The Electropathy Scandal: Misleading Advertisements

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The electropathy scandal

Ramdas Ambulgekar

Indians, especially those from the middle class, fondly tropathy colleges and have been minting money. It is
hope to see their children trained as doctors. As a result said that there are about 10,000 students who have com-
there is a great demand for ‘medical courses’. Four sys- pleted electropathy courses and are awaiting official
tems of medicine - allopathy, ayurveda, unani and recognition to start their own practice. Electropathy
homeopathy - have been officially recognised. There is courses are not recognised either by the central and state
no restriction on the use and practice of any of these governments, the Medical Councils or any university.
systems. That is why parents push their children into
Misleading advertisements
courses leading to MBBS (allopathy), BAMS (ayur-
vedic) or BHMS (homeopathy) degrees; and if none of Apparently anything can be made possible through
these are available, they get. their children to become propaganda and advertisement. This belief has been ex-
registered medical practitioners (RMP). It is like fulfill- ploited by publishing advertisements supporting
ing one’s desire by making do with substitutes. electropathy. An impression is created that those under-
going the BEMS course can start their own business.
Each of these systems has its own merits and Eimita- This has attracted a large number of gullible students.
tions. The MBBS courses are for four and half years, Even though the whole matter regarding BEMS was sub
followed by one year of internship. There is cut-throat judice, advertisements on them regularly appeared in the
competition for admission to them. Students must se- newspapers. The same newspaper publishing the gov-
cure more than 9 5 % m a r k s a t t h e q u a l i f y i n g ernment notification that it had denied permission for
examination to get admission. Those with lower scores electropathy courses on one page had an advertisement
can secure admission to private medical colleges by claiming that the government was soon to accord per-
paying exorbitant fees. For those who do not have mini- mission for the course which would permit practice .
mum 50% marks and who cannot afford admission to anywhere in India on another page.
private medical colleges, an institution called ‘Board of
Electropathy’ has provided an easy solution. The history of electropathy
Count Caesar Maitee of Germany is considered to be fa-
Quack doctor ther of electropathy. In Italy at the end of 19th century it
Hindi films have made us familiar with heroes who was in vogue but did not make much progress. The
while romancing heroine(s), easily get through medical available texts on electropathy are in German and Ttal-
examination holding ranks year after year. The Elec- ian. There is no pharmacopoeia. The prospectus on the
tropathy Board course is designed to churn out doctors electropathy course is completely misleading and based
with the same speed and ease. on falsehood. One prospectus, of about 25-30 pages, is
in English, and states that the practice of electropathy is
There are five such boards located at Jalgaon, Dhule, legal. It is amazing to note that the very same books prc-
Nagpur, Ahmednagar (in Maharashtra) and Delhi con- scribed for MBBS course are also recommended for
ducting-these courses. Since 1986, Maharashtra has 200 electropathy course.
colleges, including 30 colleges in the Marathwada re-
gion alone, where these courses are being conducted. Two central Government expert committees, one headed
The duration of the course for the Bachelor of Elec- by the erstwhile Direct-or-General of the Indian Council
tropathy Medicine Xc Surgery (BEMS) degree is three for medical Research, Dr. A. S. Paintal, have categori-
and half years for those who have passed the Secondary cally stated that electropathy cannot be considered, a
School Certificate (SSC) examination; and two and half branch of medicine. The Government of Maharashtra
years for those who have passed Higher Secondary Cer- has made it clear that the students of electropathy can-
tificate (HSC) examination. Every student is charged not be registered as medical practitioners as they are
Rs. 8,000 to 11,000 for securing admission to the neither eligible under the Medical Practitioner Act of
course. It is said that an additional Rs. 20,000 to 25,000 1961 nor Bombay Homeopathic Act of 1959. The state
are demanded as donation. In practice, it means that government vide its directive dated 17th April 1995 in-
those who are needy are left at the mercy of swindlers. structed all police commissioners and district
superintendents to take legal action against institutions
Many political leaders have started their own elec- running electropathy courses. These institutions chal-
lenged this ban and got a temporary injunction
Ramdas Ambulgckar, 32 Bhagwati Colony, Aurangabad 431 005. Recently the Bombay High court removed the tempo-
Maharashtra. rary injunction. This has made the future of about

