk t o t~t ~ori-..o"'• \otcc:;v..Jt
takes an extra 1d8 force da mage from the a ttack. When
you reach 11th level in thfa class, the extra damage in- it kttfJ o"' ~tHi "'~ fc:;rt~tr c:;wc:;;. Boo""'!
creases to 2d8. \)i), \ ~v..Jt \o[ow ;ov..r ""'i"'J.?
\ ),i),, J,iJ,..... 'l \? 0
At 7th level, you learn to step through the Ethereal
Plane. As a bonus action, you can cast the etherealness
spell with this feature, without expending a spell s lot,
but the spell ends at the end of the current tu rn.
Once you use this feat ure , you can't use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.
At 11th level, you gain the a bility to pass between the
planes in the blink of a n eye. When you take the Attack HUNTER' S SENSE
action, you can teleport up to 10 feet before each a ttack At 3 rd level, you gain the abi lity to peer at a creature
to an unoccupied space you can see. a nd magically discern how best to hurt it. As an action,
If you attack a t least two different creatures with choose one creature you can see with in 60 feet of you.
the action, you can m a ke one additional attack with it You immediately learn whether the creature has any
aga ins t a third creature. da mage immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities and
what they a re. If the creature is hidden from divination
magic, you sense that it has no damage immunities, re-
At 15th level, your ability to move between planes
enables you to s lip through the planar boundaries to
sistances, or vulnerabilities.
l i s t.
riaregain all
You can use this feature a nu mber of times equa l to
lessen the ha rm done to you during battle. When you your Wisdom modifier (m inimum of once). e
take damage fro m an attack, you can use your reaction
to give yourself resis tance to a ll of that attack's damage
expended uses of it when you finish a long F Arest.
on this turn. SLAYER'S P REY
e nu
Starting at 3 rd level, you e b focus your ire on one foe,
MONSTER SLAYER f D on it. As a bonus action,
increasing the harm
n o you inflict
ie du
o At 7th level, you gain extra resilience against your prey's
Ra nger Level Feature
nm assau lts on your mind a nd body. Whenever the target
b ee
Monster Slayer Magic, Hunter's Sense, of your S layer's Prey forces you to make a saving throw
Slayer's Prey as a nd whenever you make an abi lity check to escape that
7th Fh
Supernatural Defe nse
D ta rget's grapple, add 1d6 to your roll.
Magic- P Nemesis
15th T
Slayer's Counter
At 11th level, you gain the abil ity to thwart someone
else's magic. ~hen you see a creature casting a spell or
teleporting within 60 feet of you, you can use your reac-
Starting at 3rd level, you learn a n additional spell tion to try to magica lly foil it. The creature must succeed
when you r each certain levels in this class, as s how n
on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC,
in the Monster Slayer Spells table. The spell counts as or its s pe ll or teleport fails and is wasted.
a ranger s pell for you, but it doesn't cou nt agai ns t the Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
number of ranger s pells you k now. you finish a s hort or long rest.
Ra nger Leve l Spe ll At 15th level, you gain the ability to counterattack when
3rd protection from evil and good your prey tries to sabotage you. If the target of your Slay-
5th zone of truth
er's Prey fo rces you to make a saving throw, you can use
your reaction to make one weapon attack against the
9th magic circle
quarry. You make this attack immediately before making
13th banishment the saving throw. If your attack hits, your save automati-
17th hold monster cally s ucceeds, in add ition to the attack's normal effects.
When brute force won't get the job done, o r when magic st .
is n't ava ilable or appropriate, the rogue rises to the ADVERSARY
fore. With s kills tied to stealth, subterfuge, and trickery, Natura lly, those who enfo rce the law aA reebound to come
rogues can get into a nd o ut of trou ble in ways that few
othe r cha racters can emulate .
up against those who break it, and
who is n't feat ured on at least u PDit's the ra re rogue
o ne wa nted poster. Beyond
Some rogues who turn to adventuring a re former en profession that rogues
that, it's in the nature ofbtheir
crimina ls w ho have decided that dodgi ng mons ters
is preferable to remai nin g one s te p a head of the law.
often come into contact
o f D with criminal elements, whether
out of choice or
i n
otoo, necessity. Some of those people can be
Others a re professional killers in search of a profitable adversaries s a nd they're li to be ha rder to deaJ
enr the average member of the city watch.
application of their ta lents between contracts. Some v
with tha
s imply love the thrill of overcoming a ny challe nge that
e mIfoyo ur cha racter 's backstory doesn't a lready include a
s tands in their way.
a d personage of this sort, you could work with your DM to
On adventures, a rogue is likely to mix a n outwa rdly g come up with a reason why an adversary has appeared
i n
cautious approach- few rogues enjoy combat- with usa
in your life. Perhaps you've been the s ubject of scrutiny
ravenous hunger fo r loot. Most of the time, in i e for a while from someone who wa nts to use you fo r
mind, taking up a rms aga inst a creature o disifnot about ne farious purposes a nd has j ust now become k nown to
killing the creature but about becoming
e n m the new owner you. S uch a n incident could be the basis for a n upcom-
of its treasure. e ing adventure.
a s b certain facets of w hat it
T he following sections explore Does you r rogue character have an adversary w ho
means to be a rogue,Fwhichh you can use to add depth to a lso happe ns to be a criminal? If so, how is th is relation-
your cha racter. PD s hip affecting your life?
Most of w hat rogues do revolves a ro und obta in ing trea- d6 Adversary
s ure and preventing others from do ing the same. Little The pirate ca pta in on whose shi p you once se rved;
gets in the way of atta ining those goals , except that wh at yo u call moving o n, t he captain calls m uti ny
ma ny rogues are enticed away from that path by a com- 2 A master spy to whom you u nwitt ingly fed bad
puls ion that clouds their thinking-an irresistible need
informat ion, which led to the assassination of the
that must be satisfied, even if do ing so is ris ky.
wrong target
A rogue's guilty pleasure could be the acquis ition
of a physical item, something to be experienced, or a 3 Th e master of the local thieves' guild , who wants
way of conducting oneself at certa in times. One rogue yo u to join the o rganizatio n o r leave town
mig ht not be a ble to pass up a ny loot made of s ilver, fo r 4 An art collector who uses ill ega l mea ns to acqu ire
instance, even if said loot is ha nging around the neck masterpieces
of a castle guar d. Another o ne can't go through a day 5 A fence who uses you as a messenger to set up
in the city without lifting a purse o r two, jus t to keep illicit meet in gs
in practice. 6 The proprietor o f an ill egal pit fi g hting arena whe re
you o nce took bets
that person has now just become known to you. Who
did for you without realizing who was responsibl e, and As an archetypal Inquisitive, you excel at rooting o ut se-
b ee
helped you in the past, whether or not you knew it at the
time, and what do you owe that person as recompense?
eye for detail, but a lso on your finely honed ability to
2 The Beggar King has hidden you from your pursu- Rogue Level Feature
ers many times, in return for future consideration s. 3rd Ear for Deceit, Eye for Detail,
3 A magistrate once kept you out of jail in return for Insightful Fighting
information on a powerful crime lord. 9th Steady Eye
4 Your parents used their savings to bail you out of 13th Unerring Eye
trouble in your younger days and are now destitute. 17th Eye for Weakness
S A dragon didn't eat you when it had a chance, and
in return you promised to set aside choice pieces EAR FOR D ECEIT
of treasure for it. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you de-
6 A druid once helped you out of a tight spot; now velop a talent for picking out lies. Whenever you make a
any random animal you see could be that benefac- Wisdom (Insight) check to determine whether a creature
tor, perhaps come to claim a return favor. is lyi ng, treat a roll o f 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8.
d6 Origi n
Your power arises from your family's bloodline.
You are related to some powerful creature, or you
inherited a blessing or a curse.
2 You are the reincarnation of a being from another
plane of existence.
SORCE RER 3 A powerfu l entity entered the world . Its magic
changed you.
4 Your birth was prophesied in an ancient text, and
is a birthright.
you are foretold to use your power for terrible ends.
- Hennet, scion ofTiamat 5 You are the product of generations of careful, se-
lective breeding.
When it comes to dr awing forth their abilities in times 6 You were made in a vat by an alchemist.
of need, sorcerers have it easy compared to other char- st .
acters. Their power not only rests within them, but it
REACTIO N e riali
likely takes some effort to keep it at bay. Every sorcerer
is born to the role, or stumbles into it through cosmic
P D either at birth
When a new sorcerer enters the world,
nu greatly on how its wit-
chance. Unlike other characters, who must actively or later when one's power becomes evident, the con-
sequences of that event depend
ebhave seen.
learn, embrace, and pursue their talents, sorcerers have
their power thrust upon them. nesses react to whatD they
Because the idea of an innately magical being trav-
world around i o n orespond?
When your sorcerer's powers appeared, how did the
eling among them does not sit well with many folk,
e rsor somewhere inWere
you other people support-
sorcerers tend to breed mistrust and s uspicion in others
o v
ive, fearful, between?
they come across. Nonetheless, many sorcerers succeed m
in overcoming that prejudice through deeds that benefit e
their Jess magically gifted contemporaries. d6 Reaction
Sorcerers are often defined by the events s urroundjngu s Your powers are seen as a great blessing by those
the manifestation of their power. For those who
i e dreceive
i cause around you, and you are expected to use them in
m od isasaoutcasts,
it as an expected birthright, its appearance
for celebration. Other sorcerers are treated
service to your community.
banished from their homes afterethe ensudden, terrifying 2 Your powers caused destruction and even a death
b when they became evident, and you were treated
arrival of their abilities.
h as can be as rewarrung as it
Playing a sorcerer character a s a criminal.
is challenging. The D
sections below offer suggestions on 3 Your neighbors hate and fear your power, causing
how to flesh out
isand personalize your persona. them to shun you.
Th 4 You came to the attention of a sinister cult that
ARCANE ORIGIN plans on exploiting your abi lities.
Some sorcerers understand where their power came 5 People around you believe that your powers are a
from, based on how their abilities manifested. Others curse levied on your family for a past transgression .
can only speculate, since their powers came to them in a 6 Your powers are believed to be tied to an ancient
way that suggests no particular cause. line of mad kings that s upposedly ended in a
Does your character know the source of your magi- bloody revolt over a century ago.
cal power? Does it tie back to some distant relative, a
cosmic event, or blind chance? If your sorcerer doesn't
know where their power arose from, your DM can use SUPER NATURAL MARK
this table (or select an origin) and reveal it to you when A sorcerer at rest is almost indistinguishable from a
the information plays a role in the campaign. normal person; it's only when their magic flies forth that
sorcerers reveal their true nature. Even so, many sorcer-
ers have a subtle but telling physical trait that sets them
apa rt from other folk.
If your sorcerer has a supernatural mark, it might bedu by a telltale s ign that makes it clear w he re that magical
one that's easily concealed, or it could be a source of
o e nergy came from.
pride that you keep on constant display. m When your sorcerer character casts a spell, does the
en effort reveal itself in a sign of sorcery? Is this sign tied to
s be your origin or some o ther aspect of who you are, or is it
a seemingly random phenomenon?
d6 Mark
is P
Your eyes are an unusual color, such as red.
2 Th
You have an extra toe on one foot.
d6 Sign
3 One of your ears is noticeably larger than the other.
You ~eliver the verbal components of your spells in
4 Your hair grows at a prodigious rate.
the booming voice of a titan.
5 You wrinkle your nose repeated ly while you are
2 For a moment after you cast a spell, the area
around you grows dark and gloomy.
6 A red splotch appears on your neck once a day,
3 You sweat profusely while casting a spell and for a
then vanishes after an hour.
few seconds thereafte r.
4 Your hair and garments are briefly buffeted about,
as if by a breeze, whenever you call fo rth a spell.
As the world well knows , some sorcerers are better than 5 If you are standing when you cast a spell, you rise
others at controlling their s pellcasting. Sometimes a six inc hes into the air and gently float back down.
wild display of m agic gone awry emanates from a sor-
6 Illusory blue flames wreathe your head as you be-
cerer who casts a spell. But even when o ne's magic goes
gin your cas ting, then abru ptly disappear.
off as planned, the act of casting is often accompanied
W~'l J..o so ""G"''l Ct(Htic;( t~\°"~ l ~Cjvt ~irJ.. wi°"~l
t~i"'~l ~c;v< ~c;t wi"'~s? \t
c;"'J.. i"'f<r"'c;l Ht.,...s
SORCEROUS ORIGINS c;r~itw'l' ~trt s~oV\.(J.. ~' c; ~c;t G"'~'d
At 1st level, a sorcerer gains the Sorcerous Origin fea-
ture. The following options a re available to a sorcerer,
in add ition to those offered in the Player's Handbook:
D ivine Soul, Shadow Magic, a nd Storm Sorcery.
the outcome. Once you use this feature, you can't use it
Sometimes the spark of magic that fuels a sorcerer again until you finish a short or long rest.
comes from a divine sou rce that glim mers within the
soul. Having s uch a blessed soul is a sign that your EMPOWERED HEALING
innate magic might come from a distant but powerful fa. Starting at 6th level, the divine energy cours ing through
milial connection to a divine being. Perhaps your ances- you can empower healing spells. Whenever you or
tor was an angel, tra nsformed into a mortal and sent to an a lly within 5 feet of you rolls dice to determ ine the
fight in a god's name. Or your birth might align with a n number of hit points a spell restores, you can spend 1
ancient prophecy, marki ng you as a servant of the gods sorcery point to reroll any number of those d ice once,
or a chosen vessel of divine magic. provided you aren't incapacitated. You can use this fea-
A Divine Soul, with a natural magnetism, is seen as a ture only once per turn.
threat by some religious hierarchies. As an outsider who
commands sacred power, a Divine Soul can undermine OTHERWORLDLY WINGS
a n existing order by claiming a direct tie to the divine. Starting at 14th level, you can use a bonus action to
In some cul tures, only those who can claim the power ma nifest a pair of spectral wings from your back. Wh ile
of a Divine Soul may command religious power. In the wings are present, you have a flying speed of 30 feet.
these lands, ecclesiastical positions a re dominated by a The wings last un ti l you're incapacitated, you die, or . you
few bloodlines and preserved over generations. d ismiss them as a bonus action. l i s t
The affin ity you chose for your Divine Magicria feature
D F A wings: eagle
determ ines the appearance of the spectral
wings for good or law, bat wingsP for evil or chaos, and
Sorcerer Level Feature
d ragonfly wings for neutrality.
1st Divine Magic, Favored by the Gods
e be
6th Empowered Healing UNEARTHLY RECOVERY f D
14th O therworldly Wi ngs At 18th level, youn ogain the ability to overcome grievous
s o
ai bonus action when you have fewer than
18th Unearthly Recovery e r
injuries. As
half ofv
you r hi t points rema ining, you can regain a n um-
mof hit points equa l to half your hit point maxim um.
Your link to the divine a llows you to learn spells from a Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
the cleric class. When your Spellcasting feature letssyou ing you finish a long rest.
learn or replace a sorcerer cantrip or a sorcererdspell u of
1st level or higher, you can choose the newdspell f i e
the cleric spell Lis t or the sorcerer spellm o You must
list. You are a creature of shadow, for your innate magic
otherwise obey all the restrictionsefor n selecting the comes from the Shadowfell itself. You might trace your
spell, and it becomes a sorcerer b espell for you. lineage to a n entity from that place, or perhaps you were
In addition, choose an h asnity for the source of you r
affi exposed to its fell energy and transformed by it.
divine power: good,D F law, chaos, or ne utrality. You
evil, The power of s hadow magic casts a stra nge pall over
learn an add itionalP
is spell based on that affinity, as shown your physical presence. The spark of life that sustains
below. It isT sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count you is muffled, as if it struggles to remain viable against
aga inst your nu mber of sorcerer spells known. If you the dark energy that im bues your soul. At your option ,
later replace this spell , you must replace it w ith a spell you can pick from or roll on the Shadow Sorcerer
fro m the cleric spell list. Quirks table to create a quirk for your character.
of you equal to 3 + your Charis ma modifier. The chosen
ie creatures gain a magical flying speed of 30 feet for 1
o dif hour. Once you reduce your flyin g speed in this way, you
m can't do so agai n until you finis h a s hort o r long rest.
s be
F ha
is P
~o .,0..... ~ot '1ov.r rwm ~., . . . c;l..i"'~
c; Go"'trc;Gt wit~ so...,.•t~i"'~? ls it i"'
writi"'\• f •r'~G"''.? W•l(, "-•v•r . . . i"'~·
Jv.it t•l( ""'' t~is: Cc;"' \ ~·t '1ov.r
fow•rl ~'1 •c;ti"'~ 'lo.....? 0
d6 Attitude
Your patron has guided and helped your family for
generations and is kindly toward you.
2 Each interaction with your capricious patron is a
surprise, whether pleasant or painful.
3 Your patron is the spirit of a long-dead hero who
sees your pact as a way for it to continue to influ-
ence the world.
You THINK ME MAD? I THINK TRUE INSAN ITY I S BEING 4 Your patron is a strict disciplinarian but treats you
content to live a life of mortal drudge1y when knowledge with a measure of respect.
st .
and power is therefor the taking in the realm beyond. s Your patron tricked you into a pact and treats you
-Xarren, h erald of Acamar as a slave.
e r
6 FA
You are mostly left to your own devices with no in-
proviso that might seem odd or whimsical, but warlocks
in concert to forge their path into this class. The e
element is the event or circumstances that d f i
i to a take these dictates as seriously as they do the other re-
warlock's entering into a pact with a planaro led
entity. The
quirements of their pacts.
Does you r character have a pact that requires you
e ena warlock is bound
second one is the nature of the entity to change your behavior in an unusual or seemingly
ashave no love for a patron,
to. Unlike clerics, who typically e mbrace a deity a nd that frivolous way? Even if your patron hasn't imposed
god's ethos, a warlock might
s uch a duty on you a lready, that's not to say it couldn't
or vice versa.
The sectionsis P
that follow provide ways to embellis h a
still happen.
Th that could generate some intriguing
warlock character SPECIAL TERMS
story and roleplaying opportunities.
d6 Term
P ATRON 'S ATTITUDE When directed, you must take immediate action
against a specific enemy of your patron.
Every relationship is a two-way street, but in the case of
2 Your pact tests your willpower; you are required to
warlocks and their patrons it's not necessarily true that
both sides of the street are the same width or made of abstain from alcohol and other intoxicants.
the same stuff. The feeling that a warlock holds for their 3 At least once a day, you must inscribe o r carve your
patron, whether positive or negative, might be recipro- patron's name or symbol on the wall of a building.
cated by the patron, or the two participants in the pact 4 You must occasionally conduct bizarre rituals to
might view one another with opposing emotions. maintain your pact.
When you determine the attitude your warlock charac- s You can never wear the same outfit twice, since
ter holds towa rd your patron, also consider how things your patron finds such predictability to be boring.
look from the patron's perspective. How does your pa- When you use an eldritch invocatio n, you must
tron behave toward you? Is your patron a friend and ally,
speak your patron's name aloud or risk incurring
or an enemy that grants you power only because you
its displeasure .
forced a pact upon it?
Your patron is a powerful be ing of the Upper Planes.
You have bound yourself to an ancient e mpyrean, solar,
ki-rin, unicorn, or other entity that resides in the planes
of everlasting bliss. Your pact with that being allows you
to experience the barest touch of the holy light that illu-
minates the multiverse.
Being connected to such power can cause changes in
you r behavior and beliefs. You might find yourself driven
to annihilate the undead, to defeat fiends, and to protect
the innocent. At times, your heart might a lso be filled
with a longing for the celes tial realm of your patron,
and a desire to wander that paradise for the res t of your
days . But you know that your mission is among mortals
fo r now, and that your pact binds you to bring light to the
dark places of the world.
e riali
Leve l Featu re
Expanded Spell List, Bonus Cantrips,
Healing Light
of Soul
Rad iant
10th Celestial Resilience
g The Celestial lets you choose from an expanded list of
Some patrons make a habit of, and often enjoy, mark-
u sin spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following
ing the warlocks under their sway io some fashion. d A spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
binding mark makes it clear-to those whodknow ifie about
such things- that the individual in question
the patron's service. A warlock might
such a mark, claiming it as proof b eofe one's pact,
take advantage of
Spell Level Spells
a s(if possible) to avoidorthe
1st cure wounds, guiding bolt
want to keep it under wraps
F h dif-
flaming sphere, lesser restoration
ficulties it might bring.
i s
If your warlock's comes with a binding mark,
h displaying it probably depends on the
3rd daylight, revivify
how you feelTabout 4th guardian offaith, wall offire
nature of your relationship with the one who gave it to 5th flame strike, greater restoration
you. Is the mark a source of pride or something you are
secr etly ashamed of? BONUS CANTRIPS
At 1s t level, you learn the light and sacred flame can-
trips. They count as warlock cantrips for you, but they
d6 Mark don't count against your number of cantrips known.
One of your eyes looks the same as one of you r
patron's eyes.
2 Each time you wake up, the small blemish on your
At 1st level, you gain the abi lity to channel celestial
energy to heal wounds. You have a pool of d6s that you
face appears in a different place.
s pend to fuel this healing. The number of dice in the
3 You display outward symptoms of a disease but
pool equals 1 + your warlock level.
suffer no ill effects from it. As a bonus action, you can heal one creature you can
4 Your tongue is an unnatural color. see within 60 feet of you, spending dice from the pool.
5 You have a vestigial tail. The maximum number of dice you can spend at once
6 Your nose glows in the dark. equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of one d ie).
m o
sword Blackrazor is the most notable of these weapons, weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks
which have been spread across the multiverse over the the two-handed property. When you attack with that
s be
ages. The shadowy force behind these weapons can weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of
offer power to warlocks who form pacts with it. Many Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
hexblade warlocks create weapons that emul ate those This benefit lasts until you finish a long rest. If you later
is P
formed i n the Shadowfell. Others forgo such arms,
content to weave the dark magic of that plane into their
Because the Raven Queen is known to have forged the (
first of these weapons, many sages speculate that she
and the force are one and that the weapons, along with
hexblade warlocks, are tool s she uses to manipulate
events on the Ma.terial Plane to her inscrutabl e ends.
Level Fe ature
1st Expanded Spell List, Hexblade's Curse,
Hex Warrior
6th Accursed Specter
10th Armor of Hexes
14th Master of Hexes
At 2nd level, a warlock gains the Eldritch Invocations
feature. Here are new options for that feature, in add i-
tion to the options in the Player's Handbook.
If an eldritch invocation has a prerequisite, you must
meet it to learn the invocation. You can learn the invo-
cation at the same time that you meet its prerequisite. A
level prerequisite refers to your level in this class.
e ria
Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature
You no longer need to s leep n u can't be forced to sleep
by any means. To gain e bebenefits of a long rest, you
f Ddoing light activity, s uch as read-
can spend all 8 hours
onof Shadows and keeping watch.
ing your Book
gain the Pact of the Blade feature, this benefit extends
e rsi
to every pact weapon you conjure with that feature, no
m o v OF FLIES
Prerequisite: 5th level
matter the weapon's type.
a As a bonus action, you can surround yourself with a
s ing magical aura that looks like buzzing flies. The aura ex-
Starting at 6th level, you can curse the soul of a person tends 5 feet from you in every direction, but not through
you s lay, temporarily binding it to your service.
i f i e When total cover. It lasts until you're incapacitated or you dis-
you s lay a humanoid, you can cause its spirit
m od to rise from miss it as a bonus action.
its corpse as a specter, the statisticsnfor which are in The aura grants you advantage on Charisma (Intimi-
e appears, it gains
temporary hit points equal to s be your warlock
the Monster Manual. When the specter
dation) checks but disadvantage on a ll other Charisma
h a which has its own level.
Roll initiative for the specter,
checks. Any other creature that starts its turn in the
D F turns. aura takes poison damage equal to your Charisma mod-
It obeys your verbal
i s P commands, and it gains a s pecia l ifier (minimum of 0 damage).
(minimum T
bonus to its attack
of +O).
rolls equal to your Charisma modifier Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.
The specter remains in your service until the end of
your next long rest, at which point it vanishes to the ELDRITCH SMITE
afterlife. Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature
Once you bind a specter with this feature, you can't
Once per turn when you hit a creature with your pact
use the feature again until you finish a long rest.
weapon, you can expend a warlock spell slot to deal an
ARMOR OF HEXES extra ld8 force damage to the target, plus another ld8
At 10th level, your hex grows more powerful. If the tar- per level of the spell slot, and you can knock the target
get cursed by your Hexblade's Curse bits you with an prone if it is Huge or smaller.
attack roll, you can use your reaction to roll a d6. On a
4 or higher, the attack instead misses you, regardless
Prerequisite: 7th level
of its roll.
As an action, you gain the abi lity to see through solid
MASTE R OF HEXES objects to a range of 30 feet. Within that ra nge, you have
Starting at 14th level, you can spread your Hexblade's darkvision if you don't already have it. This special sight
Curse from a s lain creature to another creature. When lasts for 1 minute or until your concentration ends (as
Prerequisite: 7th level, hex spell or a warlock feature
that curses
Your curse creates a temporary bond between you and
your target. As a bonus action, you can magically tele-
d6 Spellbook ~~::===~~
A tome with pages that are thin sheets of metal,
spells etched into them with acid
2 Long straps of leather on which spells are written,
wrapped around a staff for ease of transport
WIZARD 3 A battered tome filled with pictographs that only
4 er
Sma ll stones inscribed with spells and kept in a
of how and why magic works, and our efforts to broaden
cloth bag
that understanding, have brought about th e key advances
5 P D
A scorched book, ravaged by dra gon fi re, with the
in civilization over the centuries. nu
- Gimble the illusio nist e be
script of your s pells barely visi ble o n its pages
6 A tome full of black pages whose writing is visible
on ly in dim light or darkness
Only a select few people in the world a re wielders of
magic. Of all those, wizards s tand at the pin nacle of ve
the craft. Even the least of them can manipulate forces
e mo aspi ring wizards undertake the study of magic
that flout the laws of nature, and the most accomplished d
among them can cast spells with world-shaking effects.g a without some personal goal in mind. Many wizards use
The price th at wizards pay for their mastery is that
u sin their spells as a tool to produce a tangible benefit, in ma-
terial goods or in status, fo r themselves or their compan-
mos t valuable of commodities: time. It takes e d of
i years
i f ions. For o thers, the theoretical aspect of magic might
harness magical energy and carry s pells odaround how
s tudy, instruction, and experimentation to learn to
in o ne's have a strong appeal, pushing those wizards to seek out
own mind. For adventuring wizards e en a nd other spellcast- knowledge that s upports new theories of the arcane or
s echelons of the profession,
e rs who aspire to the highest confirms old o nes.
the s tudying never ends,h anor does the quest for knowl- Beyond the o bvious, why does your wiza rd character
ed ge a nd power. DF study magic, a nd what do you want to achieve? If you ha-
is P a wizard, take advantage of the
If you're playing
ven't given these questions much thoug ht, you can do so
opportunityT to ma ke your characte r more than just a now, and the answers you come up with will likely affect
s tereotypical spell-slinger. Use the advice that follows to how your future unfolds.
add some intrig uing details to how your wiza rd interacts
with the world.
d6 Ambition
SPELLBOOK 1 You will prove that the gods aren't as powerful as
Your wizard character's most prized possess ion- your folk believe .
spellbook- mig ht be a n innocuous-looking volu me 2 Immortality is the end goal of your s tudies .
w hose covers show no hint of what's ins ide. Or you 3 If you can fully understand magic, you can unlock
mig ht display some flair, as many wizards do, by car- its use for all and usher in an era of equality.
rying a spellbook of an unus ua l s ort. If you d on't own 4 Magic is a dangerou s tool. You use it to protect
s uch a n item already, one of your goals might be to find what you t reasure.
a spellbook that sets you a part by its appeara nce or its 5 Arcane power mus t be taken away from those who
means of ma nufacture.
would abuse it.
6 You will become the greatest wizard the world has
seen in generations.
Endless hours of solitary s tudy and research can have
a negative effect on a nyone's social s kills. Wizards, w ho
a re a breed apart to begin with, are no exception. An
odd manneris m or two is not necessarily a drawback,
though; a n eccentricity of this sort is us ua lly harmless
and could provide a source of amusement or serve as a
calling card of sorts.
