Contour line
A contour line is a line drawn on a plan joining all points of the same height
above or below some datum.Contour lines are continuous lines and cannot
meet or cross any other line nor can any one line split or join any other line,
except in the case of a cliff or overhang.
The height between successive contours is called the vertical interval or
contour interval and is always constant over a map or plan.The gradient is
the ratio of the Vertical Interval to the Horizontal Equivalent.
Contour characteristics
The gradient is steep where the contours are close together and conversely
flat where the contours are far apart.
Methods of contouring
Once a survey has been completed, the planimetric position of all points on
the site relative to each other are known.The next task is to make a levelling
to enable the accurate positioning of contour lines over the site.
Choice of vertical interval
The vertical interval of the contour lines on any plan depends on several
factors, namely:
(a) The purpose and extent of the survey.
(b) The scale of the map or plan.
(c) The nature of the terrain.