CANARA Guidelines

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I) Introduction UGC has designated Canara Bank as the Nodal agency for disbursing Scholarship/Fellowship of UGC as per the guidelines from UGC time to time. Accordingly Canara Bank has developed a state of the art scholarship disbursal system integrated with Public Financial Management System (PFMS) under the guidance of UGC as per the requirements for the monthly disbursal of Scholarships/Fellowship through DBT. 11) Revised Process Flow for Scholarship/Fellowship payments UGC has decided to implement a revised process for DBT payment of Scholarship and Fellowship through the web portal developed by Canara Bank with effect from Ist October 2018. The new process will be applicable for the following Fellowship/Scholarship schemes. 1, Dr. S Radhakrishnan Postdoctoral Fellowship in Humanities & Social Science iS) National Fellowship for students of Other Backward Classes (OBC) 3. Kothari Fellowship 4. NET-JRF Fellowship a . Indira Gandhi Scholarship Scheme for Single Girl Child 2 - Maulana Azad National Fellowship-Minority x . Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC . Ishan Uday-Special Scholarship Scheme for North Eastern Region 9. Swami Vivekananda Single Girl Child Scholarship for Research in Social Sciences 10.Emeritus Fellowship 11.Post Doctoral Fellowship to Women Candidates tore tp Link Candidate 2.2. Monthly confirmation of payment generation 2.2.1 2.2.: uh Wae.f I“ October 2018, for all the listed Scholarship/Fellowship schemes as above, payments will be generated based on a monthly confirmation of payment generation as submitted by the Universities/Institutions. The University/Institution has to submit confirmation of the list of candidates under a particular scheme for whom Fellowship/ Scholarship to be disbursed within 15" of every month If confirmation is not given by the University/Institution for a scheme for a particular month within 15" of that month, then payment will not be generated for any Candidate under that scheme for the University. The monthly confirmation option will be enabled with Maker-Checker functionality. Both the initiation and approval by Maker and Checker users respectively will be done by the University itself, No further approval from UGC is required for the same. All Universities/Institutions should obtain minimum two users (one for Maker and one for Checker) for this purpose. Universities are advised to take up with UGC for creation of first User ID by sending user creation request mentioning following details to the following address: ‘The University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar marg New delhi-1 10002 Phone no;011-23604322/327/502/504 Email id :[email protected] Page 5 of 11 aboret Yep Z\ canara Bank After creation of first user, further additional user creation request can be sent to UGC through a specific option for user creation request as provided in the portal. 2.2.6 If payment has to be stopped for any Candidate, then University/Institution has to submit stop payment instruction for that candidate through a specific option as provided in the Web portal. 2.2.7 There are two types of Monthly payment confirmation for a scheme. a) Confirmation for current month payment This confirmation is for the list of Candidates eligible for generation of payments which is due for current month, b) Confirmation for arrear payment This confirmation is for the list of candidates eligible for generation of arrear payments pending if any. 2.2.8 Upon giving monthly confirmation, system will generate payments for all those candidates who are linked to that University and who are coming under the scheme for which confirmation is given. Options ‘Transaction Data Entry->Monthly payment confirmation->Initiate Transaction Data Entry->Monthly payment confirmation->Approve 23. Stop payment 2.3.1 If payment has to be stopped for any candidate, then university/institution has to submit stop payment instruction for that candidate through a specific option as provided in the portal. 2.3.2 Stop payment can be marked by maker itself. No approval by Checker is required for stop payment, 2.3.3, Stop payment can be revoked by University/Institution. Revocation of stop payment will allowed only with Maker and Checker updations by Page 6 of 11 1aep Z\ canara Bank the University/Institution itself. Stop payment revocation does not require any further approval of UGC. 2.3.4 Stop payment will be allowed to mark only upto 15" of every month. 2.3.5 Universities/Institution will be allowed to mark stop payments maximum 3 months prior to current month if payments are already generated provided the remaining tenure is more than period of stop payment. 2.3.6 If payment is not generated, then stop payment will be allowed for any period. Stop Payment Transaction Data Entry->Stop payment->Stop payment Marking Stop payment revocation Transaction Data Entry-> Stop payment->Stop pay revocation Initiation Transaction Data Entry-> Stop payment->Stop Pay revocation Initiation 2.4Payment generation 2.4.1 Upon monthly confirmation of payment generation by the University, system will generate payments and send the same to PEMS 2.4.2 UGC will digitally sign the payment files and will make the funds available to Canara Bank. 2.4.3 Upon receiving the digitally signed payment files from PFMS, Canara Bank will initiate the payments through NACH system of NPCI on the next working day. 2.4.4 Components of payments System will generate component wise payments as applicable for various schemes as detailed below . Fellowship/Scholarship Page 7 of 11 diaper