If your character has a n eccentricity, is it a physical
tic or a mental one? Are you well known in some circles
because of it? Do you fight to overcome it, or do you em-
brace this minor claim to fa me of yours?
d6 Eccentricity
You have the habit of tapping your foot incessantly,
e riali
which often annoys those around you.
2 Your memory is quite good, but you have no trou-
ble pretending to be absentminded when it suits
your purposes.
e be
3 You never enter a room without looking to see
what's hanging from the ceiling.
4 Your m ost prized possession is a dead worm that
you keep inside a potion vial.
5 When you want people to leave you alone, you start
talking to you rself. That usually does the trick.
in ga
6 Your fashion sense and grooming, o r more ac- s
curately lack thereof, sometimes cause others to
ass ume you are a beggar.
e nm In great battles, a wa r mage often works with evokers,
abjurers, a nd other types of wizards. Evokers, in par-
a s ticular, sometimes tease war mages for s plitt ing their
At 2nd level, a wizard gains
F h the Arcane Tradition fea- a ttention between offense and defense. A war mage's
ture . The following War
P Magic option is available to a ty pical response: "What good is being able to throw a
i s
w izard, in addition to the options offered in the Play- mighty fireball if I die before I can cast it?"
er's Handbook.Th
Wizard Level Feature
A variety of arcane colleges specialize in training wiz- 2nd Arcane Deflection, Tactical Wit
ards for war. The tradition of War Magic blends princi-
6t h Power Surge
ples of evocation and abjuration, rather than specia liz-
10th Durable Magic
ing in either of those schools. It teaches techniques that
empower a caster's s pells , while also providing methods 14th Deflecting Shroud
for wizards to bols ter their own defenses.
Followers of this tradition are known as war mages. ARCANE D EFLECTION
They see their magic as both a weapon a nd armor, a re- At 2nd level, you have learned to weave your magic to
source s uperior to any piece of s teel. War mages act fast fortify yourself against harm. When you are hit by a n at-
in battle, using their spells to seize tactical control of a tack or you fail a saving throw, you can use your reaction
s ituation. Their spells s trike hard, while their defensive to gain a +2 bonus to your AC against that attack or a +4
skills foi l their opponents' attempts to counterattack. bonus to that saving throw.
War mages are a lso adept at turning o ther spellcasters' When you use th is feat ure, you can't cast s pells other
magical energy against them. tha n cantrips until the end of your next turn.
TACTICAL WIT Once per turn when you deal damage to a creature
Starting at 2nd level, your keen ability to assess tacti cal or object with a wizard spell, you can spend o ne power
s ituations a llows you to act quickly in battle. You can surge to deal extra force damage to that target. T he ex-
give yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your tra damage equals half your wizard level.
Intelligence modifie r.
POWER SURGE Beginning at 10th level, the magic you channel helps
Starting at 6th level, you can store magical e nergy ward off harm. While you maintain concentration o n a
within you rself to later empower your damaging s pe lls. spell, you have a +2 bonus to AC and all saving throws.
In its stored form, this energy is called a power surge.
You can store a ma ximum number of power surges
At 14th level, your Arcane Deflection becomes infused
equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one).
with deadly magic. W hen you use your Arca ne Deflec-
Whenever you finis h a long rest, you r number of powe r
tion feature, you can cause magical e nergy to arc from
surges resets to one. Whenever you successfully end
you. Up to three creatures of your choice that you can
a spell with dispel magic or counterspell, you gain o ne
see within 60 feet of you each take force damage equal
power surge, as you steal m agic from the spell you
to ha lf you r wizard level.
foiled. If you end a s hor t rest with no power su rges, you
gain one power s urge. .
er iali
e be
e rsi
e mo
in ga
m od
F ha
is P
The c ha racte r c reation rules in the P lay er's Handbook
provide a ll the information you need to de fine your cha r-
acte r in preparation for a life of adventuring. Wha t they
don't do is account for a ll the circ umstances tha t s haped
your c haracter during the years be tween your birth a nd
the s ta rt of your career as a membe r of a class.
W hat did your cha racter accomplis h or expe r ience be-
fore deciding to become a n adventurer? W ha t were the
circ ums tances of your birth? How la rge is your fam ily,
a nd what sor ts of relationships do you h ave with your
re latives? Which people we re the greatest influe nces on
you during your formative year s, for bette r or worse?
To a nswer these questions an d more, you ca n use
the tables a nd the advice in this section to compose a
well-developed backstory for your ch aracter-an a u to-
biography of sorts - tha t you can use to inform h ow you
role play the ch a rac ter. Your DM can draw from this m a-
te ria l as the ca mpa ign proceeds, c reating situations and
scenarios tha t build off your previous life experiences.
that's a mong the informa tion you've already come up
with. But you can s till use othe r parts, s uc h as the sec- Personal Decisions. After you have selected your
tion on life events, to provide added depth a nd d etail. c ha racter'se
v to determinea ndhow
background class, use the a ppro-
priate tables you came to m ake
d emc hoices.
U you're comfortable with le tting the dice decide a cer- a Life Events. Your character's existence until now, no
tain fact about your c haracter, go a head and roll. If not, ing
you can ta ke charge and m ake the decision, c hoos ing u
s matter how brief or uneventful, h as been marked by one
e d
i you or more life events-me m ora ble happen ings that have
from among the possibilities on a table. Of course,
a lso have the option o f dis rega rding the result dofif a die had an effect on wh o you are today.
Supplemental Tables. Your life has intersected with
roll if it conflicts w ith a nother result. Like wise, if the
text instruc ts you to roll on a table,be
that's not meant to
the lives of plenty of other people, a ll the way from your
2d6 Birth Order
2 Twin, triplet, or quadruplet
3-7 Older
8-12 Younger
which tells you how you were treated by other young- d u C ALLS ON A B I T OF HER MAG IC: TO HELP RIG A M AST
i e
sters as you were growing up.
o dif
Supplemental Tables. You can roll on m the Relation- ABSENT PARENT
s hip table to determine how your family e nmembers or
other important figures in your s
lifebfeel about you. You
d4 Fate
Roll on the appropriate table in this section as soon as
you decide your background, or at any later time if you
choose. If a background includes a special decision
point, such as a folk hero's defining event or the spe-
cialty of a criminal or a sage, it's best to make that deter-
mination before using the pertinent table below.
d6 I became an acolyte because ...
e riali
I ran away from home at an early age and found
refuge in a temple.
u PD
My family gave meeto n since they were un-
e bto carea temple,
finDa household with strong religious con-
able or unwilling for me.
3 o
I g rew up
21 - 30 No permanent residence; you moved around
6 After encountering a true servant of the gods , I was
a lot
so inspired that I immediately entered the service
31-40 n
Encampment or village
e in the wilderness
be neigh borhood
of a religious group.
41-50 Apartment in a rundown
F ha
Small house
P Dhouse
i s d6 I became a charlatan because ...
91-110 Mansion
I was left to my own devices , and my knack for ma-
111 or higher Palace or castle
nipulating others helped me survive.
·~After making this rol l, apply the modifier from the Family Life-
2 I learned early on that peop le are gu lli ble and easy
style table to arrive at t he result.
to exploit.
3 I often got in trouble, but I managed to talk my way
out of it every time.
3d6 +
4 I took up with a confidence artist, from whom I
Cha mo d Me mory
learned my craft.
3 or lower I am still haunted by my childhood, when I
5 After a charlatan fleeced my family, I decided to
was treated bad ly by my peers.
learn the trade so I would never be fooled by such
4- 5 I spent most of my childhood alone, with no
deception again .
close friends.
6 I was poor or I feared becoming poor, so I learned
6-8 Others saw me as being different or strange,
the tricks I needed to keep myself out of poverty.
and so I had few compan ions.
9- 12 I had a few close friends and lived an ordinary
our name.
3 My family recently came by its title, and that eleva-
d6 I became a folk hero because ... tion thrust us into a new and strange world.
m o
I learned what was right and wrong from my family. 4 My family has a title, but none of my ancestors
e en
I was always enamored by tales of heroes and have distinguished themselves s ince we gained it.
a sb
wished I cou ld be something more than ordinary. 5 My family is filled with remarkable people. I hope
3 I hated my mundane
F hlife, so when it was time for to live up to their examp le.
5 I wanted fame and fortune, so I joined a mercenary tion of a master bard who schooled m e in the o ld
d6 I became a druid because ...
I saw too much devastation in the wild places, too
much of nature's splendor ruined by the despoil-
ers. I joined a circle of druids to fight back against e riali
the enemies of nature.
2 I found a place a mong a group of druids after I fled
a catastrophe.
e be
3 I have always had an affin ity for animals, so I ex-
o fD
plored my talent to see how I cou ld best use it.
4 I befriended a druid and was moved by druidic
e rsi
teachings . I decided to follow my friend's guidance
and give something back to the world .
5 While I was growing up, I saw spi rits all around
me- entities no one else could perceive. I sought s Too11V. HER HUMBLE ORIGINS Fl\R B E HIND HER, SHE Hl\S BECOME
out the druids to help me understand the vis ions
s be
origin. For this reason, I immersed myself in the
d6 I beca me a monk beca use ...
study of the druidic mysteries and became a cham-
I was chosen to study at a secluded monastery.
pion of the natural order.
required to eventually master a tradition.
2 I sought instruction to gain a deeper understand-
d6 I became a fighter because ...
ing of existence and my place in the world.
I st~mbled into a portal to the Shadowfell and took
I wanted to hone my combat skills, and so I joined
a war college.
refuge in a strange monastery, where I learned how
2 I squi red for a knight who taught me how to fight, to defend myself against the forces of darkness.
care for a steed , and conduct myself with honor. I
4 I was overwhelmed with grief after losing someone
decided to take up that path for myself.
close to me, and I sought the advice of philoso-
3 Ho rrible monsters descended on my community, phers to help me cope with my loss.
killing someone I loved. I took up arms to destroy
5 I could feel that a special sort of power lay within
those creatures and others of a simi lar nature.
me, so I sought out those who could help me call it
4 I joined the army a nd learned how to fight as part forth and master it.
of a group.
6 I was wild and undisciplined as a youngster, but
5 I grew up fighting, and I refined my talents by de · then I realized the error of my ways. I applied to a
fending myself against people who crossed me. monastery and became a monk as a way to live a
6 I could always pick up just about a ny weapon and life of discipline.
know how to use it effectively.
per. My family is convinced that this event was a
3 The world is a dark and terrible place. I decid ed to
serve as a beacon oflight shining out against the e
harbinger of stranger t hings to come for me .
gathering shadows.
o fD
I s uffered a terrible emotiona l or phys ical strain,
which brought forth my latent magical power. I
4 I served as a palad in's squ ire , learn ing all I needed
ersihave fought to control it ever since.
to swear my own sacred oath. v
5 Evil must be opposed on all fronts. I feel com- mo3 My immediate fami ly never s poke of my ancestors,
pelled to seek out wickedness and purge it from a de and when I asked, they would change the subject.
g It wasn't until I started displaying strange talents
the world.
u sin that the full truth of my heritage came out.
Becoming a paladin was a natural consequence of
my unwave ring fa ith. In taking my vows , I became
4 When a monster threatened one of my friends, I
o became filled with anxiety. I lashed out instinctively
the holy sword of my religion.
and blasted the wretched thing with a force that
b ee came from within me.
h as 5 Sensing something special in me, a stranger taught
d6 I became a ranger because ...
me how to control m y g ift.
is P
I found purpose while I honed my hunting skills by 6 After I escaped from a magical conAagration, I
bringing down dangerous animals at the edge of realized that though I was unharmed, I was not
civilization. unchanged. I began to exhibit unusual abil ities that
2 I a lways had a way with animals, able to calm them I am just beginning to understand .
with a soothing wo rd and a touch.
3 I suffer from terrible wa nderlust, so being a ranger WARLOCK
gave me a reason not to remain in one place fo r
d6 I became a warlock because ...
too long.
While wandering around in a forbidden place, I
4 I have seen what happens when the monsters
encountered an otherworldly being that offered to
come out from t he dark. I took it upon myself to
enter into a pact with me.
become the first line of defense against the evils
2 I was examining a strange tome I found in an aban-
that lie beyond civilization's borders.
doned library when the entity that would become
5 I met a grizzled ranger who taught me woodcraft
my patron suddenly appeared before me.
and the secrets of the wild lands.
6 I served in an army, learning the precepts of my
professio n while blazing trails and scouting e nemy
3 I stumbled into the clutches of my patron after I ac- dlOO Current Age Life Events
cidenta lly step ped through a magical doorway. 01 - 20 20 years o r younger
4 Whe n I was faced with a terrible crisis, I prayed to 21-59 21-30 years ld4
any being who wou ld listen, and the creat ure that 60- 69 31- 40 years ld6
answered became my patron. 70-89 41 - 50 years ld8
5 My future patron vis ited me in my dreams an d of- 90-99 51 - 60 years ldlO
fe red great power in exchange fo r my service. 00 61 yea rs or o lde r ld12
6 One of my ancestors had a pact with my patron, so
t hat entity was determined to bind me to the same LIFE EVENTS
agreement. dlOO Event
01 - 10 You suffered a tragedy. Roll on the Tragedies t able.
11 -20 You gained a bit of good fortu ne. Roll on the Boons
d6 I became a wizard because ... tab le.
An old wizard chose m e from among several candi- 21-30 You fe ll in love or got married . If you get this result
dates to serve an apprenticeship. more than once, you can choose to have a child
2 When I became lost in a fores t, a hedge wizard instead. Work with you r DM to determine the iden-
found me, took me in, and taught me t he rudi- tity of your love interest.
ments of magic. 31 -40 You made an enemy of an advent ure r. Roll a d6. An
3 I grew up listening to tales of great wizards and odd num ber indicates you are to blame for t he rift,
knew I wanted to follow their path. I strove to be and an even number indicates you are blameless.
accepted at an academy of magic and succeeded.
Use the supplemental tables a nd wo rk with your
4 One of my relatives was an accom plished wizard DM to determine this hostile character's identity
who decided I was smart enough to learn the craft. D
and the danger th is enemy poses to you.
5 While exploring an old tomb, libra ry, or tem ple, 41 - 50 nu
You made a friend of an adventurer. Use the sup-
I fo und a spellbook. I was immediately driven to e be
plemental tables and work wi th your DM to add
learn all I could about becoming a wizard.
o fD
more detail to this friend ly character and establish
6 I was a prodigy who demonstrated mastery of the how your friendship began.
arcane arts at an early age. When I became old 51-70 e spent ti me working in a job related to your
enough to set o ut on m y own, I did so to learn
m o background . Start the game with an extra 2d6 g p.
more magic and expand my power. e
d71-75 You met someone important. Use the supplemen-
g a tal tables to determine this character's identity and
s in
LIFE EVENTS how this individual feels about you. Work out ad-
No matter how long you've been a live, you haveifexpe- ditiona l details with yo ur DM as needed to fit this
rienced at least one s ignature event that hasomarkedly character into your backstory.
e n m wond rous
influenced your character. Life events include 76- 80 You went on an adventure. Roll on the Adventures
ea nd s uccesses, and
s b can help to explain
happenings a nd tragedies, conflicts table to see what happened to you. Work with your
encounters with the unusual. aThey
F ha n adventurer, a nd some
DM to determine the nature of t he adventure a nd
why your character became
might sWI affect yourPlife even after they a re long over.
the creatures you encounte red.
e en 5 Smuggling
ARCANE MATTERS sb 6 Kidnapping
ie du from your community. You then either wandered in
if the wi lderness for a time or promptly found a new
dl 2 Traged y
m od place to live.
1-2 A family member or a close friend died. Roll on 11 A romantic relationsh ip ended . Roll a d6. An odd
a sb
the Cause of Death supplemental table to find out number means it ended with bad fee lings, while an
how. h even number means it ended amicably.
A friendship ended bitterly, and the other person 12 A current or prospective romantic partner of yours
T his
is now hostile to you. The cause might have been a
m is understanding or something you or the former
died . Roll on the Cause of Death supplemental
table to find out how. If the resu lt is murder, roll a
friend d id. dl2. On a l , you were responsib le, whether directly
4 You lost all your possessions in a d isaster, and you or indi rectly.
had to rebuild your life.
5 You were imprisoned for a crime you didn't com- WAR
mit and spent ld6 years at hard labor, in jail, or
dl2 War O utcome
shackled to an oa r in a slave galley.
You were knocked out and left fo r dead . You woke
6 War ravaged your home community, reducing ev-
up hours later with no recollection of the battle.
erything to rubble and ruin . In the aftermath, you
2-3 You were badly injured in the fight, a nd yo u still
either helped your town rebuild or moved some-
bea r the awful scars of those wounds.
where else.
4 You ran away from t he battle to save your life, but
7 A lover d isa ppeared without a trace. You have been
you still feel shame for your cowardice.
looking for that person ever since.
5- 7 You suffered on ly minor injuries, and the wounds
all healed without leaving scars.
You escaped, but you fear they will find you. 85-89 Sorcerer
10 od
You met a demigod , an archdevil , an archfey, a de-
m 90-94 Warlock
n 95-00 Wizard
mon lord, or a titan, and you lived to tell the tale.
s b
You were swallowed by a giant fish and spent a
month in its gullet before you escaped. OCCUPATION
A powerful being granted you a wish, but you d l OO Occupation
T his
squandered it on something frivolous. 01-05 Academic
06-10 Adventurer (roll on the Class table)
The supplemental tables below give you a way to ran- 12-26 Artisa n or guild member
domly determine characteristics and other facts about 27-31 Criminal
individuals who are part of your character's life. Use 32-36 Entertainer
these tables when directed to do so by another table, or
37-38 Exile, hermit, or refugee
when you simply want to come up with a piece of infor-
mation quickly. The tables are in alphabetical order. 39-43 Explorer or wanderer
44- 55 Farmer or herder
A LI GNME NT 56-60 Hunter or trapper
3d6 Alignment 61 -75 Laborer
3 Chaotic evil (50%) or chaotic neutral (50%) 76-80 Merchant
4-5 Lawful evil 81- 85 Politician or bureaucrat
6- 8 Neutral evil 86-90 Priest
9- 12 Neutral 91-95 Sailor
96- 00 Soldier
a n additiona l time a nd add it as extra da mage of the
weapon's d a mage type . Once you use this a bility, you e
ca n 't use it aga in until you finis h a s hort or lo ng rest. D eb
• Immedia tely afte r you use your R ele ntless Endur-
a nce tra it, you can use your reaction to m a ke on e io no
weapon a ttack.
o ve
a de
Prerequisite: Half-elf, half-ore, or human
You have a knack for lea rning new thi ngs. You gain the
following be nefits: fi ie
• You gain one s kill proficiency of your c hoice,
n mo o ne tool
b ee one la nguage
proficie n cy of your choice, a nd flue ncy in
P rerequis ite: Haffling
Fortune favors you whe n s omeone tries to s trike you.
You gain the follow ing be ne fits:
• Increase your D exterity, Cons tit ution, o r Ch aris m a
score by l , to a m aximum of 2 0 .
• When a c re ature you can see hits you w ith an a ttack
roll, you can use your reaction to force tha t c reature to
reroll. Once you use this a bility, you ca n't use it again
until you roll initia tive at the s ta rt of comba t or until
you finjs h a s hort or long rest.
Alc he mist's supplies e na ble a c haracte r to produce use-
fu l concoctions , s uch as acid o r alchemist's fire.
Components. Alchemist's s upp lies include two glass
beakers, a metal frame to ho ld a beaker in place over
a n open fla me, a g lass stirring rod, a small mortar and
pestle, a nd a pouch of common alchemical ingredients,
including salt, powdered iron, a nd purified water.
Arcana. Proficiency w ith alchemist's s upplies allows
you to unlock mo re informa tion on Arcan a c heck s in-
volving potions a nd simila r m ateria ls.
Investigation. When you inspect an a rea fo r clues,
proficie ncy with a lc hemist's supplies grants additional
ins ig ht in to any chemicals or othe r s ubs ta nces that
might have been used in the area.
Alchemical Crafting. You can use this tool proficiency
to c reate alchemical items. A c h aracter can s pe nd
money to collect raw m a te ria ls, wh ic h weigh 1 pound
for every 50 gp spent. T he DM can allow a cha racter to
make a c heck us ing the indicated skill with advantage.
As part of a lo ng rest, you can use alch emist's supplies
to make one dose of acid, alch emis t's fir e, antitox in,
oil, perfume, or soap. S ubtract half the value of the c re- e riali
a ted item from th e tota l gp worth of raw materi a ls you
a re carry ing. P
Activity DC o fD
Create a puff of thick s m oke 10
Identify a poison 10 Activity
ve DC
Detectopoison or impurities in a drink 10
Identify a s ubstance 15
15 d em alcohol
Identify 15
Sta rt a fi re
g a Ignore effects of alcohol 20
Neutralize acid 20
ddoes beer Calligraphy treats writing as a delicate, beautiful art.
Brewing is the a rt of producing beer. Not only
mo of brew-
serve as a n alcoholic beverage, but thenprocess Calligraph e rs produce text that is pleasing to the eye,
ing p urifies water. Crafting beer takes
b ee weeks of fer men- usi n g a style that is diffic ult to forge. Their supplies a lso
tatio n, but only a few h ours ofawork. give them some abi lity to examine scripts a nd de termine
Components. Brewer'sFsuppliesh include a la rge if they a re legitimate, since a calligrapher's training in-
glassjug, a quantity of P D
ho ps, a s iphon, a nd several feet volves long ho urs of study ing writing and attempting to
i s re plicate its style and design.
of tubing.
Th with bre we r 's s u pplies g ives
History. Proficiency Components. Callig rapher 's s upplies include ink, a
you additiona l insig ht on Inte lligence (History) ch ecks dozen sheets of parc hme nt, a nd three quills.
concerning events t ha t involve alcohol as a signifi- Arcana. Alt hough calligraphy is of litt le help in deci-
cant e lement. phering t he content o f magical writi ngs, proficiency with
Medicine. This tool proficiency grants addition a l these s upplies can aid in ide ntifying who wrote a script
ins ight when you treat a nyone suffering from alcohol of a magical n ature.
po isoning or when you can use alcohol to dull pa in. History. This tool proficiency ca n augment the
Persuasion. A s tiff drink ca n help soften the h ardest b e ne fit of s u ccessful checks made to a na lyze or inves-
heart. Your proficie ncy w it h brewer 's s upplies can help tigate a ncient writings, scrolls, o r othe r tex ts, includ-
you ply som eone with drink, giving them just enough ing runes etched in stone or messages in frescoes or
alcoho l to mellow t heir m ood. other displays.
Potable Water. Your knowledge of brewing e nables Decipher Treasure Map. This tool proficiency grants
you to purify water that would otherwise be undrink- you expertise in examining maps. You can make an
able. As part of a long rest, you can purify up to 6 gal- In telligence c h eck to dete rm ine a map's age, whether a
lons of water, or 1 gallon as part of a s hort rest. ma p includes any hidden messages, o r s imilar facts.
Medicine. Your mastery of herbalis m oimproves your
Assess a vehicle's condition 15
m Take a tight corner at high speed
a bility to treat illnesses a nd wounds by augmenting you r
methods of care with medicin aleplants.
Nature and Survival. Whe a s nbyou travel in t he wild, LEATHERWORKER'S TOOLS
your s kill in herba lism h it easie r to identify pla nts
F makes
Knowled ge of leatherworking extends to lore concern-
and s pot sourcesP ofDfood that others might overlook. ing an imal hides a nd t heir properties. It a lso con fers
Activity DC Activity DC
Modify a leather item's appearance 10 Plot a course 10
Determine a leather item's history 20 Discover your pos ition on a nautical chart 15
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Paint an accurate portrait 10
e 20
Proficie ncy with a musical instrume nt indicates you are Create a painting with a hidden message
familiar with the techniques used to play it. You also f D
have knowledge of some songs commonly performed POISONER'S KIT
A poisoner's skit
iois a favored resource for thieves, assas-
with that instrument.
History. Your exp e rtise aids you in recall ing lore re- sins, andv e
r ers who engage in s kulduggery. It allows
lated to your instrume nt. youm tooapply poisons and create them from various
Performance. Your abi lity to put on a good s how
e rials. Your knowledge of poisons also helps you
is improved when you incorporate an instrument
s ing treat them.
Components. A poisoner's kit includes glass vials, a
into your act.
Compose a Tune. As part of a long rest, you can
i f i e mortar and pestle, chemicals, and a glass stirring rod.
compose a new tune and lyrics for your instrument.
might use th is ability to impress a noblemor spread scan-
You History. Your training with poisons can help you
when you try to recall facts about infamous poison ings.
dalous rumors w ith a catc hy tune. ee
n Investigation, Perception. Your knowledge of poisons
as has taught you to handle those substances ca refully,
giving you an edge when you inspect poisoned objects or
Activity P DF DC try to extract clues from events that involve poison.
Identify a tune hi
s 10
Medicine. When you treat the victim of a poison, your
a tune 20
knowledge grants you added insight into how to provide
Improvise the best care to your patient.
Nature, Survival. Working with poisons enables
NAVIGATOR'S TOOLS you to acquire lore about which pla nts and animals are
Proficiency with naviga tor's tools helps you determine a poisonous.
true course based on observing the stars. It also grants Handle Poison. Your proficiency allows you to handle
you insight into charts and maps while developing your and apply a poison witho ut r isk of exposi ng yourself to
sense of direction. its effects.
Components. Navigator's tools include a sextant, a
compass, calipers, a ruler, parchment, ink, and a quill. POISONER'S TOOLS
Survival. Knowledge of navigator's tools helps you
Activity DC
avoid becoming lost and also grants you insight into the
most likely location for roads and settlements. Spot a poisoned object 10
Sighting. By taking careful measurements, you can Determine the effects of a poison 20
determi ne your position on a nautical c hart and the
time of day.
Activity DC
Sharpen a dull blade 10
Repair a suit of armor 15
Sunder a nonmagical metal object 15
Perhaps the most common tools used by adventurers,
thieves' tools are designed for picking locks and foiling
traps. Proficiency with t he tools a lso grants you a gen-
e ra l knowledge of traps and locks.
Comp onents. Thieves' tools include a small file, a set
of lo ck picks, a s m all mirror mounted on a metal ha ndle,
a set of narrow-blad ed scissors, a nd a pair of pliers.
History. Your knowledge of traps grants you linsight i s t.
when a nswering questions a bout locations iat are re-
DFgain additional in-
nowned for their traps.
In vestigation and Perception.PYou
s ight when looking for traps,nbecauseu
b ethat be tray you have learned
a variety of common s igns
D e their presence.
Set a Trap. Just as
o f you ca n disable traps, you ca n als o
POTTER'S TOOLS set them. As pan rt of a s hort rest, you can create a trap
i o
Potter 's tools are used to c reate a varie ty of cera mic ob- us ing ite msrsyou have on hand. The total of your check
jects, most typically pots and s imilar vessels . becomes v
o theDtrap. C for someone else's attempt to discover
dtoe th e ma terials used in crafting it (such as poison or a
Comp onents. Potter's tools include potter's needles, or disable The trap deals damage a ppropriate
ribs, scrapers, a knife, a nd calipers. a
History. Your expe rtise a ids you in ide ntifying ce- ing weapon) or d a mage equal to ha lf the tota l of your check,
ramic objects, including whe n they were created and
d us whichever the DM deems appropriate.
i e
dif ins ight
their likely place or c ulture of origin.
Investigation, Perception. You gain additional THI EVES ' T OO LS
when inspecting ceramics, uncove ring
e n mclues others Activity DC
e irregularities.
s b potte ry shards, you
wou ld overlook by spotting minor Pick a lock Varies
Recons truction. By examining
F horiginal, intact form and its
Disab le a trap Varies
can determine an object's
likely purpose. PD
A set of tinker's tools is designed to e n a ble you to repair
many munda ne objects. Though you can't manufacture
Activity DC much w ith tinke r 's tools, you can m e nd torn clothes,
Determine what a vessel once held 10 s harpe n a worn sword, a nd patch a tattered s u it of
Create a serviceable pot 15 chain m ail.
Find a weak point in a ceramic o bject 20 Components. Tinke r's tools include a variety of ha nd
tools, thread, need les, a whetstone, scra ps of cloth a nd
SMITH'S TOOLS leather, and a s mal l pot of glue.
