Delta Charts For Short Run-Statistical Process Control
Delta Charts For Short Run-Statistical Process Control
Delta Charts For Short Run-Statistical Process Control
Modified SPC for short run test and measurement process in multi-
To cite this article: C K Koh et al 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 328 012009
*Email: [email protected]
Abstract. Due to short production runs and measurement error inherent in electronic test and
measurement (T&M) processes, continuous quality monitoring through real-time statistical
process control (SPC) is challenging. Industry practice allows the installation of guard band
using measurement uncertainty to reduce the width of acceptance limit, as an indirect way to
compensate the measurement errors. This paper presents a new SPC model combining
modified guard band and control charts (Z chart and W chart) for short runs in T&M process in
multi-stations. The proposed model standardizes the observed value with measurement target
(T) and rationed measurement uncertainty (U). S-factor (Sf) is introduced to the control limits
to improve the sensitivity in detecting small shifts. The model was embedded in automated
quality control system and verified with a case study in real industry.
1. Introduction
The key characteristics of test and measurement (T&M) manufacturing are short production runs of
multi-product families and testing at multi-stations. Classical Shewhart control charts, namely x̄ chart
and R chart have been widely used in statistical process control (SPC) to detect process variable shifts
in mean and variance [1]. Short production runs render these charts inefficacious as inherent meager
data do not warrant meaningful control limits [2]. Furthermore, Costa and Castagliola [3] underscore
the problem of growing risk of false acceptance in SPC due to measurement error. This leads to
consequences such as unnecessary process adjustment and loss of confidence in SPC.
In these premises, this research proposes a modified SPC model which combines modified guard
band and control charts (Z chart and W chart) to address the issues caused by short production runs
and measurement errors. The proposed model standardizes the observed value with measurement
target (T) and rationed measurement uncertainty (𝑈). The organization of the paper is as follow: A
review of the literature of measurement uncertainty and short run techniques and will be presented in
the next section. The proposed model and the industrial case study are described in section 3 and
section 4 respectively. Section 5 discusses the results obtained from the case study. Finally, section 6
draws conclusion.
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ICMMPE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 328 (2018) 012009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/328/1/012009
2. Literature Review
where 𝑅𝑗 is the average range for the jth part family member; d2 is a statistic constant for subgroup
size (n) displaying a normally distributed quality characteristic. The Zij values for Z chart are then
calculated as:
𝑥𝑖𝑗 −𝑇𝑗
𝑍𝑖𝑗 = (2)
̂ x𝑗
where Tj is the target value for each part family member that can be determined by using historical
data, specification, or prior experience on the similar parts [1]. Wheeler [5] introduced Z chart (also
called Zed bar chart) for subgroup data when n > 1. The mean values for Z chart is then calculated as:
𝑥̄ 𝑖𝑗 −𝑇𝑗
𝑍𝑖𝑗 =
̂ x̄ 𝑗
̂x̄ 𝑗 is an estimate of the population standard deviation of the subgroup mean as:
̂ x̄ 𝑗 = 𝑑2 √ 𝑛
and the ranges, Rij for the W chart are transformed as follows:
𝑊𝑖𝑗 =
̂ x𝑗
Z chart will have a central line at zero with the upper and lower control limits set at +3 and -3,
respectively. W chart set its central line at d2 as R= 𝑅; upper and lower control limits at d2 + 3d3 and
d2 - 3d3 respectively, where d3 is a statistic constant for subgroup size (n).
The advantages of Z chart and W chart, are that the measured data from multiple product families
can be plotted on a single chart and relatively low average run length (ARL) required in comparison to
x̄ chart and R chart [7]. The disadvantages of Z chart and W chart, are that the sigma is often unknown,
a separate estimate is usually obtained for each product and this method requires sufficient data to
negate the fact that the true parameter values used in the calculation of the control limit estimation [8].
