04 Client Servertechnology Basic
04 Client Servertechnology Basic
04 Client Servertechnology Basic
lspu_it@ yahoo.com
fvsandoval@ yahoo.com
Client-server computing or networking is a
distributed application architecture that partitions
tasks or work loads between service providers
(servers) and service requesters, called clients.
Often clients and servers operate over a computer
network on separate hardware
A server is a high-performance host that is a
registering unit and shares its resources with
A client does not share any of its resources, but
requests a server's content or service function.
Client-server describes the relationship between
two computer programs in which one program, the
client program, makes a service request to another,
the server program.
Standard networked functions such as email
exchange, web access and database access, are
based on the client-server model.
The client-server model has become one of the
central ideas of network computing. .
Many business applications being written today
use the client-server model.
Each instance of the client software can send data
requests to one or more connected servers. In turn,
the servers can accept these requests, process
them, and return the requested information to the
1. Clients
2. Servers
This type of architecture is sometimes referred to as
It allows devices to share files and resources.
The interaction between client and server is often
described using sequence diagrams. Sequence
diagrams are standardized in the Unified
Modeling Language.
1. Web Browsers
2. E-mail Client
3. Online Chat Client
1. Web Servers
2. FTP Servers
3. Application Servers
4. Database Servers
5. Name Servers
6. Mail Servers
7. Print Servers
8. Terminal Servers
Another type of network architecture is known as
peer-to-peer, because each host or instance of
the program can simultaneously act as both a
client and a server, and because each has
equivalent responsibilities and status. Peer-to-
peer architectures are often abbreviated by P2P.
Another type of network architecture is known as
peer-to-peer, because each host or instance of
the program can simultaneously act as both a
client and a server, and because each has
equivalent responsibilities and status. Peer-to-
peer architectures are often abbreviated by P2P.
Both client-server and P2P architectures are in
wide usage today. Details may be found in
Comparison of Centralized (Client-Server) and
Decentralized (Peer-to-Peer) Networking.
While classic client-server architecture requires
one of the communication endpoints to act as a
server, which is much harder to implement,
Client-Queue-Client allows all endpoints to be
simple clients, while the server consists of some
external software, which also acts as passive
queue (one software instance passes its query to
another instance to queue, e.g. database, and
then this other instance pulls it from database,
makes a response, passes it to database etc.).
1. A client-server architecture enables the roles and
responsibilities of a computing system to be
distributed among several independent
computers that are known to each other only
through a network.
2. All the data is stored on the servers, which
generally have far greater security controls than
most clients.
3. Since data storage is centralized, updates to that
data are far easier to administer than what would
be possible under a P2P paradigm.
4. Many mature client-server technologies are
already available which were designed to ensure
security, friendliness of the user interface, and
ease of use.
5. It functions with multiple different clients of
different capabilities.
1. Traffic congestion on the network has been an
issue since the inception of the client-server
2. The client-server paradigm lacks the robustness of
a good P2P network.
Computer networks can be classified into two broad
1. Local Area Network
A LAN is a communications network enables data
exchange between devices within a small
geographic area. Here, devices mostly refer to
computers and peripheral devices such as printer.
2. Wide Area Network
A WAN usually consists of a local connection of
LANs and spreads over a much larger
geographical area, sometimes even spanning the
The Open Systems Interconnection Reference
Model (OSI Reference Model or OSI Model) is an
abstract description for layered communications
and computer network protocol design.
It was developed as part of the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) initiative.
It divides network architecture into seven layers
which, from top to bottom
1. Physical
2. Data Link
3. Network
4. Transport
5. Session
6. Presentation
7. Application
A layer is a collection of conceptually similar
functions that provide services to the layer above it
and receives service from the layer below it.
On each layer an instance provides services to the
instances at the layer above and requests service
from the layer below.
Conceptionally two instances at one layer are
connected by a horizontal protocol connection on
that layer.
- 1977, work on alayered model of network architecture
wasstarted andtheInternational Organization for
Standardization (ISO) began todevelop itsOSI
framework architecture
- two major components: an abstract model of networking,
called theBasicReferenceModel or seven-layer model,
and aset of specificprotocols
- All aspectsof OSI design evolvedfromexperienceswith
theCYCLADES network, which also influenced Internet
- In ISO 7498Model newdesign wasdocumented andthe
networkingsystemisdividedinto layers.
- Oneor moreentitiesimplement itsfunctionality and each
entity interactsdirectly only with thelayer immediately
beneath it, andprovidesfacilitiesfor useby thelayer
- Protocolsenablean entity in onehost tointeract with a
correspondingentity at thesamelayer in another host.
ThePhysical Layer isthefirst andlowest layer in the
seven-layer OSI model of computer networking.
ThePhysical Layer comprisesthebasichardware
transmission technologiesof anetwork.
ThePhysical Layer definesthemeansof transmitting
rawbitsrather than logical datapacketsover aphysical
link connectingnetwork nodes.
ThePhysical Layer providesan electrical, mechanical,
and procedural interfacetothetransmission medium.
1. Transmission format, which can beeither digital or
2. Physical transmission medium, which refers to whether
bits of data are transmitted as electrical or optical
e.ncoding, which emphasizes what signal patterns
represent ones and zeroes and the synchronization
between sendingand receivingdevices.
4. Physical medium attachment, which deals with wiring
andpin layoutsconnectors.