Smith's tools allow you to work metal, beating it to History. You can de te rmine the age and origin of ob-
alter its s hap e, re pair da mage, or work ra w ingots into jects, eve n if you have only a few pieces re maining from
useful items. the origina l.
Components. Smith's tools include hammers, tongs, Investigation. Whe n you inspect a da maged ob-
charcoal, rags, and a whe tstone. ject, you gain knowledge of how it was damaged and
how long ago.
e r iali
e rsi
e mo
in ga
When you place a teD mplate, follow a ll the r ules in the Using Tok ens . Every 5-foot squa re of a n area of e ffect
Play er 's Handbook
is fo r placing the associated a re a of becomes a die or other token that you place on t he grid.
Thof effect, s uch as a cone o r a line, origi-
effect. If an a rea Each token goes inside a square, not at a n intersection
nates from a spellcaster, t he template s hould extend out of lines. If a n area's token is in a s quare, that s quare is
from the caste r a nd be positioned however the caster incl uded in the area of effect. It's that s imple.
likes within t he bo unds of the rules. D iagra ms 2.3 t h rough 2.6 s how this method in action,
Diagrams 2.1 and 2.2 show the templa te m ethod us ing dice as the tokens.
in action. Circles. This method depicts everything using
squa res, and a circula r a rea of effect becomes s quar e in
TOK EN M ETHO D it, whe ther the area is a sphere, cylinder, or radius. For
The token method is meant to ma ke a reas of effect ins ta nce, t he 10-foot radius of flame strike, which bas a
tactile and fun . To use t his m ethod, grab s ome dice or dia meter of 20 feet, is expressed as a square t hat is 20
other toke ns, w hich you're going to use to re present your feet on a s ide, as s hown in di agram 2.3. Diagram 2.4
a reas of effect. s hows that area w ith tota l cover inside it.
Rather than fa ithfully representing the s hapes of the Cones. A cone is represented by rows of tokens on t he
different areas o f effect, this me thod gives you a way to grid, extending fro m t he cone's poin t o f origin. In the
create square-ed ged vers ions of them on a grid easily, as rows, the s quares a re adjoining s ide by side or corner to
described in the followi ng s ubsections. corne r, as s hown in di agra m 2.5. To determine the num-
- - - - -- -- - - - - - - \ . h a l lenge R a t i n g • - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
e riali
11th 1:6 1:3 1:2 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1
12th 1:8 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1
13th 1:9 1:4 1:2 1:2 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 5:1
6:1 nu
14th 1:10 1:4 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 4:1
D eb 5:1 6:1
15th 1:12 1:5 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 o f
4:1 5:1 5:1 6:1
rs ion
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -Challenge Rating·- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - --
e m
Level 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ad
16th 1:5 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 2:1 s in2:1g 2:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 5:1 6:1
17th 1:7 1:4 1:3 1:2 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 6:1
18th 1:7 1:5 1:3 1:2 1:1 d i
1:1f 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 6:1 6:1
n m 1:1
19th 1:8 1:5 1:3 1:2 1:2 l :1 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 6:1 6:1
20th 1:9 1:6 1:4 ee
b1:2 1:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1 4:1 4:1 5:1 5:1 6:1
stack up agai ns t your F
ha number of creatures in the encounter, you can come up
saving th rows are P D group. Hit points, attacks, and
all usefuJ indicators. Compare the with different options for building the e ncounter.
damage a monster his can deal to the hit point maximum of
each character. Be wary of any monster that is capable STEP 5: Ann FLAVOR
of dropping a character with a single attack, un less you The events that unfold during an encou nter have to do
are designing the fight to be especially deadly. with a lot more than swinging weapons a nd casting
In the same way, compare the monsters' hit points to spells . The most interesting confrontations also take
the damage o utput of the party's strongest characters, into account the personality or behavior of the monsters,
again looking for targets that can be killed with one perhaps determining whether they can be communi-
blow. Having a s ignifica nt number of foes drop in the cated with or whether they're a ll acting in concert. Other
first rounds of combat can make an encounter too easy. possible factors include the nature of the physical envi-
Likewise, look at whether a monster's deadliest ronment, such as whether it includes obstacles or other
abi li ties call for saving throws that most of the party features that might come into play, and the ever-present
members are weak with, and compare the characters' possibility of something unexpected taking place.
offensive abilities to the monsters' saving throws. If you al ready have ideas for how to flesh out your
If the on ly creatures you can choose from at the de- encounter in these ways, go right a head and finish your
s ired challenge rating aren't a good match for the char- cr eation. Otherwise, take a look at the following sec-
acters' statistics, don't be afraid to go back to step 3. By tions for some basic advice on adding flavor elements to
altering your challenge rating targets and adjusting the the simple mechanics of the fight.
00 2d4 young remorhazes
81-90 1dl0 frost giants with 2d4 polar bears
91- 96 1d3 adult white dragons
dlOO Encounter
e be
2d4 abominable yetis
01 1 abominable yeti
o fD
1 ancient white dragon with ld3 young white
02-04 ld6 revenants
05-10 1d4 + 1 werebears v e
11-20 ld3 young white dragons
e mo
21-25 A blizzard that reduces visibility to 5 feet fo r l d6
s in
36-40 ifie
A herd of 3d20 + 60 caribou (deer) moving through
d dlOO Encounter
the snow
mo 01 1 pseudodragon
41-50 ld4 mammoths
e en 02- 05 2d8 crabs
51- 60 ld8 + 1 trolls
a sb 06-10 2d6 fishers (commoners)
61 - 65 h
A mile-wide frozen lake in which the preserved 11 ld3 poisonous snakes
corpses of strange creatu res can be seen 12-13 ld6 guards protecting a stranded noble
66- 75
2d4 young remorhazes
A crumbling ice castle littered with the frozen bod-
14- 15
2d4 scouts
2d10 merfolk
ies of blue-skinned humanoids 19-20 ld6 + 2 sahuagin
81- 90 1 adult white dragon 21- 25 1cl4 ghouls feeding on corpses aboard the wreck-
91- 96 ld8 + 1 frost giants age of a merchant ship. A search uncovers 2d6
97- 99 ld4 remorhazes bolts of ruined silk, a SO-foot length of rope, and a
00 1 ancient white dragon barrel of salted herring.
26- 27 ld4 winged kobolds with ld6 + 1 kobolds
28- 29 2d6 tribal warriors
0 30-31
3d4 kobolds
2d4 + 5 blood hawks
Crc,i.'1 tki. . . ~1 k"'W"' c,l( tk• ti ....<. 34-35 ld8 + 1 pteranodons
t{o'-" "'-•v•r k"'ow wkc,l's ~'-"st c,ro"""'J. 36- 40 A few dozen baby turtles s truggling to make their
t k• cor,,...t r or btki"'J. tkc,t ).oor or way to the sea
).ow"' '"' t kc,t tit wk•r• \ tkrtw 41 - 42 ld6 + 2 giant lizards
d dlOO Encounter
in ga 01 ld4 banshees (night only)
dlOO Encounter
ie du 02- 04 l cyclops
01 2d8 giant wolf spiders if 05- 08 ld6 + 2 manticores
02- 03 3d6 pteranodons
m od 09- 10 l d8 + 2 veterans
04- 05 2d4 scouts 11-20 l young blue dragon
06-07 ld 6 + 2 sahuagin s b 21-25 A nest of l d6 dragon turtle eggs
08 l sea hag
F ha 26-35 ld4 sahuagi n barons
D A trident partially buried in the sand
is P
09- 10 ld4 + l giant toads 36- 40
11- 15 3d6 sahuagin 41 - 50 l young bronze dragon
16- 20 2d6 giant eagles 51 - 55 l marid
21- 25 A pseudodragon chasing gulls through the air 56-60 ld6 water elementals
26-29 l d2 druids 61-65 2d6 ghasts crawling over ld6 wrecked ships and
30-32 2d4 + 1 giant toads feeding on the dead
33-35 l commoner singing a dirge {day only) or 66-70 1 djinni
l banshee {night only) 71 - 75 ld3 young bronze dragons
76-80 A beached whale, dead and bloated. If it takes any
dama ge, it explodes, and each creature within
30 feet of it must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 5d6 bludgeoning damage on a fai led
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
81- 82 2d4 cyclopes
83-84 l storm giant
85-86 l d3 young blue dragons
st .
e riali
e be
o fD
e rsi
dlOO Encounter
e mo
87- 88 1 adult bronze dragon
89- 90 1 adult blue dragon
s in
91 - 93 ld3 roes
94-97 1 dragon turtle
o dif dlOO Encounter
98- 99 1 ancient bronze dragon 01 3d8 scorpions
00 1 ancient blue dragon
b ee 02 2d4 vultures
11 -20 1 storm giant 06 2d6 hyenas or 2d6 jackals
21 - 25 An adult bronze dragon fighti ng an adult blue 07 1d6 guards escorting a noble to the edge of the
dragon to the death desert, all of them astride camels
26-40 2d6 cyclopes 08 1d6 cats
41 -50 1 adult bronze dragon or 1 adult blue dragon 09 1 pseudodragon
51-60 ld3 djinn or l d3 marids 10 1d4 poisonous snakes
61-70 1 dragon turtle 11-13 2d4 stirges
71- 75 ld3 roes 14- 15 1d6 + 2 giant wolf spiders
76-80 ld 6 + 2 waterspouts that dance on the water before 16- 17 1 scout
stopping abrupt ly 18-20 2d4 giant poisonous snakes
81-90 ld6 young blue dragons 21-25 Si ngle-file tracks marching deeper into t he d esert
91-96 1 ancient bronze dragon 26-27 4d4 kobolds
97-99 1 ancient blue dragon 28-29 1 jackalwere
00 ld3 + 1 storm giants 30- 31 3d6 tribal warriors
47-49 l d4 giant apes
ld 3 giant vultures or ld3 hippogriffs
SO- S2 ld3 yuan-ti abominations 81 - 82
v e
S3- 62 ld3 young green dragons 83- 84 l goblin boss with l d6 + 2 goblins and ld4 + 3
63- 6S A SO-foot-tall stone s tatue of an elf warrior with de wolves, or ld3 thri-kreen
hand raised, palm out, as if to forbid travelers from 8S- 89 ld3 druids patrolling the wi lds
sin 90- 91 ld6 scarecrows or l wereboar
coming this way
ie 92- 93 l d3 centaurs or l d3 griffons
66- 7S ld4 treants
76-80 A cairn s et atop a low hill
m o 94 ld3 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu, or l ore Eye of
81-90 l adult gold dragon Gruumsh with 2d4 + l ores
91-96 l ancient green dragon
s be 9S-96 l triceratops
97-99 2d4 + l treants
F ha 97 l cyclops or l bulette
00 D
l ancient gold dragon 98- 99 l d4 manticores
is P 00 l tyrannosaurus rex
- // dlOO Encounter
01 ld3 gorgons
dlOO Encounter 03- 04 l d3 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu
01 l hobgoblin captain with ld4 + l hobgoblins OS- 06 l chimera
02 l chimera 07-09 ld4 + l veterans on riding horses
03 l gorgon 10-1 1 A tornado that touches down ld6 miles away, tear-
04 ld2 couatls ing up the land for l mile before it dissipates
OS l ankylosaurus 12-13 l d3 manticores
06 l weretiger 14- lS 2d4 ankhegs
07 ld3 allosauruses 16- 17 ld8 + l centaurs
08- 09 ld 3 elephants 18- 19 ld6 + 2 griffons
81- 82 2d4 giant elk ground is littered with stumps and fallen tree
83-84 ld4 ogres and ld4 orogs t run ks, all petrified
85-87 A hot wi nd that carries the stench of rot 66- 75
2dl0 bugbears with 4d6 goblins and 2d10 wolves
88-90 1d3 weretigers 76-80
e be
A friendly adventuring party of l d6 + 1 characters
91- 92 1 bulette ofD
of varying races, classes, and levels (average level
ld 6 + 2). They share information about their recent
93- 94 A tribe of 2d20 + 20 nomads (tribal warriors) on
riding horses following a herd of antelope (deer).
v e
t ravels.
The nomads are willi ng to trade food, leather, and
e mo
81-90 ldl2 chimeras
information fo r weapons. d91-96 1d6 + 2 tyrannosaurus rexes
95-96 ld6 + 2 wereboars
inga 97- 99 1 adult gold dragon
97 l young gold dragon 00 l ancient gold dragon
98-99 l d4 triceratops
if ie
00 ld3 tyran nosaurus rexes
m od
dlOO Encounter
F ha
is P
01 - 05 3d6 wereboars
dlOO Encounter
06- 10
11 - 15
2dl0 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu
ld4bulettes 01 l eagle
16- 17 An old road of paved stones, partly reclaimed by 02-03 2d4 baboons
wilderness, that t ravels for ld8 miles in either di- 04-06 ld6 bandits
rection before ending 07 ld4 vultures
18-27 l dl 2 couatls 08 ldlO commoners
28- 30 A witch (mage) dwell ing in a crude hut. She offers 09 l raven
potions of healing, antitoxins, and other consum- 10 l poisonous snake
able items for sale in exchange for food and news. 11- 13 2d6 bandits or 2d6 tribal warriors
31- 40 2d l0 elephants 14 2d8 goats
41 - 46 2d4 weretigers 15 ld6 + 4 blood hawks
47- 56 ld8 + l cyclopes 16 l d4 + 3 giant weasels
57-61 l d3 chimeras 17- 18 ld3 guards with ld2 mastiffs and l mule
62-66 5 triceratops 19-20 ld6 + 5 hyenas
67-69 A giant hole 50 feet across that descends nearly 21-22 2d4 stirges
500 feet before opening into an empty cave
61-63 The corpse of an adventu rer t hat ca rries an int act l d3 green hags
explorer's pack and lies atop a longsword
m o
43- l d4 werewolves
64 l green hag de 45-46 ld6 + 2 ogres
65- 66 ld3 dire wolves
inga 47- 48 l hobgo blin captain with 2d8 hobgoblins
67-68 A small cemetery containing 2d6 graves 49- 50 l bandit captain with 3d6 band its
69- 70
l hobgoblin captain with 2d4 hobgoblins ie 51-54 l chimera
71 2d4 giant goats
m od 55-58 ld4 ett ins
n 59- 62 ld6 + 2 vete rans with 2d6 berserke rs
72 l manticore
73- 74 ld6 + 2 hobgoblins
s b 63- 65 An abandoned woode n hut
75 1 phase spider
F ha 66-69 1 galeb duhr
76- 78 D
A pile of d ro pp ings from a very large bird 70-73 1 bulette
is P 74-77 1 wyvern
79 1 gnoll fang ofYeenoghu
80 ld 3 giant boars 78- 80 2d6 + 10 goats with 1 herder (tribal warrior)
81 1 gnoll pack lord with ld 3 giant hyenas 81- 82 ld3 hill giants
82 1 bandit captain wit h 2d4 band its 83-84 2d4 wereboars
83 1 ore Eye ofGruumsh with l d8 + 2 ores 85-86 l d4 reve nants
84 ld3 orogs or l d4 berserkers 87- 88 l d2 gorgons
85- 86 1 ettin or 1 wereboar 89- 90 ld8 + 1 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu
87- 88 1 goblin boss with 2d6 goblins 91-93 1d4 cyclopes
89 ld3 griffons 94-96 1 young red dragon
90 l d3 perytons or l d4 pegas i 97- 98 ld4 stone giants
91-96 l d3 trolls 99 ld3 young copper dragons
97- 99 1 cyclops 00 1 roe
00 1 stone giant
dlOO Encounter 78-80 ld3 nobles with ld4 scouts prospecting for gold
01 2d8 manticores or 2d8 phase spiders 81 - 85 l adult copper dragon
02-04 ld6 green hags with ld6 wyverns 86- 90 2d4 stone giants
05- 07 l hobgoblin captain with l hill giant and 4dl0 91- 96 ld4 roes
hobgoblins 97-99 l adult red dragon
08- 10 2d6 + 3 werewolves 00 l ancient copper dragon
11 - 14 ld6 + 2 ettins
15- 18 l d 3 bu lettes HILL ENCOUNTERS (LEVELS 17-20)
19- 22 ld4 werebears dlOO Encounter
23- 24 A stream of smoke e merging from a s mall chimney 01 ld2 roes
in the hill side 02- 05 l young red dragon
25-28 ld4 wyverns 06-10 2d6 ettins
29- 32 l d8 + l wereboars 11- 15 l d4 bulettes
33- 36 l d3 revenants 16- 20 l dl 0 revenants
37- 38 A mild earthquake that shakes the regio n for ld 20 21 - 25 The white outline of an enormous horse carved
seconds into the side of a high hill
39-42 ld3 chimeras 26-30 ld6 + l gorgons
43- 46 ld4 gorgons 31-35 2d4 + l trolls
47- 50 ld6 + 2 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu 36- 40 The scorched remains of 2dl0 humanoids littering
51 - 54 l d4 hill giants a hillside st.
55-58 l young red dragon 41-45 2d4 hill giants
e riali
59- 62 ld 3 + l galeb duhr 46-50 ld6 + 2 werebears
63- 65 2dl0 dwarf miners (commoners), whistling as they 51 - 55 2d4 galeb duhr P D
march toward their m ine 56- 60 ld4 + 2 wyverns nu
66-69 ld3 young copper dragons 61 - 65 e be
A massive boulder partly buried in the earth as if it
70-73 ld4 trolls
fell or was thrown the re
74- 77 on
ld3 cyclopes
v e
e mo
ie du
F ha
is P
dlOO Encounter dlOO Encounter
66-70 1 adult copper dragon 84- 85 1 saber-toothed tiger
71-75 ld6 + 3 cyclopes 86-90 A sparkling stream of water spilling from a crevice
76-80 The stub of an old stone tower jutting from the top 91 ld2 ettins
ofa hill 92 1 cyclops
81-85 2d4 stone giants 93 1 troll
86-90 1 adult red dragon 94 1 galeb duhr
91-96 1 ancient copper dragon 95 1 air elemental
97-99 1 ancient red dragon 96 1 bulette
00 ld2 adult red dragons with ld3 young red dragons 97 1 chimera
98 1 wyvern
99 1 stone giant
00 1 frost giant
elves who tell warily of their master: a mad wiza rd 58- 59 l yuan-ti malison
who lives in the heart of the va lley 60-62 l giant constrictor snake
41 - 45 ldlO air elementals 63- 64 A high-pitched s hriek that lasts for ld4 minutes
46-50 ld 6 + 3 trolls 65-67 2d4 lizardfolk
51-55 l adult red dragon 68-69 ld4 ghouls
56- 60 ld4 cloud giants 70-71 l will-o'-wisp
61 - 65 A waterfall hundreds offeet high that drops into a 72 l wight
clear pool 73 l ghast
66-70 l d3 fire giants 74- 75 l swarm of poisonous snakes
71-75 2d4 stone giants 76-77 A foul stench bubbling up from brackish waters
76-80 A force of l 00 dwarves (veterans) st anding guard 78-80 ld4 + 2 ogres
at a mountain pass, permitting no passage until 81-83 l shambling mound
a traveler pays 100 gp (if on foot) or 200 gp (if 84-86 l fizardfolk shaman with ld6 giant lizards and 2dl0
mounted) lizardfolk
55-58 ld8 + 1 ogres 04 2d4 giant fire beetles
59-62 T
2d4 ghasts 05 ld8 + 1 flumphs
63- 65 An altar partially sunk into the mud, devoted to a 06 1 shrieker
god that is part human and part frog 07 1dl2 giant rats
66-69 1 giant crocodile 08 2d4 kobolds
70-73 1 shambling mound 09 l d8 + 1 stirges
74-77 1 ore Eye ofGruumsh with ld3 ogres and 2dl0 + 5 10 2d4 humans (tribal warriors) seeking the way to the
ores surface, fleeing their Underdark oppressors
78-80 A torrential rain that lasts ld6 minutes and puts 11 -12 ldlO troglodytes
out all unprotected flames within 1 mile 13- 14 ld2 gray oozes
81 -82 1 young black dragon 15- 16 3d6 stirges
83-84 ld4 green hags with ld6 + 1 ogres 17-18 ld3 magma mephits
85-86 1 yuan-ti abomination 19-20 ldlO goblins
87-88 ld4 + 1 wights 21-22 Ore graffiti on the walls, suggesting something
rude about the mother of someone named Krusk
58 2d10 giant centipedes 08 1 goblin boss with 2d4 goblins
59 1 nothic or 1 giant toad 09
2d4 darkmantles
ld4 myconid adults with Sd4 myconid sprouts v
60 10 2d8 + 1 drow
61 1 minotaur skeleton or 1 minotaur
de 11 2d10 piercers
62 3d6 drow
in ga 12 ld4 minotaur skeletons
63 1 mimic or 1 doppelganger s 13-14 3d6 deep gnomes
64 ld6 + 3 hobgoblins
ie du 15 1 druid with 1 polar bear (cave bear)
1 intellect devourer or 1 spectator
ld8 + 1 ores m od 16-17 3d6 ores
1 bone naga
n 18
A faint tapping comi ng from inside a nearby wall 19-20 2d6 bugbears
70 F
ld12 gas spores
1 gibbering mouther or 1 water weird 21-25 Luminescent fungi growing on the walls of a moist
cave, filling it with dim light
is P
1 giant constrictor snake 26 2d4 specters
72 Th
l dlO shadows 27 l d1 2 + 4 shadows
73 ld3 grells 28 1d3 gibbering mouthers
74 ld4 wights 29- 30 4d4 hobgoblins
75 ld8 + 1 quaggoth spore servants 31 - 32 1d4 carrion crawlers
76 ld2 gargoyles 33-34 1 black pudding
77 ld4 ogres or ld3 ettins 35 ld4 ochre jellies
78 ld4 dwarf explo rers (veterans) 36- 40 A patch of mold that appears yellow when light is
79-80 An abandoned miners' camp spattered with blood directed toward it
and littered with the contents of 1d3 dungeoneer's 41 ld4 nothics
packs 42-43 2d8 + 1 gas spores
81 1 chuul or 1 salamander 44-45 l d3 gelatinous cubes
82 ld4 phase spiders or l d3 hook horrors 46 1 ghost
83 5d4 duergar 47-48 1 flameskull
84 1 ghost or 1 flameskull o r 1 wraith 49-50 2d8 duergar
,HJ:YI #
51 l wraith dlOO Encounter
52 l umber hulk 01-02 3d6 carrion crawlers
53 l xorn 03-04 l d6 + l gelatinous cubes
54 ld6 + 2 dwarf hunters (veterans) searching for 05-06 ld8 + 2 gibbering mouthers
trolls 07- 08 2d8 minotaur skeletons
55 l hobgoblin captain with 3dl0 hobgoblins 09- 10 2d6 ochre jellies
56 1 roper 11- 12 2d4 doppelgangers
57 l kuo-toa monitor with ld4 kuo-toa whips and ld8 13- 14 ld4 quaggoth thonots with ldlO + 2 quaggoths
+ l kuo-toa 15- 16 ld3 ropers
58 ld3 water weirds 17-18 3d6 gargoyles
59 ld4 ghasts with ldlO ghouls 19-20 ldlO mimics
60 l otyugh 21 - 25 A 100-foot-long ravine, 4dl0 feet wide and 5d20 +
61-62 A merchant caravan consisting of l drow mage, 2 200 feet deep
drow elite warriors, and 2dl0 quaggoths 26-27 l hobgoblin captain with 3dl0 hobgoblins
63 ld4 wights 28-29 2d4 spectators
64 l d4 doppelgangers 30-31 3d6 ghasts
65 2d8 fire snakes 32- 33 2d8 intellect devourers
66 ld4 spectators 34- 35 ld3 ore Eyes ofGruumsh with 2d4 orogs and 2dl0
67 l ore Eye ofGruumsh with ld4 orogs and 2dl0 + ores
3 ores 36-40 A large cave containing 2dl0 extraordinarily de-
68 ld3 vampire spawn tai led statues of various creatures
st .
69 ld4 hook horrors or ld4 minotaurs 41 - 42 l d8 + l kuo-toa monitors
e riali
70 3d6 quaggoth spore servants 43-44 2d4 water weirds
71- 72 l d3 grells 45-46 2dl0 gricks
73 ld6 + l intellect devourers 47-48 3d6 nothics nu
74 ldlO gargoyles 49-50 e
2d8 + l ogres be
75 l beholder zombie 51-52 ofD
ld6 + 2 chuuls
76-77 l quaggoth thonot with 2d4 quaggoths 53- 54 ld8 + l ettins
78 l d6 ettins or l d4 trolls v55 e 3d6 grells
79 ld8 + l phase spiders
e mo 56 2d4 flameskulls
d 57 2dl2 dwarf soldiers (veterans) on patrol
80 l fomorian or ld3 cyclopes
81 l d4 earth elementals in 58 2d8 hell hounds
82 3d6 ogres
d us 59 ldlO ghosts
83 ld4 + l chuuls
o dif 60 3d4 wights
3d6 phase spiders
84 ld lO hell hounds m 61
ld3 drow elite warriors en 62 ld8 + l bone nagas
86 l d4 chimeras s 63-65 A shrill scream followed by dark laughter
87 F
l d4 salamandersha 66 ld4 chimeras
is P
88 l cloaker 67 ldlO black puddings
89 Th
2d4 wights 68
3d6 minotaurs
2d4 otyughs
90 ld4 driders
91 l fire giant 70 ld6 + l beholder zombies
92 l grick alpha with 2d4 gricks 71 4d4 hook horrors
93 l mind flayer arcanist 72 ld8 + l umber hulks
94 ld4 drow mages 73 2d4 salamanders
95 l spirit naga 74 ld3 grick alphas
96 ld4 mind flayers 75 ld6 + 2 xorn
97 l behir 76-80 A ru ined village that once belonged to deep
98 l aboleth gnomes. A search has a 50% chance of uncovering
99 l dao or l stone giant ld3 potions ofhealing and a 25% chance of finding
00 l beholder a random common magic item.
81 2d4 earth elementals
82 ld3 spirit nagas
19-20 1d4 cloakers 30-33 l d4 reef sharks
ld4 hobgoblin captains with SdlO hobgoblinsie
21 34- 37 1 swarm of quippers
22-23 1d8 + 1 earth elementals
m o 38-40 A bed of enormous clams
24-25 2d4 vampire spawn
en 41-45 ldlO merfolk with ld3 giant sea horses
26-27 3d6 minotaurs
s be 46-50 1 giant octopus
F ha
A 30-foot-tall inverted black pyramid floating 1 inch 51 - 55 1 merrow
above the floor in a large cave 1 plesiosaurus
is P
56- 60
31-32 1dl0 beholder zombies
61 - 65 2d10 pieces of co rroded brass dinnerware littering
33-34 ld4 mind flayer arcanists the bottom
35-36 ld6 + 2 otyughs 66-70 1 giant constrictor snake
37-38 l d12 trolls 71- 75 1 sea hag
39-40 1dl0 wraiths 76- 80 Aschool of silvery fish darting through the water
41 - 43 A beautiful obsidian sculpture of a panther lying on 81 - 85 ld4 hunter sharks
the floor 86- 90 1 sahuagin priestess with 2d4 sahuagin
44-45 l d4 drow mages with ld6 drow elite warriors 91- 96 ld4 killer whales
46-47 1d4 spirit nagas 97-98 1 giant shark
48-49 ld8 + 1 salamanders 99 1 water elemental
50-51 2d4 umber hulks 00 1 sahuagin baron
52-53 ldlO xorn
54- 56 1 young red s hadow dragon
57-59 2d4 fomorians
60-62 1d8 + l driders
b ee
UNDERWATER ENCOUNTERS (LEVELS 11-20) 44-45 3d6 bandits
dlOO Encounter
h as 46- 47 ld3 + 2 nobles on riding horses with an escort of
01- 10 F
l sahuagin baron with l d4 sahuagin priestesses ldlO guards
and 2d10 sahuagin
is 48 2d4 kenku
11-35 Th
ldlO killer whales 49 ld6 + 2 smoke mephits
36- 40 A ghost ship passing overhead, containing 2d6 + so ld8 + 1 swarms of ravens
10 ghosts 51- 52 1 wererat
41 - 60 ld6 giant sharks 53- 54 1d3 half.ogres
61-65 A 1-mile-radius sphere of effervescent wate r that 55-56 1 mimic
allows air-breathing creatures to breathe water 57-58 ld4 ghouls
while in the sphere 59- 60 ld4 specters
66-75 ldlO water elementals 61- 62 ldlO shadows
76- 80 A shimmering, blue-green portal to the Elemental 63-65 Someone empties a chamber pot onto the street
Plane of Water from a second-floor window
81- 90 l d4 marids 66-67 l ghast
91 - 96 l d3 storm giants 68-69 l priest
97-99 l dragon turtle 70-71 l will-o'-wisp
00 1 kraken 72- 73 ld3 giant s piders
e m 2d4 priests
ie du
F ha
is P
dlOO Encounter dlOO Encounter
72- 74 3d6 yuan-ti purebloods 66- 69 A scruffy commone r that ducks into an alley to
75- 76 2dl0 thugs make a purchase from a suspicious-looking figure
77-80 A fortune-teller reads cards for those who pay a 70- 72 ld8 invisible stalke rs
p rice of l sp 73- 75 ld8 + l gladiators
81 l d3 gladiators 76-80 Two fa rme rs trad ing blows over the price of pota-
82 l d4 + l couatls toes (50% chance fo r one farmer to be a retired
83 ld8 ghosts assassin)
84 2d4 doppelgange rs 81-82 l d4 young s ilver dragons
85 l d6 +2 phas e spiders 83- 84 ld4 assassins
86 2d4 veterans 85-86 l d8 oni
87 ld8 ghasts with 2d6 ghouls 87- 88 l d4 mages with l d4 sh ield guardians
88 3d6 gargoyles 89- 90 l dl O vampire s pawn
89 2dl0 cult fan atics 91- 92 l adult silver dragon
90 3d6 wererats 93-94 ld4 gray slaadi
91 l assassin 95- 96 l spellcaster vampire o r 1 warrior vampire
92 l d 3 invisible s talkers 97 l archmage s peed ing down the street on a riding
93 l gray s laad horse, bl asting ld4 guards with spells
94 l young silver dragon 98 l rakshasa
95 ld4 cambions or ld4 revenants 99 l vampire
96 3d6 wights 00 l ancient silver dragon
97 l archmage
l i s t.