These charts are inefficiently adopted in some T&M processes due to the measured data are affected
by measurement error.
ICMMPE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 328 (2018) 012009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/328/1/012009
Measurement (GUM), published by ISO in 1993 to reduce the width of acceptance limit [10], as an
indirect way to compensate the measurement errors. Incorporation of stringent control as in Z chart
and W chart into guard band could potentially aid to screen for assignable causes and to detect early
quality deterioration in the process.
3.1. Overview
The model standardizes the observed value in relation to the measurement target (T) and measurement
uncertainty (𝑈). Measurement target is referred as an expected value for a predetermined measurement
characteristic. The target value is calculated based on repeated measurement with series observations
for each test station separately and to be revised when the measurement characteristic changes.
Measurement uncertainty refers to the dispersion of the data that could reasonably be attributed to the
measurement result [11]. Pythagoras's theorem is used to estimate the process standard deviation with
population standard deviation and measurement uncertainty as inputs. S-factor (Sf) is introduced as
separate approaches to the control limits to improve the sensitivity in detecting small shifts. Eight tests
are proposed to interpret the charts using Nelson’s rules.
3.2.1. Step 1: Identifying all sources of uncertainty. The first step is to identify the output result, Y,
from N input quantities through a function relation f as in equation (6):
Y = f (X1, X2, ..., XN) (6)
where Xi is an input quantity that can significantly affect the measurement result. An estimate of the
output Y, denoted by y, using input estimates x1, x2, ..., xN, as shown in equation (7):
y = f (x1, x2, ..., xN) (7)
Determining the uncertainty of y requires the uncertainties of all the input estimates xi referred as
standard uncertainties 𝑢(𝑥𝑖 ).
3.2.2. Step 2: Evaluating the standard uncertainty. The value for 𝑢(𝑥𝑖 ) , could be obtained from
either Type A or Type B evaluation. Type A evaluation is characterized by a statistically estimated
sample standard deviation si, and the associated number of degrees of freedom vi. The sample standard
deviation of the mean is computed as:
𝑢(𝑥𝑖 ) = (8)
where r was the number of the independent repeated observations. The r should be large enough to
ensure the estimated value is reliable that the probability distribution often is assumed to be normal
Type B evaluates a component of measurement uncertainty that has been excluded in Type A
evaluation. In the evaluation, 𝑢(𝑥𝑖 ) refers to an assumed probability distribution based on previous
measurement data, input of experienced personnel, manufacturer’s specification, data provided in
calibration report [13]. Amongst various distributions exist, (e.g., rectangular, triangular, U-shaped,
normal.), rectangular distribution is the most common in the analysis of T&M. The accompanying
standard measurement uncertainty is:
𝑢(𝑥𝑖 ) = (9)
where a is the semi-range (or half-width) constant set between the upper and lower limits.
ICMMPE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 328 (2018) 012009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/328/1/012009
3.2.3. Step 3: Computing the Combined Standard Uncertainty. Combined standard uncertainty,
denoted by 𝑢c (𝑦) is compiled from individual 𝑢(𝑥𝑖 ), using Summation in Quadrature which is often
called the law of propagation of measurement uncertainty, as given below:
𝑢c (𝑦) = [∑𝑛1[𝑐𝑖 𝑢(𝑥𝑖 )]2 ]2 (10)
where ci is the sensitivity coefficient associated with xi. Eq. 10 is valid only if the input quantities Xi
are independent or uncorrected. In most cases, input quantity Xi is uncorrelated, and sensitivity
coefficient can be assumed to be 1 [14].
3.2.4. Step 4: Computing the Expanded Uncertainty. Originated from GUM, expanded uncertainty, U
is calculated by factoring in a coverage factor, k into combined standard uncertainty 𝑢c (𝑦):
𝑈 = 𝑘𝑢c (𝑦) (11)
where k is chosen from the effective degrees of freedom vi of all the uncertainty sources, considering a
specified coverage probability, calculated through Student’s t-distribution. Most commonly, k = 2 is
chosen to give a level of confidence of approximately 95% [15]. It is recommended that the expanded
uncertainty (𝑈) be rounded normally to two significant figures [12].
