Siop Lesson Plan

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Lauren Ottomanelli, Sophia Tremont, Gabriella Allegra

EDUC 359
Title The SIOP Model - Lesson Prep & Building Background

Subject Area(s) Intro to English Lang Learn

Grade Level College Level

Summary of the Lesson This lesson provides students with a brief introduction to the
SIOP Model as well as an understanding of the Lesson Prep and
Building Background components.

Standards N/A

Essential Questions What are the Lesson Prep and Building Background components
of the SIOP Model?

Objectives Students will be able to:

● Recognize the SIOP Model
● Summarize the Lesson Preparation and Building
Background components of the model

Vocabulary ● SIOP
● Task Analysis
● Hi-lo Readers
● Adapted Text

Estimated Time 35-45 minutes

Materials Required ● Lesson powerpoint

● 3-2-1 formative assessment
● Scaffolded outline formative assessment
● Kahoot

Procedure BEFORE:
● Anticipatory Set / Assessing Prior Knowledge - The
teachers will ask the students if they have heard of the
SIOP Model
● Statement of Learning - This lesson will allow for the
students to gain a background of the SIOP model and its
first two components.
● The teachers will first introduce the lesson as a whole
group. They will introduce the objectives to the class.
● Then, the teachers will provide a brief overview of the
SIOP Model and its eight components and explain which
components they will be teaching.
● The teachers will also show a brief video about the model.
● Next, the class will be broken evenly into three groups.
Each group will move through all of the stations one time.
● Lauren will teach each group of students the first three
features of the lesson prep component. She will do this
with seven of the powerpoint slides.
● The features she will teach are:
○ Content Objectives Clearly Defined, Displayed, and
Reviewed with Students.
○ Language Objectives Clearly Defined, Displayed,
and Reviewed with Students
○ Content Concepts Appropriate for Age and
Educational Background
● Sophia will teach the next three features of the lesson prep
component. She will do this with five of the powerpoint
● The features she will teach are:
○ Supplementary Materials Used to a High Degree
○ Adaptation of Content to All Levels of Student
○ Meaningful Activities that Integrate Lesson
Concepts with Language Practice Opportunities
● Gabriella will teach the three features of the building
background component. She will do this with five of the
powerpoint slides.
● The features she will teach are:
○ Concepts Explicitly Linked to Students’
Background Experiences
○ Links Explicitly Made between Past Learning and
New Concepts
○ Key Vocabulary Emphasized
● At each station, students will complete a formative
assessment. After the students go to each station the class
and three teachers will come together as a full group.
● The lesson will be developed for auditory, visual, social,
independent, and applied learners.
● Closure - the closure activity for this lesson will be a
Kahoot on the SIOP Model and the two components
discussed. This will allow for the teachers to gauge what
the students understand and what they still need to
improve on.

Formative Assessment ● Lauren’s formative assessment - 3-2-1

● Sophia’ formative assessment - Scaffolded Outline
● Gabriella’s formative assessment - Pair share
Student Resources Include samples of all graphic organizers or student handouts you
will use during the lesson. Add any websites, links or pertinent

Accommodations N/A

Assessment The students will be assessed multiple times throughout the

lesson. They will be formatively assessed at each station, and the
group will be assessed when they do a kahoot at the end of the
● SIOP - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

● Task Analysis - a process in which you carefully analyze the requisite knowledge a
student must possess in order to understand what is being taught

● Hi-lo Readers - stories have high interest, lower reading levels with many visuals, can
accompany different content areas

● Adapted Text - without diminishing the content concepts, text is reduced to a lower
reading level
SIOP Lesson Preparation: Features 4, 5, & 6

I. Feature 4: Supplementary Materials Used to a High Degree

A. Involves using materials that support the core curriculum and _____________.

B. Support _________________

C. Examples:

1. _________________

2. _________________

3. __________________

II. Feature 5: Adaptation of Content to All Levels of Student Proficiency

A. Involves adapting ____________ in ways that keep ___________ intact.

B. Ideas to Adapt Content:

1. _________________

2. __________________

3. __________________

III. Feature 6: Meaningful Activities that Integrate Lesson Concepts with Language Practice


A. Involves creating __________________________ and focusing on _______________.

B. Authentic Experience- classroom experiences _____________ that which actually occurs

in the __________________________.
Lesson Preparation: Features 1, 2 and 3

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