Adjectives Word Order 93503

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Did you see my

sweet old gray

fluffy teddy bear

The general order of the adjectives before a noun is the following :

opinion size shape condition age color pattern Origin material purpose noun

nice big - - new brown - Italian leather shopping bag

beautiful huge round clean old - Egyptian wooden dinning table

cute long - - - ivory flowery French - evening gown

Choose the correct order of adjectives: Put the words in the correct order!

1. He was wearing a ________ shirt. 1. OLD / YELLOW / A / BRITISH / SMALL / BOX.

o dirty old flannel ________________________________________________________

o flannel old dirty 2. A / CAR / FAST / ITALIAN / NEW / RED.

o old dirty flannel ________________________________________________________

2. Pass me the ________ cups. 3. WOODEN / A / BEAUTIFUL / TABLE / OLD.

o plastic big blue ________________________________________________________

o big blue plastic 4. IS / BORING / A / MATH / OLD / HE / TEACHER.

o big plastic blue _______________________________________________________

3. I used to drive an ________ car.

o red old German

Give four different types of adjectives in the correct order
o red German old for each of the nouns given below.

o old red German a) girl ___________________________________________

4. He recently married a ________ woman. b) car ___________________________________________

o young beautiful Greek c) cloud_________________________________________

d) tree___________________________________________
o beautiful young Greek
e) painting________________________________________
o beautiful Greek young

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