The doubt of the measurement can be quantified when the true value is within the margin with U
and the confidence level [15]. All measurement uncertainty components regardless of classification
are modeled by probability distributions quantified by variances or standard deviations [12].
Therefore, the process standard deviation contributed by measurement error can be estimated using
equation (12), which is termed standard deviation of the measurement uncertainty and denoted by ̂u .
̂u = 𝑘
where 𝑅𝑚 is the average range for the mth test station. For the highest values,
̂ u from equation (12) is
taken into account. Pythagoras's theorem is used to estimate the maximum value of the ̂ p𝑚 , as given
max ̂ x𝑚 2 +
̂ p 𝑚 = √ ̂ u𝑚 2 (16)
The central line and control limits of modified charts are fixed with constant values as applied in
the Z chart and W chart. The charts are interpreted using Nelson’s rules as defined in table 1. Rules 1,
ICMMPE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 328 (2018) 012009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/328/1/012009
2, 5, and 6 are to be applied to upper and lower halves of the chart separately. Rules 3, 4, 7, and 8 are
to be applied to whole chart [16]. With this, all rules apply to x̄ chart and Z chart. However, only rule
1, 2, 5 and 6 can be applied to dispersion chart (R chart and W chart) without modification when the
subgroup size is 5 or more which will lead to the symmetric control limits [17].
and the
̂p𝑚 is set equal to min
̂p𝑚 when the estimated value of the
̂p𝑚 is equal or less than
̂ x𝑚 ,
min 𝑆f𝑚 =
̂ x𝑚
As shown in figure 1, S-factor is useful to rescales the process standard deviation, and it is
dependent on the ratio between the measurement uncertainty and the population standard deviation,
which is termed as U/kx. For example, the ̂p𝑚 estimated by S-factor is equal to max ̂ p𝑚 when
U/kx ratio is equal to 1, and it is equal to min
̂ p𝑚 when U/kx ratio is equal or less than 0.577.
Finally, the 𝑍𝑖𝑚 values for Z chart are given by:
√𝑛 𝑆f𝑚 (x𝑖𝑚 −𝑇𝑚 )
𝑍𝑖𝑚 = 𝑈𝑚
and range values for W chart are transformed using the following formula:
𝑆f𝑚 𝑅𝑖𝑚
W𝑖𝑚 = 𝑈𝑚
ICMMPE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 328 (2018) 012009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/328/1/012009
language) for quality control charting and violating rules checking. Automated SPC includes four
steps: extracting data, creating analysis files, configuring setting and executing the SPC application.
Variables used in the model (e.g., Tm, 𝑈𝑚 , 𝑆f𝑚 ) are defined and to be configured at setting stage. Two
set of charts are plots, as below:
1. Classical Shewhart control charts (x̄ chart and R chart)
2. Z chart and W chart with ̂p𝑚 determined through S-factor
Eight tests based on Nelson’s rules interpret the charts. False alarm rate is used to compare the
performance of the proposed models with classical Shewhart control charts. A false alarm will be
counted if the rule test detected when the process behaves as per this normal or in-control behavior.
ICMMPE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 328 (2018) 012009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/328/1/012009
Figure 2. Shewhart x̄ chart and R chart for DC VGA test in station WH05
4.2. 𝑍 chart and W chart with ̂𝑝𝑚 determined through through S-factor
First, measurement target (T) needs to be determined. DC VGA test is measured by comparing the
voltage reading between oscilloscope (Scope) and digital multimeter (DMM). Tm value is calculated
from repeated measurement for each station and recompiled in the event of DMM readjustment during
the calibration or DMM replacement with another unit. Five input quantities (Xi) affecting the
measurement result (Y) are identified, as shown in table 2. They undergo either Type A or Type B
evaluation to obtain the standard uncertainties 𝑢(𝑥𝑖 ). X1 is obtained from 15 repeated observations, the
input estimates x1 is evaluated using Type A. Other input quantities (X2 to X5) are the equipment
specification and the resolution of the reported measured value, the input estimates x2 to x5 are
evaluated using Type B with rectangular distribution.