98 2d4 vampire spawn or l d4 oni URBAN ENCOUNTERS (LEVELS l]-20)
99 1 mage with l shield guardian dlOO Encounter
00 l rakshasa or l vampi re 01-0 5 ldlO invisible stalkers PD
0 6- 10 ldl O revena nts en
e b
URBAN ENCOUNTERS (LEVELS 11-16) 11 - 14 l d6 + 2 glad iators
dlOO Encounter
n o
15- 18 2d4 cambions
19-22 s 2dio
6 succubi or 2d 6 incubi
01 l mimic r
02-05 l bandit captain with 5dl 0 bandits, all on riding 23-25
o ve A witch (archmage) who zooms overhead on a
dem broom offlying
06- 10 ldlO knights o n warhorses (one knight is a doppel- a 26- 30 l d4 gray slaadi
ing 31-35 2d8 couatls
gange r)
11- 13 l d8 succubi or l d8 incubi d 36- 40 A d istraught parent who rushes up to people, beg-
14- 16 3d6 cult fanatics d ifie ging for help for a child who fell into th e sewer
17- 19 l dlO wights 41 - 45 ld 3 young silver dragons
20- 22 3d 6 wererats
bee 46- 50 3d6 ghosts
s 51-55 l adult silver dragon
F ha
A distant boom followed by a plu me of smoke ris-
ing from the other side of the commu nity 56-60 l d4 mages with l d4 shield guardians
is P
26-28 ld8 + l ghosts 61-65 An aggressive merchant who hawks wares to pass-
29-31 Th
2dl 0 gargoyles ersby, clai mi ng to be the purveyor of the finest silks
32-34 ld6 + 2 water weirds in all the land
35- 37 ld4 + 4 will-o'-wisps 66-70 l ancient silver dragon
38- 40 Street performe rs putting on a puppet s how, in- 71-75 3d6 vampire spawn
vo lving two puppets beating each other with sticks 76-80 A patrol of 2dl0 guards ma rch ing up the street,
to the am usem ent of the gathered crowd searching fo r someone or someth ing
41- 43 2d4 couatls 81- 85 l dl O assassins
44-46 2d8 ghasts 86- 90 ld4 + l gray s laadi
47-51 1d8 + l veterans 91- 93 ldlO oni
52-55 3d4 priests 94- 96 l spellcaster vampire or l warrior vampire
56-58 2d4 cambions 97 ld4 archmages
59-61 l dlO revena nts 98 l d 3 rakshasas
62- 65 2d4 phase spiders 99 ld4 vampires
00 l tarrasque
Simple trap (level 1-4, deadly threat) Yo u can c reate your own s imple tra ps by using the fol-
od low ing guidelines. You ca n a lso adapt t he exa mple traps
A tiny, poisoned needle hidde n in a lock
e nm is a good way
for diffe re nt levels a nd seve rity of threat by modifying
bein the door to a trea-
to discourage thieves fro m plunde ring a hoa rd. S uch
th eir D Cs a nd damage values as s hown b elow.
a tra p is us ua lly put in a c hest or
s ure cha mbe r.
Trigger. Anyone aD tte mpting to pick or open the lock
trigge rs the trap.i s P Before diving into the de ta ils of your trap, think about
Thtrigge ring c reature must mak e a D C 20
Effect. T he
its reason for being. Why would someone build s uch a
trap? What is its purpose? Cons ide r the trap's c reator (in
Cons titution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature the adventure), the c reator's purpose, a nd the location
ta kes 14 (4d6) pois on da mage and is poisoned for 10 the tra p protects. Tra ps have context in the world- they
minutes. While poisoned in this way, the c reature is pa r- a re n't c reated for no reas on-and tha t context drives the
a lyzed . On a s uccessful save, the c reature ta kes ha lf as trap's nature a nd e ffects .
muc h da mage a nd is n't poisoned. D escribed b elow a re a few of the gene ra l purposes a
Countermeasures. A s uccessful DC 20 Wis do m (Pe r- trap might have . Use the m to ins pire the c reation o f your
ception) c heck reveals the needle, but only if a c ha racter ow n traps.
ins pects the lock. A s uccessful DC 20 Dexte rity c heck Alarm. An al a rm tra p is designed to a le rt an area's
us ing thieves' tools disables the n eedle, a nd a check occupa nts of intrude rs. It might cause a bell or a gong
with a tota l o f 10 or lowe r trigge rs the tra p. to s ound. This type of trap ra rely involves a s aving
throw, beca use the a la rm ca n't be avoided whe n the
trap go es off.
Delay. Some traps are designed to s low down e ne-
mies, giving a dungeon's inha bitants time to mount a
the trap if they don't unde rs tand w hat they h ave learned. Context and e nvironme nt a re critical when it comes
to prope rly locating a t rap. A swinging log tra p that's
d ifiprocess. mea nt to knock cha racters aside is a mere inconve-
Designing a tra p's effects is a straightforward
mbonuses, nience on a typical forest path, whe re it can be easily
The tables for saving throw DCs, attack n
epoint for mostdam- circ umvented. But it's a potentially deadly haza rd on a
age, and the like give you a startinge s im- narrow trail that hugs t he s ide of a towering cliff face.
ple traps that deal damage. as Choke points and narrow passages that lead to im-
F h e ffects, your best s tart-
For traps with more complex
D portant places in a dungeon a re good spots for traps,
20), or very fast (acts on initiative count 20 and also ini- 11-16 11 ,100
tiative count 10). A trap always acts after creatures that 17-20
e rsi 21,500
have the same initiative count. v
Active Elements. On a trap's turn, it produces specific
e mo
effects that are detailed in this part of its description.
a dThe following complex traps can be used to challenge
The trap might have multiple active e lements, a table
s ing characters or to inspire your own creations.
you roll on to determine its effect at random, or options
for you to choose from.
f i e
i threat
odis a Usually,
Dynamic Elements. A dynamic element
that arises or evolves while the trap functions.
Complex trap (level 1-4, dangerous threat)
changes involving dramatic elements
b ee take effect at the Hidden within a buried pyramid that marks the location
end of each of the trap's turnss or in response to the char- of the Lost City of Cynidicea is the tomb of King Alexan-
acters' actions.
F ha der and Queen Zenobia. The entrance to their tomb is a
Constant Elements. D A complex trap poses a threat
Ptaking long hallway riddled with traps, accessible only by cun-
even when it is inot its turn. The constant ele- ningly hidden secret doors. The hallway is 20 feet wide
ments describeTh how these parts of the trap function. and 160 feet long. It is mostly clear. After 80 feet, the
Most make an attack or force a saving throw against any floor is broken and cracked, becoming difficult terrain
c reature that ends its turn within a certain area. until the 130-foot mark.
Countermeasures. A trap can be defeated in a variety Trigger. This trap activates as soon as a non-undead
of ways. A trap's description details the checks or spells c reature enters the hallway, and it remains active wh ile
that can detect or dfaable it. It also specifies what hap- any non-undead creature is within the hall.
pens, if anything, on a failed attempt to disable it. Initiative. The trap acts on initiative count 20 and ini-
Disabling a complex trap is like disarming a simple tiative count 10.
trap, except that a complex trap requires more checks. Active Elements. The Path of Blades includes a set of
It typically takes three successful checks to disable whirling blades along the first 80 feet of the trap, crush-
one of a complex trap's elements. Many of these traps ing pillars that slam down from the ceiling to the floor
have multiple elements, requiring a lot of work to shut before rising back up to the ceiling in the next 50 feet,
down every part of the trap. Usually, a successful check and a rune of fear in its final 30 feet.
reduces a trap element's effectiveness even if it doesn't
Whirling Blades (Initiative 20). The blades attack
disable the trap.
each creature in the first 80 feet of the hallway, with
De bonus by 2.
Rune's Defense. Tampering with the Rune of Fea r in- a nd 15 hit points. Destroying reduces the
creases the trap's powe r. Eac h s uccessful check on Whirling Bladesf attack
a n a tte mpt to dis able t he run e increases the da mage Dexterity check
i o n ousing thieves' tools, DC 15. Creatures
of the blad es a nd the c rushing pillars by 5 (ldlO) can usersthieves' tools in t he a rea a ttacked by the
a nd inc reases the rune's saving t h row DC by 1. o ve to foil their mecha nis m. A successful ch eck
emreduces the Whirling Blades a ttack bonus by 2.
Constant Elements. T he Whirling Blades and the
Rune of Fear a ffect each crea ture that e nds its turn in g Crushing Pillars. The pillars are not s usceptible to
a n a rea affected by these e le me nts.
usin countermeasures.
Whirling Blades. Any c reature that e nds itsfie d in
Rune of Fear. T he rune can be d isabled with three
i s uccessful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
the blades' area is targeted by an attack:
m od+5 attack
a hit.
Each ch eck requires an action. A c reature m ust be
bon us; 5 (ldlO) s las hing damage on
eee nds its turn within
at the e nd of the ha llway to attempt the check, and
Rune of Fear. Any c reature that
b only one creature can work o n this task at once.
saving throw agains t
30 feet of the fa r e nd of the
corridor must ma ke a
of Fear effect.
Once a c reature attempts a ch eck for this purpose,
D F no other cha racter can do so until the e nd of tha t
can be thwartedisbyPparticula
Countermeasures. Each of the trap's active ele me nts
r counte rmeasures.
creature's next turn. Alternatively, the rune ca n be
T disabled w ith t hree successful castings of dispel
Whirling Blades. C ha racte rs ca n s m ash t he blad es, magic (DC 13) targeting the rune.
da mage their compon ents, or discern how to
avoid them. The blades are disabled if the ir attack
Complex.trap (level 5- 10, deadly threat)
bonus is reduced to -8. Ways to reduce it are de-
scribed below. The court j ester devised a d ead ly trap to foil anyone who
soug ht to steal h is magic fool's cap. The jester's tomb
Intelligence (In vestigation), D C 15. As an action, a
is located at the end of a 10-foot-wide, 150-foot-long
c reature that can see the blades ca n a ttempt an In-
hallway that descends sharply from north to south. The
telligence (Investigation) check. A s uccessful check
entrance to the tom b is a door on the eastern wall at the
mea ns that the c ha racter bas learned how to antici-
bottom of th e s lope, at the south e nd of the hall.
pate t he blades' move ment, imposi ng disadva ntage
Trigger. T his trap activates as soon as th e door lead-
on the blades' attacks agains t the c reature while it
ing to the jester's coffin is opened. A magic portal opens
is n't incapacitated.
at the northern end of the ha !Iway a nd disgorges a n
Attack. A cr eature in the a rea can ready a n attack to
enormous steel s phe re, which hurtles down the s lope.
s trike at one of t he blades as it goes by. The blade
Whe n it reaches the bottom of t he s lope, a second portal
disrupt it takes time. Faint runes in the ceiling a nd knocked pron e.
floor at both ends of the hallway are involved in the
functioning of the portals. A creature must firs t sin
g 5 Smoke fills the room. Visibility is reduced to 1 foot
use an action to examine a set of r unes, the nduse ua until the next time the Tempest element activates .
s ubsequent action to attempt to va nda lizei f i e
the runes. 6 Poison floods the room, forcing creatures to make
Each successful check reduces them od damage
sphere's saving throws as for the Po ison Gas element.
n loses s peed
by 11 (2d10), as the disrupted sphere
moving through the failing bportal. Dynamic Element. The longer the poison gas re-
s can be disabled with
arunes mains in the room, the more letha l it becomes.
AJternatively, a set of
three s uccessfulD castings of dispel m agic (DC 19) Increased Potency. T he damage from the Pois on Gas
targeting any P
his portal is destroyed, the s phere
of the runes in the set. ele ment increases by 11 (2d10) each round afte r it
If the T
southern activates , to a maximum of 55 (10d10).
s lams into the south wall and comes to a ha lt. It
blocks the door to the tomb, but the characters Countermeasures. There are a few ways that the trap
can escape. can be overcome.
Open the Doors. Opening the doors is the quickest
way to circ umve nt the trap, but they a re wa rded with
Complex trap (level 11- 16, deadly threat) magic. To open the doors , a character mus t firs t
This fiendis h trap was built to eliminate intruders who succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to
infiltrate a yuan-ti temple. The trap is a room, 60 feet find the locking m echa nism. A s uccessful DC 20 In-
on a side, with 5 -foot-wide stone doors in the middle of telligence (Arcana) check is then r equired to disable
each wall. In each corne r of the room stands a 10-foot- the sphere of force that surrounds the lock (disp el
tall s ta tue of a g reat serpent, coiled and ready to strike. magic is ineffective against it). Success on a DC 20
The eyes in each s tatue are rubies wor th 200 gp apiece. Dexterity check using thieves' tools picks the lock.
Trigger. This trap activates when a ruby is pried from Finally, a s uccessful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
one of the statues. Each s tatue's mouth s lides open, re- check is needed to push the door open. Each check
vealing a 1-foot-wide pipe that runs down its throat. requires an action.
is P
design process, consider drawing a map of the area to Avoid filling the entire encou nter area with constant
be affected byhthe t rap on graph paper, using a scale of 5 elements. Part of the challenge of a complex trap lies in
T This level of detail a llows you to develop
feet per square. figuring out which areas are safe. A moment's respite
a clear idea of what the trap can do and h ow each of its can help add an element of pacing to an encounter with
parts interact. Your map is the starting point and context a complex trap and give the characters the feeling that
for the rest of the design process. they aren't in constant peril. For example, walls that
Don't limit yourself to one room. Look at the passages s lam together might need to reset between slams, mak-
and rooms around the area of the trap and think about ing them harmless when it isn't their turn to act.
the role they can play. The trap might cause doors to
lock and barriers to fall into place to prevent escape.
It could cause darts to fire from the wa lls in one area, Just as a battle is more interesting if the monsters
forcing characters to enter rooms where other devices change their tactics or unveil new abi lities in later
trigger a nd threaten them. rounds, so too are complex traps more fun if their na-
Consider how terrain and furniture can add to the ture changes in some way. The whirling blades that
trap's danger. A chasm or a pit might create a buffer that protect a treasure chest do more damage each round as
allows a trap to send bolts of magic at the characters, they speed up. The poison gas in a room grows thicker
while making it difficult or even impossible for them to as more of it floods the chamber, dealing greater dam-
reach the runes they must deface to foil that attack. age and affecting line of sight. The necrotic aura around
an idol of Demogorgon produces random effects each
ical o
e don't roll for initiative. As mechan-
or vmagical devices, their active elements operate in
time its active element is triggered. As water floods a m
chamber, the characters must swim across areas they a deaneed
periodic manner. When designing a complex trap, you
to decide when and how often its active elements
could walk through just a round or two earl ier.
s ing produce their effects.
Since a complex trap remains active over the course In a trap with multiple active elements that work in
of several rounds, it might be possible to predict
i f i e concert, those different elements would act on different
m od This
future behavior by examining how it functions. initiative counts. For instance, on initiative count 20,
information can give its targets a much
en design your
better chance of blades sweep across a treasure vault, driving the charac-
thwarting it. To minimize this possibility,
s bthreats that can change
ters back into the hallway. On initiative count 10, magic
trap so that it presents multiple
a darts fire from statues in the hallway while a portcullis
each round. The changes
D F hcan include how a trap targets falls to confine the characters.
creatures (differentP attacks or saving throws), the dam- Initiative 10. If a trap's active element takes time to
age or effectshitis
produces, the areas it covers, and so build up its effects, then it acts on initiative count 10.
T might have a random effect each round,
on. Some traps This option is good for a trap that functions a longside
while others follow a carefully programmed sequence a llied monsters or other guard ians; the delay before it
of attacks. acts can give guards the chance to move o ut of its area
Dynamic elements usually occur according to a sched- or force characters into the area before the trap triggers.
ule. For a room that floods, you can plan out how the Initiative 20. If an element is designed to surprise
rising water level affects the area each round. The water intruders and hit them before they can react, then it acts
might be ankle deep at the end of the first round, knee on initiative count 20. This option is generally best for a
deep the next, and so on. Not only does the water bring a complex trap. Think of it as the default. Such a trap acts
risk of drowning, it also makes it harder to move across quickly enough to take advantage of most characters,
the area. On the other hand, the rising water level might with nimble characters like rogues, rangers, and monks
allow characters to swim to the upper reaches of the having the best chance to move out of the area before
chamber that they couldn't get to from the floor. the element activates.
Dynamic e lements can a lso come into play in reaction Initiative 20 and 10. Some active elements are in-
to the characters' actions. Disarming one element of the credibly fast acti ng, laying waste to intruders in a few
trap might m ake the others dead lier. Disabling a rune moments unless countered. They act on initiative count
that triggers a fire-breathing statue might cause the 20 and 10.
statue to explode.
ters can't make checks in rapid s uccession to disarm a their presence felt whenever the characters are engag-
complex trap in a matte r of seconds. Each wou ld get in ing in dow ntime. A rival might be a villain you have
featured in past adventures or plan to use in the future.
Rivals can also include good or neutral folk who are at
odds with' the characters, whether because they have
A complex trap is like a legendary monster in some ways.
It has several tricks it can use on its tu rn, and it remains opposing goals or they simply dislike one another. The
a threat throughout the round, not just on its turn . The c ultist of Orcus whose plans the cha racters have foiled,
trap's active elements are li ke a legendary creature's nor- the a mbitious merchant prince who wants to rule the
mal actions, and its constant e lements are equivalent to city with an iron fist, and the nosy high p riest of Helm
legendary actions-except they are tied to specific areas in who is convin ced the c ha racters are up to no good are
the trapped room. all examples of rivals.
Although a legendary creature can move, improvise A rival's agenda changes over time. Though the char-
actions, and so forth, a trap is set to a specific script-an acters engage in downtime only between adventures,
aspect that has the potential to make a complex trap stale their rivals rarely rest, continui ng to spin plots and work
and predictable. That's where dynamic elements come in.
against the c haracters even when the characters are off
They keep the players on their toes and make deali ng with
a complex trap fee l like a chal lenging, evolving situation. doing som ething else.
Guide to roll on to determine which items
odare on the
the check dictates wh ich table in the Dungeon
party's enemies spread news of its sale.*
that tool proficiency can re place the rele-
o ne week in jail for each 25 g p of the fine.
i n va nt s ki ll in any of the checks. T he DC for each of the
d usthe
If only one check is s uccessfu l, the he is t fa ils but checks is 5 + 2d10; gene rate a separa te DC for each
cha racter escapes. i e
diaf pa rtia l s uc-
one. Cons ult the Gambling Results table to see how the
If two checks a re s uccessful, the heist is
cess, netting the cha racter half the payout.
o character did.
e n the
If all th ree checks a re s uccessful, characte r earns
the full va lue of the loot. s b
ha Result Value
DF 0 successes Lose a ll the money you bet, and accrue a
debt e qua l to that amount.
SO gp, robbery of a struggling mercha nt
1 success Lose ha lf t he money yo u bet.
2 successes Gain the amo unt you bet plus ha lf again
1S 100 gp, robbery of a prosperou s me rchant
m ore.
20 200 gp, robbe ry of a noble
3 succe sses Gain dou ble t he am ount you bet.
25 1,000 gp, ro bbery of o ne of the ric hest fig ures in town
d6 Co mplication d6 Complication
You are accused of cheating. You decide whether 1 An opponent swears to take revenge on you.'~
you actually did cheat or were framed.'~ 2 A crime boss approaches you and offers to pay you
2 The town guards raid the gambling hall and throw to intentionally lose a few matches.'~
you in jail/' 3 You defeat a popular local champion, drawing the
3 A noble in town loses badly to you and loudly vows crowd's ire.
to get revenge.* 4 You defeat a noble's servant, drawing the wrath of
4 You won a sum from a low-ranking member of a the noble's house.*
thieves' guild, and the guild wants its money back. 5 You are accused of cheating. Whether the allega·
5 A local crime boss insists you start frequenting the tion is true or not, your reputation is tarnished.*
boss's gambling parlor and no others. 6 You accidentally deliver a near-fatal wound to a foe.
6 A high-stakes gambler comes to town and insists '°'Might involve a rival
that you take part in a game.
*Might involve a rival
Sometimes the best thing to do between adventu res is
PIT FIGHTING relax. Whether a cha racter wants a bard-earned vaca-
Pit fighting includes boxing, wrestling, and other nonle- tion or needs to recover from injuries, relaxation is t he
thal forms of combat in an organized setting with prede- ideal option for adventurer s who need a brea k. This op·
ter mined matches. If you want to introduce competi tive tion is a lso idea l for pl ayers who don't want to make use
fighting in a battle-to-the-death situation, the standard of the downtime system.
combat ru les apply to that sort of activity. Resources. Relaxation requires one week. A charac-
Resources. Engaging in this activity requires one ter needs to maintain at least a modest lifestyle while
workweek of effort from a character. relaxing to gain the benefit of the activity.
e r
Resolution. The character must make a series of
Resolution. C ha racters who maintain at least a mod-
est l ifestyle while relaxing gain several benefits. While
checks, with a D C determined at random based on the P
quality of the opposition that the character runs i nto. nu
relaxing, a character gains advantage on saving throws
A big part of the challenge in pit fighting lies in the un- ebe
to recover from long-acting diseases and poisons. In
known nature of a cha racter 's opponents.
o fD
addition, at the end of the week, a character can end one
effect that keeps the character from regaining hit points,
The character makes three checks: Strength (Athlet-
ics), Dexterity (Acrobatics), and a special Constitution
e rsi
or ca n restore one ability score that has been reduced to
check that has a bonus equal to a rol l of the character's v
less than its normal value. T his benefit ca nnot be used
largest Hit Die (this roll doesn't spend that die). ff de- e mo
if the harmful effect was caused by a spell or some other
magica l effect with a n ongoing duration.
sired, the character can replace one of these skill check s
Complications. Relaxation rarely comes with com-
w ith an attack roll using one o f the cha racter's weapons.
s in plicat ions. I f you want to make life complicated for the
The DC for each o f the checks is 5 + 2d10; generate a
separate DC for each one. ConsuJt the Pit F ighti ng Re- du characters, introduce an action or an event connected
sults table to see how the character did.
m od to a r ival.
sb C haracters with a religious bent might want to spend
Result Value
F ha downtime in ser vice to a temple, either by attending
0 successes LoseD
your bouts, earning nothing. rites or by prosely tizing in the community. Someone
1 success Win 50 gp. w ho undertakes this activity has a chance of winning
2 successes T Win 100 gp. the favor of the temple's leaders.
3 successes Win 200 gp. R esources. Performing religious service requires ac-
cess to, and often attendance at, a temple whose beliefs
and et ho~ align with the character's. If such a place is
Complications. Characters involved in pit fighting
available, the activity takes one workweek of t ime but
must deal with thei r opponents, the people who bet on
involves no gold piece expend iture.
matches, and the m atches' promoters. Every workweek
R esolution. At t he end of t he required time, the char-
spent pit fighting bri ngs a 10 percent chance of a compli·
acter chooses to make either an Intelligence (Religion)
cation, examples of w hich are on the P it Fighting Com-
check or a Charisma (Persuasion) check. The total of
pl ications table.
the check determines the benefits of service, as shown
on the Religious Service table.
workweek spent in religious service brings a 10 percent
chance of a complication, examples of which are on the
Religious Service Complicatio ns table.
Forewarned is forearmed. The research downtime ac-
tivity a llows a cha racter to de lve into lo re concerning a
monster, a location, a magic item, or some other partic-
ular topic.
l i s t.
aaccess to a
Resources. Typically, a character needs
library or a sage to conduct research.AAssuming such
access is available, conducting research requires one
workweek of effort and at leastu P 50 gp spent on materia ls,
bribes, gifts, and otherbex enpenses.
Resolution. TheDcharacter decla res the foc us of the
research-a specific o f person, place,
workweek, i o n cha racter makes a n orIntell
thing. After one
r bonus per 100 gp s pent beyond igence the initial
When all else fails, a n adventurer can turn to an honest
trade to earn a living. This activity re prese nts a char-
acter's attempt to find temporary work, the qua lity and
wages of which are diffic u lt to predict.
Resources. Performing a job requ ires one workweek
of effort.
Resolution. To determine how much money a c har-
acter earns, the character makes an ability check:
Strength (Athletics), Dexterity (Acrobatics), Intelligen ce
using a set of tools , Charisma (Performance),sor
l i t. Cha-
athe Wages
eri according to
risma using a musical instru ment. Consult
table to see how much money is generatedA
t he tota l of the check. DF P
WAGES b en
Check f De
Tota l Ea o
n rnings
i o
rs Poor lifestyle for the week
9 or lower
d6 Complication v
o10-14 Modest lifestyle for the week
Your enemy secretly arranges to buy the item to
dem 15-20 Comfortable lifestyle for the week
use it against you.*
A thieves' guild, alerted to the sale, attempts s toin
ga 21+ Comfortable lifestyle for the week+ 25 gp
6 The s P DisFmurdered
the owner, vow
to retake the item by force.
before the sale is finalized.*
h i d6 Complication
T a rival
* Might involve
A difficu lt customer or a fight with a coworker re-
TRAINING duces t he wages you earn by one category.*
Giveo e nough free time and the services of an instruc- 2 Your emp loyer's financial difficu lties result in you r
tor, a cha racter can lea rn a language or pick up profi- not being paid.'~
ciency with a tool. 3 A coworker with ties to an important family in town
Resources. Receiving training in a language or tool takes a dislike to you.*
typica lly ta kes at least ten workweeks, but this time is 4 Your employer is involved w ith a dark cu lt or a
reduced by a numbe r of workweeks equa l to th e c ha r- criminal enterprise.
acter 's Intellige nce modifier (an Intellige nce p e nalty
5 A crime ring targets you r business for extortion.*
doesn't increase the time needed). Training costs 25 gp
per workweek. 6 You gain a reputation for laziness (unjustified or
Complications. Complications that arise w hile train- not, as you choose), giving you disadvantage on
ing typically involve the teache r. Every ten workweeks checks made for this downtime activity for the next
spent in training brings a 10 percent chance of a compli- six workweeks you devote to it.*
cation, examples of which are on the Training Complica- * Might involve a rival
tions table.
adven tures. m od
in that tier prepare the characters for higher-level as your item budget. Here's how to use it:
By Rarity. The Magic Items Awarded e en by Rarity table 1. jot down a copy of the table in your notes, so that you
b ca n make adjustments to the numbers as you select
as to show the number of
ta kes the numbers from the Magic Items Awa rded by
items to be placed in an advent ure.