V.92telephonenetwork modems
IRDA Physical Layer
USB Physical Layer
EIA RS-232, EIA-422, EIA-423, RS-449, RS-485
ITU Recommendations: seeITU-T
T1 andother T-carrier links, and E1 andother E-
carrier links
10BASE-T, 10BASE2, 10BASE5, 100BASE-TX,
100BASE-FX, 100BASE-T, 1000BASE-T,
1000BASE-SX and other varietiesof theEthernet
physical layer
Varietiesof 802.11
GSM Umradio interfacephysical layer
Bluetooth Physical Layer
IEEE 802.11x Wi-Fi Physical Layers
TransferJet Physical Layer
ARINC 818AvionicsDigital Video Bus
Networkstransfer datain “chunks”or packets, of a
certain size
Datalink layer formsdatapackets
Managestheir movement at each nodein thenetwork
Addstheappropriateaddressesof thesourceand
destination nodes
In PC-based LANs, it isat thislayer that protocolslike
Token RingandEthernet areimplemented
Functionsareoften performed by network interface
cards(NICs) installedin computers
Network Layer providesthefunctional and procedural
meansof transferringvariablelength datasequences
fromasourcetoadestination viaoneor morenetworks
Performsnetwork routingfunctions, fragmentation,
reassembly, and report delivery error reports
Routersoperateat thislayer— sendingdatathroughout
theextended network and makingtheInternet possible
Thelogical addressingschemeishierarchical
TheInternet Protocol (IP) isthebest known examplesof
Layer 3
TheTransport Layer controlsthereliability of agiven
link through flow control, segmentation/
a ndic
al rexa
ntrolsof Layer 4aretheTransmission
Control Protocol (TCP) and User DatagramProtocol
Fiveclassesof connection-modetransport protocols
rangingfromclass0to class4
Table 4.1 - Detailed characteristics of TP0-4 classes
Responsiblefor establishingvirtual connectionsbetween
processesrunningon different computers
Connection iscalled asession
Programmersinterfaceto thenetwork
It handlesfunctionssuch namerecognition,
administration, and security in anetwork
NetBIOS Extended User Interface(NETBEUI) is
commonly used protocol for thesession layer
Responsiblefor thedelivery andformattingof
information to theapplication layer for further
processingor display
Transformtheformat sent by theapplication layer into a
common format
Translatesthecommon format to aformat chosen by a
application layer
Terminal emulation isperformed at thislayer
Thelowest layer at which application programmers
consider datastructureandpresentation, insteadof
simply sendingdatain formof datagramsor packets
between hosts
Network OperatingSystem(NOS) softwareresidesat
NOS softwareoffersnetwork servicesand providesthe
application layer with independencefromlower-level
Many application bypasstheNOS to interact directly
with thesession or transport layer for greater control
over network resources
It servesastheuser interfacethrough which network
resourcescan beaccessed
In TCP/IP, theApplication Layer containsall protocols
and methodsthat fall into therealmof process-to-
processcommunicationsviaan Internet Protocol (IP)
network usingtheTransport Layer protocolsto establish
underlyinghost-to-host connections
1. Resourcesharing
2. Remotefileaccess
3. Remoteprinter access
4. Inter-processcommunication port
5. Remoteprocedurecall support
6. Network management
7. Directory services
8. Electronicmessagingincludinge-mail messaging
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
FileTransfer Protocol (FTP)
SimpleMail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
9P, Plan 9fromBell Labsdistributed filesystem
AFP, AppleFilingProtocol
APPC, Advanced Program-to-ProgramCommunication
AMQP, Advanced MessageQueuingProtocol
BOOTP, BootstrapProtocol
CFDP, Coherent FileDistribution Protocol
DDS, DataDistribution Service
DHCP, DynamicHost Configuration Protocol
DNS, Domain NameSystem(Service) Protocol
ENRP, Endpoint HandlespaceRedundancy Protocol
FastTrack (KaZaa, Grokster, iMesh)
Finger, User Information Protocol
FTAM, FileTransfer Accessand Management
FTP, FileTransfer Protocol
Gopher, Gopher protocol
HL7, Health Level Seven
HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol
H.323, Packet-Based MultimediaCommunications
IMAP, IMAP4, Internet MessageAccessProtocol
(version 4)
IRCP, Internet Relay Chat Protocol
LDAP, Lightweight Directory AccessProtocol
LPD, LinePrinter Daemon Protocol
MIME (S-MIME), MultipurposeInternet Mail
Extensionsand SecureMIME
NFS, Network FileSystem
NIS, Network Information Service
NNTP, Network NewsTransfer Protocol
NTCIP, National Transportation Communicationsfor
Intelligent Transportation SystemProtocol
NTP, Network TimeProtocol
OSCAR, AOL Instant Messenger Protocol
PNRP, Peer NameResolution Protocol
POP, POP3, Post OfficeProtocol (version 3)
Rlogin, RemoteLogin in UNIX Systems
RTPS, Real TimePublish Subscribe
RTSP, Real TimeStreamingProtocol
SAP, Session Announcement Protocol
SDP, Session Description Protocol
SIP, Session Initiation Protocol
SLP, ServiceLocation Protocol
SMB, Server MessageBlock
SMTP, SimpleMail Transfer Protocol
SNMP, SimpleNetwork Management Protocol
SNTP, SimpleNetwork TimeProtocol
SSH, SecureShell
SSMS, SecureSMS MessagingProtocol
RDP, RemoteDesktopProtocol
TCAP, Transaction CapabilitiesApplication Part
TDS, Tabular DataStream
TELNET, Terminal Emulation Protocol of TCP/IP
TFTP, Trivial FileTransfer Protocol
TSP, TimeStampProtocol
VTP, Virtual Terminal Protocol
Waka, an HTTP replacement protocol
Whois(and RWhois), RemoteDirectory AccessProtocol
X.400, MessageHandlingServiceProtocol
X.500, Directory AccessProtocol (DAP)
XMPP, ExtensibleMessagingand PresenceProtocol
Example of neither OSI Reference Model nor OSI protocols specify
any programming interfaces