The combined standard uncertainty 𝑢c (𝑦) is computed from individual 𝑢(𝑥𝑖 ) using equation (10):
𝑢c (𝑦) = [[𝑐1 𝑢(𝑥1 )]2 + [𝑐2 𝑢(𝑥2 )]2 + [𝑐3 𝑢(𝑥3 )]2 + [𝑐4 𝑢(𝑥4 )]2 + [𝑐5 𝑢(𝑥5 )]2 ]2
𝑢c (𝑦) = 0.638 mV
ICMMPE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 328 (2018) 012009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/328/1/012009
The expanded uncertainty (𝑈𝑚 ) is calculated with the coverage factor km = 2 and rounded to two
significant figures.
𝑈𝑚 = 2𝑢c (𝑦) = 1.3 mV
With the estimated values of ̂x𝑚 and ̂u𝑚 , the max ̂ p𝑚 is computed using Pythagoras's theorem
in equation (16). S-factor (𝑆f𝑚 ) is calculated with a ratio between max ̂p𝑚 and min
̂p𝑚 , as shown in
table 3.
Table 3. Estimation of ̂p𝑚 with S–factor
Station 𝑼𝒎
̂ 𝐱𝒎
̂ 𝐱𝒖 Min ̂𝐩𝒎 Max ̂𝐩𝒎 𝑺𝐟𝒎
WH05 1.30E-03 5.63E-04 6.50E-04 5.63E-04 8.60E-04 1.527
WH06 1.30E-03 5.61E-04 6.50E-04 5.61E-04 8.58E-04 1.531
WH07 1.30E-03 6.06E-04 6.50E-04 6.06E-04 8.89E-04 1.466
The transformation expression in equation (20) and equation (21) are applied to plot Z chart and W
chart respectively as shown in figure 4. The results showed that there were no false alarm points found
and capable to detect the large shift from mean. As of now, the implementation is completed for
station WH05; similar process will be repeated for other stations WH06 and WH07.
Figure 4. Modified Z chart and W chart for DC VGA test in station WH05 with S-factor
ICMMPE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 328 (2018) 012009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/328/1/012009
adjustment and loss of confidence in SPC. With the S-factor approach, the analysis results showed that
the model performed very well in both Z chart and W chart with zero false alarms in all stations. The
model reduced false alarms rate by up to 13% in comparison to the classical Shewhart x̄ chart. Based
on the results of observations, all test stations are in normal and controlled behavior, except for station
WH05 where the shift occurs in the process. In this case study, all methods were able to detect these
assignable causes. Results of the case study proved that the model with S-factor is efficient and
effective for T&M process.
6. Conclusions
This paper proposed a modified SPC model combining modified guard band and control charts (Z
chart and W chart) to address issues caused by short production runs and measurement errors. The
model utilized the measurement target and measurement uncertainty to standardize the observed value.
S-factor determines the estimation of the process standard deviation for control limits tolerance. The
effectiveness of proposed model was demonstrated by a case study in real industry and it shows that
the measurement error marginally affected the process standard deviation. The results revealed that the
model significantly reduced false alarm rate compared to the one using classical Shewhart control
charts. Moreover, the results proved that the model using the S-factor can rescale the process standard
deviation in an efficient and effective manner. The proposed model using the modified control charts
is practical for T&M manufacturing to eliminate false alarm, without sacrificing sensitivity to level
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ICMMPE 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 328 (2018) 012009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/328/1/012009