ep ° ° Z\ canara Bank System will generate payments as per the defined rate applicable to each scheme on monthly basis. HRA A provision is given to the universities to enter the applicable monthly amount of HRA for a candidate while linking, An option is be provided in the system for modification of HRA. In case of any modification of HRA amount, university may exercise this option. As per the amount as entered above and also based on the maximum. allowed percentage of HRA for the University /Institution, HRA amount will be generated by the system on a monthly basis. For some candidates HRA will not be applicable. In such case University may mark stop payment for HRA for the specific candidate. For an already linked candidate HRA will be generated by the system and will be paid as per the latest HRA amount already paid by the system. Universities/institutions are advised to generate the Payment due report for a month to check the list of candidates for whom HRA will be paid. ‘Transaction Data Entry-> HRA Modification-> Initiation Transaction Data Entry-> HRA Modification> Approval © Contingency payment © Contingency payment will be generated based on the monthly payment generation conformation, on a quarterly basis, based on the applicable rates for each scheme. © For some of the candidates contingency will not applicable. In such case university may mark stop payment for contingency for the specific candidate. Page 8 of 11 © Universities/Institutions are advised to generate the eb ZX canara Bank dborer Payment due report for ‘a month to check the list of candidates for whom contingency will be paid. * Escort payment © Escort payment will be generated on a monthly basis based on the parameter defined in the system, if the disability flag is marked in the master data, © Universities/institutions are advised to generate the Payment due report for a 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 2.4.8 2.4.9 month to check the list of candidates for whom escort will be paid. JRF to SRF conversion For fellowship schemes, system will automatically convert a candidate from JRF to SRF upon the completion of defined period for each scheme No specific upload of ugradation certificate is required for the same. If the upgradation from JRF to SRF is to be stopped for a candidate, then stop payment has to be marked for JRF to SRF upgradation. For schemes such as Emeritus and BSR Faculty scheme, payment will be generated upto the maximum age as defined as per the respective schemes For the schemes such as Dr.Kothari,Dr.Radhakrishnan Fellowships, fellowship amount will be calculated, duely considering the yearly increment as applicable for the schemes For PGGATE scheme, incremental payment based on percentage of mark is implemented. In the first semester by default all the candidates will be eligible for higher amount. In the 2nd Semester onwards by default, the payment will be made as per lower amount. University has to mark the percentage of mark obtained for the students for the previous semesters. Incremental amount will be paid for those students who got 60% or above mark in the previous semester. AADHAR based payment « AADHAAR based payments will be initiated based on the following criteria Page 9 of 11 dborer et ZX canara Bank © For whose candidates whose AADHAAR is seeded in CBS and who have given consent for NPCI mapping to receive DBT payment. © For those candidates whose beneficiary code is created in PFMS based on AADHAAR. * The scholarship portal will get updated with AADHAAR details for those candidates who are having account in Canara Bank and who have given consent for seeding and NPCI mapping of AADHAR. * Candidates can verify the details of AADHAR based payment by logging into the candidate’ portal * Candidates are advised to verify the bank account linking status of AADHAAR using the facility as provided in UIDAI website/USSD query. 2.5 Discontinuation of candidate *An option for discontinuing a candidate is be provided in the system. Discontinuation option has been enabled with Maker - Checker facility and can be done by University/Institution itself without the requirement of further approval by UGC. elf discontinued, it cannot be reverted back. If discontinuation is marked with effect from a previous date and any payment has already been made, then university has to manually recover the amount and has to remit to UGC. Option Transaction Data Entry-> Discontinue-> Initiation ‘Transaction Data Entry-> Discontinue-> Approval Page 10 of 11 2.7 hore tp Modify Master —Initiate Master Data enhancement->Modify Master -Approve Candidate’s portal(Scholar’s corner) With effect from 1% October 2018, the access to the candidate’s portal will be through a login process. The hyperlink for candidate’s portal is given in the scholarship portal *Candiate has to register himself/herself first to by providing the certain details such as scheme, candidate ID, email ID and date of birth. *System will verify the details as provided by the candidates against the master data as available in the system. elf the data matches then system will send the default password to the candidate’s email ID using which candidate will be able to login to the portal. If the details such as email ID, mobile number, date of birth of a candidate as available in the system are incorrect then the same can be corrected by, giving a request to the university. *Upon receiving the request from the Candidate, University/ Institution may verify and update details in the system. This has to be approved by UGC. Page 11 of 11

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