Tier table a nd breaks them hdown
Faracters are expected to h ave
ite m s o f each rarity theDch
2. Refer to th e line in the Level/CR column that corre-
s e nd of a tie r.
w he n they reach ithe
sponds to one of the following va lues (your choice):
Th Items. Both tables in this section
Minor and Major
the level of the player characters, the challenge rating
of the magic item's owner, or the challenge rating of
make a distinction between minor magic items and ma-
the group of c reatures guard ing the item. The entries
jor magic items. This distinction exists in the Dungeon
in that row of the table indicate the total number of
Master's Guide, yet those terms aren't used th ere. In
items that would be appropriate for the characters to
that book, the mino r items are those listed on Magic
receive by the end of the tier represented by that row.
Item Tables A through E, and the major items a re on
ie du
d esigned to take characters from 1st to 4th level might mal candle.
include fourteen item s rather than eleven, in the expec-
tation that three of those items won't be found. CAST-OFF ARMOR
F ha
The D&D game is built on the assumption that magic
items appear sporadically and that they are always a boon , CHAR LATAN'S DIE
is P
unless an item bears a curse. Characters and monsters are Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
built to face each other without the help of magic items,
which means that having a magic item always makes a Whenever you roll this six-sided die, you ca n control
character more powerful or versatile than a generic char- which number it rolls.
acter of the same level. As DM, you never have to worry
about awarding magic items just so the characters can CLOAK OF BILLOWING
keep up with the campaign's threats. Magic items are truly Wondrous item, common
prizes. Are they useful? Absolutely. Are they necessary? No.
While wearing t his cl oak, you can use a bonus action to
Magic items can go from nice to necessary in the rare
ma ke it billow dramatically.
group that has no spellcasters, no monk, and no N PCs
capable of casting magic weapon. Having no magic ma kes
it extremely difficult for a party to overcome mons ters that
have resistances or immunity to nonmagica l damage. In Wondrous item, common
such a game, you'll want to be generous with magic weap- While w earing this cloak, you can use a bonus action to
ons or else avoid usi ng such monsters. cha nge the style, color, and appar ent quality o f the gar-
ment. The cloak's weight doesn't change. Regardless of
its appearance, the cloak can't be a nyt hing but a cloak.
Alt hough it can duplicate the appearance of other magic
cloaks, it doesn't gain t heir magical proper ties.
Armor (a ny), common
Wisps of harmless, odorless smoke rise fro m this armor
while it is worn.
Staff, common
If you place a n object weighing no mo re th a n 1 pound
(suc h as a s hard o f c rys ta.I, a n egg, or a stone) a bove
the tip of the s ta ff while holdi ng it, the object Boa ts a n
inch from th e staff's tip a nd re m a ins there u nti l it is
re moved or until t he s taff is no longer in your posses-
s ion. The s taff can have up to three s uch objects floating
over its tip a t a ny g ive n time. While holding the staff,
you ca n ma ke one or more of the objects s lowly s pin or
turn in place.
Staff, common
e riali
T his woode n s taff is d ecorated w ith bird ca rvings. It has
10 c harges. While ho lding it, you can use a n action to D
expe nd 1 c ha rge from t he staff a nd cause it to c reate one P
of t he following sounds out to a range of 60 feet: a finc h's
chirp, a rave n's caw, a duck's quack, a chicken's cluck, a e be
goose's honk, a loon's call, a turkey's gobble, a seagull's o fD
cry, an owl's hoot, o r an eagle's shrie k.
T he staff regains ld6 + 4 expended charges da ily at v e
dawn. If you expe nd t he last cha rge, roll a d20. On a 1,
the s taff explod es in a harm less cloud of bird feathe rs
and is lost forever.
Staff, common ifie Wondrous item, common
T his wooden s taff has 10 c harges. While m od it, you
holding This tankard has a stern face sculpted into one side. You
ca n use a n action to expend 1 char ge efrom n t he staff and can drink a le, wine, or a ny other no nmagical a lcoholic
cause a Bower to s prout from a patch b e of earth or soil be ve rage poured into it without becoming inebriated.
within 5 feet of you, o r fro m h asstaff itself. Unless you
t he The tankard has no effect o n magical liquids or ha rmful
c hoose a s pecific kind of F the staff c reates a mild-
Dflower, s ubs ta nces s u ch as poison.
scented daisy. T heis P
flower is h a rmless a nd nonmagical,
whithe rs as a norma l flower would.
a nd it grows orT
Weapon (arrow), common
The s taff regains ld6 + 4 expe nded c ha rges da ily at
dawn. If you expe nd the last c ha rge, roll a d20. On a 1, This a rrow ca n't be broken, except when it is within an
t he staff turns into flower pe ta ls and is los t forever. antimagic. field.
Dread helm Wondrous item No
Wand, common Ear horn of hearing D
Wondrous item No
This wand has 3 charges. W hile ho ld ing it, you can use
Enduring spel lbook
n uP
Wondrous item No
oid you ca n see within 30 feet of you. T he target mus t Hat of vermin
o fD Wondrous item No
succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or be forced Hat of wizardry Wondrous item Yes (wizard)
Heward's shandy spice Wondrous item No
to scowl for 1 m inute.
The wand regains all expended charges da ily at dawn. o ve
If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1,
demHorn of silent alarm Wondrous item No
the wand transforms into a wand ofsmiles. ag Instrument of illusions Wond rous item Yes
Instrument of scribing Wondrous item Yes
Lock of trickery Wondrous item No
dit,ifyou can use
Wand, common No
Moon-touched sword Weapon
This wand has 3 charges. While holding o
m target a h uman- Mystery key Wondrous item No
a n action to expend 1 of its chargesn and
oid you can see w ithin 30 feetbe
O rb of direction Wondrous item No
you. The target must
a s ofsaving Orb of time Wondrous item No
F h
succeed on a DC 10 Charisma throw or be forced
Perfume of bewitching Wondrous item No
PD a ll expended c harges da ily at dawn.
to smile for 1 min ute.
Pipe of smoke monsters Wondrous item No
The wand regains
Th the wand's last charge, roll a d20. O n a 1,
lf you expend Pole of angl ing
Pole of collapsing
Wondrous item
Wondrous item
the wand tra nsfor ms into a wand of scowls.
Pot of awakening Wondrous item No
The "Special Features" section in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Potion of healing Potion No
Master's Guide is useful if you want to design other com- Rope of mending Wondrous item No
mon magic items. For example, the What Minor Property Ruby of the war mage Wondrous item Yes (spellcaster)
Does It Have? table might inspire you to create a magic Shield of expression Armor No
item that allows a character to speak and understand the
Smoldering armor Armor No
Goblin language (based on the table's Language property),
a magic item that glows in the presence of fiends (based Spell scroll (cantrip) Scroll No
on the Sentinel property), or a magic item that projects Spell scroll (1st level) Scroll No
its user's voice over a great distance (based on the Wa r Staff of adornment Staff No
Leader property). Staff of birdcalls Staff No
Oil of slipperiness Potion No Horseshoes of a zephyr Wondrous item No
Peria pt of health Wondrous item
No Nolzur's marvelous Wondrous item No
Philter of love Potion en No pigments
Potion of animal friendship s
Potion be No Oil of sharpness Potion No
Potion of fire breath ha
Potion No Potion of cloud giant Potion No
Potion of greater healing DF Potion No strength
Potion of growth
h is P Potion No Pot ion offlying Potion No
T strength
Potion of hill giant Potion No Potion of invisibility Potion No
Potion of poison Potion No Potion of longevity Potion No
Potion of resistance Potion No Potion of speed Potion No
Potion of water breathing Potion No Potion ofsupreme healing Potion No
Ring of swimming Ring No Potion of vitality Potion No
Robe of useful items Wondrous item No Spell scroll (6th level) Scroll No
Rope of climbing Wondrous item No Spell scroll (7th level) Scroll No
Saddle of the cavalier Wondrous item No Spell scroll (8th level) Scroll No
Sending stones Wondrous item No
Spell scroll (2nd level) Scroll No
Spell scroll (3rd level) Scroll No
Wand of magic detection Wand No
Wand of secrets Wand No
u P item
Weapon, +l Weapon No
Eversmoking bottle Wondrous item No
beWondrous item
Wind fan Wondrous No
Eyes of charming Wondrous item Yes
Eyes of the eagle Wondrous item Yes
Winged boots
De Yes
Instrument of the bards Wondrous item Yes (bard) Bowl of commanding Wondrous item No
(Fochlucan bandore) water elementals
Instrument of the ba rds Wondrous item Yes (bard) Bracers of defense Wondrous item Yes
(Mac-Fuirmidh cittern) Brazier of co mmanding Wondrous item No
Javelin of lightning Weapon No fire elementals
Medallion of thoughts Wondrous item Yes Cape of the mountebank Wondrous item No
Necklace of adaptation Wond rous item Yes Censer of controlling ai r Wondrous item No
Pearl of power Wond rous item Yes (spellcaster) elementals
Peria pt of wou nd closure Wondrous item Yes Cloak of displacement Wondrous item Yes
Pipes of haunting Wond rous item No
v e
loun stone (leadership) Wondrous item Yes
loun stone (strength) Wondrous item Yes
s trength ve
Talisman of pure good
Wondrous item Yes (creature of
good alignment)
Belt of storm giant Wondrous item Yes
e m
strength a dTalisman of the sphere Wondro us item Yes
g Talisman of ultimate evil Wondrous item Yes (creature of
Cloak of invisibility Wondrous item Yes
usin evil alignment)
Crystal ball (legendary) Wondrous item Yes
Cubic gate Wondrous item No ifie Tome of the stilled Wondrous item Yes (wizard)
Well of many worlds Wondrous item No
Efreeti chain Armor Yes
Hamme r of thunderbolts Weapon Yes (Giant's
D Bane)
Holy avenger
h is P Weapon Yes (pa ladin)
T (iron) Wond rous item
Horn of Valhalla No
Instrument of the bards Wondrous item Yes (bard)
l ~( If( 10 {icl...l(,
(Ollamh harp)
loun stone (greater ab- Wondrous item Yes
(V(, f( "
l o"' ,,.,.c,~ic i (,,.,.s.
t.. A llA("'
u"'"('I"I A 0 l
F\fll llA('"I wor ' G"'
IA t.. t
"' •
t~ o{~ -i"'
sorption) l ( \,,li"'-
loun stone (mastery) Wondrous item Yes O"', o ' o"',
loun stone (regenera-
ti on)
Wondrous item Yes
Iron flask Wondrous item No
Luck blade Weapon Yes
e riali
e be
e rsi
(o LEVEL} (o g ad
Thunderclap (evocation) us
Toll the dead (necromancy)
Control flames (transmutation)
Word of radiance (evocation) Create bonfire (conjuration)
o LEVEL Frostbite (evocation)
Earth tremor (evocation)
n m1ST Gust (transmutation)
e Ceremony (abjuration, ritual)
s be Infestation (conjuration)
Pyrotechnics (transmutation)ha
Magic stone (transmutation)
Skywrite (transmutation,
P Life transference (necromancy)
Mold earth (transmutation)
Warding wind (evocation)
Primal savagery (transmutation)
Th STH LEVEL Shape water (transmutation)
3RD LEVEL Dawn (evocation) Thunderclap (evocation)
Catnap (enchantment) Holy weapon (evocation)
Enemies abound (enchantment)
]TH LEVEL Absorb elements (abj uration)
4TH LEVEL Temple of the gods (conjurat ion) Beast bond (divination)
Charm monster (enchantment) Earth tremor (evocation)
Ice knife (conjuration)
STH LEVEL Snare (abjuration)
Skill empowerment (transmutation)
Synaptic static (enchantment) 2ND LEVEL
Dust devil (conjuration)
9TH LEVEL Earthbind (transmutation)
Mass polymorph (transmutation) Healing spirit (conjuration)
Psychic scream (enchantment) Skywrite (transmutation, rit ual)
Warding wind (evocation)
Erupting earth (transmutation) Investiture offlame (transmutation)
Flame arrows (transmutation) CANTRIP S (o LEVEL) Investiture of ice (transmutation)
Tidal wave (conjuration) Control flames (transmutation) Investiture of stone (transmutation)
Wall of water (evocation) Create bonfire (conjuration) Investiture ofwind (transmutation)
Frostbite (evocation) Mental prison (illusion)
4TH LEVEL Scatter (conjuration)
Gust (transmutation)
Charm monster (enchantment)
Infestation (conjuration)
Elemental bane (transmutation) ]TH LEVEL
Mold earth (transmutation)
Guardian of nature (transmutation) Crown ofstars (evocation)
Shape water (transmutation)
Watery sphere (conjuration) Power word pain (enchantment)
Thunderclap (evocation)
Whirlwind (evocation)
Control winds (transmutation) 8TH LEVEL
Absorb elements (abjuration)
Maelstrom (evocation) Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting (necromancy)
Catapult (transmutation)
Transmute rock (transmutation)
Chaos bolt (evocation) 9TH L EVEL
Wrath ofnature (evocation)
Earth tremor (evocation) Mass polymorph (transmutation)
6TH LEVEL Ice knife (conjuration) Psychic scream (enchantment)
Bones of the earth (transmutation)
Druid grove (abjuration)
Aganazzar's scorcher (evocation)
Investiture offlame (transmutation)
Dragon's breath (transmutation) CA NTR IPS {o LEVEL}
Investiture ofice (transmutation)
Investiture ofstone (transmutation)
Dust devil (conjuration) Create bonfire (conj uration)
Investiture of wind (transmutation)
Earthbind (transmutation)
Maximilian's earthen grasp
Frostbite (evocation)
e riali
Primordial ward (abjuration) Infestation (conjuration)
Magic stone (transmutation)
]TH LEVEL Mind spike (divination) Thunderclap (evocation)
Whirlwind (evocation) Pyrotechnics (transmutation) be
Toll the dead (necromancy)
Shadow blade (illusion)
Snilloc's snowball swarm (evocation)
Warding wind (evocation)
ersi Cause fear (necromancy)
Ceremony (abjuration, ritual)
Catnap (enchantment) Earthbind (transmutation)
Enemies abound (enchantment) Mind spike (div ination)
Find greater steed (conjuration) us
Erupting earth (transmutation)
Shadow blade (illusion)
d ifie
Flame arrows (transmutation)
Melfs minute meteors (evocation)
Holy weapon (evocation)
nm Thunder step (conjuration)
Enemies abound (enchantment)
6TH LEVEL Life transference (necromancy) Transmute rock (transmutation)
Investiture offlame (transmutation) Melfs minute meteors (evocation) Wall of light (evocation)
Investiture of ice (transmutation) Summon lesser demons (conjuration)
Investiture ofstone (transmutation) Thunder step (conjuration)
Create homunculus (transmutation)
Investiture of wind (transmutation) Tidal wave (conjuration)
Investiture offlame (transmutation)
Mental prison (illusion) Tiny servant (transmutation)
Investiture ofice (transmutation)
Scatter (conjuration) Wall of sand (evocation)
Investiture ofstone (transmutation)
Soul cage (necromancy) Wall of water (evocation)
Investiture of wind (transmutation)
]TH LEVEL 4TH LEVEL Mental prison (illus ion)
Crown ofstars (evocation) Charm monster (enchantment) Scatter (conjuration)
Power word pain (enchantment) Elemental bane (transmutation) Soul cage (necromancy)
Sickening radiance (evocation) Tenser's transformation (transmutation)
8TH LEVEL Storm sphere (evocation)
Maddening darkness (evocation) ]TH LEVEL
Summon greater demon (conjuration)
Crown ofstars (evocation)
Vitriolic sphere (evocation)
9TH LEVEL Power word pain (enchantment)
Watery sphere (conjuration)
Psychic scream (enchantment) Whirlwind (evocation)
Control winds (transmutation)
Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting (necromancy)
Danse macabre (necromancy)
CANTRIPS {o LEVEL) Illusory dragon (illusion)
Dawn (evocation)
Control flames (transmutation) Maddening darkness (evocation)
Enervation (necromancy)
Create bonfire (conjuration) Mighty fortress (conjuration)
Far step (conjuration)
Frostbite (evocation)
Immolation (evocation) 9TH LEVEL e r
Gust (transmutation)
Infernal calling (conjuration) Invulnerability (abjuration)
Infestation (conjuration)
Negative energy flood (necromancy) P D
Mass polymorph (transmutation)
Mold earth (transmutation)
Skill empowerment (transmutation) nu
Shape water (transmutation)
Steel wind strike (conjuration) e be
Psychic scream (enchantment)
Thunderclap (evocation)
Synaptic static (enchantment) ofD
Toll the dead (necromancy)
e rsi
Absorb elements (abjuration)
e mo
Catapult (transmutation)
Cause fear (necromancy)
s in
Earth tremor (evocation)
Ice knife (conjuration) if
Snare (abjuration)
b ee
F ha
Aganazzar's scorcher (evocation)
Dragon's breath (transmutation)
is P
Dust devil (conjuration)
Earthbind (transmutation)
Maximilian's earthen grasp
Mind spike (divination)
Pyrotechnics (transmutation)
Shadow blade (illusion)
Skywrite (transmutation, ritual)
Snilloc's snowball swarm (evocation)
Warding wind {evocation)
Catnap (enchantment)
Enemies abound (enchantment)
Erupting earth (transm utation)
Flame arrows (transmutation)
if the beast's Intelligence score is 4 or higher. Until the
SPELL DESCRIPTIONS spell ends, the link is active while you and the beast are
The spells are presented in alphabetical order. within line of sight of each other. Through the link, the
beast can understand your telepathic messages to it,
and it can telepathically communicate simple emotions
8th-level necromancy a nd concepts back to you. While the link is active, the
Casting Time: 1 action beast gains advantage on attack rolls against a ny crea-
Range: 150 feet ture within 5 feet of you that you can see.
Components: V, S, M (a bit of sponge)
Duration: Instantaneous BO NES OF THE EARTH
6th-level transmutation
You draw the moisture from every creature in a 30-foot
cube centered on a point you choose within range. Each Casting Time: 1 action
creature in that a rea must make a Constitution saving Range: 120 feet
throw. Constructs a nd undead a ren't affected, and plants Components: V, S
and water elementa ls make this saving throw with dis- Duration: Instantaneous
advantage. A creature takes 12d8 necrotic damage on a You cause up to six pillars of s tone to burst from places
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. on the ground that you can see within ra nge. Each pilla r
Nonmagical plants in the a rea that are n't creatures, is a cylinder that has a diameter of 5 feet a nd a he ight of
s uch as trees and shrubs, wither a nd die instantly. up to 30 feet. The ground where a pillar a ppears must
be wide enoug h for its diameter, a nd you can target the
ground under a creature if that cr eature is Medium or
1st-level abjuration smalle r. Each pillar has AC 5 a nd 30 hit points. When
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you take reduced to 0 hit points, a pillar crumbles into rubble,
acid, cold, fire, lig htning, or thunder damage which creates an a rea of difficult terrain with a 10-
Range: Self foot radius that lasts until the rubble is cleared.liEach s t.
Components: S 5-foot-diameter portion of the a rea requires e riata least 1
Duration: 1 round A
DF , that creature
minute to clear by ha nd.
The spell captures some of the incoming energy, less- P
If a pillar is created under a creature
u throw or be lifted by
must s ucceed on a Dexteritynsaving
ening its effect on you a nd storing it for your next melee
b e to fail
Defro m reaching its full height
attack. You have resistance to the triggering damage the pillar. A creature can choose the save.
If a pillar is prevented
n o or other obstacle, a creature on the
type until the s tart of your next turn. Also, the first time
because of a ceiling
you hit with a melee attack on your next turn, the target i o
takes an extra ld6 da mage of the triggering type, a nd pillar takes rs6d6 bludgeoning damage a nd is restrained,
the spell ends . pinched v
o creature the pillar a nd the obstacle. The re-
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a e m
stra ined can use an action to make a Strength
s pell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage in- a dor Dexterity check (the creature's choice) agai nst the
creases by ld6 for each s lot level above 1st. sin spell's save DC. On a success, the creature is no lo n-
iedu ger restrained and must either move off the pillar or
2nd-level evocation
m o At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Casting Time: 1 action
e en s pell s lot of 7th level or higher, you can create two addi-
tional pillars for each s lot level above 6th.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a h a
red dragon's scale)
Duration: Instanta neous
P 1st-level transmutation
T hisflame 30 feet lo ng and 5 feet wide ema-
A line of roaring Casting Time: 1 action
na tes from you in a direction you choose. Each creature Range: 60 feet
in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A crea- Components: S
ture takes 3d8 fire damage on a failed save, o r ha lf as Duration: Instantaneous
much damage o n a s uccessful one.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell us ing a Choose one object weighing 1 to 5 pounds within range
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by that is n't being worn or carried. T he object flies in a
ld8 for each slot level above 2nd. straight line up to 90 feet io a direction you choose
before falling to the ground, stopping early if it impacts
B EAST BOND against a solid surface. If the object would strike a crea-
1st-level divination ture, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw.
On a fa iled save, the object strikes the target a nd stops
Casting Time: 1 action
moving. When the object strikes something, the object
Range: Touch
and what it s trikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning damage.
Components: V, S , M (a bit of fur wrapped in a cloth)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this s pe ll using a
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
spell s lot of 2 nd level o r higher, the maximum weight of
You establis h a telepathic link with one beast you touch objects that you can target w ith this spell increases by 5
that is frie ndly to you or charmed by you. The spell fa ils pounds, and the damage incr eases by ld8, for each s lot
level a bove 1st.
CATNAP hours, whenever the target makes a saving throw, it can
3rd-level enchantment roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the save. A crea-
ture can benefit from this rite only once.
Casting Time: 1 action
Funeral Rite. You touch one corpse, a nd for the next
Range: 30 feet
7 days, the target can't become undead by any means
Components: S , M (a pinch of sand)
s hort of a wis h s pell.
Duration: 10 minutes
Wedding. You touch adult humanoids willing to be
You make a calming gesture, and up to three willing bonded together in marriage. For the next 7 days, each
creatures of your choice that you can see within range target gains a +2 bonus to AC while they a re within 30
fall unconscio us for the spell's duration. The spell ends feet of each other. A creature can benefit from this rite
on a ta rget early if it takes damage or s omeone uses a n aga in only if w idowed.
action to s ha ke o r s lap it awake. Jf a target rema ins un-
conscious for the ful l duration , that ta rget gains the ben- CHA OS BOLT
efit of a short rest, and it can't be affected by this spell I st-level evocation
again until it finis hes a long rest. Casting Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. When you cast this s pell usi ng a Range: 120 feet
spell s lot of 4th level or higher, you can target one addi- Components: V, S
tiona l willing creature for each s lot level above 3 rd. Duration: Ins tanta neous
CAUSE FEA R You hurl a n undulating, wa rbling mass of chaotic energy
1st-level necrom ancy at one creature in range. Make a ranged spell attack
agai nst the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 + ld6
Casting Time: 1 action
damage. Choose one of the d8s. The numbe r rolled
Range: 60 feet
on that die determines the attack's damage type, as
Components: V
s hown below.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minu te
You awa ken the sense of morta lity io one creature you d8 Damage Type
e riali
can see within ra nge. A construct or an undead is im- Acid
mune to this effect. The target must s ucceed on a Wis- 2 Cold
dom saving throw or become frightened of you until the 3 Fire nu
spell ends. The frighte ned target can repeat the saving
4 Force ebe
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a s uccess. 5 Lightning ofD
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using 6 Poison
a spell s lot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one
additional creature for each s lot level above 1st. The
o vePsychic
e m Thunder
a dIf you roll the same number on both d8s, the chaotic
creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you
target the m. g
energy leaps from the target to a different creature of
l s t-/eve/ abjuration (ritual) ifie your choice within 30 feet of it. Make a new attack roll
od agains t the new target, and make a new damage roll,
Casting Time: 1 hour
e nm which could cause the chaotic energy to leap aga in.
be of powdered s ilver,
Range: Touch A creature can be ta rgeted only once by each casting
Components: V, S , M (25 gp sworth of this spell.
h a
which the s pell cons umes) At Higher Levels. When you cast th is spell using
Duration: Instanta neous
P a spell s lot of 2nd level or higher, each target takes
You perform ahsis ld6 extra da mage of the type rol led for each s lot level
T pecia l religious ceremony that is infused
with magic. Whe n you cast the spell, choose one of the above 1st.
following rites, the ta rget of which must be within 10
feet of you throughout the casting.
4th-level enchantm ent
Atonement. You touch one willing creature whose
alignment has cha nged, and you make a DC 20 Wisdom Casting Time: 1 action
(Insight) check. On a s uccessful check, you restore the Range: 30 feet
target to its original a lignment. Components: V, S
Bless Water. You touch one vial of wate r a nd cause it Duration: 1 hour
to become holy water. You attempt to cha rm a creature you can see within
Coming ofAge. You touch one humanoid who is a range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and it does
young adult. For the next 24 hours, whenever the ta rget so with adva ntage if you or your companions are fight-
makes a n ability check, it can roll a d4 and add the num- ing it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you
ber rolled to the ability check. A creature can benefit unti l the s pell ends or until you or your compan ions do
from this rite only once. anything harmful to it. The charmed creature is friendly
Dedication. You touch one huma noid who wis hes to you. When the spell ends, the creature k nows it was
to be dedicated to your god's service. For the next 24 charmed by you .
At Higher Levels . When you cas t this spell us ing Updraft. You cause a s us tained updraft w ithin the
a s pe ll s lot of 5t h level or higher, you ca n target o ne cube, rising upwa rd from the cube's bottom s ide. Crea-
additiona l creat ure for each slot level above 4th. The tures that e nd a fall within the cube take only half da m-
creatures mus t be within 30 feet of each other whe n you age from the fall . When a creature in the cube makes a
ta rget them . vertical jump, t he creature can jump up to 10 feet highe r
than normal.
Trans mutation cantrip CREAT E B O NFIRE
Casting Time: 1 action Conjuration cantrip
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: S Range: 60 fee t
Duration: Ins tanta neous or 1 hour (see below) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentra tion , up to 1 minute
You choose a nonmagical fla me that you can see within
range a nd tha t fits within a 5 -foot cube. You a ffect it in You create a bo nfire on g round tha t yo u can see w ith in
one of the following ways: ra nge. Until the s pe ll ends, the magic bonfire fills a
5 -foot cube. Aoy creature in the bo nfire's s pace whe n
• You ins tanta neous ly expand the fla me 5 feet in one
you cas t the s pell must s ucceed on a D exterity s aving
direction, provided that wood or othe r fuel is present
throw or take ld8 fire d am age. A creature mus t a lso
in the new location.
ma ke the saving throw w hen it moves into t he bonfire's
• You ins tanta neous ly extinguish the fla mes
s pace for the firs t time o n a turn or e nds its turn the re.
within t he cube.
The bo nfire ignites fla mmable o bjects in its area t hat
• You double or ha lve the a rea of brig ht ligh t and dim
a re n't being worn or carr ied.
light cast by the fla me, change its color, or both . The
The s pe ll's da mage increases by ld8 w hen you reach
cha nge lasts for 1 hour.
5th level (2d8), 11th leve l (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). .
• You cause s imple s ha pes-such as the vague form of a st
creature, a n inanima te object, or a location- to appear C REATE HOM UNCULUS
e riali
within the fl a mes a nd a nimate as you like. The s ha pes 6th-level trans mutation
last for 1 hour.
