Cinquain Poems
Cinquain Poems
Cinquain Poems
Instructional Objectives:
Students will be able to write their own cinquain poem
Key Questions:
What is a cinquain poem?
What are the rules for a cinquain poem?
What is the rhyme scheme?
How many words are on each line?
Good copy paper for cinquain poem
Rules for word cinquain poem
Example cinquain poems on power point
List of adjectives and verbs for students to reference
Print good copy cinquain paper enough for each student
Upload copy of cinquain poems on the smartboard
Upload examples of cinquain poems to display on the smartboard
Make out of order cinquain poem for students to reorganize.
Make list of adjectives and verbs for students to reference.
- If students are struggling to determine the rules for the cinquain poem, ask
probing questions such as “how many words are in each line?” and “what is the
relationship between the first line and the second line?”
- Students who write below grade level, can work with a partner to brainstorm ideas
for a poem and for help editing
- The poems will be read aloud for students who are auditory learners.
- Poems will also be written on the smartboard for visual learners
Lesson Procedure:
Intro (10 minutes)
1. We have learned a lot about different types of poems already. Can you name all
the different types of poems we have learned about so far?
2. Last time you wrote haiku poems. Does anyone want to share their poem? Have 3
or 4 students share their poem. (those who are not finished the haiku poems will
have some time during the work period to complete it).
3. Today we are going to be learning about a new type of poem called a cinquain
Formally assess students answers to questions such as: “what is the rhyme scheme of the
poem” or “what are the rules of cinquain poems?”
Formally assess students answers to questions such as “ what type of poems have we
learned about so far?”
Summatively assess completed cinquain poems
Formally assess students rough drafts of their cinquain poems