88 Issues in MEDICAL ETHICS VOL.4 NO.3 JUL-SEP 1996

10,000 students uncertain. These. students are saddled aneshwar
I Vidyapeeth of Pune started medical courses
with a useless degree and are poorer by Several thou- without the approval of the state government and medi-
sands of rupees. It is most unfortunate that government cal council. Finally, the Bombay High Court permitted
officials and the management of these institutions,,who these doctors to practice in villages after adequ ate train-
are responsible for the.faufty policy and deliberate mis- ing in govern ment hospitals. The electropathy students
chief, are going unpunished while the students are made are expecting similar rehabilitation. It has been sug-
to suffer. gested that those who matriculate from these institutions
be given training for ‘Diploma in Rural Medicine and
Rehabilitation of students from electropathy colleges Surgery’[DRMS] for three and half years and charged a
The gullible students dreaming of becoming doctors and fee of RsS,OOO. The committee appointed for rehabilita- .
standing to lose thousan.ds of rupees and many years of tion of electropathy students has recommended that they
training are vie tims of SW indling and misinformation. be allowed to practice in villages only. This argument is
No one cared to see if these institutions provided neces- spuri ous and cannot be sustained eve n for a moment.
sary facilities and equipment to conduct medical Does this committee think that those who live in vil-
courses. No one cared to see if qualified teachers were lages do not need proper medical facilities?
available. The government should have looked into the
matter and students ought to have taken the issue to the Why are the agencies responsible for maintaining
proper authorities. Instead, they wanted to get recogni- standards going unpunished?
tion through u p o s h a n and morcha (agitation). That Observers are also dismayed by the fact that the Medical
made things easier for the authorities in these institui Council of India, the state medical coun cils, universities
tions. Members of the Legislative Assemblies and and other medical teaching institutions have remained
Members of Parliament belonging to various parties silent on this issue and have permitted the setting up of
succumbed to their pressure and asked the government these institutions. Even now, they haven’t awakened to
to accord recognition to electropathy course. The central action and continue to permit these and other similar
and state governments have expressed their inability to hopelessly inadequate medical ‘teaching institutes’ to
recognise the course. The students have realised their enrol students and foster unjustified hope in them whilst
mistake and h ave appealed to the public not to be car- ensuring that their prospective patients will be provided
ried away by false advertisements and propaganda on manifestly unsatisfactory therapy.
the utility of the courses. This late realisation is most
welcome. (Readers should also study the item in this issue under
V OX Populi entitled Disastrous ‘electro-magneto-ho-
A similar incidence had happened in 1980 when Dy- meo-therapy’. Editor)

A thought to ponder...
As a diagnosed and perhaps condemned antiutopian I offer you the distilled wisdom of fifty years. It is
my only contribution to political thought and it could be inscribed on a large postage stamp. It is simply
this. With bad people, hating, unto-operative, selfish people, no social system will work. With good
people, loving, co-operative, unselfish people, any social system will work.
It is, then, a moral question. Well, we have had australopithecus, homo habilis, homo neanderthalensis,
Mousterian Man, Cromagnon Man, homo sapiens - has nature truly done with us? Surely we can
search that capacious sleeve and find something a bit better! We ha,..,
-4 b_’
better decide we are Lamarckian
and make it work. We must produce homo moralis, the human being who cannot kill his own kind, nor
exploit them nor rob them.
‘\i’i!!iam Golding
A moving target. London:Faber and Faber 1982 p 184. *

Issues in MEDICAL ETHICS VOL.4 NO.3 JUL-SEP 1996 89

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