Casting Time: 1 hour
If you cast this s pe ll multiple times, you can have up to Range: Touch n u
three non-ins tantaneous effects created by it active a t a Components: V, S , M (clay, e beash, a nd m a ndrake root, all
time, a nd you can dis miss s uch an effect as an action. D umes, a nd a j ewel-encrus ted
f cons
of which the spell o
dagger woro
Duration:r s
i thtanantat least 1,000 gp)
5th-le vel trans mutation ev
m o s peaking a n intricate incantation, you cut your-
Casting Time: 1 actio n e
dself with a jewel-encrus ted dagger, ta king 2d4 piercing
Range: 3 00 feet
g a da mage that can't be reduced in a ny way. You t hen drip
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentra tio n, up to 1 hour u sin your blood on t he spell's othe r compo ne nts a nd touch
edi the m , transforming them into a special cons truct called
You ta ke control o f the a ir in a 100-foo t cube
o difthat you a ho munculus.
n mlasts fo r the
can see wit hin range. Choose one of the following e f- T he s tatis tics of t he ho munc ulus a re in t he Mons ter
fects whe n you cast the s pell. The e e ffect Manual. It is your fa ithful compa nion, a nd it dies if you
s pell's duratio n, unless you usebyoure action on a late r die. Whenever you fini s h a lo ng rest, you can spend up
turn to switch to a differeh a s
nt e ffect. Yo u can also use your to ha lf your H it Dice if th e ho mu nculus is on t he same
action to tempora rilyDhaltF the effect or to resta rt one pla oe of exis tence as you. When you do so, roll each
you've ha lted. s P
i die a nd add your Constitution modifie r to it. Your hit
Th picks up within the cube, continu-
Gusts. A wind point max imum is reduced by the tota l, a nd the ho mun-
ally blowing in a horizonta l direction you designate. culus's hit point maximum a nd current hit points a re
You choose the inte ns ity o f the wind: calm, moderate, both increased by it. T his process can reduce you to no
o r s trong. If the w ind is moderate or s trong, ra nged lower than 1 hit point, a nd the change to your and the
weapo n attacks that ente r or leave the cube or pass homunculus's hit points ends when you finis h your nex t
thro ug h it have disadvantage on t he ir attack ro lls. ff long rest. The reductio n to you r hi t point max im um can't
the w ind is s trong, a ny creature moving agains t the be removed by any mea ns before t hen, except by the ho-
wind mus t s pe nd 1 ex tra foot of moveme nt for each muoculus's death.
foot moved. You can have only o ne ho munculus at a time. If
Downdraft. You cause a s us ta ined blast o f s trong you cast this s pell while your homunculus lives, the
wind to blow downwa rd from t he top of the cube. s pell fai ls .
Ra nged weapon attacks that pass thro ug h t he cube
or tha t are made agains t targets within it have dis ad- CROWN OF STA R S
vantage on the ir attack rolls . A creature mus t ma ke a 7th-level e vocation
Strength saving throw if it flies into the cube for the firs t Casting Time: 1 action
time on a turn o r s tarts its turn there flying. On a failed Range: Self
s ave, the creature is knocked prone .
st .
e r iali
e be
i o
Components: V, S rsand it gains a bonus to its a ttack and dam-
s ter Manual),
Duration: 1 hour o
age rolls
veq ual to your spellcasting ability modifier.
e m ca n use a bonus action to mentally command the
Seven star-like motes of light appea r a nd o rbit your
a dcreatures you make with t his spell , issui ng the same
head until the s pell ends. You can use a bonus action to g
send one of the motes streaking toward one c reature sin command to a ll of the m. To receive the command,
or obj ect within 120 feet of you. When you do so,
dmake a creature must be within 60 feet of you. You decide
f i e
di 4dl2
a ra nged s pell a ttack. On a hit, the ta rget takes
what action the creatures will ta ke a nd where they wiU
move durin g t hei r next turn, or you can issue a general
radia nt damage. Whethe r you hit or m iss, m mote is ex-
n nd t he last mote. command , s uch as to guard a chambe r or passageway
pended. T he s pell e nds early if you eexpe
beremaining, they s hed
s and
If you have fou r or more motes aga ins t your foes. If you issue no commands, the crea-
a tures d o nothing except defend t he mselves against
F hone
bright light in a 30 -foot rad ius dim lig ht for a n addi-
tional 3 0 feet. If you D
have to three motes re ma ining, hostile creatures. Once g iven an orde r, the creatures
is Pin a 30-foot radius.
they s hed dim light
continue to follow it until the ir task is complete.
The creatu res a re unde r your control until the spell
At HigherTLevels. When you cast this s pell us ing a
s pell slot of 8th level or higher, the numbe r of motes c re- e nds, after which t hey become inan imate once more.
ated inc reases by two for each s lot level above 7th. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 6th level or higher, you a nimate up to two
D ANSE MACAB R E add itiona l corpses for each s lot level above 5th.
5th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action 5th-level evocation
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Range : 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a sunburst pe ndant worth a t
T hreads of dark power leap from your fingers to pierce least 100 gp)
up to five Small or Medium corpses you can see within Duration: Concentrat ion, up to 1 minute
ra nge. Each corpse immedia tely s tands up and becomes
undead. You decide whe ther it is a zombie or a s keleton The Lig ht of dawn s hines down on a location you spec-
(the statis tics for zombies and s keletons are in the Mon- ify within ra nge. Until the spell e nds, a 30 -foot-rad ius,
40-foot-high cylinde r of bright light gli mmers there. This with grasping weeds a nd vines, as if they were affected
light is s unUght. by a n entangle spell. To a creature immune to this effect,
When the cylinder appea rs, each creature in it must the weeds and vines feel soft and reshape themselves to
make a Cons titution saving throw, ta king 4dl0 radia nt serve as temporary seats or beds.
damage o n a failed save, or half as much damage on a Grove Guardians. You can animate up to fou r trees
successful one. A creature must a lso make this saving in the a rea, caus ing them to uproot themselves from
throw whenever it ends its turn in the cylinder. the g round. These trees have the same statistics as an
If you're within 60 feet of the cylinder, you can move it awa kened tree, which appears in the Monster Manual,
up to 60 feet as a bonus actio n on your turn. except they can't speak, and their bark is covered with
druidic symbols. If a ny creature not immune to this
DRAGON'S BRE ATH e ffect enters the wa rded area, the g rove guardians fight
2nd-level transmutation unti l they have driven off or s la in the intruders. T he
Casting Time: 1 bonus action grove gua rdians also obey your spoken commands (no
Range: Touch acti on required by you) that you issue while in the area.
Components: V, S, M (a hot pepper) If you don't give them com ma nds and no intruders a re
Duration: Concentra tion, up to 1 minute present, the grove gua rdia ns do nothing. The grove
guardians can't leave the warded a rea. When the spell
You touch one willing creature a nd imbue it with the ends, the magic a nimating them disappears, a nd the
power to s pew magical energy from its mouth, provided trees take root again if possible.
it has one. Choose acid, cold, fire, lig htning, or poison. Additional Spell Effect. You can place your choice
Until the spell ends, the creature can use an actio n to of o ne of the following magical effects within the
ex hale energy of the chosen type in a 15-foot cone. Each wa rded area:
creature in that a rea must make a Dexterity saving
• A constant gust of wind in two locations of your choice
throw, taking 3d6 damage of the chosen type on a fa iled
• Spil<e growth in o ne location of your choice list
save, or half as much damage on a s uccessful one.
• Wind wall in two locations of your choiceria
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell us ing a
spell s lot of 3 rd level or higher, the damage increases by
l d6 for each s lot level above 2nd. DF winds are a
To a creature immune to this effect, the
fragrant, gentle breeze, a nd the aPrea of spil<e growth
is harmless. en
D eb
6th-level abjuration DUST DEVIL
Casting Time: 10 minutes
r s ion
2nd-level conjuration
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (mistletoe, which the spell con-
veTime: 1 action
m 60 feet
sumes, that was harvested with a golden sickle under
a deComponents: V, S, M (a pinch of dust)
the light of a full moon) g Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: 24 hours sin u Choose an unoccupied 5-foot cube of air that you can
You invoke the spirits of nature to protect a nfaie d out-
rea see within range. An elemental force that resembles
dsmall as a
mo Bui ldings a nd
doors or unde rground. The area can be as a dus t devil appears in the cube and lasts fo r the
30-foot cube or as la rge as a 90-footncube. spell's duration.
other structures are excluded b ee the affected area. If
from Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the
you cast this spell in the same s
a area every day for a yea r, dust devil must make a Strength saving throw. On a
The spell createsP DtheF following e ffects within the area.
the spell las ts until dispelled. fai led save, the creature takes l d8 bludgeoning damage
and is pus hed 10 feet away from the dust devil. On a suc-
When you cast
T histh is spell, you can s pecify creatures as cessful s ave, the creature ta kes ha lf as much damage
friends who are immune to the effects. You can also and is n't pushed.
s pecify a password that, when s poken a loud, makes the As a bonus action, you can move the dust devil up to
s peaker immune to these effects. 30 feet in any direction. If the dust devi l moves over
T he entire warded area radiates magic. A dispel magic sand, dust, loose dirt, or light g ravel, it s ucks up the ma-
cast on the area, if s uccessful , removes only one of the teria l a nd forms a 10-foot-radius cloud of debris around
following effects, not the entire area. That spell's caster itself that lasts unti l the start of you r next turn. The
chooses which effect to end. Only when a ll its e ffects are cloud heavily obscures its area.
gone is this s pell dis pelled. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Solid Fog. You can fill any number of 5-foot squares spell s lot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by
on the g round with thick fog, making the m heavily ob- ld8 for each s lot level above 2nd.
scured. T he fog reaches 10 feet high. In addition, every
foot of move ment through the fog costs 2 extra feet. To a EARTHBIND
creature immune to this effect, the fog obscures nothing 2nd-level transmutation
and looks like soft mis t, with motes of green light float- Casting Time: 1 action
ing in the air. Range: 300 feet
Grasping Undergrowth. You can fill any number of Components: V
5-foot squares on the ground that a ren't filled with fog Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Choose one creature you can see within range . Yellow Whenever the affected creature chooses another
strips of magical energy loop around the creature. The creature as a target, it must choose the target at random
target must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or its from among the cr eatures it can see within ra nge of the
flying speed (if any) is reduced to 0 feet for the s pell's du- attack, spell, or other abi lity it's using. lf a n enemy pro-
ration. An airborne creature affected by this s pell safely vokes an opportunity attack from the affected creature,
descends at 60 feet per round until it reaches the ground the creature must make that attack if it is able to.
or the spell ends.
EARTH 'TREMO R 5th-level necromancy
1s t-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Range: 10 feet Components: V, S
Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute
Duration: Ins tanta neo us
A tendril of inky darkness reaches out from you, touch-
You cause a tre mor in the ground within range. Each ing a creature you can see within ra nge to drain life
creature other tha n you in that a rea must ma ke a Dex- from it. The target mus t ma ke a Dexterity saving throw.
terity saving throw. On a fa iled save, a creature takes On a s uccessful save, the target ta kes 2d8 necrotic dam-
ld6 bludgeonin g da mage a nd is knocked prone. If the age, a nd the spell ends . On a failed save, the target takes
ground in that ar ea is loose earth or stone, it becomes 4d8 necrotic damage, a nd until the spell ends, you can
difficult terrain unti l cleared, with each 5-foot-diameter use your action on each of your turns to automatically
po rtion requiring at least 1 minute to clear by ha nd. deal 4d8 necrotic damage to the target. The spell ends
At Higher Levels. When you cast this s pell us ing a if you use you r action to do anything else, if the ta rget is
s pell slot of 2nd level o r highe r, the da mage increases by ever outside the s pell's ra nge, or if the target has total
ld6 for each slot level above 1s t. cover from you. l i s t.
Whenever the spell deals damage to a target, eri you re-
gain hit points equal to ha lf the amount ofAnecrotic dam-
4th -level transmutation age the target takes. P DF
Casting Time: 1 action At Higher Levels. Whe n youncast u this s pell us ing a
s pell s lot of 6th level or higheer, the dam
De 5th .
Range: 90 feet age increases by
Components: V, S ld8 for each slot levelf above
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 m inute n o
Choose o ne creature you can see w ithin range, a nd 3rd-levelvtransmutation
choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold,
e mo Time: 1 action
fire, lightning, or thunder. The target must s ucceed on a d
a Range: 120 feet
Constitution saving throw or be affected by the spell for g
its duration. The first time each turn the affected target
u sin Components: V, S, M (a piece of obsidian)
Duration: Instanta neous
takes da mage of the chosen type, the target takes d an ex-
tra 2d6 damage of that type. Moreover, the tadrget ifieloses Choose a point you can see on the ground within ra nge.
a ny resistance to that damage type untilm o spell ends.
the A fo unta in of churned earth and stone erupts in a 20-
At Higher Levels. When you cast e n spell using
this foot cube centered on that point. Each cr eature in that
a s pe ll s lot of 5th level or higher,byou can target one area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature
a s
additional creature for each
F h s lot level above 4th. The takes 3d12 bludgeoning da mage on a fa iled save, or
creatures must be within
P D feet of each other when you
30 ha lf as much damage on a s uccessfu l one. Additionally,
ta rget them. i s the ground in that a rea becomes difficult terrain until
Th clear ed. Each 5 -foot-square po rtion of the a rea requires
at least 1 minute to clear by hand .
3rd-le vel enchantment At Higher Levels. When you cast this s pell using a
Casting Time: 1 action spell s lot of 4th level or higher, the da mage increases by
Range: 120 feet ld12 for each slot level above 3rd.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute FAR STE P
Stli-level conjuration
You reach into the mind of one creature you can s ee a nd
force it to make an Intelligence saving throw. A creature Casting Time: 1 bonus action
automatically succeeds if it is im mune to being fright- Range: Self
ened. On a failed save, the ta rget loses the abi lity to dis- Components: V
tinguish friend from foe, regarding all creatures it can Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
see as enemies until the spell ends. Each time the ta rget You tele port up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you
takes damage, it can repeat the saving throw, endi ng the can see. On each of your turns before the spell ends, you
effect on itself on a s uccess. can use a bonus action to teleport in this way again.
e riali
e be
though it is a celestia
DFl, a Manual
provided in the M on ster for the chosen form ,
fey, or a fiend (your cho ice)
w he n twelve pieces of a mmu nition have bee n drawn
fro m the quiver.
instead of T is l creature type. Additionally, if it
itshnorma At Higher Levels. W hen yo u cast this spell us ing a
bas an Intellige nce score of 5 or lower, its Intelligence s pell s lot of 4th level o r hig her, the number of pieces of
becomes 6, a nd it gains the ability to unders ta nd one ammunitio n you can a ffect with this spell increases by
la ng uage of your cho ice that you speak. two for each s lot level above 3rd.
You control the mount in combat. W hile the mount is
within 1 mile of you, you can communicate with it tele- FROSTBITE
pa thically. While mounted o n it, you can make a ny s pell Evocation cantrip
you cast that ta rgets o nly you also target the mount. Casting Time: 1 action
T he mount disappea rs temporarily w hen it d rops to 0 Range: 6 0 feet
hit points or w he n you d is miss it as a n action. Casting Components: V, S
this s pell aga in re-summons the bonded mount, with a ll Duration: Instantaneous
its hit po ints restored and a ny conditio ns removed.
You cause nu mbing frost to for m on one creature that
You can't have more tha n one mount bonded by this
you can see within range. T he target must ma ke a
s pell o r find steed at the same time. As a n action, you
Cons titution saving th row. On a fa iled save, the target
can release a mount fro m its bond, caus ing it to d isap-
takes ld6 cold damage, a nd it has disadvantage on the
pear perma nently.
next wea pon attack roll it ma kes before the end of its
Whenever the mount disappears , it leaves behind a ny
nex t turn.
objects it was wearing or carrying.
The spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach you can see within range. The spirit looks like a trans-
5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). pare nt beas t or fey (your choice).
Until the spell ends, whenever you or a creature you
GUARDIAN OF NATURE can see moves into the s pirit's space for the firs t time on
4th-level transmutation a turn or starts its turn there, you can cause the s pirit
Casting Time: 1 bonus action to restore ld6 hit points to that creature (no action re-
Range: S elf quired). The spirit ca n't heal constructs or undead.
Components: V As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute s pirit up to 30 feet to a space you can see.
At Higher Levels. Whe n you cast this spell using a
A nature spirit answers your call a nd transforms you s pell slot of 3rd level or higher, the healing inc reases by
into a powerful guardian. The transformation lasts until 1d6 for each slot level a bove 2nd.
the spell ends. You choose one of the following forms to
assume: Primal Beast or Great Tree. HOLY WEAPON
Primal Beast. Bestial fur covers your body, your 5th-level evocation
facial features become feral, and you gain the follow-
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
ing benefits:
Range: Touch
Your walking s peed increases by 10 feet. Components: V, S
You gain darkvision with a range of 120 feet. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You ma ke Strength-based attack rolls with advantage.
You imbue a weapon you touch with holy power. Until
• Your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 force
damage on a hit. the spell e nds, the weapon emits bright light in a 30-
foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. In
Great Tree. Your skin appears barky, leaves sprout addition, weapon attacks made with it deal an extra 2d8
from your hair, and you gain the following be nefits: radi a nt damage on a hit. If the weapon isn't already
l i s ta.
• You gain 10 te mporary hit points. magic weapon, it becomes one for the duration. ia
• You make Constitution saving throws with advantage. As a bonus action on your turn, you ca nAdis this
• You make D exterity- and Wisdom-based attack rolls spell and cause the w eapon to e mjt aDburst F of radiance.
with advantage. Each creature of your choice that P can see within 30
u you
feet of you must make a Constitution n saving throw. On a
• Wh ile you are on the ground, the ground within 15
failed save, a creature D eb 4d8 radiant d a mage, and it
of On a successful save, a creature
feet of you is difficult terra in for your e nemies.
is blinded for 1 minute.
o damage and isn't blinded. At the
e rof iits turns,
takes half assmuch
Transmutation cantrip
o v saving throw,
e nd of each
a blinded creature can make a
e nding the effect on itself on
Casting Time: 1 action m
Range: 30 feet a da es uccess.
Components: V, S I CE KNIFE
Duration: Instantaneous u
1st-level conjuration
dif the fol-
You seize the air a nd compel it to create one of
lowing effects at a point you ca n see withinorange:
Casting Time: 1 action
ethat you c hoose
Range: 60 feet
Components: S, M (a drop of water or a piece of ice)
be throw or be
• One Medium or s maller creature
must succeed on a Strengthssaving Duration: Instantaneous
a you.
push ed up to 5 feet awayhfrom
• You create a s mall D
blas t of air capable of moving one
You create a shard of ice a nd fling it at one c reature
s P
i r held nor carried and that weighs
object that is neithe
within range. Ma ke a ranged spell attack against the tar-
Th 5 pounds. The object is pushed up to 10
no more than
get. On a hit, the targe t takes 1d10 pierci ng damage. Hit
or miss, the s hard then explodes. The targe t a nd each
feet away from you. It isn't pushed w ith e nough force creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a Dexterity
to cause damage. saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage.
• You create a harm less sensory effect us ing air, such as At Higher Levels. Whe n you cast this spell using a
causing leaves to rustle, wind to s lam shutters closed, spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the cold d amage in-
or your clothing to ripple in a breeze. creases by 1d6 for each s lot level above 1s t.
2nd-level conjuration 8th-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You call forth a nature spirit to soothe the wounded. The By gathering threads of s hadow mate rial from the Shad-
intangible spirit appears in a space that is a 5-foot cube owfell, you create a Huge shadowy dragon in an unoc-
cupied space that you can see within range. The illusion devil or a bearded devil. The devil appears in an unoc-
lasts for the spell's duration and occupies its space, as if cupied space that you can see within range. The devil
it were a creature. disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the
When the illusion appears, any of your enemies that spell ends.
can see it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or The devil is unfriendly toward you and your com-
become frightened of it for 1 minute. If a frightened crea- panions. Ro ll initiative for the devi l, which has its own
ture ends its turn in a location where it doesn't have line tu rns. It is under the Dungeon Master's control and acts
of sight to the illusion, it can repeat the saving throw, according to its nature on each of its turns, which might
ending the effect on itself on a s uccess. resu lt in its attacki ng you if it thinks it can prevail, or
As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the illu- trying to tempt you to undertake an evil act in exchange
sion up to 60 feet. At any point during its movement, you for limited service. The DM has the creature's statistics.
can cause it to ex hale a blast of energy in a 60-foot cone On each of your turns, you can try to iss ue a verbal
originating from its space. When you create the dragon, command to the devil (no action required by you). It
choose a damage type: acid, cold, fire, lig htning, ne- obeys the command if the likely outcome is in accor-
crotic, or poison. Each creature in the cone must make dance with its desires, especially if the resu lt would
an Intelligence saving throw, taking 7d6 damage of the draw you toward evil. Otherwise, you must make a Cha-
chosen damage type on a failed save, or half as much risma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check
damage on a successful one. contested by its Wisdom (Insight) check. You make the
The illus ion is tangible because of the shadow stuff check with advantage if you say the devil's true name.
used to create it, but attacks miss it automatically, it s uc- If your check fails, the devil becomes immune to your
ceeds on a ll saving throws, and it is immune to a ll dam- verbal comma nds for the duration of the spell , though it
age and conditions. A creature that uses an action to can still carry o ut your commands if it chooses. If your
examine the dragon can determine that it is an illusion check succeeds, the devil carries out your command-
by succeeding on an Intelligence (Jnvestigation) check such as "attack my e nemies," "explore the room ahead,"
against your spell save DC. If a creature disce rns the l
or "bear this message to the queen"- until itacompletesi
illusion for w hat it is, the creatu re can see through it and the activity, at which point it returns to you
A eri to report hav-
DFthe spell reaches its
has advantage on saving throws against its breath. ing done so.
If your concentration ends before P
IMMOLATION full duration, the devil doesn'te nu disappear if it has become
5th-level evocation b
immune to your verbalecommands. Instead, it acts in
Casting Time: 1 action whatever manner o fitDchooses for 3d6 minutes, and then it
Range: 90 feet disappears.ion
Components: V rs
If youepossess an individual devil's talisman, you can
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute o
summon v that devil if it is of the appropriate challenge
m plus 1, and it obeys all your commands, with no
Flames wreathe one creature you can see within range. a deCharisma
checks required.
The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or ha lf as much u dam- spell slot of 6th level or higher, the challenge rating in-
age on a successful one. On a failed save, the
i f ietadrget creases by 1 for each slot level above 5th.
od target
also burns for the spell's duration. The burning
and dim light for
eneach of its turns, the
sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius INFESTATION
an additional 30 feet. At the ende of
s b It takes 4d6 fire damage
Conjuration cantrip
target repeats the saving athrow.
thehspell ends on a successful one.
Casting Time: 1 action
on a failed save, and F
D can't be extinguished by nonmag-
T hese magical flaPmes
Range: 30 feet
ical means. his
Components: Y, S, M (a living flea)
If damageT from this spell kills a target, the target is Duration: Instantaneous
turned to ash. You cause a cloud of mites, fleas, and other parasites to
appear momentarily on one creature you can see within
INFERNAL CALLING range. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving
5th-level conjuration throw, or it takes ld6 poison damage and moves 5 feet
Casting Time: 1 minute in a random direction if it can move a nd its speed is at
Range: 90 feet least 5 feet. Roll a d4 for the direction: 1, north; 2, south;
Components: V, S, M (a ruby worth at least 999 gp) 3, east; or 4, west. Th is movement doesn't provoke op-
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour portunity attacks, and if the direction rolled is blocked,
the target doesn't move.
Uttering a dark incantation, you summon a devil from The spell's damage increases by ld6 when you reach
the Nine Hells. You choose the devil's type, which must 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
be one of challenge rating 6 or lower, such as a barbed
e riali
e be
I NVESTITURE OF FLAME Until thevs e rsi
pell e nds, ice ri mes you r body, a nd you gain
the following be nefits:
6th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
g a •dYou are immune to cold da mage a nd have resistan ce
Range: Self in to fi re da mage.
Components: V, S
d us • You can move across d iffic ult terrai n c reated by ice or
ie s now wi thout s p e nding extra moveme nt.
Duration: Concentratio n, up to 10 minutes
F lames race across your body, s heddingm o ligh t in
• Th e gro und in a 10-foot radius a round you is icy a nd
is diffic ult terra in fo r c reatu res oth e r tha n you. The
a 30 -foot radius a nd d im light for a neadditional 30 fee t
fo r the spell's du ration. T he fla mesedon't harm you. Until radi us moves w ith you.
t he spell e nds, you gain t hehfollowing be nefits:
• You can use your action to c reate a 15-foot cone of
freezing w ind extendin g from your outs tretched ha nd
• You ar e immune to D
cold da mage. is
Pfi re da mage a nd have resistance to in a di rection you ch oose. Each creature in the cone
• You can use your action to create a small earthqua ke MAD DENING D ARKNESS
on the g round in a 15-foot radius centered on you. 8th-level evocation
Other creatures on that ground mus t s ucceed o n a Casting Time: 1 action
Dexterity saving throw o r be k nocked prone. Range: 150 feet
• You can move across difficult terrai n made of ear th Components: V, M (a drop of pitch mixed with a drop
o r stone witho ut spend ing extra movement. You can of mercury)
move th roug h solid ear th or s to ne as if it was a ir Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
a nd without destabilizing it, but you can't end your
movement the re. If you do so, you are ejected to the Magical da rkness spreads from a point you choose
nearest unoccupied space, this s pell ends, a nd you are with in range to fi ll a 6 0-foot-radius sphere until the spell
s tunned until the end of your next turn. ends. The darkness spreads arou nd corners. A creature
with darkvis ion can't see through this darkness. Non-
I NV E STIT UR E OF WIN D magical light, as well as light c reated by spells of 8th
6th-level transmutation level or lower, can't illuminate the area.
Casting Time: 1 action Shrieks, gibbering, a nd mad laughter can be heard
Range: Self within the sphere. Whenever a creature starts its turn in
Components: V, S the s phere, it must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes 8 d8 psychic damage on a fa iled save, or ha lf as much
damage on a successful one.
U ntil the spell ends, w ind w hirls a rou nd you, and you
gain the following benefits: MAELSTROM
• Ra nged weapon attacks made aga inst you have disad- 5th-level evocation
va ntage on the attack ro ll. Casting Time: 1 action
• You gain a flying s peed of 6 0 feet. If you a re still flying Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (paper or leaf in the shapei s t.
when the s pell ends, you fa ll, unless you can somehow a
prevent it. of a fu nnel)
A eri
• You can use your action to create a 15-foot cube of F
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
swirling wind centered on a poi nt you can see withi n A s w irling mass of 5-foot-deep
n u Pwater appears in a 30-
60 feet of you. Each creature in that area mus t ma ke foot radius centered on b a epoint you can see within range.
a Constitution saving th row. A creature takes 2d10 T he point must be oD ne the ground or in a body of water.
bludgeoning damage o n a failed save, or half as much of that a rea is difficult terrain, a nd
Until the spellnends,
da mage on a successful one. If a Large or smaller iothat starts its turn there must succeed on a
a ny creature
creature fa ils the save, that creature is a lso pushed up
Strengthe throw or ta ke 6d6 bludgeoning damage
to 10 feet away fro m the center of the cube.
ando be pulled 10 feet toward the center.
d e
9th-level abjuration
u sin Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
i f ied Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self d
of o
Range: To uch
Components: V, S , M (a s ma ll piece m ada ma ntine
Components: V, S
ens pell cons umes)
wor th a t least 500 gp, w hich ethe Duration: 1 min ute
Duration: Concentration, up
s b
to 10 mi nutes
h mage until the spell e nds. You touch one to three pebbles and imbue them with
F da
You a re immune to all
D magic. You or someone else can make a ra nged spell
P attack w ith one of the pebbles by throw ing it or hurli ng
T his
it with a s ling. lf thrown, a pebble has a range of 60 feet.
3rd-level necromancy
If someone else attacks with a pebble, that attacker adds
Casting Time: 1 action your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker 's, to
Range: 30 feet the attack roll. O n a hit, the ta rget takes bludgeoning
Components: V, S da mage equal to ld6 +your spellcasti ng ability modifier.
