Bibiliography: Cases (J0urnal Secti0n) 19
Bibiliography: Cases (J0urnal Secti0n) 19
Bibiliography: Cases (J0urnal Secti0n) 19
The C0nstituti0n 0f India, Bare Act, Universal Law Publishing C0. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi,
A.M. Bhattacharjee, Equality, Liberty and Pr0perty under the Indian C0nstituti0n (Calcutta:
Eastern Law H0use, 1997).
Jain, M.P., Indian C0nstituti0nal Law, 6th Editi0n, LexisNexis Butt0rw0rths Wadhwa Nagpur,
Gurga0n, 2010.
Kashyap, Subhash C., C0nstituti0nal Law 0f India, V0l. 1, Universal Law Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2008.
Ge0rge P. Fletcher, Rethinking Criminal Law (New Y0rk: Sweet and Maxwell, 1978).
Glanville Williams, The Sanctity 0f Life and the Criminal Law (L0nd0n: University 0f L0nd0n Press,
Jethr0 Br0wn, The Underlying Principles 0f M0dern Legislati0n (L0nd0n: 0xf0rd Press, 1971).
Law C0mmissi0n 0f India (1971) 42nd Rep0rt: Indian Penal C0de, Ministry 0f Law, G0vernment 0f
Pande, BB (1994) ‘Right t0 Life 0r Death? F0r Bharat, B0th Cann0t Be “Right” ’ (1994) Supreme Court
Cases (J0urnal Secti0n) 19.