Ethyl and Ylene
Ethyl and Ylene
Ethyl and Ylene
Solvent screening for the separation of ethylbenzene and p-xylene by extractive distillation
Yukwon Jeon*, Sung Wook Row*,**, Gichun Lee*, Sang Sun Park*, Young-Jong Seo***,
Young Hwan Chu****,†, and Yong-Gun Shul*,†
Abstract−Extractive distillation is one of the most effective processes for the separation of ethylbenzene and p-xylene.
The goal was to find single solvents or combinations of multi-solvents with good properties while minimizing the ratio
of solvent to feed. The distillations were performed at equilibrium to determine the relative volatility of ethylbenzene
to p-xylene with the extractive solvents under isothermal condition. For a single extraction solvent, 1,2,4-trichlo-
robenzene had the highest relative volatility at 1.123. In some cases, combinations of two or three solvents were used
as well as different ratios of solvent to feed to investigate the synergy effect of the mixture solvents. The binary solvent
mixture of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene and maleic anhydride (2 : 1) had the best performance with a relative volatility of
1.228 at the solvent/feed ratio of 1 : 1. Some of the solvents were further studied at different solvent/feed (S/F) ratios.
Selected solvents generally tended to have higher relative volatilities at high S/F ratios, but the operation cost will in-
crease. Therefore, it is important to find the proper conditions to optimize the S/F ratio for extractive distillation from
the industrial point of view.
Keywords: Ethylbenzene, p-Xylene, Extractive Distillation, Solvent Screening, Relative Volatility
pers (KK) extractive distillation method is used with different non- gate the effect of combined mixtures. The ratio of solvent to feed
volatile components as solvents. With extractive distillation as opposed (S/F) was also varied for selected solvents to monitor solvents with
to azeotropic distillation, the extractive agent boils at a much higher high separation ability at low quantity.
temperature than any of other the mixture components. The solvent
should be easily separable from the bottom product, and should not EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
react chemically with the components or the mixture, or cause cor-
rosion in the equipment. This prevents the formation of low-boiling 1. Materials and Solvent Selection
azeotropes, thus rendering pure distillates after a single extractive The feed materials were ethylbenzene (Sigma-Aldrich, anhydrous,
distillation [10,12]. Although extractive distillation has a wide accep- 99.8%) and p-xylene (Yakuri Pure Chemicals, ≥99%). In general,
tance in some hydrocarbons--for example, toluene from nonaromatic commercial simulator PRO/II provides a high-level and field-proven
hydrocarbons, this separation method has not been recently inves- degree of detail in simulating processes. It may be reliable for con-
tigated in separating ethylbenzene and p-xylene. The advantage of ventional hydrocarbons when the ionic liquids may have some devi-
using extractive agents for this separation is the possibility of increas- ations from the experiments. In our case, however, we observed the
ing the relative volatility (EB/PX), which leads to a reduction of the trend in the separation of EB and PX by different solvents. There-
theoretical plates when the ethylbenzene separates from the p-xylene fore, a commercial simulator PRO/II was used to calculate the infinite
with a purity of 99%. From the literature, the relative volatility of dilution activity coefficient for the estimation of the ehtylbenzene
1.11 requires 87 plates and the relative volatility of 1.20 will even selectivity for the solvent pre-selection. Estimated solvents included
reduce the plate requirement to less than 50 plates. Therefore, some aromatics, chlorinated aromatics, carbonyls, straight chains, alcohols,
researchers tried some extractive agents to increase the relative vola- cyclics, sulfoxides and phosphates. Some solvents and the three other
tility to more than 1.20 before, but these were either ineffective or ionic liquids were selected from other research of aromatics extrac-
unstable. Possible candidates with a large potential are the ionic liq-
uids which have a high chemical and thermal stability, broad liquid
range and high capacity for the extractive distillation of ethylben-
zene and p-xylene. They have been studied for the extractive sol-
vents as single compounds to increase the relative volatility for EB
and PX separation, such as aromatics, chlorinated aromatics, car-
bonyls, straight chains, alcohols, cyclics, sulfoxides and phosphates.
For example, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene increases the relative volatility
from 1.06 to 1.11, which shows an enhancement in the performance
of EB and PX separation [12-15].
For the mixture of the agents, Berg found that the mixtures with
two or three components are more effective than the single com-
pounds. However, the mechanism of separating ethylbenzene and
p-xylene by extractive distillation was not clearly proved of their
complex phenomena when the solvent was applied [12-14]. Gen-
erally, the effectiveness of an extraction solvent is related to the ways
that it interacts on a molecular level with the feeds to be distilled.
The extraction solvent’s ability to effect a separation of the two com-
ponents depends on its molecular size, shape, and charge distribu-
tion. In general, non-ideal behavior of solvent with the ethylbenzene
and p-xylene mixture is hard to estimate by the current knowledge.
A good assay requires that many solvents of different structures,
electronic configurations, and polarities be tested. From a practical
point of view, the solvent must alter the relative volatility by a wide
enough margin for a successful result. Toxicity, quantity, cost and
availability of the solvent should be considered for practical uses
[13-15]. Sometimes, the engineering bottleneck is the ratio of sol-
vent to feed (mixture to separate) because of the solvent cost and
the separation energy of the solvent. Therefore, a wide variety of
different solvents at different conditions need to be tested to cover
the possible process evaluation.
We examined different extractive agents, referred to herein as
Fig. 1. Experimental setup.
“solvents,” for their abilities to separate ethylbenzene and p-xylene.
① Condenser TE. Thermocouple type K
Under consistent experimental conditions, various ionic liquids and ② Reflux drum (250 mL) TR. Temperature recorder
several solvents were evaluated for their abilities if they could adjust ③ Boiling pot (500 mL) AP. Sampling point
the relative volatilities of a 1 : 1 mixture of p-xylene and ethylben- ④ Heating mantle with
zene. Specific binary and ternary solvents were tested to investi- ④ magnetic stirrer
Korean J. Chem. Eng.(Vol. 31, No. 10)