Duration: Ins ta nta neous Whether the attack hits or misses, the spell then ends
Yo u sacrifice some of your health to mend another crea- on the stone.
ture's inj uries. You take 4d8 necrotic da mage, a nd one If you cast th is spell again, the spell ends o n any peb-
creature of your choice that you can see within ra nge re- bles still affected by your previous casting.
ga ins a nu mber of hit points equa l to twice the necrotic
damage you take.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell us ing a 9th-level transmutation
s pell s lot of 4th level or hig her, the da mage increases by Casting Time: 1 actio n
l d8 for each s lot level above 3 rd. Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S , M (a caterpillar cocoon)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You transform up to ten creatures of your choice that Components: V, S, M (niter, s ulfur, a nd pine tar for med
you can see within range. An unwilling target must suc- into a bead)
ceed on a Wisdom saving throw to resist the tra nsforma- Duration: Concentration, up to 10 m inutes
tion. An unwilling shapechanger automatically succeeds You create s ix tiny meteors in your space. They float
on the save. in the air and orbit you for the spell's duration. When
Each ta rget assumes a beast form of your choice, a nd you cast the s pell- and as a bonus actio n o n each of
you can choose the same form or different ones fo r each your turns thereafter- you can expend one or two of
target. The new form can be any beast you have seen the meteors, sending them streaking toward a point or
whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the tar- points you choose within 120 feet of you. Once a me-
get's (or half the target's level, if the target doesn't have a teor reaches its destination or impacts agai nst a solid
challenge rating). T he target's game statistics, including su r face, the meteor explodes. Each creature within 5
mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of feet of the point whe re the meteor explodes must make
the chosen beast, but the target retains its hit points , a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 fire
alignment, a nd personality. damage on a fai led save, or ha lf as much damage o n a
Each target gai ns a number of temporary hit poi nts s uccessful one.
equa l to the hit points of its new fo rm. These temporary At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
hit points can't be replaced by temporary bit points from spell s lot of 4th level or higher, the number of meteors
another sou rce. A target reverts to its normal form whe n created increases by two for each s lot level above 3rd.
it bas no mo re temporary hit points or it dies. If the spell
ends before then, the creature loses all its temporary hi t MENTAL PRISON
points a nd reverts to its norma l form. 6 th-level illusion
T he creature is limited in the actions it can perform by
Casting Time: 1 action
the nature of its new form. It can't speak , cast spells, or
Range: 60 feet
do a nythin g else that requires hands or speech.
The target's gear melds into the new form. T he target
Components: S
can't activate, use, wield, o r otherwise benefit from a ny
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
of its equipment.
F Ae cell
You attempt to bind a creature within an illusory
PD th row. The
that only it perceives. One creature you can see w ithin
MAXIMILIAN'S EARTHEN GRASP range must make a n Intelligenceusaving
n it is immune to being
2nd-level transmutation target succeeds autom atically
e be if the
Casting Time: 1 action charmed. On a s uccessful D
fthe save, target takes SdlO
Range: 30 feet psychic damage, and o spell ends. On a fai led save,
n psychic damage, and you make
Components: V, S, M (a miniature hand sculpted the target takes
r s ioSdlO
from clay) e
the area vimmediately around the target's space appear
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute m o
dangerous to it in some way. You mig ht cause the ta rget
You choose a 5-foot-square un occupied space on the a dtoeperceive itself as being s urrounded by fire, floating
ground that you can see within ra nge. A Medium ha nd ing
razors, or hideous maws filled with dripping teeth.
made from compacted soil rises there a nd reaches for
d us Whatever form the illusion takes, the target can't see or
hear anything beyond it and is restrained for the spell's
one creature you can see within 5 feet of it. The e
ifi target
faidled save,
duration. If the target is moved out of the illusion, makes
must make a Strength saving throw. On a o
n m and is re-
a melee attack through it, o r reaches a ny part of its body
the target takes 2d6 bludgeonin g damage
strained for the s pell's duration.be
e through it, the target takes lOdlO psychic damage, and
the s pell ends.
As an action, you can cause
h asthe hand to crus h the
restrained target, whichFmust make a Strength saving MIGHTY FORTRESS
D 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a
throw. The ta rget taPkes
fai led save, or h i s 8th-level conjuration
T ha lf as much damage o n a s uccessful one.
To break out, the restrained target can use its action
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 1 mile
to make a Strength check agains t your s pell save DC.
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 500 gp,
On a s uccess, the target escapes a nd is no longer re-
which the spell consumes)
strained by the hand.
Duration: Instanta neous
As an action, you can cause the ha nd to reach for a
different creature or to move to a different unoccupied A fortress of s tone erupts from a square area of ground
s pace within ra nge. The hand releases a restrained tar- of you r choice that you can see within range. The a rea is
get if you do either. 120 feet on each side, and it must not have a ny buildings
o r other structures on it. Any creatu res in the a rea a re
MELF S MINUTE METEORS harmlessly lifted up as the fo rtress rises.
3rd-level evocation The fortress has four turrets with square bases, each
Casting Time: 1 action one 20 feet on a s ide and 30 feet tall, with one turret on
Range: Self each corner. The turrets ar e connected to each other by
s tone walls that a re each 80 feet long, creating an en-
e riali
o fD
on leaving a ny creatures that were ins ide it
rsi g round.
closed a rea. Each wall is 1 foot thick and is composed of into the ground,
panels that are 10 feet wide and 20 feet ta ll. Each panel sa fely onethe
is contiguous with two other panels or one othe r panel
m o v this spell on the same spot once every 7 days
a nd a turret. You can place up to four s tone doors in the
fortress's outer wall. a defo r a year makes the fortress permanent.
A s mall keep s ta nds ins ide the enclosed area. Thesin
keep has a s quare base that is 50 feet on each s d uand
ide, 2nd-level divination
it has three floors with 10-foot-high ceilings.ifEachie of the
floors can be divided into as many roomsoas you like,
Casting Time: 1 actio n
non each s ide. The
Range: 60 feet
ebye stone staircases,
provided each room is at least 5 feet Components: S
floors of the keep are connected
s b its Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
walls a re 6 inches thick,ha a nd interior rooms can have
stone doors or openDarchways as you choose. The keep You reach into the mind of one creature you can see
is furnished a nd P
isfood to serve a nine-course
decorated however you like, and it con-
within range. The target must m a ke a Wisdom s aving
T h
tains s ufficient ba nquet for
throw, ta king 3d8 psychic damage on a fa iled save, or
up to 100 people each day. Furnishings, food, a nd other ha lf as much da mage o n a s uccessful one. On a failed
objects created by this spell crumble to dust if removed save, you a lso always know the target's location unti l the
from the fortress. spell ends, but only w hile the two of you are o n the same
A staff of one hundred invisible servants obeys any plane of existence. While you have this knowledge, the
command given to them by creatures you designate target can't become hidden from you, a nd if it's invisible,
when you cast the s pell. Each servant functions as if cre- it gains no benefit from th at condition against you.
ated by the unseen servant s pell. At Higher Levels. When you cast this s pell using a
The walls, turrets, and keep are all made of stone s pell s lot of 3rd leve l or highe r, the damage increases by
that can be da maged. Each 10-foot-by-10-foot section of ld6 for each s lot level above 2nd.
stone has AC 15 a nd 30 hit points per inch of thickness. MOLD EARTH
It is immune to poison a nd psychic damage. Reducing
Transmutation cantrip
a section of stone to 0 hit points destroys it and might
cause connected sections to buckle and collapse at the Casting Time: 1 action
DM's discretion . Range: 30 feet
After 7 days or when you cast this s pell somewhere Components: S
else, the fortress ha rm lessly crumbles a nd s inks back Duration: Instanta neous or 1 hour (see below)
You c hoose a portion of dirt or stone that you can see PRIMAL SAVAGERY
within range a nd that fits within a 5-foot cube. You ma- Transmutation cantrip
njpulate it in one of the following ways: Casting Time: 1 action
• If you ta rget an area of loose ear t h, you can instan- Range: Self
taneously excavate it, move it along the ground, a nd Components: S
deposit it up to 5 feet away. Trus movement doesn't Duration: Instantaneous
involve enough force to cause damage. You channel primal magic to cause your teeth or fin-
• You cause s hapes, colors, or both to appear on the dirt gernails to s harpen, ready to deliver a corrosive attack.
or stone, spelling out words, creating images, or s hap- Make a melee spell attack against one c reature within 5
ing patterns . The c hanges last for 1 hour. feet of you. On a hit, the target takes ldlO acid damage .
• If the dirt or stone you target is on the grou nd, you After you make the attack, your teeth or fingernails re-
cause it to become difficult terrain. Alternatively, you turn to normal.
can cause the ground to become normal terrain if it is The spell's damage increases by ldlO whe n you reach
already difficu lt terrain . This change lasts fo r 1 hour. 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), a nd 17th level (4d10).
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have no
more than two of its non-instanta neous effects active at PRIMORDIAL WARD
a time, and you can dismiss s uch an effect as an action. 6th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
5th-level necromancy Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 6 0 feet You have resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, and
Components: V, M (a broken bone a nd a square of
black s il k)
thunder d a mage for the spell's duration.
i s .
When you take damage of one of those types, you
a l
Duration: Instantaneous use your reaction to gain immunity to that type
A eri of dam-
You send ribbons of negative e ne rgy at one creature you F If you do
age, including against the triggering damage.
can see within range. Un less the target is undead, it so, the resistances end, and you haveP immuruty until
mus t make a Constitution saving throw, taking Sd12 ne- nu time the spell e nds.
the end of you r next turn, at which
crotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage e be
on a successful one. A target killed by this damage rises PSYCHIC SCREAM fD
up as a zombie at the start of your next turn. T he zombie no
9th-level enchantment
pursues whatever creature it can see that is closest to it.
ers 1 action
Casting Time:
Statistics fo r the zombie are in the Monster Manual. Range: 90 feet
If you target an undead with th is spell, th e target e
Components: S
dDuration: Instantaneous
doesn't make a saving throw. Instead, roll Sdl2. The tar- a
get gains half t he total as temporary hit points. ings You unleash the power of your mind to blast the intellect
ified of up to ten creatures of you r choice that you can see
d with in range. Creatures that have a n Intelligence score
7th-level enchantment
of 2 or lower are unaffected.
Casting Time: 1 action
en Each target must mak e a n Intelligence saving throw.
Range: 60 feet be
On a failed save, a target takes 14d6 psychic damage
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
h a nd is stunned. On a s uccessful save, a target ta kes half
P power that causes waves of intense as much d a mage and isn't stunned. If a target is killed
You speak a word
h is of by this damage, its head explodes, assuming it has one.
pain to assaiTl one creature you can see within range. A stu nned target can make an Intelligence saving
If the target has 100 hit points or fewer, it is subject throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful
to c rippling pain. Otherwise, the spell has no effect save, the stunn ing effect e nds.
on it. A target is also unaffected if it is immune to be-
ing charmed. PYROTECHNICS
While the target is affected by crippling pain, any 2nd-level transmutation
speed it has can be no higher tha n 10 feet. The target Casting Time: 1 action
also has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, a nd Range: 6 0 feet
savi ng throws, other than Constitution savi ng throws. Components: V, S
Finally, if the target tries to cast a spell, it must first suc- Duration: Instantaneous
ceed on a Constitution saving throw, or the casting fails
Choose an area of nonmagical fla me that you can see
a nd the spell is wasted.
and that fits w ithin a 5-foot cube within ra nge. You can
A target suffering this pain can make a Constitution
extinguis h the fire in that ar ea, and you create either
saving throw at the e nd of each of its turns. On a s uc-
fireworks or smoke when you do so.
cessful save, the pain e nds.
Fireworks. T he ta rget explodes with a dazzling dis-
play of colors. Each creature within 10 feet of the target
properties (r ange 20/6 0). In addition, w hen you use the
sword to attack a target that is in dim light or da rkness,
you ma ke the attack roll with advantage.
If you drop the weapon or throw it, it dissipates at the
end of the turn. Thereafter, while the spell persists, you
can use a bonus action to cause the sword to reappear
in your band.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
3rd- or 4th-level spell s lot, the damage increases to 3d8.
When you cast it using a 5th- or 6th-level spell s lot, the
damage incr eases to 4d8. When you cast it using a spell
s lo t of 7th level or hig her, the damage increases to 5d8.
4th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (an undead eyeball encased in a
The s hadows turn dim light within 10 feet of you into
. light.
da rkness, and bright lig ht in the same a rea to dim
Until the s pell ends, you have resistance toiaradiant
damage. In addition, whenever a creature r
ewithin 10 feet
of you hits you with an attack, the s hadows lash out at
PD damage.
that creature, dealing it 2d8 necrotic
e nu
D eb
must s ucceed on a Constitution saving throw or become
blinded until the end of your next turn. of
Transmutation cantrip
Smoke. Thick black s moke s preads o ut from the tar- io 1 action
Casting Time:
get in a 20-foot radfos, moving around corners. The area Range: 3 0
Components: S
of the smoke is heavily o bscured. The smoke persists for m
1 minute or until a strong wind disperses it. a deDuration: Instanta neous or 1 hour (see below)
You choose an a rea of water that you can see within
SCATTER ra nge a nd that fits within a 5-foot cube. You ma nipulate
6th-level conjuration
ifie it in one of the following ways:
Casting Time: 1 action
m od • You instantaneously move or otherwise change the
Range: 30 feet
en flow of the water as you direct, up to 5 feet in any di-
Components: V
s be rection. This movement doesn't have enoug h force to
Duration: Instantan eous
ha cause damage.
DF up to five creatures of your
The air quivers around
• You cause the water to form into simple s hapes
choice that youiscan see within range. An unwi lling crea- a nd ani mate at your direction. This cha nge lasts
ture must sT h on a Wisdom saving throw to resist
ucceed for 1 hour.
this spell. You teleport each affected target to an unoccu- • You change the water's color or opacity. T he water
pied space that you can see within 120 feet of you. That mus t be changed in the same way throughout. This
space must be on the ground or on a floor. change lasts for 1 hour.
• You freeze the water, provided that there are no crea-
SHADOW BLA DE tures in it. T he water unfreezes in 1 hour.
2nd-level illusion
If you cast this spell multiple ti mes, you can have no
Casting Time: 1 bonus action mor e than two of its non-ins tanta neous effects active at
Range: Self a time, a nd you can dismiss such a n effect as a n action.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute SICKENING RADIANCE
4th-level evocation
You weave togethe r threads of s hadow to create a sword
of solidified gloom in your ha nd. This magic sword lasts Casting Time: 1 action
until the spell ends. I t counts as a simple me lee weapon Range: 120 feet
with which you a re proficient. It deals 2d8 psychic Components: V, S
dam age on a hit and bas the finesse, light, a nd thrown Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Dim, greenish light spreads withfo a 30-foot-radius A restrained creature can make a Dexterity saving
sphere centered on a point you choose within range. throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
The light spreads around corners, and it lasts until the itself on a success. Alternatively, the creature or some-
spell ends. one else who can reach it can use an action to make an
When a creature moves into the spell's area for the Intelligence (Arcana) check against your spell save DC.
first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature On a success, the restrained effect ends.
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take After the trap is triggered, the spell ends when no
4d10 radiant damage, and it s uffers one level of exhaus- creature is restrained by it.
tion and emits a dim, greenish light in a 5-foot radius.
This light makes it impossible for the creature to benefit SNILLOC 'S SNOWBALL SWARM
from being invisible. The light and any levels of exhaus- 2nd-level evocation
tion caused by this spell go away when the spell ends. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
SKILL EMPOWERMENT Components: V, S, M (a piece of ice or a small white
5th-level transmutation rock chip)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: instantaneous
Range: Touch A flurry of magic snowballs erupts from a point you
Components: V, S choose within range. Each creature in a 5-foot-radius
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour sphere centered on that point m ust make a Dexterity
Your magic deepens a creature's understanding of its saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 cold damage on a
own talent. You touch one willing creature a nd give it fai led save, or half as much damage on a s uccessful one.
expertise in one skill of your choice; until the spell ends, At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
the creature doubles its proficiency bonus for abi lity spell s lot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by
checks it makes that use the chosen skill. ld6 for each slot level above 2nd. t.
You must choose a skill in which the target is profi-
cient and that isn't a lready benefiting from an effect,
6th-level necromancy F A
PDtake when a hu-
s uch as Expertise, that doubles its proficiency bonus.
Casting Time: 1 reaction, whichuyou
SKYWRITE manoid you can see within b e60n feet of you dies
2nd-level transmutation (ritual) Range: 60 feet D e
Components: V, S, oMf (a tiny silver cage worth 100 gp)
Casting Time: 1 action n
Range: Sight rsio
Duration: 8 hours
Components: V, S This spell
o vesnatches the soul of a humanoid as it dies and
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
emit inside
the tiny cage you use for the material com-
You cause up to ten words to form in a part of the sky a A stolen soul remai ns inside the cage until the
you can see. The words appear to be made of cloud anding spell ends or until you destroy the cage, which ends the
remain in place for the spell's duration. The words dis-
d spell. While you have a soul inside the cage, you can ex-
sipate when the spell ends. A strong wind can
ifi e
disperse ploit it in any of t he ways described below. You can use a
the clouds and end the spell early.
mod trapped soul up to six times. Once you exploit a soul for
n the sixth time, it is released, and the spell ends. While
bee a soul is trapped, the dead humanoid it came from can't
1st-level abjuration s
be revived.
Casting Time: 1 minuteF Steal Life. You can use a bonus action to d rain vigor
Range: Touch
i s PD from the soul and regain 2d8 hit points.
ThS, M (25 feet of rope, which the
Components: Query Soul. You ask t he soul a question (no action re-
spell consumes) quired) and receive a brief telepathic answer, which you
Duration: 8 hours can understand regardless of the language used. The
soul knows only what it knew in life, but it must answer
As you cast this spell, you use the rope to create a circle you truthfully and to the best of its ability. The answer is
with a 5-foot radius on the grou nd or the floor. When no more than a sentence or two and might be cryptic.
you finish casting, the rope disappears and the circle Borrow Experience. You ca n use a bonus action to
becomes a magic trap. bolster yourself with the soul's life experience, making
This trap is nearly invisible, requiring a successful your next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw with
Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save advantage. 1f you don't use this benefit before the start of
DC to be discerned. your next turn, it is lost.
The trap triggers when a Small, Medium, or Large Eyes of the Dead. You can use an action to name a
creature moves onto the ground or t he floor in the place the humanoid saw in life, which creates an invis-
spell's radius. That creature must succeed on a Dex- ible sensor somewhere in that place if it is on the plane
terity saving throw or be magically hoisted into the air, of existence you're currently on. The sensor remains for
leaving it hanging upside down 3 feet above the ground as long as you concentrate, up to 10 minutes (as if you
or the floor. The creature is restrained there until the were concentrating on a spell). You receive visual and
spell ends.
er iali
e be
o fD
auditory information from the sensor as if you were in ve remains for the spell's duration. Each crea-
The sphere
its space using your senses. m in the sphere when it appea rs or that ends its turn
A creature that can see the sensor (such as one using
a dethere must succeed o n a Strength saving throw or take
see invisibility or truesight) sees a translucent image ofg 2d6 bludgeoning damage. The sphere's space is diffi-
the tormented humanoid whose soul you caged. usi
n cult terrain.
ied Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on
o dif each of your turns to cause a bolt of lig htning to leap
5th-level conjuration m from the center of the sphere towa rd one creature you
Casting Time: 1 action e en choose withi n 60 feet of the center. Make a ranged spell
Range: 30 feet
a sb attack. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target
F h weapon worth at least 1 sp)
Components: S, M (a melee
is in the sphere. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 light-
ning damage.
s P
Duration: Insta ntaneous
i weapon used in the cas ting and then Creatures withi n 30 feet of the sphere have disadva n-
You flourishT hthe tage on Wis dom (Perception) checks made to listen.
vanis h to strike like the wind. Choose up to five crea- At Higher Levels. W hen you cast this spell using a
tures you can see within ra nge. Make a melee spell spell s lot of 5th level or higher, the damage for each of
attack against each target. On a hit, a ta rget takes 6d 10 its effects increases by ld6 for each s lot level above 4th.
force damage.
You can then teleport to an unoccupied space you can SUMMON GREATER DEMON
see within 5 feet of one of the targets you hit or missed. 4th-level conjuration
STORM SPHERE Casting Time: 1 action
4th-level evocation Range : 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a vial of blood from a humanoid
Casting Time: 1 action
ki lled within the past 24 hours)
Range : 150 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You utter foul words, s ummoning one demon from the
chaos of the Abyss. You choose the demon's type, wh ich
A 20-foot-radius sphere of wh irling air springs into ex- must be one of challenge rating 5 or lower, s uch as a
istence, center ed on a point you choose within range. shadow demon or a barlgura. The demon appears in
an unoccupied space you can see within range, and the anyone withi n it. Using the material component in this
demon disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when manner consumes it when the spell ends.
the spell ends. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Roll initiative for the demon, which has its own turns. spell slot of 6th or 7th level, you summon twice as many
When you summon it and on each of your turns thereaf- demons. If you cast it using a spell slot of 8th or 9th
ter, you can issue a verbal command to it (requfring no level, you summon three times as many demons.
action on your part), telling it what it must do on its next
turn. If you issue no command, it spends its turn attack- SYNAPTIC STATIC
ing any creature within reach that has attacked it. 5th-level enchantment
At the end of each of the demon's turns, it makes a Casting Time: 1 action
Charisma saving throw. The demon has disadvantage Range: 120 feet
on this saving throw if you say its true name. On a failed Components: V, S
save, the demon continues to obey you. On a success- Duration: Instanta neous
ful save, your control of the demon ends for the rest of
You choose a point within range and cause psychic en-
the duration, and the demon spends its turns pursuing
ergy to explode there. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius
and attacking the nearest non-demons to the best of its
sphere centered on that point must make an Intelligence
ability. If you stop concentrating on the spell before it
saving throw. A creature wiili an Intelligence score of
reaches its full duration, an uncontrolled demon doesn't
2 or lower can't be affected by this spell. A target takes
disappear for ld6 rounds if it still has hit points.
8d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or ha lf as much
As part of casting the spell, you can form a circle
damage on a successful one.
on the ground with the blood used as a material com-
After a fai led save, a target has muddled thoughts for
ponent. The circle is large enough to encompass your
1 minute. During that time, it rolls a d6 and s ubtracts
space. While the spell lasts, the s ummoned demon can't
the number rolled from all its attack rolls and ability
cross the circle or harm it, and it can't target anyone
checks, as well as its Constitu tion saving throws to t.
within it. Using the materia l component in this manner
maintain concentration. The target can make an i lis
consumes it when the spell ends. r
e end-
gence saving throw at the end of each of itsAturns,
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
ing the effect on itself on a success. DF
spell s lot of 5th level or higher, the challenge rating in- P
creases by 1 for each slot level above 4th. TEMPLE OF THE GODS
7th-level conjuration
f De
3rd-level conjuration
i o no
Casting Time: 1 hour
roof, with one door granting access to the interior and
3-4 Four demons of challenge rating 1/2 or lower
5-6 is P
Eight demons of challenge rating 1/4 or lower
as many windows as you wish. Only you a nd any crea-
Th tures you designate when you cast the spell can open or
close the door.
The DM chooses the demons, such as manes or The temple's interior is an open space with a n idol
dretches, a nd you choose the unoccupied spaces you or a lta r at one end. You decide whether the temple is
can see within range w here they appear. A summoned illuminated and whether that illumination is bright light
demon disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when or dim light. The smell of burning incense fills the air
the spell ends. within, and the temperature is mild.
The demons are hostile to all creatures, including you. The temple opposes types of creatures you choose
Roll initiative for the s ummoned demons as a group, when you cast this spell. Choose one or more of the fol-
which has its own turns. The demons pursue and attack lowing: celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead. If a
the nearest non-demons to the best of their abi li ty. creature of the chosen type attempts to enter the temple,
As part of casting the spell, you can form a circle that creature must make a Charisma saving throw. On
on the ground with the blood used as a material com- a failed save, it can't enter the temple for 24 hours. Even
ponent. The circle is large enough to encompass your if the creature can enter the temple, the m agic there
space. While U1e spell lasts, the summoned demons hinders it; whenever it makes an attack roll, an ability
can't cross the circle or harm it, and they can't target check, or a saving throw inside ilie temple, it must roll a
d4 and subtract the number rolled from the d20 roll.
In addition, the sensor s created by divination spells THUNDER STEP
can't appear ins ide the temple, and creatures within 3rd-level conjuration
can't be targeted by divination spells.
Casting Time: 1 action
Finally, whenever any creature in the temple regains
Range: 90 feet
hit points from a spell of 1st level or higher, the creature
Components: V
regains add itional hit points equal to your Wisdom mod-
Duration: Instantaneous
ifier (minimum 1 hit point).
The temple is made from opaque magical force that You teleport yourself to an unoccupied space you can
extends into the Ethereal Plane, thus blocking ethereal see within range. Immediately after you disappear, a
travel in to the temple's interior. Nothing can physically thunderous boom sounds, and each creature within 10
pass through the temple's exterior. It can't be dispelled feet of the space you left must make a Constitution sav-
by dispel magic, and antimagic field has no effect on it. A ing throw, taking 3dl0 thunder damage on a failed save,
disintegrate spell destroys the temple instantly. or half as much damage on a successful one. The thun-
Casting this spell on the same spot every day for a der can be heard from up to 300 feet away.
year makes this effect permanent. You can bring along objects as long as their weight
doesn't exceed what you can carry. You can also tele-
TENSER' S TRANSFORMATION port one willing creature of your size or smaller who is
6th-level transmutation carrying gear up to its carrying capacity. The creature
Casting Time: 1 action must be within 5 feet of you when you cast this spell,
Range: Self and there must be an unoccupied space within 5 feet of
Components: V, S, M (a few hairs from a bull) your destination space for the creature to appear in; oth-
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes erwise, the creature is left behind.
At Higher Levels- When you cast this spell using a
You endow yourself with endurance and martial prow- spell s lot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by
ess fueled by magic. Until the spell ends , you can't cast ldlO fo r each s lot level above 3rd. list
spells, and you gain the following benefits:
e ria
• You gain 50 temporary hit points. If a ny of these re-
main when the spell ends, they are lost. 3rd-level conjuration
u PD
• You have advantage on attack rolls that you make with Casting Time: 1 action
b en
D(ae drop of water)
s imple and martial weapons. Range: 120 feet
• When you hit a target with a weapon attack, that tar- Components: V, oS,f M
get takes an extra 2dl2 force damage. on
Duration: Instantaneous
• You have proficiency with all a rmor, s hields, simple r
weapons, and martia l weapons. o ve up a wave of water that crashes down on an
You conjure
amrea within range. The area can be up to 30 feet long,
• You have proficiency in Strength and Constitution sav-
ing throws. a deup to 10 feet wide, and up to 10 feet tall. Each creature
in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a
• You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take
s failed save, a creature takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage
i e d uthat
the Attack action on your turn. You ignore this benefit
and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature
i f
if you already have a feature, like Extra Attack,
gives you extra attacks.
mod takes half as much damage and isn't knocked prone.
The water then spreads out across the ground in all
Immediately after the spell ends,e n
b e youormust succeed on directions, extinguishing unprotected flames in its area
a DC 15 Constitution savings throw suffer one level of and within 30 feet of it, and then it vanishes.
exha ustion. ha
Evocation T h is P
3rd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch
Range: 5 feet Components: V, S
Components: S Duration: 8 hours
Duration: Instantaneous
You touch one Tiny, nonmagical object that isn't at-
You create a burst of thunderous sound that can be tached to another object or a s urface a nd isn't being
heard up to 100 feet away. Each creature within range, carried by another creature. The target a nimates and
other than you, must succeed on a Constitution saving sprouts little arms and legs, becoming a creature under
throw or take ld6 thunder damage. your control until the spell ends or the creature drops to
The spell's damage increases by ld6 when you reach 0 hit points. See the stat block for its statistics.
5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). As a bonus action, you can mentally command the
creature if it is within 120 feet of you. (If you control
multiple creatures with this spell, you can command any
or a ll of them at the same time, issuing the same com-
Necromancy can trip
Casting Time: l action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point at one creature you can see within range,
and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the a ir around it
for a moment. The targe t must s ucceed on a Wisdom
saving throw or take ld8 necrotic damage. If the target
is missing a ny of its hit points, it instead takes ldl2 ne-
crotic da mage.
The spell's damage increases by one die when you
reach 5th level (2d8 or 2dl2), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12),
and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
5th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S , M (clay a nd wate r)
Duration: Until dispelled
You c hoose an a rea of s tone or mud that you can see.
that fits within a 4 0 -foot c ube and is within range,
i a
choose one of the following effects.
A er of any
DF of thick, flow-
Transmute Rock to Mud. Nonmagical
Tiny construct, unaligned sort in the a rea becomes a n equal P volume
ing mud that remains for the sn u duration.
Armor Class 15 (natural armo r) b ereap ell's
Hit Points 10 (4d4)
The ground in the spell's e Each
a becomes muddy e nough
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
that creatures can s inkf
omud costs 4 feet foot
it. that a c reature
moves throughothe
i n of movement, and
any c reaturerson the ground w he n you cast the spell must
make o v e
a Strength saving throw. A creature mus t a lso
4 (-3) 16 (+3) 10 (+O) 2 (- 4) 10 (+O) l (-5)
m when it moves into the area for
dthee first time on a turn or e nds its turn there. On a failed
make the saving throw
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
g a
Condition Immunities blinded, cha rmed, deafened, exhaustion,
sin save, a creature s inks into the mud and is restrained,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
iedu though it can use a n action to e nd the restrained condi-
tion on itself by pulling itself free of the mud.
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 10
m o If you cast the s pell on a ceiling, the mud falls. Any
Languages- creature under the mud whe n it falls must ma ke a Dex-
e en terity savi ng throw. A c reature takes 4d8 bludgeoning
a sb damage on a failed save, or ha lf as much damage o n a
Slam. Melee Weapo n Attack: h to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
F +5 s uccessful one.
P damage.
Hit: 5 (ld4 + 3) bludgeoning Transmute Mud to Rock. Nonmagical mud or quick-
i s
Th sa nd in the area no more than 10 fee t deep tra nsforms
into soft s tone for the spell's duration. Any c reature in
mand to each one.) You decide what action the c reature
will take and where it w ill move during its next turn, or the mud when it transforms mus t make a Dexterity sav-
you can issue a s imple, gene ra l command, s uch as to ing throw. bn a s uccessful save, a creature is s hunted
fetch a key, s ta nd watch, or s tack some books. If you is- safely to the s urface in an unoccup ied s pace. On a failed
s ue no comma nds, the servant does nothing other than save, a c reature becomes restrai ned by the rock. A re-
defend itself agains t hostile creatures. Once given an strained creature, or a nother c reature within reach, can
order, the servant continues to follow that orde r unti l its use a n action to try to break the rock by s ucceeding on
task is comple te. a DC 20 S trength check or by dealing da mage to it. The
When the creature drops to 0 hit points, it reverts to rock h as AC 15 and 25 hit points, and it is immune to
its original form, a nd any re m aining damage carries poison and psychic da mage.
over to that form.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this s pell us ing a
spell s lot of 4 th level or hig her, you can animate two ad-
ditional objects for each s lot level above 3 rd.
VITRIOLIC SPHERE up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and 10 feet thick, and it
4th-level evocation vanishes when the spell ends. It blocks line of sight but
Casting Time: 1 action not movement. A creature is blinded while in the wall's
Range: 150 feet space and must spend 3 feet of movem ent for every 1
Components: V, S , M (a drop of giant s lug bile) foot it moves there.
Duration: Ins tantaneous WALL OF WATER
You point at a location within range, and a glowing, 3rd-level evocation
1-foot-cliameter ball of emerald acid streaks there and Casting Time: 1 action
explodes in a 20-foot-radius sphere. Each creature in Range: 60 feet
th at area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a Components: V, S, M (a drop of water)
failed save, a creature takes 10d4 acid damage and an- Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
other 5d4 acid damage at the end of its next turn. On a
s uccessful save, a c reature takes half the initial damage You create a wall of water on the ground at a point you
and no damage at the end of its next turn. can see within range. You can make the wall up to 30
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a feet long, 10 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or you can make
spell s lot of 5th level or higher, the initial damage in- a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet hi gh, and
creases by 2d4 for each s lot level above 4th. 1 foot thick. The wall vanishes when the spell ends. The
wall's space is difficult terrain.
WALL OF LIGHT Any ranged weapon attack that enters the wall's space
5th-level evocation has disadvantage on the attack roll, and fire damage
Casting Time: 1 action is halved if the fire effect passes through the wall to
Range: 120 feet reach its target. Spells that deal cold damage that pass
Components: V, S, M (a hand mirror) through the wall cause the area of the wall they pass
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes through to freeze solid (at least a 5-foot-square section
l i s t. is
etor0i hit points
frozen). Each 5-foot-square frozen section has AC 5 and
A s himmering wall of bright Light appears at a point you 15 hit points. Reducing a frozen section A
choose within range. The wall appears in any orienta-
tion you choose: horizonta lly, vertica lly, or diagonally. It doesn't fi ll it. P DF the wall's water
destroys it. When a section is destroyed,
can be free floating, or it can rest on a solid s urface. The
b en
wall can be up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet WARDING WIND
thick. The wall blocks line of s ight, but creatures and ob- of
2nd-level evocation
jects can pass through it. It emits bright light out to 120 o
feet and dim light for an additional 120 feet. e rsi 1 action
Casting Time:
Range: Self
When the wall appears, each creature in its area must Components:
m V
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a
creature takes 4d8 rad iant damage, and it is blinded for a
deDuration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
1 minute. On a s uccessful save, it takes ha lf as much s ing A s trong wind (20 miles per hour) blows around you in a
damage and is n't blinded. A blinded creature can
i e d umake 10-foot radius a nd moves with you, remaining centered
a Constitution saving throw at the end of each
di f of its on you. The wind lasts for the spell's duration.
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
m area takes
The wind has the following effects:
A creature that e nds its turn in e n wall's
the • It deafens you and other creatures in its area .
4d8 radiant damage.
s be • It extinguishes unprotected flames in its area that are
Until the spell ends, you a
h can use an action to launch a torch-sized or s ma ller.
beam of radiance from
D F the wall at one creature you can • It hedges out vapor, gas, and fog that can be dispersed
see within 60 feetPof it. Make a ranged spell a ttack. On
is by s trong wind.
Th takes 4d8 radiant damage. Whether you
a hit, the target • The area is difficult terrain for creatures
hit or miss, reduce the length of the wall by 10 feet. If other than you.
the wall's length drops to 0 feet, the spell ends. • The attack rolls of ranged weapon attacks have disad-
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a vantage if the attacks pass in o r out of the wind.
spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by
ld8 for each s lot level above 5th. WATERY SPHERE
4th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
3rd-level evocation
Range: 90 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S, M (a droplet of water)
Range: 90 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S, M (a handful of sand)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes You conjure up a sphere of water with a 5-foot radius at
a point you can see within range. The sphere can hover
You create a wall of swirling sand on the ground at a but no more than 10 feet off the ground. The sphere re-
point you can see within range. You can make the wall mains for the spell's duration.
Any creature in the sphere's s pace must make a WORD OF RADIANCE
Strength saving throw. On a successful save, a creature Evocation cantrip
is ejected from that space to the nearest unoccupied Casting Time: 1 action
space of the creature's choice outside the sphe re. A Range: 5 feet
Huge or la rger creature succeeds on the saving throw Component s: V, M (a holy symbol)
automatically, and a La rge or s ma ller creature can Duration: Ins tanta neous
choose to fa il it. On a fai led save, a creature is restra ined
by the sphere a nd is engul fed by the water. At the end of You utter a divine word, a nd burning radiance erupts
each of its turns, a restrained target can repeat the sav- fro m you. Each creature of your choice that you can see
ing throw, ending the effect on itself on a s uccess. within range must succeed on a Constitution saving
The s phere can restra in as ma ny as four Medium or throw or take ld6 radia nt damage.
s ma ller creatures or one Large creature. If the sphere The spell's damage increases by ld6 whe n you reach
restrains a creature that causes it to exceed th is capac- 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), a nd 17th level (4d6).
ity, a ra ndom creature that was a lready restrained by the
sphere falls out of it a nd lands prone in a space within 5
5th-level evocation
feet of it.
As an action, you can move the s phere up to 30 feet Casting Time: 1 action
in a straight line. If it moves over a pit, a cliff, or other Range : 120 feet
drop-off, it safely descends unti l it is hovering 10 feel Component s: V, S
above the ground. Any creature restrained by the sphere Duration: Concentratio n, up to 1 minute
moves with it. You can ram the sphere into creatures, You call out to the spiri ts of nature to rouse them
forci ng them to ma ke the saving throw. aga inst your enemies. Choose a point you can see
When the spell e nds, the sphe re fa lls to the g round within range. The s pirits cause trees, rocks, a nd grasses
and exti nguis hes all normal fl ames within 30 feet of it. in a 60-foot cube centered on that point to become a.ni-
Any creature restrained by the sphe re is knocked prone mated until the spell ends.
i a listin the
in the s pace w here it fa lls. The water then vanishes. Grasses and Undergrowt h. Any area of
A er is difficult
cube that is covered by grass or undergrowth
terrain for your enemies. P DF
7th-level evocation uyour turns, each of you r
Casting Time: 1 action
Trees. At the start of each of
b entree in the cube mus t s uc-
De throw or take 4d6 s lashing
enemies within 10 feet of a ny
Range: 300 feet ceed on a Dexterity fsaving
Component s: V, M (a piece of straw) damage from whippingn o branches.
Duration: Concentratio n, up to 1 minute Roots r s i o of each of your turns, one
creaturev eof your choice thatend
and Vines. At the
is on the ground in the cube
A whirlwind howls down to a point that you can
see on the ground withi n range. The whirlwind is a e mosucceed on a Strength saving throw or become
10-foot-radiu s, 30-foot- high cylinder centered on that a drestrai ned un til the s pell e nds. A restrained creature
point. Unt il the spell ends, you can use your action tosin
g can use an actio n to make a Strength (Athletics) check
move the whirlwind up to 30 feet in a ny d irectiondau long against your spell save DC, ending the effect on itself on
the groun d. The whirlwind s ucks up any Medium i f i e or a s uccess.
s maller objects that aren't secured to am od and that
nything Rocks. As a bonus action on your turn, you can cause
a ren't worn or carried by anyone. en a loose rock in the cube to launch at a creature you can
A creature must make a Dexterity
s be saving throw the see in the cube. Make a ra nged s pell attack aga ins t the
target. On a bit, the target ta kes 3d8 nonmagical blud-
first time on a turn that it a
enters the whirlwi nd or that
h including
the whirlwind e ntersDitsF space, when the wh irl- geoning damage, and it must succeed on a Strength
wind first appeasrs.
i P A creature ta kes 10d6 bludgeoning saving throw or fa ll prone.
da mage onT ahfailed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. In add ition, a Large o r smaller creature
1st-level transmutatio n
that fails the save must s ucceed on a Strength saving
throw or become restra ined in the whi rlwind until the Casting Time: 1 bonus action
spell ends . When a creature starts its turn restrained by Range: Self
the whirlwind, the creature is pulled 5 feet higher inside Component s: V
it, unless the creature is at the top. A restra ined creature Duration: Concentratio n, up to 1 minute
moves with the whirlwind and fal ls when the spell ends, You move like the wind. Until the spell ends, your move-
unless the creature has some means to s tay a loft. ment doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
A restrained creature can use a n action to make a Once before the spell ends, you ca n give yourself ad-
Strength or Dexte rity check against your spell save DC. va ntage on one weapon attack roll o n your turn. That at-
If s uccessful, the creature is no longer restrai ned by the tack dea ls an extra ld8 force damage on a hit. Whether
whirlwind a nd is hurled 3d6 x 10 feet away from it in a you hit or miss, your walking speed increases by 30 feet
ra ndom direction. until the end of that turn.
Coordinating a regular schedule of D&D game sessions, In order to be s uccessful, a s hared campaign needs
to keep a campaign active and vibrant, can be a chal- a champion-someone who takes on the responsibil-
lenge. If the campaign's only Dungeon Master or enough ity of organizing and maintai ning the group. U you're
playe rs aren't available, the next session might have to interested in learning more about how to run a s hared
be pos tponed, and repeated problems of this sort can cam paign and seeing how the Adventurers League
endange r the continuation of the campaign. handles certa in issues, then the rest of this appendix is
In short: in a world filled with distractions, it can be meant for you.
hard to keep a campa ign going. Enter the concept of the
sha red campaign. DESIGNING ADVENTURES
In a s hared campaign, more than one member of the
group can take on the role of DM. A s hared campaign is Designi ng adventures for a shared campaign involves a
episodic rather than continuous, with each play session different set of cons iderations than designing for a s ta n-
compris ing a complete adventure. dard group of players. Most important, the adventure
The largest shared campaigns are administered by must be timed to conclude when the session is sched-
the D&D Adventurers League and overseen by Wizards uled to end. You also need to balance combat encounters
of the Coast. You can also create your own s hared cam- for a range of levels, since a wide range of cha racters
might be experiencing the adventure at the same time.
pa ign for a school D&D club, at a game store, a libra ry,
or anywhere else where D&D players and DMs gather.
A shared campaign establis hes a framework that a l-
lows a player to take a character from one DM's game Every adventure in a s hared campaign begins and ends
to a nother one within the shared campaign. It creates a in the same play session. (If a group of participa nts
s ituation where almost nothing can prevent a scheduled wants to take longer to finish and all are wiJling tot.do
session from happening. T he roster of potentia l players so, they can exceed the time li mit.) A sessionia
orlian event
can be qu.ite large, virtually ens uring that any session
e there's no
can't e nd with the adven ture unfinished,Asince
has at least the minimum number of characters needed D
way to guarantee that the same players F a nd DM wi ll be
to play. If everyone shows up to play at the same time, ava ilable for the next session. u P
multiple DMs ens ure that everyone can take part. n campaign a re de-
Typically, adventures in aeshared
s igned to take either D eb or 4 hours. In each hour of
2 hours
play, assume the characters can complete the following:
Time and time again, the core rulebooks come back to • Three orrs
i s imple combat e ncounters, or one or
the point that the most important goal of a D&D play ses-
s ion is for everyone involved to have fun . In keeping with •em
two complex ones
Three or fou r scenes involving significant exploration
that goal , it's a good idea for a shared campaign to have
a d or social interaction
a code of conduct. Because people who don't normally g
play together might end up at the same table in a shared
u sin Within these constra ints, it can be d ifficul t to create
campaign, it can be helpful to establish some ground rules open-ended adventures. A time limit assumes a specific
for be havior.
d if starting point a nd endpoint. A good way to get around
On the broadest level, everyone in a shared campaign this restriction is to create an adventure with multiple
e en
is responsible for making sure that everyone else has an possible endings.
enjoyable time. If anyone feels offended, belittled, or bul- Location-based adventures also work well with this
h a
lied by the actions of another person, the e ntire purpose of
format. A dungeon presents a natural limit on character
getting together to play is defeated .
options, while strn giving the players choices. The ad-
is P
The basic code of conduct for a shared campaign might
be modeled on a similar document that another organiza- venture could be a quest to defeat a creature or recover
tion or location uses. Beyond that, some special policies an item, but the path to achieving that goal can be diffe r-
might need to be added to account for what might happen ent for each group.
at the table when players and DMs interact. As a starting For more narrative adventures, try to focus on s imple
point, consider the following material, which is excerpted but flexible encounters or events. For instance, a n ad-
from the Adventurers League code of conduct. venture requires the characters to protect a high priest
During a play session, participants are expected to ... of Tyr from assassins . Give the players a cha nce to plan
out how they want to protect the temple, complete with
• Follow the DM's lead and refrain from arguing with the
DM or other playe rs ove r rules.
authority over the guards. A few well-fleshed out NPCs,
• Let other players speak, and allow other players to get some of whom might be s uspected of working with the
attention from the OM . temple's enem ies, add a layer of tension. Cons ider leav-
• Avoid excessive conversation that is not relevant to the ing some details or plot points for the DM to decide. For
adventure. example, the DM might have the option to pick which
• Discourage others from usi ng social media to bully, member of the temple guards is the traitor, ensuring
shame, or intimidate other participants. that the scenario is different for each group.
• Make the DM or the campaign's admin istrators aware
of disruptive o r aggressive be havior so that a ppropriate
action can be taken.
Dungeon Master's Guide or are making an estimate. In a s ha red campaign, characters gain levels not by
For each battle, provide guidelines to help DMs adjust accumulating experience points but by reaching experi-
the difficulty up or down to match stronger or wea ker e nce checkpoints. This system rewards every character
parties. As a rule of thumb, account for a pa rty two (and player) for taking part in a play session.
levels higher and for a party two levels lower, and don't A character reaches 1 c heckpoint for each hour an
worry about balancing the adventure for parties outside adventure is designed to last. Note t hat the award is
the adventure's tier. based on the adventure's projected playing time, rathe r
than the actual time spent at t he table. The reward for
REWARDS comple ting an adventure designed fo r 2 hours of play is
Adventures in a shared campaign that uses variant rules 2 c heckpoints, even if a group spends more than 2 hours
for gai ning levels a nd acquiring treas ure (such as those playing through it.
descr ibed below) don't include exp erience point awards If a c haracter completes an adventu re designed for a
or speci fic amounts and kinds of treasure. s
tie r hig her than the character's cu rre nt tier, the c iha
l tr-.
acter is awarded 1 additional checkpoint. Forrexample,
CHARACTE R CREATION if a 2nd-level cha racter completes a 6th-level A
A shared campaign's gu ide lines for cha racter creation P DF reaches 3
ture designed to take 2 hours, the c haracter
might include definition of which races a nd classes
c heckpoints.
P laying time might seemblieke a n odd way to measure
players can choose from , how players generate abi li ty experience awards, but
e concept is in keeping with
scores, a nd which alignments playe rs ca n c hoose. o f is meant to work. A character
on reaches the same number of check-
how a s hared campaign
played for 10 r s i
ve the c haracter went up against a dragon
points, whether
You should thi n k about which products playe r s can use
to create a character. The Adventurers League specifies em that
or spen
t all that time lurking in a pub. Th is approach en-
a player's preferred style is neither pe nalized
that a player can use the Player's Handbook and one g a nor rewa rded. Whe ther someone focuses on roleplaying
other official D&D source, such as a book or a PDF,uto sin and social interaction, defeating monsters in combat,
09-10 Biri 77-78 Rezena 41-42 Kerkad 11- 12 Caavylteradyn
11- 12 Blendaeth 79-80 Ruloth 43-44 Kiirith
u PD
13-14 Chumbyxirinnish
81- 82 45- 46 Kriv n 15-16 Clethtinthial lor
13- 14 Burana Sap hara
15-16 83- 84 Savaran 47- 48 Maagog e 17-18 Daardendrian
17-18 Daar 85-86 Sora 49-50 Med rash o 19- 20 Delmirev
19- 20 Dentratha 87- 88 Surina 51-52 Mehen 21-22 Dhyrktelonis
21-22 Doud ra 89- 90 Synthrin v
53- 54 e
Mozikth 23-24 Ebynichtomonis
91-92 Tatyan mo
55-56 Mreksh 25- 26 Esstyrlynn
23-24 Driindar
27-28 Fharngnarthnost
25-26 Eggren 93-94 Thava
g a Mugrunden
27- 28 Farideh 95- 96 Uadjit
sin 59- 60 Nadarr 29- 30 Ghaallixirn
29-30 Findex 97- 98 Vezera
ie du 61-62 Nithther 31-32 Grrrmmballhyst
31-32 Furrele 99-00
Zykroff 63- 64 Norkruuth 33-34 Gygazzylyshrift
33-34 Gesrethe
n mo 65-66 Nykkan 35-36 Hashphronyxadyn
e 67- 68 Pandjed 37-38 Hshhsstoroth
35-36 Gilkass
s beDRAGONBORN, MALE 69- 70 Patrin 39- 40 lmbixtellrhyst
37-38 Ha rann a dlOO Name
39- 40 Havilar Fh 71-72 Pijj irik 41-42 Jerynomonis
01-02 Adrex
41-42 Hethress 73-74 Quarethon 43- 44 Jharthraxyn
is 03- 04 Arjhan
43-44 Th
Hillanot 05- 06 Azzakh
75- 76
Rathkran 45- 46
45- 46 )axi Rhogar
07- 08 Salasar
47-48 Jezean 79-80 Riva an 49-50 Lhamboldennish
09-10 Barad ad
49- 50 )heri 81- 82 Sethrekar 51-52 Linxakasendalor
11- 12 Bharash
51-52 Kadana 83-84 Sha mash 53-54 Mohradyllion
13- 14 Bidreked
53-54 Kava 85-86 Shed inn 55- 56 Mys tan
15-16 Dad al an
55-56 Korinn 87- 88 Srorthen 57-58 Nemmonis
17- 18 Dazzazn
57- 58 Megren 89-90 Tarh un 59-60 Norixius
19- 20 Direcris
59- 60 Mijira 91-92 Torinn 61-62 Ophinshtalajiir
21-22 Donaar
61-62 Mishann 93- 94 Trynnicus 63-64 Orexijandilin
23-24 Fax
63- 64 Na la 95- 96 Valorean 65- 66 Pfaphnyrennish
65- 66 Nuthra
25- 26 Gargax
27-28 Ghesh
97-98 Vrondiss 67-68 Phrahdrandon )
67- 68 Perra 99- 00 Zedaar 69-70 Pyraxtallinost
29-30 Gorbundus
71-72 Qyxpahrgh
is P
73-74 Sark 73-74 Rieta 73-74 Pu rson 73-74 Pass ion
75-76 ScragTh 75-76 Ronobe 75-76 Qemuel 75-76 Poetry
77-78 Sheggen 77-78 Ronwe 77-78 Raam 77-78 Quest
79-80 Shump 79-80 Seddit 79-80 Rimmon 79-80 Random
81-82 Tanglar 81 - 82 Seere 81- 82 Sammal 81-82 Revere nce
83- 84 Tarak 83- 84 Sekhmet 83-84 Skamos 83- 84 Revulsion
85- 86 Thar 85- 86 Semyaza 85-86 Tethren 85- 86 Sorrow
87-88 Thokk 87- 88 Shava 87-88 Thamuz 87-88 Temerity
89-90 Trag 89-90 Shax 89-90 Thera i 89-90 Torment
91-92 Ugarth 91 - 92 Sorath 91 - 92 Valafar 91 -92 Tragedy
93-94 Varg 93-94 Uzza 93- 94 Vassago 93- 94 Vice
95-96 Vilberg 95-96 Vapula 95-96 Xappan 95-96 Virtue
97-98 Yurk 97-98 Vepar 97- 98 Zepar 97-98 Weary
99-00 Zed 99-00 Verin 99-00 Zephan 99-00 Wit
41-42 Eva 03- 04 Raymond
Adela rd
43-44 Galiena 75- 76 Reynard
05-06 Aldous
45- 46 Geva 77-78 Richard
07- 08 Anselm
47- 48 Giselle 79- 80 Robert
09- 10 Arnold
49- 50 Griselda 81- 82 Roger
11- 12 Bernard
51 - 52 Hadwisa 83- 84 Ro land
13- 14 Bertram
53- 54 Helen 85- 86 Rolf
15- 16 Charles
55- 56 Herleva 87-88 Simon
17- 18 Clerebold
57-58 Hugolina 89- 90 Theobald
19- 20 Conrad
59-60 Ida 91- 92 Theodoric
21- 22 Diggory
61-62 Isabella 93-94 Thomas
23- 24 Drogo
63- 64 jacoba 95- 96 Timm
25- 26 Everard
65-66 Jane 97- 98 William
27- 28 Frederick
67-68 Joan 99- 00 Wymar
29- 30 Geoffrey
31- 32 Gera ld
is P
73- 74 Luciana 73-74 Nicolle 73- 74 Lucia 73- 74 Peter
75-76 Th
Margot 75-76 Oudart 75- 76 Madalena 75- 76 Rudolff
77-78 Marguerite 77-78 Perrin 77- 78 Magdalen 77-78 Ruprecht
79-80 Maria 79-80 Phillippe 79-80 Margret 79-80 Sewastia n
81 -82 Marie 81-82 Pierre 81-82 Marlein 81-82 Sigmund
83- 84 Melisende 83-84 Regnault 83-84 Martha 83-84 Steffan
85- 86 Odelina 85-86 Richart 85-86 Otilia 85-86 Symon
87- 88 Perrette 87- 88 Robert 87- 88 Ottilg 87-88 Thoman
89- 90 Petronilla 89- 90 Robinet 89- 90 Peternella 89- 90 Ulrich
91-92 Sedilia 91- 92 Sauvage 91- 92 Reusin 91-92 Vallentin
93-94 Stephana 93- 94 Simon 93- 94 Sibilla 93- 94 Wendel
95-96 Sybilla 95- 96 Talbot 95- 96 Ursel 95- 96 Wilhelm
97-98 Ysabeau 97-98 Tanguy 97- 98 Vrsula 97-98 Wolff
99- 00 Ysabel 99- 00 Vincent 99-00 Walpurg 99-00 Wolfgang
17- 18 Coszcatl 85-86 Tiaco 49- 50 Maza ti
31- 32 lcnoyotl
n mo99-00 Xiuhtonal 63 - 64 Nezahualcoyotl
33- 34 lhuicatl
bee 65- 66 Nexahualpilli
s 67- 68 Nochehuatl
35- 36 llhuitl
69- 70 Nopaltzin
37- 38 ltotia dlOO Name
71 - 72 Ollin
39- 40 luitl is 01-02 Achcauhtli
41 - 42 lxcatzin 03-04 Amoxtli
73- 74 Quauhtli
65- 66 Mehana ee
67-68 Laki 67- 68 Laurentia 67-68 Germanus
71 -72
Ngana PD 73-74 Manuka 73- 74 Luci lla 73- 74 lovianus
73- 74 Th
Nohea 75-76 Nui 75-76 Lucretia 75- 76
77- 78
75-76 Pelika 77-78 Pono 77- 78 Marcella
77-78 Sanoe 79-80 Popoki 79-80 Marcia 79-80 Manius
81-82 Ruru 81- 82 Maxima 81 -82 Marcus
79-80 Satina
83-84 Tahu 83-84 Nona 83- 84 Mariu s
81- 82 Tahia
85-86 Taurau 85-86 Octavia 85- 86 Maximus
83- 84 Tasi
87-88 Tuala 87-88 Paulina 87- 88 Octavius
85- 86 Tiaho
89-90 Turoa 89-90 Petronia 89- 90 Paulus
87-88 Tihani
91-92 Tusitala 91-92 Porcia 91 - 92 Quintilian
89- 90 Toroa
93-94 Uaine 93- 94 Tacita 93- 94 Regulus
91-92 Ulanni
95- 96 Waata 95- 96 Tullia 95-96 Servius
93-94 Uluwehi
97- 98 Waipuna 97-98 Verginia 97-98 Tacitus
95- 96 Vaina
99-00 Zamar 99- 00 Vita 99-00 Varius
97- 98 Waiola
99-00 Wa itara
is P
73- 74 Slavitsa 73-74 Slavomir
75- 76 Sofiya h 75 - 76
T Stanislav
Stanislava 77-78 Svetoslav
79-80 Svetlana 79-80 Tomislav
81-82 Tatyana 81- 82 Vasili
83-84 Tomislava 83- 84 Velimir
85-86 Veronika 85- 86 Vladimir
87- 88 Vesna 87- 88 Vladislav
89- 90 Vladimira 89- 90 Vlastimir
91 - 92 Ya roslava 91-92 Volodimeru
93-94 Yelena 93- 94 Vratislav
95-96 Zaria 95- 96 Yarognev
97-98 Zarya 97- 98 Yaromir
99- 00 Zoria 99- 00 Zbignev
37-38 Esmerelda 69-70 Mateu
dlOO Name
39- 40 P
Felipina 71-72 Miguel
01 - 02 Alexandre
41-42 T
Francisca 03 - 04 Alfonso
73-74 Nicolas
43- 44 Gabriela 75-76 Pascual
05-06 Alonso
45- 46 Imelda 77-78 Pedro
07-08 Anthon
47- 48 Ines 79-80 Perico
09- 10 Arcos
49- 50 Isabel 81-82 Ramiro
11 - 12 Arnaut
51 -52 Juana 83-84 Ramon
13- 14 Arturo
53-54 Leocadia 85-86 Rodrigo
15-16 Bartoleme
55-56 Leono r 87-88 Sabastian
17-18 Benito
57-58 Leta 89-90 Salvador
19-20 Bernat
59-60 Lucinda 91-92 Simon
21-22 Blasco
61 - 62 Maresol 93-94 Tomas
23-24 Carlos
63-64 Maria 95-96 Tristan
25-26 Damian
65- 66 Maricela 97- 98 Valeriano
27-28 Diego
67- 68 Matilde 99-00 Ynigo
29-30 Domingo
31-32 Enrique